Tourist Guide - Office de Tourisme de Lourdes


Tourist Guide - Office de Tourisme de Lourdes
mini guide
p. 4 to 14
History........................................................ p. 4 to 5
In the footsteps of Bernadette................... p. 6 to 9
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes....... p. 10 to 14
p. 16 to 31
Museums and Activities............................... p. 16 to 21
The City and the Built Heritage.................... p. 22 to 23
Sports and leisure activities........................ p. 23 to 25
Lourdes, a gateway to the Pyrenees............ p. 26 to 30
Gastronomy and shopping........................... p. 31
p. 32 to 37
Useful services............................................ p. 32 to 35
Traffic, access and parking areas................ p. 36 to 37
To organize your stay,
check our website:
In the guide book, these symbols 1
sights on the map of Lourdes.
and A locate the
In the 19th century, Lourdes was one of the main places in the
district with more than 4,000 inhabitants and situated on the banks
of the Gave de Pau river. Mills were plentiful; in one of those,
the Boly Mill, François and Louise Soubirous lived happily for
10 years together with their 4 children. The eldest was christened
Marie-Bernarde but called Bernadette (born on January 7th 1844).
Lourdes is located in the South-West of the “Hautes-Pyrénées
département”. It is a significant place, where landscape and history
mix together. The silhouette of the Pyrenean chain is visible to
the South with the Béout and Grand Jer summits close by. The
Gave river which originates from Gavarnie, crosses the urban area
of Lourdes and passes next to the grotto of Massabielle before
heading towards the Béarn region.
The Espélugues hollow provides evidence of the first inhabitants
of the Bigorre region, as shown by the little ivory “horse” and the
other tools and bones that have been found here. The Gauls, the
Romans, the Barbarians and the Moors successively fortified the
rock on which the fortified castle and its keep are erected.
In the 17th century the incorporation of the Bigorre region into
France (1607) reduced the importance of the citadel. It became a
state prison and was kept by a small garrison.
At the dawn of the apparitions, Lourdes was a humble county town
with a population of 4,035 people. This small but pleasant town was
a stopping-off point for people taking the waters at a spa, such
as Barèges, Cauterets or Luz-Saint-Sauveur, as well as for the
first hikers going to Gavarnie.
Before 1858 people passed through the town of
Lourdes which was not of particular interest for
travellers. After that date it became a local pilgrimage
centre, then a national and international one.
In 1854, the Soubirous family was reduced to extreme poverty: as
a result of an accident at work François lost one eye, he was falsely
accused of having stolen two sacks of flour and he was sent to
prison. The mill went bankrupt.
Bernadette had cholera and tuberculoses. She suffered the
consequences throughout her life. The family had to leave the mill
and in 1856 had taken refuge in a disused prison cell of 16m2 called
the “Cachot”.
At 14, unable to read or write, not having made her First
Communion, Bernadette, bruised by all these events, was to have
an extraordinary experience. On February 11th 1858, Bernadette,
her sister Toinette and a friend, Jeanne Abadie, went looking for
firewood in the grotto called Massabielle, beside the Gave river.
While Toinette and Jeanne gathered wood, Bernadette heard a
sound like a gust of wind.
Lifting her head, she saw in the cavity of the rock
a lady dressed in white surrounded with light,
who was watching her and smiling at her.
That was the first apparition, 17 others were to follow. On July
4th 1866, Bernadette left Lourdes for Nevers where she entered, as
a nun, the Convent of St. Gildard. She died there on April 16th 1879,
where her body still lies.
The legend of Lourdes:
In 778 Charlemagne came down from the
Pyrenees as a victor. In Lourdes for long
months he fought the Saracen Mirat, who
was occupying the castle. Just as famine and
disease were rife, Mirat saw an eagle coming out
of the blue sky which flew over the castle and let the
huge trout he held in its beak drop at his feet. The Moorish
chief took the fish and threw it over the remparts. Thinking
that the Moors still had food, Charlemagne immediately
raised the siege. Converted to Christianity, Mirat took the
name of ‘‘Lorus’’. Later on, the city became ‘‘Lourdes’’.
> Cachot
A prison until 1824, the dungeon consists of a single room, dark and
cold, where the Soubirous family lived from 1856 to the Autumn of
1858. It was from there that Bernadette went to the Grotto to meet
the Virgin 18 times.
15 rue des Petits Fossés - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 51 30
Open everyday:
- from 03/29 to 10/25, from 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm
- from 10/26 to march 2016, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
and during school holidays from 10:00 am to 12:00 am and from 3:00 pm to
5:00 pm
The visit lasts 30 minutes. Free Admission.
Understanding Lourdes is understanding Bernadette’s life. As
you visit the Boly Mill, the “Cachot” and the other places which
marked her life in Lourdes, you will follow in her footsteps.
> Audio-Guided Tour
except in the Boly Mill
“In the footsteps of Bernadette”.
Desk at St. Joseph gate
Place Monseigneur Laurence - Tel 33 (0) 5 62 42 78 32
Open everyday:
- from 03/29 to 10/25, from 9:30 am to 12:15 pm and from 1:30 pm to 5:45 pm
Duration : 1h30 - Grotte de Massabielle, Musée Sainte-Bernadette, Cachot
and Moulin de Boly.
Audio-guided visit in 8 languages.
> Eglise paroissiale du Sacré-Cœur
Adult or Child: 5€
Place de l’Eglise - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 04 06
Open everyday: from 8.30 am to 7 pm.
> Grotte de Massabielle
Where the apparitions took place.
Access 24 hours a day by the door of the curves.
> Musée Sainte-Bernadette
The present church was built between July 28th 1875 and September
8th 1903 and houses Bernadette’s baptismal font. The tomb of the
priest Peyramale lies in the crypt. He was the priest of Lourdes at
the time of the apparitions. Under the church tower you can admire
a statue of Bernadette. The ‘‘Eglise Saint-Pierre’’ where Bernadette
went was destroyed by fire in 1904. It was on the present Peyramale
square where the Tourist Office is today.
Near the Sanctuary, this museum tells the life of Bernadette
Soubirous throughout the recollection of memory and iconographic
documents. It recounts also the Sanctuary construction and the
message which is conveyed in Lourdes.
Boulevard Rémi Sempé - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 78 78
Open everyday:
- from 03/29 to 10/25, from 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm.
The visit lasts 30 minutes. Free admission.
> Moulin de Boly 2
The house where Bernadette was born: you can see the room
where Bernadette was born as well as the old mill in the same
state as it was when Bernadette lived there.
> Ancien Presbytère 5
This is where Bernadette presented herself on March 2nd 1858
to the priest Peyramale, priest of Lourdes, to transmit the Virgin
words to him. A section of the wall from the old garden and the
door by which Bernadette entered have been conserved. A plaque
commemorates the event.
16 avenue Général Baron Maransin (Maison de l’Europe)
> Hospice Sainte-Bernadette
This is where Bernadette took her first communion on June 3rd 1858.
Centre Hospitalier – 2 avenue Alexandre Marqui
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 40 98 -
Open everyday:
- from 03/29 to 10/25, from 9:30 am to 12:00 am and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
- from 10/26 to march 2016, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
and during school holidays from 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm
The visit lasts 30 minutes. Free Admission.
12 rue Bernadette Soubirous - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 16 36
Open everyday:
- from 03/29 to 10/25, from 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 2:00 pm to 6:30 pm
- from 10/26 to march 2016, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
and during school holidays from 10:00 am to 12:00 am and from 3:00 pm to
5:00 pm
The visit lasts 30 minutes. Free admission.
> Moulin Lacadé L
The house of Bernadette Soubirous’ parents (mill, kitchen,
Bernadette’s bedroom, objects, photographs).
2 rue Bernadette Soubirous
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 22 51
Open everyday:
- from 02/09 to 02/12 and from 03/28 to 10/31, from 9:30 am to 12:15 pm and
from 2:15 pm to 6:30 pm
The visit lasts 15 minutes.
From 11 yrs old: 2€
> Cimetière de l’Egalité
Churchyard where Bernadette’s fathers have been buried.
13 rue de l’Égalité
> Bartrès Village
Bartrès evokes the few months that Bernadette spent at Marie
Lagües’, her foster mother, before the apparitions. In the village
church, the choir dating from the end of the 17th century is
unchanged. The sheepfold where Bernadette kept the sheep,
always retains the same atmosphere. Everything is as it was in 1856
and it’s almost as if the shepherdess is about to come down the
path again with her lambs…
> For any information:
Information centre
65108 Lourdes Cedex - France - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 20 08
Open everyday:
- from April to October: from 8.30 am to 12.15 pm
and from 1.45 pm to 6.30 pm,
- from November to March: from 9 am to noon
and from 1.30 pm to 5.30 pm.
The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes is open all year round, 24
hours a day. The entrance is free of charge. Two periods mark
their existence:
- from April to October: each day 22 places of worship allow
for Masses to be celebrated in many different languages. It is also
possible to attend major celebrations like the international mass,
the Blessed Sacrament Procession (at 5 pm) in the afternoon and
the torchlight Procession (at 9 pm) in the evening;
- from November to March: many services are also held each
day such as masses, the Rosary, the Angelus, etc.
> Everyday
A video (lasting 30 minutes) on the history and message of
Lourdes. Opportunities of attending lectures (Message of Lourdes,
Cures and Miracles...).
Attend a daily pilgrimage service: the programme consists of
Mass, the Message of Lourdes, Way of the Cross, visit to the places
associated with St. Bernadette and the two Processions.
> Highlights
February 11th
Anniversary of the First Apparition.
February 18
Feast of St. Bernadette.
Holy Week from March the 29th to April the 5th.
HCPT Pilgrimage for sick and disabled children
from 04/04 to 04/12; Montfort Pilgrimage from
04/12 to 04/18
Order of Malta Pilgrimage from 05/01 to 05/05;
International Military Pilgrimage from 05/15 to 05/17;
Feast of Ascension 05/14; Feast of Pentecost
05/24; Polish Pilgrimage from 05/11 to 05/16;
Pilgrimage of Gastronomy Brotherhoods from 05/26
to 05/28.
Slovak Pilgrimage from 06/06 to 06/10; Bikers’
Pilgrimage from 06/20 to 06/21.
Feast of the Assumption with the French
National Pilgrimage from 08/11 to 08/16;
Pilgrimage of Gypsies and nomads from 08/20
to 08/24;
French Firemen’s Pilgrimage from 08/22 to 08/26
Lourdes Cancer Hope Pilgrimage from 09/15
to 09/19; U.N.I.T.A.L.S.I. Italian National
Pilgrimage from 09/28 to 10/03
Rosary Pilgrimage from 10/05 to 10/10;
Croatian Pilgrimage from 10/14 to 10/18; Jesuit
Gathering from 10/15 to 10/18
Pilgrimage of Ancolies (National Organisation of
Liturgical Choirs) from 11/06 to 11/08
Feast of the Immaculate Conception 12/08,
Christmas 12/25.
> For the young people
The Youth Service welcomes and accompanies groups and
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 78 38
The Youth Village
A place of welcome and meeting for young people (accommodation,
meals, liturgy...).
Avenue Mgr Rhodain
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 79 95
> For the sick
Two newly refurbished centres allow for the reception of sick or
disabled pilgrims, on their own or in organised groups.
L’Accueil Notre-Dame
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 80 61
L’Accueil Marie Saint-Frai
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 80 00
> Being a volunteer
Thousands of volunteers come to Lourdes each year to be at the
service of the sick, who come alone or in groups, and to have a
pilgrimage experience. These are adults or young people over 18.
They welcome patients in the Notre-Dame and Marie Saint-Frai
centres, and all pilgrims, and they also play a part in maintaining
the accommodation, equipment and facilities and in restoring the
Hospitalité Notre-Dame de Lourdes
Accueil Jean-Paul II - BP 197
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 80 80
> Distribution of Water
Charges are for postage and carriage not for the water itself.
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 78 78
> Mass Offerings and Votive Offerings
You may also make offerings for Masses to be said, give a votive
offering in thanksgiving for graces received.
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 78 78
> Bookshop
Sale of books and music produced or edited by the Sanctuary. A
wide choice of books, videos, cassettes, CD’s, post cards, and
pictures to remind you of your pilgrimage.
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 79 61 - Fax 33 (0) 5 62 42 79 54
> Radio Présence
The Christian Radio Station of the Diocese of Tarbes and Lourdes
transmits on 90.6 FM (Tarbes, Lourdes). Each day the rosary is
broadcast live from Grotte de Massabielle through a satellite link.
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 80 30 - Fax 33 (0) 5 62 42 79 34
> Pic du Jer Funicular
manual wheelchair
Funicular climbing and discovery of a superb panoramic view and a
botanical path at an altitude of 1 000 m.
59 avenue Francis Lagardère
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 00 41
Open everyday:
- from 03/27 to 07/05 and from 09/07 to 10/25, from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm
- from 07/06 to 09/06, from 9:30 am to 7:00 pm
- from 10/26 to 11/11, from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
- from 12/18 to 12/31, from 9:45 am to 5:00 pm
Payment is due 45 minutes before closing
The visit lasts 1 hour minimum.
Served by the Little Tourist Train and (lines A1 - S4).
More than one thousand years of history for this huge stone-built
vessel which invites us to travel through time. This Historic Monument
displays a preserved defensive architecture (donjon or keep, drawbridge, portcullis, bartizan…). From the high ramparts enjoy the 360°
panoramic view over the city, the Sanctuary and the Pyrenees. In
the core of its enclosure, you will discover in a museum the history
and the cultures of French and Spanish Pyrenees. Enjoy some rest
in the botanic garden adorned with sculptures and small models of
25 rue du Fort
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 37 37
Open everyday:
- from 01/01 to 03/31 and from 10/01 to 12/31, from 9:00 am to 12:00 am
and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm ( 5:00 pm on Fridays)
- from 04/01 to 05/31, from 9:00 am to 12:00 am and from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- from 06/01 to 09/30, from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
-Closed on 01/01, 01/11, 11/11 and 12/25
Payment is due 1 hour before closing.
The visit lasts 1 hour minimum.
Guided visits in French and Italian (1h15).
Served by the Little Tourist Train and (lines A1 - A2 A3 - S5).
Family ticket
12 to 18 yrs old
6 to 11 yrs old
2 adults + 2 children*
One way ticket
Return ticket
*6-18 years old
> Mountain bike downhill: day and half-day. For fares, please
contact them directly.
Coupe du Monde VTT 2015 : 10 au 12 avril.
> Guided tour of the caves: contact the Pic du Jer.
> Food on sale at the summit.
> Château Fort and Musée Pyrénéen
Fortified Castle + Pic du Jer
Adult : 15€ Teenager : 12€ Child : 9,50€
Family (2 adults + 2 young people - 6 to 18 years old): 45€
On sale at the Tourist Office,
Château Fort, Pic du Jer and desk.
(place Monseigneur
Adu lt
12 to 18 yrs old
6 to 11 yrs old
Family package
Disabled person
2 adults + 2 children (6 to 18 years old)
> Petit Train Touristique
> Musée de Lourdes
wheelchair only
Use the tourist train to visit the city.
The fabulous history of Lourdes in 1858 at the time of the apparitions
with the old trades of that time, small shops, period costumes.
Place Monseigneur Laurence
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 97 42 46
11 rue de l’Egalité - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 28 00
Runs everyday:
from 03/29 to 10/20, from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and from 1:30 pm to 6:10 pm
Departure every 20 minutes. The ride lasts 45 minutes.
Adult: 6,50€ Child (from 6 to 12 yrs old): 3,50€
Student, disabled person: contact the central office.
Member of the Passport «Lourdes Pass»
> Musée du Petit Lourdes accessibility
Open everyday:
from 03/29 to 10/15, from 10:00 am to 12:00 am and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
The visit lasts 30 minutes.
Audio-guided visit in 8 languages.
Adult: 6,50€ Child (from 6 to 12 yrs old): 3,50€
Disabled person, student: 5€
Family package (2 adults + 2 children): 16,50€
Member of the Passport «Lourdes Pass»
68 avenue Peyramale - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 24 36
Open everyday:
- from 03/28 to 10/20, from 9:15 am to 12:00 am and from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm
- july and august from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm
The visit lasts 40 minutes.
Audio-guided visit in 8 languages.
Guided visits for groups by reservation.
Adult: 6,50€ Child (from 6 to 12 yrs old): 3,50€
Student, disabled person : 5€
Family package (2 adults + 2 children): 16,50€
Member of the Passport «Lourdes Pass»
A miniature Lourdes at the time of the apparitions.
Exhibition of old photos.
Little Tourist Train A BF C D
+ 1 to 3 museums members
Adult: train + 1: 12€ train + 2: 17€ train + 3: 23€
Child : (6 to 12 yrs old): train + 1 : 6,50€ train + 2: 9€ train + 3: 12,50€.
On sale at the desk at St. Joseph gate (place Monseigneur Laurence)
and at the Tourist Office.
> Cité Saint Pierre
> Musée de Cire
Representation of the story of Christ and of Bernadette with more
than 100 wax dummies.
87 rue de la Grotte - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 33 74
Open everyday:
- from 03/30 to 10/15, from 9:30 am to 11:45 am and from 1:45 pm to
6:30 pm (Wenesdays and Sundays from 10:00 am)
The visit lasts 45 minutes.
Audio-guided visit in 8 languages.
Welcome place for groups and families. Discover the place by
choosing among various proposed routes.
33 avenue Monseigneur Rodhain
Tél. 05 62 42 71 11
Open everyday:
- from 01/19 to 12/11 from 8:30 am to 12:00 am and from 1:30 pm to
5:00 pm (closed on Sunday morning).
The visit last between 1 and 3 hours.
Free admission.
Adult: 7,50€ Child (from 6 to 12 yrs old): 4€ Young person (13 to 18 yrs old)
and student: 5€ Family package (2 adults + 2 children): 19€
Member of the Passport «Lourdes Pass»
> Centre de Diffusion de la Médaille Miraculeuse
Historical diorama of the Miraculous Medal in 26 languages.
3 rue du Porche - BP 10173
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 42 21
Open everyday:
-from 04/01 to 10/10, from Monday to Saturday, from 9:00 am to 12:00 am
and from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Sundays from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
The visit lasts 15 minutes.
> Ferme du Bon’Air (6 km from center town) M
With the label «Bienvenue à la Ferme», this park welcomes you to
discover informally the farm and barnyard animals.
Route de la Forêt
Tel. 33 (0) 6 74 68 09 25
- from 05/01 to 11/01: every Wenesday, Saturday, Sunday and bank
holidays from 11:00am to 6:00pm. Every days during July and August.
Adult and child from 3 yrs old: 5€
The visit lasts 2 hours.
Adult: 3€ Child (from 4 to 12 yrs old): 1,50€
> Musée Christhi I
Museum about printing development, calligraphy and old style
picture. Here, you can discover woodcutts, copperplates, metal
engraving, intaglio engraving or in relief. All the techniques of
printing you will be explained.
> Maison de la Connaissance du Risque Sismique N
24 rue de la Grotte
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 25 65
Parking du Pic du Jer
59 avenue Francis Lagardère
Tel. 33 (0)5 62 34 25 83
Open all year:
- from Monday to Saturday, from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 2.30 pm to 6.30 pm.
The visit lasts 1 hour.
Pedagogic area with simulators to discover the climatic changes
related to earthquakes.
Open all year round:
- from 9 am to noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm. Closed every Sunday,
Monday and bank holidays.
The visit lasts 30 minutes.
Free admission.
Served by (line A1 - S4).
Adult: 4€ Child (- 12 yrs old): free admission.
> Crèches du Monde
Artistic collection of Christ Child’s cribs with animated show.
Avenue Mrg Rodhain (inside Cité Saint-Pierre)
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 46 19 30
Open from Monday to Saturday:
- from 06/01 to 10/31, from 9:30am to 12:00am and from 1:30pm to 5:00pm
The visit lasts 1 hour.
New in 2015: new exhibition of nativity scenes.
Served by (line S4).
> Cinéma
Cinéma Majestic
Films «Je m’appelle Bernadette» (in French with English subtitles),
«Cristeros», «The way» (in English)
Avenue Maransin - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 07 73
Cinéma Bernadette
Screening of the film «Je m’appelle Bernadette» (in French with English
6 avenue Mgr Schoepfer - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 34 90 89
Adult: 6€ Child (from 4 to 12 yrs old) : 4€
Disabled adult: 5€ Disabled child (from 4 to 12 yrs old): 3€
Audiovisual reconstruction of Bernadette’s life and the apparitions,
in 7 languages.
> Panorama de la Vie de Ste-Bernadette
38 rue de la Grotte
Open everyday:
- from 04/01 to 10/31, from 9:00am to 12:00am and from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
(except on Sunday morning)
The visit lasts 25 minutes.
> Féerie des Eaux (3 km from Lourdes)
A spectacular and unique water game show.
70 avenue des Pyrénées - RN 21 - 65100 Adé
Tel./Fax 33 (0) 5 62 94 29 74 - Tel. 33 (0) 6 77 42 15 22
Open everyday:
- from 04/05 to 10/31, shows at 2:30pm and 3:30 pm
The visit lasts 45 minutes (guided visit in French and Spanish).
It can be reached by the regular bus line «Maligne des Gaves»
(line number 2).
Adult: 7€ Child (from 3 to 10 yrs old): 4€ Disabled person : 5€
Adult: 5€ Child (from 3 to 13 yrs old) and student : 2€ Disabled person : 5€
> Tour de Garnavie
> The War Memorial
The Guigne Tower, better known as the Garnavie Tower, is the last
remaining element of the fortified walls which in the 17th century
had a dozen towers or door-towers. The construction of this tower
remounts to the 13th century. It fits perfectly the Pyrenees military
constructions of that time and reminds with its archaic architecture
the numerous signal towers of our region.
Rue du Garnavie
The War Memorial (1927) is dedicated to the soldiers from Lourdes
who died for France in various wars.
Place Peyramale
> The Covered Market
Inspired by the architect Baltard, the Lourdes covered market
(inaugurated in 1900) comes from what is known as the stone
market of Toulouse. It is a perfect illustration of metallic architecture
from the late 19th century. Recently restored (2005-2007), it houses
also the “Médiathèque (multimedia library)” of Lourdes.
Place du Champ Commun
> The Convention Centre, Charles de Gaulle
public gardens
Charles de Gaulle public gardens and the bandstand. Situated in
the heart of the town, come and wander in this shaded garden,
also known as the “Place des Tilleuls” (lime-trees square), and in
summer come and watch the folk-music shows at the bandstand.
On the left you’ll find the old Law Courts which now houses the
Convention Centre and the “Palais cinema”.
Avenue Maréchal Foch
> City Hall
The present city hall is composed of three burgess houses of the
beginning of the 20th century.
2 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville
> The Fountains
Today, Lourdes has still testimonies of its past. The fountains are
the perfect example of the built heritage of Lourdes : fontaine du
Marcadal (Place du Marcadal), fontaine du Porche (Avenue Général
Baron Maransin), fontaine du Marché (Place du Champ Commun),
fontaine du Garnavie (Rue du Garnavie), fontaine des Espenettes
(Rue des Espenettes), fontaine aux Trois Becs (Rue du Passage).
> Château de Soum
Called in the origin the “Villa Fournau” then afterwards the “Château
de Soum”, the building was built by the architect of Lourdes JeanMarie Lacrampe for the Fournau Family. From 1974 to 2009, it was
where the High Court seated.
Rue Edmond Michelet
> Alsatian Refugees and Victims of Nazism in
Moselle Memorial (1940-1945)
Not far from the city centre, near the cemetery entrance, appears
this imposing monument.
Cimetière de Langelle - Rue de Langelle
In Lourdes and its surroundings, you will find a lot of leisure
activities. Please contact the Tourist Office of Lourdes to get the
list of sports professionals, sports complexes, public amenities
and sports or leisure activities.
> Lourdes Pyrenees Golf Club
Designed in 1988, the Lourdes golf course is situated on the south
side of the Lourdes Lake in a superb setting amidst pine forests. The
18-holes course is pleasantly undulating and ideal for a sporting
Club House - Chemin du Lac
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 02 06 -
Open everyday:
- from November to the end of March from 9 am to 5.30 pm (closed on
12/25 and 01/01),
- from April to the end of October from 8 am to 7 pm.
Driving range, putting green, trolley and caddy car rental, private lessons for
all levels. Restaurant.
> Lac de Lourdes (Chemin du Lac)
Ice-age lake at 3 km from the city centre in the direction of Pau by
Soumoulou. You will be able to go trekking, mountain-biking, angling
and do pedalo and stand up paddle, pic nic area, playground,
Served by (line A3).
Lourdes Beach. Free and supervised swimming area arranged on the
lake in summer.
> Bois de Lourdes (Route de la Forêt)
The forest where Bernadette collected dead wood offers you a wide
range of way-marked footpaths, play areas for children and picnic
> Chemin du Piémont or GR 78
> A Walk around the Lake
Reaches Betharram (to the West: 15,6 km) from route de la forêt or
Bagnères de Bigorre (to the East: 29,4 km) from the Pic du Jer path
at the right side of the funicular station, white and red way-marked.
> Voies Vertes des Gaves
6 km approximately. Change in altitude: 50 m.
Duration: around 1h30.
Leaving the golf course, go through the gate and take the wide path
round the lake as far as the junction with the road. Carry on to the
old stables and go down the hill to the crossroads (Chemin du Lac).
There turn right and follow the road that takes you back to the golf
course car park.
Following the route of the old railway which served the spa towns
at the end of the 19th century:
- from Lourdes to Pierrefitte-Nestalas via Argelès-Gazost :
a 17 km path. To be followed on foot, rollers or bicycle and acces­
sible to disabled people.
- from Pierrefitte-Nestalas to Cauterets : 9 kms (the works will
finish in June) accessible as a priority to pedestrians (mountain
bikes are allowed)
> Chemin Henri IV GR 782 (from Lourdes Lake)
> Chemin Vert
54 km to Artiguelouve (west of Pau)
This Path connects Lourdes to Pau through an ancient Roman way
established for centuries on the hill ouverlooking the right border of
the Gave river of Pau. White and red way-marked.
> GR 101 (hiking trail)
From the Tourist Office, 30 km up to the Saucède Pass (to the South:
access GR 10) and 63 km up to Maubourguet (to the North: access GR
653 or “chemin d’Arles”), white and red way-marked.
> Chemin de Bernadette (from Grotte de Massabielle)
Pilgrims can take the same way than Bernadette to go to Bartrès
(at 4 km from Lourdes), white and red (GR 101) from the «rue de
Bretagne» street.
> Pic du Jer
Change in altitude: 416 m. - 3 hours (round trip).
There is an amazing view of the town and the mountain. Starting
point: from the right side of the funicular station. Other ascent way:
from the village of Anclades and following to the “Petit Jer” (peak)
and the Trois Croix Pass.
> Le Béout
Change in altitude: 500 m. Duration: 2h30 (round trip).
Departure on the right of the coaches parking of the Arrouza. Take
the GR 101 (marked out in white and red) going to Ossen by the
“le Pied du Béout” and the “Coudet” farm. Uphill over the village,
at some ten meters after the “Croix du Houssat” cross, leave the
GR going to your right by an old track for quarries which becomes
a path. Continue to the former cable car station and walk along the
crest up to the summit.
Connects Lourdes with Tarbes and covers 18.5 km.
Between these two points, discover the alluvial plain of the Echez
and the area at the foot of the Pyrenees, crossing the communes
of Adé, Juillan, Lanne and Louey. Departs from Lourdes, Chemin
d’Estrades, in front of the Netto shop.
> Réserve Naturelle du Pibeste
Situated just a few kilometres from Lourdes at the entrance to the
Gaves Valleys, the Massif du Pibeste Nature Reserve is home to
numerous flora and fauna treasures.
You will be surprised by the number of Mediterranean plants that
you will discover when walking along the mid-range mountain
footpaths, such as the Montpellier maple tree, thyme and jasmine…
but you will also discover woods of beech trees and sweet chestnut
trees, moors and Atlantic grasslands…. The fauna is also very rich
and varied: 19 species of diurnal birds of prey (Griffon vultures,
Egyptian vultures short-toed eagles…) as well as numerous
mammals such as Corsican mouflons, Pyrenean chamois…. live in
these mountains.
SIVU du Massif du Pibeste – Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 97 14 55
Two topographical guides on the theme of
cycling are on sale at the Tourist Office:
> The mountain bike topoguide “Valleys”about
the tracks of the «Pays de Lourdes» and the
“Vallée d’Argeles-Gazost”.
> The road cycling topoguide «Vélo de route
Vallées des Gaves». It lists 20 itineraries like
Aubisque Pass, Soulor Pass, Tourmalet Pass.
> Pic du Midi de Bigorre
(50km from Lourdes)
At an altitude of 2 877 m, an exhibition covering an area of
4 000 m² is ready to let you discover the sky, the sun, the stars and
an unrestricted view of the Pyrenees.
Situated at the foot of the Pyrenees, Lourdes is ideally located for
discovering a remarkable and protected tourist region.
> Cirque de Gavarnie
(50 km from Lourdes)
As part of the list of the UNESCO World Heritage since 1997, the
Cirque de Gavarnie is the most famous. Its wall ascends up to 3
248m (at the Pic du Marboré) and its waterfalls are the biggest
in Europe. The structure that it forms with Roland’s Gap (cut,
according to legend, by the sword of Charlemagne’s nephew,
Roland de Roncevaux) amazes and always arouses admiration.
Simply grandiose...
The cirque can also be discovered on horseback or donkey-back.
Possibility of excursion by bus from Lourdes (during the season).
> Millaris - Gèdre Porte des Cirques
(42 km from Lourdes)
Interpretation centre which will provide you to discover in a ludic
and modern way the history of Gèdre and Gavarnie.
Place de la Bergère - 65120 Gèdre
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 92 35 25
Open all year round:
- from 9 am to noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm (closed on Sundays and feast
days, except on July the 14th and August the 15th).
The visit lasts 1 hour.
Audio-guided visit: in English, in Spanish and in French.
Adult, child and student (from 12 to 26 years old): 3€
Child (from 6 to 11 yrs old): 2€
New in 2015: big chronological timeline reminding the valley history with
tactile screens.
Rue Lamy de la Chapelle - 65200 La Mongie
Tel. 0 825 00 2877 -
Open times: visit the website
Departure every 15 minutes. The visit lasts 2 hours.
Audioguide GPS (in French, Spanish, English, German, Dutch).
Shuttle from Lourdes (during the summer season). Information at the
Tourist Office.
Adult: 36€ Child (from 6 to 12 yrs old): 23€
Child (- 6 yrs old): free admission Student and disabled person: 33€
Family package (2 adults + 2 children - 18 yrs old): 92€
> Cauterets - Pont d’Espagne
(37km from Lourdes)
At the entrance of the Pyrenees National Park, the Pont d’Espagne
(1,496 m.) is a protected natural area where you can discover the
most beautiful waterfalls you can come across in the HautesPyrénées. It opens out onto two important valleys which deserve to
be explored by foot: the Marcadau Valley where the upper prairies
consist of a delightful countryside of lakes and inviting summits,
and the Gaube Valley with its lake also accessible by chair-lift.
The upper part of the valley leading to the lake is closed off by the
north face of the Vignemale (3,298 m), the highest point in the Spanish
border range.
> Station du Hautacam (25km from Lourdes)
Accessibility, proximity, scenic views, leisure... these are the four
words that identify this mountain range. Located in a magnificent
setting among forests and open views, the “Hautacam” is not only a
winter-sports station but also a tourist site that offers many sporting
activities, relaxation and contemplation all the year round: mountain
luge, walks, hikes, cycling, mountain biking, downhill karting,
roller herbe, parascending, alpine skiing, cross-country skiing,
snowshoeing and Sled dogs.
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 97 10 16
Tour de France 2015 : Pau - Cauterets on July the 15th.
> Grottes de Bétharram
(15km from Lourdes)
limited accessibility
1rst floor
Due to the variety of aspects of the Bétharram Caves one can
understand how almost every dead or alive grotto was formed.
They are made of five floors, each from a different period, one on
top of the other like those of a house.
65270 St-Pé-de-Bigorre
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 41 80 04
> Aquarium Tropical des Pyrénées
(18km from Lourdes)
Come to admire up to 500 species of multicoloured tropical fishes
in an environment of more than 50 aquariums.
2 avenue Jean Moulin - 65260 Pierrefitte-Nestalas
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 92 79 56
Open all year round:
- from October to April from 10 am to noon and from 2 pm to 5 pm,
- in May, June and September: from 10 am to noon and from 2 pm to 6 pm,
- in July and August: open every day from 9.30 am to 7 pm.
Out of school holidays. June and September : closed on Mondays (except
on reservation).
During school holidays, from 10 am to 12.30 pm and from 2 pm to 6.30 pm.
The visit lasts 1h30.
It can be reached by regular bus lines.
- from 02/10 to 03/24; from Monday to Thursday: visits at 2:30pm and
4:00pm and on Friday at 2:30pm
- from 03/25 to 10/30, every days from 9:00am to 12:00am and from
1:30pm to 5:30pm
- July and August: every days from 9:00am to 6:00pm.
The visit lasts 1h20.
Guided tour in 9 languages.
Possibility of excursion by bus from Lourdes (during the season).
Adult: 10,80€ Child (from 3 to 12 yrs old) : 7,80€
Disabled person : Adult : 10€ - Child : 7€.
Adult: 13.50€ Child (from 4 to 12 yrs old) : 8,50€
Disabled person: Adult: 8,50€ Child : 7€
> Parc Animalier des Pyrénées
(13km from Lourdes)
Meet the untamed fauna of the Pyrenees in our wildlife park. The
marmots are the stars and they come to be photographed… Also,
you can watch the show of birds catching fish, the otters eating,
the bears fishing and discover the large mammals in the family of
izards, mouflons, ibex, wolves and roe deer, lynx in their natural
60 bis avenue des Pyrénées - 65400 Ayzac-Ost
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 97 91 07 -
Open every day:
- from 04/04 to 09/30, from 9:30am to 6:00pm (July and August to 7:00pm)
- from 10/01 to 10/16, from 1:00pm to 6:00pm
- from 10/17 to 11/01, from 10:00am to 6:00pm
The visit lasts 3h.
It can be reached by regular bus lines.
Adult: 16€ Child (from 3 to 11 yrs old) : 11€
> Donjon des Aigles (21km from Lourdes)
Presentation of the greatest collection of birds of prey in the world,
with demonstration of flight and free parrots’ show in an 11th century
historic feudal castle.
100 rue du Château - 65400 Beaucens - Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 97 19 59 -
Open every day:
- from 04/12 to 09/30, from 10:00am to 12:00am and from 2:30pm to 6:30pm
Demonstrations at 3.30 pm and 5 pm - In August: 3 pm, 4.30 pm and 6 pm.
The visits last 1h30 including the show.
Adult: 14€ Child (from 5 to 11 yrs old): 8.50€
> Zoo d’Asson (25km from Lourdes)
In an exotic, landscaped park, Asson Zoo has 100 wild species on
display, and works to conserve over 30 endangered species such
as Siberian tigers, snow leopards, red pandas and maned wolves.
Watch the animals in total freedom (kangaroos, lemurs, birds and
more) and see the many babies that are born at Asson each year.
6 Chemin Brouquet - 64800 Asson - Tel. 33 (0) 5 59 71 03 34 -
Open every day:
- from 04/01 to 09/30, from 10:00am to 7:00pm
- from 10/01 to 03/30, from 10:00am to 6:00pm
The visit lasts 2 hours.
Public animal-feeding sessions every day.
New in 2015: Discover Asia.
Adult: 12€ Child (from 3 to 11 yrs old): 8€
To obtain the group fares of these different museums and tourist
sights, please contact them directly.
> Jardins des Bains (13km from Lourdes)
This new spa fun centre offers dedicated well-being areas on the
theme of Gardens of the World.
The centre is organised around two main pavilions:
La Forêt Emeraude: a tropical greenhouse which you enter through
the “Door of the Sun” ;
La Ziggourat: a more intimate pavilion inspired by Mesopotamian
art, Babylon and its hanging gardens.
Avenue Adrien Hébrard - 65400 Argeles-Gazost
Tel. 33 (0)5 62 97 03 24
Open everyday, except from mid-November to mid-December.
1 hour option:
Adult: 12€ | Child (from 4 to 9 yrs old) : 4.50€
Child (from 10 to 15 yrs old) and student : 6.50 €
2 consecutive hours option:
Adult: 17€ Child (from 4 to 9 yrs old): 8€, Child (from 10 to 15 yrs old) and
student: 12€
2 hour family pass: 40€ (2 adults + 1 child - 9 yrs old)
2 hour family pass: 44€ (2 adults + 1 child + 10 yrs old)
> Parc National des Pyrénées
Created in 1967, the Pyrenees National Park stretches from the Aspe
valley (West) to the Néouvielle range (East) and to the Spanish
border, covering a total surface area of 500 km². Wildlife and natural
beauty are completely intact. Several beautiful Pyrenean summits
can be found within the National Park: Pic du Midi d’Ossau,
Balaïtous, Vignemale, Marboré, cirque de Gavarnie, cirque du
Lys, cirque de Troumouse, cirque d’Estaubé, along with many
beautiful natural sites such as the famous waterfalls of the Pont
d’Espagne, or Brèche de Roland.
Possibility of excursion by bus from Lourdes (during the season).
In the «Hautes-Pyrénées», gastronomy is part and parcel of
all festivities. The locals show great interest in it, every day at
home, and at the restaurant on important and not-so-important
occasions. Taste the specialities and the recipes from our region,
stroll in the typical markets, meeting the local producers.
> Regional products
The Gascon black pork, the “Barèges-Gavarnie” mutton (AOC
Label), the “Tarbais” bean (Red Label), the “Trébons” onion, the
trout, the Pyrenees lamb (Red Label), duck and goose, the cheeses,
the “Asté” carrot and the mountain honeys.
> A few specialities
Garbure, confits, touradisse, cheeses, spitroast cake, jams.
> Wines
Jurançon, Madiran, Saint Mont, Pacherenc.
> The Covered Market
Open all year round from 6.30 am to 1.30 pm (except on Sundays
from mid-october to Easter). Big market on Thursdays every 2
weeks and a farmers’market all year round on Saturdays morning.
The addresses of local shops with homegrown products are
available at the Tourist Office.
Place du Champ Commun
You can find and taste these country products in the small shops
of Lourdes and and at the marketplace every morning. In the
city centre: more than 150 shops, many arts and crafts, religious
items, souvenir shops, 2 organic food shops, ten or so grocery
shops and 5 supermarkets.
> The great Pyrenean passes of Tour de France
- Aubisque Pass (1,709 m.) (42 km from Lourdes):
passage from the Ferrières Valley or the Azun Valley to Ossau Valley.
- Soulor Pass (1,474 m.) (32 km from Lourdes):
passage from the Aubisque or the Ferrières valley to the Azun Valley.
- Tourmalet Pass (2,115 m.) (50 km from Lourdes):
from Barèges to La Mongie.
- Aspin Pass (1,489 m.) (50 km from Lourdes):
takes the cyclists from the Campan valley to the Aure valley.
- Peyresourde Pass (1,569 m.) (97 km from Lourdes):
passage from the Louron valley to the Luchon valley.
> Laundries
Laverie Wash
55-57 rue du Bourg
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 91 66 87
27 boulevard de la Grotte
Laverie Lav’wash
42 place du Champ Commun
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 88 75
6 rue Capdangelle
Tél. 06 03 54 57 82
Laverie Automatique
> Espace Robert Hossein :
19 avenue Alexandre Marqui
Tél. 05 62 94 08 35
> Convention Centre:
Square Charles de Gaulle
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 16 34
> Cinema Le Palais
Square Charles de Gaulle
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 27 97
> City hall
2 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 65 65
> Post office
1 rue de Langelle
31 av. Gén. Baron Maransin
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 72 00
de Lourdes
Municipal multimedia Library.
Place du Champ Commun
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 24 21
> Games Library
5 avenue Eugène Duviau
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 27 46
If you want to go
out in the evenings,
the list of “cafés”,
pubs and discos is at
your disposal at the
Tourist Office.
10 avenue François Abadie
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 05 51
51 rue du Bourg
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 91 66 87
1 avenue du Monge
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 69 08
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 93 44 45
51 rue du Bourg
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 91 66 87
Café Le Carrefour
2 avenue Peyramale
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 29 44
Le Triangle
24 avenue de la Gare
Tél. 05 62 94 84 05
Train station
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 56 33 83
12 av. Général Baron Maransin
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 04 11
Rent a Car Maison du Pèlerin
> Weatherforecast
Tel. 0 899 71 02 65
Mountain weatherforecast:
Tel. 0 892 68 10 20
> Maison de l’Europe et du Jumelage
16 avenue Général Baron Maransin
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 92 18 85
Open on Wenesday and Thursday from 2:00pm to 5:00pm and on Thursday morning from 9:00am to 12:00am (except on July and August)
Consumer Protection Information Office.
Service des consommateurs
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 56 65 65
BP 41740 - 10 rue Amiral Courbet – 65000 Tarbes
11 av. Gén. Baron Maransin
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 62 79
Café de la Gare
(car rental for disabled
Micro et Point Com
8 place du Champ Commun
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 34 74
Train station
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 12 97
Mountain Ride 65
> Trans’Hand
Cyber@cafe Arobase 65
Vélo 65
City Hall 2 rue de l’Hôtel de Ville
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 65 65
Sanctuary Our Lady of
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 78 78
> Car rental
Cycles Hubert Arbes
> Lost property
> Internet Connexion
> Médiathèque du Pays
> Bike rental
Lux Laverie
Breakdown services
> Citroën - TDA Assistance > APR Service 24h/24h
24 avenue François Abadie
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 95 42
18 rue Ampère - Z.I. Saux
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 92 17 98
Emergency services
> Banque CIC
> La Banque Postale
(Société Bordelaise)
1 place du Champ Commun
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 37 49 00
> Banque Courtois
> Société Générale
20 place Marcadal
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 97 79
Cash Machines
3 place Marcadal
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 57 91
> Banque Populaire Occitane
2 rue de la Halle
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 46 34 00
> BNP Paribas
53 rue de la Grotte
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 76 70
9 rue Saint-Pierre
Tel. 0 820 820 001
> 60 boulevard de la Grotte
> 21 av. Bernadette Soubirous
> 95 rue de la Grotte
> 33 avenue de la Gare (Gare SNCF)
> Avenue François Abadie
Centre Commercial Leclerc
> Rue Lucien Pourxet
Centre Commercial Carrefour Market
15-17 place Marcadal
Tel. 0 826 270 130
> Crédit Agricole
Pyrénées Gascogne
21 avenue Alexandre Marqui
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 32 66 29
11 place du Champ Commun
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 32 67 46
> Crédit Mutuel
19 place Marcadal
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 37 39 00
> LCL (Crédit Lyonnais)
11 rue Saint-Pierre
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 51 01
Tel. 112
> Hospital
2 avenue Alexandre Marqui
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 42 42
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 44 38 (emergency room)
(on Sundays and bank holidays)
Tel. 115
> Police Station
7 rue Baron Duprat
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 72 72
> City Police
(Open from Monday to Friday)
4 chaussée du Bourg
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 44 67 87
> Gendarmerie
> Caisse d’Epargne
> European emergency number
> Doctors and Chemist’s on Duty
> Banque Inchauspé
(No cash machine)
1 rue de Langelle /
31 av. Général Baron Maransin
Tel. 36 31
Exchange Offices
> Lourdes Change
(open from February 2nd
to December the 10th)
28 av. Bernadette Soubirous
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 92 98 18
Mobile 06 71 55 30 16
> Banque Courtois
(open only in the morning during
the winter, morning and
afternoon during the summer)
20 place Marcadal
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 97 79
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 66 66
> French Red Cross
54 rue du Bourg
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 13 65
> Dialysis Centre
43 avenue de Sarsan
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 19 90
> Poison Center
Hôpital Purpan (pavillon Louis Lareng)
1 place Docteur Baylac - 31000 Toulouse
Tel. 33 (0) 5 61 77 74 47
Lists of practical information at the Tourist Office on request.
The roads leading to the Sanctuary (Rue de la Grotte and
Boulevard de la Grotte) and the adjacent streets are subject
to a traffic direction system which changes every fortnight.
Lourdes is a small town which is best discovered on foot.
Numerous parking spaces are at your disposal in order to make
pedestrian access to tourist attractions easier:
- Free car parks: Place Capdevielle, the village hall (Espace
Robert Hossein) and Boulevard du Lapacca.
- Car parks where you have to pay: close to the Sanctuary, in the
town centre, covered car parks at Place Peyramale and Place de
la Merlasse.
- Bus Parking : Arrouza Area.
Public Transport in Lourdes
71 avenue Alexandre Marqui (office)
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 10 78 -
Place Monseigneur Laurence (open during the season)
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 94 32 96 - N° vert : 0 800 100 329 -
Tickets on sale at the Tourist Office, at desk (Place
Monseigneur Laurence).
> Taxis
Place Monseigneur Laurence (open during the season)
33 avenue de la Gare
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 461 461 / N° vert : 0 800 820 052
Taxis Services Lourdes
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 08 08 / N° vert : 0 800 42 08 08
How to get there
> By car
A65 Bordeaux-Pau highway and A64 Toulouse-Bayonne highway:
exit Tarbes-Ouest (A64/N°12) or Soumoulou (A64/N°11).
> By train (Lourdes railway station)
33 avenue de la Gare - Tel. 36 35 (timetables information)
TGV (high speed train) Paris-Lourdes-Tarbes in 6h: up to 4 daily
return links all year round.
Sleeper-train Paris-Hendaye every night.
Rail links from Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier, Marseille, Nice,
Lyon, Vintimille, Geneva, Hendaye, Irun.
> By plane - Tarbes Lourdes Pyrénées Airport (TLP)
BP 3 - 65290 Juillan (situated at 10 km from Lourdes)
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 32 92 22 - Fax 33 (0) 5 62 32 93 71 -
Paris-Orly 3 daily flights with HOP / Air France.
Madrid 2 flights per week with Iberia Air Nostrum from April to October.
2 flights per week from 06/22 with AlbaStar
London Stansted 2 at 3 flights per week with Ryanair.
Milan Bergamo 2 at 3 flights per week with Ryanair from April to October.
4 flights per week from April to October
with Brussels Airlines and Jetairfly.
Airport links:
- regular bus line “Maligne des Gaves” (line number 2),
- taxi service located at the arrival level,
- car rentals: arrival level (Europcar, Avis, Hertz, Enterprise).
> Pau - Pyrenees Airport
64230 Uzein (situated at 50 km from Lourdes)
Tel. 33 (0) 5 59 33 33 00 - Fax 33 (0) 5 59 33 33 05 -
Paris-Orly 6 daily flights with Air France.
Paris-Roissy 3 daily flights with Air France.
Lyon 3 daily flights with HOP / Air France.
2 daily flights from Monday to Friday with
Twin Jet.
Airport links:
- shuttle Idélis : Airport – Pau city centre – train station, from Monday
to Saturday,
- taxi service located at the arrival level.
Prepare and book your stay on:
Après la réussite de la Coupe de France VTT en 2013
organisée par la Ville de Lourdes et Lourdes VTT, La Ville de
Lourdes est retenue pour accueillir la 1ère manche de la Coupe du
Monde Mountain Bike UCI 2015 les 11 et 12 avril 2015 au Pic du Jer.
Les Lourdais ainsi que des milliers de passionnés de sport et de sensations
extrêmes du monde entier sont attendus à Lourdes pour cet évènement
exceptionnel, qui se poursuivra en ville autour de nombreuses animations
Place Peyramale - 65100 LOURDES - France
Tel. 33 (0)5 62 42 77 40 - Fax 33 (0)5 62 94 60 95
Conception et réalisation : NOWOOO - Tarbes.
Crédits photos : Sanctuary ND de Lourdes, Typographik
Studio GP Photos, M. Pujol, OT de Lourdes, Fotolia.
Despite the care taken to ensure accuracy in every aspect of this guide,
it may inadvertently contain errors or omissions. If such is the case, we
should like to apologize. Rates are given as an indication and the editor
disclaims any responsibility for such.
Office de Tourisme de Lourdes
Place Peyramale
65100 Lourdes - France
Tel. 33 (0) 5 62 42 77 40 - Fax 33 (0) 5 62 94 60 95
Opening hours of the Tourist Office:
Open all year long
From 01/01 to 02/28 and from 11/02 to 12/31
From Monday to Saturday (except bank holidays):
9:00am to 12:00am/ 2:00pm to 5:30pm
From 03/02 to 03/29 and from 10/05 to 11/01
From Monday to Saturday (except bank holidays):
9:00am to 12:00am/ 2:00pm to 6:00pm
From 03/30 to 06/28
From Monday to Saturday: 9:00am to 12:30pm/ 1:30pm to 6:30pm
Sundays: 10:00am to 12:30pm. Bank holidays: 10:00am to 6:00pm
From 06/29 to 10/04
July and August Sundays + bank holidays: 10:00am to 6:00pm
September Sundays: 10:00am to 12:30pm
«Visit Lourdes»
«Visit Lourdes»
Ne pas jeter sur la voie publique.
Do not litter
From Monday to Saturday: 9:00am to 7:00pm (6:30pm on September)