specialized grilles
specialized grilles metric sizes duct mounted sight proof design doors / partitions factories I Redefine your comfort zone. ™ | www.titus-hvac.com airport terminals humid areas open areas MRI compatible gymnasiums rugged areas Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Table of Contents I specialized grilles specialized grille products Specialized Grille Products..................................................................................................................................................................... I4 overview Overview............................................................................................................................................................................................... I10 Application Icons Key........................................................................................................................................................................... I10 eggcrate return grilles Eggcrate Return Grilles........................................................................................................................................................................ I12 50F Aluminum Border, 50F-NT Aluminum / Narrow Tee ............................................................................................................ I12 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I13 45F ............................................................................................................................................................................................... I14 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I15 50R-SS Stainless Steel................................................................................................................................................................. I16 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I17 45R-SS Stainless Steel................................................................................................................................................................. I18 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I19 50FF Aluminum / Filter Return..................................................................................................................................................... I20 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I21 50F, 50F-NT, 50R-SS, & 50FF Performance Data.......................................................................................................................... I22 45F & 45R-SS Performance Data................................................................................................................................................. I24 perforated return grilles Perforated Return Grilles...................................................................................................................................................................... I25 8F Aluminum................................................................................................................................................................................ I25 8FF Aluminum Filter Return......................................................................................................................................................... I25 8R Steel........................................................................................................................................................................................ I25 8RF Steel Filter Return................................................................................................................................................................. I25 8SS 304 Stainless Steel............................................................................................................................................................... I25 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I26 Performance Data ........................................................................................................................................................................ I27 SPECIALIZED GRILLES steel heavy duty bar return grilles I2 I2 Steel Heavy Duty Bar Return Grilles.................................................................................................................................................... I29 33(RL / RS) / 38B Deflection......................................................................................................................................................... I29 30(RL / RS) / 0B Deflection........................................................................................................................................................... I29 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I30 33(RFL / RFS) / 38B Deflection / Filter.......................................................................................................................................... I31 30(RFL / RSF) / 0B Deflection / Filter............................................................................................................................................ I31 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I32 Performance Data ........................................................................................................................................................................ I33 aluminum heavy duty bar return grilles Aluminum Heavy Duty Bar Return Grilles............................................................................................................................................ I37 63(FL / FS) / 30B Deflection.......................................................................................................................................................... I37 60(FL / FS) / 0B Deflection............................................................................................................................................................ I37 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I38 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I39 Table of Contents (continued) specialized grilles Spiral Duct-Mounted Grilles................................................................................................................................................................. I43 S301(FL / FS) / Single Deflection / Radius End Caps / Supply.................................................................................................... I43 S300(FL / FS) / Double Deflection / Radius End Caps / Supply................................................................................................... I43 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I44 US301(FL / FS) / Single Deflection / Universal End Caps / Supply.............................................................................................. I45 US300(FL / FS) / Double Deflection / Universal End Caps / Supply............................................................................................ I45 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I46 S8F / Radius End Caps / Perforated Return................................................................................................................................. I47 US8F / Universal End Caps / Perforated Return........................................................................................................................... I47 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I48 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I49 door grilles Door Grilles........................................................................................................................................................................................... I53 T-700(L / S) / Steel........................................................................................................................................................................ I53 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I54 CT-700(L / S) / Aluminum............................................................................................................................................................. I55 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I56 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I57 reversible core narrow blade grilles Reversible Core Narrow Blade Grilles.................................................................................................................................................. I58 1700(L / S).................................................................................................................................................................................... I58 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I59 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I60 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com spiral duct mounted grilles I commercial / industrial louvered supply grilles Commercial/Industrial Louvered Supply Grilles................................................................................................................................... I62 JFA (L / S) / Pole Operated........................................................................................................................................................... I62 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I63 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I64 drum louvers options & accessories SPECIALIZED GRILLES Drum Louvers....................................................................................................................................................................................... I67 DL................................................................................................................................................................................................. I67 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I68 DL-SV............................................................................................................................................................................................ I69 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I70 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I71 S-DL, S-DL-SV............................................................................................................................................................................... I72 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I73 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I76 US-DL, US-DL-SV.......................................................................................................................................................................... I78 Dimensions................................................................................................................................................................................... I79 Performance Data......................................................................................................................................................................... I80 Options & Accessories......................................................................................................................................................................... I82 Hinge Locations.................................................................................................................................................................................... I85 I3 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Specialized Grille Products SPECIALIZED GRILLES I I4 eggcrate return grilles pages: I12-I24 50F RETURN GRILLE • Aluminum border & grid • Available in 3 grid core sizes • Highest free area of any return grille • MRI compatible 50FF RETURN FILTER GRILLE • Aluminum border & grid • ½” x ½” x ½” core • Highest free area of any return grille 50F-NT RETURN GRILLE NARROW TEE • Designed to fit narrow tee ceiling grids • Aluminum border & grid • Available in 3 grid core sizes • Highest free area of any return grille 45F 50R 50R-SS RETURN GRILLE RETURN GRILLE • Steel border & aluminum grid • Can be used in firerated applications • Available in 3 grid core sizes • Highest free area of any return grille • Stainless steel border & grid • ½” x ½” x ½” core • Highest free area of any return grille 45R-SS RETURN GRILLE RETURN GRILLE • Aluminum border & grid • 45B deflection sight proof design • MRI compatible • Stainless steel border & grid • 45B deflection sight proof design specialized grilles Specialized Grille Products (continued) 8F RETURN GRILLE • Aluminum construction • 51% free area perforated face • Matches appearance of perforated supply diffusers RETURN GRILLE • Stainless steel construction (#304) • 51% free area perforated face • Matches appearance of perforated supply diffusers RETURN FILTER GRILLE • Aluminum construction • 51% free area perforated face • Matches appearance of perforated supply diffusers • Accommodates 1” or 2” thick filters 8R RETURN GRILLE • Steel construction • 51% free area perforated face • Matches appearance of perforated supply diffusers 8RF RETURN FILTER GRILLE • Steel construction • 51% free area perforated face • Matches appearance of perforated supply diffusers • Accommodates 1” or 2” thick filters I SPECIALIZED GRILLES 8SS 8FF Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com perforated return grilles pages: I25-I28 I5 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Specialized Grille Products (continued) I steel heavy duty bar return grilles pages: I29-I36 33 (RL / RS) 30 (RL / RS) 33 (RFL / RFS) HEAVY DUTY RETURN GRILLE HEAVY DUTY RETURN GRILLE HEAVY DUTY FILTER RETURN GRILLE HEAVY DUTY FILTER RETURN GRILLE • Steel construction • ½” blade spacing • 38B fixed deflection • Great for use in gymnasiums and areas where rugged construction is required • • • • • Steel construction • ½” blade spacing • 38B fixed deflection • Accommodates 1” or 2” thick filters • Great for use in gymnasiums and areas where rugged construction is required • • • • Steel construction Blade spacing is 3/8” 0B fixed deflection Great for use in gymnasiums and areas where rugged construction is required SPECIALIZED GRILLES Steel construction Blade spacing is 3/8” 0B fixed deflection Accommodates 1” or 2” thick filters • Great for use in gymnasiums and areas where rugged construction is required aluminum heavy duty bar return grilles pages: I37-I42 I6 I6 30 (RFL / RFS) 63 (FL / FS) 60 (FL / FS) HEAVY DUTY RETURN GRILLE HEAVY DUTY RETURN GRILLE • Aluminum construction • ½” blade spacing • 30B fixed deflection • MRI compatible • Great for use in gymnasiums and areas where rugged construction is required • Aluminum construction • ½” blade spacing • 0B fixed deflection • Great for use in gymnasiums and areas where rugged construction is required specialized grilles Specialized Grille Products (continued) S301 / S300 (FL / FS) US301 / US300 (FL / FS) S8F US8F SINGLE / DOUBLE DEFLECTION SPIRAL GRILLES SINGLE / DOUBLE DEFLECTION SPIRAL GRILLES PERFORATED SPIRAL GRILLE PERFORATED SPIRAL GRILLE • Mounts directly to duct, eliminating need for duct taps • Radius end cap design to match duct diameter • Aluminum construction • Individually adjustable blades • Mounts directly to duct, eliminating need for duct taps • Universal end cap design can be used on multiple duct diameters • Aluminum construction • Individually adjustable blades • Radius end cap design to match duct diameter • Mounts directly to duct, eliminating need for duct taps • Aluminum construction • Perforated face, 51% free area • Universal end cap design can be used on multiple duct diameters • Mounts directly to duct, eliminating need for duct taps • Aluminum construction • Perforated face, 51% free area Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com spiral duct mounted grilles pages: I43-I52 I door grilles pages: I53-I57 CT-700 (L / S) DOOR GRILLE DOOR GRILLE • • • • • • • • Steel construction Great for use in doors or partitions Sight proof design with large free area Optional auxiliary frame to facilitate mounting Aluminum construction Great for use in doors or partitions Sight proof design with large free area Optional auxiliary frame to facilitate mounting SPECIALIZED GRILLES T-700 (L / S) I7 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Specialized Grille Products (continued) I 1700 (L / S) NARROW BLADE GRILLES • • • • Extruded aluminum construction Reversible core for 5B or 15B deflection Core easily removes using a detachable lever Available with rear deflection blades SPECIALIZED GRILLES pages: I62-I66 I8 I8 reversible core grilles pages: I58-I61 commercial / industrial louvered supply grilles JFA (L / S) POLE OPERATED GRILLES • • • • • Steel & aluminum construction Individually adjustable aluminum front blades Steel rear blades are gang operated Pole operated rear blades ganged for easy adjustment Extruded aluminum front blades individually adjustable specialized grilles Specialized Grille Products (continued) DL DRUM LOUVER • High capacity with long throws • Adjustable vertical blades mounted in rotating drum • Aluminum construction • Great for large open areas where air must be discharged over a large distance DL-SV US-DL-SV DRUM LOUVER - SPLIT VANE SPIRAL DUCT DRUM LOUVER SPIRAL DUCT DRUM LOUVER - SPLIT VANE • Split vane design for increased flexibility • High capacity with long throws • Adjustable vertical blades mounted in rotating drum • Great for large open areas where air must be discharged over a large distance • Mounts directly to duct, eliminating need for duct taps • Universal end cap design can be used on multiple duct diameters • High capacity with long throws, great for large open areas • Adjustable vertical blades mounted in rotating drum • Mounts directly to duct, eliminating need for duct taps • Universal end cap design can be used on multiple duct diameters • Split vane design for increased flexibility • Adjustable vertical blades mounted in rotating drum S-DL-SV SPIRAL DRUM LOUVER SPIRAL DRUM LOUVER - SPLIT VANE • Split vane design for increased flexibility • High capacity with long throws • Adjustable vertical blades mounted in rotating drum • Great for large open areas where air must be discharged over a large distance I SPECIALIZED GRILLES S-DL • High capacity with long throws • Mounts directly to duct eliminating the need for taps • Great for large open areas where air must be discharged over a large distance US-DL Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com drum louvers pages: I67-I81 I9 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Overview I Titus offers a complete line of specialty grilles for the various types of nonstandard applications that require special air distribution products. Titus specialty grilles are designed to provide the highest degree of quality and performance. The comprehensive line includes: • Perforated and eggcrate return grilles to match the look and feel of perforated diffusers or parabolic lighting fixtures • Heavy duty supply and return grilles for rugged applications like gymnasiums • Transfer and door grilles with sight proof design • Narrow blade reversible core grilles • High capacity drum louvers in single or split vane design • Spiral mount grilles designed to mount directly onto spiral ductwork without the need for saddle taps • Heavy gauge supply grilles with lever operator for industrial applications APPLICATION ICONS KEY prevents line of sight through the grille sight proof design great for areas where the conditioned space is large and the ductwork is unable to be brought closer to the occupants open areas for use in doors and partitions SPECIALIZED GRILLES doors / partitions MRI compatible for use in factories, warehouses, shopping malls and other large open spaces where long throws are required factories for use in gymnasiums, arenas and other large open spaces where long throws are required gymnasiums used in airport terminals and other large open spaces where long throws are required airport terminals for use in areas where rugged construction is required rugged areas especially suited to work in areas where high humidity may become a factor humid areas I10 I10 for use in MRI environments & will not significantly affect the diagnostic information duct mounted Diffuser module sizes are hard metric & inlets are soft. Metric linear and grille products are converted to the nearest ¼” for ordering. Contact us for more information. metric sizes mounts directly to ductwork specialized grilles Overview (continued) Supply Front Blades Horizontal Vertical 1700L (For Double Deflection use 1700S (For Double Deflection use 1700L-07) 1700S-07) Description Deflection Reversible Core Narrow Blade 15°Up, 15° Down, 5° Up, or 5° Down Narrow Gang Operated Rear Blades Using Pole Double ¾” Front 1¼” Rear JFA-L JFA-S High Capacity, Long Throw Commercial/ Industrial Grille in Rotating Drum Single Varies with Model – DL Spiral Duct Grille - Radius Endcap Spiral Duct Grille - Radius Endcap Spiral Duct Grille - Universal Endcap Spiral Duct Grille - Universal Endcap Double Single Double Single S300FL S301FL US300FL US301FL S300FS S301FS US300FS US301FS Eggcrate Return 0° 45° 50F / 50R-SS 45F / 45R-SS 50F / 50R / 50R-SS 45F / 45R-SS Perforated Return N/A ¾” ¾” ¾” ¾” ½” x ½” x ½” grid ½” x ½” x 1” grid 1” x 1” x 1” grid 3 /16” Holes on ¼” staggered 8F / 8R / 8SS 8F / 8R / 8SS 30RL 60FL 33RL 63FL T-700 CT-700 50FF 45F 30RS 60FS 33RS 63FS N/A N/A 50FF - 8FF / 8RF 8FF / 8RF 30RFL 33RFL 30RFS 33RFS S8F S8F US8F US8F Steel Door Grille Aluminum Door Grille Eggcrate Filter Grille* Eggcrate Filter Grille* 0° 0° 38° 30° Sight Proof Sight Proof N/A 45° Perforated Filter Grille* 0° Heavy Duty Gym Grille Return Available Material Types A S SS SA Gym Filter Grille* 0° 38° Spiral Duct Grille - Radius end caps Perforated Spiral Duct Grille - Universal end caps Perforated Blade Spacing centers /8” ½” ½” ½” ½” ½” ½” x ½” x ½” grid ½” x ½” x ½” grid 3 /16” Holes on ¼” staggered 3 centers /8” ½” 3 /16” Holes on ¼” staggered 3 centers 3 /16” Holes on ¼” staggered centers Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Function I Model 1700 • 1700-07 • JFA • Supply DL S300 • • S301 • US300 • US301 • 45 • 50 • • • • 8 • • • CT-700 • 30 • 8 • • • 33 • Return T-700 30 • • 33 60 • 63 • S8 • US8 • • Note: A = Aluminum Border and Blades, S = Steel, SS = 304 Stainless Steel, SA = Steel Border with Aluminum Blades or Core. Some aluminum and stainless steel models may be constructed of all nonmagnetic components (no plastics) to meet MRI requirements. Consult your Titus representative for specific details. See individual model information for construction details. Titus reserves the right to make product improvements on a continual basis. As products are updated, new submittal sheets are published. Your Titus representative can provide you with updated technical information on all products. SPECIALIZED GRILLES I11 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Eggcrate Return Grilles 50F / 50F-NT 50F • Aluminum border • ½ x ½ x ½” aluminum core • High free area core • Minimized pressure drop • Matches general appearance of parabolic lighting fixtures • MRI compatible 50F 50F-NT 50R • Steel border • ½ x ½ x ½” aluminum core • Can be used in fire-rated applications I 50F-NT • Same as 50F but designed to fit in Narrow Tee Ceiling Grids metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: 50F / Aluminum Border & Core 50F-NT / Aluminum Border & Core / Narrow Tee 50R / Steel Border with Aluminum Core FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Titus Eggcrate grilles have the highest free area of any return grille. These grilles are available with aluminum border and aluminum grid; steel border and aluminum grid; or entirely stainless steel construction. Offered in ½ x ½ x ½”, ½ x ½ x 1”, or 1 x 1 x 1” core sizes. Also available as a filtered return. 50F / 50F-NT PRODUCTS INCLUDE I12 I12 • Standard Core ½ x ½ x ½ inch • Optional Cores: (50F, 50F-NT) ½ x ½ x 1 inch 1 x 1 x 1inch • Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Optional Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount #3 - Lay-In #7 - Channel Frame (50F only) #8 - Core Only (50F only) • Optional Steel or Aluminum Opposed-Blade Damper MRI compatible See website for Specifications specialized grilles DIMENSIONS 50F Border Type 1 D plus 1¾" D minus ¾" 1¼" ¼" Aluminum Core J Optional Opposed Blade Damper K Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 50F / 50F-NT DIMENSIONS D minus ½" I Nominal Duct Size D" Available sizes (D” x D”) are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost AVAILABLE SIZES Model Dimensions 50F J K ½” x ½” x ½” 1¼ 2½ Core Dimensions ½” x ½” x 1” 1⅝ 215/16 1x1x1 1⅝ 215/16 50F-NT 24" D minus ½" Optional Opposed Blade Damper 5/16" D minus ¾" 9/16" 23¾" Available sizes (D” x D”) are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost All dimensions are in inches DIMENSIONS 23 ⅜" I13 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Eggcrate Return Grilles (continued) specialized grilles 45F 45F • Sight proof design • Aluminum border • ½ x ½ x ½” aluminum core • 45B Deflection • High free area core • Matches general appearance of parabolic lighting fixtures • MRI compatible 45F I metric sizes AVAILABLE MODEL: sight proof design MRI compatible See website for Specifications 45F / Aluminum Border & Core FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW The 45F is an all aluminum return grille with an eggcrate core at a 45 degree deflection angle that prevents line of sight through the grille. Get the benefit of an attractive look which hides the plenum or the duct behind it without the use of a light shield or plenum. For Performance Data, refer to page I24 45F PRODUCTS INCLUDE I14 I14 • Standard Core ½ x ½ x ½ inch • 45B Deflection • Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Optional Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount #3 - Lay-In • Optional Steel or Aluminum Opposed-Blade Damper Installation image of the 45F Eggcrate Return Grille installed in a gift shop specialized grilles DIMENSIONS Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 45F DIMENSIONS 45F - Border Type 1 (Surface Mount) I AVAILABLE SIZES (D” X D”) TYPE 1 SURFACE MOUNT FRAME NOMINAL SIZE TYPE 3 LAY-IN FRAME NOMINAL SIZE(S) 10 x 10 22 X10 22 X 22 46 X 22 MODULE SIZE 12 X12 10 X 10 24 X12 10 X 10 22 X 10 24 X 24 10 X 10 48 X 24 10 X 10 22 X 10 22 X 10 22 X 22 22 X 22 46 X 22 DIMENSIONS All dimensions are in inches I15 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Eggcrate Return Grilles (continued) specialized grilles 50R-SS • Stainless steel border • ½ x ½ x ½” stainless steel core • High free area core • Minimized pressure drop • Matches general appearance of parabolic lighting fixtures • Available in 304 Stainless Steel (standard) and 316 Stainless Steel (optional) 50R-SS I AVAILABLE MODEL: 50R-SS / Stainless Steel FINISH Standard Finish - #04 Mill OVERVIEW Titus Eggcrate grilles have the highest free area of any return grille. Available with aluminum border and aluminum grid; steel border and aluminum grid; or entirely stainless steel construction. Offered in ½ x ½ x ½”, ½ x ½ x 1”, or 1 x 1 x 1” core sizes. Also available as a filtered return. OPTIONS 50R-SS • Standard Core ½ x ½ x ½ inch • Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Optional Steel or Aluminum Opposed-Blade Damper I16 I16 See website for Specifications specialized grilles DIMENSIONS Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 50R-SS DIMENSIONS 50R-SS - Border Type 1 - I Available sizes (D” x D”) are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost DIMENSIONS All dimensions are in inches I17 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Eggcrate Return Grilles (continued) specialized grilles 45R-SS 45R-SS • Sight proof design • Stainless steel border • ½ x ½ x ½” stainless steel core • 45B Deflection • High free area core • Matches general appearance of parabolic lighting fixtures • MRI compatible 45R-SS I sight proof design MRI compatible AVAILABLE MODEL: 45R-SS / Stainless Steel FINISH Standard Finish - #04 Mill OVERVIEW The 45R-SS is a stainless steel return grille with an eggcrate core at a 45 degree deflection angle that prevents line of sight through the grille. Get the benefit of an attractive look which hides the plenum or the duct behind it without the use of a light shield or plenum. For Performance Data, refer to page I24 45R-SS PRODUCTS INCLUDE I18 I18 • Standard Core ½ x ½ x ½ inch • 45B Deflection • Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Optional Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount #3 - Lay-In • Optional Steel or Aluminum Opposed-Blade Damper See website for Specifications specialized grilles DIMENSIONS 45R-SS - Border Type 1 (Surface Mount) D plus 1" 1 " ½" 45 ° 9 / 16 Duct Size minus ¼" " Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 45R-SS DIMENSIONS I Available sizes (D” x D”) are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost DIMENSIONS All dimensions are in inches I19 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Eggcrate Return Grilles (continued) specialized grilles 50FF • Aluminum border and filter frame • ½ x ½ x ½” aluminum core • High free area core • Minimized pressure drop • Matches model 50F in appearance 50FF I AVAILABLE MODEL: 50FF / Aluminum Border & Core / Filter Frame FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Filter Return Titus Eggcrate grilles have the highest free area of any return grille. Available with aluminum border and aluminum grid; steel border and aluminum grid; or entirely stainless steel construction. Offered in ½ x ½ x ½”, ½ x ½ x 1”, or 1 x 1 x 1” core sizes. Also available as a filtered return. For Performance Data, refer to page I22 50FF OPTIONS I20 I20 • ½ x ½ x ½” Aluminum Eggcrate Core • 1 inch Filter Frame • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount #3 - Lay-In • Hidden Screw Holes • Filter by Others See website for Specifications specialized grilles DIMENSIONS 50FF - Border Type 1 & 3 HINGE FASTENER D PLUS 3 3/4" 7/16 1/2 1 1/4 2" FOR 1" FILTER 3 1/8" FOR 2" FILTER Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 50FF DIMENSIONS NOMINAL DUCT SIZE (D) Duct opening should be nominal duct size (D) plus 1/4” Side Cross-Sectional View: Border Type 1 (Surface Mount) & Border Type 3 (Lay-in T-Bar) I Please refer to page I85 for Hinge Locations DIMENSIONS All dimensions are in inches I21 D PLUS 3 3/4" D PLUS 1/4" specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I22 I22 MODELS: 50F, 50F-NT, 50R, 50R-SS AND 50FF PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 6x6 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 0.25 Core Area sq. ft 8x6 0.33 0.26 10x6 0.42 0.34 8x8 0.44 0.37 12x6 0.50 0.41 14x6 0.58 0.48 16x6 12x8 0.67 0.57 10x10 0.69 0.59 18x6 20x6 12x10 0.75 0.63 0.83 0.72 22x6 24x6 12x12 30x6 18x10 0.92 0.77 1.00 0.88 1.25 1.11 14x14 36x6 18x12 1.36 1.22 1.50 1.35 22x10 30x8 24x10 42x6 18x14 16x16 1.53 1.37 1.67 1.49 1.75 1.78 1.59 1.62 24x12 18x16 18x18 2.00 1.82 2.25 2.07 24x14 2.33 2.14 30x12 2.50 2.29 24x16 2.67 2.46 20x20 2.78 2.57 36x12 3.00 2.75 30x16 24x20 3.33 3.11 22x22 42x12 36x14 3.36 3.14 3.50 3.22 24x22 3.67 3.43 30x18 3.75 3.50 0.19 Core Velocity Velocity Pressure 1x1x1 Neg. Ps ½x½x½ Neg. Ps Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 300 0.006 0.013 0.013 57 78 102 111 123 144 171 177 189 216 231 264 333 366 405 411 447 477 486 546 621 642 687 738 771 825 933 942 966 1029 1050 - NC 20 400 0.01 0.024 0.024 76 104 136 148 164 192 228 236 252 288 308 352 444 488 540 548 596 636 648 728 828 856 916 984 1028 1100 1244 1256 1288 1372 1400 - 500 0.016 0.037 0.037 95 130 170 185 205 240 285 295 315 360 385 440 555 610 675 685 745 795 810 910 1035 1070 1145 1230 1285 1375 1555 1570 1610 1715 1750 - 600 0.022 0.054 0.053 114 10 156 10 204 11 222 11 246 11 288 11 342 12 354 12 378 12 432 12 462 12 528 12 666 13 732 13 810 13 822 13 894 13 954 13 972 13 1092 13 1242 13 1284 13 1374 13 1476 13 1542 13 1650 14 1866 14 1884 14 1932 14 2058 14 2100 14 700 0.031 0.073 0.073 133 17 182 17 238 17 259 17 287 18 336 18 399 18 413 18 441 18 504 18 539 18 616 18 777 19 854 19 945 19 959 19 1043 19 1113 19 1134 19 1274 19 1449 19 1498 20 1603 20 1722 20 1799 20 1925 20 2177 20 2198 20 2254 20 2401 20 2450 20 NC 30 800 0.04 0.096 0.095 152 22 208 22 272 23 296 23 328 23 384 23 456 23 472 23 504 24 576 24 616 24 704 24 888 24 976 24 1080 24 1096 25 1192 25 1272 25 1296 25 1456 25 1656 25 1712 25 1832 25 1968 25 2056 25 2200 25 2488 25 2512 25 2576 26 2744 26 2800 26 NC 40 1000 0.062 0.15 0.148 190 31 260 31 340 32 370 32 410 32 480 32 570 32 590 33 630 33 720 33 770 33 880 33 1110 34 1220 34 1350 34 1370 34 1490 34 1590 34 1620 34 1820 34 2070 34 2140 34 2290 34 2460 34 2570 34 2750 34 3110 35 3140 35 3220 35 3430 35 3500 35 1200 0.09 0.216 0.213 228 39 312 39 408 39 444 39 492 40 576 40 684 40 708 40 756 40 864 40 924 40 1056 40 1332 41 1464 41 1620 41 1644 41 1788 41 1908 41 1944 41 2184 41 2484 41 2568 42 2748 42 2952 42 3084 42 3300 42 3732 42 3768 42 3864 42 4116 42 4200 42 1400 0.122 0.294 0.29 266 45 364 45 476 46 518 46 574 46 672 46 798 46 826 46 882 46 1008 46 1078 47 1232 47 1554 47 1708 47 1890 47 1918 47 2086 47 2226 47 2268 48 2548 48 2898 48 2996 48 3206 48 3444 48 3598 48 3850 48 4354 48 4396 48 4508 48 4802 48 4900 48 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA NC 20 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 4.00 3.75 36x18 36x20 30x24 4.50 4.22 5.00 4.71 42x18 5.25 4.94 28x28 42x20 30x28 48x18 36x24 5.44 5.16 5.83 5.51 6.00 5.66 30x30 42x24 36x28 6.25 5.94 7.00 6.66 46x22 7.03 6.68 32x32 7.11 6.78 36x30 48x24 36x32 7.50 7.16 8.00 7.63 34x34 8.03 7.68 36x34 8.50 8.14 42x30 8.75 8.38 36x36 42x34 48x30 9.00 8.63 10.00 9.60 38x38 10.03 9.64 42x36 10.50 10.10 46x34 10.86 10.45 42x38 11.08 10.67 40x40 11.11 10.70 48x36 12.00 11.57 42x42 12.25 11.82 44x44 13.44 12.99 48x42 14.00 13.54 46x46 14.69 14.22 48x46 15.33 14.85 48x48 16.00 15.50 Core Velocity Velocity Pressure 1x1x1 Neg. Ps ½x½x½ Neg. Ps Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 300 0.006 0.013 0.013 1125 1266 1413 1482 1548 1653 1698 1782 1998 2004 2034 2148 2289 2304 2442 2514 2589 2880 2892 3030 3135 3201 3210 3471 3546 3897 4062 4266 4455 4650 - 400 0.01 0.024 0.024 1500 1688 1884 1976 2064 2204 2264 2376 2664 2672 2712 2864 3052 3072 3256 3352 3452 3840 3856 4040 4180 4268 4280 4628 4728 5196 5416 5688 5940 6200 - 500 0.016 0.037 0.037 1875 2110 2355 2470 2580 2755 2830 2970 3330 3340 3390 3580 3815 3840 4070 4190 4315 4800 4820 5050 5225 5335 5350 5785 5910 6495 6770 7110 7425 7750 - 600 0.022 0.054 0.053 2250 14 2532 14 2826 14 2964 14 3096 14 3306 14 3396 14 3564 15 3996 15 4008 15 4068 15 4296 15 4578 15 4608 15 4884 15 5028 15 5178 15 5760 15 5784 15 6060 15 6270 15 6402 15 6420 15 6942 15 7092 15 7794 16 8124 16 8532 16 8910 16 9300 16 700 0.031 0.073 0.073 2625 20 2954 20 3297 21 3458 21 3612 21 3857 21 3962 21 4158 21 4662 21 4676 21 4746 21 5012 21 5341 21 5376 21 5698 21 5866 21 6041 21 6720 21 6748 21 7070 22 7315 22 7469 22 7490 22 8099 22 8274 22 9093 22 9478 22 9954 22 10395 22 10850 22 800 0.04 0.096 0.095 3000 26 3376 26 3768 26 3952 26 4128 26 4408 26 4528 26 4752 26 5328 26 5344 26 5424 27 5728 27 6104 27 6144 27 6512 27 6704 27 6904 27 7680 27 7712 27 8080 27 8360 27 8536 27 8560 27 9256 27 9456 27 10392 27 10832 27 11376 27 11880 27 12400 28 NC 40 1000 0.062 0.15 0.148 3750 35 4220 35 4710 35 4940 35 5160 35 5510 35 5660 35 5940 35 6660 36 6680 36 6780 36 7160 36 7630 36 7680 36 8140 36 8380 36 8630 36 9600 36 9640 36 10100 36 10450 36 10670 36 10700 36 11570 36 11820 36 12990 36 13540 37 14220 37 14850 37 15500 37 1200 0.09 0.216 0.213 4500 42 5064 42 5652 43 5928 43 6192 43 6612 43 6792 43 7128 43 7992 43 8016 43 8136 43 8592 43 9156 43 9216 43 9768 43 10056 43 10356 43 11520 43 11568 43 12120 44 12540 44 12804 44 12840 44 13884 44 14184 44 15588 44 16248 44 17064 44 17820 44 18600 44 1400 0.122 0.294 0.29 5250 49 5908 49 6594 49 6916 49 7224 49 7714 49 7924 49 8316 49 9324 49 9352 49 9492 49 10024 49 10682 49 10752 49 11396 50 11732 50 12082 50 13440 50 13496 50 14140 50 14630 50 14938 50 14980 50 16198 50 16548 50 18186 50 18956 50 19908 50 20790 50 21700 50 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 48x12 24x24 NC 30 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com MODELS: 50F, 50F-NT, 50R, 50R-SS AND 50FF PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD I23 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA MODELS: 45F / 45R-SS Nominal Duct Size (inches) Nominal Duct Area (Sq. Ft.) Core Area (Sq. Ft.) 6x6 0.25 0.19 8x8 0.44 0.34 10 x 10 0.69 0.53 12 x 12 1.00 0.76 14 x 14 10 x 22 PERFORMANCE DATA I 16 x 16 18 x 18 1.53 1.78 2.25 1.03 1.16 1.35 1.71 20 x 20 2.78 2.11 22 x 22 3.36 2.55 30 x 18 3.75 2.85 36 x 20 5.00 3.80 42 x 20 5.83 4.43 30 x 30 6.25 4.75 46 x 22 7.03 5.34 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.010 0.013 0.016 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.016 0.025 0.037 0.05 0.065 0.082 0.102 0.123 0.146 0.172 Airflow, cfm 50 63 75 88 100 113 125 138 150 163 NC - - 15 19 22 26 28 31 33 35 Airflow, cfm 89 111 133 156 178 200 222 244 267 289 NC - - 15 19 23 26 29 32 34 36 Airflow, cfm 139 174 208 243 278 313 347 382 417 451 NC - - 16 20 24 27 30 33 35 37 Airflow, cfm 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 NC - - 17 21 25 28 31 34 36 38 Airflow, cfm 272 340 408 476 544 613 681 749 817 885 NC - - 17 22 26 29 32 35 38 40 Airflow, cfm 306 382 458 535 611 688 764 840 917 993 NC - - 18 22 26 30 33 36 38 41 Airflow, cfm 356 444 533 622 711 800 889 978 1067 1156 NC - - 18 23 27 30 34 36 39 41 Airflow, cfm 450 563 675 788 900 1013 1125 1238 1350 1463 NC - - 19 24 28 32 35 38 41 43 Airflow, cfm 556 694 833 972 1111 1250 1389 1528 1667 1806 NC - 15 20 25 29 33 36 39 42 45 Airflow, cfm 672 840 1008 1176 1344 1513 1681 1849 2017 2185 NC - 16 22 27 31 34 38 41 43 46 Airflow, cfm 750 938 1125 1313 1500 1688 1875 2063 2250 2438 NC - 17 23 27 32 35 39 42 44 47 Airflow, cfm 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 NC - 20 25 30 34 38 41 44 46 49 Airflow, cfm 1167 1458 1750 2042 2333 2625 2917 3208 3500 3792 NC 16 22 27 32 35 39 42 44 47 49 Airflow, cfm 1250 1563 1875 2188 2500 2813 3125 3438 3750 4063 NC 18 24 28 33 36 39 42 45 47 49 Airflow, cfm 1406 1757 2108 2460 2811 3163 3514 3865 4217 4568 NC 21 26 30 34 37 40 42 45 47 49 AVAILABLE SIZES (D” X D”) TYPE 1 SURFACE MOUNT FRAME NOMINAL SIZE TYPE 3 LAY-IN FRAME NOMINAL SIZE(S) I24 I24 1.36 Core Velocity Velocity Pressure ½ x ½ x ½ Neg. Ps. 10 x 10 22 X10 22 X 22 46 X 22 MODULE SIZE 12 X12 10 X 10 24 X12 10 X 10 22 X 10 24 X 24 10 X 10 48 X 24 10 X 10 22 X 10 22 X 10 22 X 22 22 X 22 46 X 22 specialized grilles Perforated Return Grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 8F / 8FF / 8R / 8RF / 8SS 8F, 8R, 8SS • Perforated screen with 3/16” diameter holes on ¼ inch staggered centers • 51% free area perforated face • Matches general appearance of industry standard perforated diffusers 8FF, 8RF • Available for lay-in or surface mounting applications 8F / 8R / 8SS 8FF / 8RF • For use with 1” thick filters • Perforated screen with 3/16” diameter holes on ¼ inch staggered centers • Matches general appearance of industry standard perforated diffusers metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: See website for Specifications I 8F / Aluminum 8R / Steel 8SS / 304 Stainless Steel 8FF / Aluminum Filter Grille 8RF / Steel Filter Grille FINISHES Standard Finish - #26 White (8F, 8R, 8FF, 8RF) Standard Finish - #04 Mill (8SS) OVERVIEW PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount (All models) #2 - Snap-In (8F) #3 - Lay-In (8F, 8R, 8RF, 8FF) #4 - Spline (8F) • Countersunk Screw Holes • Optional Steel Opposed-Blade Damper 8F / 8FF / 8R / 8RF / 8SS Perforated return grilles have a standard 51 percent free area on the face and can be used as a matching return in conjunction with perforated supply diffusers. Additional options include a filter frame and steel, aluminum or stainless steel construction. I25 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS 8F, 8R, 8FF, 8RF, DIMENSIONS 8F, 8R - Border Type 1 D plus 1¾" 1¼" D minus ¾" ¼" Optional Opposed Blade Damper 1⅛" 2⅞" D minus ½" I Nominal Duct Size D" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 2” increments. Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost. 8FF, 8RF - Border Type 1 & 3 HINGE FASTENER D PLUS 3 3/4" 7/16” 1 1/4” 2" FOR 1" FILTER 3 1/8" FOR 2" FILTER NOMINAL DUCT SIZE (D) I26 I26 Duct opening should be nominal duct size (D) plus 1/4” Side Cross-Sectional View: Border Type 1 (Surface Mount) & Border Type 3 (Lay-in T-Bar) Please refer to page I85 for Hinge Locations All dimensions are in inches D PLUS 3 3/4" DIMENSIONS D PLUS 1/4" specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA NC 10 NC 20 NC 30 NC 40 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 0.25 Core Area sq. ft Core Velocity Velocity Pressure Neg. Static Pressure 300 0.010 0.051 400 0.016 0.079 500 0.022 0.114 600 0.031 0.156 700 0.040 0.203 800 0.062 0.318 1000 0.090 0.458 1200 0.122 0.623 1400 0.12 0.62 0.19 8x6 0.33 0.26 10x6 0.42 0.34 8x8 0.44 0.37 12x6 0.5 0.41 14x6 0.58 0.48 16x6 12x8 0.67 0.57 10x10 0.69 0.59 18x6 20x6 12x10 0.75 0.63 0.83 0.72 22x6 24x6 12x12 30x6 18x10 0.92 0.77 1 0.88 1.25 1.11 14x14 36x6 18x12 1.36 1.22 1.5 1.35 22x10 30x8 24x10 42x6 18x14 16x16 1.53 1.37 1.67 1.49 1.75 1.78 1.59 1.62 24x12 18x16 18x18 2 1.82 2.25 2.07 24x14 2.33 2.14 30x12 2.5 2.29 24x16 2.67 2.46 20x20 2.78 2.57 36x12 3 2.75 30x16 24x20 3.33 3.11 22x22 42x12 36x14 3.36 3.14 3.5 3.22 24x22 3.67 3.43 30x18 3.75 3.5 Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC 57 78 102 111 123 144 171 177 189 216 231 264 333 366 405 411 447 477 486 546 621 642 687 738 771 825 933 942 966 1029 1050 - 76 104 136 148 164 192 228 236 252 288 308 352 444 488 540 548 596 636 648 728 828 856 916 984 1028 1100 1244 11 1256 11 1288 11 1372 11 1400 12 95 130 170 185 205 240 285 295 315 360 385 440 11 555 12 610 12 675 13 685 13 745 13 795 14 810 14 910 14 1035 15 1070 15 1145 15 1230 15 1285 16 1375 16 1555 16 1570 17 1610 17 1715 17 1750 17 114 156 204 11 222 12 246 12 288 13 342 14 354 14 378 14 432 15 462 15 528 15 666 16 732 17 810 17 822 17 894 18 954 18 972 18 1092 19 1242 19 1284 19 1374 20 1476 20 1542 20 1650 20 1866 21 1884 21 1932 21 2058 21 2100 21 133 13 182 14 238 15 259 15 287 16 336 17 399 17 413 18 441 18 504 18 539 19 616 19 777 20 854 21 945 21 959 21 1043 22 1113 22 1134 22 1274 22 1449 23 1498 23 1603 23 1722 24 1799 24 1925 24 2177 25 2198 25 2254 25 2401 25 2450 25 152 16 208 17 272 18 296 19 328 19 384 20 456 21 472 21 504 21 576 22 616 22 704 23 888 24 976 24 1080 24 1096 24 1192 25 1272 25 1296 25 1456 26 1656 26 1712 26 1832 27 1968 27 2056 27 2200 27 2488 28 2512 28 2576 28 2744 28 2800 29 190 21 260 23 340 24 370 24 410 25 480 25 570 26 590 26 630 27 720 27 770 27 880 28 1110 29 1220 29 1350 30 1370 30 1490 30 1590 31 1620 31 1820 31 2070 32 2140 32 2290 32 2460 32 2570 33 2750 33 3110 33 3140 34 3220 34 3430 34 3500 34 228 26 312 27 408 28 444 29 492 29 576 30 684 31 708 31 756 31 864 32 924 32 1056 32 1332 33 1464 34 1620 34 1644 34 1788 35 1908 35 1944 35 2184 36 2484 36 2568 36 2748 37 2952 37 3084 37 3300 37 3732 38 3768 38 3864 38 4116 38 4200 38 266 30 364 31 476 32 518 33 574 33 672 34 798 34 826 35 882 35 1008 35 1078 36 1232 36 1554 37 1708 38 1890 38 1918 38 2086 39 2226 39 2268 39 2548 39 2898 40 2996 40 3206 40 3444 41 3598 41 3850 41 4354 42 4396 42 4508 42 4802 42 4900 42 • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 6x6 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com MODELS: 8F, 8FF, 8R, 8RF, AND 8SS PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD I27 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I28 I28 MODELS: 8F, 8FF, 8R, 8RF, AND 8SS PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD NC 10 Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 48x12 24x24 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 4.00 3.75 36x18 36x20 30x24 4.50 4.22 5.00 4.71 42x18 5.25 4.94 28x28 42x20 30x28 48x18 36x24 5.44 5.16 5.83 5.51 6.00 5.66 30x30 42x24 36x28 6.25 5.94 7.00 6.66 46x22 7.03 6.68 32x32 7.11 6.78 36x30 48x24 36x32 7.50 7.16 8.00 7.63 34x34 8.03 7.68 36x34 8.50 8.14 42x30 8.75 8.38 36x36 42x34 48x30 9.00 8.63 10.00 9.60 38x38 10.03 9.64 42x36 10.50 10.10 46x34 10.86 10.45 42x38 11.08 10.67 40x40 11.11 10.70 48x36 12.00 11.57 42x42 12.25 11.82 44x44 13.44 12.99 48x42 14.00 13.54 46x46 14.69 14.22 48x46 15.33 14.85 48x48 16.00 15.50 NC 20 NC 30 NC 40 Core Velocity Velocity Pressure Neg. Static Pressure 300 0.006 0.029 400 0.010 0.051 500 0.016 0.079 600 0.022 0.114 700 0.031 0.156 800 0.040 0.203 1000 0.062 0.318 1200 0.090 0.458 1400 0.122 0.623 Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC 1125 1266 1413 1482 1548 1653 1698 1782 1998 2004 2034 2148 2289 2304 2442 2514 2589 2880 2892 3030 3135 3201 3210 3471 3546 3897 4062 4266 11 4455 11 4650 11 1500 12 1688 12 1884 13 1976 13 2064 13 2204 13 2264 14 2376 14 2664 14 2672 14 2712 14 2864 15 3052 15 3072 15 3256 15 3352 15 3452 15 3840 16 3856 16 4040 16 4180 16 4268 16 4280 16 4628 17 4728 17 5196 17 5416 17 5688 18 5940 18 6200 18 1875 17 2110 18 2355 18 2470 18 2580 19 2755 19 2830 19 2970 19 3330 20 3340 20 3390 20 3580 20 3815 20 3840 20 4070 21 4190 21 4315 21 4800 21 4820 21 5050 22 5225 22 5335 22 5350 22 5785 22 5910 22 6495 23 6770 23 7110 23 7425 23 7750 23 2250 22 2532 22 2826 23 2964 23 3096 23 3306 23 3396 24 3564 24 3996 24 4008 24 4068 24 4296 25 4578 25 4608 25 4884 25 5028 25 5178 25 5760 26 5784 26 6060 26 6270 26 6402 26 6420 26 6942 27 7092 27 7794 27 8124 27 8532 28 8910 28 9300 28 2625 26 2954 26 3297 27 3458 27 3612 27 3857 27 3962 27 4158 28 4662 28 4676 28 4746 28 5012 28 5341 29 5376 29 5698 29 5866 29 6041 29 6720 30 6748 30 7070 30 7315 30 7469 30 7490 30 8099 30 8274 31 9093 31 9478 31 9954 31 10395 32 10850 32 3000 29 3376 29 3768 30 3952 30 4128 30 4408 30 4528 31 4752 31 5328 31 5344 31 5424 31 5728 32 6104 32 6144 32 6512 32 6704 32 6904 32 7680 33 7712 33 8080 33 8360 33 8536 33 8560 33 9256 34 9456 34 10392 34 10832 34 11376 35 11880 35 12400 35 3750 34 4220 35 4710 35 4940 36 5160 36 5510 36 5660 36 5940 36 6660 37 6680 37 6780 37 7160 37 7630 37 7680 37 8140 38 8380 38 8630 38 9600 38 9640 38 10100 39 10450 39 10670 39 10700 39 11570 39 11820 39 12990 40 13540 40 14220 40 14850 40 15500 40 4500 39 5064 39 5652 40 5928 40 6192 40 6612 40 6792 41 7128 41 7992 41 8016 41 8136 41 8592 42 9156 42 9216 42 9768 42 10056 42 10356 42 11520 43 11568 43 12120 43 12540 43 12804 43 12840 43 13884 44 14184 44 15588 44 16248 44 17064 45 17820 45 18600 45 5250 43 5908 43 6594 44 6916 44 7224 44 7714 44 7924 44 8316 45 9324 45 9352 45 9492 45 10024 45 10682 46 10752 46 11396 46 11732 46 12082 46 13440 47 13496 47 14140 47 14630 47 14938 47 14980 47 16198 47 16548 48 18186 48 18956 48 19908 48 20790 49 21700 49 • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 specialized grilles Heavy Duty Bar Return Grilles 33RL • ½” blade spacing • 38° fixed deflection • 16-gauge border, 14-gauge blades • Support bars 6 inches on center • Blades parallel to the long dimension 33RL 30RL 33RS • Same as 33RL with blades parallel to the short dimension 30RL • /8” blade spacing 3 30RS • Same as 30RL with blades parallel to the short dimension Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 33 / 30 (RL / RS) • 0° fixed deflection • 16-gauge border, 14-gauge blades • Support bars 6 inches on center • Blades parallel to the long dimension metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: gymnasiums rugged areas See website for Specifications I 38B Deflection Models 33RL 33RS 0B Deflection Models 30RL 30RS FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Grilles / Steel PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Available Border Type: #1 - Surface Mount • Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” Long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Optional Steel Opposed-Blade Damper 33 / 30 (RL / RS) Heavy duty return grilles in steel or aluminum construction are great for use in gymnasiums and other areas where rugged construction is required. Available in 0º or angled deflection and standard or filter grille configurations. I29 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS 33 / 30 (RL / RS) DIMENSIONS 38B Deflection Models 33RL / RS - Border Type 1 D plus 1¾" D minus ¾" 1¼" ¼" ½" Optional Opposed Blade Damper 1⅛" 2⅞" D minus ½" I Nominal Duct Size D" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost 0B Deflection Models 30RL / RS - Border Type 1 D plus 1¾" 1¼" D minus ¾" ⅜" Optional Opposed Blade Damper 1⅛" D minus ½" DIMENSIONS Nominal Duct Size D" I30 I30 ¼" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost All dimensions are in inches 2⅞" specialized grilles Heavy Duty Bar Return Grilles (continued) 33RFL • ½” blade spacing • 38° fixed deflection • 16-gauge border, 14-gauge blades • Support bars 6 inches on center • Blades parallel to the long dimension • 1” filter frame 33RFS • Same as 33RFL with blades parallel to the short dimension 30RFL • /8” blade spacing 3 33RFL 30RFL • Blades parallel to the long dimension • 1” filter frame 30RFS • Same as 30RFL with blades parallel to the short dimension Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 33 / 30 (RFL / RFS) • 0° fixed deflection • 16-gauge border, 14-gauge blades • Support bars 6 inches on center metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: gymnasiums rugged areas See website for Specifications I 38B Deflection Models 33RFL 33RFS 0B Deflection Models 30RFL 30RFS FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Grilles / Steel For Performance Data, refer to page I33 for base model and add pressure drop to the installed filter PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Available Border Type: #1 - Surface Mount • Hidden Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” Long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Filter by Others • Optional Steel Opposed-Blade Damper 33 / 30 (RFL / RFS) Heavy duty return grilles in steel or aluminum construction are great for use in gymnasiums and other areas where rugged construction is required. Available in 0º or angled deflection and standard or filter grille configurations. I31 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS 33 / 30 (RFL / RFS) DIMENSIONS 38B Deflection Models 33RFL / RFS - Border Type 1 FASTENER 7/16” HINGE D PLUS 3 3/4" 1/2” 1 1/4” 2 5/32" FOR 1" FILTER 3 3/16" FOR 2" FILTER NOMINAL DUCT SIZE (D) D PLUS 1/4" D PLUS 3 3/4" I Duct opening should be nominal duct size (D) plus 1/4” Side Cross-Sectional View: Border Type 1 (Surface Mount) 0B Deflection Models 30RFL / RFS - Border Type 1 FASTENER 7/16” HINGE D PLUS 3 3/4" 3/8” 1 1/4” 2 5/32" FOR 1" FILTER 3 3/16" FOR 2" FILTER NOMINAL DUCT SIZE (D) I32 I32 Duct opening should be nominal duct size (D) plus 1/4” Side Cross-Sectional View: Border Type 1 (Surface Mount) D PLUS 3 3/4" DIMENSIONS D PLUS 1/4" Please refer to page I85 for Hinge Locations All dimensions are in inches specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA NC 10 NC 20 NC 30 NC 40 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 0.25 Core Area sq. ft Core Velocity Velocity Pressure Neg. Static Pressure 200 0.002 0.010 300 0.006 0.023 400 0.010 0.040 500 0.016 0.063 600 0.022 0.090 700 0.031 0.123 800 0.040 0.161 900 0.050 0.203 1000 0.062 0.251 0.19 8x6 0.33 0.26 10x6 0.42 0.34 8x8 0.44 0.37 12x6 0.50 0.41 14x6 0.58 0.48 16x6 12x8 0.67 0.57 10x10 0.69 0.59 18x6 20x6 12x10 0.75 0.63 0.83 0.72 22x6 24x6 12x12 30x6 18x10 0.92 0.77 1.00 0.88 1.25 1.11 14x14 36x6 18x12 1.36 1.22 1.50 1.35 22x10 30x8 24x10 42x6 18x14 16x16 1.53 1.37 1.67 1.49 1.75 1.78 1.59 1.62 24x12 18x16 18x18 2.00 1.82 2.25 2.07 24x14 2.33 2.14 30x12 2.50 2.29 24x16 2.67 2.46 20x20 2.78 2.57 36x12 3.00 2.75 30x16 24x20 3.33 3.11 22x22 42x12 36x14 3.36 3.14 3.50 3.22 24x22 3.67 3.43 30x18 3.75 3.50 Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC 38 52 68 74 82 96 114 118 126 144 154 176 222 244 270 274 298 318 324 364 414 428 458 492 514 550 622 628 644 686 700 - 57 78 102 111 123 144 171 177 189 216 231 264 333 366 405 411 447 477 486 546 621 642 687 738 771 825 933 942 966 1029 1050 - 76 104 136 148 164 192 11 228 12 236 12 252 12 288 13 308 13 352 14 444 15 488 15 540 16 548 16 596 16 636 16 648 16 728 17 828 18 856 18 916 18 984 18 1028 18 1100 19 1244 19 1256 19 1288 19 1372 20 1400 20 95 14 130 16 170 17 185 17 205 18 240 18 285 19 295 19 315 20 360 20 385 20 440 21 555 22 610 22 675 23 685 23 745 23 795 24 810 24 910 24 1035 25 1070 25 1145 25 1230 26 1285 26 1375 26 1555 27 1570 27 1610 27 1715 27 1750 27 114 20 156 22 204 23 222 23 246 24 288 24 342 25 354 25 378 26 432 26 462 26 528 27 666 28 732 28 810 29 822 29 894 29 954 30 972 30 1092 30 1242 31 1284 31 1374 31 1476 31 1542 32 1650 32 1866 33 1884 33 1932 33 2058 33 2100 33 133 25 182 27 238 28 259 28 287 29 336 29 399 30 413 30 441 31 504 31 539 31 616 32 777 33 854 33 945 34 959 34 1043 34 1113 35 1134 35 1274 35 1449 36 1498 36 1603 36 1722 37 1799 37 1925 37 2177 38 2198 38 2254 38 2401 38 2450 38 152 30 208 31 272 32 296 33 328 33 384 34 456 35 472 35 504 35 576 36 616 36 704 36 888 37 976 38 1080 38 1096 38 1192 39 1272 39 1296 39 1456 40 1656 40 1712 40 1832 41 1968 41 2056 41 2200 41 2488 42 2512 42 2576 42 2744 42 2800 42 171 34 234 35 306 36 333 37 369 37 432 38 513 38 531 39 567 39 648 39 693 40 792 40 999 41 1098 42 1215 42 1233 42 1341 43 1431 43 1458 43 1638 43 1863 44 1926 44 2061 44 2214 45 2313 45 2475 45 2799 46 2826 46 2898 46 3087 46 3150 46 190 37 260 38 340 40 370 40 410 40 480 41 570 42 590 42 630 42 720 43 770 43 880 44 1110 45 1220 45 1350 46 1370 46 1490 46 1590 46 1620 46 1820 47 2070 47 2140 48 2290 48 2460 48 2570 48 2750 49 3110 49 3140 49 3220 49 3430 50 3500 50 I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 6x6 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 33R RETURN / ½” SPACING / 38B DEFLECTION PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD NC 50 • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 I33 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I34 I34 33R RETURN / ½” SPACING / 38B DEFLECTION PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD NC 10 Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 48x12 24x24 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 4.00 3.75 36x18 36x20 30x24 4.50 4.22 5.00 4.71 42x18 5.25 4.94 28x28 42x20 30x28 48x18 36x24 5.44 5.16 5.83 5.51 6.00 5.66 30x30 42x24 36x28 6.25 5.94 7.00 6.66 46x22 7.03 6.68 32x32 7.11 6.78 36x30 48x24 36x32 7.50 7.16 8.00 7.63 34x34 8.03 7.68 36x34 8.50 8.14 42x30 8.75 8.38 36x36 42x34 48x30 9.00 8.63 10.00 9.60 38x38 10.03 9.64 42x36 10.50 10.10 46x34 10.86 10.45 42x38 11.08 10.67 40x40 11.11 10.70 48x36 12.00 11.57 42x42 12.25 11.82 44x44 13.44 12.99 48x42 14.00 13.54 46x46 14.69 14.22 48x46 15.33 14.85 48x48 16.00 15.50 NC 20 NC 30 NC 40 NC 50 Core Velocity Velocity Pressure Neg. Static Pressure 200 0.002 0.010 300 0.006 0.023 400 0.010 0.040 500 0.016 0.063 600 0.022 0.090 700 0.031 0.123 800 0.040 0.161 900 0.050 0.203 1000 0.062 0.251 Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC 750 844 942 988 1032 1102 1132 1188 1332 1336 1356 1432 1526 1536 1628 1676 1726 1920 1928 2020 2090 2134 2140 2314 2364 2598 2708 2844 2970 3100 - 1125 11 1266 11 1413 12 1482 12 1548 12 1653 12 1698 12 1782 13 1998 13 2004 13 2034 13 2148 14 2289 14 2304 14 2442 14 2514 14 2589 14 2880 15 2892 15 3030 15 3135 15 3201 15 3210 15 3471 16 3546 16 3897 16 4062 16 4266 16 4455 17 4650 17 1500 20 1688 21 1884 21 1976 21 2064 21 2204 22 2264 22 2376 22 2664 23 2672 23 2712 23 2864 23 3052 23 3072 23 3256 23 3352 24 3452 24 3840 24 3856 24 4040 24 4180 25 4268 25 4280 25 4628 25 4728 25 5196 25 5416 26 5688 26 5940 26 6200 26 1875 27 2110 28 2355 28 2470 29 2580 29 2755 29 2830 29 2970 29 3330 30 3340 30 3390 30 3580 30 3815 30 3840 30 4070 31 4190 31 4315 31 4800 31 4820 31 5050 32 5225 32 5335 32 5350 32 5785 32 5910 32 6495 33 6770 33 7110 33 7425 33 7750 34 2250 33 2532 34 2826 34 2964 35 3096 35 3306 35 3396 35 3564 35 3996 36 4008 36 4068 36 4296 36 4578 36 4608 36 4884 37 5028 37 5178 37 5760 37 5784 37 6060 38 6270 38 6402 38 6420 38 6942 38 7092 38 7794 39 8124 39 8532 39 8910 39 9300 39 2625 38 2954 39 3297 39 3458 40 3612 40 3857 40 3962 40 4158 40 4662 41 4676 41 4746 41 5012 41 5341 41 5376 41 5698 42 5866 42 6041 42 6720 42 6748 42 7070 43 7315 43 7469 43 7490 43 8099 43 8274 43 9093 44 9478 44 9954 44 10395 44 10850 45 3000 43 3376 43 3768 44 3952 44 4128 44 4408 44 4528 45 4752 45 5328 45 5344 45 5424 45 5728 46 6104 46 6144 46 6512 46 6704 46 6904 46 7680 47 7712 47 8080 47 8360 47 8536 47 8560 47 9256 48 9456 48 10392 48 10832 48 11376 49 11880 49 12400 49 3375 47 3798 47 4239 48 4446 48 4644 48 4959 48 5094 48 5346 49 5994 49 6012 49 6102 49 6444 49 6867 50 6912 50 7326 50 7542 50 7767 50 8640 51 8676 51 9090 51 9405 51 9603 51 9630 51 10413 51 10638 52 11691 52 12186 52 12798 52 13365 53 13950 53 3750 50 4220 51 4710 51 4940 51 5160 51 5510 52 5660 52 5940 52 6660 52 6680 53 6780 53 7160 53 7630 53 7680 53 8140 53 8380 53 8630 54 9600 54 9640 54 10100 54 10450 54 10670 55 10700 55 11570 55 11820 55 12990 55 13540 56 14220 56 14850 56 15500 56 • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA NC 20 NC 30 NC 40 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 0.25 Core Area sq. ft Core Velocity Velocity Pressure Neg. Static Pressure 200 0.002 0.006 300 0.006 0.013 400 0.010 0.022 500 0.016 0.035 600 0.022 0.050 800 0.040 0.090 1000 0.062 0.140 1200 0.090 0.202 1400 0.122 0.275 0.19 8x6 0.33 0.26 10x6 0.42 0.34 8x8 0.44 0.37 12x6 0.50 0.41 14x6 0.58 0.48 16x6 12x8 0.67 0.57 10x10 0.69 0.59 18x6 20x6 12x10 0.75 0.63 0.83 0.72 22x6 24x6 12x12 30x6 18x10 0.92 0.77 1.00 0.88 1.25 1.11 14x14 36x6 18x12 1.36 1.22 1.50 1.35 22x10 30x8 24x10 42x6 18x14 16x16 1.53 1.37 1.67 1.49 1.75 1.78 1.59 1.62 24x12 18x16 18x18 2.00 1.82 2.25 2.07 24x14 2.33 2.14 30x12 2.50 2.29 24x16 2.67 2.46 20x20 2.78 2.57 36x12 3.00 2.75 30x16 24x20 3.33 3.11 22x22 42x12 36x14 3.36 3.14 3.50 3.22 24x22 3.67 3.43 30x18 3.75 3.50 Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC 38 52 68 74 82 96 114 118 126 144 154 176 222 244 270 274 298 318 324 364 414 428 458 492 514 550 622 628 644 686 700 - 57 78 102 111 123 144 171 177 189 216 231 264 333 366 405 411 447 477 486 546 621 11 642 11 687 11 738 12 771 12 825 12 933 13 942 13 966 13 1029 13 1050 13 76 104 136 148 164 192 11 228 12 236 12 252 12 288 13 308 13 352 14 444 15 488 15 540 15 548 16 596 16 636 16 648 16 728 17 828 17 856 18 916 18 984 18 1028 18 1100 19 1244 19 1256 19 1288 19 1372 20 1400 20 95 12 130 13 170 15 185 15 205 15 240 16 285 17 295 17 315 17 360 18 385 18 440 19 555 20 610 20 675 21 685 21 745 21 795 21 810 21 910 22 1035 22 1070 23 1145 23 1230 23 1285 23 1375 24 1555 24 1570 24 1610 24 1715 25 1750 25 114 16 156 17 204 19 222 19 246 19 288 20 342 21 354 21 378 21 432 22 462 22 528 23 666 24 732 24 810 25 822 25 894 25 954 25 972 25 1092 26 1242 26 1284 27 1374 27 1476 27 1542 27 1650 28 1866 28 1884 28 1932 28 2058 29 2100 29 152 23 208 24 272 25 296 25 328 26 384 27 456 27 472 27 504 28 576 28 616 29 704 29 888 30 976 31 1080 31 1096 31 1192 31 1272 32 1296 32 1456 32 1656 33 1712 33 1832 33 1968 34 2056 34 2200 34 2488 35 2512 35 2576 35 2744 35 2800 35 190 28 260 29 340 30 370 30 410 31 480 32 570 32 590 32 630 33 720 33 770 34 880 34 1110 35 1220 36 1350 36 1370 36 1490 36 1590 37 1620 37 1820 37 2070 38 2140 38 2290 38 2460 39 2570 39 2750 39 3110 40 3140 40 3220 40 3430 40 3500 40 228 32 312 33 408 34 444 35 492 35 576 36 684 36 708 37 756 37 864 37 924 38 1056 38 1332 39 1464 40 1620 40 1644 40 1788 41 1908 41 1944 41 2184 41 2484 42 2568 42 2748 42 2952 43 3084 43 3300 43 3732 44 3768 44 3864 44 4116 44 4200 44 266 35 364 36 476 38 518 38 574 38 672 39 798 40 826 40 882 40 1008 41 1078 41 1232 42 1554 43 1708 43 1890 44 1918 44 2086 44 2226 44 2268 44 2548 45 2898 45 2996 46 3206 46 3444 46 3598 46 3850 47 4354 47 4396 47 4508 47 4802 48 4900 48 • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 6x6 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 30R RETURN / 3/8” SPACING / 0B DEFLECTION PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD I35 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I36 I36 30R RETURN / 3/8” SPACING / 0B DEFLECTION PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD NC 20 Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) 48x12 24x24 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 4.00 3.75 36x18 36x20 30x24 4.50 4.22 5.00 4.71 42x18 5.25 4.94 28x28 42x20 30x28 48x18 36x24 5.44 5.16 5.83 5.51 6.00 5.66 30x30 42x24 36x28 6.25 5.94 7.00 6.66 46x22 7.03 6.68 32x32 7.11 6.78 36x30 48x24 36x32 7.50 7.16 8.00 7.63 34x34 8.03 7.68 36x34 8.50 8.14 42x30 8.75 8.38 36x36 42x34 48x30 9.00 8.63 10.00 9.60 38x38 10.03 9.64 42x36 10.50 10.10 46x34 10.86 10.45 42x38 11.08 10.67 40x40 11.11 10.70 48x36 12.00 11.57 42x42 12.25 11.82 44x44 13.44 12.99 48x42 14.00 13.54 46x46 14.69 14.22 48x46 15.33 14.85 48x48 16.00 15.50 NC 30 NC 40 NC 50 Core Velocity Velocity Pressure Neg. Static Pressure 200 0.002 0.006 300 0.006 0.013 400 0.010 0.022 500 0.016 0.035 600 0.022 0.050 800 0.040 0.090 1000 0.062 0.140 1200 0.090 0.202 1400 0.122 0.275 Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC 750 844 942 988 1032 1102 1132 1188 1332 1336 1356 1432 1526 1536 1628 1676 1726 1920 1928 2020 2090 2134 2140 2314 2364 2598 2708 2844 2970 3100 11 1125 13 1266 14 1413 14 1482 15 1548 15 1653 15 1698 15 1782 15 1998 16 2004 16 2034 16 2148 16 2289 17 2304 17 2442 17 2514 17 2589 17 2880 18 2892 18 3030 18 3135 18 3201 18 3210 18 3471 18 3546 18 3897 19 4062 19 4266 19 4455 19 4650 20 1500 20 1688 20 1884 21 1976 21 2064 21 2204 22 2264 22 2376 22 2664 22 2672 22 2712 23 2864 23 3052 23 3072 23 3256 23 3352 23 3452 24 3840 24 3856 24 4040 24 4180 24 4268 24 4280 24 4628 25 4728 25 5196 25 5416 26 5688 26 5940 26 6200 26 1875 25 2110 25 2355 26 2470 26 2580 26 2755 27 2830 27 2970 27 3330 27 3340 27 3390 28 3580 28 3815 28 3840 28 4070 28 4190 28 4315 29 4800 29 4820 29 5050 29 5225 29 5335 29 5350 29 5785 30 5910 30 6495 30 6770 31 7110 31 7425 31 7750 31 2250 29 2532 30 2826 30 2964 30 3096 30 3306 31 3396 31 3564 31 3996 32 4008 32 4068 32 4296 32 4578 32 4608 32 4884 32 5028 33 5178 33 5760 33 5784 33 6060 33 6270 33 6402 34 6420 34 6942 34 7092 34 7794 34 8124 35 8532 35 8910 35 9300 35 3000 35 3376 36 3768 36 3952 37 4128 37 4408 37 4528 37 4752 37 5328 38 5344 38 5424 38 5728 38 6104 39 6144 39 6512 39 6704 39 6904 39 7680 40 7712 40 8080 40 8360 40 8536 40 8560 40 9256 40 9456 40 10392 41 10832 41 11376 41 11880 41 12400 42 3750 40 4220 41 4710 41 4940 42 5160 42 5510 42 5660 42 5940 42 6660 43 6680 43 6780 43 7160 43 7630 44 7680 44 8140 44 8380 44 8630 44 9600 45 9640 45 10100 45 10450 45 10670 45 10700 45 11570 45 11820 45 12990 46 13540 46 14220 46 14850 46 15500 47 4500 45 5064 45 5652 46 5928 46 6192 46 6612 46 6792 46 7128 47 7992 47 8016 47 8136 47 8592 47 9156 48 9216 48 9768 48 10056 48 10356 48 11520 49 11568 49 12120 49 12540 49 12804 49 12840 49 13884 49 14184 50 15588 50 16248 50 17064 50 17820 51 18600 51 5250 48 5908 49 6594 49 6916 49 7224 49 7714 50 7924 50 8316 50 9324 51 9352 51 9492 51 10024 51 10682 51 10752 51 11396 51 11732 52 12082 52 13440 52 13496 52 14140 52 14630 52 14938 53 14980 53 16198 53 16548 53 18186 53 18956 54 19908 54 20790 54 21700 54 • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 specialized grilles Heavy Duty Bar Return Grilles (continued) 63FL • ½” blade spacing • 30° fixed deflection • Great for areas with high humidity • Heavy duty design stands up to abuse • Blades parallel to the long dimension • Frame = .05” Thick / Blade = .125 Thick 63FS • Same as 63FL with blades parallel to the short dimension 63FL 60FL 60FS • Same as 60FL with blades parallel to the short dimension Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 63 / 60 (FL / FS) 60FL • ½” blade spacing • 0° fixed deflection • Great for areas with high humidity • Heavy duty design stands up to abuse • Blades parallel to the long dimension metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: humid areas MRI compatible rugged areas See website for Specifications I 30B Deflection Models 63FL 63FS 0B Deflection Models 60FL 60FS FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Grilles / Aluminum PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount • Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Optional Aluminum Opposed-Blade Damper • MRI Compatible 63 / 60 (FL / FS) Heavy duty return grilles in steel or aluminum construction are great for use in gymnasiums and other areas where rugged construction is required. Available in 0B or angled deflection and standard or filter grille configurations. I37 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS I 63 / 60 (FL / FS) DIMENSIONS 30B Deflection Model 63FL D plus 1¾" D minus ⅝" 1⅜" ½" 5/16" 19/32" Optional Opposed Blade Damper 225/32" Nominal Duct Size D" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost 0B Deflection Model 60FL D plus 1¾" D minus ⅝" 1⅜" ½" 5/16" 19/32" DIMENSIONS Optional Opposed Blade Damper I38 I38 225/32" Nominal Duct Size D" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 1” increments Odd and fractional sizes are available at additional cost All dimensions are in inches specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 0.25 Core Area sq. ft 8x6 0.33 0.17 10x6 0.42 0.22 8x8 0.44 0.27 12x6 0.50 0.27 14x6 0.58 0.32 18x6 0.75 0.41 12x8 0.67 0.42 10x10 0.69 0.47 22x6 0.92 0.51 12x10 0.83 0.57 12x12 1.00 0.73 18x10 1.25 0.89 14x14 1.36 1.04 22x10 1.53 1.09 18x12 1.50 1.12 24x10 1.67 1.20 18x14 1.75 1.36 16x16 1.78 1.50 24x12 2.00 1.52 18x18 2.25 1.83 24x14 2.33 1.84 30x12 2.50 1.91 24x16 2.67 2.16 20x20 2.78 2.31 36x12 3.00 2.31 42x12 3.50 2.70 24x20 3.33 2.80 22x22 3.36 2.84 24x22 3.67 3.11 0.12 Core Velocity, FPM Velocity Pressure, IN WG Negative Static Pressure, IN WG Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.050 0.062 0.075 0.090 0.105 0.122 0.140 0.009 0.020 0.035 0.055 0.079 0.108 0.140 0.178 0.219 0.265 0.316 0.371 0.430 0.494 24 34 44 53 53 63 83 84 94 102 115 145 177 208 219 224 240 272 300 303 366 367 383 431 462 462 541 559 569 623 - 36 51 66 80 80 95 124 126 141 153 172 218 266 311 328 336 359 407 450 455 549 551 574 647 693 693 811 839 853 934 - 49 68 88 107 107 126 165 168 188 204 229 290 354 10 415 11 438 11 449 11 479 11 543 12 600 13 607 13 732 14 735 14 765 14 863 15 924 15 924 15 1082 16 1118 16 1138 16 1246 16 61 85 109 10 134 11 134 11 158 12 207 13 210 13 234 14 255 14 286 15 363 16 443 17 519 18 547 18 561 18 599 19 679 19 750 20 759 20 915 21 918 21 957 21 1078 22 1155 22 1155 22 1352 23 1398 23 1422 23 1557 24 73 13 102 14 131 16 160 17 160 17 190 18 248 19 252 19 281 20 306 20 344 21 435 22 531 23 623 24 656 24 673 24 719 25 815 25 900 26 910 26 1098 27 1102 27 1148 27 1294 28 1385 28 1385 28 1623 29 1677 29 1706 29 1869 30 85 18 119 19 153 21 187 22 187 22 221 23 289 24 294 24 328 25 357 25 401 26 508 27 620 28 727 29 766 29 785 29 839 29 950 30 1050 31 1062 31 1281 32 1286 32 1339 32 1509 33 1616 33 1616 33 1893 34 1957 34 1991 34 2180 34 97 22 136 24 175 25 214 26 214 26 253 27 331 28 336 28 375 29 408 29 458 30 581 31 708 32 831 33 875 33 897 33 958 34 1086 34 1200 35 1214 35 1464 36 1469 36 1531 36 1725 37 1847 37 1847 37 2164 38 2236 38 2275 38 2492 39 109 26 153 27 197 29 241 30 241 30 284 31 372 32 378 32 422 33 459 33 516 34 653 35 797 36 934 37 984 37 1009 37 1078 38 1222 38 1350 39 1366 39 1647 40 1653 40 1722 40 1941 41 2078 41 2078 41 2434 42 2516 42 2559 42 2803 43 122 29 170 31 219 32 267 33 267 33 316 34 413 35 420 35 469 36 510 36 573 37 726 38 885 39 1038 40 1094 40 1122 41 1198 41 1358 42 1500 42 1517 42 1830 43 1837 43 1913 43 2156 44 2309 44 2309 44 2705 45 2795 45 2844 45 3115 46 134 32 187 34 241 35 294 36 294 36 348 37 455 38 462 39 516 39 561 40 630 40 798 41 974 42 1142 43 1203 44 1234 44 1318 44 1493 45 1650 45 1669 45 2013 46 2020 46 2105 46 2372 47 2540 47 2540 47 2975 48 3075 48 3128 49 3426 49 146 35 204 37 263 38 321 39 321 39 379 40 496 41 504 41 563 42 613 42 688 43 871 44 1063 45 1246 46 1313 46 1346 46 1438 47 1629 47 1800 48 1821 48 2196 49 2204 49 2296 49 2588 50 2771 50 2771 50 3246 51 3354 51 3413 51 3738 52 158 37 221 39 284 41 348 42 348 42 411 42 537 44 546 44 609 44 664 45 745 46 943 47 1151 48 1350 49 1422 49 1458 49 1557 49 1765 50 1950 51 1973 51 2379 52 2388 52 2487 52 2803 52 3002 53 3002 53 3516 54 3634 54 3697 54 4049 54 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 170 40 238 42 306 43 374 44 374 44 442 45 578 46 588 46 656 47 715 47 802 48 1016 49 1240 50 1453 51 1531 51 1570 51 1677 52 1901 52 2100 53 2124 53 2562 54 2572 54 2678 54 3019 55 3233 55 3233 55 3787 56 3913 56 3981 56 4360 57 182 42 255 44 328 45 401 46 401 46 474 47 620 48 630 49 703 49 766 50 859 50 1089 51 1328 52 1557 53 1641 53 1682 54 1797 54 2036 55 2250 55 2276 55 2745 56 2755 56 2870 56 3234 57 3464 57 3464 57 4057 58 4193 58 4266 58 4672 59 I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size (IN) 6x6 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 63F RETURN / ½” SPACING / 30B DEFLECTION PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD I39 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I40 63F RETURN / ½” SPACING / 30B DEFLECTION (CONTINUED) PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD Nominal Duct Size (IN) 30x18 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 3.75 Core Area sq. ft 24x24 4.00 3.43 36x18 4.50 3.77 36x20 5.00 4.25 42x18 5.25 4.41 28x28 5.44 4.78 42x20 5.83 4.98 48x18 6.00 5.06 30x30 6.25 5.54 46x22 7.03 6.09 42x24 7.00 6.12 32x32 7.11 6.35 36x30 7.50 6.68 48x24 8.00 7.02 36x34 8.50 7.66 42x30 8.75 7.83 36x36 9.00 8.14 48x30 10.00 8.98 38x38 10.03 9.12 42x36 10.50 9.54 46x34 10.86 9.84 42x38 11.08 10.11 40x40 11.11 10.16 48x36 12.00 10.93 42x42 12.25 11.25 44x44 13.44 12.39 48x42 14.00 12.89 46x46 14.69 13.59 48x46 15.33 14.20 48x48 16.00 14.85 3.12 Core Velocity, FPM Velocity Pressure, IN WG Negative Static Pressure, IN WG Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 200 250 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.014 300 350 0.006 0.008 0.020 0.027 400 0.010 0.035 450 0.013 0.044 500 0.016 0.055 550 600 650 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.066 0.079 0.093 700 0.031 0.108 624 687 753 851 883 956 997 1012 1108 1219 1224 1270 1337 1403 1531 1566 1628 1795 1824 1908 1969 2022 2031 2187 2249 2478 2578 2719 2840 2970 - 936 1030 1130 1276 1324 1434 1495 10 1518 10 1661 10 1828 11 1836 11 1905 11 2005 11 2105 11 2297 12 2349 12 2443 12 2693 13 2736 13 2861 13 2953 13 3032 13 3047 13 3280 14 3374 14 3718 14 3868 15 4078 15 4259 15 4455 15 1249 16 1374 17 1507 17 1701 18 1765 18 1913 19 1993 19 2024 19 2215 19 2438 20 2449 20 2540 20 2674 20 2807 21 3063 21 3132 21 3257 21 3590 22 3649 22 3815 22 3938 22 4043 23 4063 23 4374 23 4499 23 4957 24 5157 24 5438 24 5679 24 5940 25 1405 20 1545 21 1695 21 1914 22 1986 22 2152 22 2242 23 2277 23 2492 23 2742 24 2755 24 2858 24 3008 24 3158 24 3445 25 3523 25 3664 25 4039 26 4105 26 4292 26 4430 26 4548 26 4570 26 4920 27 5061 27 5577 27 5802 28 6117 28 6389 28 6683 28 1561 24 1717 24 1884 25 2127 25 2207 25 2391 26 2491 26 2530 26 2769 27 3047 27 3061 27 3175 27 3342 28 3509 28 3828 28 3915 28 4071 29 4488 29 4561 29 4769 29 4922 30 5054 30 5078 30 5467 30 5623 30 6196 31 6446 31 6797 31 7099 32 7425 32 1717 27 1889 27 2072 28 2339 28 2427 29 2630 29 2740 29 2782 29 3046 30 3352 30 3367 30 3493 30 3676 31 3860 31 4211 31 4306 32 4478 32 4937 32 5017 32 5246 33 5414 33 5559 33 5586 33 6014 33 6186 33 6816 34 7091 34 7477 34 7809 35 8168 35 2185 2341 2497 2653 34 37 39 41 2404 2576 2747 2919 35 37 39 41 2637 2826 3014 3202 35 38 40 42 2977 3190 3403 3615 36 38 40 42 3089 3310 3531 3751 36 38 41 43 3347 3586 3825 4064 37 39 41 43 3488 3737 3986 4235 37 39 41 43 3541 3794 4047 4300 37 39 41 43 3877 4154 4431 4707 37 40 42 44 4266 4570 4875 5180 38 40 42 44 4285 4591 4897 5203 38 40 42 44 4445 4763 5081 5398 38 40 42 44 4679 5013 5347 5681 38 41 43 45 4912 5263 5614 5965 39 41 43 45 5359 5742 6125 6508 39 41 43 45 5481 5872 6264 6655 39 41 44 46 5700 6107 6514 6921 39 42 44 46 6283 6732 7181 7629 40 42 44 46 6385 6841 7297 7753 40 42 44 46 6677 7154 7631 8107 40 43 45 47 6891 7383 7875 8367 40 43 45 47 7075 7581 8086 8591 41 43 45 47 7109 7617 8125 8633 41 43 45 47 7654 8201 8747 9294 41 43 45 47 7873 8435 8997 9560 41 43 45 47 8675 9294 9914 10534 42 44 46 48 9025 9669 10314 10959 42 44 46 48 9516 10195 10875 11555 42 44 46 48 9939 10648 11358 12068 42 45 47 49 10395 11138 11881 12623 43 45 47 49 780 859 942 1063 1103 1195 1246 1265 1385 1523 1530 1588 1671 1754 1914 1957 2036 2244 2280 2385 2461 2527 2539 2734 2812 3098 3223 3398 3549 3713 10 1093 12 1202 13 1319 13 1489 14 1545 14 1673 14 1744 15 1771 15 1938 15 2133 16 2143 16 2223 16 2339 16 2456 16 2680 17 2740 17 2850 17 3141 18 3193 18 3338 18 3445 18 3538 18 3555 18 3827 19 3936 19 4337 19 4512 20 4758 20 4969 20 5198 20 1873 30 2060 30 2260 30 2552 31 2648 31 2869 32 2990 32 3035 32 3323 33 3656 33 3673 33 3810 33 4010 33 4210 34 4594 34 4698 34 4885 35 5385 35 5473 35 5723 35 5906 36 6065 36 6094 36 6560 36 6748 36 7435 37 7735 37 8156 37 8519 37 8910 38 2029 32 2232 33 2449 33 2765 34 2869 34 3108 34 3239 35 3288 35 3600 35 3961 36 3979 36 4128 36 4345 36 4561 36 4977 37 5089 37 5293 37 5834 38 5929 38 6200 38 6398 38 6570 38 6602 38 7107 39 7310 39 8055 39 8380 39 8836 40 9229 40 9653 40 750 0.035 0.123 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 800 850 0.040 0.045 0.140 0.159 specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 0.25 Core Area sq. ft 8x6 0.33 0.17 10x6 0.42 0.22 8x8 0.44 0.27 12x6 0.50 0.27 14x6 0.58 0.32 18x6 0.75 0.41 12x8 0.67 0.42 10x10 0.69 0.47 22x6 0.92 0.51 12x10 0.83 0.57 12x12 1.00 0.73 18x10 1.25 0.89 14x14 1.36 1.04 22x10 1.53 1.09 18x12 1.50 1.12 24x10 1.67 1.20 18x14 1.75 1.36 16x16 1.78 1.50 24x12 2.00 1.52 18x18 2.25 1.83 24x14 2.33 1.84 30x12 2.50 1.91 24x16 2.67 2.16 20x20 2.78 2.31 36x12 3.00 2.31 42x12 3.50 2.70 24x20 3.33 2.80 22x22 3.36 2.84 24x22 3.67 3.11 0.12 Core Velocity, FPM Velocity Pressure, IN WG Negative Static Pressure, IN WG Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 0.002 0.006 0.010 0.016 0.022 0.031 0.040 0.050 0.062 0.075 0.090 0.105 0.122 0.140 0.005 0.012 0.020 0.032 0.046 0.063 0.082 0.104 0.128 0.155 0.184 0.216 0.251 0.288 24 34 44 53 53 63 83 84 94 102 115 145 177 208 219 224 240 272 300 303 366 367 383 431 462 462 541 559 569 623 - 36 51 66 80 80 95 124 126 141 153 172 218 266 311 328 336 359 407 450 455 549 551 574 647 693 693 811 839 853 934 - 49 68 88 107 107 126 165 168 188 204 229 290 354 415 438 449 479 543 600 607 732 735 765 863 924 924 1082 1118 1138 10 1246 10 61 85 109 134 134 158 207 10 210 10 234 11 255 11 286 11 363 12 443 12 519 13 547 13 561 13 599 13 679 14 750 14 759 14 915 15 918 15 957 15 1078 15 1155 15 1155 15 1352 16 1398 16 1422 16 1557 16 73 12 102 13 131 14 160 14 160 14 190 15 248 15 252 15 281 16 306 16 344 16 435 17 531 18 623 18 656 18 673 18 719 19 815 19 900 19 910 19 1098 20 1102 20 1148 20 1294 20 1385 21 1385 21 1623 21 1677 21 1706 21 1869 22 85 16 119 17 153 18 187 19 187 19 221 19 289 20 294 20 328 20 357 21 401 21 508 22 620 22 727 23 766 23 785 23 839 23 950 24 1050 24 1062 24 1281 24 1286 24 1339 25 1509 25 1616 25 1616 25 1893 26 1957 26 1991 26 2180 26 97 20 136 21 175 22 214 22 214 22 253 23 331 24 336 24 375 24 408 24 458 25 581 26 708 26 831 27 875 27 897 27 958 27 1086 27 1200 28 1214 28 1464 28 1469 28 1531 28 1725 29 1847 29 1847 29 2164 30 2236 30 2275 30 2492 30 109 24 153 25 197 25 241 26 241 26 284 26 372 27 378 27 422 28 459 28 516 28 653 29 797 30 934 30 984 30 1009 30 1078 30 1222 31 1350 31 1366 31 1647 32 1653 32 1722 32 1941 32 2078 32 2078 32 2434 33 2516 33 2559 33 2803 33 122 27 170 28 219 28 267 29 267 29 316 29 413 30 420 30 469 31 510 31 573 31 726 32 885 33 1038 33 1094 33 1122 33 1198 34 1358 34 1500 34 1517 34 1830 35 1837 35 1913 35 2156 35 2309 36 2309 36 2705 36 2795 36 2844 36 3115 36 134 29 187 30 241 31 294 32 294 32 348 32 455 33 462 33 516 33 561 34 630 34 798 35 974 35 1142 36 1203 36 1234 36 1318 36 1493 37 1650 37 1669 37 2013 38 2020 38 2105 38 2372 38 2540 38 2540 38 2975 39 3075 39 3128 39 3426 39 146 32 204 33 263 34 321 34 321 34 379 35 496 36 504 36 563 36 613 36 688 37 871 37 1063 38 1246 38 1313 39 1346 39 1438 39 1629 39 1800 40 1821 40 2196 40 2204 40 2296 40 2588 41 2771 41 2771 41 3246 41 3354 41 3413 41 3738 42 158 34 221 35 284 36 348 37 348 37 411 37 537 38 546 38 609 38 664 39 745 39 943 40 1151 40 1350 41 1422 41 1458 41 1557 41 1765 42 1950 42 1973 42 2379 42 2388 42 2487 43 2803 43 3002 43 3002 43 3516 44 3634 44 3697 44 4049 44 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 170 36 238 37 306 38 374 39 374 39 442 39 578 40 588 40 656 40 715 41 802 41 1016 42 1240 42 1453 43 1531 43 1570 43 1677 43 1901 44 2100 44 2124 44 2562 45 2572 45 2678 45 3019 45 3233 45 3233 45 3787 46 3913 46 3981 46 4360 46 182 38 255 39 328 40 401 41 401 41 474 41 620 42 630 42 703 42 766 43 859 43 1089 44 1328 44 1557 45 1641 45 1682 45 1797 45 2036 46 2250 46 2276 46 2745 47 2755 47 2870 47 3234 47 3464 47 3464 47 4057 48 4193 48 4266 48 4672 48 I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size (IN) 6x6 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 60F RETURN / ½” SPACING / 0B DEFLECTION PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD I41 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I42 I42 60F RETURN / ½” SPACING / 0B DEFLECTION (CONTINUED) PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD Nominal Duct Size (IN) 30x18 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 3.75 Core Area sq. ft 24x24 4.00 3.43 36x18 4.50 3.77 36x20 5.00 4.25 42x18 5.25 4.41 28x28 5.44 4.78 42x20 5.83 4.98 48x18 6.00 5.06 30x30 6.25 5.54 46x22 7.03 6.09 42x24 7.00 6.12 32x32 7.11 6.35 36x30 7.50 6.68 48x24 8.00 7.02 36x34 8.50 7.66 42x30 8.75 7.83 36x36 9.00 8.14 48x30 10.00 8.98 38x38 10.03 9.12 42x36 10.50 9.54 46x34 10.86 9.84 42x38 11.08 10.11 40x40 11.11 10.16 48x36 12.00 10.93 42x42 12.25 11.25 44x44 13.44 12.39 48x42 14.00 12.89 46x46 14.69 13.59 48x46 15.33 14.20 48x48 16.00 14.85 3.12 Core Velocity, FPM Velocity Pressure, IN WG Negative Static Pressure, IN WG Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC Airflow, cfm NC • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 300 350 0.006 0.008 0.012 0.016 400 450 500 0.010 0.013 0.016 0.020 0.026 0.032 550 600 650 0.019 0.022 0.026 0.039 0.046 0.054 700 0.031 0.063 800 0.040 0.082 900 0.050 0.104 1000 0.062 0.128 1100 1200 0.075 0.090 0.155 0.184 936 1030 1130 1276 1324 1434 1495 1518 1661 1828 1836 1905 2005 2105 2297 2349 2443 2693 2736 2861 2953 3032 3047 3280 3374 3718 3868 4078 4259 4455 - 1249 10 1374 10 1507 10 1701 11 1765 11 1913 11 1993 11 2024 11 2215 12 2438 12 2449 12 2540 12 2674 12 2807 12 3063 13 3132 13 3257 13 3590 13 3649 13 3815 13 3938 13 4043 13 4063 13 4374 14 4499 14 4957 14 5157 14 5438 14 5679 14 5940 15 1717 19 1889 19 2072 20 2339 20 2427 20 2630 20 2740 20 2782 21 3046 21 3352 21 3367 21 3493 21 3676 21 3860 22 4211 22 4306 22 4478 22 4937 22 5017 22 5246 22 5414 23 5559 23 5586 23 6014 23 6186 23 6816 23 7091 23 7477 24 7809 24 8168 24 2185 26 2404 26 2637 27 2977 27 3089 27 3347 27 3488 28 3541 28 3877 28 4266 28 4285 28 4445 28 4679 28 4912 29 5359 29 5481 29 5700 29 6283 29 6385 29 6677 29 6891 30 7075 30 7109 30 7654 30 7873 30 8675 30 9025 30 9516 31 9939 31 10395 31 2497 30 2747 30 3014 31 3403 31 3531 31 3825 31 3986 31 4047 31 4431 32 4875 32 4897 32 5081 32 5347 32 5614 32 6125 33 6264 33 6514 33 7181 33 7297 33 7631 33 7875 33 8086 34 8125 34 8747 34 8997 34 9914 34 10314 34 10875 34 11358 35 11881 35 2809 33 3091 34 3391 34 3828 34 3972 34 4303 35 4484 35 4553 35 4984 35 5484 35 5509 35 5716 36 6016 36 6316 36 6891 36 7047 36 7328 36 8078 37 8209 37 8584 37 8859 37 9097 37 9141 37 9841 37 10122 37 11153 38 11603 38 12234 38 12778 38 13366 38 3122 36 3434 37 3767 37 4253 37 4413 38 4781 38 4983 38 5059 38 5538 38 6094 38 6122 39 6351 39 6684 39 7017 39 7656 39 7830 39 8142 39 8976 40 9122 40 9538 40 9844 40 10108 40 10156 40 10934 40 11247 40 12392 41 12892 41 13594 41 14198 41 14851 41 3434 39 3777 40 4144 40 4679 40 4855 40 5259 41 5481 41 5565 41 6092 41 6703 41 6734 41 6986 41 7352 42 7719 42 8422 42 8613 42 8957 42 9873 42 10034 42 10492 43 10828 43 11118 43 11172 43 12027 43 12371 43 13632 43 14182 44 14953 44 15618 44 16336 44 1093 1202 1319 1489 1545 1673 1744 1771 1938 2133 2143 2223 2339 2456 2680 2740 2850 3141 3193 3338 3445 3538 3555 3827 10 3936 10 4337 10 4512 10 4758 10 4969 11 5198 11 1405 13 1545 14 1695 14 1914 14 1986 14 2152 15 2242 15 2277 15 2492 15 2742 15 2755 15 2858 15 3008 16 3158 16 3445 16 3523 16 3664 16 4039 16 4105 16 4292 17 4430 17 4548 17 4570 17 4920 17 5061 17 5577 17 5802 18 6117 18 6389 18 6683 18 1561 16 1717 17 1884 17 2127 17 2207 17 2391 18 2491 18 2530 18 2769 18 3047 18 3061 18 3175 18 3342 19 3509 19 3828 19 3915 19 4071 19 4488 20 4561 20 4769 20 4922 20 5054 20 5078 20 5467 20 5623 20 6196 20 6446 21 6797 21 7099 21 7425 21 1873 22 2060 22 2260 22 2552 23 2648 23 2869 23 2990 23 3035 23 3323 23 3656 24 3673 24 3810 24 4010 24 4210 24 4594 24 4698 24 4885 25 5385 25 5473 25 5723 25 5906 25 6065 25 6094 25 6560 25 6748 25 7435 26 7735 26 8156 26 8519 26 8910 26 2029 24 2232 24 2449 24 2765 25 2869 25 3108 25 3239 25 3288 25 3600 26 3961 26 3979 26 4128 26 4345 26 4561 26 4977 27 5089 27 5293 27 5834 27 5929 27 6200 27 6398 27 6570 27 6602 28 7107 28 7310 28 8055 28 8380 28 8836 28 9229 29 9653 29 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 3746 42 4121 42 4521 42 5104 43 5296 43 5738 43 5979 43 6071 43 6646 44 7313 44 7346 44 7621 44 8021 44 8421 44 9188 44 9396 45 9771 45 10771 45 10946 45 11446 45 11813 45 12129 45 12188 45 13121 46 13496 46 14871 46 15471 46 16313 46 17038 46 17821 47 Spiral Duct Mounted Grilles specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com S301 / S300 (FL / FS) S301FL (Single Deflection) • ¾” blade spacing • Individually adjustable blades • Radius endcaps match duct to avoid installation cost of duct taps • Blades parallel to the long dimension S301FS • Same as S301FL with blades parallel to the short dimension S300FL (Double Deflection) • ¾” blade spacing • Individually adjustable blades S301 / S300 (FL / FS) • Radius endcaps match duct to avoid installation cost of duct taps • Blades parallel to the long dimension S300FS • Same as S300FL with blades parallel to the short dimension duct mounted AVAILABLE MODELS: See website for Specifications I Single Deflection Models: S301FL S301FS Double Deflection Models: S300FL S300FS FINISHES Standard Finish - #26 White or #34 Clear Anodize OVERVIEW PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Material: Aluminum extruded borders and blades • Countersunk screw holes and curved end caps • Foam gasketing standard for tight seal • Optional ASD-Air scoop device S301 / S300 (FL / FS) Spiral Grilles mount directly to the duct, eliminating the need for duct taps. They are available in two border styles: S series for radius end cap to match duct diameter, and US (Universal) series which can be used on any duct diameter. Each grille has a gasket to provide a tight seal to the duct. I43 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS I S301 / S300 (FL / FS) DIMENSIONS Height 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” Min : Max Duct Diameter 6” : 36” 8” : 36” 10” : 36” 12” : 36” 14” : 36” 16” : 36” S301FL / FS Direct duct mounted with radius End Cap Width plus 1½" Width minus ¼" 2" 1⅛" 5/16" ¾" 1⅜" Height minus ¼" Height plus 1¾" Air Scoop Adjustment Screw S300FL / FS Direct duct mounted with radius End Cap Width plus 1½" Width minus ¼" 2⅜" 1⅛" 5/16" ¾" 1⅜" Height minus ¼" Height plus 1¾" Air Scoop Adjustment Screw S300FL / FS - Direct duct mounted with radius End Cap DIMENSIONS Airflow Application Note: For duct velocities up to 800 fpm, the damper/extractor is not required. For duct velocities higher than 800 fpm, the damper/extractor is recommended. I44 All dimensions are in inches Spiral Duct-Mounted Grilles (continued) specialized grilles US301FL (Single Deflection) • ¾” blade spacing • Individually adjustable blades • Universal endcaps multiple duct diameters to avoid installation cost of duct taps • Blades parallel to the long dimension US301FS • Same as US301FL with blades parallel to the short dimension US300FL (Double Deflection) • ¾” blade spacing • Individually adjustable blades • Universal endcaps multiple duct diameters to avoid installation cost of duct taps US301 / US300 (FL / FS) US300FS • Same as US300FL with blades parallel to the short dimension • Blades parallel to the long dimension duct mounted AVAILABLE MODELS: Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com US301 / US300 (FL / FS) See website for Specifications I Single Deflection Models: US301FL US301FS Double Deflection Models: US300FL US300FS FINISHES Standard Finish - #26 White or #34 Clear Anodize. OVERVIEW PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Material: Aluminum extruded borders and blades • Countersunk screw holes and curved end caps • Foam gasketing standard for tight seal • Optional ASD-Air scoop device US301 / US300 (FL / FS) Spiral Grilles mount directly to the duct, eliminating the need for duct taps. They are available in two border styles: S series for radius end cap to match duct diameter, and US (Universal) series which can be used on any duct diameter. Each grille has a gasket to provide a tight seal to the duct. I45 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS I US301 / US300 (FL / FS) DIMENSIONS Height 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” Min : Max Duct Diameter 10” : 36” 10” : 36” 12” : 36” 20” : 36” 24” : 36” 24” : 36” US301FL / FS Direct duct mounted with universal End Cap Width plus 3" Width minus ¼" End Cap Gasket Seal 1⅝" CROSS SECTION VIEW Gasket Surrounds Blade Assembly 1½" ¾" Height minus ¼" Air Scoop Adjustment Screw US300FL / FS Direct duct mounted with universal End Cap Width plus 3" Width minus ¼" End Cap Gasket Seal 1⅝" CROSS SECTION VIEW Gasket Surrounds Blade Assembly 1½" ¾" Height minus ¼" Air Scoop Adjustment Screw US300FL / FS - Direct duct mounted with universal End Cap DIMENSIONS Airflow Application Note: For duct velocities up to 800 fpm, the damper/extractor is not required. For duct velocities higher than 800 fpm, the damper/extractor is recommended. I46 I46 All dimensions are in inches Spiral Duct-Mounted Grilles (continued) specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com S8F / US8F S8F • 3/16” perforated holes on ¼” staggered centers • Radius endcaps match duct to avoid installation cost of duct taps US8F • Same as S8F except with universal border allows grille to match multiple duct diameters, save installation cost of duct taps S8F / US8F duct mounted AVAILABLE MODELS: See website for Specifications I /16” Perforated Hole Model with Radius End Caps: S8F 3 /16” Perforated Hole Model with Universal End Caps: US8F 3 FINISHES Standard Finish - #26 White or #34 Clear Anodize OVERVIEW Spiral Grilles mount directly to the duct, eliminating the need for duct taps. They are available in two border styles: S series for radius end cap to match duct diameter, and US (Universal) series which can be used on any duct diameter. Each grille has a gasket to provide a tight seal to the duct. PRODUCTS INCLUDE S8F / US8F • Material: Aluminum extended frame and perforated sheet • Countersunk screw holes with curved border (S8F) or universal duct size border (US8F) • Foam gasketing standard for tight seal I47 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS I S8F / US8F DIMENSIONS Width plus 1½" Width minus ¼" S8F Direct duct mounted with Radius End Cap 2¼" S8F Height 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” Min : Max Duct Diameter 6” : 36” 8” : 36” 10” : 36” 12” : 36” 14” : 36” 16” : 36” US8F Height 3” 4” 6” 8” 10” 12” Min : Max Duct Diameter 10” : 36” 10” : 36” 12” : 36” 20” : 36” 24” : 36” 24” : 36” 1⅛" 1⅜" Height plus 1¾" Height minus ¼" US8F Direct duct mounted with Universal End Cap Width plus 3" Width minus ¼" 1⅝" 3/16" Perforations on ¼" Staggered Centers CROSS SECTION VIEW Gasket Surrounds Blade Assembly Height minus ¼" DIMENSIONS * For Performance Data see 8F I48 I48 5/16" All dimensions are in inches 1½" specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 10x3 0.21 0.14 12x3 0.25 0.18 10x4 14x3 0.28 0.21 0.33 0.25 0.38 0.27 0.42 0.3 0.44 0.34 0.50 0.39 0.56 0.43 0.61 0.48 0.67 0.52 16x3 12x4 18x3 14x4 10x6 20x3 16x4 22x3 24x3 12x6 18x4 26x3 14x6 20x4 28x3 22x4 30x3 32x3 24x4 16x6 12x8 Core Velocity, ( fpm ) Velocity Pressure Total 0° Pressure 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 0.006 0.016 0.018 0.028 42 3-6-8 2-5-6 1-3-4 54 5-7-9 4-5-7 2-3-4 63 5-7-10 4-6-8 2-3-5 75 5-8-11 4-6-9 2-4-5 81 6-8-12 4-6-9 2-4-5 90 6-9-12 5-7-9 3-4-5 102 6-9-13 5-7-10 3-4-6 117 7-10-14 5-8-11 3-4-6 129 7-10-15 5-8-11 3-5-7 144 7-11-15 6-8-12 3-5-7 156 8-11-16 6-9-12 3-5-7 0.010 0.029 0.033 0.049 56 4-7-10 3-5-7 2-3-4 72 6-8-11 5-6-8 3-3-5 84 7-8-12 5-6-9 3-4-5 100 7-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 108 8-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 120 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-4-6 136 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 156 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 172 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 192 10-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 208 11-13-19 8-10-14 5-6-8 0.016 0.046 0.051 0.077 70 5-8-11 4-6-8 2-3-5 90 7-9-12 5-7-9 3-4-5 105 8-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 125 11 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-5-6 135 12 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 150 12 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 170 12 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 195 13 10-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 215 13 11-13-19 8-10-15 5-6-8 240 14 12-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 260 14 12-15-21 9-11-16 5-7-9 0.022 0.066 0.074 0.111 84 14 6-8-12 5-6-9 3-4-5 108 15 8-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 126 16 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-5-7 150 17 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 162 17 9-12-16 7-9-13 4-5-7 180 17 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 204 18 11-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 234 18 11-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 258 19 12-15-21 9-11-16 5-7-9 288 19 13-15-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 312 20 13-16-23 10-12-18 6-7-10 0.031 0.090 0.100 0.152 98 19 7-9-13 5-7-10 3-4-6 126 20 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-5-7 147 21 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 175 21 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 189 22 10-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 210 22 11-13-19 8-10-14 5-6-8 238 23 11-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 273 23 12-15-21 10-12-16 6-7-10 301 24 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 336 24 14-17-24 11-13-18 6-8-11 364 24 14-17-25 11-13-19 6-8-11 0.040 0.117 0.131 0.198 112 23 8-10-14 6-7-11 4-4-6 144 24 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 168 25 10-12-17 7-9-13 4-5-8 200 25 11-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 216 26 11-13-19 8-10-15 5-6-9 240 26 12-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 272 27 12-15-21 9-12-16 6-7-10 312 27 13-16-23 10-12-18 6-7-10 344 27 14-17-24 11-13-18 6-8-11 384 28 15-18-25 11-14-20 7-8-11 416 28 15-19-26 12-14-20 7-8-12 0.062 0.183 0.204 0.309 140 29 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 180 31 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 210 31 11-13-19 8-10-14 5-6-8 250 32 12-14-20 9-11-16 5-6-9 270 32 12-15-21 9-12-16 5-7-10 300 33 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 340 33 14-17-24 11-13-18 6-8-11 390 34 15-18-25 11-14-20 7-8-11 430 34 15-19-27 12-15-21 7-8-12 480 35 16-20-28 13-15-22 7-9-13 520 35 17-21-29 13-16-23 8-9-13 0.090 0.263 0.294 0.445 168 35 10-12-17 7-9-13 4-5-8 216 36 11-13-19 8-10-15 5-6-9 252 37 12-14-20 9-11-16 5-7-9 300 37 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 324 38 13-16-23 10-13-18 6-7-10 360 38 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 408 39 15-18-26 12-14-20 7-8-12 468 39 16-20-28 12-15-22 7-9-13 516 40 17-21-29 13-16-23 8-9-13 576 40 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 624 40 19-23-32 14-18-25 8-10-14 0.122 0.358 0.401 0.606 196 40 10-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 252 41 12-14-20 9-11-16 5-7-9 294 41 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 350 42 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 378 42 14-18-25 11-14-19 7-8-11 420 43 15-19-26 12-14-20 7-8-12 476 43 16-20-28 13-15-22 7-9-13 546 44 17-21-30 13-16-23 8-10-14 602 44 18-22-32 14-17-24 8-10-14 672 45 19-24-33 15-18-26 9-11-15 728 45 20-25-35 16-19-27 9-11-16 • Performance data obtained in actual application conditions - direct duct mounted grille, 90° to airflow with no ceiling • Terminal velocities are shown for 150, 100 and 50 fpm. Throw data is without a ceiling. • All pressures are given in inches of water • 0°, 22.5° and 45° represent blade deflection angles • Performance data based on duct sizes in bold, the performance varies slightly for duct sizes not shown in bold • When selecting larger supply grilles for cooling purposes, see the topic, “Procedure to Obtain Catalog Throw Data” in the section, Engineering Guidelines of this catalog I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com S300F, US300F, S301F AND US301F SUPPLY WITH NO EXTRACTOR PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD I49 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I50 I50 S300F, US300F, S301F AND US301F SUPPLY WITH NO EXTRACTOR PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 26x4 10x10 34x3 0.69 0.59 28x4 18x6 36x3 0.75 0.63 20x6 12x10 30x4 0.83 0.66 32x4 0.89 0.71 1.00 0.88 30x6 18x10 1.25 1.11 36x6 18x12 1.50 1.35 30x8 24x10 1.67 1.49 36x8 24x12 2.00 1.82 36x10 30x12 2.50 2.29 36x12 3.00 2.75 24x6 18x8 12x12 36x4 Core Velocity, ( fpm ) Velocity Pressure Total 0° Pressure 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° 300 400 500 600 700 800 1000 1200 1400 0.006 0.016 0.018 0.028 177 8-12-17 6-9-13 4-5-8 189 8-13-18 7-10-14 4-6-8 198 9-13-18 7-10-14 4-6-8 213 9-13-19 7-10-15 4-6-8 264 10-15-21 8-11-16 4-7-9 333 11-17-23 9-13-18 5-7-11 405 12-18-26 10-14-20 6-8-12 447 13-19-27 10-15-21 6-9-12 546 14-21-30 11-16-23 6-10-14 687 16-24-34 12-18-26 7-11-15 825 18-26-37 14-20-29 8-12-17 0.010 0.029 0.033 0.049 236 11-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 252 12-14-20 9-11-16 5-7-9 264 12-15-21 9-11-16 5-7-9 284 13-15-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 352 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 444 11 16-19-27 12-15-21 7-9-12 540 12 17-21-30 13-16-23 8-10-13 596 12 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 728 13 20-25-35 16-19-27 9-11-16 916 14 22-28-39 17-21-30 10-12-18 1100 15 25-30-43 19-23-33 11-14-19 0.016 0.046 0.051 0.077 295 15 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 315 15 13-16-23 10-13-18 6-7-10 330 15 13-17-23 10-13-18 6-7-11 355 16 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 440 16 16-19-27 12-15-21 7-9-12 555 17 18-21-30 14-17-23 8-10-14 675 18 19-24-33 15-18-26 9-11-15 745 19 20-25-35 16-19-27 9-11-16 910 19 22-27-39 17-21-30 10-12-17 1145 20 25-31-44 19-24-34 11-14-20 1375 21 28-34-48 21-26-37 12-15-21 0.022 0.066 0.074 0.111 354 20 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 378 20 14-18-25 11-14-19 7-8-11 396 21 15-18-26 11-14-20 7-8-12 426 21 15-19-27 12-15-21 7-8-12 528 22 17-21-30 13-16-23 8-9-13 666 23 19-23-33 15-18-26 9-11-15 810 24 21-26-37 16-20-28 10-12-16 894 24 22-27-38 17-21-30 10-12-17 1092 25 25-30-43 19-23-33 11-14-19 1374 26 28-34-48 21-26-37 12-15-21 1650 27 30-37-52 23-29-41 14-17-24 0.031 0.090 0.100 0.152 413 25 15-18-26 12-14-20 7-8-12 441 25 16-19-27 12-15-21 7-9-12 462 25 16-20-28 12-15-21 7-9-12 497 26 17-20-29 13-16-22 7-9-13 616 26 18-23-32 14-18-25 8-10-14 777 27 21-25-36 16-20-28 9-11-16 945 28 23-28-40 18-22-31 10-13-18 1043 29 24-29-42 19-23-32 11-13-19 1274 30 27-32-46 21-25-36 12-15-21 1603 30 30-36-52 23-28-40 13-16-23 1925 31 33-40-56 25-31-44 15-18-25 0.040 0.117 0.131 0.198 472 29 16-20-28 13-15-22 7-9-13 504 29 17-20-29 13-16-22 8-9-13 528 29 17-21-30 13-16-23 8-9-13 568 30 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 704 30 20-24-34 15-19-26 9-11-15 888 31 22-27-38 17-21-30 10-12-17 1080 32 24-30-42 19-23-33 11-13-19 1192 33 26-31-44 20-24-34 12-14-20 1456 34 28-35-49 22-27-38 13-16-22 1832 34 32-39-55 25-30-43 14-18-25 2200 35 35-43-60 27-33-47 16-19-27 0.062 0.183 0.204 0.309 590 35 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 630 36 19-23-32 14-18-25 8-10-15 660 36 19-23-33 15-18-26 9-11-15 710 36 20-24-34 15-19-27 9-11-15 880 37 22-27-38 17-21-30 10-12-17 1110 38 25-30-43 19-23-33 11-14-19 1350 39 27-33-47 21-26-37 12-15-21 1490 39 29-35-50 22-27-38 13-16-22 1820 40 32-39-55 25-30-43 14-17-25 2290 41 36-44-62 28-34-48 16-20-28 2750 42 39-48-67 30-37-52 18-21-30 0.090 0.263 0.294 0.445 708 41 20-24-34 15-19-27 9-11-15 756 41 20-25-35 16-19-27 9-11-16 792 41 21-26-36 16-20-28 9-12-16 852 42 22-27-38 17-21-29 10-12-17 1056 43 24-30-42 19-23-32 11-13-19 1332 44 27-33-47 21-26-36 12-15-21 1620 44 30-37-52 23-28-40 13-16-23 1788 45 31-38-54 24-30-42 14-17-24 2184 46 35-43-60 27-33-47 16-19-27 2748 47 39-48-67 30-37-52 18-21-30 3300 47 43-52-74 33-41-57 19-24-33 0.122 0.358 0.401 0.606 826 46 21-26-37 17-20-29 10-12-17 882 46 22-27-38 17-21-30 10-12-17 924 46 23-28-39 18-21-30 10-12-18 994 46 23-29-41 18-22-31 11-13-18 1232 47 26-32-45 20-25-35 12-14-20 1554 48 29-36-51 23-28-39 13-16-23 1890 49 32-40-56 25-31-43 15-18-25 2086 49 34-42-59 26-32-46 15-19-26 2548 50 38-46-65 29-36-50 17-21-29 3206 51 42-52-73 33-40-56 19-23-33 3850 52 46-56-80 36-44-62 21-25-36 • Performance data obtained in actual application conditions - direct duct mounted grille, 90° to airflow with no ceiling • Terminal velocities are shown for 150, 100 and 50 fpm. Throw data is without a ceiling. • All pressures are given in inches of water • 0°, 22.5° and 45° represent blade deflection angles • Performance data based on duct sizes in bold, the performance varies slightly for duct sizes not shown in bold • When selecting larger supply grilles for cooling purposes, see the topic, “Procedure to Obtain Catalog Throw Data” in the section, Engineering Guidelines of this catalog specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 10x3 0.21 0.14 12x3 0.25 0.18 10x4 14x3 0.28 0.21 0.33 0.25 0.38 0.27 0.42 0.3 0.44 0.34 0.50 0.39 0.56 0.43 0.61 0.48 0.67 0.52 16x3 12x4 18x3 14x4 10x6 20x3 16x4 22x3 24x3 12x6 18x4 26x3 14x6 20x4 28x3 22x4 30x3 32x3 24x4 16x6 12x8 Core Velocity, ( fpm ) Velocity Pressure Total 0° Pressure 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° 300 0.006 0.033 0.037 0.056 42 3-6-8 2-5-6 1-3-4 54 5-7-9 4-5-7 2-3-4 63 5-7-10 4-6-8 2-3-5 75 5-8-11 4-6-9 2-4-5 81 6-8-12 4-6-9 2-4-5 90 6-9-12 5-7-9 3-4-5 102 6-9-13 5-7-10 3-4-6 117 7-10-14 5-8-11 3-4-6 129 7-10-15 5-8-11 3-5-7 144 7-11-15 6-8-12 3-5-7 156 8-11-16 6-9-12 3-5-7 400 0.010 0.058 0.065 0.099 56 4-7-10 3-5-7 2-3-4 72 6-8-11 5-6-8 3-3-5 84 7-8-12 5-6-9 3-4-5 100 7-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 108 8-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 120 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-4-6 136 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 156 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 172 11 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 192 11 10-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 208 12 11-13-19 8-10-14 5-6-8 • Performance data obtained in actual application conditions - direct duct mounted grille, 90° to airflow with no ceiling • Terminal velocities are shown for 150, 100 and 50 fpm. Throw data is without a ceiling. • All pressures are given in inches of water • 0°, 22.5° and 45° represent blade deflection angles 500 0.016 0.091 0.102 0.155 70 13 5-8-11 4-6-8 2-3-5 90 14 7-9-12 5-7-9 3-4-5 105 14 8-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 125 15 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-5-6 135 16 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 150 16 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 170 16 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 195 17 10-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 215 17 11-13-19 8-10-15 5-6-8 240 18 12-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 260 18 12-15-21 9-11-16 5-7-9 600 0.022 0.132 0.147 0.223 84 18 6-8-12 5-6-9 3-4-5 108 19 8-9-13 6-7-10 3-4-6 126 20 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-5-7 150 21 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 162 21 9-12-16 7-9-13 4-5-7 180 21 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 204 22 11-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 234 22 11-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 258 23 12-15-21 9-11-16 5-7-9 288 23 13-15-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 312 24 13-16-23 10-12-18 6-7-10 700 0.031 0.179 0.200 0.303 98 23 7-9-13 5-7-10 3-4-6 126 24 8-10-14 6-8-11 4-5-7 147 25 9-11-16 7-9-12 4-5-7 175 25 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 189 26 10-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 210 26 11-13-19 8-10-14 5-6-8 238 27 11-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 273 27 12-15-21 10-12-16 6-7-10 301 28 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 336 28 14-17-24 11-13-18 6-8-11 364 28 14-17-25 11-13-19 6-8-11 800 0.040 0.234 0.262 0.396 112 27 8-10-14 6-7-11 4-4-6 144 28 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 168 29 10-12-17 7-9-13 4-5-8 200 29 11-13-18 8-10-14 5-6-8 216 30 11-13-19 8-10-15 5-6-9 240 30 12-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 272 31 12-15-21 9-12-16 6-7-10 312 31 13-16-23 10-12-18 6-7-10 344 31 14-17-24 11-13-18 6-8-11 384 32 15-18-25 11-14-20 7-8-11 416 32 15-19-26 12-14-20 7-8-12 1000 0.062 0.365 0.409 0.618 140 33 9-11-15 7-8-12 4-5-7 180 35 10-12-17 8-9-13 4-5-8 210 35 11-13-19 8-10-14 5-6-8 250 36 12-14-20 9-11-16 5-6-9 270 36 12-15-21 9-12-16 5-7-10 300 37 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 340 37 14-17-24 11-13-18 6-8-11 390 38 15-18-25 11-14-20 7-8-11 430 38 15-19-27 12-15-21 7-8-12 480 39 16-20-28 13-15-22 7-9-13 520 39 17-21-29 13-16-23 8-9-13 1200 0.090 0.526 0.589 0.891 168 39 10-12-17 7-9-13 4-5-8 216 40 11-13-19 8-10-15 5-6-9 252 41 12-14-20 9-11-16 5-7-9 300 41 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 324 42 13-16-23 10-13-18 6-7-10 360 42 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 408 43 15-18-26 12-14-20 7-8-12 468 43 16-20-28 12-15-22 7-9-13 516 44 17-21-29 13-16-23 8-9-13 576 44 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 624 44 19-23-32 14-18-25 8-10-14 • Performance data based on duct sizes in bold, the performance varies slightly for duct sizes not shown in bold • When selecting larger supply grilles for cooling purposes, see the topic, “Procedure to Obtain Catalog Throw Data” in the section, Engineering Guidelines of this catalog I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com S300F, US300F, S301F AND US301F SUPPLY WITH EXTRACTOR SET AT 45B ANGLE PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD I51 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I52 I52 S300F, US300F, S301F AND US301F SUPPLY WITH EXTRACTOR SET AT 45B ANGLE PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD. Nominal Duct Size ( in. ) Nominal Duct Area sq. ft Core Area sq. ft 26x4 10x10 34x3 0.69 0.59 28x4 18x6 36x3 0.75 0.63 20x6 12x10 30x4 0.83 0.66 32x4 0.89 0.71 1.00 0.88 30x6 18x10 1.25 1.11 36x6 18x12 1.50 1.35 30x8 24x10 1.67 1.49 36x8 24x12 2.00 1.82 36x10 30x12 2.50 2.29 36x12 3.00 2.75 24x6 18x8 12x12 36x4 Core Velocity, ( fpm ) Velocity Pressure Total 0° Pressure 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° Airflow, cfm NC 0° Throw (Ft.) 22.5° 45° 300 0.006 0.033 0.037 0.056 177 8-12-17 6-9-13 4-5-8 189 8-13-18 7-10-14 4-6-8 198 9-13-18 7-10-14 4-6-8 213 9-13-19 7-10-15 4-6-8 264 10-15-21 8-11-16 4-7-9 333 11-17-23 9-13-18 5-7-11 405 12-18-26 10-14-20 6-8-12 447 13-19-27 10-15-21 6-9-12 546 14-21-30 11-16-23 6-10-14 687 16-24-34 12-18-26 7-11-15 825 18-26-37 14-20-29 8-12-17 400 0.010 0.058 0.065 0.099 236 12 11-14-20 9-11-15 5-6-9 252 12 12-14-20 9-11-16 5-7-9 264 13 12-15-21 9-11-16 5-7-9 284 13 13-15-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 352 14 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 444 15 16-19-27 12-15-21 7-9-12 540 16 17-21-30 13-16-23 8-10-13 596 16 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 728 17 20-25-35 16-19-27 9-11-16 916 18 22-28-39 17-21-30 10-12-18 1100 19 25-30-43 19-23-33 11-14-19 • Performance data obtained in actual application conditions - direct duct mounted grille, 90° to airflow with no ceiling • Terminal velocities are shown for 150, 100 and 50 fpm. Throw data is without a ceiling. • All pressures are given in inches of water • 0°, 22.5° and 45° represent blade deflection angles 500 0.016 0.091 0.102 0.155 295 19 13-16-22 10-12-17 6-7-10 315 19 13-16-23 10-13-18 6-7-10 330 19 13-17-23 10-13-18 6-7-11 355 20 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 440 20 16-19-27 12-15-21 7-9-12 555 21 18-21-30 14-17-23 8-10-14 675 22 19-24-33 15-18-26 9-11-15 745 23 20-25-35 16-19-27 9-11-16 910 23 22-27-39 17-21-30 10-12-17 1145 24 25-31-44 19-24-34 11-14-20 1375 25 28-34-48 21-26-37 12-15-21 600 0.022 0.132 0.147 0.223 354 24 14-17-24 11-13-19 6-8-11 378 24 14-18-25 11-14-19 7-8-11 396 25 15-18-26 11-14-20 7-8-12 426 25 15-19-27 12-15-21 7-8-12 528 26 17-21-30 13-16-23 8-9-13 666 27 19-23-33 15-18-26 9-11-15 810 28 21-26-37 16-20-28 10-12-16 894 28 22-27-38 17-21-30 10-12-17 1092 29 25-30-43 19-23-33 11-14-19 1374 30 28-34-48 21-26-37 12-15-21 1650 31 30-37-52 23-29-41 14-17-24 700 0.031 0.179 0.200 0.303 413 29 15-18-26 12-14-20 7-8-12 441 29 16-19-27 12-15-21 7-9-12 462 29 16-20-28 12-15-21 7-9-12 497 30 17-20-29 13-16-22 7-9-13 616 30 18-23-32 14-18-25 8-10-14 777 31 21-25-36 16-20-28 9-11-16 945 32 23-28-40 18-22-31 10-13-18 1043 33 24-29-42 19-23-32 11-13-19 1274 34 27-32-46 21-25-36 12-15-21 1603 34 30-36-52 23-28-40 13-16-23 1925 35 33-40-56 25-31-44 15-18-25 800 0.040 0.234 0.262 0.396 472 33 16-20-28 13-15-22 7-9-13 504 33 17-20-29 13-16-22 8-9-13 528 33 17-21-30 13-16-23 8-9-13 568 34 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 704 34 20-24-34 15-19-26 9-11-15 888 35 22-27-38 17-21-30 10-12-17 1080 36 24-30-42 19-23-33 11-13-19 1192 37 26-31-44 20-24-34 12-14-20 1456 38 28-35-49 22-27-38 13-16-22 1832 38 32-39-55 25-30-43 14-18-25 2200 39 35-43-60 27-33-47 16-19-27 1000 0.062 0.365 0.409 0.618 590 39 18-22-31 14-17-24 8-10-14 630 40 19-23-32 14-18-25 8-10-15 660 40 19-23-33 15-18-26 9-11-15 710 40 20-24-34 15-19-27 9-11-15 880 41 22-27-38 17-21-30 10-12-17 1110 42 25-30-43 19-23-33 11-14-19 1350 43 27-33-47 21-26-37 12-15-21 1490 43 29-35-50 22-27-38 13-16-22 1820 44 32-39-55 25-30-43 14-17-25 2290 45 36-44-62 28-34-48 16-20-28 2750 46 39-48-67 30-37-52 18-21-30 1200 0.090 0.526 0.589 0.891 708 45 20-24-34 15-19-27 9-11-15 756 45 20-25-35 16-19-27 9-11-16 792 45 21-26-36 16-20-28 9-12-16 852 46 22-27-38 17-21-29 10-12-17 1056 47 24-30-42 19-23-32 11-13-19 1332 48 27-33-47 21-26-36 12-15-21 1620 48 30-37-52 23-28-40 13-16-23 1788 49 31-38-54 24-30-42 14-17-24 2184 50 35-43-60 27-33-47 16-19-27 2748 51 39-48-67 30-37-52 18-21-30 3300 51 43-52-74 33-41-57 19-24-33 • Performance data based on duct sizes in bold, the performance varies slightly for duct sizes not shown in bold • When selecting larger supply grilles for cooling purposes, see the topic, “Procedure to Obtain Catalog Throw Data” in the section, Engineering Guidelines of this catalog Door Grilles specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com T-700 (L / S) T-700L • Sight proof • Used in doors and partitions • Included v-blades block vision and provide extra strength • 20-gauge steel blades • Blades parallel to the long dimension T-700S • Same as T-700L with blades parallel to the short dimension T-700 (L / S) metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: doors / partitions sight proof design See website for Specifications I T-700L T-700S FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Steel Titus Door return grilles are great for use in doors and partitions. They offer a large free are for great performance yet have a sight proof design. Options include steel or aluminum construction and an auxiliary frame for the reverse side. PRODUCTS INCLUDE T-700 (L / S) • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount #7 - Channel Frame • Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White I53 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS T-700 (L / S) DIMENSIONS Border Type 1 / Surface Mount D plus 2¼" Type A Fastening External Screw 1¼" 77° Deflection ½" 1¼" D minus ¼" Duct Size D Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 30 x 30 inches in 1” increments I Border Type 7 / Channel Frame ½" 9/32" 1⅛" D minus ⅛" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 30 x 30 inches in 1” increments Auxiliary Frame DIMENSIONS ¼" 1⅜" 2½" ¼" D plus 2⅜" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 30 x 30 inches in 1” increments I54 I54 3/16" All dimensions are in inches Door Grilles (continued) specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com CT-700 (L / S) CT-700L • Sight proof • Used in doors and partitions • Included v-blades block vision and provide extra strength • Aluminum blades • Blades parallel to the long dimension CT-700S • Same as T-700L with blades parallel to the short dimension CT-700 (L / S) metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: doors / partitions sight proof design See website for Specifications I CT-700L CT-700S FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Aluminum Titus Door return grilles are great for use in doors and partitions. They offer a large free are for great performance yet have a sight proof design. Options include steel or aluminum construction and an auxiliary frame for the reverse side. PRODUCTS INCLUDE CT-700 (L / S) • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount Countersunk Screw Holes • #8 x 1¼” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White I55 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS CT-700 (L / S) DIMENSIONS Border Type 1 / Surface Mount D plus 2¼" Type A Fastening External Screw 1¼" 77° Deflection ½" 1¼" D minus ¼" I Duct Size D Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 30 x 30 inches in 1” increments Auxiliary Frame 3/16" DIMENSIONS 1⅜" I56 I56 3/16" D plus 27/16" 3/16" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 6 x 4 inches through 30 x 30 inches in 1” increments All dimensions are in inches 2¼" Max. specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA NC 20 Nominal Duct Area sq. ft 0.25 Core Area sq. ft 8x6 0.33 0.26 10x6 0.42 0.34 8x8 0.44 0.37 12x6 0.50 0.41 14x6 0.58 0.48 16x6 12x8 0.67 0.57 10x10 0.69 0.59 18x6 20x6 12x10 0.75 0.63 0.83 0.72 22x6 24x6 12x12 30x6 18x10 0.92 0.77 1.00 0.88 1.25 1.11 14x14 1.36 1.22 18x12 1.50 1.35 22x10 30x8 24x10 42x6 18x14 16x16 1.53 1.37 1.67 1.49 1.75 1.78 1.59 1.62 24x12 18x16 18x18 2.00 1.82 2.25 2.07 24x14 2.33 2.14 30x12 2.50 2.29 24x16 2.67 2.46 20x20 2.78 2.57 30x16 24x20 3.33 3.11 22x22 3.36 3.14 24x22 3.67 3.43 30x18 3.75 3.50 24x24 4.00 3.75 30x24 5.00 4.71 28x28 5.44 5.16 30x28 5.83 5.51 30x30 6.25 5.94 0.19 Core Velocity Velocity Pressure CT-700 Static Pressure T-700 Static Pressure Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) 200 0.003 0.028 0.027 38 15 52 16 68 18 74 18 82 18 96 19 114 20 118 20 126 20 144 21 154 21 176 22 222 23 244 23 270 24 274 24 298 24 318 24 324 24 364 25 414 25 428 26 458 26 493 26 514 26 622 27 628 27 686 28 700 28 750 28 942 29 1032 29 1102 30 1188 30 250 0.004 0.044 0.043 48 20 65 21 85 22 93 23 103 23 120 24 143 24 148 25 158 25 180 25 193 26 220 26 278 27 305 28 338 28 343 28 373 28 398 29 405 29 455 30 518 30 535 30 573 31 615 31 643 31 778 32 785 32 858 32 875 32 938 33 1178 34 1290 34 1378 34 1485 35 300 0.006 0.063 0.062 57 24 78 25 102 26 111 26 123 27 144 28 171 28 177 28 189 29 216 29 231 30 264 30 333 31 366 32 405 32 411 32 447 32 477 33 486 33 546 33 621 34 642 34 687 34 738 35 771 35 933 36 942 36 1029 36 1050 36 1125 36 1413 37 1548 38 1653 38 1782 38 350 0.008 0.086 0.084 67 27 91 28 119 29 130 30 144 30 168 32 200 31 207 32 221 32 252 33 270 33 308 33 389 34 437 358 473 35 480 35 522 35 557 36 567 36 637 37 725 37 749 37 802 38 861 38 900 38 1089 39 1099 39 1201 39 1225 39 1313 40 1649 41 1806 41 1929 41 2079 42 NC 40 400 0.010 0.113 0.110 76 30 104 31 136 32 148 32 164 33 192 34 228 34 236 34 252 35 288 35 308 36 352 36 444 37 488 38 540 38 548 38 596 38 636 39 648 39 728 39 828 40 856 40 916 40 984 41 1028 41 1244 42 1256 42 1372 42 1400 42 1500 43 1884 43 2064 44 2204 44 2376 44 450 0.013 0.143 0.139 86 32 117 33 153 35 167 35 185 35 216 37 257 36 266 37 284 37 324 38 347 38 396 39 500 40 549 40 608 41 617 41 671 41 716 41 729 41 819 42 932 42 963 42 1031 43 1107 43 1157 43 1400 44 1413 44 1544 45 1575 45 1688 45 2120 46 2322 46 2480 47 2673 47 500 0.016 0.176 0.172 95 34 160 36 170 37 185 37 205 38 240 39 285 38 295 39 315 39 360 40 385 40 440 41 555 42 610 42 675 43 685 43 745 43 795 43 810 44 910 44 1035 45 1070 45 1145 45 1230 45 1258 46 1555 46 1570 46 1715 47 1750 47 1875 47 2355 48 2580 49 2755 49 2970 49 550 0.019 0.213 0.208 105 36 143 38 187 39 204 39 226 40 264 41 314 40 325 41 347 41 396 42 424 42 484 43 611 44 671 44 743 45 754 45 820 45 875 45 891 46 1001 46 1139 47 1177 47 1260 47 1353 47 1414 48 1711 48 1727 48 1887 49 1925 49 2063 49 2591 50 2838 51 3031 51 3267 51 600 0.022 0.254 0.247 114 38 156 39 204 41 222 41 246 41 288 43 342 42 354 43 378 43 432 44 462 44 528 45 666 46 732 46 810 47 822 47 894 47 954 47 972 47 1092 48 1242 48 1284 49 1374 49 1476 49 1542 49 1866 50 1884 50 2058 51 2100 51 2250 51 2826 52 2096 52 3306 53 3564 53 I PERFORMANCE DATA Nominal Duct Size (in) 6x6 NC 30 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com T-700 AND CT-700 DOOR GRILLES PERFORMANCE BASED ON NOMINAL SIZES SHOWN IN BOLD NC 50 • Static pressures are negative, in inches of water, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • NC based on room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts, measured per ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 I57 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Reversible Core Grilles I 1700 (L / S) • Remove, invert or reverse the core for four different vertical deflections • With its deep, rigid aluminum blades and carefully contoured aluminum border, the Titus 1700 Series offers a look of refinement backed with strength, versatility and superb performance • Extreme flexibility in adjusting airflow patterns. The fixed blade core can be lifted out, then rotated or reversed, to give four different vertical deflection angles as shown in the illustration below. In addition, the optional Model 07 back blades can be adjusted individually for various horizontal deflection angles. 1700 (L / S) Core is easily removed with one pull on the detachable operating lever, as shown. 5/32” mounting holes are concealed inside the border, accessible by removing the core. metric sizes See website for Specifications AVAILABLE MODELS: 1700L 1700S Four Different Vertical Deflections Chosen by Positioning Core FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Core Removal and Replacement Narrow Blade Grilles Titus reversible core, narrow blade grilles provide the option of a 15º or 5º blade deflection in the same grille. The core is easily removed using a detachable lever. These grilles are made of extruded aluminum construction. Also available with rear deflection blades. 1700 (L / S) PRODUCTS INCLUDE I58 I58 • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount #8 - Core Only • #8 x 11/4” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Optional 07 Directional Blades • Optional Opposed Blade Damper • Can be used as supply or return To replace core, insert operating lever through blades, hook over mullion and push downward on lever specialized grilles DIMENSIONS 1700 (L, S) / Border Type 1 D plus 1¼" D minus ¾" 1" Blades 07 Directional Optional Damper Opposed Blade Optional 5/16" 5° ⅛" 2⅛" 15° 3¾" D minus ½" Nominal Duct Size D" Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type are 6 x 4 inches (1700L) or 6 x 6 inches (1700S) through 72 x 24 inches in single core construction or through 72 x 36 inches in multiple core construction in 1” increments Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 1700 (L / S) DIMENSIONS I Border Type 8 (Core Only) ¾" Supplied with Blades = D minus 25/32”, Tubes = D minus ¾” DIMENSIONS All dimensions are in inches I59 specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA I I60 I60 NC 20 1700 / SUPPLY Core Vel. Core Nominal Vel. Press. Area, Duct Size, 0B 22 ½B sq. ft. inches Total Pres. 45B cfm 8X4 NC 0.18 7X5 0B Throw, ft. 22 ½B 6X6 45B cfm 12 X 4 NC 0.26 10 X 5 0B Throw, ft. 22 ½B 8X6 45B cfm 16 X 4 NC 0.34 12 X 5 0B 22 ½B 10 X 6 Throw, ft. 45B cfm 18 X 4 NC 14 X 5 0.39 0B 12 X 6 Throw, ft. 22 ½B 8X8 45B cfm 24 X 4 NC 0.52 18 X 5 0B 22 ½B 16 X 6 Throw, ft. 45B 28 X 4 cfm NC 20 X 5 0B 0.60 18 X 6 Throw, ft. 22 ½B 12 X 8 45B 10 X 10 cfm 30 X 4 NC 24 X 5 0.69 20 X 6 0B 14 X 8 Throw, ft. 22 ½B 12 X 10 45B cfm 36 X 4 NC 28 X 5 0.81 22 X 6 0B 16 X 8 Throw, ft. 22 ½B 14 X 10 45B 40 X 4 cfm 30 X 5 NC 26 X 6 0B 0.90 18 X 8 22 ½B 16 x 10 Throw, ft. 45B 12 X 12 cfm 48 X 4 NC 36 X 5 1.07 30 X 6 0B 18 X 10 Throw, ft. 22 ½B 14 X 12 45B cfm 34 X 6 NC 24 X 8 1.18 20 X 10 0 16 X 12 Throw, ft. 22 ½ 14 X 14 45 cfm 60 X 4 NC 48 X 5 1.34 36 X 6 0B 18 X 12 Throw, ft. 22 ½B 16 X 14 45B 72 X 4 cfm 30 X 8 NC 24 X 10 0B 1.60 22 X 12 22 ½B 18 x 14 Throw, ft. 45B 16 X 16 cfm 60 X 5 NC 48 X 6 36 X 8 0B 1.80 30 X 10 Throw, ft. 24 x 12 22 ½B 20 x 14 18 X 16 45B NC 30 300 0.006 0.017 0.019 0.020 55 — 4-7-13 3-6-10 2-3-7 80 — 5-8-16 4-6-13 3-4-8 100 — 5-10-18 4-7-14 3-4-9 115 — 6-10-19 5-7-15 3-5-10 155 — 7-12-23 6-10-18 3-5-11 180 — 7-13-24 6-11-19 4-6-12 205 — 8-14-26 6-11-21 4-6-13 245 — 8-15-28 6-12-22 4-7-14 270 — 10-16-30 7-13-24 5-8-15 320 — 11-17-32 8-14-26 5-8-16 355 — 11-18-34 8-15-27 5-8-17 400 — 12-19-36 10-15-29 6-10-18 480 — 14-21-40 11-17-32 6-11-20 540 — 400 0.010 0.028 0.031 0.034 70 — 6-8-15 5-6-12 3-4-8 105 — 7-12-19 6-10-15 4-5-9 135 — 8-13-21 6-11-17 4-6-11 155 — 10-14-23 7-11-18 4-6-11 210 — 11-16-26 8-13-21 5-7-13 240 — 12-17-28 10-14-22 5-8-14 275 — 13-18-30 11-15-24 6-10-15 325 — 14-20-33 11-16-26 6-10-16 360 — 15-21-34 12-17-27 7-11-17 430 — 16-23-38 13-19-30 7-12-19 470 — 16-24-40 13-19-32 8-12-20 535 — 17-25-42 14-20-34 8-13-21 640 — 19-28-46 15-22-37 10-14-23 720 — 500 0.016 0.045 0.050 0.054 90 — 7-12-17 6-10-14 4-5-9 130 — 10-14-21 7-11-17 4-7-10 170 — 11-16-24 8-13-19 5-8-12 195 — 12-17-25 10-14-20 5-8-13 260 11 14-20-29 11-16-23 6-10-15 300 12 15-21-31 12-17-25 7-11-16 345 12 16-23-34 13-19-27 7-12-17 405 13 17-24-37 14-19-30 8-13-18 450 14 18-26-39 15-21-31 10-14-19 535 14 19-30-42 15-23-34 10-15-21 590 14 20-30-44 16-23-35 11-15-22 670 15 21-32-47 17-25-38 11-16-23 800 16 22-34-51 19-28-41 12-17-25 900 17 600 0.022 0.062 0.068 0.075 110 12 10-14-19 7-11-15 4-7-10 155 13 11-17-23 8-14-18 5-8-11 205 14 13-20-26 11-16-22 6-10-13 235 15 14-20-28 11-16-22 7-11-14 310 16 16-23-32 13-19-26 8-12-16 360 17 17-25-34 14-20-27 8-13-17 415 17 19-27-37 15-22-30 10-14-18 485 18 20-29-40 16-23-32 11-15-20 540 19 22-31-42 18-25-34 11-16-21 640 19 23-35-46 19-28-37 12-18-23 710 19 24-37-48 19-30-38` 13-18-24 805 20 25-39-51 20-32-41 13-19-26 960 21 29-41-56 23-33-45 14-21-28 1080 22 700 0.030 0.084 0.093 0.102 125 17 11-15-20 8-12-16 5-7-10 180 18 13-17-24 11-14-19 6-9-12 240 19 15-20-28 12-16-22 7-10-14 275 20 16-22-30 13-18-24 8-11-15 365 21 19-25-35 15-20-28 10-12-17 420 22 20-27-37 16-22-30 11-13-19 485 22 22-29-40 18-23-32 11-14-20 565 23 24-31-43 19-25-34 12-15-22 630 24 25-33-45 20-26-36 13-16-23 750 24 28-36-46 22-29-39 14-18-25 825 24 29-38-52 23-30-42 14-19-26 940 25 30-40-56 23-32-45 15-20-28 1120 26 33-43-60 27-34-48 16-22-30 1260 27 800 0.040 0.112 0.124 0.136 145 21 12-16-22 10-13-18 6-8-11 210 22 15-19-26 12-15-21 7-9-13 270 23 17-22-30 14-18-24 8-11-15 310 24 18-23-32 15-18-26 10-12-16 415 25 21-26-37 17-21-30 11-13-18 480 26 23-29-40 19-23-321 12-14-20 550 26 25-31-43 20-25-34 13-15-21 650 27 27-33-46 22-26-37 14-17-23 720 28 28-35-48 23-28-38 15-17-24 855 28 31-38-53 24-30-42 15-19-26 945 28 33-40-56 27-32-45 16-20-28 1070 29 34-43-59 28-34-47 17-21-29 1280 30 37-46-64 30-37-51 18-23-32 1440 31 1000 0.062 0.174 0.192 0.211 180 27 14-17-24 11-14-19 7-9-12 260 28 17-21-29 14-17-23 8-11-15 340 29 20-24-33 16-19-26 10-12-17 390 30 21-26-36 17-21-29 11-13-18 520 31 24-30-41 19-24-33 12-15-21 600 32 26-32-45 21-26-36 13-16-22 690 32 28-34-47 22-27-38 14-17-24 810 33 30-37-51 24-30-41 15-19-26 900 34 32-39-55 26-31-44 16-20-27 1070 34 35-43-59 28-34-47 17-21-29 1180 34 36-45-62 29-36-50 18-22-31 1340 35 39-47-65 31-38-52 19-23-33 1600 36 42-51-72 34-41-58 21-26-36 1800 37 1200 0.090 0.252 0.279 0.306 215 33 15-19-26 12-15-21 8-10-13 310 34 19-23-32 15-18-26 9-12-16 410 35 22-26-37 18-21-30 11-13-18 470 36 23-27-40 18-22-32 12-14-20 625 37 27-33-45 22-26-36 13-16-23 720 38 29-35-48 23-28-38 14-17-24 830 38 30-38-52 24-30-42 15-19-26 970 39 33-41-56 26-33-45 17-20-28 1080 40 35-43-59 28-34-47 17-21-29 1280 40 38-46-64 30-37-51 19-23-32 1420 40 40-48-67 32-38-50 20-24-34 1610 41 42-52-72 34-42-58 21-26-36 1920 42 46-56-79 37-45-63 23-28-39 2160 43 1400 0.122 0.341 0.378 0.415 250 38 17-21-29 14-17-23 8-10-14 365 39 20-25-35 16-20-2 10-13-17 475 40 23-28-40 18-22-32 12-14-20 545 41 25-30-42 20-24-34 12-15-21 730 42 29-35-49 23-28-39 14-18-24 840 43 31-38-52 25-30-42 15-19-26 965 43 33-40-56 26-32-45 16-20-28 1130 44 36-44-60 29-35-48 18-22-30 1260 45 37-46-63 30-37-50 19-23-32 1500 45 41-50-69 33-40-55 20-25-35 1650 45 43-52-73 34-42-58 21-26-36 1880 46 45-56-78 36-45-62 23-28-39 2240 47 49-61-85 39-49-68 25-30-43 2520 48 14-22-42 11-18-34 7-12-21 20-30-48 16-23-38 10-15-24 25-37-55 20-30-44 13-18-27 31-45-59 24-36-47 15-22-29 34-46-63 28-37-50 17-23-32 39-49-68 32-39-54 20-24-34 45-55-76 36-44-61 22-27-38 48-60-84 38-48-67 24-30-42 52-65-90 42-52-72 26-32-45 Performance notes apprear at end of table NC 40 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 1700 / SUPPLY NC 30 NC 40 Core Vel. 300 Core Nominal Vel. Press. 0.006 Area, Duct Size, 0 0.017 sq. ft. inches Total Pres. 22 ½ 0.019 45 0.020 cfm 625 20 X 16 NC — 18 X 18 40 X 8 0 15-24-45 2.08 36 X 10 Throw, ft. 22 ½ 12-19-36 30 x 12 45 7-12-23 24 X 14 400 0.010 0.028 0.031 0.034 830 — 21-32-52 17-25-42 11-16-26 500 0.016 0.045 0.050 0.054 1040 17 28-40-58 22-32-46 14-20-29 600 0.022 0.062 0.068 0.075 1250 22 32-47-63 25-37-50 16-23-32 700 0.030 0.084 0.093 0.102 1460 27 37-49-68 30-39-54 18-25-34 800 0.040 0.112 0.124 0.136 1660 31 42-53-73 34-42-58 22-26-37 1000 0.062 0.174 0.192 0.211 2080 37 48-59-82 38-47-66 24-29-41 1200 0.090 0.252 0.279 0.306 2500 43 52-64-90 42-51-72 26-32-45 1400 0.122 0.341 0.378 0.415 2910 48 56-69-97 45-55-78 28-35-48 48 X 8 32 X 12 26 X 14 24 X 16 Throw, ft. 20 x 18 20 X 20 36 X 12 30 X 14 26 X 16 24 X 18 Throw, ft. 22 X 20 48 X 10 26 X 18 24 X 20 40 X 12 Throw, ft. 36 x 14 30 X 16 cfm 735 NC — 0 16-27-49 22 ½ 13-21-39 45 7-13-24 980 11 23-35-57 19-28-46 12-17-28 1220 18 29-42-62 23-34-50 15-21-31 1470 23 34-51-68 28-40-54 17-25-34 1720 28 40-54-74 32-43-59 20-27-37 1960 32 46-57-80 36-46-64 23-28-40 2450 38 52-64-89 45-51-71 26-32-45 2940 44 57-70-97 46-56-78 28-35-49 3430 49 61-76-106 49-61-85 32-38-53 cfm NC 0 22 ½ 45 cfm NC 0 22 ½ 45 835 — 17-28-52 14-22-42 8-14-26 935 — 18-29-55 15-23-44 8-15-28 1110 11 24-36-60 19-29-48 13-18-30 1240 12 25-38-63 11-31-50 13-19-31 1390 18 31-45-67 24-36-54 15-22-33 1560 19 36-48-71 29-38-57 18-23-35 1670 23 37-53-73 30-42-58 18-27-37 1870 24 43-56-78 35-42-62 21-28-39 1950 28 42-57-79 34-46-63 21-28-40 2180 29 50-60-84 40-48-67 23-30-42 2220 32 48-57-79 38-49-68 24-30-42 2490 33 51-64-90 40-51-72 26-32-45 2780 38 55-68-95 44-54-76 28-34-47 3110 39 58-72-100 46-58-80 29-36-50 3340 44 60-75-104 48-60-83 30-37-52 3730 45 64-79-110 51-63-88 32-40-55 3890 49 65-81-112 52-65-90 33-40-56 4350 50 69-86-118 55-69-94 35-43-59 3.61 24 X 24 60 X 10 48 X 12 36 X 16 Throw, ft. 30 x 18 4.65 72 X 10 48 X 16 36 X 20 30 X 24 Throw, ft. 5.58 72 X 12 60 X 14 48 X 18 36 X 24 Throw, ft. cfm NC 0 22 ½ 45 cfm NC 0 22 ½ 45 cfm NC 0 22 ½ 45 1080 — 19-31-59 15-24-47 10-15-29 1400 — 21-35-67 17-28-54 11-17-33 1670 — 23-38-73 19-31-58 12-19-37 1440 13 28-40-68 22-32-54 14-20-34 1860 14 31-46-78 24-36-62 16-23-39 2230 15 33-50-85 27-40-68 17-24-43 1800 20 34-50-76 28-40-61 17-24-38 2320 21 38-57-87 31-46-70 19-29-43 2790 22 42-63-95 34-50-76 21-32-48 2170 25 40-59-84 32-48-67 20-30-42 2790 26 47-69-95 37-55-76 23-34-48 3350 27 50-76-104 40-61-83 24-38-52 2530 30 47-65-90 37-52-72 23-32-45 3260 31 54-74-103 43-59-82 27-37-52 3910 32 58-81-113 47-65-90 30-41-57 2890 34 54-69-97 43-55-78 27-35-48 3720 35 61-79-110 49-63-88 31-40-55 4460 36 67-87-122 53-70-98 33-44-61 3610 40 63-78-108 50-62-86 31-39-54 4650 41 72-89-123 58-71-98 36-44-61 5580 42 79-97-135 63-78-108 39-49-67 4330 46 69-86-118 55-69-94 35-43-59 5580 47 79-97-135 63-78-108 39-49-67 670 48 87-107-148 70-86-118 43-53-74 5050 51 75-93-128 60-74-102 38-46-64 6510 52 86-105-146 69-84-117 43-52-73 7810 53 93-116-160 74-93-130 47-58-80 2.45 2.78 3.11 I PERFORMANCE DATA • When used as a return, add 7 NC to the NC value shown in the supply table. The negative static pressure is 2.4 times the velocity pressure shown. • Each NC value is based on grille operation at a 0B deflection. If the 07 Blades are adjusted to 22½B or 45, Increase the stated sound levels by 1 or 7 NC respectively. • See the section, Engineering Guidelines, in this catalog for throw information NC 50 NC 20 I61 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Commercial / Industrial Louvered Supply Grilles specialized grilles JFA (L / S) JFA-L • Individually adjustable extruded aluminum front blades, ¾” centers • Steel rear blades gang operated • Pole operator handle for adjusting rear blades • Blades parallel to the long dimension • 20-gauge steel frame JFA-S • Same as JFA-L with blades parallel to the short dimension JFA (L / S) I metric sizes AVAILABLE MODELS: JFA-L JFA-S FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW Pole Operated Supply Grilles These supply grilles are great for commercial / industrial applications. The pole operated rear blades are ganged for easy adjustment. Extruded aluminum front blades are individually adjustable for additional versatility. JFA (L / S) PRODUCTS INCLUDE I62 I62 • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount • #8 x 11/4” long Phillips Flat Head Sheet Metal Screws, Painted White • Countersunk Screw Holes • Optional Steel Opposed-Blade Damper factories See website for Specifications specialized grilles DIMENSIONS Pole Operated JFA (L, S) / Border Type 1 Duct (36" Max.) Duct plus 1¾" Duct minus ¾" Optional opposed blade damper ½" Dia. 1¼" Gang Operated Blades Duct plus 1¾" Duct minus ¾" ¾" 1¼" ¼" Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com JFA (L / S) DIMENSIONS 5" Operator Handle Duct minus ½" Duct minus 1/16" Duct (36" Max.) I Available sizes (D” x D”) Border Type 1 are 10 x 6 inches to 40 x 36 inches in 2” increments Changes in activity in the conditioned space may require frequent changes in airflow pattern from the supply outlets. Or, the changeover from heating to cooling may call for a shift from a low deflection angle to a high one. In these situations, pole operated supply grilles are time savers. The adjusting lever can be moved with a pole from the floor without a ladder. DIMENSIONS All dimensions are in inches I63 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA JFA / SUPPLY NC 20 Core Nominal Area, Duct Size, sq. ft. inches 0.15 0.18 I 0.22 0.26 0.34 0.39 PERFORMANCE DATA 0.46 I64 I64 0.60 0.69 7X4 6X5 8X4 7X5 6X6 10 X 4 8X5 7X6 12 X 4 10 X 5 8X6 16 X 4 12 X 5 10 X 6 18 X 4 14 X 5 12 X 6 8X8 20 X 4 16 X 5 14 X 6 10 X 8 28 x 4 20 x 5 18 x 6 12 x 8 10 x10 30 x 4 24 x 5 20 x 6 14 x 8 12 x10 Core Vel. Vel. Press. Total Pres. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. NC 30 NC 40 0B 300 0.006 0.010 400 0.010 0.017 500 0.016 0.028 600 0.022 0.038 700 0.030 0.052 800 0.040 0.069 1000 0.062 0.107 1200 0.090 0.156 1400 0.122 0.211 22 ½B 0.011 0.019 0.031 0.043 0.058 0.078 0.120 0.175 0.237 45B cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° 0.016 0.029 0.047 0.064 0.088 0.117 0.181 0.263 0.356 45 — 4-6-12 3-5-10 2-3-6 60 — 5-8-14 4-6-11 3-4-7 75 — 7-10-16 6-8-13 3-5-8 90 — 8-12-17 6-10-14 4-6-9 105 13 9-13-19 7-10-15 5-7-9 120 17 11-14-20 9-11-16 5-7-10 150 23 13-16-22 10-13-18 6-8-11 180 29 14-17-24 11-14-19 7-9-12 210 34 15-19-26 12-15-21 8-9-13 55 — 4-7-13 3-6-10 2-3-7 70 — 6-8-15 5-6-12 3-4-8 90 — 7-11-17 6-9-14 4-5-9 110 10 9-13-19 7-10-15 4-7-10 125 15 10-15-20 8-12-16 5-7-10 145 19 11-16-22 9-13-18 6-8-11 180 25 14-17-24 11-14-19 7-9-12 215 31 15-19-26 12-15-21 8-10-13 250 36 17-21-29 14-17-23 8-10-14 65 — 4-7-14 3-6-11 2-4-7 90 — 7-10-17 6-8-14 3-5-9 110 — 8-12-19 6-10-15 4-6-10 130 10 9-15-21 7-12-17 5-7-10 155 15 11-16-23 9-13-18 6-8-11 175 19 13-17-24 10-14-19 6-9-12 220 25 16-19-27 13-15-22 8-10-13 265 31 17-21-29 14-17-23 9-11-15 310 36 19-23-32 15-18-26 9-12-16 80 — 5-8-16 4-6-13 3-4-8 105 — 7-11-19 6-9-15 4-5-9 130 — 9-13-21 7-10-17 4-7-10 155 11 10-16-23 8-13-18 5-8-11 180 16 12-17-24 10-14-19 6-9-12 210 20 14-19-26 11-15-21 7-9-13 260 26 17-21-29 14-17-23 8-11-15 310 32 19-23-32 15-18-26 9-12-16 365 37 20-25-35 16-20-28 10-13-17 100 — 5-9-18 4-7-14 3-4-9 135 — 8-12-21 6-10-17 4-6-11 170 — 10-15-24 8-12-19 5-8-12 205 12 12-19-26 10-15-21 6-9-13 240 17 14-20-28 11-16-22 7-10-14 270 21 16-22-30 13-18-24 8-11-15 340 27 20-24-33 16-19-26 10-12-17 410 33 22-26-37 18-21-30 11-13-18 475 38 23-28-40 18-22-32 12-14-20 115 — 6-9-19 5-7-15 3-5-10 155 — 9-13-23 7-10-18 4-6-11 195 — 11-16-25 9-13-20 5-8-13 235 13 13-19-28 10-15-22 7-10-14 275 18 15-22-30 12-18-24 8-11-15 310 22 17-23-32 14-18-26 9-12-16 390 28 21-26-36 17-21-29 11-13-18 470 34 23-27-40 18-22-32 12-14-20 545 39 25-30-42 20-24-34 12-15-21 140 — 7-10-22 6-8-18 3-5-11 185 — 9-14-25 7-11-20 5-7-12 230 ‚— 12-17-27 10-14-22 6-9-14 275 13 14-22-30 11-18-24 7-11-15 320 18 16-23-32 13-18-26 8-11-16 370 22 19-25-35 15-20-28 10-13-17 460 28 23-27-39 18-22-31 11-14-20 550 34 25-31-43 20-25-34 12-15-21 645 39 27-33-46 22-26-37 14-17-23 180 — 7-12-24 6-10-19 4-6-12 240 — 11-16-28 9-13-22 5-8-14 300 10 14-20-31 11-16-25 7-10-16 360 15 16-24-34 13-19-27 8-12-17 420 20 19-27-37 15-22-30 10-13-19 480 24 22-29-40 18-23-32 11-14-20 600 30 26-32-45 21-26-36 13-16-22 720 36 29-35-48 23-28-38 14-17-24 840 41 31-38-52 25-30-42 15-19-26 205 — 8-13-26 6-10-21 4-6-13 275 — 12-17-30 10-14-24 6-9-15 345 10 15-22-34 12-18-27 7-11-17 415 15 18-26-37 14-21-30 9-13-18 485 20 21-29-40 17-23-32 10-14-20 550 24 24-31-43 19-25-34 12-15-21 690 30 28-34-47 22-27-38 14-17-24 830 36 30-38-52 24-30-42 15-19-26 965 41 33-40-56 26-32-45 16-20-28 Performance notes apprear at end of table specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Core Nominal Area, Duct Size, sq. ft. inches 0.81 0.90 1.07 1.18 1.34 1.60 1.80 2.45 34x6 24x8 20x10 16x12 14x14 60x4 48x5 36x6 18x12 16x14 72x4 30x8 24x10 22x12 18x14 16x16 60x5 48x6 36x8 30x10 24x12 20x14 18x16 60x6 40x8 36x10 30x12 24x14 20x16 18x18 72x6 48x8 32x12 26x14 24x16 20x18 20x20 Total Pres. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. Throw, ft. NC 40 0 22 ½ 45 cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° 300 0.006 0.010 0.011 0.016 245 — 8-14-28 6-11-22 4-7-14 270 — 9-15-30 7-12-24 5-8-15 400 0.010 0.017 0.019 0.029 325 — 13-19-33 10-15-26 6-9-16 360 — 14-20-34 11-16-27 7-10-17 500 0.016 0.028 0.031 0.047 405 11 16-23-37 13-18-30 8-12-18 450 11 17-25-39 14-20-31 9-13-19 600 0.022 0.038 0.043 0.064 485 16 19-28-40 15-22-32 10-14-20 540 16 21-30-42 17-24-34 10-15-21 700 0.030 0.052 0.058 0.088 565 21 23-31-43 18-25-34 11-15-22 630 21 24-33-45 19-26-36 12-16-23 800 0.040 0.069 0.078 0.117 650 25 26-33-46 21-26-37 13-17-23 720 25 27-35-48 2-28-38 14-17-24 1000 0.062 0.107 0.120 0.181 810 31 30-37-51 24-30-41 15-19-26 900 31 32-39-55 26-31-44 16-20-27 1200 0.090 0.156 0.175 0.263 970 37 33-41-56 26-33-45 17-20-28 1080 37 35-43-59 28-34-47 17-21-29 1400 0.122 0.211 0.237 0.356 1130 42 36-44-60 29-35-48 18-22-30 1260 42 37-46-63 30-37-50 19-23-32 cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° 320 — 10-16-32 8-13-26 5-8-16 355 — 10-17-34 8-14-27 5-8-17 400 — 11-18-36 9-14-29 6-9-18 480 — 13-20-40 10-16-32 6-10-20 430 — 15-22-38 12-18-30 7-11-19 470 — 15-23-40 12-18-32 8-11-20 535 — 16-24-42 13-19-34 8-12-21 640 — 18-26-46 14-21-37 9-13-23 535 11 18-28-42 14-22-34 9-14-21 590 12 19-28-44 15-22-35 10-14-22 670 13 20-30-47 16-24-38 10-15-23 800 13 22-32-51 18-26-41 11-16-25 640 16 22-33-46 18-26-37 11-17-23 710 17 23-35-48 18-28-38 12-17-24 805 18 24-37-51 19-30-41 12-18-25 960 18 27-39-56 22-31-45 13-20-28 750 21 26-36-49 21-29-39 13-18-25 825 22 27-38-52 22-30-42 13-19-26 940 23 28-40-56 22-32-45 14-20-28 1120 23 31-43-60 25-34-48 15-22-30 855 25 29-38-53 23-30-42 14-19-26 945 26 31-40-56 25-32-45 15-20-28 1070 27 32-43-59 26-34-47 16-21-29 1280 27 35-46-64 28-37-51 17-23-32 1070 31 35-43-59 28-34-47 17-21-29 1180 32 36-45-62 29-36-50 18-22-31 1340 33 39-47-65 31-38-52 19-23-33 1600 33 42-51-72 34-41-58 21-26-36 1280 37 38-46-64 30-37-51 19-23-32 1420 38 40-48-67 32-38-54 20-24-34 1610 39 42-52-72 34-42-58 21-26-36 1920 39 46-56-79 37-45-63 23-28-39 1500 42 41-50-69 33-40-55 20-25-35 1650 43 43-52-73 34-42-58 21-26-36 1880 44 45-56-78 36-45-62 23-28-39 2240 44 49-63-85 39-49-68 25-30-43 cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° cfm NC 0° 22½° 45° 540 — 13-21-42 10-17-34 7-11-21 625 — 14-23-45 11-18-36 7-11-23 735 — 15-25-49 12-20-39 7-12-24 720 — 19-28-48 15-22-38 9-14-24 830 — 20-30-52 16-24-42 10-15-26 980 — 22-33-57 18-26-46 11-16-28 900 14 24-35-55 19-28-44 12-17-27 1040 14 26-38-58 21-30-46 13-19-29 1220 15 27-40-62 22-32-50 14-20-31 1080 19 29-43-59 23-34-47 14-21-29 1250 19 30-44-63 24-35-50 15-22-32 1470 20 32-48-68 26-38-54 16-24-34 1260 24 32-46-63 26-37-50 16-23-32 1460 24 35-49-68 28-39-54 17-25-34 1720 25 38-54-74 30-43-59 19-27-37 1440 28 37-49-68 30-39-54 19-24-34 1660 28 40-53-73 32-42-58 20-36-37 1960 29 43-57-80 34-46-64 22-28-40 1800 34 45-55-76 36-44-61 22-27-38 2080 34 48-59-82 38-47-66 24-29-41 2450 35 52-64-89 42-51-71 26-32-45 2160 40 48-60-84 38-48-67 24-30-42 2500 40 52-64-90 42-51-72 26-32-45 3940 41 57-70-97 46-56-78 28-35-49 2520 45 52-65-90 42-52-72 26-32-45 2910 45 56-69-97 45-55-78 28-35-48 3430 46 61-76-106 49-61-85 32-38-53 Performance notes apprear at end of table I PERFORMANCE DATA 2.08 36x4 28x5 22x6 16x8 14x10 40x4 30x5 26x6 18x8 16x10 12x12 48x4 36x5 30x6 18x10 14x12 Core Vel. Vel. Press. NC 30 NC 50 NC 20 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com JFA / SUPPLY I65 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA I JFA / SUPPLY NC 20 Core Vel. Nom. Vel. Press. Core Duct Area, 0° Size, sq. ft. 22½° Total in. Pres. 45° cfm 36x12 NC 30x14 2.78 26x16 0° 24x18 Throw, ft. 22½° 22x20 45° cfm 72x8 60x10 NC 48x12 3.61 36x16 0° 30x18 Throw, ft. 22½° 28x20 24x24 45° cfm 48x14 NC 36x18 4.29 0° 32x20 Throw, ft. 22½° 28x24 45° cfm NC 48x16 4.65 36x20 0° 30x24 Throw, ft. 22½° 45° cfm NC 5.58 36x24 0° Throw, ft. 22½° 45° cfm NC 6.25 30x30 0° Throw, ft. 22½° 45° 300 0.006 0.010 0.011 0.016 835 — 16-26-52 13-21-42 8-13-26 1080 — 18-29-59 14-23-47 9-14-29 1290 — 19-31-64 15-25-51 10-15-32 1400 — 20-33-67 16-26-54 10-16-33 1670 — 22-36-73 18-29-58 11-18-37 1880 — 23-37-78 18-30-62 12-19-39 400 0.010 0.017 0.019 0.029 1110 — 23-34-60 18-27-48 12-17-30 1440 10 26-38-68 21-30-54 13-19-34 1720 11 28-41-74 22-33-59 14-20-37 1860 11 29-43-78 23-34-62 15-22-39 2230 12 31-47-85 25-38-68 16-23-43 2500 13 33-49-90 26-39-72 17-25-45 500 0.016 0.028 0.031 0.047 1390 16 29-42-67 23-34-54 14-21-33 1800 17 32-47-76 26-38-61 16-23-38 2140 18 35-50-83 28-40-66 17-25-42 2320 18 36-54-87 29-43-70 18-27-43 2790 19 40-59-95 32-47-76 20-30-48 3120 20 42-62-100 34-50-80 21-31-50 600 0.022 0.038 0.043 0.064 1670 21 35-50-73 28-40-58 17-25-37 2170 22 38-56-84 30-45-67 19-28-42 2570 23 42-60-91 34-48-73 21-30-46 2790 23 44-65-95 32-52-76 22-32-48 3350 24 47-72-104 38-58-83 23-36-52 3750 25 50-75-103 40-60-82 25-37-51 700 0.030 0.052 0.058 0.088 1950 26 40-57-79 32-46-63 20-28-40 2530 27 44-65-90 35-52-72 22-32-45 3000 28 49-71-98 39-57-78 24-35-49 3260 28 51-74-103 41-59-82 25-37-52 3910 29 55-81-113 44-65-90 28-41-57 4380 30 58-86-119 46-69-95 29-43-60 NC 30 NC 40 800 0.040 0.069 0.078 0.117 2220 30 45-61-85 36-49-68 23-30-42 2890 31 51-69-97 41-55-78 25-35-48 3430 32 56-76-106 45-61-85 28-38-53 3720 32 58-79-110 49-63-88 29-40-55 4460 33 63-87-122 50-70-98 31-44-61 5000 34 67-93-128 54-74-102 34-46-64 1000 0.062 0.107 0.120 0.181 2780 36 55-68-95 44-54-76 28-34-47 3610 37 63-78-108 50-62-86 31-39-54 4290 38 69-85-118 55-68-94 34-43-59 4650 38 72-89-123 58-71-98 36-44-61 5580 39 79-97-135 63-78-108 39-49-67 6250 40 84-104-143 67-83-114 42-52-72 NC 50 1200 0.090 0.156 0.175 0.263 3340 42 60-75-104 48-60-83 30-37-52 4330 43 69-86-118 55-69-94 35-43-59 5150 44 76-93-130 61-74-104 38-47-65 5580 44 79-97-135 63-78-108 39-49-67 6700 45 87-107-148 70-86-118 43-53-74 7500 46 92-113-156 74-90-125 46-57-78 1400 0.122 0.211 0.237 0.356 3890 47 65-81-112 52-65-90 33-40-56 5050 48 75-93-128 60-74-102 38-46-64 6010 49 82-102-140 66-82-112 41-51-70 6510 49 86-105-146 69-84-117 43-52-73 7810 50 93-116-160 74-93-130 47-53-80 8750 51 98-123-169 78-98-135 49-61-85 PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE NOTES I66 I66 • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • All pressures are in inches of water • Core velocities are in feet per minute • Throw values are given for isothermal terminal velocities of 150, 100 and 50 fpm. See the section, Engineering Guidelines, in this catalog for throw information. • Dividing lines denote ranges of NC values • The stated deflection settings refer to the blade position. For a 20° upward deflection, use the throw rating for the 0° setting and the total pressure for the 22½° horizontal setting. • Each NC value represents the noise criterion curve that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7. Each NC value is based on a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts. Each NC value is further based on a single grille operating at a 0° deflection setting. For deflection settings of 22½° or 45°, increase the stated sound levels by 1 and 7 NC, respectively. • Dash (—) in space indicates NC value less than 10 VARIABLE AIR VOLUME APPLICATIONS • All Titus supply grilles can be applied to variable air volume systems with excellent results. For detailed selection methods, consult your Titus representative, or the Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog. specialized grilles Drum Louvers Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DL • Length of throw, plus horizontal and vertical direction, can be adjusted by means of the rotating drum and pivoted blades • Felt seal between the drum and border stops leakage and holds the drum securely in the position selected • Optional opposed-blade damper with a screwdriver operator accessible through the discharge opening of the drum louver • Material is aluminum frame with aluminum drum DL duct mounted AVAILABLE MODEL: factories gymnasiums open areas airport terminals See website for Specifications I DL FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW High Capacity / Long Throw Titus Model DL drum louvers are especially useful where long throws are required. This requirement occurs in installations where the conditioned space is large, making it impractical to bring the ductwork close to the occupants. Examples of such installations are shopping malls, coliseums, field houses, air terminals, factories and warehouses. Drum louver shown in an open ceiling gym environment PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount DL I67 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS DL DIMENSIONS Drum Louver Hole on Horizontal Center Line, 6 x Sizes Only 3/16" D H Dia. Face Seal Ends Only M C Drum Rotation B L I Optional Damper " J A minus 2½" A Maximum Rotation (degrees) Above and Duct Below Horizontal Size Center Line 6 10 12 15 With Damper Without Damper 28B 30B 25B 27B 30B 30B 25B 27B 2" K L Listed Size Inches Duct Size Inches A B C D E H J K Number or Vanes M Number of Screw Holes 9x6 12 x 6 18 x 6 24 x 6 30 x 6 36 x 6 48 x 6 60 x 6 20 x 10 25 x 10 30 x 10 35 x 10 40 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 70 x 10 20 x 12 30 x 12 40 x 12 50 x 12 60 x 12 70 x 12 15 x 15 20 x 15 25 x 15 30 x 15 40 x 15 50 x 15 60 x 15 70 x 15 95/8 x 67/16 125/8 x 67/16 185/8 x 67/16 245/8 x 67/16 305/8 x 67/16 365/8 x 67/16 485/8 x 67/16 605/8 x 67/16 205/8 x 103/16 255/8 x 103/16 305/8 x 103/16 355/8 x 103/16 405/8 x 103/16 505/8 x 103/16 605/8 x 103/16 705/8 x 103/16 205/8 x 123/16 305/8 x 123/16 405/8 x 123/16 505/8 x 123/16 605/8 x 123/16 705/8 x 123/16 155/8 x 153/16 205/8 x 153/16 255/8 x 153/16 305/8 x 153/16 405/8 x 153/16 505/8 x 153/16 605/8 x 153/16 705/8 x 153/16 1111/16 1411/16 2011/16 2611/16 3211/16 3811/16 5011/16 6211/16 2211/16 2711/16 3211/16 3711/16 4211/16 5211/16 6211/16 7211/16 2211/16 3211/16 4211/16 5211/16 6211/16 7211/16 1711/16 2211/16 2711/16 3211/16 4211/16 5211/16 6211/16 7211/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 — — — — — — — — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 3 3 3 3 3 3 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 2 3 5 7 9 11 15 19 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 3 5 7 9 11 13 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 227/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 8 8 8 10 12 14 18 22 10 12 14 16 18 22 26 30 9 14 18 22 26 30 8 10 12 14 18 22 26 30 Note: Model DL drum louver can be operated at high discharge velocities. However, if at these velocities the static pressure across the drum louver itself is more than 0.25” wg, the optional opposed-blade damper becomes ineffective and is therefore not recommended. I68 I68 Airflow ½" 1¼" E DIMENSIONS Duct Size All dimensions are in inches specialized grilles Drum Louvers (continued) Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DL-SV • Length of throw, plus horizontal and vertical direction, can be adjusted by means of the rotating drum and pivoted blades • Felt seal between the drum and border stops leakage and holds the drum securely in the position selected • Optional opposed-blade damper with a screwdriver operator accessible through the discharge opening of the drum louver • Material is aluminum frame with aluminum drum DL-SV duct mounted AVAILABLE MODEL: factories gymnasiums open areas airport terminals See website for Specifications I DL-SV / Split Vane FINISH Standard Finish - #26 White OVERVIEW High Capacity / Long Throw Titus Model DL-SV drum louvers are especially useful where long throws are required. This requirement occurs in installations where the conditioned space is large, making it impractical to bring the ductwork close to the occupants. Examples of such installations are shopping malls, coliseums, field houses, air terminals, factories and warehouses. PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Available Border Types: #1 - Surface Mount • DL-SV drum grilles employ a split vane design to produce diverging air streams DL-SV I69 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS DL-SV DIMENSIONS Drum Louver with Split Vane Option Hole on Horizontal Center Line, 6 x Sizes Only Vane Divider 3/16" Dia. H Face Seal Ends Only C D L Duct Size Drum Rotation B Air Flow 1/2" 1 1/4" Optional Damper E J A minus 2 1/2" A I Maximum Rotation (degrees) Above and Duct Below Horizontal Size Center Line 6 10 12 15 DIMENSIONS 3/8" M With Damper Without Damper 28B 30B 25B 27B 30B 30B 25B 27B 2 5/8" K L Listed Size Inches Duct Size Inches A B C D E H J K Number or Vanes M Number of Screw Holes 9x6 12 x 6 18 x 6 24 x 6 30 x 6 36 x 6 48 x 6 60 x 6 20 x 10 25 x 10 30 x 10 35 x 10 40 x 10 50 x 10 60 x 10 70 x 10 20 x 12 30 x 12 40 x 12 50 x 12 60 x 12 70 x 12 15 x 15 20 x 15 25 x 15 30 x 15 40 x 15 50 x 15 60 x 15 70 x 15 95/8 x 67/16 125/8 x 67/16 185/8 x 67/16 245/8 x 67/16 305/8 x 67/16 365/8 x 67/16 485/8 x 67/16 605/8 x 67/16 205/8 x 103/16 255/8 x 103/16 305/8 x 103/16 355/8 x 103/16 405/8 x 103/16 505/8 x 103/16 605/8 x 103/16 705/8 x 103/16 205/8 x 123/16 305/8 x 123/16 405/8 x 123/16 505/8 x 123/16 605/8 x 123/16 705/8 x 123/16 155/8 x 153/16 205/8 x 153/16 255/8 x 153/16 305/8 x 153/16 405/8 x 153/16 505/8 x 153/16 605/8 x 153/16 705/8 x 153/16 1111/16 1411/16 2011/16 2611/16 3211/16 3811/16 5011/16 6211/16 2211/16 2711/16 3211/16 3711/16 4211/16 5211/16 6211/16 7211/16 2211/16 3211/16 4211/16 5211/16 6211/16 7211/16 1711/16 2211/16 2711/16 3211/16 4211/16 5211/16 6211/16 7211/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 83/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1115/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 1315/16 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 33/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 53/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 63/8 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 913/16 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 — — — — — — — — 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 121/32 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 217/16 3 3 3 3 3 3 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 313/16 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 35/8 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 81/8 2 3 5 7 9 11 15 19 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 3 5 7 9 11 13 2 3 4 5 7 9 11 13 227/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 411/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 611/32 8 8 8 10 12 14 18 22 10 12 14 16 18 22 26 30 9 14 18 22 26 30 8 10 12 14 18 22 26 30 Note: Model DL-SV drum louver can be operated at high discharge velocities. However, if at these velocities the static pressure across the drum louver itself is more than 0.25” wg, the optional opposed-blade damper becomes ineffective and is therefore not recommended. I70 I70 All dimensions are in inches specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Listed Size, Inches 0.43 9X6 0.83 18X6 1.37 30X6 2.71 60X6 1.46 20X10 3.58 50X10 5.00 70X10 1.75 20X12 3.44 40X12 5.98 70X12 1.65 15X15 5.34 50X15 7.45 70X15 Duct Velocity fpm Vel. Press, in wg. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press. Throw cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press. Throw cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press. Throw cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press. Throw cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Press., in. wg Throw, ft. 300 0.006 129 <10 0.05 5-6-16 250 <10 0.05 11-16-28 411 <10 0.05 17-26-37 813 <10 0.05 30-36-51 438 <10 0.03 18-27-38 1074 <10 0.03 34-42-59 1499 <10 0.03 40-49-70 524 <10 0.03 22-29-41 1031 <10 0.03 33-41-58 1793 <10 0.03 44-54-76 494 <10 0.02 19-28-40 1602 <10 0.02 42-51-72 2235 10 0.02 49-60-85 400 0.010 172 <10 0.08 7-11-22 333 11 0.08 14-21-33 548 10 0.08 23-30-42 1084 16 0.08 34-42-59 584 13 0.05 25-31-44 1433 16 0.05 39-48-68 1999 18 0.05 47-57-81 698 13 0.05 27-34-48 1375 16 0.05 39-47-67 2391 19 0.05 51-62-88 659 13 0.04 25-33-46 2136 18 0.04 48-59-83 2979 19 0.04 57-70-98 500 0.016 215 17 0.13 9-14-26 416 19 0.13 18-26-37 685 18 0.13 27-33-47 1355 23 0.13 38-47-66 730 20 0.09 28-34-49 1791 23 0.09 44-54-76 2498 25 0.09 52-64-90 873 20 0.08 31-38-53 1719 23 0.08 43-53-75 2989 26 0.08 57-70-98 824 20 0.07 30-37-52 2670 25 0.07 54-66-93 3724 27 0.07 63-78-110 • All data is based on tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • Throw is based on isothermal air, 150, 100 and 50 fpm terminal velocities. See the section, Engineering Guidelines, in this catalog for throw information. • Velocity Pressures are based on nominal duct velocity • Listed size is slightly less than the minimum allowed duct dimensions. (see pages I57-I58 for actual duct dimension) • Each NC value represents the noise criterion that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure in any of the octave bands, 2nd through 7th. Each NC value is based on a room absorption of 10dB, re 10-12 watts. • Throw is based on a 15° upward deflection. For 0° upward deflection multiply throw values shown by 1.2. For 30° upward deflection multiply throw values shown by 0.8. NC 30 600 0.022 258 23 0.18 11-16-29 500 25 0.18 21-28-40 821 24 0.18 30-37-52 1626 30 0.18 42-51-73 875 26 0.12 31-38-53 2149 29 0.12 48-59-84 2998 31 0.12 57-70-99 1047 27 0.11 34-41-58 2063 29 0.11 47-58-82 3586 32 0.11 62-76-108 989 27 0.10 33-40-57 3204 31 0.10 59-72-102 4469 32 0.10 70-85-120 700 0.031 301 29 0.25 13-19-31 583 31 0.25 25-31-43 958 29 0.25 32-39-56 1897 35 0.25 45-55-78 1021 31 0.17 33-41-58 2507 35 0.17 52-64-90 3498 36 0.17 62-75-107 1222 32 0.16 36-45-63 2407 35 0.16 51-62-88 4184 37 0.16 67-82-117 1154 32 0.13 35-43-61 3738 36 0.13 64-78-110 5214 38 0.13 75-92-130 NC 40 800 0.040 344 34 0.32 15-22-33 666 35 0.32 27-33-46 1095 34 0.32 34-42-60 2168 40 0.32 48-59-84 1167 36 0.22 36-44-62 2865 40 0.22 56-68-96 3997 41 0.22 66-81-114 1396 37 0.20 39-48-67 2751 39 0.20 55-67-94 4782 42 0.20 72-88-125 1318 37 0.17 38-46-65 4271 41 0.17 68-83-118 5959 43 0.17 80-98-139 900 0.050 387 38 0.41 16-25-35 749 40 0.41 28-35-49 1232 38 0.41 37-45-63 2439 44 0.41 51-63-89 1313 40 0.28 38-46-65 3223 44 0.28 59-72-102 4497 45 0.28 70-85-121 1571 41 0.26 41-50-71 3094 44 0.26 58-71-100 5380 46 0.26 76-93-132 1483 41 0.22 40-49-69 4805 45 0.22 72-88-125 6704 47 0.22 85-104-148 1000 0.062 430 42 0.51 18-26-37 833 43 0.51 30-37-52 1369 42 0.51 38-47-67 2710 48 0.51 54-66-94 1459 44 0.34 40-49-69 3582 48 0.34 62-76-108 4996 49 0.34 74-90-127 1746 45 0.32 43-53-75 3438 47 0.32 61-75-106 5977 50 0.32 80-98-139 1648 45 0.27 42-52-73 5339 49 0.27 76-93-132 7449 51 0.27 90-110-155 NC 50 Variable Air Volume Applications Total Pressure Deflection Throw NC 0B 1.2 0.8 -4 30B 0.8 1.43 +4 • All Titus supply grilles can be applied to variable air volume systems with excellent results. For detailed selection methods, consult your Titus representative or the Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog. I PERFORMANCE DATA Min. Duct Area sq. ft. NC 20 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DL AND DL-SV / 15B UP I71 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Drum Louvers (continued) I S-DL / S-DL-SV • Well suited for installations where the conditioned space is large and it is impratical to bring the duct work close to the occupants • Models S-DL and S-DL-SV mount directly to spiral duct eliminating the need for duct taps and reducing installation costs and time • Optional split-vane option allows bi-directional horizontal throw • Great for applications requiring high air volumes or long throws • Length of throw, plus horizontal and vertical direction, can be adjusted by means of the rotating drum and pivoted adjustable blades • Felt seal between the drum and border frame prevents leakage and holds the drum securely in the position selected • 2-blade spacing option S-DL / S-DL-SV duct mounted AVAILABLE MODELS: factories gynnasiums open areas airport terminals See website for Specifications S-DL / Single Vane / Universal End Cap S-DL-SV / Split Vane / Universal End Cap FINISHES Standard Finish - #26 White Optional Finishes - #01 Aluminum or #84 Black OVERVIEW High Capacity / Long Throw S-DL / S-DL-SV The Titus S-DL drum louvers have a custom curved frame to attach to a variety of duct diameters without the use of a duct tap. They are great for shopping malls, warehouses, sports arenas, factories and other large open areas where air must be thrown over a large distance. The high capacity long throws and rugged construction make them an ideal choice for any commercial / industrial application. I72 I72 PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Material: Aluminum extruded border and blades • Optional air extractor or heavy-duty damper with a screwdriver operator accessible through the face • Foam gaskets for tight seal to spiral duct Installation images of the S-DL drum louver installed in an open ceiling environment specialized grilles DIMENSIONS A DUCT OPENING A MINUS 2-1/2" 5/16" C J D B FOAM GASKET DRUM ROTATION DUCT OPENING K NO 8 COUNTERSUNK HOLES Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com S-DL / S-DL-SV DIMENSIONS I Above: S-DL / Single Vane Below: S-DL-SV / Split Vane Option DIMENSIONS All dimensions are in inches I73 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com DIMENSIONS I S-DL / S-DL-SV DIMENSIONS Model AG-15-HD Opposed Blade Damper ROTATION ANGLE Notes: Opposed blade damper is not available on duct height 4 DUCT SIZE Duct Size D With Damper Without Damper 4 N/A 30 6 19 27 8 18 26 10 27 27 12 26 26 15 27 27 1-1/4 MAX DIMENSIONS Model ASD Air Scoop Volume Extractor I74 I74 L All dimensions are in inches specialized grilles DIMENSIONS B (MAX) A C1 C2 D J K L (MAX) Minimum Duct Dia. Blade QTY1 Blade QTY2 Mounting Hole QTY Duct Opening 12 x 4 18 x 4 24 x 4 30 x 4 36 x 4 42 x 4 48 x 4 60 x 4 12 x 6 18 x 6 24 x 6 30 x 6 36 x 6 42 x 6 48 x 6 60 x 6 12 x 8 18 x 8 24 x 8 30 x 8 36 x 8 42 x 8 48 x 8 60 x 8 12 x 10 18 x 10 24 x 10 30 x 10 36 x 10 42 x 10 48 x 10 60 x 10 12 x 12 18 x 12 24 x 12 30 x 12 36 x 12 42 x 12 48 x 12 60 x 12 12 x 15 18 x 15 24 x 15 30 x 15 36 x 15 42 x 15 48 x 15 60 x 15 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 6½ 8½ 8½ 8½ 8½ 8½ 8½ 8½ 8½ 8½ 10½ 10½ 10½ 10½ 10½ 10½ 10½ 10½ 12½ 12½ 12½ 12½ 12½ 12½ 12½ 12½ 14½ 14½ 14½ 14½ 14½ 14½ 14½ 14½ 17½ 17½ 17½ 17½ 17½ 17½ 17½ 17½ 147⁄8 207⁄8 267⁄8 327⁄8 387⁄8 447⁄8 507⁄8 627⁄8 147⁄8 207⁄8 267⁄8 327⁄8 387⁄8 447⁄8 507⁄8 627⁄8 147⁄8 207⁄8 267⁄8 327⁄8 387⁄8 447⁄8 507⁄8 627⁄8 147⁄8 207⁄8 267⁄8 327⁄8 387⁄8 447⁄8 507⁄8 627⁄8 147⁄8 207⁄8 267⁄8 327⁄8 387⁄8 447⁄8 507⁄8 627⁄8 147⁄8 207⁄8 267⁄8 327⁄8 387⁄8 447⁄8 507⁄8 627⁄8 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 23⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 43⁄8 43⁄8 43⁄8 43⁄8 43⁄8 43⁄8 43⁄8 43⁄8 57⁄8 57⁄8 57⁄8 57⁄8 57⁄8 57⁄8 57⁄8 57⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 67⁄8 913⁄16 913⁄16 913⁄16 913⁄16 913⁄16 913⁄16 913⁄16 913⁄16 315⁄16 315⁄16 315⁄16 315⁄16 315⁄16 315⁄16 315⁄16 315⁄16 45⁄32 45⁄32 45⁄32 45⁄32 45⁄32 45⁄32 45⁄32 45⁄32 55⁄8 55⁄8 55⁄8 55⁄8 55⁄8 55⁄8 55⁄8 55⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 71⁄8 713⁄16 713⁄16 713⁄16 713⁄16 713⁄16 713⁄16 713⁄16 713⁄16 813⁄32 813⁄32 813⁄32 813⁄32 813⁄32 813⁄32 813⁄32 813⁄32 51⁄32 51⁄32 51⁄32 51⁄32 51⁄32 51⁄32 51⁄32 51⁄32 59⁄32 59⁄32 59⁄32 59⁄32 59⁄32 59⁄32 59⁄32 59⁄32 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 6¾ 87⁄32 87⁄32 87⁄32 87⁄32 87⁄32 87⁄32 87⁄32 87⁄32 829⁄32 829⁄32 829⁄32 829⁄32 829⁄32 829⁄32 829⁄32 829⁄32 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 9½ 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 33⁄8 41⁄32 41⁄32 41⁄32 41⁄32 41⁄32 41⁄32 41⁄32 41⁄32 511⁄32 511⁄32 511⁄32 511⁄32 511⁄32 511⁄32 511⁄32 511⁄32 621⁄32 621⁄32 621⁄32 621⁄32 621⁄32 621⁄32 621⁄32 621⁄32 731⁄32 731⁄32 731⁄32 731⁄32 731⁄32 731⁄32 731⁄32 731⁄32 1011⁄16 1011⁄16 1011⁄16 1011⁄16 1011⁄16 1011⁄16 1011⁄16 1011⁄16 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 19 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 19 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 19 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 11 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 30 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 30 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 30 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 30 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 30 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 30 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 12½ x 4½ 18½ x 4½ 24½ x 4½ 30½ x 4½ 36½ x 4½ 42½ x 4½ 48½ x 4½ 60½ x 4½ 12½ x 6½ 18½ x 6½ 24½ x 6½ 30½ x 6½ 36½ x 6½ 42½ x 6½ 48½ x 6½ 60½ x 6½ 12½ x 8½ 18½ x 8½ 24½ x 8½ 30½ x 8½ 36½ x 8½ 42½ x 8½ 48½ x 8½ 60½ x 8½ 12½ x 10½ 18½ x 10½ 24½ x 10½ 30½ x 10½ 36½ x 10½ 42½ x 10½ 48½ x 10½ 60½ x 10½ 12½ x 12½ 18½ x 12½ 24½ x 12½ 30½ x 12½ 36½ x 12½ 42½ x 12½ 48½ x 12½ 60½ x 12½ 12½ x 15½ 18½ x 15½ 24½ x 15½ 30½ x 15½ 36½ x 15½ 42½ x 15½ 48½ x 15½ 60½ x 15½ Notes: • Minimum duct diameters for each unit height are listed • Diameters may be specified in 2” increments to a maximum duct diameter of 36 • Unit may be selected with C1 or C2 blade spacing All dimensions are in inches I DIMENSIONS Listed Size (L x H) Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com S-DL / S-DL-SV DIMENSIONS I75 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA PERFORMANCE DATA I I76 I76 S-DL / S-DL-SV 4” Min. Duct Area sq. ft. Listed Size, Inches 0.33 12 x 4 0.50 18 x 4 0.66 24 x 4 0.83 30 x 4 1.00 36 x 4 1.16 42 x 4 1.33 48 x 4 1.66 60 x 4 Duct Velocity fpm 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Vel. Press, in wg. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. 0.006 100 0.04 10-13-20 150 0.03 14-16-23 200 0.03 16-19-27 250 0.03 18-21-31 300 0.03 0.010 123 0.06 13-16-23 200 0.05 16-19-27 266 0.05 18-22-32 333 0.05 20-24-35 400 0.05 0.016 166 0.10 15-18-26 250 0.07 18-21-31 333 10 0.10 20-24-26 415 12 0.07 23-28-40 500 13 0.07 0.031 233 19 0.19 18-21-31 350 26 0.15 21-25-36 466 27 0.15 24-29-42 583 28 0.15 28-33-47 700 30 0.15 0.040 266 31 0.26 19.22-33 400 34 0.20 22-27-39 535 35 0.20 27-31-45 665 35 0.20 29-35-51 800 37 0.20 0.050 300 37 0.32 20-23-36 450 37 0.25 24-29-41 600 38 0.25 28-33-49 750 39 0.25 31-37-54 900 41 0.25 0.062 333 41 0.40 21-25-38 500 43 0.31 25-30-43 665 44 0.31 29-35-51 830 46 0.33 32-39-56 1000 47 0.31 Throw, ft. 19-23-33 22-26-38 25-30-43 29-35-51 31-38-55 33-40-58 35-42-62 cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. 350 0.03 21-25-36 400 0.03 22-27-39 500 0.03 26-30-43 465 0.05 24-28-42 533 0.05 26-31-45 6665 0.05 29-34-50 583 14 0.07 26-32-47 665 15 0.07 28-35-50 833 16 0.07 33-39-56 0.022 200 15 0.14 16-19-29 300 19 0.11 19-23-34 400 20 0.11 23-27-39 500 22 0.11 25-30-44 600 23 0.11 27-33-482530-43 700 25 0.11 29-35-51 800 25 0.11 32-39-55 1000 26 0.11 36-43-61 815 32 0.15 32-38-56 933 32 0.15 34-42-60 1160 35 0.15 39-45-66 933 38 0.20 34-41-60 1065 38 0.20 36-45-64 1330 39 0.20 41-49-71 1050 42 0.25 36-43-64 1200 42 0.25 38-47-66 1500 43 0.25 43-52-75 1160 49 0.31 38-46-67 1330 50 0.31 40-50-71 1660 50 0.31 47-55-80 specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Min. Duct Area sq. ft. Listed Size, Inches 0.66 12 x 8 1.00 18 x 8 1.33 24 x 8 1.66 30 x 8 2.00 36 x 8 2.33 42 x 8 2.66 48 x 8 3.33 60 x 8 Duct Velocity fpm Vel. Press, in wg. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. Throw, ft. cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Total Pressure, in. wg. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 0.006 200 0.04 12-19-28 300 0.04 18-23-33 400 0.04 21-26-39 500 0.04 24-29-43 600 0.04 27-32-47 700 0.04 28-34-50 400 0.04 3-37-55 1000 0.04 32-41-61 0.010 266 0.06 16-22-32 400 0.06 21-26-38 533 0.06 25-30-44 665 0.06 28-34-50 800 0.07 31-37-54 933 0.07 32-39-58 533 0.07 35-43-63 1335 0.07 38-47-70 0.016 333 0.09 19-24-36 500 0.10 24-29-42 665 13 0.10 27-34-49 833 15 0.10 31-38-55 1000 16 0.11 35-41-60 1165 16 0.11 36-44-64 665 17 0.11 40-47-70 1665 18 0.11 42-53-79 0.022 400 19 0.13 22-26-39 600 19 0.14 27-32-47 800 22 0.14 31-37-54 1000 25 0.14 33-42-60 1200 26 0.15 38-45-66 1400 27 0.15 39-48-70 800 27 0.15 43-50-77 2000 28 0.15 46-59-85 0.031 465 27 0.18 23-28-42 700 26 0.20 29-34-50 933 30 0.20 33-40-59 1165 32 0.20 36-45-66 1400 33 0.22 41-49-71 1633 34 0.22 43-52-76 933 35 0.22 47-57-84 2335 35 0.22 50-63-92 0.040 533 33 0.24 25-36-45 800 34 0.26 31-37-54 1065 37 0.26 35-43-63 1333 38 0.26 38-49-70 1600 40 0.28 43-52-76 1865 41 0.28 46-56-82 1065 42 0.28 50-60-90 2665 42 0.28 54-67-98 0.050 600 40 0.30 28-32-49 900 37 0.32 33-39-58 1200 43 0.32 38-46-66 1500 44 0.32 41-52-74 1800 45 0.35 46-55-81 2100 46 0.35 48-59-87 1200 47 0.35 53-64-95 3000 48 0.35 57-72-105 0.062 665 45 0.37 29-35-50 1000 43 0.40 34-41-60 1333 48 0.40 40-49-70 1665 49 0.40 43-55-79 2000 50 0.44 48-59-85 2335 51 0.44 50-62-92 1330 51 0.44 56-68-100 3335 52 0.44 60-75-111 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com S-DL / S-DL-SV 8” I PERFORMANCE DATA I77 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com Drum Louvers (continued) US-DL / US-DL-SV • Models US-DL and US-DL-SV mount directly to spiral duct eliminating the need for duct taps and reducing installation costs and time • US-DL-SV drum louvers employ a split vane design to produce diverging air streams • Great for applications requiring high air volumes or long throws • Length of throw, plus horizontal and vertical direction, can be adjusted by means of the rotating drum and pivoted adjustable blades • Felt seal between the drum and border frame prevents leakage and holds the drum securely in the position selected US-DL / US-DL-SV • Air scoop damper (ASD) or heavy duty opposed blade damper (AG50-HD) available as options. AG-50-HD has screwdriver operator accessible through discharge opening of the drum louver. I duct mounted AVAILABLE MODELS: US-DL / Single Vane / Universal End Cap US-DL-SV / Split Vane / Universal End Cap FINISHES Standard Finish - #26 White or #34 Clear Anodize OVERVIEW High Capacity / Long Throw US-DL / US-DL-SV Titus Models US-DL & US-DL-SV drum louvers are especially useful where long throws are required. This requirement occurs in installations where the conditioned space is large, making it impractical to bring the ductwork close to the occupants. Examples of such installations are shopping malls, coliseums, field houses, air terminals, factories and warehouses. I78 I78 PRODUCTS INCLUDE • Material: Aluminum extruded border and blades • Universal end cap design to fit multiple spiral duct diameters • Foam gaskets for tight seal to spiral duct factories gynnasiums open areas airport terminals See website for Specifications specialized grilles DIMENSIONS Vane Divider (US-DL-SV only) Directional Vanes (Individually adjustable) Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com US-DL / US-DL-SV DIMENSIONS I Listed Size + 3 1/4 Listed Size・1 Listed Size Sealing Gasket Listed Size +1 Listed Size + 3 3/4 6 10 12 15 12 / 65 24 / 97 24 / 112 36 / 145 All dimensions are in inches Available Sizes: Width: 6”, 10”, 12”, 15” Length: 6” through 48” in 1” increments (fractional sizes are not available) DIMENSIONS Diffuser with Spiral Duct Diameter (Min/Max) I79 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com PERFORMANCE DATA US-DL / US-DL-SV - DRUM AT 0B DEFLECTION AND NO SPREAD 6” HEIGHT Size 12 x 6 18 x 6 24 x 6 36 x 6 Neck Velocity (fpm) Velocity Pressure Total Pressure Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw 300 0.006 0.050 160 7-10-19 240 9-13-24 325 10-15-28 485 10 12-19-34 400 0.010 0.080 215 12 9-14-22 325 14 12-17-26 430 17 13-20-32 650 18 16-24-37 500 0.016 0.130 270 19 12-18-25 405 21 14-22-30 540 23 17-25-35 810 24 21-30-42 600 0.022 0.160 325 25 14-19-28 485 27 17-24-33 650 29 20-28-39 970 30 24-34-47 700 0.031 0.250 380 30 17-21-30 565 32 21-26-36 755 34 23-30-42 1135 35 29-37-51 800 0.040 0.320 430 33 18-22-32 650 35 23-28-38 865 37 26-32-45 1295 38 34-40-53 900 0.050 0.410 485 37 19-24-34 730 39 25-30-40 972 41 27-34-48 1460 42 35-42-56 1000 0.062 0.510 540 40 20-25-35 810 42 26-32-44 1040 44 28-35-49 1620 45 37-46-62 Neck Velocity (fpm) Velocity Pressure Total Pressure Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw 300 0.006 0.030 525 10 12-18-34 657 11 14-21-40 790 13 15-23-44 1060 14 17-26-50 400 0.010 0.050 700 18 18-28-40 876 20 19-28-43 1050 21 21-31-47 1400 22 24-35-54 500 0.016 0.090 875 25 21-33-44 1095 26 24-35-49 1315 28 26-39-53 1750 29 30-45-62 600 0.022 0.120 1050 30 28-37-49 1314 31 28-40-55 1580 33 31-44-60 2100 34 35-50-69 700 0.031 0.170 1225 34 31-39-53 1535 36 34-43-59 1840 38 37-47-65 2450 39 43-54-75 800 0.040 0.220 1400 39 35-41-56 1750 41 39-46-62 2105 41 42-50-68 2800 42 49-58-78 900 0.050 0.280 1575 42 37-43-60 1970 44 41-48-65 2365 45 45-53-71 3150 46 52-60-82 1000 0.062 0.340 1750 46 39-48-65 2190 47 43-53-72 2630 48 47-58-79 3500 49 54-67-92 Neck Velocity (fpm) Velocity Pressure Total Pressure Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw 300 0.006 0.030 470 12-18-34 625 12 14-20-39 940 13 17-25-47 1250 14 18-28-55 400 0.010 0.050 625 18 16-24-36 830 19 19-27-42 1250 21 23-33-51 1665 22 26-39-59 500 0.016 0.090 780 26 20-30-41 1040 27 23-34-48 1560 28 29-42-58 2080 29 33-49-65 600 0.022 0.120 935 31 24-34-46 1250 32 27-39-53 1875 33 33-47-65 2495 34 39-55-75 700 0.031 0.170 1090 35 29-37-50 1455 36 33-42-58 2185 38 40-49-70 2910 39 47-59-82 800 0.040 0.220 1250 40 33-39-52 1665 40 37-45-61 2500 42 46-54-74 3330 43 53-63-86 900 0.050 0.280 1400 43 35-41-55 1870 44 40-48-64 2810 45 48-58-78 3745 47 56-67-90 1000 0.062 0.340 1560 46 37-45-61 2030 47 42-52-71 3125 48 51-63-86 4160 49 60-73-100 10” HEIGHT I Size 24 x 10 30 x 10 36 x 10 44 x 10 12” HEIGHT Size PERFORMANCE DATA 18 x 12 I80 I80 24 x 12 36 x 12 48 x 12 specialized grilles PERFORMANCE DATA Size 24 x 15 30 x 15 36 x 15 48 x 15 Neck Velocity (fpm) Velocity Pressure Total Pressure Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw Airflow, cfm NC (Noise Criteria) Throw 300 0.006 0.020 775 13 15-22-43 970 13 17-25-49 1160 15 19-27-53 1550 16 21-32-61 400 0.010 0.040 1030 21 21-30-46 1290 22 23-34-52 1550 23 25-37-57 2065 24 30-43-66 500 0.016 0.070 1290 27 26-38-53 1615 28 29-43-59 1935 29 32-47-65 2580 30 37-54-75 600 0.022 0.100 1550 32 30-43-59 1940 33 34-49-67 2320 34 37-53-72 3100 35 43-61-84 700 0.031 0.130 1805 37 37-46-64 2260 38 41-52-72 2710 39 45-57-79 3610 40 52-65-91 800 0.040 0.170 2065 41 42-50-67 2585 42 47-56-76 3100 43 51-61-83 4130 44 59-70-95 900 1000 0.050 0.062 0.220 0.270 2320 2580 44 47 44-53-71 46-58-79 2910 3230 45 49 49-60-83 52-65-88 3485 3870 47 50 54-65-86 57-71-96 4645 5160 48 51 63-75-100 66-82-111 Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com 15” HEIGHT PERFORMANCE NOTES • Data obtained from tests conducted in accordance with ANSI/ ASHRAE Standard 70-2006 • Throw values are in feet at terminal velocities of 150, 100 amd 50 fpm at isothermal conditions. Throw values were measured with drum at 0° deflection and no spread. • For an explanation of catalog throw data, see the Engineering Guidelines section of this catalog • NC values based on octave band 2 to 7 sound power levels minus a room absorption of 10 dB • Each NC value represents the noise criteria curve that will not be exceeded by the sound pressure in any of the octave bands, 2 through 7, with a room absorption of 10 dB, re 10-12 watts • Dash (-) in space denotes an NC value of less than 10 • All pressures are given in inches of water • Velocity pressure is based on inlet duct area and velocity • To obtain static pressure, subtract velocity pressure from the total pressure • Listed size is slightly less than the minimum allowed duct dimensions (refer to data page for actual duct dimensions) I PERFORMANCE DATA I81 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES I Model Number Type Grille Type Deflection Deflection Degrees 50F AL-Return Eggcrate N/A 50F AL-Return Eggcrate N/A 50F AL-Return Eggcrate N/A 50F AL-Return Eggcrate N/A 50R-SS 304 SS-Return Eggrate N/A 50F-NT AL-Return Eggcrate N/A 50FF 50FF AL-Filter Return AL-Filter Return Eggcrate Eggcrate N/A N/A 8R Stl- Return Perforated N/A 8R Stl- Return Perforated N/A 8F AL- Return Perforated N/A 8F AL- Return Perforated N/A 8F AL- Return Perforated N/A 8F AL- Return Perforated N/A 8SS* 304 SS-Return Perforated N/A 8RF Stl- Filter Return Perforated N/A 8RF Stl- Filter Return Perforated N/A 8FF AL- Filter Return Perforated N/A 8FF AL- Filter Return Perforated N/A 33RL 30RL Single Single 38 0 Single 38 60FL HD Steel Return HD Steel Return HD Steel Filter Return HD Steel Filter Return HD Aluminum Return HD Aluminum Return T-700 Stl - Door Grille CT-700 AL-Door Grille 33RFL FR #01 #04 #20 #21 #26 #84 #34 #94 #95 #96 C DS IS FG PF PFA PFAP EQT Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y N N Y Y Y N N Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y N N N Y N N Y Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y N N N N Y N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N Y N N Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N N N N ½” 1 N 0 ⅜” 1 N Y Y Y Y N N N N Y N N N Y Single 30 ½” 1 Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y Single 0 ½” 1 Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y Single 77 ½” 1 N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N Single 77 ½” 1 N Y Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N 1700 AL-Supply Reversible Core Single 5 up, 15 up, 5 down, 15 up 5 /16” 1 N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N N N N JFA Stl-Supply-Gang Operated Rear Blades Double Adjustable ¾” Front, 1” Rear 1 N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N N N N DL Drum Louver Vertically Rotating Drum with Blades for Horizontal Adjustment Adjustable Varies 1 N N Y Y Y N N N N N N N N N S300 Direct Spiral DuctMounted w Radius End Caps Double Adjustable ¾” 1 N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N N S301 Direct Spiral DuctMounted w Radius End Caps Single Adjustable ¾” 1 N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N N US300 Direct Spiral Duct-Mounted w Universal Border Double Adjustable ¾” 1 N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N N US301 Direct Spiral Duct-Mounted w Universal Border Single Adjustable ¾” 1 N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N N S8F Direct Spiral DuctMounted w Radius End Caps Perforated N/A /16” Dia. Holes On ¼” Centers 1 N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N N US8F Direct Spiral Duct-Mounted w Universal Border Single Adjustable ¾” 1 N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N N 63FL OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES OS Single 30RFL I82 I82 Blade Border Spacing Type ½” x ½” x ½” ½” X ½” X 1” 1 1” X 1” X 1” ½” X ½” X ½” ½” X ½” X 1” 3 1” X 1” X 1” ½” X ½” X ½” ½” X ½” X 1” 7 1” X 1” X 1” ½” X ½” X ½” ½” X ½” X 1” 8 1” X 1” X 1” ½” X ½” X ½” 1 ½” X ½” X ½” ½” X ½” X 1” NT 1” X 1” X 1” ½” X ½” X ½” 1 ½” X ½” X ½” 3 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 1 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 3 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 1 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 2 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 3 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 4 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 1 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 1 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 3 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 1 ¼” Centers 3 /16” Dia. Holes On 3 ¼” Centers 1 ½” 1 ⅜” 3 * Note: 8SS only available with 04 and 26 finishes. Caution: All options are not available in all combinations. Check with your Titus representative for details. Titus reserves the right to discontinue or add options at any time without notice. specialized grilles OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES Finishes: #01 Aluminum Colored Paint #04 Mill Finish #20 Envirotherm Color To Match Sample* #21 Envirothane Color To Match Sample* #25 Off White* #26 White (standard on most models) #34 Clear Anodized* #84Black* #94 Light Bronze Anodized* #95 Medium Bronze Anodized* #96 Dark Bronze Anodized* Options And Accessories: OS FR C DS IS FG PF PFA Oversize Fractional Size Concealed Fasteners Debris Screen ¼” Square Mesh Galvanized Steel Screen Insect Screen 1/16” Square Mesh Galvanized Steel Screen Foam Gasket On Back Side of Border Steel Plaster Frame Aluminum Plaster Frame PF-SS EQT Stainless Steel Plaster Frame Earthquake Tab For Safety Wiring to Support Structure Note: An asterisk (*) indicates additional cost BORDER TYPES Snap-In BORDER TYPE 2 SNAP-IN (PANEL MOUNTED) Available Module Sizes 13/16" 24 x 24 inches Ceiling Module Size minus 1/16" I Note: Maximum grille area is module size minus 4 inches BORDER TYPE 3 LAY-IN (PANEL MOUNTED) Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com SERIES FINISHES, OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES Lay-In (Panel Mounted) Available Module Sizes 12 x 12 inches 24 x 12 inches 36 x 12 inches 48 x 12 inches 24 x 24 inches 36 x 24 inches 48 x 24 inches Ceiling Module Size minus ¼" Note: Maximum grille area is module size minus 4 inches Spline (Panel Mounted) BORDER TYPE 4 SPLINE (PANEL MOUNTED) 24 x 24 inches Note: Filter grilles not available in all module sizes. ⅜" ⅜" Ceiling Module Size minus ¾" Note: Maximum grille area is module size minus 4 inches Channel Frame BORDER TYPE 7 (MODEL 50F ONLY) CHANNEL FRAME Available Module Sizes 6 x 4 inches through 48 x 48 inches in 2” increments. Ceiling Module Size minus ¼" OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES Available Module Sizes Note: Maximum grille size is 48 x 48 inches I83 specialized grilles Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES BORDER TYPE NT NARROW TEE (PANEL MOUNTED) Available Module Sizes 24 x 12 inches 24 x 24 inches 3 16 " 5 TYPE A FASTENING - SURFACE MOUNT • Standard For All Border Type 1 Surface Mount Grilles • Note: For screw hole locations see the chart, “Screw Hole Location Chart” TYPE C FASTENING CONCEALED MOUNTING Type A / External Screw Type C / Concealed Screw Existing Duct 1¼" x ¾" Angle Clip (by others) 1¼" x ¾" Angle Clip Attached to Grille (by Titus) Flange or Grille OPTIONS & ACCESSORIES #8 Screw (by others) Ceiling or Wall • Available on Most Models with Border Type 1 I84 I84 16 " CEILING MODULE MINUS 3/4" ACCESSORIES I NARROW TEE Narrow Tee (Panel Mounted) specialized grilles Universal Filter Frames LONG BLADE (L) SHORT BLADE (S) TOP HINGE (T) BOTTOM HINGE (B) (L) LEFT HINGE (L) RIGHT HINGE (R) RIGHT HINGE (R) TOP HINGE (T) BOTTOM HINGE (B) Redefine your comfort zone™ | www.titus-hvac.com HINGE LOCATIONS I 1/4 TURN FASTENER KNURLED KNOB LEFT HINGE HINGED LOCATIONS ARROWS SHOW BLADE DEFLECTION I85 Notes specialized grilles
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