trias consult - Mitarbeiter-Homepages des MBI: Max-Born


trias consult - Mitarbeiter-Homepages des MBI: Max-Born
in Deutschland
in Germany
Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik
und Kurzzeitspektroskopie/Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V.
S 10/11
Leibinger Stiftung
S 36/37
S 49
PolyIC GmbH & Co KG
S 66/67
Jürgen Berger, Max Planck Institut für
S 77
Uta Eickworth, Berlin
Title Photo/Titelfoto
Frank Brückner, Berlin:
Ascorbic acid in shifted, polarized light
Ascorbinsäure im verschobenen polarisierten Licht
Dr. Otto-G. Richter
Richter IT & Science Consulting
Costa Mesa, CA, USA
Photo Credits/Bildnachweis
Publisher /Herausgeber
trias Consult
Johannes Lüders
Crellestraße 31
D – 10827 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30-781 11 52
Printing/ Druck
GCC Grafisches Centrum Cuno, Calbe
2009, Printed in Germany
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Table of Contents
Current Solutions and New Dimensions
in Optical Technologies
Aktuelle Lösungen und neue Dimensionen
in den Optischen Technologien
Theodor Hänsch et al.,
Max-Planck-Institute of Quantum Optics:
“First light” for Frequency Combs to Enable
Cosmic Dynamics Experiments
Jürgen Popp,
University of Jena:
Luminous Visions for Better Health Care:
The Biophotonics Research Program
Stephan Sigrist,
Charité University Medical Center, Berlin:
Why Are We Interested in Flies that Turn
into Crash Pilots?
Looking at proteins in nerve cells with
the STED microscope
Warum interessieren uns Fliegen, die zu
Bruchpiloten werden?
Mit dem STED-Mikroskop Proteine in
Nervenzellen beobachten
Michael Heckmeier,
Merck KG a A:
Status and Future of Organic Electronics
Jörg Amelung,
Fraunhofer IMPS:
Flat Light Sources on the Basis of Organic
Light-Emitting Diodes – A new technology
for the lighting of the future
Andreas Tünnermann and Jacques Duparré,
Fraunhofer IOF:
Micro- and Nanooptics: New Prospects
in Optical Technologies
Markets and Networks in Germany
Marktplätze und Netzwerke in
Messe München International:
LASER World of PHOTONICS, World of Photonics
OptecNet Deutschland e. V.
Deutsche Gesellschaft für angewandte
Optik e. V., DGaO
TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH
Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan
Federal Minister for Education and Research
Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung
Dr. Dieter Kurz
Research Union Economy-Science,
CEO Carl Zeiss AG;
Forschungsunion Wirtschaft-Wissenschaft,
Vorsitzender des Konzernvorstands der
Carl Zeiss AG
TSB Adlershof:
Laser Optics Berlin – showcase of the region
Laser Optics Berlin – Schaufenster der Region
Ursula Keller,
ETH Zurich:
Advancing Frontiers: Ultrafast Lasers Enable New
Innovations and Competencies
in Industry
Innovationen und Kompetenzen
aus Unternehmen
Fraunhofer IOF:
Tailored Light – Licht nach Maß
Institute of Photonic Technology:
Research and Development at the IPHT
Fraunhofer IPM:
Optical High Speed Systems – Reliable even
in rugged environments
Fraunhofer IAP:
Novel Polymer Systems for Optical Technologies Neuartige Polymersysteme für optische
Fraunhofer IWS:
Mirrors for X-rays and EUV Radiation
Spiegeloptiken für Röntgen- und
innoFSPEC Potsdam:
From Molecules to Galaxies
LightTrans GmbH
LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH
Laser Technology
LASOS Laser, Service und optische
Systeme GmbH
LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH
Omicron Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
Scansonic GmbH
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Precision Manufacture
and its Protection
und deren Sicherung
AudioDev GmbH Thin Film Metrology
Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH
ZygoLOT GmbH
Results and Services from
Research Institutions
Ergebnisse und Leistungen
in Forschungseinrichtungen
The Congress Laser-Optics
Berlin 2008
Der Kongress Laser-Optics
Berlin 2008
Philip Russell,
Max-Planck Research Group,
University of Erlangen-Nuremberg:
Photonic Crystal Fibers: Light in a Tight
Rüdiger Grunwald et al.,
Max Born Institute for Nonlinear Optics and
Short-Pulse Spectroscopy:
Ultrashort-Pulse Transfer Functions of Spatial
Light Modulators
Harald R. Telle,
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt:
Femtosecond Lasers as Metrological Tools
Jürgen Petter et al.,
Luphos GmbH:
Ultra High Precision Non-Contact Distance
Measurement using Multi Wavelength
Günter Rinke et al.,
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe:
Raman-Spectroscopy for Measuring Concentration Profiles within Micro Channels
Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben,
University of Potsdam:
Micro-O2 -Lasersensor and Laser Ion Mobility
Spectrometry – Two Optical Techniques for the
Detection of Chemical Substances
Welcoming Addresses
Henning Schröder,
Fraunhofer IZM:
New Optical Interconnects for Communication
and Sensors
Peter Leibinger,
Trumpf GmbH + Co. KG:
Precision Work in Metal: Optical sensors for
material processing with lasers
Jürgen Czarske, Lars Büttner, Thorsten Pfister,
Technical University of Dresden:
The Laser Doppler Distance Sensor
Richard Hendel,
ROFIN Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co.KG:
Solar Cells with Enhanced Efficiency Due to Laser
Processing; Effizientere Solarzellen mit dem Laser
Wilfried Bauer,
Polytec GmbH:
White Light Interferometry for Quality Control
of Functional Surfaces
Ronald Holzwarth and Michael Mei,
Menlo Systems GmbH:
Not Just Fast – Ultrafast: Femtosecond fiber
lasers as enabling tools
Systems, Components, and
Intermediate Products of
Systeme, Komponenten und
Vorprodukte der Optik
II-VI Deutschland GmbH
Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.
Leybold Optics GmbH
LEONI Fiber Optics GmbH
FiberTech GmbH
LINOS Photonics GmbH & Co. KG
Qioptiq GmbH
Physik Instrumente (PI)
GmbH & Co. KG
piezosystem jena GmbH
Sypro Optics GmbH
u2t Photonics AG
Schott AG
Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan,
Federal Minister of Education
and Research
Bundesministerin für Bildung
und Forschung
The OLED initiative, which was launched in 2006 under
the “Optical Technologies” funding programme and will run
until 2011, has the aim of encouraging progress in the field
of organic light-emitting diodes. Conventional light bulbs
should soon be replaced by environmentally friendly alternatives, which, in laboratories, already produce a ten times
higher light output. Strong research alliances between science and industry can enable forward-looking new lighting
concepts. By developing resource-saving products, these
alliances can open up new market opportunities worth billions of euros. The success of the OLED initiative within the
High-Tech Strategy clearly shows that by forming innovation
alliances, science and industry can set the course for the
future. For every euro that the Federal Ministry of Education
and Research invests in this innovation alliance, the private
sector adds a further five euros.
Germany is the “Land of Light”. In 2007, a project on semiconductor lighting received the Federal President’s Award
for Technology and Innovation. This and many other awards
show that our research funding policy takes the right approach and that German technology also sets international
But in addition to supporting research, the support of
young scientists in the field of optical technologies will
also be also decisive for our future. With “Luka’s Land
of Research“, an initiative for kindergartens and primary
schools, the “Innovation League” for older pupils, and new
degree courses such as the Master’s degree programmes
in photonics in Jena and Karlsruhe, we have already gone
some way towards achieving this aim. We want to continue
on this path and ensure that Germany makes better use of
the great potential offered by optical technologies.
Optical technologies are among the most important key
technologies in Germany. They set the pace for innovations and have in recent years also become a remarkable
economic factor. Today, both lighting technology and power
engineering would be unthinkable without optical technologies.
Prof. Dr Annette Schavan, MdB
Federal Minister of Education and Research
Die optischen Technologien gehören in Deutschland zu den
zentralen Schlüsseltechnologien. Sie sind Schrittmacher für
Innovationen und wurden in den vergangenen Jahren zu
einem beeindruckenden Wirtschaftsfaktor. Weder aus der
Beleuchtungs- noch aus der Energietechnik sind optische
Technologien heute wegzudenken.
Mit der OLED-Initiative, die 2006 im Rahmen des Förderprogramms „Optische Technologien“ gestartet ist, wollen
wir bis 2011 die Forschung auf dem Gebiet der organischen
Leuchtdioden vorantreiben. Die herkömmliche Glühbirne
soll schon bald von umweltfreundlichen Alternativen abgelöst werden, die bereits jetzt in Laboren das Zehnfache an
Lichtausbeute erreichen. Kompetenzstarke Forschungsverbünde aus Wissenschaft und Industrie ermöglichen Beleuchtungskonzepte für morgen.
Und sie eröffnen sich durch ressourcenschonende Produkte Marktchancen in Milliardenhöhe. Der Erfolg der OLEDInitiative im Rahmen der Hightech-Strategie zeigt deutlich:
Wenn Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft Innovationsallianzen eingehen, werden Weichen für die Zukunft gestellt. Für jeden
vom Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung in dieser
Innovationsallianz eingesetzten Euro investiert die Wirtschaft
weitere fünf Euro.
Deutschland ist das „Land des Lichts“. 2007 wurde ein Projekt zur Halbleiterbeleuchtung mit dem Zukunftspreis des
Bundespräsidenten ausgezeichnet. Diese Auszeichnung und
viele weitere Preise zeigen, dass unsere Forschungsförderung in die richtige Richtung weist und die deutsche Technologie auch international Maßstäbe setzt.
Doch nicht nur die Unterstützung der Forschung, auch die
Förderung des Nachwuchses im Bereich der optischen Technologien entscheidet über unsere Zukunft.
Mit dem „Lukas Forscherland“, einer Initiative für Kindergärten und Grundschulen, mit der „Innovationsliga“ für die
älteren Schüler sowie neuen Studiengängen wie dem Photonics-Masterstudiengang in Jena und Karlsruhe konnten wir
wichtige Akzente in der Nachwuchsförderung setzen. Diesen
Weg wollen wir weitergeben, um die Chancen der optischen
Technologien in Deutschland noch besser zu nutzen.
Prof. Dr. Annette Schavan, MdB
Bundesministerin für Bildung und Forschung
Dr. Dieter Kurz,
Research Union
CEO Carl Zeiss AG
Vorsitzender des
der Carl Zeiss AG
Germany is perfectly positioned in the field of optical technologies. It accommodates both highly-competitive, major
global companies and key user industries, while around
100,000 people are employed by the companies from
the optical industry sector as well as their suppliers. The
strength of innovation in this industry is highlighted by the
fact that its research and development expenditure comes
to approximately 9.5% of turnover. The intermeshing of the
industry with cutting-edge research and world-renowned
centers of expertise has created a highly successful network.
So it is hardly surprising to find German companies occupying leading positions in some key areas of application. In
optical lithography, where ultra-precision lenses are used
In addition to their technical applications, the advantages
of optical technologies are also put to good use in the
medical technology and life science arenas. Nowadays, it
is hard to imagine a clinical environment without surgical
microscopes for microsurgery, endoscopes, laser diagnosis and laser treatment. Meanwhile, research is focusing
on systems such as laser scanning and fluorescence microscopes, which aim to discover more about cell processes.
Nevertheless, the possibilities that light offers as a universal tool have only just begun to be unraveled, and optical
technologies still have a huge, unexploited potential. Efforts are being made within industry and in the scientific
community to unearth this potential and to gradually make
it more accessible. This work is based on the wide variety
of extraordinary properties that light encompasses, ranging from top-notch precision and maximum velocity to extremely short pulse durations and top-class optical power.
Optical technologies take advantage of all these different
to produce semiconductor chips, German optics are the
leading the market. The laser systems used in materials
processing are another example, with a quarter of all the
systems sold worldwide having been made in Germany.
Optical technologies can also be found in everyday appliances: LED lights represent an efficient and environmentally-sound alternative that promises to provide significant
cuts in CO2 emissions and energy costs if adopted on a
broad scale.
Optical technologies represent one of Germany's greatest
strengths in its role as a major production and investment
location. They have therefore been included in the German
government's high-tech strategy as one of the key areas to
be pursued in the future. At the same time, harnessing light
is a technology that has a broad and far-reaching impact
on other areas.
Germany really is an excellent location for optical technologies, with superb scientific foundations, highly-competitive
companies, and a whole host of people who are striving to
move this richly traditional industry into the future with their
enthusiasm for innovation and a will to succeed.
Dr. Dieter Kurz
Research Union Economy-Science
Optische Technologien sind eine der herausragenden Stärken des Standorts Deutschland. Sie zählen daher auch zu
den Zukunftsfeldern der Hightech-Strategie der Bundesregierung. Gleichzeitig ist das Beherrschen von Licht eine Querschnittstechnologie mit großer Breitenwirkung.
Dabei steht Licht als universelles Werkzeug erst am Anfang
seiner Möglichkeiten. Denn in den Optischen Technologien
liegt noch ein großes, unausgeschöpftes Potenzial. Wissenschaft und Industrie arbeiten daran, diese Möglichkeiten
auszuloten und Schritt für Schritt nutzbar zu machen. Sie
setzen dabei auf die Vielzahl von außergewöhnlichen Eigenschaften, die Licht in sich vereint: Sei es höchste Präzision,
maximale Geschwindigkeit, kürzeste Pulsdauer oder höchste
Leistung. All diese Eigenschaften machen sich die Optischen
Technologien zunutze.
Deutschland ist auf dem Gebiet der Optischen Technologien sehr gut aufgestellt. International führende und wettbewerbsfähige Unternehmen sind hier ebenso zuhause wie
bedeutende Anwenderbranchen. In den Unternehmen der
Optischen Industrie und bei ihren Zulieferern arbeiten rund
100 000 Beschäftigte. Forschungs- und Entwicklungsaufwendungen in Höhe von rund 9,5 Prozent des Umsatzes
belegen die innovative Kraft der Branche. Gemeinsam mit
der Industrie bilden Spitzenforschung und Kompetenzzentren mit Weltgeltung zusammen ein erfolgreiches Netzwerk.
Es ist daher kein Wunder, dass deutsche Unternehmen in
wichtigen Anwendungsfeldern eine führende Position einnehmen: In der Optischen Lithographie, also bei den Objektiven für die Fertigung von Halbleiterchips, sind Optiken aus
Deutschland Marktführer. Ein anderes Beispiel sind Lasersysteme für die Materialbearbeitung, bei welchen weltweit
jedes vierte die Marke „made in Germany“ trägt.
Neben den technischen Anwendungen profitieren auch die
Medizintechnik und die Biowissenschaften von den Möglichkeiten der Optischen Technologien. Operationsmikroskope
für die Mikrochirurgie, Endoskope oder die Laserdiagnose
und -behandlung sind heute aus dem klinischen Alltag nicht
mehr wegzudenken. Die Forschung setzt auf Systeme wie
Laserscan- und Fluoreszenzmikroskope, um mehr über Zellprozesse zu erfahren.
Optische Technologie steckt auch in Geräten für den Alltag.
LED-Leuchten bieten sich als effiziente und umweltverträgliche Alternativen an, die bei breiter Anwendung erhebliche
Einsparungen beim CO2-Ausstoß und bei den Energiekosten
Als Standort für Optische Technologien hat Deutschland die
besten Voraussetzungen: Eine exzellente wissenschaftliche
Basis, leistungsfähige Unternehmen und die Menschen, die
mit Freude am Erfolg und mit Begeisterung für die Innovation
diese traditionsreiche Branche auf die Zukunft ausrichten.
Dr. Dieter Kurz
Forschungsunion Wirtschaft-Wissenschaft
Current Solutions
and New Dimensions
in Optical Technologies
Aktuelle Lösungen
und neue Dimensionen
in den Optischen Technologien
“First light” for Frequency
Combs to Enable Cosmic
Dynamics Experiments
Prof. Dr. Theodor
W. Hänsch,
winner of the Nobel Prize
for Physics in 2005
Traditional spectral calibration techniques use a crowd of
emission or absorption lines, for example from a ThoriumArgon-lamp, at known laboratory wavelengths as reference
to map the detector pixels into wavelengths. However, calibration units are subject to uncertainties that unavoidably
degrade the wavelength solution: Lines are not evenly dis-
We demonstrate the use of frequency combs to calibrate
traditional spectrographs for a direct measurement of the
universe’s expansion history by observing in real time the
evolution of the cosmological redshift of distant objects
(3). Here, the frequency comb acts as a transfer device
that allows to map an incoherent light source, otherwise
not accessible with coherent counting techniques, to the
phase controlled modes of a frequency comb.
Recent cosmological observations suggest that the universe’s expansion is accelerating. Several lines of evidence
corroborate this, including results from distant supernovae,
the cosmic microwave background, and the clustering of
matter. In the following we outline a new method based on
direct frequency measurements of the cosmological redshifts. We have applied so called Optical Frequency Combs
for the calibration of a traditional spectrograph in order to
explore deep space more accurate than anybody before.
The Optical Frequency Comb with its extremely regular
spacing of individual frequency lines has proven to be a
powerful tool for optical frequency metrology (1, 2). Each
mode is phase coherently stabilized relative to the repetition rate controlled by an atomic clock. This allows to transfer the accuracy of the atomic clock in a single step to the
optical domain. It provides the means to perform absolute
optical frequency measurements with the accuracy of the
most accurate device that exists.
We believe that using this technique with instruments
specially designed by the European Southern Observatory
(ESO) such as the High Accuracy Radial velocity Planet
Searcher (HARPS) will reduce calibration uncertainties by
3 orders of magnitude. With this type of uncertainty, several
intriguing observations will become possible. One of them
is the detection of earth-like extra-solar planets orbiting
sun-like stars from the recoil motion of the star (see Figure 4). In addition, when monitoring the cosmic red shift
for a few years, it will be possible to decide whether the
expansion of the universe is accelerating. Such a direct observation could be decisive on whether or not dark energy,
together with general relativity, constitute the proper model,
or if we have to seek out for new explanations.
In summary, we have shown that by combining our technique of optical frequency combs with some at-first-sight
unrelated measurements of light from stars we can hope
to explore the yet unknown.
Figure 1: An
artistic view of
the experiment:
a spectrograph
for measuring
the universe
expansion is illuminated with
the precise lines
of a frequency
Figure 2: Basic scheme of a laser frequency comb. A modelocked
laser creates femtosecond pulses at hundreds of megahertz
frequencies, frep (top), that are synchronized with an atomic
clock. A spectrum of the pulses (bottom) is composed of many
modes that are uniformly spaced in wavelength (or frequency)
and cover a spectral bandwidth given roughly by the inverse of
the pulse duration.
Each mode’s wavelength (or frequency) does not have to be
measured, but instead is given by a mathematical relation that
includes frep, known a priori with very high accuracy. Laser
frequency combs could therefore become the perfect wavelength
calibration technique for astrophysical experiments that require
high accuracy and long-term stability.
Figure 3: A) The top left shows a scheme of the solar telescope
(VTT) on Tenerife which has been used for the work in (5).
The light from the Sun is superimposed with the Menlo Systems
FC1500 frequency comb (6) by means of a beam splitter. Together
they are fed to a spectrometer (upper right). Since the original
mode separation of the frequency comb (250 MHz) is too close
to be resolved by the spectrometer, the light is first filtered using
an external Fabry-Pérot filter cavity to 15 GHz. B) A section of the
measured spectrum, magnified on top. The dark lines are caused
by absorption of gaseous elements in the photosphere of the Sun
and by absorption in Earth's atmosphere. The spectral lines of the
frequency comb appear as bright streaks that are used as precise
calibration lines for the entire solar spectrum.
Tilo Steinmetz, Thomas Udem, Ronald Holzwarth, Tobias Wilken,
Theodor Hänsch, Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik;
Michael Mei, Menlo Systems GmbH
tributed in the spectral range of interest, have a wide range
of intensities, and sometimes appear blended. These systematic effects limit the capabilities of current high-resolution spectrometers and hinder experiment repeatability,
crucial for any long-term monitoring.
The laser frequency combs (4, 5) may offer a solution.
Because time – and thus frequency – is the most accurately
measured quantity in physics thanks to atomic clocks, each
mode’s frequency (or wavelength) is accurately known a
priori and can be used as a perfect ruler to calibrate astronomical spectra.
When the pulses pass through a spectrometer, a regular train of modes is overlapped with the light collected by
the spectrograph (see Figure 2) and hence can be used as
the ideal tool for calibration of the system.
Out of the approximately 500 000 available frequency
lines from the comb we only just used a total of 58 lines
in the first trial at the Vacuum Tower Telescope at Tenerife
(see Figure 3). Although the telescope was not designed for
this purpose, we readily achieved a state-of-the-art calibration accuracy (5).
T. Udem, R. Holzwarth, T. W. Hänsch, Nature 416, 233 (Mar 14,
T. Wilken, T. W. Hänsch, R. Holzwarth, P. Adel, M. Mei, paper presented at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2007
Baltimore, MD, USA, May 2007 2007.
M. T. Murphy, T. Udem, R. Holzwarth, A. Sizmann, L. Pasquini, C.
Araujo-Hauck, H. Dekker, S. D'Odorico, M. Fischer, T. W. Hänsch,
A. Manescau, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
(MNRAS) 380, 839 (2007).
C.-H. Li, A. J. Benedick, P. Fendel, A. G. Glenday, F. X. Kärtner, D. F.
Phillips, D. Sasselov, A. Szentgyorgyi, R. L. Walsworth, Nature 452,
610 (2008).
T. Steinmetz, T. Wilken, C. Araujo-Hauck, R. Holzwarth, T. W. Hänsch,
L. Pasquini, A. Manescau, S. D’Odorico, M. T. Murphy, T. Kentischer,
W. Schmidt, T. Udem, Science 321 (2008).
For a more detailed description of the Frequency Comb FC1500 see
Figure 4:
Search of extrasolar planets
by the reflex Doppler motion of
their host stars.
Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik
Prof. Dr. Theodor W. Hänsch
Hans-Kopfermann-Str. 1
D – 85748 Garching
Phone + 49 (0)89 - 32905 - 712
+ 49 (0)89 - 32905 - 312
Luminous Visions for
Better Health Care:
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp,
Speaker Research
The Biophotonics
Research Program
The bioaerosol monitor MICROBUS delivers efficient pollen counts
The apparatus uses the fact that each molecule disperses
incoming laser light in a specific way, and one gets a “molecular fingerprint” for each microbe. This is then evaluated
via pattern recognition.
The second project offering a finished product will bring
great relief to many people: The bioaerosol monitor MICROBUS developed from the “OMNIBUSS” project and now
delivers reliable and efficient pollen counts. MICROBUS is
an automated pollen monitor which combines the microscopic evaluation of collected pollen with a complex pattern
recognition system. This allows not only the recognition of
the type of pollen but also its concentration in the air.
But not only biogenic pollution of the air by bacteria or
pollen causes problems, no less do fine particulates. That
is why the current project “Monet” is working on an in-situ
monitor measuring the percentage of fine particulates in
the air in real time. The project “Optozell”, on the other
hand, investigates microbiological contaminations of pure
and drinking water. With the help of a quick-acting optosensory test system we will be able to immediately react on
water pollution in the future.
The leitmotif “light for health“ connects the different
projects. We are searching for a deeper understanding of
the causes of diseases which then is the key to an early
recognition and targeted treatment – especially of cancer,
infections and other widespread diseases. Even the economy can profit from biophotonics research because not
only the patient benefits from a faster and more targeted
treatment but also the health system. And it is extremely
rewarding that the results of biophotonics research bring
concrete improvements to patients and consumers within
a relatively short period of time.
The “LUNA” project investigates a new contrast medium for early cancer diagnosis and therefore explores the
application of novel fluorescent nano crystals in diagnostic
imaging. The crystals are supposed to accrete to proteins
which are changed due to the disease. This way they can
give evidence of such proteins in tissues.
The project “Exprimage”, as another example, tries to
improve the prognosis of the course of cancer via multimodal imaging. For that different methods like digital microscopy, automated image analysis, biomolecular analysis,
optical elasticity testing of cells or vibration spectroscopy
are combined. As a result, the patient can be treated in a
more individualized and efficient way.
Furthermore, optical technologies offer new approaches in understanding certain skin diseases. White cancer,
for instance, has been an underestimated disease so far
because its skin mutations are often not recognized by the
patient. The project “FluoTOM“ investigates a diagnostic
system doing without artificial markers, surgery or radiological contamination. The physician immediately receives
diagnostic cross sections of the tissue volume allowing
the assessment of a tumour’s expansion, position or aggressiveness.
Another project deals with neurodermatitis whose complex causes are still relatively unknown. The five-dimensional intravital tomograph of the project “5D IVT” might change
this soon. The tomograph depicts dynamic processes in
the skin even in deeper layers without adding a contrast
medium or taking a sample. For the first time processes
like the distribution of active agents can be observed
precisely. Technically 5D-IVT combines three-dimensional
multiphoton fluorescence imaging with spectral and time
resolved detection methods.
That the concept standing behind the Biophotonics
Research Program is a successful one becomes visible
already. Two of the earlier network projects have been able
to introduce marketable appliances by now: When it comes
to the identification of bacteria in the air, water or soil, a
fast result is necessary. So far the cultivation of bacteria
has taken several days. This is why the researchers within
the “OMIB” project have developed an in-situ monitor which
is able to recognize an unknown bacterium within a second.
Optical methods have a long tradition in life sciences and
medicine. Innovations like microscopy or the use of X-ray
images for medical purposes allowed doctors and biologists insights into life processes. Today light based technologies contribute to further progress in this area. Like
no other tool light is able to investigate cellular structures
without doing harm. On the other hand, light can separate
or even destroy cells in a much targeted way. Using these
qualities to understand the causes of diseases and to treat
them more individually is the major purpose of the Biophotonics Research Program which has been supported by
the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) since 2002. Currently 14 network projects bringing
together science and economy are working on optical solutions for biological and medical applications.
Since the Biophotonics Research Program started an
emphasis has been put on the early diagnosis of cancer.
The earlier cancer can be detected the higher are the
chances to be cured. This is where the network project
“TumorVision“ sets in. It aims at detecting the first alterations of cells towards malignant tumors. Two molecules
that are enzymatically active and mainly produced in tumor cells serve as markers there. Together scientists and
physicians are working on a fluorescence endoscope that
makes those markers – and with them malignant tumors
– visible.
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp
Spokesman Biophotonics Research Program
Institute of Physical Chemistry
University of Jena
Helmholtzweg 4
07743 Jena
Phone +49 (0)3641-948-320
+49 (0)3641-948-302
From left: Dr. Hans Eggers (BMBF, Department 513 "Optical
Technologies“), Dr. Wolfram Eberbach (Thuringian Ministry of
Education and Cultural Affairs), State Secretary Prof. Dr. Frieder
Meyer-Krahmer (BMBF), Dr. Albrecht Schröter (Lord
Mayor of Jena), Prof. Dr. Hans-J. Schwarzmaier (VDI Technology Center), Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp (Spokesman Biophotonics
Research Program), Dr. Hilmar Gugel (Leica Microsystems) at the
biophotonics conference “Photonics meets LifeSciences” 2008
in Jena.
The Bio Particle Explorer of the project “OMIB”
Luminescent nanoparticles are an important tool in biophotonics research
Source: Forschungsschwerpunkt Biophotonik/Biophotonics Research
Program Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena, Institut für Physikalische
Warum interessieren uns Fliegen,
die zu Bruchpiloten werden?
Why Are We Interested in
Flies that Turn into Crash Pilots?
Light microscopy is a key technology in life sciences. How
important do you think STED will be in future?
Very important indeed, as STED takes us into the realm of
protein complexes and therefore gives us a really close up
view of life. At present, we are able to resolve structures
below the 100 nanometer mark.
Professor Hell, who is working on the further development of STED, has already achieved far higher resolutions.
If we can use resolutions of a few tens of nanometers, it
will be possible to determine with light microscopy whether
proteins are close together or further apart. This would
constitute a further quantum leap in our understanding of
protein functions.
Prof. Sigrist was interviewed
by Anja Schué, Leica Microsystems.
Immunohistological co-staining of two antibodies which
bind at different regions of the synaptic protein Bruchpilot
(BRP). The increased resolution resulting from the STED
technology (green, BRPC-Term) allows us to probe the spatial
organization of BRP at synapses. The overlay of the sequentially acquired confocal images (red, BRPN-Term) with the
STED images clearly shows the higher resolution obtained
by STED microscopy.
Apart from its inventor, Prof. Stefan Hell, you were one of
the first to work with STED. What was it like to see the
first STED images?
Without exaggerating, I can say that I discovered a new
world. I immediately realized that STED is a breakthrough
for finding answers to our questions and that we had had
extremely naïve ideas of what we could see with light microscopy. But, after all, that’s the beauty of science – that
new discoveries always raise new questions.
STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion) stands for a light microscopic technique in which resolution is no longer limited by the
wavelength of the light. Its inventor, Prof. Dr. Stefan Hell of the
Max-Planck-Institute Göttingen, won the German Future Award
2006. Leica Microsystems has an exclusive license to produce
and market the STED Fluorescence Microscope Leica TCS STED.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Sigrist, Institute of Biology – Freie Universität Berlin, NeuroCluster of Excellence – Charité Berlin,
answers a few questions on the application of super high
resolution STED microscopy:
Bruchpilot, which is German for crash pilot, is the name of
one of the proteins you are researching. What does STED
show you that you couldn’t see before?
For the first time, STED brings light into darkness in this
field. We recognize sub-structures of synapses and are able
to localize proteins such as bruchpilot. Bruchpilot plays a
key role in synaptic signal transmission in the nerve cells of
the Drosophila fly by building up a specific structure there
for supporting signal transmission. If the Drosophila fly
does not have much bruchpilot, it cannot sustain flight, if it
has none at all, it dies. The protein is found in similar form
in humans, too, and could be connected with diseases of
the nervous system. Studying animals helps to understand
the functions of the protein in humans.
Understanding biological signal transmission is not
only important for science in general. It is probable that
synaptic defects trigger a large number of neurodegenerative diseases. In addition, it is almost certain that memory
and learning processes are organized at synapses.
Prof. Dr. Stephan Sigrist,
Institut für Biologie –
Freie Universität Berlin,
NeuroCluster of Excellence –
Charité Berlin
Looking at proteins
in nerve cells with the
STED microscope
Immunohistologische Ko-Färbung zweier Antikörper, die an unterschiedlichen Bereichen des synaptischen Proteins Bruchpilot
(BRP) binden. Durch die verbesserte Auflösung der STED-Technologie (grün, BRP C-Term) können Aussagen zur räumlichen Anordnung von BRP an der Synapse getroffen werden. Die Überlagerung
der sequenziell aufgenommenen, konfokalen Bilder (rot, BRPNTerm) mit den STED-Bildern verdeutlicht den Auflösungsgewinn
durch die STED-Mikroskopie.
STED (Stimulated Emission Depletion) steht für ein lichtmikroskopisches Verfahren, bei dem die Auflösung nicht mehr durch
die Lichtwellenlänge begrenzt ist. Erfinder Prof. Dr. Stefan Hell
vom Max-Planck-Institut Göttingen erhielt dafür den Deutschen
Zukunftspreis 2006. Das STED-Fluoreszenzmikroskop Leica TCS
STED wird von Leica Microsystems exklusiv in Lizenz produziert
und vermarktet.
Fragen an Prof. Dr. Stephan Sigrist, Institut für Biologie –
Freie Universität Berlin, NeuroCluster of Excellence – Charité
Berlin, zur Anwendung der super-hochauflösenden STEDMikroskopie:
Bruchpilot – so heißt ein Protein, das Sie erforschen.
Was sehen Sie mit STED, was vorher nicht möglich
Mit STED können wir hier erstmals Licht ins Dunkle bringen. Wir erkennen Substrukturen der Synapsen und können
Proteine wie Bruchpilot lokalisieren. Bruchpilot spielt eine
zentrale Rolle bei der Signalübertragung in den Synapsen
der Nervenzellen der Fruchtfliege, in dem es dort eine spezifische Struktur zur Unterstützung der Signalübertragung
aufbaut. Hat die Fliege wenig Bruchpilot, stürzt sie ab, hat
sie gar kein Bruchpilot, stirbt sie. Das Protein kommt in ähnlicher Form auch beim Menschen vor und könnte auch mit Erkrankungen des Nervensystems in Zusammenhang stehen.
Tierstudien helfen, die Proteinfunktionen beim Menschen
zu verstehen.
Das Verständnis der biologischen Signalübertragung ist
nicht nur aus Sicht der Grundlagenwissenschaft wichtig.
Wahrscheinlich lösen synaptische Defekte viele neurode-
Mit dem STED-Mikroskop
Proteine in Nervenzellen
generative Erkrankungen aus. Zudem werden auch Erinnerungs- und Lernprozesse mit großer Sicherheit an Synapsen
Sie waren neben dem Erfinder Prof. Stefan Hell einer
der Ersten, die mit STED gearbeitet haben. Wie war es,
als Sie die ersten STED-Bilder gesehen haben?
Mir hat sich – ohne zu übertreiben – eine neue Welt aufgetan. Ich habe sofort verstanden, dass STED für unsere Fragestellungen einen Durchbruch darstellt und dass wir sehr
naive Vorstellungen von dem hatten, was wir mit konventioneller Lichtmikroskopie sehen konnten. Doch das Schöne
an der Wissenschaft ist ja, dass neue Erkenntnisse immer
wieder neue Fragen aufwerfen.
Die Lichtmikroskopie ist eine zentrale Technologie in
den Lebenswissenschaften. Wie schätzen Sie die Bedeutung von STED für die Zukunft ein?
Ausgesprochen hoch, da wir mit STED in den Bereich von
Proteinkomplexen vordringen und damit ganz nahe am Leben beobachten können. Zur Zeit können wir Strukturen unterhalb 100 Nanometer auflösen. Professor Hell, der an der
Weiterentwicklung von STED arbeitet, hat im Labor bereits
weitaus höhere Auflösungen realisiert. Wenn wir Auflösungen von wenigen zehn Nanometern nutzen können, sind
lichtmikroskopisch Aussagen darüber möglich, ob Proteine
nahe beieinander liegen oder weiter entfernt sind. Für das
Verständnis der Proteinfunktionen wäre dies ein weiterer
Das Interview führte Anja Schué, Leica Microsystems.
Leica Microsystems GmbH
Frau Dr. Kirstin Henze
Corporate Communications
Ernst-Leitz-Straße 17 - 37
D – 35578 Wetzlar
Phone +49 (0)6441 - 29 - 2550
Key parameters that determine the performance and applicability of an O-TFT are the mobility of the charge carriers
through the semiconductor layer and the process conditions that can be applied to the semiconductor. State of
the art organic semiconductors achieve mobilities of more
than 1 cm2/Vs. This is already in the range of charge carrier mobilites of amorphous silicon, which is widely used
for transistors in liquid crystal based TVs.
Referring to manufacturing process conditions, an important feature of these organic semiconductors is their
solubility in organic solvents. This opens the door for all
liquid based coating techniques to be used for the deposition of organic semiconductors. Important are printing
The OTFT working principle
For the sake of simplicity we exemplify the basic technical
concept here for a field effect transistor. The unique features of an organic field effect transistor are in principle
valid for other organic transistor types like bi-polar transis-
tors and for more complex electronics components based
on organic materials.
In an O-TFT instead of silicon an organic semiconductor
is used (cp. Picture 1). These are highly conjugated small
molecules or macromolecules based on many thousands
of repeating molecular subunits. The source and drain electrodes are covered by the organic semiconductor. An insulating layer separates the organic semiconductor from the
gate electrode. Based on the voltage applied to the gate
electrode, the organic semiconductor changes its conductive properties from an insulator to a conductor, hence the
gate voltage controls the current flowing between source
and drain electrode.
Organic Electronics is one of the key technologies of this
century and Germany has in many segments a leading role.
For this emerging industry, market research like IDTechEx
is forecasting an overall market volume of 100 Bio US $
in 2020. Recent investments and announcements of first
movers seem to support such ambitious forecasts.
A wide definition of Organic Electronics comprises OLED
(Organic Light Emitting Diodes), OPV (Organic Photovoltaics), OTFT (Organic Thin Film Transistors) and others. They
all have in common that the key active material that determines the device functionality is an organic semiconductor.
Since OLED and OPV are covered by different articles in this
issue, we focus in the following on OTFT only.
Transistors are miniaturized electrical switches and
are key elements in electronics and optics applications.
Transistors, which today are based on silicon technology,
are ubiquitous. In modern Liquid Crystal based televisions,
every single pixel is switched by a TFT, integrated circuits
including thousands of transistors are used in many modern devices for automotive, information, communication,
consumer electronics, housing and other applications.
Dr Michael Heckmeier, MBA
Senior Director
Advanced Technologies (AT-C)
Merck Chemicals Ltd.
Southampton, UK
Status and Future
of Organic Electronics
Picture 1: Sketch of an organic Field Effect Transistor (O-FET).
Picture 2:
display driven
by an organic TFT array.
Picture 3: Printable circuits on a roll-to-roll
line. Source: PolyIC
processes which can be applied to organic semiconductors
and opens a new world compared to traditional semiconductors like silicon.
together to move the technology to mass production. Standards and specifications need to be developed, process
parameters like printing registration are not defined yet and
resolution for necessary system integration needs massive
For the materials, key seems to be a strong interdependency between performance and process applicability, additionally more complex electrical circuit designs require
semiconductor mobilities of over 5 cm2/Vs.
There are many challenges ahead, but remarkable progress in the past years and a critical mass of players in
the field will eventually pave the way for a bright future of
organic electronics.
Uniqueness of Organic Semiconductors and Organic Transistors
The main advantage of organic semiconductors currently
lies in the potential of much easier and faster processing
compared to silicon based technologies. As solutions, the
semiconductors can be printed, whole devices can be built
up by printing layer by layer which is a fast and additive
process that in principle can be done in ambient conditions without cleanroom facilities and with relative small
plant investments. Printable formulations of organic semiconductors for established printing techniques like inkjet,
gravure, flexographic or offset are available. This facilitates
short production runs with roll-to-roll techniques on flexible
substrates, opening the whole range of new flexible applications like flexible displays (picture 2), printable circuits
(picture 3) or Radio Frequency Identification Tags (RFID),
printable sensors and many others.
Organic Electronics at Merck
Merck is one of the industrial pioneers of organic electronics, starting own research and development about ten
years ago. In 2005 Merck made a major acquisition in
OLED materials, in 2006 Merck opened a laboratory for
inorganic printable electronics together with the Technical
University of Darmstadt. Since 2001 all OPV and O-TFT related activities of Merck are run in Merck’s Technical Centre
in Southampton in the United Kingdom, which recently announced further investments to expand organic electronic
research facilities. Merck’s organic electronics materials
are commercialized under the brand name lisicon™.
Merck is one of the initiators of the OPV- BMBF initiative of the Federal Minister of Education and Research and
will play a major role in the Spitzencluster initiative in the
Innovation Laboratory in Heidelberg.
What are the key challenges ?
Exhibiting a huge market potential, organic electronics
still has to be considered as an emerging technology with
many unknowns and hurdles to overcome. The complexity of bringing organic electronics to the market requires
close cooperation along the whole value chain. Chemicals
companies, printing companies, equipment, machinery and
application and Universities and institutes have to work
Merck Chemicals Ltd.
Chilworth Technical Centre,
University Parkway,
Southampton SO16 7QD, UK
Phone +44 (0)23-8076-3310
+44 (0)23-8076-3380
Flat Light Sources on the Basis
of Organic Light-Emitting Diodes
Jörg Amelung,
Institute for
Microsystems, Dresden
Cluster tool for large-area OLED Deposition, Center for
Organic Materials and Electronic Devices Dresden
Technical Background
The electroluminescence on the basis of organic materials has been known for quite some time, but only in 1987
could an efficient OLED be produced. In its simplest form,
an OLED consists of stacks of organic layers (thickness
about 100-200 nm), which are inserted between two electrodes (anode and cathode). Applied to a glass substrate,
this area light source measures less than 2 mm in total.
In applying a current, within the coating system light is
produced which emanates through one of the electrodes.
Usually, the substrate is glass coated with a transparent
conductive oxide being the anode, followed by the organic
Lighting on the basis of organic
light-emitting diodes.
The development of OLEDs triggered a rapid development
which led to a consistent growth of the display industry,
with a turnover of half a billion US $ in 2007. The main applications today are the small, so-called sub-displays, used
for information in cell phones and MP3-players as well as
in the first mini-format TVs.
The efficiency of LEDs has increased to such a degree
that in the case of green diodes, it exceeds that of inorganic
light-emitting diodes. This has opened up yet another vast
market of the future for OLEDs within large-area lighting.
With their moderate luminance (as against LEDs), OLEDs
are predestined for use in diffuse area light sources. Their
low thickness makes novel, transparent as well as flexible
illuminants a distinct possibility of the future.
Already today, one thing seems for sure: light sources
on the basis of organic light diodes will revolutionize the
lighting market; replacing traditional lighting technology
in the field of area light sources as a second solid light
source besides LEDs. First, large-quantity product series
are predicted for as early as 2009. Marketing consulting
company IDTechEx Ltd. expects a market of 2.5 billion US $
as early as 2010.
Demonstrator for Large-area OLED Lighting Applications
Center for Organic Materials and Electronic
Devices Dresden - COMEDD
Still, a few technical issues remain to be addressed. The efficiency of white OLEDs and their lifetime have to be further improved and translated into a cost-effective production. Several
research institutes and companies are looking into solutions for
these tasks. Together with the U.S.A. and Japan, Europe are in
the vanguard of this development.
However, for the European organic lighting industry to be influential in this market, it is a must that not only development
and design, but also fabrication capacities are located here. In
response to this, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has founded the
Center for Organic Materials and Electronic Devices Dresden
(COMEDD). The new research center specializes in the development of cost-effective and production-ready processes for organic
semiconductor devices such as OLEDs and organic solar cells
on the one hand, and their integration into novel products on
the other.
The center's core facility are several vacuum coaters. For
the production of OLEDs on glass substrates, a new production
line for glass and foil was installed by Sunic System of South
Korea in cooperation with Aixtron AG Germany. This line enables
the prompt evaluation of new process concepts with a capacity
of up to 13 000 m2 per year. For the development and production of flexible substrate OLED lighting module, COMEDD offers
a roll-to-roll production line by Dresden company Von Ardenne
Anlagentechnik GmbH installed at the Fraunhofer Institute for
Electron Beam and Plasma Technology – Fraunhofer FEP. Not only
do the new coaters allow for the production of organic lighting
systems. The research equipment also enables the production
of organic solar cells on the basis of small molecules in a rollto-roll process. COMEDD belongs to the Fraunhofer Institute for
Photonic Microsystems (Fraunhofer IPMS) under its director, Professor Karl Leo.
stack, consisting of hole transport and electron transport
materials, followed by the inorganic cathode. Key advantages of the organic luminescence are the chemical variability of the organic light-emitting diodes, allowing virtually
any color including white, and the thin film system, allowing
large-area and low-cost deposition, and the possibility to
use thin and even flexible substrates to realize a novel
class of lighting and display solutions not possible for other
At present, two different systems of materials for organic light-emitting diodes are being researched: OLEDs
based upon vacuum-coated small molecules, so-called
small-molecules (SM-) OLEDs; and polymer light-emitting
diodes (PLED) based upon polymers which are applied in
the liquid phase. SM-OLEDs dominate the market; their
share in the display field alone amounts to almost 100
The lamps predominantly used in today's general lighting engineering are incandescent lamps and luminescent
tubes, the production methods and functionality of which
have been technologically mature for a long time. Add to
this the light-emitting diodes (LED) made from semiconductors over the past decade their development has leapt
forward. Due to their increased functionality, they are increasingly being used beyond their original service environment (indicator, status, signal lights, display technology) as
light sources, too.
In contrast to LEDs, lighting units based on organic
light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are still in a development
stage, but they already show enormous potential as illuminants of the future. They will complement LEDs as a
second, important solid-state illumination – a substantial
growth market.
A new technology for the lighting
of the future
Fraunhofer Institut
Photonische Mikrosysteme (IPMS)
Jörg Amelung
Maria-Reiche-Str. 2
D – 01109 Dresden
Phone +49 (0)351 - 8823 - 127
A scientist shows a large-area lighting unit fabricated in the
Center for Organic Materials and Electronic Devices
Flexible Organic Solar Cell
Micro- and Nanooptics:
New P rospects in Optical
Prof. Dr. Andreas
Dr. Jacques
Figure 3: Basic structure of an artificial apposition compound eye
imaging optical sensor.
Figure 4: Artificial compound eye objective assembled and packaged with CMOS-image sensor on PCB in comparison to a 1 Cent
piece (supported by BMBF, project "X-Flaksa").
Figure 1
Jürgen Berger,
Max-Planck-Institut für
Nocturnal insects such as moths possess superposition
compound eyes with high sensitivity and low resolution
while diurnal insects such as flies show compound eyes of
the apposition type which behave vice versa. All of theses
eye forms can use refractive mechanisms for image formation while incorporating graded refractive index optics.
In superposition compound eyes, reflective mechanisms
can be found as well. A natural apposition compound eye
consists of an array of micro-lenses on a curved surface
(Fig. 2). Each micro-lens is associated with a small group
of photo receptors in its focal plane. The single microlens receptor unit produces one image point for a certain
direction in the overall compound eyes field of view and is
commonly referred to as ”ommatidium”. Pigments form
opaque walls between adjacent ommatidia to avoid light
under a large angle which is focused by one micro-lens to
Today, the entirety of methods and procedures in the field
of optics influences our way of life in an amount we couldn’t
imagine a few decades ago. However, the importance of
light in our daily life will even further increase in the next
years and in some cases it will even play a superior role.
Optics consequently becomes an enabler and catalyst in
science and engineering. Networks of glass fibres will support new forms of information and communication technologies. Minimal invasive therapies will take over more
and more in the medical sciences, which potentially also
will reduce costs in the health care system. Therefore the
21st century is also called the century of light.
The control of light in all its properties will play a major
role in the dominant technologies of the next century. Here
micro- and nanooptics have a special importance because
they offer new possibilities to form novel optical systems
and furthermore have compatibility within the meanwhile
established semiconductor fabrication processes.
Prominent examples for these novel types of optical systems are arrayed ultra-compact vision systems which have
their archetypes in the eyes of invertebrates. Natural compound eyes combine small eye volumes with a large field
of view, at the cost of comparatively low spatial resolution.
For small invertebrates, as for instance flies or moths, the
compound eyes are the perfectly adapted solution to obtain sufficient visual information about their environment
without overloading their brain with the necessary image
processing (Fig. 1).
Optical technologies already have a long history in our life.
Starting with the use of simple mirrors documented long
before Christ over the invention of early microscopes and
telescopes several hundred years ago optics mainly contributed to the understanding of our world. So e.g. Galileo
Galilei used lens-telescopes for his observations about
400 years ago and found mountains on the moon, sunspots, rings of Saturn and some moons of Jupiter.
Andreas Tünnermann and Jacques Duparré,
Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics
and Precision Engineering IOF, Jena
Figure 2
Diagram of a natural
apposition compound eye (dragonfly);
einer Libelle
Source: public
domain (previous:
Meyers Konversationslexikon 1888)
(from Wikipedia))
be received by an adjacent channel’s receptor. Natural apposition compound eyes contain several hundreds (water
fly) up to tens of thousands (honeybee or Japanese dragonfly) of these ommatidia packed in non-uniform hexagonal
arrays. In superposition compound eyes several ommatidia
contribute to the formation of one image point in order to
increase the light sensitivity.
A major challenge for a technical adoption of natural compound eyes is the required fabrication and assembly accuracy. Recent micro-optical fabrication technologies such
as UV-replication allow for a highly precise generation of
uniform micro-lens arrays with small lens sags and their
accurate alignment to the subsequent optics-, spacingand optoelectronics structures. The results are ultra-thin
monolithic imaging devices with the high accuracy of photo
lithography for a variety of applications. However, up-todate artificial receptor arrays such as CCD- or CMOS image sensors are fabricated on planar wafers. Thus, a thin
monolithic objective based on the artificial compound eye
concept has to be a planar structure as well.
Figure 3 shows the basic structure of an artificial apposition compound eye imaging optical sensor, fabricated by a
wafer-level-process. It basically consists of a polymer microlens array on a glass substrate, several layers of apertures
for optical isolation of the channels, and an optoelectronic
detector array of different pitch in the micro-lenses’ focal plane. The pitch difference enables a different viewing
direction for each optical channel. The optical axes of the
channels are directed outwards in object space – just as
in the case of the natural archetype on a curved basis – if
the pitch of the receptor array is smaller than that of the
micro-lens array. A pinhole array can be used to narrow
the photo sensitive area of the detector pixels if they are
not small enough for the required resolution. The resulting
ultra-thin imaging optical sensor has only the thickness of
a Cent-piece, including the Silicon-die thickness and the
PCB (Fig. 4) and takes images with a resolution of up to
200 x 150 pixels (Fig. 5). Artificial compound eyes promise to lead to a completely new class of imaging systems
based on micro- and nanooptics. They are imaging systems
with a minimum thickness, high degree of integration with
the optoelectronics, extremely high magnification, large
depth of focus and a resolution which is sufficient for many
applications in machine vision.
Novel wafer level based optical systems like insect inspired
objectives impressively prove that due to micro- and nanooptics optics currently undergoes a similar revolution from
niche-macro to mass-micro as electronics did to microelectronics at the beginning of the 60s of the last century;
Germany is at the forefront of this development and will
gain significant market share in this upcoming area.
Figure 5
Image captured
with the thin compound camera
Fraunhofer IOF
Prof. Dr. Andreas Tünnermann
Albert-Einstein-Str. 7
D-07745 Jena
Phone +49 (0)3641 - 807 - 201
+49 (0)3641 - 807 - 600
New Optical Interconnects
for Communication
and Sensors
Figure 1: Two dimensional refractive index
profile of a multimode graded index waveguide.
electrical-optical integration are rapidly growing fields with
a strong potential for data and telecom but also for optical
sensors. But its merit of ultra compactness becoming also
a challenge here since the periphery remained micro-level.
In the following section thin glass will be introduced as an
innovative substrate material for graded index waveguides
on board level and also for a new kind of optical coupling
elements on board and module level. This unique approach
has been developed at Fraunhofer IZM within public funded
co-operative projects [1,2].
2. Waveguide technology: Ion exchange in thin
glass foils
A variety of polymer materials have been used for planar
optical waveguide layers. The waveguides are always multimodal step index waveguides with core diameters in the
range of 30 … 70 μm. The length of the waveguides and
the obtainable optical attenuation are primarily determined
by the properties of the various structuring technologies
themselves. Thermal stability and reliability remain a serious problem.
The technology recently adapted to the thin glass substrates is the silver ion-exchange technology. The resulting
single- or multi-mode waveguides are characterized by a
graded refractive index profile. The waveguide manufacturing consists of processes in a molten salt at a temperature
of 350°C. A structured alloy mask deposited on the surface
of the thin glass substrates supports the local confined diffusion process between the glass and the salt melt [3].
The ion-exchange technology is suitable for optical
circuits containing straight or curved waveguides, tapers,
splitters, Mach-Zehnder interferometers, and further integrated planar optical structures below the surface of the
thin glass substrates.
3. Optical coupling
New optical interconnection concepts have been developed.
Waveguide array coupling elements of very flexible design
are demonstrated to realize out of plane coupling. Thus
In the sensor demonstrator
realized recently [5] the photo
diodes and the laser chips are
butt coupled to the waveguide
chip. This approach is quite
common and the coupling efficiency depends on the beam
properties of the laser as well as
the waveguide profile which can
be adopted by controlling the diffusion parameters. In Figure 5
the position of the butt coupled
components are shown. Most
critical is the active alignment
of the Mach-Zehnder-waveguide
plate to the very little already
assembled laser dies (upper
Figure 4: (upper) Light
coming out of the position A (Figure 4) and
(lower) light coming out
of the position B
Figure 2: Schematic drawing of optical coupling element using
the fiber laser fusion technology and lensing with beam deflection
One benefit of using thin glass substrates is the possibility of direct fusion bonding to silica fibers. The fiber end
face is positioned in front of the polished end face of the
integrated waveguide. A CO2-Laser beam focused on the
bonding zone melts both bond partners about the annealing point and fuses them together. A reliable bond can be
achieved [4].
But even in single layer glass foils more optical functionality
can be integrated by means of a double side ion exchange
process as depicted in Figure 3.
1. Substrate Integrated Optical Interconnects
The discussions whether and when the electrical to optical
transition for short distance interconnects in systems will
arise have been going on for a lot of years. Worldwide there
are many ongoing projects with strong industrial commitment particularly in Japan, USA, and Europe. Due to everfaster processor clock speeds, there is a continuously rising
need for increased bandwidth to transfer large amounts of
data, noise-free, within computer and telecommunications
systems. For example the CPU chips in telecommunication
routers are mounted on Multi chip modules (MCM). Due to
these MCM are of a limited area the needed hundreds of
interconnects have to be of a very high density. Here, optical transmission paths using integrated planar waveguides
are a really viable alternative to high-frequency electrical
interconnections. The reasons for this include that a higher
connection density can be achieved and the power dissipation as well as interference from electromagnetic radiation
(causing bit error rate increase) are significantly lower. Consequently optical interconnects start to penetrate deeper
into the systems from rack-to-rack level by optical fibers
to board-to-board and module level by integrated planar
waveguide technologies. In particular nano-photonics and
Dr. Henning Schröder,
Fraunhofer Institute for
Reliability and Microintegration
such kind of coupling elements can be applied for multimode and multilayer optical coupling of electrical-optical
circuit boards (EOCB) and to interconnect Silicon photonic
chip wires through high-index contrast vertical gratings to
the micro optical periphery.
These coupling elements consist of planar waveguide
arrays made by ion exchange and reflective mirror surfaces
for the light deflection. The waveguides can be narrow for
single or wide for multimode propagation. In Figure 2 a
schematic cross section is shown. The coupling element itself can be realized as single layer element or as a stacked
sandwich to realize more complex optical functionality and
mechanical properties. So in Figure 2 an ion exchanged
lens in the bottom layer is integrated to focus the out coming light to a small PD or vertical grating structure to couple
to silicon photonics waveguide chips.
Figure 5: Design of the refractometric sensor with integrated MZI
and fluidic channels, and optoelectronic components. The sensor
has a length of 80 mm and a width of 10 mm
Figure 3: 45 degree polished thin glass substrate with double
layer ion exchanged optical waveguides. Dashed lines indicate
both of the waveguides. A and B indicate the position of the out of
plane coupled beams.
These waveguides are well aligned vertically and the 45
degree mirror is polished very precisely in order to achieve
a 90 degree deflection element for double layer waveguide
arrays. In Figure 4 the deflection and the out coupling is
“FutureBoard”, supported by the German Ministry of Research and Technology (BMBF/vdivde-it).
“Light in Thin Glass module”, supported by the federal
Government of Berlin (Investitionsbank Berlin, IBB)
H. Schröder et al., Proc. 58th ECTC 2008, Lake Buena
Vista, Florida, USA, May 27-30, 2008
N. Arndt-Staufenbiel at al., Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 5445,
L. Brusberg et al., Proc. Photonics Europe 2008, Strasbourg, France, 7-11 April 2008
Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability
and Microintegration (IZM)
G.-Meyer-Allee 25
D – 13355 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 46403 - 277
+49 (0)30 - 46403 - 271
Web www.
Peter Leibinger,
Vice Chairman of the Managing
Board and Head of the Laser Technology and Electronics
Division, is responsible for
Research and Development and
New Business Development
for the TRUMPF Group
Precision Work in Metal:
Optical sensors for material
processing with lasers
Fig 2:
Laser welding a tube
Fig. 4: A Sensor in the cutting head maintains
a constant standoff between nozzle and sheet.
Fig 3: Marking a serial
number with a marking laser
Fig 1: Laser cutting a deep drawn steel workpiece with a CO2 laser
Fig. 5: Because of the narrow seam
geometry, laser welding requires exact
positioning of the laser focus to the joint.
SeamLine detects the exact position
optically and regulates the system.
on TRUMPF lasers. Using a photodiode, the sensor measures with a mirror the light emanating from the surface
of the workpiece. When the hole has been pierced, very
little light returns and the laser shuts off. This measurement is very exact and recognizes more than just whether
the hole has been pierced. The piercing sensor can also
control the laser so that it generates only as much power
as necessary to make the size of hole that is required. This
“soft piercing”, performed by TRUMPF PierceLine technology, protects the material and, in sheet cutting, makes it
possible to pierce very close to the edge to be cut, thus
saving time and energy.
Production today is difficult to imagine without lasers.
Whether it be cutting (Fig. 1), welding (Fig. 2) or marking
(Fig. 3) – in every area this all-round tool is replacing conventional processes and making it possible to manufacture
products and components that would not exist without the
laser. This viewpoint is confirmed by a survey of 1,450
companies in the metal and electrical industries, which
was carried out by the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and
Innovation Research (ISI) in Karlsruhe, Germany.
According to the survey, the laser will take on an increasingly important role in production in the future. The
reasons are obvious in the sheet metal processing industry: Lasers can cut and join sheets more precisely and
more rapidly with less damage. As a result, companies
can manufacture high-quality products efficiently. The end
customer benefits, as well, from light, fuel-efficient automobiles, for example.
To perform its task precisely and efficiently, the laser
needs a sophisticated sensor system. This system ensures the quality of the component during processing by
positioning the laser beam precisely (Fig. 4), regulating
the output and reducing scrap. Some of these sensors
function, like the laser, on an optical principle. This is especially true of the piercing sensor that is now standard
In addition, an optical sensor is used in combination with
the lens of the processing optics. It ensures that the lens
does not overheat, which occurs when it is smudged, such
as when metal particles spatter onto the lens surface during processing. This would cause a rapid increase in the
heat absorption of the lens, resulting in rupture of its coating, fouling of the optical path and, in the worst case, the
machine would be out of operation for days. For this reason, TRUMPF equips its machines with a lens sensor that
recognizes the start of a thermal disturbance and shuts
off the laser within milliseconds. This, too, saves time and
money. A defective lens can be replaced within minutes if
it is detected in time.
To weld two workpieces together precisely with a laser,
the laser beam must be guided exactly along the actual position of the workpieces to be joined. Usually, the
seam tracking is captured optically by the light-sectioning
measurement. In this measurement, a fine laser beam is
projected onto the workpiece; an optical sensor captures
the reflected light and detects the position of the seam,
and the gap and the height offset of the workpieces to be
joined. But this measurement has its limits. TRUMPF is the
only manufacturer to add measurement with incident light
to the light-sectioning method. The TRUMPF seam sensor
SeamLine has an integrated camera with vertical illumination to detect both the laser beam of the light sectioning
measurement and the gray-value image of the incident light
measurement (Fig. 5). SeamLine calculates the position
of the workpieces to be joined 50 times per second and
achieves a position that is precise to within 0.02 millimeters, even at high welding speeds.
The next step in development will be SeamLine Pro, which
integrates the sensors for the entire process. In addition
to seam tracking, SeamLine Pro also inspects the welding
process itself, scanning and evaluating the quality of the
finished welded seam. This advancement is made possible
by cameras with rapid, highly dynamic sensors that simultaneously handle the bright process light in the welding area
and the measurement light for seam tracking.
TRUMPF is a pioneer in a development that encompasses broad areas of the metal and electrical industries.
In the study cited in the first paragraph, the Fraunhofer
ISI concluded that automatic image processing is the
technology currently undergoing the fastest expansion in
the industry. With the presentation of DetectLine, a sensor system for laser cutting machines, TRUMPF demonstrated in fall of 2008 what image processing can do.
A camera measures the contours of processed workpieces
and adjusts the zero point of the cutting program. Further
customer-specific measurement tasks are conceivable.
Johann-Maus-Straße 2
71254 Ditzingen
Phone +49 (0)7156 - 303 - 0
Laser Doppler distance
sensor used for precise
flow rate measurements
of natural gas under high
pressure of 50 atmospheres. Left: Sending optics with four mono-mode
fibers, right: Receiving optics with one multi-mode
fiber. (Cooperation with
PTB, Braunschweig, Germany and E.ON-Ruhrgas
AG, Dorsten, Germany)
The Laser Doppler
Distance Sensor
Two fan-like fringe systems of different wavelengths and with opposite gradients are generated in the same measurement volume
of the laser Doppler distance sensor. The distance z and also the
velocity v in x-direction are precisely measured with high temporal resolution.
Application of the laser Doppler distance sensor at a turbo machine. The tip clearance of the rotating blades to the casing is
precisely controlled during operation at 50,000 rpm (Cooperation
with DLR, Cologne, Germany).
centrifugal compressor performed during operation at up to
50,000 rpm and 586 m/s blade tip velocity were accomplished. The results are in excellent agreement with those
of standard capacitive sensors, used as a reference, but
the accuracy achieved is a factor of more than two higher.
It predestines the application of the laser Doppler distance
sensor for future active clearance control systems.
Precise online shape and vibration measurements of
fast rotating objects are an important task in manufacturing metrology. First part quality of the geometry of work
pieces is one goal. During manufacturing the diameter of
rotating cylindrical objects has to be controlled. The laser
Doppler distance sensor allows lateral velocity and distance measurements of rough surfaces simultaneously.
At each rotation of the work piece its diameter was determined with only one optical access. It makes an easy integration into a machine tool possible. Since the accuracy is
independent of the rotation speed fast turning and grinding
processes can be controlled. The novel sensor has been
employed also at electrical motors (Robert Bosch GmbH,
Germany) and vacuum pumps (Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
GmbH, Germany) in order to check e. g. the vibration of
rotating parts.
The laser Doppler distance sensor also can be advantageously applied in fluid mechanics. The simultaneously
velocity and distance measurement of scattering particles
allows the determination of the velocity profile of a flow.
Up to 100 nm spatial resolution of the velocity measurement can be achieved. It allows the study of the smallest
structures of turbulent flows. Turbulence is the last not
completely understood phenomenon of classical physics.
The velocity profile measurement can help to improve air
plane wings, turbo machines or injection nozzles. However,
one of the most important applications in industry is the
flow rate determination of liquids and gases. In nano and
micro fluidics the dose of e.g. medicine has to be controlled with nanolitre precision. At energy providing high
pressure natural gas flows have to be measured with volumetric flow rates up to 480 m3/hour. The novel sensor was
successfully employed to get the whole velocity profile of
the casing in any case. An accurate and online determination of the tip clearance is therefore indispensable for an
optimized and safe operation. The laser Doppler distance
sensor has achieved the demands of a resolution in the microsecond and micrometer range simultaneously, because
in principle the distance uncertainty is independent of the
object velocity. For enabling tip clearance measurements at
turbo machines under operational conditions such as temperatures of up to 300°C, a flexible and robust measurement system with an all-passive fiber-coupled sensor has
been realized. A water-cooling of the sensor guarantees the
reliable operation at high temperatures. With this system,
tip clearance and vibration measurements on a transonic
Distance is one of the most important measurement quantities in technical applications. Often, optical sensors are
applied, since they measure non-intrusive. However, the
precise measurement of dynamic processes with temporal
resolution high than the millisecond range was an unsolved
task. The world wide unique laser Doppler distance sensor
exhibits temporal resolutions in the microsecond range.
Moreover, the distance resolution is independent of the lateral velocity of the object, which is an outstanding feature
of the novel sensor. This unique advantage has opened
new application areas.
The laser Doppler distance sensor is based on a clever
extension of the conventional laser Doppler velocimetry
(LDV). The well known LDV technique evaluates the scattered light from objects passing parallel interference fringes in the intersection volume of two coherent laser beams.
Taking into account the constant spacing d of the fringes,
the lateral velocity v of the scattering object is precisely
calculated by the spacing d times the measured Doppler
frequency f.
The idea is to generate two superposed fanshaped
fringe systems with contrary fringe spacing gradients inside
the same measurement volume. In order to physically distinguish the two fringe systems different laser wavelengths
are employed. The fringe spacings are monotonously increasing and decreasing functions d1,2(z) with respect to
the distance z. The quotient of the two resulting Doppler
frequencies f1,2 is independent of the velocity and yields
the distance. With the known distance z, the actual fringe
spacings can be identified via the calibrated fringe spacing
curves in order to determine precisely the velocity also.
One important application of the laser Doppler distance
sensor is the process control. The efficiency of turbo machines can be optimized by minimizing the distance between blade tip and casing in order to reduce leakage flows.
However, during operation the tip clearance is changing due
to mechanical forces caused by varying temperature and
pressure conditions inside the turbo machine and by vibrations of rotor blades and casing. In order to prevent fatal
damage, it has to be assured that the rotor will not touch
From left:
Dr. Büttner,
Prof. Czarske,
Dr. Pfister,
Technical University of Dresden
Source: Berthold Leibinger Stiftung
the gas flow. Its integration has determined the flow rate
with a relative uncertainty of 0.33 %.
A fascinating huge number of different application areas
of the laser Doppler distance sensor have been identified.
Some examples of the sensor employment in industry were
presented. The sensor measures the lateral velocity and
the axial position, i.e. distance, of scattering objects such
as rough surfaces or seeded particles in flows simultaneously. Alone in the world is the advantage of this compact
robust sensor, that the distance accuracy is independent
of the movement velocity of the surface. It has allowed
online tip clearance determination of turbo machines to
mention one example.
Velocity profile measurements of turbulent nozzle flows with a
resolution in the micrometer and microsecond range. The laser
Doppler distance sensor employs four green laser beams with
carrier frequency multiplexing.
Source: Berthold Leibinger Stiftung
Technical University of Dresden
Department electrical engineering
and information technology
Laboratory of measurement and test techniques
Barkhausen building
Helmholtzstr. 18
D – 01062 Dresden
Laser drilling of rear contact solar cells
Rear contact solar cells come without the conductive paths
on the front, which are not active for producing solar energy and simplify the wiring of the individual solar cells to
modules. Depending on the method, the required soldering
path or even the entire contacting of the negatively doped
layer is placed to the rear of the solar cell. For this purpose,
several dozen up to several thousand holes must be drilled
in a grid and will be filled with conductive material. Today,
q-switched disc lasers handle this with throughput rates of
up to 5,000 holes per second.
High performance lasers with homogeneous square laser
spots are used for edge ablation to allow hermetic sealing
and to meet the high throughput rates required by modern
production lines
Hochleistungslaser erzeugen mit neuen, quadratischen
Lichtleitfasern homogene, quadratische Laserspots und
erfüllen so die hohen Durchsatzraten, die moderne
Fertigungsanlagen fordern.
which is increasingly used for cutting and drilling applications (as a multi-pass process). Solid-state lasers are
ideal for this kind of material processing. They provide the
required combination of optimal beam quality coupled with
a high pulse frequency.
Lasers are indispensible for the production of
thin-film solar cells
Thin-film solar cells are manufactured via several processes
of coating and laser scribing which connect individual cells
on a substrate to an entire solar module. For precise and
selective scribing of individual layers, lasers with excellent
beam quality, very high repetition rates, and a good pulseto-pulse stability are most suitable. All layers have to be
ablated completely from the edges of the processed thinfilm solar cell in order to allow hermetic sealing of the finished thin-film modules. This is done by high performance
lasers, which produce homogeneous square laser spots by
applying new square optical fibers, and thus meet the high
throughput rates required by modern production lines.
Laser micro-material processing is a key technology for
reducing production costs per Wp (Watt peak power with
highest solar radiation) of a solar cell. Laser technology
may easily replace common production methods, and allows for new, efficiency enhancing technologies, e.g. rear
contact cells, buried contacts or thin-film solar cells.
Laser processing of silicon wafers and solar cells is
mostly based on so-called direct vapor-induced melting
ejection by laser pulses in the nanosecond range. The well
established process of edge isolation of mono/multi-crystalline solar cells may be given as an example. High speed
and precision make this ablation technique outstanding
Richard Hendel
Sales Manager
Solar Technology
ROFIN Baasel
Photovoltaics, formerly allied with the electronic and semiconductor technologies, is fast becoming an independent
high-tech industry. Driven by the shortage of fossil fuels
and increasing environmental pollution, the photovoltaic
industry is significantly gaining importance, and is currently
one of ROFIN’s fastest growing markets. Independent of the
solar cell type, lasers play an important role in photovoltaic
production processes. Both silicon and thin-film based solar cell technologies utilize lasers during their production. In
many cases, no other tool can compete with the precision
and speed of a laser.
Lasers with best beam quality and very high repetition rates are
particularly suited for selectively ablating individual layers with
excellent precision.
Laser mit bester Strahlqualität und sehr hohen Wiederholraten
eignen sich besonders für präzisen, selektiven Abtrag einzelner
Solar Cells with
Enhanced Efficiency Due
to Laser Processing
More and more applications
Edge isolation, cutting, marking…lasers provide attractive
solutions for additional production processes in the photovoltaic industry. With increasing demand for solar cells
around the globe, the special benefits of this technology
become extremely important. Going forward, laser-light will
continue to spawn new innovations in reaction to the ongoing demands for renewable energy generated by solar
Ursprünglich ein Teilbereich der Halbleiter- und Elektronikindustrie, hat sich die Photovoltaik längst zu einer eigenständigen Hightech-Industrie entwickelt. Durch die Verknappung
der fossilen Rohstoffe sowie eine zunehmende Umweltverschmutzung gewinnt die Solarindustrie immer größere
Bedeutung. Unabhängig vom Solarzellentyp, Silizium- oder
Dünnschichtsolarzelle - bei beiden Technologien spielen
Laser in den Produktionsprozessen eine wesentliche Rolle.
In vielen Anwendungen kann kein anderes Werkzeug mit
der Präzision und der Geschwindigkeit des Lasers konkurrieren.
Die Mikromaterialbearbeitung mit dem Laser ist eine
Schlüsseltechnologie zur Reduktion der Produktionskosten
pro Wp (Watt Spitzenleistung bei voller Sonnenbestrahlung)
einer Solarzelle. Sie kann etablierte Herstellungsprozesse
ersetzen und ermöglicht neue, effizienzsteigernde Technologien – etwa bei Rückkontakt-Zellen, Buried Contacts oder
Die Laserbearbeitung von Silizium-Wafern und Solarzellen beruht meist auf der sogenannten direkten, dampfdruckinduzierten Schmelzeverdrängung durch Nanosekunden-Laserpulse. Ein Beispiel ist das sehr gut etablierte Verfahren
der Kantenisolation von µ-kristallinen Solarzellen. Hohe Geschwindigkeit und Präzision zeichnen dieses Abtragverfahren besonders aus, das zunehmend auch für Schneid- und
Bohranwendungen eingesetzt wird.
Laser bohren Rückkontakt-Solarzellen
Rückkontakt-Solarzellen eliminieren die unerwünschten,
nicht solar aktiven Leiterbahnstrukturen auf der Vorderseite
und vereinfachen die Verschaltung der einzelnen Solarzellen
zu Modulen. Je nach Verfahren werden dazu die nötigen
Lötbahnen oder gleich die gesamte Kontaktierung der negativ dotierten Schicht auf die Rückseite der Solarzelle verlegt. Dazu sind einige Dutzend bis mehrere Tausend Löcher
Effizientere Solarzellen
mit dem Laser
rasterartig zu bohren und später mit leitendem Material zu
füllen. Gütegeschaltete Scheibenlaser erledigen dies heute
mit Durchsatzraten bis zu 5.000 Löchern pro Sekunde.
Laser sind unverzichtbar für die Herstellung von
Dünnschicht-Solarzellen werden durch eine Reihe von Beschichtungs- und Laserritzprozessen erzeugt, die die individuellen Zellen auf einem Substrat zu einem Solarmodul
verschalten. Für das präzise, selektive Ritzen einzelner
Schichten eignen sich insbesondere Laser mit bester Strahlqualität und sehr hohen Wiederholraten und guter Puls-zuPuls Stabilität. Um die hermetische Abdichtung der fertigen
Dünnschichtmodule zu ermöglichen, müssen alle Schichten
vollständig von den Kanten der fertig bearbeiteten Dünnschicht-Solarzellen entfernt werden. Hochleistungslaser erzeugen dafür mit neuen, quadratischen Lichtleitfasern homogene, quadratische Laserspots und erfüllen so die hohen
Durchsatzraten, die moderne Fertigungsanlagen fordern.
Das Einsatzfeld wächst stetig
Kantenisolation, Schneiden, Markieren - für zahlreiche weitere Produktionsschritte in der Photovoltaik bietet der Laser
attraktive Lösungen. Und je höher die Anforderungen an die
fertige Solarzelle sind, desto mehr fallen die besonderen Vorzüge dieser Technologie ins Gewicht. Das gebündelte Licht
der Lasers wird bei der Energiegewinnung aus Sonnenlicht
auch in der Zukunft noch für so manchen Innovationsschub
Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co.KG
Petersbrunner Str. 1b
D – 82319 Starnberg
Phone +49 (0)8151 - 776 - 0
+49 (0)8151 - 776 - 4159
Dr. Wilfried Bauer
Surface Metrology
Polytec GmbH
Figure 2:
White light interferometer
designed for in-line testing
If the distance between the beam splitter
and the sample corresponds exactly to the
distance between the beam splitter and the
reference mirror, both light beams superimpose and undergo a positive interference.
Otherwise, if the difference of the distances
corresponds to a half of the wavelength,
there will be negative (destructive) interference. Inside the white light interferometer,
the reference mirror is shifted step-by-step,
and the camera detects the variation of light
intensity for every point on the surface in re-
lation to the displacement. An interference correlogram
is generated that allows to determine the distances of all
of the measured points on the surface and to display the
complete three-dimensional topography of one or several
optical boundaries in a short time. Thus, optical layer thicknesses can be determined as well.
Measurement Principle and Benefits of White
Light Interferometry
A recent standard white light interferometer includes a
light source (e.g. a halogen bulb lamp or an LED, with a
coherence length in the μm range), a beam splitter, a reference mirror and a camera with an objective lens system
(Figure 2). This setup corresponds to a typical Michelson
interferometer or Twyman-Green interferometer. These interferometers split the light in the following way: in a reference beam, the first part of the light is reflected on a
coplanar reference surface (generally a mirror). The second
part is directed to the sample object and is
reflected from the object’s surface.
Highly precise instruments are required for measurements
of textured functional surfaces of parts and components
which have to meet close tolerances. They must be able
to scan the surface topography within a short time. However, interferometric measurements using coherent light
fail completely in case of rough surfaces due to speckle
effects. Likewise, ordinal information of interference fringe
patterns is lost when step heights or disconnected areas of
a surface are to be measured using this method. Both effects can be avoided by a measurement method that uses
short-coherent light. White light interferometry has become
a standard tool featuring a precision of a few nanometers,
or even below, in vertical direction. It is widely used e.g.
in non-destructive quality inspection and industrial production testing. The determination of roughness, waviness,
Figure 1:
White light interferometer designed for in-line testing
smoothness and parallelism is a standard
requirement in many areas of industrial quality control, where sizes and structures of the
products are continuously decreasing.
White light interferometry is a non-contact
optical method enabling non-destructive and
rapid measurements of soft surfaces, and also the determination of layer thickness under
defined conditions. As optical boundaries are
measured, the sample may be transparent to
a certain extent without disturbing the measurement, like in the case of other methods
based on glancing light. These advantages
make white light interferometry an universal
tool for surface topography determination.
Polytec provides white light interferometers for both laboratory and production environments with either large fieldof-view or high lateral resolution.
White Light Interferometry
for Quality Control
of Functional Surfaces
Measurement of Laser Chips
The quality assessment of semiconductor laser chips requires the determination of the exact geometry and topography of any single sample with regard to the most important parameters waviness, roughness and deflection. The
surface is very delicate and would be damaged by all other
but optical measurement methods. The 3-D representation
provides a preliminary impression of the general topography of the laser chip (Figure 4). A more precise assessment
can be made based on cross sections which can be cut
in any desired direction and which deliver the respective
height profiles. Using these data, the desired values of the
parameters mentioned above can be determined.
Measurement on a Euro Coin
The topography of a Euro coin is a representive example of
large-area surface measurement. It has an inner diameter
of 21.5 mm. A complete measurement in one single run
can’t be done except by using a telecentric white light interferometer. Typical measurement times are in the range
of seconds. In Figure 5 a 3-D representation of the coin
surface is shown.
Micro Gear
Figure 6 illustrates how white light interferometry has found
important applications also in micro system technology.
High-resolution measurements were made of a micro-mechanical (MEMS) gearing device using a microscope-based
white light interferometer.
Polytec GmbH
Geschäftsbereich Lasermesssysteme
Dr. Wilfried Bauer
Polytec-Platz 1-7
D – 76337 Waldbronn
Phone +49 (0)7243 - 604 - 369
Figure 3:
White light interferometer with large
Figure 4:
Topography measurement on a
semiconductor laser chip
Figure 5:
3-D representation
of a coin surface
Figure 6:
Micro gearing measured by
Polytec TopMap TMS-1200
Figure 1:
Menlo Systems
Femtosecond Fiber
Laser: Er:doped
and Yb:doped lasers
on an industrial
platform for 24h/7d
applications. Shown
ist the T-Light Model
with outer dimensions of only 187 x
178 x 77 mm.
Not Just Fast – Ultrafast
Femtosecond fiber lasers
as enabling tools
Michael Mei (left) and
Ronald Holzwarth,
Menlo Systems GmbH
compact and
table-top laser
lithography system
light pulses to a small focal spot, multi photon absorption processes in a very localized volume can be triggered.
Hence, a chemical modification of this area occurs, which
in a subsequent baking process leads to a local polymerization. The process allows engineering of almost arbitrary
3-dimensional structures out of various photosensitive materials such as SU-8, Ormocere, PDMS, and chalcogenide
glasses. Furthermore, these 3D structures can act as
templates for replication (positive – positive) or inversion
(positive – negative) processes into other materials like
e.g. silica, and silicon. The laser lithography system routinely achieves 150 nm linewidth in a sample volume of
300 x 300 x 80 μm. Main applications include the engineering of 3D photonic crystal structures, and the generation
of 3D scaffolds for biology, micro- and nanofluidic circuitry
(see Fig. 2 – 4).
We are convinced that applications such as lithography
will eventually pave the way for femtosecond lasers into
industrial applications. In the following years we expect
that femtosecond fiber lasers will extend their triumphal
procession from science to industry. In the end, extreme
precision combined with high process speed are arguments
that make the difference. We at Menlo Systems will by all
means get our femtosecond fiber lasers ready today for
the tasks of tomorrow.
such as heat diffusion can occur. Even delicate materials
can be processed. Further, the high pulse repetition rates
of tens or hundreds of megahertz support fast processing
speed and uninterrupted operation. Tool deterioration and
reproducibility is not an issue, since light is not getting
blunt. The ideal tool one might think. However, real world industrial applications of femtosecond lasers are at the very
beginning. At present nanosecond and picosecond lasers
with repetition rates in the kHz range are the first choice
for applications like molding, cutting or marking.
That femtosecond lasers can be an excellent alternative for some of the applications is shown in the lithography system “Photonic Professional”. Based on direct laser
writing it offers a new level in precise manufacturing of 3D
nano- and microstructures. Together with Nanoscribe GmbH
we have engineered a femtosecond fiber laser that is the
enabling light tool for the laser writing process offered by
Nanoscribe (see Fig. 1).
Why are femtosecond lasers the perfect tool for this
application? The direct laser writing process makes use of
laser pulses with energy below the absorption threshold
of the photosensitive material. The illuminated material
is transparent for the light. Only by focusing the ultrashort
Pulse durations on the order of less than one part in a
trillion of a second seem to be out of reach for common
sense. In this glimpse of time the light travels merely micrometer distances despite its inherent speed of light.
Incredible short one might think. Not at all. From the perspective of an electron these time intervals seem natural.
It only takes such a short time interval for an electron to
travel around the nucleus. Only with the advent of ultrafast
lasers with pulse durations of 100 femtoseconds (fs) or
less (where 1 fs equals 10-15 s) it became possible to
visualize and investigate such fast events. Over the last
two decades it became evident that these ultrafast lasers
are the ideal tool for time resolved studies in the atomic
and molecular world. Since then they have revolutionized
many areas in science.
But these lasers have more to offer: due to the extreme
brevity of the pulses enormous peak powers in the range of
megawatts are reached at moderate average power levels.
By focusing the light down to focal spots in the micrometer
range the ultrafast laser is turned into a high precision tool.
When applied to various materials this results in remarkably clean ablation properties due to the ionization and
vaporization of the material quickly before thermal effects
For further reading please refer to:
1) On the application of ultrafast laser: Ultrafast Lasers:
Technology & Applications, Marcel Dekker Inc., New York,
2) Frequency Combs, Ultrafast Lasers, and its commercial
exploitation: see e.g. Menlo Systems GmbH, www.
3) Lithography with femtosecond fiber lasers: see e.g. Nanoscribe GmbH,
Menlo Systems GmbH
Dr. Michael Mei
Am Klopferspitz 19
D-82152 Martinsried
Phone +49 (0)89 - 189 - 166 - 0
+49 (0)89 - 189 - 166 - 111
Figure 2: The design of a new structure: Illustrated here is
the simplicity of the design of structures in the GWL-writinglanguage, used for the 3D laser lithography systems. Merely the
(x,y,z)-coordinates of the corners of e.g. a buckyball-structure are
necessary in order to have the basic information for producing
them. The structure design can be done e.g. with CAD.
Figure 3: Cells in a 3D artificial extracellular matrix, written by
laser lithograph. The production of reproducible scaffolds provides the basis for the clarification of biological questions such as
the influence of the physical environment on the differentiation of
stem cells.
Figure 4: 3D square spiral structure out of SU-8
Markets and Networks
in Germany
Marktplätze und Netzwerke
in Deutschland
World of Photonics Congress
Driving-force for scientific progress and economic success
Secure the future –
the aim of the project
“Faszination Licht”
is to make young
people interested in
optical technologies.
But what exactly makes an event a driving-force for scientific progress and economic success? First of all, it must
manage to attract all stakeholders from throughout the
world to one place in order to facilitate the international and
interdisciplinary exchange of information and experiences.
This must take place at all levels and for all functions: from
students, people studying for a doctorate, scientific staff,
first-class scientists, researchers and industrial engineers
through to top managers in companies. The event must
also be a showcase for the latest developments. Only then
can it arouse the interest of the leading figures in the industry to be the marketplace during which technological
developments are discussed and future-oriented projects
are started.
In the area of optical technologies LASER World of PHOTONICS and the concurrent World of Photonics Congress
are the leading international meeting-point for industry,
research and science. As the world’s first event for this
industry, the trade fair and congress have been presenting
research and industrial applications for 35 years and are
the platform at which the exchange of information and ex-
The economic importance of optical technologies is rapidly
increasing. The range of applications is rising continuously
– new areas which the technologies are penetrating are being added and already established applications are being
developed still further.
This development is primarily due to a large number
of factors. The fascinating technology itself, which offers
almost limitless possibilities, must be mentioned first of
all. However, other important factors include an efficient
promotion policy, quick knowledge transfer and interdisciplinary cooperation. Findings from research institutes and
universities must be implemented quickly and practically in
the form of new applications and products. Close cooperation between science, research and industry is therefore
absolutely essential.
Established contacts are one of the main instruments
in this case. However, it is vitally important to have information and networking platforms which continually provide
science, research and industry with the opportunity to exchange information and experiences with new contacts –
both national and international. Trade fairs, congresses,
seminars and workshops fulfill this role to a large extent.
Angela Präg, Messe München International
periences between science and industry has continuously
launched successful developments.
In order to ensure that a sufficient number of young
people enter the occupational field of optical technologies, the trade fair has taken up the cause of promotion of
young people. During the initiative “Faszination Licht” the
trade fair, the German Federal Ministry of Education and
Research and the VDI Technology Centre introduce school
pupils, secondary school pupils and university students to
the technology through age-related programs.
Leading role played by Germany
Germany’s role as the world’s leading marketplace for international trade fairs is undisputed. LASER World of PHOTONICS is one of the shows which confirms this position.
In 2007 the 139 international trade fairs held in Germany
attracted around 2.5 million foreign visitors, the highest
number ever. This was revealed in a now completed analysis by the Association of the German Trade Fair Industry
(AUMA). In total just under 10.6 million visitors came to
the international trade fairs in Germany in 2007.
Around 500,000 or 20% of foreign visitors now come
from countries outside Europe, primarily South, East and
Central Asia, followed by North America, the Middle East
and Latin America.
Although the main countries for foreign visitors are Germany’s immediate neighbors and other large EU states such
as the Netherlands, Italy and Austria, 55,000 and 35,000
visitors already come from India and China respectively.
LASER World of PHOTONICS actually scores even higher
than the average for Germany as a whole: 47% of visitors
at the last event in June 2007 came from outside Germany
and from 77 countries in all.
Create new
knowledge –
Prof. Dr. Theodor W.
winner of the Nobel
Prize for Physics in
at LASER World of
Decision-makers using trade fairs as a communication instrument
Another study published by AUMA in May 2008 shows
how decision-makers rate attendance at trade fairs as an
information and communication instrument. 72% of managers who personally attend trade fairs regard them as good
platforms for obtaining information while 71% appreciate
the opportunities for exchanging experiences and information at trade fairs. Managers also use trade fairs to observe rival companies and the competition.
When asked about their wishes, the main request (55%
of respondents) was that only trade visitors be permitted
to attend trade fairs. 38% of decision-makers said they
would like to see more subject-specific orientation while
30% were in favor of accompanying congresses. The message to trade fair organizers is crystal clear: organize trade
fairs whose subjects are precisely defined, which offer excellent contact opportunities and ensure that visitors are
able to obtain up-to-date technical knowledge both during
the trade fair and in other ideal ways.
LASER World of PHOTONICS and the World of Photonics
Congress are ideally suited in this respect. The next industry forum will be held in in Munich from 15 to 18 June 2009
when industry and science will again have fertile ground for
forward-looking developments in optical technologies.
Messe Muenchen International
D – 81823 Muenchen
Phone +49 (0)89 - 949 - 20670
+49 (0)89 - 949 - 97 20670
Deutscher Industrieverband für optische,
medizinische und mechatronische Technologien
German Industry Association for Optical,
Medical and Mechatronical Technologies
Deutsche Photonik-Industrie verzeichnet deutliche Zuwächse
Photos: Carl Zeiss AG
With a turnover of more than 22.3 billion Euro, the German
photonics industry rose by 13.2 % in 2007. Increases were
made in the domestic market and abroad. The domestic
German market grew by 14 % to 7 billion Euro. International
turnover results in grows of 12 % and reached 15 billion
Euro. Thus the export quota reached a notable 68 %. The
European Union is the most important target region, representing 68 % of the export market, followed by Asia (13 %).
Also the imports from the Asian countries grew and built
the major fraction of imports, holding 55 % of the import
market in 2007. This turnover was produced by 114.000
employees (+ 6.9 %) in about 1.000 enterprises. Following the forecast of SPECTARIS, the positive trend in the
domestic and foreign markets will continue.
The German Industry Association for Optical, Medical
and Mechatronical Technologies (SPECTARIS) represents
high-tech SME´s in Germany. The association unites the
fascinating, sustainable and booming industries of the
German economy with a model global presence and international competitiveness. Through its political activities,
public relations and industry marketing, the association
gives its members a voice, formulates new responsibilities
and opens up new markets. Through worldwide market data
and numerous export promotion activities, SPECTARIS supports its members in their international business.
To promote the research activities of the R & D intensive
industry, SPECTARIS offers access to monetary support
programmes. This ensures the international competitiveness of German industry in these sectors and thus safeguards locations and jobs.
SPECTARIS Deutscher Industrieverband
für optische, medizinische und
mechatronische Technologien e. V.
Dr. Joachim Giesekus
Saarbrücker Straße 38
D – 10405 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 414021 - 29
Photonics is the driving force of technical progress and
innovation in future markets. The success of mature industries like shipbuilding, automotive and pharmaceutical
industries is directly linked to the use of lasers and optical components in Germany. Nobel prizes and innovation
awards widely deal with photonics topics. In Germany, photonics leads the way to scientific and economic success.
The photonics industry in Germany develops even more
dynamically than their application markets.
German Photonics Industry Enjoys Significant Gains
Berliner Glas KGaA, Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.
Rodenstock GmbH
Photos: Heraeus
Noblelight GmbH
Photonik entwickelt sich mehr und mehr zum Inbegriff des
technischen Fortschritts und von Innovation in Zukunftsmärkten. Wenn in Deutschland Schiffe und Autos gebaut
und Medikamente entwickelt werden, spielen Laser und optische Verfahren die entscheidende Rolle. Ob Nobelpreise
oder der Zukunftspreis des Bundespräsidenten - Photonik
zählt immer zu den Gewinnern. Die Industrie, die hinter dieser Technologie steht, entwickelt sich noch dynamischer als
ihre Anwendermärkte.
Mit einem Wert von 22,3 Mrd. Euro stieg der Gesamtumsatz der deutschen Industrie für Optische Technologien
im Jahr 2007 um 13,2 %. Zuwächse wurden dabei sowohl
im Inland als auch im Ausland erwirtschaftet: Der Inlandsumsatz stieg um 14 % auf über 7 Mrd. Euro. Der Auslandsumsatz konnte um 12 % zulegen und lag bei 15 Mrd. Euro.
Die Exportquote betrug damit beachtliche 68 %. Wichtigste
Zielregion der Ausfuhren dieser Industrie war wie in den ver-
gangenen Jahren die EU, auf die rund 68 % der Exporte entfielen. Auf Platz 2 folgte Asien mit über 13 %. Auch bei den
Einfuhren konnten die asiatischen Länder zulegen: Mit 55 %
stammte der überwiegende Anteil der Importe im Jahr 2007
aus Asien. Dieser Umsatz wurde von 114.000 Mitarbeitern
(+ 6,9 %) in rund 1.000 Unternehmen erwirtschaftet. Für
2008 wird von einer erneuten Umsatzsteigerung im Inland
und im Ausland ausgegangen.
SPECTARIS, der deutsche Industrieverband für optische,
medizinische und mechatronische Technologien vereinigt
faszinierende, zukunftsfähige und wachstumsstarke Branchen der deutschen Wirtschaft, deren globale Präsenz und
internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit beispielhaft sind. Der
SPECTARIS-Fachverband Photonik + Präzisionstechnik ist
der dienstleistungsorientierte Netzwerker zwischen Industrie,
nationaler und europäischer Forschungs- und Wirtschaftspolitik und Messelandschaft sowie Plattform für den Austausch
innerhalb der Branche. SPECTARIS gibt durch aussagekräftige Marktdaten Orientierung im weltweiten Markt und unterstützt seine Mitglieder beim Knüpfen globaler Kontakte.
Mit der Forschungsvereinigung Feinmechanik, Optik und Medizintechnik (F.O.M.) stellt SPECTARIS eine unbürokratische
Fördermöglichkeit für den Mittelstand zur Verfügung.
Carl Zeiss AG
»German Pavilion« on »Photonics West« 2008
in San José / USA with 44 companies and
institutions throughout Germany
»German Pavilion« auf der Messe
»Photonics West« 2008 in San José / USA
mit 44 Unternehmen und Institutionen
aus ganz Deutschland.
(© OptecNet Deutschland e.V.)
Deutschland e. V.
proved that the activities and the range of services offered by the Competence Networks are highly demanded
and visited, e. g. 90 % of the members visit network meetings and cluster events and 75 % regularly take part in
working groups and workshops. According to the members,
the initiation of co-operations and knowledge transfer are
the most important benefits of the networking activities.
This last statement and the strong participation in joint
exhibition stands prove that the demand for systematic
networking activities and cluster creation is still growing. In
order to support the photonic branch further on, the Competence Networks will continue to develop their activities
and services with regard to these demands.
Optical Technologies are one of the most dynamic growth
markets, both in Germany and worldwide. More and more
functions are realized by Optical Technologies and an increasing number of products contain optical elements as
key components. For this reason, Optical Technologies have
become pacesetter for innovations. German companies
and research institutes manifold hold a leading position
within the worldwide competition.
In order to develop competitive products in even shorter
periods of time, co-operations between economy and science become more and more existential. For this purpose,
the nine Competence Networks for Optical Technologies
and their common secretariat OptecNet Deutschland e.V.
were founded with the aim to “stengthen strengths”. Today, they have more than 470 members and promote and
initiate both, interbranch co-operations and co-operations
along the entire value-added chains.
From laser material processing to optical measurement, medical technology, biophotonics as well as lightning, display technology and communication technology,
the Competence Networks represent the whole bandwidth
of Optical Technologies »made in Germany«. Their main
activities and services comprise for instance the coordination of working groups, the initiation of projects and cooperations, knowledge transfer, the promotion of start-up
companies and young professionals, public relations as
well as various trainings and further education seminars.
On the national and international level the Competence
Networks for Optical Technologies offer their members –
especially the small and medium-sized enterprises – the
possibility to take part in joint exhibition stands at the
German leading trade fairs, »LASER World of PHOTONICS«
in Munich, »OPTATEC« in Frankfurt, as well as in the »German Pavilion« on the largest American trade fair »Photonics
West« in San José.
The latest evaluation of the Competence Networks on
behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF)/VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH in 2007 again
The German Competence
Networks for Optical Technologies
Die Kompetenznetze Optische Technologien
in Deutschland
(© OptecNet Deutschland e.V.)
Die Optischen Technologien gehören zu den dynamischsten Wachstumsbranchen sowohl in Deutschland als auch
weltweit. Immer mehr werden Funktionen durch Optische
Technologien realisiert, enthalten Produkte optische Komponenten als Schlüsselbausteine. Aus diesen Gründen haben
sich die Optischen Technologien in vielen Bereichen zum
Schrittmacher für Innovationen entwickelt. Deutsche Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen nehmen vielfach eine
Spitzenposition im weltweiten Wettbewerb ein.
Für die Entwicklung wettbewerbsfähiger Produkte in immer
kürzeren Zyklen werden Kooperationen zwischen Wirtschaft
und Wissenschaft zunehmend existenziell. Und genau hier
setzen die neun Kompetenznetze Optische
Technologien, zusammengeschlossen in
OptecNet Deutschland e.V., an mit dem Ziel
„Stärken zu stärken“. Mit ihren inzwischen
über 470 Mitgliedern bieten sie seit vielen
Jahren eine ganzheitliche und leistungsfähige Vernetzung – branchenübergreifend
sowie entlang der Wertschöpfungskette.
Von der Lasertechnik, der optischen
Messtechnik, der Medizintechnik und den
Lebenswissenschaften bis hin zur Beleuchtungs- und Displaytechnik sowie der
Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik
repräsentieren die Kompetenznetze die
gesamte Bandbreite der Optischen Technologien »Made in Germany«. Die Aktivitäten
Micro lithography object lens for the
production of computer chips.
Mikrolithographie-Objektiv der
Carl Zeiss SMT AG für die Computerchip-Herstellung.
(© Carl Zeiss SMT AG, Oberkochen)
und Dienstleistungsangebote der Kompetenznetze umfassen zum Beispiel die Koordinierung von Arbeitsgemeinschaften, die Initiierung von Projekten und Kooperationen, die
Informationsvermittlung, die Unterstützung von Start-Ups,
Nachwuchsförderung, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sowie vielfältige
Bildungsangebote. Als bundesweite und internationale Aktivitäten bieten die Kompetenznetze darüber hinaus, insbesondere ihren KMU-Mitgliedern, Gemeinschaftsstände auf den
internationalen Fachmessen »LASER World of PHOTONICS« in
München, »OPTATEC« in Frankfurt am Main sowie im Rahmen
des »German Pavilion« auf der größten US-amerikanischen
Fachmesse »Photonics West« in San José.
Die jüngste Evaluation der Kompetenznetze im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung und Forschung
(BMBF)/VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH in 2007 hat erneut
ergeben, dass die Angebote und Dienstleistungen sehr stark
nachgefragt und intensiv genutzt werden: so besuchen zum
Beispiel 90 % der Mitglieder die Netzwerkveranstaltungen
und Mitgliedertreffen und 75 % beteiligen sich regelmäßig
an Arbeitsgemeinschaften und Workshops. Die Kooperationsinitiierung und Informationsvermittlung werden von den
Mitgliedern als wichtigster Nutzen der Netzwerkarbeit herausgestellt. Dies und die rege Beteiligung an den Gemeinschaftsständen belegen, dass der Bedarf für systematisches
Networking sowie Cluster-Bildung nach wie vor wächst. Zur
Unterstützung der deutschen Photonik-Branche werden die
Kompetenznetze Optische Technologien ihre Aktivitäten und
Dienstleistungen auch in Zukunft an diesem Bedarf ausrichten und weiterentwickeln.
OptecNet Deutschland e.V.
Garbsener Landstraße 10
D-30419 Hannover
Phone +49 (0)511 - 277 - 1290
+49 (0)511 - 277 - 1299
Finite-Element Simulation
of a Monolithic Multifunctional Prism
Prof. Dr. Pfeffer,
Deutsche Gesellschaft
für angewandte Optik e. V., DGaO
The German Branch of the European Optical Society
Ensuring High Quality in Optics Education, Training, and Further Education
Another element of ever increasing importance in the European context is education, training and further education
in the area of optical technologies. The DGaO considers
itself partner and facilitator among institutions for education and training and the industry interests in the field of
optical technologies. Considering the coming transition
to bachelor and master degrees in Germany, the DGaO is
particularly concerned with maintaining the currently high
standard and quality of training and education.
Thematic Priority Biophotonics
An additional thematic priority of the DGaO is, aside from
optical measurement technology and micro-optics, especially the area of bio-photonics, which is covered in the
corresponding working group led by Prof. Gert von Bally.
Goal of this working group is the establishment of a communication forum for bio-photonics as well as intensifying
the connections to other national and international topical
societies. Because of its up-to-date nature, the thematic
priority “Life Science, Genomics and
Biotechnology” is also supported
within the 6th framework program of
the EU. Members of the working group
are, aside from delegates from research
institutions, university and other institutions
of higher learning, companies like Karl Storz Endoskope, Leica Microsystems, Richard Wolff GmbH,
COHERENT Deutschland GmbH, Sartorius AG, LightTrans
Key Role in Defining Applied Issues Relevant for
Industry in Europe
Following the French and English optical societies, the
DGaO is the third largest branch of the European Optical
Society (EOS) and as such takes part in fostering optical
technologies at the European level. Because of the extremely strong German optics and photonics industry, the
DGaO has a key role in defining applied topics and issues
relevant for industry.
High performance UV-VIS mirror objective mag.
xTM RO 20x/0.35 from LINOS
At the Crossroads of Optics Experts from Industry
and Universities
With more than 100000 employees and an annual turnover of 16 billion Euros, optical technologies are among
the most important, future-oriented, areas of the German
An essential element of fostering this field is the exchange of knowledge and experience of photonics and optics experts in industry as well as in research institutions,
universities and other institutions of higher learning. Since
its foundation in 1923, the DGaO is committed to this goal.
Aside from several working groups and conferences at the
national level, this role is taken on more and more at the
European level, too.
Future Thematic Priorities
Light technology as well as light sources like LEDs and
OLEDs can be expected to be among future thematic priorities. Caused by the most recent research results in the
area of photonic crystals and meta-materials as well as
the interests of a variety of German producers of optical
materials and new and advanced materials, the DGaO will
increase its coverage of the topic Optical Materials and
Production Methods.
Annual Meetings
The suitable forum for discussion of the above mentioned
themes and topics and to address them to the relevant
experts is the annual conference. These annual conferences usually bring together several hundred scientists and
industrial representatives. They are held in spring, typically
during the week after Pentecost. The conference is usually
accompanied by an industrial fair, where companies and
organizations in optical technologies present their products
and services, for a very reasonable fee, to the conference
Joint Annual Meeting of the DGaO
and the SIOF in Brescia, Italy
There is a long-standing tradition of the DGaO to hold the
annual meeting every three to four years together with a
friendly optics society of one of our European neighbor
countries. At the 107th annual meeting in Weingarten, it
was decided to hold the 110th annual meeting together
with the Italian Society of Optics and Photonics (SIOF) in
Brescia (upper Italy). The global topics of this conference
• Optical Sensors and Measurement Technology
• Innovative Optical Materials
• Optics for Space Applications
• Bio-photonics
• Optical Methods for Conservation of Cultural Artifacts
Short presentations (12 minutes) and poster papers are
requested from the whole field of applied optics, preferentially, however, in the aforementioned areas. Conference
language is English. The deadline for registering presentations is January 9, 2009, at
DUV Water Immersion Microscopic Objective
200x/1.25/248nm with 65nm Structural Resolution
Source: Vistec Semiconductor Systems GmbH
UV-VIS Apo lens inspec.xTM 2.8/50 with super
broadband color correction from LINOS
Quantitative digital holographic phase contrast image of living
human erythrozytes (red blood cells).
Prof. Dr. Michael Pfeffer
Deutsche Gesellschaft
für angewandte Optik e.V. (DGaO) c/o
Hochschule Ravensburg-Weingarten
Postfach 1261
D – 88241 Weingarten
+49 (0)751 - 501 - 9539
+49 (0)751 - 501 - 9874
TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin setzt neuen Fokus
TSB Innovation Agency Berlin to refocus
Wegen ihrer wirtschaftlichen Bedeutung und ihrer enormen
Hebelwirkung auf angrenzende Technologiefelder und Anwenderbranchen haben die führenden Industrieländer die
Optischen Technologien und die Mikrosystemtechnik zu einem Schwerpunkt ihrer Technologiepolitik gemacht.
Internationale Vergleiche haben gezeigt, dass Berlin mit seinen über 400 Forschungseinrichtungen, Unternehmen und
Dienstleistern ein enormes Potential zur Etablierung eines
weltweit anerkannten Branchenstandorts hat.
Die TSB Adlershof wird dabei unter dem Dach der TSB Gruppe neue Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung der Optischen Technologien und der Mikrosystemtechnik in der Region angehen. Neben klassischen Aufgabenfeldern, wie der
Technologie- und Innovationsberatung, der Netzwerkarbeit
oder der ideellen Trägerschaft der Laser Optics Berlin werden die kontinuierliche, wissenschaftlich fundierte Erfassung
der Branche und ihrer Potenziale, die stärkere Einbindung
in europäische Aktivitäten sowie eine gezielte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, unter anderem über den neuen Internetauftritt
derscored by the high density of competence represented
by the R&D institutes. This gives rise to a constantly growing demand for a rapid transfer of technology know-how on
the trade sectors. And not least of all owing to the many
and diverse potential applications for Optical and Microsystem Technologies, the promotion of innovation from the
invention to the marketable product gains key significance
in the sustainable development of this Berlin science and
trade location.
In order to comply even better in future with the requirements of science institutes and companies when generating new innovations the TSB has undergone a restructuring
process. This means that TSB Adlershof will be operating under the umbrella of the TSB Group when taking up
new challenges in the development of Optical and Micro-
TSB Innovation Agency Berlin has an office in Berlin-Adlershof.
International comparisons have shown that Berlin with over
400 research institutes, companies, and service providers
has an enormous potential for establishing an internationally acclaimed location on the sector. This is particularly un-
system Technologies in the region. Besides the classical
assignments like technology and innovation consultation,
networks, or the ideal funding for Laser Optics Berlin the
continuous, researchbacked analysis of the sector and
its potential including their depiction in a branch report,
greater integration in European activities, and targeted
public relations, including the new web presence www., are intended to boost both internal and
external transparency and so generate new starting points
for target-oriented collaborations.
In view of their economic significance and enormous leverage on adjunct fields of technology and user sectors the
leading industrial nations have now also placed Optical and
Microsystem Technologies at the focus of their technology
Further steps towards implementation of the new concept
have been made by publishing the branch report on Optical and Microsystems Technologies in Berlin-Brandenburg
in October 2008 and the approval of the EU-project “Baltic
Sea Innovation Centres (BaSIC)“, which aims at fostering
networking of Optical Technologies in the Baltic Sea Region.
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Stens
TSB Adlershof
Rudower Chaussee 29
D – 12489 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 6392 - 5170
Der Standort der TSB-Innovationsagentur Berlin in Adlershof. © WISTA-MG -
Besonders unterstreicht dies die hohe Kompetenzdichte
bei Forschungs- und Entwicklungsinstitutionen. -Hieraus ergibt sich ein stetig wachsender Bedarf nach einem raschen
Transfer technologischen Wissens in die Wirtschaft. Nicht
zuletzt durch die vielseitigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten der
Optischen Technologien und der Mikrosystemtechnik kommt
der Innovationsförderung von der Invention bis hin zum
marktreifen Produkt eine entscheidende Bedeutung bei der
nachhaltigen Entwicklung des Berliner Wissenschafts- und
Wirtschaftsstandorts zu.
Um den Anforderungen von wissenschaftlichen Einrichtungen und Unternehmen bei der Generierung neuer Innovationen in Zukunft noch besser entsprechen zu können hat sich
die TSB strategisch neu ausgerichtet., zur Erhöhung der Transparenz nach
Innen und Außen beitragen und so neue Ansatzpunkte für
zielorientierte Kooperationen schaffen.
Mit dem im Oktober 2008 erstmalig erschienenen Branchenreport „Optische Technologien und Mikrosystemtechnik
in Berlin-Brandenburg“ und der Bewilligung des EU-Projekts
„Baltic Sea Innovation Centres (BaSIC)“, welches sich u.a. die
systematische Vernetzung der Optischen Technologien in der
Ostseeregion zum Ziel gesetzt hat, sind weitere Schritte zur
Umsetzung des neuen Konzepts gemacht.
The Congress
Laser Optics
Berlin 2008
1 year rent-free offices and working space
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More support for your business start
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For start-ups and entrepreneurs in Automotive, Energy
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Der Kongress
Laser Optics
Berlin 2008
Laser Optics Berlin –
Schaufenster der Region
Laser Optics Berlin is organized by Messe Berlin in association with TSB Innovation Agency Berlin GmbH, and with
its partners Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare Optik und
Kurzzeitspektroskopie, OpTecBB e.V., WISTA MANAGEMENT
GmbH and Laserverbund Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. .
The next Laser Optics Berlin will take place from March
22nd to 24th, 2010.
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Stens
TSB Adlershof
Rudower Chaussee 29 (IGZ)
D – 12489 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 6392 - 5170
Since its initiation by the TSB Innovation Agency Berlin and
its local partners in 1996 the Laser Optics Berlin has made
a remarkable development towards an international trade
fair and convention for optical and laser technologies.
The Laser Optics Berlin 2008 was hosted by the Messe
Berlin GmbH for the first time and came to a close on the
Berlin Exhibition Grounds with a final attendance figure of
some 2650. The new format for this event, comprising an
international convention, specialist exhibition and forum,
all of which were equally conclusive, attracted over 130
Together with their partners, the organizers will continue to work to increase the importance of Laser Optics
Berlin as a meeting place for users and scientists in the
field of optical technology. There was a good response to
the newly established Training Forum, especially among
students and academics.
Dr. Christian Göke, COO of Messe Berlin: “Laser Optics
Berlin on the Berlin Exhibition Grounds more than met the
expectations of the optical industry as a platform of the
highest quality. The industry made full use of the close
interconnections between politics, research and business
at this location in Berlin-Brandenburg. Contacts at the highest level, a widespread impetus for long term business
relations and an exclusive transfer of knowledge are the
With more than 30 papers the convention programme
provided users and researchers with an attractive forum for
discussions and dialogue. For its keenly interested visitors
Laser Optics Berlin presented some outstanding achievements by companies and research institutes in the field of
optical technologies.
Laser Optics Berlin –
Showcase of the region
1996 von der TSB Innovationsagentur Berlin GmbH initiiert,
hat sich die Laser Optics Berlin bis heute zur internationalen Fachmesse mit Kongress für Optische Technologien und
Lasertechnik entwickelt. Nachdem sie sieben Mal im Wissenschafts- und Technologiepark Berlin-Adlershof ausgerichtet
wurde, wagten die Veranstalter 2008 den Sprung auf das
renommierte Messegelände.
Mit rund 2650 Besuchern endete die Laser Optics Berlin
2008, erstmals unter der Regie der Messe Berlin GmbH,
Kerstin Kube-Erkens
Messe Berlin GmbH
Messedamm 22
D – 14055 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 3038 - 2056
unter dem Berliner Funkturm. Das neue Veranstaltungsformat mit internationalem Kongress, Fachausstellung und
Forum war mit mehr als 130 Ausstellern für alle Teilnehmer
gleichermaßen überzeugend. Gemeinsam mit ihren Partnern
möchten die Veranstalter die Bedeutung der Laser Optics
Berlin als Treffpunkt von Anwendern und Wissenschaftlern
der Optischen Technologien ausbauen. Das neu platzierte
Bildungsforum fand großen Zuspruch, vor allem bei Schülern
und Akademikern.
Dr. Christian Göke, Geschäftsführer der Messe Berlin:
“Die Laser Optics Berlin auf dem Berliner Messegelände hat
den Anspruch der optischen Industrie als qualitativ hochwertige Branchenplattform überaus erfüllt. Die Branche hat die
enge Verzahnung von Politik, Forschung und Unternehmen
am Standort Berlin-Brandenburg perfekt genutzt. Kontakte
auf höchstem Niveau, zahlreiche Impulse für nachhaltige
Geschäftsbeziehungen und exklusiver Wissenstransfer sind
das Ergebnis.“
Das hochkarätig besetzte Kongressprogramm mit mehr
als 30 Vorträgen bot Anwendern und Forschern ein attraktives Diskussions- und Dialogforum. Die Laser Optics Berlin
präsentierte dem interessierten Publikum Spitzenleistungen
aus Unternehmen und Forschungsinstituten auf dem Gebiet
der Optischen Technologien.
Veranstaltet wird die Laser Optics Berlin von der Messe Berlin GmbH zusammen mit der TSB Innovationsagentur
Berlin GmbH, den Partnern Max-Born-Institut für Nichtlineare
Optik und Kurzzeitspektroskopie, OpTecBB e.V., der WISTA
MANAGEMENT GmbH und dem Laserverbund Berlin-Brandenburg e.V. .
Die nächste Laser Optics Berlin findet vom 22. bis 24.
März 2010 statt.
Fig. 2
Moving from separate gain in a vertical external cavity surface emitting semiconductor laser (VECSEL) to wafer-scale integration. Integration scheme was
motivated from conventional VECSEL-SESAM modelocking with large mode area
ratios and thus large cavities (a), to obtain absorber-gain integration in a modelocked integrated external-cavity surface emitting laser (MIXSEL) (b). The MIXSEL semiconductor wafer structure contains two high reflectors (HR), quantum
dot (QD) saturable absorber, quantum well (QW) gain and an anti-reflective (AR)
coating. The first HR reflects the laser light and forms the laser cavity together
with the external output coupler. The second one, the intermediate HR, is to prevent the pump light bleaching the saturable absorber. The MIXSEL also has the
potential for electrical pumping without an intermediate HR but with a current
spreading layer (D. J. H. C. Maas et al, Appl. Phys. B 88, 493, 2007).
Advancing Frontiers of Ultrafast Lasers
Enable New Applications
first laser system used by the Bosch team was still based
on a laser oscillator followed by optical amplifiers. Further
pulse energy scaling of SESAM modelocked thin disk lasers
will make these lasers even more compact, reliable and
cost-effective because no optical amplifiers will be required
any more. The direct generation of energetic pulses with a
laser oscillator is a significantly simpler approach to generate stable and clean pulses. Since 1995 we have pushed
the pulse energy from ultrafast diode-pumped solid-state lasers by four orders of magnitude from the nanojoule regime
to above 10 microjoule – an energy level that makes micromachining possible (Fig. 1). This work was partially funded
by the Swiss KTI program which supports and encourages
technology transfer from universities to industry. In our
case the spin-off company Time-Bandwidth Products AG
was enabled to commercialize such SESAM modelocked
thin disk lasers. Such laser oscillators will be even able
to generate more than 100 μJ in the near future. This
will make high-precision micromachining using femto- and
picosecond lasers at megahertz pulse repetition rates very
attractive for many more applications.
In principle, semiconductor lasers are ideally suited for
mass production because they are based on a wafer-scale
technology with a high level of integration. Not surprisingly, the first lasers entering virtually every
household were continuous wave (cw) semiconductor lasers in compact disk players.
What about ultrafast lasers – what will make
them go into every household? What about
micromachining with semiconductor lasers
Semiconductor lasers can be scaled up
to power levels interesting for micromachine
ing but only at the expense of beam quality.
Poor beam quality makes it very difficult if
not impossible to obtain stable picosecond
pulses. Therefore, pulsed semiconductor la1990
sers are limited to low power applications. So
far ultrafast semiconductor lasers have not
achieved the impact of cw lasers. One reaFig. 1
son for this lower market penetration is the
Frontier in pulse energy from laser oscillators. Maximum pulse energy gencomplexity and cost of these sources. Even
erated by megahertz femtosecond laser oscillators: closed black circles,
Ti:sapphire lasers; closed red rectangles, thin disk diode-pumped solid-state
in long distance fiber-optic communication
laser (DP-SSL); open red circle, other directly diode-pumped lasers not based
with light pulses, modelocked semiconductor
on the thin disk concept. The SESAM-modelocked thin disk laser concept
lasers are currently not used in commercial
defines this frontier and has the potential for further energy scaling by at least
systems. Instead a cw laser is typically apone order of magnitude (T. Südmeyer et al, Nature Photonics 2, 599, 2008).
My group at ETH Zurich has made key contributions to ultrafast solid-state lasers and their improvements using semiconductor saturable absorber mirrors (SESAMs), a family
of optical devices that allow for very simple, self-starting
passive pulse generation of diode-pumped solid-state lasers (i.e. a technique referred as passive modelocking).
Our ongoing work involves understanding of both semiconductor materials and devices plus solid-state lasers in collaboration with Prof. Günter Huber in Hamburg and Dr. Adolf
Giesen in Stuttgart which resulted in new unprecedented
performance improvements in terms of pulse widths and
average power – a frontier in laser physics that is also very
interesting for micromachining.
In 2008 a young team of engineers and scientists from
the Robert Bosch GmbH received the first-ranked Berthold
Leibinger Innovation Prize for their technology transfer from
university research results to industrial mass production
using ultrafast solid-state lasers for high-precision micromachining. This was the first application in industrial mass
production; a milestone for ultrafast lasers. The rapid progress in diode-pumped solid-state lasers and the novel pulse
generation technique using SESAMs made this technology
transfer possible. These ultrafast lasers have become
reliable and cost effective for industrial applications. The
Ursula Keller, ETH Zurich, Physics Department, Switzerland
Fig. 3
VECSEL-SESAM modelocking with
the same laser mode size in the
gain and absorber section which
is a prerequisit for integration
and higher pulse repetition rates.
A special quantum dot saturable
absorber was developed to achieve
this goal. Shown here is a 50-GHz
laser cavity with an intracavity etalon for wavelength tuning
(D. Lorenser et al, IEEE Journal
of Quantum Electron.
42, 838, 2006).
plied with external modulators that first carve the pulses
and then modulate the information onto the data stream.
However, future telecom transmission systems at 10 Gb/s
and higher will benefit from modelocked lasers for returnto-zero (RZ) formats and soliton dispersion management
We recently introduced a new concept of ultrafast semiconductor lasers which was inspired by our previous work
on SESAM modelocked solid-state lasers. Replacing the
solid-state gain material by a semiconductor gain material
makes it possible that both gain and absorber layers can
be integrated into one single wafer (Fig. 2). We referred to
this class of devices as modelocked integrated externalcavity surface emitting lasers (MIXSEL). One key requirement was the development of quantum dot saturable absorbers that support integration with the same mode size
in the absorber and the gain as initially demonstrated in a
VECSEL-SESAM approach (Fig. 3). The MIXSEL platform
has a strong potential for applications in optical communication, optical clocking of multi-core microprocessors
and compact supercontinuum generation for bio-medical
For example, with optical clocking of multi-core microprocessors it should be possible to define a road map for a
pulse repetition rates up to ≈100 GHz. The vertical MIXSEL
geometry in comparison to the edge-emitting semiconductor laser has the advantage that undesirable nonlinear interactions that tend to distort the pulses and destabilize
modelocking are strongly limited, because the interaction
length with the semiconductor gain medium is very short.
For low noise operation these laser oscillators are fundamentally modelocked, i.e. a single pulse propagates inside
the optical resonator. For example at 50 GHz the optical
cavity length is 3 mm, and the semiconductor structure only
adds about 10 μm to the cavity length so that most of the
beam will propagate in air or a transparent wafer. Therefore
changing the pulse repetition rate mainly requires a change
in the propagation length in the fully transparent section
without substantially changing the physical dynamics of the
laser. We would hope that such lasers would eventually
find themselves in every household for providing a stable
clock for our multi-100-core personal computers.
ETH Zurich
Institut für Quantenelektronik
Wolfgang-Pauli-Strasse 16
CH – 8093 Zürich
Tel: +41 (0)44 - 633 - 2146
Photonic Crystal Fibers: Light in a Tight Space
The fibre drawing clean-room.
Keeping light tightly focused over long distances is of
course possible in single-mode glass telecommunications
fibre (SMF), which with its astonishing optical clarity (>5
km/dB at 1550 nm) forms the individual “wires” that join
the nodes of the world-wide-web. SMF permits one to exploit the weak optical nonlinearity of the glass to investigate effects such as soliton formation, four-wave mixing
and parametric amplification. Although the diameter of
the guided mode (~9 μm in SMF operating at 1550 nm
wavelength) can be reduced by using a smaller core and a
larger core-cladding index difference, this is limited by the
availability of compatible high-index core glass. In fibres,
the smallest mode diameters so far have been realised
in the waist of a tapered SMF, where the light is confined
by the glass-air interface. Waist diameters of ~1 μm are
routinely realizable over 10 cm lengths, but the resulting
structures are extremely fragile. Robust versions of similar
structures can be created in photonic crystal fibre (PCF), in
the form of μm-diameter cores held in place by ~100 nm
wide webs of glass and protected from the environment by
a thick glass outer cladding. An added advantage of tight
field confinement is that the wavelength of zero chromatic
dispersion (1.3 μm in standard SMF) can be strongly blueshifted so as to coincide, e.g., with 1064 nm, 800 nm
and 532 nm pump lasers. This has resulted in compact
and efficient supercontinuum sources – “sunlight lasers”.
Such sources, the brightest of which offer spectral intensities >5 mW/nm (100,000 times brighter than an incandescent lamp), can transform any measurement involving
conventional white-light sources. They are currently being
installed in commercial microscopes used in medicine. If
a mode-locked pump laser is used, the spectrum consists
of a comb of frequencies spaced by the repetition rate of
the laser. Octave-spanning frequency combs are used in
precision frequency metrology, important to, e.g., the global
positioning system and astronomy.
The discovery that light could be focused using a lens
dates back at least to classical times. In the 19th century
the relationship between the width and the depth (range)
of a focal spot was given a formal basis by Lord Rayleigh,
and the arrival of the laser in the 1960s made it possible
to reach very extremely intensities, leading to applications
in high precision micro-machining, cutting and engraving.
A long-standing and until recently insuperable problem in
many applications of laser light has been how to maintain
high intensity, not just at the focus of a lens, but over long
distances in dilute media such as gases and vapours. To
achieve this one would have to overcome a fundamental
property of three-dimensional space: the diffraction (or
spreading out) of a beam of light as it travels.
Philip Russell, Max-Planck Research Group University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Despite the success of solid-core fibres, the “insuperable”
problem mentioned above remained: how can one keep
light tightly focused over long distances in empty space?
Before the arrival of hollow-core PCF, there was simply no
practical way to do this, at least at visible and near-infrared
frequencies, because no cladding material exists with a
refractive index less than unity. Metals, which could be
Stacking the capillaries for preform assembly.
used to form a mirror around a hollow core, have extremely
high absorption. Multilayer mirrors might offer a solution,
but in practice these have less than perfect reflectivity and
are difficult to make. An new guidance mechanism had
to be found. In the early 1990s the idea emerged that
a two-dimensional lattice of hollow micro-channels could
support a two-dimensional photonic band gap for incidence
from vacuum, and thus allow light to be trapped within
a central hollow core without the need for total internal
reflection. The first such hollow core PCF was reported in
Supercontinuum generated from 1 µm wavelength ps fibre laser source.
1999, and the lowest losses now stand at 1.1 dB/km at
1550 nm wavelength. The numbers are impressive: the
cladding mirror in the best of these fibres has a reflectivity
of 0.99999992; three million bounces are required per km
(each bounce requiring a new mirror); and all polarization
states are reflected at all angles of incidence. In telecommunications, the absence of any solid material in the core
would make it possible to greatly reduce the frequency
spacing between individual wavelength channels, because
there is no solid material to cause the cross-talk that limits
current telecommunications systems.
When filled with suitable gases, hollow-core PCF is ideal
for enhancing nonlinear optical interactions, offering products of intensity and path-length that are 10 million times
higher than previously possible. Such huge enhancements
are unprecedented in nonlinear optics, and are leading to
efficient low-threshold wavelength converters based on
Raman-active gases such as hydrogen. Hollow-core PCF
can also be used for ultra-high sensitivity environmental
gas/vapour monitoring, perhaps yielding parts per trillion
detection of trace chemicals in the atmosphere. It offers a
convenient micro-environment for studying chemical reactions, using light for both monitoring and photo-initiation.
Laser dipole forces can be used to trap and propel small
particles along a curved path inside hollow-core PCF, and it
is intriguing to consider combining this with microfluidics to
study vesicles or cells in an aqueous environment.
In the Max-Planck Research Group (which
in January 2009 will become the new MaxPlanck Institute for the Science of Light),
high quality solid and hollow core PCFs are
being routinely produced, and used in a wide
range of scientific experiments and applications.
Philip Russell
Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Guenther-Scharowsky Str. 1/Bau 24
D – 91058 Erlangen
Phone +49 (0)9131 - 6877 - 300
Ultrashort-Pulse Transfer Functions
of Spatial Light Modulators
Fig. 2:
High-fidelity temporal
transfer of a few-cycle
Ti:sapphire laser oscillator pulse reflected by
the PAN-SLM of 4 µm
The development of
the pulse trace as a
function of the graylevel was retrieved
from LX-SPIDER data
(contour levels: intensity).
Martin Bock, Susanta Kumar Das, and Ruediger Grunwald; Max Born Institute, Berlin
Stefan Osten, HOLOEYE Photonics AG;
Peter Staudt, Gero Stibenz, APE - Angewandte Physik und Elektronik GmbH
the ranges of stable performance have to be identified with
high resolution and dynamics. First results of experimental
and theoretical investigations of novel types of LCoS-SLMs
with respect to their phase transfer functions in spectral
and temporal domain were recently presented [1 – 3].
By analyzing the specific diffraction efficiency of bi-level
gratings programmed into the grayscale contrast (Fig. 1),
weak phase distortions by Gires-Tournois resonances were
indicated for two different types of LCoS-SLMs called paral-
Fig. 1:
Experimental setup
for the characterization of the phase
performance and
optical parameters
of LCoS-SLMs by
diffraction. Binary diffraction gratings were
programmed in the
SLMs by
variable grayscale
contrast and
detected spectrally
resolved by a
On the other hand, the interference contrast reveals valuable information about internal optical parameters like the
refractive indices of the liquid crystals and the reflectivity
With a modification of the well-known spectral phase interferometry for direct electric field reconstruction (SPIDER)
method using an extended crystal for frequency conversion
(in the literature referred to as LX-SPIDER [2]), gray-level
However, the majority of ultrashort-pulse beam shaping applications reported so far use LC-SLMs as spectral synthesizers in Fourier domain only. Therefore, all relevant SLM
parameters, in particular the pulse transfer behaviour in optical few-cycle regime, have to carefully be studied yet and
lel aligned (PAN) and vertical aligned (VAN) SLMs. To realize
the necessary initial parallel or perpendicular orientation
of the crystals, the intrinsic dielectric anisotropy has to
be properly chosen. The detected deviations were found
to be induced by multiple interference within the stratified
device structures.
Liquid crystal spatial light modulators (LC-SLM) are of ever
increasing interest for various applications like spatial and
temporal beam shaping, wavefront correction, information
encoding and decoding, and adaptive diagnostics of laser
beams. In particular, reflective phase-only liquid-crystal-onsilicon SLM (LCoS-SLM) are currently the most promising
candidates for the tailoring of highly intense and polychromatic ultrashort wavepackets with high spatial and phase
dependent spectral phase and temporal shape of 10-fs
Ti:sapphire laser oscillator pulses were determined before
and after passing the SLMs.
For SLMs with thin LC-layers (thickness in the range of few
microns), minimum distortion of a pulse was obtained despite of very weak residual oscillations in the tails (Fig. 2).
Slightly broadened pulses, however, were detected for relatively thick structures (15-20 microns thickness) with larger
index differences (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3:
Slightly distorted
temporal transfer
of a few-cycle
Ti:sapphire laser
pulse reflected by
the VAN-SLM of
18 µm thickness.
The development
of the pulse trace
as a function of
the graylevel was
retrieved from
LX-SPIDER data as
well (contour levels: intensity).
To conclude, the temporal transfer behaviour of particular variants of SLMs like PAN- and VAN-type LCoS-SLMs
enables for advanced beam shaping applications with excellent spatial resolution and surprisingly high stability of
the temporal signature of the pulses. Propagation invariant complex patterns were experimentally demonstrated by
writing amplitude-phase maps in ultrashort-pulsed arrays
of needle beams.
Fig. 4: Nondiffracting image pattern generated by ultraflat axicon profiles programmed into the phase map of an LCoS-SLM
(HoloEye, 1920 x 1200 pixels); left: propagation distance 40 mm,
right: propagation distance 67 mm (horizontal center-to-center
distance: 387 µm) – gray scale inverted.
In first application studies we demonstrated the generation
of pseudo-nondiffracting Bessel-like beams and fringeless
beams (i.e. Bessel beams truncated at the first minimum
of the intensity profile which were referred to in our recent
publications as "needle beams" [4]).
By writing two-dimensional patterns in the phase and/or
grayscale map of arrays of such beams, image information can be well propagated over large distances without
any additional relay optics because of keeping the discrete
channels separated and thus effectively suppressing crosstalk effects. This can be well recognized in Fig.4 [4]. The
principle was referred to as "flying images" when proposed
by Peeter Saari in 1996 [5]. In our experiment, an ultraflat
axicon profile was generated by an LCoS-SLM of 1920 x
1200 pixels (HoloEye). Recently, adaptive ultraflat zone
structures (Fresnel-axicons or "fraxicons") in LCoS-SLMs
were applied to applications for single-shot pulse diagnostics [6].
[1] M. Bock, S. K. Das, R. Grunwald, S. Osten, P. Staudt, and
G. Stibenz, High fidelity ultrashort-pulse transfer with spatial light modulators, Laser Optics Berlin, Berlin 2008.
[2] M. Bock , S. K. Das, R. Grunwald, S. Osten, P. Staudt, and
G. Stibenz, Spectral and temporal response of liquidcrystal-on-silicon spatial light modulators, Appl. Phys. Lett.
92, 151105 (2008).
[3] R. Grunwald, M. Bock, Beamer für ultrakurze Laserpulse,
Laser Magazin No. 2/2008, pp. 17-18, April 2008.
[4] R. Grunwald, M. Bock, S. Huferath, S. K. Das, S. Osten,
P. Staudt, and G. Stibenz, Programmable ultrashort-pulse
localized waves, PIERS Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Symposium, Cambridge, USA, July 2-6, 2008,
Workshop on Localized Waves, Proceedings on CD-ROM.
[5] P. Saari, Spatially and temporally nondiffracting ultrashort
pulses, in: O. Svelto, S. De Silvestri, and G. Denardo
(Eds.), Ultrafast Processes in Spectroscopy, Plenum
Press, New York, 1996, 151-156.
[6] S. Huferath-von Luepke, V. Kebbel, M. Bock, and R. Grunwald, Noncollinear autocorrelation with radially symmetric
nondiffracting beams, SPIE Optics+Photonics Symposium,
Advanced Metrology Conference, San Diego, USA, in: Proc.
SPIE Vol. 7063-36 (2008).
Dr. Ruediger Grunwald
Max-Born-Institut fuer Nichtlineare Optik
und Kurzzeitspektroskopie
Max-Born-Strasse 2a
D – 12489 Berlin-Adlershof
Phone +49 (0)30 - 6392 - 1457
+49 (0)30 - 6392 - 1459
Femtosecond Lasers as Metrological Tools
Harald R. Telle
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Fig 1: Word-synchronously sampled PRBS (pseudo-random bit
sequence) data stream, data format: 40 Gbit/s, return-to-zero
Fig 2:
GH-CARS images of
10-µm polystyrene
beads embedded in
water. (A) LO pulse
not delayed, (B) LO
pulse delayed for
530 fs.
As an example, Fig. 1 shows a deteriorated data stream,
caused by a missing termination resistor. One clearly sees
'doubtful zeros', i. e. insufficiently suppressed pulses at
75 ps and 175 ps whereas the 'zeros' at 225 ps and 250
ps are almost perfect. Probably, such a data stream would
give rise to systematic bit errors after attenuation in long
transmission lines.
Chemical imaging based on coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is an example for frequency comb
applications in carrier frequency domain.
Here, the specimen under investigation is illuminated
by two light fields, called pump and Stokes signal. Their frequency difference, i.e. the so-called Stokes-shift, is tuned
to a Raman-active transition of the chemical compound of
interest. Now, the pump signal is inelastically scattered at
the generated collective material excitation. This results in
the emission of a so-called anti-Stokes (AS) signal which is
blue shifted with respect to the pump signal.
The CARS principle is a priori not background free which
results in contrast reduction due to nonresonant background signals. In addition, strong resonant background
signals may be present due to the broad Raman band of
water in aqueous solutions. Hence, weak AS signals from
small scatterers are frequently overwhelmed by these background signals.
We use a novel time-resolved heterodyne detection
scheme for background-suppressed CARS microscopy, referred to as ‘gated heterodyne CARS’ (GH-CARS). It allows
phase-sensitive detection and offers heterodyne gain. Thus,
shot-noise-limited detection can be achieved, in principle,
even in the presence of strong incoherent background signals, e.g. during combustion processes.
quency ratio measurement between microwave and optical
oscillators is accomplished by linking the microwave to one
tooth of the base-band comb and the optical signal to one
tooth of the carrier frequency comb. The gap between both
domains is bridged by broadening the comb width to one
octave, i. e. to a frequency ratio of greater than two between both wings, thus facilitating the measurement of the
so-called carrier-envelope-offset frequency. Fig. 3 shows
the broadening of femtosecond pulses from a TitaniumSapphire laser using a so-called microstructured fiber. Such
fibers combine small core diameters with tailored dispersion properties for minimum pulse broadening.
The resulting long interaction lengths at high light intensities leads to a manifold of nonlinear optical processes like
self-phase modulation and soliton formation and fission
which ultimately generate the broad supercontinuum seen
in Fig. 3.
Dr. Harald R. Telle
Optical Femtosecond Metrology
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt
Bundesallee 100
D – 38116 Braunschweig
Phone +49 (0)531 - 592 - 4530
Optical frequency comb generators based on femtosecond lasers have found widespread applications in optical
metrology during the last decade. These can be divided
into two classes: base-band and carrier frequency domain
Base-band techniques typically employ the envelope of
the periodic train of short pulses for sampling purposes, e.
g. of OTDM (optical time division multiplexed) data streams.
OTDM denotes the nesting of several data streams at a
base clock rate (e. g. 10 GHz) in order to achieve a data
stream at very high bit rates of up to 640 Gbit/s in a single
wavelength channel and single polarization state.
As a standard technique these data streams are characterized using so-called eye diagrams. Such eye diagrams
comprise superimposed waveforms of numerous different
bits and thus provide statistical information on the transmission quality, from which certain parameters like average
timing jitter, amplitude fluctuations or bit error rate can be
estimated. However, information on the true waveform of a
specific bit or its surroundings would be extremely helpful,
e.g., in identifying the cause of systematic bit errors. Such
errors may result, for example, from a resonance excited in
the transmission system by the bit sequence '01010100',
leading to an erroneous substitution of the '0' bit at the
end of this sequence by a '1'.
To this end, we have developed an ultra-fast optical
oscilloscope, which is capable of visualising true waveforms of repetitive data patterns, e. g. pseudo-random bit
sequences (PRBS) on a 1 Terabit/s scale.
Fig. 2 shows as an example GH-CARS images of 10-μm
polystyrene beads embedded in water. In order to excite
the aromatic CH vibration of the polystyrene the Stokesshift is tuned to 3052 cm-1. Fig. 2A displays the GH-CARS
images in the case of a LO pulse which is not delayed. A
large background signal from the water molecules is seen.
Contrary to that, the image shows a much higher signalto-background ratio if the LO pulse is delayed by 530 fs
which is much longer than the vibrational dephasing time
of water (Fig. 2B).
As a the third example, optical frequency measurement
is actually a combination of frequency comb applications
in base-band and carrier frequency domain. Here, the fre-
Fig 3:
generation in a microstructured fiber as seen
by the
scattered light.
The (dark red)
femtosecond pulses
from a TiSa laser are
focused into the fiber on
the left side. Just after
a few cm they turn their
color into
a bright white.
Ultra High Precision Non-Contact Distance
Measurement Using Multi Wavelength Interferometry
Fig. 1:
Fibre coupled
An innovative solution to the aforementioned problem
of ultra precision distance measurement with high flexibility is provided by the newly developed Multi-WavelengthInterferometer (MWLI), featuring an accurate and absolute
determination of the distance with a resolution of a few
nanometers. Here, the high precision is kept even within a
dynamic range of 2 mm, being 6 orders of magnitude larger
than the resolution itself.
Fig. 3a: MWLI-Sensor measuring the topology of a diamond
grinded metallic mirror.
The basic principle of the MWLI-system is a fibre-coupled
superposition of three separated interferometers measuring the same distance simultaneously. The light of three
highly stabilized diode lasers emitting at different but closely adjacent wavelengths is coupled into an optical fiber and
guided to the head of the sensor system (see fig. 1). Here,
the light is focused to the object and recollected by the
sensorhead once it got reflected by the object. The three
signals are guided back through the same optical fiber to
the detection and analyzing unit, where – spectrally separated – the individual phases of the interferometric signals
are determined.
The phase detection of the singal of each wavelength
provides an individual information about the position of the
object. While these signals provide a high precision of a
few nanometers within a range of the individual wavelength,
the mutual evaluation of the three wavelengths allows an
absolut determination of the position of the target within
the range of unambiguousness of about 2 mm. Beyond
this in a span of several centimeters a tracking of the position still is possible by taking into account the subsequent
numbers of the following intervals. The working distance,
however, still can be in a range up to meters.
Being completely fiber coupled the system is highly flexible in application. With the size of the sensorhead of only
18 mm x 40 mm it easily can be implemented into complex technical facilities and systems or even adapted to
moving assembly. Therewith, measurements also can be
performed in small and difficult accessible apertures; the
remote optical sensig furthermore allows measurements
also being performed in vacuum or in low temperature environment.
Fig. 2 shows the sensor (encased in a cylindrical cone)
in industrial application. The measurement of the topology
of a grinded aspheric lens is done while the sensor – attached to a moving shaft – is guided over the surface of
the green body of a grinded lens. The measured distance
between the sensorhead and the lens in comparison to
the programmed motion of the shaft gives the mismatch
between the grinded and the desired topology of the lens.
Performing this measurement within the grinding machine
itself allows a control of the process without a dismount of
Fig. 2: MWLI-Sensor in industrial implementation
measuring the topology of a grinded lens.
In many areas of industrial fabrication these days the precision of production processes reach beyond the scale of micrometers. While the control of the position of axle bearings
in milling machines or the topological control of diamond
grinded surfaces requires 1/100 micrometer precision
the positioning of photolithographic stages e.g. is done
with nanometer accuracy. These ultra precise mechanical
processes set an even higher demand on the accuracy of
the involved measurement systems. These days high precision measurement in the majority of cases is done using
mechanical sensors, even though they combine a number
of disadvantages like the strong restriction in their working
range and the inevitable contact of the sensors that may
harm the specimen. Furthermore, their fragility makes them
inapplicable in rough industrial surrounding.
Here, non-contact – optical – sensors provide an advantage over their tactile counterparts as their measurement
principle naturally prevents a damage of the test sample.
The sensing can be done from larger distances and the
working range ist scalable upto several meters (depending on the application). Moreover, optical sensors can be
employed in industrial environment and even in difficult
technical surroundings such as at low temperatures or in
vacuum. Nevertheless, most of the known optical sensors
cannot provide a large working distance and range while
keeping a high accuracy of the measurement at the same
time. Others, like simple interferometers, can indeed perform a high precision sensing at large distance, but suffer
from ambiguity and therefore cannot provide an absolut
distance information nor can they measure the topology of
rough surfaces by a lateral scan.
Jürgen Petter, Ralf Nicolaus, André Noack, Theo Tschudi,
Luphos GmbH
Fig. 3b:
Extract of the topology
curve of the mirror
shown left;
the MWLI-sensor system
detects variations
from a flat topology
with sub-nanometer
the green body sparing process time and preventing mounting tolerances. Fig. 3 shows another example of the sensor
application. With a working distance of about 2.5 cm the
topology of a diamond grinded metallic mirror is measured
by a lateral shift. On the right hand side of fig. 3 a detail of
the topology curve of the mirror is depicted. In this measurement the high resolution of only a few nanometers of
the MWLI-System clearly can be identified.
The implementation of the priciple of multiwavelength
interferometry in a completely fiber-based system makes
the MWLI an highly flexible and ultra-precise measurement
system, revealing a whole new field of high precision measurement within industrial application.
Luphos GmbH
Landwehrstr. 55
D – 64293 Darmstadt
Phone +49 (0)6151 - 992 - 6814
Raman-Spectroscopy for Measuring
Concentration Profiles within Micro Channels
ments a 2 mm thick quartz plate covers the micro channels. The light of an
air cooled 20 mW cw argon ion laser is
focused into these channels by a microscope objective (Fig. 2, left).
Günter Rinke, Angela Ewinger, Sigrid Kerschbaum, Monika Rinke and Klaus Schubert
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
The Raman scattered light generated
by the molecules flowing inside the micro channel is collected by the same
microscope objective, decoupled by a
beam splitter and focused into a spectrograph with a silicon CCD array detector (spectral resolution 10 cm-1). The
Raman spectrum measured with this
spectrograph consists of lines which
are characteristic for the chemical compounds within the micro channels and
can be used to calculate their concentrations. The focal point of the laser can
be moved by a small xyz table to get a
concentration profile across the micro
channel. Fig 3 shows a picture of the
experimental setup.
Fig. 2:
Raman spectroscopy – energy levels and optical setup
Micro heat exchangers, micro mixers and micro reactors
have gained importance in chemical, pharmaceutical and
life sciences applications. Due to the large surface to
volume ratio these devices provide efficient mass and heat
transfer. This results in greater selectivity and higher yield
for chemical reactions. The Institute for Micro Process Engineering is working on the development, manufacturing,
and testing of micro channel devices mainly constructed of
stainless steel, where channel widths and depths lie in the
range of 0.2 mm. The production of microstructure devices
is based on mechanical micro machining of metal foils.
Micromechanical processes are for instance precision turning, precision milling and micro etching. These components
are pressure resistant up to several hundred bars and can
be used at throughputs up to 7000 kg/h with a thermal
heat transfer of 200 kW. As an example fig. 1 shows such
a cross flow micro heat exchanger. It consists of 75 foils
per passage. Each foil is 0.2 mm thick and has 100 micro
channels, which are 40 mm long, 0.2 mm wide and 0.1
mm deep. The total number of micro channels per passage
is 7500 with a hydraulic diameter of 0.13 mm of each
channel. The metal foils with grooves are stacked with an
angle of 90°. After that the foil stack is diffusion bonded.
The diffusion bonded body is then welded in a standardized
housing. The heat transfer area amounts 0.135 m2.
In order to get a better understanding of the physical and chemical processes within such components and
to optimize these devices it is necessary to get a look
into these micro channels during a mixing process or a
chemical reaction. For this purpose Micro Raman spectroscopy can be applied. This method is very selective for
individual chemical compounds and allows a good spatial
Fig. 2 (right) shows the energy levels of a molecule
together with laser excitation and the emission of Raman
lines, schematically.
To apply this method to micro process engineering, first
experiments were done with a simple T-shaped micro mixer.
It consists of a metal foil with two feed channels with 0.2
mm width and 0.2 mm depth and a mixing channel of 0.4
mm width and 0.2 mm depth. For the Raman measure-
Fig. 1:
Cross flow micro heat exchanger together with a stack of micro
structured foils
Fig. 3:
Micro mixer adapted to the microscope of a Raman system
Fig. 4:
Raman spectrum during the hydrolysis of DMP
The spatial resolution of the measured
concentrations is determined by different factors. The minimum lateral resolution results from the diffraction of the
laser beam and can be as low as 1 μm
using lasers with small bandwidth. HowFig. 5:
ever, the quartz plate introduces optical
Concentration profiles of DMP, acetone and methanol within the micro channel.
aberrations which deteriorate the lateral
resolution to about 10 μm. These abermeasured at various distances from the mixing point. Figrations can be minimized by a plate with low thickness and
ure 5 shows the concentration profiles across the mixing
a specially designed microscope objective, which was used
channel at a distance of 25 mm. On the left side only DMP
in these experiments. The depth resolution, along the laser
is present, on the right side only water and HCl. As a result
beam, depends on the collimation optics. In this case we
of the hydrolysis acetone and methanol are produced in the
used the light integrated over the micro channel depth of
middle of the micro channel.
0.2 mm. This can be improved by a confocal optical arGenerally, micro Raman spectroscopy can be applied
rangement: a pinhole or a mono-mode fiber determines the
to monitor concentrations of liquids within micro mixers
depth resolution which can be made smaller than 10 μm.
and micro reactors with a spatial resolution of 10 μm or
Adversely however, the intensity will decrease. The choice
below. Together with numerical simulations it is possible
of optics depends on the chemical application.
to optimize micro reactors for laboratory and industrial apWith this technique we measured the concentration
profiles of a chemical reaction, the hydrolysis of the acetal
2,2-dimethoxypropane (DMP) to acetone and methanol in
the presence of hydrogen ions (HCl) as catalyst. Figure 4
Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft
shows a Raman spectrum during this reaction. Spectral
Institute for Micro Process Engineering
lines of DMP, acetone, methanol and ethanol (carrier fluid)
Dr. Günter Rinke
can be seen. Because of some overlapping bands, a peak
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D – 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
fitting procedure was applied and the resulting single peaks
Phone +49 (0)7247 - 82 - 3556
are shown, too.
+49 (0)7247 - 82 - 3186
Based on such spectra the concentration profiles of
DMP, methanol and acetone within our mixing channel were
Micro-O2-Lasersensor and Laser Ion Mobility Spectrometry –– Two Optical Techniques for the Detection of Chemical Substances
Elmar Schmälzlin, Toralf Beitz, Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben
University of Potsdam
University of Potsdam
Institute of Chemistry / Physical Chemistry (UPPC)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben
Contact person: Dr. Elmar Schmälzlin
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
D – 14476 Potsdam-Golm
Phone +49 (0)331 - 977 - 5413,
+49 (0)331 - 977 - 5058
Laser Ion Mobility Spectrometer (LIMS)
The analysis of environmental and industrial chemicals by
conventional laboratory methods, like gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), is expensive and very
time-consuming. Moreover, the investigated samples are
often non-representative and the number of samples is
Ion mobility (IM) spectrometers allow mobile on-site
analysis of chemical substances in real-time. The method
is based on the measurement of different drift velocities of
ionised molecules (cations or anions) in the electric field at
atmospheric pressure. An IM spectrum is obtained, where
the analytes appear at different drift times according to
their diffusion cross sections. Conventional instruments,
applied so far mainly in the safety/security field, use radioactive substances for ionisation and provide a low detection selectivity and a limited dynamic range.
The LIMS (laser ion mobility spectrometer), however,
uses pulse lasers in the UV range as ionisation source,
what appreciably increases the application range of the
technique. By UV pulse lasers aromatic molecules can be
ionised directly and very sensitively by resonant two photon
ionisation (1+1-REMPI). In 1+1-REMPI, one photon excites
the molecule into a higher electronic state, whereas a second photon leads to ionisation of the molecule. Thus, the
gas phase absorption spectrum of the molecule is probed.
As result, a two-dimensional analysis is obtained according
to drift time and gas phase absorption spectrum. BTEX
aromatics, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), and
organic diisocyanates are detected semi-quantitatively or
quantitatively in the ppb range.
Polar molecules without aromatic system can not be
ionised by efficient 1+1 REMPI. However, they are ionisable
by non-resonant multiphoton ionisation or indirect ionisa-
posethe sensor signal. Therefore, for real-time monitoring
of O2 within green plant tissue, a special two-frequency
phase modulation technique was developed, which masks
interference signals arising from native fluorescence, e.g.
from chlorophyll. In brief: Measuring the respective phase
shifts at two different modulation frequencies, the contribution of the chlorophyll fluorescence is quantified and
subsequently eliminated. This technique is based on the
fact that the time delays of all background signals can be
assumed to be zero compared to the microseconds lifetime
of sensor’s phosphorescence.
In cooperation with the company Optricon ( a prototype device with unique selling points was
developed: A 405 nm "blue ray" laser diode is used to
excite extremely small probes and a two-frequency phase
modulation technique is applied to mask interference signals.
As stand-alone device the instrument runs with microoptodes (tip diameters 10 μm or even smaller). In combination with a fluorescence microscope, spherical nanoprobes (diameters 50 nm) can be used. An extension of the
technique to measure further chemical substances, like
carbon dioxide or chloride ions, is currently under progress.
Within the BMBF program ForMaT, further research and innovation towards a Micro-O2-Lasersensor is planned.
Miniaturized Optical Oxygen
Measurements In-Vivo
In order to determine the content of dissolved molecular
oxygen (O2), more and more optical methods are used.
The technique rests upon dyes whose phosphorescence
decay times depend on the concentration of ambient O2.
Our work focuses on miniaturized probes, sensor-coated
glass fiber tips or dye-doped nanospheres, which allow spatially resolved measurements within plant or animal cells
in vivo. This is important because, for example, a better
understanding of the cellular O2 metabolism will help to
breed more efficient plants. A capable optical oxygen sensor with an intense phosphorescence around 650 nm is
Pt(II)-tetra-pentafluorophenylporphyrin (PtPFPP) immobilized
in a polymer matrix. PtPFPP shows oxygen-dependent phosphorescence lifetimes in the range from 69 μs (complete
absence of O2) to 23 μs (air or air saturated aqueous solutions). These approximate values vary with the temperature and structure of the host polymer. The lifetime can be
determined using phase modulation, in which the sensor
is excited with sinusoidal modulated light. Depending on
the decay time of the excited state the emission of the
phosphorescence signal occurs temporally delayed, which
results in a definite phase shift between the excitation
and phosphorescence light. The corresponding oxygen concentration is calculated subsequently using a calibration
curve. As compared to time-resolved measurements, at
which the sample is excited with a pulse of light and the
time-dependent intensity of light emission following the excitation pulse is detected repetitively, the response time of
the phase-modulation method is much faster, what is preferable for real-time monitoring. A drawback of the phase
modulation technique is that the phase shift is strongly
interfered by background fluorescence, which may super-
tion methods. Indirect methods use aromatic dopants,
which are directly ionised by 1+1 REMPI and react with
the analyte molecules under formation of characteristic
product ions. Examples of such ion-molecule reactions are
proton transfer or electron transfer reactions from toluene
or complex formation reactions with phenol or aniline. Important industrial and environmental chemicals, explosives
like TNT, and warfare agents can be detected in this way.
Functional principle of laser ion mobility
Compared to conventional ion mobility spectrometers
the detection by LIMS occurs with better selectivity, with
higher sensitivity, in a larger quantitative dynamic range.
Laser IM spectrometry enables the analysis of substances both in the gas phase and on surfaces after laser desorption. The instrument can also be designed as
multi-channel spectrometer in order to detect aromatic and
non-aromatic polar compounds simultaneously in parallel
channels by applying different ionisation mechanisms.
The activities on research and development with the
LIMS are carried out by the UPPC in close cooperation with
the company Optimare. Within the BMBF program ForMaT
the development of different LIMS designs adapted to the
customer’s requirements is planned.
University of Potsdam
Institute of Chemistry / Physical Chemistry (UPPC)
Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben
Contact person: Dr. Toralf Beitz
Phone +49 (0)331 - 977 - 5176
+49 (0)331 - 977 - 5058
10 µm O2 microoptode. The waves symbolize the excitation of the
phosphorescent tip with modulated laser light.
The tip of the microoptode (barely visible in the center of the dotted circle) is inserted into the leaf of an ice plant.
Optimare GmbH
Emsstr. 20
D – 26382 Wilhelmshaven
Contact person: Dr. Robert Laudien
Phone +49 (0)331 - 977 - 5303
+49 (0)331 - 977 - 5058
Design of a LIMS
(with Nd:YAG laser, drift cell).
Results and Services
from Research
und Leistungen
in Forschungseinrichtungen
THz System for Safety Control
THz radiation (0,1THz – 10THz) penetrates paper, dry wood
and most synthetic materials. Organic substances like tablets and drugs can be detected via THz radiation. For applications in security checking and safety control compact
and mobile systems with high imaging quality are required.
This can be achieved through the use of femto-second fiber
lasers for generating the THz radiation.
Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte
Optik und Feinmechanik IOF
Dr. Brigitte Weber
Albert-Einstein-Straße 7
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49(0)3641 - 807 - 440,
+49(0)3641 - 807 - 600
Andreas Gebhardt of the Fraunhofer IOF at an Ultra-precision
Engine Lathe
Andreas Gebhardt vom Fraunhofer IOF an einer Ultrapräzisionsdrehmaschine
Intra-oral 3D-Digitizer for Dentistry
On behalf of Hint-Els GmbH, a 3D-Scanner was developed
with which tooth surfaces can be digitized directly inside
the mouth of the patient. Through the data gathered dentures can be produced without having to take impressions
or making a plaster model, saving time and cost. The
measurement system is utilizing the structured light 3D
scanner principle. For illumination an LCoS display with an
LED source is used, allowing a small package size.
Ultra-precise aspherical Metal Mirrors
for Earth Observation
The gathering of ever more precise Earth surface data
from space, e.g., for harvest forecasts, disaster relief and
cartography, is possible through the use of multi-spectral
cameras. The satellite based Earth-Observation system
RapidEye was launched on August 29, 2008. It uses cameras from Jena-Optronik in which the telescopic optical
system is based on metal mirrors. These ultra-precise
mirrors deliver the highest levels of stability and shape
accuracy, allowing continuous operation under space conditions. The mirrors were manufactured at the Fraunhofer
IOF on a special, ultra-precision, engine lathe, tempered
with special coatings and accurately mounted.
Optical System Technology for Future Markets
The Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Optics and Precision
Engineering IOF is a competent partner for industry and
science in the area of optical system technology, especially
for the future-oriented markets energy and environment,
health and medicine, and safety and mobility.
The core competencies of the Fraunhofer IOF cover the
entire photonic chain, from optical and mechanical design
and the realization of multifunctional optical layer systems,
via micro- and nano-structured optics as well as system
integration and characterization, to manufacture of prototypes of optical systems for wavelengths ranging from the
millimeter to the nanometer spectral range.
The close connection to the Institute for Applied Physics of the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena allows highestquality education of young scientists and ensures the necessary scientific approach.
Optische Systemtechnik für Zukunftsmärkte
Das Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik IOF ist kompetenter Partner für Industrie und Wissenschaft auf dem Gebiet der optischen Systemtechnik
insbesondere für die Zukunftsmärkte Energie und Umwelt,
Gesundheit und Medizin sowie Sicherheit und Mobilität.
Die Kernkompetenzen des Fraunhofer IOF bilden die gesamte
photonische Kette ab, vom Optik- und Mechanik-Design und
der Darstellung multifunktionaler optischer Schichtsysteme
über mikro- und nanostrukturierte Optik sowie Systemintegration und –charakterisierung bis zum Bau von Prototypen
optischer Systeme für Wellenlängen vom Millimeter- bis zum
Die enge Verbindung zum Institut für Angewandte Physik
der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena ermöglicht die Ausbildung von wissenschaftlichem Nachwuchs auf höchstem
Niveau und sichert den notwendigen wissenschaftlichen
Aspherical Light-weight Mirror
Asphärische Leichtgewicht- Spiegel
Intraoraler 3D-Digitalisierer für die
Im Auftrag der Firma Hint-Els GmbH wurde ein 3D-Scanner
entwickelt, mit dem die Zahnoberflächen direkt im Mund des
Patienten digitalisiert werden können. Mit den gewonnenen
Daten kann Zahnersatz ohne das Abnehmen von Abdrücken
und das Anfertigen eines Gipsmodells hergestellt werden,
wodurch zeitlicher und finanzieller Aufwand reduziert werden.
Das Messsystem basiert auf dem Prinzip der phasenkorrelierten Streifenprojektion. Für die Beleuchtung wird ein
LCoS-Display mit einer LED-Quelle eingesetzt, wodurch eine
geringe Baugröße realisiert werden kann.
THz-System für die Sicherheitskontrolle
THz-Strahlung (0,1THz –10THz) durchdringt Papier, trockenes Holz und die meisten Kunststoffe. Mit THz-Strahlung lassen sich organische Substanzen wie Tabletten und Drogen
detektieren. Für Anwendungen in der Sicherheitskontrolle
sind kompakte, transportable Systeme mit einer hohen Abbildungsqualität erforderlich. Das ist erreichbar durch den Einsatz von fs-Faserlasern zur Erzeugung der THz-Strahlung.
Measurements of Part of
a Set of Teeth (Point Cloud)
Messdaten (Punktewolke)
eines Gebissabschnittes
Telescope Optics with Metal Mirrors for RapidEye JSS56
Teleskopoptik mit Metallspiegeln für RapidEye JSS56
Ultrapräzise asphärische Metallspiegel
für die Erdbeobachtung
Die Gewinnung von immer genaueren Daten der Erdoberfläche für Erntevorhersagen, Katastrophenhilfe und Kartografie aus dem Weltall ist mit Hilfe von Multispektralkameras
möglich. Das am 29. August 2008 gestartete satellitengestütze Erdbeobachtungssystem RapidEye ist mit Kameras
der Firma Jena-Optronik ausgestattet, deren Teleskopoptik
auf Metallspiegeln basiert. Die ultrapräzisen Spiegel erfüllen ein Höchstmaß an Stabilität und Formgenauigkeit und
sichern den Dauerbetrieb unter Weltraumbedingungen. Sie
wurden im Fraunhofer IOF auf Spezialmaschinen durch Ultrapräzisionsdrehen gefertigt, mit Spezialschichten vergütet
und präzise montiert.
8-Chanel THz
Detection System
Pocket Knife and
Tablet in a closed
Parcel (False Color
of THz Absorption)
Taschenmesser und
Tablette in einem
geschlossenen Paket
der THz-Absorption)
The Institute of Photonic Technology IPHT
About 280 IPHT employees work in two research divisions:
Photonic Instrumentation and Optical Fibers & Fiber Applications. The scientific focus of the Photonic Instrumentation division is directed to both the applications of spectraloptical technologies and the development of methods and
Quantum limited photonic detectors represent a research field
which will significantly improve present-day devices and generate
a multiplicity of future applications.
The IPHT develops ultra-sensitive bolometers and bolometer
arrays which allow the only quantum limited detection of
radiation in the up to now hardly accessible terahertz frequency
band. The successful astrophysical implementations as well as
the development of a THz security camera system are the first
application highlights.
• Biophotonics/nanobiophotonics: Development of innovative optical, spectroscopical, and chip-based diagnostic methods for biology, biotechnology, medical
technology, pharmacy, and food technology as well as
for enviromental and safety engineering.
• Photonic detection and imaging technologies: Creation
of innovative optical components, subsystems, and systems for highly-sensitive, commonly spectrally-resolved
two-dimensional detection of optical signals.
• Fiber-based micro and nanooptics: Development and
production of optical fibers while selectively influencing their functional features for applications in communication and information technologies, micro material
processing, light sources and amplifiers as well as in
sensor technologies and metrology.
• Photonic silicon: Development of photovoltaic modules
with Si thin films and analysis of silicon nanowires regarding applications in solar cells and sensors.
instruments. Among other things, the division designs,
produces, and tests nano and microtechnical devices and
systems for biological and biomedical applications. With
its access to the clean room facilities, the division combines engineering with biochemical and basic molecular
biological expertise. The Optical Fibers & Fiber Applications
division, which is the largest group in Germany focused on
this topic and the world leader in the field of draw tower
fiber Bragg gratings (FBG) based on single pulse recording, consists of the departments of Optical Fiber Technologies, Photonic Silicon, Optical Fiber Modules, Optical Fiber
Systems and Innovative Photonic Materials. This research
division has years of experience in fiber glass materials,
preform preparation, drawing of special fibers, fiber sensor
applications, micro-structured and photonic crystal fibers,
materials preparation, and laser chemistry.
In different departments at IPHT sensors are developed
to investigate physical, chemical, and biological processes.
New detection schemes will allow the analysis at low concentrations with a time resolution from microseconds up
to the femtosecond range and a spatial resolution from
micrometer size range down to the nanometer scale. Some
interesting developments in this area include the development of IR/THz sensor technology, linear and nonlinear
Raman spectroscopy, and SERS and TERS technology. Furthermore, fiber-optical systems are being developed at IPHT
that could be used as fast and cost efficient sensors for
biomolecules and microorganisms.
Research and development at the Institute of Photonic
Technology (IPHT) in Jena can be described as focused on
four key activities:
In the research field
of biophotonics,
biological function
can be understood in
its temporal dynamic
on a cellular or even
molecular level by
means of innovative spectroscopic
and microscopic
As an alternative to the highly efficient and high-cost silicon wafer
cells and to the less efficient, low-cost amorphous silicon thin film
cells, the IPHT develops thin film cells based on crystalline silicon
on low-cost glass substrates. Amorphous silicon is deposited
onto glass and crystallized by scanning it with the beam of a
diode laser to get a seed layer. On top of the seed the layer system
of the solar cell is grown epitaxially.
For this different methods are applied: layered laser crystallization or epitaxial, solid-phase crystallization.
In particular, electron beam evaporation is used for depositing
amorphous silicon at high rates.
Fiber Bragg gratings, which offer the possibility of realizing widely
distributed sensor networks combined with the well-known
advantages of optical fibers, are a versatile means for monitoring the structural health and efficient operation of industrial and
technical facilities.
High performance and reliability of the sensors and measurement
units have already been demonstrated by the IPHT in railway
engineering, power generators, wind and gas turbines, and
aerospace as well.
IPHT’s research activities are formed by several junior
research groups. The “Jenaer BioChip Initiative” for example is an group of the Jena university located at the IPHT
which aims to develop robust, reliable, and cost efficient
analytical systems for chip-based detection of biomolecules. The goal is for these methods to be suitable for the
readout of biochips and to even achieve label free detection. Moreover, the JBCI is interested in the development of
fully integrated systems for the analysis of biomolecules.
These integrated systems should not only include the readout of chips, but also a sample preparation to the largest
extent possible in order to create point-of-care solutions
which are no longer bound to specialized laboratories and
can be operated by non-scientific staff.
The main goal of another junior research group is to
establish and advance the highly innovative research field
of molecular and functional imaging by means of CARS
microscopy (CARS = coherent anti-stokes Raman spectroscopy).
Both groups collaborate closely with scientists from the
University of Jena and are examples of the strong scientific
ties between IPHT and the University of Jena. This collaboration is essential to the future of IPHT.
Institute of Photonic Technology
Albert-Einstein-Str. 9
07745 Jena
Postal Address
P.O. Box 100 239
D – 07702 Jena
Phone +49 (0)3641 - 206 - 300
+49 (0)3641 - 206 - 399
Fraunhofer IAP
Optical High Speed Systems –
Reliable even in rugged environments
Novel Polymer Systems for Optical
The Fraunhofer IAP develops novel polymer systems, processing and patterning strategies and optical elements
based on them. The advantages of functional polymer systems are their large variety of optical functions and polymer
design as well as low cost processing technologies for the
fabrication of optical components. Light serves as a tool
for modification and patterning as well as development of
light-emitting, -guiding and –modulating optical elements.
Topics of current research are the development of photopolymers (micro-patterning, holography and anisotropic functional elements), light-emitting elements (OLEDs, laser),
components for light-modulation (optical films for LCDs,
diffractive optical elements), development of holographic
materials and elements as well as the modification of
polymer surfaces. New topics refer to PolyNanoPhotonics
(optical sensors, laser) as well as optical security features
and display technologies for multi-functional cards in the
framework of the Fraunhofer innovation cluster “Secure
Identity Berlin-Brandenburg”.
The Fraunhofer IAP offers a complete range of research
and development services for optical technologies from
synthesis, processing, structuring and modification of
polymers, and device technologies up to prototype testing based on the interdisciplinary experience of chemists,
physicists and engineers.
Optical measuring systems integrated into the clearance profile
inspection car of Deutsche Bahn
The laser-based imaging systems developed by Fraunhofer
IPM record digital information onto photographic paper,
printing plates, microfilm or cinematographic film. The
technical design of these systems is characterized by the
way the optical, mechanical, electronic and software components are matched to each other with a high degree of
accuracy. Fraunhofer IPM deploys its competencies in laser
technology in the development of holographic measuring
systems and diffractive optical elements.
The Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement Techniques IPM develops and builds optical sensor and imaging systems. These mostly laser-based systems combine
optical, mechanical, electronic and software components
to create solutions of robust design that are individually tailored to suit the conditions at the deployment site. These
customized systems enable service providers to supply
sophisticated, high-tech services. The Institute creates
functional models and prototypes for modules as well as
turn-key systems. If requested, development packages include the transfer of such models and prototypes to mass
Fraunhofer IPM develops optical measuring systems
based on absorption spectroscopy for the analysis of gas
and liquids. By using near and middle infrared radiation or
terahertz waves these systems are capable of detecting
molecules with a high degree of selectivity and sensitivity.
They are suitable for online process control, environmental
analysis and the measurement of emissions in the automotive industry. The Terahertz measuring systems can be
employed in process measuring, quality control and security systems. To ensure that the systems can be adapted
to suit particular applications, THz research at Fraunhofer
IPM also includes the development of new types of emitter
and detector components.
One key competence of Fraunhofer IPM is distance
measurement with laser-based systems. The Institute has
a good track record in the field of high-speed 2D and 3D
measuring technology, resulting in competencies in highly
dynamic signal processing. Based on this, Fraunhofer IPM
develops measuring systems for targeted maintenance
of railroad networks which are in use around the globe.
The development work for these systems is particularly
demanding as they need to be able to supply consistently
reliable and accurate measurement data even when operating in extreme environmental conditions such as rain,
dust, heat or cold.
Fraunhofer IPM develops systems for identification
in the micrometer range. One area of focus is the automated monitoring of biological samples. The systems are
designed to analyze morphological processes or detect
molecular interactions. Methods used include microscopy,
holography, interferometry, Raman spectroscopy and fluorescence measuring techniques. The systems work independently and require little maintenance, even when used
outside the laboratory environment.
Fraunhofer Institute for
Physical Measurement Techniques
Heidenhofstrasse 8
D – 79110 Freiburg
Phone +49 (0)761 - 8857 - 0
c/o TU Kaiserslautern
Erwin-Schroedinger-Straße 56
D – 67663 Kaiserslautern
Phone +49 (0)631 - 205 - 5100
Fraunhofer Institut für Angewandte Polymerforschung
Privatdozent Dr. Joachim Stumpe
Geiselbergstrasse 69
D – 14476 Golm
Phone +49(0)331 - 568 - 1259
generated surface
relief structure
in an azobenzene
polymer film:
AFM images of
relief topology (a)
and cutting of the
grating in 3D view
photograph of
the diffraction
using 633nm laser
beam (c).
J.Stumpe, Proc.
SPIE, Vol. 6999,
69990I (2008).
Neuartige Polymersysteme für optische
Das Fraunhofer IAP entwickelt optische Funktionsmaterialien, Verarbeitungs- und Strukturierungsverfahren und
optische Funktionselemente. Die Vorteile funktionaler Polymersysteme liegen in deren enormer Variationsvielfalt hinsichtlich optischer Funktionalität und Polymerdesign sowie
in kostengünstigen Verfahren zur Herstellung optischer Bauelemente. Licht dient als Werkzeug zur Strukturierung und
Modifizierung, aber auch zur Entwicklung unterschiedlicher
optischer Elemente zur Licht-Emission, -Leitung und -Modulation. Forschungsschwerpunkte sind Photopolymere (Mikrostrukturierung, Holographie, anisotrope Funktionsschichten),
Licht emittierende Komponenten (OLEDs, Laser), Komponenten für die Lichtmodulation (optische Filme für LCDs, diffraktive optische Elemente), die Entwicklung holographischer
Materialien und Funktionselemente sowie die Modifizerung
von Polymeroberflächen. Neue Aspekte betreffen die PolyNanoPhotonik (optische Sensoren und Laser) sowie optische
Sicherheitselemente und Displaytechnologien für Multifunktionskarten im Rahmen des Fraunhofer-Innovationsclusters
„Sichere Identität Berlin-Brandenburg“.
Für optische Technologien werden kundenspezifische
Entwicklungen und komplexe Lösungen von der Synthese
über die Strukturierung und Modifizierung von Polymeren
bis zur Device-Entwicklung angeboten.
Spiegeloptiken für Röntgen- und EUV-Strahlung
Mirrors for X-rays and EUV radiation
Fig. 2:
Synchrotron mirror
with tailored reflection
mit maßgeschneiderten Reflexionsbeschichtungen
Technological background
The utilization of EUV radiation and X-rays has forced the
development of completely new reflection coatings with
outstanding high precision requirements. X-ray mirrors consist of many hundred or several thousand single layers with
thicknesses in the range of 0.5 – 20 nm. This combination
of nanotechnology and optics requires specific knowledge
Motivation and applications
Due to its much shorter wavelength compared to visible
light, the technical and commercial impact of extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray radiation steadily increases. One
of the currently most important applications of mirrors for
this spectral range is the EUV lithography, the coming technology for the fabrication of integrated circuits (fig. 1). Corresponding to Moore's law, in a few years semiconductor
structures with dimensions < 22 nm have to be printed.
From today's point of view EUV lithography will be the only
cost-effective technology for high volume manufacturing.
Beyond EUV lithography, the use of X-ray and EUV mirrors
has been already well-established in synchrotron beamlines (fig. 2), X-ray diffractometers/reflectometers and in
fluorescence analysis instruments.
Bereits seit Gründung des Fraunhofer IWS im Jahr 1992
ist die Modellierung, Entwicklung, Herstellung und Erprobung von Beschichtungslösungen eine Kernkompetenz des
Institutes. Besondere Schwerpunkte sind bis zum heutigen
Zeitpunkt kohlenstoffbasierte Schichten wie DLC, ta-C und
Diamor® für tribologische Anwendungen sowie Präzisionsschichten für Röntgen- und EUV-Optiken.
and can only be successfully managed with tailored coating equipment. In order to fabricate the coatings with high
precision and reproducibility, the Fraunhofer IWS Dresden
has established various complementary technologies like
magnetron and ion beam sputter deposition and pulsed
laser deposition.
Depending on the concrete application and the resulting coating specifications the best suiting technology can
be applied. Prior to thin film coating, the surfaces of the
mirror substrates can optionally be polished or figured by
ion beam bombardment in order to obtain the maximum
performance of the mirrors (fig. 3). After this conditioning the thin film coating process follows. For typical nanometer multilayers precision and reproducibility requirements in the picometer range have to be fulfilled (1 pm =
0.000000000001 m)!
Motivation und Einsatzgebiete
Aufgrund ihrer im Vergleich zum sichtbaren Licht deutlich kürzeren Wellenlängen erlangt Strahlung des extrem ultravioletten (EUV) und Röntgenbereichs zunehmend an technischer
und wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Die derzeit prominenteste
Anwendung von Spiegeloptiken in diesem Spektralbereich
ist die EUV-Lithografie als Technologie, mit der zukünftig die
Volumenproduktion von Halbleiterchips vorgenommen wird
(Abb. 1). Die entsprechend dem sogenannten Mooreschen
Gesetz in wenigen Jahren notwendigen Strukturbreiten von
< 22 nm lassen sich kosteneffizient nur mit der EUV-Lithografie herstellen. Darüber hinaus hat sich der Einsatz von
Röntgenspiegeln an Synchrotronstrahlungsquellen (Abb. 2),
in der Röntgendiffraktometrie und –reflektometrie sowie in
der Röntgenfluoreszenzanalyse in breitem Umfang durchgesetzt.
Finally, characterization and performance tests are carried
out by reflectometry. During the research and development
phase, technologies like atomic force microscopy, electron
microscopy and stress measurements are routinely used
in order to obtain information about surface roughness,
interface quality and internal stress of the mirrors.
Technologische Hintergründe
Die Nutzung von Strahlung des EUV- und Röntgenspektralbereichs erzwingt die Entwicklung neuartiger Reflexionsschichten mit außerordentlich hohen Präzisionsanforderungen. Röntgenspiegel bestehen aus mehreren hundert bis
zu einigen tausend Einzelschichten mit Dicken im Bereich
Since its foundation in 1992 one
of the core competences of the
Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS)
Dresden is the modelling, development, fabrication and testing
of demanding coating solutions.
Particularly carbon based coatings like DLC, ta-C and Diamor®
for tribological applications as
well as precision coatings for Xray and EUV optics have been of
interest for many years.
Scheme of the
EUV lithography
Darstellung der
von 0,5 – 20 nm. Diese Kombination aus Nanotechnologie
und Optik erfordert spezielle Kenntnisse und kann nur mit
maßgeschneiderter Anlagentechnik erfolgreich bearbeitet
werden. Um die erforderlichen Schichten präzise und reproduzierbar herstellen zu können, wurden im Fraunhofer
IWS Dresden sich ergänzende Beschichtungsverfahren wie
die Magnetron- und Ionenstrahl-Sputter-Deposition sowie die
Puls-Laser-Deposition etabliert. Entsprechend dem konkreten Anwendungsfall und den daraus resultierenden Anforderungen an die Beschichtungen kommt die jeweils am besten
geeignete Technologie zum Einsatz. Vor der Beschichtung
röntgenoptischer Spiegelträger (Substrate) erfolgt optional
eine Ionenstrahlpolitur oder -konturierung der Oberflächen
(Abb. 3). Daran schließt sich der Arbeitsschritt der Präzisionsbeschichtung an. Typischerweise müssen dabei Genauigkeits- und Reproduzierbarkeitsanforderungen im Pikometerbereich (1 pm = 0,000000000001 m) erfüllt werden!
Die Charakterisierung der Spiegel erfolgt anschließend
mittels Reflektometrie. Für die Schichtentwicklung werden
darüber hinaus die Rasterkraftmikroskopie, die Elektronenmikroskopie und Eigenspannungsmessungen eingesetzt.
Fig. 3:
Surface smoothing of X-ray mirrors by ion beam polishing
Glättung von Spiegeloberflächen durch Ionenstrahlbearbeitung
IWS Dresden, Fraunhofer Institute for Material
and Beam Technology
Dr. Stefan Braun
Winterbergstraße 28
D – 01277 Dresden
Phone +49 (0)351 - 2583 - 432
Innovations and
in Industry
innoFSPEC Potsdam:
“From Molecules to Galaxies.”
Fiber-optical probe for in situ measurements
of O2 concentrations in living cells.
The fiber tip measures no more than 10 µm in diameter.
InnoFSPEC Potsdam
• undertakes fundamental research
• develops new techniques and related science
• pushes the frontiers of competitive technologies
• stimulates the dissemination of newly developed
The primary research fields of innoFSPEC
Potsdam are:
• Fiber-coupled multichannel spectroscopy
• Optical fiber-based sensing
innoFSPEC Potsdam research focuses on unique solutions
and outstanding optical fiber properties in spectroscopic
systems, such as:
• Guiding and manipulation of light within fibers
• Evanescent field effects
• Spatial and spectral multiplexing
• Distributed sensing
• Active optical fibers and fiber amplifiers
• Micro- and nanostructured fibers
• Optoelectronic integration and miniaturization
• and other future applications
The mission of innoFSPEC Potsdam is the development,
investigation and dissemination of innovative fiber-based
technologies for spectroscopy and sensing.
• collaborates with local SMEs and research labs
• supports related spin-offs
• contributes to education and training in fiber-based
The Potsdam Center for Fiber Spectroscopy and Sensing
innoFSPEC is a joint initiative of Astrophysikalisches Institut Potsdam (AIP) and the University of Potsdam (UP), which
has created a national innovation center with funding from
the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF). Within the university, the center builds upon the
competence of the Physical Chemistry group (UPPC).
Specialized optical fibers are presently making a serious impact on many scientific disciplines. They are increasingly found in novel applications in quite diverse fields, e.g.
astronomy and chemistry, as well as life, environmental and
material sciences. In an interdisciplinary research effort,
innoFSPEC Potsdam will investigate and develop new principles and applications of fiber spectroscopy and sensing.
Based on the outstanding competence portfolio of AIP and
UPPC, research projects across all scales, ranging from
galaxies to single atoms and molecules, will be pursued
using fiber-based photonics.
PMAS, the “Potsdam
Multi-Aperture Spectrophotometer”, is an innovative
fiber-optical integral field
spectrograph at the 3.5m
Zeiss telescope at Calar Alto
in southern Spain.
• Next generation astrophysical instrumentation
• Environmental sampling and testing
• Manufacturing control and process monitoring
• Medical diagnostics, non-invasive imaging, optical
• Genomics/proteomics, high throughput screening
Prof. Dr. Hans-Gerd Löhmannsröben
Institut für Chemie/Physikalische Chemie (UPPC)
Universität Potsdam
Karl-Liebknecht-Str. 24-25
(Haus 25/D210-11)
D – 14476 Potsdam-Golm
Phone +49 (0)331 - 977 - 5222
+49 (0)331 - 977 - 5058
Dr. Martin M. Roth
Astrophysikalisches Institut
Potsdam (AIP)
An der Sternwarte 16
D – 14482 Potsdam
Phone +49 (0)331 - 7499 - 313
+49 (0)331 - 7499 - 436
Innovationen und
Kompetenzen aus Unternehmen
LightTrans GmbH
Petra Wyrowski
Geschäftsführerin / Managing Director
Wildenbruchstraße 15
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49 (0)3641 - 6643 - 53
+49 (0)3641 - 6643 - 54
Die LightTrans GmbH ist als ein internationaler anerkannter
Trendsetter auf dem Gebiet der Entwicklung von elektromagnetischen optischen Systemen bekannt. Rund 10 Physiker,
Mathematiker und EDV- Experten entwickeln die Optiksimulationssoftware VirtualLab™. Dieses hoch-innovative Produkt
arbeitet auf dem soliden Fundament elektromagnetischer
Feldkerne und ermöglicht die Simulation mit global und
lokal polarisierten harmonischen elektromagnetischen Feldern. Die Modellierungstechniken sind für eine Vielzahl von
Aufgabenstellungen in der Entwicklung von optischen Systemen wie Laser-Optik, diffraktive und Mikro-Optik, hohe
NA-Systeme, Polarisations-Optik, Messtechnik sowie LED und
Excimer-Laser-Modellierung geeignet.
LightTrans GmbH is an international trendsetter in electromagnetic optical engineering. More than 10 physicists,
mathematicians and computer experts develop the optics
simulation software VirtualLab™. This highly innovative
product works on the solid fundament of an electromagnetic field kernel enabling the simulation with globally and
locally polarized harmonic electromagnetic fields. The modeling techniques are applicable to a wide range of problems
arising from optical engineering with special emphasis on
laser optics, diffractive and micro-optics, high NA systems,
polarization optics, metrology as well as LED and excimer
laser modeling.
Also, complete optical engineering services including
paraxial and non-paraxial systems for beam splitting, beam
shaping and light diffusing, are offered.
The new release of VirtualLab™ unifies modeling techniques ranging from geometrical optics to electromagnetic
approaches on one single platform. Light path diagrams
allow user friendly set up of optical systems and combines
sources, components and detectors. Dividing the package
into toolboxes allows practical and simple application in
analysis of systems, design of diffractive optical elements
and beam shapers, analysis of gratings and more.
As an integrated opto-electronics company, Jenoptik is active in the five divisions Optical Systems, Lasers & Material
Processing, Industrial Measurement, Traffic Solutions as
well as Defense & Civil Systems.
Among the customers worldwide are predominantly
companies in the semiconductor and semiconductor equipment industries, the automotive and automotive supplier
industries, medical technology, the safety and defense
technologies, as well as the aerospace technology.
Angeboten werden auch komplette Optical-EngineeringDienstleistungen einschließlich paraxiale und nicht-paraxiale
Systeme zur Strahlsplittung, Strahlformung und Verbreitung
von Licht.
Die neue Version von VirtualLab™ ermöglicht die Kombination von verschiedenen Modellierungstechniken von
geometrischer Optik bis zu elektromagnetischen Ansätzen
auf einer einzigen Plattform. Light-Path-Diagramme erlauben
den nutzerfreundlichen Aufbau von optischen Systemen und
kombinieren Lichtquellen, Komponenten und Detektoren. Die
Aufteilung des Softpaketes in Toolboxen schafft die Voraussetzung für eine praktische und übersichtliche Anwendung
bei der Analyse von Systemen, dem Design von diffraktiven
optischen Elementen und Strahlformern, der Analyse von
Gittern und mehr.
With its division Optical Systems Jenoptik is among the
few manufacturers worldwide producing precision optics
for highest quality demands. This division is partner in
the development and production of optical, micro-optical
and optical coating components, opto-mechanical and optoelectronic units, assemblies and systems – made from
glass, crystal and plastic. Exceptional competencies exist
in the development and manufacture of micro –optics for
beam shaping.
With its Lasers & Material Processing division, Jenoptik
one of the leading suppliers of laser technology – from
components to complete systems. This division specializes
in diode lasers and innovative solid state lasers, e.g., disk
and fiber lasers. These lasers are developed for customer
applications and, upon request, integrated into complete
systems for material processing.
In industrial measurement technology, Jenoptik belongs
to the leading manufacturers and system suppliers for
high-precision, both contact and contact-free, production
measurement technology. The portfolio includes complete
solutions for the testing of roughness, contours, form and
the determination of dimensions – in-process and postprocess, or in the measurement laboratory.
In addition, Jenoptik is a leading vendor of components
and systems in traffic safety technology. Speed and traffic
light monitoring systems, partially operated autonomously,
increase traffic safety. With the entry into traffic service
providing in North America in 2006, Jenoptik now covers
the entire process chain in traffic safety technology.
In the Defense & Civil Systems division, Jenoptik combines electrics/electronics and mechanics with laser sensors, optics and opto-electronics into complex systems
– for security and defense technology, the aerospace industry, as well as the transportation industry.
Carl-Zeiß-Straße 1
D – 07739 Jena
Phone +49 (0)3641 - 65 - 0
+49 (0)3641 - 424514
LT Ultra-Precision
Technology GmbH
LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH has quickly gained
reputation among various national and international companies in the field of laser-machining and metrology. It is
the same with aero-/hydrostatic stages, spindles and ultraprecision machines. These are often customer specific solutions for the semiconductor- or the optical industry and
specifications are derived from the parts to be machined.
In this way, know-how in the field of air- and hydrostatic
bearings, the machining of metal optics and the manufacture of ultra-precision machines complement each other to
the benefit of our customers.
Obwohl erst im Jahre 1995 gegründet, hat sich LT UltraPrecision Technology GmbH mittlerweile zu einem der führenden Hersteller von Hochleistungs-Metalloptiken, Ultrapräzisionsmaschinen, aero- und hydrostatischen Lagern und
Führungen sowie Strahlführungskomponenten entwickelt.
Neben der Serienfertigung von optischen Oberflächen auf
NE- Metallen, Kunststoffen und Kristallen mit Formgenauigkeiten im Bereich von 0.0001 mm, werden in Zusammenarbeit mit den Kunden auch spezifische Lösungen innovativ
erarbeitet und realisiert. Eingehende Beratung, Betreuung,
Schulung und ein umfangreicher After-Sales-Service runden
das Programm ab.
Die LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH hat sich in kürzester Zeit bei vielen nationalen und internationalen Firmen
im Bereich der Laser- Materialbearbeitung und der Messtechnik einen Namen als zuverlässiger Lieferant und Partner
gemacht. Gleiches gilt für den Bereich der aero- bzw. hydrostatisch gelagerten Rundtische und Linearführungen. Komplexe Ultra-Präzisionsmaschinen sind oft kundenspezifische
Sondermaschinen für die Halbleiter- und Optikindustrie, deren Spezifikationen wesentlich von den Bauteilen bestimmt
werden, die später mit diesen Maschinen bearbeitet werden
sollen. So ergänzen sich Know-How aus Luftlagerfertigung,
Optikherstellung und dem Bau von Ultrapräzisionsmaschinen zum Vorteil unserer Kunden.
Luftlager und Metall-Optiken
MMC 1100 Z2, UP-Bearbeitungszentrum
Freedom to Move
Founded in 1990 miCos GmbH is now developing, manufacturing and selling state-of-the-art systems in the range of
micropositioning. 10 years ago miCos started to develop
parallel kinematic systems, like a hexapod (see picture
These devices have the great benefit, that the turning
point (Pivot) can be varied by software. Stacked axes are
on the contrary fixed in the turning point and have the
specific problem, that yaw and pitch errors are dominating
the accuracy of the adjustment, which cannot be accepted
in several applications.
The new designed SpaceFab generation BS-3000 will
be more compact and enables to adjust 3 rotations with
10° and 3 translations with 25,4 mm in the standard setup. The high dynamic movement results in short processing
times. The repeatability is 1 μm and the resolution is less
than 50 nm. The modular design with standard axes enables the user to create new spacefabs for specific applications with different travel ranges. Also in other temperature
and pressure ranges up to UHV, the SpaceFab design can
Founded in 1995, LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH has
become one of the leading manufacturers of high performance metal optics, ultra precision machines and aero-/
hydrostatic bearing components as well as beam delivery
components. In addition to the serial production of optical
surfaces on non ferrous metals, plastics and crystals with
shape accuracies in the range of 0.0001 mm, customer
specific solutions are elaborated in close co-operation with
our customers. Extensive consulting-, support-, trainingand after-sales services round out the program.
LT Ultra-Precision Technology GmbH
Aftholderberg, Wiesenstr. 9
D - 88634 Herdwangen-Schönach
Phone +49 (0)7552 - 40599 - 0
+49 (0)7552 - 40599 - 50
FAB SF-3000
offer several advantages, such as compact setup fitting to
a vacuum chamber (see picture) or sample adjustments,
which cannot be realized with standard setups.
Help to solve your problems
MiCos offers also a wide range of precision stages and new
generation controllers. Together with application, relevant
know-how miCos can solve most of the requests of optical
measurements and general applications from micro- and
nanotechnologies. These mentioned features enables miCos to build complete turn-key machines including laser,
beam transforming, detecting and imaging, which qualifies
the customer to control the system via customized software even in production processes.
In telecommunication, semiconductor industry, sensors, lasertechnology, biotechnology& health care and
Space industry multiple customers profit from the high
competence of miCos.
miCos provides comprehensive customer support, systems integration and after-sales service and is prepared
to support our customers in future technologies in the
nanoworld. Additonally to these motion control based solutions we are also designing laser systems for education.
The 24 systems are especially designed for practical work
at universities. The systems are delivered together with a
detailed manual and allows to understand and “feel” the
principal of lasers or optical measurements.
miCos GmbH
Freiburgerstr. 30
D 79427 Eschbach
Phone +49 (0)7634 - 5057 - 0
+49 (0)7634 - 5057 - 393
Successful Solutions
– with Cutting Edge Technologies
LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
D – 07745 Jena
+49 (0)3641 - 2944 - 54
+49 (0)3641 - 2944 - 79
At LIMOs headquarters in Dortmund, Germany, an international team of more than 220 engineers, physicists,
technicians and many other specialized staff develops,
manufactures and sells innovative micro optics and laser
We regard ourselves as strategic partner to leading companies using laser photons. Our mission is to make business
partners in the material processing & photonic industries
more successful with cutting edge technologies.
Our in-house produced refractive micro optics ensure high
efficiency for customized beam shaping. That guarantees
lower failure rates, lower electricity consumption, reduced
cooling requirements and a longer life time. Our laser system technology products are used in industries like:
• medical technologies
• photonics (pumping)
• automotive
• flat panel displays
• photovoltaics
Since its foundation in 1996 LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH
has become one of the leading OEM-suppliers for air cooled
Ar-Ion lasers, He-Ne-lasers and solid state lasers. The main
target markets are bioanalytics and medical instrumentation. The lasers systems were also applied in imaging,
interferometry, spectroscopy and science and education.
Especially in the field of confocal laser scanning microscopy LASOS is the world’s largest supplier for laser sources.
Today LASOS has about 60 highly skilled employees ensuring high quality manufacturing of the well established
products as well as the continuous development of new
laser systems especially diode pumped solid state lasers
and high quality diode laser modules. A constant high-level
quality is ensured by a quality management certified according EN ISO 9001.
LASOS’ strength is the establishment of close relations to the customer enabling a custom-tailored product
development. Because of this customer proximity LASOS
is able to react promptly on changing market requirements.
Besides the standard products LASOS offers a wide range
of customized solutions leading from laser modules to
complete optical sub-systems. To give the customers the
best service and quickest response and process orders
locally LASOS has posted representatives and distributors
all over the world.
Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1996 entwickelte sich die LASOS
Lasertechnik GmbH aus Jena zu einem führenden OEMLieferanten von luftgekühlten Argon-Ionen und Helium-Neon
Lasern sowie Festkörperlasern. Die Hauptzielmärkte von LASOS sind die Bioanalytik und die medizinische Messtechnik..
Weitere Anwendungen liegen im Bereich von Bildbelichtung,
Interferometrie, Spektroskopie sowie Forschung und Lehre.
Speziell auf dem Gebiet der konfokalen Laser-Scanning Mikroskopie ist LASOS der weltweit größte Anbieter von Laserquellen. Heute beschäftigt LASOS ca. 60 hoch qualifizierte
Mitarbeiter, die sowohl die qualitätsgerechte Fertigung des
etablierten Produktprogramms gewährleisten, als auch an
der Neuentwicklung von Laserquellen, insbesondere von
Festkörperlasern und hochwertigen Laserdioden-Modulen,
arbeiten. Eine gleichbleibend hohe Qualität der Produkte
sichert dabei das EN ISO 9001 zertifizierte Qualitätsmanagement. Die Stärke von LASOS sind die engen Kundenbeziehungen, die es ermöglichen, eine auf den Kunden
abgestimmte Produktentwicklung zu betreiben. Diese Kundennähe versetzt LASOS in die Lage, flexibel auf die Markterfordernisse zu reagieren. Neben dem Standardprogramm
bietet LASOS auch eine große Anzahl kundenspezifischer Lösungen, vom Lasermodul bis hin zum kompletten optischen
Subsystem an. Ein weltweites Netz von Distributoren sorgt
für bestmöglichen Service bei der Auftragsabwicklung vor
Ort und eine schnelle Reaktion auf Kundenanfragen.
Diode-Pumped Solid State Lasers for Bioanalytics
Diodengepumpte Festkörperlaser für die Bioanalytik
Manufacturing of
Solid State Lasers
in the Clean Room
FestkörperlaserFertigung im
Micro optics & optical systems
We develop and produce wafer-based optical components
and systems, suitable for cost-effective mass production of
premium lenses and customized beam shaping solutions.
These systems guarantee uniformity up to 99%. Our patented manufacturing process uses only high-quality glass
and crystals for a long lifetime. We are world-market leader
in refractive micro optics and have been awarded for this
technology with the “world’s first innovation award”. (Innovationspreis der deutschen Wirtschaft 2007) We offer
as well complete optical systems for the following industries.
• flat panel displays
• micro lithography
• photonics (beam shaping for all high power
laser systems)
• photovoltaics
High power diode lasers, laser complete systems
& laser workstations
LIMOs diode lasers impress with highest brightness and a
robust industrial design.
All high-efficient and long-lasting laser modules are
also available as complete systems for any application.
Technical service & consulting
Altogether we offer full service in every way: Whether you
need customized assembly, installations-, maintenanceand repair-services or an engineering seminar, a feasibility
study or methodical project management, LIMO is able to
provide exactly what you require.
For the various fields of applications for laser materials
processing, we have installed an Applications Center that
shows you the advantages of the LIMO technologies. The
flexible design of the Applications Center also allows shortterm customer-specific technology testing and training on
new systems. In this Applications Center, we demonstrate
our solutions "live" in use in a suitable environment - from
individual laser systems to complete materials processing
LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH
Bookenburgweg 4 – 8
D – 44319 Dortmund
Phone +49 (0)231 - 22241 - 0
+49 (0)231 - 22241 - 301
Omicron Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
Innovative Products
488nm lasers with direct modulation
The new diode laser series "Bluephoton® 488" is setting
trends in the 488nm wavelength. Particularly for biotechnological applications, this new product family is the first
choice. In comparison with traditional Argon gas lasers and
DPSS lasers, the "Bluephoton® 488" offers numerous advantages: Through the extremely fast direct analog modula-
tion capability up to 350 MHz, there is no longer any need
to use opto-acoustic modulators (AOM´s). As a result, the
Omicron diode lasers with 488 nm diodes are smaller and
more cost-effective. In addition, with a power of 20mW, they
are characterized by improved efficiency in power consumption and have a longer lifetime. In the proprietary Deepstar®
version, the laser offers an outstanding modulation depth
of >>2.500.000:1, which is a very important advantage
for all applications where no residual light is allowed in
the “OFF”-moment during modulation. A significant feature
of the Omicron diode laser in the new wavelength is the
system operational-readiness in less than two minutes.
Furthermore, the astigmatism is compensated by the use
of the innovative Omicron optics. This archives not only a
round beam with a diameter of approximately one millimeter 1/e2 but also an absolutely round focus.
Further unique products are the Blue-/Redphoton®
WavelengthStabilised lasers as well as the Dual- and
TripleWavelength lasers which combine two or three laser
wavelengths in one co-linear laser beam.
Omicron, located in Rodgau in the Rhein-Main area, develops and produces state-of-the-art diode lasers and DPSS
lasers for the industry. Founded in 1989, Omicron is a well
established company which has succeeded in positioning
itself as a market leader in the area of laser diode systems
and laser applications within a relatively short time-span.
Examples are the successful LDM-Series diode lasers and
the lasers of the FK-LA-Series which were developed for
high-end laser applications such as Computer to Plate
(CtP), DVD mastering, wafer inspection, microscopy and
reprography. Continuing to develop products in order to remain a step ahead of current standards is an integral part
of omicrons philosophy. One secret behind the success is
the modular principle Omicron uses for construction. This
is to great advantage for the customer since it allows for
an easy integration of both LDM- and FK-LA series lasers
in existing and new machines, so that adjustments in accordance with customers' wishes can be made at any given
point in time. Omicron guarantees its customers intensive
support, effective R&D and on-site assistance during the
integration of laser products in existing systems.
Flexible Lasers and LED Light Sources for Industry and Science
Innovative Technology, Precision
and Quality of RAYLASE AG
Omicron Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
Raiffeisenstr. 5e
D – 63110 Rodgau
Phone +49 (0)6106 - 8224 - 0
+49 (0)6106 - 8224 - 10
As a global market leader RAYLASE develops and manufactures galvanometerscanner based components and
subsystems for laser beam deflection, modulation and
control. Since its foundation in April 1999, RAYLASE has
been facing the challenges in this field and supplying the
market with innovative, high performance and quality scan
DIN EN ISO 9001:2000 standard certified RAYLASE offers customized solutions for the increasing requirements
of laser technology in many industries such as automotive,
electronics, packaging, textiles, security and solar. In these
and other industries laser technology is used for diverse
applications like cutting, marking, perforating and welding
of plastics, metal, glass, textiles, paper and many other
In addition to robust and reliable 2-axis laser beam
deflection units and 3-axis laser beam subsystems, RAYLASE offers customers the right combination of application
software and control electronics to accompany them at
exceptional value in a one-stop solution.
Thanks to the own application laboratory which is
equipped with Nd:YAG laser, Double-Frequency Nd:YAG laser, UV laser and CO2 laser several applications can be
• Processing of material with XY-deflection units and FTheta objective for general applications of small and
middle working fields
• CO2 processing of material with 3-axis subsystem AXIALSCAN for general applications for smaller (100 x 100
mm) and larger (1.5 x 1.5 m) working fields. Really
small spot sizes are possible, e.g. 300 μm in a 500 x
500 mm working field. This offers a really fast processing of different kinds of material.
• Processing on-the-fly with XY-deflection unit for demonstration of cutting, perforating and kiss-cutting
• Processing with PowStab®, AOM and XY-deflection unit
for applications which need an extremely stable input
power entry into the material
• Processing with I-PCD® and XY-deflection unit for applications which need a constant energy input into the
material at any velocity of the laser focus on the target.
After applications are done customers receive a recommendation for the most suitable solution.
After Sales Service is extremely important to keep our
customers systems running. RAYLASE offers repair work
within one week after goods have arrived at our facilities
in Weßling. If required we are able to repair any product
within 24 hours. Moreover we offer on-site service which
reduces downtime. Offering loan systems during repair are
one more advantage.
With the foundation of a Representative Office in early
2007 in Shenzhen (China), our customers can now also
benefit from our services in the Asia region. In addition to
Asia, the Russian Federation and the USA are further target
markets where we are increasing our level of involvement.
International sales are handled by a worldwide network of
distributors and representatives, offering global know-how
and local expertise.
Argelsrieder Feld 2+4
D – 82234 Wessling
Phone +49 (0)8153 - 88 98 - 0
+49 (0)8153 - 88 98 - 10
Kraftgeregelte Nahtführung
durch Zusatzdraht für Laser- und Lichtbogenprozesse
Bearbeitungsköpfe von Scansonic können mit geringem
Aufwand in bestehende Anlagen integriert werden. Die Einbindung der Geräte erfolgt über den Anlagenfeldbus oder im
einfachsten Fall über digitale Ein- und Ausgänge. Bahnabweichungen im Prozess werden über integrierte Sensoren als
Daten erfasst und so für Qualitätssicherungsmaßnahmen
zugänglich. Innerhalb des modularen Konzepts Scapacs®
steht eine Vielzahl zusätzlicher Komponenten, für eine
optimale Anpassung an Ihre Anforderungen, bereit. Hierzu
zählen Module wie: Temperaturüberwachung der optischen
Komponenten, Schutzgaszuführungen, Drahtzuführungen,
spezielle Strahlformungen, etc.
Die durchgängig modulare Bauweise ermöglicht individuelles, prozessgerechtes Konfigurieren des Bearbeitungskopfes. Die permanente Weiter- und Neuentwicklung kompatibler Module gewährleistet zudem ein zukunftssicheres
System und permanenten Technologievorsprung.
Adaptive Bearbeitungsköpfe
Nahtführungssysteme werden bei bekannten Schweißverfahren, wie Laser-, LaserHybrid-, Plasma und MIG/MAG
eingesetzt, um die fertigungsbedingten Toleranzen und dynamischen Einflüsse der Wärmeeinbringung auszugleichen.
Mechanische Nahtführung reduziert den Aufwand zur Korrektur der Roboter- / Portalprogrammierung erheblich und
sorgt für mehr Prozessstabilität.
Das von Scansonic entwickelte, patentierte Nahtführverfahren basiert auf einem einfachen und robusten Arbeitsprinzip: Der beim Fügen für die Nahtbildung benötigte
Zusatzdraht wird als mechanischer Taster eingesetzt. Mit
definierter Kraft in den Fügestoß gedrückt und im Brennpunkt abgeschmolzen, positioniert und führt der Zusatzdraht
den Bearbeitungskopf präzise über der Naht. Da die Kontur
der Naht am Rand des Schmelzpunktes abgetastet wird, ist
keine Vorlaufkompensation erforderlich. Kein anderes Verfahren erzeugt derzeit Kehl- und Bördelnähte vergleichbarer
Qualität. Speziell am Nahtende und bei 3D Konturen zeigen
sich die Vorteile des Scansonic-Prinzips. Abweichungen in
der Lage der Fügestöße gleichen die Köpfe in einem Toleranzbereich von einigen Millimetern selbsttätig und unabhängig von der programmierten Roboterbahn aus.
Für die konstruktive Auslegung von Bauteilen ergeben
sich vielfältige neue Möglichkeiten. Durch die Kenntnis des
genauen Prozessortes lassen sich optimale Prozessparameter finden.
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lasers made with
“A Passion for Precision.”
All colors direct from diode laser solutions,
now even 50 mW @ 488 nm
TOPTICA Photonics, based in Munich, Germany and Rochester, USA, develops, manufactures, and sales world-wide
lasers for scientific and industrial applications, either directly or via a global distribution network. The key point of
the company philosophy is the close cooperation between
latest research and the actual customer needs to meet
the requirements for leading-edge laser and laser system
solutions. We are proud to have not only some of the best
high-tech companies of the world but also nearly a dozen
of Nobel Laureates as our esteemed customers. Research
technology of today is matured by TOPTICA for being introduced into new level products for industrial applications.
TOPTICA is ISO-certified and provides full manufacturing
capabilities also for the production phase.
Based on our profound experience in diode and fiber
laser technology, scientific and OEM customers alike appreciate the sophisticated performance of our systems as
well as their long lifetime, high reliability and stability.
TOPTICA Photonics AG, zu Hause in München und in Rochester, USA, entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt weltweit Laser
für den wissenschaftlichen und industriellen Einsatz, entweder direkt oder durch ein globales Distributionsnetzwerk.
Der wesentliche Punkt in der Firmenphilosophie ist die enge
Verzahnung von aktueller Forschung und den drängenden
Bedürfnissen an neuartigen kundenangepasster Laser- und
Wir sind stolz darauf nicht nur einige der renommiertesten HighTech-Firmen der Welt zu unseren Kunden zählen zu
dürfen, sondern auch ein Dutzend aktueller Nobelpreisträger. Forschung von heute wird von TOPTICA für die Produkte
von morgen aufgenommen und zur Marktreife gebracht. TOPTICA bietet den Kunden dazu hochwertige Kapazitäten für
die anschließende Einführung und Produktionsphase eines
neuen Produktes. TOPTICA ist in allen Funktionsbereichen
nach ISO 2001 zertifiziert.
Durch unsere langjährige Erfahrung im Bereich von Dioden- und Faserlasertechnologie können wir sowohl wissenschaftlichen als auch OEM Kunden einfachsten Zugang zu
innovativen Produkten und Systemen bieten, mit besonderer
Berücksichtigung der Anforderungen an Stabilität und lange
Letzte Neuerung bei TOPTICA
TOPTICA hat in den letzten Jahren das Angebot an ultrakurzgepulsten Faserlaserlösungen ständig ausgebaut. Ein besonderer Anwendungsschwerpunkt liegt hier in der Biophotonik,
einem Bereich, der in den nächsten Jahren weiter ausgebaut
Latest development at TOPTICA
TOPTICA has been extending its offering of ultra-short
pulsed fiber laser technology over the last few years significantly. A specific emphasis of TOPTICA’s activities has
been put on biophotonics solutions and this activity will be
extended over the next years.
Scansonic IPT GmbH
Rudolf-Baschant-Str. 2
D – 13086 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 912074 - 10
+49 (0)30 - 912074 - 29
Adaptive Laserbearbeitungsoptik mit mechanischer
TOPTICA Photonics AG
Lochhamer Schlag 19
D – 82166 Gräfelfing
Phone +49 (0)89 - 85837 - 0
+49 (0)89 - 85837 - 200
Tunable THz solutions for security or material screening made by
Hybrid- und
Mikrosystemtechnik für
Optische Baugruppen
AudioDev – Process Evaluation
and Quality Assurance
by Spectral Measurement
The ETA-ARC-AT system measures the reflection of coatings on the front side of the object while fully suppressing
reflection from its rear side. The system is contact-free,
so even delicate objects are handled without damage. Not
least, ETA-ARC-AT can be fully automated, to further improve process efficiency. Contact AudioDev today to learn
more about the quality assurance and process evaluation
solutions that we provide for your industry. If you face a
specific challenge, our staff is more than happy to help you
to achieve the capabilities you need.
AudioDev GmbH
Thin Film Metrology
Borsigstr. 78
D – 52525 Heinsberg
Phone +49 (0)2452 - 9600110
+49 (0)2452 - 64433
Microsystems technology (MEMS) combines processes of micro
electronics, micro optics and micro mechanics. Pick & Place,
bonding and micro packaging are technologies for the production
of microsystems.
Application example – Precision Optics
Lenses for precision optics as well as ophthalmic applications involve several production steps. Many applications
require the deposition of anti-reflection (AR) coatings and,
regarding quality assurance, customers are particularly
sensitive to the following issues:
• Inability to measure single surface rest reflectance of
the coated lens without destructive preparation of the
object’s rear surface.
• High material cost and preparation time for plano-parallel witness pieces to verify coating properties.
• The inaccurate representation of coating properties on
the actual lens when measuring witness pieces.
• Inability to characterize coating properties on the lenses that are actually sold, which adversely affects the
lens’s saleability.
We have helped trend-setting precision optics companies
to solve these issues by providing the following capabilities:
1. Reduced cost
• No need for time consuming, destructive sample
• Reduced or even eliminated use of witness
2. Improved saleability
• Measure the actual lens instead of a witness
Comprehensive quality assurance is the key to high product quality. But manufacturers must simultaneously ensure
cost-effective production. This is especially true in industries that utilize coatings, where minor variations in coating
thickness or uniformity can lead to product quality failure.
AudioDev is a world leader in comprehensive quality assurance solutions for specialized industries. We offer highprecision analyzers, backed by proactive customer support,
training, and TestCenters around the world.
Since acquiring ETA-Optik in 2007, we have focused on
growth and improved customer service for our Thin Film
Metrology business unit. The ETA product name stands for
robust, reliable spectral measurements as well as application competence and know-how in development of nondestructive quality assurance and cost-effective process
evaluation for a range of industries.
Industries we serve with products and customized solutions are:
• Automotive
• Flat Panel Displays
• Optical Media
• Precision Optics
• Solar
• Technical Glass
Our product range incorporates spectral solutions for inline
and offline measurement of:
• Reflectance
• Transmittance
• Absorbance
• Layer Thickness
• Color
Hybrid and MEMS
Technology for
Optical Components
Mixing the different types – hybridising – creates variability.
In science, a hybrid is a creature that has formed through
crossing. In electronics, it is an assembly created by using
various processes and integrated as well as discrete components, which generates new desired attributes.
For us, hybrid technology is more than ceramics-based
packaging of integrated circuits. It is an innovation strategy. Our intelligent electronic components adjust to the
micro worlds surrounding them. The Micro Hybrid Electronic
GmbH specialises in particular habitats (small spatially definable units), such as the application in extreme temperatures, severe environmental conditions and in the smallest
of spaces.
Life forms from Micro Hybrid exist on Mars: Onboard the
Mars-Rover, modules in thick-film technology make sure the
Mößbauer spectrometer can operate despite temperature
differences between -10 to -100°C, enabling it to retrieve
samples of the mars surface. Micro sensors in anaesthesia apparatuses perform the analysis of components in the
breathing air. At high speeds in the ICE, sensor modules
are steady companions. The habitats of our custom circuits
and micro sensors are high-tech companies in the fields
of automotive industry, aerospace, industry electronics and
medical technology.
Micro-Hybrid Electronic GmbH
Heinrich-Hertz-Straße 8
D – 07629 Hermsdorf
Phone +49 (0)36601 - 592 - 100
+49 (0)36601 - 592 - 110
Durch die Mischung zwischen Arten - Hybridisierung - entsteht Variabilität. Ein Hybrid ist in der Naturwissenschaft
ein Lebewesen, das durch Kreuzung entstanden ist. In der
Elektronik ist er ein aus unterschiedlichen Prozessen und
aus integrierten sowie diskreten Bauteilen zusammengesetztes Ensemble, das neue erwünschte Eigenschaften
Hybridtechnik ist für uns mehr als „Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik auf Keramikbasis“, sie ist eine Innovationsstrategie. Unsere intelligenten elektronischen Bauteile passen sich ihren Mikrowelten an. Die Micro-Hybrid Electronic
GmbH ist spezialisiert auf besondere Biotope (räumlich abgrenzbare kleine Einheiten), wie Applikationen bei extremen
Temperaturen, harten Umweltbedingungen und kleinsten
Lebensformen aus der Micro-Hybrid existieren auf dem
Mars: Module in Dickschichttechnik sorgen bei täglichen
Temperaturunterschieden von -10 bis -100 Grad Celsius für
das Funktionieren des Mößbauer Spektrometers für Bodenproben an Bord der Mars-Rover. Die Analyse der Atemluftbestandteile vollziehen Mikrosensoren in Anästhesie-Geräten. Bei Hochgeschwindigkeit im ICE sind Sensor-Module
unerschütterliche Begleiter. Habitat (Lebensraum) unserer
kundenspezifischen Schaltungen und Mikrosensoren sind
Hochtechnologie-Unternehmen der Branchen Automobilindustrie, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Industrieelektronik und Medizintechnik.
Our high sensitive multi channel thermopiles we developed especially for NDIR gas measuring systems with high precision. At the
application of one / three channels qualified for different gases by
filters and a reference channel nether dust, smoke or changes at
the IR source have any influences at the measuring value.
Company Profile and Mission
• to be the worldwide technology leader in optical test
• to provide our customers with innovative products at
affordable prices
• to develop products being recognized as excellent in
design and engineering
• to co-operate interactively with our customers, to carefully assess their needs and listen to their suggestions.
The development of innovative solutions in many fields of
optical testing allowed TRIOPTICS to achieve a prominent
presence on the international market. Our success is the
result of the commitment and dedication of our employees.
The TRIOPTICS staff consists of highly qualified physicists,
optical, electronic and mechanical engineers, software developers and experienced technicians for precision assembly work. TRIOPTICS maintains a close contact to local
universities and creates opportunities for many students
to complete their thesis within our company.
TRIOPTICS is represented by own subsidiaries in France,
UK, Japan, China and USA, and other representatives in
all relevant countries for optical test equipment. Our long
relationship with large multinationals allows us to develop
innovative products according to new market needs.
ZYGO designs, manufactures, and distributes high-end optical systems and components for metrology and end-user
applications. ZYGO's metrology systems are based on optical interferometry measuring displacement, surface figure,
and optical wavefront. Metrology and optical markets for
end-user and OEM applications include semiconductor
capital equipment, aerospace/defense, automotive, and
metrology task, including a low-magnification 1.0X, a highmagnification 100X. The NewView 7000 Series can resolve
sub-micron X-Y features, and profile areas on large areas
with image stitching on a motorized stage.
VeriFire™ Series of Interferometers
ZYGO's VeriFire™ Series further exceeds the performance
of our industry-standard GPI products with capabilities and
For over 15 years TRIOPTICS GmbH is known as leading
manufacturer of optical test equipment. The company has
focused on research and development of accurate and fully
PC-controlled optical test instruments for industrial and
scientific use.
ImageMaster® PRO Wafer -- market leader in testing mobile
phone and digital camera objectives
• The WaveMaster® is a new instrument providing realtime wave front analysis of spherical and aspherical
optics. The range of applications covers lenses for digital cameras, contact and intra ocular lenses, pick-up
lenses for CD/DVD appliances and many more.
• ImageMaster® is the most comprehensive line of MTFequipment for complete characterization of lenses and
optical systems in any spectral range UV, VIS and IR.
Ultra fast for production testing, ultra accurate for lab
and research, leadership in testing mobile phone and
digital cameras.
• The OptiCentric® family comprises tools for the precise and fully automatic centering, cementing, bonding and assembly of lenses and optical systems. It
includes the measurement of the individual centering
errors of multi-lens objectives in mounted conditions.
• OptiSpheric® is the industry’s standard for integrated
optical testing. It provides fast and reliable test results
of almost all relevant optical parameters, i.e. effective
focal length (EFL), modulation transfer function (MTF),
back focal length (BFL), radius of curvature, flange focal length (FFL). Extension modules include multi-wavelength and intra ocular lens (IOL) testing.
• TriAngle® is the electronic autocollimator series of TRIOPTICS and provides excellent accuracy and repeatability of angle measurement.
• PrismMaster® is the first really automatic goniometer
featuring ultra-accurate angle measurements of prisms,
polygons and other plano optics.
• The SpectroMaster® is the very latest new product
development of TRIOPTICS. It offers high accuracy measurement of the refractive index of prims in all spectral
ranges UV, VIS and IR.
the whole spectrum
of optical metrology…
ImageMaster® PRO
Wafer tests thousand of
wafer-level lenses
in seconds
TRIOPTICS further supplies standard optical test tools like
spherometers, autocollimators, collimators, telescopes,
dioptermeters, alignment telescopes etc.
Hafenstrasse 35 - 39
D – 22880 Wedel
Phone +49 (0)4103 - 18006 - 0
+49 (0)4103 - 18006 - 20
NewView 7000 - 3D optical profiler
ZygoLOT, based in Darmstadt, as a joint venture between
Zygo Corp. and LOT-Oriel GmbH has a long history and high
level of competence with optical metrology and as a system
integrator understands how to apply ZYGO technologies to
best serve our customers all over Europe.
Optical Profilometers The NewView 7000 Series of optical profilers are powerful
tools for characterizing and quantifying surface roughness,
step heights, critical dimensions, and other topographical
features with excellent precision and accuracy. All measurements are non-destructive and fast and require no
sample preparation. Profile heights ranging from <1 nm
up to 15000 μm can be measured at high speed. Based on
patented scanning technology, the NewView 7000 Series
delivers up to 0.1 nm height resolution - independent of
surface texture, magnification, or feature height - all in a
single scan, and for every measurement!
A complete line of standard and Super-Long-Working-Distance (SLWD) objectives are available to meet almost any
features that include mechanical phase acquisition, superior optics quality, high-resolution CCD cameras, vibration
correction software, aspheric surface metrology and patented artefact suppression technology. While all VeriFire
models can perform standard interferometric metrology,
each model offers unique capabilities that set it apart in
the industry.
ULTRASPHERE /50 Transmission Spheres
The new ZYGO Ultrasphere product is designed to enable
surface form metrology with an uncertainty in the RMS
of ≤3.2 nm (λ/200 at 633nm) when used with a ZYGO
ZygoLOT GmbH
Im Tiefen See 58
D – 64293 Darmstadt
Phone +49 (0)6151 - 8806 - 27
II-VI Deutschland GmbH –
a strong partner for
Industrial Laseroptics
II-VI Deutschland GmbH –
ein starker Partner
für Industrielaser-Optiken
Your Partner for Optical Solutions
Spectrum of Berliner Glas Group
Photonics and Systems
Leistungsprofil Systemkompetenz
der Berliner Glas Gruppe.
BERLINER GLAS ist einer der führenden Anbieter Europas
für die Entwicklung und Fertigung präziser optischer Schlüsselkomponenten, optischer Baugruppen oder komplexer optischer Systeme. Mit innovativen Optik-Lösungen – von der
Entwicklung bis zur Serie – unterstützt die BERLINER GLAS
GRUPPE die optischen Anforderungen in der Informationstechnologie und Kommunikation, der industriellen Sensorik,
Halbleiterindustrie und Biotechnologie und Medizin.
• systems engineering
• optical and mechanical design
• coating design
• lenses: spherical, cylindrical, aspherical
• plano and prism optics
• microstructures
• holographic gratings
• special coatings (DUV, UV, VIS and NIR)
• optical assemblies
• opto-mechanical assemblies
• lens systems
• opto-mechanical systems
• electro-optical systems
• integration of optics, mechanics and electronics
• Systementwicklung
• Optisches und mechanisches Design
• Beschichtungs-Design
• Rundoptik: sphärisch, zylindrisch, asphärisch
• Planoptik
• Mikrostrukturierung
• Holografische Gitter
• Spezielle Beschichtungen (DUV, UV, VIS und NIR)
• optische Baugruppen
• opto-mechanische Baugruppen
• Linsensysteme
• opto-mechanische Systeme
• elektro-optische Systeme
• Integration von Optik, Mechanik und Elektronik
BERLINER GLAS is certified to DIN ISO 9001 and DIN ISO
14001. Dedicated to photonics, 950 well-trained and experienced employees in Germany, Switzerland, the United
States and China work on the invaluable use of light in its
highest functionality.
BERLINER GLAS ist zertifiziert nach DIN ISO 9001 und DIN
ISO 14001. Mit rund 950 gut ausgebildeten und erfahrenen
Mitarbeitern in Deutschland, der Schweiz, den USA und China garantiert die BERLINER GLAS GRUPPE den Einsatz des
Lichtes in höchster Funktionalität.
Nd:YAG- / Nd:YLF-laser crystal
Nd:YAG- / Nd:YLF-Laserkristall
II-VI Deutschland GmbH is the leading company with respect to high-power optics for industrial CO2- and YAG-Lasers since more than 30 years now.
Under industrial conditions Zinkselenide (ZnSe), Zinksulfide (ZnS), Cadmiumtelluride (CdTe), Yttrium-AluminiumGranat (YAG), Ceramic YAG and Siliciumcarbide (SiC) are
produced. Other laser-optical materials – for example Germanium (Ge), Gallium-Arsenide (GaAs), Silicium (Si), Aluminium (Al) and Copper (Cu) – are machined. From those
high precision laser optics and optical components are
developed and produced for serial application.
We produce highly precise laser optics – for example
laser resonator optics, focussing lenses and focussing mirrors – with miscellaneous geometries and coatings. Anti reflections coatings (with very low absorption) as well as high
reflecting and phase-shifting coatings are manufactured at
all locations world wide in unique quality and tested accordingly before they are sent to our customers.
For laser scanner systems F-Theta lenses (-systems) as
well as tilted mirrors and beam expanders are produced.
Metal optics (with sometimes very complex surface
geometries) are produced up to a fraction of micrometers
by computer controlled diamond machining.
Die II-VI Deutschland GmbH ist seit mehr als 30 Jahren führend auf dem Gebiet der Höchstleistungsoptiken für industrielle CO2- und YAG-Laser.
Unter Industriebedingungen werden Zinkselenid (ZnSe),
Zinksulfid (ZnS), Kadmiumtellurid (CdTe), Yttrium-AluminiumGranat (YAG), keramischer YAG und Siliziumkarbid (SiC) hergestellt. Andere Laseroptik-Materialien wie z.B. Germanium
(Ge), Galliumarsenid (GaAs), Silizium (Si), Aluminium (Al) und
Kupfer (Cu) werden bearbeitet. Aus diesen werden hochpräzise Laseroptiken und optische Komponenten entwickelt und
für den Serieneinsatz produziert.
II-VI Deutschland GmbH
Im Tiefen See 58
D – 64293 Darmstadt
Phone: +49 (0)6151 - 8806 - 29
Plano Convex Optics
Plan Konvex Optiken
BERLINER GLAS GROUP is one of the leading suppliers
in Europe of optical key components, assemblies and integrated systems.
With its wide range of optical solutions from engineering to production, BERLINER GLAS GROUP supports optical
requirements in Information Technology and Communications, Industrial Sensors, Defense, Semiconductor Industry
and Life Science.
Wir fertigen hochpräzise Laseroptiken – z.B. Laser-Resonatorspiegel, Fokussierlinsen und -spiegel – mit den verschiedensten Geometrien und Beschichtungen. Wir bieten z.B.
zur Selektion anderer CO2-Laserwellenlängen speziell beschichtete Optiken an (Band-Selective Resonatorcoatings).
Antireflex-Beschichtungen (auch mit sehr geringer Eigenabsorption), sowie hochreflektierende und phasenverschiebende Beschichtungen werden an allen Standorten weltweit
mit einzigartiger Qualität gefertigt und entsprechend getestet
bevor die Produkte beim Kunden eintreffen.
Für Laserscanner-Systeme werden F-Theta-Linsen
(-systeme), sowie Ablenkspiegel und Strahlaufweiter hergestellt.
Metalloptiken (mit u.U. äußerst komplexen Oberflächengeometrien) werden computergesteuert, auf den Bruchteil
eines Mikrometers genau, mit Diamantbearbeitungsmaschinen hergestellt. Damit lassen sich CO2-Laserstrahlen formen
– aus einem Gauß-Profil ein Top-Head Profil, aus einem
punktförmigen Fokus ein ringförmiger Fokus.
Berliner Glas KGaA
Herbert Kubatz GmbH & Co.
Waldkraiburger Straße 5
D-12347 Berlin
Phone +49 (0)30 - 60905 - 368
Fax: +49 (0)30 - 60905 - 100
Helios –
Sputtern für die Optik auf höchstem Niveau
In Abb. 1 ist die Anlage mit geöffneter Kammer für Wartungszwecke
zu sehen. Die Be- und Entladestation und das Bedienpannel
befinden sich im Reinraum,
während sich die Anlage selbst im
Grauraum befindet. Die Beschichtungskammer wird die ganze Zeit
unter Vakuum gehalten, während
die Substrate in kürzester Zeit
durch eine spezielle VakuumSchleuse be- und entladen werden
Fig. 1 shows the machine in
service position. The loading station and the operation terminal
of the machine are placed inside
the clean room. The deposition
chamber is kept under vacuum all
the time while the substrates are
handled by an automatic singlesubstrate load-lock system. The
machine itself is set up in the gray
Helios –
sputtering for optics on the highest level
to the other. Here are only a few examples of the large variety of filter coatings: narrow-band pass filters, rugate-type
filters, laser mirrors, non-polarizing beam splitters, color
filters, UV/IR cut filters, and much more. What seemed to
be achievable only in the R&D department years ago, has
become a standard in production today.
Over many decades Leybold Optics has made a name for
itself as supplier of high-quality coating systems in the
optics industry. We are operating worldwide with daughter
companies in Europe, Asia and the USA. The next step in
innovation was the market launch of the Helios sputtering
system for optical coatings. Helios is equipped with two
dual magnetron sputtering sources. These sources operate
from metal or sub-oxide targets in a reactive mode. This allows achieving a high deposition rate. An additional oxygen
plasma source is used to achieve fully stoichiometric thinfilm layers which guarantee high density and low losses.
The stability of the sputtering process is excellent; the
majority of standard filter coatings can be done by time
control only. For high-end filter coating applications, Helios
is equipped with the in-situ optical monitoring system OMS
5000. The measurement is done directly on the substrate,
in transmission or reflection.
The accuracy-limiting tooling factor which is typical for
stationary test-slide changers is eliminated by the direct
measurement. Measuring directly on the substrate not only
provides highest accuracy but also avoids lengthy calibration batches and allows changing from one difficult design
Fig. 2 shows the details of the direct optical monitoring and the
substrate plate with substrates in place.
Abb. 2 zeigt die Details des direkten optischen Monitorings und
den Substratteller, beladen mit Substraten.
Fig. 3 shows a quadruple -notch filter which is used for applications in fluorescence microscopy. The notches of the filter have
a rejection bandwidth of less then 20 nm and an optical density
above 4. With the accuracy provided by Helios using new designs
based only on two materials with a combination of lambda quarter layers and very thin layers, the accurate and repeatable production of such filters has become possible.
In Abb. 3 sieht man die Spektralkurve eines „Quadruple-Notch“Filters mit Anwendung in der Fluoreszenz-Mikroskopie. Die
„Notches“ von diesem Filter haben eine Reflektionsbandbreite von
weniger als 20 nm und eine optische Dichte von mehr als 4. Mit
der Genauigkeit der Helios-Anlage können solche Filter mit neuen
Designs produziert werden mit nur zwei Beschichtungsmaterialien. Damit wurde die Produktion von schwierigsten Filtern reproduzierbar möglich.
Seit vielen Jahrzehnten hat sich Leybold Optics einen Namen
als Hersteller von hochqualitativen Beschichtungssystemen
für die optische Industrie gemacht. Wir sind weltweit vertreten mit Tochtergesellschaften in Europa, Asien und den
Der nächste innovative Schritt war die Markteinführung
der Helios Sputteranlage für optische Beschichtungen. Die
Helios-Anlage ist ausgerüstet mit zwei dualen MagnetronSputter-Quellen, die von einem Metall- oder Suboxyd-Target
im reaktiven Modus betrieben werden. Dies ermöglicht
das Erreichen hoher Beschichtungsraten. Eine zusätzliche
Sauerstoff-Plasma-Quelle erlaubt es, dünne Schichten zu erhalten, die völlig stöchiometrisch sind und damit eine hohe
Dichte und niedrige Verluste aufweisen.
Die Stabilität des Sputter-Prozesses ist ausgezeichnet, die
Mehrzahl von Standart Filter Beschichtungen kann ausschließlich mit Zeitkontrolle durchgeführt werden. Für aufwendige Filterbeschichtungen ist die Helios mit dem insitu
In Fig. 4 a 13-cavity filter with a bandwidth of 48 nm and a blocking with high-optical density is displayed. Such a filter is proof of
the accuracy of direct monitoring on the substrate.
In Abb. 4 ist ein Filter mit 13 Kavitäten gezeigt mit einer Bandbreite von 48 nm und einer Blockung mit einer hohen optischen
Dichte. Die Herstellung eines solchen Filters belegt die hohe Genauigkeit des direkten Monitorings auf dem Substrat.
optischen Monitoring System OMS 5000 ausgerüstet. Der
Durchbruch in Genauigkeit ist erzielt mit der direkten intermittierenden Messung auf dem Substrat. Es ist möglich,
schnell von einem Filterdesign zum andern zu wechseln.
Dies sind nur einige Beispiele der Vielzahl von möglichen
Filterbeschichtungen: Schmalband-Linienfilter, Rugate-TypFilter, nicht polarisierende Strahlteiler, Farbfilter, UV-IR-CutFilter und vieles mehr. Was gestern nur im Entwicklungslabor
erreichbar war, wurde heute Standart für die Produktion.
Dr. Karl Matl
Siemensstrasse 88
D – 63755 Alzenau
Phone +49 (0)6023 - 500 - 467
+49 (0)6023 - 500 - 483
These markets are areas of competence for the fiber optics
business unit; here our products and technologies are used:
• communication (industrial and building cabling)
• energy (mining, wind, solar, atomic, oil, provider, high voltage applications)
• machine and facility construction (e.g. cable carriers)
• automation and robotics (industrial ethernet, bus systems,
material-handling high-power lasers)
• transportation technology (air and space, automobile, rail
• military technology (system components)
• laser technology (passive light wave guides for laser welding/laser processing)
• audio / video / mutimedia
• medicine & life science (laser probes, endoscopic components)
• sensors / analytics (color, blurring and gas sensors, environmental technology)
• lighting technology
• ship and marine technology (control system cables)
• spectroscopy (chemical and food industry, astrophysics)
• scientific institutions (university institutes, research centers)
The Business Unit Fiber Optics of the LEONI group is
one of the leading providers of light waveguides for
the communication industry as well as special applications in the most varied industrial markets, in science
and in medicine. LEONI offers a unique portfolio at
each stage of the value-adding chain, from pre-form,
the pulled fibers, all the way to fiber-optic cables and
complete fiber-optics systems with self-developed components.
We produce Germany-wide, at 8 locations in Berlin
and in Southern Germany. A highly innovative and interdisciplinary technology like optical technologies is
sought after in many markets. Therefore, fiber-optical
products are being developed and produced for widely
different industries and applications.
The fiber optics business unit satisfies all prerequisites in order to succeed in this market, for our customers: innovation, quality, service, process mastery.
This distinguishes the fiber optics business unit
from the competition: in every process phase the product design can be influenced to maximize customer
benefit. No other European competitor has these opportunities.
LEONI Business Unit Fiber Optics –
Light Switching, Light Distribution,
Light Transportation
Goods and Services for every Application
We are a system partner. This is important both for us and
for our customers. This begins with the solution development. Our development and construction are application
oriented and customer specific, no matter if for complete
solutions or for prototypes; with and for our customers,
oriented toward the market and its requirements.
Within the framework of product research, we work together since years with scientific institutions in industrial
research projects on material testing and technology development. Rarely are basic research and practical relevance
so closely connected. Basic material for glass and quartz
fibers for light waveguides is the pre-form made from highly
purified optical glass or synthetic quartz glass with different
core and mantle material. We produce customer specific
IR and UV pre-forms for fiber manufacture. Multimode fibers (glass/quartz) with core diameter of 10-2000 μm with
different numerical apertures, coatings and mantling are
produced. From standard and special fibers (glass, quartz,
POF, PCF), we produce customer specific cables and hybrid
cables with electrical and optical conductors. LEONI Fiber
Optics is the European market leader for POF/PCF fiberoptic cables.
We configure fiber-optic cables laser probes, and optical
probe components into fiber-optic systems for applications
in industry, medicine and science. The cable configurations
with different fibers from glass, quartz, and plastic, and
with different lengths, bundles, connectors and special plug
systems, all the way to optical switches and hubs form a
unique portfolio of more than 10000 products.
The vertical integration within the business unit generates
synergies for the product and, therefore, for the customer.
As system partner we assume responsibility for our customers across the whole value adding chain and warrant
process reliability, from pre-form production, via fiber products and component manufacture, to complete fiber-optic
cables and fiber-optic systems. Our customers benefit: At
every process step, the product design can be optimized
to customer specifications. Our high vertical integration
and the extremely flexible product structures guarantee
decisive advantages for our customers, especially in highly
competitive markets with large innovation and pricing pressure.
We recognize that to go from light waveguide to cables to
systems requires system components. Through integration of the German specialists IOtech, Prinz Optics and
FiberTech, LEONI Fiber Optics has broadened its competencies. We control planar light waveguide technology, we
produce optical hubs and couplers, fiber-optic switches,
special optical fibers, shape converters, and medical laser
probes. All competencies and experience for our products,
integrated in one business unit: Fiber Optics!
LEONI Fiber Optics GmbH
Business Unit Fiber Optics
Mühldamm 6
D – 96524 Neuhaus-Schierschnitz
Phone +49 (0)36764 - 81 - 100
+49 (0)36764 - 81 - 110
as supplier for optical
speciality goods
FiberTech – Customizes Perfection
• We manufacture your products in series or custombuilt, just-in-time and quality secured.
• We develop the design required for your individual demands, custom-made by FiberTech.
Industrial Applications
Our products are applied in the materials processing industry (e.g. automotive), in defence and aviation technology,
and bio-technology. A wide field of applications for specialty fibers are found in spectroscopy with high requirements
for high fiber transmission in the IR-range . We are partner
for fiber optical components, building kits and any systems
Medical Applications
For six years FiberTech has been renowned for bare-fibers
for Nd:YAG Lasers, Excimer Lasers, Holmium- Lasers and
Diode Lasers. FiberTech mass-produces surgical, endovascular and specially produced probes in its own clean rooms
using bio-compatible materials. Depending on the type of
fiber sterilisation can be applied by ETO-gas, gamma radiation or autoclave with the products being packed sterile.
FiberTech makes use of a competence, which has continuously grown for over 22 years now. Our customers share
our success: FiberTech products are the result of more than
two decades of experience in production, development and
new product design.
We exclusively produce multi-mode fibers with core
diameters from 10μm to 2000μm and fiber cable assemblies. Various numerical apertures, coatings and jackets
are available.
Fiber cable assemblies include cables for laser beam
delivery, fiber tapers and highly-efficient fiber bundles
for spectroscopy and sensing applications. Additionally
FiberTech offers a wide range of fiber products for various
medical applications.
linked with fiber-optic cables. FiberTech is regarded leading in special fibers used in harsh environments like high
temperature, vacuum and nuclear technology.
Fiber Technology from Germany
Since more than 70 years OHARA is known as a worldwide leading provider and supplies optical products into
key technologies.
In addition to a wide range of optical glasses OHARA
offers special products like CLEARCERAM®, an extremely
low thermal expansion glass ceramics with excellent properties regarding chemical resistance, dimensional stability
and machinability.
CLEARCERAM® is used where highest performance is
needed, as in semiconductor production devices, in modern laser gyroscopes or as a mirror substrate in astronomy.
OHARA supplies dics with diameter up to 2000 mm.
With 22 different Low-Tg-Glasstypes OHARA offers a
broad portfolio of pre-products for production of aspherical lenses. Actual introduced is L-LAH86 with nd 1,9. LBBH1, an extreme high-index glass-type (nd 2,1; vd 16,8,
Tg 350°C) is short before its release.
Currently OHARA offers with lithium-ions conducting
glass ceramics LIC-GC an outstanding material which increases safety and performance of lithium-ion batteries
OHARA aligns its continous development with the need
of the international market. So OHARA prepares since a
fairly long time together with a japanese partner its market
entry in solar technology.
FiberTech Group International
In Central Europe FiberTech is well positioned in Berlin,
Germany’s capital. Its international position and market
activity is strongly based on FiberTech branches in North
America (FiberTech USA & FiberTech Optica Canada) as
well as representatives in UK, Israel, China, India, Korea,
Taiwan, Australia and Japan.
FiberTech GmbH
Nalepastr. 170/171
D – 12459 BERLIN
Phone +49 (0)30 - 530058 - 0
+49 (0)30 - 530058 - 58
Die OHARA-Gruppe
als Lieferant für
optische Spezialitäten
Seit über 70 Jahren stellt OHARA als einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter seine optischen Erzeugnisse als Grundlage
für Schlüsseltechnologien bereit.
Neben einem umfangreichen Sortiment an optischen
Gläsern bietet OHARA Spezialprodukte an wie CLEARCERAM®, eine Glaskeramik mit Nullausdehnung mit hervorragenden Eigenschaften hinsichtlich chemischer Beständigkeit, Verformungsstabilität und Bearbeitbarkeit.
CLEARCERAM® kommt dort zum Einsatz, wo höchste Präzision gefordert wird, wie in der Halbleiterproduktion, in
modernen Laser-Gyroskopen oder in der Astronomie als
Spiegelträger. OHARA liefert Rohteile mit Durchmesser bis
zu 2000 mm.
Mit 22 verschiedenen Low-Tg-Gläsern bietet OHARA
ein umfassendes Portfolio an Vorprodukten zur Herstellung
aspärischer Linsen an. Aktuell wird L-LAH86 mit nd 1,9 vorgestellt. Kurz vor Veröffentlichung steht L-BBH1, ein extrem
hochbrechendes Glas (nd 2,1; vd 16,8, Tg 350°C).
Aktuell bietet OHARA mit der Lithium-Ionen leitenden
Glaskeramik LIC-GC ein hervorragendes Material an, das
die Sicherheit und Leistungsfähigkeit von Lithium-IonenBatterien drastisch verbessert.
OHARA richtet seine kontinuierliche Entwicklungsarbeit
an den Bedürfnissen des Weltmarktes aus. Seit geraumer
Zeit bereitet sich OHARA daher zusammen mit einem japanischen Partner auf den Einstieg in die Solartechnologie vor.
Nordring 30 A
D – 65719 Hofheim a. Ts.
Phone +49 (0)6192 - 9650 - 50
+49 (0)6192 - 9650 - 51
LINOS Photonics GmbH & Co. KG
LINOS Photonics GmbH & Co. KG
Ein führendes Unternehmen der Optikindustrie
A leading Company in Optical Industries
LINOS as leading company in optical industries
is a strong and reliable partner for customers
in the areas of
• Information Technology & Communications,
• Healthcare & Life Sciences and
• Industrial Manufacturing.
Hervorgegangen ist LINOS aus einer Reihe von traditionsreichen deutschen Unternehmen wie Spindler & Hoyer,
Gsänger Optoelektronik und Rodenstock Präzisionsoptik.
In dieser Tradition blickt LINOS zurück auf eine lange Firmengeschichte, die von optischen, optomechanischen und
optoelektronischen Innovationen geprägt ist.
Seit 2006 ist LINOS eingebunden in die Qioptiq Gruppe.
Dadurch verfügt das Unternehmen über ein weltweites, zuverlässiges Netz aus starken Partnern, die Kernkompetenzen
in allen Bereichen der optischen Technologien besitzen.
LINOS bietet seinen Kunden einen umfassenden Service
und begleitet diese von der Produktidee bis zur Serienlieferung. Eine tragende Rolle dabei spielen immer optische
Technologien, die bei Design, Prototyping und Fertigung der
anspruchsvollen Baugruppen und Systeme verwendet werden.
Laser Based Applications
In the area of laser based applications LINOS has been
setting the benchmark for industrial standards with premium f-Theta lenses and excellent electro-optics for many
years. Pockels cells, isolators and modulators are the most
important standard products in this field. But LINOS also
has the ability to develop and produce highly precise OEM
products like laser pulse pickers and complete beam delivery systems.
LINOS customers benefit from the continuous extension of the product range for growing demands regarding
wavelengths (from IR to UV), higher power densities and
shorter laser pulses, as well as from the extensive application know how of LINOS employees. Professional guidance
in all stages of the development process plays an important role in LINOS partnership.
Today, LINOS products enable market leaders for various kinds of laser based applications – from LASIK ophthalmic surgery to modern production of solar cells – the
deciding advantage in competition.
Figure 1:
Reflective Objective mag.x RO 20x / 0.35, 190-950 nm
Spiegelobjektiv mag.x RO 20x / 0.35, 190-950 nm
Figure 2:
Pockels Cells, Faraday Isolators, Modulators
Pockelszellen, Faraday-Isolatoren, Modulatoren
Machine Vision, Inspection, Metrology
and Projection
The production process of many products is only possible
through a number of high-resolution lenses on which the
quality of these products largely depends. Among other
applications they are used for the production of better flat
panel displays, chips with higher storage density and processors with higher capacity. For these applications LINOS
offers a broad range of lenses and modules which support
modern high-definition CCD sensors as well as applications
in deep UV range.
Technological basis for the success of LINOS customers is full control over the entire value-added chain. This
includes the manufacturing of highly precise components,
the use of state-of-the-art coating methods, specially developed and patented precision mounting technologies, as
well as the according inspection and qualification equipment.
For more information about LINOS and their products
please refer to where you will also find the
relevant contact persons for LINOS Business Divisions. We
are looking forward to your call!
LINOS originates from a number of well-established German companies like Spindler & Hoyer,
Gsänger Optoelektronik and Rodenstock Precision Optics. In this tradition, LINOS can look
back to a long and successful history based on
optical, opto-mechanical and opto-electronical
In 2006 LINOS became a member of the
Qioptiq Group. Thus the company has at hand
a worldwide, reliable network of strong partners
with experience and core competencies in all
areas of optical technologies.
LINOS offers their customers full service and supports
them from the product idea to serial delivery. In the whole
process optical technologies which are applied in design,
prototyping and production of the demanding assemblies
and systems, play a decisive role.
LINOS ist als führendes Unternehmen in der Optikindustrie
ein starker und verlässlicher Partner für Kunden aus den
• Information Technology & Communications,
• Healthcare & Life Sciences und
• Industrial Manufacturing.
Figure 3:
inspec.x L 5.6, 105mm – Lenses for high-resolution line scan
inspec.x L 5.6, 105mm – Objektive für hochauflösende Zeilensensoren
Figure 4:
F-Theta Ronar 100 mm – Telecentric F-Theta Lens for 532 nm or
1064 nm
F-Theta Ronar 100 mm – Telezentrisches F-Theta Objektiv für 532
nm oder 1064 nm
LINOS Aktiengesellschaft
Königsallee 23
D – 37081 Göttingen
Phone +49 (0)551 - 6935 - 123
+49 (0)551 - 6935 - 120
Laserbasierte Anwendungen
Im Bereich von laserbasierten Anwendungen setzt LINOS
schon seit Jahren industrielle Standards mit hochwertigen
f-Theta Objektiven und exzellenter Elektrooptik. Zu den
Standardprodukten in diesem Bereich zählen unter anderem Pockelszellen, Isolatoren und Modulatoren. LINOS ist
aber auch in der Lage, hochpräzise OEM-Produkte wie zum
Beispiel Laserpulspicker oder ganze Strahlführungssysteme
zu entwickeln und herzustellen.
LINOS Kunden profitieren von der permanenten Erweiterung der Produktpalette für wachsende Ansprüche hinsichtlich Wellenlängen (von IR bis UV), höherer Leistungsdichten, immer kürzerer Laserpulse und vom weitreichenden
Applikations-Knowhow der LINOS Mitarbeiter. Dabei ist eine
kompetente Beratung in allen Phasen der Herstellung selbstverständlich.
Heute ermöglichen LINOS Produkte den Marktführern
für verschiedenste laserbasierte Anwendungen – von der
LASIK-Augenchirugie bis hin zur modernen Solarzellenproduktion – einen entscheidenden Konkurrenzvorteil.
Machine Vision, Inspektion, Messtechnik
und Projektion
Sowohl beim Produktions- als auch beim Qualitätssicherungsprozess vieler Produkte spielen hochwertige Objektive
oftmals eine entscheidende Rolle. Man benötigt sie unter anderem für die Herstellung von besseren Flachbildschirmen,
Chips mit höheren Speicherdichten und leistungsfähigeren
Prozessoren. LINOS stellt hierfür eine breite Palette an Objektiven und Modulen zur Verfügung, die sowohl modernste
hochauflösende CCD-Sensoren als auch Anwendungen im
tiefen UV-Bereich unterstützen.
Als technologische Basis für den Erfolg der LINOS Kunden dient die Beherrschung der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette. Hierzu zählen die Fertigung hochgenauer Komponenten, der Einsatz modernster Coatingverfahren, speziell
entwickelte und patentierte Präzisionsmontagetechnologien,
sowie entsprechende Prüf- und Qualifizierungsmittel.
Nähere Informationen zu LINOS und seinen Produkten,
sowie die Ansprechpartner für jeden der LINOS Geschäftsbereiche finden Sie auf unserer Homepage Wir
freuen uns auf Ihre Kontaktaufnahme!
in Micro-Optics
Single lens production or CNC grinding and polishing
- Diameter 0.4 to 60 mm
- Possible diameter tolerance >= 0.005 mm
- Possible surface quality >= 1 fringe
- Possible irregularity >= 0.2 fringes
- Diameter >= 0.6 mm
(smaller diameter on request)
- Doublets – Triplets
- Compact Objectives
- Rod Lens Systems
- All typical UV und epoxy glues
- Centering error >= 1min
- Center thickness up to ± 0.01 mm
The OWIS GmbH is a worldwide leading manufacturer of
state-of-the-art precise components for the optical beam
handling and of micro and nano positioning systems.
OWIS products are applied in fields like information and
communication technology, biotechnology and medicine,
semiconducter and image processing industry as well as
mechanical engineering.
Founded in 1980, OWIS recognized in time the market demand for spezial opto-mechanical parts, a segment
where only few suppliers were present. In particular, there
were almost no enterprises ready to produce customized
solutions in very small lots. From the very beginning OWIS
has concentrated on this market segment and has ever
since continued to specialize themselves. Furthermore,
OWIS belonged to the first companies having system components set up on profile rails in their stocks. The fact
that this system is still very popular in all laboratories
worldwide and that it is still regularly used, confirms its
high acceptance. In the meantime, nearly all manufacturers within this sector offer a similar rail system.
Today, OWIS has 50 employees and is present in many
countries worldwide through their agencies. In Germany,
distribution is made by the own sales force. Individual solutions are also locally worked upon with the customers.
Many customers from universities, laboratories and
industry enterprises appreciate OWIS because of their authority and reliability and because of the quality and the
compatibility of their products. Quality and precision have
for OWIS top priority, not at last ensured by the certification
in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001: 2000. OWIS owe
their successful market presence to their flexibility and
their fast reaction to global market development trends.
With 75 employees, the company manufactures single
lenses with smallest diameter of 0.4 mm and doublets of
0.6 mm, which are mainly used for medical application, as
well as opto-mechanical assemblies according to customers
specification and standard products for endoscopy and
machine vision. Using high-tech measurement equipment
Qioptiq GmbH is producing complex assemblies which are
continously improved together with the customer and all
Furthermore, Qioptiq
GmbH is one of the
leading regional trainee companies for
skilled Precision Opticians.
Because of the international structure of the
Group with locations in
Singapore, USA, Great
Britain and Hungary,
Qioptiq GmbH can offer his customers best
conditions for their
The product range of Qioptiq Asslar:
• Optical components
• Spherical lenses, plano parts, doublets and triplets
• All optical glasses and special materials
• (e. g.) fused silica, sapphire, silicon
• Endoscope optics
• Compact objectives, rodlenses, negatives, prisms
• and T-Windows
• Mounting of complete Innertubes, Image Transmitter and Eyepiece Assemblies
• Customized opto-mechanical assemblies
• Development according to customers requirements
• Prototypes and serial production
• Testing und documentation
• Objectives for Image Processing / Machine Vision
For nearly 60 years, Qioptiq in Asslar developes, produces
and sells precision optical components and optical systems.
In cooperation with instituts and customers, Qioptiq in Asslar is working on several projects for HD-applications, e. g.
Chip-On-The-Tip for flexible endoscopes. Qioptiq GmbH is
partner for the development, manufacturer of the prototypes
and first source for serial production.
Qioptiq in Asslar is partner for sophisticated solutions
for all technological advanced micro optical components and systems.
Qioptiq GmbH was founded in 1952 as Neeb Optik Wetzlar
GmbH. Since 2006, the company is part of the international
Qioptiq Group.
in Perfection
Single-layer and
Multi-layer for visible
to near IR
Qioptiq GmbH
Yvonne Franz
Industriestrasse 10
D – 35614 Asslar
Phone +49 (0)6441 - 9896 - 30
+49 (0)6441 - 9896 - 33
Im Gaisgraben 7
D - 79219 Staufen
Phone +49 (0)7633 - 9504 - 0
+49 (0)7633 - 9504 - 44
Piezo-Based Scanning
and Positioning
in Imaging
piezosystem jena
Piezoceramic actuators and drives have features which
make them ideally suitable for many common imaging
tasks in medicine, biotechnology or for resolution enhancement. They are fast, compact, basically vacuum compatible
and are not influenced by magnetic fields. Size and force
generated, as well as travel range and position resolution
are all scalable to fit varying requirements. In recent years,
PI (Physik Instrumente), with headquarters in Karlsruhe,
has played a significant role in advancing development in
this field. The company offers a wide range of piezoceramic
solutions tailored to fit the most diverse of possible applications.
piezosystem jena develops and manufactures piezo electrical stages for high precision motions in the range of
nanometers. The company is worldwide one of the leading
providers in the field of nanopositioning. The development
department of the firm assures innovative new developments as well as the allocation of customized solutions.
PIFOC® objective and sample scanner, used in biotechnology and
materials science
Confocal Microscopy for 3-D Imaging
Confocal microscopy can also be used to create 3-D images. In a diagnostic procedure, for example, this can be
done by shifting the focal plane to make virtual slices
through a tissue structure. The same technique can be
used to determine the surface character of a sample. This
procedure can be used in biotechnology and also for quality
assurance. Very precise motion of the optics is required –
along the optical axis to adjust the focal plane, and normal
to it for surface scanning. Alternatively, the sample can be
moved accordingly.
In either case, piezoelectric positioning systems, which
have already proven themselves in microscopy, are an obvious choice. Again, the drive selected depends on the
requirements in terms of travel range, resolution and available space. Miniaturized ultrasonic linear drives can be
integrated directly in the optics.
Resolution Enhancement During Imaging
A well-proven and economical way to increase the resolution of an image or to compensate poor lighting conditions,
is to scan the sensor (e.g. CCD array) rapidly back and forth
by a distance of about one pixel. This is already a current
technique in endoscopy and orthodontics. PI offers fast
scanners for such applications, and that at comparatively
reasonable prices. The piezo actuators used operate at
compatible frequencies in the video scanning range and,
with travel of up to a few tens of microns, cover the necessary range.
piezosystem jena provides innovative piezo stages in the
field of actuating elements such as stack type actuators,
translation stages, mirror tilting systems, piezo electrical
fine focusing for objectives, slit systems, rotary stages,
piezo electrical grippers, micrometer screw drives as well
as optical fiber switches and the associated electronics for
the systems. Piezo actuators are suitable for applications
at low temperatures and vacuum. The piezo actuators
and positioning stages are characterized by a unique precision in the nanometer range, generate forces of several
thousand Newton and achieve precise positioning in micro
seconds. With these specifications the products are well
qualified for applications in optics, laser technology, microscopy, metrology, semiconductor and life science, as
well as in automotive engineering, manufacturing systems
engineering and the printing industry.
piezosystem jena bietet im Bereich der Aktorik innovative
Piezoantriebe wie Stabelaktoren, wegübersetzte Positioniersysteme, Spiegelkippsysteme, piezoelektrische Feinfokussierung für Objektive, Spaltantriebe, rotorische Antriebe,
piezoelektrische Greifer, Mikrometerschraubenpositionierer
sowie optische Faserschalter und die passenden Elektroniken an.
Piezoaktoren können bei tiefen Temperaturen und im Vakuum eingesetzt werden. Die Produkte zeichnen sich durch
eine einzigartige Präzision im sub-Nanometerbereich aus,
erzeugen Kräfte von einigen tausend Newton und realisieren
präzise Positionieraufgaben im Mikrosekundenbereich.
Die Produkte finden vor allem Anwendung auf den Gebieten der Optik, Lasertechnik, Mikroskopie, Metrologie,
Halbleitertechnik und Biowissenschaft, aber auch im Automobilbau, Maschinenbau und in der Druckindustrie.
The subsidiary company, piezosystem jena Inc., distributes
the products in the USA. With representatives in over 20
countries the firm has a global network for the sales of
the systems.
Die Systeme werden in den USA durch eine eigene Tochterfirma, piezosystem jena Inc., vertrieben. Weltweit übernehmen Distributoren in über 20 Ländern den Vertrieb der
Drive Solutions for Fast Scanners and Imagers
A typical application for piezo translators is in dynamic
scanners. In white-light interferometry (WLI), for example,
piezoelectric drives are used to impart rapid periodic motion to the reference mirror and imaging optics. Such scanners are designed to create three-dimensional images of
tissue or surface profiles.
The piezo drive of choice depends on what has to be
moved, and how far. Piezo actuators are capable of moving a few tens of microns at frequencies of up to some
hundred hertz. For large travel ranges, especially when
high speeds are also required, ultrasonic linear drives are
used. With resolutions as good as 50 nm (0.05 μm) they
become an interesting alternative to DC motor-spindle combinations. The ultrasonic drives are substantially smaller
than conventional DC motors, and the drive train elements
otherwise needed to convert rotary to linear motion are
not required.
Piezoceramic actuators have features which make them ideally
suitable for many common imaging tasks in medicine
piezosystem jena entwickelt und fertigt piezoelektrische
Antriebe für hochpräzise Bewegungen bis in den Bereich
weniger Nanometer. Auf diesem Gebiet ist die Firma weltweit
einer der führenden Anbieter. Die Entwicklungsabteilung des
Unternehmens gewährleistet innovative Neuentwicklungen
sowie die Bereitstellung kundenorientierter Lösungen.
Physik Instrumente (PI) GmbH & Co. KG
Auf der Römerstraße 1
D – 76228 Karlsruhe
Phone +49 (0)721 - 4846 - 0
+49 (0)721 - 4846 - 100
piezosystem jena GmbH
Prüssingstraße 27
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49 (0)36 41 - 6688 - 0
+49 (0)36 41 - 6688 - 66
Pico Projectors: A significant new technology
for future mobile communication
Digital projection technologies have become possible
through progress in:
• Semiconductor-based light sources (LED/laser)
• Micro display panels as imagers (Digital Light Processing (DLP)/Liquid crystal on silicon (LcoS)/scanner)
• Miniaturized optical systems
Unlike lamps used in traditional business projectors, the
light source in Pico Projectors is RGB (red/green/blue) LED
sets consisting of three miniaturized LEDs. Benefits from
LED technology are:
• A large color gamut resulting in excellent image quality
• Compact architecture and high energy efficiency
• LED modulation according to frame rate and even content
• Almost unlimited lifetime, avoiding the need for lamp
Pico projector
10“ – 20“ (up to 60“ )
The combination of these technologies with global-scale
networking for mass production and supply chain management enable products with completely new and attractive
Pico Projectors
Pico Projectors are miniaturized digital projectors the size
of a cigarette box. Connection to any mobile device, such
as a cell phone, PDA, game console, mobile DVB-T devices,
DVD or media player, can be made either by cable or wire-
Typical display diagonals in mobile communication devices:
Cell phone
Video iPod
game console
When using LEDs for projection lighting, it is crucial to
collect as much as possible of the emitted light by optimum adaption of the LEDs to the projector architecture.
The dichroic filter assembly combines primary colors into
a conjoint optical path. Image illumination uniformity will
be ensured by optical lens array.
LEDs offer excellent maturity and reliability, as do micro
display technologies for digital image generation. Digital
light processing (DLP) technology is highly efficient, without
the need for polarized light. Corresponding optical systems
can be designed for considerable simplicity, compactness
and low cost.
Pico Integrated/Embedded
480 x 320 / 854 x 480 / 1280 x 720
55 x 100 x 15
10 – 50
480 x 320 / 854 x 480 / 1280 x 720
34 x 25 x 10
10 – 20
less. Furthermore, as projection
modules or small projection engines, Pico Projectors will be able
to be integrated into compact mobile devices such as cell phones.
The job of these tiny projectors is
to provide impressively large images even from small mobile devices. Based on patents for highly
efficient compact optical systems,
Sypro Optics developed both design solutions and corresponding
technologies. For the projector,
this innovation has resulted in better energy efficiency to
enable high screen brightness at lowest energy consumption, as well as small dimensions for supporting optimal
compactness. Due to the use of the same components
for both illumination and projection channel, Sypro Optics’
patented Field Lens Design facilitates the fewest optical
components, resulting into lowest cost, higher energy efficiency and greater compactness.
According to information and communications industry
reports, digital data is received, stored, and distributed
by users’ mobile devices to an increasing extent. Mobile
TV, Internet, video and navigation systems are common
in today’s digital, mobile society. Mobile compact media
players can provide a wide array of information and entertainment. To support this trend, the industry is investing
in broadband network equipment and corresponding mobile receivers. Furthermore, mobile receivers such as cell
phones and PDAs have expanded functionality, and energy
sources are supporting longer operating time. Therefore,
more and better content with higher resolution and excellent quality can be received on mobile devices by using
new digital technologies. Over time, mobile communication
devices have become increasingly compact and elaborate.
However, this compactness can also be a drawback. Due
to the small size of built-in displays, high-resolution images
cannot be viewed or shared in a reasonable manner. The
size of traditional built-in displays is simply limited by the
mobile device itself. Only a miniaturized projection display
is able to provide sufficiently large images.
Pico „Standalone“
Number of pixels
Energy consumption (W)
Dimensions (mm)
image brightness (ANSI lumen)
Dr. Gerd Rieche, Hans-Joachim Stöhr, Dr. Ralf Waldhäusl - Sypro Optics, Jena
Typical specifications:
Sypro Optics Pico Projector “Standalone“
(about 90cm³)
Pico Projector Module (about 11cm³)
for integration into cell phones
Even for compact mobile devices, this technology ensures
reasonably large images with excellent resolution and quality that can be shared with a larger audience. Image brightness at 10–50 lumens are good and sufficient for screen
diagonals of 10–20 inches under normal ambient lighting.
Screen diagonals at 60 inches are achievable as well, but
only under limited ambient lighting conditions.
Future direction: integration of projection modules into devices
One application direction is companion projectors for
connection with mobile devices. However, the vision for
the future is integration of Pico Projectors and projection
modules into cell phones and mobile consumer lifestyle
products. Future technology trends are clearly showing
image brightness increases, cost reductions, energy consumption decreases and ongoing miniaturization. These
achievements are very important for projection technologies embedded into cell phones and consumer products
on a global mass market level.
In conclusion, with Pico Projectors, compact mobile
devices are not trapped in their small display world any
About Sypro Optics
Sypro Optics, created from a joint venture between Jabil
(USA) and Carl Zeiss (Germany), is Jabil’s competence center for optical technologies and solutions. The company
has more than 10 years of experience in development and
production of optical systems for DLP technology. More
information can be found on
Jabil is an electronics solutions company providing
comprehensive electronics design, production and product
management services to global electronics and technology
companies. With USD 12.8 billion revenue and with more
than 50 sites in 21 countries, Jabil is the third largest
electronic manufacturing services provider. More information can be found on
Sypro Optics Pico Projectors Optical Architecture
2. LED light incoupling optics
3. Color recombination (dichroic filters assembly)
4. Optical elements for light homogenization
5. Field lens incoupling optics into digital imager
6. Micro display digital imager
7. Projection lens
Sypro Optics GmbH
Hans-Joachim Stöhr
Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 10
D – 07745 Jena
Phone +49 (0)3641 - 64 - 2912
u2t Photonics AG:
Mit Innovation die Marktführerschaft ausbauen
u2t Photonics AG:
Grow the market leadership with innovation
u²t's pre-assembly line
Integrated 40G
DPSK Receiver containing an optical
Die u2t Photonics AG hat sich in den 10 Jahren ihres Bestehens mit ihrer Kompetenz in marktorientierter Forschung,
Entwicklung und Fertigung opto-elektronischer Komponenten und somit als verlässlicher Lieferant der schnellsten
Photodioden und Photoreceiver der Welt zum Inbegriff ultraschneller Datenübertragung entwickelt.
Die Standardisierungsgremien arbeiten nun bereits an der
Folgegeneration mit einer Übertragungsrate von 100 Gbit/s,
die erneut innovative Lösungen im Bereich der optischen
Komponenten erfordert. Komplexe Übertragungsverfahren
werden zur Kompensation der Leitungsverluste bei diesen
hohen Bitraten eingesetzt. Zur kostengünstigen Umsetzung
dieser Technologie werden hoch integrierte optische Komponenten benötigt, mit deren Hilfe das phasenkodierte Signal
dekodiert und empfangen werden kann. Dazu müssen rein
optische und opto-elektronische Technologien hybrid in miniaturisierten Gehäusen vereint werden.
u²t Photonics AG
Andreas Umbach
Reuchlinstrasse 10/11
D – 10553 Berlin
+49 (0)30 - 72 6113 - 500
+49 (0)30 - 72 6113 - 530
So wurde mit Hilfe der von ihr entwickelten und gelieferten Balanced Receiver die Verbreitung und Installation der
neuesten Generation von Übertragungstechnik, dem Differential Phase Shift Keying (DPSK) im 40 Gbit/s Bereich erst
Führende Telekommunikationsanbieter konnten auf
Basis dieser Technologie Ihre Netze aufrüsten und so dem
wachsenden Bandbreitebedarf gerecht werden. Datenintensive Mobilfunktechnologien wie UMTS und Mobile TV sowie
rasant wachsende Bandbreiteanforderungen im Internet
durch Ton-, Bild- und Videoübertragung führen zu einem
Die u2t Photonics AG, das 1998 gegründete dynamische
Berliner Hightech-Unternehmen, mit ihren Kooperationspartnern in Forschung und Entwicklung ist bestens vorbereitet,
sich diesem neuen Trend zu stellen. Frühzeitige, enge Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Herstellern von Telekommunikationssystemen ermöglicht der u2t hier wieder einmal
den entscheidenden Vorsprung bei der Entwicklung dieser
Komponenten und sichert ihre Chancen, auch zukünftig
gegen weitaus größere Lieferanten zu bestehen und somit
das Wachstum ihres global ausgerichteten Geschäfts weiter
voran zu treiben.
due to the high bitrate. The offering of viable, cost efficient technical solutions requires highly integrated optical components used to decode and receive the phase
coded signals. Hybrid integration of purely optical and optoelectronics components within miniaturized packages is
required to satisfy the market needs.
u2t Photonics AG, the dynamic Berlin-based company,
founded 1998, with its cooperation partners in research
and development is well prepared to work on this new
trend. Early collaboration with leading Telecommunications
equipment manufacturers has prepared the company to
provide the necessary time advantage to compete even
against established larger optical component vendors and
to keep its options to further grow its global business.
In the dynamic communications market environment with
its fast technology cycles innovation is a must for both,
telecommunications equipment and component manufacturers. Companies need to continuously develop new technologies and products to successfully grow their business
and keep their market position.
u2t Photonics AG within its 10 years company history
has proven its competency of market oriented research,
development and production and therefore substantiate
its position as a well-known, highly reliably vendor of Photodetectors and Photoreceivers.
With its Balanced Receiver the company enabled the
field deployment of the latest 40Gbit/s generation of communications technology based on Differential Phase Shift
Keying (DPSK). Leading Telecommunications carriers have
been enabled to upgrade their networks based on this technology and could therefore support the fast growing bandwidth demand. Bandwidth consuming mobility technologies
such as UMTS and mobile TV as well as rapidly growing
bandwidth demand from IP based services like Triple play
lead to an annual worldwide growth of about 80%.
Standardization committees are already working on the
next generation transmission technology targeting a transmission rate of 100 Gbit/s.Those require again innovative
solutions for optical components. Complex transmission
formats are used to overcome transmission impairments
u2t's new
43 Gbit/s high
gain differential
Im dynamischen Umfeld des Kommunikationsmarktes mit
seiner schnellen Abfolge neuer Produktgenerationen ist
Innovationsfähigkeit ein stetes Muss für Telekommunikationsausrüster, aber auch für die Hersteller der eingesetzten
Komponenten. Nur kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung und Innovation ermöglicht den Unternehmen, ihre führende Marktposition zu behaupten oder auch auszubauen.
jährlichen Wachstum des Datenverkehrs um ca. 80% und
treiben damit den Ausbau der Netze.
(E-ELT) planned by ESO for the year 2017 is expected to
have a mirror 42 meters in diameter that consists of more
than 900 hexagonal segments. This would make the E-ELT
the world’s largest optical telescope.
Besides the impressive projects in the field of astronomy enabled by ZERODUR®, this glass ceramic is also
particularly well-suited for use in industrial applications
that need extremely high precision such as standards in
measurement technology, in ring laser gyroscopes, but also
as precision components in microlithography and LCD lithography. The material is used as movable elements in
wafer steppers or scanners to obtain exact and reproducible positioning of the wafers and therefore functions as the
“enabler” of the production of the designs of tomorrow’s
microchips. In the field of LCD lithography as the “macrolithography”, ZERODUR® also is a key material being used
for the larger optical systems and masks, securing the
projection of exact structures in the micron range.
It is now 40 years ago, when in 1968 SCHOTT´s famous
glass ceramic ZERODUR® was developed by a committed
glass developer. Ever since, ZERODUR®has been providing
the basis for precise measurements.
As early as 1973, the first four-meter class monolith
was poured for a telescope of the Max Planck Observatory
in Calar Alto, Spain. Then the NTT (New Technology Telescope) at the European Southern Observatory ESO in La
Silla, Chile was installed in 1989 as the first telescope that
uses a thin actively bendable mirror made of ZERODUR®.
But with the VLT (Very Large Telescope) operated by ESO
in the Atacama Desert in Chile, for which SCHOTT supplied
four mirror substrates 8.2 meters in diameter, the reasonable limitations with respect to monolithic mirrors for use in
astronomy had definitely been reached. The rising demand
for even larger mirrors led to the development of segmented mirrors consisting of hexagonal mirror segments. Here,
the two Keck Telescopes operating since 1992 and 1996
in Hawaii with two 10-meter mirrors each consisting of 36
ZERODUR® segments were major breakthroughs.
In the near future, two major projects are planned that
call for even considerably larger diameters. The TMT (Thirty
Meter Telescope) in the United States is to receive a mirror
with a diameter of 30 meters that consists of approx. 500
mirror segments. The European Extremely Large Telescope
Happy birthday ZERODUR®
40th anniversary of an outstanding material
Schott AG
Advanced Optics
Hattenbergstrasse 10
D – 55122 Mainz
Phone +49 (0)6131 - 66 - 1812
+49 (0)3641 - 2888 - 9047