Northwich local travel map
Northwich local travel map
WITTON ST 5 45 National Cycle Network on-road Proposed routes A5509 CAS TLE STR EET LANE E R'S AD HIGHFI ELD RO CO U RT BAR B ROA RR OA NA VIG ATI ON AV E D VIC ES R OA D VEN ABL AY SW K ER STREET WEIR TLE YARWOOD CLO BR OC KLE BA N K CAS BA SE EET STR CER N E SP 6 Buxton 680 Macclesfield 54 Crewe National Cycle Network traffic-free Selected Regional Routes About Sustrans Sustrans is the charity that’s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make everyday. It’s time we all began making smarter travel choices. Make your move and support Sustrans today. In Northwich Sustrans’ Connect2 is a partnership between @sustrans Connecting your journey Sustrans Online Mapping Search 14,000 miles of the National Cycle Network on the Sustrans online mapping. You can also find: • Bike shops • Places of interest • Places to eat and drink • Accommodation Visit Walking and cycling to work, the shops, or to visit friends and family are great ways to fit regular physical activity into your daily routine. As well as getting you from A to B, regular walking and cycling can help you burn calories, reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure. If you take the bus, walking to the next bus stop along is a really simple way of fitting a little more activity into your daily commute. For the environment Bus and coach We all know that our environment is under threat from the things we do. Cars currently make up 13% of the UK’s total carbon dioxide emissions but on average if you take a train or coach you’ll contribute six to eight times less than this and, if you walk or cycle… nothing at all! Fewer cars on the road also means a safer environment for children and a more pleasant place for everyone to enjoy. For details of local bus services including timetables. Tel: 0871 200 22 33 For you One of the best things about getting around under your own steam is that it’s really cheap. There’s no road tax to pay, no need for an MOT and you don’t have to worry about petrol prices. If you walk or Photography © Sustrans staff Registered Charity No. 326550 (England and Wales) SC039263 (Scotland) The Riversdale swing-bridge provides a direct and quick link from Greenbank and the Hartford Campus to Sir John Deane’s College, the riverside path, and the town centre, making it much easier and quicker to get to school, college and work on foot and by bike. Walking and cycling For health 68 Northwich is home to a wealth of amenities, leisure facilities, entertainment, retail and history within a relatively short radius of the town centre. The new paths are part of a greater network of cycling and walking routes that allow you to travel around the town and surrounding area safely and pleasantly. For more information about Sustrans, the National Cycle Network or to become a Sustrans supporter visit Stay in touch with Sustrans on: NK WE D BE LON DON RO A D WELLIN GTON ST ON ST REET ES T T ROAD QUEEN STREET RO AD CR OM WE LL Northwich Chester WATER STREET D OA NR LTO C AR Flint S AD RO 55 DAVID STRE ET HEBER WALK D HOLLA N DS R O A 70 Northwich N S TO 56 ST R EE T T REE T ST H URS Northwich walking and cycling network This map has been developed to help you travel around Northwich by foot, bike and public transport. Each grid on the map overleaf represents an average 10 minutes’ walk or 4 minutes’ cycle ride, showing just how quick it is to get around under your own steam. D OA FIELD R DRILL A5 509 NAYL OR Good reasons to get around by foot, bike, bus or train Hadfield Stockport LS APE WATER LOO ST WIN DAR Runcorn 5 TL AS E STE R WA Y BRO CK Y WA EY ALL WH C CH CH T EE TR S E BEE ST ANT ET TRE KS PAR ET TRE ER S W O FL ET TRE EY S L X HU T REE S ST ANE M O R T ET STRE PE HO AS PLE LOCAL TRAVEL MAP ST CE LLA WA ST KER HOO Kirkby Knowsley 62 E CH ER A533 TR E E E EN RYD ERS S E AT SG 9 A5 5 Liverpool Wallasey AD QUEE NSGAT E QU New routes for 2013 are part of the National Cycle Network ET STRE ING L T WA AP P LE M RO N RO AD T CH E S N RH Y ST ET AR K O ND LO PEN Town Centre REET WEAVE R WAY EE T STR ON GT IN NN WI A559 ALD ERL EY R OAD T H STREE SHEAT PER CY S T M HA (see overleaf for key) OL D PRIO RY S T SH ILL 3 Northwich town centre CH This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey U material with the permission of Ordnance RCH RO Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her AD Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil A 559 Licence number: 100040296. 2013 proceedings. MEADOW STREET A53 TE R WAY WINN INGTON LANE cycle regularly you’ll save a fortune, so there’ll be more cash to spend on fun things, like you! Regular physical activity also helps improve your mood, is good for your sense of well-being and can help to boost self-esteem. By letting someone else do the driving and taking the bus or train, you’ll be able to spend more time enjoying the journey, whether you’re listening to music, reading a good book or having a chat with a friend, you’ll be saving money and giving your own vehicle a well-deserved rest. Train For details for local train services including timetable. Northern Rail Tel: 0844 241 3454 E AN NL TO ING NN WI WA RR ING TO NR OA D NE ET T RE ES S ST REE T A530 JAM VE RD IN AD RO NE LA SHIPBROOK ROA D L RT H C WE ST AV EN UE AD ERDR I VE LAV EN D EAS TA VEN UE WE ST AV E AV EN UE EA ST O SHI PB RO OK NU E OA D OO K WEN TW O FAR MR OA D RIC HAR DS T MA LP AS CO PA RK FIE LD RO TE AD BR MA OO RP K LE RO RO AD AD RO YL ES TR EE T REE T ALAN ST R O AD GRI FFIT HS RO AD P WO RT HIN GS DE TR AN E ST RE ET BO W DE ND RIVE OAD AM R ENH DAV OR LAN T OUN E S LD FI E NT EM ROV R OA D M AN SHIP BRO OK RO AD TH F IR LONDON RIVE B5 07 5 OA D Y DR E IV KING SIDDINGT LONDON ROAD C CHUR ET TRE HS A533 E ET B LES ROAD IS E ALVANLEY R W AY ST GEORGE 'S RP RE TO NW AY NG E AD BROOK ST R PER CY E STER WAY R OAD LON DO N T HE CRE T SM EAD KIN G CL M WY ND RIV E MEA D KIN GS A RK W A AM DR IVE RD A556 N RO P WE ST ST QUEE N STREET ELD ROAD HIGHFI AD N RO NA VIG ATIO H DR IVE MON AR C BL AKE AY LEY W Approximately 4 minutes LO NDO Approximately 10 minutes E SA LEA UNT P MO RUDHEATH WAY BURWA E PAR KL AN VE N A BA CAS TLE STR EET LANE EET FL O RS TR EE T EN T A5 59 VE NU E RIV E TR Q FIR DAL ER AD RO BARBER ' S CRO MW EL LR OA D O AD LA NE GS DIN RI D AN TRY AVE NU E LA NE ING S OA D A5 59 GE TH EG RA N AB BE YW AY AN E BA NK LA NE FI RDE NS CH ES TE RR OA D R OA D D OA N ROAD LONDO OLD LAN E NT R A SA UNTAIN LANE LE MOUN T P This map is reproduced from Ordnance Survey material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Licence number: 100040296. 2013 FO BEE CHWOOD AVE NA VE N TO WI NN I NG E Y ES AN E PE R'S L BE EC HH W L MORETON ST APPLETO N ST CL G ORD ALE UE OAKLEIGH RI SE H ILLVI E W RISE KR OA D PA R O O D ROAD IVE DR RID D Higher Shurlach A530 OK ROAD BRO GAD RO HALL AD OLD E A556 D OA RIVE RN School College L LL HA TCR OFT Hospital W Library Train station NE UE EN AV Each grid square on this map represents 1km (0.6 miles) BELGRAVE ROAD D HA L L RO AD LA AD RO OL COOKES LAN E Go online now at and sponsor your mile today. AD L RO HAL OLD ELLESM ERE RD AV UE EN C H S R RG PE NN YS W HE TC T IGH WR WAT E RSIDE V IE Sponsor a mile E OV ET STRE KING H E TT D OA LR RA NT CE ASHBANK AD G ADBROOK PARK AD D RO FAIRFIEL OL NT C R E S CE L HO NIC NA E VENU UE ON AVEN R Rudheath E DRIV ER ORT M NU UR LAB GTO W CR OF T RO AD BR E D RIV NWA Y GREE AD RO WE B E A GE KE E DAN E MID DLE WIC HR OAD V R E FL Now you can sponsor any T A mile CH on Sustrans’ LA IGH UR WR whether National Cycle Network, its just for SH A VE you or as a gift. You’llS Areceive a thank you NU E pack, certificate, an exclusive bike sticker and regular updates. Leftwich E GLEY ROAD LAN O LLNI E DRIV ON C LIF T K Y WA A VE NU LM ON TR OA D RO S ON CLO D B5 08 2 If you enjoyed this Groute why not AD BR OO sponsor your favourite K R mile? O IVE ER D KE GS BE WOO DPEC K LK O STH IWAY SA ND P K IN CHURCH ROAD F ORSTER AVENUE D BRA EM AR WITHI RD Griffiths Park G MO RE RO RD TON OA D LC ME ING E FIELD MA LPA SR OA D T SLE D UNHA M ROAD L WA M GS D RO A D E DRIV A RR C D LD R TFIE ICH R DRIV National Cycle Network route numbers NE N LA TO EA HAR TF O R E NU AVE GE OR G GE MI DD LE W E College D E CT D R XD SSE WE E SLE K I NG Y DRIV NUE AVE EEN GR ROAD PR OSP L NU R AI School Pedestrianised area M AY F Pedestrianised area Toucan crossing AY W Footpath Footpath GR AIN GE R 'S Davenham TFO RD AL EN RE D A RO NR LTO C AR CA PE CO RONET A V E H AR National Cycle Network On Road / Traffic Free Cycle Route Advisory / Traffic Free Train station N TO Routes available from 2013 On Road / Traffic Free National Cycle Network On Road / Traffic Free Cycle Route Advisory / Traffic Free I EA W ER E RDS S W OOD PARK V IN G EM KEN S Library D C GISTR Y L IDG BR AD RO LE VA A556 Hospital WAYS TEAD C TON ST R ET BIS HO PGA WA Y K IN Y WA GRANVILLE RO AD O MO EA RL S A RO ROAD E DRIV MA N ET ULL 2 Y DR O B LA N DF Routes available from 2013 On Road / Traffic Free ON RLT ROAD CA ST UR KH OC BR D ROA ON ND LO H RI A TER ES LO MAR RD 'S LL BE DO KING A SH LAND OO DP AR K BUC AY YW U EN SW S KER VIC IVE K IN E LAN UG LA SC L E ELFOR DD R CH E RIV LD AL EH IT WH 08 CH OLD HALL ROAD E R E GE NC EG E RT ON NES STO TO V IC G HA MERE D R LA MANO Y T ER WA WH ALL EY RO A NG REWOR T H D R IV P A RK Hartford R AN DL IEL DF AN RO A5 59 DS E E LAN L ODG S LA N D H AD C T N LA OD CHE S CRESC EN T HE M C H OT A DL OO SW YE H IEV DR SCL O S PER UE VEN O RA BO HE AR GROS LA N NE LA OL HO SC E CH D OA RR S TE N VE ARDE N S TG H AR BE Y NE E W H IT R OAD F RI D A C R ES RK ER S I D E PA DO FUL L E R AB TREET B5 S WE TREET IR S NT SCE DUKE WAY S T TS ER AD R RO STE CHE MAN A 55 9 N MA WATE R STREET LIME AVENUE E RIV ED SC E N CRE WO ROB RIV I AG REE TREET ED S ALFR R CAR ST KING MEADOW ST IL L E RIV ALNUT LA NE ET WITTO N STRE HU RC HR OA OAD ELD R DRILLFI NCE SPE N L GR E E THE G RA NG E LIL AC D WAY STER C HE HOLLA N D S R D SH HA TT O GA IELD CHF BEE A ALL LANE MARSH 53 B 51 BE AC H R OAD TH E TO N LE 'S PL AD CH RO BEA Hartfordbeach ASH LEY D ET STRE NEY SYD OW NUE LE G MAP R O VE R BU R B51 53 TE ES CH ROY SOMS HEY LEIC EST ER S TRE ET CH ESTE R W AY OO ROA D ESTO S N WEAV DAVID ER STREE RO T AD EET STR T WER REE T Y ST E L REE HUX S ST ANE M RO LEE D RIVE JO HN T CEN B RU N NER C RE S A LE OAD RR BE EET STR WIN DAR FI R D LE ROAD RDA WATERL AD Greenbank E TL ET TRE KS PAR CAS E T RE ES RO RYD E ER AT S SG EN T T UE TREE S E T HOP T BRO HURS CK ON MOSS LANE A559 CH S RO D OA AD Q UE ENSG AT E B5374 MEAD O W R ICH TH W NOR NUT AVENU E M ORN B EA AD E AV 53 NE LA OD WO T TH STREE S HEA D LON PENRHY N RO Y WA ROAD ALDER LEY R OAD U RS T VER W EA ROA ALB ION D E AN AN E WINNI CROM WELL OAD SR AD MOS RO R EE N VERDIN AVE NL TO NG D OT E RD QUAY RON S O LD W ROA B5 1 EH 'S L SC BOWLING G HAM BURNSID E WAY BRA KEE P ER MI DD L AN WINN INGT ON L ANE E OS Weaverham WA LLE R ER STREET EICEST BESWICKS ROAD Winnington ET BOND STRE A 533 NORTHWAY ST W OWLE Y BR IAR L AD SOLVAY RO WIL AD HEMMING AD D RO OO YW DEN T O N Northwich A559 HA ANE
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