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Greetings Crew, Our constitution is written and in the hands of the crew for ratification. Yay! By November 1 we should know yes or no on the ratification. I will tally the votes and let everyone know the outcome then. Major Fuller, LTCMDR Rose Mattison and I attended the Rubicon’s Anniversary September 30 in Tricities. We had a great time there. While there we received a couple of surprises. Major Fuller was awarded the Officer in Charge Personal Commendation from the 565th Marine Strike Group by Brigadier Russ Garrison and I was awarded the Commanding Officer Personal Commendation from Brigadier General Patrick McAndrew as well as a Naval Citation from the 565th Marine Strike Group by Brigadier Russ Garrison. The party and entertainment were outstanding. A good time was had by all. Thermopylae’s own 503rd Marine Strike Group held it’s first Marine Muster and laser tag session Oct 13-15 at CPL and LCPL Eklund ‘s abode. Thermopylae had 7 people in attendance, the 565th had 4 people there and there were 2 potential cadets. The Eklunds provided deep-fried turkeys, bon fires, dry quarters and 2 acres to play on. The Marines received training in color guard drill, basic drill and course lessons. Then we got to play laser tag. There were bon fire stories and a great time for everyone. Thank-you Lee and Jean for opening your home to us. Our meeting/potluck this month was held at LTCMDR and LT Mattison’s home. The roast was delicious. The meeting was well attended and enjoyable. Thank-you Rose and Ed. Fleet night and Marine night at the movies were held Oct. 4 and Oct. 18 respectively. We are looking forward to joining the IKV T’Mar at the SeaTac mall for the annual Halloween candy giveaway. All are welcome. I think giving candy to children while in uniform should be a kick. It is Tuesday, October 31 from 5-7 pm in front of the Macy’s store inside the mall. We are asked to be there at 4:45 to set up and be handing out candy by 5 pm. Lance Corporal Jean Eklund has graciously agreed to accept the position of Commander’s Yeoman. Thank-you Jean, I appreciate the help. Commander Peter Christian has requested to be transferred from the position of Helmsman to Chief of Security. I have granted that request since Major Fuller, who was holding that position, has not only said yes…but “please take it!” Thanks, Peter, that takes one responsibility off Major Fuller who has enough all ready. Thermopylae would like to welcome our newest transferees CRR Mike Eader and CRR Duwane Smith. Welcome aboard Mike and Duwane. You are valued members of our crew. Shuttle Thermopylae is 15th throughout STARFLEET for the OCP. Not bad for a little Shuttle just 6 months old! Congratulations crew! As always, I am very proud of our shuttle and our Crew. Keep up the good work people. Commander Cathey R. Fuller Commanding Shuttle Thermopylae Post Script: The results are in! We had 15 responses out of 23 crew members regarding the Constitution. The Constitution passed with 13 Yea and 2 Nay. Thank you to all that responded. We now have a viable and working Constitution. This is a huge step on our path to becoming a Ship of the Line. OCTOBER’S TRIVIA QUESTION: Who was originally offered the role of Spock? OCTOBER’S TRIVIA ANSWER: Martin Landou NOVEMBER’S TRIVIA QUESTION: Who was the first real astronaut to appear in any "Star Trek" episode? (Hint!) RECRUITING CONTEST! So, are you having fun? Think you know someone else that would enjoy the camaraderie? Some one you know like Star Trek? What are you waiting for! The Recruiting Office is offering a prize for the member of the Shuttle that brings in the most members during the our tenure as a shuttle. (that means this is extended through RADCON, Feb 2007). Contact the Recruiting Officer (Major “Nuisance” Fuller) at (253) 529-1170 or jofuller2@comcast.net for more information. Greetings, Shipmates! For those that were able to attend our last Shuttle meeting, it was great to see you all! The Commander, Major and I were fortunate enough to be able to attend the Rubicon’s (our mother ship’s) anniversary celebration. Our friends from the T’Mar were also able to attend and it was great to see them as well. The event was not only enjoyable but very emotional and memorable as well. There were fun activities. Bob Rand had just returned from duty in Iraq. The Rubicon arranged for a local veteran’s group to come and welcome him home, to include his parents. After doing so, they also thanked all the veterans in the room, to include our Viet Nam vets. There were quite a few moist eyes in the room, including mine. As a gentle reminder, at our next meeting, I will be tasting your creations for the best Raktajino. So don’t forget to come armed (well, maybe not armed…probably shouldn’t say armed when referring to a Klingon drink…) with your ingredients. If needed, a blender will be provided, so get those recipes ready! Also, some time ago, we discussed as a possible fund raiser for our Shuttle, the creation of a “Thermopylae Cookbook.” The recipes don’t need to be “Star Trek,”, but any recipe that you would like to share would be great. If you have a story to go with that recipe, please include that as well. Once we get some recipes, I’ll compile them and put them into a cookbook for us to use as a fund raiser, or in any other way we see fit…hmmm, perhaps an “Iron Chef” – Star Trek…. J And lastly, Lieutenant Sheppard and I are planning a “Star Trek” mystery dinner for our Shuttle, most likely to be held in January. We have some ideas, but would like to solicit input from you on what you would enjoy. Please submit your suggestions to either Lt. Sheppard or me at the next meeting or email them to me at Yijeli@aol.com. We want to make this a fun event for everyone, so we need your ideas! --Live Long and Prosper— R.P. “T’Somae” Mattison XO, Shuttle Thermopylae I’m on a quest and I desperately need your help. I remember the day as if it was just yesterday. Your Commander and I were on an away mission. It had been a long day. We were part of a group touring a research facility when it was unexpectedly attacked by the BORG. We made it to an escape pod as the drones of the BORG Collective began to appear on every side, trying to capture and assimilate all of us. We fought valiantly and the out of nowhere, Voyager and her crew arrived, and…well, that’s a tale for another time. I will say this though, resistance is never futile. Needless to say, when we returned to the station, we needed to unwind. We went to Quark’s before retiring to our quarters. I ordered a Raktachino. It was sublime. I had never tasted a coffee drink like it and I haven’t since. I’ve tried to recreate it and my attempts have been less than successful. I can not rest until I find that perfect blend of coffee and other ingredients… Crew, your XO needs your help. At our November Shuttle meeting, bring with you your best recipe and ingredients and come prepared to create your Raktachino. As an expression of my gratitude, I will award a prize for the best Raktachino. I look forward to tasting your creations and I thank for helping me on my quest. --Live Long and Prosper— R.P. Mattison XO, Shuttle Thermopylae EDITOR’S NOTE: This is probably NOT Raktachino pictured at the left! HOWEVER: Captain Picard “could” be imbibing Raktachino! New Faces! ! " Please join me in welcoming our newest members, Crewman Duwane Smith and Private Mike Edar! Glad to have you aboard gentlemen. Duwane is a Petty Officer in the US Navy and about to get a commission as I understand it, and Mike is a Sergeant in the US Army Reserves, currently undergoing training to become a Drill Instructor! (Watch out 503rd!) Major Joe Fuller Lt. Angelina Christian, SFMC, also known as SP4 Angelina Christian will be coming home from Iraq on the 5th of November! Look for more information over the coming weeks for info about a party. Figure on the 18th of November. Thanks for a job well done Angelina, and welcome home. Get involved! Join with the Shuttle Thermopylae in supporting the above chariRobin & Nancy Begin Joe & Cathey Fuller Prasith Kim-Aun 200.32 2,096.25 4,934.44 Total for October Date to 6/5/2006 Grafenwhoer 7/25/2006 Grafenwhoer 8/30/2006 Grafenwhoer 11/06/2006 Grafenwhoer $ 7,231.01 Total $1,308.20 $2,417.71 $3,163.00 $7,231.01 Running Total $1,308.20 $3,725.91 $6,888.91 $14,119.92 What a GREAT EFFORT! We are now over our goal of $10K! Think we can hit $20K this year? Let’s DO IT! # "$ Greetings Marines and Fleeters, # What a great time we had at the 1st ever Marine Muster for the 503rd MSG. (Look for photos elsewhere in this issue.) We had six Marines from the 503rd, CDR Fuller and Crewman Nancy Begin from Starfleet and four Marines from the 565th MSG, our sponsoring MSG. BGEN Patrick McAndrew, BDR Russ Garrison, MAJ Steve Eizenberg and SGM Bob Rand all came over to help us out and join the camaraderie. From the 503rd we had myself, CPL Lee Eklund, CPL Robin Begin, LCPL Jean Eklund, and PFC Jason Eklund. We were joined by a couple of potential cadets Blake Begin and Luke Eklund. We learned a great deal about color guards, honor party and how to correctly fold the US Flag. We then spent the rest of the day staying warm by the fire and playing hours of Lazer Tag! What a wonderful time that was! I would like to thank Lee and Jean, Robin and Nancy for their hard work in getting our camp set up. Talk about roughing it. Nice dry apartments, bon fires, hot meals. It was truly tough on us poor old Leathernecks. So, now that the fun is over, its time to get back to work! For the next meeting, everyone, Fleet, Marines and guests please make it to the next shuttle meeting and bring a toy for toys-for-tots! This is an annual campaign and I would like to see us bring a box of toys to the Marines this year. Next year we will be hitting this hot and heavy. PFC Sheppard has a canned food drive going for needy families in the Lakewood, WA area. Please bring a couple of cans of food to help this effort. Hunger knows no boundaries my friends, this is the real enemy of the SFMC and I know we can defeat it. Until we next meet, keep up the good work. Semper Fi! Major Joseph Fuller, OIC 503rd MSG, The Spartans “Retreat is NOT an option... # NOVEMBER 2006 Nov 1 Nov 15 Nov 18 Nov 19 DECEMBER 2006 Dec 6 Dec 17 Dec 20 JANUARY 2007 Jan 11-12 FEBRUARY 2007 Feb 16-18 Fleet Night at the Movies (CDR’s Qtrs—7PM) Marine Night at the Movies (CDR’s Qtrs—7PM) Angelina Fest! More info coming! Shuttle Meeting (Location CDR’s Qtrs—2PM) BRING TOYS FOR TOTS BRING CANNED FOOD BRING COUPONS!! Fleet Night at the Movies (CDR’s Qtrs—7PM) Shuttle Meeting (Location TBD—2PM) Marine Night at the Movies (CDR’s Qtrs—7PM) RUSTYCON (SeaTac) RADCON– Commissioning of USS Thermopylae (Tri-Cities) # %& & ' ( )$ These are evenings where we will watch the Star Trek movies (Fleet Night) and selected Marine Corps movies (Marine Night). Marine type movies are “Sands of Iwo Jima”, “Guadalcanal Diary”, etc. The entire crew is welcome to these movie showings, the more the merrier! Please bring munchies and soft drinks. Let us know if there are any particular films that you would like to see and we will try to get them! 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. We know people are busy on weekends so we thought to try this out. These nights will also be coupon clipping nights, so bring your coupons! First, a list of parts: For the base, a 1 X 12, 12” long. For the smaller boards, ¼” X 4” square, 12 boards total. The support poles, 3/8” dowel. For the pieces, I found a 1 ¼” dowel. At Home Depot I picked up a 1 X 12, 2 foot long, enough for two bases, four ¼ X 4, 2 foot long, only needed three, two 3/8” dowels, and a 1 ¼” dowel for the player pieces. They had two choices for wood, poplar and oak. If you are going to use hand tools, pick poplar, as oak is much harder and will take a lot longer to cut. Start by cutting your lumber to size. Take your ¼” X 4” boards and cut a total of 12 square boards out of them. These will be 3 ½” on a side. Now take your 1 X 12 and cut it in half so you have 2 twelve inch square boards, you will only need one. Next take the 3/8” dowels and cut four 10 inch lengths out of them. The photo below shows the lumber cut to size. * ’t cut on the XO’s new counter top. I may be crazy but I’m not insane. Now it is time to drill some holes. Find the center of the small boards, the easiest way is to lightly draw on X from corner to corner. I then stacked 3 of the smaller boards on top of the base, squared everything up and clamped them together as seen below. This way when you drill the 3/8” hole, you know that all three boards and the base will line up. Also the small boards will not split out on the back as the drill goes through. Note: if you are using a cordless drill, make sure it is set to high speed if you are using a high speed bit, not screw driver speed. I didn’t think I was ever going to get the hole drilled until I noticed what the drill was set at. * Next is to paint, or stain, your master piece. Mask off the areas you want to stay light colored, sorry no picture, my tape was the same color as the wood and it didn’t photograph well, and leave the areas you want dark bare. This will take some time to get right, and all the squares the same size. If you are using stain, make sure you scribe the lines as well as tape them. Stain soaks into the grain of the wood and will wick past the end of the tape if you don’t put a small dent in the wood first. The stain may still try to sneak past the line, but it won’t be anywhere near as bad if you don’t scribe the line first. I forgot this step when I stained the smaller boards and will have to redo several of them. Once the paint or stain is dry, it is time to put the checker board together. This is really very easy. Take your four 10” dowels and put them into the holes in the base. Being the paranoid person that I am, I drilled a small hole in the dowels where the small boards will sit. The hole is just big enough for a wooden tooth pick to fit. This way the board has something to sit on while the glue dries. I cut the tooth pick so about 1/8 to ¼ inch sticks out on each side, just enough to hold the board in place. As you assemble the levels, make sure you alternate the colors of the squares. A light square will always be above a dark square and vice versa. The boards should be about 3” apart on the dowel. Three inches makes them evenly spaced on the dowels. ! " After the glue is dry, give the board one more coat of clear sealer for protection and you are done. For those who want to make a board like the one seen on the show, I will put one together for the newsletter in the future, as soon as I find a faster supplier. The dimensions are as follows: Base 9” square ½” thick Small boards 3” square 3/32” thick Support tubes 9” long, 3/8” diameter. The base on the show is red, the rest of the parts are clear. Don’t forget you need 8 checkers for each side. The steps are about the same if you use wood or plastic. The tools are a little different, finer tooth saw, and the glue is different. Note: whenever you use glue or stain or paint, always follow the directions on the container and use them only in a well ventilated area. Plus, when using any power tools follow the directions that came with the tool and always wear safety glasses. Send in photos of the boards you build, I’m sure I can talk the editor into putting them into the news letter. Don’t worry about mistakes, I made a few myself. The photo of my finished board will appear in a future issue, I need to fix a few of my mistakes. So don’t be shy if you don’t do something quite right, send in a photo anyway. + " , " LOOK! The CMO’s Diet and Exercise program really works! On the left is the “Before” picture taken just a month ago… NOW look at our CMO! Talk about a system that really works! Contact LT Kim-Aun for details! TO Gunny Stoddard' s Personal Log - Well, the long, hot summer is behind us now, as we have experienced the first snowfall of the season. It didn' t stick around long, but for a day the ground was white here. This rapidly turned the ground to mud, with all the joy that entails. We have two main types of mud here at the station: a brown sticky mud, and a reddish grey shale mud that could double for the surface at an skating rink. Most of the local troops have been excused from active duty and are off working on the harvest. Speculation abounds on how cold this winter will be. Perhaps someday we' ll see a weather control station here, but for now ... Prigal has managed to get my personal comm talking to the relay net, so I no longer have to travel 20 kilometers to access a comm signal. In spite of his faults, he can be useful at times. Of course, no matter how rough or primitive things may seem here, it' s an all expense paid vacation on Risa compared to what the El-Tee has been going through. I was glad to hear that she should be home soon. I have been very pleased to follow the progress of my shipmates and fellow Marines. You' ve all earned a salaute from the old gunny next time I' m aboard. Who knows, the way some of you are going, I may have to salute you anyway the next time I see you. Here' s a tip for you Marines: a good, well broken in pair of boots is your best friend. Now matter what duty you' re performing, if your feet hurt, you won' t be doing your best. That' s why I keep my old boots from my Mecha days around. I' m in the process of breaking in a new pair that shine up a bit better, and it' s annoying at best. I hear the field exercise went well. I wish I could have been there with you, but I was busy dealing with the aforementioned mud. Maybe next time ... Speaking of field exercises, Prigal and I were out in the field not long ago. Due to a SNAFU by the local QM, we were sharing quarters. I woke sometime in the wee hours of the morning and stared up at the stars for a moment, then I nudged Prigal, pointed up, and said "Kind of makes ya wonder, doesn' t it?" "Yeah, Gunny, I know what you mean. All those stars, and planets, and billions of sentients out there. Makes me wonder if there isn' t some grand design behind it all." "Very philosophical of you, Prigal. Maybe even poetic. But what it makes me wonder is what the heck happened to our tent!" Semper Fi GSGT JA ' Hawk'Stoddard NCOIC 503rd MSG "The Spartans" "Retreat is NOT an option" Cordial greetings, Crewmates! Lazer Tag Report . " # * " " I had the opportunity to join the local training forces of over 20, mostly young female and male indigenous warriors in Auburn for a Lazer Tag session on Stardate 20061007. This event allowed me to get even more familiarized with the weapon of choice of our 503rd Marine Strike Group, namely “The Masterblaster” rifle Mark I (or also lovingly called “TMB”). It is known for its superb long-range performance of more than 500 feet under good conditions, remarkable accuracy, built-in enemy proximity sensors, grenade lauchner, shield generator, and adjustable shoulder stock. It is pretty lightweight, ergonomically well designed, and can therefore be used by pretty much everybody. No wonder it has become a favorite weapon amongst non-marines as well. Unfortunately, Hasbro CyberKinetic Systems, which is the manufacturer of this fabulous gun and located on Terra Nova, has unilaterally terminated the contract with the Federation for this specific weapon and hence ceased the production of this marvelous long and mid-range item for undisclosed reasons. The following is a report of my personal in-depth experiences with the TMB Mk I. Federation attendees of this training mission were Ken (from the Klingon ship IKV T’Mar) and COMM Keith Marshall (Shuttle Daniel Soule). Crewman Tod Sturgeon and I represented Shuttle Thermopylae. On the below group picture from left to right: Crewman Tod Sturgeon, LTJG Prasith Kim-Aun, COMM Keith Marshall. . " # * " " As always in these kinds of missions, communication skills, strategic planning, ability to follow group dynamics, and marksmanship were tested and strained to the limits. Hot heads like 20th century action figure “Rambo” would have had no survival chances in these missions. For our three missions, we were evenly divided into 3 groups: Teams Green, Blue and Red. I was assigned to Team Red. At the beginning of our mission, we located a secluded area that was easily defendable and had good cover. From there, we were able to hear shouts and shots echoing throughout the forest indicating that the melee had already started at another front. One of our team mates with obvious military background took over the team’s leadership. With precise, though primitive means of communication (ie. shouting), we were mostly able to repulse wave after wave of fierce enemy attacks and hold our position. Only in a few cases did we have to retreat so that we could gather and launch our counterattacks. Casualties on our side were amazingly low. Other teams using the Hirogen approach of “hunting down and kill” were no match to our marine-like defenses. On one occasion did Team Blue mount an ingenious attack: Two seemingly “lost” people from Team Blue attacked us and withdrew while our team was in hot pursuit. But suddenly, we found ourselves surrounded and in the middle of a crossfire from two opposing directions! To avoid total annihilation, but with no way to retreat orderly, we had to make our break through the forest and gather ourselves to eventually organize our counterattack. . " Team Red ranked #1 in the first two missions, although I did disappointingly bad on the individual ranking system placing only #11 and 13. Crewman Tod Sturgeon who was a newbie in this exercise ranked an honorably #3 in his second game! He would surely be a fine addition to our Marine Strike Group and definitely has my personal recommendation! MAJ Fuller, you’ve got to keep an eye on this Fleeter! Tod’s enthusiasm didn’t end there. Two weeks later, he showed off his craftsmanship with a beautiful paint job of his TMB: # * " " The third and last mission was a simple “last man standing” mission: The team with the most people alive was the winner. It was a simple push-the-last-drop-of-your-adrenaline mission to chill out and get exhausted. The environment of this training ground proved to be a challenge on its own. The dense fauna provided ample amount of cover to protect oneself, but the opposing team had exactly the same advantage. It was hard sometimes to figure out from where the enemy was sniping at you! Some of our team mates even climbed on trees to improve vision of the battlefield and gain firepower superiority! Moreover, thorny plants (like blackberries) did not make it easy to penetrate the jungle without the mandatory scratches. Lucky those who were adequately equipped for this kind of environment. We were also lucky with the weather: It was just perfect for such a training mission. The last time I attended this training, a small amount of rain neutralized one fifth of the armory! So that is one major drawback of this otherwise fine weapon. This concludes my report, which is out of the ordinary from my usual medical chit-chat. But I truly hope that after reading this, we will have more Shuttle members, especially marines, join the challenging training missions get our ship prepared for away missions. I fear that otherwise the readiness of our ship would be at stake! If you need more information, you can go here: http:// www.ggaub.com/ltag/altc.html Kitchen Cleaning Tips . " # * " " While reading through different books, I coincidentally found the following very useable kitchen cleaning tips: - A fun and efficient way to clean a blender: partially fill the blender with hot tap water, add a little bit of detergent, let it run for 10 seconds or more depending on the amount of dirt. - Remove minor scratches from glassware by “polishing” it with toothpaste. - Smelly garbage disposal? Throw half a lemon down the drain and grind it up; the acid will kill the odor and replace it with a fresh lemon scent. - To clean chrome, use a damp sponge and baking soda. To remove rust from chrome, wrap your finger in aluminum foil and rub the chrome until the rust is gone, then wipe with a damp cloth. - Smelly thermos? Fill the container with warm water, drop in 3 denture cleaning tablets (Efferdent ® or similar brand), let it sit for an hour, then rinse. - Coffee or tea stains in mugs? Fill them with an equal mixture of table salt and vinegar. - To clean a cutting board, sprinkle it with salt, then rub it with a slice of lemon. - Washing an especially greasy load of dishes in the sink? Adding vinegar to the dish water will help cut the grease. - Is grease making the drain in your kitchen sink sluggish? Pour in a cup of baking soda, followed by a cup of table salt, then a quart of boiling water. - Does your microwave smell like fish? Pour a teaspoon of vanilla extract into a glass measuring cup and microwave on high for a minute. - You can kill the germs in a damp sponge by putting it in the microwave for 30 seconds. As soon as you see steam, the germs are dead. Alright folks, that’s it! Live long and prosper! LTJG Prasith Kim-Aun, DMD CMO, Shuttle Thermopylae NCC-71816/1 503rd Marine Strike Group—Fall Muster 20061013 # Here are some pictures from the muster. We, the Marines of the 503rd, would like to encourage all members of the Shuttle Thermopylae (soon to be USS Thermopylae) to join us at our next event! # Maj Fuller, Maj Eizenberg, PFC Eklund, CPL Begin, SGM Rand, GBEN McAndrew, Cadet Begin AKA “The Blasters” Hey, I’ve got ‘em pinned! How about a little HELP over here?! # # CRR Nancy Begin, takes notes. (Probably CAN be used against us in a court of law! Brigadier General Patrick McAndrew views the troops. Thanks so much for coming up Patrick! BGEN McAndrew is also the CO of the USS Rubicon, so MOM was with us! # # Learning how to post the colors. Taught by SGM Bob Rand. Thanks Sergeant Major! Corporal Lee Eklund, Looking WAY too cheery! Guess the major hasn’t had him on too much KP lately. RadCon Programming: * " # / We are looking for great programming. We are working to get as much space as possible for programming and to work with all those involved in RadCon ConCom (convention committee). The ConCom continues to be excited to hear about the Klingons and other Star Trek Universe members attending and presenting programs. The RadCon Website will be updated in the near future. Programming is open. The slots are now open especially Friday or Sunday. If you have a panel or presentation you would like to schedule contact me remember the availability diminishes as time continues. There is a form for submitting info for programming requests. http://www.region5.org/RadCon/Event%20Worksheet.doc In order to help requesting the room area you would like I have also uploaded the map of the convention layout from 2006 .http://www.region5.org/RadCon/Radcon%20Land.jpg Last year we found that in the regular panel rooms 2118, 2116, 2114 the hotel had put a big cabinet in each of these rooms. They are still the main traffic area. The other rooms are the Board Rooms – Harvest – Sage – Executive. If there are any questions or suggestions please let me know. Region 5 Summit 2006 The Region 5 summit is being held in conjunction with RadCon 4C at the Red Lion in Pasco. No separate registration is required for the Region 5 summit. A RadCon registration entitles you to all events held at RadCon and Region 5 activities. Attendees from the "Trek Universe" may use the Region 5 discount. The Registration Form is available from the R5 website. R5 Summit that will have a General Meeting on Saturday Feb 17th, 2007 from 10 to noon and all are welcome to come and participate. The Region 5 summit is a meeting of the ships and chapters of the area and far away. It is a presentation on the state of the region, regional awards ceremonial, and a great party. (And the com- missioning of the USS Thermopylae!) Data’s Bar & Grill, run by the USS Rubicon, and will be available until late Friday to welcome weary galactic travelers. Links: RadCon (Construction In Progress) -http://www.radcon.org/ Region 5 - http://www.region5.org/ USS Rubicon - http://www.uss-rubicon.org/ Planned: Many fun and informative events which include; * Meeting Star Trek and SciFi Authors * Attending Star Trek Panels * Partying at Data' s hosted by the USS Rubicon * Playing Sci-Fi Jeopardy (Formerly Known as Star Trek Jeopardy) * Famous Sunday Breakfast Meeting and recovery session. * Hanging out with other RadCon attendee' s (~1500 different species) * COMMISSIONING OF THE USS THERMOPYLAE Lodging * " # / RED LION INN AT PASCO and BEST WESTERN (OVERFLOW) AT PASCO Room rates are $83.95 for the Red Lion Hotel and $79 for Best Western at last contact. Room rates are good Thursday Feb. 15 through Monday Feb 19. Best Western has a limited number of suites at $89. Make sure to let them know you are with RadCon. Special requests at Red Lion should be limited to number of beds and rollaways, the ConCom will make other arrangements due to the amount of programming, G. O. H.' s, and dealers needs that have to be met first and foremost. Party people-Contact Shawn Pack for your requests. Anyone not making arrangements with the Party Liason (Shawn Pack) may not get to throw a party! Co-operation is the key. Any questions? Party Liaison is roomparty@radcon.org, and Hotel liaison is Hotel@radcon.org . When you get the reservations, you must specifically tell them you need to make reservations for RadCon, otherwise, you will be told the hotel is full (because of RadCon). We still have many rooms available. If you need to switch hotels for those of you who made reservations at Best Western, do so as quickly as possible, so we can fill up our block, and free up the rooms in our overflow. I apologize for any confusion, but this always happens when someone behind a desk thinks they can fix what isn' t broken-sorry. Pasco Red Lion 1-509-547-0701 Red Lion Reservations 1-800-RED LION (733-5466) or 1-800-325-4000 Best Western (Overflow) 1-509-543-7722 Convention at Red Lion Hotel Pasco 2525 North 20th Avenue Pasco, Washington United States 99301 509-547-0701 Membership: (THIS IS IMPORTANT!) RadCon cost will be $35 at the door. I can have all personnel from the all Trek Universe attendees, Klingons, Federation, Romulan, Andorian etc, use the group rate for the Region 5/USS Rubicon as long as we collect the information and provide it to the membership department. I will need to collect the money and submit all information at one time the deadline is Jan 1st. This will lower the cost to $20 each. I think it would be nice to have one or two contacts in each organization but I know that is not always possible. Everyone here had a great time with the arrival of the Klingons in 04 and 05. In 06 they ran a special Klingon Casino which is planned to return in 2007. There are continued great possibilities for this convention. Starfleet R5 and the USS Rubicon crew look forward to working with all of you and seeing you at RadCon. Please send any questions you might have to myself or to Nat Saenz the Region 5 Coordinator for Starfleet. One last request, again. On all replies please put “RadCon4C” in the Subject line. This will prevent accidental deletion as Spam. Have a great day. In Service to Region 5, David Lee Kania VRC, Region 5 STARFLEET International Shuttle Commander CDR Cathey R Fuller catfuller@comcast.net (253) 529-1170 Executive Officer LCDR Rose M Mattison Yijeli@aol.com (253) 472-6338 Chief Engineer LT Ed Mattison Crisolite@aol.com (253) 472-6338 Science Officer (tbd) Communications LTjg Vickyjeanne Sheppard vickyjeanne@comcast.net Medical LTjg Prasith Kim-Aun capt_kimaun@yahoo.com Operations CDR John Christian john@trinitydesignconsulting.com Security CDR Peter Christian peter@trinitydesignconsulting.com Navigation (tbd) Marine OIC Marine DOIC Marine NCOIC MAJ Joseph J Fuller 2LT Angelina Christian GSGT Jerome A Stoddard jofuller2@comcast.net ihaf2p@sbcglobal.net vindulfr@aol.com Recruiting Officer MAJ Joseph Fuller jofuller2@comcast.net (253) 529-1170 Web Site www.ussthermopylae.org Crew Ensign Paul McManus PFC Jason Eklund LCPL Jean Eklund CPL Lee Eklund CPL Robin Begin Crewman Nancy Begin Crewman Liz Lanman Cadet Matthew Christian Crewman Robert Brown Crewman Tod Sturgeon Crewman Bill Kinnear Crewman Duwane Smith PVT Mike Eader ryznglas@yahoo.com austin_const@hotmail.com drumfeather@juno.com sawdusteater@juno.com c/o nancy@fidalgo.net nancy@fidalgo.net lizl7217@yahoo.com (not released) (not released) evilbusdriver@gmail.com
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