110705 Mamak 3rdPV Monitoring Report V1
110705 Mamak 3rdPV Monitoring Report V1
UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 1 MONITORING REPORT Version 3.1, 11/04/2011 Mamak Landfill Waste Management Project – Turkey GS Project ID: GS440 3rd Periodic Verification, Monitoring Period 01/04/2010 – 31/03/2011 SECTION A. General description of the project activity A.1. Brief description scription of the project activity: 1. Purpose of the project activity and the measures taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions: Landfill gas is a significant source of global warming as it contains a high share of the greenhouse gas methane. The Mamak Landfill dfill Waste Management Project contributes to a reduction of the global warming as it involves the extraction of landfill gas (LFG), at the Mamak landfill site in Ankara in order to avoid the uncontrolled release of landfill gas in the atmosphere. The captured capt gas is furthermore used for the purpose of electricity generation in engines, substituting mainly fossil fuel fired power capacity of the Turkish grid. Additionally the generation of greenhouse gases is reduced by avoiding waste to be deposited and thus avoiding the generation of the greenhouse gas methane. For this purpose an anaerobic digester has been constructed where biogas for the production of electricity is generated. Figure 1:: Mamak LFG project 2. Brief description of the installed technology and equipments: The proposed ed project activity involves: • gradual covering of the landfill area • a gas extraction system which can support gas engines for electricity generation • a flaring system • a leachate drainage system • an anaerobic digester • gas engines (utilisation of the recovered recovered LFG and the biogas produced by the anaerobic digester) 3. Relevant dates for the project activity (e.g. construction, commissioning, continued operation periods, etc.). 01/06/2006: Operational start of the first landfill gas booster 01/05/2007: Start of the crediting period 16/04/2009: Start of operation of the anaerobic digester For the future the operation of a gasifier is planed which will also be included in the project activity. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 2 4. Total emission reductions achieved in this monitoring period 484,240 tCO2e A.2. Project Participants ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G., Turkish Turki Ankara Branch, Turkey A.3. Location of the project activity: The project is located in the Mamak district, district, Ankara Province, Central Anatolia region locate, Turkey Turkey. The GSP coordinates are 39°52’59.36” 52’59.36” E / 32°55’50.72” 32 N. A.4. Technical description of the project Description of the LFG activity Figure 2:: Energy generation equipment The landfill andfill gas is collected with the horizontal channels and vertical wells in the landfill. This system also helps to carry out the collection of the leachate that will be discharged to the ASK ASKĐ channel after collection. These two different methods horizontal and vertical collection are explained in detail below: The he first one is the collection of the LFG with series of vertical wells, which helps the collection of the LFG from deep points in the landfill body. Wells are drilled till to 30-35 30 35 m deep and then HDPE pipes are installed to the holes. After the installat installation ion of each well, the collected LFG via wells will be transferred to the main collection system. The second system is the horizontal collection system, which intercept LFG migrating offsite in the subsurface. Vertical wells are installed at the horizontal pipe to convey the gas. Active gas collection system is applied for degassing of the landfill. The main ain pipe is connected to the intake pipe of the landfill gas blower and the outgoing pipe from the blower is then finally connected to the LFG utilization system. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 3 Description of implemented technology of digester: The currently implemented technology for digester is wet digestion involving mesophilic bacteria at specific operating conditions and in absence of oxygen. The residence time is expected to be aro around 15 20 days. Methane produced during the digestion of organics is transferred with pipes to a gas holder. As shown on the following sketch, the digesters and gas holder are designed to prevent physical leakage of biogas better than conventional digester diges technology: Membrane certified for biogas applications (Double membrane) High quality connection between membrane and concrete Pipe for biogas collection To gas holder and booster 4 for being sent to engines Input of shredded waste + water Anaerobic digester , with thick walls (high quality constructed impermeable tank) Figure 3:: Anaerobic Digester To prevent leakage, advanced methods were implemented during the installation of the digesters, requiring high quality specialized impermeable materials. materials. A proven and reliable technology developed by ITC has been applied in the connection points between membrane and concrete, enabling a 100% gas leakage free operation. Both quality of the material is certified and assured methods are applied delicately delicately to connect the materials. Therefore, all the risks for leakage are prevented steadily and the choice of option 3 in the methodology AM0025 is justified a posteriori (see also the calculation in section E2). ). A.5. Title, reference and version of the baseline baseline and monitoring methodology applied to the project activity: The reference for the Baseline and Monitoring are the following approved methodologies: • Approved consolidated baseline methodology ACM0001 “Consolidated methodology for landfill gas project ject activities” Version 08.11; • Approved baseline and monitoring methodology AM0025 “Avoided emissions from organic waste through alternative waste treatment process” Version 102 1 http://cdm.unfccc.int/UserManagement/FileStorage/F533IMIDQ5RYD9I7V715HJFL8G0LH6 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 4 Used tools: • “Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing containin methane”, ”, Version 013 • “Tool to calculate baseline, project and/or leakage emissions from electricity consumption consumption”, version 014. • “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site", Version 045 A.6. Registration ration date of the project activity: activity Registration date: 27/04/2009 A.7. Crediting period of the project activity and related information (start date and choice of crediting period): Start of Crediting Period: 01/05/2007 Length of the crediting period: 7 years, renewable A.8. Name of responsible person(s)/entity(ies): Contact information of the persons/entity responsible for completing the monitoring report form : Hinrich Bornebusch Hinrich.Bornebusch@orbeo.com Vincent Layec Vincent.Layec@orbeo.com Orbeo, CO2 operations – Monitoring, Verification and Review Am Wassermann 36 50829 Cologne, Germany T: F: W: 2 +49 (0)221 5000 39-30 +49 (0)221 5000 39-99 http://www.orbeo.com http://cdm.unfccc.int/UserManagement/FileStorage/42ZTMKAOWN3OV4BNK9B95WYUXM9GR4 http://cdm.unfccc.int/UserManagement/FileStorage/42ZTMKAOWN3 3 http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am PAmethodologies/tools/am-tool-06-v1.pdf 4 http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am-tool-05-v1.pdf http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am 5 http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am-tool-04-v4.pdf http://cdm.unfccc.int/methodologies/PAmethodologies/tools/am UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 5 SECTION B. Implementation of the project activity B.1. Implementation status of the project activity At the moment of preparation of this third monitoring report, phase I and II (LFG recovery system) are implemented, as well as the first stage of phase III, the anaerobic digester. Unfortunately, the rest of phase III, the gasifier system, has not yet been implemented. This is why the project participant would like to mention that the implementation implementation of stages 2 and 3 of phase III will be slower than expected at the time of PDD writing due to fact that the operation of this alternative waste treatment technology is unexpectedly complex. The digester has been built as announced in the PDD. But instead stead of expected 6 MW (4 engines) in first and second stage of Phase III the Anaerobic Digester fed only 2 engines of 1.4 MW each (2.8 MW) at the beginning and from May 2010 on only on engine of 1.4 MW. The main reason for this deviation is that the complete complete feeding system of this technology, with several types of bacteria involving high requirements on operating conditions, cannot be operated at full capacity. For this reason the project participant thinks about test another technology of digester digester, but there is no decision so far. The gasifier did not start operating in 2010 as expected and is postponed because the technology is still at an experimental stage. 16 engines have been bought as part of the total project activity and the total capacity – 22.4 MW – is still consistent with the total capacity of stage 1, phase III of the PDD. As less biogas than expected is available and can only feed 1 engine, and as it is better not to leave any engine out of operation, 115 engines instead of 12 are connected to the landfill gas recovery system (ACM0001), resulting therefore in an effective capacity of 21 MW instead of 16.8 MW. A summary of the shifts of connections of engines (and respectively of capacity) is summarized in the following table: Date Before 13/11/2008 From 13/11/2008 From 26/01/2009 From 21/04/2009 From 01/05/2010 Engines allocated Engines allocated to LFG to biogas [capacity MW] [capacity MW] 12 (16.8 MW) 0 (0.0 MW) 14 (19.6 MW) 0 (0.0 MW) 16 (22.4 MW) 0 (0.0 MW) 14 (19.6 MW) 2 (2.8 MW) 15 (21.0 MW) 1 (1.4 MW) Total number of engines [capacity capacity MW MW] 12 (16.8 MW) 14 (19.6 MW) 16 (22.4 MW) 16 (22.4 MW) 16 (22.4 MW) Table 1:: Summary of capacity history With the start of operation of the anaerobic digester in April 2009,, a gasholder has been installed to store the biogas temporarily before it is sent to the booster and to avoid its accumulation inside the digester and thus improve the safety of the site. Two months later, in June 2009, two bigger gas holders were made available ailable for the landfill gas itself. The biogas and landfill gas are stored in different gas holders so that the separation between the two methodologies of the project is clearly visible onsite. And high tech membranes certified for biogas applications aree chosen in order to avoid any physical leakage. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 6 These gas holders also aim at improving the “LFG usage” (ID.50 monitored for Gold Standards, see section D.2)) by softening the natural fluctuations of LFG generation from the site and thus reducing the necessity essity of flare operations. With this addition, the project participant ensure a more sustainable operation, both from environmental as from economical point of view. Also the moment when power is delivered to the grid can be optimized so that the project owner secures his power sell revenues even when the conditions of the electricity market have become more difficult. The most important milestones are included in the following table: No Date 1 01/02/2006 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 01/06/2006 22/10/2006 01/05/2007 12/05/2007 12/12/2007 12/12/2007 08/06/2008 20/08/2008 10 20/08/2008 11 12 13 14 15 20/08/2008 13/11/2008 26/01/2009 31/03/2009 01/04/2009 16 16/04/2009 Event Starting date of the project activity (board (board decision on investment decision based on VER revenues) Booster-1 1 was started to operate Engines 1-3 3 were started to operate Start of crediting period and therefore start of first monitoring period. Engine 4 was started to operate Booster 2 was started to operate Engines 5-8 8 were started to operate Engines 9, 10 were started to operate by Booster-2 Booster Booster 3 was started to operate Engines 9, 10 were started to operate by Booster-3. Booster 3. See also item dated on 21/04/2009, when these 2 engines, still fed only with LFG will be connected again to Booster 1 and 2 respectively. Engines 11, 12 were started to operate by Boos Booster-3 Engines 13, 14 were started to operate by Booster-3 Engines 15, 16 were started to operate by Booster-3 End of first monitoring period Beginning of second monitoring period Start tart of operation of digester (with monitoring accordingly) and of a small gas holder for biogas. • 17 21/04/2009 18 19 20 06/06/2009 31/03/2010 01/04/2010 21 01/05/2010 22 01/08/2010 Start of delivery of digester biogas into Booster 4 for electricity generation in engines 15 and 16 (therefore not connected any longer to booster boos 3). • The former flare of booster 3 is also taken out and installed at booster 4 instead. • Engines 9 and 10 (still fed in with land fill gas only) are disconnected from booster 3 and connected instead to booster 1 and 2 respectively (see also on item dated dat from 20/08/2008). Start of operation of the two gas holders dedicated to landfill gas. End of second monitoring period Start of the third monitoring period (the period of this present report) Engine ngine 15 was connected to the LFG system. From now on the Anaerobic Digester feeds just one engine (engine 16) Electricity protocols are conducted via online sy system. tem. There is a distance reading system by law UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 7 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 The Deputy Manager of the World Bank madee a speech to visit Mamak in “The Investment Advisory Council” 19/11/2010 A national TV made a program for the prime time news at Mamak 24/11/2010 The project was awarded with good practice by Dubai Awards Company ny has the Quality (9001:2008), Environment (14001:2005) and Health & 07/02/2011 Safety (18001:2008) Certificates 11/02/2011 – Shutdown of one of the Anaerobic Digester 21/03/2011 17/02/2011 Forestation studies has been initiated 31/03/2011 End of the third thi monitoring period 06/10/2010 Table 2: project history and events B.2. Revision of the monitoring plan N/A B.3. Request for deviation applied to this monitoring period N/A B.4. N/A Notification or request of approval of changes UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 8 SECTION C. Description of the monitoring system A monitoring manual has been developed that covers all the procedures required as per the approved methodology ethodology ACM0001 and AM0025 and validated monitoring plan. To guarantee the accuracy of the monitoring data periodic calibration of the installed monitoring equipment are carried out according to definitions included in the monitoring plan of the registered PDD and in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer. All data are registered and processed electronically. ectronically. At each booster station a server unit receives all data sent from the meters and data in real time is saved to an internal memory every 30 minutes. Every day the server creates a file with all half-hourly hourly data saved. The server also automatically ally calculates every 30 minutes the normal flow of landfill gas captured and of the biogas produced by the digester; the gas flow is multiplied with the real gas formula normating the gas flow to standard temperature and pressure. Temperature and pressure are real time values. The data stored at the booster station server are transferred once per month to a computer and a back up hard drive. In case of failures of the data recording system, no emission reduction will be claimed for that period. A logbook will ill be written and will be registered the period without data recording. The original data from the electricity meter are taken by a distance reading carried out by the Grid Company. The electricity data can be seen on a web page of PNUM6. ITC has a password passw and username to follow the electricity data. The Grid Company submits monthly a protocol to the project owner owner. The monthly electricity data are transferred to the excel sheet used for the emission reduction calculations. The calculation of GS VERs for the third verification period is carried out through a separate spreadsheet. The project owner is ITC and therefore responsible for the operation and the monitoring of the project activities. Roles and responsibilities The general manager with overall ccompetencies is Mr. Erdoğan Göğen. en. The environmental manager and chief of monitoring is Mrs. Tugba Kırer. The chief monitor is responsible for a sound monitoring system, for the implementation of the calibration procedures and for data storing. Trainings Ass trainings refer to GS Sustainable Development Indicator 6 a list of trainings can be found in section D.2 Sustainable Parameters. Involvement of Third Parties Support and consultancy regarding the Gold Standard VER obligations is provided by OneCarbon International nternational B.V., a company purchased by Orbeo. Internal audits and control measures There are daily checks if the data from the day before was stored successfully on the servers in the booster station. Three times a day the operating hours of the engines engines are checked. Aggregation of data and cross checks takes place periodically. 6 http://dgpys.teias.gov.tr/dgpys/ UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 9 Troubleshooting procedures The monitors are responsible for keeping all monitoring data electronically or in hard copy. Furthermore, a logbook will be written continuously where where observations and all other information necessary to document are included. In case of failure of the monitoring equipment the chief monitor will be informed who will inform the carbon consultant Orbeo (formerly OneCarbon International B.V.) Monitoring Points Figure 4: Monitoring Points F Fstack T P E H Overview of monitoring points - Legend (volume) Flow [m³/h] CH4, CO2, O2 Gas concentration [%] Flow of stack gas N2O, CH4 Gas concentration [%] Temperature [°C] Waste Amount Total Amount of waste [t] Pressure [mbar] Waste composition (of food, paper, etc) Electricity [MWh] Landfill gas flow Operation (hours) Electricity flow UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 10 SECTION D. Data and parameters D.1. Data and parameters determined at registr registration ation and not monitored during the monitoring period, including default values and factors Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: ID.2 / GWPCH4 tCO2e/tCH4 Global Warming Potential of methane Kyoto Protocol 21 Data is used for Baseline and Leakage emission calculation Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: ID.3 / GWPN2O tCO2e/tN2O Global Warming Potential of N2O Kyoto Protocol 310 Data is used for Project emission calculation Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: ID.4 / DCH4 tCH4/m3CH4 Density of methane ACM0001 ‘Consolidated baseline and monitoring methodology for landfill gas project activities’ version 08.1’ 0.0007168 Data is used for Baseline emission calculation Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: ID.13 / φ Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from dumping waste at a solid waste disposal site” version 04 0.9 Data is used for Baseline and Leakage emission on calculation UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 11 Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: ID.14 / OX Oxidation factor (reflecting the amount of methane from SWDS that is oxidized in the soil or other material covering the waste) IPCC 2006 06 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Volume 5 / page 3.15)7 0 Data is used for Baseline and Leakage emission calculation Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: ID.15 / F Fraction of methane in the SWDS gas (volume fraction) IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 0.5 Data is used for Baseline and Leakage emission calculation Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: ID.16 / DOCf Fraction of degradable organic carbon (DOC) that can decompose IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 0.5 Data is used for Baseline and Leakage emission calculation Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: ID.17 / MCF Methane correction factor IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 0.8 Data is used for Baseline and Leakage emission calculation. Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: ID.18 / DOCj % Fraction of degradable organic carbon (by weight) in waste type j IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (adapted from Volume 5, Table2.4 and Table 2.5) 7 http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/pdf/5_Volume5/V5_3_Ch3_SWDS.pdf nggip.iges.or.jp/public/2006gl/pdf/5_Volume5/V5_3_Ch3_SWDS.pdf UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 12 Value(s) : Waste type j Wood and wood products Pulp, paper and cardboard Food, food waste, beverages and tobacco Non-food organics DOCj (% wet waste) 43 40 15 20 Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: Data are used for Baseline and Leakage emission calculation Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: ID.19 / kj % Decay rate of the waste IPCC 2006 Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (Volume 5, Table 3.3) Value(s) : Type j Wood, wood products and straw Pulp, paper and cardboard Food, food waste, sewage age sludge, beverages and tobacco kj 0.02 0.04 0.06 Non-food food organics, putrescible garden and park waste 0.05 Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: Data are used for Baseline and Leakage emission calculation Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: ID.20 / CEFgrid tCO2e/MWh Emission factor for the production of the electricity in the project activity Registered PDD, calculated ex-ante ante according to the “Tool to calculate te emission factor for an electricity system” version 01, EB35 Annex 12. 0.636 Data are used for Baseline and Project emission calculation Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Additional comment: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Source of data used: Value(s) : Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage WH2S Nm3 H2S / Nm3 LFG Value for sulphide content (determined ex-ante) ante) for SDI.2 Registered PDD 0.005 Data are used for the Gold Standard SDI-parameter parameter SDI.2 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 13 emission calculations) Additional comment: D.2. Data and parameters monitored Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) ID.21 / LFGtotal,y m³ Total amount of landfill gas captured. measured measured continuously through volume flow meters. 57,509,689 m³ Baseline emission calculation Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MP1; x=1,2,3 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Regular maintenance and testing regime • Records of calibration and maintenance will be archived. The accuracies of the measurements are 0.075% (ABB) or 0.04% (SMAR) For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. Please note that the measurements of the flow rate of the gas and the measurements of the volumetric fraction of methane in the gas refer to the same basis, which is a wet basis. However the ggaseous stream is expected to be quite dry. The related parameters are: ID. 21, ID. 22, ID. 23 and ID. 28. The monitoring system works with continuous measurement devices. It is programmed to automatically save hal half hourly values. The data are stored automatically at the booster stations and transferred once per month to a computer and a back back-up hard drive. Additionally every day it is checked if the server unit recorded the data from the day before successfully in a file. N/A Cross check with flow to PGUs and Flares (ID.22 & ID.23) ID.22 / LFGflare,y m³ Amount of landfill gas flared. measured measured continuously through volume flow meters. 0 m³ Baseline emission calculation UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 14 Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MP4; x=1,2 (There is no flare at booster 3) The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information mation provided in the PDD: • Regular maintenance and testing regime • Records of calibration and maintenance will be archived. The accuracies of the measurements are 0.075% (ABB) or 0.04% (SMAR) For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration calibr details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. Please note that the measurements of the flow rate of the gas and the measurements of the volumetric fraction of methane in the gas refer to the same basis, which is a wet basis. Howeverr the gaseous stream is expected to be quite dry. The related parameters are: ID. 21, ID. 22, ID. 23 and ID. 28. The monitoring system works with continuous measurement devices. It is programmed to automatically save ave half hourly values. The data are stored automatically at the booster stations and transferred once per month to a computer and a back back-up hard drive. Additionally every day it is checked if the server unit recorded the data from the day before successfully in a file. N/A Cross check with total flows and flows to PGUs (ID.21 / ID.23) ID.23 / LFGelectricity,y m³ Amount of landfill gas combusted to produce electricity Measured measured continuously through volume flow meters. 57,792,272 m³ Baseline emission calculation Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MP3; x=1,2,3 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Regular maintenance and testing regime • Records of calibration and maintenance will be archived. The accuracies of the measurements are 0.075% (ABB) or 0.04% (SMAR) For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. Please note that the measurements of the flow rate of the gas and the measurements of the volumetric fraction of methane in the gas refer to the same basis, which is a wet basis. However the gaseous stream is expected to be quite dry. The related parameters are: ID.21, ID. 22, ID. 23 and ID. 28. The monitoring system works with continuous measurement UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 15 frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage devices. It is programmed ed to automatically save half hourly values. The data are stored automatically at the booster stations and transferred once per month to a computer and a back back-up hard drive. Additionally every day it is checked if the server unit recorded the data from the day before successfully in a file. N/A Cross check with total flows and flows to flares (ID.21 / ID.22) ID.24 / Temperature °C Temperature of the landfill gas Measured The temperature is measured to determine the norm flow of the landfill gas and it is monitored separately using a temperature meter. / Baseline emission calculation Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MPj; x=1,2,3; j=1,3,4 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Regular maintenance and testing regime • Records of calibration and maintenance will be archived. The accuracies of the measurements are 0.1% (NOVA (NOVA-Z) or 0.5% (ELIMKO / WIKA) For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. The monitoring system works with continuous inuous measurement devices. It is programmed to automatically save half hourly values. The data are stored automatically at the booster stations and transferred once per month to a computer and a back back-up hard drive. Additionally every day it is checked if the server unit recorded the data from the day before successfully in a file. N/A ID.25 / Pressure mbar pressure of the landfill gas Measured The pressure is measured to determine the norm flow of the landfill gas and it is monitored separately using a pressure meter. / Baseline emission calculation UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 16 emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MPj; x=1,2,3; j=1,3,4 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Regular maintenance and testing regime • Records of calibration and maintenance will be archived. The accuracies of the measurements are 0.1% (ABB), 0.2% (WIKA), 0.25% and 0.5% (KELLER) For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. The monitoring system works with continuous measurement devices. vices. It is programmed to automatically save half hourly values. The data are stored automatically at the booster stations and transferred once per month to a computer and a back back-up hard drive. Additionally every day it is checked if the server unit recorded recor the data from the day before successfully in a file. N/A ID.26 / Tflare °C Temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare Measured The temperature is measured is measured in continuous by thermocouple. Measurement of temperature above 500 °C in the exhaust gas stream in the flare indicated that the flare is operating in a reliable way. / Baseline emission calculation Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MP5; x=1,2 (There is no flare at Booster 3) The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Replaced or calibrated according to the supplier’s manual The accuracies ccuracies of the measurements are 0.5% (ELIMKO). For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. The monitoring system works with ith continuous measurement devices. It is programmed to automatically save half hourly values. The data are stored automatically at the booster stations and transferred once per month to a computer and a back back-up hard drive. Additionally every day it is checked cked if the server unit recorded the data from the day before successfully in a file. N/A UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 17 QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): ID.27 / ηflare,h % Flare efficiency in ho ur h Calculated with ID.22 and ID.26 The flare efficiency is calculated using data from flow meter of LFG flared and from thermocouple which measure the temperature in the exhaust gas of the enclosed flare. 90% default value as per methodological tool “Tool to determine project emissions from flaring containing methane” Baseline emission calculation N/A For each 30 minutes the real time value of the temperature mea measured by thermocouple in the flare is recorded. According to the methodological tool “Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane”, the determination has to be hourly. The flare efficiency is: - 0% when the flare temperature is below 500°C (if any of the two values per hour is below 500°C) - 50 % when the flare temperature is above 500 °C but the norm flow to flare does not meet the manufacture’s specifications. The norm flow according the manufacture specification is 265 Nm3 < LFGflare <1,125 Nm3. QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) ID.28 / wCH4 % (m³ CH4 / m³ LFG) Methane fraction in the landfill gas Measured The methane fraction in the LFG is measured continuously by a gas analyser. The average value of this monitoring period is 48.53 % Baseline emission calculation Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MP2, x=1,2,3 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according ding to the information provided in the PDD: • Regular maintenance and testing regime • Records of calibration and maintenance will be archived. The accuracies of the measurements are 2%. For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 18 Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. Please note that the measurements of the flow rate of the gas and the measurements of the volumetric fraction of methane in the gas refer to the same basis, which is a wet basis. However the ga gaseous stream is expected to be quite dry. The related parameters are: ID. 21, ID. 22, ID. 23 and ID. 28. The monitoring system works with continuous measurement devices. It is programmed to automatically save half hourly values. The data are stored automatically at the booster stations and transferred once per month to a computer and a back back-up hard drive. Additionally every day it is checked if the server unit recorded the data from the day before successfully in a file. N/A ID.29 / Operation of the energy plant hours/year measured The amount of hours is registered istered by a counting device in each power generation unit. / Used for crosscheck of the baseline emission calculation Monitoring Points: L.Bx.MP6.i, x=1,2,3 and i=1...14. A.MP7.i, i=15...16. The system in place is related too the three shifts policy guaranteeing 24 hour support. So once per shift the totalized values are recorded manually. N/A ID.30 / ECPJ,j,y MWh Amount mount of electricity consumed from the grid as a result of the project activity measured measured by electricity meters of the grid company 7.24 MWh. Taking to account the (variable) TDL factor the electricity consumption used for the project emission calculation is 7.34 MW. project emission calculation UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 19 emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring Point: MP8.2 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Maintenance and calibration of equipment ment is carried out according to recognised procedures The Turkish grid company is responsible for this. The consumed electricity is measured continuously by electricity meters operated by the Turkish grid companyy who is the owner of the meter. The amount is determined by a distance reading system, reported and invoiced every month by the grid company. N/A ID.31 / TDLj,y % Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in year y. / The value is provided by the grid company. In the absence of the data from the relevant years, most recent figures are used but not older than 5 years. Between 0% and 1.7% Baseline emission calculation / In this monitoring period the Grid company calculated the TDL factor monthly and use the factor directly for the cr creation of the monthly reports N/A ID.32 / SGa,y m³/year Stack gas volume flow rate. measured measured by an external laboratory 1,906 Nm³/s (average flow) Project emission calculation UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 20 Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Monitoring Points: A.MP3 and A.MP5 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Calibration is under the responsibility ity of the third party laboratory that is performing the quarterly analysis. The monitoring of the stack gases takes places quarterly by an independent laboratory. N/A ID.33 / MCN2O,a,y tN2O/m³ Concentration of N2O in stack gas measured measured by an external laboratory The concentration is 0 ppm Project emission calculation Monitoring Points: A.MP3 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Calibration is under the responsibility of the third party laboratory that is performing the quarterly analysis. The monitoring of the stack gases takes places quarterly by an independent laboratory. The concentrations are measured during normal operation in order to be representative. The average concentrations are determinedd on hourly base taking into account the operating hours of the engines N/A ID.34 / MCCH4,a,y m³/year Concentration of CH4 in stack gas measured measured by an external laboratory The concentration is 0 ppm Project emission calculation Monitoring Points: A.MP3 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Calibration is under the responsibility of the third party UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 21 Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording ing frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: laboratory that is performing the quarterly analysis. The monitoring of the stack gases takes places quarterly by an independent laboratory. The concentrations centrations are measured during normal operation in order to be representative. The average concentrations are determined on hourly base taking into account the operating hours of the engines N/A ID.38 / Wx tonnes Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester in year x. measured The waste quantity is measured ed on a calibrated weight balance installed on the conveyor belt and the data is aggregated on daily basis, according to the internal procedure PRO-008 008 of the project owner and made available to the DOE. Total amount is 21,197 t. Baseline emission calculation Monitoring Point: A.MP1 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • The weighbridge installed on the conveyor belt to measure the waste quantity is calibrated according to supplier’s manual. No recalibration alibration is required for this type of balance. The accuracies of the measurements are 0.2%. For detailed information regarding type, serial numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. Continuous measurement, daily reading and manually transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation / Residual waste of the Anaerobic Digester tonnes Total amount residual waste from the digestion process that are finally disposed in the landfill.. The assumption is that the composition of the residual waste is the same than the waste fed into the Anaerobic Digester. This is a very conservative servative approach, because the residues are mainly inert material generating less emission than fresh waste. measured UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 22 Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: The residual waste is weighted through a dedicated balance. Total amount is 12,531 t. Leakage emission calculation Monitoring Point: A.MP1 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • The weighbridge installed on the conveyor belt to measure the waste quantity is calibrated according rding to supplier’s manual. No recalibration is required for this type of balance. The accuracies of the measurements are < 0.1%. For detailed information regarding type, seriall numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. The residual waste is collected in a container. When hen the container is full, it is carried to the landfill. The truck is weighted before the unload and the results of the weighbridge is transferred to the ERs spreadsheet calculation / ID.39 / Pn,j,x ; ID.40 / Z %;n Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year x; Number of samples collected during the year x measured The collected sample is weighted through a dedicated balance. food waste 79.6%; textiles 0.8%; paper 9.2%; %; garden and park waste 3.1%; wood 4.7%; glass, metal tal and other inert wastes 2. 2.7%. Baseline and Leakage emission calculation Monitoring Point: A.MP1 The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • The weighbridge installed on the conveyor belt to measure the waste quantity is calibrated according rding to supplier’s manual. No recalibration is required for this type of balance. The accuracies of the measurements are < 0.1%. For detailed information regarding type, seriall numbers, calibration details please refer to “Annex 2 – Table of monitoring devices”. Composition analysis is performed weekly by ITC employees according to the internal procedure PRO-006 006 of the project UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 23 Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage participant ant and made available to the DOE. The sampling is statistically significant as the uncertainty range at a confidence level of 95% is significantly below 20%, (the requirement as per the “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste att a solid waste disposal site”, Version 04). / P1 % physical leakage factor from a digester (fraction) default Three options are provided by the methodology AM0025 v.10 for quantifying this fraction and therefore the potential project emissions from the anaerobic digester. In this project advanced technology is used so option 3, applying a physical leakage factor of zero was chosen. The technology implemented is presented in section A.4. Supportive documents were made available to the verifying DOE. 0% Project emission calculation / / / ID.45 / MBy t CO2e Methane produced in the landfill in the absence of the project activity in year y. calulated The value has beenn determined according to the methodological tool “tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” using the default values established by the tool and parameters as ID.38 / Wx ; ID.39 / Pn,j,x, ; ID.40 / Z 3,377 t CO2e Baseline emission calculation UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 24 emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: / / / Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: ID.46 / EGtotal ; ID.48 / EGd,y MWh Amount of electricity provided ided to the grid as a result of the whole project activity; Amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: measured readings of electricity meters done by the grid company (ID.46); Manual readingss of the electricity meters of each PGU (Power Generation Unit, ID.48) 103,605.64 MWh. Because the gasification part is not operational so far, this value is identical with the amount of electricity generated utilising biogas and LFG Baseline emission calculation Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Monitoring Point: MP8.1 (ID.46); L.Bx.MP7.i, x=1,2,3, i=1...14 and A.MP6.i, i=15...16 (ID.48) The calibration of the monitoring equipment was carried out according to the information provided in the PDD: • Maintenance and calibration of equipment is carried out by the grid company (ID.46). • Maintenance and calibration of equipment is carried out according to the instructions of the manufacturer (ID.48) Continuous measurement. The readings of the grid meter are done monthly. The readings at the PGUs are recorded once per shift manually. The system in place is related to the three shifts policy guaranteeing 24 hour support. N/A ID.49 / AF % Methane destroyed due to regulatory or other requirements Default / UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 25 Value(s) of monitored parameter: Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Fixed as 0 (for first crediting period) / / / Sustainability monitoring parameters According to the requirements of the Gold Standard, the project activity must use at least 65 % of the LFG for electricity generation. Additionally the GS requires that the project activity activity is assessed against a matrix of sustainable development indicators. The contribution of the proposed project activity to the sustainable development of the country is based on indicators of local/global environmental sustainability, social sustainability ity & development and economic & technological development. Below the specific parameters are discussed: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: ID.50 / LFG Usage % Amount of LFG applied to the engines compared to the total amount of LFG captured. The Gold Standard requires that at least 65% or LFG is used for electricity generation. Calculated Calculated with ID. 22 and ID. 23 01 May 07 – 31 Mar 08 Total amount of Fraction of Landfill gas LFG used for the destroyed in engines generation [Nm3 LFG] LFG of electricity 26,316,642.92 24,308,054.68 92.37 % 01 Apr 08 – 31 Mar 09 01 Apr 09 – 31 Mar 10 01 Apr 10 – 31 Mar 11 45,843,453.73 54,556,112.58 57,792,272.48 Period Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Total amount of Landfill gas captured [Nm3 LFG] Sustainability monitoring parameters / / 45,768,097.46 54,552,112.58 57,792,272.48 99.84 % 99.99 % 100,00% UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 26 Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: The percentage of LFG used for the generation of electricity is calculated ated by dividing the amount of landfill gas used in engines by the total amount of landfill gas captured. SDI.1 / Water Quality documents Treatment of water at ASKI water treatment plant: One of the main sources of pollution from landfills is the uncontrolled drainage of leachate (baseline situation). With the implementation of the project activity the leachate will be collected. The collection of the leachate may be demonstrated to the DOE by official documents or other proofs which are available. The leachate is collected and transferred to the ASKI water treatment plant. Official documents are presented during the on on-site visit. Additionally the leachate collection system may be ob observed by the DOE during the on-site visit. / Documents For illustrative reasoning and for showing the progress achieved in each specific period the following information iss presented: Period Meters of additional installed drainage pipes [m] app. 22,550 m 01 Apr 08 – 31 Mar 09 app. 22,250 m 01 Apr 09 – 31 Mar 10 app. 15,300 m 01 Apr 10 – 31 Mar 11 app. 9,000 m 01 May 07 – 31 Mar 08 Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Sustainability monitoring parameters Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: SDI.2 / Air Quality Nm³ H2S Destruction of H2S in engines: Landfills generally are sources for odours which for a large share can be attributed ed to the release of H2S. There is the general scientific understanding that it is not possible to directly measure odours in an objective way. Thus it was decided to define sulphides as a key parameter representing odour. Between 0-1% of volume of the landfill dfill gas is known to contain / / / UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 27 Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: sulphides. The avoidance of odours works very efficiently. Calculated Amount of sulphides destroyed: Period 01 May 07 – 31 Mar 08 Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): Amount of LFG Amo Amount of sulphides destroyed [Nm3] destroyed [Nm3] 25,984,602.06 129,923.01 01 Apr 08 – 31 Mar 09 01 Apr 09 – 31 Mar 10 45,823,253.72 54,553,712.58 229,116.27 272,768.56 01 Apr 10 – 31 Mar 11 57,792,272.48 288,961.36 Sustainability monitoring parameters / / The amount of destroyed sulphides for the period covered by this monitoring report is calculated according to the approach presented in the PDD as follows: Vsulphide destroyed=VLFG destroyed * 0.005, where “V” represents the volume in Nm3. A conservative approach of 0.5% is set for the sulphide content. QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: SDI.4 / Soil condition documents One of the main mechanisms for soil contamination due tto landfill activities is the uncontrolled drainage of leachate. As leachate will be collected and transferred to the treatment plant the contamination of the soil layers beneath the landfill will be reduced significantly. Another mechanism for soil degradation tion is erosion. By terracing erosion will be reduced. / Documents UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 28 Value(s) of monitored parameter: The monitoring of the drainage system is already covered by the parameter SDI.1 / Water Quality. Terracingg is shown to the DOE during the on site visit. Progress is also documented by photos from earlier stages. Rehabilitation studies are almost performed. For illustrative reasoning and for showing the progress achieved in each specific period the following information is presented: 01 May 07 – 31 Mar 08 Approximate area at the landfill which is terraced additionally [m²] app. 50,000 m² 01 Apr 08 – 31 Mar 09 01 Apr 09 – 31 Mar 10 app. 61,600 m² app. 76,600 m2 01 Apr 10 – 31 Mar 11 app. 47,670 m2 Period Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ suring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Sustainability monitoring parameters / / / SDI.6 / Employment documents List and attendance of trainings / The number of trainings and attendance of employees will be monitored by UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 29 Value(s) of monitored parameter: documents. Training and attendance certificates are available to the DOE during the onon site visit. In addition to the 3 trainings that took took place before the start of the crediting period, the 10 trainings that were held during the period covered by the first verification and the 9 trainings covered by the second verification, the following 21 trainings have been organised during this third pperiod eriod (if not mentioned explicitly, the trainings took place in Ankara): Date Type of Training 15/16 16 Apr 10 First Aid Training 5-88 May 10 IFAT, China 14 May 10 ICCI 2010, Istanbul Attendees Training Entity 25 ITC staff IDEAL Consultancy 2 ITC staff IFAT 1 ITC staff ICCI 18 May 10 Health and Safety Training 32 ITC staff ÇASGEM 20 May 10 Fire Fighting Training 34 ITC staff GLORAN 24 May 10 TTGV Workshop for innovative Technologies 8 Jun 10 Turkish Belgian Business Forum 2 ITC staff TTGV 2 ITC staff BE BELGIUM EMBASSY 10-13 13 Jun 10 AGROPRO, Istanbul 1 ITC staff CNR 10-13 13 Jun 10 REW Recycling Fair, Istanbul 4 ITC staff IFO 21 Jun 10 Project to develop Turkey’s national acting plan for Climate Change 2 ITC staff 2-4 4 Sep 10 International Energy Turk Seminar; Izmir zmir Fair 1 ITC staff Izmir 28 Sep 10 Carbon Markets & Climate Finance Turkey, Istanbul 1 ITC staff 1 Oct 10 Fire Fighting Training 4/5 5 Nov 10 IWES 2. Waste Management Symposium & Exhibition, Istanbul UNDP / M Ministry of E Environment & Forestry G Greenpower C Conferences 18 ITC staff GLORAN 1 ITC staff IWES 24 Dec 10 Health and Safety Training 20 ITC staff certified healt health and safety expert of ITC 25 Dec 10 Health and Safety Training 27 ITC staff certified healt health and safety expert of ITC 28 Dec 10 Health and Safety Training 53 ITC staff certified healt health and safety expert of ITC 08 Jan 11 Public Relations Training for Security 13 Jan 11 Health and Safety Training 14 Jan 11 Fire Fighting Training 16 ITC staff ITC PR Manager 59 ITC staff certified healt health and safety expert of ITC 135 ITC staff GLORAN Technical Professional Training for 5 Feb 11 Operators 2 ITC staff IMMB 26 Feb 11 Technical Professional Training for Operators 10 ITC staff IMMB 28 Mar 11 Health and Safety Training for Maintenance Team 14 ITC staff certified healt health and safety expert of ITC Please refer to Annex 3 for some additional photos taken during the trainings. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 30 Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Sustainability monitoring parameters parame / / / Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: SDI.7 / Livelihood of the poor documents Creation of formalized jobs: The project activity created a large number of formalized jobs. This is especially important taking into account that many of the current employees did not hhave access to social security before working at Mamak landfill. / Documents, A list of employees who did not have access to social security is available for the on-site visit. Additionally the DOE may interview employees during the on-site visit. Value(s) of monitored parameter: Period Number of people employed by ITC with access to social security in specific period who did not have social security before working at ITC 01 May 07 – 31 Mar 08 49 01 Apr 08 – 31 Mar 09 20 01 Apr 09 – 31 Mar 10 15 01 Apr 10 – 31 Mar 11 9 Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Sustainability monitoring parameters / / / UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 31 Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: SDI.9 / Human and institutional capacity documen documents Procedures and contents of awareness campaign: For a holistic waste treatment system a proper waste management plan is necessary. Optimally this includes both recycling but also avoidance of waste and thus raising awareness. Campaigns will be documented as e.g. areas where such campaigns took place and how citizens were approached and what type of information was accessible to them. Raising awareness is a key element for improved waste treatment. The approach chosen by the project owner includes includes both the delivery of information material but also door-to-door door door education and school education. Part of the documentation could be find below and in Annex 3 of this report. report / Documents ITC carried on Packaging Waste Management Plans in two municipalities in Ankara: Yenimahalle and Mamak Municipalities. Since the previous report period, another municipality has signed contract for separate collection of packaging wastes. wastes. Therefore, since May 2010, packaging wastes of Gölbaşı Gölba ı Municipality have also been collected separately by ITC. Figure 5:: explaining the importance of recycling for Mamak and Gölba Gölbaşı Municipalities. To collect wastes from the the municipalities, inside and outside containers (Figure Figure 6: Outside and inside containers ontainers for packaging waste collection collectionwere distributed. A total of 5,197 inside containers were placed at schools, universities, administrations, administrations, etc. Total of 731 outside containers were placed on the streets, mostly at junction points. Those containers attract the attention of people and increase awareness on waste management. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 32 Figure 6: Outside and inside containers ontainers for packaging waste collection In Yenimahalle Municipality, the plan has reached its 4th stage (out of 6 stages), and 128,905 homes have been informed on the importance of recycling. In Mamak Municipality, the plan has reached its 2nd stage (out of 6 stages), and 39,479 homes have been informed on the importance of recycling. In Gölba Gölbaşıı Municipality, the plan has reached its 2nd stage (out of 3 stages), and 6,694 homes have been informed on the importance of recycling. Municipality Number of Houses Reached Yenimahalle 128,905 Mamak 39,479 Gölbaşı 6,694 TOTAL 175,078 Table 3: Number of houses informed Currently, the total amount of homes reached (175,078) indicates almost 15% of Ankara’s city-population. The project received also many visitors from schools and universities to contribute to the awareness awareness about waste management. Period Number of onsite visitors (from schools, administrations, universities, etc.) Number of people informed (by presentations at schools, universities, etc.) TOTAL 01/04/2010 – 31/03/2011 4,235 7,235 11,470 Table 4:: Number of people reached with regards to awareness programmes Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, Please refer to Annex 3 for the detailed list of visits and additional photos. Sustain Sustainability monitoring parameters / UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 33 accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Data / Parameter: Data unit: Description: Measured /Calculated /Default: Source of data: Value(s) of monitored parameter: / / SDI.10 / Employment (quantity) Documents Number of jobs created / Documents A large number of jobs were created by the project activity. For documentation job contracts will be archived. Job contracts are available during the on-site visit. 01 May 07 – 31 Mar 08 Number of people employed by ITC in specific period as per end of March of the year. 211 01 Apr 08 – 31 Mar 09 01 Apr 09 – 31 Mar 10 180 211 01 Apr 10 – 31 Mar 11 215 Period Indicate what the data are used for (Baseline/ Project/ Leakage emission calculations) Monitoring equipment (type, accuracy class, serial number, calibration frequency, date of last calibration, validity) Measuring/ Reading/ Recording frequency: Calculation method (if applicable): QA/QC procedures applied: Please note that all jobs were created explicitly by the project activity and that in the baseline situation the Mamak landfill would not have been built as the installation and operationn of the landfill would not be possible without the revenues from the sales of the voluntary emission reductions issued by the Gold Standard. Sustainability monitoring parameters / / / UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 34 SECTION E. Emission reductions calculation E.1. Baseline emissions calculation Since ID.49/AF is zero for the first crediting period the baseline emissions are calculated based on the following formula: BE y = MB y + ( MD project , y * GWPCH 4 ) + BEelec, y Where: BEy MBy MDproject,y BEelec,y GWPCH4 (Equation 2) Baseline eline emissions in year y (tCO2e) The methane produced in the landfill from the fresh waste in the absence of the project activity in year y, calculated as per AM0025 (tCO2e) The amount of methane destroyed/combusted during year y, in tonnes tonnes of methane in project scenario calculated as per ACM0001 (tCH4) Is the baseline emissions from the electricity generated utilizing the LFG and biogas in the project activity and exported to the grid (tCO2e/year) Global Warming Potential Potential value of methane for the first commitment period is 21 tCO2e/tCH4 Baseline emissions covered by AM0025: MB y = BECH 4, SWDS , y BECH4,SWDS, y =ϕ ⋅ (1 − f ) ⋅ GWPCH4 ⋅ (1− OX) ⋅ (Equation 3) y 16 −k ( y−x) −k ⋅ F ⋅ DOCf ⋅ MCF⋅ ∑∑Wj, y ⋅ DOCj ⋅ e j (1 − e j ) 12 x=1 j (Equation 4) Where: BECH4, SWDS,y ϕ f f GWPCH4 OX F DOCf MCF 8 Methane emissions avoided during the the year y from preventing waste disposal at the solid waste disposal site (SWDS) during the period from the start of the project activity 8 to the end of the year y (tCO2e) Model correction factor to account for model uncertainties (0.9) ( Fraction of methane captured at the SWDS and flared, combusted or used in another manner Fraction of methane captured at the SWDS and flared, combusted or used in another manner Global Warming Potential of methane valid for the commitment commitment period (tCO2e/tCH4) Oxidation factor (reflecting the amount of methane from SWDS that is oxidised in the soil or other material covering the waste) Fraction of methane in the SWDS gas (volume fraction) (0.5) Fraction of degradable organic ca carbon (DOC) that can decompose Methane correction factor As for the date start of the project activity, it is relevant rel to choose the start date of the part of the project related to this methodology AM0025, so the start of phase III. Therefore x=1 from 01/04/2009 to 31/03/2010 and x=2 from 01/04/2010 to 31/03/2011 /2011 (both days included) in the calculation presented to the DOE. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 35 Wj,x Amount of organic waste type j prevented from disposal in the SWDS in the year x (tons) Fraction of degradable organic carbon (by weight ) in the waste type j Decay rate for the w waste type j Waste type category (index) Year during the crediting period: x runs from the first year of the operation9 (x=1) to the year y for which avoided emissions are calculated (x=y) DOCj ki J X With z W j , x = Wx ⋅ ∑p n =1 n, j, x (Equation 5) z Where: Wx Pn,j,x Z Total amount of organic waste prevented from disposal and fed into the anaerobic digester in year x (tons, ID. 38) Weight fraction of the waste type j in the sample n collected during the year x (%, ID. 39) Number of samples collected during the th year x (ID. 40) Baseline emissions covered by ACM0001: Since no credits are claimed for the thermal energy produced by the project activity and no methane is sent to a pipeline the methane destroyed by the project activity is calculated based on the ffollowing formula: MD project , y = min MD flared , y + MDelectricity , y , MDtotal , y (Equation 6) ( Where: MDproject,y MDflared,y MDelectricity,y MDtotal,y ) The amount of methane destroyed/combusted during year y, in tonnes of methane in project scenario (tCH4) Quantity of methane destroyed by flaring (tCH4), in year y Quantity of methane destroyed by generation of electricity (tCH4), in year y Quantity of methane captured, measured by totalmeter, (tCH4), in year y The methane destroyed by electricity generation is calculated based on the following following formula: MDelectricity , y = LFGelectricity , y * wCH 4 , y * DCH 4 (Equation 7) Where: MDelectricity,y LFGelectricity,y wCH4,y Is the quantity of methane destroyed by generation of electricity (tCH4/year) Is the quantity of normalized landfill gas fed into electricity generator (Nm3/year calculated with ID. 23 – ID. 25) Is the average fraction of methane in the landfill gas (fraction, ID. 28) 9 The exact description in the “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” version 04 is “x runs from the first year of the first crediting period”. In order to be consistent with the description of BECH4,SWDS,y making reference to “start of the project activity” and with regards to the previous footnote, the calculation has been made with x starting with the operation of the anaerobic anaerobic digester on 01/04/2009. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 36 DCH4 Is the methane density expressed in tonnes of methane per cubic meter of methane (tCH4 / m3CH4 , ID. 4 - fixed) The methane destroyed royed by flaring is calculated based on the following formula: MD flared , y = ( LFG flare, y ∗ wCH 4 , y ∗ DCH 4 ) − ( PE flare, y / GWPCH 4 ) Where: MDflared,y LFGflare,y wCH4,y DCH4 PEflare,y GWPCH4 (Equation 8) Quantity of methane destroyed by flaring (tCH4), in year y Quantity of the landfill gas fed to the flares during the year measured measured in cubic meters (Nm3/yr calculated with ID. 22, ID. 24, ID. 25), Is the average fraction of methane in the landfill gas (fraction, ID. 28) Methane density expressed in tonnes of methane per cubic meter of methane (tCH4 / m3CH4 , ID. 4 - fixed)) Project emissions from flaring residual gas stream in year y (tCO2e) determined following the procedure described in the “Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane” Global Warming Potential meth methane (tCO2e/tCH4 , ID. 2 fixed) Project emissions from flaring: According to equation 8 the project emissions from flaring are subtracted directly from the amount of methane destroyed. The project emissions PEflare,y are calculated according to the formula formul below. Half hourly (more exact than required) values for LFGflared,h are used but hourly values for ηflare,h are used as required in the “Tool to determine project emissions from flaring gases containing methane “Version 01, EB 28 Annex 13. GWPCH 4 17520 PE Flare , y = ∑ TM RG ,t * (1 − η flare , h ) * 1000 t =1 Where: TMRG, t ηflare, h GWPCH4 (Equation 9) Mass flow rate of methane in the residual gas in the half hour t (kg CH4, calculated with ID. 04, ID. 22, ID. 24, ID. 25). As the temperature of the residual gas is below 60°C a correction of the measured flow rate rate from wet to dry basis is not necessary. Flare efficiency in hour h (% , ID. 27) Global warming potential of methane (tCO2e/tCH4, ID. 2 fixed) A default value of 90% is used when the flare temperature > 500°C and norm flow to flare is according the manufactures specification of the installed flares: 265 Nm³ < LFGflare < 1,125 Nm³. A default value of 50% is used when the flare temperature > 500°C but the norm flow to flare does not meet the manufacturer’s specifications. A default value of 0% is used, when the flare temperature < 500°C. The baseline emissions from electricity generation are calculated based on the following formula: BE elec , y = EGd , y * CEFd (Equation 10) Where: BEelec,y Is the baseline emissions from the electricity generated utilising the LFG and biogas iin the UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 37 EGd,y CEFd project activity and exported to the grid (tCO2/year) is the amount of electricity generated utilising the LFG and biogas collected in the project activity and exported to the grid during year y (MWh, ID. 46) is the carbon emission factor factor for the displaced electricity source in the project scenario (tCO2e/MWh, ID. 20 fixed) Table 5:: Baseline Emission ACM0001 AM0025 Elec. (both meth.) MDflared,y MDelectricity,y MDProject,y BEMD EGd,y BEel Total BE BEMB (tCO2e) (tCO2e) (MWh) (tCO2e) (tCO2e) (tCH4) (tCH4) (tCH4) Apr-10 0 1,703 35,513.6 281.4 9,516 6,052.2 41,847.2 E.2. May-10 0 1,789 37,321.0 281.4 9,192 5,845.9 43,448.4 Jun-10 0 1,752 36,535.5 281.4 8,996 5,721.4 42,538.3 Jul-10 0 1,768 36,886.4 281.4 9,263 5,891.2 43,059.0 Aug-10 0 1,784 37,206.6 281.4 9,092 5,782.7 43,270.7 Sep-10 0 1,645 34,319.8 281.4 8,222 5,229.5 39,830.7 Oct-10 0 1,699 35,439.8 281.4 8,608 5,474.5 41,195.7 Nov-10 0 1,641 34,220.3 281.4 8,352 5,312.1 39,813.9 Dec-10 0 1,553 32,396.6 281.4 8,514 5,415.1 38,093.2 Jan-11 0 1,640 34,443.3 281.4 8,708 5,538.5 40,263.3 Feb-11 0 1,392 29,229.3 281.4 7,273 4,625.4 34,136.0 Mar-11 0 1,596 33,512.3 281.4 7,869 5,004.5 38,798.2 Apr-Dec 2010 0 15,334 15,230 319,839.5 2,532.7 79,756 50,724.8 373,097.0 Jan-Mar 2011 0 4,628 4,628 97,184.9 844.2 23,850 15,168.4 113,197.5 Total 0 19,962 19,858 417,024.4 3,376.9 103,606 65,893.2 486,294.5 Project emissions calculation PE y = PE elec , y + PE a , y Where: PEy PEelec,y PEa,y (Equation 11) is the project emissions during the year y (tCO2e) is the emissions from electricity consumption on-site on site due to the project activity in year y (tCO2e) Is the emissions from the anaerobic digestions process in year y (tCO2e) Note that the gasifier is not operational (cf. Section B.1 ) The project emissions from energy consumption are calculated according to the following approach: UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 38 PE elec , y = EC PJ , j , y * CEFd * (1 + TDL j , y ) Where: PEelec,y (Equation 12) is the emissions from electricity consumption on-site site due to the project activity in year y (tCO2e) Is the quantity of electricity consumed by the project electricity source (MWh/year, ID.30) is the carbon emission factor for the displaced electricity source in the project scenario (tCO2e/MWh, ID.20, fixed) Average technical transmission and distribution losses for providing electricity in year y (ID.31)10 ECPJ,j,y CEFd TDLj,y From the anaerobic digester, the following project emission is expected: PE a , y = PE a ,l , y + PE a ,s , y Where: PEa,y PEa,l,y PEa,s,y (Equation 13) Is the emissions from the anaerobic digestions process in year y (tCO2e) Is the CH4 leakage from the anaerobic digester in year y (tCO2e) Is the total emissions of N2O and CH4 from stacks of the anaerobic digestion pprocess in year y (tCO2e) Project emissions from physical leakage are chosen to be 0 in the PDD according to option 3 of the methodology AM0025. This assumption needs now to be justified a posteriori, as the digester has been constructed. The technology implemented is presented in section A.4 and it guarantees indeed a high level of impermeability. Supportive documents made available to the verifying DOE demonstrates that only technology suppliers certified for biogas applications have been contracted in order to ensure the complete leak tightness. Emissions from stack gases are calculated as follows: ( ) PE a , s , y = SGa , y ,engine * MC N 2O ,a , y ,engine + SGa , y , flare * MC N 2O ,a , y , flare * GWPN 2O ( ) + SGa , y ,engine * MCCH 4 ,a , y ,engine + SGa , y , flare * MCCH 4 ,a , y , flare * GWPCH 4 (Equation 14) Where: PEa,s,y SGa,y,engine SGa,y,flare 10 is the total emissions of N20 and CH4 from stacks of anaerobic digestion process in year y (tCO2e) is the total volume of stack gas from the engines of the anaerobic digestion in year y (m3/year) is the total volume of stack gas from the flare of the anaerobic digestion in year y The Grid company calculates now a month monthly value. For higher accuracy the monthly value is taken for this report. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 39 MCN20,a,y,engine MCN20,a,y,flare MCCH4,a,y,engine MCCH4,a,y,flare (m3/year) is the yearly average ave concentration of N2O in the stack gases of the engine (tN2O/m3) is the yearly average concentration of N2O in the stack gases of the flare (tN2O/m3) is the yearly average concentration of CH4 in the stack gases of the engine (tCH4/m3) is the yearly average concentration of CH4 in the stack gases of the flare (tCH4/m3) Important: during this monitoring period, the total volume of stack gas from the flare of the anaerobic digestion is taken as 0 m3/year because the monitored flow sent to flare in the booster 4 was exactly 0. For this reason, no monitoring of the concentration of CH4 and of N2O in the stack of the flare could take place. Equation 14 became: ( PE a ,s , y = SGa , y ,engine * MC N 2O ,a, y ,engine * GWPN 2O + MCCH 4 ,a , y ,engine * GWPCH 4 ) Table 6: Project Emission Elec. (both meth.) AM0025 ECPJ,j,y * PEelec PE a,l,y PE a,s,y PEAM0025 (1+TDL) [tCO2e] [tCO2e] [tCO2e] [tCO2e] [MWh] E.3. Total PE [tCO2e tCO2e] Apr-10 10 0.39 0.25 0 0 0 0.25 May-10 10 0.46 0.29 0 0 0 0.29 Jun-10 10 0.72 0.46 0 0 0 0.46 Jul-10 10 0.77 0.49 0 0 0 0.49 Aug-10 10 0.07 0.05 0 0 0 0.05 Sep-10 10 0.97 0.61 0 0 0 0.61 Oct-10 10 0.88 0.56 0 0 0 0.56 Nov-10 10 0.46 0.29 0 0 0 0.29 Dec-10 10 1.09 0.69 0 0 0 0.69 Jan-11 11 0.63 0.40 0 0 0 0.40 Feb-11 11 0.46 0.29 0 0 0 0.29 Mar-11 11 0.45 0.28 0 0 0 0.28 Apr-Dec Dec 2010 5.80 3.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.69 Jan-Mar Mar 2011 1.54 0.98 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.98 Total 7.34 4.7 0.00 0.00 0.00 4.7 Leakage calculation According to the PDD, the project activity does not not result in a change of transport emissions and does not involve RDF or stabilised biomass, so there is no leakage emissions associated to it. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 40 The project activity involves residues from the digestion process that are finally disposed in the landfill. According cording to the methodology AM0025, the associated hypothetical emissions are calculated according to the “Tool to determine methane emissions avoided from disposal of waste at a solid waste disposal site” with a quantity of input waste Wx,j equal to the quantity antity of residues (as if the digestion process would not have decomposed anything, for conservativeness). The complete and detailed calculation is part of a dedicated worksheet of the excel workbook. This approach is unfortunately significantly more conservative rvative than the real leakage emissions, but the project participant might elaborate alternative monitoring solution in the future monitoring periods in order to demonstrate that the residues of the digester are mainly inert material generating less emission emissi than fresh waste. Table 7: Leakage Emission LE ACM0001 LE AM0025 (tCO2e) (residues from digester, tCO2e) Apr-10 0 170.8 E.4. total LE (tCO2e) 170.8 May-10 0 170.8 170.8 Jun-10 0 170.8 170.8 Jul-10 0 170.8 170.8 Aug-10 0 170.8 170.8 Sep-10 0 170.8 170.8 Oct-10 0 170.8 170.8 Nov-10 0 170.8 170.8 Dec-10 0 170.8 170.8 Jan-11 0 170.8 170.8 Feb-11 0 170.8 170.8 Mar-11 0 170.8 170.8 Apr-Dec 2010 0 1537.2 1537.2 Jan-Mar 2011 0 512.4 512.4 Total 0 2049.6 2049.6 Emission ssion reductions calculation / table The ER can be calculated according to the following formula: ER y = BE y − PE y − L y Where: ERy BEy PEy Ly Emission reductions in year y (tCO2e/year) Baseline emissions in year y (tCO2e/year) Project ct emissions in year y (tCO2e/year) The leakage in year y (tCO2e/year) (Equation 1) UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 41 Table 8: Emission Reduction Total BE (tCO2e) Total PE (tCO2e) LE (tCO2e) Total ER (tCO2e) Apr Apr-10 41,847.2 0.25 170.8 41,676.1 May May-10 43,448.4 0.29 170.8 43,277.3 Jun Jun-10 42,538.3 0.46 170.8 42,367.0 Jul Jul-10 43,059.0 0.49 170.8 42,887.7 Aug-10 Aug 43,270.7 0.05 170.8 43,099.9 Sep-10 Sep 39,830.7 0.61 170.8 39,659.2 Oct Oct-10 41,195.7 0.56 170.8 41,024.3 Nov-10 Nov 39,813.9 0.29 170.8 39,642.8 Dec Dec-10 38,093.2 0.69 170.8 37,921.7 Jan-11 Jan 40,263.3 0.40 170.8 40,092.1 Feb-11 Feb 34,136.0 0.29 170.8 33,964.9 Mar-11 Mar 38,798.2 0.28 170.8 38,627.1 Apr-Dec Dec 2010 373,097.0 3.69 1,537.2 371,556.0 Jan-Mar Mar 2011 113,197.5 0.98 512.4 112,684.2 Total 486,294.5 4.7 2,050 484,240.2 Table 9: Yearly Vintages Year Baseline Emission (tCO2e) Project Emission (tCO2e) Leakage Emission (tCO2e) Emission Reduction (tCO2e) 01 Apr 10 - 31 Dec 10 373,097.0 3.7 1537.2 371,556.0 01 Jan 11 - 31 Mar 11 113,197.5 1.0 512.4 112,684.2 486,294.5 4.7 2049.6 484,240.2 Total The Emission Reductions for the period from 01 April 2010 – 31 March 2011 therefore are 484,240 tCO2e E.5. Comparison of actual emission reductions with estimates in the PDD The ex-ante estimated volume in the PDD is 625,198 tCO2e in 2010 and 643,760 tCO2e in 2011; based on this a total of 629,838 tCO2e could be extrapolated for this period of 12 months (9 months of 2010 and 3 months of 2011). The ex-post post achievements are lower due to the slower start of phase III and the low performance of the Anaerobic Digester, but still consistent with performance monitored during the previous year of operation. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 42 Item Emission reductions (tCO2e) E.6. Values applied in ex-ante calculation of the registered PDD Actual values reached during the monitorin monitoring period 629,838 tCO2e 484,240 tCO2e Remarks on difference from estimated value in the PDD The actual emission reduction achieved is lower to the expectations stated in the registered PDD due to the delay of the implementation entation of the gasifier and the problems with the anaerobic digester (cf. section B.1.) UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 43 ANNEX 1 ASKI AM ACM B1 CDM DOE EB FAR GHG GS ID IPCC ITC LFG MP PDD PGU QA / QC SDI STP SWDS tCO2e TEDAŞ UNFCCC VER Definitions and acronyms : Local municipal waste water treatment plant : Approved Methodology : Approved Consolidated Methodology : Booster 1 : Clean Development Mechanism : Designated Operational Entity : Executive board, UNFCCC : Forward Action Request : Greenhouse Gases : Gold Standard : PDD Identification code of a parameter : Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Climat Change : ITC Invest Trading & Consulting A.G. : Landfill gas : Monitoring point : Project Design Document : Power Generation Unit : Quality Assurance / Quality Control : Sustainable development indicator : Standard temperature temp and pressure : Solid Waste Disposal Site : tones of CO2 equivalents : Turkish Electricity Transmission Company : United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change : Verified Emission Reductions UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 44 ANNEX 2 Table of monitoring devices Due to calibration and maintenance there could be more than one de device vice in use at one monitoring point during the monitoring period. The following list is sorted according to the monitoring points and includes the history of each point in chronological sequence. ID No. Monitoring Point Number Measurement Producer Model Serial No. Date of Installation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ID.21 ID.21 ID.21 ID.22 ID.22 ID.22 ID.22 ID.32* ID.23 ID.23 ID.23 ID.23 ID.23 ID.32* L.B1.MP1 L.B2.MP1 L.B3.MP1 L.B1.MP4 L.B1.MP4 L.B2.MP4 L.B2.MP4 A.MP4 L.B1.MP3 L.B1.MP3 L.B2.MP3 L.B2.MP3 L.B3.MP3 A.MP2 Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow Flow ABB ABB ABB SMAR ABB SMAR ABB ABB SMAR ABB SMAR SMAR ABB ABB 2600T 2600T 2600T LD301 2600T LD301 2600T 2600T LD301 2600T LD301 LD301 2600T 2600T 6408005052 6408005056 6408005053 2048887-00 6407022942 249765 6407029726 6408024742 U324889/204886-05 6409029297 249763 U324889/204886-05 6408005051 6408024735 03/03/2008 03/03/2008 20/08/2008 21/08/2008 19/08/2010 19/09/2008 18/09/2010 15/04/2009 21/08/2008 19/08/2010 22/09/2008 10/09/2010 20/08/2008 15/04/2009 15 ID.24 L.B1.MP1 Temperature ELIMKO MKO RT02-1K09-70-Ü-Tr 08/3856 10/03/2010 16 ID.24 L.B1.MP1 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr 09/23185 10/03/2011 17 ID.24 L.B2.MP1 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1K08-70-Tr 10/10217 16/03/2010 18 ID.24 L.B2.MP1 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 08/5297 15/03/2011 19 ID.24 L.B3.MP1 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1K08-70-Tr 10/10218 16/03/2010 20 ID.24 L.B3.MP1 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P08-30 08/5292 15/03/2011 Maximal Date of DeDe calibration Installation period 19/08/2010 18/09/2010 19/08/2010 10/09/2010 10/03/2011 15/03/2011 15/03/2011 CALIBRATION DATES 5y 5y 5y 2y 5y 2y 5y 5y 2y 5y 2y 2y 5y 5y Date of 1st calibration 18/02/2008 18/02/2008 18/02/2008 19/08/2008 13/09/2007 18/09/2008 09/11/2007 30/08/2008 19/08/2008 16/12/2009 18/09/2008 07/09/2010 19/02/2008 30/08/2008 A 10/03/2010 A 17/02/2011 A 15/03/2010 A 20/10/2010 A 15/03/2010 A 17/02/2011 Date of 2nd calibration UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 45 21 ID.24 L.B1.MP3 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr 08/33889 18/02/2010 22 ID.24 L.B1.MP3 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr 08/33891 04/02/2011 23 ID.24 L.B2.MP3 Temperature ELIMKO LIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr 08/33885 18/02/2010 24 ID.24 L.B2.MP3 Temperature WIKA TR760 CC023F069US 04/02/2011 25 ID.24 L.B2.MP3 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P08-5-U-Tr 08/14624 T 02/03/2011 26 ID.24 L.B3.MP3 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P08-5-U-Tr 08/14623 18/02/2010 27 ID.24 L.B3.MP3 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr 08/33887 04/02/2011 28 ID32* A.MP2 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr 08/33894 04/03/2010 0802-01120 02/03/2011 04/02/2011 A 04/02/2010 A 20/10/2010 04/02/2011 A 04/02/2010 02/03/2011 A 02/03/2010 A 25/02/2011 A 04/02/2010 A 20/10/2010 A 02/03/2010 10 y 25/02/2011 04/02/2011 02/03/2011 29 ID32* A.MP2 Temperature NOVA-Z Z ODE-RTD-OR03B1H09-ÜHT 30 ID.24 L.B1.MP4 Temperature ELIMKO RT103-1PO8-50 08/14625 T 06/02/2010 04/02/2011 A 04/02/2010 31 ID.24 L.B1.MP4 Temperature NOVA-Z Z ODE-RTD-OR03B1H09-23/10 0801-00550 04/02/2011 21/02/2011 10 y 05/11/2008 32 ID.24 L.B1.MP4 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr 08/33889 21/02/2011 A 17/02/2011 33 ID.24 L.B2.MP4 Temperature ELIMKO RT103-1PO8-50 08/14624 T 06/02/2010 04/02/2011 A 04/02/2010 34 ID.24 L.B2.MP4 Temperature NOVA-Z Z ODE-RTD-OR03B1H09-23/10 0801-00549 04/02/2011 21/02/2011 10 y 12/09/2008 35 ID.24 L.B2.MP4 Temperature ELIMKO RT103-1PO8-50 08/14625 T 21/02/2011 A 17/02/2011 36 ID.32* A.MP4 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr 09/23186 18/02/2010 04/02/2011 A 04/02/2010 37 ID.32* A.MP4 Temperature NOVA-Z Z ODE-RTD-OR03B1H09-23/10 0801-00554 04/02/2011 21/02/2011 10 y 05/11/2008 38 ID.32* A.MP4 Temperature ELIMKO RT03-1P06-7,5-Tr 08/33885 21/02/2011 A 17/02/2011 39 40 41 42 43 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 L.B1.MP1 L.B1.MP1 L.B2.MP1 L.B2.MP1 L.B3.MP1 Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure KELLER KELLER KELLER KELLER KELLER PR-23 PR-23 PR-23 PR-23 PR-23 130340 130341 138899 145076 138896 28/10/2009 15/09/2010 11/02/2010 09/02/2011 12/02/2010 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 15/09/2009 09/06/2010 09/02/2010 17/09/2010 09/02/2010 15/09/2010 09/02/2011 09/02/20 09/02/2011 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 46 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.32* ID.32* ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.25 ID.32* ID.32* L.B3.MP1 L.B1.MP3 L.B1.MP3 L.B2.MP3 L.B2.MP3 L.B2.MP3 L.B3.MP3 L.B3.MP3 A.MP2 A.MP2 L.B1.MP4 L.B1.MP4 L.B1.MP4 L.B2.MP4 L.B2.MP4 A.MP4 A.MP4 Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure KELLER WIKA WIKA KELLER WIKA KELLER KELLER ABB KELLER KELLER KELLER KELLER KELLER KELLER WIKA KELLER KELLER PR-23 S-10 S-10 PAA-21S S-10 PAA-21S PAA-21S 2600T PAA-21S PAA-21S PAA-21S PAA-21S PAA-21S PAA-21S S-10 PAA-21S PAA-21S 145075 2603LPI/S452L 2603LPH/S475L 100692 J035T/4103360 128863 100715 6410030690 128874 129074 100741 70170 128865 128863 2603LPJ/S476L 128873 128874 09/02/2011 18/03/2010 14/06/2010 12/01/2010 05/05/2010 12/03/2011 08/03/2010 04/03/2011 20/03/2010 09/02/2011 25/09/2009 05/05/2010 18/03/2011 13/03/2010 09/02/2011 12/02/2010 09/02/2011 61 ID.26 L.B1.MP5 Temperature ELIMKO TC02-1S4Y1050/10-R1/2-Tr 08/26236 62 ID.26 L.B2.MP5 Temperature HAASE PT-RH-PT 5.0 63 64 65 66 ID.28 ID.28 ID.28 ID.28 L.B1.MP2 L.B2.MP2 L.B3.MP2 L.B3.MP2 CH4, CO2, O2 CH4, CO2, O2 CH4, CO2, O2 CH4, CO2, O2 SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS SIEMENS 67 ID.32* A.MP16.m15 Temperature 68 ID.32* A.MP16.m16 Temperature 69 ID.32* A.MP16.m16 Temperature 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 10 y 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 12 m 17/09/2010 15/03/2010 09/06/2010 05/05/2009 12/03/2010 09/02/2011 04/03/2010 01/12/2010 09/02/2010 17/09/2010 05/05/2009 18/03/2010 04/03/2011 09/02/2010 09/06/2010 09/02/2010 09/02/2011 23/08/2008 A 02/03/2010 2007000740/920-1 07/08/2009 N/A 10/12/2007 ULTRAMAT 23 ULTRAMAT 23 ULTRAMAT 23 ULTRAMAT 23 N1-T4-0144 N1-X4-365 N1-W9-722 N1-A0-772 15/08/2008 28/12/2009 21/03/2009 23/02/2011 6-12 m 6-12 m 6-12 m 6-12 m 03/03/2010 24/02/2010 03/03/2010 09/02/2011 ELĐIMKO IMKO RT03-1K09-16-U-Tr 09/23185 18/02/2010 01/05/2010 A 04/02/2010 ELĐIMKO IMKO RT03-1P09-8-U-Tr 09/23188 18/02/2010 04/02/2011 A 04/02/2010 NOVA-Z Z ODE-RTD-OR03B1H09-23/10 0801-00548 04/02/2011 10 Y 12/09/2008 14/06/2010 05/05/2010 05/05/201 12/03/2011 04/03/2011 /03/2011 09/02/2011 05/05/2010 18/03/2011 09/02/2011 09/02/2011 02/2011 23/02/2011 04/03/2011 23/02/2011 04/02/2011 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 47 70 71 72 73 74 75 ID.32* ID.32* ID.32* ID.32* ID.32* ID.32* A.MP16.m15 A.MP16.m16 A.MP16.m15 A.MP16.m16 A.MP16.m16 A.MP16.m16 Flow Flow Pressure Pressure Pressure Pressure ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB ABB 2600T 2600T 261GSFJT821 261GSFJT82H 261GSFJT82H 261GSFJT82H 6408035887 6408035883 261GS6505018202 261GS6505018200 261GS6505025454 261GS6505018203 15/04/2009 15/04/2009 17/09/2009 01/12/2009 12/04/2010 15/03/2011 76 ID.38 A.MP1 Waste Amount SEG KN4 A0819003 10/08/2009 77 ID.38 A.MP1 Waste Amount SEG KN4 A0928005 25/10/2010 78 ID.39 A.MP1 Dikomsan DT-600 2779 79 ID.39 A.MP1 Dikomsan DT-600 ISXKDT070763 Waste Composition Waste Composition Caption: A: If there is no difference fference within 6 months, calibration interval is 1 year; year m: months; y: year; N/A: calibration is not required 01/05/2010 01/05/2010 05/2010 12/04/2010 15/03/2011 5Y 5Y 12 m 12 m 12 m 17/12/2008 18/12/2008 01/06/2009 01/06/2009 25/03/2010 04/02/2011 25/10/2010 N/A 16/07/2009 N/A 18/10/2010 23/10/2007 N/A 22/10/2007 14/04/2010 N/A 14/04/2010 08/04/2010 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 48 ANNEX 3 Additional information regarding the Gold Standard monitoring parameters In this Annex there are some additional information regarding regarding the Gold Standard parameters additional to them already given in section D.2. SDI.6 / Employment (job quality) Below there are two photos taken during an in house training and a fire fighting training training: Figure 7: In house training Figure 8: Fire Fighting training UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 49 SDI.9 / Human and institutional capacity Additional to the information given in section D.2 you will find some here photos of the visits in schools and further below the complete detailed table of all site visits raising the general awareness. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 50 No. DATE NAME OF INSTITUTION 1 04/03/10 GAZI UNIVERSITY MALTEPE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL YENİMAHALLE ATATÜRK 04/05/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL İBN-İİ SİNA ELEMENTARY 04/06/10 SCHOOL SİNCAN INDUSTRIAL 04/07/10 VOCATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL AHMET VEFİK PAŞA 04/07/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SUBJECT OF VISIT NUMBER OF VISITORS/ ATTANDEES SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 7 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 40 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 50 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 20 7 04/08/10 TEVFİK İLERİ ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 100 8 04/08/10 ULUBATLI HASAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 34 2 04/05/10 3 4 5 6 9 04/09/10 ÇEKİRDEK PRESCHOOL HALİDE EDİP ADIVAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BATUHAN LEMENTARY 11 04/12/10 SCHOOL EMİN SAĞLAMER 12 04/13/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL HOOL 13 04/13/10 AHMET HIZAL 10 04/09/10 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL EXPLANATION GU Society Volunteers' Dönence nence Project, student volunteers 40 70 30 20 25 80 40 Site visit arranged by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, BUKSAŞ UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 51 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/14/10 ÇEKİRDEK PRESCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP HAKAN KAMİL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/19/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SCHOO SITE TECHNICAL TRIP YENIMAHALLE ATATÜRK SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/20/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SİNCAN KOÇ ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/21/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY, ELEMENTARY EDUCATION SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/22/10 DEPARTMENT OF SITE TECHNICAL TRIP MATHEMATICS ULUBATLI HASAN SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/27/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP ULUBATLI HASAN SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/28/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/28/10 SYRIAN DELEGATION SITE TECHNICAL TRIP ANKARA UNIVERSITY, SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/29/10 SOCIETY VOLUNTEERS SITE TECHNICAL TRIP HASANALAN ANATOLIAN SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 04/29/10 TEACHERS' HIGH SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP İHSAN SELAHATTİN ARAS SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/05/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP NEDİM İNAL ELEMENTARY 05/05/10 RECYCLING SCHOOL ATATÜRK SANITARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/06/10 VOCATIONAL HIGH SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SCHOOL MÜNEVVER ÖZTÜRK SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/11/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP MÜNEVVER ÖZTÜRK SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/12/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP ULUBATLI HASAN SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/13/10 ELEMENTARY RY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP ULUBATLI HASAN SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/14/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP YÜCETEPE ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/17/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP FERİDE BEKÇİ ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/18/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP EMİN SAĞLAMER SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/24/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP EMİN SAĞLAMER SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/25/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOFUOĞLU ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/25/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP BİLKENT ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 05/26/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 12 80 70 students, 10 parents 23 30 3 University students, visited the site for an environment project. 50 50 12 70 Mr. Erdoğan Göğen gave a presentation. Başak Çelik, Ph.D., gave a presentation. 30 27 230 25 45 45 50 50 70 15 80 80 60 40 Training at school. UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 52 BİLKENT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ULUBATLI HASAN 38 05/27/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SOFUOĞLU ELEMENTARY 39 06/01/10 SCHOOL 40 06/01/10 NENEHATUN PRESCHOOL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP RECYCLING SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 41 06/03/10 NENEHATUN PRESCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 37 05/27/10 42 06/04/10 MAMAK MUNICIPALITY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY SOFUOĞLU ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 06/04/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP PAKİZE ERDOĞU SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 06/07/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP BİLKENT ELEMENTARY ENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 06/10/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP EMİN SAĞLAMER SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 06/14/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP TELSİZLER ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 06/16/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP METU CIVIL IL ENGINEERING SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 06/17/10 DEPARTMENT SITE TECHNICAL TRIP METU CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 06/24/10 DEPARTMENT SITE TECHNICAL TRIP METU CIVIL ENGINEERING SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 07/01/10 DEPARTMENT SITE TECHNICAL TRIP LİDER ÇOCUK (LEADER SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 07/07/10 CHILD) AGRICULTURE SITE TECHNICAL TRIP CAMP EMİN SAĞLAMER SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/06/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP ŞHT. PİYADE ER SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/18/10 MURATOĞLU İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/18/10 ÇAĞDAŞ İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/18/10 CENGİZHAN İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/18/10 HARMANYOLU İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/19/10 MİMAR SİNAN İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/19/10 BARBAROS İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/19/10 KÜRŞAD BEY İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 40 30 63 35 46 50 43 06/04/10 GÖLBAŞI MUNICIPALITY 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY, WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF THE MAJOR, PRESENTATION OF ACTIVITIES AND SITE VISIT STAND (Suna Ercan, Barış Aybirdi) 60 60 92 60 40 50 PRESENTATION 50 PRESENTATION 50 PRESENTATION 20 PRESENTATION 20 EU TEACHERS, PRESENTATION 25 60 22 29 25 25 25 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 53 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/20/10 AŞIK VESYEL İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/20/10 DANİŞMENT ÇİÇEKLİ İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/20/10 ULVİYE FENMEN İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/20/10 TALİP YENER İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/21/10 ADNAN MENDERES İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP MEHMET SÜNDÜS İÇLİ SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/21/10 İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/21/10 KOÇ İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/21/10 DR. YILDIZ YALÇINLAR İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/22/10 SİRKELİ İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/22/10 GÜMÜŞOLUK İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/22/10 AYYILDIZ İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/22/10 ALTINOVA İ.Ö.O SITE TECHNICAL TRIP MUNICPALITY REUNION - SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/18/10 AMASYA, KÜTAHYA, ÜTAHYA, BİTLİS SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOFUOĞLU ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 10/27/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 11/06/10 LIONS SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 11/08/10 GAZİ COLLEGE SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 11/09/10 GAZİ COLLEGE SITE TECHNICAL TRIP BİLKENT UNIVERSITY, MANAGEMENT SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 11/09/10 INFORMATION SITE TECHNICAL TRIP ADMINISTRATION ATATÜRK GIRLS' SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 11/11/10 VOCATIONAL HIGH SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SCHOOL HACETTEPE UNIVERSITY, SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 11/11/10 BIOLOGY EDUCATION SITE TECHNICAL TRIP DEPARTMENT A.Ü. AGRICULTURAL WATERING AND SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 11/30/10 AGRICULTURE SITE TECHNICAL TRIP DEPARTMENT 61 10/19/10 MÜJGAN KARAÇALI İ.Ö.O. 25 62 25 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 28 25 25 23 24 25 25 25 12 25 25 13 PRESENTATION BY DR. ÇELİK 50 25 PRESENTATION BY DR. ÇEL ÇELİK 50 75 26 PRESENTATION BY MS. ERCAN 20 COMMENIUS PROJECT, ITALIAN+SPANISH GROUP 30 PRESENTATION BY MS. ERCAN 40 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 54 SAMANYOLU ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP İBN-İİ SİNA ELEMENTARY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 84 12/08/10 SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP GOP NECLA İLHAN İPEKÇİ SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 85 12/17/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 86 12/21/10 SEVGİ PRESCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 87 12/22/10 SEVGİ PRESCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP CEBECİ GIRLS' 88 12/23/10 RECYCLING VOCATIONAL SCHOOL ALTINDAĞ ALİ ERSOY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 89 12/24/10 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP METU ENVIRONMENTAL SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 90 12/28/10 ENGINEERING SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 91 12/29/10 BÜYÜK COLLEGE SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 92 01/06/11 ŞAZİYE TEKIŞIK PRESCHOOL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP HİTİT UNIVERSITY, SOLID WASTE LANDFILL 93 01/12/11 BIOLOGY DEPT. SITE TECHNICAL TRIP CUMHURİYET ANATOLIAN 94 01/17/11 RECYCLING HIGH SCHOOL ORTATEPE ELEMENTARY 95 01/18/11 RECYCLING SCHOOL AYŞE ZEKİ SAYAN 96 01/18/11 RECYCLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BAŞKENT ANATOLIAN HIGH 97 01/18/11 RECYCLING SCHOOL ABİDİNPAŞA INDUSTRIAL RECYCLING 98 01/19/11 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL BÜYÜKELÇİ NAZIM BELGER 99 01/19/11 RECYCLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ŞEHİTLİK ELEMENTARY 100 01/19/11 RECYCLING SCHOOL DEMİRLİBAHÇE ATA 101 01/20/11 RECYCLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DEMİRLİBAHÇE 102 01/20/11 RECYCLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL YAVUZ SULTAN SELİM 103 01/20/11 RECYCLING ANATOLIAN HIGH SCHOOL ABİDİNPAŞA ELEMENTARY 104 01/21/11 RECYCLING SCHOOL AHMET HIZAL 105 01/21/11 RECYCLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ABİDİNPAŞA ANATOLIAN 106 01/21/11 RECYCLING HIGH SCHOOL KUVAYI MİLLİYE 107 01/21/11 RECYCLING ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 83 12/03/10 100 50 40 40 40 210 TRAINING AT SCHOOL, BAŞAK ÇELİK, PhD. 50 38 30 PRESENTATION BY MR. KANTUR AND MR. GÖĞEN PRESENTATION BY DR. ÇELİK, TREE PLANTATION 25 30 400 PRESENTATION, Dr. Başak Çelik 300 In-class class training, Hakkı Coşğun 400 In-class class training, Hakkı Coşğun 200 250 750 400 300 650 100 700 400 450 700 PRESENTATION, Dr. Başak Çelik PRESENTATION, Dr. Başak Çelik In-class class training, Hakkı Coşğun, Dr. Başak Çelik Training at school ceremony, Dr. Başak Çelik In-class class training, Hakkı Coşğun, Dr. Başak Çelik In-class class training, Hakkı Hak Coşğun, Dr. Başak Çelik PRESENTATION, Dr. Başak Çelik In-class class training, Hakkı Coşğun, Dr. Başak Çelik In-class class training, Hakkı Coşğun, Dr. Başak Çelik Training at school ceremony, Dr. Başak Çelik Training ng at school ceremony, Dr. Başak Çelik UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 55 YAHYA ÖZSOY HEARING 108 02/22/11 IMPAIRED ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KAVAKLIDERE 109 02/23/11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ÜMİTKÖY ANATOLIAN 110 02/24/11 HIGH SCHOOL HARZEMŞAHLAR 111 03/02/11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL İSMAİL ENDERUNİ 112 03/03/11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ÇEŞME ELEMENTARY 113 03/04/11 SCHOOL ALİ KUŞÇU ELEMENTARY 114 03/04/11 SCHOOL SIDIKA ALTIN ELEMENTARY 115 03/15/11 SCHOOL 116 03/16/11 ÇEKİRDEK PRESCHOOL 117 03/22/11 GÜRÇAĞ COLLEGE AÜ AGRICULTURAL FACULTY AHMET HIZAL 119 03/23/11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 118 03/23/11 120 03/24/11 TOKİ GÖKSU PRESCHOOL YENİMAHALLE 121 03/25/11 MUNİCİPALITY PARTNERING PROJECT YAHYA ÖZSOY HEARING 122 03/29/11 IMPAIRED ELEMENTARY EMENTARY SCHOOL OSMAN HAMDİ BEY 123 03/29/11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SALİH ALPTEKİN 124 03/31/11 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 125 03/31/11 HAYAT COLLEGE 126 03/31/11 AÜ AGRICULTURAL FACULTY SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 30 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 10 RECYCLING 600 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP RECYCLING SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 40 60 40 160 35 10 30 10 40 50 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 16 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP 30 SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP SOLID WASTE LANDFILL SITE TECHNICAL TRIP Table 10:: Site visits raising general awareness 30 100 35 30 UNFCCC/CCNUCC CDM – Executive Board EB 54 Report Annex 34 Page 56 ----History of the document Version Date Nature of revision 01 EB 54, Annex 34 28 May 2010 Initial adoption. Decision Class: Regulatory Document Type: Guideline, Form Business Function: Issuance