DeRuyteR - Hi, Neighbor
DeRuyteR - Hi, Neighbor
YES, THE SWAP SHEET IS TOAST - No Matter, We’ve Been Doing Classifieds Since 1962! AND NOW You Can Place Them Online With Our NEW CLassifed Ad Purchasing Interface - Check It Out At Have You Forgotten? Hi, Neighbor - Plus October 28 Staff Sgt. Brian Craner 118 Albany Street Cazenovia, NY 13035 FREE TAKE ONE! Your Locally Owned Shopping, Community Events & News Pennysaver Since 1962 PHONE/FAX:655-9431 Email: 2013 Website: Get The Hi, Neighbor By: EMAIL If you answered YES to one or more of the questions, Call Hague Quality Water of CNY for a FREE water test (over $100 at a private lab). With 32 years experience, we can give you straight forward, no nonsense answers to all of your water quality questions. For a limited time you can have great tasting, no smelling, easy on the skin and appliances clean water for only $4.95/Month during a special 3 month introductory offer! Receive Hi, Neighbor+ (Print + Extra Pages of Content) In Your Inbox (Just Send Us An Email Requesting Delivery) Open On Your Smart Phone, Tablet or Computer So You Can Take Us With You Any Where You Go... DOWNLOAD Hi, Neighbor+ SPECIAL!!! Enjoy a Dinner and Movie on us. From Our Mobile Site Or Website PICK UP At Stores or Pick Up Boxes or U.S. Mail Call us for a FREE water test, and you will receive a voucher good for up to eight movie admissions and two large pizzas. . Hague Quality Water of CNY Subscription ($25.00/Year) Or Saturation Mail 655-3087 See Watermax At WE DROP Papers Weekly In: CANASTOTA: Nice & Easy CAZENOVIA: Buyeas, Rite Aid, Kinneys, TOPS, Extra Mart, Red Apple, Common Grounds CINCINNATUS: Cincinnatus Home Center, Magro’s Pizza, Bennet Hotel, Brackel’s Bar & Restaurant CORTLAND: Friendly’s, TOPS, Frank & Mary’s Diner CUYLER: Cuyler Diner DeRUYTER: Countryside Hardware, DeRuyter Farm & Garden Coop, Quincy Square, Sal’s Pizza, DeRuyter Big M, DeRuyter Post Office Pick Up Box FABIUS: Anna’s Country Store FENNER: Troyer’s Country Store GEORGETOWN: Predmore’s Store, Post Office Pick Up Box HAMILTON: Subway, Price Chopper, Sunoco Express Mart MADISON: AnW Mart, Quack’s Diner, Early’s Hardware MORRISVILLE: Cooleys Plaza Drop Box, Doughty’s Pharmacy NEW WOODSTOCK: DJs Market, New Woodstock Library PETERBORO: Main Street By Post Office, Deli On The Green SOLSVILLE: Solsville Hotel SOUTH OTSELIC: South Otselic Store TRUXTON: Across From Post Office TULLY: Tully Lumber, Tully Lakes Hardware, Tasty China, A Pizza & More VERNON: Post Office Pick up Box, Nothin Fancy, A Apple Betty Cafe WEST EATON: Post Office Pick Up Box ED N O S A E S D O O W E R I F - LANDSCAPING - LAWN MAINTENANCE RING SNW OOFFEW PLOWIN G NO 315-750-5755 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website 40,000+ People in Over 13,000 Homes In Parts of 5 Counties Will Our “SEE YOU THERE” DATEBOOK Our “See You There” Date Book consists of NOTICES FOR FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS plus COMPLIMENTARY LISTINGS FOR ORGANIZATIONS who have placed paid ads for fund raising events. _____________________________________ AVAILABLE 24/7 AT WWW.HINEIGHBOR.NET WED., OCT. 23, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING at MADISON BISTRO (Formerly Bub’s Subs), Court Street, Wampsville (Right across from the DMV). Local business people band together to help each other grow their businesses. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking. org. Bring your business card and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. WED., OCT. 23, 6:30 PM: THE BRIDGEPORT PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL CELEBRATE ARCHIVES MONTH BY HOSTING WWII VETERAN JOE CARINCI AND MADISON COUNTY HISTORIAN MATTHEW URTZ. Urtz will present a brief overview of Madison Counties role during WWII and Carinci will speak about his time in the Navy, including being on a ship that was torpedoed while at sea. A display showcasing artifacts from the county during the Village of DeRuyter Hosting a FLU CLINIC November 5th from 4 PM to 8 PM at the DeRuyter Fire House 1663 Cortland Street, DeRuyter. Insurance WILL be accepted – (bring card). No Co pay for Medicare and $25.00 for non-Insurance. Age 18 and up. Questions please contract Ardene Tiffany, Village Clerk 852-9625. SAT., OCT. 26, 9 -2 : FALL BAZAAR, Apulia Methodist Church - Attic treasures, bake sale and raffles. SAT., OCT. 26, 4:30 P.M.: ROAST BEEF DINNER, Nelson Church, take outs available, handicap entrance. OCT. 26, 10 -4 P.M.: WAYWARD PAWS FALL FEST CRAFT SHOW. LaFayette Fire Barn, 2436 US Rte. 11, LaFayette, NY. Vendors, raffles, refreshments. www.waywardpaws. org. SUN., OCTOBER 27: THE CHITTENANGO LANDING CANAL BOAT MUSEUM WILL HAVE IT’S ERIE CANAL PARTY. More information to come. VETERANS DAY LUNCHEON NOVEMBER 11, 2011 All Veterans and their families are invited to Cazenovia Post 88 American Legion, 26 Chenango St., following wreath laying at Cannon Park, Cazenovia Luncheon by American Legion Auxiliary Craft Show - Bazaar SUN., OCT. 27, 7:30-12:30 p.m.: Pancake Breakfast, Pompey Hill Fire Department. All you can eat. American Legion Rooms, Chenango St., Cazenovia SUN., OCT. 27: THE MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HAVE THEIR ANNUAL DINNER. More information to come. war will be on display. For more information please call 366-2453. TUES., OCT. 29, 6:30 PM: THE HAMILTON PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL CELEBRATE ARCHIVES MONTH BY HOSTING WWII VETERAN GERALD DOUGLASS AND MADISON COUNTY HISTORIAN MATTHEW URTZ. Urtz will present a brief overview of Madison Counties role during WWII and Douglass will speak about his time as a Pilot in the Army Air Corps in the Europe. A display showcasing artifacts from the county during the war will SAT., NOV. 9,9 a.m.- 3 p.m. FEATURING: Crocheted & knitted items, quilting, woodworking, paintings, jewelry, American Girl Doll Clothes, home ornaments. BAKE SALE - LUNCH AVAILABLE - Plentiful parking. Sponsored by Neowahga Chapter Eastern Star, Cazenovia THURS., OCT. 24, 7:30 A.M.: CASA NEWS - Quality Coach departs Tops Parking Lot in Cazenovia for Corning Museum of Glass & then The Rockwell Museum of Western Art, questions 655-0350 TUESDAY OCTOBER 29, 6:30 pm the Earlville Public Library will celebrate Archives Month by hosting WWII Veteran Gerald Douglass and Madison County Historian Matthew Urtz. Urtz will present a brief overview of Madison Counties role during WWII and Douglass will speak about his time as a Pilot in the Army Air Corps in the Europe. A display showcasing stories from the county during the war will be on display. For more information please call 366-2453. CARD SHOWER Please help us celebrate with a card shower of memories the United Church of DeRuyter ROAST PORK DINNER SAT., NOV. 16, 2013 4:30 p.m. TIL gone Parish House, Cortland St., DeRuyter Take Outs Available be on display. For more information please call 366-2453. Oct. 28, 2013 TUES., OCT. 29, 7:00-9:00 P.M.: DERUYTER RURITAN IS SPONSORING A “MEET THE CANDIDATES NIGHT” at the Legion Hall in DeRuyter. All Candidates from DeRuyter and Cuyler, are invited to the event. Residents of the Town of DeRuyter and Cuyler. Please come to meet local candidates and talk to them. Ruritan is proud to host this event and we look forward to seeing you there Tuesday 7-9 p.m. at the Legion Hall in DeRuyter. FRI., OCT. 25, 5 P.M.: FAMILY STYLE CHICKEN AND BISCUIT DINNER. New Woodstock Federated Church. WED., OCT. 30, 7:00 PM: THE CHITTENANGO PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL CELEBRATE ARCHIVES MONTH BY HOSTING A SCREENING A PRE-RECORDED INTERVIEW OF WWII VETERAN BOB LASHER AND MADISON COUNTY HISTORIAN 95th Birthday of J. ARTHUR GAST 1095 County Road 13, DeRuyter, NY 13052 FRI., OCT. 25, 6:30-9:00: Night at the Museum. Stop in the DeRuyter Museum. There will be people from years ago for you to meet. Treats for everyone. Characters Welcomed. DATE CHANGE - SAT., OCT. 26: SKANDA EQUINE PONY ADOPTION TOUR. Come meet the Onondaga Nation Rescue Ponies and hopefully to start the adoption process. The ponies are free to good, loving homes. Skanda has born the exorbitant cost of caring for all 16 of the ponies since February — we receive no funding for this. The Pony Adoption Tour is a free event for the public. Ellen Beckerman, Skanda Equine, 4000 Mosley Road, Cazenovia, NY 13035. (917) 940-4963. HALLOWEEN PARTY at DERUYTER CENTRAL SCHOOL THURS., OCT. 31 7:00 p.m. Bring the kids to have their costumes judged Sponsored by the DeRuyter Fire Dept. and Auxiliary -2- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 Benefit Georgetown Fire Dept. ROAST PORK DINNER SAT., NOV. 2, 2013 4:30 p.m.-? at Georgetown FIRE DEPT. MENU: Roast Pork, Mashed potatoes & Gravy, Stuffing, Squash & corn, Apple Sauce, Dessert, Beverages. $9.00 Adult; $5.00 5-12, Under 5 free Delphi Falls United Church HOLIDAY LUNCHEON & BAKE SALE Sat., November 9 DELPHI FALLS PARISH HOUSE HOLIDAY LUNCHEON BAKE SALE & HOLIDAY TREASURES (and most of all the drawing for the quilt the Church Ladies made) Drawing will be at 3:00 p.m.. You don't need to be present to win 7:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. Early Bird Special Coffee and Homemade Donuts Luncheon starts at 11:00-3:00 Scallop Potatoes and Ham Plus Dessert The cost is $5.00 MATTHEW URTZ. Urtz will present a brief overview of Madison Counties role during WWII and Lasher will speak about his time in the Navy. Lasher was on the USS West Virginia during the attack on Pearl Harbor, and served in 11 battles throughout the Pacific Rim. A display showcasing artifacts from the county during the war will be on display. For more information please call 366-2453. WED., OCT. 30, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING at MADISON BISTRO (Formerly Bub’s Subs), Court Street, Wampsville (Right across from the DMV). Local business people band together to help each other grow their businesses. Visitors are welcome anytime. ELECTION DAY SPAGHETTI DINNER DeRuyter Central School Cafeteria NOV. 5, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Adults $7; Sr. Citizens $6; Children $5 Gluten Free Pasta Call Karen Newton 480-6936 Sponsored by Class of 2014 Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking. org. Bring your business card and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. THURS., OCT. 31, 7:00 P.M.: HALLOWEEN PARTY AT DERUYTER CENTRAL SCHOOL. Bring the kids to have their costumes judged. Sponsored by the DeRuyter Fire Dept. and Auxiliary FRI., NOV. 1, 6:00-7:30 p.m: SPAGHETTI DINNER FOR VETS: Caz American Legion Post 88 is hosting a dinner for local veterans and their spouses (This includes VFW & American Legion Auxiliary) at the Post on Chenango St. Reservations contact John Haynes - or 430-5470. SAT., NOV. 2, 9 a.m.-2:00 p.m.: Country Crossroads Bazaar, Morrisville Community Church, Cedar St., Morrisville. Sponsored ANNUAL FALL PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sun., Nov. 3 - 7:30 am -12:30 pm Pompey Firehouse Adults $6.00; $5 Sr. Citizens, Children $3.00, Under 5 FREE Sponsored by The Pompey Lions Club by Presbyterian Women of Morrisville Community Church. SAT., NOV. 2, 4:30 p.m.: Roast Pork Dinner, Georgetown Fire Dept., Pork and all the trimmings. SAT., NOV. 2, 10 A.M. - 2 P.M.: SOUTH OTSELIC U. METHODIST WOMEN BAZAAR HELD AT THE SO. OTSELIC METHODIST CHURCH, RTE. 26, SO OTSELIC. Beef Stew Luncheon starting at 11:30 a.m. White Elephant Sale, Baked Goods, Alpaca Products, crafts and more! FEATURED THIS YEAR - QUILT SHOW NOV. 2, 9:30-? Halloween Fun Show at Coyote run Farms, LLC. So. Otselic United Methodist Church Bazaar & Beef Stew Luncheon Featuring A QUILT SHOW Sat., Nov., 2 • 10 a.m.-2 p.m. •White Elephant •Baked Goods •Alpaca Products, crafts and more Lunch Served 11:30 a.m. Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website COAL Elect Denise Roe RICE OR CHESTNUT Buy Now! BAGGED COAL Madison County Clerk 50 lb. bags 275 $ 265 $ one ton or 3 tons or more only per ton Clerk Monies Returned to the County Were Doubled in the Last 8 years helping to keep taxes down 30 years Experience in Required Qualifications: -Records/Information Management-Archival Expertise -Financial & Business—Managing Millions of tax dollars -Supervision/Team Dynamics -Grants Development BULK COAL 2,000 lb. tote $ 255 1 ton or 3 tons or more only $ 245 /per ton Master’s in Public Administration, Marist College Member NYS Association of County Clerks & NYS Regional Archive Advisory Board Delivery available. Call for details. FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. The Way A Farm Store Should be... 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday 1657 State Hwy 80, Georgetown, NY 315-750-5619 NOV. 3, 10-6 p.m.: Open Barn, Coyote Run Farms LLC 1657 State Hwy 80, Georgetown, NY 750-5619. Pony rides, demos, cart rides, activities, etc. 8 Years Deputy Madison County Clerk Doing the Job-Proven Record! SUN., NOV. 3, 2:00 p.m.: Norman Odell Citizen of the Year award ceremony honoring Robyn and Richard Marris to be held at the Erieville Fire Hall. SUN., NOV. 3, 7 - 11 AM: DERUYTER’S WOODFORD/ BURDICK AMERICAN LEGION & AUXILIARY PANCAKE BREAKFAST. We want to welcome back all of you who have supported us over the years to once again join us for our mouth watering pancakes, French toast, sausage, eggs, biscuits & gravy and of course plenty of hot coffee. Without faithful patrons such as yourselves we wouldn’t be able to keep the American Legion open, so again we send a big “Thank You” out to you. TOP DMV! Madison County DMV had highest retention than comparable counties in 2012. Please vote November 5th Paid for by Friends of Denise Roe for Madison County Clerk SUN., NOV. 3, 7:30 A.M.-12:30 P.M.: ANNUAL FALL PANCAKE BREAKFAST, POMPEY FIRE HOUSE. Sponsored by The Pompey Lions Club MON., NOV. 4, 7 PM: THE FABIUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL MEET AT THE FABIUS COMMUNITY CENTER (7786 MAIN ST., RT. 80). Chuck Kutscher will transport us back in time with pictures of old Syracuse and stories to go with them. Free and open to the public. Refreshments will follow the program. Please join us. TUES., NOV. 5, 12:00 NOON: ROAST BEEF DINNER, Fenner Community Church COUNTRY CROSSROADS BAZAAR Saturday, November 2 9 AM -2 PM - Luncheon 11 AM -1 PM Morrisville Community Church Cedar Street, Morrisville Handcrafted items from needlework to woodwork, quilts, dried flower arrangements, holiday decorations, baked goods, recycled treasures from Grandma's attic. Sponsored by Presbyterian Women of Morrisville Community Church TUES., NOV. 5, 5:00 p.m.: Chicken and Biscuit election day dinner. Served family style. Erieville Methodist Church Boat Winterizing Rov-a-tune Boat Repair is now scheduling winterizations. Available 7 days a week. Call or visit our web site for details. Larry Webb - 655-3362 - TUES., NOV. 5, 5:00-8:00 p.m. Election Day Spaghetti Dinner. DeRuyter Central School Cafeteria. Sponsored by Class of 2014. WED., NOV. 6, 8-9 AM: HAMILTON BUSINESS ALLIANCE MONTHLY GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING, Colgate inn, Hamilton. All Hamilton area business people are welcome to come and share information about Hamilton’s activities. CHICKEN & BISCUIT DINNER FAMILY STYLE Dessert Erieville Church Election Night, Nov. 5- 5 P.M. Adults $8.00; Children 5-12 $5.00; 5 and under FREE Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website WED., NOV. 6, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING at MADISON BISTRO (Formerly Bub’s Subs), Court Street, Wampsville (Right across from the DMV). Local business people band together to help each other grow their businesses. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking. org. Bring your business card and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Buyea’s True Value Hardware O FULL PAINT LINE O WATER HEATERS O PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES O BLUE SEAL FEED O STOVE PIPE O HAND & POWER TOOLS O APPLIANCES O PUBLIC FAX SERVICE __________________________ Store Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8-8 Fri. & Sat. 8-6 Sun. 8-4 131 Albany St. Cazenovia 655-3822 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -3- NOWER’S COUNTRY MEATS WOOD PELLETS AGED SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE & PLAIN CHEESE CURD Dry Creek Gift Certificates Available All of our Beef Steaks are USDA Choice –––––––––––––––––––––––– HICKORY SMOKED semi bonelss HAMS Smoked here the Old Fashioned Way $3.25 lb. sold whole or cut. Advance order for your Thanksgiving Dinner. •BACON BEEF PATTIES, 1 lb. pkg.............. lb. $4.75 (sold in 1 lb. pkg. - In store made) •HICKORY SMOKED CANADIAN SLICED BACON,....... lb. $5.75 •HICKORY SMOKED HUNGARIAN SLICED $6.35 •HICKORY SMOKED THICK CUT BACON $6.35 •BREAKFAST SAUSAGE, ........................... lb. $2.90 (BULK - In store made) •HOT ITALIAN LINK SAUSAGE (5 lb. pkg.) $3.45 (also sold in smaller size pkgs. ) Buy NOW and SAVE Premium 100% Hardwood $249.99 /ton New England NEIL CASEYS N GROW HOMEPPLES •A CIDER FARM MARKET AND GREENHOUSES E •APPLNIONS •O IC "FRESH FROM OUR FARM" •GARL Broccoli • Cabbage • Cauliflower • Brussels Sprouts • Leeks • Fall Squash • Pie Pumpkins POTATOES - Red •Russet •White • Gold HARVEST SPECIAL: Buy 3 or More 50# Bags. Save $1 per Bag Premium Hardwood Blend FOR FALL DECORATING: •Pumpkins •Gourds •Fall Bulbs •Fall Pansies •Flowering Kale and Cabbage •Ornamental Corn •Corn Stalks •Straw Energex of Canada 6905 Route 80 East, Tully, New York (315) 683-5532 $239.99 /ton Mix Hardwood/Softwood $219.00 /ton Cash and carry prices, delivery available. Call for details. Earley makes it E-Z Oct. Hours: Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. 10-4; Closed Mon., Tues., Wed. PETS FOR ADOPTION november SPECIAL 5 lb. boneless pork roast; 1 lb. sliced bacon; 5 lb. pork steak; 1 lb. breakfast sausage; 2 lbs. beef stew meat; 4 lbs. boneless beef chuck roast, 3 lbs. gr. beef...... $7600 FAMILY PACK #3: 10 lbs. ground beef, 5 lb. hot sausages, 5 lbs. boneless sirloin steak, 5 lbs. pork chops, 5 lbs. breakfast sausage, 5 lb. average Top Round Roast and 2 lbs. all beef franks. Was $164, NOW $160 mini meat package 1 lb. ground beef; 1 lb. sliced bacon; 1 lb. breakfast sausage; 1 lb. beef stew meat; 1 lb. beef bacon patties; 4 lb. beef boneless chuck roast................................ $39 FAMILY PACK #12: 4 lb. beef chuck roast; 5 lb. beef cube steak; 2 lb. beef stew meat; 1 lb. sliced bacon; 1 lb. breakfast sausage; 5 lb. pork steak......................................... Was $79.00 NOW $77.00 PIGGY PACK - Includes whole ham, 10 lb. bacon, 5 lb. fresh pork roast, 5 lb. pork butt steaks, whole pork loin, spare ribs, 10 lbs. hot or breakfast sausage. This equals half a pig of meat - NO WASTE. $258.00 - BUY 2 PIGGY PACKS FOR $512.00 Advance order only We Have Several Other Meat Packs Available We Accept Food Stamps / EBT Card We also take Credit Cards and Debit Cards NOWERS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 1643 Randallsville Rd., Hamilton, NY HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-4:00 and Sat. 8:00-12:00 (315) 824-2990 CAZENOVIA LIONS CLUB meetings are held the first Thursday of every month at the Brewster Inn at 7:00 p.m. Please contact Lioness Debi Cramer 655-4255 for details. FOR SUPPORT IN THE CNY AREA FOR SUFFERERS OF CHIARI, and/or syringomyelia contact Tammi at 699-6303 or e-mail Glisson’s Mercantile & Bakery HomeMade Pumpkin Cookies ! Rustic & Vintage Furniture FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. The Way A Farm Store Should be... 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday LOST & FOUND I HAVE LOST MY PADDLE BOARD IN CAZENOVIA LAKE. It was stored on racks near the southern end of the lake and I believe it blew off the racks and into the water probably sometime in September. I would be happy to pay a small reward for its return. It is a 10’ 6” Pelican board that is orange with black foam for the footing area. Please call 315 243-8030 with any information. (o28-1) GUS IS A HANDSOME, 2-3 YEAROLD,NEUTEREDMALE, GRAY TIGER & WHITE CAT. HE HAS BEEN DECLAWED. GUSS IS ACTIVE & PLAYFUL & CURIOUS ABOUT EVERYTHING. HE LIKES OTHER CATS TOO. MEET HIM TODAY AT WANDERERS’ R E S T ! Wa n d e r e r s ’ R e s t Humane Association, P.O. Box 535 Canastota, NY 13032. Telephone: (315) 697-2796, Fax: (315) 697-4065. Website: http:// E-mail: Like Us On Facebook For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor" SALES RENTAL GARAGE SALES MOVING SALE: November 2, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. - in the barn at 2635 Mill St., New Woodstock. Many items: Furniture, Dining Room Table, Treadmill, Rocking Chair, Boys and Girls Clothing, Power tools, Toys and much more! Everything must go! (o21-2) YARD SALES . ESTATE SALES COMMERCIAL/FARM SALES APARTMENT RENTAL CAZENOVIA: 1 BDRM apt. No pets, no smoking, parking, lease, security. $500. 315-6042049. (s9-8) FOR RENT: Cazenovia Village Apartment - 3 room, carpeted, 1 bedroom. No pets. 655-9461 (o28-4) POOLVILLE: Nice 2 bedroom apt., yard, porch, parking. $500 month. 824-888 or 824-9806. (o28-1) Bread & Cookies Home Décor & MORE ! Open ‘til christmas Shop Early ! Fri — Sat: 10-6 , Sunday: 12-6 260 E. Lake Rd. on DeRuyter Lake Look for Signs! 315.391.6832 12 Minutes South of Manlius & Cazenovia -4- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 FALL SQUASH BY THE BOX PHONE/FAX (315) 852-6254 BOWDEN PLUMBING & HEATING 27 Years Experience SERVING CAZENOVIA AREA PO Box 51, DeRuyter, NY 13052 NELSON: Large 2 BDRM lower flat, $850 includes heat, elec. washer, dryer, garage. First month free. Last and damage deposits. Convenient month to month lease, References, no pets, no smokers. Call 6553270. (o28-4) 1 BDRM UPSTAIRS APT. AVAILABLE SEPT.1ST. $600 plus utilities. 1st, last and security deposit required. 2 miles east of village. 655-3409 8AM to 6PM. (a19-c) CAZ: 2 bedroom Ranch style apartment at Windmill Courts. Opposite Burton Street Elementary School. Check our web site: or call 315 655-3027 (a26-c) KAYAK / CANOE WINTER STORAGE. Cazenovia. 6559682. (o28-1) COMMERCIAL/FARM RENTAL HOUSE WARES APPLIANCES FURNITURE CLOTHES CHILDREN FIXTURES Volunteers needed to assist low-income families with free tax preparation in Madison and Chenango counties! Email or call (315) 420-3388 for more info CASH Coalition of Madison and Chenango Counties F O R R E N T: 1 b e d r o o m apartment Erieville. Years lease. No pets and references. 662-7035 or 662-7378. (s16-c) CAZ: 2 bedroom town house located in Windmill Courts opposite Burton Street Elem School. www.windmillcourts. com. 315-655-3027. (o21-c) FOR RENT: Lakefront cottage, 1 BDRM, 1 bath, washer & dryer, Madison Hamilton area. $875 mo. 516-356-2298. (o21-c) HOUSE RENTAL FOR RENT: Lakefront cottage, 1 BDRM, 1 bath, washer & dryer, Madison Hamilton area. $875 mo. 516-356-2298. (o21-c) STORAGE RENTAL F O R R E N T: W I N T E R STORAGE. 2 bays in Lafayette, 1 bay in Fabius. 315-469-8330 (o28-1) BUSINESS SERVICES Reach as many as 5 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New Yorkwith your classified ad for just $350 for a 15-word ad. Call 1-877-2752726 for detailsor visit fcpny. com DO YOU HAVE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 4.9 million households and 12 million potential buyers quickly and inexpensively! Only$490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at or call 1-877-275-2726 FINANCIAL INSURANCE HUNTING SEASON IS HERE • • • • LaCrosse Boots Tree Stands Blinds Tink's Scent Countryside Hardware Open Mon. - Fri. 8-5, Sat. 8-4, Sun. 10-2 1712 Albany St., DeRuyter, NY - 315-852-3326 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS Our Auctions Can Be Seen At Our Website Check Daily - Some Auctions Are Posted Before & BETWEEN Publications Empire Livestock/Burton's AUCTION Wed., Oct. 30, 5:30 p.m. - -11 Ruth St., Vernon, NY 13476 - _______________________________________ MAGEE'S AUCTION HOUSE SALE EVERY MONDAY 12:30 PM: Sheep, Goats, Pigs, Horses & Hay; 1:30 PM - Calves then Beef EVERY THURS. 1:15 P.M.: Dairy Cattle then Beef & Calves _________________________________ 3307 Rte. 20, Nelson Finishing the Dewitt estate; 9 piece American Furniture Co. Marble top dining room set, several marble top stands, several commodes, Walnut china cabinet, cherry hutch, oak highboy, earl Chippendale blanket chest, pari old French doors, 3 pc. Walnut bedroom set, fancy carved French sofa 7 chair, Haviland china, linens, oil paintings and prints, early lamps, silver plate, oriental rugs, crocks and jugs, quantity of cut glass, collection of old dolls, plus more... Visit our website TERMS: Cash or check BILL MAGEE - AUCTIONEER CAZENOVIA, NY • 315-655-8155 or 655-9797 FREE BARTER ANIMALS GOODS VEHICLES FOR TRADE GOODS FOR TRADE HOUSE WARES SERVICES HOUSE WARES FOR TRADE SERVICES FOR TRADE Buying Cars, Trucks, Farm Machinery And Various Other Metals Robert’s Scrap Processing 135 Hemlock Hill Road, Whitney Point, NY #7097231 607-692-7510 Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-4:30, Sat., 8-2 LEGAL NOTICES VEHICLES NOTCE TO ALL LINCKLAEN RESIDENTS: On October 28, 2013, the Office of the Lincklaen Town Clerk will be OPEN in its new location at the newly constructed Town of Lincklaen Highway Garage at 568 Union Valley Rd. The clerk’s office hours will remain the same Monday and Tuesday 8-Noon and Thursday afternoons 2:306:30 pm. Thank You! Mahaley Holl, Linckalen Town Clerk (o28-2) DIVORCE $450* No Fault or Regular Divorce. Covers children, property, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees. 1-800-522-6000 Ext. 100. Baylor &Associates, Inc. Est. 1977 CARS FOR SALE TRUCKS FOR SALE 2003 TAHOE,5.3 litre,4wd,94000 miles,new tires,battery,needs nothing, ready for winter. $6500. 5580337 (o21-2) MOTORCYCLES FOR SALE SNOWMOBILES FOR SALE ATVs FOR SALE PARTS SERVICES DONATE The Madison County Sewer District will host a public Information session for review of its proposed 2014 budget on November 7 Systems manager Jim Cunningham will be available at 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, November 7, 2013, for the budget review and to answer any questions. The Madison County Board of Supervisors will have final approval of the budget. A copy of the budget will be available at the information session. A copy of the budget will also be made available at the wastewater facility from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. weekdays until November 7th. The public information hearing on the budget will be at the Districts wastewater treatment facility located on Route 13 North in Cazenovia. The formal public hearing on the budget will be at 9:30 a.m. November 19, at the supervisor's chamber in the County Office Building in Wampsville, NY Special For Thursday, Oct. 31, 2013 -12:30 PM REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOUSES HOUSE FOR SALE: 3 BDRMS, 2 baths, Caz. Schools. Country setting. Available immediately. $40,000. Possible owner financing. 447-3311. (o28-c) CAZENOVIA VILLAGE HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER: $139,000, 22 Corwin Street. 4 bedrooms, 1½ baths, detached garage w/workshop. Painted inside and out, updated throughout, lots of new stuff, including furnace, appliances, etc. Call 243-7706. (o28-2) ONCE IN A LIFETIME SPORTSMAN’S BARGAIN. your ad onlineat or call 1-877-275-2726 RECREATIONAL LAND FOR SALE: 7 acres, lakefront, nice lake view, dock, Madison Hamilton area. $49,000. 516356-2298. (o21-2) RENTAL PROPERTY FOR SALE: Rental property in the Village of New Woodstock, 1st home buyer or investor, a 2 family home, each apartment has 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, kitchen living room, rear deck and front porch, well insulated, replacement windows yard and parking. $90,000.00 or best offer. Call 655-8439 or 2637385. (o14-c) FIRE WOOD Seasoned Firewood DELIVERY AVAILABLE 315-655-2351 2.5 Acres with Brand New Deer Hunter’s Lodge Minutes to Oneida Lake. Excellent Hunting. Near Snowmobile Trails. $19,995. See #3 on or call 1-800-229-7843. C AT S K I L L S M I N I FA R M 35 acres - Farmhouse $169,900. 6 mi. to Delhi. Large pond,spring, barns, great views, pasture. Owner terms! Call 1-888-775-8114. www. ATTENTION HUNTERS! 5 acres - CABIN - $59,900. 60 acres - ABUTS STATE L A N D $ 9 9 , 9 0 0 . Tr o p h y whitetail hunting, less than 3 hrs NY City! Marketable timber! Call 1-888-701-1864. www. DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion tonearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified adcan’t be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place HOUSE WARES APPLIANCES FURNITURE CLOTHES CHILDREN FIXTURES FARM HAY FOR SALE STRAW FOR SALE COWS/BULLS FOR SALE TRACTORS FOR SALE TRACTORS: International 384 diesel, 40 HP, $3995.00; Massey Ferguson 150 gas, $2995.00; Ford 2600 gas, with snow plow $4,500.00; Long 610 diesel, 60 JP, 4x4, loader, 1250 hours, $7,000.00; MORSE CONSTRUCTION 655-4745 All Phases of Home Remodeling & Maintenance - Certified Natural Gas Line Installer - Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website 1.1:30 PM Selling Oneida County Dairy-Complete Holstein Freestall Herd dispersal-45 milking age-15 two year olds; 7 fresh less than 60 days; 31 in all stages of lactation; 7 dry cows; 12 bred heifers; 12 breeding age; 23 less than 1 yr. of age. Herd stats: Cows average 60 lbs.; SCC 150,000; Fat 3.8 %; Prot. 3.22 %. Cows are bred AI to Sires from Accelerated Genetics and Select Sires. 2.10 Jersey Bred Heifers due January –February. Bred to Jersey bull. 3. 15 Holstein Short Yearling Heifers. This is a good group of Heifers. 4. 2 Open Heifers Holstein and Jersey Crosses. 5. Our usual run of dairy cows, heifers and service bulls. All dairy cows & heifers will be nasaled & preg checked at our sale barn. Empire Livestock/Burton’s is open Wednesdays from 8 AM to 5 PM to accept Cattle for our Thursday Sales. Thinking of a farm sale or an auction? Give Tim A Call. Let him help you plan a good one. _________________________________ upcoming sales. Monday, Oct.28 - Selling at 12:30 PM 4 Female Alpacas: TGBG: Healthy, proven true black female born Oct. 1999-ARI Registration # 809754; Ragazza: Healthy, proven true black female born May 2004-ARI Registration # 31569149; Abigail: Healthy, proven true black female born July 2007-ARI Registration #31702782; Candita: Healthy, proven true black female born Aug. 2007-ARI Registration # 31569132. Thurs., Oct. 31 - Heifer Consignment Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Oct. 22. Thurs., Nov. 21 - Fat Cattle and Feeder Sale. Advertising deadline Tues., Nov. 12. Mon., Nov. 25 - 12:30 PM pigs, goats, sheep, hay followed by Calves @ 1:30 PM then beef. Wed., Nov. 27 - 12:30 PM Heifer Consignment Sale plus our ususal run of dairy cows, heifers and service bulls followed by our beef sale and then our calf sale. Closed Nov. 28.. Thurs., Nov. 28 - Closed for Thanksgiving Holiday. _______________________________________________ For information call office: 1-800-257-1819 or 1-315-829-3105 Manager & Auctioneer: Tim Miller (cell) 315-440-9683 (home) 607-847-6475 Auctioneers: Ken Hughs 315-436-2215 David Sherwood 315-436-0804 CHECK OUR WEBSITE @ for a list of sales all 3 point hitch, LPTO, runs work excellent, 607-656-4568. (o14-3) FOR SALE: 2230 4 WD diesel 230 hrs, Kubota BX2230 compact tractor, 60” mower deck, 3 pt. hitch w/PTO, only used to mow, 230 hrs. $6,000 824-9806 824-8888. (o28-1) MISC. MACHINERY MISC. ANIMALS MISC. SERVICES LAND FOR SALE/RENT EVENTS & NOTICES SPAGHETTI DINNER FOR VETS: Caz American Legion Post 88 is hosting a dinner for local veterans and their spouses (This includes VFW & American Legion Auxiliary). Friday, Nov. 1, 6:00-7:30 p.m. at the Post on Chenango St. Cost $7.00 per person. Reservations contact John Haynes - jhaynes101@ or 430-5470. (o28-1) LAST SALE OF THE SEASON! Nov. 1, 12-6, Nov. 2, 9-2 The Barn 2009 Ballina Road, Cazenovia MANY PIECES DISCOUNTED Dexal, Haredn, Hooker, Stickley& More! 13 South from Town Three Miles, Go Left on Ballina, 8/10 Of A Mile On Left Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -5- Dining, Entertainment & Lodging Coyote Run Farms LLC 1657 State Hwy 80, Georgetown, NY • 315-750-5619 NOV. 3, 10-6 OPEN BARN PONY RIDES - DEMONSTRATIONS - CART RIDES ACTIVITIES - EQUINE MASSAGE SEMINAR WE OFFER LESSONS - TRAINING- BOARDING - SALES All Disciplines NOV. 2- Halloween Fun Show 9:30-? Crochet and knit group will start Tues., Oct. 8, 2013 from 7-9 p.m. meeting at the L. Whitmarsh home, 1641 Seminary Street, DeRuyter, then the 2nd and 4th Tues. of the month until June 2014. Yarn donations for community service projects greatly appreciated. Contact project coordinator: Rose Wood-Lallier, 315-852-6079. (s9-c) TOPS Club: (Take Off Pounds Sensibly): Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6 p.m. weigh ins, 6 p.m. meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish House, 12½ Madison Street, Hamilton. For information, call 824-0965. (a18-c) “MEET THE CANDIDATES NIGHT” : TUES., OCT. 29, 7:00-9:00 p.m.: DeRuyter Ruritan is sponsoring a “Meet the Candidates Night” at the Legion Hall in DeRuyter. All Candidates from DeRuyter and Cuyler, are invited to the event. Residents of the Town of DeRuyter and Cuyler please come to meet local candidates and talk to them. Ruritan is proud to host this event and we look forward to seeing you there Tuesday 7-9 p.m. at the Legion Hall in DeRuyter. (o28-1) MADISON COUNTY VETERANS SERVICE AGENCY: A representative from the Madison County Veterans Service Agency will be available on the third Wednesday of each month at the Town of Eaton Office Building, 35 Cedar Street in the Village of Morrisville. Information and benefit counseling will be available regarding federal, state and local veterans benefits, some of which include: Service-Connected Disability Compensation, Non-Service Connected Disability Pension, Vocational Rehabilitation & Education Benefits,Survivor Benefits, Military Records, Military Medals & Awards, VA Healthcare, VA Home Loan Guarantee, Veterans Property Tax Exemption,Return The FAVOR Veterans Discount Program,Appointments are recommended, however walkins will be accepted between 9:30am-3:30pm (office closed from noon-1:00pm for lunch). The representative will only be at the Morrisville location on the third Wednesday of each month. Please contact the Wampsville office for appointments or to determine which location can best serve your needs. Madison County Veterans Service Agency, 138 N. Court St., P.O. Box 546, Wampsville, NY 13163, (315) 366-2395. THE ‘KNOTS OF LOVE” 5518 Nelson Road Canastota 315-655-0346 Specials Run Oct. 31-Nov. 6 Tr oyer’s Off The Bone $ .99 Reg. 4 HAM 4 $ 39 lb. yer’s Tro PAN ROASTED T ro yer’s Hot Pepper $ .99 Reg. 4 CHEESE 399 $ lb. Featured Bakery Item of the Week TURKEY Oatmeal Coconut $ 99 Cookies 5 100% Grass Fed, No Hormone, No Antibiotic Freezer BEEF & PORK $ .49 Reg. 6 lb. Fresh Baked Goods Friday & Saturday - Fresh Bread All Week Open Mon. 9-6, Tues.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 8-4 - < > -6- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 FREE ADULT TUTORING P R O V I D E D AT T H E DERUYTER FREE LIBRARY. Call 852-6262 to set up an appointment. (a15-c) THE TOWN OF NELSON are pleased to announce that Robyn and Richard Marris are the recipients of the 2013 Norman Odell Citizen of the Year award. The award is given for volunteer work in the Community. Both Richard and Robyn are very active members of the Erieville Fire Department. Richard (Dickie) joined the fire department in 1976, he has held various offices, Lt., Capt., Assistant Chief, 2nd Assistant Chief and he was Fire Chief for 5 years. He is currently on the Board of Directors. He takes part in many of the departments community events such as Halloween parties, oyster suppers, chicken barbecues, and the fire prevention program. Roby is always helping out at events with Richard plus she was in the Fire Auxiliary for two years and an EMT for six years. Robyn is the contact person ELECTRICIAN Tom Stevens Electric Residential & Commercial Wiring Servicing This Area Since 1977 Cell: 345-2753 Licensed for the City of Syracuse DON’T LET YOUR USED INK & TONER CARTRIDGES CONTRIBUTE TO THE 300 MILLION THAT END UP IN LANDFILLS EACH YEAR. Drop them off at the TOWN OF CAZENOVIA OFFICE, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia to be recycled. The rules are easy! We accept any quantity and brand of ink and toner cartridges. Cartridges from copiers, too! (a1-c) TEEN WRITING GROUP WILL MEET AT THE DERUYTER LIBRARY on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 10:30. Hosted by freelance writer Carol Youngs. Call 852-6262 or email for more information. (m11-c) THE ERIEVILLE NELSON HERITAGE SOCIETY and when someone wants to use the firehall. She regularly sets up the Heritage Society meetings, Community luncheons as well as other events. Richard is also a trustee of the Erieville Evergreen Cemetery and also served as sexton for a time. Both have been involved in scouting with their children. When ever the community needs volunteers they are there. Join us for the award ceremony, Sunday, November 3, 2:00 p.m. at the Erieville Fire Hall to honor this couple. Letters to Editor: -- Hi Fenner Voters. You know the old say “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.” Well, that what I am saying about the Town of fenner government. We have been in the best shape we have ever been for sixteen (315) 399-8734 NEWTON ★TOP CASH★ SALVAGE • For Junk Cars/Trucks, Salvage Construction Equipment • Demolition Services • Flat Deck And Landall Trucking #7110991 Rainbow’s COALYARD Railroad Street, DeRuyter, NY 852-9932 OPEN 11:00 a.m. Daily - Noon on SUNDAY ____________________________________ •SAT., NOV. 2 8:30 PM-12:30 AM HALLOWEEN PARTY DJ by MARTY’S MUSIC MACHINE ______________________________ Pizza Special ____________________________________ Wing Special “Mon.-Thurs. Night”, 7-10, In-House Only ____________________________________ Pizza - 3 items, 20 wings, 6 Mozzarella Sticks Licensed Catering Available Weddings - Parties, etc. years. Dave Jones, Hanna Strack, and Bill Cody are the best of the best. Dave and Hanna have been on the board for 4 years and the young blood and ideas that Bill is what we must continue with. There is more to running a town than warring about hydro-fracking, which cannot happen in New York State. Kinda against the law!!! Keep our town in the capable hands of Jones, Strack, and Cody. Arrow Hoag, Lynn Vanderworken ELECTION DAY DINNER: Roast Beef, starting at noon. Fenner Community Church. (o21-2) DIABETIC SUPPLIES CASH PAID - UP TO $25/BOX for unexpired, sealed DIABETIC TESTSTRIPS! 1 DAYPAYMENT & PREPAID shipping. BEST PRICES, FRIENDLY STAFF! Call 1-888-389-0593. www. SERVICES EVERYTHING BUYING EVERYTHING! Furs, Jewelry, Gold, Silver, Diamonds, Artwork, Coins, Watches,Collectables, Antiques, Complete Estates. 1-929-226-4119 AD DEADLINE THURS. 12:00 NOON MASTERCARD-VISA-DISCOVER NOW ACCEPTED WANTED GOODS FOR SALE CARS & TRUCKS FIREWOOD FOR SALE CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS. Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not!1-888-416-2208 SEASONED FIREWOOD: Delivery available. 315-5250977. (s23-11) W A N T E D : A L L MOTORCYCLES BEFORE 1980! Running or not. $$TopCash$$ Paid1-315-5698094 SEASONED FIREWOOD pickup or delivery. 315-7500079. (s23-c) TO RENT MOTORCYCLES FIREWOOD: Seasoned firewood, delivery available. 315-655-2351. (s23-c) Reakes Country Goods F P ,G &A resh roduce Last Fall Days to shop before we are closed Nov. 1 to prepare for Holidays. Reopen Sat., Nov. 16 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Thanks for your summer patronage ifts ntiques Just Home From Holiday Trade Show Get A Sneak Peek At A Few New Gift Shop Items Prints, Candles, Iron Amish Pine & Oak Furniture, Cupboards And Much More. Enjoy A Scenic Drive & Old Fashion Friendly Service By DARREL & KAY REAKES & FAMILY- 4107 Rt 13 in Truxton, NY 607-842-6322 or www.reakescountry sls 119; 12/2/12, Ed. Us: 2,15,20,12,19, #001091; 4th proof Contact FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Colors shown may not match publication colors. REELECT VOTE DEDICATED TO ALL THE ISSUES AFFECTING DERUYTER KEEP BOB JONES BOB HATHAWAY GINSENG ROOT SELLS FOR $500 A POUND. It’s time to plant. Learn more. www. ON YOUR TOWN COUNCIL VOTE NOVEMBER 5th FOR SALE: Seasoned firewood, $60 face cord plus delivery. Ralph Colvin 684-7191, 315-447-1878. (o28-2) STONE FOR SALE SMALL LOADS: For driveway repairs, top soil needs, decomposed flower bed & garden material, driveway mix, shale, stone - #1’s & #3’s, stone dust, sand, mulch - delivered. 655-2351. (a22-c) HEATING FUEL FOR SALE FUEL OIL - KEROSENE DIESEL FUEL - PROPANE: Automatic degree day delivery, quantity discounts. GRIFFITH ENERGY, A Superior Plus (o21-2) FOR SALE: Enviro Empress Pellet Stove, used 4 years, new auger motor and fan, asking $1300 (new $4500) some pipe included. Call 655-2736. Leave message if no answer. (o28-1) THE KEY: Selected items accepted in Nov. only. Winter outer wear (snow suits, boots, coats - no winter clothing) Holiday Items and housewares. Accepting: Nov. 4-9, 18-23. 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. only. Limit 5 items per week. www. (o28-2) $$$ VIAGRA/CIALIS. 40 100mg/20mg pills + 4 Free. Only $99! Save $500.00. Call 1-888-796-8878 24 Hours MARK SUNDERMAN 655.8993 315.374.3625 cell 315. Over 40+ Years Experience Master Plumber License #198 Plumbing & Heating Repair & Replacement Service Company. 337-5540. (n12-c) MISC. CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and a ff o r d a b l e m e d i c a t i o n s . Ourlicensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percenton all your medication needs. Call today 1-800413-1940 for $10.00 off your firstprescription and free shipping. KEYSTOKER COAL STOVE w/power vent, thermostatic controlled. Call 662-3440. SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB. Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved byArthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. AntiSlipFloors. American Made. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS CLARINET, VIOLIN, FLUTE, TRUMPET, Amplifier, Fender Guitar $75 each. UprightBass, Cello, Saxophone, French Horn, Drums $189 each. Others 4-sale 1-516-377-7907 FOR SALE: 1890’s crazy quilt; 10 light crystal chandelier, animated Mr. & Mrs. Santa Claus. 655-5532. (o21-3) Smith Funeral Home (Est. 1860) DeRuyter, NY (315) 852-3393 _____________________________________ Casket Selection Room on Premises Old Fashioned Service Keeping Funeral Costs Within Reason Is Our Constant Obligation We Encourage Comparison TOWN COUNCIL POSITION Vote for ANY TWO CANDIDATES FABIUS TOWN Installation Included. Call 1-888-720-2773 for $750 Off. and FIREWOOD: $65 face cord delivered. Also we take HEAP orders. Mixed hard woods. Call Donald 315-837-4362. (a5-c) PETER SCHLICHT TOWN of DERUYTER SAMPLE BALLOT for 2013 Y O U A N D N E A R LY 6 . 2 MILLION NEW YORKERS are reading this ad. PROMOTE YOUR BUSINESS to 6.2 million readers with a 25-word classified ad. Call 1-877-2752726 TODAY! Joan’s in Morrisville is needed and highly valued. If we did not have each person, each gift, Friendship Inn would not exist, period! Thank you All. May God richly bless you, and your loved ones, as you have blessed and aided FI in all ways needed. Thank you to our guests. Your gifts of warmth, laughter and understanding are very much appreciated. Thank you, over and over, FI Team Leads, St. Joan of Arc Church, Nettie Periard (o28-2) VOTE FOR JOE YANKOWSKI On 1 LINE ONLY Amy Worlock THANK YOU SERVICES THANK YOU: The family of Arthur Graves would like to thank everyone for the cards, flowers, food and kind words that helped and supported us through the loss of our father. We would like to especially thank the Pitcher Community Center Association for the dinner after the service. Dad was an amazing man with CLEANING PAINTING FURNITURE REPAIR FURNITURE REFINISHING - R E PA I R S . 3 5 Y E A R S E X P E R I E N C E . S t i c k l e y, Harden, Antiques. 463-0262. (apr1309-c) Twin Oaks Gun Shop, LLC M-W-F 5 PM - 7 PM, SAT. 10 AM- 3 PM Rte. 13 South, Truxton, NY RIFLES SHOT GUNS Phone MUZZLE LOADERS 607 AMMO 842-6603 SUPPLIES many friends - he left us with many great memories to keep him in our hears. JoAnne and Steve Fuller; Laurie Sperger & Jeff Endler; Linda and John Peck; Truman and Barb Graves; Jackie and Michel Markoff. THE THOMAS HOLL FAMILY WOULD LIKE TO EXTEND OUR DEEPEST GRATITUDE for your prayers,card,food,love and support,for the loss of our wife,mother and gradnmother. THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING DENISE ROE for Madison County Clerk. (s16-7) GIFTS COME IN MANY FORMS: verbal support, prayerful support, monetary support, physically volunteering and bringing your experience, time, energy, warmth and laughter. Each and every gift our volunteers and benefactors bring to Friendship Inn at St. HOME REPAIR BASEMENTS AND GARAGE FLOORS. Breathable epoxy systems allows floors to breath, mold inhibitor, hygienic dust proofing. No odor. Call RDS Specialty Coatings. 315-3693063. (o28-13) ADOPTION PREGNANT? CONSIDERING ADOPTION? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose thefamily. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7.1-866-716-3044 CAR REPAIR SNOW PLOWING SNOW PLOWING. Any Area, Reasonable Rates. Call Dennis 315-440-9269 (o7-13) ELDER CARE SENIORS FOR SENIORS: Trim or remove trees or shrubs, mowing, misc. home repairs, VOTE FOR WRITE-IN CANDIDATE Amy Worlock (See Example) - REMEMBER TO VOTE Nov. 5 - 6 a.m.-9 p.m. at the DeRuyter Town Hall Thank You For Supporting Our Candidates Paid For by the DeRuyter Democratic Committee docks moved, fall clean ups. No job too small. Call Tom 3801058. (s23-4) PIANO TUNING CHILD CARE SMALL ENGINE REPAIR CHAINSAWS - Sharpened, cut to size for Oregon chainsaw chains at Moyer’s Sales and Service. 852-3367. (f8-c) 37+ YEARS EXPERIENCE in small engine power equipment, over 22,000 parts in stock. State HANDY MAN SERVICES HANDY MAN WORK: No job too small, 20 years local, carpentry, painting, landscape, some mechanicals. smithfarmand home.cny - 315-307-7776. Also wanted used windows, sliding doors. Trees and seedlings. (o28-2) MISC. SERVICES SHEARS AND KNIVES SHARPENED: Cazenovia Lumber Co., 655-3417. (fc) LEGAL IF YOU USED THE BLOOD Like Us On Facebook For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor Pennysaver" of the Art Shop - Moyer’s Sales. 852-3367. (o3c) C R A F T S M A N L AW N & GARDEN PARTS & SERVICE available at Moyer’s Sales & Service, DeRuyter. 852-3367. (a18-c) SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SEPTIC TA N K S & CESSPOOLS PUMPED AND CLEANED. Prompt, reliable & reasonable rates. Serving the public since 1954. DEWEY NORTHRUP. Tully NY. 6965691. (apr04) THINNER PRADAXA and suffered internal bleeding,hemorrhaging, required hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Pradaxa betweenOctober 2010 and the Present. You may be entitled to compensation. Call AttorneyCharles H. Johnson. 1-800-535-5727 $ $ $ A C C E S S L AW S U I T CASH NOW!!! Injury Lawsuit Dragging? Get cash. Rates low as 1/2 %-MO. 1-800-568-8321 REVERSE MORTGAGES ReELECT • Brakes • Tires • Struts • Shocks • Oil Changes & Lube • Auto Body & Collision Repair Free Estimates HOWARD HUNTER Georgetown OWNER: Alan Dailey Fourteen Years of Experience Don't forget to vote Nov. 5 662-3272 Monday-Friday 8-5 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Highway Superintendent Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -7- VOTE FOR BART C. CHAPIN TOWN SUPERVISOR As the impending elections draw closer, I would like the townspeople of Georgetown to understand why I am running for Town Supervisor. As many of you know I have been on the Town Board for a while and I see room for improvement. I believe that our Town Board Meetings should be open to ALL members of our community. I believe that the Townspeople should be able to voice their opinion without fear of reprisal. Our elected officials should be more active in our community, by answering questions, and listening to concerns whenever they arise. I believe that as a community we should do more to make our town better, by cleaning up our sidewalks, our roads, have community days, and listening to all members of our community. Town codes should be enforced fairly and without bias. I believe that it is for time that our town politics, and dynamics change for the better. ELECTED OFFICIALS, ARE CHOSEN BY THE COMMUNITY, FOR THE COMMUNITY, AND SHOULD ACT IN THE BEST INTEREST OF THE COMMUNITY. ALL OPINIONS SHOULD BE LISTENED TO! I BELIEVE IN FAIRNESS, IMPROVEMENT, COMMUNITY. VOTE NOVEMBER 5 -Draw cash from your home & eliminate mortgage payments. Free catalog. Government insured. FHA & VA Purchase & Refinances. 1-888-660-3033 All Island Mortgage. NMLS #3740 LIFE INSURANCE SENIOR LIFE INSURANCE. Immediate, Lifetime Coverage. Qualify to Age 86. Fast and Easy. NO MEDICAL EXAM! Call Even If You’ve Been Turned Down Before. 1-888-809-4996 SATELLITE & CABLE SERVICES DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internetstarting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask about SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-826-4464 S AV E O N C A B L E T VINTERNET-DIGITAL PHONESATELLITE. You’ve got a choice!Options from ALL major service providers. Call us to learn more! Call today!1-855-294-4039 DirecTV - OVER 140 CHANNELS ONLY $29.99 a month. CALL NOW! Triple savings!$636.00 in Savings, Free upgrade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!! Start savingtoday! 1-800-782-3956 CANCERSUPPORTGROUPS: Hematology-Oncology Associates of CNY sponsors cancer support groups open to all patients in the community. Weekly discussions are facilitated by a certified social worker and two certified oncology nurses. The Patients and Families Support Group for all ages meets from 4:00-5:30 p.m. every Tuesday at 5008 Brittonfield Parkway, East Syracuse. For more information, please call 472-7504. (a14-c) ELECT Paul “Pete” Walrod Supervisor Town of Georgetown 5 Reasons To Vote For Pete 5. Volunteered, Supported and Enjoyed Georgetown for 35 years. 4. Financially Responsible Small Business owner 3. Easy To Talk To - Willing To Listen 2. Town Board Member, Current With Today’s Issues and The Number One Reason 1. Only Candidate Married to a Former Miss Georgetown (1972 model!!!☺) PLEASE VOTE NOV. 5 Thank you -8- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 SPECIAL WOW! BLACK OIL SUNFLOWER SEED 40 lb. Bag 1588 $ 99 OR 17 ONLY $ 2 Bag Minimum /Bag /Bag FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. The Way A Farm Store Should be... 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday Why ObamaCare Is A Fantastic Success By Wayne Allyn Root Published October 21, There are two major political parties in America. I’m a member of the naïve, stupid, and cowardly one. I’m a Republican. How stupid is the GOP? They still don’t get it. I told them 5 years ago, 2 books ago, a national bestseller ago (“The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide”), and in hundreds of articles and commentaries, that ObamaCare was never meant to help America, or heal the sick, or lower healthcare costs, or lower the debt, or expand the economy. The GOP needs to stop calling ObamaCare a “trainwreck.” That means it’s a mistake, or accident. That means it’s a gigantic flop, or failure. It’s NOT. Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddlywinks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism. This is a brilliant, cynical, and purposeful attempt to damage the U.S. economy, kill jobs, and bring down capitalism. It’s not a failure, it’s Obama’s grand success. It’s not a “trainwreck,” ObamaCare is a suicide attack. He wants to hurt us, to bring us to our knees, to capitulate- so we agree under duress to accept big government. Obama’s hero and mentor was Saul Alinsky -- a radical Marxist intent on destroying capitalism. Alinksky’s stated advice was to call the other guy “a terrorist” to hide your own intentions. To scream that the other guy is “ruining America,” while you are the one actually plotting the destruction of America. To claim again and again…in every sentence of every speech… that you are “saving the middle class,” while you are busy wiping out the middle class. The GOP is so stupid they can’t see it. There are no mistakes here. This is a planned purposeful attack. EMRICH CONSTRUCTION LLC CARPENTRY / MASONRY ADDITIONS-GARAGES-POLE BARNS-KITCHENS-BATHROOMS-SIDING ROOFING-DECKS-HARDWOOD FLOORS-TILE-TRIM WORK-SHEETROCK-CULTURED STONE-BRICK-BLOCK-CONCRETE-PAVER PATIOS-RETAINING WALLS-DRIVEWAY PILLARS-LAMP POSTS- AND MUCH MORE -- Fully Insured - MINI-EXCAVATOR/SKIDSTEER PROJECTS - "We take pride in our work to keep our customers fully satisfied" Jason Emrich - 315-663-6447 Attention Cuyler Voters The Republican Party would like to announce the elected candidates from the Republican caucus for the November 5, 2013 election in the Town of Cuyler. Supervisor - Lou Anne Randall Town Clerk - Wendy Custer Town councilpersons - Michele Stafford and Russell Smith Town Justice - Penny Fink Town Highway Superintendent - John Breed All of the candidates are very well qualified for the position they seek and are looking forward to serving the residents of Cuyler. The tell-tale sign isn’t the disastrous start to ObamaCare. Or the devastating effect the new taxes are having on the economy. Or the death of full-time jobs. Or the overwhelming debt. Or the dramatic increases in health insurance rates. Or the 70% of doctors now thinking of retiring- bringing on a healthcare crisis of unimaginable proportions. Forget all that. The real sign that this is a purposeful attack upon capitalism is how many Obama administration members and Democratic Congressmen are openly calling Tea Party Republicans and anyone who wants to stop ObamaCare “terrorists.” There’s the clue. Even the clueless GOP should be able to see that. They are calling the reasonable people…the patriots…the people who believe in the Constitution ... the people who believe exactly what the Founding Fathers believed…the people who want to take power away from corrupt politicians who have put America $17 trillion in debt…terrorists? That’s because they are Saul Alinsky-ing the GOP. The people trying to purposely hurt America, capitalism and the middle class…are calling the patriots by a terrible name to fool, confuse and distract the public. Meade __________________ Floors Carpet - Tile - Vinyl • Shaw • American Olean • Mannington SHOWROOM 3273 Tuscarora Road Erieville, NY 13061 Sales & Service (315) 662-3225 ObamaCare is a raving, rollicking, fantastic success. Stop calling it a failure. Here is what it was created to do. It is succeeding on all counts: 1. ObamaCare was intended to bring about the Marxist dream -- redistribution of wealth. Rich people, small business owners, and the middle class are being robbed, so that the money can be redistributed to poor people (who vote for Democrats). Think about it. If you’re rich or middle class, you now have to pay for your own health care costs (at much higher rates) AND 40 million other people’s costs too (through massive tax increases). So you’re stuck paying for both bills. You are left broke. Brilliant. 2. ObamaCare was intended to wipe out the middle class and make them dependent on government. Think about it. Even Obama’s IRS predicts that health insurance for a typical American family by 2016 will be $20,000 per year. But how would middle class Americans pay that bill and have anything left for food or housing or living? People that make $40K, or $50K, or $60K can’t possibly hope to spend $20K on health insurance without becoming homeless. Bingo. That’s how you make middle class people dependent on government. That’s how you make everyone addicted to government checks. Brilliant. 3. As a bonus, ObamaCare is intended to kill every decent paying job in the economy, creating only crummy, crappy part-time jobs. GEORGETOWN RESIDENTS Don't forget to VOTE, NOV. 5 MAC SERGENT Georgetown Town Supervisor Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website CUYLER VOTERS My name is JOHN BREED and I’m running for HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT. I have 27 years experience in road maintenance, snow removal, equipment maintenance and repair. I’ve dealt with both state and federal governments, and have experience working with budgets and the public. Let 27 years experience work for you. Why? Just to make sure the middle class is trapped, with no way out. Just to make sure no one has the $20,000 per year to pay for health insurance, thereby guaranteeing they become wards of the state. Brilliant. 4. ObamaCare is intended to bankrupt small business, and therefore starve donations to the GOP. Think about it. Do you know a small business owner? I know hundreds of them. Their rates are being doubled, tripled and quadrupled by ObamaCare. Guess who writes 75% of the checks to Republican candidates and conservative causes? Small Business. Even if a small business owner manages to survive, he or she certainly can’t write a big check to the GOP anymore. Money is the “mother’s milk” of politics. Without donations, a political party ceases to exist. Bingo. That’s the point of ObamaCare. Obama is bankrupting his political opposition and drying up donations to the GOP. Brilliant. 5. ObamaCare is intended to make the IRS all-powerful. It adds thousands of new IRS agents. It puts the IRS in charge of overseeing 15% of the U.S. economy. The IRS has the right because of ObamaCare to snoop into every aspect of your life, to go into your bank accounts, to fine you, to frighten you, to intimidate you. And Obama and his socialist cabal have access to your deepest medical secrets. AMERICAN WELL DRILLING & PUMP SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED New 6" Casing, Old & New Homes, Farms, Commercial Need Help? GIVE US A CALL ANY TIME! Insured DEC# 10088 315-837-4778 Fully By law your doctor has to ask your sexual history. That information is now in the hands of Obama and the IRS to blackmail GOP candidates into either not running, or supporting bigger government, or leaking the info and ruining your campaign. Or have you forgotten the IRS harassed, intimidated and persecuted critics of Obama and conservative groups? Now Obama hands the IRS even more power. Big Brother rules our lives. Brilliant. 6. ObamaCare is intended to unionize 15 million healthcare workers. That produces $15 billion in new union dues. That money goes to fund Democratic candidates and socialist causes -- thereby guaranteeing Obama’s friends never lose another election, and Obama’s policies keep ruining capitalism and bankrupting business owners long after he’s out of office. Message to the GOP: This isn’t a game. This isn’t tiddlywinks. This is a serious, purposeful attempt to highjack America and destroy capitalism. This isn’t a trainwreck. It’s purposeful suicide. It’s not failing, it’s working exactly according to plan. Obama knows what he’s doing. Stop apologizing and start fighting. Oh and one more thing…Conservatives aren’t “terrorists.” ATTENTION CUYLER VOTERS I am a WRITE IN CANDIDATE for the Let’s Keep The Unity Within Fabius We Would Appreciate Your Vote On Tuesday, November 5 Town Councilors Eric Hanson Peter Schlicht Town Supervisor Melanie Vilardi Town Clerk Peggy Riker We are patriots and saviors. We represent the Constitution and the Founding Fathers. We are the heroes and good guys. Unless you get all this through your thick skulls, America is lost…forever. Wayne Allyn Root is capitalist evangelist, entrepreneur, and Libertarian-conservative Republican. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee. Wayne’s latest book is “The Ultimate Obama Survival Guide: Secrets to Protecting Your Family, Your Finances, and Your Freedom.” For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot. Pork Chops with Fresh Tomato, Onion, Garlic, and Feta “ Yo u w i l l n o t b e disappointed with this wonderful pork chop. It is tender, moist, and full of fresh flavors. I serve with garlic mashed potatoes and asparagus. It’s a favorite in our household.” — Lovecooking Ingredients: 2 tablespoons olive oil, divided 1 large onion, halved and thinly sliced 4 pork loin chops, 1 inch thick salt to taste HIGHWAY SUPERINTENDENT PLEASE WRITE IN on November 5, 2013 “Experience Matters” Warren Virgil Tax Collector Jennifer Gallagher Town Justice Denise Johnson black pepper to taste garlic powder to taste 1/2 pint red grape tomatoes, halved 1/2 pint yellow grape tomatoes, halved 3 cloves garlic, diced 1 tablespoon dried basil 2 1/2 teaspoons balsamic vinegar 4 ounces feta cheese, crumbled Directions 1. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion and cook until golden brown. Set aside. 2. Heat 1/2 tablespoon oil in the skillet. Season pork chops with salt, pepper, and garlic powder, and place in the skillet. Cook to desired doneness. Set aside and keep warm. 3. Heat remaining oil in the skillet. Return onions to skillet, and stir in tomatoes, garlic, and basil. Cook and stir about 3 minutes, until tomatoes are tender. Mix in balsamic vinegar, and season with salt and pepper. Top chops with the onion and tomato mixture, and sprinkle with feta cheese to serve. VOTE ROW B or E PETERSON PLUMBING & HEATING office of GLENN FORSHEE Highway Superintendent Mechanical Contracting • Residential • Commercial • Industrial 24/7 On Time Any Time SAME DAY WATER HEATER INSTALLATION (315) 428-0508 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -9- Madison Unity We are local Madison residents and citizens. We live in Madison.* We pay taxes in Madison. We vote in Madison. We farm and work in Madison. We love Madison. Learn To Fly! Introductory Discovery Flight Lessons Are Available from $89 SCENIC TOURS AIRPLANE RIDES Call for Pricing 12 year resident David Jordan Councilman 46 year resident 5th generation Joe Koen Councilman 31 year resident Madison Unity candidates pledge to work with you for the future of Madison. Vote Madison Unity on November 5 *Many people who live in the Town of Madison have mailing addresses in Bouckville, Hubbardsville, Hamilton, Oriskany Falls. But all are Madison residents, taxpayers, voters, and citizens. For profiles of the candidates and information on the party platform visit PAID FOR BY MADISON UNITY Furniture Exhibit At Library Begins November 6 Maker of fine furniture Dana Brown will show a selection of his craft at the New Woodstock Free Library, from November 6 through November 30. A reception will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday, November 8. Brown, who lives in his Georgetown workshop with two dogs, grew up in Manlius, where he says proximity to the Stickley factory influenced his interest in furniture. Self taught, with a strong interest in the Craftsman Movement, Brown harvests and dries his own materials. He has shown his work in Skaneateles, Cooperstown and Cazenovia. All exhibits and presentations at the library are free and open to the public. Exhibits are open during all regular library hours. The New Woodstock Free Library is located at 2106 Main Street (Route 13) in the hamlet of New Woodstock. FALL FURNACE CLEANING Winter Is Just Around The Corner Call For An Appointment Today ACCEPTING NEW CUSTOMERS FOR DELIVERY OF PETROLEUM PRODUCTS ACE FURNNING & S CLEA LLATION INSTA Fuel Oil - Kerosene Diesel - Gas F S ULL OPEERVICE RAT ION Automatic Utilities, Inc. 2830 Route 20 East, Cazenovia, NY (315) 655-9500 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 We Accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover 24 HOUR SERVICE When You Need Us, WE ARE THERE -10- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 Pellet Stoves NOW IN STOCK... 3 person maximum weight restrictions apply Contact FAA Certified Instructor Rick Bargabos 315-447-0366 or email: to Schedule your appointment EAGLE VIEW FLIGHT TRAINING • HAMILTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 6620 Airport Rd. • Hamilton, NY 13346 For more information about this and other programs at the library call 662-3134 or visit the library’s web page at www. The New Woodstock Free Library is open Monday through Friday 1 to 5 p.m., Monday and Wednesday evenings 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 until 1. The library is also open whenever the blue library symbol flag is flying out front. Children’s hour is every Tuesday at 11 a.m. David Sonn Supervisor We Now Carry 351 County Rte 12 (607) 863-3968 Pitcher, NY 13136 Lee Bement, Owner Jean Mudge, Office Manager LEE’S TRUCK & CAR REPAIR • Custom Exhaust Systems • Regular & Heavy Duty NY Inspections • Four Wheel Alignment •Transmission Flush & Fill • Computer Diagnostic • Major & Minor Repairs • Air Conditioning Service •Cooling System Flush & Fill Need Different Types of Tissue? Just Print Them! Oct. 24, 2013 — What sounds like a dream of the future has already been the subject of research for a few years: simply printing out tissue and organs. Now scientists have further refined the technology and are able to produce various tissue types. The recent organ transplant scandals have only made the problem worse. According to the German Organ Transplantation Foundation (DSO), the number of organ donors in the first half of 2013 has declined more than 18 percent in comparison to the same period the previous year. At the same time, one can assume that the demand in the next years will continuously rise, because we continue to age and field of transplantation medicine is continuously advancing. Many critical illnesses can already be successfully treated today by replacing cells, tissue, or organs. Government, industry, and the research establishment have therefore been working hard for some time AD DEADLINE THURS. 12:00 NOON MASTERCARD-VISA-DISCOVER NOW ACCEPTED to improve methods and procedures for artificially producing tissue. This is how the gap in supply is supposed to be closed. Bio-ink made from living cells One technology might assume a decisive role in this effort, one that we are all familiar with from the office, and that most of us would certainly not immediately connect with the production of artificial tissue: the inkjet printer. Scientists of the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) in Stuttgart have succeeded in developing suitable bio-inks for this printing technology. The transparent liquids consist of components from the natural tissue matrix and living cells. The substance is based on a well known biological material: gelatin. Gelatin is derived FOUNDATION PROBLEMS? DEMOLITION - HOUSE JACKING - WATERPROOFING FOUNDATIONS INSTALLED: Poured walls, ICF, Blocks, Repair Bowed/Cracked Walls / Resurfacing EXCAVATION: Backhoe / Loader / Dozer / Trackhoe Skidsteer / Septics Installed / Repaired / 70’ Crane Service General Construction FREE ESTIMATES Call Bob Barrows 315-440-2762 EMAIL: Element Prescott EXL Hastings BUY A Pellet or Gas Stove or Insert To Receive A FREE ACCESSORY Valued At Up To $571.00 New LARGER Facility - Same GREAT Service! 2433 Rte 12B, Hamilton, NY Right Across From Price Chopper 315.228.2090 - from collagen, the main constituent of native tissue. The researchers have chemically modified the gelling behavior of the gelatin to adapt the biological molecules for printing. Instead of gelling like unmodified gelatin, the bio-inks remain fluid during printing. Only after they are irradiated with UV light, they crosslink and cure to form hydrogels. These are polymers containing a huge amount of water (just like native tissue), but which are stable in aqueous environments and when being warmed up to physiological 37°C. The researchers can control the chemical modification of the biological molecules so that the resulting gels have differing strengths and swelling characteristics. The properties of natural tissue can therefore be imitated -- from solid cartilage to soft adipose tissue. In Stuttgart synthetic raw materials are printed as well that can serve as substitutes for the extracellular matrix. For example a system that cures to a hydrogel devoid of by-products, and can be immediately populated with genuine cells. “We are BAKER LANDSCAPES "We Do The Work That You Don't Want To" SNOWPLOWING (Caz., NW, Manlius) •LANDSCAPE •HARDSCAPE •MOWING •SPRING & FALL CLEAN-UPS, •PATIOS •PAVERS •NEW LAWN INSTALLS •MINI EXCAVATOR WORK & MORE... Residential & Commercial Matthew D. McClure C(315)560-0947 H(315)662-3002 E-mail: concentrating at the moment on the ‘natural’ variant. That way we remain very close to the original material. Even if the potential for synthetic hydrogels is big, we still need to learn a fair amount about the interactions between the artificial substances and cells or natural tissue. Our biomolecule-based variants provide the cells with a natural environment instead, and therefore can promote the self-organizing behavior of the printed cells to form a functional tissue model,” explains Dr. Kirsten Borchers in describing the approach at IGB. The printers at the labs in Stuttgart have a lot in common with conventional office printers: the ink reservoirs and jets are all the same. The differences are discovered only under close inspection. For example, the heater on the ink container with which the right temperature of the bio-inks is set. The number of jets and tanks is smaller than in the office counterpart as well. “We would like to increase the number of these in cooperation with industry and other Fraunhofer Institutes in order to simultaneously print using various inks TOM STRACK BACKHOE WORK Cazenovia, NY •Sand•Tree & Brush Removal •Gravel•Demolition •Crush-a-run •Clean Up Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website dougherty pharmacy Main St., Morrisville 684-3171 M-F 8-6; Sat. 8-4 Most Insurances Accepted *NO INSURANCE???* Bring In Your Prescription For A Price Quote _____________________________________ Locally Owned & Operated _____________________________________ •Nice Selection of Local Books & T-Shirts •Many American Made Gifts •Nice Greeting Card Selection GREAT CASH PRICES ON PRESCRIPTIONS ~ FRIENDLY SERVICE ~ - LOCAL CAN & BOTTLE DRIVE - THE 3RD SATURDAY OF EACH MONTH DROP OFF CANS & BOTTLES ANYTIME with different cells and matrices. This way we can come closer to replicating complex structures and different types of tissue,” says Borchers. The big challenge at the moment is to produce vascularized tissue. This means tissue that has its own system of blood vessels through which the tissue can be provided with nutrients. IGB is working on this jointly with other partners under Project ArtiVasc 3D, supported by the European Union. The core of this project is a technology platform to generate fine blood vessels from synthetic materials and thereby create for the first time artificial skin with its subcutaneous adipose tissue. “This step is very important for printing tissue or entire organs in the future. Only once we are successful in producing tissue that can be nourished through a system of blood vessels can printing larger tissue structures become feasible,” says Borchers in closing. She will be exhibiting the IGB bioinks at Biotechnica Like Us On Facebook For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor" Basic Farm Animal Husbandry Skills By Dr. Lyle G. McNeal Being a responsible livestock owner means learning to recognize and care for illness in your herd. Here are some key ingredients to keeping your animals healthy and your vet bills down. Over the years I have learned that many folks who take on a farm are not always well informed or skilled in the basics of general animal husbandry. Baker Construction GENERAL CONTRACTING - HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchen/Bath & Basement Remodeling, Electrical Work, Additions, Garages, Windows, Siding, Replacement Windows _____________________________________________ MINI EXCAVATOR WORK _____________________________________________ Skid Steer Work/ Postholes/Brushhogging Peter Baker Owner 662-3002, Cell 289-2170 2749 Erieville Road, Erieville, NY 13061 Reclaim Your Lawn AND Your Weekend! FW Clean-Up 315-430-7241 • Overgrown Hedgerows Tamed • Brush & Debris Removed • Driveways Fixed/ New Stone Spread • Small Lawn Areas Repaired & Seeded • Pressure Washing • Manure Piles Removed or Spread • Old Sheds/Barns Removed • General Handyman Service • Estate Cleanups • Gutters Cleaned • Trees Trimmed or Removed • Clean Outs - Garages, Basements • Drainage Corrected/Tile Installed • And Much More Free Estimates - Insured ALSO GRASS FED BEEF AVAILABLE Though we have many outstanding veterinary practitioners in America, many are either not accessible, unaffordable, or illtrained in the care of large farm animals and exotic quadrapeds. I’ve always felt strongly that when we take on the responsibility of raising and rearing any specie of farm animal, we take on burdens similar to having children. Most families know how to monitor the general health and well-being of their children, monitoring behavior observation, eating and drinking habits, temperature, respiratory or digestive disorders, cuts, abrasions, and other forms of major and minor trauma. Most families also provide preventative vaccinations for protection from childhood diseases. Guess what? Domestic farm animals are not much different than us! However, certain skills are required of the animal caretaker that may require further education--the best is hands-on experience coupled with book or semi-technical learning. My grandfather always taught me an important practice that I still follow: “If you take care of your animals, they will take care of you.” I can honestly attest to the truthfulness of this statement through my many decades of experiences. Certain basic skills are necessary for any livestock owner to properly care for his herd, understand animal vital signs and 130 YEARS AGO Dec. 1, 1883 The new Gleaner building on Lincklaen St. was completed. "The Weekly Gleaner" published by W.W. Ames was then printed there. (It had previously been located in the former Ken Hughes house - corner of Utica & Seminary Sts. The name eventually became "The DeRuyter Gleaner" and was published there until 1963. Contributed by Darla Snyder, Tromptown Historical Society prevent disease. By learning these basic skills, you will not only save animals, but reduce veterinary costs. The following skills will make you a better livestock husbandman: •Observation •Animal restraint •Taking and evaluating vital signs •Basic wound care •Ruminant hoof care •Administration of oral medicines •Administration of injectable vaccines, antibiotics, etc. Observation In today’s world of corporate, large-scale livestock operations and in confinement facilities, employees do not really observe the animals under their care. They may look at them periodically, but to observe is more than a simple walk-by in a barn, pasture, dry lot or paddock. Far too often, hired help just throws out the hay, puts grain in the feeders and checks the waterers without looking at each individual animal. A good husbandman must have a sincere and desirous interest to care for his animals. For this reason, it is important to have the same person or persons oversee certain animals, KEEP MORE OF IT IN YOUR HOME THIS WINTER WITH A LAYER OF JOHNS MANVILLE FIBER GLASS INSULATION Warmth stays in, chill stays out! Come in and see the full line of easy-to-install Johns Manville products, before the temperature drops any further. (E) Route 20 (W) Gas Station R t William St. e Fire House William St., Cazenovia HOURS.: M-F 7:30-4:30 Sat. 8 - Noon 655-3417 / FAX 655-8800 flocks, pens, corrals or herds and spend time each day strictly observing their behavior. If the caretaker knows his or her animals normal behavior, then the early stages of a health problem will be recognized and can be treated earlier, saving the possible loss of one or more animals, significant veterinary costs and a reduction in the earning ability of your herd. Important animal characteristics to monitor on a daily basis are: •abnormal behavior •stance, movement, back and ear posture •nasal discharge •rubbing •fecal consistency (i.e. scours, blood in feces or internal parasite body parts) •tail carriage •body condition •hair quantity and quality •lameness and localized swelling. Any abnormal conditions should direct the caretaker to take the vital signs of the abnormally behaving animal. Livestock owners should also be familiar with common regional and local diseases and parasites that may affect their animals and monitor the various portals of entry such as nose, eyes, anus, udder, or injuries such as shearing cuts or tail-docking wounds. Batavia Clyde Homer Albany New FLYHAWK KENNEL Ag Buildings Dairy Buildings Horse Barns Garages Commercial Dog Boarding, Country Comfort, Close By • Small & Quiet with Large Runs • Lots of Individual Attention & Exercise • Gentle, Safe, Quality Care Given • Knowledgeable, Experienced Owners • Heated & Air Conditioned Runs Clyde: 315-923-7777 Batavia: 585-343-1777 Homer: 607-749-7779 Albany: 518-355-6708 1459 NYS Rt. 80 W, New Woodstock, NY HRS.: M-S 9-11 a.m. and 3 -5 p.m. Sun. 4 - 6 p.m. or By Appt. (315) 662-7828 13 N The Pratts Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Part of the family of companies Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 - 11- AL W S uet Cak es ramic Flow Pots, Chimes, W ed ers & T l M ulips, Gar lic, D F affo ALL B dils , Hy ULB aci S nth s, S no w Picture Frames, Ce s & Holders, ait tB Bird Seed & Bird Fe a S p le yru p& e Hon cus Cro , s p Dro u y, M ore ch M (315) 706-7867 .. . ca den Flag a Roofing • Siding • Framing • Windows • Decks Kitchens • Bathrooms • Additions • Painting Masonry • Chimney & Foundation Repair Power Washing Deck Staining Free Estimates - Fully Insured - OSHA Certified Lo gs, Gar &R CL O T HI NG : J e ans, jacke ts, v e s t , covera lls boots, socks & gloves u ffee M s ater te r Co He eRuy re S: D Pu EM n IT M ous e JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS LS E T de GIF t i n g C ar ds G re e & B o ok s in d S p i n n e r s , C h r i s t m a s O r n a m e n t s & m uc h m or e. D eRuyter Garden/Gift Center F /G C arm arden oop FARM STORE: Open 7:30-4:30 M-F; 7:30-NOON Sat. GARDEN STORE: Open 8-5 M-F; 8-2 Sat. 315-852-3316 Come Visit Our WEBSITE: Animal Restraint To successfully manage livestock on any level, you must have a basic knowledge of animal psychology and behavior. When catching and restraining animals for examination and treatment, stress must be minimized to the animal as well as to the handler. Undue stress imposed on an animal can reduce the efficacy of health care and slow the healing process. If an animal has an unpleasant initial experience, additional treatments may be more difficult to carry out. In general, when handling an animal, avoid excessive noise, rapid and jerky movements, hot shots or electric prods and night-time hours. Reducing the presence of unknown people and unfamiliar handling protocols will also minimize animal stress. Most farm animals can be treated standing on their feet, but occasionally an animal may need to be cast (laid on its side) for treatment. If extra help is required, provide individuals with basic instructions on what you’re wanting to do and how you want them to respond and conduct themselves during that time. Each of the large-animal domestic species has unique restraint tools and recommendations--become familiar with proper handling techniques and equipment. Taking Vital Signs Vital signs include the animal’s temperature, pulse and respiration rate. Never Buy Heating Fuel Again... - YOUR SOURCE FOR - Geo-Thermal Home & Business Heating Systems In Central New York Temperature An animal’s temperature should always be taken via the rectum. (Novices occasionally insert the thermometer into the vaginal area in females, which is ineffective.) The rectum on females is always above the vulva and closest to the tail or dock of the animal. Prior to inserting the thermometer into the animal, disinfect it with either isopropyl alcohol or Novalsan (a veterinary antiseptic agent) and coat with plenty of lubricant. The tissue in the rectum can be torn or perforated easily if lubricant isn’t used. Normal Vital Signs for Common Farm Animals Temperature (± 1F) Pulse (Heart Rate) (rate/min) Respiratory Rate, Resting (breaths/min) Cattle 101.5 (100.4-102.8) 50 (40-70) 30 Horse 100.0 (99.1-100.8) 45 (25-70) 12 Sheep 102.3 (100.9-103.8) 75 (60-120) 19 Goat 102.3 (101.3-103.5) 90 (70-135) 15 Swine 102.5 (101.6-103.6) 60 (55-85) 16 Shop TTO FOR ALL YOUR CELL PHONE NEEDS We Carry Covers, Cases, Holsters, Chargers, Hands Free Speakers - At Low Prices “Booth 77” In “The Market” @ Oneida Commons 157 Cedar St., Oneida 13421 - 315-280-0577 Open Mon.-Sat. 10-5, Sun. 11-4 email: Various types of veterinary thermometers are available in a range of prices. The traditional, older-style thermometer contains mercury at one end of a sealed glass tube; with the increase in temperature, the mercury expands along the column and readings are taken from the height of the column. Using this type of thermometer has its risks, particularly with animals not used to being handled or restrained. If an animal moves abruptly and inadequate lubricant was used, the thermometer can break and shattered glass and mercury can cause rectal trauma and damage. A safer option is the smaller, less expensive, digital-probe veterinary thermometer. Always tie your thermometer to a string with a clip attached to the end so as not to lose it inside the rectum should the animal startle or move away. Pulse or Heart Rate To take the pulse or heart rate of animal, locate the pulse at the angle of the lower jaw bone, where it can be felt by pressing the artery against the bone. To calculate beats per minute, count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply by four. Respiration To take the respiration rate of an animal, count its number of breaths per minute by watching the flanks or by watching for nostril movements or flares. For normal temperature, pulse MID-YORK 315-684-3049 CHIMNEY & STOVE,LLC Chimney Sweeping, Relining, Masonry Restoration, Chimney Caps, Prefabricated Chimneys, Stove & Fireplace Accessories Over 24 Years Experience - Insured - Member NYS Chimney Sweep Guild National Fireplace Institute (NFI) Certified Stove Installer -12- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 ELITE DENTAL + DENTURE P.C. Accepting New Patients ACCEPTING 13-15 CLINTON AVE, CORTLAND 607.758.7700 NEW PATIENTS Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm & Saturday from 9am-3pm WALK INS + EMERGENCIES SEEN SAME DAY Walk Ins + Emergencies Seen Same Day Waterlase Laser 13-15 Clinton Ave.,forCortland - 607.758.7700 __________________________________________________ hard & soft tissue surgery and caries removal w/ minimal or no requirement of local anesthesia MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Including T.M.D. + Facial $110 SPECIAL & Healthplex Medicaid, Dentaquest Full Exam Pain Treatment __________________________________________________ Porcelain Inlay, Onlays & Crowns with Cerec Technology, within an hour Bite Wings Cleaning Zoom Bleaching Permanent Crowns Bridges 15% Senior Citizen 15% Senior Citizen Discount Cleanings Extractions Root Canals Dentures & Partials Fillings/Bonding We Discount ALDo Denta L on l Work ! Dentures & Partials __________________________________________________ 0 $ 110.0 l a Specixam E Fulle Wings Bit On Dentures or Partials SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT FINANCING AVAILABLE ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION FOR DENTURES (white �illings) Invisalign Available Open Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM, Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM - Evening Hours and respiration rates, see “Normal Values” sidebar. If your animal’s values are found to be higher or faster than normal, you have an indication that it is most likely ill. Basic Wound Care Despite even the most preventative and conscientious animal husbandry, wounds happen. Common wounds include lacerations, punctures, abrasions, bruises (contusions), burns or ruptured abscesses. Lacerations Lacerations are torn or ragged wounds generally caused by sharp objects such as metallic objects, glass, barbed wire fences, protruding fencing wire, baling type wire, etc. Lacerations often can be stitched by your veterinarian if found within 24 hours of the injury. Punctures Puncture wounds are holes or perforations due to piercing from nails, fence staples, wood splinters, etc. Puncture wounds can penetrate tissue more deeply than lacerations and debris deep within a wound is a concern. All internal dirt must be removed or infection may result. Puncture wounds may not bleed excessively but are very serious injuries. HANICAL SERVICES, IN C E M S ' C. ART Cell315-893-9910 315-761-1192 Heating • Plumbing • Electrical 24 Hour Emergency Service "If You're Reading This Ad, We Cover Your Area" Office Address Billing Address 6708 Rte. 20, Bouckville 13310 3076 Rte. 26, Eaton, NY 13334 Abrasions Abrasions affect only the surface layers of the skin and are the result of rough surfaces, such as that of working corrals, stalls, trailers, halters, ropes, general tack, straps, etc., coming into contact with skin. Abrasions can be deep and require additional medical attention. Bruises A bruise is skin discoloration due to the release of blood from ruptured vessels following a traumatic injury or improper handling. The hair on domestic animals generally conceals bruising, but swelling can occur at the bruise site. Burns Livestock burns are commonly cause by chemicals, electricity, sunlight (with light-skinned animals) and heat. The magnitude of the burn can vary from mild redness to blistering, or actual destruction of the skin. Burns vary in severity and their treatment requirements. Abscesses An abscess is a localized accumulation of pus surrounded “Furniture is more than a moment in time. We can restore, refinish & repair family memories.” -- Ron Cosser THE CRAFTSMAN TM --for 34 years-- Furniture restoration and repair Custom Furniture Design/Build Refinish Kitchens 110 Walter Drive (Eastwood), Syracuse, NY 13206 (315) 463-0262 0000354142-01 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website GET READY FOR WINTER! Does Your Attic Have Enough Insulation To Meet Today's Energy Codes? Call for a FREE ESTIMATE on BLOWN LOOSE FIBERGLASS or CELLULOSE INSULATION. Stay Warmer This Winter AND Save Money On Heating Costs. _____________________________________ NEW HOMES WATER DAMAGE BLOWN INSULATION SMALL JOBS SAND FLOAT CEILINGS DRYWALL DRYWALL & INSULATION MARK STORER (315) 815-5009 3776 THOMAS ROAD CAZENOVIA, NY 13035 MJSDRYWALL@AOL.COM by a fibrous capsule and can occur nearly anywhere on the body. Abscesses and their origins can be very complicated, but many are caused by bacteria that spread to other areas of the body. When external, abscesses are more susceptible to rupturing; a ruptured abscess usually discharges its pus and heals. However, the wound may continue to release pus that can spread infection to other animals. When treating a wound, proper restraint is critical in administering care, medications or the application of bandages. Treating the Wound The most important tool to treating animal injuries or wounds is the first-aid kit. When injury strikes and veterinary care isn’t feasible, you must be prepared to provide emergency veterinary medical care. One way to prepare for these circumstances is to meet with your local large-animal veterinarian and get his or her recommendations for the development of an essential on-farm Henry J. DeLap TREE TRIMMING & FELLING Cazenovia, NY 655-0309 Neat, Expedient Service Reasonable Prices 30 Years Climbing & Rigging Experience Beautify and Improve with Selective Trimming and Removal first-aid kit. On-Farm First-Aid Kit •Veterinary small digital rectal thermometer •Veterinary lubricant •Halter and lead ropes or other appropriate animal specie restraint devices •Hobbles and/or twitch (for horses) •Pre-moistened towelettes •Cotton roll •Sterile saline solution •Isopropyl alcohol •Novalsan® disinfectant •Two empty (generic) spray bottles for possible needs •Fly spray repellent/wound treatment •Nutritional and/or anti-scour drench in pump bottle •Disposable syringes in 3,6, 12 and 60 ccs •Six (6), ½” x 18 gauge sterile, disposable needles Push Back Banks SNOWPLOWING Caz/New Woodstock Mark Storer Residential 315-815-5009 •Six (6), 3/4” x18 gauge sterile, disposable needles •Two (2), 3/4” x16 gauge sterile, disposable needles •Gauze rolls •Package of sterile gauze pads •Two (2) gauze bandages •Two (2) rolls of elastic tape •Dose syringe •Balling gun and/or pill forceps •Dehorning tools (if applicable) •Electrolytes for newborns •Milk replacer for orphaned newborns •Bottle(s) and appropriate nipples for milk replacer •Antibiotic ointment or salve Optical (eye) antibacterial ointment or dust •Blood stopper, i.e. hemodust •Mineral oil •One (1) propylene glycol •Udder infusion antibiotic •Two (2) or more pairs of disposable, sterile surgical gloves •One (1) pair of stainless steel veterinary surgical scissors •One (1) each of veterinary forceps and hemostat •Injectable antibiotics Topical antibiotics (aerosol) •Obstetrical pullers •Stomach tubes •Bloat medicine •Foot trimming shears •Hoof knife and hoof pick (for horses) •Hair and/or wool trimming shears (electrical and/or manual) •Adequate supply of OB (obstetrical) gloves for the birthing season •Tincture of Iodine (7%) •Iodine spray (1%) BACK ON TRACK Physical Therapy & Wellness Center 2670 Rte. 20 East, Cazenovia - M. & W. & F. 10:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Most Insurances Accepted 655-5453 ____________________ Now Accepting New Patients Medicare And Worker's Comp. Accepted •Heat lamp (for lambs, goat kids, and piglets) •Notebook and ballpoint pen Another source for this information is your local Cooperative Extension County Agent, who usually has access to the expertise of the State Extension Veterinarian. For our recommendations, see “On-Farm First-Aid Kit” sidebar. Once the animal is restrained, your primary objective should be to halt blood loss. Blood-stop powder, or hemodust, will help stop blood loss in most minor wounds. Some wounds will need to be wrapped with absorbent material, such as gauze pads, and have pressure applied directly to it. It is important to stop blood loss as soon as possible. Making Meds Easy Getting your livestock to take medicines, either pill form or 662-3927 Sale Ends November 30 NTERSTATE Window & Door Company Model 4000 Double Hung Custom Made White 0-101 U.I. Low E/Argon Half Screen Night Latches 99 149 Widths over 40" Add $ $14.99 New Construction Nail Fin or Brickmold J-Channel Add $14.99 Delivered To Your Location By Interstate Cambridge Avenue Morrisville, NY 315-684-3073 Hours: Mon.- Fri. 7:30 - 5, Sat. 7:30 - 2:30 liquid, can be a bit tricky—especially if they are picky eaters! Here are some hints to get your animals to take their medicine a bit easier: •Put smaller pills in treats such as carrots, shredded wheat cereal or animal crackers. •If you are administering a small amount of liquid, a marshmallow is great at disguising the medicinal taste. •If you need to feed multiple pills to larger livestock, place them in a large syringe with some water, wait for them to dissolve, and administer the meds as you would a liquid. The water can be flavored with a powdered drink mix or juice, or you can use applesauce instead of water (the thicker sauce mixes with and disguises the medicine better). •Mix medicines with mint-flavored Maalox for easy administration of pills and powders to horses. An added benefit? The Maalox will coat the stomach, helping to prevent possible upset. •Fruits such as bananas and oranges are often used to mix with medicines to disguise their flavoring and to encourage the animal to ingest the meds. -- HF editors The next step is to clean the wound location. It’s best to trim or clip any hair surrounding the wound. The wound should be cleansed and free of debris, foreign materials and feces. Irrigate the wound with a clean, disposable syringe (without a needle) with saline solution, isopropyl alcohol or clean water. Saline is the preferred solution for cleaning wounds since it will not interfere with other cell and tissue functions. Snow Plowing RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL Call Now To Reserve Your Scheduling Spot •DRIVEWAYS Residential & Commercial Installation & Service Spectacular Window Value! EXCAVATION EXCAVATION •WATER LINES CAZENOVIA ELECTRIC References •FOUNDATIONS •DEMOLITION •LIGHT TRUCKING •ELECTRIC LINES •RETAINING WALLS •DRAINAGE •BUSH HOGGING •HOUSE JACKING •REPAIR CELLAR WALLS •BLOCK, BRICK CONCRETE WORK _____________________________________ RICK COOLEY • MATT COOLEY 40 Years Experience / Insured 1088 Vincent Corners Road, Fabius, NY 315-683-5425 • Cell 440-3246 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver,Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -13- ARE YOU READY FOR WINTER? WE ARE!! 15 Preowned AWD cars, 4x4s & SUVs In Stock Star ting At $8,995 2010 FORD EDGE 36,394 miles 2010 FORD EDGE 46,334 miles $23,990 $21,990 2010 DODGE JOURNEY 2006 SUBARU IMPREZA 2010 MERCURY MARINER $19,990 $8,995 $18,995 36,394 miles 92,000 miles Doug Moot IS BACK! At Tri-Kolor Auto Body 37,000 miles 6191 Vally Mills Road Munnsville, NY 315-495-2050 - 315-761-9257 ____________________________________ Collision Repair Repair -- Complete Complete Restorations Restorations Collision Fiberglas Repair Repair -- Customizations Customizations Fiberglas ____________________________________ 2008 FORD EXPLORER 80,616 miles 2006 MERCURY MONTEGO 2010 FORD TAURUS 2008 JEEP GR. CHEROKEE 2004 CHEVYTRAILBLAZER $8,995 $23,995 $14,995 $8,995 94,000 miles $17,995 32,000 miles 80,000 miles 81,042 miles Cars - Trucks - Motorcycles Antique Vehicles Oil & Gas Collectibles Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz L Frank Baum Chapter 4 - Continued 2011 FORD ESCAPE 33,275 miles 2005 FORD ESCAPE 2005 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER 2010 FORD FUSION 2005 FORD ESCAPE $12,995 $10,995 $18,995 $13,995 $21,995 78,922 miles 77,143 miles 48,000 miles Come See Them On The Lot OR at SALES NILLES Ford Inc. SERVICE Mon, Wed, Fri 8 am-7 pm Tues & Thru 8 am-6 pm - Sat 8 am-3 pm Visit Us at or 2536 Rt. 12B Hamilton - (315) 824-2440 - Email: *In a recent survey Fix it Right the First Time. Niles Ford is one of only 4 dealerships in the northeast to recieve a 12 month year-to-date score of 100% Congratulations ot out amazing team All rebates & incentives will be taken off those prices for yet lower price of interest. Only on new all cars & trucks still qualify for rebates, incentives & low financing to qualified buyers. HELP WANTED CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT IS SEEKING CAFETERIA/ RECESS SUBSTITUTE MONITORS. Responsibilities include supervising children in the cafeteria and on the outdoor playground. Contact Principal MacIntosh at 655-1325 (o28-2) EXPERIENCED PLOW DRIVERS NEEDED!!! Must be dependable - have flexability in schedule and have clean drivers license. Must be drug free - Drug testing is mandatory. Sign on Bonus for dedicated persons. Call: 419-1469 (o28-3) HELP WANTED: COW SENSE PERSON needed to move cows and clean barn. Five days a week. Whey Street Dairy call Joe @607 591-9514. (o28-3) HELP WANTED!! MAKE UP TO $1000 A WEEK mailing brochures from home! Helpinghome workers since 2001! Start immediately! www. You can classify wounds based on their appearance: a laceration is a wound with torn and ragged edges; a puncture wound is a deep wound or hole in the skin, dermal tissue and other layers caused by a sharp object (ie: nail, fence staple, piece of metal); abrasion: a wound in which the skin or other external surface is scraped, scratched, torn or otherwise exposed. Most livestock supply stores and catalogs have various topical agents in the form of salves, aerosols, powders and injectibles. Antibacterial products are essential because bacterial infections result from most EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Part Time Shift Supervisor Food Service Positions Competitive Pay Paid Time Off Health Insurance Available Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Morrisville Auxiliary Corporation is an EOE. Applicants also apply online at http://www.morrisville. edu/mac/ -14- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 63,000 miles YOUR LOCAL HOMETOWN FORD DEALER FOR 36 YEARS Home Of The ORIGINAL $2.00 Car Wash wounds and post-wound treatment or non-treatment. During the warmer months when flies are present, it is critical to apply a fly repellent near the wound to prevent flies from laying eggs inside the wound. Once the wound is treated, apply antibacterial ointment and place clean cotton or a cotton gauze pad onto the wound. Top with an elastic gauze (like Vetrap) bandage, but be sure not to wrap too tightly. Bandages should be checked at least twice daily and changed every other day. Once the wound starts to heal, bandages can be changed less frequently, every two to three days. Other treatments for the various wound types may involve administering a tetanus shot. Systemic treatment with injectable antibiotics, such as penicillin, oxytetracycline and terramyacin, may also be necessary based on your vets assessment that the wound is (or could become) infected. Your vet will check for infection by taking your animal’s temperature, checking to see if the site of the injury is sore and hot, and monitoring breathing and respiration rates. If an infection is present, an animal normally has an elevated temperature and heart rate, as well as heat and soreness at the injury site. If you and your vet determine antibiotics are necessary, discuss proper dosage and length of treatment. If you are using a product from a previous incident, be sure it has not expired. More Next Week NEEDED IMMEDIATELY Mechanics, heavy truck/tractor trailer preferred. Full/Part time, days, nights, weekends. Road service. Excellent pay for the right person(s). Pay based on dependability, experience and availability,. Uniforms & health insurance. Must have NYS drivers license. Please call Sroka’s Service Center 363-5541. “Oh, Eureka! perhaps we can find you some milk-weeds to eat,” said the boy. “Phoo!” snarled the kitten; “I wouldn’t touch the nasty things!” “You don’t need milk, Eureka,” remarked Dorothy; “you are big enough now to eat any kind of food.” “If I can get it,” added Eureka. “I’m hungry myself,” said Zeb. “But I noticed some strawberries growing in one of the gardens, and some melons in another place. These people don’t eat such things, so perhaps on our way back they will let us get them.” Chapter 5 The words of the cold and moist vegetable Prince were not very comforting, and as he spoke them he turned away and left the enclosure. The children, feeling sad and despondent, were about to follow him when the Wizard touched Dorothy softly on her shoulder. “Wait!” he whispered. “What for?” asked the girl. “Suppose we pick the Royal Princess,” said the Wizard. “I’m quite sure she’s ripe, and as soon as she comes to life she will be the Ruler, and may treat us better than that heartless Prince intends to.” “All right!” exclaimed Dorothy, eagerly. “Let’s pick her while we have the chance, before the man with the star comes back.” So together they leaned over the great bush and each of them seized one hand of the lovely Princess. “Pull!” cried Dorothy, and as they did so the royal lady leaned toward them and the stems snapped and separated from her feet. She was not at all heavy, so the Wizard and Dorothy managed to lift her gently to the ground. The beautiful creature passed her hands over her eyes an instant, tucked in a stray lock of hair that had become disarranged, and after a look around the garden made those present a gracious bow and said, in a sweet but even toned voice: “I thank you very much.” PAINTING 21 Years In CNY Interior Exterior •Pressure Wash •Dry Wall Repair Matt & Debi Kouba 655-3993 ROOF PAINTING SPECIALISTS HOME - FARM COMMERCIAL - INDUSTRIAL Roof Coating & Painting For All Steel Roofing Call Webb Professionals 363-8660 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website HamiltonCazenovia Animal Hospital Animal Hospital 2316 Rt. 12B Hamilton, NY 13346 315-824-5412 Dr. Frank Martorana Dr. Heather Highbrown 2750 Rt.20 East Cazenvoia, NY 13035 315-655-3409 Dr. Jerry Kolb Dr. Alice Marie Donnelly Dr. Anne Galton SUBURBAN ‘05 CHEVY 4 WD, LS “We salute your Royal Highness!” cried the Wizard, kneeling and kissing her hand. Just then the voice of the Prince was heard calling upon them to hasten, and a moment later he returned to the enclosure, followed by a number of his people. Instantly the Princess turned and faced him, and when he saw that she was picked the Prince stood still and began to tremble. “Sir,” said the Royal Lady, with much dignity, “you have wronged me greatly, and would have wronged me still more had not these strangers come to my rescue. I have been ready for picking all the past week, but because you were selfish and desired to continue your unlawful rule, you left me to stand silent upon my bush.” “I did not know that you were ripe,” answered the Prince, in a low voice. “Give me the Star of Royalty!” she commanded. Slowly he took the shining star from his own brow and placed it upon that of the Princess. Then all the people bowed low to her, and the Prince turned and walked away alone. What became of him afterward our friends never knew. The people of Mangaboo now formed themselves into a procession and marched toward the glass city to escort EQUINOX LT 4 WD, V6 101K 9,990 $ SPARK ‘13 CHEVY* 10,990 ‘06 CHEVY COLORADO 4 WD, SUNROOF 24K 13,990 $ ‘11 CHEVY CRUZE 14,990 FIESTA ‘11 FORD SES, 5 DR 25K 14,990 IMPALA ‘13 CHEVY* GR. CARAVAN ‘13 DODGE SXT 26K 15,990* $ TERRAIN 27K 20,990 $ ACADIA ‘12 GMC* AWD SLT HTD LEATHER AWD SLT2 V6, SUNROOF HTD LEATHER 23K 14K 33,990 28,990 $ 34K 14,990 $ LS ‘13 GMC* 96K $ LS $ 64K $ LT Healthy Pets, Happy Clients Providing Quality, Compassionate Care For Over 35 Years ‘06 CHEVY $ *CERTIFIED ACROSS 1. Asian antelope 6. Malicious setting of fires 11. Villain 14. Classical music theater 15. Steam bath 16. Not him 17. Varieties 19. In the past 20. Explosion 21. Administration (abbrev.) 23. Chinese cinnamon 27. Pass by (time) 28. In a manner resistant to penetration 32. Not square 33. Foolish 34. Not her 37. Coagulated milk 38. Untidy 39. Hindu princess 40. Product of human creativity 41. Unit of radioactivity 42. A dish of greens and tomatoes 43. Harassments 45. Defile 48. A pawn or pledge (archaic) 49. Mistake 50. A valuable thing or property 53. Five on most feet 54. Avaricious 60. East southeast 61. Very thin 62. 9 9 9 9 63. Light Emitting Diode 64. Remove 65. Not ladies DOWN 1. Turf 2. Anagram of “Pie” 3. Revised (abbrev.) 4. Mineral bearing rock 5. Fighter plane (slang) 6. Largest continent 7. Rodents 8. Matching jacket and pants 9. Anagram of “Eon” 10. In a nasal manner 11. Winner 12. Breastplate Small Small Business? Business? Non-Profit? Non-Profit? Considering Considering AA Mass Mass Mailing? Mailing? Why Pay 14.5¢ A Piece For Mail Delivery WHEN YOU CAN PAY 4.5¢ A PIECE Insert Your Marketing Material In The Hi, Neighbor We Pay The 14.5¢ A Piece You Ride Along For 4.5¢ A Piece Details At In Our Current Rate Packet (Extra Charges May Apply Due To Size Of Your Marketing Piece) www. SALES HOURS: Mon. - Thurs. 9-7 , Friday 9-6, Sat. 9-3 Rt. 12B North, Hamilton - 824-3610 or 1-800-540-1227 13. A male bee 18. A people of eastern Europe 22. 24 hours 23. About 24. French for “Love” 25. Gush 26. Dispatch 27. Catch sight of 29. A valley in France 30. Fertile area in a desert 31. Cause to overturn 34. Angelic headgear 35. Silly 36. Middle or thick 38. Consider 39. A sudden short attack 41. Bravery 42. Saying 43. Cow sound 44. Inspires wonder 45. Asian pepper plant 46. Jagged 47. Emancipated 50. Turquoise 51. Stars 52. Location 55. Automobile 56. Neckwear 57. Hotel 58. Animal doctor 59. S Need MOORE Bottom Line? Need MOORE Customers? Need MOORE Contacts? Need MOORE Buzz? Your Seat Is Waiting... - Join MOORE Networking Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Wednesday Madison Bistro, Wampsville, , 8-9:30 AM BE THERE! Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -15- MORRISVILLE MOTORS 2005 mazada tribute 4x4 loaded auto.$8,995 2005 mazada tribute 4x4 loaded auto $8,995 2005 mazada tribute 4x4 loaded auto$8,995 W. Main St., Morrisville, NY 13408 - 315-684-3737 BRAND SPANKIN' USED 2003 jeep liberty spt. ....$4,995 2010 hyundai elanata gls auto....$11,995 4x4 2008 dodge ram 2500 quad cab slt big horn edt, 4x4.$17,995 2002 buick rendezvous awd auto lded...$4,995 2010 toyota corolla 4 dr. s auto, lded.$11,995 2013 “NEW” CHRYSLER 200 AUTO LDED....$18,495 2000 dodge ram x-cab 4x4 Laramie, auto, lded..............$4,995 2009 toyota sienna le 7 pass....$13,900 2012 DODGE GR. CAVARAN CREW, LOADED......$18,995 2003 dodge durango slt 7 pass, loaded......$5,995 2007 toyota tacoma xcab 4x4.... $15,995 2011 DODGE JOURNEY MAIN ST AWD 3RD SEAT LDED.. $18,995 2006 dodge dakota ....$8,995 .$27,995 2009 kia optima lx ....$10,995 2010 TOYOTA PRIUS HYDRID 4 DR AUTO LDED.. $15,995 2012 dodge ram 1500 2006 chevy silverado 1500 .$11,995 2013 “NEW” DODGE AVENGER SE auto, loaded.....$17,995 2013 FORD ESCAPE SE 4 WD LOADED... $24,990 2008 mercury mariner awd loaded, sunroof.. $11,995 2010 TOYOTA RAV 4, 4 WD 3 TO CHOOSE FROM.. $17,990 2011 jeep wrangler unl.sahara hardtop 23K.$28,995 q-cab slt 4x4 lded 4x4 big horn, edt. lded 4 dr loaded reg. cab, 4x4 auto Craig Kelly All Prices Plus Taxes, Registration and Inspection their new ruler to her palace and to perform those ceremonies proper to the occasion. But while the people in the procession walked upon the ground the Princess walked in the air just above their heads, to show that she was a superior being and more exalted than her subjects. snow plowing Now Servicing CAZENOVIA & NEW WOODSTOCK Erieville, Nelson, West of Morrisville, West Eaton Insured Peter Baker Erieville, NY 13061 Baker Construction662-3002 No one now seemed to pay any attention to the strangers, so Dorothy and Zeb and the Wizard let the train pass on and then wandered by themselves into the vegetable gardens. They did not bother to cross the bridges over the brooks, but when they came to a stream they stepped high and walked in the Sales Manager, Morrisville Motors LLC 315.684.3737, Ext. 23 Fax 315.684.7474 air to the other side. This was a very interesting experience to them, and Dorothy said: “I wonder why it is that we can walk so easily in the air.” “Perhaps,” answered the Wizard, “it is because we are close to the center of the earth, where the attraction of gravitation is very slight. But I’ve noticed that many queer things happen in fairy countries.” “Is this a fairy country?” asked the boy. “Of course it is,” returned Dorothy promptly. “Only a fairy country could have veg’table people; and only in a fairy country could Eureka and Jim talk as we do.” “That’s true,” said Zeb, thoughtfully. In the vegetable gardens they found the strawberries and melons, and several other unknown but delicious fruits, of which they ate heartily. But the kitten bothered them constantly by demanding milk or meat, and called the Wizard names because he could not bring her a dish of milk by means of his magical arts. As they sat upon the grass watching Jim, who was still busily eating, Eureka said: “I don’t believe you are a Wizard at all!” “No,” answered the little man, “you are quite right. In the strict sense of the word I am not a Wizard, but only a humbug.” “The Wizard of Oz has always been a humbug,” agreed Dorothy. “I’ve known him for a long time.” “If that is so,” said the boy, “how could he do that wonderful trick with the nine tiny piglets?” PANCAKE BREAKFAST Sunday, Nov. 3, 7-11 a.m. American Legion Hall, DeRuyter Hot Cakes w/Pure Maple Syrup, Sausage, Bacon, French Toast, Eggs, Home Fries, Toast. SAUSAGE GRAVY & BISCUITS. OJ, Coffee, Tea, Hot Cocoa, Milk - Adults $8.50, Seniors $7.50, Children $5.50, Under 5 Free - Sponsored By The DeRuyter American Legion “Don’t know,” said Dorothy, “but it must have been humbug.” “Very true,” declared the Wizard, nodding at her. “It was necessary to deceive that ugly Sorcerer and the Prince, as well as their stupid people; but I don’t mind telling you, who are my friends, that the thing was only a trick.” “But I saw the little pigs with my own eyes!” exclaimed Zeb. “So did I,” purred the TOWN COUNCIL kitten. The Bottom Line: VOTE MADISON UNITY November 5! SUPERVISOR (Vote for ONE) (Vote for any TWO) More Next Week find – We’re easy to om Line Vote the Bott David Sonn • Supervisor David Jordan • Councilman Joe Koen • Councilman PAID FOR BY MADISON UNITY -16- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website You Can Now Use THESE To Get Your Ad In THESE SO GO AHEAD Your Tablet Your Computer Your Fax Machine eighbo N i, r Your Telephone Swype, Type, Click, Call, THEIR Fax, E-mail, Mail or Walk In To Advertise To The Hi, Neighbor 40,000+ People Pennysaver In Madison, Chenango, Onondaga, Oneida & THEIR Cortland Counties Who Smart Phone Read The H Your Smart Phone PENNYSAVER Buying - Selling - Trading - SERVING - Central New York Since 1962 Your Mail Box Your Feet Classified Ads - Display Ads Pre-Printed Inserts Web Advertising - Advertise Today At 315-655-9431 AD DEADLINE THURS. 12:00 NOON MASTERCARD-VISA-DISCOVER ACCEPTED Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website THEIR Tablet THEIR COMPUTER THEIR MAIL BOX Like Us On Facebook For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor" Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -17- Winter Weather Awareness Week Winter weather can be dangerous if you are not prepared. The Madison County Sheriff’s Office asks that drivers start to prepare for the upcoming winter months in advance New York State is known for its cold, snowy and icy winters, especially in upstate NY. However, every part of the state is vulnerable to big snow and ice storms and bitter cold. Sheriff Allen Riley says the best advice for driving in bad winter weather is to avoid it if at all possible. Don’t go out until the snow plows and sanding trucks have had a chance to do their work, and allow yourself extra time to reach your destination. Riley also stated that paying close attention to the radio and television is essential, for up to date weather advisories that affect our area. If you must drive in snowy conditions, make sure your car is prepared, and that you know how to handle road conditions. Always allow yourself plenty of extra time in your travels, even if you consider yourself a seasoned driver, always share the route you will be taking to your destination with someone else, and carry your fully charged cell phone with you if you have one in case of an emergency. PREPARE: Maintain Your Car: Check battery, tire tread, and windshield wipers, keep your windows clear, put no-freeze fluid in the washer reservoir, and check your antifreeze. If you use studded snow tires, NYS allows use only between the time period of October 15 until May 1 Have On Hand flashlight, jumper cables, abrasive material (sand, kitty litter, even floor mats), shovel, snow brush and ice scraper, warning devices (like flares) and blankets. For long trips, add food and water, medication and cell phone Stopped or Stalled? Stay in your car, don’t overexert, put bright markers on antenna or windows and shine dome light, and, if you run your car, clear exhaust pipe and run it just enough to stay warm. Plan Your route: Allow plenty of time (check the weather and leave early if necessary), be familiar with the maps/ directions, and let others know your route and arrival time. Practice Cold Weather Driving! * During the daylight, rehearse maneuvers slowly on ice or snow in an empty lot. * Steer into a skid. * Know what your brakes will do: stomp on antilock brakes, pump on non-antilockbrakes * Stopping distances are longer on water-covered ice and ice. * Don’t idle for a long time with the windows up or in an enclosed space. Issued by: John Ball, Madison County Undersheriff NEW YOU CAN NOW Place Personal Classified Ads ONLINE 24/7!!! Go To, Click On “Place Personal Classified Ad” -14-18- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 AD DEADLINE THURS. 12:00 NOON MASTERCARD-VISA-DISCOVER NOW ACCEPTED Children’s Personal Safety On-line and Out-and-About Workshop Internet access and social media are expanding quickly. Unfortunately, so are opportunities for sexual predators and bullies. Parents, guardians, child care workers, educators and concerned community members are invited to a very informative presentation about children’s personal safety. Wendy Fical, Program Director with the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children office in Utica, will present age-appropriate information to help adults to help children become aware of potential risks and empowered to prevent victimization. This workshop will focus on how to keep children safe from infancy to middle school when on social media, like Face Book, with babysitters, in child care, in teams or clubs, and out in public settings. She will also present information to help children to make safer choices on the Internet and in the real world. The presentation is free and will be held at Cazenovia Children’s House at 2757 Rt. 20 East (across from the CCS Bus Garage) on Tuesday, November 12 starting from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. Cazenovia Children’s House/My School is sponsoring this timely event. RSVP 655-5437. Amazing Grace in Surival: A Music Festival Joining Hearts in Celebration is a fundraiser to aid those in Oneida who are survivors of the flood waters last summer Amazing Grace in Surival: A Music Festival Joining Hearts in Celebration is a fundraiser to aid those in Oneida who are survivors of the flood waters last summer. The festival will be held on Sunday, November 17, 2013 beginning at 1:00 pm in St. Patrick’s Church in Oneida. The event which is being sponsored by St. Patrick’s Music Ministry and the Oneida Council of Churches will be Ecumenical in nature and will include performers from local churches and area musicians in CNY, and will feature individual or group performers for fifteen or thirty minute segments. In lieu of admission, a free-will offering will be taken to help those people who lost so much of their lives from the flooding of at least 150 homes, with many being redlined to be torn down while the rest still have a ways to go to at least replenish their needs especially around the holiday time. A raffle of a framed print by the recently deceased local artist James Colway is underway. Also on the ticket are cash prizes of $75 and $50 to be awarded as part of the raffle. The festival is open to the public to come for all or part of the entertainment as a show of support for the survivors. Agricultural District Program FLYHAWK KENNEL Dog Boarding, Country Comfort, Close By • Small & Quiet with Large Runs • Lots of Individual Attention & Exercise • Gentle, Safe, Quality Care Given • Knowledgeable, Experienced Owners • Heated & Air Conditioned Runs Agricultural Districts play a vital role in protecting agricultural land in Madison County. Agricultural farmland accounts for close to 41% of Madison County’s entire area. As described by Bob Sommers, Director of the Agricultural Protection Unit at New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets, “The purpose of agricultural districting is to encourage the continued use of farmland for agricultural production. The Program is based on a combination of landowner incentives and protections, all of which are designed to forestall the conversion of farmland to non-agricultural uses. Included in these benefits are preferential real property tax treatments e.g. agricultural assessment and special benefit assessment and protections against overly restrictive local laws, government funded acquisition or construction projects, and private nuisance suits involving agricultural practices.” October has been designated as Madison County’s “open enrollment” period during which properties can be added to an existing agricultural district. Please contact Madison County Planning Department by calling 315 366-2376 and ask for a Survey Form. Each Survey Form asks for the Tax Parcel ID number and acreage of the property. A description of the land must be included with the request. All requests for inclusion into an Agricultural District must be postmarked by Thursday, October 31, 2013. The legal criteria for an addition requires that the land be highly suitable for agricultural production, and that there be evidence of ongoing, genuine farm activities such as annual gross farm sales, recent capital farm investment, and evidence of it being a major farm operation. Red Cross Hosts Free International Humanitarian Law Class SYRACUSE, N.Y. (Oct. 28, 2013) — The Central New York Region of the American Red Cross will host an International Humanitarian Law class called “Humanity in the Midst of War” from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 9, at the Red Cross office, 344 W. Genesee St., Syracuse. The class is free and open to the public. Free parking is available in the visitor lot on Wallace Street, and light refreshments will be provided. International Humanitarian Law (IHL) comprises the rules that place limits on how war is waged. IHL seeks to protect life and human dignity during armed conflict, and prevent or reduce the suffering and destruction caused by war. One of the American Red Cross’ most important responsibilities, as mandated by the Geneva Conventions and Congressional Charter, is to educate the public about IHL. Through hands-on activities and thought-provoking discussions, the Nov. 9 class participants will learn about the Geneva Conventions and explore the powerful and fundamental concept of human dignity in wartime. The Geneva Conventions comprise four treaties, and three additional protocols, that establish the standards of international law for the humanitarian treatment of individuals during war. The class will be hosted by Edith Buffalohead, the Service to the Armed Forces/International Manager for the Central New York Region of the American Red Cross. ORAN MILLING L.L.C. Native Roughcut Lumber 1459 NYS Rt. 80 W, New Woodstock, NY HRS.: M-S 9-11 a.m. and 3 -5 p.m. Sun. 4 - 6 p.m. or By Appt. (315) 662-7828 in Madison County - Open Enrollment is During October 2013 The Pratts Est. 1985 • Hemlock, Pine, White Oak CUT TO ORDER • Fencing • Siding • Pole Barns • Sheds • Beams • Sawdust • Custom Cut Lumber ___________________________________________ For Orders: 682-8795 or Website: 7885 Rte. 20, Manlius, NY Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 5 pm, Sat. 8 am -12 Noon Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website “We’re seeing the importance of IHL today in Syria, where dozens of civilians and humanitarian volunteers have been killed or detained as the conflict has escalated between forces loyal to the Ba’ath government and the faction seeking to oust it,” Buffalohead said. “Adherence to IHL can mitigate some of the suffering and devastation caused by that war.” To register for the class, visit Saba/Web/Main (Course name: International Humanitarian Law). Or contact Edith Buffalohead at (315) 733-4666 or Registration ends Nov. 4. The Rochester Folk Art Guild Presents its Annual “Holiday Festival of Crafts in Syracuse” November 8,9, and 10, 2013 MIDDLESEX, N.Y. – The Rochester Folk Art Guild will soon present its 23rd Holiday Festival of Crafts in Syracuse on November 8, 9, and 10 at the DeWitt Community Church, 3600 Erie Boulevard East, across from Shoppingtown. Friday and Saturday the hours are 10 to 5, and Sunday from 11 to 5. Admission is $2, or free with an invitation available to print out at The Finger Lakes-based Guild had its first Syracuse holiday show in 1980, at the DeWitt Community Church, and has been building a following ever since. This is the first stop in a three city upstate “tour” that includes Rochester and Buffalo, but Central New York gets first pick of the season’s handmade creations. Syracuse supporters of the Guild have their choice of functional pottery, natural fiber clothing, wooden bowls, kitchenware, and hand woven treasures. There are also folk toys, imported vintage and contemporary Middle Eastern rugs, and books for all ages to choose from. Despite the Rochester in the name of the group, the Guild actually hails from Middlesex, in the heart of the Finger Lakes. As autumn leaves in their area begin to change color in earnest, deepening to reds, oranges, and yellows on the steep hillsides, the energies of the artisans turns to preparing work for this show. The potters are glazing teapots, the woodworkers smoothing end-grain cutting boards, the weavers are tying tassels on warm wool shawls. It is no coincidence that the natural tones in their materials echo the display they see all around them. “We are all so excited to be sharing our new work,” said Nicole Hummel, potter and Guild member. “ We are ready to show of our creations to our wonderful friends, and reconnect after another year. Here is an idea of a few of the things we will be bringing. Check out the natural materials: ” The Weavers are preparing to warm you up with ponchos, shawls, and scarves. All of their weaving is done by hand, be it blankets, placemats, or throws. They work with wool, silk, cotton, bamboo, and alpaca. cultures around the world.” The prolific Pottery Shop has been active with teaching classes, and bringing in a new apprentice, Jessie, who lives nearby. The Pottery specializes in stoneware and earthenware functional pieces to enhance the pleasure of cooking and serving fine food. For this Festival, Guild woodworkers have produced a line of end grain cutting boards, which mimic the colors of the fall foliage. The thin hardwood ones are for serving, and thicker ones are for chopping. Some of the local and recycled woods that they fashion into bowls and furniture are cherry, ash, maple burl, osage orange, cypress, douglas fir, and mulberry. The furniture Small Small Business? Business? Non-Profit? Non-Profit? Considering Considering AA Mass Mass Mailing? Mailing? Why Pay 14.5¢ A Piece For Mail Delivery WHEN YOU CAN PAY 4.5¢ A PIECE Insert Your Marketing Material In The Hi, Neighbor We Pay The 14.5¢ A Piece You Ride Along For 4.5¢ A Piece Details At In Our Current Rate Packet (Extra Charges May Apply Due To Size Of Your Marketing Piece) Furniture exhibit at library begins November 6 Maker of fine furniture Dana Brown will show a selection of his craft at the New Woodstock Free Library, from November 6 through November 30. A reception will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday, November 8. Brown, who lives in his Georgetown workshop with two dogs, grew up in Manlius, where he says proximity to the Stickley factory influenced his interest in furniture. Self taught, with a strong interest in the Craftsman Movement, Brown harvests and dries his own materials. He has shown his work in Skaneateles, Cooperstown and Cazenovia. All exhibits and presentations at the library are free and open to the public. Exhibits are open during all regular library hours. The New Woodstock Free Library is located at 2106 Main Street (Route 13) in the hamlet of New Woodstock. For more information about this and other programs at the library call 662-3134 or visit the library’s web page at The New Woodstock Free Library is open Monday through Friday 1 to 5 p.m., Monday and Wednesday evenings 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 until 1. The library is also open whenever the blue library symbol flag is flying out front. Children’s hour is every Tuesday at 11 a.m. Neighbors in the fiber workshop, the Clothing Designers, have also filled out their inventory. American Red Cross Offers Tips for a Safe Halloween Their collage jackets - each one completely unique – incorporate wonderful and sometimes unexpected combinations of patterns, stripes and hand-dyed pieces from the archive to create a beautiful garment. UTICA, N.Y. (Oct. 24, 2013) — With Halloween right around the corner, the American Red Cross of Central New York wants everyone to stay safe when they go out to Trick-or-Treat. One of the designers, Claudia Welbourne, tells about a recent excursion: “We took a fabric-buying trip to shop specialty fabric stores in Massachusetts and Vermont, and stocked up on soft and textured wools in black/white/red/gray colorways for our flattering Twisters - the shawl that stays in place with a twist sewn in. Halloween’s greatest hazards aren’t vampires and villains, but falls, costume mishaps and traffic accidents, so the Red Cross is offering the following tips to help make this Halloween safe: In Brattleboro, VT we visited Delectable Mountain Cloth tiny shop on Main St. with every square foot, floor to ceiling, filled with every variety of silk fabric imaginable. We came away with 2 dozen stunning, shimmering yards of different silks, which we stitch into circular scarves. Plan the Trick-or-Treat route and make sure adults know where children are going. A parent or responsible adult should accompany young children as they make their way around the neighborhood. As always, we use natural fiber fabrics including organic cotton, hemp, wool, silk, rayon and Tencel made from eucalyptus fiber, along with vintage and reclaimed textiles from Look for flame-resistant costumes. Make sure the Trick-or-Treaters have a flashlight. Add reflective tape to costumes and Trick-or-Treat bags. Have everyone wear light-colored clothing in order to be seen. Visit only the homes that have a porch light on. Accept Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website treats at the door – never go inside. Instead of masks, which can cover the eyes and make it hard to see, consider using face paint. Walk only on the sidewalks, not in the street. If no sidewalk is available, walk at the edge of the roadway, facing traffic. Look both ways before crossing the street and cross only at the corner. Don’t cut across yards or use alleys. Don’t cross between parked cars. Be cautious around pets and any other animals. WELCOMING GHOSTS AND GOBLINS? If someone is welcoming Trick-or-Treaters at their home, they should make sure the outdoor light is on. Other safety steps include: Sweep leaves from the sidewalks and steps, and clear the porch or front yard of any obstacles that a child could trip over. Restrain household pets. Use a glow stick instead of a candle in the jack-o-lantern to avoid a fire hazard. LEARN WHAT TO DO People can download the free American Red Cross First Aid App. Users receive instant access to expert advice for everyday emergencies whenever and wherever they need it. Features of the app include: Step-by-step instructions on how to handle the most common first aid situations. Videos and animations that make the skills easy to learn. Safety and preparedness tips. Quizzes that users can take to earn badges which they can share with their friends on social media. People can find all of the Red Cross apps in the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store by searching for American Red Cross or by going to mobileapps.through Friday 1 to 5 p.m., Monday and Wednesday evenings 7 to 9 p.m., and Saturdays from 10 until 1. The library is also open whenever the blue library symbol flag is flying out front. Children’s hour is every Tuesday at 11 a.m. ReELECT HOWARD HUNTER Georgetown Highway Superintendent Fourteen Years of Experience Don't forget to vote Nov. 5 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -19-15- Madison County Election Canidates MADISON COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS The following is a list of the names and addresses of the candidates appearing on the ballot for the General Election to be held on November 5, 2013 in the County of Madison: COUNTY-WIDE Justice of the Supreme Court-6th Judicial District – Vote for Any Two Eugene D Faughnan (Republican, Conservative) 25 Rugby Road, Binghamton NY 13905 Judith F O’Shea (Republican, Conservative) 703 Wall Street, Elmira NY 14905 Madison County Clerk – Vote for One Ann L Jones (Democratic, Working Families) 4884 Nelson Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Denise A Roe (Republican, Conservative) 1995 Randalsville Rd, Hamilton NY 13346 Madison County Sheriff – Vote for One Allen Riley (Democratic, Conservative) 831 Brian Rd, Earlville NY 13332 BROOKFIELD John J Salka, Supervisor (Republican, Conservative, Independence) 9733 Keith Rd, West Edmeston NY 13485 Joshua Haar, Supervisor (Liberty) 1995 Paddock, West Edmeston NY 13485 Kimberly K Reed, Town Clerk/Collector (Republican, Conservative, Independence) 8759 Wratten Rd, Hubbardsville NY 13355 Sherry L Kabana, Town Clerk/Collector (People’s Choice) 10264 Stanbro Rd, POBox 158, Edmeston NY 13335 Donald M Brown, Town Justice (Republican) 10303 Bailey Lake Rd, Waterville NY 13480 Charles K Blood, Town Council (Republican) 1659 Quaker Hill Rd, Hubbardsville NY 13355 Kristi Andersen, Town Council (Democratic) 11 Rippleton Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Patrick Race, Town Council (Republican) 121 Lincklaen St, Cazenovia NY 13035 DERUYTER Daniel S. Degear, Supervisor (Republican) 1705 Carey Rd, DeRuyter NY 13052 Rebecca M Wightman, Town Clerk (Republican) 1210 State Route 13, DeRuyter NY 13052 Walter C Cook, Highway Superintendent (Republican, ELITE DENTAL + DENTURE P.C. Accepting New Patients ACCEPTING 13-15 CLINTON AVE, CORTLAND 607.758.7700 NEW PATIENTS Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm & Saturday from 9am-3pm WALK INS + EMERGENCIES SEEN SAME DAY Walk Ins + Emergencies Seen Same Day Waterlase Laser 13-15 Clinton Ave.,forCortland - 607.758.7700 __________________________________________________ hard & soft tissue surgery and caries removal Porcelain Inlay, Onlays & Crowns with Cerec Technology, within an hour w/ minimal or no requirement of local anesthesia MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Including T.M.D. + Facial $110 SPECIAL & Healthplex Medicaid, Dentaquest Full Exam Pain Treatment __________________________________________________ Bite Wings Cleaning Zoom Bleaching Permanent Crowns Bridges 15% Senior Citizen 15% Senior Citizen Discount Cleanings Extractions Root Canals Dentures & Partials Fillings/Bonding We 00 Discount 110e.cial ALDo Sp xam Denta L E on Fulle Wings l Work t i B ! Dentures & Partials On Dentures or Partials $ SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT FINANCING AVAILABLE ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION FOR DENTURES (white �illings) Invisalign Available __________________________________________________ Open Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM, Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM - Evening Hours Rd, Canastota NY 13032 Frank M Hyatt, Highway Superintendent (Republican) 3005 Fenner Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Hannah S Strack, Town Council (Republican) 3699 Mutton Hill Rd, POBox 522, Cazenovia NY 13035 Bill Cody, Town Council (Republican) 4676 Shephards Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Cindy Gavula, Town Council (Fenner Neighbors) 5393 Nelson Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Philip Rose, Town Council (Fenner Neighbors) 4128 Mutton Hill Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Sharon E Larkin, Tax Collector (Republican) 5400 Nelson Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 GEORGETOWN Paul Walrod, Supervisor (Democratic) 648 State Route 26, PO Box 89, Georgetown NY 13072 Bart C Chapin, Supervisor (Republican, Local Citizens) 1657 State Route 80, Georgetown NY 13072 Mac Sergent, Supervisor (Hometown) 4203 Lebanon Rd, POBox 29, Georgetown NY 13072 Sarah Brush, Town Clerk/Collector (Democratic, Republican) 4454 Lebanon Rd, POBox 107, Georgetown NY 13072 Conservative) 1835 State Route 13, New Woodstock NY 13122 Howard Hunter, Highway Superintendent (Democratic, Republican) 1536 Morrow Rd, Erieville NY 13061 Mitchell L VanNordstrand, Town Justice (Republican) 40 S Lake Rd, DeRuyter NY 13052 Duane J Newton, Highway Superintendent (Independence) 1638 Wilcox Rd, Georgetown NY 13072 Robert G Jones, Town Council (Republican) 711 Division St, POBox 163, DeRuyter NY 13052 Matthew W VanHeusen, Town Council (Democratic, Republican) 315 State Route 26, Georgetown NY 13072 Robert A Hathaway, Town Council, (Republican), 2140 Crumb Hill Rd, DeRuyter, NY 13052 David Wood, Town Council (Republican) 3517 Chapman Rd, Georgetown NY 13072 Joseph Yankowski, Town Council, (Independence, Common Sense), 772 Utica St, POBox 366, DeRuyter, NY 13052 EATON HAMILTON 2 Ballot Propositions Eve Ann Shwartz, Supervisor (Democratic, Good Government) 689 Borden Rd, Earlville NY 13332 Jefferson L Mayne, Town Council (Republican) 11008 Skaneateles Turnpike, West Edmeston NY 13485 Ray Lewandowski, Supervisor (Democratic, Hometown) 3485 Westview Rd, Morrisville NY 13408 Larry J Krauss, Town Council (People’s Choice) 1742 Academy Rd, POBox 21, Sangerfield NY 13485 Cliff Moses, Supervisor (Republican, Conservative) 5056 State Route 20, POBox 604, Morrisville NY 13408 Marylou A Rhodes, Town Council (People’s Choice) 3198 Gorton Lake Rd, W Edmeston NY 13485 Debra Clark, Town Clerk/Collector (Democratic, Hometown) 3753 Clark Rd, Morrisville NY 13408 Bert F Glazier, Highway Superintendent (Democratic/Good Government, Republican) 2069 Wickwire Rd, Hubbardsville NY 13355 DeWitt C. Head, Town Council (Liberty) 3489 Cole Hill Rd, Hubbardsville NY 13355 Larry J Phillips II, Highway Superintendent (Democratic, Country Roads) 3593 English Ave, Morrisville NY 13408 Donald W Haight, Town Justice (Democratic, Good Government) 7404 Bonney Hill Rd, Hamilton NY 13346 David Keith, Town Council (Bee Hive) 9382 Keith Rd, N Brookfield NY 13418 Bill Donnelly, Town Council (Democratic, Hometown) 13 E Maple Ave, POBox 424, Morrisville NY 13408 Peter Darby, Town Council (Democratic, Good Government) 537 Earlville Rd, Earlville NY 13332 Paul M. Orth, Town Council (Republican) 2403 Lebanon Hill Rd, Eaton NY 13334 Suzanne B Collins, Town Council (Democratic, Good Government) 32 Milford St, Hamilton NY 13346 CAZENOVIA 2 Ballot Propositions Bill Zupan, Supervisor (Democratic) 3835 Wellington Dr N, Cazenovia NY 13035 Connie Sunderman, Town Clerk (Republican) 2683 Ballina Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Fred G Palmer III, Town Justice (Republican) 2606 Pearl St, POBox 188, New Woodstock NY 13122 -20- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -14- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 FENNER Sue Reymers, Town Clerk/Collector (Democratic, Good Government) 7448 Willey Rd, Earlville NY 13332 LEBANON Dave Jones, Supervisor (Republican) 4879 Nelson Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 James Goldstein, Supervisor (Democratic, Conservative) 5504 S Lebanon Rd, Earlville NY 13332 Carl Snow, Supervisor (Fenner Neighbors) 4664 South Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Nicole Viera, Town Clerk/Collector (Democratic) 5315 Lebanon Rd, Earlville NY 13332 Joanne E Buyea, Town Clerk (Republican) 6408 Oxbow Alex P Hodge, Highway Superintendent (Democratic, Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Madison County Election Canidates Brian L Forsythe, Town Justice (Democratic, Republican, Conservative) 5934 Lakeshore Dr, Hamilton NY 13346 Matthew B Powrie, Town Council (Republican) 6924 Lebanon Rd, Earlville NY 13332 Lois M Hartshorn, Town Council (Republican) 6277 Reservoir Rd, Hamilton NY 13346 Ron Jones, Town Council (Democratic, 4 the People) 1487 Billings Hill, Earlville NY 13332 Patricia Matson, Town Council (Democratic) 6584 Craine Lake Rd, Hamilton NY 13346 LENOX Rocco J DiVeronica, Supervisor (Republican, Conservative) 517 S Main St, Canastota NY 13032 MADISON COUNTY BOARD OF ELECTIONS Cont... Charlene Barres, Town Clerk/Collector (Republican) 232 James St, Canastota NY 13032 Patricia J Bikowsky, Town Council (Republican, Conservative) 3419 Center Rd, Madison NY 13402 David Jordan, Town Council (Madison Unity) 3651 Center Rd, Madison NY 13402 Michael St Leger, Town Justice (Republican) 5900 Ridge Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Joe Koen, Town Council (Madison Unity) 4632 E Lake Rd, Hamilton NY 13346 Thomas Kopp, Town Council (Republican, Conservative) 113 Seneca St, Chittenango NY 13037 NELSON Roger D Bradstreet, Supervisor (Democratic, Good Neighbor) 3845 Thomas Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 John R Sevier Jr, Highway Superintendent (Republican) AUTO/NF WORKMAN'S COMP POMPCO GUARDIAN USFW GHI A Max Smith, Mayor (Republican, Conservative) 423 Lenox Ave, Oneida NY 13421 DOAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Care For The Entire Family Specializing in the Treatment of Low Back, Neck, Disk Injury & Headaches Let Doan Chiropractic Be Your First Stop On The Road To Recovery Stanton Rd. 4317 East Genesee St. New Woodstock DeWitt 662-3508 449-4465 MEDICARE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD CIGNA EQUICOR Anthony Palamara, Town Council, (Republican), 10 Grago Blvd, Canastota, NY 13032 Mike Costello, Town Council (Democratic) 3967 Nelson Hgts Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 John Hadyk, Town Council, (Republican), 3611 State Route 31, Canastota, NY 13032 Jennifer Marti, Town Council (Democratic) 3236 State Route 20, Cazenovia NY 13035 SMITHFIELD Stephen M Nellis, Town Council (Republican) 4183 Whitman Rd, Canastota NY 13032 William M Wilcox, Town Council (Republican) 2927 Timmerman Rd, POBox 28, Clockville NY 13043 MADISON Ronald C Bono, Supervisor (Republican, Independence) 3470 State Route 12B, Bouckville NY 13310 David Sonn, Supervisor (Madison Unity) 2762 Rockwell Rd, Hamilton NY 13346; POBox 408, Earlville NY 13332 Tracy M McLain, Town Clerk (Republican) 3747 Solsville Rd, POBox 76, Madison NY13402 Roy J Kirley, Highway Superintendent (Republican, Conservative) 3415 Bishop Rd, Madison NY 13402 Michael Gridley, Highway Superintendent (Time for Change) 6705 Airport Rd, Hamilton NY 13346; 3161 Pickett Rd, Madison NY 13402 Nancy Andrews, City Chamberlain (Democratic) 238 W Walnut St, Oneida NY 13421 Anthony P Eppolito, City Judge (Democratic, Republican) 1717 Middle Rd, Oneida NY 13421 John A Reinhardt, Supervisor – Wards 1, 2, 3,(Republican, Conservative) 628 Deerfield Dr, Oneida NY 13421 Patrick J O’Sullivan, Town Justice (Republican) 3217 Lyon Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Anthony J Domenicone, Highway Superintendent (Republican) 4076 Timmerman Rd, Canastota NY 13032 CITY OF ONEIDA Leo N Matzke, Mayor (Democratic, Working Families) 213 Park Ave, Oneida NY 13421 John Pierre Pinard, Town Council (Conservative) 1538 State St, Canastota NY 13032 Jeanne R Mitchell, Town Clerk/Collector (People’s Choice) 6874 Bruce Rd, Canastota NY 13032 Kerry Ranger, Town Council (Republican, Conservative) 439 Damon Point Rd, Bridgeport NY 13030 Deborah J Costello, Town Clerk (Republican, Good Neighbor) 3967 Nelson Hgts Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 3573 Old State Rd. Erieville NY 13061 Darrin P Ball, Supervisor (Republican) 6681 Tuttle Rd, Canastota NY 13032 SULLIVAN John Button, Town Justice (Republican, Conservative) 107 Pauline Dr, Chittenango NY 13037 Salvador Cesario, Highway Superintendent (Republican, Conservative) 8025 N Main St, Canastota NY 13032 LINCOLN James Strain, Town Council (Republican) 5094 Cole St, Munnsville NY 13409 James E Lundrigan, Town Council (Republican, Conservative, Independence) 2345 Newton Rd, Hamilton NY 13346 MEDICARE Joseph John Pinard, Supervisor (People’s Choice) 3037 Whitelaw Rd, Canastota NY 13032 Robert Engle, Town Justice (Republican) 7467 Water St, POBox 235, Madison NY 13402 USCW GHI Republican) 6087 Vosburg Rd, Earlville NY 13332 Richard O Bargabos, Supervisor (Republican) 6014 Old County Rd; POBox 147, Peterboro NY 13134 Janice C Sebring, Town Clerk (Republican) 5313 Oxbow Rd, Peterboro NY 13134 Dan Davis, Highway Superintendent (Democratic, Good Neighbor) 4471 Pleasant Valley Rd, Morrisville NY 13408 Jason DeGroat, Highway Superintendent (Republican) 4835 Goff Rd, Morrisville NY 13408 Paul L. Shiffer, Town Council (Democratic) 4674 Park St, Morrisville NY 13408; PO Box 35, Peterboro, NY 13134 Brenda A Goff, Town Council (Democratic) 5287 Pleasant Valley Rd, Cazenovia NY 13035 Richard J Looft, Town Council (Republican) 5531 Creek Rd, Oneida NY 13421 STOCKBRIDGE Scott Henderson, Supervisor – Wards 1, 2, 3 (Republican) 219 E Sands St, Oneida NY 13421 Lewis Carinci, Supervisor – Wards 4, 5, 6 (Democratic, Working Families) 429 W Elm St, Oneida NY 13421 James V Rafte, Supervisor – Wards 4, 5, 6 (Democratic, Working Families) 457 E Walnut St, Oneida NY 13421 Michael J Kaiser, Supervisor-Wards 4, 5, 6,(Republican) 220 N Broad St, Oneida NY 13421 Alan Cohen, City Council-Ward 1 (Democratic, Working Families) 1905 West Rd, Oneida NY 13421 Brahim M Zogby, City Council-Ward 1 (Republican, Conservative) 114 E Sands St, Oneida NY 13421 Michael F Bowe, City Council-Ward 2 (Democratic, Working Families) 102 Morgan Ln, Oneida NY 13421 David Cimpi, City Council-Ward 2 (Republican) 304 Sayles St, Oneida NY 13421 Erwin L Smith, City Council-Ward 3 (Democratic) 346 Cleveland Ave, Oneida NY 13421 George R Lighthall, City Council-Ward 4 (Democratic, Working Families) 241 Lexington Ave, Oneida NY 13421 Helen B. Acker, City Council-Ward 4 (Republican) 321 Broad St, Oneida NY 13421 Jim Chamberlain, City Council-Ward 5 (Democratic, Working Families) 610 W Elm St, Oneida NY 13421 Alexander R Stepanski, Supervisor (Republican) 5311 N Main St, POBox 27 Munnsville NY 13409 John L Southfield, City Council-Ward 6 (Democratic, Working Families) 258 Williams St, Oneida NY 13421 Cami L Kiehn, Town Clerk/Collector (Republican) 5935 Stockbridge Falls Rd, Munnsville NY 13409 Thomas L Simchik, City Council-Ward 6 (Republican, Conservative) 1015 Tanner Rd, Oneida NY 13421 Peter R Kiehn, Sr, Highway Superintendent (Republican) 5935 Stockbridge Falls Rd, Munnsville NY 13409 Lynne M Jones, Laura P Costello, Commissioners, Madison County Board of Elections, Wampsville NY 13163 Kenneth Frost, Town Council,(Republican) 6140 Middle Rd, Munnsville NY 13409 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -21Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 28, 2013 -15- Hi, Neighbor Plus Business Directory Twin Oaks Gun Shop, LLC MID-YORK 315-684-3049 CHIMNEY & STOVE,LLC M-W-F 5 PM - 7 PM, SAT. 10 AM- 3 PM Rte. 13 South, Truxton, NY Chimney Sweeping, Relining, Masonry Restoration, Chimney Caps, Prefabricated Chimneys, Stove & Fireplace Accessories RIFLES SHOT GUNS Phone MUZZLE LOADERS 607 AMMO 842-6603 SUPPLIES Over 24 Years Experience - Insured - Member NYS Chimney Sweep Guild National Fireplace Institute (NFI) Certified Stove Installer DOAN CHIROPRACTIC Chiropractic Care For The Entire Family Specializing in the Treatment of Low Back, Neck, Disk Injury & Headaches Let Doan Chiropractic Be Your First Stop On The Road To Recovery Stanton Rd. 4317 East Genesee St. New Woodstock DeWitt 662-3508 449-4465 MEDICARE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD CIGNA EQUICOR Push Back Banks INSURANCE SERVICES •Auto •Home •Farm •Business •Motorcycle 132 Albany St., Cazenovia 13035 (315) 655-2878 MEDICARE USCW GHI AUTO/NF WORKMAN'S COMP POMPCO GUARDIAN USFW GHI Shea Skeele CISR, CPIA Marty Quinn CISR, CPIA References SNOWPLOWING Caz/New Woodstock Mark Storer Residential 315-815-5009 5518 Nelson Road Canastota 315-655-0346 Specials Run Sept. Oct. 24-30 BUY A Regency Pellet or Gas Stove or Insert ReELECT HOWARD HUNTER Georgetown Highway Superintendent To Receive A FREE ACCESSORY Valued At Up To $571.00 Glass Windshield - Blowers - Remote Control Fourteen Years of Experience Don't forget to vote Nov. 5 New LARGER Facility - Same GREAT Service! 2433 Rte 12B, Hamilton, NY Right Across From Price Chopper 315.228.2090 - Tr oyer’s Black Forest $ .99 Reg. 4 HAM 3 s ’ r e $ 99 lb. y Tro HONEY ROASTED T ro yer’s Green Onion $ .99 Reg. 4 CHEESE 389 $ lb. Featured Bakery Item of the Week TURKEY Raspberry 49 Rolls 4 100% Grass Fed, No Hormone, No Antibiotic Freezer BEEF & PORK $ .49 Reg. 5 $ lb. Fresh Baked Goods Friday & Saturday - Fresh Bread All Week Open Mon. 9-6, Tues.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 8-4 - < > HamiltonCazenovia Animal Hospital Animal Hospital 2316 Rt. 12B Hamilton, NY 13346 315-824-5412 Dr. Frank Martorana Dr. Heather Highbrown 2750 Rt.20 East Cazenvoia, NY 13035 315-655-3409 Dr. Jerry Kolb Dr. Alice Marie Donnelly Dr. Anne Galton Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, October 21, 2013 -15- Healthy Pets, Happy Clients Providing Quality, Compassionate Care For Over 35 Years Learn To Fly! Introductory Discovery Flight Lessons Are Available from $89 SCENIC TOURS AIRPLANE RIDES Call for Pricing 3 person maximum weight restrictions apply Contact FAA Certified Instructor Rick Bargabos 315-447-0366 or email: to Schedule your appointment EAGLE VIEW FLIGHT TRAINING • HAMILTON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT 6620 Airport Rd. • Hamilton, NY 13346 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Hi, Neighbor Plus Business Directory AMERICAN WELL DRILLING & PUMP SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Quality Auto Care of Caz., Inc. Your Vehicle State Inspection Facility 2808 Rt. 20 East, Cazenovia, NY 13035 Mon. - Fri. 8:00-5:30 ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ Meade __________________ Floors OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 9 a.m.-6 p.m. & Sat. 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Email: • Shaw • American Olean • Mannington Carpet - Tile - Vinyl FREE QUOTES • LOW RATES New 6" Casing, Old & New Homes, Farms, Commercial Need Help? GIVE US A CALL ANY TIME! Insured DEC# 10088 315-837-4778 Fully McDowell Insurance Agency P: 655-4393 • F: 655-2117 Sales & Service (315) 662-3225 22 BURTON ST., CAZENOVIA • WE MAKE HOUSE CALLS PAINTING Kellish Tire & Auto Service 21 Years In CNY Interior Exterior Monday-Friday 9-5; Saturday 9-Noon Corner of Rte 20 & Pompey Center Road, Manlius, NY •Pressure Wash •Dry Wall Repair Matt & Debi Kouba 655-3993 WHEEL ALIGNMENT Call For CHECK ENGINE LIGHTS Appointment BRAKES MID-YORK 315-684-3049 CHIMNEY & STOVE,LLC Chimney Sweeping, Relining, Masonry Restoration, Chimney Caps, Prefabricated Chimneys, Stove & Fireplace Accessories ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ 682-8709 Old Fashion “We take the time to Service care as we meet our w/ Current Technology customer’s needs” __________________________________ STATE INSPECTION OIL CHANGES Agricultural • Residential • Commercial • Industrial Over 24 Years Experience - Insured - Member NYS Chimney Sweep Guild National Fireplace Institute (NFI) Certified Stove Installer ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ SHOWROOM 3273 Tuscarora Road Erieville, NY 13061 LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS INSTALLED & REPAIRED Serving Central NY 30 Years - Service Provided Year Round Call or write WEBB PROFESSIONALS P.O. Box 553, Oneida, NY 13421 - 315-363-8660 Dependable Auto Service Since 1982 Quality automotive maintenance and repairs Call 655-2332 for Your Appointment CHASING MEMORIES EXCAVATION EXCAVATION 7861 Main St., Fabius, NY Debbie Foster (315) 683-5342 •Antiques •Locally Made Items •Baby Items •Crocheted Items Locally Made Bird Houses ________________________ •18 Month / 18,000 Mile Warranty •Most Maintenance Services •Air Conditioning Service & Repairs •Tires, Brakes & Alignments CHASE'S BARBER-STYLIST SHOP HRS: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Closed Wed or by appt. Perms • Cuts • Styles Snow Plowing RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL SALVATORE F. LANZA, ESQ. ATTORNEY AT LAW Call Now To Reserve Your Scheduling Spot •DRIVEWAYS •WATER LINES •FOUNDATIONS 5333 Midlum Road, Cuyler, N.Y. Phone 607-842-6888 office 315-427-5940 cell email:- •DEMOLITION •LIGHT TRUCKING •ELECTRIC LINES •RETAINING WALLS •BUSH HOGGING •HOUSE JACKING •DRAINAGE •REPAIR CELLAR WALLS •BLOCK, BRICK CONCRETE WORK _____________________________________ RICK COOLEY • MATT COOLEY 40 Years Experience / Insured 1088 Vincent Corners Road, Fabius, NY AUTO/NF WORKMAN'S COMP POMPCO GUARDIAN USFW GHI Clean Chip Ross owner Servicemaster by Ross 2579 Kennedy Lane Canastota, NY 13032 Phone: 315/363-9040 Batavia Clyde Homer Chiropractic Care For The Entire Family Specializing in the Treatment of Low Back, Neck, Disk Injury & Headaches Let Doan Chiropractic Be Your First Stop On The Road To Recovery Stanton Rd. 4317 East Genesee St. New Woodstock DeWitt 662-3508 449-4465 MEDICARE BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD CIGNA EQUICOR ® Commercial/Residential Cleaning Services DOAN CHIROPRACTIC Albany New Ag Buildings Dairy Buildings Horse Barns Garages Commercial Boat Winterizing Clyde: 315-923-7777 Batavia: 585-343-1777 Homer: 607-749-7779 Albany: 518-355-6708 Rov-a-tune Boat Repair is now scheduling winterizations. Available 7 days a week. Call or visit our web site for details. MEDICARE ServiceMASTER USCW GHI 315-683-5425 • Cell 440-3246 Reclaim Your Lawn AND Your Weekend! FW Clean-Up 315-430-7241 • Overgrown Hedgerows Tamed • Brush & Debris Removed • Driveways Fixed/ New Stone Spread • Small Lawn Areas Repaired & Seeded • Pressure Washing • Manure Piles Removed or Spread • Old Sheds/Barns Removed • General Handyman Service • Estate Cleanups • Gutters Cleaned • Trees Trimmed or Removed • Clean Outs - Garages, Basements • Drainage Corrected/Tile Installed • And Much More Free Estimates - Insured Larry Webb - 655-3362 - Part of the family of companies ALSO GRASS FED BEEF AVAILABLE TREE SERVICE Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website 655-2094 R.L. GAUT 440-4288 Trimmimg - Stump Grinding - Removal
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