AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions Overview
AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions Overview
AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions AccuWeather is considered the “Gold Standard” of weather forecasting. Our global weather expertise includes weather forecasts, warnings, data and consulting services of superior accuracy, which will enable you to minimize and mitigate risks posed by adverse weather events, while maximizing your return on weather-driven opportunities. Enterprises similar to yours already rely on AccuWeather to ensure the safety of employees and customers, reduce property damage, optimize inventory size and distribution, maintain supply chains, and tune marketing campaigns to match nearterm and long-range weather. Integrating AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions into your business intelligence systems and decision-making processes can drive more informed, timely and better decisions – resulting in higher revenues, lower costs, and reduced risk. / Comprehensive Global Weather Forecasts / Weather Data Integrated into Your Systems AccuWeather’s staff of over 100 expert meteorologists creates our own forecasts for nearly 3 million locations worldwide. Our forecasting capabilities offer the most accurate, actionable and timely weather information available about hurricanes, tornadoes, blizzards and many more types of weather. Seasonal weather triggers that affect consumer buying behavior – such as the exact date of the first warm spring weekend in each location – are a specialty! Many of our clients ingest specialized weather data from us directly into their business intelligence systems to continuously integrate our insights into their decision workflow. All AccuWeather forecasts, warnings and historical data are available according to your schedule, via your preferred delivery vehicle, and in the format that best meets your organization’s requirements – including GIS layers. / Most Accurate and Actionable Warnings Consistent, succinct, tailored AccuWeather data can be disseminated quickly throughout your organization to make clear what your people need to do in response. And because AccuWeather is your one source for weather data for the entire globe, your analysts share a common operating picture worldwide, with the confidence that weather risks have been quality-controlled and uniformly assessed. AccuWeather does not simply rebroadcast wide-area government warnings. Instead, our own staff tracks the exact weather thresholds that affect your business, providing you with the most accurate and timely severe weather warnings for your precise locations of interest. For example, studies of tornado warnings have shown AccuWeather warnings to be seven times more accurate than government warnings, and to offer twice as much lead time in which to protect your people. / Briefings and Consulting that Meet Your Needs On-demand consultation with an expert AccuWeather meteorologist is available 24x7x365 when you are on the verge of a critical decision. This can include multiple executive-level briefings with your senior management. You get not only the latest information from us, but also our confidence level in our forecasts, increasing the likelihood that you are going to make the right decision. AccuWeather meteorologists are also available to perform a wide variety of special reports and assessments as needed by your organization regarding historical, current and/or future severe weather events. Examples include: • The analysis of 200 hour-by-hour metrics about past weather conditions to reveal historical and predictive relationships that might not have been known previously, including how weather can impact SKU-level store sales, safety statistics, staffing needs, supply interruptions, or insured losses. • Weather-Triggered Marketing®, helping you to target mass marketing, including social media – and to optimize discounting periods and dates – to leverage local weather conditions, from a hurricane strike to the first day of spring weather. • Weather-Triggered Analytics, enabling you to optimize regional product allocations for seasonally-impacted goods and services on the basis of long-range forecasts. • Conceptual studies, with non-published, private results for key questions, such the likelihood of a “Black Swan” event that strikes key components of your enterprise and its operations – including worldwide impacts on your supply chains. Call 814.235.8600 today to learn more about AccuWeather Enterprise Solutions.
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