Got Orange?
APR. 4 - First U.S. flag approved (1818) - APR. 6 - North Pole Discovered, 1898 - U.S. Entered World War I, 1917 - APR> 9 - Robert E. Lee Surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, 1865 Cambridge Avenue Why KraftMaid Cabinetry? Morrisville, NY At Cooley's you'll discover what sets KraftMaid apart from the construction details, to our Kitchen at a Time manufacturing process, to our limited lifetime warranty. Visit Cooley's and you'll discover “Why KraftMaid!” Have You Forgotten? FREE TAKE ONE! The Doorway To The Perfect Kitchen. Hi, Neighbor 35 Days Til Mother’s Day (May 8) SFC. Macy Gates 9 Albany St., Ste. 1D Cazenovia, NY 13035 315-684-3073 Hours: Mon.- Fri. 7:30 - 5, Sat. 7:30 - 2:30 PRSRT STD. US POSTAGE PAID HI, NEIGHBOR Your Locally Owned Shopping, Community Events & News Pennysaver Since 1962 PHONE/FAX:315-655-9431 Email: April 4 2016 Website: KC GARDENERS HIRING FULL TIME & PART TIME Get The Hi, Neighbor By: EMAIL MASTER GARDENER Experienced in Perennials Pruning A Plus LABORERS WILLING TO LEARN & WORK Receive The Hi, Neighbor In Your Email Inbox Each Week 655-9321 - LEAVE MESSAGE & PHONE # (Just Send Us An Email Requesting Delivery) Open On Your Smart Phone, Tablet or Computer So You Can Take Us With You Any Where You Go... We’ve ALWAYS Got BUELL FUELS You Covered On DOWNLOAD Hi, Neighbor From Our Mobile Site, Website or Our Facebook Page (315)841-3000 PICK UP At Stores or Pick Up Boxes or U.S. Mail Subscription ($25.00/Year) Or Saturation Mail *Large Volume Deliveries of Fuel Oil & Diesel Under $1.50 Per Gallon!* Call For Details WE DROP Papers Weekly In: CALL US For The Best Pre-Season Prices On Coal & Pellets! We’ll Store Them For You Until You’re Ready For Pick-up Or Delivery BULK COAL As Low As $199/Ton BAGGED COAL As Low As $239/Ton PELLETS As Low As $259/Ton Farmers, Give Us A Call To Pre-Buy Your Summer Off Road Diesel At A LOCKED-IN PRICE! BULK DELIVERY of D Diesel E Exhaust F Fluid NOW AVAILABLE!!! EDGE 350 - $6,490 EDGE 550 - $7,800 EDGE 750 - $9,500 FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. Prices Starting As Low As $1.69/Gallon & Up 2.5 Gallon Jugs, 55 Gallon Drums & 275 Gallon Totes _________________________________________ Ask About Our Full Line of FILL-RITE Pumps, Hoses, Nozzles & MORE 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 Including Sotera DEF Pumps & Accessories _____________________________________ NEVER WORRY ABOUT A POWER OUTAGE AGAIN Call About Our Generac Generators – IN ALL SIZES! The Way A Farm Store Should Be... *Our Certified Technicians Will Install For You AND Perform Warranty Repairs Call Us At (315)841-3000 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday 2676 State Route 12B, Deansboro, NY *Price shown is a base price in U.S. dollars for a Classic Edge 350 and excludes tax, freight, dealer setup and system components. Prices may vary. See your dealer for details. All Central Boiler outdoor wood furnaces adapt easily to new or existing heating systems. It’s important that your outdoor furnace and system be properly sized and installed. See your local dealer for more information. LAWNCARE LAWN MOWING Residential/Commercial Full Tree Service Caz/FM/JD/University Everything I-81 and East Got Orange? 315.727.2099 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website 49542_5 APULIA: The Nest CANASTOTA: Nice & Easy, SAVE ON Near Thruway, DUNKIN DONUTS, Red Apple Kwik Fill, Office of the Aging, Scrub A Dub (Tops), VFW, American Legion, Jreck Subs CAZENOVIA: Buyeas, Common Grounds CHITTENANGO: Beauty World, Nice N Easy, Stone Hearth Express, Kinneys, Roma’s Laundry, Rite-Aid, Dollar Store, Dunkin Donuts, Scrub-A-Dub II CINCINNATUS: Cincinnatus Home Center, Magro’s Pizza, Bennet Hotel, CORTLAND: Friendly’s, Tops, Frank & Mary’s Diner DeRUYTER: Countryside Hardware, DeRuyter Farm & Garden Coop, Quincy Square, DeRuyter Big M, DeRuyter Post Office Pick Up Box EATON: Post Office Pick Up Box FABIUS: Anna’s Country Store FENNER: Troyer’s Country Store GEORGETOWN: Predmore’s Store, Post Office Pick Up Box LAFAYETTE: Cindy’s Family Restaurant, M&T Plaza Drop Box, Dollar General, Nice & Easy MADISON: AnW Mart, Early’s Hardware MANLIUS: Dunkin Donuts, A Plus, Brugger’s Bagle, Tops Plaza Pick Up Box, Nice & Easy Rte. 92 MORRISVILLE: Cooleys Plaza Drop Box, Dougherty’s Pharmacy NEW WOODSTOCK: New Woodstock Library, New Woodstock Store ONEIDA: SAVE ON - Upper Lenox Ave, Price Chopper, SAVE ON - Rte. 5 By Pepi’s, Dunkin Donuts, SAVE ON - Rte. 5 & 46, Colonial Laundromat, Scrub A Dub, SAVE ON - Lower Lennox., SAVE ON - Patrick Road, Nice N Easy (Rte. 365). Dunkin Donuts (Rte. 365), Knotty Pine, Korner Kafe ORISKANY FALLS: Village Store PETERBORO: Main Street By Post Office, Deli On The Green POMPEY: Kellish Tire & Auto Inside, Pompey Mall, Knoxie’’s Pub SOLSVILLE: Solsville Hotel SOUTH OTSELIC: Otselic Valley Garage TRUXTON: PickupBox Across From Post Office, Reakes Country Goods TULLY: Tully Lumber, Tully Lakes Hardware, Tasty China, A Pizza & More VERNON: Post Office Pick up Box, Nothin Fancy, Apple Betty Cafe WEST EATON: Post Office Pick Up Box Home Heating Fuel, Kerosene, Propane, Gasoline & On/Off Road Diesel TOO! Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At Our It's Our 24th Year! Pompey Rod & Gun Club “SEE YOU THERE” DATEBOOK Our “See You There” Date Book consists of NOTICES FOR FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS plus COMPLIMENTARY LISTINGS FOR ORGANIZATIONS who have placed paid ads for fund raising events. AVAILABLE 24/7 AT WWW.HINEIGHBOR.NET _______________________________________________ OUR ABSOLUTE DROP DEAD DEADLINE IS THURSDAY AT NOON Anything received after that will NOT make that Week’s Issue _______________________________________________ WED., APR. 6, 5-7 PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY - MAKEN FRENZ PLUS BAIT & TACKLE SHOP, 1679 Water St, DeRuyter ORAN VALLEY GOLF PRACTICE CENTER We Will Be Open Every Day Till Oct. 15 (Weather Permitting) _____________________________________ Get Your Sticks Out & Come Over & Knock The Rust Off! See Ya! _____________________________________ Located Between Manlius & Caz on Rte. 92 - 682-2211 WED., APR. 13, 12:10 PM UNTIL 12:50 PM THE CORTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A “LUNCH AND LEARN” SESSION. Bring an lunch and enjoy as Mary Dexter presents “Saving the Glen Haven School House.” Dessert and beverages will be provided. For more information please visit SUN., APR. 17, 7:30-11:30 A.M.: PANCAKE BREAKFAST, sponsored by Delphi Falls Fire Dept.v WED., APR. 6, 12:10 PM UNTIL 12:50 PM THE CORTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A “LUNCH AND LEARN” SESSION. Bring an lunch and enjoy as Preservation Architect Walter J. Hollien presents on historic windmills. Hollien is a restoration contractor and millwright who restores historic water powered mills. He serves for a number of organizations associated with wind and water mills, as well as being the President of the Millstone Research Center. Dessert and beverages will be provided. For more information please visit SUN., APR. 17, STARTING AT 1 PM THE VILLAGE OF MADISON WILL BE CELEBRATING ITS BI-CENTENNIAL. More information to come. FRI., APR. 8, 6:30 PM: THE MORRISVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY WELCOMES JODY LUCE WHO WILL PRESENT “TROUSERS!-SUCH A SCANDALOUS THING IN OUR BACKYARD.” Luce will speak about the history of bloomers, and its Madison County ties. There is no charge for this event. For more information please call 315-684-9130. CHICKEN BBQ SAT., APR. 8, 1 PM: THE CENTRAL NEW YORK LIVING HISTORY CENTER IN HOMER WILL CONTINUE ITS “HOMEVILLE PRESENTS” SERIES WITH HISTORIAN AND AUTHOR DAVID CLUTZ. Clutz will be speaking on the rolls that the 76th & 137th New York Infantry’s played at the Battle of Gettysburg during the Civil War. Clutz has published Fields of Fame & Glory, Rebels in the Front Yard and War & Redemption under the pen name David Cleutz. Admission for the Homeville Presents series is $5 per person, CNY Living History Center Members, Active Duty Military members and children under 5 are free. For more information please call 607-299-4185 or SAT., APR. 9, BEGIN SERVING 4:30 PM.: NELSON CHURCH ROAST BEEF DINNER. Take-outs available-handicap entrance Nelson Church ROAST BEEF DINNER Saturday, April 9, 2016 Begin Serving 4:30 pm Cost: Adults $11, Children 5-12 $5, Under 5 FREE Take Outs Available - Handicap Entrance SUN., APR. 10, 7-11 AM: DERUYTER’S WOODFORD/BURDICK AMERICAN LEGION & AUXILIARY PANCAKE BREAKFAST. We want to welcome back all of you who have supported us over the years to once again join us for our mouth watering pancakes, French toast, sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits & gravy and of course plenty of hot coffee. Without faithful patrons such as yourselves we wouldn’t be able to keep the American Legion open, so again we send a big “Thank You” out to you. SUN.,APR. 10, 2 PM: THE VILLAGE OF CLINTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A TALK ENTITLED “FROM PLAIN WEAVE TO PLUSH: A HISTORY OF LOCAL TEXTILE MANUFACTURE.” More information to come. There is no charge for this event. For more information please visit www.clintonhistory. org, or call 315-859-1392. MON., APR. 11, 1-3 P.M.: CASA SENIOR ART SESSION at Cazenovia Village Apartments, 24 Nelson St., Cazenovia. In the recreation room. Everyone welcome. Call Susan Carncross 655-4651. TUES., APR. 12, 7 P.M.: THE DERUYTER FIREMAN AUXILIARY will meet at the Firehouse. WED., APR. 13, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. Buy Madison MON., APR. 18, 1:00-3:00 p.m.: CASA Senior Art Session at Cazenovia Village Apartments, 24 Nelson St., Cazenovia. In the recreation room. Everyone welcome. Call Susan Carncross 655-4651. TUES., APR. 19 - NEW YORK PRIMARY - Be sure to register to vote SAT., APRIL 16 Woodford/Burdick American Legion Post 894 DeRuyter, NY Halves ONLY $6.50 Each, Serving Starts 11 AM WED., APR. 20, 12:10 PM UNTIL 12:50 PM: THE CORTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A “LUNCH AND LEARN” SESSION. Bring an lunch and enjoy as Jerry Wood presents “Bridges in and Around Cortland County.” Wood, an avid bridge enthusiast , has documents many bridges around Cortland County over the years. Dessert and beverages will be provided. For more information please visit WED., APR. 20,7 PM: THE CANASTOTA PUBLIC LIBRARY WILL HOST A CANALSIDE CHAT ON THE LOOMIS GANG. Come and watch Village of Morrisville Historian Sue Greenhagen channel Sherriff Bonney and tell the stories of the notorious horse thieves that lived in CNY prior to the Civil War. There is no charge for this event. For more information please call 315-697-7030. WED., APR. 20, 7 PM: THE TOWN OF ONONDAGA HISTORICAL SOCIETY WELCOMES HOLLY SAMMONS OF THE ONONDAGA COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY LOCAL HISTORY & GENEALOGY DEPARTMENT TO SPEAK. Sammons will discuss the services and resources available and how they mirror and augment services provided by the Town of Onondaga Historical Society. The meeting is at the Town of Onondaga Hall, and there is no charge for this event. Light refreshments will be served. For more information please visit THURS., APR. 21, 7:30 PM: THE TOWN OF MARSHALL HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A PRESENTATION BY GWEN LALLIER ENTITLED “THE QUESTERS OF CLINTON.” Come and hear about local historian Gwen Lallier talk about the Questers Family who made their home in Clinton. For more information please contact Yvonne Brady via email at Cazenovia Auto Sales & Service Complete Automotive Services Family Owned Since 1977 Bob Cowherd - Owner 315-655-9677 office 315-440-9289 cell 2350 Rt. 20 East Cazenovia, NY 13035 SAT., APR. 23, 1 PM: THE CENTRAL NEW YORK LIVING HISTORY CENTER IN HOMER WILL CONTINUE ITS “HOMEVILLE PRESENTS” SERIES WITH NANCY SNEDEKER. Snedeker will present on former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Admission for the Homeville Presents series is $5 per person, CNY Living History Center Members, Active Duty Military members and children under 5 are free. For more information please call 607-299-4185 or info@ SUN., APR. 24, SERVING START AT 11:00 OR AS SOON AS CHICKENS ARE READY: CHICKEN BAR-B-QUE . MALCOLM TAYLOR POST 1572 AMERICAN LEGION. AT POST - 2037 MAIN STREET, NEW WOODSTOCK, NY.CHICKENS BY KEITH WHITE - Buy Local - Shop - Eat - Play - Stay - Locally Buy Madison Presents 1st Wednesday Spotlighting a DIFFERENT MADISON COUNTY BUSINESS the 1ST WEDNESDAY OF EVERY MONTH from 5-7 pm. Watch for upcoming 1st Wednesday events. __________________________________________ To Promote YOUR Business Or To Find A Local Business To Support - Like Our FB Page: CalculatetheAdvantage -2- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 Reclaim Your Lawn AND Your Weekend! FW Clean-Up 315-430-7241 • Overgrown Hedgerows Tamed • Brush & Debris Removed • Driveways Fixed/ New Stone Spread • Yard Clean Up • Pressure Washing • Manure Piles Removed or Spread • Old Sheds/Barns Removed • General Handyman Service • Lawn Rolling • Pasture Repair/Seeding • Trees Trimmed or Removed • Clean Outs - Garages, Basements • Drainage Corrected/Tile Installed • And Much More Free Estimates - Insured ALSO GRASS FED BEEF AVAILABLE 2035 Swift Road, Pompey, NY Annual Winter STEAK DINNERS Held on the 2nd Saturday of the Month APRIL 9 5:00-8:00 p.m. Menu includes: New York Strip Streak, Mushroom, Baked Potato with Sour Cream, Tossed Salad, Corn or Green Beans, Italian Bread, Ice Cream, Coffee, Tea or Milk. Adults: $16.00; Children under 12 $8.00; Under 5 free Come on out, enjoy a great meal & help support the club MON., APR. 25, 1-3 P.M.: CASA SENIOR ART SESSION at Cazenovia Village Apartments, 24 Nelson St., Cazenovia. In the recreation room. Everyone welcome. Call Susan Carncross 655-4651. TUES., APR. 26, 5 PM - 7 PM: MADISON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT RABIES VACCINATION CLINIC - SMITHFIELD HIGHWAY GARAGE, 4608 PETERBORO RD, PETERBORO. All pets must be at least 3 months of age. Pets receiving their first rabies shot must get a booster within 1 year. All pets must be restrained on a leash or in a pet carrier. Proof of previous vaccination is required to qualify for a three-year certificate. Accepted forms of proof: (a) “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Madison County Department of Health or (b) “Dog license” showing rabies expiration date. Rabies vaccinations are offered free of charge to Madison County residents. A voluntary donation per pet is requested to help defray clinic costs. WED., APR. 27, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. WED., APR. 27, 12:10 PM UNTIL 12:50 PM: THE CORTLAND COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST A “LUNCH AND LEARN” SESSION. Bring an lunch and enjoy as Civil War re-enactor and SUNY Cortland Intern Michael Barnes presents “Rations of the Union Army. Dessert and beverages will be provided. For more information please visit SAT., APR. 30, 1 PM: THE ONEIDA COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY WILL HOST THE PSYCHIC HIGHWAY: HOW THE ERIE CANAL CHANGED AMERICA. Michael Keene will lead this talk. More information to come. This program is free and open to the public. For more information please visit or call 315-735-3642. MORSE CONSTRUCTION 655-4745 All Phases of Home Remodeling & Maintenance ROOF SNOW & ICE REMOVAL SAT. APRIL 30, 9:30 AM - NOON: MANNA MUG ‘N MUFFIN. First Baptist Church of South Otselic presents their annual MMM. LADIES join us for a time filled with laughter, encouragement, special music, prizes and of course coffee/tea and a variety of muffins. Special speaker: Jeannette Rhoda. Theme this year is “Let Your Light Shine”. It is FREE. Bring your own MUG. Dress is casual. Must RSVP by April 24th ~ Maxine 315-653-7871 MON., MAY 2, 1-3 P.M.: CASA SENIOR ART SESSION at Cazenovia Village Apartments, 24 Nelson St., Cazenovia. In the recreation room. Everyone welcome. Call Susan Carncross 655-4651. MON.,MAY 2, 7: P.M.: CAZENOVIA AMERICAN LEGION MEETING at Post 88, 26 Chenango St., Cazenovia. MON., MAY 9, 1:00-3:00 p.m.: CASA Senior Art Session at Cazenovia Village Apartments, 24 Nelson St., Cazenovia. In the recreation room. Everyone welcome. Call Susan Carncross 655-4651. WED., MAY. 11, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. WED., MAY 4, 5-7PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY - SECOND CHANCE THRIFT SHOPPE, 5111 State Route 20 (old Buzzy’s Diner), Morrisville SAT., MAY 7, 1 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the other women who have had some of the same experiences. For further information, call Midge 684-3615. JOE'S Lawn Care/Handy Man Work/Small Excavation Work.. Brush Hog - Post Holes - Rototilling - York Rake - Bucket Service Lawn Care - Mowing - Weed Eating Mulch Service Available For Delivery - Free Estimates Joe Clark, Owner, 869 Keeney Road, Fabius, NY 13063 315-683-5293 cell 315-373-1147 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website APR. 4 - First U.S. flag approved (1818) - APR. 6 - North Pole Discovered, 1898 - U.S. Entered World War I, 1917 - APR> 9 - Robert E. Lee Surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, 1865 InterX Pain Therapy and Laser Therapy Available with Dr. Tucciarone WED., MAY 18, 5 PM - 7 PM: MADISON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT RABIES VACCINATION CLINIC - STOCKBRIDGE HIGHWAY GARAGE, 5320 N. MAIN ST, MUNNSVILLE. All pets must be at least 3 months of age. Pets receiving their first rabies shot must get a booster within 1 year. All pets must be restrained on a leash or in a pet carrier. Proof of previous vaccination is required to qualify for a three-year certificate. Accepted forms of proof: (a) “Certificate of Vaccination” obtained from veterinarian or Madison County Department of Health or (b) “Dog license” showing rabies expiration date. Rabies vaccinations are offered free of charge to Madison County residents. A voluntary donation per pet is requested to help defray clinic costs. AMERICAN WELL DRILLING & PUMP SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES • SATISFACTION GUARANTEED New 6" Casing, Old & New Homes, Farms, Commercial Need Help? GIVE US A CALL ANY TIME! Insured DEC# 10088 315-837-4778 Fully WED., MAY 25, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. WED., JUNE 1, 5-7 PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY - POOLVILLE COUNTRY STORE RESTAURANT AND B&B, 1245 Earlville Rd., Earlville WED., JULY 12, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at www. Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 6559431 for info. • Migraines • Shoulder, Knee, Hip, Elbow Pains • Carpal Tunnel Syndrom • Fibromyalgia • Compartment Syndrom (RSD) • Post-Traumatic Injuries • Neurogenic Pain • Myofascial Conditions • Pain Management / Help Non Help • Frozen Joints • Repetitive Injuries • Chiropractic Conditions UT-000550349 MON., MAY 16, 1-3 P.M.: CASA SENIOR ART SESSION at Cazenovia Village Apartments, 24 Nelson St., Cazenovia. In the recreation room. Everyone welcome. Call Susan Carncross 655-4651. • Pain In Joints • Spinal Pain • Sprain/Strains • Sciatica • Neualgias • Tendonitis • Plantar Fasciitis • Post Surgical Pain • Degenerative Joints • Arthritis • Diabetic Neuropathies • Back & Neck Pain SAT., JULY 16, 1 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the other women who have had some of the same experiences. For further information, call Midge 684-3615. (315) 853-6225 (315) 825-9235 54 Dwight Ave., Clinton, 40 Milford St., Hamilton, NY 13323 NY 13346 WED., JULY 26, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. SAT., JUNE 4, 1 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the other women who have had some of the same experiences. For further information, call Midge 684-3615. DRIFT IN MON., JUNE 6, 7 P.M.: CAZENOVIA AMERICAN LEGION MEETING at Post 88, 26 Chenango St., Cazenovia. Opening Fri., April 8 Rt. 13, DeRuyter WED., SEPT. 7, 5-7 PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY - SILLY GOAT SOAPS, 3451 Ingalls Corners Rd., Canastota WED., SEPT. 14, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. WED., SEPT. 28, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSINESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. WED., JUNE 8, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSI 852-9873 SAT., OCT. 1, 1 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT NESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. together to help each other grow their businesses through business All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more WED., AUG. 3, 5-7 PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the PLEASE READ CAREFULLY • SUBMIT CORRECTIONS ONLINE about MOORE Networking at Bring - HIP HOP FARMS, Roberts Rd., Brookfield other women who have had some of the same experiences. For your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting WED., AUG. 10, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSIfurther information, call Midge 684-3615. the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main NESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the WED., OCT. 5, 5-7 PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY together to help each other grow their businesses through business Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. - AJ’S ARCHERY, 3938 Nelson Heights, Cazenovia to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more MOORE Networking at Bring CREATED WED., OCT. 12, AM: MOORE NETWORKING. ADVERTISER:about TUCCIARONE, DRM M. DC. PROOF AT:8-9:30 10/28/2015 2:16:03 PMIN BUSIyour business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting NESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main together to help each other grow their businesses through business SALES PERSON: UT6004 NEXT DATE: 10/29/15 St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to theRUN to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. about MOORE Networking at Bring SIZE: 3.548X5 PROOF DUE: 10/28/15 your business cards and12:59:55 enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting WED., AUG. 24, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSIthe 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main NESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding PUBLICATION: UT-DAILY St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the together to help each other grow their businesses through business Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more about MOORE Networking at Bring your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the WED., JUNE 22, 8-9:30 AM: MOORE NETWORKING. IN BUSIWhitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. NESS? YOU ARE INVITED. Local business people banding together to help each other grow their businesses through business SAT., SEPT. 3, 1 P.M.: THE AREA WIDOW’S BEREAVEMENT to business referrals. Visitors are welcome anytime. Find out more SUPPORT GROUP will meet at St. Joan’s Church in Morrisville. about MOORE Networking at Bring All women who have experienced the death of their spouse are your business cards and enjoy coffee and donuts with us. Meeting invited to share in the comfort, encouragement and hope with the O FULL PAINT LINE O WATER HEATERS the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at 8 AM at 8631 N Main other women who have had some of the same experiences. For St, Canastota, NY (Auntie El’s Video & Photography - next to the further information, call Midge 684-3615. O PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Whitelaw Presbyterian Church in Whitelaw) Call 655-9431 for info. PROOF O.K. BY:___________________________ O.K. WITH CORRECTIONS BY:_ UT-000550349 (100%) LATOCHA BUILDERS Experienced Carpenters Wanted Must be Motivated With Vehicle & Own Tools 315-677-3042 WED., JULY 6, 5-7 PM: BUY MADISON FIRST WEDNESDAY - CONEHEADS ICE CREAM, 3728 State Rte. 31, Canastota WILKINSON COAL $ 7 bag/$280 ton - RICE & NUT $ 248.00 PER TON BULK 315-655-5777 Buyea’s True Value Hardware WATERPROOFING DEMOLITION - HOUSE JACKING FOUNDATIONS INSTALLED: Poured walls, ICF, Blocks, Repair Bowed/Cracked Walls / Resurfacing EXCAVATION: Backhoe / Loader / Dozer / Trackhoe Skidsteer / Septics Installed / Repaired / 70’ Crane Service General Construction FREE ESTIMATES Call Bob Barrows 315-440-2762 EMAIL: M-F 9-5:30; Sat., 9-4; Sun. 9-2 • Nelson Road, Fenner Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website O BLUE SEAL FEED O STOVE PIPE O HAND & POWER TOOLS O APPLIANCES O PUBLIC FAX SERVICE __________________________ Store Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8-7 Fri. & Sat. 8-6 Sun. 8-4 131 Albany St. Cazenovia 655-3822 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 -3- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At REECE & SON QUALITY HOME CONTRACTORS ____________________________________________________ ACCURATE AFFORDABLE GPS TRACKERS FOR YOUR COMPANY’S FLEET OF VEHICLES! GPS TRACKING SERVICE Syracuse-based nationwide tracking service that uses a unique GPS TRACKERS FOR YOUR Free mobile apps. Costs less than $1.00 OF a day! VEHICLES! No long-term contract. COMPANY’S FLEET See if younationwide qualify for a free trial month! Syracuse-based tracking service that uses Please a unique combination of Cloud, and call or text 315-491-7060 for information or to tryGPS us. wireless communication technology. ________________________________________________________________ Free Mobile Apps. - Costs Less Than $1.00 A Day! No Long-term Contract. ________________________________________________________________ SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR A FREE TRIAL MONTH! WANTED: BIDS FOR MOWING AND TRIMMING of Pitcher Cemetery from May - October(18 mowings). Your equipment. Mail bids to Pitcher Cemetery Assoc., PO Box 24, Pitcher, NY 13136. (m21-3) DeRUYTER LEGAL NOTICE / NOTICE OF DATE CHANGE - VILLAGE OF DERUYTER. DeRuyter Village Board Notice of Change of Regular Meeting Date. The April 20, 2016 Village Board meeting of has been changed to April 13, 2016 at 6:30PM. Submitted by: Ardene Tiffany, Village Clerk/Treas. Notice of Organizational Meeting and Public Hearing on Budget. Notice is hereby given that the annual Organizational Meeting of the DeRuyter Village Board of Trustees will be held at 6:30 PM on April 13, 2016 in the Village Hall/Firehouse at 1663 Cortland Street. The tentative budget for the Village of DeRuyter for the fiscal year 2016-2017 has been completed and filed in the office of the Village Clerk where it is available for inspection by any interested persons during regular office hours. Further Notice is given that the Village Board of Trustees of said Village of DeRuyter will meet and review said Tentative Budget and hold a Public Hearing thereon in the Village Hall/Firehouse at 1663 Cortland Street immediately following the above referenced Organizational Meeting and at such time any person may be heard in favor or against any item or items therein contained. And Further Notice is given that following are the proposed salaries of the Village Officers in the village, to wit: Mayor $1,856,Trustees (2) 1,325 each Signed: Ardene Tiffany, Clerk/Treas. (a4-1) ERIEVILLE EVERGREEN CEM.ASSOC. E R I E V I L L E E V E R G R E E N CEMETERY ASSOCIATION WILL HOLDS IT’S SPRING MEETING on Thursday, April 7, 2016 at 7:00 at the Erieville Firehouse, Eatonbrook Rd., Erieville NY. (A4-1) RENTALS PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 APARTMENTS EFFICIENCY APT. - Near Fabius. $500/mon. + heat + sec.Electric included. Nice setting in country. Available immediately. 315-530-2782 (m28-2) MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: Cazenovia, country setting, 14’ x 70’ mobile home in very good condition with private yard, 3 BR, 2 lg. full baths, W/D hookup, 8’ x 20’ attached mud room, separate storage shed, trash removal and lawn care provided. No pets, no smoking, references, security deposit, $700 per mo. plus utilities. Available May. 1st Can be seen by appt. only. Call 655-2566 after 6 pm. (a4-c) HOUSE FOR RENT: Furnished House, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, country setting. Minutes from Manlius/Cazenovia. No pets. No smoking. $1200.00/month + utilites. 447-3311 (d21-c) Are ialsP!!! ter ne Maoing U of Do o G R our et Y G NO • MANY SATISFIED REFERENCES Cell 447-0193 FULLY INSURED Day 684-3908 PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 LANDSCAPERS NEEDED LANDSCAPERSNEEDED:Mowing, landscaping, cleanups. Must have license and strong work ethic. $12$14 /Hour starting pay DOE. e-mail resume to keeneytreeandlawn@ (f1-12) FENCE POSTS FOR SALE: Large Fence Posts. 6 ft. $3.00, 7ft. $3.50, 8 ft. $4.00. Call Don 315-837-4362. Free delivery for 200 posts. (14-5) MANLIUS LANDSCAPE COMPANY HIRING EXPERIENCED CREW MEMBERS. Must have knowledge of zero turn mowers, experience with basic tools and equipment. Valid and clean drivers license required. Trailering experience a plus. Please call (315) 729-5373 for an interview Pay based on experience (m28-2) GOODS FOR SALE STABLE HELP CAZENOVIA COLLEGE SEEKS PT STABLE HELP AT THE EEC. Exp. pref. Cover letter, resume, & refs to: HR, 12 Liberty St. Cazenovia, NY 13035 or hr@cazenovia. edu. AA/EOE(m21-c) COOK - WAITRESS NOW HIRING A COOK AND WAITRESS AT SUSIE Q’S CAFÉ, 37 W Main Street, Route 20, Morrisville, Will train.If interested stop in or call 315-684-3350 (m28-2) DONKEY CAREGIVER HELPWANTED:LOVEDONKEYS? Early morning helped needed 1 -2 hours. Cazenovia. 315-6553990 (m28-2) PART TIME COOK HELP WANTED: part time cook, experience preferred, apply at Shelly’s or call 315-663-6751 (m28-2) FT RN SUPERVISOR CROUSE COMMUNITY CENTER HAS AN OPENING FOR A FULL-TIME RN SUPERVISOR 3P-11P. Crouse Community Center is a 120 bed skilled nursing facility in Morrisville. NYS License required. Involves supervision & leadership of CNA’s and Licensed personnel, ensuring quality care performance and troubleshooting - experience in this area is preferred. Friendly, team oriented work environment. Competitive salary with an excellent benefit package. For more information please call the Director of Nursing at 684-9595 or stop in for an application. (a4-2) AUTO REPAIR TECH. KELLISH TIRES is looking for a technician. Must have tools and NYS inspection license. Stop by will interview all. Kellish Tires, corner of Rte. 20 & Pompey Center Road, Manlius, NY. (a4-c) GARAGE/YARD SALES PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 THIS WEEK’S SALES MOVING SALE - 3946 Nelson Heights Rd; Cazenovia - Apr. 16-17 - 11 am - 3 pm or by appointment. Exercise bench/weights, Contemporary ar, Furniture, Luggage, Flowers/crafts, Kitchen/nursery/bath accessories, Adult clothing. No reasonable offer refused. For details, call 440-2562 (a4-2) FREE KITTENS FREE KITTENS 1 BLACK MALE---1 TRI COLOR FEMALE BOTH LONG HAIR---480-6159--DERUYTER (M28-2) WANTED ANTIQUES & OLD ITEMS ANTIQUES & OLD ITEMS. Old toys, hunting & fishing, knives, military, coins, anything unusual. Planning a sale? Call me first, I will pay more. Call 338-3319. (a4-10) Emerson Exteriors & Remodeling Quality Roofing Protecting Your Biggest Investment Fully Insured Free Estimates Financing Available ● Windows ● Siding Doors ● Baths ● Remodeling ● Decks ● Kitchens Family Owned 20 Years Senior Citizen Discounts Available (315) 696-5730 50000 OFF $ SIDING or ROOFING Minimum 1200 Sq. Ft. W/ This Coupon 315-696-5730 -4- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 ! HELP WANTED FARM PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 Please call or text 315-491-7060 for information or to try us. PITCHER N IALSG SPEC • ROOFING • New Construction • Additions • Decks • Sidewalks • Patios • Replacement Windows • Doors • Concrete Work • Garages • Pole Barns • Remodeling • Siding StSoMneALL LOA ING ROOF DEL & Top DS • Ventilation Systems & Insulation IVER Soi !! ! ED l W combination of Cloud, GPS and wireless communication technology. PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 ________________________________________________ SIDI Doing Business In Cazenovia, Manlius, Morrisville & Surrounding Areas For 20 Years 36 Years Experience ACCURATE AFFORDABLE GPS TRACKING SERVICE LEGAL NOTICES SPR IN RO OFI G & NG PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 FIREWOOD 315-750-0079. (s23-c) FIREWOOD - pickup or delivery. FIREWOOD: Good hard wood $65.00 face cord or good hardwood slab $45.00 face cord cut 16”. Free delivery 5 face cord loads. Call Donald 315-837-4362. (f29-c) FIREWOOD: Seasoned 2 years. Mixed hardwood 14”- 16”. Delivered. $65.00 per face cord. 315-837-9603 (m28-4) CORRECTED - FIREWOOD: CUT YOUR OWN Poplar $5.00 per face cord. HARDWOOD $10.00 PER FACE CORD. Access is very easy compared to cutting on state land. 315-663-4162 (a4-3) FENCE POSTS FOR SALE: Large Fence Posts. 6 ft. $3.00, 7ft. $3.50, 8 ft. $4.00. Call Don 315-837-4362. Free delivery for 200 posts. (14-5) HEATING FUEL FUEL OIL - KEROSENE - DIESEL FUEL - PROPANE: Automatic degree day delivery, quantity discounts. GRIFFITH ENERGY, A Superior Plus Company. 3375540. (n12-c) MILLER’S BAKE STANDMILLER’S BAKE STAND will open on Friday, April 1. Dugway Road, Sheds, NY (a4-1) MAPLE SYRUP MAPLE SYRUP FOR SALE: New crop is ready at the farm - 655 Wood Rd., DeRuyter. Calvn & Matt Wood. 31-852-3351 (a4-1) SERVICES - FOR HIRE - PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 ________________________________ ADVERTISING Reach 40,000+ people in central New York in the Hi, Neighbor. Stop in, mail, call in, email or place online your classified or display ad. Quantity discounts apply. www,, email - hineighbor@hineighbor,net, 315-6559431 or 9 Albany Street, Suite 1D (Around back), Cazenovia, NY 13035 (d8-c) SMALL ENGINE REPAIR CHAINSAWS - Sharpened, cut to size for chainsaw chains at Moyer’s Sales and Service. 8523367. (f8-c) CRAFTSMAN LAWN & GARDEN PARTS & SERVICE available at Moyer’s Sales & Service, DeRuyter. 852-3367. (a18-c) SEPTIC TANK PUMPING SEPTIC TANKS & CESSPOOLS PUMPED AND CLEANED. Prompt, reliable & reasonable rates. Serving the public since 1954. DEWEY NORTHRUP. Tully NY. 696-5691. (apr04) MISC. SERVICES S H E A R S A N D K N I V E S SHARPENED: Cazenovia Lumber Co., 655-3417. (fc) A & R TIRE SERVICE CENTER 33 West Main (Route 20) Morrisville 315-684-7849 NYS INSPECTIONS MECHANICAL • DIAGNOSTICS MAINTENANCE • TIRES FREE BATTERY TEST Monday-Friday 8-5; Saturday 8-12 Aaron Dooley - Owner Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website APR. 4 - First U.S. flag approved (1818) - APR. 6 - North Pole Discovered, 1898 - U.S. Entered World War I, 1917 - APR> 9 - Robert E. Lee Surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, 1865 AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS - AUCTIONS WOW! Spring Machinery Consignment Sale At Empire Livestock/Burtons, 11 Ruth Street, Vernon NY 13476 ROBERT’S SCRAP ROBERT’S SCRAP - Buying junk cars and scrap metal. 601-692-7510. (o12-c) FORESTER JOHN KOWALSKI CONSULTING FORESTER. 45 years experience managing for timber and wildlife. No cost for evaluation. 315-691-6721. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. (m14-8) CERTIFIED NURSE’S AID DO YOU NEED HELP TAKING CARE OF A LOVED ONE? I CAN HELP. I’m a certified nurse’s aid. Also certified in CPR (Child and Adult) Call 315-247-3685 (m14-4) LANDSCAPING RLM LANDSCAPING: Lawn Mowing, Brush Hogging, Stone and Topsoil Delivery, Odd Jobs. 662-3612, Cell 480-9669. Richard Marris, 4085 Eatonbrook Rd, Erieville, NY (m21-20) MASONRY TCR MASONRY,call (828)3914743 . Big or small jobs .(m28-2) TREE WORK DO YOU HAVE DANGEROUS TREES ON YOUR PROPERTY? Are they hanging over you house? Growing thru service wires? Ruining your roof and clogging your gutters? Get ‘em down before mother nature does! Tree removal, trimming, stump grinding, 65’ aerial bucket truck. Fully insured, winter rates. Fast, friendly and fair since 1986. Brian Harrison, Inc. 315-677-9348. (a4-4) DRIVEWAY REPAIR IS YOUR DRIVEWAY MUDDY? runner crush / driveway mix delivered / spread, driveway additions / repairs, drainage solutions, culverts / tile / ditching. Fully equipped and insured, fast and friendly service since 1986 ! Brian Harrison Inc, Manlius New York 315-677-9348. (a4-4) YEARS AGO Article From The Cortland Standard, Apparently. The Town of DeRuyter, just over the line from Cortland County, filed a petition yesterday, in Wampsville,with the County Election Commission,asking permission to vote on a local option at the November election which would make the town officially dry. The neighboring town of Georgetown has filed similar petitions. The DeRuyter petition bore 175 names. Does anyone know what year this was? Contributed by Darla Snyder, Deruyter, ny WORN AGAIN THRIFT SHOP - Good clothing for the whole family. Now located at 100 Utica St., Hamilton, NY, INSIDE the new Parry’s store. Hours - Tues., Thurs., and Sat. 10-4. MUSTARD SEED OUTREACH, Georgetown, NY (Rte. 80, next to the school). HOURS: Tues. & Wed., 9 - Noon & 6:00-8:00. Closed Friday. We help meet your needs with clothing and household items. Also emergency food pantry available. 655-3441 / 837-4303. (je12-c) FABIUS POMPEY FOOD PANTRY- HOURS :Thursdays 4-5 p.m. Families in need of food or services can call 677-3590 anytime. For more information call 677-3590. NOAH & EMMA COBLENTZ 4678 FOX ROAD, CINCINNATUS, NY 13040 SATURDAY - APRIL 16, 2016 - 10;30 A.M. Saturday, April 9, 2016 Sale Time 9:30 AM EARLY CONSIGNMENTS INCLUDE: Deutz 6806 4 X 4 Loader; Kuhn VT 132 Vertical mixer SN A0149 (nice shape); DMI Tiger Mate II harrows 32’; NH 190 spreader; Massey Harris 101 Junior tractor; Complete Ireland Sawmill w/ 3 blades; Jacobsen Model SV3422 utility dumping vehicle; 2 bedding choppers; Brush hog 296; 78 JD 8630 w/3pt PTO 20.8 duals; Wilrich 2900 818 plow; Bush hog 25 ft.disc; JD 8300 21 run grain drill; Case Int. 955 6 row planter; Brillions 15 ft. cultimulcher; 1984 Case 1896 tractor; JD 350 sickle bar mower; JD 158 loader w/brackets; 8 N tractor (great condition) new parts; Hay and straw power mulcher w/6 cyl. Engine; steel work table; Shed 8 X 12 w/gamble roof(Burgundy steel); 9 ton Tri-Axle equipment trailer; 2-JD Riding lawn mowers; 55,000 Watt generator powered by JD engine good condition; New And Used tools; 2006 Dodge Dakota 4 WD. More consignments coming every day. NOTE: Consignments welcome until Friday, April 8th - 5:00 PM. We reserve the right to refuse Anything and everything. We are not responsible for any no shows in this ad. One week removal time. We reserve the right to resell items that are not picked up after one month. Forklift and operator available for loading and unloading. Cars and Trucks must pay a non-refundable $50. minimum sign-in commission fee. Titles must accompany all vehicles when consigned in or they will not be consigned in for sale. TERMS: Cash or good check day of sale. Selling by numberpositive ID. Out-of-State buyers must have a bank letter of guarantee made out to Empire Livestock. ________________________________________________ For Information Call Office: 1-800-257-1819 or 1-315-829-3105 _______________________________________________ Manager & Auctioneer: Tim Miller (cell) 315-440-9683 (home) 607-847-6475 Auctioneers: Ken Hughs 315-436-2215 David Sherwood 315-436-0804 CHECK OUR WEBSITE @ for a list of sales CERTIFIED ORGANIC DAIRY CATTLE HORSES & MACHINERY 14 99 ea.! Buy Now Limited Time Offer Quantities Limited FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. (315) 893-1884 Directions: From Route 81, take NYS Route 41 South 11 miles and turn right on to Fox Road. Cattle: Noah has (26) Head, (14) Cows, (3) Bred Heifers. (8) Open Heifers. (1) Reg. Service Bull. This is a spring herd, most will be fresh by sale day. There will be other Certified Organic cattle consigned by the neighbors at this sale. Most of these are Holsteins. Machinery: Farmall M, steel wheels, runs good. JD Corn Planter, 2 row, lever lift, Maxi-Merge, New, 2 years old. NI Manure Spreader, ground driven. 6 Ton Pioneer Wagon w/brakes. E-Z Trail 6T Running Gear. NI L120 Hay Loader. NH 256 Rake. Grimm Tedder. Forcart. MC 7 Silo Filler, 2 sets of knives, shearplate. MC Corn Binder. JD Corn Binder. MC Grain Binder, 8 ft., extra canvases. JD Van Brunt Grain Drill, 13 hole. (2) Ontario Grain Drills, one for parts. MC 7 Mower, all Rebuilt, 7 ft. w/ dolly. MC 7 6 ft. Mower. 5 ft. Mower Bar & Knives. 6 ft. Mower Bar Knives. Feed Grinder. Parts & steel wheels for Oliver Hay Loader. 30 ft. Rubber Belt-6". 2, 3, & 4 Horse Eveners. (4) Rubber Tires for 10AManure Spreader. (4) Nylon Harnesses. (7) Collars. 5 hp. Honda Goulds deep well Pump w/jet. 17 ft. Canoe. Ashland Cook Stove. Forks, shovels, and other misc. items. Pioneer Long Beam 14" Plow. Dunham 8 ft. Cultipacker. Cultimulcher-5 ft. 8 ft. Trip Disc's. MC Harrows-12 ft. (2) MC Cultivators-1 row. 10 ft. Drag. Milking: (12) Stainless Steel Milk Cans. Strainer. Can Chiller. Milk Can Stirrer. Horses: (5) Horses. (1) Team of 8 & 9 yr. old Belgium Geldings. . 11 yr. old Percheron gelding. 7 yr. old Belgium Mare. These horses are broke for all equipment. 2 yr. old Belgium gelding, green broke. Manger's Note; Noah has done excellent job with his cattle, good condition, with good udders. SCC-150,000. All the machinery has been used, most kept under cover. Good Equipment. We are taking other, Certified cattle and equipment for this sale. Contact Noah or the auction service. The farm is up for sale. Lunch Served by the Amish Ladies Sale Managed by: Gene Wood's Auction Service, Inc. The Way A Farm Store Should Be... Cincinnatus, NY 13040 Tel: 607-863-3821 & David Unger, LLC 315-723-0615 Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday COMMUNITY EVENTS/NOTICES PLACE YOUR CLASSIFIED AD Online: Email: Call 315-655-9431 Visit our website at April 23, 2016: Saturday; Ed & Gail Palmer, Earlville, NY. Complete Machinery Dispersal, after 50 yrs of farming. JD 4230, Power Shift, Canopy, 500 hrs. on rebuilt motor. Farmall 806, Diesel. Farmall Super MTA, power steering, new rubber. Farmall H. JD A. Oliver 60. These tractors are spotless! New tires and paint on these tractors! AC WD 45, with wide front end, new tires, & snow blade. JD 1327 Discbine. NH 320 Baler. (3) Steel Hay Wagons. INT 710 4 bttm plows, spring resets. Much more machinery, with lots of tools & misc. For Info., Call Ed Palmer @ 315-837-4894. 4-8 pm May 7, 2016: Saturday. CERTIFIED ORGANIC DAIRY CATTLE. HORSES & MACHINERY. Andy & Iva Schlabach, Earlville, NY. Watch for our full Ad's on these upcoming sales. GOT SHOES??? SHOES HELP WATER STEP FUND WATER PROJECTS. Bringing safe water to millions. Gather any used shoes, boots or sneakers of any size, no longer of use to you and drop them off at DeRuyter Coop Garden Center, Hi, Neighbor Office, 9 Albany St., Suite 9D, Cazenovia (Mon. or Tues. 9-4:30) or in my home garage at 6335 Morgan Hill Road, Truxton behind Reakes Country Goods. For more info call Donna Judd, 607-8426167. Nearly 5,000 children die every day due to diseases carried by unclean water. By donating shoes you can save lives. (j19-c) MILLER’S BAKE STANDMILLER’S BAKE STAND will open on Friday, April 1. Dugway Road, Sheds, NY (a4-1) DERUYTER FIREMEN’S AUX. TUES., APR. 12, 7:00 p.m. The DeRuyter Fireman Auxiliary will meet at the Firehouse. MORSE RETURNS INCOME TAX PREPARATION "Let Us Help Save You Money Now And In The Future" 655-2400 Charity Morse BREAST FEEDING CONNECTIONS B R E A S T FEEDING CONNECTIONS/BABY WEIGH STATIONS. A place where breastfeeding and pregnant families can get professional breastfeeding support, check baby’s weight and milk intake, and connect to community resources. Cazenovia Location: St. Joseph’s Physicians The Heritage Group, 132 1/2 Albany Street, Mondays 5:30-7:00 pm . Questions? Call Amy at 315-882-8249. Oneida Location: Oneida Healthcare, 607 Seneca Street, Oneida. Mondays 4-7 pm & Fridays 1-3 pm. Call 315-361-2065 for an appointment. Breastfeeding Connections Café with a light meal on the first and third Fridays. KNOTS OF LOVE KNOT’S OF LOVE - will be meeting at the Genevieve Staley Memorial Library, DeRuyter, NY starting Tuesday, October 27 from 1-3 p.m. Then the 4th Tues. of the month until April 2016 “Free Yarn” for veteran knitters & crochet projects - more information please call Rose Wood Lallier 315852-6079. (o12-c) NEED WATER? WELLS • WATER CONDITIONING • PUMPS JIM’S HOME IMPROVEMENTS Roofing • Siding • Framing • Windows • Decks Kitchens • Bathrooms • Additions • Painting Masonry • Chimney & Foundation Repair Power Washing Deck Staining Free Estimates - Fully Insured - OSHA Certified (315) 706-7867 Since 1968 Best Rates • Prompt Service • Free Estimates & On-Site Review (607) 218-8744 315-484-5959 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website HUNTING/FISHING LICENSES The Town of Cazenovia is selling hunting and fishing licenses. Stop in anytime to the Town Office during normal business hours Monday - Thursday 9:00-4:00 and Friday 8:00 - 3:00. (a10-c) CHURCH NEWS PHONE, 363-8227 OR VISIT THE WEBSITE “LOVE HAS A NAME - JESUS. LOVE HAS A PLACE OUR HEARTS.” The Cuyler U.M. Church seeks to share His love 11 AM Sunday worship-Nelson Stafford 6 PM .Sun. Youth Group, 6-12 grades Friday After school Program, “PUMAS”, 3:15-5 :15 PM, at Church, K-6 Christmas Eve Service, 8:00 PM Direct questions to Janet, 607 842-6501 (d8-c) DELPHI FALLS UNITED CHURCH, Delphi Falls N.Y. We are a united church and welcome everyone to our worship services at 9:00 a.m. Sunday mornings followed by a fellowship time. Bible Study on Monday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Our Men’s and Women’s Fellowship groups are active with projects and events offered to our local community and neighbors. Our Church Building is listed in the National Register of Historic Buildings and is handicap-accessible. 315-696-8413 or 315-345-3144 WEEKLY SALES EVERY MONDAY HOSKING SALES Weekly Sales Every Monday 11:30 with Misc. & Small animals, 1:00 Dairy, followed by feeders, sheep, lamb, goats, pigs. Calves start at 5 PM followed by cull beef. Call for more info and note all times are approximate. Our volume is increasing weekly – join your neighbors & send your livestock our way! ***ATTENTION ORGANIC PRODUCERS*** ***WE ARE NOW A CERTIFIED ORGANIC MARKETING AGENCY.*** IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US. MONDAY, MAR. 28TH - Sold 290 Head. Cull ave. $.62 Top Cow $.88, Organic Cull Dairy Ave. $.85 top cow $.90. Bulls/Steers $.88 - $.97, Bull calves top $2.40, heifer calves top $3.10, Dairy feeders $.81 - $1.58, Feeder bulls $1.22 - $1.70, Feeder Heifers $1.50 - $1.70. Organic Dairy Milking age top $2600, Open heifers top $1200. Piglets $42 - $53. Rankin Grade Dispersal 125 head all ages ave. $1383, Milking age Ave. $1743 with top at $3500, Bred heifers ave. $1624, Open heifers and young calves ave. $800. SPRING ALL BREED SALE: All breeds and all ages ave. $1564. Holsteins ave. $1686 Milking age ave. $2052, bred heifers $1934, Open heifers $1072. Brown Swiss ave. $1435, milking age ave. $1744, bred heifers ave. $1658, open heifers ave. $1125. Jerseys ave.$1315, milking age ave. $1144, bred heifers ave. $1411, Open heifers $853. Ayrshires ave. $1416, milking age ave. $1675, bred heifers ave. $1383, open heifers ave. $975, Milking Shorthorn ave $1250, milking age $1550, open heifer $950, Guernsey calf $2000. Top Holstein from the Hell Yeah Herd $4750 bred heifer sired by Dempsey, purchased by Fantasy-Found Holsteins. Top Jersey from the Hell Yeah Herd $2500 sired by Regan, purchased by Jack Button, Troupsburg, NY. Top Ayrshire from the Hell Yeah Herd $3300 purchased by Dakota Hall, OK. Top Brown Swiss consigned by SunnyAcres $2050 purchased by Scarlet Summer Dairy, Muncy, PA. Guernsey calf consigned by Toolite Farm $2000 purchased by Jennie Grisaf, Montrose,PA. Milking Shorthorn consigned by Staif Farm $1550 purchased by George Craft, Sharon Springs, NY. Great Sale we would like to Thank all consignors & buyers! MONDAY, APRIL 11TH – Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Heifer Sale. Special: Koopman Dairy Dispersal (Delhi, NY) - All AI sired Holsteins. 40 Milking age, 5 bred heifers, 12 open heifers, 2 calves. Cows are Ave. 50#/ day with SCC 200,000. Nice group of 1st & 2nd Lactation cows. MON. APRIL 18TH - Normal Monday – This will be our Spring Fat Cow & Feeder Turnout Sale. Special group of 400# - 500# Angus feeders. (note we will be doing this during our regular Monday sale) Call to advertise your group SAT. APRIL 23RD - Annual Spring Machinery & Equipment Auction. Accepting full or partial lines of Machinery. Call to advertise your equipment. Monday, April 25th - Normal Monday Sale & Monthly Organic Day SAT. MAY 7TH – 11:30 AM Georgetown, NY. Many Maples Retirement Registered Brown Swiss Dispersal SAT. NOV. 5TH – 11:30AM Fall Premier All-Breed Sale LOOKING TO HAVE A FARM SALE OR JUST SELL A FEW – GIVE US A CALL **Trucking Assistance – Call the Sale Barn or check out our trucker list on our Web-Site. Call to advertise in any of these sales it makes a difference. Watch website for any last minute updates. DIRECTIONS: Hosking Sales 6096 NYS Rt. 8, 30 miles South of Utica & 6 miles North of New Berlin, NY. Call today with your consignments. Hosking Sales 607-847-6274 or 607-847-8800 - Cell: 607-972-1770 or 1771 Tom & Brenda Hosking 6096 NYS Rt. 8 New Berlin, NY 13411 Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 -5- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At Dining, Entertainment & Lodging 5518 Nelson Road Canastota 315-655-0346 T OFF THE BONE HONEY r o y e $ 99 Reg. r’ lb. $5.99 s HAM 3 T r o y e r’ s Specials Run Apr. 6 - 12 T r o y e r’ s SWISS CHEESE 3 $ 99 lb. KETTLE FRIED AND OTHER LAWN MAINTENANCE CHICKEN 539 $ Morrisville, Hamilton, Munnsville & Oneida Areas COSSETTE LANDSCAPING & SNOW PLOWING Reg. lb. $6.69 315-507-0059 NEW ITEM John F. Martin Pork Scrapple Reg. 5.99 $ 100% Grass Fed, No Hormone, No Antibiotic Freezer BEEF & PORK Fresh Baked Goods Friday & Saturday - Fresh Bread All Week Open Mon. 9-6, Tues.-Thurs. 9-5, Fri. 9-6, Sat. 8-4 - < > AWAKEN CHURCH, 3360 Thompson Rd., Cazenovia, Sunday Mornings 9 am - Bible Study. 10:30 am - Worship Service (Childcare and Kids Church offered) Wednesday Nights, 6:30 pm - Midweek Bible Study & Prayer (j15-c) CHITTENANGO UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, 205 Falls Blvd. corner of Perryville Rd. Traditional Worship 10:30 A.M. with Rev. Dr. John W. Fulton Pastor. Office Hrs. Mon./Wed./Fri. Mornings-Phone 315-687-3116 Website: www.Chittenangoumc. org Email: (a20-c) ST. PAUL’S EPISCOPAL CHURCH AT 204 GENESEE STREET, CHITTENANGO has ample parking behind the Church. Join us at 9:00 AM for Holy Communion. Office Hours are Monday Morning. Call 315-687-6304 and leave a message. Find us on Facebook,Twitter or at our website: WANTED: FOOD DONATIONS Office for the Aging Needs Food Pantry Donations. Anyone who wishes to donate shelf stable items to our food pantry, please bring donations to our office in the Canastota Business Park, 138 Dominic Bruno Blvd, Canastota or drop donations off at any SNACK site in Madison County. For more information call 697-5700. Thanks so much! (j12-c) MISC. C R I S-C AT O F F E R S F R E E TRANSPORTATION for Cazenovia, Fenner & Nelson residents over 55 and ambulatory. Call 655-0612. (Call between 7 am to 6 pm, 3 to 5 days in advance) (j19-c) MID-YORK 315-684-3049 CHIMNEY & STOVE,LLC Chimney Sweeping, Relining, Masonry Restoration, Chimney Caps, Prefabricated Chimneys, Stove & Fireplace Accessories Over 24 Years Experience - Insured - Member NYS Chimney Sweep Guild National Fireplace Institute (NFI) Certified Stove Installer TOPS CLUB: (Take Off Pounds Sensibly): Wednesdays, 5:30 to 6 p.m. weigh ins, 6 p.m. meeting, St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish House, 12½ Madison Street, Hamilton. For information, call 824-0965. (a18-c) DON’T LET YOUR USED INK & TONER CARTRIDGES CONTRIBUTE TO THE 300 MILLION THAT END UP IN LANDFILLS EACH YEAR. Drop them off at the TOWN OF CAZENOVIA OFFICE, 7 Albany Street, Cazenovia to be recycled. The rules are easy! We accept any quantity and brand of ink and toner cartridges. Cartridges from copiers, too! (a1-c) COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR INDEPENDENT SENIORS Questions, comments or ideas about services for older adults in the Cazenovia, Nelson and Fenner, NY areas? Call CRIS at 6555743., email: Auto-Home Business-Toys-Life Sgency keele A Inc. •Cazenovia (315) 655-2878 •Chittenago (315) 687-3901 •DeRuyter (315) 852-6180 •Manlius (315) 682-5141 Waterville •NewHartford (315) 797-3515 -6- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 43377_5 WHAT CAN A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA GET YOU? SELFRESPECT, A BETTER JOB, IMPROVED SELF CONFIDENCE, SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT, SMILES FROM YOUR MOM. How can I earn my HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA? Call or stop by your local library or Call 345-1458, Tara Truett. FREE 1:1 tutoring scheduled around your availability – nothing to lose - everything to gain. CALL!! (Madison County Reads Ahead) (f2-c) INSURANCE SERVICES SPRING CLEANUP LAWN MOWING MULCHING, BRUSH REMOVAL, HEDGE TRIMMING TOWN OF MADISON HISTORIAN REQUESTS PHOTOS & DOCUMENTS. IT’S 2016 AND THE VILLAGE OF MADISON CELEBRATES ITS 200TH BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR. The Town of Madison historian is looking for photos, post cards, letters, documents, diaries, etc. to be able to further research its rich history. The Town of Madison Historical Society at 3606 South Street, Madison houses vintage photos, documents and artifacts, but would like to expand its collection to more. Society members can scan your item if you don’t want to donate it so that you can keep your original. Or, you can loan it to the society for display. Items from or about the Town of Madison are accepted at the historical society, but for the bicentennial , we are specifically looking for things about the village. Please call Diane Van Slyke at 893-7910 or 729-8323 if you would like to contribute to our collection. ATTENTION SENIOR CITIZENS!!! DeRuyter Free Library presents: We have an additional date available for free tax prep! March 29th, 2016, 9 am to 12:30 pm At the DeRuyter Free Library. By appointment only! No walk-ins please. Call us at 315-852-6262 to get your name on the list. Availability is limited. Call today! (f29-4) Baker Construction GENERAL CONTRACTING - HOME IMPROVEMENTS Kitchen/Bath & Basement Remodeling, Electrical Work, Additions, Garages, Windows, Siding, Replacement Windows _____________________________________________ MINI EXCAVATOR WORK _____________________________________________ Brush Chipper/Skid Steer Work/ Postholes/Brushhogging Peter Baker Owner 662-3002, Cell 289-2170 2749 Erieville Road, Erieville, NY 13061 Hamilton Friends Meeting (Quakers) Sponsors ‘Climate Change In Our Time … Myth or Reality?’ According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average temperature of the Earth has risen by 1.5°F over the past 100 years, and is projected to rise another 0.5°F to 8.6°F over the next century. While this may seem like a relatively small change, even slight fluctuations in Earth’s average temperature can result in drastic changes in weather and climate. “Climate change, which is defined as a change in global climate patterns, most recently attributed to increased levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide from human activities, has become one of the most polarizing topics in American politics,” explains John Pumilio, Friends of Rogers Board Member and Director of Sustainability at Colgate University. “The ideological and political divide on the issue of climate change has undermined the science and led to uncertainty among many people who are not sure what to believe.” ELECTRICIAN Tom Stevens Electric Residential & Commercial Wiring Servicing This Area Since 1977 Cell: 345-2753 Licensed for the City of Syracuse Fortunately, Rogers Center is hosting an opportunity to explore climate change in Central New York. Join Friends of Rogers on April 9 at 10:30 am for an interactive discussion with Pumilio to help untangle myth from reality regarding climate change. This town hall-style discussion will touch on a number of subjects, including the science behind climate change and its potential impacts, as well as what is being done to address it. In addition to Colgate University, Pumilio – a Central New York native – has worked for the National Park Service, the National Audubon Society and Tauck World Discovery. In his current role, Pumilio has been instrumental in implementing numerous sustainability programs that have reduced Colgate Main Street Truxton _______________________________ Wed.-Fri. 3-9 pm, Sat. Noon - 9 pm, Sun. Noon - 5 pm _______________________________ Your Convenient Stop For Wine, Spirits & Hard Cider _____________________ Great Wine Selection... And We Continue To Grow __________________________ Come Check Us Out! Thanks For Supporting Local! - WINE & SPIRITS WITH SMALL TOWN FRIENDLY SERVICE - 607-345-8915 University’s ecological and carbon footprints, including a 30 percent reduction of the campus’ carbon footprint since 2009. This unique program is made possible thanks to the generosity of Hamilton Friends Meeting (Quakers). “We are extremely grateful for this partnership,” said Simon Solomon, FOR executive director. “Since 2011, when Friends of Rogers saved Rogers Environmental Education Center from closing, we have relied on the generosity of local organizations to support community activities, allowing this vital resource to be preserved – and to flourish.” The program will be held in the Visitor Center just off state Route 80 in Sherburne. While there is no charge, Friends of Rogers encourages contributions to support future operations. Rogers Center is operated by Friends of Rogers Environmental Education Center, Inc., a nonprofit organization that offers educational programs for people of all ages. Seasonal hours are from 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday, and from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday. Friends of Rogers Executive Director Simon Solomon is available for interviews by calling (607) 674-4733. The mission of the Friends of Rogers is to provide outstanding educational opportunities that excite, inspire, and motivate people of all ages to enjoy, understand, appreciate and protect our natural environment. PHONE/FAX (315) 852-6254 BOWDEN PLUMBING & HEATING 27 Years Experience SERVING CAZENOVIA AREA PO Box 51, DeRuyter, NY 13052 For When You Want A Dish That’s Bursting With Flavor – This Braised Chicken’s Got You Covered! While it’s easy to fall into a rut and cook the same thing over and over again, we really try to push ourselves when it comes to coming up with new and flavorful recipes that keep us from getting tired of any one thing: in this case, chicken. We make it all the time, but this balsamic vinegar reduction and the perfectly sauteed veggies make this chicken dish a new favorite….it’s got a rich flavor and it’s perfect at any time of year! Ingredients -Serves 6 4 pounds assorted bone-in, skin on chicken pieces (breasts and thighs) 2 pounds mushrooms (cremini, white, or baby bella), cleaned of any dirt or particles 2 cups low-sodium chicken broth 3/4 cup balsamic vinegar 1/4 cup red wine vinegar 1/4 cup apple cider vinegar 5 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped (could use baby carrots) 3 cloves garlic, crushed 1 yellow onion, chopped 1 bay leaf 3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 351 County Rte 12 (607) 863-3968 Pitcher, NY 13136 Lee Bement, Owner Jean Mudge, Office Manager LEE’S TRUCK & CAR REPAIR • Custom Exhaust Systems • Regular & Heavy Duty NY Inspections • Four Wheel Alignment •Transmission Flush & Fill • Computer Diagnostic • Major & Minor Repairs • Air Conditioning Service •Cooling System Flush & Fill Smith Funeral Home (Est. 1860) DeRuyter, NY (315) 852-3393 _____________________________________ Casket Selection Room on Premises Old Fashioned Service Keeping Funeral Costs Within Reason Is Our Constant Obligation We Encourage Comparison Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website APR. 4 - First U.S. flag approved (1818) - APR. 6 - North Pole Discovered, 1898 - U.S. Entered World War I, 1917 - APR> 9 - Robert E. Lee Surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, 1865 NOWER’S CEDAR HamiltonCazenovia FENCE COUNTRY MEATS Animal Hospital Animal Hospital 2316 Rt. 12B 2750 Rt.20 East Gift Certificates Available POSTS Hamilton, NY 13346 Cazenvoia, NY 13035 315-824-5412 Dr. Frank Martorana Dr. Heather Highbrown 315-655-3409 Dr. Jerry Kolb Dr. Alice Marie Donnelly Dr. Anne Galton Healthy Pets, Happy Clients Providing Quality, Compassionate Care For Over 35 Years kosher salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste Directions Season both sides of chicken generously with salt and pepper. Heat olive oil in a large cast-iron skillet or Dutch oven over medium-high heat and, in batches, brown chicken on all sides, then transfer to a separate plate and set aside. Reserving 2-3 tablespoons, drain off fat and saute carrots and onions until tender. About 10 minutes. Add mushrooms and cook for another 6-8 minutes, or until softened, then add crushed garlic and saute for 2 minutes. Season everything with salt and pepper, then transfer vegetables (discarding garlic) to the plate with the chicken. Sprinkle flour into the Dutch oven and cook for 1-2 minutes, whisking continuously, until pasty and smooth. Pour in the vinegars and whisk until smooth. Cook mixture for 3-5 minutes, or until thickened and reduced, then slowly mix in chicken broth. Return chicken to pot and add bay leaf, then bring mixture to a boil. Reduce heat to low, partially cover your pot and let simmer for 35-40 minutes, or until chicken is cooked through. Return vegetables to Dutch oven and serve with reduced sauce. Recipe adapted from Bon Appetit (315) 399-8734 #7110991 Georgetown, NY TOP CASH • For Junk Cars/Trucks, Salvage Construction Equipment 20 - 40 Yard Dumpsters Available Cazenovia High School’s 14th Annual Jazz Night Thur., Apr. 14m, 7:30 PM Cazenovia High School Auditorium CONTRACT . J .&Hardscape OR C . Professionals 6’ - #CP66 3.39 ea. $ $ or 2.99 ea. other Many lengths / s size hand! on r info. o call f Approx. 120-135 ct. per bundle BARBED WIRE 15-1/2 ga - 4 pt. Hi-Tensile 35 0e0a. $ AGED SHARP CHEDDAR CHEESE & PLAIN CHEESE CURD Clean Off Your Grill Special 2 lb. ground beef patties, 2 lb. hot Italian or sweet Italian sausage patties, 1 lb. beef/bacon patties abd 1 lb.Hoffman franks.................................................................... $28.00 Surf & Turf Special 5 lb. boneless beef sirloin steak and 2 lb. bag frozen shrimp (while shrimp supply last only) . ........................... $53.00 The RECESSION PACKAGE 15 lbs. ground beef; 5 lbs. boneless sirloin steak; 4 lbs. boneless chuck steak; 4 lb. boneless chuck roast; 5 lbs. pork steak; 1 whole spare rib; 2 lbs. bacon; 2 lbs. breakfast sausage;....................... Was $205 NOW $202 FAMILY PACK #15: 2 lbs. ground beef; 2 lbs. Hot Italian or Sweet Italian sausage links; 5 lbs. boneless pork roast and 1 lb. beef bacon patties. ................................ $40.00 APRIL SPECIAL FARM AND HARDWARE, INC. The Way A Farm Store Should be... All are invited to join 3 miles East of Madison on Rte. 20. Joseph E. Fahey, author of (315) 893-1884 James K. McGuire: Boy Open Mon.-Fri. 8-5; Sat. 8-4; Closed Sunday Mayor and Irish Nationalist in the Cazenovia Public Library Community Room on Thursday, April 7th at 7:00 pm. Described by Stephanie Miner, Syracuse mayor, as “a thoroughly enjoyable book offering a view of both Syracuse’s history and American history…,”this biography tells the story of a remarkable man who became the youngest mayor of a major city in the United States when, at age 26, he was elected to the first of three terms as mayor of Syracuse. McGuire (1868-1923) was a self-educated, charismatic, gifted leader who overcame personal tragedy in childhood to become a reformer possessing a genius for politics. As such, he nearly derailed the rise of Theodore Roosevelt for the 1898 New York governorship and was instrumental in the candidacy for president of William Jennings Bryan. Indicted twice during his life, he was investigated by Congress and the Department of Justice for his advocacy of Irish freedom. He befriended and aided Eamon de Valera and the Irish freedom fighters of that time, using his influence at the highest levels of the American government to further the cause of Ireland. Fahey, McGuire’s great-nephew, is a criminal court judge in the New York State Court System and an adjunct professor of law at Syracuse University College of Law. He is a member of the American Conference of Irish Studies, the American Irish Historical Society, and the Irish American Cultural Institute. For more information on Fahey’s “Boy Mayor” or other events at the Cazenovia Public Library, call 655-9322 or visit us on Facebook or our Website at 5 lb. beef cube steaks; 3 lb. ground beef; 1 Tavern ham steak; 1 lb. beef stew meat and 5 lb. boneless pork roast $ 78.00 •FAMILY PACK #6: 5 lbs. boneless sirloin steaks, 5 lbs. ground beef, 5 lb. pork steaks. W . as $77.00 NOW $75.00 We Have Several Other Meat Packs Available We Accept Food Stamps / EBT Card We also take Credit Cards and Debit Cards NOWERS CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING 1643 Randallsville Rd., Hamilton, NY HOURS: Mon.-Fri. 7:30-4:00 and Sat. 8:00-12:00 (315) 824-2990 Highlighted here are some of the farm-related tasks which families like the Millers and Corys would be performing at the corresponding time of year. MARCH For the early American farmer, March really signaled the start of the new year - where the circle of seasons more or less began. Now was the time to make sure the fences were in good repair and it was the season to store up firewood and split fence rails. Winter-cut logs would dry out in the woods from March winds and would now be easier to haul. There was no other season more definite than Sugaring Time, usually occurring between mid-March and mid-April. The sap was flowing properly at this time, collected and then boiled down. The settlers’ knowledge of sugaring was learned from the Indians. Successful sugaring was dependent on a farmer’s readiness since the season, was so short. Like Us On Facebook Dry Creek Wood Pellets $265.00 Per Ton While Supplies Last DeRuyter Farm & Garden Coop 315-852-3316 A Farmer’s Year Original article written by the Miller-Cory House Education Committee The Miller-Cory House is a living museum whose purpose is to preserve our heritage by interpreting the daily life and seasonal work on a New Jersey farm, within the period 17401820. Therefore, in order to fulfill this purpose, we must be aware of what these seasonal activities on a farm were. A farmer’s year was based on a seasonal routine in which preparation was a constant; only with it could a family survive. Our calendar is based on the moon’s phases with which farmers were well acquainted and many farm chores were: performed according to ‘moon seasons’. Almanacs were second in importance only to the Bible for farmers and ‘were the timetables to the general seasons of early American life. In 1752, England adopted the Gregorian Calendar which eliminated eleven days, Changing New Year’s Day from March 25th to January 1st. Previously, almanacs and farm records began in March and many personal farm records continued to be kept in the same manner even after the change in calendars. Nature’s year really begins in the spring. S D Mr. Joe Carello on saxophone. Mr. Carello will be working with the Jazz Ensemble during the day and will be the featured guest on the evening concert. This is Mr. Carello’s second appearance with the Cazenovia Jazz Ensemble. His first was on the 2nd Annual Jazz Night in 2004. Mr. Carello is a Syracuse native and has performed with Symphoria and the Syracuse Symphony Orchestra on many occasions. He has been a featured soloist in concerts with Diane Schurr, Maureen Mcgovern, and Jeff Tyzik to name a few. Joe was also a member of the Syracuse Symphony Rock Ensemble - a group started by Calvin Custer in the 1970’s. As lead alto saxophonist with the Central New York Jazz Orchestra he has performed with Clark Terry, Jimmy Heath, Slide Hampton, Joe Lovano, Bob Mintzer, Grady Tate and others. As a sideman, Joe has worked with Chuck and Gap Mangione, Aretha Franklin, Harry Connick Jr., Natalie Cole, Barry Manilow, and Frank Sinatra Jr. He has recorded with Danny D’Imperio, Eric Alexander, Barry Harris, Nancy Kelly, Ralph Lalama, and more. In addition to his performing career, Joe is a teacher at Onondaga Community College and Lemoyne College and co-director of The Band Bus School Music Service. The Jazz Night concert begins at 7:30 PM, in the Cazenovia High School auditorium and is free and open to the public. Please join the Cazenovia High School Jazz Ensemble for an exciting evening of Jazz and Big Band Music!! Presentations by Author Joseph E. Fahey at the Cazenovia Public Library Sharpened Cedar Walks - Patios - Driveways Retaining Walls - Outdoor Kitchens Grading - Outdoor Lighting Tracked Skidsteer Mini Excavator Work 315-436-0063 Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website For More Timely Local News & Community Information Just Search "Hi Neighbor" APRIL In preparation for spring planting, this was the first season for manuring. Manure was defined at this time as any material added by hand to the soil to cultivate the land. Potatoes were planted now. There had been many superstitions associated with potatoes, such as they shortened life or were a sex stimulant. They were often used for cattle feed. The 1802 Inventory of Joseph ‘Cory has listed “Lot of Corn & Potatoes” on one line and “1 Lot Corn &. Potatoes on the ground” on another. Stumps and stones could be cleared away easier during this’ season after the winter frost had lifted them to the surface and the first spring thaws would help loosen stones in the ground. MAY Plowing is often considered the hardest of farm chores and May was the “Season of the Plow.” Corn was planted now. Corn was perhaps the most important thing the settlers learned of from the Indians. ELITE DENTAL + DENTURE P.C. Accepting New Patients ACCEPTING 13-15 CLINTON AVE, CORTLAND 607.758.7700 NEW PATIENTS Open Monday-Friday from 8am-5pm & Saturday from 9am-3pm WALK INS + EMERGENCIES SEEN SAME DAY Walk Ins + Emergencies Seen Same Day Waterlase Laser 13-15 Clinton Ave.,forCortland - 607.758.7700 __________________________________________________ hard & soft tissue surgery and caries removal w/ minimal or no requirement of local anesthesia MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED Including T.M.D. + Facial $110 SPECIAL & Healthplex Medicaid, Dentaquest Full Exam Pain Treatment __________________________________________________ Porcelain Inlay, Onlays & Crowns with Cerec Technology, within an hour Bite Wings Cleaning 15% Senior Citizen 15% Senior Citizen Discount On Dentures or Partials Zoom Bleaching Permanent Crowns Bridges Cleanings Extractions Root Canals Dentures & Partials Fillings/Bonding We D Discount o AL Denta L on l Work ! Dentures & Partials __________________________________________________ $ cial 0 Spe 110.0l Exam s Ful e Wing Bit eaning Cl SENIOR CITIZENS DISCOUNT FINANCING AVAILABLE ALL INSURANCES ACCEPTED FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION FOR DENTURES (white �illings) Invisalign Available Open Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM, Saturday 9 AM - 3 PM - Evening Hours Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 -7- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At Make Your Installs Easy With help from a local installation expert With over 20 years of Vinyl window manufacturing experience. You can trust Clearview Vinyl Windows to bring you friendly expert advice, competitive pricing, and high quality installations. Quality Counts! Where VINYL REPLACEMENT WINDOWS The Ultimate In: ✔ Precision Engineering ✔ Trouble-Free Maintenance ✔ Thermal Performance ✔ Noise Reduction ✔ We Install r your te EE estima Call fo FR LOCALLY MANUFACTURED High Quality, Great Service & No Buying Pressure… Ask Your Neighbors! (315) 821–2222 5350 Cole St., Munnsville • Maize or Indian corn is native to North America. The corn we eat today or feed our animals has been hybridized from maize whose ears and kernels were generally much smaller in size than our corn. Very important was the fact that grains and flours that were brought from England often became ridden with maggots and mildew, whereas corn was easy to grow and store. The corn and its parts had an almost unlimited number of uses and often proved to be the difference between survival and death for the early settlers. Broom corn seeds were also planted during this season. Full-grown plants reach about 14 feet in height and appear like our field corn of today, but without any ears. Polewood was collected in May and would be used where the wood necessitated an unusual give and take. Durable brooms were often made polewood (like the Miller-Cory birch broom in the Main Room.) In May, also were planted flax seeds. The fibers of the flax plant were• later spun into linen thread, the blue of the flowers was used as a dye and linseed oil was obtained from the seed “bobs”. The study of flax is truly an amazing one. It took over a year to process flax from seed to cloth; involving over 22 steps! Splints were made for all kinds of baskets, sieves, chair seats, barrel hoops, etc. Henry J. DeLap TREE TRIMMING & FELLING 35 Years Climbing & Rigging Experience Cazenovia, NY 655-0309 Neat, Expedient Service Reasonable Prices Beautify and Improve with Selective Trimming and Removal JUNE This season provided the longest days of the year and farmers would now hope for a slow and strong growing season. Herbs were of utmost importance in early America and served as medicines, provided flavoring for foods (some were even used to make tainted foods taste better), for dyes and fragrance (at a time when all kinds of odors would be ever-present.) Picking and drying herbs required a dry and sunny season and was at times done this time of year. JULY July was hay making season. Scythes were used to cut the grain which was then piled in stacks. The flax was ripe when the blue flowers had turned to seed and was then pulled up by the roots and dried in the sun. Weeding also took place now. Dandelion leaves and buds were used for boiled greens and salads, in addition to wine. Daisies were sometimes used as hay. AUGUST Farmers were will aware that droughts could occur during this season. Therefore, digging wells and planning water systems were often the kinds of projects farmers now undertook. Also, this was the season when a farmer would see if the broom corn blossoms had begun to turn yellow; if so, they were ready to be harvested. Handcrafted MAPLE & GRANITE KITCHEN High-quality woodwork & delicate molding, offer convenience as well as beauty! Vanities | Kitchens | Furniture Handcrafted Cabinetry Built to Fit Your Home! 2509 Perry Shumaker Road, Munnsville, NY (315) 843–4234 • 1–800–843–3202 Open: M–F 9–5; Sat 9–2 -8- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 JANCZUK REPAIR 4353 South Butler Road, Morrisville - Auto & Truck Repair Diagnostics ● Mechanical ● Brakes Tune-Ups ● Maintenance ● Exhaust Monday-Friday 8-5 - All Major Credit Cards Accepted Tim Janczuk, Owner 315-264-2690 SEPTEMBER September was pickling season. Careful thought would now be necessary to properly prepare a family for the coming winter. Foods were preserved now through drying, smoking and pickling. Pickled foods were those preserved in brine (a mixture of salt and water). All kinds of vegetables and fruits were preserved by pickling and drying. OCTOBER Apple season” was now here. There are many references to apples and “cyder” making on the 1802 Inventory: “2 Cyder Barrells”, “5 Cyder Barrells”, “Cyder Mill & Press”, “Lot of Lumber in the Cyder House”, etc. As settlers came into New Jersey, many brought with them apple seedlings. It was one of the best things they could do because the trees grew quickly and easily here, requiring little effort and the rewards were many. Apples provided not only a healthy food but one from which so many good things could be made. Most farms eventually had an apple orchard - some had more than one! Mathews Interior/Exterior Painting Fully Insured - FREE ESTIMATES 607-227-9157 Some apples were packed with sand or hay and stored as winter apples. Some were used to make apple vinegar. Apple butter was also made, usually in very large quantities. Many recipes of this time called for a bushel of apples, in addition to cider, spices like cinnamon and nutmeg, sugar and salt. Cooking time for apple butter was usually about eight hours. References from existing ledger books, etc. of this period tell us that it took about 100 lbs. of apples to yield approximately nine gallons of cider. Hard cider was aged cider and distilled hard cider produced the very potent apple spirits or “Jersey Lightning.” Farmers who kept bees “drove” them now for their honey. The 1802 Inventory lists “1 Hive of Bees.” Bees provided honey, candle wax and pollinated the orchards. RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL FULLY INSURED MDM Landscaping Landscaping Skid Steer Lawn Mowing Edging Patios Mulching C: 315-560-0947 Spring/Fall Cleanup Retaining Walls H: 315-662-3013 New Lawn installation Driveway Brush Cleanups Thank you for considering us Repair/Installation for your landscaping needs. And Much More... Mini Excavator NOVEMBER Butchering season took place now. It appears that more pork than beef was eaten during the early years of New Jersey settlement. The labor required to grow feed for cows and raise them was far greater than that of having pigs, which also provided lard. (1802 Inventory - “3 Large Hogs ... weighing tog. 690 wt , “, “J Pigs”, “1 Meat Barrell”, etc.) Soap-making season was in early spring or/late fall. This season, November, was more popular because grease and fat from butchering were more available. Those who did not do the butchering themselves would often save lard and table scraps through the winter. Lye or Potash was made by leaching water through a barrel of ashes. Lye was one of the first chemicals known to early settlers in New Jersey. (1802 Inventory - “1 Lye Tub”, “Fat Tub”, “Soap Tub with some Soap”.) Soft soap was a gelatinous substance produced by boiling lye with animal fat. Sometimes the mixture curdled or didn’t gel. The color of the soap varied depending on the age of the fat used. (See also “Soap Making” sheet.) November was also candle-making season. Waste fat, usually a mixture of sheep and beef fat, made candle tallow, or beeswax was used. Candle dipping was very time consuming - often it took 50 dips (with time for drying in between each dip), to produce a standard size candle. Hundreds would be made at one time AUTO REPA E T A T S OLDOld State Road, Erieville IR • Brakes • Tires • Struts • Shocks • Oil Changes & Lube • Auto Body & Collision Repair Free Estimates 662-3272 - Monday-Friday 8-5 OWNER: Alan Dailey 3 Sisters Farm pledges to provide its surrounding communities with fresh, local, organic produce. We promise FRESH produce because that is the foundation for a healthy community. We offer the community members the best quality produce to support LOCAL agriculture. We support ORGANIC practices to maintain a healthy environment for all. Price List: Full Share: $550 - Full Veterans/ Service Share: $400 ½ Share: $300 - Singles Share: $210 ½ Veterans/ Service Share: $210 - Senior Share: $210 __________________________________________ Deadline For New Membership - April 30th Limited Shares Available! Contact ASAP! 5656 Cheningo Road, Truxton NY, 13158 607-842-6220 - to last through the winter season. When candle molds became available here in New Jersey, the task of candle-making was greatly lessened. (1802 Inventory - tallow at 1 s. (shilling) per lb. 41 pounds “: ) (See also “Candle & Wax Crafts”.) DECEMBER Making sure the house itself was prepared ‘for winter was a top priority. Corn stalks, hay, leaves, etc. were used to bank up the north sides of the house and barn, especially in New England. The roads in New Jersey during our period would have been only fair-weather roads. Sleds proved to be more practical than carts or wagons through much of the year since wheels would easily get stuck in snow or mud. Some work was now even done at night with sleds; the snow providing light. Now life was more house-oriented and work for “gainful employment” could be carried on through the winter season. Farmers made nails, shoes, baskets~ brooms, chair seats, horn objects, tools, all kinds of wooden implements, etc. There was always something to be done. JANUARY Ice would be cut when it was frozen to the proper thickness and on a day that was dry and windy, in order that the cakes didn’t melt and stick together. Snow was often packed on roads to make the sledding season last as long as possible. Now farmers had to start thinking about the forthcoming spring, making sure all the farm tools and equipment were in shape and ready to begin another year. FEBRUARY February marked the mid-winter point. Larger trees were pruned now (small trees were pruned in the summer), at times to get Quick firewood. Pruning was a means of increasing and improving a tree’s fruitfulness besides removing dead limbs. Building timber was often felled in February which was considered the best time to do so. Accounts and diaries were usually closed in February and good farmers were now well-prepared to begin a new year. 00 500 REWARD information leading to the arrest $ For of the individuals(s) who stole my tree stand from the field next to my law office on Midlum Rd., Cuyler, N.Y. in October, 2015. Somebody knows something about this. Ethical hunters don’t do this to anyone. Call Me Direct To My Cell Phone (315) 427-5940 Salvatore F. Lanza, Esq. 5333 Midlum Road, Cuyler, NY THOUGHT OF THE DAY: “In everyone’s life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.” - Albert Schweitzer Mangroves Mangroves are large tropical evergreen trees of the genus Rhizophora. They are found in the muddy swamps of tropical and subtropical coastlines and estuaries and grow most abundantly in tropical Asia, Africa, and the islands of the southwest Pacific. Mangrove trunks produce aerial roots that become embedded in the mud and rapidly form close-growing mangrove thickets. These swamps are rich breeding grounds for fish and shellfish. Joseph Haydn (1732) The principal shaper of the Classical style, Haydn was an Austrian composer who exerted major influence on his contemporaries, including Mozart, and future composers. The first great symphonist, he composed 106 symphonies and virtually invented the string quartet. By his later years, he was recognized internationally as the greatest living composer. He composed important works in almost every genre. FABIUS POMPEY FOOD PANTRY- HOURS :Thursdays 4-5 p.m. Families in need of food or services can call 677-3590 anytime. For more information call 677-3590. McDOWELL INSURANCE AGENCY Many Companies = Lower Rates Auto, Home, Boats, Life, Commercial Call Matt, Free Quotes, 655-4393 133 ALBANY ST., CAZENOVIA, NY "Buyea's True Value Plaza" Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website APR. 4 - First U.S. flag approved (1818) - APR. 6 - North Pole Discovered, 1898 - U.S. Entered World War I, 1917 - APR> 9 - Robert E. Lee Surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, 1865 Golden Tech Lift Chairs Ask Any Pro!™ Made in America ____________________ Can the salesperson in a furniture store answer your questions about Neuropathy, Cellulitis, Lymphedema, DVT or Venous Insufficiency? ____________________ YES, We CAN! We CARE. Please visit us. Fayetteville Home Health Products, Inc. AVAILABLE AT COUNTRYSIDE HARDWARE DeRuyter, NY 852-3326 511 East Genesee St., Fayetteville, NY 13066 637-2307 / WORD OF THE DAY watchword Definition: (noun) A slogan used to rally support for a cause. Synonyms: cry Usage: “Fight and fall, but fly not,” that was our watchword. Daily Haiku balmy breeze swarming bees circle the river bank Polona Oblak The inner fire is the most important thing mankind possesses. Edith Sodergran Women are better at acting then men. Why? Because we have to be. If successfully convincing someone bigger than you are of something he doesn’t want to know is a survival skill, this is how women have survived through the millennia. Meryl Streep, Barnard Commencement Speech, 2010 Loving yourself means caring enough to make the hard decisions in your life. Jennifer Hudson Always seek out the seed of triumph in every adversity. Og Mandino (1923 - 1996) Ap Cal poi l F ntm or ent WHEEL ALIGNMENT CHECK ENGINE LIGHTS BRAKES - STATE INSPECTION OIL CHANGES - AIR CONDITIONING ___________________________________________________ Kellish Tire & Auto Service Monday-Friday 9-5; Saturday 9-Noon - 682-8709 Corner of Rte 20 & Pompey Center Road, Manlius, NY Trivia... The mill, equal to one-tenth of a cent, was declared the lowest money of account by the US Congress in 1786. The mill, as a coin, was never minted. “E Pluribus Unum,” the Latin expression appearing on US currency, means “one out of many.” Abraham Lincoln was carrying Confederate money when he was assassinated. The shell is about 12 percent of the weight of an entire egg. A 1982 survey found that 38 percent of the US population watched television during dinner. A flea can jump more than a foot. This is comparable to a human being jumping over the Washington Monument with plenty of room to spare. Giraffes are very susceptible to throat infections. Adolf Hitler’s favorite movie was “King Kong.” Rabbits talk to each other by tapping their feet. The oldest known vegetable is the pea, used by the Chinese in 2,000 B.C. The ridges on corduroy are called “wales.” There are eleven time zones in Russia. Residential & Commercial Construction - FROM THE GROUND UP _______________________________________________________ ROOFING, SIDING, ADDITIONS, KITCHENS, BATHS, ENTIRE HOMES Masonry, Hardscaping, Concrete/Stampcrete Flatwork Excavating - New Septic Systems - Site Work _______________________________________________________ - POLE BARNS - RESIDENTIAL/AGRICULTURAL "We Understand Cow Comfort" _______________________________________________________ No Job Too Big Or Small, One Contractor Does It All! _______________________________________________________ - FULLY INSURED - Jason Emrich - 315-663-6447 Flat boron Is A Superconductor Scientists predict 2-D material -- no longer theoretical -- has unique properties Date: March 31, 2016 Source: Rice University Electrons with opposite momenta and spins pair up via lattice vibrations at low temperatures in two-dimensional boron and give it superconducting properties, according to new research by theoretical physicists at Rice University. Rice University scientists have determined that twodimensional boron is a natural low-temperature superconductor. In fact, it may be the only 2-D material with such potential. Rice theoretical physicist Boris Yakobson and his co-workers published their calculations that show atomically flat boron is metallic and will transmit electrons with no resistance. The work appears this month in the American Chemical Society journal Nano Letters. "We Fix What They Sell" Moyer's Sales & Service Lawnmowers * Trimmers * Pressure Washers Chainsaws * Snow Blowers And MUCH More! 315-852-3367 Dennis Moyer 1686 Tallet Rd, DeRuyter The hitch, as with most superconducting materials, is that it loses its resistivity only when very cold, in this case between 10 and 20 kelvins (roughly, minus-430 degrees Fahrenheit). But for making very small superconducting circuits, it might be the only game in town. The basic phenomenon of superconductivity has been known for more than 100 years, said Evgeni Penev, a research scientist in the Yakobson group, but had not been tested for its presence in atomically flat boron. “It’s well-known that the material is pretty light because the atomic mass is small,” Penev said. “If it’s metallic too, these are two major prerequisites for superconductivity. That means at low temperatures, electrons can pair up in a kind of dance in the crystal.” “Lower dimensionality is also helpful,” Yakobson said. “It may be the only, or one of very few, two-dimensional metals. So there are three factors that gave the initial motivation for us to pursue the research. Then we just got more and more excited as we got into it.” Electrons with opposite momenta and spins effectively become Cooper pairs; they attract each other at low temperatures with the help of lattice vibrations, the so-called “phonons,” and give the material its superconducting properties, Penev said. “Superconductivity becomes a manifestation of the macroscopic wave function that describes the whole sample. It’s an amazing phenomenon,” he said. It wasn’t entirely by chance that the first theoretical paper establishing conductivity in a 2-D material appeared at roughly the same time the first samples of the material were made by laboratories in the United States and China. In fact, an earlier paper by the Yakobson group had offered a road map for doing so. That 2-D boron has now been produced is a good thing, according to Yakobson and lead authors Penev and Alex Kutana, a postdoctoral researcher at Rice. “We’ve been working to characterize boron for years, from cage clusters to nanotubes to planer sheets, but the fact that these papers appeared so close together means these labs can now test our theories,” Yakobson said. “In principle, this work could have been done three years ago as well,” he said. “So why didn’t we? Because the material remained hypothetical; okay, theoretically possible, but we didn’t have a good reason to carry it too far. CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR DRINKING WATER? Fish can become seasick if kept aboard a ship. ORAN MILLING L.L.C. Native Roughcut Lumber EMRICH CONSTRUCTION LLC Est. 1985 • Hemlock, Pine, White Oak CUT TO ORDER • Fencing • Siding • Pole Barns • Sheds • Beams • Sawdust • Custom Cut Lumber ___________________________________________ For Orders: 682-8795 or Website: 7885 Rte. 20, Manlius, NY Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8 am - 5 pm, Sat. 8 am -12 Noon A & P WATER TESTING 684-3169 “But then last fall it became clear from professional meetings and interactions that it can be made. Now those papers are published. When you think it’s coming for real, the next level of exploration becomes more justifiable,” Yakobson said. Boron atoms can make more than one pattern when coming together as a 2-D material, another characteristic predicted by Yakobson and his team that has now come to fruition. These patterns, known as polymorphs, may allow researchers to tune the material’s conductivity “just by picking a selective arrangement of the hexagonal holes,” Penev said. He also noted boron’s qualities were hinted at when researchers discovered more than a decade ago that magnesium diborite is a high-temperature electron-phonon superconductor. “People realized a long time ago the superconductivity is due to the boron layer,” Penev said. “The magnesium acts to dope the material by spilling some electrons into the boron layer. In this case, we don’t need them because the 2-D boron is already metallic.” Penev suggested that isolating 2-D boron between layers of inert hexagonal boron nitride (aka “white graphene”) might help stabilize its superconducting nature. Without the availability of a block of time on several large government supercomputers, the study would have taken a lot longer, Yakobson said. “Alex did the heavy lifting on the computational work,” he said. “To turn it from a lunchtime discussion into a real quantitative research result took a very big effort.” The paper is the first by Yakobson’s group on the topic of superconductivity, though Penev is a published author on the subject. “I started working on superconductivity in 1993, but it was always kind of a hobby, and I hadn’t done anything on the topic in 10 years,” Penev said. “So this paper brings it full circle.” •Roofing •Siding •Decks •Kitchens, Baths Windows & Doors Interior & Exterior Trim Work Pole Barn Structures •Additions Darren Perry - Fully Insured 315-720-9914 The average American carries four credit cards. A bullet from a 22 caliber rifle is traveling more than 4,000 feet per second. France’s King Louis XIV was on the throne so long he was succeeded by his great grandson. Jousting is the official state sport of Maryland. A cucumber is 96 percent water. A dime has 118 ridges on it. U.S. Presidents Grant, Taft, Hoover, and Eisenhower never held any other elective office. The Mormon Tabernacle Church in Salt Lake City, Utah, was built without any nails. Farm Diesel Program Season: April 1, 2016 - Nov. 30, 2016 Minimum:1000 Gal/Season Payment:15 Days from Statement Date ACCEPTING NEW CUSTOMERS AUTOMATIC UTILITIES, Inc. 2830 Rte. 20 East Cazenovia, NY 13035 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8-5 15 East Main Street, Morrisville, NY _______________________________________ ___________________________________________ - NYS Certified - Personalized Service - Residential & Public Water Supplies - 655-9500 We Accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover Convenient Location on Route 20 at the Traffic Light Intersection in Morrisville (Next to Madison County Community Action) HOURS: Monday-Thursday 8 -5 , Friday 8 - Noon Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Call For Details at: Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 -9- Murphy’s Law: Stress Kills In Unexpected Ways March 31, 2016: In late March two Palestinians used knives to attack Israeli soldiers and were shot dead, one immediately and the other later because a soldier suspected the wounded Palestinian was about to detonate explosives. That soldier was later arrested and accused of murder because an officer had already checked the wounded Palestinian for explosives. The arrest of the Israeli soldier caused a media and political AT PLACE YOUR GARAGE SALE AD IN THE HI, NEIGHBOR (1-25 words - $10.00 per week, 26 - 50 Word $15.00 per week) 1 or 2 weeks prior to your sale Call it in to 315-655-9431, email it to or place online at as a personal ad. Fill out the address line, then place this on a copier to make as many signs as you need. GARAGE SALE Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At controversy among Israelis who see the arrest as a political stunt to appease foreign critics of Israeli security practices and the reality, to most Israelis, of how Palestinian leaders regularly broadcast lies about Israel to encourage such attacks. For example, Palestinian media is currently featuring accusations that Israel, not ISIL (Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant) was responsible for recent terror attacks in Belgium. All the media uproar encouraged threats against the families of the arrested soldier. What was missed in all this was the fact that the Palestinians were victims of cynical and relentless Palestinian government propaganda praising, rewarding and encouraging suicidal attacks against Israelis. The Israeli soldier was probably another victim of combat stress, something Israelis don’t like to dwell on because it has become more and more of a problem since the 1980s. The military does not like to discuss the combat stress too much because a lot of bad behavior by soldiers in combat situations is a common symptom of soldiers who have been under too much stress for too long. Some troops can handle a lot of this stress while others turn out to have little ability to cope and get killed or act unpredictably. Historically a lot of friendly fire casualties are inflicted by stressed out troops who have lost touch with reality and fire at anyone who is armed (and thus a potential threat). Veterans rarely talk about this with Connect With 40,000+ People Weekly For Just $ 25 With This 3” Ad In The 26 Hi, Neighbor (Ad Setup Included) -10- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 each other much less with non-vets or the media. There are a lot of things about combat veterans won’t talk about for years, if ever and not all of them are technically illegal. The recent Israeli incident, of a soldier killing a wounded and unarmed attacker, is more common than the military would like to admit. So is combat stress or, as it is now called; PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). This became a major problem during World War I and by the time World War II began most armies that had seen a lot of action during World War I had made preparations to more effectively deal with those driven into an unstable and unpredictable state by too much time in combat. PTSD continues to be a problem in Israel because of the constant threat of Islamic terrorism. Although Israel shut down a major Palestinian terror campaign in 2005 there were deadly aftereffects. Since 2005 Israel has lost more troops to suicide than to combat. These suicides are largely driven by stress and Israel has taken the lead in searching for ways to identify and treat PTSD. This is all about troops with PTSD and to what degree they have it. In addition to suicide, Israeli researchers have found that stress (the major cause of PTSD) made troops less vigilant, not, as conventional wisdom long held, more vigilant. A lot of stress tended to make troops zone out, as a way to cope. Some troops did buckle down and become more alert under stress but not the majority. Lack of vigilance in a combat zone is a major source of death, injury, and getting yelled at. It’s long been known the troops who have been in combat often won’t talk about it. Many of these veterans are more often depressed, often to the point of suicide or, more rarely, attacking and killing others. Since World War II, several other aspects of PTSD have been discovered. Israel noted, after the 1982 war in Lebanon, that reservists were more sensitive to the aftereffects of combat. The Lebanon conflict used a larger (than previous wars) number of older reserve troops, who tended to be more prone to coming down with stress disorders. This was probably due to the fact the full time soldiers are constantly conditioned to deal with stress. While this is often been referred to, often derisively, as “military discipline”, it has been known for thousands of years that such practices reduce stress and panic during combat. Apparently it reduces the chances of coming down with stress problems as well. This led to new programs to spot stress related problems as early as possible. This also led to the development of new treatments for these stressors. Israeli researchers also found markers in the blood that indicated someone has PTSD. This was long suspected but had to wait until techniques and technology capable of detecting such markers was available. Other researchers found that patients suffering from PTSD, along with other forms of mental distress (substance abuse, depression, chronic pain) had different brain images (provided by CT scans) than those with just PTSD. Research is also showing that PTSD is a distinct form of mental distress. For example, research turned up the fact those who had killed someone in combat were 40 percent more likely to show symptoms of PTSD or similar symptoms found in those who suffered concussions from roadside bombs. The Hi, Neighbor Publishes Announcements For Birthdays Births - Engagements Anniversaries - Weddings Graduations - Promotions In Loving Memory Memorials & Obituaries ___________________________ MASTERCARD-VISA-DISCOVER ACCEPTED Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website APR. 4 - First U.S. flag approved (1818) - APR. 6 - North Pole Discovered, 1898 - U.S. Entered World War I, 1917 - APR> 9 - Robert E. Lee Surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant, 1865 HI, NEIGHBOR READER AD FORM Mother’s Day YOU CAN NOW GET UP TO A WEEK OF CLASSIFIED INTERNET ADVERTISING BEFORE YOUR AD IS PRINTED FOR ONLY $200 Just Check The Box Below, Include Payment We Will Do The Rest! Ad Deadline Thurs. 12:00 NOON ADS ARE TAKEN BY: Mail, E-mail, Fax, Our Drop Box at the DeRuyter Big M, Our 24 Hour Drop Box at Our Office or at Our Office: Mon. - Thurs. 9 am - 4:30 pm, Fri. - 9 am - Noon PLEASE PLACE MY PERSONAL AD _____ weeks at _____ per week _____ Total Enclosed □ PLUS Is Just 4 1 - 25 Words - $1000 /Week 26 - 50 Words - $12.50/Week _____ word ad for Place By Telephone or FAX (315)655-9431, E-mail, Mail or In-person. BUSINESS, LEGAL OR HELP WANTED AD 1 - 20 Words - $1250 /Week 21 Words & Over - $15.00 + 20 ¢ Each Extra Word/Week 200 For Early Internet Ad Placement $ AD TO READ AS FOLLOWS (Ads longer than 25 words can use a separate sheet of paper): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Help Your Customers Celebrate... Plan Now To Advertise Your Mother’s Day Specials With Us To Make This Year’s Mother’s Day A Great One For Your Business! Name / Address (Must Have ZIP CODE) / Phone _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ OUR AD DEADLINE Thursday At Noon For the Following Monday’s Issue Call In Or Email Your Ad TODAY! Phone/FAX: 315-655-9431 - Email: PAY BY: MasterCard Visa Discover Acct. #____________________________ Exp. Date_____/_____Amount $_________ Mail To: Hi, Neighbor, 9 Albany St., Ste. 1D, Cazenovia, NY 13035 Fax To: 655-9431 Email To: QUESTIONS: 655-9431 or Our Website: AD DEADLINE THURS. 12:00 NOON Many troops, because of exposure to roadside bombs and battlefield explosions in general, have developed minor concussions that, like sports injuries, can turn into long term medical problems. Often these concussions were accompanied by some PTSD. Further research documented the connection between concussions, and other brain trauma, and some forms of PTSD. There is a PTSD epidemic right now, created by (for the Americans) the unprecedented exposure of so many troops to so much combat in so short a time. For the Israelis PTSD is caused by thousands of reservists being called up each year for security duty. There they have to deal with particularly stressful encounters with Arabs or nervous Israeli civilians. But what is actually happening is the discovery that much of what is thought to be PTSD is actually physical injuries (to the brain) that can now be detected (with more precise instruments like MRI and blood tests) and often treated. Thus it is becoming clear that there are several different conditions here, all with similar PTSD symptoms but not with similar effects on the brain. Each strain of PTSD will require a different type of cure. Finding these cures is increasingly important, since better diagnostic capabilities has made it possible to more frequently, and accurately, diagnose PTSD. Agricultural • Residential • Commercial • Industrial LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEMS INSTALLED & REPAIRED those most likely to develop PTSD you had to watch everyone if you wanted to identify the PTSD victims. The new blood test will make it easier to treat PTSD victims, who can, in most cases, have their PTSD cured or minimized if they get the right treatment quickly enough. Palestinian leaders are less concerned about stress than about staying in power. As a result Palestinian media regularly and blatantly encourages suicidal attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilians using any means available. Many Israeli troops (especially reservists who have been, for years, regularly called up for months of security duty) and emergency medical personnel believe it is only a matter of time before a wounded Palestinian attacker uses some other weapon to harm soldiers or medical personnel. Islamic terrorism experts find that doubtful as it is more likely that if Palestinian suicide attackers had more access to explosives they would simply use them against Israeli soldiers or police. But the lack of such activity indicates that Palestinian leaders are aware of the fact that attacks using explosives tend to kill more innocent (Moslem) civilians than soldiers or police. Nevertheless the fear among the frontline security and medical personnel is real and this arrest of an Israeli soldier brought this problem into the open. Actually it’s an old problem with combat troops, where the policy of “it is safer to just shoot to kill” is often tolerated and combat veterans don’t talk about it. But cheap video cameras and cell phones have made it impossible to keep things like this quiet. 24 Hours Serving Central NY 30 Years - Service Provided Year Round Call or write WEBB PROFESSIONALS P.O. Box 553, Oneida, NY 13421 - 315-363-8660 None of these discoveries is going to cure PTSD but they are examples of how new technology (how to easily measure neurosteroids in the brain and cheaper and easier brain scans) has made it possible to isolate the physical factors operating in PTSD patients. That kind of incremental success results in better treatments for PTSD. Success in this endeavor can be measured, in part, by reductions in the suicide rate among troops. PTSD has been around for as long as humans have been exposed to terrifying situations. But only since the 1980s has there been a lot of scientific research on the subject. It is now known that about twelve percent of people exposed to a traumatic situation (combat, car crash, whatever) will eventually develop psychological problems (can’t sleep or concentrate, plus irritability, nightmares, and flashbacks) months after the trauma. Until the development of tests that accurately identified Now Accepting Applications For FUEL TRUCK DRIVER - CDL/Hazemat **EMPLOYER PAID HEALTH BENEFITS / PAID HOLIDAYS & VACATIONS** HEATING - PLUMBING - ELECTRICAL - SEPTIC TANK PUMPING DUMP TRUCK - SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS - WATER PUMPS MARK SUNDERMAN 655.8993 315.374.3625 cell 315. May 8 Issues Away Place By Telephone or FAX (315)655-9431, E-mail, Mail or In-person. Over 40+ Years Experience Master Plumber License #198 Plumbing & Heating Repair & Replacement Service The exact odds of scoring a hole-in-one in golf on a par three hole are 8,750 to 1. Clark Gable’s middle name was Clark – his first name was William. Diane Keaton’s, who won an Oscar for her portrayal of the title role in “Annie Hall,” real last name is Hall. Charles Lindbergh’s grandfather changed the family’s last name (yes, before Charles was born). Good thing he did, or this hero would have been known as Charles Manson. J.C. Penney’s middle name was Cash. President Andrew Johnson’s wife taught him how to read and write. Billy Graham was once considered the best Fuller Brush salesman in North Carolina. CAZENOVIA ELECTRIC Residential & Commercial Installation & Service 662-3927 Jimmy Carter has flat feet. Rumor has it he rolled his arches over a Coke bottle every day until they were curved enough to pass the physical for the United States Naval Academy. Adolph Hitler was Time Magazine’s “Man of the Year” for 1938. Walter Cronkite was a college dropout. American naval hero John Paul Jones ended his naval career as an admiral with the Russian navy. George Washington was scared to death of being buried alive. Just before he died, he demanded his body be kept above ground for a few days in the unlikely event he might come to. According to some surveys – not that I would have commissioned this particular one – the average person will use the bathroom six times during the average workday. President Zachary Taylor never voted in a presidential election – not even his own. Thomas Edison never graduated from grade school. “Utopia” is an ancient Greek word meaning “nowhere.” Casanova traveled with a custom-made portable bath made for two. A dolphin’s brain is bigger than a human’s. A golf hole is four inches deep. DIESEL FUEL - GASOLINE - KEROSENE - FUEL OIL Automatic Utilities, Inc. 2830 ROUTE 20 EAST CAZENOVIA, NY 13035 655-9500 •Imports •Motorcycle Inspections •ATVs •Tire Changes •American V-Twins HELP WANTED: MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC **EMPLOYER PAID HEALTH BENEFITS / PAID HOLIDAYS & VACATIONS** 2830 Route 20 East Cazenovia, NY 13035 (315) 655-9500 We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover Apply at: Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 -11- Find Us At Over 100 Store Drop Locations, In Your Rural Delivery Mail Boxes and Online At New Spring Items Arriving Daily!!! Plants Begin Arriving Week Of April 11st NOW DOING SMALL ENGINE & LAWNMOWER REPAIR Spring Tune Ups, Blade Sharpening & More... Town & Country Like Us on Face book DeRUYTER cebook FARM & GARDEN CO-OP Like Us on Fa The Patchwork Girl of Oz By L Frank Baum Chapter 6 - The Journey Continued “Whoop-tedoodle-doo! The cat has lost her shoe. Her tootsie’s bare, but she don’t care, So what’s the odds to you?” “Dear me, Ojo,” said the cat; “don’t you think the creature is a little bit crazy?” “It may be,” he answered, with a puzzled look. “If she continues her insults I’ll scratch off her suspenderbutton eyes,” declared the cat. “Don’t quarrel, please,” pleaded the boy, rising to resume the journey. “Let us be good comrades and as happy and cheerful as possible, for we are likely to meet with plenty of trouble on our way.” It was nearly sundown when they came to the edge of the forest and saw spread out before them a delightful landscape. There were broad blue fields stretching for miles over the valley, which was dotted everywhere with pretty, blue domed houses, none of which, however, was very near to the place where they "We’ll Amp Up Your Home To Fit Your Dreams" Amp It Up Construction (716) 803-0591 Shannon Horner Free Estimates On Jobs - We Will Make Your Honey Do List DONE We Do All Aspects Of Construction & Finishing Email: stood. Just at the point where the path left the forest stood a tiny house covered with leaves from the trees, and before this stood a Munchkin man with an axe in his hand. He seemed very much surprised when Ojo and Scraps and the Glass Cat came out of the woods, but as the Patchwork Girl approached nearer he sat down upon a bench and laughed so hard that he could not speak for a long time. This man was a woodchopper and lived all alone in the little house. He had bushy blue whiskers and merry blue eyes and his blue clothes were quite old and worn. “Mercy me!” exclaimed the woodchopper, when at last he could stop laughing. “Who would think such a funny harlequin lived in the Land of Oz? Where did you come from, Crazy-quilt?” “Do you mean me?” asked the Patchwork Girl. “Of course,” he replied. “You misjudge my ancestry. I’m not a crazy- quilt; I’m patchwork,” she said. “There’s no difference,” he replied, beginning to laugh again. “When my old grandmother sews such things together she calls it a crazy-quilt; but I never thought such a jumble could come to life.” “It was the Magic Powder that did it,” explained Ojo. “Oh, then you have come from the Crooked Magician on the mountain. I might have known it, for--Well, I declare! here’s a glass cat. But the Magician will get in trouble for this; it’s • Hardware & Fasteners • Delivery Available 2433 Rte 12B,Hamilton, NY against the law for anyone to work magic except Glinda the Good and the royal Wizard of Oz. If you people--or things--or glass spectacles--or crazy- quilts--or whatever you are, go near the Emerald City, you’ll be arrested.” “We’re going there, anyhow,” declared Scraps, sitting upon the bench and swinging her stuffed legs. “If any of us takes a rest, We’ll be arrested sure, And get no restitution ‘Cause the rest we must endure.” “I see,” said the woodchopper, nodding; “you’re as crazy as the crazy-quilt you’re made of.” “She really is crazy,” remarked the Glass Cat. “But that isn’t to he wondered at when you remember how many different things she’s made of. For my part, I’m made of pure glass-except my jewel heart and my pretty pink brains. Did you notice my brains, stranger? You can see em work.” “So I can,” replied the woodchopper; “but I can’t see that they accomplish much. A glass cat is a useless sort of thing, but a Patchwork Girl is really useful. She makes me laugh, and laughter is the best thing in life. There was once a woodchopper, a friend of mine, who was made all of tin, and I used to laugh every time I saw him.” “A tin woodchopper?” said Ojo. “That is strange.” “My friend wasn’t always tin,” said the man, “but he was careless with his axe, and used to chop himself very badly. Whenever he lost an arm or a leg he had it replaced with tin; so after a while he was all tin.” NOW Taking Classified Ads ONLINE!!! (E) Route 20 (W) Fire House William St., Cazenovia HOURS.: M-F 7:30-4:30 Sat. 8:00-Noon 655-3417 / FAX 655-8800 Gas Station R William St. t e 13 N “You’re crazy, girl. Better crawl into a rag-bag and hide there; or give yourself to some little girl to play with. Those who travel are likely to meet trouble; that’s why I stay at home.” The woodchopper then invited them all to stay the night at his little hut, but they were anxious to get on and so left him and continued along the path, which was broader, now, and more distinct. They expected to reach some other house before it grew dark, but the twilight was brief and Ojo soon began to fear they had made a mistake in leaving the woodchopper. “I can scarcely see the path,” he said at last. “Can you see it, Scraps?” “No,” replied the Patchwork Girl, who was holding fast to the boy’s arm so he could guide her. “I can see,” declared the Glass Cat. “My eyes are better than yours, and my pink brains--” “Never mind your pink brains, please,” said Ojo hastily; “just run ahead and show us the way. Wait a minute and I’ll tie a string to you; for then you can lead us.” He got a string from his pocket and tied it around the cat’s neck, and after that the creature guided them along the path. They had proceeded in this way for about an hour when a twinkling blue light appeared ahead of them. “And could h e Have Your Ad Written & Your Credit or Debit Card READY!!! chop wood then?” asked the boy. “He could if he didn’t rust his tin joints. But one day he met Dorothy in the forest and went with her to the Emerald City, where he made his fortune. He is now one of the favorites of Princess Ozma, and she has made him the Emperor of the Winkies--the Country where all is yellow.” “Who is Dorothy?” inquired the Patchwork Girl. “A little maid who used to live in Kansas, but is now a Princess of Oz. She’s Ozma’s best friend, they say, and lives with her in the royal palace.” “Is Dorothy made of tin?” inquired Ojo. “Is she patchwork, like me?” inquired Scraps. “No,” said the man; “Dorothy is flesh, just as I am. I know of only one tin person, and that is Nick Chopper, the Tin Woodman; and there will never be but one Patchwork Girl, for any magician that sees you will refuse to make another one like you.” “I suppose we shall see the Tin Woodman, for we are going to the Country of the Winkies,” said the boy. “What for?” asked the woodchopper. “To get the left wing of a yellow butterfly.” “It is a long journey,” declared the man, “and you will go through lonely parts of Oz and cross rivers and traverse dark forests before you get there.” “Suits me all right,” said Scraps. “I’ll get a chance to see the country.” ACROSS 1. Visages 6. Sitcom set in Korea 10. Relative status 14. Do penance 15. Initial wager 16. Wings 17. Exploded stars 18. Not nights 19. 10 cent coin 20. Phantom 22. A digging tool 24. Not us 25. The Queen of the jungle? 26. Flower part 29. Earl Grey and orange pekoe 30. Old stories 31. A whirling Italian dance 37. Sporting venue 39. Tavern 40. Velocity 41. Pleasurable 44. Found at the end of an arm 45. Fog 46. Things that happen -12- Hi, Neighbor Pennysaver, Cazenovia, NY, April 4, 2016 PERFECT DECK! • Treated Lumber • Tools Right Across From PRICE CHOPPER 315.228.2090 315-852-3316 Helping You Create The Ask About Pick Up & Delivery STOVE & FIREPLACE 6 Dewey Ave. DeRuyter 100+Years 48. Responses 52. “Smallest particle” 53. Pretense 54. Hearer 58. Level 59. Absent without leave 61. Wear away 62. Sea eagle 63. A thorny flower 64. Cooktop 65. Rodents 66. A fitting reward (archaic) 67. Streamlined DOWN 1. Air movement devices 2. At the peak of 3. Sheltered nook 4. The passing of a law 5. Be in an agitated emotional state 6. A woman of refinement 7. Freudian stage 8. A pig’s home 9. A man’s high tasseled boot 10. Radioactive gas 11. Not dead 12. What we’re called 13. Beams on ships 21. Apartment payment 23. Emcees 25. Acquire knowledge 26. Dross 27. A unit of pressure 28. Region 29. Attribute 32. Chasm 33. Transitory 34. Not fat 35. Gave temporarily 36. Tallies 38. Directed 42. Gun 43. Obtains 47. They cast ballots 48. Not before 49. Nigerian monetary unit 50. Fragrance 51. Merchandise 52. Suffered 54. Fail to win 55. Not a single one 56. Border 57. Smell 60. Misery “Good! there’s a house at last,” cried Ojo. “When we reach it the good people will surely welcome us and give us a night’s lodging.” But however far they walked the light seemed to get no nearer, so by and by the cat stopped short, saying: “I think the light is traveling, too, and we shall never be able to catch up with it. But here is a house by the roadside, so why go farther?” “Where is the house, Bungle?” “Just here beside us, Scraps.” Ojo was now able to see a small house near the pathway. It was dark and silent, but the boy was tired and wanted to rest, so he went up to the door and knocked. “Who is there?” cried a voice from within. “I am Ojo the Unlucky, and with me are Miss Scraps Patchwork and the Glass Cat,” he replied. “What do you want?” asked the Voice. “A place to sleep,” said Ojo. “Come in, then; but don’t make any noise, and you must go directly to bed,” returned the Voice. Ojo unlatched the door and entered. It was very dark inside and he could see nothing at all. But the cat exclaimed: “Why, there’s no one here!” “There must be,” said the boy. “Some one spoke to me.” “I can see everything in the room,” replied the cat, “and no one is present but ourselves. But here are three beds, all made up, so we may as well go to sleep.” More Next Week Contact Us: FAX or Phone 315-655-9431, E-mail: or Our Website
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