Yankton Benedictines 2012-0


Yankton Benedictines 2012-0
Volume XLIII, No. 1
We are Benedictine women of
Yankton, South
Dakota, sharing
our gift of seeking
God through our
study and community life.
Spring 2012
Sacred Heart Monastery Celebrates Commitment
S. Jill Young Makes Perpetual Monastic Profession
Rooted in our
and growing in
relationship with
God and one another in monastic
live a life of prayer, work and lectio by which we
serve God and
God’s people in
our time and
Christians follow Christ by
bringing to life
the values of the
Gospel. We have
gathered clusters
of these values
into these three:
 Awareness of
 Community
 Hospitality
Above, S. Jill processed into the chapel accompanied by her parents, symbolic of her family’s role in nurturing her faith. A large number of people
from St. Lambert’s in Sioux Falls also attended the celebration. Below,
right, S. Jill proclaims her Perpetual Monastic Professions as S. Penny
Bingham, Prioress, looks on.
also teaches a religious education
class at St. Benedict’s Parish.
Reflecting on her journey, S.
Jill says, “When I visited Sacred
Heart Monastery before entering
the community, I felt a deep sense
of welcome and hospitality. During my years here, I have become
more aware of God’s call to this
community and to the Benedictine
way of life.” In celebration of this
call, S. Jill chose as the theme for
her perpetual profession, “God’s
Love is Everlasting.”
S. Jill Young, OSB, made her Perpetual Monastic Profession as a member of Sacred Heart Monastery, Yankton, SD on Saturday, February 11, 2012
in the presence of her family, friends
and monastic community.
S. Jill is the daughter of James and
Karen Young of Sioux Falls, SD. Born
in Mitchell, she grew up in Sioux Falls
where she attended St. Lambert’s Parish and School. She graduated from
Lincoln High School in Sioux Falls in
1990 and worked in the areas of child
care and business as a cashier and supervisor.
In August of 2003 she entered the
Benedictine Sisters and made her First
Profession on February 11, 2006.
Since entering, S. Jill has worked at
Sacred Heart Monastery in the areas of
hospitality and housekeeping. She
The new administrative team for Sacred Heart Monastery is (from left
to right) S. Mary Kay Panowicz OSB, procurator, S. Penny Bingham
OSB, prioress, and S. Jeanne Weber OSB, sub-prioress.
When she is to be received, she comes before the whole community in the oratory
and promises stability, fidelity to monastic life, and obedience.
Rule of Benedict, Chapter 58
Reflections from the Prioress — S. Penny Bingham OSB
Be not afraid: I am with you always.
These are the words from S. Kathleen Hickenbotham’s beautiful artwork
found in this issue. They reflect the reassuring message of the risen Lord to
His disciples, heard repeatedly this Easter season. I believe these words are
the source of our Sisters’ commitment, shared in these pages, and the source
of empowerment for all Christians in their various life commitments.
This Easter season we have celebrated the Paschal Mystery – the life,
death, and resurrection of Jesus. Because death was overcome by Jesus in
His resurrection, we can believe His words, “I am with you always.” This
promised presence empowers us as Christian believers to meet the challenges
and changes that life presents. Because God is with us every step of the
way, we have the resources, the grace, needed in every situation – as we and our loved ones face illness, death, birth, loss of work, new employment, retirement, divorce, marriage, natural disasters…
In all the sorrows and joys and mundane moments of life, in all ways and always – God is with us –
and enables us to be His – to be His transforming light and love in our world.
Benedictine Peace Center Offerings
The Word Who is Life :
The Mystery of Jesus and
Personal Prayer
Spiritual Discernment Retreat
Recognizing God in My Life
June 8 — June 10
How is God present and active in my life right now? Open
your eyes and the ears of your heart to notice God and learn
to listen more attentively to God’s invitations in big choices
and in everyday life.
Presenter: S. Margaret Malone, SGS, PhD
is a member of the Good Samaritan Sisters of Australia who
follow the Benedictine Rule. She taught in the School of Theology at Australian Catholic University in the areas of sacrament,
liturgy, social justice and women’s studies and has shared her
study of the Rule of Benedict through writings and lectures
around the world.
Prayer: Exploring Ways of
Communing with God
September 21-23
Prayer is a relationship with God. We can tend that relationship in different ways of praying. This retreat will explore
several ways to pray in-cluding—prayer of imaging, lectio,
Taize and use of environment, rituals, art and music in prayer.
Saturday, May 26, 2012, 9 am—Noon
Sacred Heart Monastery Chapter Room
This special event is funded by your free-will offering and the support of generous donors to the Benedictine Peace Center.
Both retreats begin at 7:00 p.m. on Friday,
and end at 1:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Pre-Registration Required.
Please register for planning purposes.
(605) 668-6292
More information and registration forms are
available by calling (605) 668-6292
Or at http://www. yanktonbenedictines.org/
Sister Patricia Honored for Years of Leadership
On Sunday, December 4, 2011, Sr. Patricia
Heirigs received the Cross Pro-Ecclesia et Pontifice medal, the highest honor awarded to the laity
and clergy by the Pope. She was one of five people
in the Diocese of Lincoln, Nebraska who were presented this award by Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz.
She received the medal, also called the Cross of
Honor, for distinguished service to the church exemplified by her 17 years of leadership at North
American Martyrs School. Sr. Pat started the
school, which is the largest in the Lincoln diocese.
S. Patricia’s years of service to the Church include
the ministries of teaching and administration in parochial schools in the Dioceses of Sioux Falls, SD,
Omaha, NE, Grand Island, NE as well as
the Diocese of Lincoln. She also served as
a pastoral associate in Omaha. S. Pat has
been a member of Sacred Heart Monastery
for over 50 years. A graduate of Mount
Marty College, she also holds a Masters
degree from St. Mary’s University in San
Antonio and a Masters in administration
from the University of Nebraska—Omaha.
S. Patricia Heirigs displays the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal. Standing left to right are S. Barbara
Kowalkowki (also on faculty at North American Martrys), S. Patricia, Rev. Brian Connor (pastor of North
American Martyrs), and Rose Codr (secretarial staff at
North American Martyrs School). See medal at right.
Sisters’ Service to Mount Marty College Continues
S. Arthur Schramm, spoke at the winter commencement exercises at Mount Marty College on December 17, 2011. Approximately 50 of the 70 some graduates received Master of Science
degrees in Nurse Anesthesia. S. Arthur, who is celebrating her
60th Jubilee this year, served as the head of the Anesthesia Program form 1965 to1969 and again from 1971 to 1993.
A faculty member since January, 1979, S. Marielle Frigge
(left) was honored with a reception on April 30 as she retires
from the Religious Studies faculty of Mount Marty College. She
will become Director of On-going
Formation for the Monastery.
An endowed faculty chair in the
Religious Studies/Philosophy department has been named in S.
Marielle’s honor.
S. Bonita Gacnik, chair and professor in the Department of
Mathematical Sciences at Mount Marty College has received a
2011 IBM Faculty Award for the interdisciplinary Leadership Program minor she developed, adapting IBM’s Service Science, Management, and Engineering curriculum. Only 131 faculty members
worldwide received the IBM Faculty Award in 2011 and only 57
awards went to U.S. faculty members.
Ss. Evangeline Anderson and Jacquelyn
Ernster spoke on February 10 at the Inauguration of Joseph N. Benoit Ph.D. as the new President of Mount Marty College. S. Evangeline
served as the second President of MMC, from
1957 to 1974, and S. Jacquelyn as the fifth President, from 1983 to 1996. At the ceremony, S.
Penny Bingham welcomed Dr. Benoit on behalf
of the Monastery and S. Jeanne Weber, Chair of
the Presidential Search Committee, introduced
Dr. Benoit and gave an explanation of the Presidential Medallion. Pictured from left to right
below are Dr. Benoit, S. Jacquelyn, and S.
Seven Sisters Celebrate Diamond Jubilees:
On June 29, 1952, these seven women made their first Monastic Profession. This summer, in a private ceremony, they will
be celebrating their Diamond Jubilee — sixty years of community life, under the guidance of the Rule of Benedict and the Prioress. Most of them were young, right out of high school, when
they gave their lives to God. Together they have completed 420
years of health care, teaching, and pastoral ministry, integrated
with prayer and community life. They have lived through, and
been a part of many changes at Sacred Heart Monastery as is
evidenced by this view of SHM (background) and Mount Marty
(foreground) campus as it was in the 1950’s.
S. Arthur Schramm was the third of ten children born to Arthur and Margaret Schramm of
rural Utica, SD. Frequently ill as a child, she says, “I received much compassionate medical
and surgical care through the Yankton Benedictine Sisters at Sacred Heart Hospital.” After
attending Mount Marty High School, she entered Sacred Heart Monastery. She studied nursing and anesthesiology at Sacred Heart Hospital and continued in physiology and pharmacology. S. Arthur was the first woman to complete a doctorate at the University of South Dakota
School Of Medicine in 1975. Among her professional accomplishments was the initiation of
the bachelor’s program in respiratory science and the master’s in anesthesia at Mount Marty
College where she taught for many years. Through the years she has assisted in medical programs in Guyana, Puerto Rico, and Jamaica. She has been a consultant and worked with organizations on the state, national, and international levels, as well as serving on various committees at the monastery.
S. Elise Havercamp was born on a farm near Brunswick, NE to Hobart and Thelma Haverkamp, the second oldest of eight. She attended rural elementary schools and St. Ludger’s
Academy in Creighton, NE. Her mother often said she wanted her to become a Sister – Elise
just smiled, but inwardly said “no way.” After high school graduation she was teacher as well
as janitor and nurse at a country school in NE. “Our assistant pastor started asking me why I
didn’t become a Sister. I told him I couldn’t go ‘til I was 21, like the boys who had to wait till
21 to go to seminary.” Elise finally gave in and decided to follow God’s call.
She attended Mount Marty College for several summers and taught at the elementary level
in CO, NE, and SD. In 1964, S. Elise earned a BA in library science at the University of
South Dakota, and thereafter worked as a librarian at Mount Marty, the monastic library and
at Sacred Heart Hospital. A special joy for her was laying plans for the new monastery library
in the 1999 addition. Since retirement in 2009, her hobbies are plants and crafts, and she is
grateful for her four wheel walker which makes it easier to be mobile at the monastery.
S. Enid Dodge was not only the youngest of 8; she was the youngest of triplets born to Margaret and Charles Dodge in Springfield, Illinois. She attended parochial schools in Springfield, and graduated from Roosevelt High School in Peoria, Illinois. After high school she
worked at St. John’s Hospital in Springfield, where she met two Yankton Benedictines who
were in training there. She also worked as a “Rosie the Riveter” in a defense manufacturing
plant during World War II. After entering Sacred Heart Monastery, S. Enid’s ministry was in
the area of health care. She received her LPN license while working at St. Mary’s hospital in
Pierre. She worked for 33 years at Madonna Rehabilitation Center in Lincoln, as nurse, head
of adult day care, and pastoral minister. In 1987 she was Madonna Employee of the Year.
Upon retirement, S. Enid moved back to the monastery and enjoyed gardening, baking, fishing, reading, and bringing the Eucharist to the sick. One of her fondest memories was studying the Rule of Benedict under Sister Leonette Hoesing. She is currently living in St. Joseph
Care Center at the monastery.
420 years of Commitment to Monastic Life
S. Mary John Scheuren was born in Wagner, SD, the second of three children. She attended elementary school in Wagner, and followed her sister, Theresa (who also became a
Benedictine Sister at Atchison, KS, later Glendora, CA) to Mount Marty High School. Along
with 8 of her class mates, she decided to “cross the road and join the convent.” Her academic
area was music: she finished her BA from Mount Marty in 1961 and a Masters in Music from
the University of Nebraska in 1967. She taught in Tabor, Salem, and Yankton, SD, Glen
Ullin, ND, Lincoln, Omaha, and York, NE, and Pueblo, CO, as well as Mount Marty College.
S. Mary John continues faithfully practicing the keyboard and learning new music. She accompanies the community at prayers several times a week. “I came to Sacred Heart Monastery because I felt that this was where God was calling me. . . Jubilee means that I have
reached another ‘highpoint’ in my life here and on my road to God.”
Born at Sacred Heart Hospital in Yankton where she would later work, S. Phyllis Hunhoff
was the sixth of seven children of Hermann and Mary Hunhoff. She was raised on a farm
near Utica and attended St. Agnes Parish, Sigel. After attending Mount Marty High School,
Phyllis followed her older sister, Gladys, in becoming a member of Sacred Heart Monastery. Having graduated from Sacred Heart School of Nursing and Mount Marty College, she
served as a nurse in Canon City, Colorado, Pierre and Yankton, SD and as director of the monastery infirmary. In 1965 she became the second administrator of Madonna Home (now Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital) in Lincoln, Nebraska. Under her 24 years of leadership Madonna grew from a 111 bed nursing home to a multi-purpose state-of-the-art rehabilitation
facility. Since stepping down from that role, S. Phyllis served as President of the Madonna
Foundation and on a number of state and national boards; she also is director of the Nebraska
chapters of our Oblates. Of the next step in her journey, she says, “it is with great anticipation
that I will be returning to the monastery later this summer.”
Her friends told Norma Jean, “You’ll never stay. Wait and see.” The laugh is on them as S.
Rosaleen Dickes celebrates sixty years of “staying.”
John and Agnes Dickes welcomed a baby girl, the fourteenth of their sixteen children to their
farm near Fordyce, NE. S. Rosaleen attended country school for one year, Catholic school in
Fordyce, Mount Marty High School. and then entered Sacred Heart Monastery. S. Rosaleen
taught in elementary schools in Yankton, Polo, Epiphany, Hartington and Sioux Falls. From
1965 –1967 she worked in the business office at Mount Marty College until being called to
serve as subprioress in 1967. In 1973 she returned to MMC and organized the Career Counseling and Placement Center. Following Clinical Pastoral Education programs, she has served at
Sacred Heart Hospital and Sr. James Nursing Home. In between, she served as Initial Formation Director for 4 years and Hospitality Coordinator for 5 years. Reflecting on her life, she
says, “It’s a joy to share my journey of SEEKING GOD with God’s people wherever I am.”
Surrounded by love, Catherine Carolyn Fasbender was born on Valentine’s Day, the
fourth of five children. Raised on a farm near White, South Dakota, near the Minnesota state
line, gardening and care of animals and fishing at Lake Hendricks instilled in her a love for
nature which led her to a teaching career in biology and zoology. She attended Mount Marty
High School, and followed her older sisters, S. Bennett (deceased) and S. Ann into the monastery. She received her BA from Mount Marty College, an MA from the University of South
Dakota, and a doctorate from St. Louis University and taught at Mount Marty College for 20
years. The “Fasbender girls” loved being back in nature during their annual camping trips.
Embracing the renewal of Vatican II, she enjoyed small group living and the opportunity for
retreats and participation in the Charismatic Renewal. A retreat in 1974 led her to discern a
change in ministry, and in 1978 she began working with the Native Americans in in McLaughlin, SD. She continued in pastoral ministry on the reservations until moving back to the monastery in 2009. S. Veronica currently is a resident of St. Joseph Care Center at the monastery.
In mid-January, S. Jeanne Weber, along with other Avera Sacred
Heart Board Members, attended the
four day Health Care Leadership
Conference in Naples, Florida put
on by the Governance Institute.
S. Penny Bingham and about 45
prioresses from the United States,
Canada, and Mexico gathered at
Immaculata Monastery in Norfolk,
NE on February 2—8 for the Conference of Benedictine Prioresses
meeting. On Sunday, February 5,
some of their number visited Yankton for their free afternoon, enjoying the hospitality of Sacred Heart
Monastery as they toured, prayed
Vespers, and enjoyed supper with
the Sisters. They enjoyed our custom of having wine at supper on the
first Sunday of the month.
S. Debra Kolecka attended a
Nurse Practitioner conference in
Lincoln, Nebraska, February 23-25.
Many hands . . .
Come and add
your spark
to our fire!
Together, in community,
we seek God through
prayer, work and service.
Benedictine Sisters
Sacred Heart Monastery
Yankton, SD
Members of the Yankton Deanery of Oblates, on-line Oblates, and the Mount
Marty College Oblates recently made their oblation in Bishop Marty Memorial
Chapel. Pictured above with the Prioress, S. Penny Bingham, are Oblate Directors and new Oblates: S. Bonita Gacnik, S.Penny, Emily Jo Bronemann,
Megan Wortman, Raelyn Coldwell, Diane Nicholson, Janene Cabalka, S. Joelle Bauer, and S. Eileen O’Connor.
Through the generosity of donors, we have
new ciboria and chalices. The ciboria were
purchased by monetary gifts from the parishioners of St. Mary in Sioux Falls, in honor of S.
Margretta Doyle. New chalices were purchased in memory of Albin and Barbara Panowicz, parents of S. Mary Kay. The family of
Russ Sack of St. Paul, NE also contributed to
the purchase of the chalices. Russ was taught
by several Yankton Benedictines in St. Paul.
S. Maribeth Wentzlaff attended the Planning Committee Meeting of the “55 and Under Gathering” in Erie,
PA from February 23-27.
S. Jeanne Ranek spent March 7 –11 with the Sisters of Annunciation Monastery in Bismark, ND facilitating their election of prioress. S. Nancy Miller
was re-elected.
Ss. Penny Bingham, Jeanne Weber and Mary Kay Panowicz attended the
New Leader Workshop in Mundelein, IL March 15 – 18.
Ss. Penny Bingham, Mary Kay Panowicz, Kathleen Crowley, Kathryn
Easley, Maribeth Wentzlaff, Barbara McTague, and Debra Kolecka attended an Avera planning retreat near San Diego, CA from March 20-24.
Ss. Penny Bingham and Jeanne Weber attended the LCWR Region 11
meeting in Collegeville, MN on April 18 – 20. Presentations were on the
characteristics and spirituality of Generation X and the Millennials. S. Erin
Colgan was among those under 55 joining the leaders for this presentation.
Ss. Carol Jean VanDenHemel, Carmela Luke, and Barbara Kowalkowski attended the National Catholic Education Association meeting April 11—
13 in Boston. They were able to see a few sights before and after the meeting.
The Sisters took part in the World Day of Prayer for Vocations on Sunday,
April 29, with special intercessions at Mass. Vocation prayer cards and mints
decorated the dining room tables and the Sisters prayed a special meal prayer
for vocations. The vocation committee also has prepared the advertisement at
left which will appear in the 2013 Vision magazine.
Into Eternal Peace
Sister Kathleen Hickenbotham OSB, 72, died
Monday, December 12, 2011
at Sacred Heart Monastery
following a brief illness.
Oregon, she taught art at Mount Marty College followed by
full-time work at the monastery as resident artist in the areas
of calligraphy, watercolor and ceramics.
S. Kathleen served for almost 30 years in leadership of the
Yahweh-Shalom Prayer Group in Yankton. She was also
very active in the South Dakota Peace and Justice Center,
Reach for Recovery, Connecting Artists, and the American
Benedictine Academy, serving in leadership positions in
these organizations.
S. Kathleen was a gentle woman of deep faith and prayer, a
gifted artist with a love of nature and beauty, and a welcoming smile to all she met.
Kathleen Mary Hickenbotham was born on April
13, 1939 in Worthington, MN
to Melvin Doyle and Ethel
Hickenbotham. She was the oldest
daughter in a family of six
girls and one boy. She spent several years of her early
childhood in La Crescent, MN. The family moved to
Sioux Falls, SD when she was fifteen. She graduated from
Washington High School in 1957 and entered Sacred Heart
Monastery in August of that year.
She was invested as a novice in 1958 and received the
name Sharon which she later changed back to her baptismal name of Kathleen. She made first profession on June
29, 1959 and final profession in 1962. Her ministry included elementary education in Pueblo, CO, Lincoln, NE,
Ipswich and Yankton, SD. She earned a BA degree from
Mount Marty College and BA degree in fine arts from
Southern Colorado State University. After earning a Master of Fine Arts degree in sculpture from the University of
She is survived by her Benedictine community; five sisters:
Jean (Ranzie) Zandt, Rosemary (Loren) Mose, Cynthia
(Duane) Beck all of Sioux Falls, SD; Judith (David) Stroh,
Luverne, MN; and Ruth (Rev. John) Lundin, St. Peter’s, MO;
sister-in-law: Donna Hickenbotham, Armour, SD as well as
numerous nieces, nephews and friends. She was preceded in
death by her parents and her brother, Raoul.
A wake service was held on December 14, 2011 at 7:30
p.m. and the Funeral Mass was celebrated at 10:30 a.m. on
December 15 in Bishop Marty Memorial Chapel. Burial was
in the Monastery cemetery.
Eternal Rest Grant to Her, O Lord
SHM Sisters Reach Out in Ministries
S. Joella Kidwell, President of the Federation of St. Gertrude (left on photo) installed S. Jennifer Kehrwald (right) as the Administrator of Mount Saint Benedict
Monastery, Crookston, MN, on January 22, 2012. Sister Jennifer will work with the
Sisters of Mount Saint Benedict as they engage in visioning and planning.
S. Mary Kay Panowicz has been appointed to a three-year term as System Member of Avera Health and Ss. Joyce Feterl and S. Louise Marie Goettertz were appointed to the Mount Marty College Board of Trustees.
Locally, Sisters serve on a number of boards for the Yankton civic community. S.
Marietta Kerkliet has been appointed to the board of the Banquet, an ecumenical program providing a free
weekly meal. S. Virginia Pieper will begin a term on the
board of the Contact Center, which provides food and other
services for the needy.
On April 18, ten women celebrated the completion of the
Spiritual Direction Ministry Formation Program, directed
by Ss. Jeanne Ranek and Doris Oberembt. Pictured from
left to right are S. Jeanne, Lynn Samsel, Janis Hausmann,
Reyne Viergutz, Cary Brown, Marie Lykken, Penny
Chmielewski, Carol Olson, S. Mary Schmidt, OSB, Tracy
Nerem, S. Doris, and Suzanne Gorhau. They have completed two years of study through distance learning modules
and quarterly residences at the Peace Center.
VISIT WITH US ON-LINE at our Website: www.yanktonbenedictines.org
BLOG at www.yanktonbenedictines.blogspot.com/ and on Facebook at www.facebook.com/shmvocation
May 21 — Summer Schedule for
prayers begins
May 25 — Council Meeting
Sacred Heart Monastery
1005 West 8th Street
Yankton, SD 57078
Change Service Requested
May 26 — S. Margaret Malone
Presentation (see page 2)
June 1-2 — Chapter Meeting
June 14 — Solemnity of the
Sacred Heart
We invite you to join us for:
Monday—Friday @ 6:30 a.m.
(Summer Schedule: 7:00 a.m.)
Saturday & Sunday @ 8:30 a.m.
Tuesday—Friday @ 6:50 a.m.
(Summer Schedule: 7:20 a.m.)
Sunday @10 a.m.
Monday—Friday @ 5:15 p.m.
Sunday @ 5:00 p.m.
Editor: S. Mary Jo Polak
Advisors: Ss. Bonita Gacnik, Francine Streff,
Mary Kay Panowicz, Penny Bingham
This publication is circulated free of charge three times a year to families, friends and
benefactors of the Benedictine Sisters of Yankton, SD
Calligraphy and watercolor by Sr. Kathleen Hickenbotham
Calligraphy and watercolor by Sr. Kathleen Hickenbotham