6-27-16 - Hi, Neighbor
6-27-16 - Hi, Neighbor
HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4th - JUNE 27 - Melody for Happy Birthday Song Written, 1859 - JUNE 30 - Superman’s Birthday, 1938 - JULY 2 - First Zeppelin Flight, 1900 BUY - SELL - TRADE CNY WITH A HI, NEIGHBOR CLASSIFIED 1-25 Words $1000/Week, 26-50 Words $1250/Week CALL/FAX: (315) 655-9431 - ONLINE: www.hineighbor.net - E-MAIL: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Hi, Neighbor 7 Days Til Independence Day (July 4) Have You Forgotten? PHONE/FAX:315-655-9431 Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net THE SPOTLIGHT IS ON CONEHEADS CARIBBEAN ICE CREAM Receive The Hi, Neighbor In Your Email Inbox Each Week Open On Your Smart Phone, Tablet or Computer So You Can Take Us With You Any Where You Go... DOWNLOAD Hi, Neighbor From Our Mobile Site, Website or Our Facebook Page PICK UP At Stores or Pick Up Boxes or U.S. Mail Subscription ($25.00/Year) Or Saturation Mail WE DROP Papers Weekly In: July 6, 5-7 pm 3728 State Rte 31 Canastota • Free Samplers of Award Winning Hard Ice Cream • Discounted BBQ & Food Prices • Enter a Free Raffle for FREE Ice Cream for the 2016 Season • Pick Up Your Buy Madison Promotional Giveaways ________________________________________ ConeHeads Caribbean Ice Cream is located near the corner of Route 13 & Route 31 in Canastota, New York. It is at South Shore Nautical a local marine store. While sitting down eating ice cream on the new rustic deck enjoying the beautiful view of Oneida Lake and watching the sunset take time to browse the unique gifts in the ~Blue Schooner Gift Shoppe~. It's an awesome small local spot for delicious ice cream. Always a pleasant place to go, with fast and super friendly service. The shakes are delicious and the 40 flavors of ice cream give you opportunity to go back many times. If you’re in the mood for some incredible food, Stoney's Bar-B-Que wagon is right next to the Ice Cream Shop ! With pulled pork, hamburgers, Hoffman Hots and many sides it's a great place to get lunch or dinner. The decor is cool with the nautical & Caribbean theme and the menu's are not overwhelming. A great place to bring the family & kids and sit back and relax....just like in the Caribbean !!! For more information go to: https://www.facebook.com/coneheadscaribbean or www.BuyMadisonNY.com https://www.facebook.com/CalculatetheAdvantage _____________________________________________ Grab your friends and make a night of it! Every first Wednesday of the month a different Madison County business will be in the spotlight. Demonstrations, samples, expanded hours, specials, and more! www.BuyMadisonNY.com Buy Madison - Buy Local - Shop - Eat - Play - Stay - Locally Buy Madison POURED CONCRETE WALLS DEMOLITION - HOUSE JACKING - WATERPROOFING FOUNDATIONS INSTALLED: Poured walls, ICF, Blocks, Repair Bowed/Cracked Walls / Resurfacing EXCAVATION: Backhoe / Loader / Dozer / Trackhoe Skidsteer / Septics Installed / Repaired / 70’ Crane Service OUNDATION General Construction RF S, I BA FREE ESTIMATES Call Bob Barrows nc NOW Taking Classified Ads ONLINE!!! www.hineighbor.net 315-440-2762 . APULIA: The Nest CANASTOTA: Nice & Easy, SAVE ON Near Thruway, DUNKIN DONUTS, Red Apple Kwik Fill, Office of the Aging, Scrub A Dub (Tops), VFW, American Legion, Jreck Subs CAZENOVIA: Buyeas, Common Grounds CHITTENANGO: Beauty World, Nice N Easy, Stone Hearth Express, Kinneys, Roma’s Laundry, Rite-Aid, Dollar Store, Dunkin Donuts, Scrub-A-Dub II DeRUYTER: Countryside Hardware, DeRuyter Farm & Garden Coop, Quincy Square, DeRuyter Big M, DeRuyter Post Office Pick Up Box ERIEVILLE: Erieville Country Store EATON: Post Office Pick Up Box FABIUS: Anna’s Country Store FENNER: Troyer’s Country Store GEORGETOWN: Predmore’s Store, Post Office Pick Up Box LAFAYETTE: Cindy’s Family Restaurant, M&T Plaza Drop Box, Dollar General, Nice & Easy MADISON: AnW Mart, Early’s Hardware MANLIUS: Dunkin Donuts, A Plus, Brugger’s Bagle, Tops Plaza Pick Up Box, Nice & Easy Rte. 92 MORRISVILLE: Cooleys Plaza Drop Box, Dougherty’s Pharmacy NEW WOODSTOCK: New Woodstock Library, New Woodstock Store ONEIDA: SAVE ON - Upper Lenox Ave, Price Chopper, SAVE ON - Rte. 5 By Pepi’s, Dunkin Donuts, SAVE ON - Rte. 5 & 46, Colonial Laundromat, Scrub A Dub, SAVE ON - Lower Lennox., SAVE ON - Patrick Road, Nice N Easy (Rte. 365). Dunkin Donuts (Rte. 365), Knotty Pine, Korner Kafe ORISKANY FALLS: Village Store PETERBORO: Main Street By Post Office, Deli On The Green POMPEY: Kellish Tire & Auto Inside, Pompey Mall, Knoxie’’s Pub SOLSVILLE: Solsville Hotel TRUXTON: PickupBox Across From Post Office, Reakes Country Goods VERNON: Post Office Pick up Box, Nothin Fancy, Apple Betty Cafe WEST EATON: Post Office Pick Up Box Award Winning "Giffords Ice Cream" EN D (Just Send Us An Email Requesting Delivery) 2016 Website: www.hineighbor.net Buy Madison County's FREE TAKE ONE! - 1ST WEDNESDAY Get The JULY EVENT Hi, Neighbor By: EMAIL June 27 Your Locally Owned Shopping, Community Events & News Pennysaver Since 1962 Spc. Jarrod York 9 Albany St., Ste. 1D Cazenovia, NY 13035 PRSRT STD. US POSTAGE PAID HI, NEIGHBOR EMAIL: robrrws43@frontiernet.net NEW CROP OF •Broccoli •Kale •Cabbage •Cauliflower •Brussels Sprouts •Flowering Kale •Flowering Cabbage •Cucumbers SUMMER PLANT SALE TUESDAY, JUNE 28TH THRU saturday, JULY 2nd ALL FLOWER PACKS AND POTS •BUY ONE - GET ONE FREE• ALL PERENNIALS, HERBS & HANGING BASKETS •BUY ONE - GET ONE FREE• 6905 Route 80 East, Tully, New York (315) 683-5532 neilcaseysfarmmarket.com - We Do Not Accept Credit or Debit Cards Open: Tuesday - Saturday 9 am - 6 pm, Sunday 10 am to 5 pm Closed Mondays Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net CINCINNATUS FIELD DAYS JULY 1, 2 & 3, 2016 FRIDAY, JULY 1 4 PM - Grounds Open FOOD 4 - 5:30 PM - Registration for ATV, UTV 5 PM - TALENT SHOW 6 PM - RIDES OPEN 6 PM - ATV, UTV 8 - 11 PM - DJ GARY MORELY - G.C.M. Entertainment SATURDAY, JULY 2 RIDES 8 AM - Chris's 5K RUN/WALK/10K RUN 9 AM - GROUNDS OPEN (VENDORS) 9 AM - LITTLE LEAGUE - CINCY VS. WILLET NOON - RIDES OPEN NOON - MISS CINCINNATUS NOON - OFF THE LAWN LAWNMOWER PULLS, ATV, UTV, PULLS 1 PM - PIE AUCTION 1 PM - QUILT DEMONSTRATION BEER 1 - 4 PM - WRIST BAND RIDE SPECIAL TENT 1 - 4 PM - RAISED ON RADIO BAND No Coolers 3:30 PM - CHICKEN BARBECUE READY Allowed 3:30 - 5:30 PM - BINGHAMTON ZOO MOBILE DEMO 4:30-5:30 PM - STOLEN PONY BAND 5 PM - PARADE LINE UP - STARTS AT BOWLING ALLEY 5 PM - BROOKFIELD MODIFIED GARDEN TRACTOR PULL 6 PM - PARADE STARTS 6:30-7:30 PM - STOLEN PONY BAND RAFFLES 8 - 11 PM - ROCKET BAND SUNDAY, JULY 3 8 AM - PANCAKE BREAKFAST 8:30 AM - INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC 9 AM - 4 PM - CAR & MOTORCYCLE SHOW RACING 9 AM - GROUNDS OPEN 10 AM - VALVE COVER RACES 11 AM - POWER WHEELS DERBY NOON - SOUTHERN TIER MOWER SPORTS, LAWNMOWER RACES & MICROD RACES NOON - RIDES OPEN 12:30 PM - REGISTRATION FOR LOGGING GAMES 12:30-2:30 PM - SOUTHERN EXPRESS BAND 1 PM - CHICKEN BBQ (READY) FIRE DEPT 1 - 4 PM - WRIST BAND RIDE SPECIAL SMOKE . 1 PM - CAR SHOW AWARDS HOUSE 1:30 PM - LOGGING COMPETITION 3 PM - QUILTING FREE MOTION DEMO 3:30-6:00 KENNY T AND THE WILD FIRE BAND 4 PM - VALVE COVER RACING 4 PM - REDNECK GAMES 5 PM - DOG SHOW 6:30 TIL FIREWORKS - DONNA AND THE MYSTICS BAND RAFFLE CARD DRAWING 9:30 PM - 50/50 RAFFLE DRAWING DUSK - FIREWORKS All Event Times Are Subject To Change Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net CARPET, ORIENTAL, Our UPHOLSTERY & “SEE YOU THERE” CERAMIC TILE FLOOR CLEANING DATEBOOK ASK ABOUT OUR SPECIAL’S D&S Professional Services Ask For Tami Our “See You There” Date Book consists of NOTICES FOR FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS plus COMPLIMENTARY LISTINGS FOR ORGANIZATIONS who have placed paid ads for fund raising events. _______________________________________________ OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________________________ JUNE 22, 12:00 NOON - JUNE 22 IS COMING UP FAST AND THAT IS THE DATE OF OUR NEXT COMMUNITY LUNCHEON AT THE ERIEVILLE FIRE HOUSE. Please come and bring a friend and a smile. Also, a dish to pass and your own table service. Happy Birthday this month to: Betty Reals on the 13th; ruth Jones on the 22nd; and Bryant Lewis on the 26th. WED., JUNE 22, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking.org. Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. Thank You ERIEVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT THANKS EVERYONE WHO BOUGHT TICKETS, AND SUPPORTED OUR MAY 220 PARTY. WINNERS ARE AS FOLLOWS: $30.00 Lori Markowski, Amy Markowski, Dan Stearns, Margaret Brody, Mary Williams, Dorothy Deyo, Rodger Stearns, Brian Goodrich, Mike Costello, Cindy Decker, Colin Yaddow, Jackie Carr, Joy McDermott, Bill Jones, Char Reeves, Russ Scott. $60.00 - Mary Jane Woodcock, Colin Yaddow, Ron Hailston, Jean McLean. $100.00 Bill Carr. $150.00 - Tanya Decock. $200.00 - Brandon Isbabell. $250.00 - Char Reeves. $500.00 - Kevin Markowski THURS., JUNE 23, 6:30 PM COMMUNITY BAND AT LAKELAND PARK, Cazenovia w/hot dogs and ice cream and games WED., JUNE 24, 12:30-3:30 AM: MADISON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT JUNE IMMUNIZATION CLINIC. By appointment. Please bring your health insurance card, most insurance plans accepted. Some fees may apply. To make an appointment, call 315-366-2848 or visit www.healthymadisoncounty.org. All clinics will be held at the Madison County Health Department, 138 N. Court St., Building 5, Wampsville. SAT., JUNE 25, 3 P.M.- EVENING. CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL MULTI CLASS REUNION / BBQ. Lakeside Park, East Lake Road, Cazenovia. Info Michael 315-807-4338 or Tina Vaughn Putnam 828-595-9384, cell 518-248-7297 656-2533 THURS., JUNE 30, 6:30 pm The Cadleys Band at Lakeland Park, CAZENOVIA w/hot dogs, ice cream and games THURS., JUNE 30 - July 3rd Sidewalk Sales downtown Cazenovia HamiltonCazenovia Animal Hospital Animal Hospital 2316 Rt. 12B Hamilton, NY 13346 315-824-5412 www.hamiltonvet.com Dr. Frank Martorana Dr. Heather Highbrown Healthy Pets, Happy Clients SAT., JULY 2 & SUN. JULY 3, Providing Quality, 10 AM - 5 PM: THE LORENZO STATE HISTORIC SITE WILL HOST THE CAVAC ANNUAL ARTS AND CRAFTS SHOW. More than 100 artisans are featured at this show and admission is free. At 2:00 pm a free 20-minute guided tour (weather permitting) highlighting the history of Lorenzo’s formal garden will be offered. For more information please visit www.lorenzony.org or call Jackie Roshia at 315-655-3200, extension 106. Compassionate Care For Over 35 Years WED., JULY 6, 5-7 PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY - CONEHEADS ICE CREAM, 3728 State Rte. 31, Canastota FRI., JULY 15, 6 PM: THE ONONDAGA HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION WILL HOST A SPECIAL “DIG FROM THE DITCH” GHOST WALK AT CAMILLUS ERIE CANAL PARK. Meet quaint and colorful characters and get the scoop on central New York’s Erie Canal Past. Tours begin promptly at 6:00 pm and will start every 15 minutes until 7:15. For more information or to reserve a time please call 315-428-1864. WED., JULY 6 - CASA NEWS - TRIP TO CORTLAND REPERTORY THEATER TO SEE MUSICAL “WEST SIDE STORY”. Dinner at Sweet Basil’s Restaurant. Bus leaves Tops 12:30 p.m. Deadline for reservations June 15. 655-0350 SATURDAY JULY 9th DeRuyter Village Wide Garage Sale (ALL DAY) AND Ruritan Benefit Auction (7 PM) ___________________________ Tailgate spaces available for non-village sellers Please consider donating salable items for the auction FRI., JULY 8, 8 - 10 PM: THE LORENZO STATE HISTORIC SITE WILL HOST A SPECIAL FREE CONCERT ON THE HISTORIC FRONT LAWN. Bring your own seating to enjoy this annual event. Picnic dinners are available by pre-order. For more information about the event or how to support this special evening at a pre-concert fundraising dinner in the Ellen Shipman garden, please visit www.LorenzoNY.org or call Diane Voss at (315) 6553200, extension 100. SAT., JULY 9, 2:00 PM: THE NATIONAL ABOLITIONIST HALL OF FAME AND MUSEUM’S CULTURAL DIVERSITY COMMITTEE HOST A SPECIAL PRESENTATION. The committee will examine how NAHOF’s mission to “complete the second and ongoing abolition” relates to “resisting the New Jim Crow.” There is no charge for this event. For more information please visit www. peterborony.org. MON., JULY 11, 7PM: THE FABIUS HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL MEET AT THE FABIUS COMMUNITY CENTER (7786 MAIN ST., RT.80). DR. PAMELA L. POULIN WILL PORTRAY PROFESSIONAL FLAG MAKER, MARY PICKERSGILL, WHO MADE THE 32’ X 40’ FLAG THAT INSPIRED FRANCIS SCOTT KEY TO PEN OUR NATIONAL ANTHEM. Free and open to the public. Refreshments will follow the program. Please join us. Champion Mobile Home SAT., JUNE 25, SOCIAL HOUR 6 PM, DINNER 7 PM: CANASTOTA HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI BANQUET. Rusty Rail. Guests of the Alumni Association – Graduates of the class of 1946. Classes to be honored – Graduates from 1941-1945. Special recognition - 25 year reunion class (1991), 50 year reunion class (1966). Reservations no later than June 20th to Joyce Gustin,208 Lamb Avenue, Canastota, New York 13032. Phone 315-762-9144. Tickets will not be available at the door.Carol Buyea email address and phone wbuyea@twcny.rr.com, 363-1355. SUNDAY., JUNE 26, 1-6 p.m.: Benefit For Corey Lyrek, who is recovering from a near fatal accident. Hooks Wiltse Pavilion, Eaton St., Hamilton. Info. Christine 315-825-5419 INSURANCE SERVICES www.skeele.com Auto-Home Business-Toys-Life Sgency keele A Inc. •Cazenovia (315) 655-2878 •Chittenago (315) 687-3901 •DeRuyter (315) 852-6180 •Manlius (315) 682-5141 Waterville •NewHartford (315) 797-3515 -2- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, June 27, 2016 43377_5 THURS., JUNE 30, 7: PM THE LORENZO STATE HISTORIC SITE WILL HOST A SPECIAL PRESENTATION OF SHAKESPEARE ON LAWN PERFORMING “ROMEO & JULIET.” With support from the Friends of Lorenzo the Red House Arts Center will present a free performance of “Romeo & Juliet” on the front lawn of the Lorenzo State Historic Site. Six actors, utilizing only a costume rack and trunk of props, will perform all of the roles of one of the most famous plays of all time. The performance is weather dependent. For more information please visit www.lorenzony.org or call Diane Voss at 315-655-3200, extension 100. 2750 Rt.20 East Cazenvoia, NY 13035 315-655-3409 www.cazenoviavet.com Dr. Jerry Kolb Dr. Alice Marie Donnelly Dr. Anne Galton FOR SALE: 14’x80’ Champion Mobile Home, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, central air, shed. On lot in park. Amenities: water, trash removal and driveway plowed. Ready to buy? Stop in and take a look. 3253 Moraine rd., Lot 11, Cazenovia, NY 315-655-5532 TUES., JULY 12, 3 - 7 PM: THE MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A FARMER’S MARKET ON COTTAGE LAWN. The market features fresh local, seasonal produce, pastured meats, cheeses, dog treats, maple products, soaps, candles, breads, herbs, baked goods, salsas, jam, hops, ice cream, candy, popcorn, wine and more from more than 20 vendors. Special events are planned each week as well. For more information please visit www.mchs1900.org. WED., JULY 12, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www.moorenetworking.org. Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. TUESDAY, JULY 12 - 5PM-7PM: RABIES CLINIC AT THE DERUYTER HIGHWAY GARAGE, 807 UTICA STREET. All pets must be at least 3 months of age. Pets receiving their first rabies shot must get a booster within 1 year. All pets must be restrained on a leash or in a pet carrier. Proof of previous vaccination is required LELAKOWSKI POMPEY HILL STRAWBERRIES Rte. 20, Pompey 315-677-9547 recorded message U Pick Hours Mon.-Fri. 8:00-6:00, Sat. 8:00-5:00, Sun. 9-5 Location of Strawberry Fields is on Berwyn Road, located west of intersection of Rte 20 & 91 in Pompey. Strawberry sign on corner. (9 mi. west of Caz.) to qualify for a three-year certificate. Accepted forms of proof: (a) “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Madison County Department of Health or (b) “Dog license” showing rabies expiration date. Rabies vaccinations are offered free of charge to Madison County residents. MORSE CONSTRUCTION 655-4745 All Phases of Home Remodeling & Maintenance SAT., JULY 16, 1 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the other women who have had some of the same experiences. For further information, call Midge 684-3615. SAT., JULY 16, 8 AM - 5 PM: THE LORENZO STATE HISTORIC SITE WILL HOST THE 40TH ANNUAL LORENZO DRIVING COMPETITION. Come and see this display of horse and carriage skill, timing, and style. Exhibits, sales, refreshments and demonstrations are also offered. Admission to the show is free. For more information, please visit www.lorenzodriving.com or contact co-managers Tim Williams (twillit3@yahoo.com)or Lisa Shotzberger (fredshotz@yahoo.com). JULY 16, 11:00 TIL GONE - CHICKEN BBQ AMERICAN LEGION POST 140 SAL, Peterboro St., Canastota. Open to public. TUES., JULY 19, 3 - 7 PM: THE MADISON COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A FARMER’S MARKET ON COTTAGE LAWN. The market features fresh local, seasonal produce, pastured meats, cheeses, dog treats, maple products, soaps, candles, breads, herbs, baked goods, salsas, jam, hops, ice cream, candy, popcorn, wine and more from more than 20 vendors. Special events are planned each week as well. For more information please visit www.mchs1900.org. THURS., JULY 21, 11:30 A.M.: CASA NEWS -ANNUAL MEETING AND PICNIC. LAKESIDE PARK. Hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken on the grill. Bring a dish to pass. Prizes, etc. Business meeting follow lunch. No reservation heeded. 655-0350 PHONE/FAX (315) 852-6254 BOWDEN PLUMBING & HEATING 27 Years Experience SERVING CAZENOVIA AREA PO Box 51, DeRuyter, NY 13052 SUN., JULY 24: THE HISTORIC OAKWOOD CEMETERY PRESERVATION WILL HOST A SPECIAL TOUR ENTITLED “ALL’S FINE IN 59” by Sue Greenhagen. Greenhagen will lead attendees on a tour of the fine (and not so fine) folks in Section 59. This tour will start at the Mausoleum near the Comstock Gate. Tours are given rain or shine but cancelled for thunder/lighting. There is no cost for the event but donations are accepted. For more information please call Sue Greenhagen at 315-684-3418. SUN., JULY 24, 10 AM – 4 PM: PETERBORO HOME TOWN DAY. SMITHFIELD FIRE DEPT CHICKEN BBQ AT NOON. Exhibitors/Vendors/Games/Dunking Booth/Fire Truck Slide/50/50 raffle. Tractor Show sponsored by CNY Antique Tractor Club. Food available all day at Deli on the Green. Ice Cream Social to follow at 4:30 PM sponsored by Peterboro United Methodist Church with music from the band Old Stone Clay. Come out and visit Historic Peterboro NY. Vendors/Crafters wanted – contact Cindy Phillips at 684-9509. The Sunshine Shop Located at the SOUTH OTSELIC METHODIST CHURCH PARSONAGE Rte. 26, South Otselic Open THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS & SATURDAYS 10 AM TO 4 PM CLOSED JULY 2 BRAND NAME CLOTHING & ITEMS! IT'S WORTH THE TRIP! Our shop features gently used and some new clothing (all sizes, men's, ladies & children's), odds and ends, some household items plus much more! Mission of the South Otselic Methodist Church Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4th - JUNE 27 - Melody for Happy Birthday Song Written, 1859 - JUNE 30 - Superman’s Birthday, 1938 - JULY 2 - First Zeppelin Flight, 1900 We’ve ALWAYS Got BUELL FUELS You Covered On (315)841-3000 Home Heating Fuel, Kerosene, Propane, Gasoline & On/Off Road Diesel TOO! *Large Volume Deliveries of Fuel Oil & Diesel Under $1.759 Per Gallon!* Prices subject to change based on market - Call For Details REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ____________________________________________ LAKE PROPERTY LAKE FRONT: 7 acres lake front, dock, views $49,500; 5 acres, cottage, dock, spring, organic farm field, lake front, lake view. $119,500. Available for rent. 516-3562298. (j27-4) MORSE KAYAK RENTALS 315-655-2400 Starting At $28.00 Half Day Stand Up Paddle Boards & Canoes Available Group Rates • Transportation Available RENTALS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ____________________________________________ APARTMENTS FOR RENT: 2 BDRM upstairs apt., Cincinnatus. $700 mo, utilities included plus garbage removal. Available July 1st. 607-863-4540. (j20-2) MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: 2 bedroom mobile home on DeRuyter Lake. No pets or smokers. $475 plus utilities. 315-247-3966. (j27-2) TENTS FOR RENT TENTS FOR RENT: 30’x40’ and 18’x40’. Set up and take down by New Woodstock Fire Department. For information call TOM Hastings 315-399-7021 (6/13-9/5) SMALL LOADS For Driveway Repairs, Top Soil Needs, Decomposed Flower Bed & Garden Material, Driveway Mix, Shale, Stone - #1’s & #2’s, Stone Dust, Sand, Mulch - Delivered. 655-2351 LEGAL NOTICES PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ____________________________________________ NOTICE OF FORMATION OF LLC Notice of Formation of 11 Lincklaen Street, LLC. Articles of Organization filed with Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on November 6, 2015. SSNY is designated as an agent of LLC upon whom process can be served. SSNY shall mail a copy of process to: 11 Lincklaen Street LLC, 4459 Lincklaen Road, Cazenovia, New York 13035. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. (j27-6) LINCKLAEN NOTICE - TOWN OF LINCKLAEN DOG OWNERS. THERE WILL BE A RABIES CLINIC held by the Chenango County Health Department at the Lincklaen Town Highway Building on July 13, 2016 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm. Clinics are free but donations are greatly appreciated. Please bring previous rabies vaccination record if applicable. Please bring cats in a kitty tote or cage and all dogs must be leashed. Mahaley Holl, Lincklaen Town Clerk (j27-2) VEHICLES PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ________________________________ BASS BOAT 1985 ASTROGLASS BASS BOAT AND TRAILER, metallic red and silver fiberglass, 115 HP Johnson outboard motor, custom fitted cover, two electronic fish finders, new automatic electric bilge pump. 315-852-7480 (j27-1) WANTED 315-264-2690 BULK DELIVERY of D Diesel E Exhaust F Fluid NOW AVAILABLE!!! Prices Starting As Low As $1.69/Gallon & Up 2.5 Gallon Jugs, 55 Gallon Drums & 275 Gallon Totes _________________________________________ Ask About Our Full Line of FILL-RITE Pumps, Hoses, Nozzles & MORE Including Sotera DEF Pumps & Accessories _____________________________________ NEVER WORRY ABOUT A POWER OUTAGE AGAIN Call About Our Generac Generators – IN ALL SIZES! *Our Certified Technicians Will Install For You AND Perform Warranty Repairs Call Us At (315)841-3000 2676 State Route 12B, Deansboro, NY HELP WANTED PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ____________________________________________ MASTER GARDNER HIRING: A Master Gardener proficient and experienced in perennials, pruning skills a plus. KC Gardeners. 315-655-9321. (a18-c) MOWER DRIVER PRO SCAPES INC IS NOW HIRING MOWING CREW MEMBERS, Previous mowing/ landscapes experience a plus but not necessary. Pro Scapes Inc. is a drug free workplace. You must be able to pass a post offer drug test and random drug tests. Valid Drivers License is required. Apply on Line at www.proscapes.com or complete an application at our offices at 6810 East Seneca Turnpike, Jamesville, NY 13078 (j20-2) Henry J. DeLap TREE TRIMMING & FELLING 35 Years Climbing & Rigging Experience Cazenovia, NY 655-0309 Neat, Expedient Service Reasonable Prices Beautify and Improve with Selective Trimming and Removal KENNEL ATTENDANT SHADOWBROOK BOARDING: Full time/part time kennel attendant. Flexible hours, nights & weekends required. New Woodstock. 662-7189 - Jennifer (j6-4) P/T SECRETARIAL PA R T T I M E S E C R E TA R I A L POSITION. Munnsville, NY . Interesting Job. Office heavily involved in major film/movies. Applicant should be reliable, proficient in MAC pc, interest in film industry a plus. Good internet and typing skills required. Call 315-684-3784 (j20-3) ASST. HARDWARE A S S I S T A N T H A R D WA R E PERSON AT COOLEY’S HOME CENTER,INC. Must be comfortable with computers and good with customers. Apply in person at Cooley’s Morrisville or send resume to cooleyoffice@ yahoo.com (j20-2) SIDING MECHANIC S I D I N G M E C H A N I C W I T H ALUMINUM METAL BREAK EXPERIENCE. Great Pay! Immediate Start! Call (315)706-7867 (j20-2) SHEDS Bottle & Can 2474 Dugway Road, Sheds Right Off Route 13 & 80 - Blue Building 662-3627 - No Quantity Limits Special Appointments - Fund Raisers - Open 6 Days Monday - Friday 10-5, Saturday 9-3 - Auto & Truck Repair Tim Janczuk, Owner PELLETS BAGGED COAL BULK COAL NOW AN AMSOIL DEALER Call For The Best Price on Quarts, Gallons & Drums WANTED! Collector looking for any OLD PHOTOGRAPHS, SLIDES, MOVIES. Any size. Singles, boxes, or drawers full. CNY area. Call Scott at 315430-2276 (a25-13) 4353 South Butler Road, Morrisville Monday-Friday 8-5 - All Major Credit Cards Accepted We’ll Store Them For You Until You’re Ready For Pick-up Or Delivery OLD PICTURES JANCZUK REPAIR Diagnostics ● Mechanical ● Brakes Tune-Ups ● Maintenance ● Exhaust CALL US For The Best Pre-Season Prices On Coal & Pellets! M 4th Y L U J HAPPY Like Us On Facebook To Use Drive Through Bottles & Cans MUST Be Pre-Counted And In Clear Plastic Bags or Boxes Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net SUB. BUS DRIVERS/ATTENDANTS CAZENOVIA CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT, TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT IS SEEKING APPLICANTS FOR SUBSTITUTE BUS DRIVERS AND SUBSTITUTE BUS ATTENDANTS. Bus driver applicants must have a clean driver’s license. Substitute positions can lead to a full time position. Please contact Karen Cowherd, Transportation Supervisor at 655-1326 for more information. (j20-2) MECHANIC/BODY MAN WANTED: Mechanic / body man to complete 1939 Ford and 1949 Buick restorations. 315-6553864. (j27-3) Boat Repairs Call Rov-a-tune for Boat Tune-ups, Starters, Props, Alternators, No Starts, Oil Changes, Winterizations and many other repairs. Available 7 days a week. Larry Webb - 655-3362 - rovatune.com GARAGE/YARD SALES THIS WEEK’S SALES MOVING SALE 2540 Pompey Hollow Road, Cazenovia JULY 2nd 8AM - 4PM. Desks, dresser, girls canopy bed, TV stand, Bookshelf, clothes, 2 picnic tables with 4 benches each, Outer Banks style porch swing, skis and boots size 8 and 9, Bureau, 2 air conditioners, riding lawn mower and utility wagon, extension ladder, full size freezer, legal size filing cabinet, utility shelves on wheels, 3 dog igloos, tools, lumber, garden tools and much more. (j27-1) GARAGE SALE: July 1-4, 6463 Rt. 91N, Truxton. 9-4. Rocker, Scooter, puzzles, tools, tape, new canopy, new home made baby blankets, dish clothes, much more. (j27-1) GARAGE SALE: Sat., July 2, 9-2. Multi family sale. 3847 Wellington Dr., Cazenovia. Great Stuff! (j27-1) Buyea’s True Value Hardware O FULL PAINT LINE O WATER HEATERS O PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES O BLUE SEAL FEED O STOVE PIPE O HAND & POWER TOOLS O APPLIANCES O PUBLIC FAX SERVICE __________________________ Store Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8-7 Fri. & Sat. 8-6 Sun. 8-4 131 Albany St. Cazenovia 655-3822 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, June 27, 2016 -3- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net CEL LENT SELE X E n CTI ve A We H !! ON! We Have Beautiful Trees, Shrubs, Perennials & Rose Bushes To Make Your Landscape POP! _______________________ a All Annual Flower & Vegetable Packs Buy 3 Packs, Get 4th FREE 6 Dewey Ave. DeRuyter DeRUYTER 315-852-3316 deruytercoop.com cebook FARM & GARDEN CO-OP Like Us on Fa FARM PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ____________________________________________ STANDING HAY WANTED STANDING HAY WANTED: Need 100 round bales worth. Cazenovia Morrisville area. Call 655-2351 for info. (j27-c) FENCE POSTS FOR SALE: Larch Fence Posts. 6 ft. $3.00, 7 ft. $3.50, 8 ft. $4.00. Pile of Locust posts - $3.50 each take all or $4.00 each if you sort out. Call Don 315-837-4362. Free delivery for 200 posts. (a25-10) GOODS FOR SALE PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ____________________________________________ FIREWOOD 315-750-0079. (s23-c) FIREWOOD - pickup or delivery. FIREWOOD: Good hard wood $65.00 face cord or good hardwood slab $45.00 face cord cut 16”. Free delivery 5 face cord loads. Call Donald 315-837-4362. (f29-c) HEATING FUEL FUEL OIL - KEROSENE - DIESEL FUEL - PROPANE: Automatic degree day delivery, quantity discounts. GRIFFITH ENERGY, A Superior Plus Company. 3375540. (n12-c) SMALL LOADS SMALL LOADS for driveway repairs, top soil needs, decomposed flower bed & garden material, driveway mix, shale, stone - #1’s & 2’s. stone dust, sand, mulch delivered. 655-2351. (a11-c) HUNTING/FISHING LICENSES HUNTING, FISHING AND DEER MANAGEMENT LICENSES AVAILABLE AT AJ’S ARCHERY, 3938 Nelson Heights Road, Cazenovia. 315-655-2697. M-W 11-8; Th-F 11-6; Sat. 9-4. 75 cross bows in stock. (m20-c) JAYCO POP UP CAMPER FOR SALE: 1999 Jayco Pop Up Camper. 10 ft. $850 OBO. Call 655-5439. (j27-1) PUG PUPPY FOR SALE: Female Pug puppy $350 firm. 607-745-9121. (j27-1) REPLACING Your WINDOWS? REMODELING??? _______________ Check Out Our Line Of INTEGRITY WINDOWS •ATVs •Tire Changes •American V-Twins "FREE" NYS MOTORCYCLE INSPECTION With Purchase Of A New Tire Or A Full Service Trike Conversions / Custom Builds Full Tune Ups Call for Appointment 2830 Route 20 East Cazenovia, NY 13035 (315) 655-9500 madisoncountychoppers.com (E) Route 20 (W) Fire House William St., Cazenovia HOURS.: M-F 7:30-4:30 Sat. 8:00-Noon 655-3417 / FAX 655-8800 Gas Station Remove your Lake weeds or Pond Weeds in just Minutes with the Weed Weed Razer®. The Weed Razer is a unique V shaped lake weed with razor sharp blades designed to be the most efficient and Razer® cutter effective lake weed cutting tool made. This weed cutter will cut or shear almost any type of rooted aquatic vegetation like milfoil, lily pads, pond weed and even cattails. Razor sharp blades can shear through water and lake weeds with ease, and can also cut cattails. R William St. t e 13 N FREE INDOOR CATS 3 INDOOR CATS NEED HOMES AS OWNER DIED - 1 neutered male approximately 12 years, 1 spayed female approximately 10 years & 1 spayed female approximately 12 years - will separate - Please call 315-662-3702 & leave a message. (j27-2) FREE!! Two printers complete with cords, set-up CD, owner manual. Canon Pixma MG3520 printer and Epson NX420 printer. Also, 36” x 36” shower base good for remodel or placing under a washing machine. Call 315-683-9456. If no answer, leave a message. (j27-2) LOST & FOUND CAZENOVIA POLICE DEPT. FOUND: 1. A hat-found at the Municipal Building 2. Money-outside the Municipal Building on Albany Street. Please contact the Cazenovia Police Department at 655-3276 to claim. Glisson’s Country Store & Bakery 260 E. Lake Rd. DeRuyter Lake Open Daily 10-6:00pm (Except Tuesday) 391-6832 Facebook – Glisson’s Rustic Store & Bakery SERVICES - FOR HIRE - PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: www.hineighbor.net Email: hineighbor@hineighbor.net Call 315-655-9431 ________________________________ ADVERTISING Reach 40,000+ people in central New York in the Hi, Neighbor. Stop in, mail, call in, email or place online your classified or display ad. Quantity discounts apply. www,hineighbor.net, email - hineighbor@hineighbor,net, 315-6559431 or 9 Albany Street, Suite 1D (Around back), Cazenovia, NY 13035 (d8-c) SMALL ENGINE REPAIR CHAINSAWS - Sharpened, cut to size for chainsaw chains at Moyer’s Sales and Service. 8523367. (f8-c) CRAFTSMAN LAWN & GARDEN PARTS & SERVICE available at Moyer’s Sales & Service, DeRuyter. 852-3367. (a18-c) SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SEPTIC TANKS & CESSPOOLS PUMPED AND CLEANED. Prompt, reliable & reasonable rates. Serving the public since 1954. DEWEY NORTHRUP. Tully NY. 696-5691. (apr04) Emerson Exteriors & Remodeling Quality Roofing Protecting Your Biggest Investment Fully Insured Free Estimates Financing Available ● Windows ● Siding Doors ● Baths ● Remodeling ● Decks ● Kitchens Family Owned 20 Years Senior Citizen Discounts Available (315) 696-5730 50000 OFF $ SIDING or ROOFING Minimum 1200 Sq. Ft. W/ This Coupon 315-696-5730 -4- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, June 27, 2016 Dock Systems Aquatic Lake Weed Cutter ROBERT’S SCRAP ROBERT’S SCRAP - Buying junk cars and scrap metal. 601-692-7510. (o12-c) •Imports •Motorcycle Inspections NOW DOING SMALL ENGINE & LAWNMOWER REPAIR We’ll Even Pay The Sales Tax!!! A 7 Year Warranty Town & Country STOVE & FIREPLACE INSTANT FINANCING 0% 48 Months For Qualified Buyers 2433 Rte 12B,Hamilton, NY Right Across From PRICE CHOPPER 315.228.2090 www.townandcountryhamilton.com tcstovefireplace@aol.com LANDSCAPING RLM LANDSCAPING: Lawn Mowing, Brush Hogging, Stone and Topsoil Delivery, Odd Jobs. 662-3612, Cell 480-9669. Richard Marris, 4085 Eatonbrook Rd, Erieville, NY (m21-20) ROTOTILLING/LAWNMOWING ROTOTILLING, LAWN MOWING. Reasonable rates. Bob Magee 315-662-7652 (a18-15) HUNTING/FISHING LICENSES HUNTING, FISHING AND DEER MANAGEMENT LICENSES available at AJ’S Archery, 3938 Nelson Heights Road, Cazenovia. 315-655-2697. M-W 11-8; Th-F 11-6; Sat. 9-4. 75 cross bows in stock. (m20-c) MISC. SERVICES S H E A R S A N D K N I V E S SHARPENED: Cazenovia Lumber Co., 655-3417. (fc) SPRAY FOAM ROOFING SPRAY FOAM ROOFING. 20 Year Warranty. R7 per inch. a2zliners.com. Free estimates. 607-7650858 (j20-2) CLEAN OUTS/PAINTING N E E D A C LE A N OU T OR PAINTING? Call Sue. 315-481-4187 Low rates, references on request. No job too big or small. (j20-4) COMMUNITY EVENTS/NOTICES CRAFT/VENDOR FAIR V E N D O R / C R A F T FA I R @ CEDAR VALLEY CAMPSITE 4688 SOUTH BUTLER ROAD, MORRISVILLE NY ON SATURDAY JULY 2, 2016 FROM 10AM – 6P. HANDMADE CRAFTS: INCLUDE BABY & KITCHEN, JEWERLY, AND OTHER MISC ITEMS. VENDORS INCLUDE: PAMPERED CHEF, AVON, STAMPIN’ UP AND MORE. (j27-1) USED BOOKS NEEDED USED BOOKS NEEDED! For the 42nd Annual Book Sale to benefit the Cazenovia Public Library. Help make this year’s book sale outstanding! Please donate books, new or used, CDs and DVDs to the library by MONDAY, JULY 6th. They may be dropped off at the front desk of the library. Because of space limitations, we regret that the following may NOT be accepted: Reader’s Digest books, common textbooks, magazines, encyclopedias, computer books, cassettes, VHS tapes, or books in poor condition. The book sale dates are Saturday, July 30th 2016 (9am-5pm) and Sunday, July 31st 2016 (10am-4pm). The Annual Book Sale is sponsored by the Friends of the Cazenovia Public Library. Funds raised support special projects, programs, and presentations at the library. For more information call the library at 315-655-9322. (j6-4) DERUYTER FIREMEN’S FAIR DERUYTER FIREMAN’S FAIR: PRINCE AND PRINCESS CONTEST!!! The fair is just around the corner! Get your photos ready for the prince and princess contest. Ages, 4, 5 and 6. Please, no prior prince or princess. Must be in the DeRuyter School District. No photos larger than 5 X 7. Please put all information on a separate piece of paper. Child’s name, birthdate and parents’ names. Please send entries to Rachael Enders, 7679 Highbridge Road, DeRuyter, NY 13052. We will not be accepting any entries after July 15th. Thank you, Rachael (j20-4) GOT SHOES??? SHOES HELP WATER STEP FUND WATER PROJECTS. Bringing safe water to millions. Gather any used shoes, boots or sneakers of any size, no longer of use to you and drop them off at DeRuyter Coop Garden Center, Hi, Neighbor Ap Cal poi l F ntm or ent WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHECK ENGINE LIGHTS BRAKES - STATE INSPECTION OIL CHANGES - AIR CONDITIONING ___________________________________________________ Kellish Tire & Auto Service Monday-Friday 9-5; Saturday 9-Noon - 682-8709 Corner of Rte 20 & Pompey Center Road, Manlius, NY Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4th - JUNE 27 - Melody for Happy Birthday Song Written, 1859 - JUNE 30 - Superman’s Birthday, 1938 - JULY 2 - First Zeppelin Flight, 1900 AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS - -11 Ruth St., Vernon, NY 13476 - _______________________________________ SALE EVERY MONDAY 12:30 PM: Pigs, Sheep, Goats, Horses & Hay EVERY THURS. 1:30 P.M.: Dairy Cattle followed by beef & calf sale. ______________________________________ Thursday, June 30, 2016 -12:30 PM Heifer Consignment Sale SPECIAL FOR THURS. AT 1:00 PM Otsego County Dairy selling 38 head Holsteins 8 fresh, 1 Springing heifer, 2 due in month to month and half, Remainder Milking and bred back. MANAGERS NOTE: Farmer is retiring with other business interests. This is a tie stall Herd with tails. SCC 180,000. Fat 3.9% . Protein 3.1%. Plus our usual run of dairy cows and service bulls. Followed by our beef and calf sale Open Wednesdays from 8 AM to 5 PM to receive animals for our Thursday sales. Closed Monday, July 4th Have a safe and Happy Holiday from everyone here at Empire Livestock in Vernon NY. Tues., July 5 - Running regular Monday schedule: 12:30 PM Pigs. Goats, sheep, hay followed by calves at 1:30 PM then beef. _____________________________________________________ upcoming sales . Sat. , July 9 - Machinery Consignmet sale. Thurs., July 21 - Fat Cattle and Feeder Sale. Thurs., July 28 - Heifer Consignment sale. August NO Machinery Sale _______________________________________________ For Information Call Office: 1-800-257-1819 or 1-315-829-3105 _______________________________________________ Manager & Auctioneer: Tim Miller (cell) 315-440-9683 Auctioneers: Ken Hughs 315-436-2215 David Sherwood 315-436-0804 CHECK OUR WEBSITE @ www.empirelivestock.com for a list of sales Office, 9 Albany St., Suite 9D, Cazenovia (Mon. or Tues. 9-4:30) or in my home garage at 6335 Morgan Hill Road, Truxton behind Reakes Country Goods. For more info call Donna Judd, 607-8426167. Nearly 5,000 children die every day due to diseases carried by unclean water. By donating shoes you can save lives. (j19-c) HUNTING/FISHING LICENSES The Town of Cazenovia is selling hunting and fishing licenses. Stop in anytime to the Town Office during normal business hours Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00 and Friday 8:00 - 3:00. (a10-c) BREAST FEEDING CONNECTIONS BREAST FEEDING CONNECTIONS/BABY WEIGH STATIONS. A place where breastfeeding and pregnant families can get professional breastfeeding support, check baby’s weight and milk intake, and connect to community resources. Cazenovia Location: St. Joseph’s Physicians The Heritage Group, 132 1/2 Albany Street, Mondays 5:30-7:00 pm . Questions? Call Amy at 315-882-8249. Oneida Location: Oneida Healthcare, 607 Seneca Street, Oneida. Mondays 4-7 pm & Fridays 1-3 pm. Call 315-361-2065 for an appointment. Breastfeeding Connections Café with a light meal on the first and third Fridays. WELSH CHURCH What better way to celebrate the holiday weekend than a worship service at the Welsh Church in East Nelson. This Sunday, July 3rd @ 7:00 PM the Rev. James Fletcher will lead the service. The church is located on Welsh Church Rd. off US Route 20 just east of Nelson. FENNER CHURCH FENNER COMMUNITY CHURCH, Sun., July 3, 7 p.m. corner of Nelson and Bingley Roads in Cazenovia, invites you to join us for worship and fellowship with reverend Bill Wilcox (j27-1) CHURCH NEWS DELPHI FALLS UNITED CHURCH WELCOMES OUR NEW PASTOR, BRIAN PIDKAMINY. Pastor Pidkaminy comes to us with a dedication not only to teaching the Bible and serving his church and local community but to serving the United States Army Reserves as a Chaplain. He serves not only stateside but has served on foreign theatre as well. He holds a Master of Arts degree in Religion and Religious studies from Liberty College as well as a Master of Business Administration from Mount Saint Mary’s College. He has owned and operated Lincoln Accounting for 13 years. Pastor Pidkaminy is also an Education Services Specialist and administers and evaluates career aptitude tests for both military personnel and civilians. His wife, Wendy, and Brian serve those needing or wishing guidance in their lives through Nurturing Life Concepts by teaching the Nurtured Heart Approach. We are privileged to have Wendy speak on these timely topics whenever Pastor is away serving our country. We invite and encourage you to join us on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and Wednesdays at 7:00pm to hear the Good News taught by Pastor Brian Pidkaminy. PHONE, 363-8227 OR VISIT THE WEBSITE “LOVE HAS A NAME - JESUS. LOVE HAS A PLACE OUR HEARTS.” The Cuyler U.M. Church seeks to share His love 11 AM Sunday worship-Nelson Stafford 6 PM .Sun. Youth Group, 6-12 grades Friday After school Program, “PUMAS”, 3:15-5 :15 PM, at Church, K-6 Christmas Eve Service, 8:00 PM Direct questions to Janet, 607 842-6501 (d8-c) Reclaim Your Lawn AND Your Weekend! FW Clean-Up 315-430-7241 fwhe23@gmail.com • Overgrown Hedgerows Tamed • Brush & Debris Removed • Driveways Fixed/ New Stone Spread • Yard Clean Up • Pressure Washing • Manure Piles Removed or Spread • Old Sheds/Barns Removed • General Handyman Service • Lawn Rolling • Pasture Repair/Seeding • Trees Trimmed or Removed • Clean Outs - Garages, Basements • Drainage Corrected/Tile Installed • And Much More Free Estimates - Insured ALSO GRASS FED BEEF AVAILABLE BULK MULCH COMPLETE MACHINERY DISPERSAL Richard & Marsha Wagner 4199 Old Salt Road, Skaneateles, NY 13152 SATURDAY JULY 9 , 2016 10:30 A.M (315) 893-1884 Directions: From Interstate 81, Homer Exit 12. Take 281 North to NYS 41 North. Go 2 miles and turn left on Route 41A. Go 13 miles, town of New Hope, turn left on New Hope Road. Go 1 mi. and turn right on Old Salt Road. 1.5 miles to farm. Watch for Signs. Tractors: INT 1086, Cab, 4WD. INT 986, Cab, 4WD. INT 806, cab, diesel. Farmall 706. JD 2940, ROPS, 4WD. JD 2640, w/JD 146 Loader. Ford 4500 Backhoe, needs work. Haying: Vermeer RC-7120 Discbine. NH 492 Haybine. Case Int 8350 Haybine, 12 ft. Vicon Fanex 500 Tedder, 4 star. (2) NH 258 Rakes, 1 w dolly wheels. Double Rake Hitch. E-Z Trail Steel Hay Wagon, 9X18. A Wooden Hay Wagon. NH 24 ft. Hay/Grain Elevator. Hayrite 36 ft. Skeleton Elevator, on wheels. Gehl 1310 Roll Baler. NH 276 Baler w/kicker, new knotters. NH 278 Baler for parts. JD 350 sickle mower, 7 ft. WOME #8 Horse drawn sickle mower, 6 ft. Tillage: INT 4 bttm. trailer plows, trips. JD 12 ft. spring tooth Harrow. 12 ft. Cultipacker. JD 12 ft. Spring tooth Harrow. Harvesting: Gehl 1065 Chopper, metal stop, tandem, 2 row corn head, 8ft. hay head. NH Super 717 Chopper, grass head & 1 row corn head. Gehl 980 Forage Wagon. Gehl 970 Forage Wagon, roof. Dion Forage Wagon, 3 beater, roof, 1280 tandem running gear. NH Forage wagon, roof, tandem. Badger Forage Wagon, roof, tandem. (2) Running Gears. Case Int. Blower. Bale Grabber. Barn Equipment: . Kuhn Knight 8114 Pro Twin Slinger. H&S 270 Spreader. Knight 8114 Pto Twin Slinger, for parts. Generac 80kw surge Generator, on wheels. Champion 338cc Generator. Silage Elevator, 10 ft. Dumping Station. Wic Bedding Chopper. Round Bale Feeder. (2) Metal Feeder Wagons. Misc.: King Cutter 6 ft. Rototiller. 3 pt. hitch Back Blade, 7 ft. 3 pt. hitch Snow Blower, 6 ft. Little Carrie Dump Hoist. Sears Cement Mixer. Simpson 2800 PSI Spray Washer, 6 gpm, new. Lawnmower cart. Metal Fence Posts. Fencing supplies. Fencers. Water tubs. Wheel Barrows. Grease Guns. Nuts & Bolts. Husqvqrna 142 Chain Saw. Homelite 245 Chain Saw. Poulan 260 Chain Saw. Kero & Propane Heaters. Water hoses, old saw blades, log chains, power tools, forks, jacks, shovels, homemade trailer. Truck: 2002 Chev. 1500 Silverado, 4X4, w/snow plow. Managers Note: After 70 years of farming, the Wagners are selling their complete line of machinery. Over an hour of selling misc. items. Sale Managed by: www.earleyfarm.com Cincinnatus, NY 13040 Tel: 607-863-3821 WOW! 35 $ cu. yd. Black, Brown or Red YOUR CHOICE! Delivery available Call for details 4 $10 bags for New price for this year! 60 bags per pallet FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. The Way A Farm Store Should be... 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. Gene Wood's Auction Service, Inc. Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday Visit our website at www.genewoodsauctionserviceinc.com DELPHI FALLS UNITED CHURCH, Delphi Falls N.Y. We are a united church and welcome everyone to our worship services at 9:00 a.m. Sunday mornings followed by a fellowship time. Bible Study 7:00 p.m. Monday evenings. Contemporary Service Open To The Public Wednesdays, 7 pm. Our Men’s and Women’s Fellowship groups are active with projects and events offered to our local community and neighbors. Our Church Building is listed in the National Register of Historic Buildings. AWAKEN CHURCH, 3360 Thompson Rd., Cazenovia, Sunday Mornings 9 am - Bible Study. 10:30 am - Worship Service (Childcare and Kids Church offered) Wednesday Nights, 6:30 pm - Midweek Bible Study & Prayer (j15-c) CHITTENANGO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 205 Falls Blvd. corner of Perryville Rd. Traditional Worship 10:30 A.M. with Rev. Dr. John W. Fulton Pastor. Office Hrs. Mon./Wed./Fri. Mornings-Phone 315-687-3116 Website: www.Chittenangoumc. org Email: Chittenangoumc@gmail.com (a20-c) (315) 399-8734 #7110991 Georgetown, NY TOP CASH • For Junk Cars/Trucks, Salvage Construction Equipment 20 - 40 Yard Dumpsters Available ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT 204 GENESEE STREET, CHITTENANGO has ample parking behind the Church. Join us at 9:00 AM for Holy Communion. Office Hours are Monday Morning. Call 315-687-6304 and leave a message. Find us on Facebook,Twitter or at our website:http://www.stpaulschittenango.net/ UNITED CHURCH OF DERUYTER, DERUYTER NY. What mountain are you climbing? As for us, we are climbing the mountain for Jesus. The view is incredible. Sunday morning worship - 11 am, Sunday School-9:30, Wednesday Prayer - 6:30 pm @ PH, Friday Youth Group - 6:30 @ PH. Both buildings are handicap accessible. Any questions, call (315 852-9841) email Pastor Vern (vgroves@ twcny.rr.com) or check out website (www.unitedchurchofderuyter. org) WANTED: FOOD DONATIONS Office for the Aging Needs Food Pantry Donations. Anyone who wishes to donate shelf stable items to our food pantry, please bring donations to our office in the Canastota Business Park, 138 Dominic Bruno Blvd, Canastota or drop donations off at any SNACK site in Madison County. For more information call 697-5700. Thanks so much! (j12-c) MISC. CRIS-CAT OFFERS FREE TRANSPORTATION for Cazenovia, Fenner & Nelson residents over 55 and ambulatory. Call 655-0612. (Call between 7 am to 6 pm, 3 to 5 days in advance) (j19-c) Champion Mobile Home FOR SALE: 14’x80’ Champion Mobile Home, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, central air, shed. On lot in park. Amenities: water, trash removal and driveway plowed. Ready to buy? Stop in and take a look. 3253 Moraine rd., Lot 11, Cazenovia, NY 315-655-5532 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net DERUYTER COMMUNITY SERVICES is a non profit with a Food and Clothing Pantry at the Genieve Staley Civic Ctr. in the center of DeRuyter. Hours are Tues. and Thurs. 9 a.m.-11 a.m. We are open to the residents of the DeRuyter Central School District. Call with questions 315-852-9696 or 607-842-6593. (j6-c) TOPS CLUB: (Take Off Pounds Sensibly): Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6 p.m. weigh ins, 6 p.m. meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish House, 12½ Madison Street, Hamilton. For information, call 824-0965. (a18-c) DON’T LET YOUR USED INK & TONER CARTRIDGES CONTRIBUTE TO THE 300 MILLION THAT END UP IN LANDFILLS EACH YEAR. Drop them off at the TOWN OF CAZENOVIA OFFICE, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia to be recycled. The rules are easy! We accept any quantity and brand of ink and toner cartridges. Cartridges from copiers, too! (a1-c) COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT SENIORS Questions, comments or ideas about services for older adults in the Cazenovia, Nelson and Fenner, NY areas? Call CRIS at 6555743. www.callcris.org, email: callcris@callcris.org WHAT CAN A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA GET YOU? SELFRESPECT, A BETTER JOB, IMPROVED SELF CONFIDENCE, SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT, SMILES FROM YOUR MOM. How can I earn my HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? Call or stop by your local library or Call 345-1458, Tara Truett. FREE 1:1 tutoring scheduled around your availability – nothing to lose - everything to gain. CALL!! (Madison County Reads Ahead) (f2-c) TOWN OF MADISON HISTORIAN REQUESTS PHOTOS & DOCUMENTS. IT’S 2016 AND THE VILLAGE OF MADISON CELEBRATES ITS 200TH BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR. The Town of Madison historian is looking for photos, post cards, letters, documents, diaries, etc. to be able to further research its rich history. The Town of Madison Historical Society at 3606 South Street, Madison houses vintage photos, documents and artifacts, but would like to expand its collection to more. Society members can scan your item if you don’t want to donate it so that you can keep your original. Or, you can loan it to the society for display. Items from or about the Town of Madison are accepted at the historical society, but for the bicentennial , we are specifically looking for things about the village. Please call Diane Van Slyke at 893-7910 or 729-8323 if you would like to contribute to our collection. WEEKLY SALES EVERY MONDAY HOSKING SALES Weekly Sales Every Monday 11:30 with Misc. & Small animals, 1:00 Dairy, followed by feeders, sheep, lamb, goats, pigs. Calves start at 5 PM followed by cull beef. Call for more info and note all times are approximate. Our volume is increasing weekly – join your neighbors & send your livestock our way! ***ATTENTION ORGANIC PRODUCERS*** ***WE ARE NOW A CERTIFIED ORGANIC MARKETING AGENCY.*** IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US. MONDAY, JUNE 20 - Sold 208 Head. Cull ave. $.74 Top Cow $.86, Organic Cull Dairy $.80,Bulls/Steers $.78 - $1.11, feeder heifers $.79 $1.10, Bull calves top $2.40, heifer calves top $2.00, yearling goats top $83.00, Lambs 40#-75# $1.95 - $2.05. MONDAY, JULY 4TH – WE WILL BE CLOSED – WE WILL RUN TUES. JULY 5TH! TUES, JULY 5TH – We will be open for our Normal Sale & Monthly Fat Cow & Feeder Sale MONDAY, JULY 11TH – Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Heifer Sale MONDAY, JULY 18TH - Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Sheep, Lamb, Goat & Pig Sale MONDAY, JULY 25TH - Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Organic Day Mark your calendars! For these sales: SAT. SEPT. 10TH - 10:30AM Homer, NY. Westan Farm Registered Holstein Dispersal. 250 Head of NYS Finest!! Owners: Dan & Bud Weddle. SAT. NOV. 5TH – 11:30AM Fall Premier All-Breed Sale SAT. MARCH 25TH – 2017 Spring Premier All-Breed Sale LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW – GIVE US A CALL **Trucking Assistance – Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Watch website for any last minute updates. DIRECTIONS: Hosking Sales 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. www.hoskingsales.com Call today with your consignments. Hosking Sales 607-847-6274 or 607-847-8800 - Cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771 Tom & Brenda Hosking 6096 NYS Rt. 8 New Berlin, NY 13411 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, June 27, 2016 -5- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net Dining, Entertainment & Lodging 5518 Nelson Road Canastota 315-655-0346 T r o y e r’ s T r o y e r’ s Specials Run - June 29-July 5 T BUFFALO VIRGINIA HAM 349 $ lb. Reg. 4.99 $ PROVOLONE CHEESE 3 $ 39 Reg. $ lb. 4.99 r o y e r’ s CHICKEN 499 $ R lb. $6.e6g9. We Will Be Closed on July 4 100% Grass Fed, No Hormone, No Antibiotic Freezer BEEF & PORK Fresh Baked Goods Friday & Saturday - Fresh Bread All Week Open Mon. 9-6, Tues.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 8-4 - < > If You Want To Keep Things Simple And Flavorful While Skipping Out On The Spaghetti, Try This Dish! There’s so much more to Italian cuisine than pasta and tomato sauce, and that’s absolutely something worth exploring. If you want to keep things simple and flavorful while skipping out on the spaghetti, this chicken marsala recipe is perfect. 351 County Rte 12 (607) 863-3968 Pitcher, NY 13136 Lee Bement, Owner Jean Mudge, Office Manager LEE’S TRUCK & CAR REPAIR • Custom Exhaust Systems • Regular & Heavy Duty NY Inspections • Four Wheel Alignment •Transmission Flush & Fill • Computer Diagnostic • Major & Minor Repairs • Air Conditioning Service •Cooling System Flush & Fill Fully Insured and Licensed Email Us At applevalleytreeservice@yahoo.com Directions Split chicken breasts through the middle to make 2 pieces. Wrap in plastic and pound each one flat until they are about a quarter-inch thick. Season with salt and pepper on both sides of each piece of chicken. Put flour on a plate and dredge chicken both sides in the flour. Keep flour on plate. Heat oil over medium-heat. When the oil is hot, fry each piece of chicken for 3-4 minutes on each side until golden brown. Remove chicken and place on a serviing platter covered with foil. Add 1 tablespoon butter to the pan. Add mushrooms and cook until golden brown (about 8 minutes). Set aside. Add remaining 1 tablespoon butter to the pan, then add shallots and garlic. Cook until soft (about 1 minute) 60 YEARS AGO From The DeRuyter Gleaner July 5, 1956 The DeRuyter Firemen's Auxiliary is sponsoring a chicken barbecue in front of the Fire House on Sunday, July 8th at noon. This is for the benefit of a permanent building at the fairgrounds. Adults $1.25, Children 65¢ (The building was built before the fair in Aug.) Contributed by Darla Snyder, Deruyter, ny This savory chicken dish in wine sauce makes for a fantastic family meal. The wine sauce, emboldened by freshly cut mushrooms, is a good way to introduce a skeptical family member to the wonderful world of cooking with mushrooms. They don’t overpower, but certainly add a distinct flavor that really ties the whole dish together. Scroll below for our recipe…. CHICKEN MARSALA RECIPE Ingredients - (makes 4 servings) 2 skinless, boneless chicken breasts salt and flour to taste 1/3 cup flour 1/2 cup olive oil CAZENOVIA ELECTRIC Residential & Commercial Installation & Service 662-3927 8 ounces mushrooms sliced and cleaned 1 clove garlic, minced 2 teaspoons shallots, minced 2 tablespoons butter 1/2 cup sweet Marsala wine 1/4 cup chicken stock 1/4 cup dry white wine 1 tablespoon lemon juice Optional: Parsley and chopped carrots for garnish ELITE DENTAL + DENTURE P.C. Accepting New Patients ACCEPTING 13-15 CLINTON AVE, CORTLAND 607.758.7700 NEW PATIENTS Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm & Saturday from 9am-3pm Military Discounts! WALK INS + EMERGENCIES SEEN SAME DAY Walk Ins + Emergencies Seen Same Day Pour flour from plate into pan. Cook for 2 minutes, stirring frequently. Add marsala, white wine, lemon juice, and chicken stock, scraping the bottom of the pan to loosen any of the brown bits (fond). Cook until sauce is slightly reduced (about 2 minutes). Return the chicke and mushrooms to the skillet, and cook another 2 minutes or until heated through. Season with additional salt and pepper to taste. Garnish as desired. Serve hot. Enjoy! MID-YORK 315-684-3049 CHIMNEY & STOVE,LLC Chimney Sweeping, Relining, Masonry Restoration, Chimney Caps, Prefabricated Chimneys, Stove & Fireplace Accessories Over 24 Years Experience - Insured - Member NYS Chimney Sweep Guild National Fireplace Institute (NFI) Certified Stove Installer Landscapes at Library July and August The New Woodstock Free Library will present a collection of works by landscape artist Robert Glisson from July 2 through August 27, with an artist’s reception from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Friday, July 22. Glisson has exhibited his work throughout Central and Western New York and Provincetown, Massachusetts where he is a member of the Alden Gallery. He has won recognition and awards including Grand Prize at the Regional Art Show Cooperstown, Award of Distinction Syracuse Arts and Crafts Festival and Best of Show, Professional Level Vineyard Art Competition, Syracuse. Glisson has also provided illustrations for The Angry Right published in 2006 by Prometheus Books. A Studio Arts graduate of SUNY Cortland, Glisson studied with Gary Trento of Syracuse University. He says he “Finds NEED WATER? WELLS • WATER CONDITIONING • PUMPS Waterlase Laser 13-15 Clinton Ave.,forCortland - 607.758.7700 __________________________________________________ hard & soft tissue surgery and caries removal w/ minimal or no requirement of local anesthesia MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Including T.M.D. + Facial $110 SPECIAL & Healthplex Medicaid, Dentaquest Full Exam Pain Treatment __________________________________________________ Porcelain Inlay, Onlays & Crowns with Cerec Technology, within an hour Bite Wings Cleaning cial 0 Spe m $ 110.0 a x E Full Wings Biteeaning Cl Zoom Bleaching Permanent Crowns Bridges Cleanings Extractions Root Canals Dentures & Partials Fillings/Bonding We Discount ALDo Denta L on l Work ! Dentures & Partials On Dentures or Partials SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT FINANCING AVAILABLE ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION FOR DENTURES (white �illings) Invisalign Available __________________________________________________ Open Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM, Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM - Evening Hours -6- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, June 27, 2016 NOW OPEN 30 Target Out Door 3D Archery Range • Hunting & Fishing Licenses 3938 Nelson Heights Road, Cazenovia, NY www.ajsarchery.com - 315-655-BOWS(2697) Visit http://www.aldengallery.com/glisson/ or http:// outfieldoils.com/ for more information. The New Woodstock Free Library now has Madison County recycling punch cards available for sale. The library now has free passes for adults to the Stone Quarry Hill Art Park. Children are free. Information about free water testing by the Madison County Department of Health is posted in a large display along with application forms. For more information on library events, programs and services, call 315-662-3134, or visit online at www.midyork. org/newwoodstock. Call for a schedule of children’s programs and a 2016 library events calendar. Cazenovia Auto Sales & Service Complete Automotive Services Family Owned Since 1977 Bob Cowherd - Owner www.CazenoviaAuto.com cazauto@twcny.rr.com 315-655-9677 office 315-440-9289 cell 2350 Rt. 20 East Cazenovia, NY 13035 Summer Story Time Schedule Announced at the Cazenovia Public Library Escape the summer heat and head to the Cazenovia Public Library for some Story Time fun! Offered five days a week throughout the summer season (July 1st – August 15th), “Story Time in the Story Garden” allows children to interact and enjoy books, songs, movement activities, rhymes, and playtime in an engaging and inviting environment. Each session is thoughtfully designed to instill a lifelong love of reading and learning. Newborns to children 2 years old and their parents/caregivers are invited to join Betsy Kennedy on Mondays and Tuesdays at 10:15 am for “Baby Story Time.” Each hour session will feature books, songs, rhymes and movement activities geared toward our youngest readers, followed by open playtime. Siblings are welcome. “Toddler Story Time,” for children ages 2 and 3, will be offered on Wednesdays at 10:15 am. Ms. Jenna will share books, songs, rhymes, movement and interactive activities and conclude each session with open playtime. Marris Tent Rental John Marris (Owner) 15% Senior Citizen 15% Senior Citizen Discount inspiration from a wide range of artists – I get as much of a thrill looking at a Courbet, Turner, or Inness as I do when I look at work of contemporary artists like Kevin MacPherson or Mary Giammarino.” The Alden Art Gallery said “Glisson often paints with majestic Finger Lakes landscapes before him. His bold use of color and thick paint-strokes are reminiscent of post-Impressionism and Fauvism, but his inspiration often comes from the romantic landscapes of the American realist George Inness.” Since 1968 Best Rates • Prompt Service • Free Estimates & On-Site Review (607) 218-8744 315-484-5959 AmberWellDrilling.com (315) 662-3939 (315) 439-8499 One Pric Covers It Aell Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY JULY 4th - JUNE 27 - Melody for Happy Birthday Song Written, 1859 - JUNE 30 - Superman’s Birthday, 1938 - JULY 2 - First Zeppelin Flight, 1900 Farm Diesel Program M Season: April 1, 2016 - Nov. 30, 2016 Minimum:1000 Gal/Season Payment:15 Days from Statement Date ACCEPTING NEW CUSTOMERS 2830 Rte. 20 East Cazenovia, NY 13035 Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 655-9500 We Accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover The Story Garden will be reserved Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in July for “Teddy Bear Stories,” led by Betsy Kennedy. This story time is perfect for the whole family and will feature soothing bedtime stories, songs, and rhymes. Betsy Nash will present “Stories and Songs for Summer” on Thursdays at 10:15 am. Children of all ages are welcome to attend these seasonal story times. “Explore and Learn” sessions are specifically designed to promote learning, creativity, and socialization through hands-on activities and observation. Children ages 4 and 5 are encouraged to join Ms. Jenna on Fridays at 10:15 am for engaging activities, exploration, stories, songs, and art projects. Parents are encouraged to exit the Story Garden for a portion of each program. For more information on “Story Time in the Story Garden” or other Library events, call 655-9322 or visit www. cazenoviapubliclibrary.org. ALL TYPES OF MASONRY Stamp Concrete, Blocks, Stone & Brick Sidewalks, Retainer Walls, Steps All Types Chimney Work ________________________________ D&H Construction Fully Insured - 315-264-6265 WORD OF THE DAY: extirpate Definition: (verb) To destroy totally. Synonyms: eradicate, exterminate, uproot Usage: The tyrant’s first order of business upon assuming power was to extirpate the vestiges of political democracy. Moral Dilemma With Driverless Cars: Who Gets Protected, The Driver Or The Pedestrians? Date: June 23, 2016 Source: Massachusetts Institute of Technology Driverless cars pose a quandary when it comes to safety. These autonomous vehicles are programmed with a set of safety rules, and it is not hard to construct a scenario in which those rules come into conflict with each other. Suppose a PORTABLE TOILETS Picnics, Reunions, Weddings, Graduations Community Sinks, Handicap Unit - Call RICK NEFF & SONS 1-800-729-9046 / 315-843-4742 Daily, Weekly & Monthly Rentals Available driverless car must either hit a pedestrian or swerve in such a way that it crashes and harms its passengers. What should it be instructed to do? A newly published study co-authored by an MIT professor shows that the public is conflicted over such scenarios, taking a notably inconsistent approach to the safety of autonomous vehicles, should they become a reality on the roads. In a series of surveys taken last year, the researchers found that people generally take a utilitarian approach to safety Garage Sale Day 6 grades available 4’–16’ lengths painted red with lag style hinges 99 99 69 10 ft., 6-bar 99 12 ft., 6-bar $$7499 Maps Will Be Available At Area Businesses LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Call For Details at: Tube Gates! Saturday, July 14 9 9 am to 3 pm. AUTOMATIC UTILITIES, Inc. ___________________________________________ ville Villa s i r ge or Special orders available Come And Join The Fun! ethics: They 5.5 would prefer autonomous vehicles to minimize column inch ad - $48.72 casualties in situations of extreme danger. That would mean, say, having a car with one rider swerve off the road and crash to avoid a crowd of 10 pedestrians. At the same time, the survey’s respondents said, they would be much less likely to use a vehicle programmed that way. Essentially, people want driverless cars that are as pedestrianfriendly as possible -- except for the vehicles they would be riding in. “Most people want to live in in a world where cars will minimize casualties,” says Iyad Rahwan, an associate professor in the MIT Media Lab and co-author of a new paper outlining the study. “But everybody want their own car to protect them at all costs.” ELECTRICIAN Tom Stevens Electric Residential & Commercial Wiring Servicing This Area Since 1977 Cell: 345-2753 Licensed for the City of Syracuse The result is what the researchers call a “social dilemma,” in which people could end up making conditions less safe for everyone by acting in their own self-interest. “If everybody does that, then we would end up in a tragedy ... whereby the cars will not minimize casualties,” Rahwan adds. Or, as the researchers write in the new paper, “For the time being, there seems to be no easy way to design algorithms that would reconcile moral values and personal self-interest.” The paper, “The social dilemma of autonomous vehicles,” is being published in the journal Science. The authors are JeanFrancois Bonnefon of the Toulouse School of Economics; Azim Shariff, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Oregon; and Rahwan, the AT&T Career Development Professor and an associate professor of media arts and sciences at the MIT Media Lab. Survey says The researchers conducted six surveys, using the online Mechanical Turk public-opinion tool, between June 2015 and November 2015. 24 Hours MARK SUNDERMAN 315. 655.8993 374.3625 315. cell mark55@twcny.rr.com www.littlejonsplumbing.com Over 40+ Years Experience $ $ Master Plumber License #198 Plumbing & Heating Repair & Replacement Service The results consistently showed that people will take a utilitarian approach to the ethics of autonomous vehicles, one emphasizing the sheer number of lives that could be saved. For instance, 76 percent of respondents believe it is more moral for an autonomous vehicle, should such a circumstance arise, to sacrifice one passenger rather than 10 pedestrians. But the surveys also revealed a lack of enthusiasm for buying or using a driverless car programmed to avoid pedestrians at the expense of its own passengers. One question asked respondents to rate the morality of an autonomous vehicle programmed to crash and kill its own passenger to save 10 pedestrians; the rating dropped by a third when respondents considered the possibility of riding in such a car. Similarly, people were strongly opposed to the idea of the government regulating driverless cars to ensure they would be programmed with utilitarian principles. In the survey, respondents said they were only one-third as likely to purchase FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. Call for prices on other sizes. 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 The Way A Farm Store Should Be... Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday www.earleyfarm.com a vehicle regulated this way, as opposed to an unregulated vehicle, which could presumably be programmed in any fashion. “This is a challenge that should be on the mind of carmakers and regulators alike,” the scholars write. Moreover, if autonomous vehicles actually turned out to be safer than regular cars, unease over the dilemmas of regulation “may paradoxically increase casualties by postponing the adoption of a safer technology.” Empirically informed The aggregate performance of autonomous vehicles on a mass scale is, of course, yet to be determined. For now, ethicists say the survey offers interesting and novel data in an area of emerging moral interest. The researchers, for their part, acknowledge that publicopinion polling on this issue is at a very early stage, which means any current findings “are not guaranteed to persist,” as they write in the paper, if the landscape of driverless cars evolves. Still, concludes Rahwan, “I think it was important to not just have a theoretical discussion of this, but to actually have an empirically informed discussion.” Lord, this day and forever, may I have the courage never to be afraid of anyone. May I have the generosity to bear illfeeling toward no-one. Lead me to live in such a way as to treat others in the same way as I would like to be treated. Inspire me never to be violent in thought, word or action, and lead me to conquer evil with goodness. Amen. Just For Today I will live through the next twelve hours and try not to tackle all of life’s problems at once. I will learn something useful. I will learn something that requires effort, thought and concentration. I will be agreeable. I will look my best, be courteous and considerate. I will not find fault with friend, relative or colleague. I will not try to change anyone but myself. I will have a program. I might not follow it exactly, but I will have it. It will save myself from two enemies - hurry and indecision. I will believe in myself. I will give my best to the world, and feel confident that the world will give its best to me. --- Author Unknown People are like stained glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within. ---Elizabeth Kobler-Ross ATE AUTO REPAI T S D OL Old State Road, Erieville R Smith Funeral Home (Est. 1860) DeRuyter, NY (315) 852-3393 _____________________________________ Casket Selection Room on Premises Old Fashioned Service Keeping Funeral Costs Within Reason Is Our Constant Obligation We Encourage Comparison • Brakes • Tires • Struts • Shocks • Oil Changes & Lube • Auto Body & Collision Repair Free Estimates 662-3272 - Monday-Friday 8-5 OWNER: Alan Dailey Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, June 27, 2016 -7- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At www.HiNeighbor.net NOW Taking Classified Ads BY PHONE!!! A & R TIRE SERVICE CENTER 33 West Main (Route 20) Morrisville 315-684-7849 Call 315-655-9431 NYS INSPECTIONS ONLINE!!! 41st Annual lllllllllllllllllllllllllll www.hineighbor.net MECHANICAL • DIAGNOSTICS MAINTENANCE • TIRES FREE BATTERY TEST Have Your Ad Written & Your Credit or Debit Card READY!!! llllllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll blame me. If it were wrong for me to throw quills, then I wouldn’t be made with quills Free Parking and Admission to throw. The proper thing for you to do is to keep out nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn of my way. nn nlznlnvil Alnl Vnllllnnl Alnllllnn nnlln “Why, there’s some sense in that argument, admitted the nlvlnllnllllnn.nlg/nllftnlflil/ Shaggy Man, thoughtfully; Al lnn Lnlnlzn lllln Hinlnlin liln: Rnlln ll lll Rnlln ll, nlznlnvil “but people who are strangers, and don’t know you are here, won’t be able to keep out of your way.” “Tell you what,” said Scraps, who was trying to pull the By L Frank Baum quills out of her own body, “let’s gather up all the quills and take them away with us; then old Chiss won’t have any left to Chapter 12 - The Giant Porcupine throw at people.” Continued “Ah, that’s a clever idea. You and Ojo must gather up the As they stood hesitating what to do Chiss stirred and suddenly quills while I hold Chiss a prisoner; for, if I let him go he will a shower of quills came flying toward them, almost filling the get some of his quills and be able to throw them again.” So Scraps and Ojo picked up all the quills and tied them in air, they were so many. Scraps realized in an instant that they had gone too near to Chiss for safety, so she sprang in front of a bundle so they might easily be carried. After this the Shaggy Ojo and shielded him from the darts, which stuck their points Man released Chiss and let him go, knowing that he was into her own body until she resembled one of those targets they harmless to injure anyone. “It’s the meanest trick I ever heard of,” muttered the porcupine shoot arrows at in archery games. The Shaggy Man dropped flat on his face to avoid the shower, but one quill struck him in gloomily. “How would you like it, Shaggy Man, if I took all the leg and went far in. As for the Glass Cat, the quills rattled your shags away from you?” “If I threw my shags and hurt people, you would be welcome off her body without making even a scratch, and the skin of to capture them,” was the reply. Then they walked on and left Chiss standing in the road sullen and disconsolate. The Shaggy Man limped as he walked, for his wound still hurt him, and Scraps was much annoyed be cause the quills had left a number of small holes in her patches. Pick up/Delivery Available. When they came to a flat stone by the roadside the Shaggy We sell a variety of parts for lawn mowers, Man sat down to rest, and then Ojo opened his basket and took weed trimmers and chain saws. out the bundle of charms the Crooked Magician had given him. The Patchwork Girl of Oz Lawnmower Parts, Tune-ups & Repairs MCDEVITT’S PARTS Store Hours: Mon-Fri 9-5 - Sat- 9-1 1999 Purcell (Waters) Rd. Fabius (315)683-9279 the Woozy was so thick and tough that he was not hurt at all. When the attack was over they all ran to the Shaggy Man, who was moaning and groaning, and Scraps promptly pulled the quill out of his leg. Then up he jumped and ran over to Chiss, putting his foot on the monster’s neck and holding it a prisoner. The body of the great porcupine was now as smooth as leather, except for the holes where the quills had been, for it had shot every single quill in that one wicked shower. “Let me go!” it shouted angrily. “How dare you put your foot on Chiss?” “I’m going to do worse than that, old boy,” replied the Shaggy Man. “You have annoyed travelers on this road long enough, and now I shall put an end to you.” “You can’t!” returned Chiss. “Nothing can kill me, as you know perfectly well.” DMC Sealing Specializing in Driveway & Parking Lot Sealing FREE Estimates • Fully Insured (315) 655-8126 David Cox - Cazenovia, NY • Gift Certificates Available “Perhaps that is true,” said the Shaggy Man in a tone of disappointment. “Seems to me I’ve been told before that you can’t be killed. But if I let you go, what will you do?” “Pick up my quills again,” said Chiss in a sulky voice. “And then shoot them at more travelers? No; that won’t do. You must promise me to stop throwing quills at people.” “I won’t promise anything of the sort,” declared Chiss. “Why not?” “Because it is my nature to throw quills, and every animal must do what Nature intends it to do. It isn’t fair for you to LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Let's Just Sit Down And Talk SBA Loans / Business Acquisition & Franchise Finance Unsecured Business Lines of Credit / Commercial RE & Development Over 20 Financial Products Available Christopher Petersen (315) 481-5821 chris@mainstreetcommercialcapital.com “I am Ojo the Unlucky,” he said, “or we would never have met that dreadful porcupine. But I will see if I can find anything among these charms which will cure your leg.” Soon he discovered that one of the charms was labelled: “For flesh wounds,” and this the boy separated from the others. It was only a bit of dried root, taken from some unknown shrub, but the boy rubbed it upon the wound made by the quill and in a few moments the place was healed entirely and the Shaggy Man’s leg was as good as ever. “Rub it on the holes in my patches,” suggested Scraps, and Ojo tried it, but without any effect. “The charm you need is a needle and thread,” said the Shaggy Man. “But do not worry, my dear; those holes do not look badly, at all.” “They’ll let in the air, and I don’t want people to think I’m airy, or that I’ve been stuck up,” said the Patchwork Girl. “You were certainly stuck up until we pulled Out those quills,” observed Ojo, with a laugh. So now they went on again and coming presently to a pond of muddy water they tied a heavy stone to the bundle of quills and sunk it to the bottom of the pond, to avoid carrying it farther. Chapter 13 - Scraps and the Scarecrow From here on the country improved and the desert places began to give way to fertile spots; still no houses were yet to be seen near the road. There were some hills, with valleys between them, and on reaching the top of one of these hills the travelers ACROSS 1. Apothecary’s weight 5. Wise bird 8. Urban haze 12. Certain something 13. Style 15. Arid 16. Fastened 17. Any habitation at a high altitude 18. Biblical garden 19. An artifact that belongs to another time 22. A very small circular shape 23. Draw a bead on 24. A dog wags this 26. Liveliness 29. Loan shark 31. Computer key 32. Make into law 34. Not a winner 36. An aromatic ointment 38. Grille 40. Not a single one 41. Drive 43. Classical music theatre -8- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, June 27, 2016 45. Angry 46. Sign up 48. A small stream 50. Gleam 51. Female deer 52. Allow 54. Mind-over-matter 61. Stiff and sore 63. A financial inspection 64. Completed 65. Tall woody plant 66. Banal 67. Shoestring 68. Stalk 69. French for “Summer” 70. Historical periods DOWN 1. Information 2. Destroy 3. Region 4. Zany 5. Margarine 6. Sound the alarm 7. Fifty-three in Roman numerals 8. South southeast 9. Interfering 10. Chocolate cookie 11. Lady’s man 13. The growing of food Monday-Friday 8-5 Aaron Dooley - Owner found before them a high wall, running to the right and the left as far as their eyes could reach. Immediately in front of them, where the wall crossed the roadway, stood a gate having stout iron bars that extended from top to bottom. They found, on coming nearer, that this gate was locked with a great padlock, rusty through lack of use. “Well,” said Scraps, “I guess we’ll stop here.” “It’s a good guess,” replied Ojo. “Our way is barred by this great wall and gate. It looks as if no one had passed through in many years. “Looks are deceiving,” declared the Shaggy Man, laughing at their disappointed faces, “and this barrier is the most deceiving thing in all Oz.” “It prevents our going any farther, anyhow,” said Scraps. “There is no one to mind the gate and let people through, and we’ve no key to the padlock.” JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing • Siding • Framing • Windows • Decks Kitchens • Bathrooms • Additions • Painting Masonry • Chimney & Foundation Repair Power Washing Deck Staining Free Estimates - Fully Insured - OSHA Certified (315) 706-7867 “True,” replied Ojo, going a little nearer to peep through the bars of the gate. “What shall we do, Shaggy Man? If we had wings we might fly over the wall, but we cannot climb it and unless we get to the Emerald City I won’t be able to find the things to restore Unc Nunkie to life.” “All very true,” answered the Shaggy Man, quietly; “but I know this gate, having passed through it many times.” “How?” they all eagerly inquired. “I’ll show you how,” said he. He stood Ojo in the middle of the road and placed Scraps just behind him, with her padded hands on his shoulders. After the Patchwork Girl came the Woozy, who held a part of her skirt in his mouth. Then, last of all, was the Glass Cat, holding fast to the Woozy’s tail with her glass jaws. “Now,” said the Shaggy Man, “you must all shut your eyes tight, and keep them shut until I tell you to open them.” “I can’t,” objected Scraps. “My eyes are but- tons, and they won’t shut.” Baker Construction MINI EXCAVATOR WORK Brush Chipper/Skid Steer Work/ Postholes/Brushhogging _____________________________________________ GENERAL CONTRACTING - HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchen/Bath & Basement Remodeling, Electrical Work, Additions, Garages, Windows, Siding, Replacement Windows _____________________________________________ Peter Baker Owner 662-3002, Cell 289-2170 2749 Erieville Road, Erieville, NY 13061 So the Shaggy Man tied his red handkerchief over the Patchwork Girl’s eyes and examined all the others to make sure they had their eyes fast shut and could see nothing. “What’s the game, anyhow--blind-man’s-buff?” asked Scraps. “Keep quiet!” commanded the Shaggy Man, sternly. “All ready? Then follow me.” He took Ojo’s hand and led him forward over the road of yellow bricks, toward the gate. Holding fast to one another they all followed in a row, expecting every minute to bump against the iron bars. The Shaggy Man also had his eyes closed, but marched straight ahead, nevertheless, and after he had taken one hundred steps, by actual count, he stopped and said: More Next Week 14. Relaxes 20. Employ 21. Mangle 25. Press laundry 26. Cheer up 27. Fortify 28. Fortuneteller’s card 29. Express 30. Kidney-related 31. Autonomic Nervous System 33. Hat 35. Crimson 37. Hollow 39. Learned 42. Violent disturbance 44. Auth. unknown 47. Perspiration 49. Pin 52. Strip of wood 53. Beige 55. Entice 56. Modify written material 57. Toy with a tail 58. Fly high 59. Ancient Peruvian 60. Notices 62. Nevertheless Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: hineighbor@hineighbor.net or Our Website www.hineighbor.net
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