NEWSLETTER – No.4 –17th March 2015 OLA Parish Thanksgiving
NEWSLETTER – No.4 –17th March 2015 OLA Parish Thanksgiving
OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL TELEPHONE: 9584 9488 9 CENTRE DANDENONG ROAD, CHELTENHAM VIC 3192 FAX: 9583 2606 Email: Website: NEWSLETTER – No.4 –17th March 2015 Dear Parents, Throughout this Lenten season we have prayed as a school, reflecting on readings shared at weekend Masses in our Church.. This week we join with many young parishioners as they come to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. During the coming school holidays we’ll come to the Easter ceremonies prepared for by the Parish Liturgy Team for the OLA parishioners and visitors to our Parish at this time. Indeed, we are blessed in the open welcome and proximity of our Church at OLA. Peter, the Parish Team, and our Church building are there for us, in the special and ordinary needs of our lives, and accordingly, we can show our appreciation for and value of such a gift, by supporting the forth coming OLA Parish Thanksgiving: OLA Parish Thanksgiving 2015 We Gather – We Pray – We Share “Over coming weeks OLA Parish is gearing up for a renewal of the Thanksgiving Program to take place after Easter. Parishioners will be invited to renew their commitments to the financial support of the parish. Our school derives income from government grants and subsidies, school fees, and efforts from the Parents and Friends association, including the fete. The parish on the other hand is dependent upon the generosity of parishioners to donate through the Thanksgiving program. The parish receives no income from the school. Yet the parish contributes 10% of its Thanksgiving income to the School Building Fund. Because Thanksgiving is voluntary the 10% is a tax deductible gift. Please stay tuned for further information .” Fr Peter This has been a great term of learning, celebrations and community building; our classroom expos this coming Thursday morning, and the Parent page on Stile offer opportunities for parents to further engage in many of the students’ learning experiences. Next term is filled with more learning celebrations and community building: our grade three parishioners will make their First Holy Communion; we will celebrate Ola’s 8th Birthday; grades five and six will be on camp. I shall miss these celebrations, as I will be taking Principal Enrichment Leave at All Hallows College in Dublin. In my absence Mr Tim McMullen will be Acting Principal, assisted by Mrs Josy Reeder and Mrs Becky Breen as Acting Deputy Principals. All efforts continue to see our building program moving forward. We are hopeful of resolving the deadlock at council to rectify the stormwater drainage problem as soon as possible. I commend the efforts of our parent bodies, OSAC, P & F Association, and the Maintenance Committee this term. There is a growing number of families engaging in social activities, working bees and many small committees and rosters. Look out for a new initiative in the P & F fortnightly newsletter, commencing in week 2 of Term 2; this publication will keep you further informed of ways in which you and your family may enjoy and foster the community spirit at OLA. In the meantime, may the coming school recess bring rest from routine and time for family. May the celebrations of Easter bring to each of us, peace, hope and joy in the Risen Christ. Yours sincerely, Mrs Leonie Young Principal COMMUNAL RECONCILIATION SERVICE: Wednesday 25 March, 7.30pm in OLA Church Theme: “God, Rich in Mercy”. TIMES OF EASTER SERVICES AT OLA: Mass of the Lord’s Supper, 7.30pm Stations of the Cross, 10.45am; and Solemn Ceremonies of Good Friday, 3pm Masses Easter Sunday: Vigil Mass of Easter: Saturday, 6.30pm; Sunday 9 and 11am. Holy Thursday: Good Friday: OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION PARISH PRIMARY SCHOOL DATES FOR YOUR DIARY: March 2015 17 Tuesday 18 Wednesday 19 Thursday 20 Friday 23 Monday 24 Tuesday 25 Wednesday Feast Day of St Patrick Reconciliation 6.30 & 7.30pm 5/6KH Parish Mass 9.15am Reconciliation 6.30 & 7.30pm Classroom Expo 8.45–9.15am Reconciliation 6.30 & 7.30pm Lenten Prayer Service 2.45pm Holy Week Prayer Services 9am OSAC Meeting -Cancelled 5/6ET Parish Mass 9.15am TERM 1 CONCLUDES 3.15PM April 2015 13 Monday 14 Tuesday 15 Wednesday 16 Thursday 17 Friday 20 Monday 21 Tuesday 22 Wednesday 23 Thursday 24 Friday TERM 2 COMMENCES 8.40PM Grade 5 Camp- Benloch Easter Alleluia Prayer Service 2.45pm Parents & Friends Meeting 7.30pm Grade 5 Camp - Benloch Grade 5 & 6 Camp- Benloch 3/4JR & 3/4MO Parish Mass 9.15am Grade 6 Camp - Benloch Grade 6 Camp - Benloch OLA Open Day 9am-3pm Principal’s Afternoon Tea 2.30pm ANZAC Spirit – Whole School Excursion Minnie Vinnie’s Commissioning Mass 10.15am Grade 3 Eucharist Parent/Child Workshop 7pm 5/6ET Class Mass 9am Maintenance Meeting 7-8pm Grade 6 Interschool Winter sports 9-11am PLEASE NOTE: TERM 1 CONCLUDES- 25TH MARCH -3.15PM ABSENTEEISM When a child is absent from school, please email: your child’s name and classroom - on the day, please ring in the instance of contagious or serious illness and provide a note explaining the absence when your child returns to school. SCHOOL NOTICES: EDUCATION IN FAITH RECONCILIATION 2015 We ask you to continue to pray for the Year 3 students who are preparing for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on the 17th, 18th and 19th March. The celebrations will take place in the church at 6.30pm and 7.30pm. 6.30pm Tuesday, 17th March 1. Gab Collantes 2. Eli Collantes 3. Harrison Gillespie 4. Anika Godfredsen 5. Blake Nowlan 6. Sebastian Balestra 7. Lachlan Descalco 8. Ben Boxshall 9. Norah Britto 10. Rhett Fernando 11. Phoenix Dixon 12. Noah O’Brien-Heimann 7.30pm Tuesday 17th March 1. Lachlan Knight 2. Kai Volwerk 3. Mia Hayden 4. Amelie Philipsz 5. Claire Carter 6. Lucas Grostal 7. Tyler Young 8. Amelia Gomez 9. Liam Traynor 10. Cory Cater 11. Aleisha Iacobellis 6.30pm Wednesday 18th March 1. Indiana Grubb 2. Georgia Doensen 3. Matthew Temby 4. Lucy Curry 5. Sienna Waterford 6. Ollie Etienne 7. Pippa Conlan 8. Charlie Duncan 9. Iggy Waterman Witchell 10. Sophie Hollier 11. Jacqueline Aracosta 7.30pm Wednesday 18th March 1. Elizabeth Harris 2. Sophie Campbell 3. Rylee Ward 4. Lucy Hilmer 5. Isabel Chew 6. Ruby Douce 7. Stephanie Pitara 8. Nicholas Luca 9. Nikolai Rayzman 10. Xavier Wells 11. Lucy Mackey 12. Paige Kerr 6.30pm Thursday 19th March 1. Georgia Natoli 2. James Both 3. Anthony Fenech 4. Sienna Hoult 5. Jessica Dooley 6. Liam Kouchakdjian 7. Jude McCormack 8. Abigail Price 9. Harry Fraser 10. Monique Chung 11.Oscar Mark 12.Charlie Armistead 13. Lucas Tregoning 7.30pm Thursday, 19th March 1. Angus Shepherdson 2. Harry Shepherdson 3. Grace Kitney 4. Joshua Howard 5. Emma Stevens 6. Hannah Kovac 7. Anthony Heath 8. Alexia Baptist 9. Abigail Morgan 10. Dean Bourandanis 11. Aidan Byrne 12. Emma-Rose Byrne Miss Michelle O’Connor Religious Education Leader SCHOOL NOTICES: Catholic Education Week 2015 This week we celebrate Catholic Education Week. The Theme ’ Seek God With All Your Heart’ is a time for our school community to rejoice and reflect on the great work of our Catholic Schools. It is also a reminder of the importance for our school community to work collaboratively to ensure its vitality and effectiveness. As part of Catholic Education Week our Social Justice Leaders attended Mass today, together with other Catholic schools in our Archdiocese of Melbourne, at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Afterwards, they enjoyed a concert in The Treasury Gardens. This is always a wonderful event of our school calendar. TERM 2 CLASS MASSES We warmly invite families to attend our class masses at 9.00am. 5/6ET 5/6KH 5/6BB 5/6NC 5/6NB 23rd April 30th April 7th May 21ST May 28th May LENTEN PRAYER SERVICES Over the last few weeks we have gathered together for our Lenten Prayer Services. You are warmly welcome to our final Lenten Prayer Service on Friday 20th March at 2.45pm in Brigid Hall. Year 3 / 4 JR will be leading the prayer service. Miss Michelle O’Connor Religious Education Leader SCHOOL NOTICES: ST. PATRICK’S DAY PRAYER I bind myself today The power of God to hold and lead. His eye to watch, His might to stay, His ear to hearten to my need. The wisdom of my God to teach, His hand to gu8ide his shield to ward: The word of God give me speech, His Heavenly host to be my guard. Christ be with me, Christ within me, Christ behind me, Christ before me, Christ beside me, Christ to win me, Christ to comfort and restore me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me, Christ in quiet, Christ in danger. Christ in mouth of friend or stranger. I bind unto myself the name, The strong name of the trinity: By vocation of the same, The Three in One, the One in Three Of whom all nature hath creation: Eternal Father, Spirit Word, Praise to the Lord of my salvation, Salvation is of Christ the Lord. St. Patrick of Ireland Miss Michelle O’Connor Religious Education Leader SCHOOL NOTICES: TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION – PARENTS AS PARTNERS The Parents as Partners Focus Group and Principal’s Morning Tea (11th March) focused on conversation around: The Term 1 iPad roll out strengths and challenges The ongoing Action Research Project and evidence base Opportunities for parents to engage in learning via the iPad going home Cybersafety at home and school Upcoming Term 2 survey for parents who are unable to attend the focus group Stile as a parent information portal and student learning space Being consistent with guidelines and expectations How much screen time? Parents commented that: The children had been well versed in the iPad guidelines at school and this really helped facilitate setting expectations at home Parent ownership of the iPad, iTunes account and taking an active role in setting ‘Screen Time’ expectations was very important Children are seeing the iPad more as a learning tool and talking at home about their learning in an enthusiastic way – they love showing their work Some parents now have the old iPad set up for games and the new iPad just for school, helping to separate the focus for ‘tech time’ There is a better understanding now in the parent community about cybersafety and the students are proactive in discussing this at home There is a good mix of apps and subscriptions, such as Stile and Reading Eggs More parents are becoming aware of Stile - its value for student learning and also keeping parents up-to-date STILE - A reminder that guidelines and resources can be found on the Stile Parent Page - if you are unfamiliar with Stile ask your child/ren to show you and make plans to attend the Classroom Learning Expo 19th March 8:459:15am in your child’s classroom. Please contact me if you would like to learn more or have any questions. Mr Tim McMullen Deputy Principal SCHOOL NOTICES: SCHOOL ACCOUNTS A friendly reminder, Term 1 Fees were due 23rd February. Prompt payment is appreciated. Thank you to all those who have paid their account or set up a direct debit from their credit card. If you are having any difficulties please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Leonie Young on 9584 9488 or Fr Peter Matheson on 9583 6161 NEWSLETTER ITEMS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NEWSLETTER WILL BE DISTRIBUTED ON TUESDAY FORTNIGHTLY Any notices or items for the newsletter need to be emailed to the following new email address no later than the FRIDAY prior to the newsletter day. DID YOU KNOW THAT THE NEWSLETTER CAN BE ACCESSED ON-LINE? Log onto: Click on Parents, then click on Newsletter. ALL NEWSLETTERS WILL BE EMAILED If you have not already nominated your email account please email: SCHOOL ASSEMBLY TIMETABLE Term Two Week 2 April 20th Week 4 May 4th Week 6 May 18th Week 8 June 1st Week 10 June 15th 3/4 FJ 3/4 JD 1/2 LA 1/2 EO OLA Open Day & Principal’s Afternoon Tea 3/4 CG 3/4 JR 1/2 ER 1/2 CM ENROLMENTS FOR PREP 2016 Enrolments for Prep 2016 are now open Application forms are available from School Office. Appointments can be made for Interviews with Fr Peter and Mrs Leonie Young as follows: Current Families New Families Tuesday 9th – Friday 12th June Tuesday 16th – Friday 19th June OLA School Open Day is Monday, 20th April 9am-3pm. 2016 Prep Information Evening is being held on Wednesday, 6th May 7-8.30pm in the Church. All Welcome. SCHOOL NOTICES: VISUAL ARTS TERM 1 This Term the children from Prep-Grade 6 have been focusing on the theme of “Me, Myself & I”. All the children have created a small art piece that will be turned into a whole school collaborative mural which will be on display in the hall in Term 2. They have all had the opportunity to use a range of media and materials in the Art room. The Prep children have started well in Visual Arts and have been learning the process of coming into the Artroom, putting art smocks on and following simple instructions. They have created various pieces using a range of media and materials such as paint, watercolour pencils, pastels, crayons, textas and collage. They have been learning about self portraits and putting facial features in the correct proportion. The Grade 1/2 children have learnt about self portraits and portraits and have created various pieces using a range of media such as crayons, pastels, watercolour pencils and watercolour paints. They have been learning about the artist Paul Klee focusing on his use of shape and colour and created a portrait in the style of his work. The grade 3/4 children have been learning about self portraits and created a “selfie” using the correct features and proportions. They have been learning about the artist Andy Warhol (POP ART) and his use of photography and silk screening. The children created a collage using their photo and a range of materials and media. They have learnt about the technique of zentangle drawing and created one using the elements of line and shape. The Grade 5/6 children have been learning about abstract art and portrait drawing. They have created an abstract piece of work using the letters of their names. The children have also been learning about Andy Warhol (POP ART) and his use of photography and silk screening. They created their own POP ART self portrait using the elements of line and pattern. The children have also focused on Picasso and his technique of using Cubism to create portraits. They have these ideas as inspiration for their own Picasso self portrait. The children will be working very hard for the next two terms on creating various pieces for the Art Show in term 3. All children must have art smocks for art lessons to protect their school uniform. Any donations of newspapers, cd’s or dvd’s, plastic lids, old towels, cardboard, buttons etc would be greatly appreciated. Mrs Samantha Hudson Visual Arts Teacher LOTE – JAPANESE TERM 1 日本語コーナー一番 This term all classes have been learning about the different ways we greet people around the world, especially, in Japan. We have listened to people greet and farewell each other in Japanese and then practised greetings with the origami puppets with we made. We have sung the ‘Greetings’ song. We have also started watching an anime called ‘Nanami-chan’, who is a happiness fairy. Juniors classes have also been practising saying their names and ages in Japanese. They can also count up to ten. Middle and seniors have done quizzes and crosswords in Japanese. Mrs Helene Lionakis and Mrs Christine Thredgold Japanese Teachers SCHOOL NOTICES: LIBRARY TERM 1 Thank you for the support from home in assisting children to bring their library books on library day. It is important that children use a library bag to protect their books, please continue to encourage this. PREP During Term One the focus has been on familiarisation of library procedures and acceptable behaviour in the library. The children have learnt correct borrowing and returning procedures, understanding the use of the computer and scanner in this.There has also been a focus on selecting books that are of interest to them.Books are selected from the floor at this stage, for easy visibility and appropriateness. Time is given each library session for them to develop a quiet individual reading time. YEARS 1/2 During Term One the focus has been on revising library procedures. There have been encouraged to spend adequete time in selecting books suited to their interest and ability. Selection strategies- such as reading the blurb, looking through book and reading a few lines have been encouraged. We have looked Paddington Bear books in light of the movie release, both picture books and the novel and also Non Fiction books on bears.There has been a focus on location of books in sections and on shelves, using letter identifiction in Fiction and Subject bookends in Non Fiction. YEARS 3/4 During Term One the focus has been on selecting appropriate books to their interest and ability, as well as encouraging them to challenge themselves. Using “I pick good books”strategy has been encouraged and they have selected books appropriate for home and school reading. We also looked at Paddinton Bear picture books and novels by Michael Bond and compared it with the screenplay novel.Also the students have been doing simple note taking from listening to Non Fiction information on a specific topic and then selecting appropriate books to extend their knowledge. YEARS 5/6 During Term One the focus was on new titles and book releases, especially Paper Planes. We followed the idea for the movie through to the book written from the sreenplay. The students disussed and compared other original books, the film and then the screenplay novel. They also looked at the range of Non Fiction books on Paper planes and followed the instructions from the novel to create and fly a plane. We also tracked the idea for the film from an episode of Australia Story and how the person was involved in the writing and making of the film.Now the students are looking at specific books and resources to gather and record required information. Miss Christine Holdsworth Librarian Teacher SCHOOL NOTICES: PHYSICAL EDUCATION TERM 1 Prep This term, the Prep classes have been learning about rules for Physical Education classes and how to be safe during lessons. Students have demonstrated their understanding of getting into their ‘Space bubble’ which is an area where they are not too close to any other student. The students were introduced to Tabloid style activities, to assist in the development of their gross motor and hand-eye coordination skills. Next term, the Preps will be focusing on ball handling skills which will include visual tracking, hand-eye coordination, throwing, bouncing and catching. Grade 1/2 The Grade One and Two classes have been working on Football (Soccer) skill development this term. The students have been developing skills in passing, trapping, striking, dribbling and manoeuvring the ball using various parts of their foot. Students also participated in tabloid activities focusing on developing gross motor and hand-eye coordination skills. Next term, the students will work on developing their fundamental motor skills, as well as working through an athletics unit. Grade 3/4 This term the Grade Three and Four classes have been learning about Mini Tennis and working on developing their fitness levels. In Mini Tennis the students have been learning and developing their ball handling and hand-eye coordination skills through. The students have learnt about the correct way to hold a racquet. They have also learnt about hitting a forehand and a backhand, as well as serving, rallying and the rules of Mini Tennis. Each Physical Education lesson begins with the students running for a set amount of time. This is assisting the students to increase their fitness levels. The students have been encouraged to challenge themselves and try to run further and longer for each session. In the past couple of weeks, the students have also been working through an obstacle course in the adventure playground. The course is designed so that the students are doing a combination of running, climbing and hanging. Each week, new elements, such as step ups, dips and squats, have been introduced into the course to add to the student workout. Next term, the students will continue to work on fitness in preparation for the cross country, as well as working through an athletics unit. Grade 5/6 This term, the Grade Five and Six classes have been learning about Tee-Ball and building on their fitness levels. In Tee-Ball, the students have been working on developing their ball handling skills and game awareness through Tee-Ball. Students have been working on throwing and catching, ground fielding and striking, field positioning and base running. This unit culminated in the students putting all their skills together in a game play situation. Each Physical Education lesson begins with the students running for a set amount of time. This is assisting the students to increase their fitness levels. The students have been encouraged to challenge themselves and try to run further and longer for each session. In the past couple of weeks, the students have also been working through an obstacle course in the adventure playground. The course is designed so that the students are doing a combination of running, climbing and hanging. Each week, new elements, such as step ups, dips and squats, have been introduced into the course to add to the student workout. Next term, the students will continue to work on fitness in preparation for the cross country, as well as working through an athletics unit. Mr Mark Buccilli PE Teacher SCHOOL NOTICES: SWIMMING SWIMMING SWIMMING On Thursday 19th February, 22 students represented O.L.A at the District Swimming Carnival at Mentone Aquatics. For 9 members of the squad, it was their first time. All students did their best and were still smiling at the end of the day. A few results that need recognition include: Sophie Conlan who finished 1st in the 50m Breaststroke Luke Sullivan who finished 3rd in the 50m Breaststroke Michaela Meyer who finished 3rd in the 50m Breaststroke Lucy Belleville, Ella Slavin, Mia Fernando and Sophie Conlan who finished 3rd in the 4x50m Freestyle relay Last Wednesday, Sophie Conlan went to the Carnegie Swim Centre to represent O.L.A and the District at the Division Swimming Carnival. It was pleasing to receive the news that she won her event, the 50m Breaststroke. Sophie will now move on to the Southern Metropolitan Regional Swimming finals on Thursday 26th March at the Melbourne Swimming and Aquatics Centre. Congratulations Sophie and we wish you the best of luck at the Regional finals. SWIM SQUAD A big thank you to all students who attended the four swim squad training sessions that began back on the first Monday of the school year. The students were put through their paces throughout the four sessions. Students were timed and raced against each other as well as worked on their race starts, tumble turns and relay change over. All students showed remarkable progress throughout the four training sessions. The students that attended the swim squad trails were: Nathan Britto Deyan Naicker Sam Prins Cameron McGoldrick Sophie Conlan Luke Sullivan Michaela Meyer Liana Kalpakoff Claire Carter Mr Mark Buccilli PE Teacher Kane Fernando Georgia McAlroy Lachlan Stevens Lucy Belleville Hope Maillard Rhett Fernando Sophie Curry Emma Stevens Norah Britto Ben Uehara Ellie Carter Zac Vaughan Mia Fernando Ella Slavin Oscar Mark Georgie Grubb Pippa Conlan Grace Kitney SCHOOL NOTICES: STUDENT WELLBEING DRAMA FESTIVAL Exciting things are happening in the drama club this year. For the second time, we are participating in the Catholic Education Office Melbourne’s Student Wellbeing Drama Festival. The drama festival (which has been running for seven years) allows students from catholic schools a way of expressing their views and ideas about wellbeing issues related to their schools. OLA’s performance is going to deal with the topic of emotions and how we handle them appropriately. So far, the grade five and six students from drama club have come up with a fantastic idea and have been brainstorming characters, plot ideas and have even completed a rough draft of a script. The final performance will be at the Whitehorse Centre in Nunawading on Monday June 22 at 7pm, ticketing information will come in term 2. We will be very busy at drama club this year; we will keep you posted with any more updates! Miss Caitlan Prosser Drama Club Leader RIDE TO SCHOOL DAY It was National Ride2School Day on Friday, 13th March. It was a successful day with 150 bikes that needed to be stored, and not to mention those who scooted, skateboarded and walked. Thank you to students and parents for your involvement and promoting a healthy way to travel. Congratulations OLA! Miss Caitlan Prosser SRC Leader Miss Barbara Beciric SRC Leader SCHOOL NOTICES: LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIP DAY It was a great experience for the Boys Kanga Cricket Team. Our first match was against Kingston heath. After having a few bad rounds in a row before the Lightning Premiership we bounced back well and won by 53 runs. Well bowled by Aaron Nowlan and Ben Maillard who both got two wickets each. Also well done to Nathan Britto who hit his first six. It was an all round team performance. In our second match we played against Southmoor. We won the toss and elected to bat first. Our batsman scored a respectable total of 167 runs. Congratulations to Joel D’Rozario who helped us to get such a high total in the last partnership. Southmoor then batted and made 118. Well done to Cody Rudd who gave us a great start in the bowling picking up a wicket in the first over. In our third match, we got a lesson on “how to play cricket” against Cheltenham East Primary, the score was 224 to 102. Great effort by James ‘Reverse Sweep’ Donlon and Brady McNeil who showed leadership throughout the game. In our fourth and final match, which was also the third placed game against Kingston Heath, we again started with Kingston Heath batting first and making a total of 140 runs. Great bowling by Patrick Merchant and Michael Casaceli who had few runs scored off their overs. Well batted by Josh Maillard who smashed 28 runs from the first over including 4 sixes and a four. Also well batted to Matthew O’Beirne who accompanied Josh as they made 47 from the first partnership. A special thanks to Mr V who coached and umpired us throughout this term, thanks for being our Darren Lehmann. by Matthew O’Beirne and Josh Maillard 5/6NC On Friday the 13th of March the Grade 6’s went to Mentone Grammar playing fields, where our team participated in Hot Shots tennis. Hot Shots tennis is just like regular tennis but played on a smaller court. We started our first game against Cheltenham East Primary School unfortunately we lost. The score was 4 games to 2 games. The second game we won against Mentone Grammar. In the third game we played Cheltenham Primary and we won. That meant that we were in the grand final playing against Cheltenham East who we lost the first game to. Fortunately we won 3 games to 2. Our team played very well and we are looking forward to the next round. by Nathan Gatti 5/6KH and Ben Martinelli 5/6NB On Friday the 13th of March the girls Kanga Cricket team went to the Mentone Grammar playing fields for the 2015 summer sports Lightning Premiership day. We played three games and won one, whilst losing the other two games. We played Cheltenham East Primary school, Mentone Girls Grammar and we ended up playing Cheltenham East Primary again for the final. The girls played really well, worked as an awesome team and tried their best. by Macy Szadura and Elly Antoniadis 5/6KH SCHOOL NOTICES: iSea iCare “Last December we went on the Moonraker departing from Sorrento pier to see the seals at Chinaman’s Hat. Although they were really cute, they stank really badly. When we got in the water we felt the icy water crawl up our wetsuits. As we swam we got really close to the seals and believe it or not they made the silliest noises, it sounded like a man yelling “Hey!” After the seal swim, we were shivering cold so the people on the boat made us hot chocolate which quickly warmed us up. Then we headed off to Sorrento. When we arrived we jumped off the boat with our snorkels on and started to hunt for the Weedy Sea Dragon, it was floating around hardly visible in the weeds. When we got back on the boat we were all tired and rested the whole way back.” by Jonathan Sheppard 5/6BB Thank you to all of the wonderful support for the Term 1 Working Bee. We completed a large number of jobs, including topping up the sandpit and spreading softfall around the play equipment. Thanks to: Adam Bate, Giulio Pinzone, Mick Haber, Mary Hewitt, Andrea Marani, Sean McGuire, Larry Van Duynhoven, Emil Mathias, Pat Close, Piers Chartes-Wood, Dean Wickerton, Jason Trias, Steve Hoult, Masami Roche, Scott Bradley, Peter Tsipos, Paul O’Beirne, Nick Hollier, Darren Prins, Chris and Bek Grubb, and Gabriela Perotti. Maintenance Team SCHOOL NOTICES: SOCIAL SKILLS PROGRAM – OLA CLUBS The social skills clubs are made available to students through the dedication of OLA staff to positive wellbeing. All clubs, with the exception of running club, are offered in the student/staff lunch breaks. The clubs support the social development of students through a variety of interests and help to build many friendships. CHESS CLUB Each Monday and Thursday our minds are put to the test as we move our pieces around the board. Chess club suits all kings, queens, knights and the like! Many smiles are shared over the 64 square battlefield! RUNNING CLUB Each Friday morning at 8:15am all of the students are invited to participate in a social running club. Time for a chat, walk or run with old friends and new friends! Families welcome. GARDEN CLUB Each Wednesday our budding group of gardeners gather to plant, weed, water and feed our gardens! Many wonderful conversations and friendships are formed over a shovel or watering can. Parents and Grandparents are welcome to support the Garden Club. TAIKO DRUMS CLUB Each Monday a very keen, ever expanding, group of Taiko Drummers gather to practise and bond over some drumming. The various groups perform a number of times each year. The club is a very welcoming and sometimes loud experience! CHOIR CLUB Each Tuesday a chorus of children gather to enjoy the opportunity of singing in harmony together! The Choir sing in prayer at school Masses and perform in a variety of settings over the course of the year. The Choir’s happy tunes bring much joy to our community. SCHOOL NOTICES: SOCIAL SKILLS PROGRAM – OLA CLUBS DRAMA CLUB Each Tuesday groups of aspiring actors and actresses gather to strike a pose and recite some prose! Performances across the year and the many joyful rehearsals result in new friendships and a greater sense of personal confidence. LIBRARY CLUB Each Monday and Thursday our curious readers, aspiring writers and those of us who just sit in awe looking at illustrations, gather in the library to enjoy story time. Many giggles and frowns are shared over a good book between friends in the library. SWAP CARD CLUB Each Thursday in Term 2 the chitter chatter and competition of swap cards comes to the fore as we gather to show off our best cards and trade our duplicates. So much passion is evident in the most wonderful conversations between friends and acquaintances. ROBOTICS CLUB Each Wednesday (starting in Term 2) Robotics club will gather to build, program and watch our Lego robots in action. New friendships will be formed over robot dance offs, robot obstacle courses and robot races. CRAFT CLUB Each Thursday we get together and get creative. Do you like making things? Craft club is the place to be, we stitch, stick, thread, cut, glue, knit, bead, mosaic, paper-mache, and best of all learn and chat! Mrs Becky Breen Student Wellbeing Leader P & F NEWS: The OLA Parents & Friends Committee are really excited to advise that from next term, we will have our own P&F Newsletter for P&F News. It will be distributed on the alternating week to the school newsletter. as a printed newsletter and sent home with the kids, we are also hoping to have it available on the website for those who are electronically inclined. Parent Class Reps Night was well attended and enjoyed by all. It was a fun, informal night and great to see so many happy faces. Thanks to Anna K & Melissa K, our Volunteer Liaisons, for organising the evening and to all the Reps who were able to come along. It’s too late for the wine & cheese, but you can still sign up to be Class Rep for the following classes, 5/6ET (no rep). And 1/2EO, 5/6BB, 5/6KH, 5/6NC (all of whom have one rep). Prep Family Croc’s Night was a huge success. It was really fantastic to see so many of our Prep families (45 families!) at Croc’s, the place was absolutely jumping! The kids had a blast and it was a great opportunity for the parents to meet outside the rush of school. We’re sure many new friendships were forged. Thanks to all our Prep families who ventured out. Easter Raffle ticket books were sent home two weeks ago. We’ve had lots of tickets back, and at only $5 a book, it’s great value. Extra tickets are available for collection from the office. We have HEAPS of chocolatey treats up for grabs, (odds of one in ten families to win a prize), so don’t miss out! Return your tickets with payment to the office by this Friday, 20th March. Thanks to all who have donated Easter eggs & bunnies, and for those who haven’t there is still time to get your Easter eggs to the office. (cut off Thursday afternoon 19th of March). Entertainment Books for 2015 - Coming Soon. A big thanks to Debbie Fowler who for the past 6 years has done a fantastic job organising and distributing the Entertainment Books. This year, Deb has handed over to new Prep Mum, Fleur Pryor. Thanks Fleur! Stay tuned for more information on how to purchase your 2015 Entertainment Book in Term 2. Business Directory - Expressions of Interest. The OLA Parents and Friends Association will be publishing an annual Business Directory detailing business’ and services offered by members of our Community. We are now seeking expressions of Interest, please see page overleaf for more information. Wandering Weeders, New Gardening Club - We make the OLA gardens look beautiful by weeding, planting, watering and decorating alongside the children. We would love to see family members sharing the fun and encouraging the children to participate. No gardening skills required, just a bit of enthusiasm and a desire to instil a love of nature and a nurturing spirit in the children. We meet on Wednesdays at 11am-12pm. Mums, dads, uncles, aunties, grandparents are all welcome. Sorry, no toddlers. For more info, please contact Gabriela 0402 557 792 P & F NEWS: DJ Ray Ray in the House! Term 2 - Friday 1st of May. Save the date! Get ready to boogie away with DJ Ray Ray. Friday the 1st of May, in Brigid Hall. We’re holding two sessions, early session will be Prep to Grade 2 and then a later session for the Grades 3 to 6. Entry will be $6, and includes a Glow Stick on arrival and Zooper Dooper on departure. Lots of parent helpers will be needed. More information to follow. SAVE THE DATE Friday 8th May Mother’s Day & Cancer Council Afternoon Tea 2.15pm Brigid Hall th Saturday June 13 Sausage Sizzle P&F fundraiser Masters Hardware,Oakleigh South. Weds 4th & Thurs 5th November Steve Biddulph Evenings As mentioned in the recent OSAC report, we are thrilled to advise that we’re in the early stages of planning a two night speaking event with Steve Biddulph, one of the world’s best known parent educators. “A psychologist for 25 years, he is now retired but continues to write and teach. His books, including The Secret of Happy Children, Raising Boys, The New Manhood and Raising Girls are in four million homes and 31 languages. They have influenced the way we look at childhood and especially the development of boys and men. Today though, the exploitation and misuse of girls and young women globally are a major focus. Steve’s live talks have had a remarkable public response, reaching 130,000 people over almost 30 years. Many people express surprise at how moving and emotional these talks are, as well as how much fun.” <> Initial preparations continue for the Trivia Night, the Parents & Friends Major Fundraiser of 2015. We have secured several donations suitable for the Silent Auction however we are particularly keen to secure our Major Raffle Prizes and Live Auction Items. On our major prize wishlist - a Holiday or Travel Voucher, Household Electronics (TV, Kitchen Gadgets), Small electronics (Go Pro, Fitbit, Camera) &/ or weekend away. Also needed are things such as Restaurant/Cafe Vouchers, Professional Services Vouchers and unique Experiences such as hot air balloon ride, helicopter flight or a trackside hot lap (that kind of thing). If you would like to help in any capacity, we’d love to hear from you. For Trivia Night queries, please contact Lisa O’Connor - 0405 127 205 Class Social Events 3/4JR & 3/4JD Dinner, 24th March at Joe’s Pizza in Mentone. Prep Park Play Date, Wednesday 8th April 10am. Mentone Racecourse (Duck Park) PCP Parents (only) Dinner, Saturday 2nd May 7pm, Tudor Inn Cheltenham Next P & F Meeting, Monday 13th April at 7.30pm in the Staff Room. We extend a warm welcome to one and all to attend. Lisa O’Connor & Narelle Crowe P & F Committee, Co-Chairs P & F NEWS: CANTEEN NOTICES: ADDITIONAL NOTICES: ADDITIONAL NOTICES: KINGSTON COUNCIL – VACATION CARE PROGRAM CHELTENHAM COMMUNITY CENTRE – HOLIDAY PROGRAM ADDITIONAL NOTICES: 2016SCHOLARSHIPS De La Salle College is excited to be offering scholarships to students in Years 7, 10 and 11 in 2016. General Excellence Scholarships will be available for students going into Year 7 in 2016 and Academic, Sport, Performing Arts and General Excellence Scholarships will be available to students going into Years 10 or 11. Albert Higgins Memorial Scholarships will also be available at Years 7 and 10. Applications will open on Monday 2 March, closing on Thursday 30 April. Visit the scholarships page on our website for full details. Please contact us on (03) 9508 2100 if you would like to enquire further. 1318 HIGH ST MALVERN PH: (03) 9508 2100 ASSUMPTION NETBALL CLUB Assumption netball club is looking for new coaches. No experience needed. Mentoring support and group training available. For more details, contact Fee Kelly on 0422 642 090. Natalie Mepstead Assumption Netball Club PARISH NOTICES: CHILDREN’S LITURGY PROGRAM: The term ‘Children’s Liturgy of the Word’ refers to the practice of children leaving the Sunday assembly during the Liturgy of the Word and gathering elsewhere to celebrate a separate Liturgy of the Word that is more appropriate to their level of understanding. We are very fortunate to have some wonderful volunteers who over the years have contribute to our Children’s liturgy . We are hoping to encourage more people along to assist with this program which is geared towards children in kindergarten up to Grade 4. If you are interested, please contact the Parish office on 9583 6161. You must also have a Working with Children Check. COUNSELLING&PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES:COUNSELLING: AnneMaree Eddy, Psychologist. This service is paid for by the parish and is free for those in need. This could cover areas such as family problems, parenting, grief etc. and can include home visits. This is for short term issues. Enq: Parish 9583 6161. PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES: This is for more serious issues. Where possible, obtaining a referral from a GP allows this to be bulk billed per session; otherwise the fee is $80 per session. This is now a private practice and is available to anyone who needs it. Neurofeedback is also part of this service. Enq: 9583 6161.
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