Inside this Edition


Inside this Edition
Prayer News from France Mission – Issue 134 – Summer 2015
Inside this
Good news in Langeais
Welcome to the new
Area Reps
A potential merger
for France Mission
Paul’s page: Collaboration
France-Mission and Vision-France
Reflections by Dr Paul Cooke, FM’s British Director
Paul Cooke shares news of an exciting potential fusion
t’s a great pity that, due to the events of the
Nazi Occupation during the Second World War,
the word collaboration still has some negative
connotations in French. After all, the idea of
“working together” is a key biblical concept: as
Christians, we’re not only “fellow workers” with
one another (Philemon 24) but also with God
Himself (1 Corinthians 6:9). Isn’t that amazing?
The privilege of working with another mission
organisation was brought home to me at our
recent France
Day in Watford
when we joined
forces with
Arab World
Ministries to
learn more
about God’s
work within
in francophone
contexts. The
article on the
page opposite,
which provides Joint France Day with AWM
news about a possible merger between FranceMission and another French evangelical churchplanting group, shows an encouraging openness
to collaboration on the part of FM’s national
Elsewhere in the magazine, almost in passing,
ike France-Mission, Vision-France is an
evangelical French church union with a heart
for church-planting. It currently has about 20
churches, predominantly in eastern France
(Alsace-Moselle and Franche-Comté) but also
with a couple of plants in the west (Vendée).
While VF has fewer churches than FM, they tend
to be larger.
Since 2013, the leadership teams of the
two organisations have been discussing the
possibility of a merger.
The two groups have
been working together as
France Mission in Brief:
Churches and centres in ten regions
of France
134 Missionaries
Missionaries from the UK
you’ll read of a family
who’ve gained experience
in a FM church-plant (in
Langeais) and are now
going to plant a church
themselves with another
church union elsewhere
in France. You’ll read of
a mission apprentice at the FM church in Le
Pré (Hannah Prior) who’s gone out to France
with Grace
Baptist Mission.
You’ll read
of churches
building bridges
with their local
in lots of
different places
here in the UK
through the
medium of
French!). And
you’ll read of
a collaborative
project in the Loire/Haute-Loire area which is
aiming to bring together church leaders from
different evangelical denominations.
The benefits of collaboration are beautifully
summarised in the opening verse of Psalm 133:
“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people
live together in unity!” Amen to that – may we
all continue to pursue that unity and enjoy its
Every blessing
Church growth through multiplication
Front page photo: Planning permission at last for the
Langeais church-plant.
As both France-Mission and Vision-France have
had very positive discussions around the idea of
a merger at their respective AGMs this year, I felt
the time was right to share the
news with FM Trust supporters.
VF’s churches
Church plant
Developing church
Maturing church
Adult church
Daughter church
Activity centre
FM’s churches
part of the CNEF (National Council of French
Evangelicals) since 2010. Rather than cling
to their respective historical identities, the
leadership of both movements sense the
Lord calling them to an even more concrete
expression of Christian unity.
Both groups share the same Statement of Faith
page/14-Statement_of_faith.html) and express
their faith in similar ways. The location of their
respective churches also offers geographical
complementarity. The hope and prayer is that
the opportunities provided by shared vision,
planning, resources, and personnel will help
further the Lord’s purposes in France.
I shall no doubt have more news to share about
this exciting new project over the next couple of
years. In the meantime, you can find out more
about Vision-France via their website (www. Above all, please do pray that
this project will be used by the Lord in powerful
ways in the ongoing challenge of sharing the
gospel of salvation in France.
If you’d like a copy of a short text (in French)
about the possible merger, please let me know
Getting established
in Langeais
Experimenting with church
in Auray
Team members Steve & Eira
Martin provide an update on a
recent FM church-plant
Missionaries Chris & Fiona Lloyd share the
next steps in their Breton church-plant
ompletion of the church building in Langeais
has been delayed for the best part of a
year, waiting for planning permission. You can
imagine the joy when the application was
finally granted: this being France, enough paper
was generated for a group photo! Scaffolding
has been erected and we await the delivery of
Planning permission granted
stone for facing the front wall. Installation of
the electrics and underfloor heating has already
Spiritually, the church continues to grow.
Thanks largely to the initiative of the pastor and
his wife (Raph & Flo Héritier), and hard work by
all the team, we took part in an outreach event
called Bouge Ta Ville in nearby Tours last October
( Outreach also
The church family
On the road for outreach
continues in Langeais: a Christmas Party, open
to everyone, though mostly attended by church
contacts; a New Year delivery of calendars
to nearly every house in the town; an Easter
country walk and picnic. All these activities have
helped make contact with the townspeople and
raise the church’s profile, even before the doors
are officially open. However, it’s the personal
witness and discipleship by the team which has
brought people to a knowledge of Jesus Christ
and, praise God, is leading Céline to be baptised
on 28th June!
Ana Wanderley, a missionary from Brazil,
joined the team last November. She is working
voluntarily with the Red Cross, but is also
a useful contact with the large number of
people of Portuguese background who live in
Langeais. To the glory of God, the Pomier
family leave our team at the end of June to
start a new church with FEPEF in Lyon
( – good news
for Lyon, but a reduction in the size of the team
Thank you to the FM supporters
who have generously given
financial support. Please continue
to pray for the church in Langeais
as it struggles to get established
and witness for our Lord.
You can contact the Martins at
Auray town hall and market
o doubt you know the story of Thomas
Edison, who experimented in his laboratory
with thousands of possibilities before finding
the one combination that worked, so that
the filament in an electric bulb would light up
without burning up…
Here in Auray we are aiming at creating church
services that make those who attend think: “I’d
love to bring my non-Christian friends here.”
Sounds simple doesn’t it? Our laboratory for
experimenting is taking place this summer
“If you’re in our area, do please
come and check us out this summer.”
during the holiday season. We don’t have the
possibility of experimenting thousands of times,
but there is the opportunity to try things out
before setting up a regular church service during
the rest of the year.
We’ll be thinking especially about how to
welcome those who come and what to say to
them at the beginning
of the service. We’ll
think carefully about
how to preach and
pray in a language
that’s comprehensible.
Songs that we love
and enjoy will be put
under the spotlight
to make sure we’re
not confusing anyone
and leaving them
in ignorance
because of
If you’re in our
area, do please
come and check
us out this summer. It’d
be best to get in touch with us first as the dates
for church services are currently provisional. The
plan is to meet on 21st & 28th June, 19th July, 9th
& 23rd August, and 13th September. We’re hoping
to use a local hotel conference room and are
aiming at a 6pm service, based on the idea that
holiday makers will want to be off to the beach
during the day and then will head home at the
end of the afternoon. We’ll provide a lab report
in the next issue! In the meantime, thanks for
your prayers.
You can contact the Lloyds at
Living and sharing the gospel in
Le Pré Saint Gervais
Dreams come true in
Missionaries Jonathan & Rachel Vaughan
ask for your prayers and wisdom
Missionaries Paul & Majorie Dowling are beginning to see the fruits
of friendship evangelism
hank you for your prayers for the evening
talk on the origins of the Bible. Fewer church
members attended but there was a good
turnout of people from the town and from
other Protestant denominations. One man had
seen the poster, came to the talk, and left with
several books to investigate further. The last few
months have seen two new events at Le Pré
church: a women’s craft afternoon in March and
a charity jumble sale in May. The craft afternoon
was organised by Hannah Prior, our apprentice
with Grace Baptist Mission. It was encouraging
As a result, one couple decided to organise a
jumble sale in aid of an evangelical charity for
the homeless, which took place over Pentecost
weekend. Church members and their friends
provided a variety of bric-a-brac, and people
came into church for the first time, including
several Muslim women, to find bargains. The main subject of our AGM was evangelism,
Women’s craft afternoon
Charity jumble sale at church
to see several women from church get involved
in running the activities and Elise gave her
testimony. A few friends and members of the
gospel choir came along and there was a very
good atmosphere. In March, Rachel attended a short conference
on reaching out to the marginalised, and
shared some of the ideas at the church AGM.
with a great discussion among
members about how to share
the gospel with friends and
family. Lots of ideas came out
of the meeting – please pray
for wisdom to know which to
pursue. In June we’re holding
an evangelism training course
over three Wednesday evenings.
Please pray that this would
equip church members to share their testimony,
share the gospel and, particularly, share their
lives. We would also appreciate prayers for a
student from Nogent Bible College to join us in
September to help Jonathan with preaching.
You can contact the Vaughans at
he garden buzzes with
conversation. The sun
is shining and little groups
around the various tables chat
away to each other. Round
one table a group from our
choir, including the choir
mistress, around another
several neighbours, two of
whom have been to church
a few times now, talking to
some church members. One
of the neighbours talks to Paul
about a Christian book we’ve
lent her, which she’s enjoying,
and asks for a Bible. The young
couple who live next door talk
to us about a date for hosting
a little party for the fête des
voisins (neighbours’ day).
and celebrate Paul’s 60th
birthday. We feel very blessed
and encouraged that in four
years the Lord has given us
so many good friends both
inside and outside the church.
We’re also encouraged
that four of our friends, the
two neighbours plus two
members of our choir, have
started to talk to us about
faith and have all been to
church at least once. Please
pray for the work of the Spirit
in their lives and that we
may gently help them along
the path to committed faith.
Please pray also that the
church in general will catch
the vision of reaching out
through friendship.
In July a group from our church will be making
a visit to our link church in Yeovil, Somerset.
Please pray for all the practical arrangements
and that the visit will be a blessing to both
Please pray for:
•The work of the Spirit in the lives of our
• The church to catch the vision of
reaching out to non-Christian friends
A recent church weekend away
Elsewhere are members of Marjorie’s French
course and a lady from the Conseil du Quartier
(neighbourhood council).
This is not a dream, but a scene from last
month when we invited local friends to come
• The visit to Yeovil
You can contact the Dowlings at
A warm welcome to new Area Reps
Envie de parler français?
Paul Cooke is delighted to introduce three new
Area Rep Carole Edrich reports on how an English
church is using French for gospel outreach
n the previous issue of Action Missionnaire, Area Reps Colin Judkins and Gordon Leiper explained
about their role and encouraged others to consider joining the team. Well, the Lord clearly worked
through their words as I received expressions of interest from three ideal volunteers. But enough
from me, I’ll let them introduce themselves…
Dave Coates
Leicestershire): I’m
married to Sally
and we have two
children (Elisabeth and
Tim). I’m a lecturer
at Loughborough
University and have
recently gone part time (a stepping stone
towards retirement). Although I’ve been a
Christian for many years, I’m currently part
of a discipleship course which has included
visits to churches in France and Spain. My
concern for the church in France started with
Elisabeth going on an eight-month mission
with FM. My heart for France has grown
over recent years and has included making
a presentation to those on my discipleship
course about the evangelical church in
Jill Kennedy (Bangor,
Northern Ireland):
The fact that it was
acceptable, following
the Charlie Hebdo
attack, for Paul Dowling
to read an evangelical
press release in the
public square, was one
thing. That it was so well received suggested
an openness to evangelical Christians which
I could not have imagined back in 198081 when I worked in France as a language
assistant (and aspiring French teacher).
Very interesting times… While I’m daunted
by some aspects of the Area Rep role, I’m
excited, with our daughter and son now off
at university, at the prospect of helping to
promote what God is doing in France these
Carole Edrich (Bath, Somerset): Having lived in France for ten years I’ve seen
first-hand the spiritual needs of France. My family and I were living in the
Loches area near Tours when a France Mission church was planted in 2010.
We were fortunate to be part of the early days of the ministry there and
experienced the challenges and successes of delivering God’s word. Since
moving to Bath, I’ve completed the South West Gospel Partnership Ministry
Training Course, and am part of a team organising outreach amongst Frenchspeakers in the city. I look forward to opportunities to speak about the work
France Mission is doing to bring people to faith in Jesus.
To invite any Area Rep to visit your church, please use the contact details on the back cover
embers of St Bart’s church in Bath have
invited the local community to join in with
its French-speaking Apéro Dinatoire evenings.
A series of open meetings have been organised
to discuss Christianity in French as a way
to reach out to people with the gospel. The
purpose is to provide evangelism and friendship
opportunities in a relaxed environment
through French-language evenings centred on a
testimony about a life changed by God.
The Soirée Discussion begins with an
icebreaker, followed by a video and presentation
French discussion time
the community in this way. With the positive
feedback that we’ve had, we’re planning on
continuing our Soirée Discussion evenings later
in 2015 with more events planned for the
autumn. We’re also intending to offer the sixweek course Passerelles vers Dieu (created by
Let the soirée begin
in French, and small-group discussions based
on culturally relevant topics. We then end
the evening with a personal testimony and a
time for questions. Our topics have included
Le Pouvoir de la Gratitude and La Richesse et
la Pauvreté. We’ve been encouraged by the
number of people at each event which has
made for some lively conversations over French
cheese and wine – we started with 17 which had
grown to 23 for the second evening, with many
more expressing an interest. The evenings have
attracted a wide range of people from different
ages and backgrounds including students from
Bath University.
We’re fortunate to have a number of French
speakers here at St Bart’s and feel that God
has opened up an opportunity to reach out to
The planning committee
FM pastor Dave Brown) for those who want to
deepen their understanding of the gospel and
French at a more complex level. We remain
hopeful that the numbers will continue to grow
and that we can attract more members of the
French expatriate community in the Bath area.
You can contact Carole at
Serving Christ (and customers)
in Paris
Relishing church and
community in Saint-Étienne
Student Josh Heasman reports on his placement in a FM church
Student Anna Gilmour reflects
on her time in a FM church
Universitaires, i.e.
tudying French
French Christian
and German at
student unions) twice
the University of York
a week and these
has given me the
are a real source of
opportunity of having
encouragement. It’s
a Year Abroad. It was
been great getting
definitely an answer to
to know people of a
prayer that I was able to
similar age to me here
come to Paris to work in
in Paris and discussing
a church for my French
the Bible with them.
placement. I’ve been
Being part of a
working with Dave &
Parisian church and
Mary Brown who lead
the GBU has been a
the FM church at ParisOutside the Équithéo shop
great privilege. I’ve
Villiers in the capital’s
noticed the importance
17th arrondissement.
of what Paul says in 1 Corinthians 9: “I have
The majority of my time during the week is
become all things to all people, that by all means
spent serving in the Fair Trade shop, Équithéo,
I might save some.” Despite just being across the
which the church owns. Alongside supporting
Channel, there are many differences between
French and English culture which affect the
way in which Bible studies, church services,
and methods of evangelism are carried out,
“The highlight of my time here has
been worshipping the same God in a
different language.”
Josh manning the Équithéo stall at the FM
the Christian fair trade organisation Artisanat SEL
(, the shop helps raise the
church’s profile in the local area, allows us to get
to know more people, and offers opportunities
to share the gospel.
I also attend GBU meetings (Groupes Bibliques
so it’s been useful for me to learn more of the
French culture as I work and live here. And yet,
despite these differences, one thing remains the
same: the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ! The
highlight of my time here has been worshipping
the same God in a different language with
brothers and sisters from a different cultural
You can contact Josh at
s a languages student at the University of
Edinburgh, I get to spend a Year Abroad.
From the very start of planning this year, I knew
that I wanted to do something a little different
with my time in France. I started researching
possibilities and I came across France Mission
who were offering placements with local
churches. In January I arrived in Saint-Étienne
ready to spend the next five months working
Children’s work at the church
The church Easter egg hunt
alongside the FM church here, led by Peter &
Rachel Calvert. My week is filled with lots of
different activities which allow me to meet
people from all walks of life.
I’ve always been told that the prayer meeting
is the powerhouse behind a church and that’s
definitely true in Saint-Étienne. It’s wonderful to
go along every week and see what a love and
heart the church has for the local community.
I love children’s work and so it’s been amazing
to get involved in a monthly after-school club
which the church started over a year ago. We’ve
recently been working through the life of Jesus
and it’s great to be able to share with these kids
how much God loves them. Please pray for the
future of this club as they need more helpers in
order to be able to keep the club running next
Outside of church, I’ve also had the
opportunity to participate in many activities in
the local community. Every Friday I go to one of
the neighbouring towns to help out at the Food
Bank run by the local church. It’s such a joy to
be able to serve people practically in this way
and to show them the love of Jesus through our
“It’s such a joy to be able to serve
people practically and show them
the love of Jesus.”
Although it’s sad to be coming to the end of my
time in Saint-Étienne, it’s been such a blessing
to be able to serve here and meet so many
wonderful people in this little corner of the
You can contact Anna at
Réseau-lution 42-43 (Loire/Haute-Loire)
Missionaries Peter & Rachel Calvert share news of a regional
church-planting vision
fter a decade leading the church-plant in
Saint-Étienne, the time has come for us
to move on to a fresh challenge. The Lord has
called us to Blois (central France), where France
Mission have plans for a new church-plant to
complement the work already being done by
a FM church in the north of the town. We will
therefore be leaving Saint-Étienne in the week
of 13th July to prepare for and help to lead the
church-plant in Blois. After our departure, our
friends Thomas & Laurence Röthlisberger,
who lead the FM church in nearby Firminy, will
be assuming new responsibilities in the SaintÉtienne church. Do please pray for them and for
key local leaders Gabriel & Christiane.
The Loire départment (42)
Thomas & Laurence Röthlisberger
Although we’ll be moving on, the work of
spreading the gospel in and around Saint-Étienne
will continue. In fact, an exciting vision has
taken shape for the next steps in evangelising
the départements of the Loire and Haute-Loire.
These départements are numbered 42 and 43
respectively in the French administrative system
– hence the name Réseau-lution 42-43 for the
new project (Réseau means “Network” in French
and the name Réseau-lution sounds almost
exactly like the French term for “Resolution”).
We’d like to share this vision with you and
commend it to your prayers.
We’re convinced that planting new churches
is the best way to spread the gospel of Jesus
Christ in today’s world. In France, despite the
encouraging growth we’ve seen in the last
40 years, the number of evangelical churches
remains low: one church for 30,000 people on
average. In the Loire département (749 053
inhabitants) we currently have 0.23 evangelical
churches for every 10,000 people. To reach the
goal of one church for every 10,000 inhabitants,
we’ll need to plant about 50 churches! Our
vision is that the Loire département would
become the launch-pad for a significant number
musicians. It’s a great way to make the message
of the gospel known, both to the choir members
and those who come to concerts. The church has
also launched a gospel choir for children (Gospel
Kids). The church is currently looking to recruit
someone who is passionate about music,
capable of developing this project at a regional
level, and able to offer training in music and
worship for churches in the area.
The church-plant in Saint-Étienne South was
The Haute-Loire départment (43)
started in 2006, led by ourselves. Today the
of new churches. The notion of réseau (network) church, made up of about 30 adults and 15
is essential to this mission. In view of the modest children, has its own premises and is seeking to
size and resources of most French evangelical
press on towards maturity. Recently, close links
churches, many of them are understandably
have been forged with a third evangelical church
preoccupied with their
in the north of Saintown survival. Often,
they don’t have the
The basis for a
resources to launch
nucleus of churches
new church-plants.
collaborating on a
Hence the vision for
shared regional vision
a team ministry,
for the glory of Jesus
working together to
is therefore in place.
develop a regional
Please pray that
God would raise up
network in the Loire/
pastors, evangelists,
Haute Loire.
youth workers,
The FM church in
children’s workers,
Firminy experienced a The Firminy church gospel choir
musicians, artists and
rebirth in 2004 under
others to help this
the ministry of the Röthlisbergers. Growth has
vision become an increasing reality in the Loire/
been encouraging, with numerous conversions
Haute Loire region!
and baptisms. The church has acquired spacious
premises in the town centre, and has been able
to serve the town by developing a food bank
You can contact the Calverts at
(distributing 60 food parcels per week) and
a neighbourhood kids club. The church also
hosts a gospel choir with about 60 singers and
Planning for growth
Paul Cooke shares news of France Mission’s big picture
he vision of
programme in
a churchChurch-planting
planting network
and Missiology
described by
at the French
Peter & Rachel
Bible College at
Calvert in the
previous article
(near Paris).
provides an
It was in this
excellent regional
latter capacity
that Daniel
of the vision
was recently
which animates
France Mission
by French TV
for an eightEarlier this year, The FM Board. Back row (L to R): Paul Davis (Pontcharra), minute report
I was privileged Patrice Alcindor (Vendôme), Prisca Robitzer (Brest),
on the growth of
to spend a couple Vincent Dousselin (Rennes), Chris Lloyd (Auray), Olivier
evangelicalism in
of days with FM’s Reber (Chartres), Paul Cooke (FMT), Élise Duchemann
France that was
national Board
(Argenton-sur-Creuse). Front row (L to R): Lorenzo Monge broadcast in a
as we reflected
national flagship
(La Brie), Thierry Mirone (Aix-les-Bains), Pierre Egger
together, in the
news programme
presence of God,
about various challenges and opportunities
that will help shape our work over the next few
I returned from my trip to France full of
enthusiasm for what lies ahead and also
very grateful to the Lord for raising up such a
wonderful group of men and women to lead
France Mission. They’re passionate about
seeing God’s name glorified and want to be fully Recent French TV news report
available to Him in the task of extending His
(the equivalent of the BBC 10 o’clock news in
Kingdom. Do please pray for them all, as they
carry a significant burden of responsibility – not the UK). You can see the report by clicking on
the “Latest News” tab on the FM Trust website
just planning for the future but also caring for
( What
those churches and pastors who are currently
wonderful exposure for God’s work in France!
going through difficult times.
One of the statistics given in the news report
Two people who were present for the most of
is that the number of evangelical believers in
the weekend but who aren’t in the group photo
France has increased twelve-fold since the
were Jean-Georges Gantenbein, President of
Vision-France (see the article on p.3), and Daniel 1950s! Thank God for giving this increase and
please keep on praying for more – because your
Liechti, one of France Mission’s four national
prayers really do make a difference.
directors and the co-ordinator of a Masters
ne of the things
discussed by FM’s
national Board was the
timetable for future
church-plants. The map
on the right shows the
locations of churchplants that have either
started very recently or
are now in the planning
stages. I very much
look forward to sharing
news with you about
these projects over the
months ahead but, in
the meantime, please
pray that God will guide
and bless all those
involved with these
Other news from Paul Cooke
Free DVD
Vocation: Implanteur
d’église (“Vocation:
Church-Planter”) is
an excellent DVD
produced by the
National Council of
French Evangelicals. It
presents five recent
examples of French
including the FM
church in Loches. The
DVD retails at about £8, but it’s such a great
resource that we’ll gladly send it you for free!
Please just complete and return the relevant
part of the response form that came with this
Maps and stats
churches in France can
now be downloaded
from the website (www.
fmtrust/web/page/40Books & DVDs.html).
Daniel Liechti, who
compiled all these
figures, is one of FM’s
French Directors as well as a Vice-President of
the National Council of French Evangelicals.
Summer mission in Avallon
This July, the FM church in Avallon, Burgundy
( are hoping to do
some practical work to their premises as well
as doing some evangelistic outreach. If you’d
be interested in helping in either area, please
contact me to find out more (
If you like maps and statistics (and can read
French), then the latest version of an excellent
resource about the evolution of evangelical
Gordon Leiper, c/o PO Box 743, Exeter, EX1 9RN.
Tel: 07980 450462
Colin Judkins, 55 Victoria Road, Northwich, Cheshire
CW9 5RE. Tel: 01606 49859
Jill Kennedy, 42 Bangor Road, Conlig BT23 7PX
Tel: 07530 064481
Bob Skelly, 137b Barry Road, London SE22 OHW.
Tel: 020 8299 0600
Carole Edrich, c/o PO Box 743, Exeter EX1 9RN.
Tel: 07980 450462
Peter Farley, The Old Chapel, Chapel Lane,
Minchinhampton, Glos GL6 9DL. Tel: 01453 884454
Paul Cooke, PO Box 743, Exeter, EX1 9RN.
Tel: 07980 450462 or 01392 213275
Nigel Sullivan, 161 Wheelwright Lane, Ash Green,
Coventry CV7 9HR. Tel: 024 7636 2331
Dave Coates, 17 Valley Road, Loughborough LE11 3PX.
Tel: 01509 237116
Each area representative offers your church or Christian
Union group:
• Up-to-date news about God’s work in France.
• DVD presentations.
• PowerPoint presentations or OHP acetates to explain
France Mission’s strategy.
• France Mission literature.
Please contact your local representative direct by email,
letter or phone as above.
Paul Cooke, PO Box 743, Exeter, EX1 9RN.
Tel: 07980 450462 or 01392 213275
FRANCE MISSION is a French-based Protestant evangelical
mission organisation founded in France in 1957. Our French
headquarters is at 14 rue d’Annam, 75020 Paris. We are a
fellowship of over 120 church-planting missionaries of all
nationalities, of whom the majority are French nationals and
14 come from the United Kingdom.
FRANCE MISSION TRUST is the mission’s UK support office,
a registered charity (Number 267979) founded in 1974. Our
UK Trustees are: Bob Crockford, Peter Farley, Colin Judkins, Helen
Robinson, Bob Skelly and Nigel Sullivan. France Mission Trust
is a group member of the Evangelical Alliance and a member
society of Global Connections. Donations should be made payable
to “France Mission” and sent to the Exeter office. Gifts designated
for particular missionaries are forwarded without deduction.
This newsletter is also available in large print. It is
published three times a year, and is available free
of charge from:
PO Box 743, EXETER EX1 9RN (UK)
Tel: 07980 450462 or 01392 213275
FM’s mailing list is kept on computer file. Please help to keep it accurate.
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to any other organisation.