June, July, August - Prairie Trails Public Library
June, July, August - Prairie Trails Public Library
Prairie Trails Public Library District B OA R D OF T RUS T E E S James V. Rokaitis President Anita Byrne Vice-President Diane Shields Secretary Kenneth J. Twadell Treasurer Ann Trovato Michael Valerio Claudia Robuck J U N E — J U L Y — 2 0 0 9 Join in the fun this summer by participating in Prairie Trails Public Library’s reading program, “Read on the Wild Side!” Ruth E. Faklis Library Director Library Board Meetings The Library Board meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. A U G U S T • • • • • • Children entering 6th grade and below may participate. Older preteens and teens may participate in the Young Adult Reading Program. There is also an Adult Reading Program. Sign-up begins Monday, June 8th and continues throughout the program. Each school age registrant must have his or her own library card. You must be registered for the reading program to sign up for the activities. Please let us know if you will need any special accommodations to attend the programs. Details Inside! Library Hours Monday through Thursday 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Friday and Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Surveys Can Be Rewarding! As part of the 40th Anniversary Celebration, the library surveyed patrons who checked out VHS tapes during the month of April. We raffled off a DVD player to one lucky patron. Congratulations Ms. C. Ghilardi!!! The library has scaled back the VHS inventory to make room for new DVDs and CDs. Library Closed Independence Day Friday, July4th Patrons with disabilities who plan to attend library programs and require certain accommodations are asked to contact the library at (708) 430-3688 Dan Kloepper Editor Little Trivia On The Prairie We hosted the fifth annual “Little Trivia on the Prairie” contest during April. Four staff members represented the Prairie Trails Public Library District. Members of the Prairie Dog team were: Mike Giometti (Captain), Mary Ann Reho, Dan Kloepper and Linda Galka. Teams that challenged us in the tournament represented the Alsip-Merrionette Park Public Library District, the Orland Park Public Library, the Green Hills Public Library District , the Palos Heights Public Library, the Blue Island Public Library, the Metropolitan Library System and two teams from the Tinley Park Public Library. The winning team represented the Alsip Library. Construction Update Construction on the library is scheduled to begin the week of May 26th The library was awarded a Live and Learn Grant from Secretary of State/ State Librarian Jesse White in the amount of $26,000 to gut and renovate the bathrooms closest to the main entrance. Besides this effort, we will also be adding a security panel and doors in the staff hallway, tiling the youth services bathrooms, and modifying the meeting rooms, board room, staff room and staff bathroom. Some of these areas have not been renovated since their construction in 1976. We are hopeful that all phases of the construction will be completed by September 1st. In the mean time, please excuse the dust and noise that will no doubt be part of the construction experience. PAGE 2 Children’s Programming Wild Weather Monday, July 20th at 6:30 p.m. Grades 1 – 4 Are you interested in the changing weather conditions? Come to the library for an evening of wild weather activities! Kick-Off Party with Dave Rudolf Monday, June 15th from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. All ages Do you want to get wild this summer? Are you ready to hear some summer tunes? Help us kick off the summer reading program with the always wacky and zany, Dave Rudolf. Rudolf is a Grammy nominated entertainer ready to perform for kids and adults who are excited about reading this summer. “Just So Stories” Monday, July 27th at 7:00 p.m. All ages Join Terry Lynch as your very knowledgeable safari guide, as he brings the wilderness to life, and puts his spin on these classic Kipling stories with the help of his interactive audience. Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. Toddler Time June 16th – July 22nd 18 months-2 ½ years Parent or caregiver must be present. Limit 15 per session. Sessions are 30 minutes Tuesdays at 10 a.m. or Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m. Carnival Saturday, August 1st from 12:30 – 3 p.m. All ages. Reach your first reading goal and join us for a carnival featuring games, prizes, snacks, and face painting. The Chicago Boyz Acrobats will perform an amazing show at 2pm. Preschool Storytime June 16th – July 22nd 3-5 years (not entering Kindergarten) Children attend alone. Sessions are 45 minutes Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m. or Wednesdays at 10 a.m. Book Buddies Any non-reader in preschool (at least 3 years old) through 2nd grade may register to be paired up with an older volunteer to read stories together. Mondays, June 22nd – July 20th from 1 – 1:30 p.m. OR Thursdays, June 18th – July 23rd from 6:30 p.m. – 7 p.m. Haunted Trails Pizza Party Tuesday, August 4th from 5:30-8 p.m. Anyone who reaches his or her final reading goal is invited for free pizza and pop for yourself and your brothers and sisters. The library celebrated 40 years of service to the communities of Burbank and Nottingham Park. See photos at http://www.prairietrailslibrary.org . PRAIRIE TRAILS PUBLIC LIBRARY DISTRICT 8449 MOODY AVENUE BURBANK, IL 60459 NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE Bridgeview, Illinois PERMIT NO.230 Phone:708-430-3688 Fax: 708-430-5596 E-mail: pts@prairietrailslibrary.org http://www.prairietrailslibrary.org ECRWSS POSTAL CUSTOMER BURBANK, ILLINOIS 60459 40 Anniversary Celebration Fun! The Prairie Trails Public Library District celebrated its 40th Year of service to the communities of Burbank and Nottingham Park during April. 400 eco-friendly full-sized totes were given away to the attendees at the birthday celebration on April 25th. Cake, punch and coffee were served. The crowd was large, the library was filled with smiling faces and laughter and the music was swing, as the 18 piece - Big Band Sound of Deerfield played the great music of the big band era for the attendees’ enjoyment. Senator Louis Viverito presented a Proclamation from the State Senate of Illinois extending congratulations and best wishes to the Board of Trustee members the staff and the communities of service on this momentous occasion. Burbank Mayor Harry Klein offered personal memories and comments of the library as witnessed by him and his family. Also present for the celebration were members of the Burbank Cultural Art League, the Girl Scout Troop 60294 and friends, and members of the American Cancer Society serving Burbank. Wild Prairie Reading Club Dedicate A Book The library wishes to thank and recognize those who donated Dedicate a Book” program: to its “ Ronald Litland Rev. Earl L. Peters Megan & Sarah Shelton The Starr Family Sheri Starr George R. Sweeney Anonymous youth services collection in memory of Sharon Peters in memory of Edward F. Shelton in memory of Irene Starr in memory of George Starr in honor of fhe Starr Men in memory of James Prince youth services collection in memory of Frank Grilli in memory of Mary Pospishil in memory of Fran Murden in memory of Dennis Huslig in honor of the PTPLD Staff Board Election Three Trustee positions were on the ballot in April. Winners of the election were incumbents: James V. Rokaitis, Anita Byrne and Kenneth J. Twadell. They will serve six year terms and be given the oath of office at the May 14th regular meeting of the Board of Trustees. Thursday, July 16th at 7p.m. Anteater of Death by Betty Webb will be discussed. Thursday, May 21st at 7 p.m. Confessions of a Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella will be discussed. Thursday, June 18th at 7p.m.: Life of Pi by Yann Martel will be discussed. Thursday, August 20th at 7p.m. The Women by T.C. Boyle will be discussed Titles will be available at circulation desk one month prior to discussion date. PAGE 7 READING MACHINES FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED The Burbank Lions Club donated two reading machines to the library for patron use. The first is a magnifier which will help those who need to read a letter, a bill, write a check, etc. The second machine (Book Voice) will actually read printed materials (i.e. book, letter, utility bill, etc.) to you. The library is holding workshops on how to use the equipment. They are limited to 5 (five) patrons per session. More workshops will be scheduled as need is determined. Register at the Reference Desk or phone (1-708)430-3688. Tuesday, June 16th – 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, June 17th – 2 p.m. PAGE 3 Children’s Programming Wednesday midday movie mania! EVERY WEDNESDAY AT 2 p.m. ALL AGES June 17 The Lion King (G) July 8 Bolt (PG) June 24 The Tale of Despereaux (G) July 15 Hotel for Dogs (PG) July 1 Madagascar 2 (PG) July 22 Coraline (PG) Thursdays: Creative Crafts Wild Things Story Time Monday, June 22nd at 6:30 p.m. All materials will be provided. Grades K – 4 All ages; if child is 6 years or younger, an adult over 16 What if you could turn into a “wild thing”? must be present to help with the craft. Sessions will be What would you look like? Turn on your held at 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. and last approximately imagination and join us as we read about meeting wild things and more. Then try 30 - 45 minutes. Please register for one time only, and your hand at creating your very own “Wild arrive at the beginning of your session. Thing”! Big Cats Safari Hunt Thursday, June 18th Tuesday, June 23rd at 2 p.m. All ages Elephant Pencil Holder Calling all explorers! Put on your safari hat, grab your passth Thursday, June 25 port, and join us on a trek through the library in scavengerhunt fashion. Caution: there may be lions, tigers, bears, and…BOOKS! Gorilla Stick Puppet Thursday, July 2nd Bubble Fun and Stories Tuesday, June 16th at 2 p.m. Lion Masks All ages Join us at the library to hear some fun tales about bubbles. Be sure to stick around and create some of your own bubble magic! Thursday, July 9th Bird Feeders Thursday, July 16th Prairie Trails Pet Show Endangered Animals Paper Bag Puppets Thursday, July 23rd Ed and Annette’s Monkeys and More Tuesday, June 30th at 2 p.m. All ages Live animals at the library? You bet! Come to see the special creatures Ed and Annette bring to the library for this afternoon of wild fun! Tuesday, July 7th at 2 p.m. All ages Bring your pet to the library for our first ever pet show! There are a limited number of spots available so sign up your pet today. This program will be held outside and pet owners must remember to keep their pets on a leash or in a crate. Truly Remarkable Loon TUESDAY, July 14th at 2 p.m. All ages This Truly Remarkable Loon will be at the Prairie Trails Library to dazzle us with his juggling feats. Come watch this funny juggler do this thing! Grow Wild Monday, June 29th at 6:30 p.m. Grades 3 – 5 Do you have a green thumb? Design your own safari containers, plant the seeds, and watch them grow wild! PAGE 4 Teens entering grades 7-12 are invited to join the Young Adult Summer Reading Program: Read on the Wild Side! You may pick up a book log at the Youth Services Desk starting Monday, June 8th and throughout the summer. Participants win great prizes, including books, tote bags, and gift certificates. Other Programs Volunteer at the Library Teen Pizza and Movie Night Join in the fun this summer by volunteering for our reading program. The volunteer program is great way to meet other teens, gain work experience, earn community service, and beat boredom during the summer. Just fill out a volunteer form and bring it to the Youth Services Department before June 8th. Volunteer Meeting Tuesday, June 30th at 6:00 p.m. Grades 7 – 12 It is time to break out your Team Edward and Team Jacob t-shirts! The library will be showing Twilight (rated PG-13). Teen Read-a-thon Monday, July 6th from 3:30—8:30 p.m. Grades 7 – 12 Monday, June 8th from 6:30 – 7 p.m. Find out when you will be helping this summer, meet other volunteers, and learn the basics of volunteering at the library. Volunteer Training Tuesday, June 9th from 6:30 – 7 p.m. Wednesday, June 10th from 11 – 11:30 a.m. Thursday, June 11th from 2 – 2:30 p.m. Choose one of these training sessions to learn your jobs for the summer. Volunteer Pizza Party Monday, August 3 from 2-3 p.m. rd Celebrate the end of summer reading and a job well done with food, music, and games at the library. Ever wanted to be trapped in the library? Well, here’s your chance! For five straight hours you will be on lockdown with nothing to do but READ! Well, not reallywe’ll also have snacks and drinks, a pizza dinner, and raffles every hour. Wear comfy clothes, and bring a blanket and a pillow if you want. Teen Improv Night Monday, July 13th at 6:30 p.m. Grades 7 – 12 Join us for a playful evening of improve games. Learn to think on your feet and have fun with your friends. Grow Wild Teen Tuesday, July 21st at 6:30 p.m. $26,000 ISL Grant Awarded to the Library The Prairie Trails Public Library District wrote and submitted a Live and Learn grant application to the Illinois State Library, Secretary of State – State Librarian Jesse White. The grant which requested funding to gut and renovate the public bathrooms located behind the Circulation Desk was granted in the amount of $26,000. Construction at the library is scheduled to begin after Memorial Day. The bathrooms will be handicapped accessible. They will be fitted with new sinks, toilets, changing tables and hand dryers. Grades 7 – 12 Do you have a green thumb? Come out to the library for this wild craft hour. Decorate a plant holder and take home something green today! Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. FINES AND FEES —EFFECTIVE WEDNESDAY, JULY 1st, 2009 Overdue fees for Prairie Trails Public Library books, audio books, music CDs, and periodicals will be increased to .10 per day with a maximum fee of $5.00. DVD/Video overdue fees will remain $2.00 per day with a maximum fee of $10.00. Any accounts with items costing more than $25.00 will be turned over to our collection agency at 60 days past the due date and a $10.00 non-refundable collection agency fee will be added to your account. Any item that is 6 months overdue will be deleted from our database, therefore the cost of the overdue item must be paid in lieu of returning the material. The circulation periods will remain the same; 3 weeks for books, audio books and music CDs, 1 week for periodicals and 3 days/2nights for DVD/Videos. Overdue fees and circulation periods for materials from other libraries will be determined by the loaning library. PAGE 6 PRAIRIE TRAILS PUBLIC LIBRARY THE HEART OF THE COMMUNITY FOR 40 YEARS Adult Programming PAGE 5 Registration is required for all programs unless otherwise noted. Updated Interlibrary Loan Policy Interlibrary loan is the process by which a library requests material from, or supplies material to, another library. Through interlibrary loan, patrons can access materials from other libraries in Illinois and from other national and international OCLC-participating libraries. The requested material will be sent to Prairie Trails Public Library, where the patron may check the item out or use it in the library. The library affirms that interlibrary loan is an adjunct to, not a substitute for, the library’s collection. The library will exhaust local resources first, including its own collection and those of libraries in the Metropolitan Library System, before requesting items from libraries out of the system. The Prairie Trails Public Library endorses the Illinois State Library’s ILLINET Interlibrary loan code. There is no fee for borrowing materials from other Illinois libraries (unless the requested item is a photocopy, in which case the fee depends on the supplying library). There is a $5.00 charge to borrow materials from libraries in other states. This fee is owed once the item is obtained and is payable upon check out. If out-of-state materials are not picked up by the patron, a $5.00 fine will be charged to the patron’s record. International loans are billed at a case by case basis. The complete policy is available for viewing on our website under Library Collection, if you have any questions please contact the reference desk. Read on the Wild Side Movies Wednesdays at 2:00 p.m. on the following dates. The movies are free but you must be 18 or over to attend. June 10: Grizzly Man directed by Werner Herzog June 17: Big Animal starring Jerzy Stuhr (Polish with English subtitles) June 24: Into the Wild starring Emile Hirsch July 1: Jaws starring Roy Scheider July 8: The Wolf Man (1941) Tuesday, June 9th at 7 p.m. Chicago Bird Collision Monitors Presentation Annette Prince is a board member of the Chicago Audubon Society and director of their conservation project – the Chicago Bird Collision Monitors. It is estimated that more than a billion migratory birds die each year from collisions with buildings. From residential structures to high-rise buildings in urban areas, collision deaths are ranked as the second greatest threat to migratory bird populations after habitat loss. Chicago Bird Collision Monitors (CBCM) is a conservation project working since 2003 to address the problems of migratory bird collisions. Come to hear about bird collision issues and the CBCM project. Learn about efforts to protect migratory species from the urban hazards of lights and glass and how you can make your own home safer for birds! The event is free but registration in advance is required. Tuesday, June 23rd at 7 p.m. How to Write a Resume / Interview Seminar Holly Brasher is a Human Resources professional with 15 years of recruitment experience. She will describe the components of a cover letter and; describe the components of an effective resume; identify ways to search for open positions for employment; relate best methods for applying for open positions; and describe methods for successful interviewing. She will review class participant’s resumes after the presentation and answer any questions that you might have. The event is free but registration in advance is required. Limit of 25 participants. Wednesday, July 1st at 7 p.m. The Green in Gardening and Outdoor Living Kathleen Obirek, landscape designer and educator, will introduce you to 11 GREEN products that will change the way you garden and play inside and outside your home. The 11 products that will be discussed will be given away FREE at the GET GREEN extravaganza in a random drawing at the end of the presentation. The event is free but registration in advance is required. Tuesday, July 21st at 7 p.m. Adult Craft Painted Bottle Vases Instead of throwing out those cool glass bottles create a beautiful piece of art. We’ll show you how to paint graphic designs on a glass bottle. We will provide the supplies. This craft is free but registration in advance is required. starring Lon Chaney Jr . July 15: Planet of the Apes (1968) starring Charlton Heston Thursday, July 30th at 7 p.m. Chicago Genealogy 101 Grace Dumelle is the author of the award-winning Finding Your Chicago Ancestors (Lake Claremont Press, 2005). July 22: Fierce Creatures starring John Cleese July 29: Ghost and the Darkness starring Michael Douglas Learn the challenges of searching for Windy City relations, such as address and street name changes and scores of un-indexed newspapers. Then take a look at some resources family historians often overlook: fire insurance maps, inquest records, and probate cases. Grace’s book will be available for purchase. The event is free but registration in advance is required.
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