Weymouth local travel map
Weymouth local travel map
Good reasons to get around by foot, bike, bus or train Weymouth walking and cycling network For health This map has been developed to help you travel around Weymouth by foot, bike and public transport. Each grid on the map overleaf represents an average 10 minutes’ walk or four minutes’ cycle ride, showing just how quick it is to get around under your own steam. Walking and cycling to work, the shops, or to visit friends and family are great ways to fit regular physical activity into your daily routine. As well as getting you from A to B, regular walking and cycling can help you burn calories, reduce cholesterol and lower blood pressure. If you take the bus, walking to the next bus stop along is a really simple way of fitting a little more activity into your daily commute. For the environment For you Weymouth LOCAL TRAVEL MAP We all know that our environment is under threat from the things we do. Cars currently make up 13% of the UK’s total carbon dioxide emissions but on average if you take a train or coach you’ll contribute six to eight times less than this and, if you walk or cycle… nothing at all! Fewer cars on the road also means a safer environment for children and a more pleasant place for everyone to enjoy. One of the best things about getting around under your own steam is that it’s really cheap. There’s no road tax to pay, no need for an MOT and you don’t have to worry about petrol prices. If you walk or New routes for 2013 are part of the National Cycle Network Chard 30 253 256 48 25 Wimborne Axminster 267 Minster Blandford Forum Bridport Maiden Newton Poole 2 Dorchester Wareham Lyme Regis Bournemouth Seaton 2 26 Weymouth National Cycle Network on-road Proposed routes National Cycle Network traffic-free Selected Regional Routes About Sustrans Sustrans is the charity that’s enabling people to travel by foot, bike or public transport for more of the journeys we make everyday. It’s time we all began making smarter travel choices. Make your move and support Sustrans today. www.sustrans.org.uk In Weymouth Sustrans’ Connect2 is a partnership between Photography © Sustrans staff Registered Charity No. 326550 (England and Wales) SC039263 (Scotland) cycle regularly you’ll save a fortune, so there’ll be more cash to spend on fun things, like you! Regular physical activity also helps improve your mood, is good for your sense of well-being and can help to improve self-esteem. By letting someone else do the driving and taking the bus or train, you’ll be able to spend more time enjoying the journey, whether your’re listening to music, reading a good book or having a chat with a friend, you’ll be saving money and giving your own vehicle a well-deserved rest. Want to get around under your own steam? Sustrans can help Visit www.sustrans.org.uk to find detailed travel maps of your local area that include walking and cycling paths, bus stops, train stations and connections to local destinations such as shops, schools, GP surgeries and sports facilities. You can also plot your own journeys to share with friends and family. The Sustrans website also has some great tips if you’re thinking about getting back on your bike or would like to go cycling with your children. Take a look at the easy rides section to find simple, safe and enjoyable cycling routes in your area, or order a free cycling information pack highlighting all the National Cycle Network routes near you. Weymouth is home to a wealth of amenities, leisure facilities, entertainment, retail and history within a relatively short radius of the town centre. The new routes are part of a greater network of cycling and walking routes that allows you to travel around the town and surrounding area safely and pleasantly on foot and by bike. New traffic-free connections, including a new bridge over the busy Newstead Road, fill in the gaps in the Rodwell Trail, providing a direct route from Dorchester to Upwey. Enhancements to the Dorchester Road also provide walkers and cyclists with a safer, more direct route to the cycling hub at Westham Bridge. These new routes considerably improve access to schools, leisure centres, local businesses, visitor attractions, the railway station and the seafront for walkers and cyclists. This route links into National Cycle Network Route 26 from Dorchester to Portland and also connects with National Route 2, a long distance cycle route from Kent to Cornwall. Connecting your journey Walking and cycling Sustrans Online Mapping Search 14,000 miles of the National Cycle Network on the Sustrans online mapping. You can also find: • Bike shops • Places of interest • Places to eat and drink • Accommodation Visit www.sustrans.org.uk Bus First Hampshire and Dorset. For details of local bus services including timetables. www.firstgroup.com Tel: 0870 010 6022 Train National Rail Enquiries. For details of local train services including timetables. www.nationalrail.co.uk Tel: 08457 48 49 50 RASHLEY RD WAY WHY NOT DR AK Willowbed Hall E AV EN UE hickerell ary School D ROA LIA TRA AUS P U TT TREN CHARD Budmouth Technology College AD A AD Littlesea Holiday Park Sports Centre ATE DG OO Charlestown T R IC D O AD CR ES NDS R D RLA OVE OFTRD O SE Y LAN E AFFIE SW WAY LODGE NAP CH K CHUR O RIA R VICTO RY E ME D ROA AD W E STHILL RO MOU KE WAL NA GTO LAN R CR E E VENU D NU AVE ROA A ADME D BRO MS' SIDE LIA WIL NY SUN SC WA L LYND RO A D F E R OA D AM D N ROA DEVO ENER RD ITCH K ROA COTT TM A AD RO NG LO E OAD NE R OUR HILLB U LL S W ATER RE D ALE C R D ON OAD Ferry Bridge Small Mouth WHITEHEAD DR E OSPR D P IP E R O ROAD R TON BAR DUM E DE 4 D Athletics Centre MAR INA GRD N O N CA TERRA W A AY CON NA SOU THD OW S D RIV NR O L O SE BO LEY CEN T O AD NCR GR ILCHES MI L AR CL WES NDR ST A NUE AVE UTH NMO MO NU W AT VE HA OUT NM M MO N WES RD URN E TBO Retail Park Retail Park Rodwell NUE RODWELL AVE REET SE S T FRANCHI 'S ROAD RD A ON ST LE E L HAY ST ST WESTH A M RD Sandsfoot Castle VU Castle Cove B ELLE O ER AVENUE RD A DE NEW TON CR AN F OR AVENU D 'S Weymouth College Newton’s Cove Foot Ferry Weymouth Pavilion Weymouth Nothe Fort Ferry Terminal Sealife Centre Recycling Centre Lodmoor RSPB OWN AVENUE S OUTHD MOORDOWN AVENUE E N D OWN AVE EASTDOWN A VE For a cycle map of the wider area order the Dorset Downs cycle map from the Sustrans Shop: www.sustransshop.co.uk Go online now at www.sustrans.org.uk/mymile and sponsor your mile today. Now you can sponsor any mile on Sustrans’ National Cycle Network, whether its just for you or as a gift. You’ll receive a thank you pack, certificate, an exclusive bike sticker and regular updates. Sponsor a mile AD RO E MEL S T OAKB UR NUE SUN N GDA IN T © Crown copyright and database rights 2013. Ordnance Survey 100019790 Overcombe RD ENKW O B ERE E NU AVE TH OU M B UD KIN GS MOU TH BU D BU DMOU TH AVENUE SO UTHDOWN A V BRACKENDOWN AVE If you enjoyed this route why not sponsor your favourite mile? 4 minutes 10 minutes Each grid square on this map represents 1km (0.6 miles) IGS Brewers Quay THE R U AY CU S TO M HO USE Q GLOU C ESTER ST STREET FRANC HISE R OAD NARD'S O LE T S QU A Y NORTH QUAY Council CHAP Offices NE RD Lodmoor Country Park St Johns CE Primary School Weymouth Community Hospital Weymouth College HILL AVEN UE FERN KING STRE ET LOWER ST ALB AN WESTHAM R0AD COOMBE AVENUE WILLI AM STR EET STR LENNO LES Y STR R X A CH PENN T T STREET E E TR ES L S O LP EE WA LOW STR WN D BRO FOR T MS L E CH AD SOUTH C ARLTON RO ROAD CASSIOBURY E KSPUR C L OSE LAR UE VEN VE A GRO UM O U V EN NT A UE DS C L OSE N AVE BAY BE A TH MOU WEY H Alexander ORT AD N Bridge N RO LTO R OVE HAN ROAD RD EST RA AND AL EX GRE UE ROAD OAD FIELD TON R LONG NEW C L NETHER AD AVES RO ELWELL MAN LE C N I B E Y CLO CHICK E RELL R D RD MILT RD LEY VER WA AVE SPA ABBOTSBURY ROAD VERN E CLE S O UTER WAY VEN SA EW Park and Ride Mount Pleasant Business Park OAD LY R HER HET M ERCERY ROAD Radipole Lake RSPB S D OWNE SQ GLEN WOEC D BUX TON ROA AD E RO WYK SE TERY OAD ON R MILT PO T SPA ROAD CORONA TION CR ES ROMAN LIFFE RD WARDC FAIR CLO Southlands A35 Holy Trinity CE Primary School and Community Nursery LA UG DO D UN ARDEN S HTG V OA PRETORIA TE RRA KNIGHTSD ALE ROAD RD TR OF HIGHLAND RD R GC LON ROAD BRADFORD BE DRD LC HIL RN THO Beechcroft St Paul’s Primary School OO THW HEA S CEN GRA SME RE R D CRESCENT SPA ROAD GREE N O N AVEN UE ROMAN RO AD Radipole Swimming Pool D OA ON R BUXT E LD PARK VE NT A MOU NT PL E AS A ABBOTSBURY OLD PARISH LAN E SOUTHVIEW ROAD AD I FFE RO BYA CL RO AD ROAD MANOR RD ORE GLENM AD AD DO RC HE ST ER RT PO Local route number Toucan available from 2014 Cycle lane National Cycle Network On Road / Traffic Free Cycle Route Chesil Beach Advisory / Traffic Free Holiday Park CO R All Saints CE School CRE Routes available from K E R 2014 On Road / Traffic Free RD ALE Wyke Regis LA S DEN GAR HARDY AV ND H ROU AD E RO WYK ET STRE HIGH Toucan available from 2014 ET STRE HIGH RESCEN AY C ST B Wyke Regis CE WE Junior DR School AY'S ROAD B OH WEY GALL AD D RO ME A PARK SIL CHE HR UB BE R GR EC R St Augustines Primary School Wyke Regis Infant School and Nursery B ER HILL CR HTON BROUG OAD DR Cycle lane HILL TLE C AS T WE S L AN PORT SA N National Cycle Network On Road / Traffic Free Cycle Route Advisory / Traffic Free D ROAD CAM P N SHIR OLK NORF OAD ER R HEN KITC E ST N R BOU MEL RES DEC L ET C DORS D SET R D R OA AD STOKE RO T R OAD DERWEN Routes available from 2014 On Road / Traffic Free B A TTE N Lanehouse W WESTDO WES THAVEN CHICKE RELL RO AD WILT S H E R CH IVE AR TW ELL OAD OLK R NORF GRANBY WAY CHAFEYS AVENUE LO S Westham BEDFO RD EAST WYLD R OAD Conifers Primary School ISE DR IVE OL EL A VE DEN DRI ILL GAR SOUTH FAEV R RNUM LABU M RO WAN C L S Y C A 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ICK ERE L Water Gardens O E GREEN LAN Putton L RO LOWER PUTT ON L ANE AN E NL LOW ER WAY ALEXANDR MAR IN ER SWAY RO C HELW EAST STR EET ECA N RADIP OLE L AN AY ROAD MARSHALLS VE COBHAM DRI WINCHES T BRIARC NO R FOLK R OAD AVENU Coldharbour UE EN CLA RE URY CLO SE LOSE RADIPO LE LA NE E I RE E CL OS ABBO TSBURY RD AM QUEENS RD Radipole Primary School E ENU TON RAD IPOL E LA NE C OR PO RAT ION RO RO AD CRO FT YC AT CLO SE ST P W ESTHILL R UE VWEI VEN ER A O AD NE CE R VIS C R D ROA TH NOR RO AD S FR A RE N OAD T UN LA NTS BRYA AR D E LDG ADELA I CORP ORA TIO N MARK HAM AV ENUE 'S D RIVE PRINCE Weymouth S OW E NT BEA C LO WC HVIE R AD S RO OCK SE R HOU AD E N LEARO LA UB S HR CE DON CAS T ER CL A CL AD S YES RO DEN KA TL A ND D AN L POR WO O ES S ALL SAIN T S' RD AND PORTL CR DO VER RO AD D DRI ISH NT RO AD D CO AU LD U RT WL DA E WAY 'S R BE L FI NE 'S LA AND RYL AN AD EL EN VI N ES P AD KS RO EN L AV SEL RUS UE AVEN L D'S OAD ST H OC USE R R TON MING LEA C NE RBOU R WIN TE LA N RY YR 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