January - February 2016 Newsletter


January - February 2016 Newsletter
January - February 2016
Looking Back
on 2015
From the Tudor Village lights to the Lake
Avondale Christmas Tree, the City glistened
and glowed this holiday season. Residents
celebrated the holidays and the New Year
with fanfare.
Meet your new
Arbor Day
Congratulations to the Holiday Spirit Award winners!
The Museum
Avondale Elegance
Pat and Dave Maddox
34 Kensington Road
Children’s Appeal
Terry and Jeanne Giager
1122 Berkeley Road
More holiday photos: More
holiday photos: Holiday Spirit
Award winners (continued)
and Tour of Homes
Page 9
Ready To Put Down
or Pick Up Roots?
Candler Park
Lake Claire
Inman Park
Druid Hills
Virginia Highland
Ready to Buy? I’ll leverage my in-town network to find
the right property - and negotiate the best deal for you.
Ready to Sell? My experience with professional
staging, compelling photography, and strategic marketing
helps sell your home faster and for the highest price.
Contact me, your in-town Realtor® and neighbor.
Poncey Highland
Old Fourth Ward
Call Now: 678-358-3369
cynthia@cynthiabaer.com | CynthiaBaer.com
Making Disciples of
Jesus Christ
Join Us for Worship Services:
Every Sunday @ 11 A.M
Ash Wednesday Services Feb. 10, Noon & 7 pm
United Methodist Church
Reverend John P. Donaldson, Pastor
3260 Covington Highway, Decatur, GA 30032
404-294-4063 • avondalepattilloumc.org (new web address)
Inside This Issue
Looking Back on 2015
Meet Your New
Christmas Tour of Homes and
Holiday Market, Holiday Spirit
Kagami Biraki Celebration,
Avondale Estates Men’s Club,
DeKalb Symphony Orchestra
Garden Clubs
Arbor Day in Avondale Estates: Friday, February 19, 2016.
Please see page 12 for details.
AE Resource Fair, News from
Stay in Touch with the City of Avondale Estates!
To receive this bimonthly newsletter in
the mail or electronically, please email
Board of
Mayor & Commissioners
Jonathan Elmore, Mayor
The City emails an electronic
newsletter on Mondays and Fridays,
and otherwise as needed for special
announcements and alerts. To sign up,
visit www.avondaleestates.org/
Terry Giager, Mayor Pro Tem
Lindsay Forlines, Commissioner
Randy Beebe, Commissioner
John Quinn, Commissioner
Ken Turner, Finance Director
Clai Brown, City Manager
Gina Hill, City Clerk
Keri Stevens, City Planner
Phil Howland, Permitting Concierge Coordinator
Debbie Revzin, Communications Manager
Karen Holmes, Administrative Assistant
Robert E. Wilson, City Attorney
Marcella Shaw, Clerk of Court
Alert – for urgent and time sensitive
Advisory – for important need-to-know,
time sensitive information;
Community – for general information or
non-urgent community updates; and
Traffic – for all traffic related messaging.
The messages are sent by the Avondale
Estates Police Department personnel.
To sign up, visit www.nixle.com.
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall is a publication of KDA Communications. Subject matter published is the opinion of the
author and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publisher of this newsletter. Professional advice should be obtained before
making any decision in which a professional is readily available. Advertisers assume responsibility for the content of the ads placed
in this publication. Material published may not be reproduced without the written permission of KDA Communications.
Police Department
Gary L. Broden, Chief of Police
The information and advertisements contained in this Newsletter are provided for Avondale Estates as a courtesy only. No representations are made as to information presented, the quality of the goods or services advertised, or the veracity of the statements
relating to the goods and services. The printing of opinions, information or advertisements does not constitute an endorsement by
the Neighborhood of such opinions, information, goods or services.
Public Works Department
Oscar Griffin, Director
Caryl Albarran, Code Enforcement Officer
Harold Anderson, Supervisor of Sanitation and
Parks and Recreation
News from City Hall - Newsletter Disclaimer
The City Newsletter was created for the purpose of providing a written medium for regularly sharing information from City Hall. It is a vehicle for the Board of Mayor and Commissioners and the City Manager to share information relevant to issues discussed,
actions taken, and plans made by the Board of Mayor and Commissioners, to share
newsworthy information about our residents and businesses, and to provide a calendar
of scheduled City events.
If you are interested in advertising in the City of Avondale Estates bimonthly newsletter,
please contact Rusty Oliver at 404-379-6138 or email rusty@kda-communications.com.
Stephen W. Nicholas, Municipal Court Judge
January - February
This service delivers trustworthy
and important neighborhood-level public
safety and community event notifications
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(via text messages), through email and
through web access. The service provides
four types of messages:
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678.905.4842 • sales@kda-communications.com
Unsolicited Copy
The City Newsletter reserves the right to refuse unsolicited submissions and to edit all
copy in regard to space appropriateness, and cost considerations. As a courtesy to the
clubs and organizations that civically operate in the City, a brief notice of their activities
may be included as space permits. The City Newsletter is not a forum for opinion pieces
nor for political speech. The City reserves the right to reject any proposed advertisement of an offensive, religious, or political nature.
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
H City News
Looking Back on 2015: Another Beautiful Day in Avondale Estates!
Dear Residents
and Business Owners:
sioners passed 27 resolutions and four
•A new procedure for permitting utility
work in the City’s Right of Way was
2015 was a year of continued growth and
development for Avondale Estates. Our
•The Community Promotion Program
numerous accomplishments, many of
(CPP) funded the following successful,
which are listed below, could not have been
well-known Avondale Estates events:
achieved without the help of our passionate
AutumnFest, Avondale Estates Farmresidents, volunteer City board and commisers Market and the Rail Arts District
sion members and hardworking City associ(R.A.D.) Studio Cruise. The events cuates. Thank you for your ongoing support
mulatively brought in well over 15,000
as we continually strive to make Avondale
Estates a wonderful place to live, year after
•At the beginning of 2015, the City of
Avondale Estates annexed the Stratford
Green Townhomes into the City limits.
Clai Brown, City Manager
•Received a Certificate of Achievement
for Excellence in Financial ReportAccomplishments
ing for the 18th consecutive year. This
is the highest form of recognition in
•36 new residents moved to Avondale
governmental accounting and financial
•21 new businesses started in Avondale
•The City received an $8,000 Health
Promotion Grant, which was used for
•The City issued 190 permits and did
the associates’ Wellness Program.
553 inspections along with, 22 sign
•The City won fourth place in its
permits and 41 fence permits.
category (1 to 99 employees) in the
•About 450 E-News (news emails) were
Atlanta Business Chronicle’s Healthisent to the community.
est Employer Awards.
•The Board of Mayor and Commis•Received a $9,270 grant through the
Page 4 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
Historic Preservation Division of the
State of Georgia Department of Natural
Resources to stabilize and repair Carl’s
Corner. Work was completed in May
•The City received the Local Maintenance and Improvement Grant from
GDOT in a amount of $22,783 for road
improvements and curbing.
•Google Fiber announced it will bring
its services to the City, along with eight
other cities in metro Atlanta. Construction began in the summer of 2015.
•The City was designated a Classic
Main Street community by the Georgia
Main Street Start-Up Program. The
City used the Main Street Design
Studio to assist with planning temporary parking on City-owned lots and is
utilizing the Design Studio services to
plan wayfinding signage locations and
•The City celebrated its 31st year as a
Tree City USA community by holding
a ceremony and special planting on
Georgia’s Arbor Day, February 2015.
•The fourth annual Easter Celebration
and Dog Parade was a great success.
The dog parade, again, had over 100
registered dogs with over $1,000 in
January - February 2016
City News H
donated prizes for participants.
•Jonathan Elmore was elected Mayor
during a special election in March
•The Atlanta Regional Commission
facilitated three public meetings to
update the Comprehensive Plan.
•The City applied for funding to implement the re-design of U.S. 278 as proposed by the feasibility study. The City
was awarded funds for the engineering
portion of the project from the Atlanta
Regional Commission. As funds are
available, the City will receive additional awards for the two subsequent
phases of the project, which are rightof-way acquisition and construction.
The City will not have to apply for
funding again for this project. The City
was Local Administered Project (LAP)
certified by GDOT with the City Planner and Director of Public Works and
Code Enforcement as representatives.
This certification is required to receive
any funding from GDOT.
•The pocket park between Berkeley
Road and Kensington Road was
•$4, 323 was donated from the Labor
Day Race to the Amyotrophic Lateral
Sclerosis Association (ALS, also know
as Lou Gehrig’s Disease).
•Willis Park renovations began in
October 2015 and will be completed in
Spring 2016.
•The Board of Mayor and Commissioners created and appointed members to
the Greenspace and Education Ad Hoc
•The City launched a new website in
October 2015.
•Brian Fisher and Adela Yelton were
elected to the Board of Mayor and
Commissioners in the November 2015
•Fire Station No. 3 held its grand openJanuary - February
2016 ing at the newly constructed fire station
in November 2015. A Community Day
celebration was held to introduce the
community to members of Station No.
•To promote local businesses during the
holiday, the City participated in American Express’ Small Business Saturday
event. Local businesses were given a
variety of promotional materials and
local specials/events were promoted
via social media. The City also promoted local businesses throughout the
holidays through the Month of Merry
•The Downtown Development Authority funded a marketing campaign to assist local businesses during the holiday
season and partially funded installing
the Christmas lights on the Tudor Village.
•Worked with the Department of Juvenile Justice to execute their Second
Annual DJJ 5K Charity Fun Run/Walk.
•Oakhurst Realty Partners (ORP), owners of the Tudor Village Building, repainted the entire exterior and replaced
the roof.
Public Works/Code
•Associates completed training hours in
a variety of safety areas.
•The Director of Public Works renewed
membership to the Georgia Association
of Code Enforcement.
•The Director of Public Works completed 15 hours of training through the
Georgia Association of Code Enforcement.
•The Director of Public Works became a
Certified Stormwater Inspector.
•The Director of Public Works successfully passed the Local Administered
Projects Training and Project Development Process Training courses to
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
contribute to the City of Avondale Estates becoming LAP Certified through
•2,100 tons of yard waste were disposed
(including leaves, grass clippings,
•1,750 tons of household waste was
•315 special pick ups were completed.
•Purchased a 2015 Chevrolet Silverado
•Replaced or repaired 30 street signs
and installed eight ‘Motorized
•Removed graffiti and/or stickers from
37 street signs.
•675 Sign Violations were corrected.
•570 Site Visits were conducted.
•22 Parking Violations were corrected.
•165 Grass Violations.
•Dispatched utility companies such as
DeKalb Watershed, Georgia Power,
Atlanta Light Gas, etc. 70 times to respond to various issues and complaints.
•Painted curbing at the following locations to make motorists aware of no
• Dartmouth Ave (next to Willis
• North/South Avondale Plaza
•Repaired/replaced broken park
•Repaired 85 sidewalk hazards.
•Assisted the Museum School with
International Walk to School Day.
•Public Works associates participated in
the following City sponsored events:
• Bring One for the Chipper, the
annual Christmas tree recycling
• Career Day for the Museum School
• AutumnFest
• Holiday Events (4th of July, Halloween, two Christmas tree lightings)
• Avondale Estates City Wide Yard
H City News
• City’s Annual Tree Planting Event
•Filled Lake path with slate chips to
bring up to level.
•Cleared City-owned property on Franklin St and striped the area for additional
•Replaced 48” corrugated storm drain
pipe on Berkeley Rd.
•Maintained City-owned pathways to
keep them passable at the following
• East side of Dartmouth Ave between house numbers 46 and 48
leading east to Clarendon Ave and
Clarendon Place between house
numbers 47 Clarendon Ave and 5
Clarendon Place.
• East side of Clarendon Ave
between house numbers 64 and
72 leading East to Berkeley Rd
between 71 and 73.
• Berkeley Path near the bird sanctuary.
• Path connecting Lakeshore Plaza
to Lakeshore Dr.
sium and Terminal Agency Coordinator
Refresher Course, Tactical Community Policing and Homeland Security
Instructor Development Course, and
Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program.
• Patrol Division Training included the
following: Terminal Operator Recertification; LIDAR Speed Measurement;
DUI Detection & Standardized Field
Sobriety Testing; Basic Radar Operators Course; Officer Survival, Health
and Wellness Awareness; Basic SWAT
and Entry; Verbal Defense and Influence; and Community Policing.
• In-Service Training (at the department
and/or online) topics included: Annual
Firearms Qualification, Dealing with
the Mentally Ill or Demented Persons,
Use of Force, Elder Abuse, Domestic
Violence, Evidence Collection and
Preservation, Vehicle Searches, Legislative Case Law Update, TASER Training and Qualification, CPR Re-certification, Decision Based Driver Training
& Simulator, CJIS Network Operator
Training, Security and Integrity (GCIC/
NCIC), Due Regard, Juvenile Offenders, Transporting Prisoners, Overview
of POST Council, Outlaw Motorcycle
Gangs, Carrying and Possessing
Weapons in Georgia, Illegal Immigration Reform Enforcement Act, Code
Enforcement Training, Eyewitness
Identification, NIMS/IS-700, NIMS/
IS-701, NIMS/IS-702, NIMS/IS-703,
NIMS/IS-706, and NIMS/IS-800.
Police Department
Training Activities:
• Completed more than 1,120 training
hours (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced
and In-Service Training).
• Command Staff Training included the
following: Georgia Internal Affairs
Investigators Fall Conference, Georgia Association of Chiefs of Police
Summer Conference, Criminal Justice
Information Services Training SympoPage 6 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
January - February
City News H
Community Involvement:
•Conducted the fifth Session of the Citizens Police Academy. Topics included:
Incident Reporting, Investigations,
Courts & the Law, Traffic Enforcement, Communications Center/911,
Special Operations Firearms & Use of
Force, and Judgmental Shooting.
•A training session for seven graduates
of the Citizens Police Academy who
volunteered to become patrollers of the
Citizens on Patrol group was held.
•A Diseaster Preparedness class was
held for Avondale Estates residents.
•Officers were involved in numerous
community events, including:
•The Museum School’s Career Day
•The Museum School’s, “Explorer
Dash & Fun Run”
•The Museum School’s field trip to
City Hall
•Avondale Elementary School’s
Career Day
•Avondale Elementary School’s
Reading Program
•DeKalb School for the Arts Foundation’s, “Ants Run for the Arts”
•Jack’s Rabbit Run (Willadsen Family Fundraiser)
•Antique Car Parade
•Rail Arts District (RAD) Studio
Cruise event
•September 11th Remembrance Ceremony
•DeKalb County Police Department’s Fallen Officers Memorial
•The Susan G. Komen 3-Day walk
to end breast cancer
•International Walk/Bike to School
•Department of Juvenile Justice
Charity 5K Fun Run/Walk
•Retired Men’s Club
•Ribbon-cutting ceremonies for new
•Ribbon cutting ceremony for
DeKalb County Fire Station No. 3
in Avondale Estates
•Holiday events (Halloween,
Christmas Tree Lighting, 4th of
July, Labor Day Race, etc.)
•Provided security and traffic control for numerous commercial and
film productions
•Planning of the Citywide Yard Sale
January - February
2016 •Continued contact with the community
through such programs as the Nixle
notification system, A Child is Missing
alert program and the City’s E-News.
•Involvement and partnership with the
citywide Neighborhood Watch Program continues.
•Speed Data Reports regularly submitted advising the community of vehicular traffic (speed and vehicle count)
throughout the City.
Inter-Agency Cooperation/Involvement:
•AEPD continues to interact with other
agencies (local, state and federal) and
programs to better serve the community. Cooperation is ongoing with the
following agencies: Governor’s Office
of Highway Safety, Metropolitan
Atlanta Traffic Enforcement Network,
Atlanta METROPOL Fraud Group, Atlanta Area Metro Tech Group, Georgia
Department of Transportation, DeKalb
County Emergency Management
(DEMA), Crime Stoppers, DeKalb
County Chiefs’ Association (DCCA),
Eastside Intelligence Group, and others.
•AEPD collected more than 205 pounds
of unwanted and outdated prescription
drugs from the community in 2015 in
cooperation with the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) National Drug
Take Back Day held in both the spring
and fall each year. Locally, the AEPD
continues to collect unwanted drugs
throughout the year in an effort to
assist in preventing abuse, misuse and
accidental ingestion of such drugs.
•AEPD participated in “Operation Safe
DeKalb – 2015,” a combined three-day
enforcement effort of law enforcement
agencies in DeKalb County to serve
outstanding warrants and make arrests
of wanted persons throughout the
•Cpl. Conroy, Departmental Training
Officer, assisted with the instruction of
Radar and Laser Training at the Fulton
County Public Safety Training Center.
•Cpl. Conroy conducted a TASER
recertification class for DeKalb County
Marshall’s Office. Cpl. Conroy continues to be an instructor who teaches law
enforcement classes at other agencies
as a guest/part-time instructor.
•Cpl. Gillis represented AEPD and is
a member of DeKalb County Sexual
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
Assault Protocol Committee.
•Chief Broden attended/represented
AEPD at the Human Trafficking
Symposium and MOU signing. A
partnership of all DeKalb County law
enforcement agencies and some community groups joined DeKalb AntiTrafficking & Exploitation (DATE)
Watch Multi-Disciplinary Task Force
to fight Human Trafficking in DeKalb
•Participated in DeKalb County’s Hazard Mitigation Planning Session to assist in updating the county’s 2001 plan
addressing natural disasters (violent
storms, earthquakes, ice/snow, etc.).
Grants and Funding:
•The Bureau of Justice Assistance presented the AEPD with the 2015 Bulletproof Vest Partnership Award. The
award assists the AEPD in the purchase
of bulletproof vests (body armor) for
its officers by reimbursing 50% of the
cost of the vest.
•The American Legion presented
a check to the AEPD in an annual
presentation. The donation allows the
AEPD to purchase additional items that
may not be covered in the department’s
•A new updated speed study device,
“Shield12,” was purchased.
•Ordered a new police cruiser (2016
Dodge Charger, V-6).
•The department has been exploring the
use of body cameras for officers.
•Upgrades continue to Courtware,
Incident Reporting and E-Ticketing
•Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD)
capabilities continue to be upgraded.
•More than 6,500 Security Checks of
homes and businesses were conducted.
•A supervisor (Cpl.) was awarded his
Intermediate Certification and a Watch
Commander (Sgt.) was awarded his
Managerial Certification by Georgia
Peace Officers Standards and Training
•Annual update of department Operations Manual to ensure that officers are
up-to-date on law changes and agency
policies and procedures.
H City News
Meet Your New
In November 2015, Brian Fisher and Adela Yelton were elected
to the Board of Mayor and Commissioners. On Monday, January 4, at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, Fisher and Yelton will be sworn
into office. All are invited to the event.
A Message from Brian
This is an exciting time to
live and work in Avondale
Estates, and I’m honored to
have the opportunity to serve
as one of our City’s Commissioners. A day doesn’t
go by that my family and I
don’t say how lucky we feel
to be a part of this community. This year, I will
be focused on helping our
City make smart, strategic
decisions for our downtown
corridor, identifying ways to
strengthen our public school
offerings, and ensuring that decisions we make today take into
consideration the impact these decisions will have on our community 50 years from now. I look forward to meeting and learning more about each of you – and hearing your thoughts about
what you envision for Avondale Estates.
A Message from Adela
I believe in our community’s
strong sense of neighborhood
and ‘can-do’ attitude – Avondale Estates is a place where
you can start a school, open a
business and raise a family. I
was born and raised in Houston, Texas and graduated
with an accounting degree
from the University of Houston. I have over 20 years
of experience consulting in
business and international
human resources, including
starting and selling a local
business. As one of the original eight members of the founding
board of The Museum School of Avondale Estates, I worked for
several years to help build a thriving charter school. My husband,
Richard, and I have lived in Avondale Estates for 12 years and
have three sons who attend The Museum School. With issues
like annexation, downtown development and education on the
horizon, I look forward to serving fellow residents, including
collaborating with the talents and volunteerism of our citizens to
help shape our City’s promising future.
Page 8 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
January - February
City News H
Happy Holidays!
Tour of Homes: Another
Beautiful Day in
Avondale Estates
The 23rd Annual Christmas Tour of
Homes and Holiday Market was a tremendous success. The beautiful weather
and abundant sunshine contributed to the
wonderful day. A very special thank you
to the Ashbaughs, the Fahys, the Houpts,
the Macenczaks, the Kozaks and Tracey
Lewis and Stephanie Shaw for sharing
their homes with the City. The beautifully
decorated homes put on a stunning showcase of Avondale Estates. Also, thank you
to the Gold and Silver sponsors for their
generous support. Four trolleys toured the
town this year, thanks to the Trolley Sponsors. Thank you to the “Trolley Guys”
who received rave reviews!
adoring readers. Kerry Quinn’s yummy
soups and The Market in Avondale’s
delicious sandwiches were the hit of the
Holiday Market Café!
Music filled the City throughout the day as
students from DeKalb School of the Arts
performed at various homes. The music of
Charles Absher, John Quinn, Dale Balsingame, Nick Edelstein and The Sistahs
and The Bow Weevils added to the lively
Finally, a big thank you to the wonderful house captains, Jeanie Payne, Lynn
Thompson, Suzy Jennings, Kathy Delaney,
Jane Cole and all the hosts/hostesses. We
Run This Town, a group of ladies who run
every morning, were the hostesses at one
of the tour’s homes after a half-marathon!
Also, Don Connelly for his beautiful work
on the watercolors for the homeowners,
the banners in the City and the lovely tickets; and to Chris McMahan for the updated
website, and Jean Kingsbury for painting
all the luminary mason jars!
The Holiday Market was filled with everything from art to popcorn. Thank you
to Sally Walker and Connie Bryans for
helping make the market a great success.
Noted authors signed autographs, talked
to patrons and had their pictures taken by
Christmas Spirit Awards Continued From Page 1
Avondale Elegance
Bill and Barbara Clark
11 South Avondale Plaza
Children’s Appeal
Connie Bryans
88 Lakeshore Drive
Business Award
Finders Keepers Furnishings
2753 East College Avenue
Sparkle and Pizzazz
Jimmy and Debi Putnam
3156 Wiltshire Drive
Sparkle and Pizzazz
Larry and Ben Cannon
32 Fairfield Drive
Sparkle and Pizzazz
Mike and Susan Vanous
12 Dartmouth Avenue
January - February
2016 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
January 2016
calendar of events
Happy New
City Hall Closed
7 p.m. HPC & ARB
Regular Meeting
7:30 p.m.
New commissioners
sworn in.
7:30 p.m.
Board of Mayor and
Commissioners Regular
10 a.m. – 4p.m.
Annual Kagami Biraki
Celebration, 116
Center St.
6-7:30 p.m. Karla
Drenner Legislative
Town Hall, 21 N.
Avondale Plz.
10 a.m. Application
Information Session at
DSA, 1192 Clarendon
8 p.m. Drink and Draw,
22 N. Avondale Rd.
6:30 p.m. DDA
Regular Meeting
City Hall Closed
in Observance of
Martin Luther King
Jr. Day
24 – 3-5 p.m. AE School
Resource Fair (see pg. 15)
24 - 3 p.m. DeKalb
Symphony Orchestra, GPC
Clarkston Campus, 555 N.
Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston
31 - 2 – 4 p.m. Girl Scout
Troop #3647 Meeting,
3260 Covington Hwy.,
Page 10
6 p.m. Application
Information Session
at DSA, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
2 – 4 p.m. Girl
Scout Troop #3647
Meeting, 3260
Covington Hwy.,
7:30 p.m. Board
of Mayor and
Special Called
9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Bring
One For The Chipper
6 p.m. Planning and
Zoning Board Regular
6:30 p.m. Board of
Appeals Regular
6 p.m. Application
Information Session at
DSA, 1192 Clarendon
6-8 p.m. Education
Ad Hoc Committee
6 p.m. Open House
at The Museum
School, 923 Forrest
Blvd., Decatur
10:30 a.m. Avondale
Estates Garden
Club Meeting, 59
Lakeshore Dr
5:30 p.m. Board
of Mayor and
Regular Work
10 a.m. Open House
at The Museum
School, 923 Forrest
Blvd., Decatur
6 p.m. Open House at
The Museum School,
923 Forrest Blvd.,
12 p.m. Avondale
Estates Men’s Club
Monthly Meeting, 30
Covington Rd.
12 p.m. Avondale
Estates Woman’s
Club Monthly
Meeting, 30
Covington Rd
8 a.m. Open
Enrollment Begins
at The Museum
School, 923 Forrest
Blvd., Decatur
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Building Competitive
Communities, 21 N.
Avondale Plz.
10 a.m. Application
Information Session
at DSA, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
10 a.m. Application
Information Session
at DSA, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
6 p.m. Application
Information Session at
DSA, 1192 Clarendon
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
January - February
February 2016
calendar of events
7 p.m. HPC & ARB
Regular Meeting
8 p.m. Drink
and Draw, 22 N.
Avondale Rd.
2 – 4 p.m. Girl
Scout Troop #3647
Meeting, 3260
Covington Rd.
January - February
6:30 p.m. Downtown
Authority Regular
6-8 p.m. Education
Ad Hoc Committee
6:30 p.m. Board of
DSA Auditions, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
Deadline: DSA 20162017 School Year
6 p.m. Planning
and Zoning Board
Regular Meeting
7:30 p.m. Board
of Mayor and
Regular Meeting
5:30 p.m. Poetry
Reading Group
Monthly Meeting
Lottery for The
Museum School
2016-2017 School
12 p.m. Avondale
Estates Men’s Club
Monthly Meeting, 30
Covington Rd.
Open Enrollment
Ends at The
Museum School,
923 Forrest Blvd.,
Arbor Day
(see pg. 12)
10:30 a.m. Avondale
Estates Garden
Club Meeting, 59
Lakeshore Dr.
5:30 p.m. Board
of Mayor and
Regular Work
DSA Auditions, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
DSA Auditions, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
DSA Auditions, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
12 p.m. Avondale
Estates Woman’s
Club Monthly
Meeting, 30
Covington Rd.
DSA Auditions, 1192
Clarendon Ave.
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
H City News
Arbor Day in Avondale Estates: Friday, February 19
The City of Avondale Estates is celebrating its 32nd year as a Tree City on
Friday, February 19. The City realizes the importance of its trees and continues to protect the health and vitality of its tree canopy. Avondale Estates
is one of the few tree cities in DeKalb County and the second tree city in the
state of Georgia. To read more about Arbor Day, visit www.arborday.org.
The Avondale Estates Garden Club (AEGC) will also be participating in the
City’s Arbor Day celebration. The AEGC donates funds each year toward
the purchase of memorial trees for each member or spouse who passed away
during the year. Event details will be announced closer to the date.
Avondale Estates
Neighborhood Watch
Safety Tips for the New Year
Happy New Year from the Avondale Estates Neighborhood
Watch (AENW)! AENW would like to thank all the Neighborhood Watch Captains who volunteered in 2015.
The Avondale Estates Police Department recommends all residents take a few moments to inspect their homes using the Home
Inspection Checklist. Follow the link, http://goo.gl/ItOXZI, to
view the checklist on the City website.
Protect Your Pipes this Winter
Winter has arrived and it can be very harsh on your plumbing
system. Unprotected pipes can freeze, burst and cause costly
water damage if there are below freezing temperatures. Below
are some tips to prevent damage.
• Don’t leave packages in plain view in your vehicle or home.
Don’t Freeze! Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on your
home’s plumbing. Without precautionary measures, when the
temperature drops, your pipes could freeze. The following tips
are important in preventing any problems, and protecting your
plumbing system during the cold season:
• Lock all doors and windows in your home and turn on your
security system, if applicable.
•When the temperature is low, let your faucets drip a little
bit. Moving water will not freeze as easily as still water.
• Break down all boxes and place them in a dark trash bag.
• Leave lights on timers.
• Lock shed doors, gates and garage doors.
• Request packages are delivered to work, or pick them up
at a secure place.
• Always notify family/friends of your travel route, itinerary
and schedule changes.
• Close the shut-off valve on the pipes which lead to your
outdoor spigots.
• Always call 911 for any emergency or to report suspicious
persons or activity.
• Keep the temperature inside your home at least 60 degrees
Fahrenheit to prevent pipes from freezing.
• If you are going out of town, complete a Security Check
Form, available at City Hall or on the City website: http://
• Open cabinet doors under sinks to allow the warm air to
circulate to the pipes.
• Keep the garage door closed to prevent cold air from coming in.
• Insulate all exposed pipes.
Page 12 Sincerely,
Sherri Dickens
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
January - February
Community News H
Annual Kagami Biraki
Celebration at Aikido
Center of Atlanta
When: Saturday, January 9, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Where: Aikido Center of Atlanta, 116 Center Street, Avondale
The Aikido Center of Atlanta invites the Avondale Estates community to join them for their Annual Kagami Biraki (Japanese
New Year) celebration on Saturday, January 9, from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. Each year, Aikido instructors and their students from all
over the Southeast gather in Avondale Estates to celebrate the
New Year with a vigorous practice. Attendees can observe a
practice and enjoy their southern hospitality, Japanese style. If
you’ve ever wondered what goes on in the oldest building in the
historic district of the City, this is a great opportunity to find out.
View their website aikidoatlanta.com for more details.
Avondale Estates
Men’s Club
The Avondale Estates Men’s Club meets the last Wednesday of
every month except for November and December. Their meetings are held at the American Legion Post 66, 30 Covington
Road, Avondale Estates, at noon. Visit avondaleestates.org to
check the City calendar for upcoming meetings and a description of the presentation for each meeting. For more information
contact Bob Boyd at rmboyd@bellsouth.net or 404-501-9118.
Presentation Schedule for 2016
Mary Hamilton: Retired
school teacher presenting
information about her recent
trip to Mongolia.
Frank Spence, a public
relations employee for the Atlanta Falcons, Atlanta Braves
and Georgia Institute of
Technology will share stories
about his friend Bobby Dodd
and other athletic greats.
Dr. Paul Benkeser, a biomedical engineer at Georgia
Institute of Technology and
Emory University Consortium, will share the latest
research information about
cancer, Parkinson’s disease
and diabetes.
Randall Carlson, founding
partner of Archetype Builders, will give a presentation
on the mysteries of prehistoric America.
DeKalb County Fire Chef
Darnell Fullum will give an
update on the state of the fire
When: Sunday, January 24, at 3 p.m.
Where: GPC Clarkston Campus,
555 N. Indian Creek Dr., Clarkston
Travel the globe at the speed of
sound with the DeKalb Symphony
Orchestra (DSO) Maestro Cherniavsky and WSB-TV’s Jovita Moore
when they take a musical journey around the world. DSO is
sponsored by Avondale Pizza Café. To purchase tickets visit their
website dekalbsymphony.com.
January - February
2016 Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
H Community News
Avon Garden Club
Chris Adams, Fulton County Master Gardener and President of
both the North Fulton Master Gardeners for 2015 and the Sandy
Springs Garden Club for 2013- 2015, gave a presentation about
her gardening tour to France in 2013 at the November 5 meeting.
Two of the Avon Garden Club members, Ellie Smith and Rosa
Capps, were on the tour.
The tour began in Giverny, France at Monet’s garden, traveling
next to the Chateau of Vaux le Vicomte in Maincy, France, followed by the estate, Bois des Moutiers, in Varengeville-sure-Mer,
Haute-Normandie. The group also visited the Shamrock Collection, Omaha Beach, Dieppe and Jardins d’Angelique’s Garden.
If you are looking for gardens to explore that are closer to home,
check out the following places in Georgia: the Okefenokee
Swamp, the Georgia Coastal Botanical Gardens at the Historic
Bamboo Farm, Fort Valley State University, the Atlanta Botanical
Garden and Gibbs Gardens.
Legislative Town Hall
Meeting with State Rep.
Karla Drenner
When: Tuesday, January 5, from 6-7:30 p.m.
Where: City Hall, 21 North Avondale Plaza, Avondale Estates
Georgia House Rep. Karla Drenner, whose district includes Avondale Estates, will hold a Town Hall Meeting at Avondale Estates
City Hall to discuss legislative issues regarding the upcoming
General Session.
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Page 14
Avondale Estates
Garden Club
The Avondale Estates
Garden Club (AEGC)
would like to thank all
residents who came
out and shopped at the
Avondale Estates Garden
Club Holiday Bazaar. This
event is the club’s single
major fundraiser of the
year and was a success!
For the second year in a
row, the AEGC was recognized as Club of the Year
for the Redbud District of
the Garden Club of Georgia. The award is given based on the activities in which the Club
participates during the year. Each of those activities is awarded
a certain amount of points and the club with the highest total is
designated Club of the Year. In addition, AEGC was recognized
as a Patron of Scholarship for its contributions to the state garden
club’s scholarship fund.
January Lunch and Learn Program
When: Friday, January 15, at 10:30 a.m.
Where: Avondale Community Club, 59 Lakeshore Drive
January’s program will feature Martha Tate presenting Margaret
Moseley’s “A Garden to Remember.” Tate, who was a Home
and Garden columnist for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution for 21
years, recently published a book about Margaret Moseley and her
magical garden. Tate will present her collection of photographs
and memories of this special place. Tate also created “A Gardener’sDiary”onthen-fledglingHGTV,andservedaswriter,garden
scout and co-executive producer for the series.
February Lunch and Learn Program
When: Friday, February 19, at 10:30 a.m.
Where: Avondale Community Club, 59 Lakeshore Drive
February’s program is titled “Wee Gardens With Impact” and will
be led by Master Gardener Kathy Hightower. Whether using pots,
whimsical vessels or window boxes, container gardens give your
home character, break up boring spaces and expand your garden.
Kathy will use examples from her recent European travels to
show ideas for gardening in small spaces.
Residents are invited to join AEGC for the programs and lunch as
a guest. If you would like to attend, RSVP one week prior to the
meeting to Virginia Kinchen at 404-294-4553 to ensure a proper
head count for lunch.
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
January - February
Community News H
AE School Resource Fair
The Avondale Estates Parents’ Co-Op (AEPC) is excited to host
a School Resource Fair for the Avondale Estates community.
Parents can learn about elementary school options in the Avondale Estates area. The AE School Resource Fair will be held at
the Avondale Estates First Baptist Church on Sunday, January 24,
from 3-5 p.m. Attendees can expect a brief presentation from each
school as well as a parental testimonial about the school followed
by a Q&A. After the Q&A there will be a college fair set up
where parents can speak to school representatives and volunteer
parents one on one.
Childcare will be provided by the church nursery for $5 per child,
pre-registration is required and space is limited. If you are a
parent with a child at one of the listed schools and would like to
share your experience, please consider being a volunteer parent.
To volunteer, sign up for childcare or to get more information
about AEPC email, avondaleparentscoop@gmail.com.
Schools in Attendance
Charter Schools:
• The Museum School
• Globe Academy
• International Community
• DeKalb School of the
Theme Schools:
•Robert Shaw Traditional
Theme School
Private Schools:
• St. Thomas Moore
• Friends School
• Arbor Montessori
• The Waldorf School of
Public Schools:
• Avondale Elementary
• Fernbank Elementary
• Coralwood School
News from Avondale Pattillo United Methodist Church
Souper Bowl of Caring: Since 1990, churches and community
groups have channeled the energy of the NFL Super Bowl Sunday
to collect food items for local charities. APUMC will be participating once again by collecting canned goods to donate to the
Decatur-area Emergency Assistance Ministry. Bring your contribution to the church Narthex by Sunday, February 7.
Ash Wednesday: The Easter celebration begins 46 days earlier
with Ash Wednesday. Join APUMC at noon or 7 p.m. February 10
January - February
News from Girl Scout Troop #3647: The girls celebrated
Thanksgiving by creating Thanksgiving trees. They wrote on colored leaves the things they were grateful for and attached them to
a paper tree. During the Christmas holiday, they assembled boxes
for Operation Christmas Child, attended the Nutcracker, and held
a Mother-Daughter event with special guest Elsa of Frozen. Troop
#3647 meets the second and fourth Sunday of the month from 2-4
p.m. Girls ages 5-10 are invited to join.
For more information on these or other events at APUMC, please
visit the church website, avondalepattilloumc.org or call 404-2944063.
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
H Community News
The Museum School Enrollment 2016-2017
This year’s lottery will be held on February 17. Student applications and supporting documents must be received by
the school by February 12, 2016, to be
included in the lottery.
Student enrollment for The Museum
School (TMS) 2016-2017 academic
year begins Friday, January 29, and ends
Friday, February 12. The school serves
students in kindergarten through eighth
grade. Applications and a list of required
supporting documents are available at the
Admission section of the school’s website
(www.themuseumschool.org) and from the
school office at 923 Forrest Blvd., Decatur, GA 30030.
The Museum School will host three open
house events for the parents of prospective students. Held at the school campus,
the events include a presentation by the
school’s principal and a self-guided tour
for attendees. Open house events are set
for: Thursday, January 14, at 6:00 p.m.;
Saturday, January 23, at 10:00 a.m.; and
Tuesday, January 26, at 9:00 a.m.
Applications are accepted from students
throughout DeKalb County, and admission
spots are determined by a lottery. Priority
is given to children who live within Focus
Area 1, which follows the attendance lines
for Avondale Elementary and Peachcrest
Elementary (formerly Knollwood Elementary and Midway Elementary), as
those lines were drawn for the 2011-2012
academic year. If any grade level does
not receive enough applications from
within Focus Area 1, to fill available slots,
that grade’s lottery will be opened to all
students in that grade living within the
DeKalb County School System who apply
by February 12.
Welcome to the
Avondale Estates Garden
Club Yard of the Month
Avon Garden Club
Garden of the Month
For more information, call the school at
404-298-0320 or visit their website at
Adam and Ragan Schmansky
3005 Majestic Circle
Steve and Karen Jones
1258 Berkeley Road
Bobby and Candas Yocum
1122 Banbury Cross
Basil and Kimberly Iskandrian
7 Coventry Close
David Rogers
45 Lakeshore Drive
Christi and Tom Granger
91 Dartmouth Avenue
Elaine Trever
17 Melford Place
Emily and Michael Buchman
59 Wiltshire Drive
The Law Office of Stephen M. Reba
136 Locust Street
The Gonzalez Law Firm
136 Locust Street
Purple Corkscrew, LLC
32A North Avondale Road
Page 16 Alicia and Andy LaRocco
41 Wiltshire Drive
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
Brian and Jennifer Houpt
17 Lakeshore Drive
January - February
Meeting Minutes H
Board Of Mayor And Commissioners Regular Meeting
November 16, 2015
To view entire minutes or listen to audio go to http://www.avondaleestates.org/agendas.html
Members Present:
Jonathan Elmore, Mayor
Terry Giager, Mayor Pro Tem
Lindsay Forlines,
Randy Beebe, Commissioner
Members Absent:
John Quinn, Commissioner
Staff Present:
Clai Brown, City Manager
Gina Hill, City Clerk
Jason Browen, Police Staff Sergeant
Item No. 1
Meeting Called to Order by Mayor
Item No. 2
Invocation given by Commissioner
Item No. 3
Pledge to the Flag
Item No. 4
Adoption of Agenda
Commissioner Beebe moves to adopt
agenda. Commissioner Forlines seconds. All ayes.
Item No. 5
Approval of Minutes:
October 21, 2015 Work Session
October 26, 2015 Regular Meeting
Item No. 6
Commissioner Updates – Subject of
General Interest and Concern
Item No. 7
Monthly Report by the City Manager
Concerning the Status of Matters in
Progress and Upcoming Issues and
Item No. 8
Citizens’ Comments:
“It’s another beautiful day in Avondale
Estates” – Thomas P. Samford
Item No. 9
Old Business:
Second Reading of 2016 Budget
Item No. 10
New Business:
Resolution Approving Police Vehicle
Purchase Using HOST Funds 2015.
Mayor Pro Tem Giager moves to
adopt resolution. Commissioner Beebe
seconds. All ayes.
Item No. 11
(Commissioner Beebe)
• The holiday season and Month
of Merry will kick off with Shop
Small Saturday on November 28.
Small business partner with American Express to encourage holiday
Lentil Soup with Fresh Herbs
1 T. olive oil
1 onion, diced
1 carrot, peeled and diced
5 garlic cloves, minced
1 T. fresh tarragon, chopped
1 T. fresh oregano, chopped
1 tsp. fresh thyme, chopped
1 tsp. sweet paprika
shoppers to buy local. Keep an eye
on the City Hall E-news for more
• The lighting of the Avondale
Estates Christmas tree will be
on Monday, November 30. The
Avondale First Baptist Church will
begin caroling at 6:30 p.m. and
the lighting of the tree will be at 7
p.m. There will be cookies, donuts,
cider, and an appearance from a
special guest.
• Also, the 17th Annual Lake
Avondale Tree Lighting will take
place Saturday, December 5, at 6
• We regret to announce the death
of David Lorentzon, 36 Lakeshore
Item No. 12
Mayor Pro Tem Giager moves to
adjourn. Commissioner Beebe seconds. All ayes.
Recipe of the Month
Courtesy of McNack’s Kitchen
5 roma tomatoes, seeded and diced
7 c. vegetable broth
2 c. lentils
2 bay leaves
2 c. kale, torn into bite sized pieces
(or other leafy green of your choice)
1 1/2 tsp. salt
Fresh ground pepper
Preheat a large pot over medium heat and add oil. Sauté the
onion and carrots for about 8-10 minutes or until onions have
browned. Add the garlic, tarragon, thyme, oregano and paprika.
Sauté for 2 more minutes. Add the tomatoes and cook for 5
Add the vegetable broth, lentils, bay leaves, salt, and pepper and bring to a boil. Once
the soup is boiling, reduce the heat to a simmer and cook, covered, for about 45
minutes, or until the lentils are tender. Discard bay leaves. Stir in kale until it wilts.
January - February
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
Scan this code with
your smartphone to
view more recipes!
McNack’s Kitchen... If you have the desire to cook, you can cook, and we can help you.
Happy 2016!
The beginning of a new year always brings talk about resolutions. A lot of people talk about resolutions that will improve
their health. Some will try to simplify their life. This year, how about trying to combine the two when it related to
cooking? Here are some ideas of what you can do to make healthy and satisfying meals, but with a lot less stress!
• Plan – When you plan your weekly meals, you accomplish
several things at once. 1) You take the guesswork out of
what you’re going to make for dinner each night when
you walk in the door. 2) It will help keep your family from
getting bored with the same old things since you are not
forced to retreating to the “same old thing.” 3) It will also
keep you organized. You can look at your calendar for
the week and see when you have time to spend an hour
or more preparing dinner, and when you realistically only
have about 20 minutes! 4) It will cut down on the amount
of high fat and unhealthy foods.
• Grill – There is nothing easier than throwing meat and
vegetables on the grill. As long as your meat is defrosted,
you can come home from work, preheat the grill, and
have a wonderful, healthy meal on the table in less than 30
minutes. There is very little mess to clean up. Make a salad
to either compliment the dish or use it as a main course to
put your meat on!
• Soup, Soup, Soup – This is the perfect time of year for
soup. When you use broth-based soups, there is very little
fat and it is a great way to get added vegetables. If you are
making soup with rice, substitute brown rice (just realize
that it takes a little longer to cook brown rice). If a soup
recipes calls for noodles, use whole wheat noodles. Simple,
delicious AND healthy!
• Use the Crock Pot – Please do not think that the crock
pot is only used for recipes that call for creamy soups and
high fat meals. With a bit of research, you can find some
amazing meals that take 5 minutes to prepare and will be
done for you by the time you get home in the evening.
• Have a well stocked freezer and pantry – There are
days that get away from you and when things didn’t go as
planned. You had every intention of making a meal but you
just ran out of time. It happens. Now what? Go to your
freezer!! You should have at least a couple of meals that you
can pull out in a pinch and pop in the oven. Not only that,
but if you freeze boneless chicken breasts, you can defrost
them within about 20 minute by placing them in warm
water. Go to your pantry for your favorite dry rub and pop
them on the grill!
For more tips like these, please visit our website at www.mcnackskitchen.com.
Be sure to “like” our Facebook Page and follow us on Pinterest!
Page 18
Avondale Estates H News from City Hall
January - February
Connecting Local Businesses to Your Neighborhood.
A/C Heating Services
Casteel Heating & Air - 770-419-7463
E. Smith Heating & Air - 770-422-1900
Blinds & Shutters
Classic Blinds & Shutters
Closet Organization
Closets By Design - 678-999-8122
Foundation Repair/Waterproofing
AquaGuard - 678-956-7098
Home Theater/Automation
Atlanta Audio & Automation
Organic Produce & Food
Nature’s Garden Express
Decks/Outdoor Living
Leisure Time Decks - 404-935-0212
Outdoor Kitchen/Fireplaces/Gas Logs
Electrical Services
Casteel Heating & Air - 770-419-7463
Painting Plus - 404-382-9988
The Painting Company - 678-710-9240
The Mad Hatter - 770-740-8133
Dupree Plumbing - 770-872-0476
Greenlee Plumbing - 678-954-1781
Plumb Pros - 770-384-1886
Swimming Pools
Mirage Pools - 770-886-1304
Tree Services
AKA Tree Removal - 404-496-5405
Under Deck Systems
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