NEWS - Autostrada A1
NEWS - Autostrada A1
N° 15, September 2010 AMBER One I N V E S T M E N T I N F O R M Phase 2 at midpoint The advancement of the construction works on the A1 motorway, section Nowe Marzy – Czerniewice has exceeded 50 percent. It is an important moment in the prime road investment worth PLN 3,145 million. The new carriageway of the Toruń ring road has recently been opened to the traffic, and at the turn of the years the drivers will also have the new arm of the Vistula bridge at their disposal. The works on the Warlubie junction built in the conditions of live traffic continuing on the existing A1 section will be completed this autumn. If the weather does not thwart the plans, the second phase of the concession-covered motorway section will be handed over ahead of the schedule. A T I O N NEWS Important and symbolic The bridge superstructure of the MA-145 was completed in July. Remaining to be done are: the sidewalks, insulations, road barriers and balustrades, expansion joints, and finally the wearing course. The General Contractor assures the bridge will be 100% ready by the end of the year. In July too, the southern deck of the MA-91 bridge was finished. Obviously, just like in the case of MA-145, with the superstructure in place, the bridge is still far from full completion. The schedule envisages having the concrete sidewalks poured by the end of the year. Final appurtenances A s at the end of August, the works on the A1 reached the advancement of 53 percent. This means that half of all works planned in the schedule have been completed. The finished part of the implementation process included the construction works alongside obtaining the building permits, mobilisation of labour, equipment, and production back-up facilities, securing the materials, suppliers, and subcontractors. – The rate at which the works on the construction site progress is almost worthy the Olympics. More importantly though, in spite of the swift execution, the project is conducted in an exemplary manner in terms of both safety at work, and the quality of workmanship. To see it with their own eyes, the drivers who will take the newly built section of the motorway need to wait but another dozenor-so months – assures Torbjörn Nohrstedt, President of Gdańsk Transport Company S.A. cont. on p. 2 The finishing works are in full swing on some fragments of the motorway. The best place to watch them is Section IV, where the traffic was moved to the western road of the future motorway in midAugust. At the moment, the works connected with constructing acoustic screens are also very important. The front of the works stretches all along Sections II, III, and IV. The panel of a screen is composed of a 125 mm thick aluminium cassette perforated on one side and packed with rock wool. A 2-T-bar HEB 160 forms the basis of the screen support structure. In Phase II of the project, the screens were founded on bored piles of reinforced concrete, whereas in Phase I vibration-driven steel piles were used. Piotr Szeląg, Works Manager, has informed us that the motorway section that is currently under construction will have as much as 32 kilometres of screens put up. > NEWS Plastic for Arek A1 workers are involved in the charity collection of plastic nuts for the benefit of Arek Karbownik who suffers from numerous congenital defects. The 0,5 tons have been collected. Relocation of Góra Klęczkowska Section I involves the characteristically immense scope of earthworks. The amount of the soil moved here exceeds 500 000 cubic metres in the aggregate. Fortunately, the General Contractor did not have to remove the huge masses of soil from the site or store them elsewhere. This is because the scoop from the cut running south of national road No. 55 could be built into the fill on the other side of the national road. The embankment formed there reaches 12 metres at its peak. The embankments along the section are generally reinforced by stabilising clay with lime to the standard depth of 40 centimetres. In effect, where the embankment rises 12 metres high, the stabilisation procedure had to be repeated as many as 30 times for each of the 40-centimetre thick layers. The technology of stabilising clay with lime made it unnecessary to build in the geomesh to reinforce the embankment. Apart from the above mentioned works within the motorway’s right of way, an embankment has been piled for the WA-102 segment production plant. Still outstanding major jobs include piling another embankment at the WD-100 bridge. The future road has already gained the anti-frost layer in the vicinity of Góra Klęczkowska. This is the last layer the Earthworks Team is responsible for. In their final phase, the earthworks on Section I required two machine groups composed of two diggers and six dump trucks plus rollers: rubber-tired, plain, and sheep-foot. Those were assisted by bulldozers and an equally important water tank truck. > PAGE 2 INVESTMENT INFORMATION cont. from p. 1 The construction works are progressing according to the schedule. We have completed an immense scope of earthworks connected with soil replacements, cut-throughs, and embankments (76 percent of the planned 10 000 thousand cubic metres of soil), we have laid 406 thousand tonnes of subbase and 386 thousand tonnes of bitumen mixes (out of the re- spective planned volumes of: 1 100 thousand tonnes and 1 200 thousand tonnes). Works are in progress on all 51 bridge and viaduct structures, animal passes, agricultural passes, and two large bridges over the Vistula river. The advancement on the latter is: 56 percent on the bridge near Grudziądz and 82 percent on the bridge in the length of the Toruń ring road. – We are satisfied with the work progress, the more so that the frosty winter and the following downpours and floods hindered the construction works to a substantial extent – says Piotr Janiszewski, Project Director on the SkanskaNDI side. – Despite all this, a year after launching the construction works we have managed to reach the midpoint. Ahead of us we, have the last demanding season with a huge scope of works scheduled, primarily bitumen laying and finishing jobs – he adds. ◊ Bridges over the Vistula The venture of building the second stretch of the A1 motorway (Nowe Marzy – Czerniewice) requires the erection of two large bridges over the Vistula River. This is a unique situation in the history of the Polish bridge-building – the Mosty trade magazine reports. No similar contract will probably ever be undertaken. The two structures alone involve about 100 bridge-building technicians and engineers engaged directly in their construction. The project gives them a brilliant opportunity to develop and attain professional satisfaction. B ridge one, given the working reference symbol MA-91, crosses the Vistula near Grudziądz. It is almost two kilometres long (1954 m in between the axes of the outermost supports). The deck is built under the incremental launching method without erecting any supports (in the starting sections) and employing the overhang concreting method (over the waterway). Alongside its recordbeating length in Poland, the bridge will be exceptional for several other reasons. The river-bed MA-145 span, 180 m long, will be the longest span of reinforced concrete in the country. The record-setting distance of 991 m will also be achieved for the superstructure mounted from a single incremental launching station. The construction works on the MA-91 commenced in 2009 and will continue for three building seasons. The second bridge referred to as MA-145 spans the Vistula near Toruń. The works here continue the project carried out in the years 1992 – 1998, when one road bridge was built, and all supports for the other arm of the carriageway were erected. The bridge is 957 m long, and the construction technologies here are the same as the methods used on the MA‑91. The construction of the new arm of the MA-145 bridge began in June 2009. The shell of the superstructure was completed in July 2010. The new road is scheduled for opening to the traffic in December 2010. The completion dates scheduled for both new structures visualise the progress attained in the Polish bridge building. The first arm of the MA-145 took 6 years to complete. Today, we can build a bridge twice its length in 2.5 years, and an identical superstructure is finished in 1.5 years. The fact that the original bridge near Toruń, put in operation 12 years ago, turns out more than 3.5 m too narrow proves another fact: the progress, and the difficulties in prognosticating the road traffic volume. ◊ MA-91 INVESTMENT INFORMATION PAGE 3 NEWS The first SMA The wearing course (SMA), or the top bituminous layer, is ready on Section IV. The SMA paving began on 8 July. The durability of a road is always the function of the well-placed binder course, the asphalt base, and the aggregate subbase underneath, lain on properly compacted soil bed. Nevertheless, the thin, only 3.5 cm thick wearing course determines the road’s adhesion, the friction coefficient, and the driving safety. The advancement of the bitumen laying works over the entire Phase 2 reached 21 percent in July. The completed portion of the works involved the laying of 291 813 tonnes of asphalt, including 202 854 tonnes of the base course, 84 116 tonnes of the binder course, 4067 tonnes of SMA, and 776 tonnes of the wearing course (asphalt concrete). The new arm of the Toruń ring road in operation In mid-August, the traffic on the Toruń ring road was moved to the newly-built western arm. The operation marked the beginning of another stage in the traffic organisation on the Toruń ring road, connected with the construction of the A1 motorway, which will incorporate the ring road in its course in the future. Thanks to the traffic reorganisation, the General Contractor could launch the repair of the existing road so as to upgrade it to the motorway standard. The alterations will include its widening to 11.5 metres, reinforcing the course structure, and erecting noise screens and anti-glare covers. Widening will also be required on the bridge over the Drwęca River. Here, additional piles will be driven, and then the supports and the deck widened by 2.54 metres. > PAGE 4 INVESTMENT INFORMATION Keep your distance The motorway will soon be fitted with special information signs. They will remind the drivers of the need to keep the proper distance and state the recommended distances between the passenger cars and trucks when driving at the maximum speed permissible on the road. The initiative came from the Gdańsk Branch of GDDKiA, which has already put up such boards along the Tri-City ring road. T he proper distance from the car before us is one of the key safety factors. The distance stands for no more than the safety limit, which enables us to take up a manoeuvre, if the vehicle in front of us suddenly brakes. The GDDKiA Gdańsk data reveal that the 2009 incident record includes entries on 140 crashes and 11 accidents, which involved the battering of the preceding car on the TriCity ring road. The number accounts for about 40 per cent of all traffic incidents there. The cost of repairing the damaged protective installations reaches PLN 800 thousand a year. The expense is aggravated by the traffic obstacles, which inevitably accompany the damage repair effort. How large distance should we keep then, and what determines its length? To obtain the answer it is useful to refer to the driving technique based on the British DSA standard. The so-called rule of two seconds applies to motorways and roads where the permissible speed limit is at least 100 km/h (marked as double carriageways). The rule uses the time unit to express the minimum distance one should keep from the preceding vehicle, measured against a reference point (e.g. a road sign) that vehicle is currently at. The distance ensures maintaining traffic safety at a Bezpieczna odległość 130 80 - 75 m - 45 m proper level and gives time to react, if the vehicle before us starts braking down suddenly and rapidly. The DSA-based technique of the driving rules emphasises that the distance equivalent to the two-second rule is the minimum distance from the preceding vehicle and is true for optimal traffic and weather conditions and good mastery of the key driving skills. Two seconds represent the absolute minimum. Any shorter distance, even in optimal conditions, will always be dangerous, since we might not have enough time or space to react appropriately to an emergency situation, e.g. the rapid braking of the car in front of us. Moreover, with the distance too short, the visibility of the road ahead of the vehicle in front of us and its surroundings is reduced. This, in turn, decreases our possibility to observe the road and its neighbourhood. If the traffic conditions deteriorate because of e.g. fog or rain/snow, the distance from the preceding vehicle must automatically increase appropriate for the current situation. At the driving speed of 30 km/h the car will cover the distance of about 6 metres between the moment we notice the obstacle and the time we start braking. The same distance at the speed of 45 km/h will be 12 m. Increasing the driving speed twice will cause a nearly four times longer braking distance. Therefore, if our driving skills are not too high, our distance should be appropriately larger. A slippery road will require the distance to be up to ten times longer than a dry paving. If the wearing course is bumpy or scarred with holes, it is again worth keeping a larger distance from the preceding vehicle to gain time to avoid the holes. In France, the minimum distances between vehicles and vehicle groups are listed exactly in a special decree published in the official journal. The decree further sets the penalties for failing to comply with the rules, a prison sentence included. The French national statistics for 2000 prove that as many as 23.2 percent of all fatalities were victims of multiple collisions. The previous French regulations obliged trucks to keep the distance of 50 m from the preceding vehicle. Private drivers were obliged to keep “the sufficient and safe distance”. The new regulation reads that the distance measured in metres should be equivalent to two seconds of the vehicle’s motion. The rule translates to: 28 m at the speed of 50 km/h, 50 m at the speed of 90 km/h, 62 m at the speed of 100 km/h, and 73 m at the speed of 130 km/h. Consequently, what we call “sticking to the bumper of another car” costs the driver EUR 90 plus three penalty points. Relapse into the offence can cost the French six months in custody plus deprivation of the driving licence for three years. ◊ Media on the A1 S everal important meetings took place on the construction site during the summer. Especially noteworthy was the so-called press-tour or a visit arranged for the media. The journalists were invited to a drive along almost the entire site, from MA-145 to the southern abutment of MA-91. On the way, the cavalcade of the cross-country vehicles stopped at e.g. the mining pits on Section III, and at the WA-98 bridge. The interested journalists were also led to see the laboratory in Lisewo. The participants in the meeting included representatives of the local media from the Kujawy-Pomerania and Pomeranian voivodships, and several journalists from the national media. ◊ NEWS President on the motorway On Friday, 2 July, Bronisław Komorowski(still a candidate in the presidential elections at the time), visited the A1 construction site. The President-elect arrived at the Nowe Marzy junction, from where he was taken to Polskie Stwolno along the technical road. He met the labourers on the MA‑91 deck, and viewed the launched section of the bridge superstructure. – Here, one can see the modern Poland we aspire to build. Here too, one can see the new prospects – said Bronisław Komorowski at the press conference organised at the tip of the bridge in construction. Other participants in the meeting included Cezary Grabarczyk, the Minister of Infrastructure, and the MPs from the region. Vital weights The permissible load for vehicles taking the A1 motorway is 11.5 tonnes per axle, which is the highest limit on the Polish roads. Alas, not all carriers comply with the limit, thus pertaining to quicker wearing of the paving. To quote the data obtained regularly from the socalled HSWIM (the device enabling measuring the load of vehicles in motion), about 3-4 percent of the trucks driving along the A1 are overloaded. To counteract the practices, a vehicle weighing station has been arranged at the crossing of the A1 motorway and national road No. 22 Elbląg – Gorzów Wielkopolski in the vicinity of the Swarożyn junction. In the early May, the facility was handed over for operation. The employees of the Road Transport Inspection took action instantly and gave a “live” show of weighing trucks. > INVESTMENT INFORMATION PAGE 5 NEWS Visitors, not inspection The State Labour Inspection has extended yet another invitation to the local employers and students of the technical secondary school of building to visit our construction site. The visitors had an opportunity to watch the works on the MA-91 in Polskie Stwolno and see a show of the emergency height rescue and personal safety equipment for works at heights and in wells. The meeting gathered about 30 employers and 20 students accompanied by their tutors. Noteworthy, the General Contractor has joined in the ‘Safe Construction Site’ competition again. Last year, it won a distinction at the edition of the event. Concrete casting over ”the national” On the night of 12/13 August, one of the most extensive concrete casting actions took place on the A1. The works lasted 16 hours and engaged 40 labourers from several bridge-building crews. The deck of the WA-98 superstructure, right arm, took 1135 cubic metres of B-60 concrete. Two pumps continued to work non-stop, with the third one on a stand-by. The shift of the technological traffic to the newly cast deck is planned as early as this year. Once this happens, the siteheading traffic will cease colliding with the national road Grudziądz – Stolno. The traffic shift to the western arm of the ring road was accompanied with the introduction of a several hundred metre long diversion at kilometre 145 of the motorway, the site of the future Nowa Wieś Service Area (MOP). The diversion is necessary to build the tolling plaza. The gates put up there will be linked with a tunnel underneath to serve the future employees of the motorway operator. The diversion will remain in place virtually to the end of the project works. > PAGE 6 INVESTMENT INFORMATION Full culture in the streets of the Tri-City In mid-August, the most popular sites in the Tri-City became the venue of happenings staged under the ABC of Safety picnic. The streets of Gdańsk, Gdynia, and Sopot turned into oases of motor traffic safety and culture for several hours. All participants in the happening were also invited to the ‘ABC of Safety’ picnic to be held in Sopot on 14 August. I t was already the third edition of the ‘ABC of Safety’ event, though this year it was combined closely with the GTC’s Cultural Driving action. The campaign put particular emphasis on the broadly understood motoring culture, as it is an integral element of safety in road traffic. The happenings at the most popular locations of the Tri-City were informative in nature and aimed at encouraging the drivers to keep the roads safe and cul- tural. The passers-by were given an opportunity to share their perception of culture in motoring and take part in competitions on familiarity with the traffic code. The following day was the time of entertainment in Sopot. The programme of the event included numerous attractions, to name but shows of precision driving, environment-friendly driving, car repairs, and many prize-winning competitions. DJ Bratos played club music during the picnic, and in the evening the star of the night – Kasia Cerekwicka – gave a concert. Every year, the ABC of Safety picnic hosts many celebrities from the cultural and artistic circles. This year’s event continued the tradition – the participants in the picnic could meet their favourite actors, talk on various topics, including the automobile industry and road safety. The picnic was led in a bravado style by Kuba Bielak known to all fans of motorisation. ◊ NEWS Lubicz is growing No more collisions The works on redeveloping all power, water, and gas lines colliding with Phase II are over. It was not easy, says Wojtek Rosiński, Head of the Dewatering Works and Collision Elimination Team, but the effort is behind us. All that remains for the Team to do is to complete the acceptance procedure, which assumes six months’ trial operation. J ust as anticipated, redevelopment of the colliding high voltage (220 kV) power lines proved the highest challenge. The problem did not lie in the physical works themselves, as they typically took several to dozen-or-so days, but in the formal preparations. The proper works were preceded with lengthy negotiations, first with the grid owner (PSE), then with the owners of the plots to hold new truss posts supporting the HV cables, which collided with the motorway’s right of way. The talks involved establishing the extent of the transfer easement, which is the basis for calculating the sum due to the plot owner. What makes the job of the Dewatering Works and Collision Elimination Team and of the Melioration Works Team tougher is the fact that their job is frequently done outside the motorway’s right of way, on private plots, and requires negotiation skills in contacts with the owners. Another difficulty connected with the redevelopment of the HV power lines, Wojtek Rosiński believes, consists of agreeing the work performance dates. The General Contractor was obliged to file the relevant documents with the grid operator, i.e. Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne, one year ahead of the planned works. The information on the exact dates the specific power lines would be switched off reached the General Contractor only six months before the redevelopment of the collision. This long waiting time stems from the fact that the power supplier must arrange for the power to be delivered along an alternative line, or the so-called ring, to enable continued and unbroken power supply. For instance, at the time the Gdańsk – Bydgoszcz line was switched off, Bydgoszcz received power directed via Szczecin. Elimination of collisions with high pressure gas lines carried another challenge. At three locations the General Contractor redeveloped a 400 mm pipeline branching off the “Przyjaźń” gas line securing energy to entire Pomerania. All works had to be carried out at the high pressure retained so as to ensure continuity of gas deliveries. To that aim, temporary by-pass lines of steel pipes were mounted to take over the gas supplies for the time of the works on the gas line within the A1 right of way. The dates of the switch-overs also needed arrangement six months in advance, and that required appropriate harmonisation with the schedule of the works on the A1. All works were conducted in a safe manner, in compliance with the H&S requirements. Fortunately, continuity of the deliveries was retained. ◊ A substantial progress is reported on the structures of the Lubicz junction. The superstructure of the WD-128 viaduct was cast in late May. Its theoretical span in between the support axes reaches 45 metres. The structure is a permanent road bridge in the length of commune road No. 100712: C Przydatki – Grębocin, flying over the A1 motorway at km 139+480. In mid-June, concrete pouring on the deck of WD-129 was completed. Here, the theoretical span measured in between the support axes is 47.5 m. The bridge, just like WD-128, has a double-span continuous superstructure of prefabricated beams of the T24 type, made of pre-tensioned pre-stressed concrete, bound with the 24 cm deck of reinforced concrete. Each of the bridge spans is composed of fourteen 24 m long beams of the T24 type. The structure is a permanent road bridge in the length of voivodship road No. 552 Łysomice-Lubicz, spanning the motorway at km 140+907. In July, in turn, concrete pouring on WD-130 was finished. The structure took 2500 cubic metres of B-50 concrete and 270 tonnes of reinforcing steel. The deck is of the continuous, four-span type with the structure of pre-stressed concrete. The theoreticalwidth of the spans is 20+25+25+20 m. The bridge is 35.65 m wide in total. Flying over the A1 motorway at km 141+638, it is a road bridge in the length of the S10 road WarsawToruń, and the largest structure of the Lubicz junction. A1 in the limelight The Gazeta Pomorska daily organises visits for its readers, to sites that are normally inaccessible to the public. The General Contractor joined in the action and ensured access to the Lubicz Junction to those keen on a photographic feast. ◊ INVESTMENT INFORMATION PAGE 7 With the visit at the Operator’s facilities We continue the presentation of the Guide for the Visitors, which the Operator of the A1 Motorway, Intertoll, has prepared for the safety of the visitors. The visit at the motorway backup and the motorway itself requires strictly determined rules to be obeyed. P lease be remained that the first thing a visitor should do is to report his presence to the reception, where he should give this full name, the purpose of the visit and the person who he plans to visit. The visitors cannot move unsupervised on the OUA and PPO areas. The motorway can only be accessed in a company of a person from service, who is responsible for equipping the visitor with a warning west. Smoking is prohibited on areas in charge of the Operator, except from places specifically suited for that. Finally, one needs to bear in mind to ensure permissible speed on OUA, which is 10 km/h. ◊ DIRECTIONS PLAN MAINTENANCE AREAS NOWE MARZY SITE PLAN RESTRICTED ACCESS AREA OUA NOWE MARZY TO AŃ GD AY RW SALT STORAGE BUILDING SK A1 ADMINISTRATIVE MO WORKSHOP GARAGE R 1 9 22 VISITORS PARKING B DŹ ŁÓ SMOKING AREA INTERCOM reception R RECEPTION B GATE OUA NOWE MARZY DIRECTIONS PLAN ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING INTERCOM reception 26 2 A1 M VISITORS PARKING SMOKING AREA PPO RUSOCIN S6 WAY OTOR B 6 22 1 E75 SITE PLAN RESTRICTED ACCESS AREA S6 E28 TRICITY BYPASS TOLL PLAZA RUSOCIN B GATE Gdańsk Transport Company SA Registered & mailing address: ul. Powstańców Warszawy 19, 81-718 Sopot tel. +48 58 521 50 00, fax: +48 58 521 77 77, e-mail:, PPO RUSOCIN E28