Let the Summer Adventure Begin!
Let the Summer Adventure Begin!
Let the Summer Adventure Begin! Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area Serving Students for Over 60 Years—Founded in 1941 by German educator Kurt Hahn, Outward Bound® is the world’s leading provider of adventure-based learning. Our experiential philosophy continues in its long-standing tradition of using the wilderness as a classroom for self-discovery. Each year, over 60,000 students participate in Outward Bound programs. Join Thompson Island Outward Bound for an exciting adventure this summer. ® Personal Growth Thompson Island Outward Bound® aspires to unleash the potential in each student. We encourage kids to push themselves beyond their perceived limits, to tackle new challenges and to achieve their goals. Instructors encourage active participation in all aspects of the expedition such as cooking, setting up shelters, making group decisions and reflecting on experiences. Journey of Self- Discovery The term “Outward Bound” comes from the days of tall ships and refers to the moment a ship heads for the open seas, leaving the safety of the harbor behind. Hahn mirrored this occasion in his experiential learning paradigm as he encouraged students to take similar journeys within themselves. W h o C o m e s t o Th o m p s o n I s l a n d O u t wa r d B o u n d®? Our students come from all over the United States and the world, from big cities to small towns. We strive for diversity on our expeditions to enrich the experience for all participants. The young men and women between the ages of 12-17 have varied experiences and backgrounds. Some have never spent a night away from home while others have gone on camping trips, sailed and kayaked. No Experience Necessary! Courses are designed to be challenging but not beyond the ability of someone in average physical condition. No prior outdoor experience is needed— just a positive attitude and a willing spirit. We expect that each student has made the decision to GO OUTWARD BOUND® and is willing to participate fully in the adventure. O u t wa r d B o u n d ’ s E duc at io n a l F r a m e wor k I nc l u de s: Our core values: bCompassion What we hope to inspire in all our students: bIntegrity bCharacter Development bExcellence bLeadership bInclusion and Diversity bSocial and environmental responsibility Foundations of course design: bLearning through Experience bChallenge and Adventure bSupportive Environment Se a-K aya k i ng Propel yourself through the waters of the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area in a two-person kayak. Thompson Island Outward Bound’s seakayaking expeditions provide the opportunity for you to learn paddling techniques, capsize and rescue procedures, weather forecasting, and navigation skills. You will explore by day in your tandem sea-kayaks and camp by night on the islands of the National Park Area. Work together as a team and challenge yourself as you climb the 62’ Alpine Tower on Thompson Island. “The focus on the individual is AMAZING—a transformative experience. The instructor totally ‘got’ what my daughter is about, nurtured that and encouraged her to take the next step – in her case, to be a LEADER.” —Parent, Connecting with Courage® S a i l i ng It’s time to cast your sails to the wind and explore the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area by navigating yourself and your fellow crewmates up and down the coastline. On this course, you will join 10 other students in a 30-foot pulling boat on a journey that concludes with climbing Thompson Island’s 62' Alpine Tower. Students will learn to investigate water and shoreline ecology, sailing techniques and safety procedures while living in the outdoors. Each student will take an active role in learning seamanship skills such as sail theory, navigation, reading wind and tides, sailing, rowing and knot tying. Connecting With Cour age® Pa s s a g e s ® M P F o r 12 -13 Y e a r O l d G i r l s any people think courage means physical bravery; at Outward Bound® we believe courage is about what is in your heart, from facing your fears to speaking up for what you believe in. On a Connecting with Courage® (CWC) expedition, you will focus on physical, mental and emotional skills while spending 12 days in the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area. You’ll take an active role in learning both personal and team-based sailing or sea-kayaking skills such as navigation, technical skills, tide and wind reading, knot tying, and studying the ecology and history of the Harbor Islands. While learning to live outside, you will form friendships, build self-confidence, independence, and a powerful sense of accomplishment. This course will focus on leadership and teamwork, while allowing you to speak your mind and express yourself. F o r 12 -13 Y e a r O l d B o y s assages® (OBPA) is an adventurous and challenging 12day Outward Bound® expedition, specifically designed to guide your “passage” from adolescent to young man. The course will give you the opportunity to find your individual strengths and learn self-reliance as you live in the outdoors and explore the waters of Boston Harbor. Working together as a team, you’ll develop compassion, confidence, leadership and teambuilding skills. You will learn how to read nautical charts and navigate along the Massachusetts coast. Meet new friends, enjoy the great outdoors, and experience a summer adventure that you’ll remember forever. Passages® courses will give you a powerful sense of accomplishment and independence—sending you back into the world as a young man. “It helped him grow and become much more CONFIDENT. It helped him to appreciate all he has in life. He gained something no one can ever take away from him: The knowledge of how much he can accomplish if he tries. This gives him confidence that cannot disappear. It was hard, but completely worth it to him.” —Parent, Passages® S a m pl e T h o m p s o n I sl a n d O u t wa r d B ou n d ® 12 -Day C ou r se S c h e du l e “It was a completely awesome and LIFE-CHANGING experience. I would recommend this to anyone and everyone.” —Student, Passages® E n v i r o n m e n ta l E x p e d i t i o n s A C o e d C o u r s e F o r 14 -17 Y e a r O l d s O utward Bound Environmental Expeditions (OBEE) is a 14-day expedition that gives you the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of seamanship while studying the natural world that surrounds you. Along with 10 other students, you will explore the wonders of Massachusetts Bay from the Boston Harbor Islands National Park Area to the shores of Cape Ann. Home to some of nature’s richest ecosystems, Cape Ann provides an exceptional outdoor classroom for ocean bound science discovery. You will learn to navigate along the Massachusetts coastline, get a firsthand view of coastal ecosystems, develop outdoors skills, and conduct science experiments. OBEE will focus on sailing and safety tactics as well as marine conservation and the “science of the sea.” (Sample OBEE course schedule will be similar to sample 12-day course schedule with the addition of visits to Cape Ann, the Gloucester Maritime Heritage Center and participating on a naturalist-guided whale watch) Day 1- Arrive on Thompson Island, introductions, initiatives/ get to know you activities, load the boats Day 2- Sail or sea-kayak school, water comfort assessment, possible high ropes activity Day 3- Start exploring the Boston Harbor Islands, visit Grape and Bumpkin Island Day 4- Tour George’s Island with National Park Service Rangers. Sleep in the Fort or at the dock Day 5- Explore Hull and Peddocks Island. Possible service project at Hull Life Saving Museum. Day 6- Explore World’s End Park, Solo experience Day 7- Activity on Lovell’s island with National Park Service Rangers. Campfire with other crews Day 8- Visit Great Brewster Island and Boston Light Day 9- Service project with National Park Service on Grape Island Day 10- Embark on Final Expedition back to Thompson Island Day 11- Climb the Alpine Tower on Thompson Island, BBQ with other crews Day 12- Graduation ceremony with parents on Thompson Island * This schedule is a generic example of a 12-day course. Each course is unique due to variations in tides, weather and the group’s capabilities and interests. Activities are subject to change. Stu d e nt Safet y Outward Bound® pioneered safety management systems that have become the model for the outdoor education industry. We conduct routine safety checks on all equipment and at all course sites. Instructors The instructors at Thompson Island Outward Bound® hold industry-recognized licenses and certifications appropriate for the course areas. These credentials result from in-depth Message to Parents certification programs and include licenses provided by the U.S. Coast Guard, certifications based upon standards developed by the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT), and certifications from the American Canoe and Kayak Association (ACA). In addition, on an annual basis, instructors complete a rigorous training program that includes challenge course facilitation skills, curriculum development, and practical applications of curriculum in a lengthy field-based training expedition. All instructors are certified in CPR for the Professional Rescuer. In addition, lead instructors possess a Wilderness First Responder certification, resulting from a rigorous wilderness medicine training program. Assistant instructors must possess a similar Wilderness First Aid certification. L ow Stu d e nt to S t a f f R at i o Courses typically have two staff members per group of up to eleven students, which includes a lead and assistant instructor. Additionally, support personnel assist the groups arranging food, transportation and gear. Specialized Equipment is Provided Thompson Island Outward Bound® provides students with the specialized equipment they will need while on course. Tents, sleeping bags, climbing gear, life jackets, foul weather gear, all cooking supplies and food are provided to participants. How to Apply / Admissions A pp ly by Mail: Mail the completed Course Application Form (see insert in brochure) with the non-refundable application fee (check, money order, or credit card number) directly to: Thompson Island Outward Bound PO Box 127 Boston, MA 02127 Attn: Admissions A pp ly by Phone: Call 617-328-3900 ext. 144 A non-refundable application fee is required. Use VISA, MasterCard, American Express or Discover to reserve a spot. Tu i t i o n Please refer to the insert in this brochure for up-to-date tuition and course dates. Tuition includes all equipment, food, transportation, and instructional costs while on course. Tuition does not include the non-refundable application fee, transportation to and from the course start location, personal clothing, or footwear. Full tuition and a completed medical form are due 60 days before course start to secure a space on course. If applying within 60 days, full tuition and the completed medical form are due immediately upon receipt of the enrollment package. Admissions Policies Internet: N o n - D i s c r i m i n at i o n P o l i c y Check out our website to see our course offerings at: www.thompsonisland.org. Click on “Select A Program,” then click on “Summer Expeditions.” Please email your course selection, second choice, age, gender, parent(s) name, and contact information to admissions@ thompsonisland.org. Our admissions director will contact you to finalize details. Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt educational organization and admits students of any race, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities available to students. Thompson Island Outward Bound® does not discriminate in the administration of its educational and admissions policies, scholarships, or other school-related programs. A pp l i c at i o n F e e All participants are required to pay a non-refundable application fee. This fee is not applied to tuition. The non-refundable application fee reserves a space on course for up to 60 days before the course start date. Enrollment Policy Upon receipt of the completed application, Thompson Island will send an enrollment packet to the parent or guardian of the applicant. The packet includes an Outward Bound medical form, risk form, clothing list, course description, payment schedule, and other required forms. The Outward Bound® medical form needs to be fully completed and sent back as soon as possible. Acceptance of the applicant is pending our review and approval of the completed medical form. It is the obligation of the parent or guardian to inform us of any changes in physical condition once the medical form has been submitted to Thompson Island Outward Bound® . Scholarships The goal of Thompson Island Outward Bound is to make this exceptional educational experience available to a diverse group of applicants regardless of their ability to pay. Because of this commitment, and the generous support of Boston area businesses, philanthropic organizations and individuals, we offer scholarships. To apply for a scholarship, check the appropriate box and complete the financial aid portion of the application form. Scholarships are awarded based on need and distributed on a first-come first-served basis. Within 10 business days of receiving your completed application form and application fee, we will inform you of your award. D o n at e a S c h o l a r s h i p T o d ay ! Contact our development office at 617-3283900 ext. 106, or donate online at www. thompsonisland.org and click “Support.” Our Mission Thompson Island Outward Bound Education Center is a notfor-profit organization whose primary purpose is to provide adventurous and challenging experiential learning programs that inspire character development, compassion, community service, environmental responsibility and academic achievement. Our organization principally serves early adolescents from all economic and social communities of greater metropolitan Boston, and the institutions and adults who support them. Additional Thompson Island Outward Bound Programs: ® School and Community Yo u t h G r o u p s O ut war d Bound Professional Th o m p s o n I s l a n d Conference Center Thompson Island Outward Bound’s School and Community Youth Group programs include a variety of teambuilding, leadership, and environmental activities that range from one to multi-day programs. We serve students in the 5th grade, middle school, and high school, as well as undergraduate college students. For more information call: 617-328-3900 ext. 137. We deliver experientialbased training and development programs focused on improving the effectiveness of individuals, groups, and organizations. Outward Bound Professional serves adults and graduate students in programs that range from one to multi-day programs. For more information call: 617-328-3900 ext. 114. Thompson Island Conference Center provides a unique destination for work or play. The island offers 204 acres of hills, meadows, fields, beaches, conference space, outdoor venues, dormitory accommodations, catering, and hospitality services. All the proceeds help to fund our youth programs. For more information call: 617-328-3900 ext. 102. P.O. Box 127 Boston, MA 02127 Return Service Requested Connections O u t w a r d B o u n d USA Connections is a philanthropically supported program designed for students in urban public middle schools. The program integrates character development and academics by connecting the students’ school experience with challenging fieldwork in the Boston Harbor Islands, and on Thompson Island in particular. For more information call: 617-328-3900 ext.120. For additional teen (ages 14+) and adult courses, call 866-467-7651or visit www.outwardbound.org. O ut war d Bound I n t e r n at i o n a l For worldwide locations and information, call 801-523-6118, or visit www.outwardbound.net. Thompson Island Outward Bound 2016 Summer Expeditions Course Offerings Thompson Island Outward Bound is located in the Boston Harbor Islands National Park area in Boston, Massachusetts, and enjoys a course area rich in cultural and natural history. One of 34 islands to explore, Thompson Island boasts 204 acres of woodlands, beaches, salt marshes, meadows, and high challenge adventure courses. Our Outward Bound Summer Expeditions: Connecting with Courage® (girls), Passages® (boys), and Environmental Expeditions (co-ed) explore the Boston Harbor Islands and/or the Massachusetts Bay. (Scholarships based on financial need are available on first come first serve basis.) For Girls 12-13: Connecting with Courage® YO U T H E X PEDI T I ONS For Boys 12-13: Passages® These courses help empower girls while developing a strong sense of self and compassion for others. Working together as a team, girls develop leadership and teambuilding skills. These courses help boys develop compassion and confidence while learning to work collaboratively to solve problems. Working together as a team, boys develop leadership and teambuilding skills. Boston Harbor Sea Kayaking and Climbing On this 12-day course join 9 new friends and your instructors on a sea kayaking adventure in the Boston Harbor Islands National Park area. You will explore by day in your tandem sea-kayaks and camp by night on an island in the park. Learn kayak paddling and safety skills together with camping and cooking skills. Challenge yourself as you climb the 62-foot Alpine Tower on Thompson Island. Students learn environmental stewardship from their experiences as well as interactions with National Park Rangers and participate in a service project. Connecting with Courage® Girls 12-13 COURSE # COURSE AREA TOTAL COST June 26 - July 7, 2016 DATES TTMK-631 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 July 15 - July 26, 2016 TTMK-633 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 August 3 - August 14, 2016 TTMK-635 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 DATES Passages® Boys 12-13 COURSE # COURSE AREA TOTAL COST June 26 - July 7, 2016 TTMK-632 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 July 15 - July 26, 2016 TTMK-634 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 August 3 - August 14, 2016 TTMK-636 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 Boston Harbor Sailing and Climbing On this 12-day course join 9 new friends and your instructors on a 30-foot pulling boat for an adventure in the Boston Harbor Islands National Park area. You will explore islands throughout the harbor and sleep on your boat. Learn navigation and seamanship skill. Challenge yourself as you climb the 62' Alpine Tower on Thompson Island. Students learn environmental stewardship from their experiences as well as interactions with National Park Rangers and participate in a service project. Connecting with Courage® Girls 12-13 Passages® Boys 12-13 DATES July 15 - July 26, 2016 DATES COURSE # COURSE AREA TOTAL COST TTMS-632 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 COURSE # COURSE AREA TOTAL COST June 26 - July 7, 2016 TTMS-631 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 August 3 - August 14, 2016 TTMS-633 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $2,350 Island Exploration Join new friends and your instructors on Thompson Island for 8 days of exploration, camping and climbing. Discover and investigate the geology and ecology of the island’s forests, salt marshes, tidal pools, and beaches. Learn camp craft, wilderness skills and environmental stewardship while living in the outdoors. Climb the 62-foot Alpine Tower and other high-ropes challenges on Thompson Island. Perfect for your first expedition with Outward Bound, this course provides students with extra support to achieve greater potential. DATES Passages® Boys 12-13 COURSE # COURSE AREA TOTAL COST June 29 - July 6, 2016 TTM2-621 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $1,750 July 18 - July 25, 2016 TTM2-622 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $1,750 August 6 - August 13, 2016 TTM2-623 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area $1,750 For Co-Ed Ages 14-17: Environmental Expeditions Coastline Sailing and Climbing On this 14-day course join 9 new friends and your instructors on a 30-foot pulling boat for an adventure in the Boston Harbor Islands National Park area and Massachusetts Bay. You will explore marine habitat throughout your sail from Boston Harbor to Cape Ann and and sleep by night on your boat. Learn navigation and seamanship skills. Challenge yourself as you climb the 62-foot Alpine Tower on Thompson Island. Students learn environmental stewardship and visit the Maritime Heritage Center in Gloucester. Co-ed Ages 14-17 COURSE # COURSE AREA June 22 - July 5, 2016 DATES TTYS-641 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area/Mass. Bay TOTAL COST $2,750 July 14 - July 27, 2016 TTYS-642 Boston Harbor Islands National Park area/Mass. Bay $2,750 Frequently Asked Questions 1. What are ‘pulling boats’? Pulling boats are 30-foot open hulled, dual sailed boats with a rear tiller designed specifically for Outward Bound. The boats are sailed or oared depending on the weather. 2. How do we sleep on the boats? There are no cabins on the boats, so the oars are laid across the hull of the boat and the students’ sleeping pads are put on top of the oars. Students fit best if they alter the directions in which they sleep—head to foot. If needed, a tarp is rigged to shelter the students from the weather. 3. Where do we sleep while camping? Participants sleep in 3-person A-frame tents or under tarp shelters, which they are responsible for setting up. 8. How many instructors per group? There typically are two instructors in the field per group: a lead instructor, an assistant instructor, and a support person. When on the boat, a Coast Guard licensed captain is one of the instructors. 9. How old are the instructors? Instructors are on average from 22 to 32 years of age. More experienced lead instructors tend to be in their mid-twenties and older. Summer interns who help support courses are typically in their early twenties. 10. What kind of training do instructors have? 4. Do we get to take showers? All instructors are required to have completed intensive Outward Bound training programs, CPR, and First Aid. Lead instructors are required to have earned Wilderness First Responder certification and have extensive field experience working with youth and leading expeditions. Many instructors have backgrounds in education, child development, outdoor education, and clinical studies. 5. Who participates on these courses? 11. Does Thompson Island Outward Bound check the backgrounds of its instructors? You will not have the opportunity to take showers during the course. However, there are many refreshing water sources along the way and you will be able to shower at the end of course before you return home. Our students come from all over the United States (and the world), with the majority coming from the New England states. They are ages 12 – 17, both young women and young men. Connecting with Courage®, Passages®, and Environmental Expeditions are designed for youth who are interested and motivated in a fun outdoor adventure! No experience or specific skill required. 6. What is ‘solo’? Yes, we conduct a GIS national background check on all employees. 12. May I contact alumni? Yes. Contact us by email or by phone and we will provide you with names and phone numbers of alumni. Email:Admissions@thompsonisland.org Solo is a time for reflection and introspection. Students relax and recharge as they think about what they have experienced throughout their course. Typically the Connecting with Courage® and Passages® solo lasts anywhere from two to eight hours, depending on the progress of the group. The Environmental Expeditions solo is generally a 24-hour overnight experience. It is not a survival exercise. Each student is assigned an area, provided with water, food and other essentials, and monitored by instructors. Phone: 617-328-3900 x 144 7. May I call home? GETTING STARTED Students are not allowed to call home unless in case of an emergency or extenuating circumstances, in which case he or she would have access to a phone. Students can send and receive mail. Check out our web site: www.thompsonisland.org for more information...and to see photos of last year’s expeditions. You can also find us on Facebook! To secure your spot on a course, please submit a completed application and $500 deposit that is applied toward the total cost of the course (includes a $150 non-refundable application fee.) Please return the following completed course and/or scholarship applications to: Thompson Island Outward Bound P.O. Box 127 n Boston, MA 02127 Phone: 617-328-3900 n Fax: 617-426-5637 email: admissions@thompsonisland.org www.thompsonisland.org ® THOMPSON ISLAND OUTWARD BOUND EDUCATION CENTER Course Application Form Please print clearly in all capital letters. Course Choice MONTH First Choice Course # Dates Second Choice Course # Dates DAY – / MONTH DAY – / MONTH DAY / MONTH DAY / Applicant Information Name FIRST LAST M.I. Address HOUSE NO. STREET APT. NO. City State Zip Code MONTH Grade Entering in Fall School email address DAY YEAR Birthdate Parent/Guardian Information Father/GuardianMother/Guardian AddressAddress City/State/ZipCity/State/Zip OccupationOccupation Name of Business – – – – Phone (Home) EXT Name of Business – – – – Phone (Home) Phone (Work) Phone (Work) email address email address Payment Information EXT $500 deposit required (applied to total cost and includes $150 non-refundable application fee) Make checks payable to: Thompson Island Outward Bound, P.O. Box 127, Boston, MA 02127, Attn. Admissions, 617-328-3900 x 144 M Course deposit of $500 enclosed M For Credit Card Payments: (Call admissions) M Scholarship: complete scholarship application form on back M Sponsored by organization: _______________________________ PLEASE CUT ALONG DOTTED LINE TO DETACH _ Refund/Cancellation Policy: Application fee - non-refundable Student cancellation for any reason prior to course start: b 75 to 89 days - 100% tuition refund, less deposit b 60 to 74 days - 75% tuition refund, less deposit b 45 to 59 days - 50% tuition refund, less deposit b Less than 44 days - no tuition refund, no tuition transfer Medical Rejections – all monies paid refunded minus application fee* Thompson Island Course Cancellations – all tuition and fees paid are fully refunded *conditional on all enrollment forms returned by required due dates Thompson Island Outward Bound cannot make exceptions to any of its stated policies for any reason, including personal emergencies, weather or illness. We will not be responsible for any other costs including travel, medical fees or clothing. My signature below indicates a genuine desire on my part to participate in an Outward Bound course, and an understanding of its challenging nature. I have read and accepted the terms of payment and the terms of the Refund Policy. I understand that final acceptance for this course is dependent on the approval of my Medical Form, and I accept that if I fail to meet payment schedules I could forfeit my place on a course. __________________________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature Date __________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Signature Date Scholarship Application Form Estimate of Need A. $_____________ Total Course Cost B. $_____________ Maximum Amount You Can Provide (including aid from other sources) C. $_____________ Minimum Amount Needed (A minus B) Income Information ANNUAL INCOME PARENT/GUARDIAN PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 ASSETS PARENT/GUARDIAN PARENT/GUARDIAN 2 Salary Before Taxes _______________ _______________ Cash on Hand _______________ _______________ Other Income _______________ _______________ Real Estate Value _______________ _______________ Support _______________ _______________ Investments Value _______________ _______________ Total Income _______________ _______________ Other Assets _______________ _______________ Autos (yr./model) _______________ _______________ Total Assets _______________ _______________ ANNUAL EXPENSES DEBTS Rent/Mortgage _______________ _______________ Mortgage (s) _______________ _______________ Living Expenses _______________ _______________ Bank Loans (all) _______________ _______________ Other Annual Bills _______________ _______________ Other Loans _______________ _______________ Combined Taxes _______________ _______________ Credit Card Debt _______________ _______________ Total Expenses _______________ _______________ Total Debt _______________ _______________ NET INCOME (Total Income minus Total Expenses): _____________________ NET WORTH (Total Assets minus Total Debt): _____________________ Additional Children in Family My child qualifies for the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) free and reduced-price meals Name________________________________ Age______ School__________________ Annual Cost of Education______________ Name________________________________ Age______ School__________________ Annual Cost of Education______________ Name________________________________ Age______ School__________________ Annual Cost of Education______________ Personal Scholarship Statement Please use a separate piece of paper to briefly describe why you are requesting a scholarship. Include your situation and any unusual expenses or circumstances that you feel should be known to the Scholarship Committee. Include any information on other children in the family, what school(s) they are attending and if any financial aid has been awarded. I (we) declare that the information provided is true and complete: _________________________________________________ ______________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date Please return completed form to: Thompson Island Outward Bound P.O. Box 127, Boston, MA 02127 Fax: (617) 426-5637 Attn: Admissions (617) 328-3900 X 144 ® THOMPSON ISLAND OUTWARD BOUND EDUCATION CENTER
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