May - Peace Lutheran Church
May - Peace Lutheran Church
Peace Lutheran Church 240 West 9th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI 54902 (920) 231-4730 E-mail: Website: OFFICE HOURS 8:00 AM—1:00 PM Monday—Friday WORSHIP SCHEDULE Sunday Traditional Worship at 8:00 a.m. Sunday Praise Worship at 10:30 a.m. Monday Casual Worship at 5:30 p.m. PRINTS OF PEACE NEWSLETTER MAY 2016 Published Monthly—Issue 201605 RAMBLINGS OF A PASTOR the fruits of the Spirit are recognized. The Spirit is kind of like Love, you know it when you're in it. With the Spirit, you can feel when it is moving you, you can sense when your actions are not your own, you can almost taste that those weren't your words, but someone else’s. “SPIRIT” As we enter into the season of Pentecost, or as I am fond of calling it - Pentechaos, we turn to a subject that Lutherans (and yes this is a gross exaggeration) frankly don't spend too much time on because we are so busy with God the Creator and Jesus the crucified and risen one, The Holy Spirit. Now, the Holy Spirit gets its day (or at least a mention) a couple times a year - How Mary got pregnant, Jesus’ Baptism, Trinity Sunday, and the biggest of them all is Pentecost. As part of our initiatives the last couple years we wanted to focus on prayer, and our spirituality as a congregation and as people of God. We took time to learn about different spiritual practices and to implement some of them into our corporate worship. We tried to take time to look for and to see the Spirit moving in this place and if it wasn't, to identify why that might be. This Fall we will be engaging in some very exciting opportunities around our work as disciples and as students of scripture. In all of this we should pray for and count on the Holy Spirit to guide us in this work, to shape us as God calls us to be, and to encourage us in our daily lives of faith and service of neighbor. In the celebration of Pentecost the Holy Spirit comes center stage as it comes upon the disciples and dances like flames upon their heads and translates their words to the native tongue. The Holy Spirit is truly this hard-to-pin-down member of the Holy Trinity that is represented by flame, doves, and wind. In my own faith life I have often thought of the Holy Spirit more like lady luck, that she comes and goes falling on one set of dice but not another, moving and shaking things up in one place and passing another, like a summer's breeze with no real impact at all. Fact of the matter is, I just don't get the Holy Spirit, probably partly because we can't peg her down to just one thing - the elusiveness of the Spirit is partly to blame. The other reason centers more so around how the Holy Spirit works and how The Spirit is moving in this place, sometimes it might feel a little chaotic, but believe me, the Spirit is moving. God’s Peace, Pastor John PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE GREETINGS, The sun was shining, the air was warm and there were many busy hands sprucing the inside and outside of the church on April 16th. Again this year we utilized Hands On Oshkosh which is a program that twice a year offers UWO students to come and help do whatever it is you need done. With a few exceptions of climbing ladders and using power tools. A bus drops them off by 9:30am and picks them up at noon. This year we had about 30 students that came and helped inside and out by doing things such as washing walls, washing and vacuuming pews, spreading mulch and pulling weeds. They worked along side members of PLC. Other tasks that were done that day were hauling away brush, rearranging and cleaning the upstairs kitchen, and they helped preschool by working on their butterfly garden. So if you haven't noticed, please look around and see how nice everything looks. Thanks to all who participated in this project in whatever capacity it was. We really appreciated you being there. As I mentioned in my last article the upstairs kitchen is undergoing a renovation. If you haven't stopped in to see it yet try and do so. George Sawall has been very busy revamping cupboards so we can fit in our new appliances. We will now have a built in microwave, a normal size stove, and a full size refrigerator along with a new dishwasher. There is much more to come so please stay tuned as I will update the progress as it is made. The Leadership Team recently attended the new Partners in Peace meeting. There are 27 new members that attended the meetings as well. As we went around the table and introduced ourselves as Leadership Team Members, Pastor John asked us to share how long we have been at Peace, what keeps us at Peace, and why do we serve at Peace. Although our membership lengths varied some, everyone’s thoughts were quite similar. Have you ever stopped to think about those questions for yourself? If not, take a few minutes to do so. What keeps you coming and how or why do you serve? Blessings, Jean Andersen Leadership President 2 FAITH FORMATION projectFAITH:Generations May 20 Peace Family Service Night Doors open 5:45pm / Dinner 6pm / Family Service Project Join us for a taco bar (please sign up to bring an item) and join us for a “Stuff a Sock” service project. We will wrap by 7pm. August 1-4 Save the Date! Vacation Bible Camp is August 1-4 at First English. Registration will open online May 15. Parents are asked when registering their children to please choose a volunteer area as well. Our theme is CAVE QUEST! Continue to watch for more information and sign up online! May 4 Star Wars Night // 6:30-8pm Room 105 This is our last session of this school year and since it is May 4 (Star Wars Day) what better way to celebrate. Session 6:30 - 8pm in Room 105. May 11 The Last Supper // 6:30pm @ Pizza Ranch (8th Grade and parents only) We will gather for a meal, talk about your time in confirmation and what the future holds for you post-confirmation. May 14 Affirmation of Baptism Rehearsal // 9am Bring your gown! May 15 Affirmation of Baptism Milestone // 10:30am projectFAITH:Kids projectFAITH:Tweens/Teens CONGRATS To the following students on their Affirmation of Baptism; Heidi Nelson, Maleigha Dehn, Bryanna Novotny and Jackson Holiday projectFAITH:Adults Sundays // Living the Word Small Group // 9:15am - Faith Formation Office Discuss and reflect on Sunday text for sermon. Wednesdays // War Room (Movie & Study) // 11:30am - Room 105 Watch clips of the movie War Room and then discuss topics of prayer related to the movie. Andy ‘Mo’ Moscinski Director of Faith Formation 3 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Volunteer Opportunities at Cave Quest VBS August 1-4 @ First English Lutheran Welcome to Cave Quest: Following Jesus, the Light of the World! In just a few short months, we begin a gem of an adventure at Cave Quest VBS! Kids will worship Jesus through songs and prayer, experiment with Sciency-Fun Gizmos, and discover life -changing Bible truths in fun and memorable ways. To have the best adventure possible, we need lots of volunteers who can give some time, energy, and love to the kids who will attend. So let me share a few ideas about ways you might be able to make this program a success. Please check out the following list, and then pray about where God might use you. Station Leaders: (16 years+ old ) Use easy-to-follow station leader manuals and prepare one 20-minute session each day, which you will repeat with four different groups of approximately 20 kids. We need leaders for the following stations: • Sing & Play Rock/Cave Quest Closing (daily opening and closing, includes leading songs) • Imagination Station (fun, hands-on science experiments) • Spelunker Sports & Games (fun games that reinforce Bible truths) • KidVid™ Cinema (video featuring the real-life adventures of real kids and discussion) • Cavern Café (helping kids make snacks) • Deep Bible Quests (incredible, surprising explorations of Bible stories) • Tad’s Preschool Pool Crew Leaders: (18 years+ 0ld) Shepherd a mixed-age group of five elementary children through each day’s activities…and there’s no preparation! Crew Leaders for preschoolers: Be a friend and helper to a group of five preschool children…again, no preparation required! Still don’t see something that interests you? We’d also love to have a… • Registration team • Decorating team • Photographer • Publicity coordinator • Supply coordinator Guess what? There are also a few spots for anyone who’s dramatically inclined! Whatever your gifts, abilities, and time commitment, we’ve got a place for you! We believe that God will use this incredible program to reach many children with the ultimate message of his love, so please prayerfully consider your role in Cave Quest VBS. Remember that we as a church are called to make disciples and sent to share Christ, this is a great way to do just that. Feel free to contact me by email, phone, or in person if you have any questions. Director of Faith Formation Andrew ‘Mo’ Moscinski 920-268-8170 (For more information about Cave Quest, visit 4 MEMBER INFORMATION PRAYER REQUESTS MEMORIALS If you or someone you know (with their permission) would like to be put on the prayer list, please contact Pastor John either by phone (231-4730) or email A special email will go out to all those who have given the church an email address and the people receiving the notice will include those names in their prayers. If you would like to be a participant, please let the office know your email address. The name submitted will start on that day or soon after. After four weeks, the name will be removed unless the church is notified and then it will be renewed for another four weeks. Please remember this list is open to all and categories are, but not limited to: health recovery, military deployment, milestones, church partnership, etc. In loving memory of: Margaret Schneider—Pastor’s Fund Gordon Raddatz—General Fund, Undesignated Marion Beck’s Birthday—Undesignated BAPTISMS Vincent Blake Alves Son of Vitor and Ashley Alves Born: January 5, 2016 Baptized: April 3, 2016 By: Rev. John A. Worzala Dumke Sponsors: Nick Holzer, Emily McBriar Briley Lynn Pongratz Daughter of Shawn Pongratz and Elizabeth Wills Born: June 23, 2015 Baptized: April 10, 2016 By: Rev. John A. Worzala Dumke Sponsors: Lakaressa Paskel, Nathan Dittmer PRAYER "Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still." E.M. Bounds FOOD PANTRY PLEASE PRAY FOR: Food Pantry Sunday is the first Sunday of each month. Food donations can be put by the altar. Food donations can also be brought anytime the church is open. Those donations can be deposited in the cabinet next to the elevator at the 9th Street entry by the Circle Drive. Military Deployment: Andy Duwell, Benjamin Zimmerman Health/Healing: Jane Crawford-Reavy, Herb Dieckmann, Mel Discher, Carol Hintze, Jim Jansen, Doris Luedtke, Frank ‘Zeke’ Paulus, Lois Perdue’s granddaughter, Courtney, Kathleen Poole (daughter of Don & JoAnn Lewis), Brian Schettl, Nancy Schettl, Jane Worzala (Pastor John & Kirsten’s niece), Gerry Walker, Charlotte Yearwood and her grandson, Eric Hospitalized recently: Lyle Beck, Patty Daugherty, Mary Ann Edmonds, Cheryl Roberts Encouragement: Bishops Elizabeth Eaton & Gerald Mansholt of the ELCA Synod, Pastors, Staff, and Leadership Team of Peace, Ventersdorp Lutheran Church (our Companion Church in South Africa) PROMOTIONS TEAM—HELP WANTED The PLC Promotions Team is looking for someone to serve as Team Leader. The responsibilities include setting meeting agendas, developing and overseeing budgets, coordinating programs and keeping all concerned parties in the loop. Experience in communications, advertising, graphics and promotional material is desirable, but not required. For more information or questions, contact E.R. Waskawic ( or 920-685-5396. SERVICE MEN AND WOMEN Please notify the office of members of your family in the armed forces along with their addresses. We want them to know we care. LUNCH BUNCH FUNERALS May 11 at 11:30 a.m. at The Olive Garden. Call Sally at 385-0425 to reserve your spot. Bring a friend! Our sympathies to: The family and friends of Gordon W. Raddatz, who died March 23, 2016. His funeral service was held at Peace Lutheran Church on March 28, 2016, with Rev. John Worzala Dumke officiating. 5 NEW PARTNERS IN PEACE We welcome: Michael Bird Perla Morris Michael Chivington Orval Perdue Lue Gifford Carol Pick Gabriel Jansen Andrew Schettl Jane Kese son Jack son Max Kim Krukow daughter Melanie Diane Schettl Nancy Schettl Dr. Eric and Molly Smiltneek daughter Layla son Gus Morgan Strasser Amy Lee Steven Miller Brian and Staci Thorkildsen son Parker daughter Olivia Tom Moniz BACK BAY MISSION TRIP Barb Molash, Mike Thomas and Kelly Zeller just The trip was very enlightening, rewarding, humbling, returned from their April 2-10 Mission trip to Back exciting and fun. Bay in Biloxi, Mississippi. Through donations from our Peace family, the group donated $520 cash, several boxes of clothing, and several boxes of hygiene products. The VP quilters also donated several beautiful quilts that will be used on beds to welcome families into their new apartments. We cannot thank you enough for all the support, well wishes and prayers. We worked at a food pantry, a soup kitchen and a day center for the homeless. We also helped clean, repair and paint an apartment that was going to be used for long term shelter for a homeless family. Another project involved cleaning and minor repair for an apartment for a veteran. Kelly is already planning a return trip for anyone interested for September 16-24, 2017. Please consider joining that trip. Details to follow in the coming months. 6 SUNDAY SCHOOL A GREAT ENDING TO A GREAT YEAR There may be only three Sunday School sessions in May, but our staff is packing a lot of fun and learning into the time we have left. We still have another Bible Bucks Sale planned and, weather permitting, will do another Sidewalk Chalk Sunday! And we ALL got our share of cake at the AllCongregation Birthday Party. Some of our Sunday Schoolers also stepped up as volunteers helping to serve cake and clean up afterwards. We were ALL very thankful to those who baked all those wonderful treats and organized the event. But previously in April... Finally, congratulations to Layla Smiltneek for winning We had a great session of buddy reading on 4/10. the “Guess How Many Skittles” Contest! Our phenomenal 4th and 5th Graders were paired up with K-through-2nd students for readings from some of their favorite Bible stories. The older kids did an amazing job reading the text and helping our younger kids understand the stories. The Beginner Bible with pictures really got a work-out! In addition to studying the text of Acts 3:1-12, our 3rd Graders used an activity to make the lesson more memorable. They attempted certain physical activities without walking as a way of understanding the challenges faced by the crippled beggar at the Beautiful Gate. They also took turns tossing coins into a bucket to remind them of the needs of people in Biblical times as well as the present day. The Middle Schoolers continued examining historical aspects of the New Testament, paying particular attention to the Epistles. They also devoted time to developing a set of questions designed to test their instructor’s knowledge. The examination covered scripture, theology, science and the origins of chocolate chip cookies. PARENTS: Our last session of the year will be on May 15. The Sunday School Staff would like to thank you for the support you have given us this year. We urge you to plan for your children’s attendance and participation in our 2016-2017 school year. Holy Spokes! Blessing of the Bicycles—June 5th at 10:15 a.m. Once again we will gather with our wheeled machines to be blessed as the season of cycling kicks into gear. The blessing will occur after the 9am worship service in the Circle Drive of Ninth Avenue. Police officers from the Oshkosh Police Department will be on hand to lead us through some Biker safety and then we will venture out on a 20 minute (or so) ride. bring your bike, your helmet, and your love for riding! 7 PEACE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL named Amanda. Amanda represents a program called Farm to Preschool. She works for re:THINK! Winnebago to visit preschool aged children and talk to them about growing food and eating healthy, “real food” choices. By the end of May Amanda will have visited the children five times. They have enjoyed her visits and enjoyed her delicious fresh fruit snacks. GREETINGS, FAMILY AND FRIENDS OF PEACE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL, Hooray for May. We’re very excited about these warm days and sunny afternoons. Outside play times have grown longer because there isn’t seven minutes of organized chaos as 20 preschool-aged children in varying degrees of motor development bundle themselves up to play outside. The blessing of the warmer temperatures means no more changing from shoes to boots, no more searching for the second glove, and no more getting dressed twice because a child tried to get dressed in the wrong order, i.e. boots then snowpants, or mittens and then trying to zip up. Adults with grown children forget these minor struggles, but they’re timeless and our hardworking teachers are happy to have a break from them until the next snow season. One goal of our preschool program is to create opportunities for families to engage in positive activities together. To celebrate the Week of the Young Child, all of our preschool children worked together to build a rainbow chain. The rainbow chain is a simple colorful construction paper chain whose links are representation of reading at home with an adult. Reading is by far one of the children’s favorite activities so we created a project to expand on reading. Children were asked to read at home with their families and return to school with a paper chain link to represent each book which was read. The project was a success and the chain link spanned the length of one entire corridor and we’ve almost covered the second corridor. April ushered in the second Hands on Oshkosh Volunteer Day for the 2015-2016 school year. Volunteers from the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh come together twice a year to do a variety of volunteer work for non-profit agencies. This year before Ghazwa of Head Start and I submitted our work proposal forms, we checked in with Jesse Andersen and his property team. Jesse’s team took on two dozen volunteers! So with my group from the preschool, Jesse’s group from the church and Ghazwa’s group from the Head Start program, we had nearly 50 people at Peace on a sunny Saturday morning working to make our property a cleaner and better groomed place. May will signal the end to the school year for our 3K children. They’ll be rounding out the year with a few special guest visitors from the community fire and police stations. They’ll also take a school day to explore and play at the Menominee Zoo. Our 4K children end the year on June 8th with the rest of the school district children. They too have a fun month of visitors and excursions planned. They will visit South Park for their picnic day. As always, I want to end on a note of gratitude. Our preschool program is blessed with hardworking teachers. They are the absolute core to our successful program. They work hard and they love the children. They depend on each other and are extremely dedicated to their peers --as we teach the children that teamwork is important for the school family, so it is true for our work family. We are fortunate to continue the successful formula with support from our church and Preschool families. Personally, I am very grateful for the many positive changes that have occurred within our program. Peace is a place that I am very proud to be a part of. Thank you. Two of the volunteers who came to work for the preschool prepped our butterfly garden area for the plants we’ll need. It seems that we’ll be waiting until mid-May to do our planting, but that’s just fine because the four of us ladies who are working on the project are learning as we go and we’ve found that we have quite a lot to learn. In the meantime, each preschool classroom is currently nurturing young caterpillars in the hopes of having butterflies before the school year ends. We don’t honestly believe the butterflies will stick around our garden, but we don’t tell that to the children. Heather Miller, Center Director Peace Christian Preschool Along the lines of gardens, our 4K children have been introduced to a young Americorp worker 8 PEACE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL Aiden Eating Spaghetti Building with Spaghetti Brenden and Mrs. Hayes with Rainbow Chain Ella Playing in a Noodle Bin Rin with a Section of the Rainbow Chain 9 PEACE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL Aili and Phynix Planting with Growing Oshkosh Olivia Planting with Growing Oshkosh Mason with his Farm to Preschool Snack Friends with their Farm to Preschool Snack 10 THE TEACHERS’ CLOSET The Teachers’ Closet continues to be a very busy place on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Weekly we continue to have ‘new’ visitors who have never used the Closet before. Our current needs are: School glue, craft sticks, sidewalk chalk, and we constantly need plastic bags (gallon, sandwich, and snack) as well as composition books. If you would like to make a small donation of these items they would be much appreciated. We have also fulfilled some special requests with our monetary donations. We bought stability balls, more bean bag chairs, timers, and extra wide Post-It tape for teachers. This semester we had a volunteer, Audrey Kramer, from UW-O working with us to fulfil her Capstone project. A note from Audrey follows. students/aspiring teachers. Lastly, we held a fundraiser at the local Cherry Berry to contribute to the Teachers’ Closet monetarily. The proceeds will go towards purchasing additional school supplies that are needed. Throughout this entire process I’ve learned how helpful this organization is to the community. Through many discussions with teachers who have utilized the Teachers Closet, I can see why this is such a ‘life saver.’ I was speaking with a recent graduate who explained that the Teachers’ Closet provided her with many supplies to help create her classroom for her first year of teaching. She mentioned she did not have much disposable income at the time due to graduating, so the Closet was truly a blessing. Another woman who visited the Teachers’ Closet immediately screamed with joy because Kay had gotten her an item for her classroom that she and her students desperately wanted. My name is Audrey and over the last three months I have been working with The Teachers’ Closet. I was not familiar with this organization prior to my work with them; however, I am extremely thankful to have discovered this non-profit and I want to share my experience with you. I have been working with the Director, Kay, who radiates with passion for this organization. Together, we’ve worked to help raise awareness as well as collect donations within the community. Teachers within the Oshkosh Area School District should notice posters hanging in their teachers’ lounges. The University of Wisconsin Oshkosh College of Education building received information to provide to the current teachers within the building as well as current We’ve all had teachers in our lives that have helped us to learn and grow and become the strong individuals we are today. I encourage you to talk about the organization to spread the word. What a great way to give back to the people who paved the way for our educational career: the teachers who once gave us all so much. Below is a picture of the poster that Audrey distributed to all the Public Schools in Oshkosh. This one is in the Teachers’ Lounge at Carl Traeger. The poster was created by Kris Wood and printing was donated by Castle Pierce. 11 12 No Casual Worship MEMORIAL DAY OFFICE CLOSED 30 29 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Adult Ed 10:30 AM Praise Worship 5:30 PM Casual Worship 23 10:00 AM Tornado Drill 12:55 PM Tornado Drill 5:30 PM Casual Worship 16 10:20 AM Fire Drill 12:55 PM Fire Drill 2:00 PM Promotion Team Meeting 5:30 PM Casual Worship 9 4:00 PM Spirit Team Meeting 5:30 PM Casual Worship 2 Monday 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Adult Ed 10:30 AM Praise Worship 22 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Adult Ed 9:15 AM Sunday School (Last Day) 10:30 AM Praise Worship 7:00 PM Adult Study CONFIRMATION SUNDAY 15 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Adult Ed 9:15 AM Property Team Meeting 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Praise Worship MOTHER'S DAY 8 8:00 AM Traditional Worship 9:15 AM Adult Ed 9:15 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Praise Worship FOOD PANTRY SUNDAY 1 Sunday 7:00 PM Barbershopper's Rehearsal 31 7:00 PM Barbershopper's Rehearsal 24 9:00 AM 3K Only Tornado Drill 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 6:00 PM Leadership Team Meeting 7:00 PM Barbershopper's Rehearsal 17 9:00 AM 3K Only Fire Drill 6:00 PM Executive Committee 7:00 PM Barbershopper's Rehearsal 10 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Barbershopper's Rehearsal 3 Tuesday 11:30 AM Adult Ed 6:00 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Chancel Choir 25 11:30 AM Adult Ed 6:00 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Chancel Choir 18 11:30 AM Adult Ed 5:00 PM Care of Congregation 5:30 PM Stewardship Team Meeting 6:00 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Chancel Choir 6:30 PM projectFAITH: Class ‘Last Supper’ Pizza Ranch 11 11:30 AM Adult Ed 5:00 PM Mission Team 6:00 PM Bell Choir 6:30 PM Chancel Choir 6:30 PM projectFAITH: Class ‘Star Wars Night’ 4 Wednesday 3:30 PM 4K Program Book Club Teacher Collaboration Lounge 4:30 PM Worship Team 26 9:00 AM VPs Quilting 11:30 AM VPs Bible Study 12:00 PM VPs Potluck 19 12 9:00 AM VPs Quilting 11:30 AM VPs Bible Study 12:00 PM VPs Potluck 12:30 PM PEP Meeting 6:00 PM New Parent Group 5 Thursday No Public School 27 8:00 AM Peace Christian Preschool Event Set Up All Day 5:00 PM Peace Christian Preschool End of School Year Celebration Event 5:00 PM Preschool Fundraiser 5:45 PM Peace Family Service Night 2016 SYNOD ASSEMBLY 20 5:00 PM Wege/Lundequam Wedding Rehersal 13 4K Conference Day 8:30 AM 4K Family Craft Day 12:15 PM 4K Family Craft Day 6 Friday 2:00 PM Fox Valley Alliance (Room 105) 28 2016 SYNOD ASSEMBLY 21 9:00 AM Affirmation of Baptism Rehearsal 1:00 PM Wege/Lundequam Wedding 14 7 Saturday T HOSE S ERVING U S I N M AY 20 1 6 8:00 AM Acolytes—Andy “Mo” Moscinski 268-8170 or 231-4730 May 1 Belle Albright May 8 Melanie Krukow May 15 Mercedes Stromberg May 22 Tim Hall May 29 10:30 AM Sheridyn Tigert Brayshaw Grace Weber Mason Berndt Grace Weber Altar Guild—Joyce Nikolaus 233-2612 May 1 Joyce Christianson May 8 Samantha Hall May 15 Signe Nelson May 22 Joyce Nikolaus May 29 Sally Buck Jessica Felker Andy Janke David Nelson Cori Stromberg Jessica Felker Assisting Ministers May 1 Lucinda Porter May 8 Heather Kangas May 15 Ryan Kangas May 22 Jim Benson May 29 Lucinda Porter Cori Strombert Pastor Kirsten Worzala Dumke Annamarie Zimmerman Penny Angell Donna Johnson Communion Assistants May 1 Kathy Berholtz, Mary Davis, Andy Janke May 8 Reg Jennerjohn, Dave & Nancy Lokken May 15 Heather Miller, Bev Paffenroth, Kenley Steinert May 22 Ruth Vorpahl, Kathy Betrholtz, Mary Davis May 29 Heather Miller, Bev Paffenroth, Kenley Steinert Chris Rabe, Cori Stromberg, Tammy Thomas Kristi Cocking, Jesse & Jean Andersen Penny Angell, Dick Campbell, Lucinda Porter Randy Hartman, Kayla Pfluger, Chris Rabe Cori Stromberg, Tammy Thomas, Penny Angell Lectors May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 Jeff Wolk Lauren Case Ryan Kangas Carol Klabunde Don Lewis Dick Campbell Kristi Cocking David Nelson Kayla Pfluger Cori Stromberg Ushers May 1 May 8 May 15 May 22 May 29 Team 2 Team 2 (Dennis Bladry, Steve Berholtz Team 2 Andy Janke, Reg Jennerjohn) Team 2 Team 2 Larry Nigl, Chris Rabe, George & Kathi Sawall Jesse, Jean & Cory Andersen, Penny Angell George & Kathi Sawall, Larry Nigl, Chris Rabe Jesse, Jean & Cory Andersen, Penny Angell Larry Nigl, Chris Rabe, George & Kathi Sawall Visitors—Joy Himmler 231-7341 (Baker—Tammy Thomas) May 1 Penny Angell May 8 Bev Paffenroth May 15 Tom Sekeres May 22 Penny Angell May 29 Bev Paffenroth Hospitality—Pam Hanson 426-55 May 1 Sally Wilde, Marie Beede May 8 Mary Davis, Ruth Vorpahl May 15 Nancy Lokken, Jean Andersen May 22 Jenny Dehn, Heidi Nelson May 29 Pam & Carol Hansen Nancy Lokken and Youth Pam & Carol Hansen RECEIVE WORSHIP SERVICES ON LINE PASTOR JOHN’S SERMONS are available on-line at Search “Peace Lutheran Oshkosh” 13 Y OUR L EADERSHIP T EAM PEACE LUTHERAN WEBSITE ADDRESS: OFFICE EMAIL: OFFICE PHONE: 920-231-4730 STAFF: PEACE LUTHERAN PASTOR JOHN A. WORZALA DUMKE 920-573-4465 Email: DIRECTOR OF FAITH FORMATION ANDREW ‘MO’ MOSCINSKI 920-268-8170 Email: VISITATION PASTOR Ralph Hanusa OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Patty McClelland Email: RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY Signe Nelson Email: MAINTENANCE George Sawall JANITORIAL Tom Klabunde CHOIR DIRECTOR/ORGANIST Larry Klausch CONTEMPORARY MUSIC Erin Tedesco and Darcy Showers TREASURER Stefanie Gabriel Leadership Team Members Here is your 2015 Leadership Team. They have provided contact information so that you may reach them anytime you have a suggestion, question, concern or positive feedback. Jean Andersen, President 233-5325— Chris Rabe, Vice President 267-0591— Mary Davis, Secretary Joe Friday, Member at Large Dave Nelson Gene Kangas MUTUAL MINISTRY PROPERTY PROMOTION SPIRIT TEAM STEWARDSHIP TECH TEAM WORSHIP ORGANIZATIONS: PEACE LUTHERAN CEMETERY PEACE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL TEACHERS’ CLOSET VPS (VOLUNTEER PERSONS) WOMEN OF FAITH W.O.F. BIBLE STUDY 233-7203— 410-0521— Kathy Berholtz 233-5044— 235-6979— Kelly Sherman 235-0257— Matthew Pfluger 680-9122— Financial Report to the Congregation YTD February 29, 2016 TEAM LEADERS: LEADERSHIP CARE OF THE CONGREGATION CREATIVE GREEN TEAM ENDOWMENT MISSION TEAM 235-9378— RECEIPTS/EXPENDITURES Receipts: Offering Income Rental Income Ministry Teams Income Miscellaneous Income Endowment Grants Total Income Jean Andersen Barb Molash Nick Robarge Mark Klein Kirsten Worzala Dumke Katelyn Molash Patti Abraham Jesse Andersen E. R. Waskawic Donna Johnson Stefanie Gabriel Michael Stromberg Ruth Vorpahl Expenditures: Administration Capital Loan Interest Benevolence Mission Giving Ministry Teams Peace Payroll Expense Property Total Expenses Mary Davis Heather Miller Kay Kuenzl-Stenerson Receipts over Expenditures Kelly Zeller Jenny Angell (Checking/Savings) General Fund—Checking Restricted Funds—Checking $ 92,257.63 12,824.00 606.83 400.00 45,500.00 $ 151,588.46 1,919.55 1,290.83 7,154.96 30,313.00 9,931.11 56,689.99 27,683.78 $ 134,983.22 $ 16,605.24 CASH ACCOUNTS CAPITAL LOAN PRINCIPAL January 1, 2016 Balance Y-T-D Principal Paid February 29, 2016 Balance $ -17,444.68 67,229.34 $ 49,784.66 $ 149,374.43 3,719.17 $ 145,655.26 For more detailed information, Financial Reports are available in the Literature Display Rack located across the hall from the Library. This newsletter is edited by Joyce Nikolaus as a project of the Promotion Team. All articles are due on the 15th of the month prior to publication. Please email items to both: Joyce at church office at 14