
Number 10
Volume 91
May 2006
Serving the Frankfurt Area
The American
Women’s Club
of the Taunus
May 2006
! · SA
MAY 12-13 –
MAY 19-20 –
MAY 30 – CH
JUNE 12 – T
TE! ·
When planning future events, please contact Stella Kristoffersson,
Office Manager, for potential scheduling conflicts.
Newsletter Staff & Information
Don’t forget to take
a look at our
Please contact
Jen Reichert
or Laura Blair
if you are interested
You’ll find all the
latest information,
including updates
for activities and
Our current newsletter is there, too
If you have
any newsletter
please contact
Laura Blair
Laura Blair Johnson ...... 06198-571997
Julianne Schutte ........... 06174-2939820
Paid/Classified Ads
Stella Kristoffersson ...... 06171-580835
Bea Hessler .................... 069-6663496
Copy Editors
Kristin Maas .................. 06172-492222
Lynn Ink ........................ 069-56008308
Hannah Deutsch ........... 069-48986686
Anne Degenhardt .......... 06172-917487
If you do not receive your Newsletter by
the end of the first week of the month,
please call the office.
The deadline for all submissions for the
July issue of the Newsletter is May 20th.
All copy is subject to approval and editing
by the Newsletter staff.
Please send all Classified Ads and Paid
Advertising to: Stella Kristoffersson via
e-mail: Contracts can be sent to her at: AWCT Postfach
Please call Laura Blair Johnson at
06198-571997 for information on where
to send any other Newsletter contributions & insertions. Prior approval by the
Newsletter Editor(s) is required for any
insert in the Newsletter and at least one
representative of any personal group with
an insert must help with the ‘stuffing’ at the
time of distribution.
Please address all other correspondence to: AWCT, Postfach 1931, 61409
Oberursel or
The office address is Hollerberg 1,
Oberursel. (Please do not send mail to
the office.) The office telephone number
is 06171-580835. The Fax number is
06171-57371. Office hours are MondayFriday, 9 am – 12 noon (additional hours
are based on volunteer availability).
No article contained herein may be reproduced or copied in any manner without the express written consent of the
This Newsletter is layout-finished and
printed by
Druckpunkt Baur in Friedrichsdorf
Tel. 0 60 07 - 91 73 13.
Get Involved
Welcome – May Welcome! ......................................
Mother’s Corner .......................................................
May ................................................................
Charity ......................................................................
Activities ...................................................................
Joanne Esposito ..................................... 10
Bettina Buchreiser and Kharmie Neal
............................................................... 14
Kathy Tchalaby ........................................ 5
Tricia Danziger ....................................... 30
Fun Things To Do
It’s Travel Time ......................................................... Erika Olsson ........................................... 22
Day Trips .................................................................. Linda Kennedy ....................................... 29
In case you didn’t know –
What’s on in May ........................................... Heather Macvie-Martorana ..................... 18
Please Note:
Office Hours
are daily from
9 am –
12 Noon, and
on Saturdays,
when the
Video Library
is Open
Support and Information –
Fitness – Bikini Ready ..............................................
CARES – We CARE for You ....................................
CARES – US Consulate General .............................
FAWCO – US General Election ...............................
Membership – May Birthdays ...................................
Lifer Tips – Sundays In Germany .............................
Wellness – Space Medicine .....................................
Order Now – Order Form AWCT Publications .........
Keep It Simple – Fantastic Fish Feasts ....................
April Taylor ............................................. 13
Jean Mier-Bölinger ................................. 17
Karen Neumann ..................................... 16
Marline Holmes ...................................... 06
Cindy Kauppila ....................................... 04
Rasa Hiob ................................................. 8
Susan Benham ....................................... 26
............................................................... 29
Christina Vandenbloom ............................ 7
In Every Issue
President’s Pen ........................................................
Viewpoint ..................................................................
Services ...................................................................
Classified Ads ..........................................................
Membership Information ..........................................
Advertiser’s Index .....................................................
Board Directory ........................................................
Monthly Calendar .....................................................
Susan Benham ....................................... 04
Iris Schmidt ............................................. 27
............................................................... 33
Stella Kristoffersson ............................... 34
............................................................... 03
............................................................... 35
............................................................... 35
............................................................... 36
The American Women’s Club of the Taunus e.V. was founded in February 1971. The club is a
non-political, non-denominational organization, which promotes the public good (especially
education and training through the support of schools, higher educational institutions and
projects as well as the giving of scholarships to persons in addition to supporting social, cultural
and medical institutions and projects) nationally and internationally. In addition to this objective,
the AWCT intends to advance international understanding, advance cultural exchanges among
Americans and other nationalities, assist in achieving a better understanding of Germany and
inform members about issues of interest to Americans. If you would like to join the AWCT, call
the office (06171-580835) and/or check out the website at:
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
Video Library
Hours are
and Friday
from 9:30 –
11:30 am.
is greatly
Special Saturday Hours from
Happy Mothers Day! A Way To Honor Our Mothers …
by Susan Benham
inally, after a LONG winter we can finally
discover the joys of spring. I am looking
forward to seeing you at our May Charity Luncheon at the Dorint Hotel on May 30th. We will
meet important representatives from our chosen
charities and enjoy a nice social time with fellow
AWCT members. It is a time to celebrate the
fruits of our hard work and a very successful club
May is also an important time to honor our
mothers, and for some of us our own motherhood. I am reminded of all the valuable lessons
I learned from my mother and how they have
helped me over my lifetime, especially this year.
She was not only a tireless volunteer in our
schools and community, but she also raised six
children and set an example for their families to
follow in her footsteps. I remember well teaching
Red Cross swimming lessons, being a counselor at Girl Scout camp, carrying Meals on
Wheels to shut-ins, and working at the Recycling
Center, all before the age of 14. I learned to look
beyond myself and my family to the needs of
Now, when I see Laura Johnson, Jen Reichhert,
Cindy Kauppila, Karmie Neal, Cindy Cope, and
all the other very involved AWCT mothers arriving with their little ones I feel a special pride in
having the privilege to share in their goal of
supporting our very important international community. I know how hard Cyndi Grossman and
the social committee worked to help support our
local Frankfurt area children’s hospital with our
support. I would like to honor all of you and your
mothers who made us who we are today.
I suggest that you may be interested in giving
your mother or any other significant women in
your life, the gift of a mosquito net (€ 5.00)
through our FAWCO project to help stop the
spread of malaria in Africa. It is a worthwhile gift
that could save a mother from losing her child
from a preventable illness. Please contact Marline Holmes and she will give you a very nice
certificate to mail with your Mother’s Day card.
Thanks to all of you for your time and support. ■
Susan Benham,
AWCT President
May Birthdays
by Cindy Kauppila
2 – Linda Baker
2 – Kay Lynn Praschma
6 – Bettina Nygaard
7 – Sheila Bengtson
8 – Patti McCrossan
9 – Julie Boyle
9 – Jette Kolpin Fredholm
9 – Ursula Gundrum
9 – Claudia Laux
10 – Regine Colla
10 – Ann Mohammed
11 – Tanya Bodde
11 – Leanne Cvetan
12 – Kathryn Khalife
13 – Mia Reiter
14 – Leslie Guess
15 – Irmtraud Weimann-Bahr
16 – Anat Kozlov
16 – Kristin Maas
17 – Maria Amparo Saunders
18 – Gail Noren
18 – Kate Stayt
20 – Cynthia Brisky
22 – Gisela Möltgen-Ghalayini
23 – Susan Benham
23 – Manuela Söll
25 – Camilla Langhorst
28 – Leanne Poth
29 – Susan Haug
29 – Linda Radl
29 – Ulrika Starkenberg
Charity Luncheon
ith summer around the corner and the
Club year wrapping up, it is now time to
distribute the hard earned profits to our charities.
Come and meet the charity representatives and
listen to the programs that we are supporting.Our
lunch will be held at the Dorint Hotel, which is
next to the Main-Taunus-Zentrum, and is easy to
access from Frankfurt, Taunus and Wiesbaden.
We hope to see everyone at this convient location, so sign up early. This is the last lunch before
we are all off for the summer, so don’t miss it!
From Kassel (A7/E451) A5/Frankfurt to A66/
Wiesbaden – Ausfahrt 16, F.-Höchst.
by Kathy Tchalaby
Line Station
BUS 802
May 30, 2006
Time: 11:00 AM
Place: Dorint Novotel
Am Main-Taunus-Zentrum 1
65843 Sulzbach am Taunus
25 Euro (includes welcome drink, lunch,
coffee or tea)
RSVP: Before noon, Wednesday,. May 24
E-mail to
Call the Treffpoint at 06171-58083
From Frankfurt (A66) Eschborn/Wiesbaden –
Ausfart 16 F.-Hochst
AWCT President, Susan Benham, and Second VicePresident, Pam Winkler, present a Certificate of Appreciation to past- AWCT Newsletter Editor, Kathryn
Dunne (center), who recently moved to England.
From Wiesbaden (A66) Frankfurt – Ausfahrt 16
Taunus International Montessori School
cordially invites you to attend its yearly
Open House
Thursday, May 11, 2006
10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Zimmersmühlenweg 77
61440 Oberursel
call 06171-91330 or
for more information
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
U.S. General Election in November
by Marline Holmes
on’t forget that there is a U.S. General
Election on Tuesday, November 7, 2006,
in which one-third of the Senate seats and all
Congressional seats will be elected. In order
for you to have a voice in that election you must
be registered to vote. Your voter registration
must be renewed each year if you are not living
in the U.S. And now there is an easy Web site
to do it! Here’s an excerpt from their press
Friday, February 3, 2006, Washington, D.C. –
Overseas Vote Foundation has announced
the launch of RAVA, its new Registration and
Absentee Voter Application, accessible
You will find many
articles of interest
on a variety of
subjects such as
this one on the
FAWCO website:
under member
log-in (user name:
61476 Kronberg
RAVA is the first nonpartisan, secure, Internetbased voter registration solution for both military and overseas citizen voters. RAVA guides
the voter through the registration process asking question which pertain to the voter’s statespecific regulations. Its integrated database
includes every address for the 7,838 local
election offices, and is continually being updated. OVF uses the Internet to provide the most
up-to-date, accurate local election office addresses and regularly updated registration
deadlines – both of which are constantly subject to change.
I found the Web site very easy to use. I just
needed to know my last U.S. address in addition to my personal information. Try it out! It’s
much easier to use than the 462-page Federal
Voter Assistance Guide. Of course, that book
is available in the AWCT office if you would like
to register the old way.
Our members who attended the recent FAWCO conference in Berlin found it very interesting. As an AWCT member you can attend the
next conference which will be held in Lyon,
France, March 7-11, 2007. Let me know if you
are at all interested in the conference. ■
Are you looking for an
English speaking Tradesman who can
reupholster your furniture?
sell and hang your wallpaper?
install your mosquito screens?
take care of all your paintjobs?
sell and install window treatments?
steamclean your carpets and furniture?
La Poggiolaia
Beautiful Apartments for Rent in the
Heart of Tuscany
Bamboo House
Thai Restaurant
Cocktail Bar
Exotic Cocktails
Summer Terrace
Urselerstraße 22
61348 Bad Homburg
Tel: 06172-32396
Fax: 06172-34469
Kelkheimerstraße 64
65779 KelkheimFischbach
Tel: 06195-910118
La Poggiolaia is an elegant hilltop
farmstead, positioned in the middle
of the Golden Triangle – Florence,
Siena and Pisa. Four apartments
and one Capanna, a former barn
transformed into a country house,
each meticulously renovated and
elegantly decorated. Guests will enjoy the magnificent
Mediterranean style pool and the stunning views while
strolling the grounds. In Certaldo, just a few miles down the
hill, our guests may attend gourmet Tuscan cuisine
courses, music concerts, cultural festivals, as well as art
and Italian language classes. For longer day trips and
lovers of the Italian Renaissance, Florence, Volterra,
Siena and Pisa are all within one hour driving distance.
+39 0571 669695
Fantastic Fish Feasts
bread crumbs (ideally Japanese “Panko”) for
Recipe good with: Kabeljau, Dorade, Dorsch,
Saibling, Schellfisch, Scholle, Seehecht,
Seelachs, Lachs.
Chop salmon into small squares; mix with fresh
breadcrumbs, mayonaise, shallot, and parsley, salt and lemon juice. Form into five or six
patties and freeze for 15 minutes. Bread the
patties (dip first in flour, then in eggs and oil,
then “Panko” or regular bread crumbs). Heat
oil to medium high and cook until brown (2 to 3
minutes per side). Serve with a lemon herb
dipping sauce made by mixing about half a cup
of mayonaisse with fresh lemon juice, finely
chopped scallions, salt, pepper and your favorite fresh chopped herbs (parsley, thyme,
ack by popular demand, the following fish
article was kindly provided by our AWCT
member and chef, Christina Vandenboorn.
“The ingredients are easy to find and these
recipes have consistently turned out well here.
Guten Appetit!”
150 gm salt pork or bacon, finely diced
1 onion, diced
1 carrot, peeled and diced
1 stalk celery, diced
2 T. flour
2 Mehlkochend potatoes, peeled and diced
1 bay leaf
2 t. minced thyme
pinch of cayenne
salt and fresh ground pepper, to taste
600-700 gm fish cut into 1-inch pieces
250 ml each milk and heavy cream
3 T. Madeira
Sauté the salt pork or bacon over medium heat
until brown (about 4-5 minutes). Add the vegetables and sauté until they soften. Sprinkle
with flour and stir constantly for about two
minutes. Add the potatoes, bay leaf, cayenne,
salt, pepper, one liter of water and bring to a
boil. Lower heat and simmer until the potatoes
are tender. Add the fish and cook another four
or five minutes. Add the milk and heavy cream
and return to a simmer. Remove from heat,
remove the bay leaf, add Madeira and
serve.(This recipe works well as a salmon
chowder if you add a diced red pepper to the
Recipe best with Lachs, or any of the firm white
fleshed fish listed for the cod chowder. You
may also mix half raw shrimp and half a white
fleshed fish to make shrimp cakes.
750 gm salmon filet
5-6 T. fresh breadcrumbs (made from crustless white bread)
2 T. mayonaise
1 large chopped shallot
2 T. chopped fresh parsley
juice from 1 lemon
flour, to coat patties
2 eggs beaten with a bit of oil
Keep It Simple
April 2003
By Christina
TIPS: Crumbs (or squares) from white bread
make the cakes very light inside and Japanese
“Panko” crumbs brown and crisp the outside
beautifully. Letting the cakes sit in the freezer
dries them out and firms them up a bit, making
them easier to bread and cook. Japanese
Panko is available in Asian markets or from the
Recipe good with: Snapper, Dorade, Heilbutt,
Dorsch, Kabeljau, Saibling, Schwertfisch,
Seelachs, Seeteufel, Seezunge
2 T. olive oil
2 t. finely chopped garlic
2 finely chopped leeks
500 g peeled and chopped tomatoes (fresh or
Pomito brand)
1/2 fennel bulb, chopped
1 t. turmeric
salt and pepper, to taste
250 ml dry white wine
250 ml fish broth (or water)
1 bay leaf
4 springs fresh thyme (or two pinches dried
3-4 dashes of Tabasco
4 fish fillets, with or without skin (your preference)
2 T. Ricard or other Pastis
2 T. basil or parsley, chopped
Heat the oil in a large sauté pan, over medium
heat. Add garlic, leeks, tomatoes, fennel and
turmeric, then season with salt and pepper.
Cook, stirring constantly for about three to four
minutes. Add the wine, broth, bay leaf, thyme
and Tabasco and bring to a boil. Allow to
simmer for five minutes. Bury the fish in the
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
Keep It
This method of cooking fish in a parchment or
foil package, along with vegetables, butter,
herbs, cream, and/or wine, essentially steams
the fish. In my opinion, it’s one of the best
ways to cook fish because the flavors are
strongly enhanced and the fish doesn’t dry
out. The flavors that you add are entirely up
to you – and it’s very easy to change this
dish from a French meal, say, to an Asian one.
Each person gets his or her own packages
which you can make as elaborate or as simple
as you like.
should contain one serving of fish, plus whatever else you decide you want to use. Take
large squares of foil or parchment (I use foil
because it’s easier to seal the edges and
easier to work with) large enough to wrap each
serving of fish. Place a fish fillet, folded in two
if necessary, on each square of foil. Be sure the
fish is well seasoned with at least salt and
pepper, maybe a shot of cream and a squirt of
lemon. Seal the packages by folding the edges
together. Cook in a very hot oven for about 15
minutes. Julienned, cooked vegetables can
also be added to these packages. One delicious combination would be to put the fish on a
bed of julienned, cooked carrots, celery and
leeks. Place a square of butter on each fillet,
scatter some fresh chopped herbs on top and
add a splash of wine to each package before
cooking. Alternatively, you can get a great
Asian flavor by coating the foil with sesame oil
before putting the fish on it, covering the fish
with fresh chopped scallion and ginger, and
adding a splash of soy sauce and a bit of dry
white wine before sealing the packages to be
cooked. For strong flavored fish such as salmon, you can put the fillets on a bed of sautéed
tomatoes and onions, and add a small plash of
There is no ingredient list because the ingredients are entirely up to you. Each package
Enjoy these recipes and best wishes for a
happy spring! ■
sauce, add the Ricard, cover and simmer until
the fish is cooked through (about six to ten
minutes). Sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs;
remove the bay leaf and serve. This goes
particularly well with rice, served either plain or
enhanced with garlic, almond slivers and a
small pinch of saffron.
Recipe good with: Dorade, Hecht, Heilbutt,
Kabeljau, Lachs, Schellfisch, Saibling, Seezunge, Steinbutt, Zander, Barbe (use three to
four per package), Barsch (all types) – basically, a good cooking technique for virtually all
Winding up the Weekend – SUNDAYS IN GERMANY
Lifer Tips
by Rasa Hiob
have come to love Sundays in Germany.
While our families in the States are running
around hardware stores and supermarkets,
we have long ago accepted the fact that stores
are closed. Instead of mowing the lawn, washing the car, or working on home-improvement
projects, for most Germans this is a day of rest.
Sunday is a family day, a day for fun and
relaxation, a day to get outside for some fresh
air – and, especially in the warmer months,
that’s what Germans do.
Sunday Destinations: The weather forecast is
good … aaand they’re off!
It looks like a parade: walkers, joggers, and
bikers; families with babies in carriages and
kids with roller blades; grannies in their Sunday
best; dog owners; and horseback riders. All
heading for the fields. Some are out for the
exercise, but many of these masses are being
drawn to special destinations. (Hint: it involves
food and drink.)
If you follow the hoards, you’ll find out where
they’re going. There are numerous fun, rustic
restaurants and inns (Gaststätten) in Germany. These establishments can be in a barn
(Scheune) or near an old mill (Mühle), or just
about anywhere. They invariably serve regional specialties using produce from local fields
and game from the nearby woods. You will find
they (almost always) serve cake and coffee
Here is a list of just some of the “destination”
restaurants that I know of. There are certainly
many more – ask your neighborhood coordinator for tips! It is customary to seat yourself, and
is totally acceptable to share tables with other
parties. Just ask politely if the seat is taken and
squeeze in. Most of these restaurants do not
accept credit cards.
with a pungent aroma, traditionally topped with
chopped onions.
Lifer Tips
Rettershof (Kelkheim): beautiful old farm in a
wooded area.
Gimbacher Hof (Kelkheim): big farm area, family-friendly.
Rote Mühle (Kelkheim): wooded outdoor sitting
area, big playground for the kids, great Grüne
Eberhard’s Scheuer (Bad Soden) – old barn
house, has live music sometimes.
Rudolph’s Gaststätte (Liederbach) – has a big
indoor restaurant in addition to outdoor tables,
good food.
Gasthaus Meister (Fuchstanz, Falkenstein) –
can only be reached on foot. A well-deserved
meal after the hike up the mountain.
Waldgeist (Hofheim) – the biggest Schnitzels
and Hamburgers I’ve ever seen. Our 16-yearold son and his friends love this place.
Berggasthof Herzberg (Bad Homburg) – cozy
restaurant in the woods.
Gerbermühle (Frankfurt, on the Main river) –
Goethe, Germany’s greatest playwright, used
to relax in this cider garden after his walks.
Römerkastell-Saalburg (Bad Homburg) –
there’s a restaurant next to this old Roman fort.
The best-know Hessian specialties that you
must try at least once include:
Apfelwein – apple cider, also called Ebbelwoi
by the locals. You can order it by the glass or by
the Bembel (those big blue, typically Hessian
ceramic pitchers). Apfelwein is usually drunk
with a shot of fizzy water (Sauergesprizt) or a
shot of Sprite (Süssgespritz). It’s actually quite
refreshing on warm days. Even the locals say
it tastes better after the third one, so don’t stop
if the first is disappointing.
Grüne Soße – green sauce, made with seven
different fresh green herbs. It is traditionally
served with potatoes and either eggs, wurst, or
boiled beef (Tafelspitz). This is one of my
personal favorites.
Handkäse mit Musik – translates literally to
“hand-cheese with music,” a sour-milk cheese
Frühschoppen – Celebrating Sundays.
You’ve gotta love this: Come springtime various groups and clubs invite the community to
Sunday morning Frühschoppen (translates to
“early pint”). These pre-noon parties, usually
accompanied by live music (often jazz or bigband), are especially popular with the older
In an effort to boost local businesses, German
towns are allowing shops to stay open for a few
hours on two pre-designated Sundays each
year. Called Verkaufsoffenen Sonntag (“Opento-sell Sunday”), the main streets are closed to
traffic. There is usually live music and various
food and drink stands abound. This is a great
opportunity to see and chat with neighbors,
and of course, to get in some more Frühshoppen. PS: If you NEED to shop on Sundays, the
Frankfurt Airport, Terminal 1, has a large supermarket (underground), as does the Main
Train Station. Most gas stations also stock
staple items. Some bakeries and Konditorei
(confectioner’s shops) sell fresh Brötchen
(rolls) on Sunday mornings. Get there early as
they tend to sell out!
Do you have any
‘Germany’ tips you
would like to share?
Recipes that your
family loves?
Products at the
grocery store you
would like to tell
others about?
Anything you think
other expats would
be interested in
Share them with
email Julie Schutte
Let us not forget the Festivals. Every town has
numerous festivals, for variest reasons. Some,
like the Bad Soden Sommernachtsfest or the
Oberursel Brunnenfest are huge. Some are
smaller, but there’s always something going
on. During the month of April, you may want to
visit an Easter Market. If you see hoards of
people “migrating” towards town and you hear
some loud music, just go ahead and follow.
Have fun!
Just remember, after all this rest, relaxation, and Frühschoppen, you might just need
a nap. ■
Bol und Becher
Wallstrasse 28 – 61348 Bad Homburg
Tel. 06172-923469
Open: Monday to Friday 2 pm to 6 pm
and Saturday 10 am to 2 pm
We offer mugs, plates, jars, dishes and lots
more in traditional and modern designs.
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
May Welcome!
by Joanne Esposito
s this will be my last newsletter, I want to say
goodbye and thank you for all the fond
memories I will be taking back with me to New
York. Frankfurt has been home to me for the last
four years, and I think it will always be home in my
heart. I hope you will continue to attend the
neighborhood activities that the coordinators plan
because so much work goes into these gettogethers. If you have a little spare time, why not
offer to lend a hand or host a function?
Dreiech, New-Isenburg, Langen,
Darmstadt, Hanau, South Frankfurt,
Bad Homburg, Friedrichsdorf,
Langgöns, Wehrheim, Usingen,
New Anspach, Obernhain
WOMEN’S OUTING (And bring the kids, too!)
Date: Thursday, May 11, 10:30 am.
Location: Palmengarten.
During spring, countless crocuses and other bulbs
and tuberous plants come through. We will meet
at the main park entrance on Siesmayerstraße 61
in Frankfurt. Please RSVP by May 9, to Tanja
Tschech, especially so we can carpool.
Neighborhood Coordinators:
Kim Mehrooz, 06172 101504,
Jennifer Grunenberg 06172-681967
Bad Homburg Muttis:
*Heidi Delle, 06172-456554,
Barbara Gibbs, 06172-997520
Friedrichsdorf Mutti:
*Iris Schmidt, 06172-778465
Wehrheim Mutti:
Diana Williams, 0171-3267558
Mother’s Corner Representatives:
*Anne Degenhardt, 06172-917487,
*Vanessa Dey (Dornholzhausen),
Check your e-mail for any planned activities.
Bad Soden, Neuenhain, Sulzbach,
Schwalbach, Eschborn, Steinbach,
Neighborhood Coordinator:
Cindy Cope, 06196-765987
Bad Soden Muttis:
Susanne Strech-Busch, 06196-27402,
Rasa Hiob, 06196-670953
Eshborn Mutti:
Mary Cassell-Schumacher, 06173-640780
Date and Location will be announced via e-mail. If
you are not on the neighborhood e-mail list,
please contact Cindy Cope at
Date: Wednesday, May 17, 7 pm
Location: Tricia Danziger’s home,
Nachtigallenweg 5, Bad Soden. Please RSVP
to Tricia at 06196 7641220 or by e-mail to and let her know if
you are bringing wine or cheese.
Let’s plan and brainstorm for new things to do
together in our neighborhood!
Mutti: Vanesha Pillay-Müller, 06103 2028973
Mannheim/Heidelberg Mutti:
Ipek Wartusch, 06206 964844.
Mother’s Corner Representatives:
Game Night
Date: Saturday, May 27
Location: Tanja´s house in Darmstadt. Please
RSVP by May 23 to Tanja Tschech.
Frankfurt, Bad Vilbel, Karben, Rodgau
Neighborhood Coordinators:
Cynthia Voelker, 069-66126859,
Carla Phenicie, 069-69535849,
Karen Howard-Goldsmith, 069-74309691,
Jan Farr 069-59799975
Frankfurt Muttis:
*Iva Pearlstein, 069-95502897;
*Alice Waldron, 069-68600611,
Ricarda Burkhardt-Schmidt, 069-745906
Bad Vibel Mutti:
Mina Luther, 06101-12537
Mothers’ Corner Representative:
Susan Haug 069-97204437
Date: Tuesday, May 9, 3 pm.
Location: Hilton Hotel, Hochstrasse, Ffm (near
Eschersheimer Tor UBahn).
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 11 am.
Location: Communication Museum,
Schaumainkai 53 (Museumsufer) UBahn
Schweizer Platz.
Riversight Dinner … Cruise on the Main
Date: May 12
The easiest way to make a reservation is online at
res_anfrage.htm?mode=2&fid=22 and click on
May 12, fill out the reservation form and be sure to
include in the Bemerkungen (comments) box that
you are with the AWCT Group so that they can put
us all together. Please try to reserve at least two
weeks prior to the event. The cost is 53 euro/pp
with four-course dinner.
Mutti: Jill Conway, 0178-5970415.
Niedernhausen, Idstein, Oberjosbach Mutti:
*Carol Koepsell, 06127-78556.
Mother’s Corner Representatives:
If you have any questions, please contact Jan Farr
at or at the number above.
Professional Wine Tasting
Date: Saturday, May 13, 7pm.
Location: Jill Conway’s house, Pfarrstr. 41,
Niedernhausen. Please RSVP to Jill at 0178
597 0415.
Space is limited to 12; Must attend or find
Israeli/Mediterranean Cooking Course
Date: Tuesday, May 23, 10 am to 2 p.m.
The cost is 30 Euro per person and includes
hands-on cooking instruction and, of course, the
opportunity to eat what you fix! Space is limited to
five people. Please RSVP directly to Anat Koslov
at or by phone at 069
7191 4750.
We will also be having our yearly BBQ in
Joanne Esposito’s garden this May/June.
Details with date and time will be sent via
Practice your German. For more information,
contact Jan or Joanne.
It’s fun and no experience is needed. For more
information, contact Jan Farr at 069-59799975 or
by e-mail at
Hofheim, Kriftel, Hattersheim,
Southern areas
Neighborhood Coordinator:
*Monika Zubradt, 06192-2000929,
*Maria Ines Sothmann, 06192-9581180.
Mothers’ Corner Representative:
*Michele Giliberti, 06192-200959.
Date: Friday, May 5
Location: Join us for an omelet breakfast at our
new member, Idalia Munoz-Staudt’s house in
Hattersheim. Please RSVP to Monika at 061922000929 for directions.
Kelkheim, Eppstein, Niedernhausen,
Fischbach, Ruppertshain,
Neighborhood Coordinators:
Linh Sullivan, 06198-588444,
Elke Schladerbeck, 06195-724415,
cont …
Date: Monday, May 22, 9:30 am.
Location: Kristi Gugel’s house, Behringstrasse
48, Kelkheim-Fischbach.
Königstein, Falkenstein,
Mammolshain, Schneidhain,
Glashütten, Schloßborn, Schmitten
Neighborhood Coordinator: April Taylor,
Königstein Mutti: Penny Donath, 06081984677,
Schmitten Mutti: Katrin Grienitz, 06082929030.
Falkenstein Mutti: Mary Paul, 06174-931060
Mother’s Corner Representatives: Patricia
Munn: 06174-203070,
Please check your e-mail for scheduled events.
Neighborhood Coordinator: Heike Westbrook,
06173 5928,
Muttis: *Erika Olsson, 06173-63083
Mother’s Corner Representatives:
Shelley Swanson, 06173-320808,
Heike Maglaque, 06173-325351.
Date: Sunday, May 14, noon
Location: Kempinski Hotel, Falkenstein
You will receive a picnic basket for two people.
Please RSVP by May 8 for details.
Date: Thursday, May 18, 10:30 am.
Location: Susan Benham’s house, Gartenstr. 13,
Kronberg. Please RSVP by May 11 to Susan at or at 06173-783183 and ask
her what you could bring.
Please help us plan the neighborhood events.
Give us your ideas.
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
cont …
Neighborhood Coordinators: Sylvia Struck,
06171-508990,, Lesley
Eirich,, 06171-621611
Mutti: Nora Zinn, 06171-6984961
Wiesbaden, Mainz and surrounding
Scarves Tying Seminar
Date: Tuesday, May 2, 10 am
Location: Gabriele Hilgert’s house, Mittelweg 4,
Oberursel. Please RSVP to Erika Brown at or at 06171–57064.
Date: Thursday, May 4, 10 am
Location: Sandra Cataffi’s house, Zu den
Ringwällen 40, Oberursel-Oberstedten
Please RSVP directly to her at or at 06172-139107 and
ask her what you could bring
Getting to know other neighborhoods!!
Date: Thursday, May 18, 10.30 am
Location: The Kronberg ladies have invited us for
a joint neighborhood coffee at Susan
Benham’s house (Gartenstr. 13, Kronberg)
followed by a little walk through Kronberg.
Please RSVP directly to Susan Benham at or at 06173-783183 and
ask her what you could bring.
Date: Tuesday, May 30, 10 am to 2 pm
Location: Sandra Cattafi has arranged an Italian
cooking class with La Cucina in her house (Zu den
Participation is limited to four to eight persons.
The cost is 25 Euro per person. Please RSVP
directly to Sandra (first come, first-served basis) at or at 06172-139107 by
Monday, May 26. For leftovers to take home
please bring your Tupperware.
Neighborhood Coordinators: Jen Farah,
0611-2383577,; Wendy
Wissink, 0611-1746998,
Muttis: Robin Limmeroth, 06131-365237, Bettina Buchrieser,
MORNING COFFEE note: no longer on 2nd Monday
Date: Thursday, May 11, 9:30am
Location: Café Hahn, Danzigerstrasse 106,
Date: Friday, May 19, 10am
Location: Meeting point to be announced.
Date: Wednesday, May 24, 7:30pm
Location: Vapiano in Wiesbaden,
Wilhelmstrasse 52
AWCT Website Updates
The AWCT will be updating the website and we would
like your help. As many of you know, when preparing
for an International move the Internet is your best
friend. No kidding. Countless hours are spent researching and pouring over information about your
new home. We want our web site to be ‘the place’ for
all your Frankfurt area relocation information.
Most of us spend time each day reading emails,
browsing Internet sites, looking for things to do, etc.
We need your help making the AWCT website one of
those ‘must see’ daily Internet stops.
What information would you have liked to have been
available on our site before you moved to Germany?
What information would have been most helpful to
know before you got here? What would you like to see
on the website today? What should be there that isn’t?
Please email Julie Schutte at and let
us know what you think about our website and how we
can improve it for all members (and future members).
Problems with your car ??
Tyre service
Car service and repairs on all makes
Glass fitting
Air conditioning
Body and paint work
Collection point can be arranged
WB Automobil-Technik GmbH
contact: Willi Bierbrauer
Raiffeisenstraße 19b
61191 Rosbach
Telephone 06003 / 829125
Mobile 0163 / 5654931
Bikini Ready in Six Weeks! Can it be True?
ou have probably seen headlines like this
before. Or you have see ads for supplements that promise incredible weight loss in a
few weeks and they have unretouched photos of
women as proof. But can it be this easy? Is there
a magic pill? Most of you probably know the
answer. If you want to get into that bikini in six
weeks prepare for a boot-camp style existence
for the duration.
Making a significant change to your body requires a three prong approach: diet, cardio exercise and strength training. Embark on a thorough cleanout of your pantry and refrigerator to
purge it of foods that will sabotage your will
power and diet (i.e. those frozen Snickers
bars!). Try to adhere to 1500 calories a day
following the USDA Food Pyramid and up your
servings of calcium, whole grains and vegetables.
Cardio exercise needs to be done 5-7 days a
week for a minimum of 45 minutes per day.
Walking, running, aerobic classes, cycling, and
stair climbing are great ways to burn off the
calories. Do as much cardio as you feel you can
in order to shrink those fat cells.
Your last requirement is to lift weights or do
strength training exercises. Lunges and squats
are great for your legs and butt. Crunches and
sit-ups on an exercise ball are perfect for tightening up your abs and your back. Try simple pushups for your chest and back. These exercises
should be done three times a week while increasing their number and intensity when you
feel you are able.
After all this work will you be bikini model perfect? Probably not, but you will have tightened
up your muscles and lost between 8-10 lbs. As
for those models, did you know that most photographs of a model go through four hours of
computerized transformations before they are
published? No wonder we can’t get our bodies
to look like theirs! But do the publishers of
magazines tell us that? No, of course not. Our
body image is constantly being bombarded by
movie stars, advertisers, athletes and models.
We compare ourselves to people who have
genetically different bodies and wonder why we
don’t or can’t look like them. They might spend
all their time exercising or relying on their bodies
for their income. Do you? Probably not. Learn
to love your body for what it does for you. It
allows you to play with your children, play tennis,
give birth, dance and take long walks. Treat your
body with kindness and reverence. So, go out
and get yourself a new bathing suit and start
living now. As you’re trying it on, remember
that there is nothing wrong with your body.
What might be wrong is manufacturers who are
still designing bathing suits for those women
who get four hours of computerized airbrushing
and touch ups before we ever get to see them on
the cover of the Sport’s Illustrated Swimsuit
Edition. ■
by April Taylor
April Taylor is a
Certified Personal
Trainer, American
Council on Exercise
“Der Garten – Fritz” TM and his team …
your personal experts for your garden paradise
fluent English spoken
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AWCT Newsletter May 2006
Mother’s Corner May
by Bettina Buchreiser
and Kharmie Neal
The Muttis are
always ready to listen
to your questions or
just provide a friendly
voice to talk to. If you
are a new member
and haven’t heard
from your Mutti yet,
please pick up the
phone and call this
sympathetic woman
who remembers what
it felt like to be “new”
in a foreign country.
The Mother’s Corner
Representative: Are
Mutti’s with small
children who can offer
additional information
about children’s
topics in your area.
The Neighborhood
organize various
events within their
neighborhoods. Call
your Neighborhood
Coordinator to ask
about neighborhood
coffees and social
activities in your area.
*indicates that these
women are
English and
German speaking
May at a Glance
Open Playgroup for “Bumps and Babies”
Kid’s Activity
Open Playgroup for Toddlers
Mom’s Activity
Story Hour
We are always looking for hosts. If you are interested in hosting an open playgroup this summer,
please contact Bettina Buchrieser, or call 06131-676993. If you are interested in hosting a story hour, please contact Ruth
Barnes or call 06196562950.
Open Playgroup for “Bumps and Babies”
When: Thursday, May 4
Where: Claire Gardiner, Eschborner Strasse
1A, 65843 Sulzbach
Time: 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
RSVP: Please call Claire at 06196-5612446 or
send e-mail to
Open Playgroup for Toddlers
When: Tuesday, May 16
Where: Michelle Janke, Feinbergweg 10, 61440
Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
RSVP: Please RSVP to Michelle at 06171886793 or send e-mail to
Story Hour
When: Monday, May 22
Where: Jess McGraw, Burgerstrasse 30, 61476
Time: 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm
RSVP: Please RSVP to Jess at 06173-928815
or send e-mail to
Bockenheimer Weinkontor is hidden behind a (fantastic) Vietnamese restaurant, in a cellar … but
don’t let that put you off … the atmosphere is
friendly and relaxed, the snacks are great and the
wines can all be sampled by the glass. It is a great
place to meet new people and friends alike. Look
forward to seeing you there!
Indoor Play Area
When: Thursday, May 11
Where: Das Tollhaus, Theodor-HeussStrasse 48, 61118 Bad VilbelDortelweil For directions:
Time: 2:00 pm in the entrance foyer
Cost: Free: Children under 2 – Free
3 Euros: Adults and children aged 2
6 Euros: Children over 3
RSVP: Please RSVP by April 28 to Johanna
or call: 06198-571730 with number of
kids and adults attending.
For those how haven’t been to Das Tollhaus, it’s a
purpose built indoor play area for children (although adults have been known to enjoy playing on
the equipment as well!). There’s soft ball pools,
inflatables, pedal cars, climbing frames, football
pitch … have a look on the web site; it gives you all
the information. For those who have been there
already you know how much fun the children can
have. There is also a bistro, so after they have run
off all their energy you can grab something to
Fair Weather Weekly Activity
May Mom’s Activity
When: every Thursday after April 27
Where: Koenigstein Park
Time: 3:30 pm
Bockenheimer Weinkontor
When: Thursday, May 18, 8:00 pm
Where: Bockenheimer Weinkontor,
It’s nearly the weekend, but not quite … it’s not
raining and you are at a loss for what to do … come
and join me and my little ones, Alex and Tamsin, in
Schlossstrasse 92 in Frankfurt
RSVP: Please RSVP by May 15 to Tanya
or call 06174-256167.
Königstein Park from 3.30 pm onwards. All ages
If you are new to the area, not sure where the park
actually is (opposite the Königstein Rathaus car
park), or want to make a definite plan to meet up,
call me at 06174-293100 (home) or 0162-7508517
(mobile). Looking forward to a warm and dry summer outside! Don’t forget to bring your bucket and
To be a member of Mothers’ Corner costs 15 Euro
per year. (Prorated to 8 Euro from 1 January for
new members). The membership year is 1 July –
30 June. For further details and to join, contact
Patricia Munn
To join Mothers’ Corner you must also be a
member of the American Women’s Club of
the Taunus, Contact Cindy Kauppila at or the British Club of
the Taunus, contact Fiona Thompson at
The cost to join Mothers’ Corner defrays the
costs of all the activities we offer. We look
forward to welcoming you! ■
AWCT Workshops
The AWCT is always looking for new ideas to
get our members involved and this is something we think is going to be great! We have
organized two workshops for May as listed
below. Space is limited so please sign up
early if you are interested. Input from members, as always, is incouraged. Let us know
what you would like to learn! Please email
Laura Blair Johnson at
Floral Centerpiece Class
When: May 17th, time TBA
Where: AWCT office, Hollerberg 1,
Cost: 38 Euro (incl. materials) per
person – max 15 people
Beginning Knitting Class
When: May 24th and 31st - two weeks,
two hours each, time TBA
Where: AWCT office, Hollerberg 1,
Cost: 35 Euro (incl. materials) max 20
We are looking for
someone who is
willing to manage the
AWCT Workshop
schedule for upcoming events.
If you would like
more information,
please contact
Laura BlairJohnson
ICF International
Christian Fellowship
of the Taunus KdöR
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
US Consulate General, Frankfurt
by Karen Neumann
Please contact
Jen Reichert
or Laura Blair
if you are interested
he AWCT Cares Members were recently
invited to tour the new location of the US
Consulate General in Frankfurt, previously the
site of the US Army 97th General Hospital. The
new consulate complex (23 acres / 325,000 sq.
ft. net office space forover 900 employees) houses over 20 different US government agencies
and entities and has consolidated US government facilities that were once distributed at seven different locations throughout Frankfurt. It
features not only a pleasing architectural ambience, but state of the art security technology as
Once introduced to the current Frankfurt consulate officials and staff, various topics, services,
and programs offered by the Special Consular
Services Section were discussed. For example,
a new registration program for local US Citizens
(approximately 175,000 residing in Frankfurt’s
consular district) is now available on-line and
free-of-charge to assist in travel planning, security, residence abroad, emergency information,
passport processing, and information on current
global topics such as avian flu. U.S. Citizens can
register to receive these periodic notifications by
email. The relevant websites are:
The US Consulate General also offers updated
information on attorneys, religious/educational
services, voting procedures, translators, public
accountants, tax advisors, and special/emergency services.
The reinstatement of the AWCT Prison Program
was urged by the Frankfurt Consulate. This
program ran successfully for about 15 years and
was much appreciated by the consulate and
English-speaking prison inmates. Should any
AWCT Member be interested in volunteering
their time for this gratifying experience with
American prisoners in Germany, please contact
CARES for further details. The two correctional
facility sites are Butzbach and Dietz (Limburg).
On Tuesday, May 2nd at 6pm, the US Consulate
is featuring “American Citizen Information Night.”
This is an opportunity to see the new Consulate
Complex and learn about its many services.
Bring passports or identity cards with you. The
address is US Consulate General Frankfurt,
Giessener Strasse 30. More information regarding this event can be found at: http:// The meeting with the
Special Services Section was very fruitful and
will lead to a continued cooperation with CARES
for the advantage of our members. US Consulate Employees are excited about their new
location, which will better meet the needs of US
citizens abroad with more efficient and up-todate services. ■
We CARE for You
Program volunteers are listed below (*indicates German and English speaking):
Bad Homburg, Oberursel, Oberstetten,
Friedrichsdorf Area
*Erna Palstring .................................................. 06172-456228
*Iris Schmidt ...................................................... 06172-778465
*Vera Thiers ........................................................ 06172-36308
Bad Soden, Eschborn, Schwalbach,
Liederbach, Steinbach Area
Contact any CARES Program Volunteer listed
Eppstein, Eppenhain, Ruppertshain,
Fischbach, Kelkheim, Hofheim Area
Mika Fenton-James ........................................... 06195-969442
Königstein, Falkenstein, Glashütten,
Kronberg, Nieder/Oberhöchstadt Area
*Karen Neumann ............................................... 06174-256640
*Petra Truppner ................................................. 06173-950222
*Mary Paul ......................................................... 06174-931060
Neu-Anspach, Usingen, Wehrheim,
Schmitten, Bad Nauheim, Friedberg Area
*Laurie Henkel ................................................... 06032-804375
*Angela von Einem ................................................ 06198-1598
*Ingrid Walderdorff ............................................ 06172-599804
Frankfurt, Bad Vilbel, Neu Isenburg,
Mörfelden, Langen Area
*Christine Smakowska-Brück ............................... 069-745919
by Jean Mier-Bölinger
*Irene Steuernagel ................................................ 069-542228
*Jean Mier-Bölinger ............................................... 069-728386
*Linda Wenzek-Barth ........................................ 06174-963384
*Adrienne Jochum ............................................. 06198-502257
Rasa Hiob .......................................................... 06196-670953
*Iris Marble ........................................................ 06032-306751
Wiesbaden, Mainz, Rüsselsheim,
Idstein, Niedernhausen, Gross Gerau Area
Claudine Bacher ................................................ 0611-4475790
Joni Schmidter ................................................. 06131-6224856
*Judy Gold ............................................................. 069-725208
Our Volunteers Will:
Provide Resource
Give General
Please note “CARES” in the subject line of your e-mail.
Simply forward your suggestions to the AWCT office or send an e-mail to
St. Mary’s
Catholic Parish
at St. Marien Liederbach
Wachenheimer Str. 58
(next to Liederbachhalle)
Sunday Mass 11:00
Religious Educ. available
B8, between A66 and Königstein;
exit for Liederbach, then follow sign
for “Liederbachhalle“;
the church is located next to that hall
(Wachenheimer Str. 58).
Pastor: Rev. John T. Kelly, S.J.
Tel.: +49 69 28 31 77
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
What’s on in May
In Case You
Didn’t Know
ry not to circulate on the street with large
amounts of money. Do not make an exhibition of the money you carry.” Normally, instructions are rather dull and dry but I found these so
delightful that, naturally, I was obedient. I have to
be honest, though, even before reading them, I
had not intended to “circulate” with lots of money,
and guaranteed I would not have thought of
“making an exhibition” of money. We were in
Buenos Aires; we had booked a city tour and,
sadly, it was raining. But what is rain to dedicated
tourists? We boarded the bus and in the following
hours we saw many of the interesting sights. We
were tremendously impressed by the city: it is
huge but divided into distinct neighborhoods or
“barrios.” “La Boca,” for instance, was once where
Italian dockers lived, a rather poor, rundown
area. It is now a colorful center for art. The cheap
corrugated iron houses look attractive because
they have been painted bright colors. Another
area, San Telmo, used to be a fashionable district until a yellow fever epidemic drove its inhabitants away; it was then populated by immigrants
and the working class. Today, the cobble streets,
antique shops, and bars in which you hear the
plaintive tango music, together with the Sunday
antique market, make it a popular place to visit.
The city has wide boulevards (Avenida 9 de Julio
is the widest avenue in the world), many green
areas, and buildings which surely date from the
“Belle Époque” time and would be at home in the
streets of Vienna or Paris. At the same time,
though, there are plenty of attractive, modern
buildings. The dock area, in fact, is being reclaimed for residential and commercial use.
Along the waterside, there is a pleasant pedestrian walk, lined with trees and restaurants. And
talking of restaurants, I have to admit, although I
don’t eat much meat, I did indulge in steak in
Buenos Aires and I have never tasted meat so
good and tender. Unbelievable. Did I mention
that shopping is great too? One of our favorite
places was called “Galeria Pacifico.” Originally it
had been a large complex, which has been
renovated and refurbished with elegant good
taste. There is a fountain in the basement which
is visible from all three floors, mirrors reflect the
water, shops offer excellent selection of wares,
and the whole place is kept squeaky clean. I even
observed a young man, dressed in the Galeria
uniform, emptying the ashtrays which were dotted around. Having removed the cigarette butts,
he evened off the sand in the tray and then
stamped the logo of Galeria Pacifico on it. Now
that is caring for small details. I was very sad to
leave the city, but Ushuaia called. Ushuaia is still
in Argentina and is the southern-most city in the
world; we read in an Argentinean leaflet about
what clothes to wear there: “Although it may not
seem a domestic element for the natives, if
usage determines it, you can add an umbrella.”
So, quite naturally, two umbrellas were in our
luggage. In Ushuaia, we were to board a boat
and make an Antarctic expedition. Ah, yes, Antarctica, well that is quite another story.
Pop concerts
1 Rosenstolz; Jahrhunderthalle
2 Tic Tac Toe; Hugenottenhalle,
6 Glenn Miller Orchestra; Kurhaus,
Bad Homburg
13 US5; Stadthalle, Offenbach
13 Noisegate Festival; Dora and many
more; Stadthalle, Langen
13 Willy Astor Wortstudio; Capital, Offenbach
16 Vaya con Dios; Alte Oper
17 Bon Jovi; Schlossplatz, Koblenz
18 Santana; Festhalle
21 Eros Ramazzotti; Festhalle
25 Goran Bregovic & his Wedding and
Funeral Band; Alte Oper
28 Ted Nugent; Hugenottenhalle,
In the series JAZZnights, on May 31,
Klaus.Doldingers.Jubilee.Tour is presented in
the Alte Oper.
You all know, of course, that Elvis Presley spent
two years, 1958-60, in Bad Nauheim as a GI. The
interest in him has not diminished and so every
Saturday, there is a guided tour, “Auf den Spuren
von Elvis Presley,” which begins at 3 pm at the
Tourist Office. (In the Colonade) Info, call 060325712.
Other music
Wiener Bonbons; Viennese music;
Alte Oper
Jessye Norman; Alte Oper
Alban Berg Quartett; Alte Oper
SWR Sinfonieorchster; Strauss,
Berlioz; Alte Oper
7/8 Museumsorchester; Wagner,
Messiaen, Alte Oper (May 7 at 11 am)
Il Divo “Ancora,” Ballsporthalle
11/12 hr.Sinfonieorchester; Ljadow,
Shostakovitch, Prokovief; Alte Oper
The 10 Tenors; Jahrhunderthalle
Dom concert; Schubert, Mendelssohn,
Rheinberger, Brahms; Dom
Tabea Zimmermann, viola; Bach,
Hindemith,Wiesenberg; Alte Oper
Chamber Music Connects the World;
Alte Oper
Schloßkonzert Junger Musiker; Chopin,
Mozart; Holzhausenschlösschen
Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie;
Beethoven; Alte Oper
Brandauer liest Mozart; Alte Oper
Gregorian, The Masters of Chant;
City of Birmingham Symphony
Orchestra; Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky;
Alte Oper
Vesselin Stanev, piano; Scarlatti,
Schumann, Skrjabin; Alte Oper
Liederabend; Felicity Lott, soprano,
Opernhaus, Willy-Brandt-Platz
Buchberger-Quartett; Haydn;
The Sunday evening concert series in the
Katharinenkiche (Hauptwache) presents something special on May 7: “Tanz und Orgel.” The
dancer Evelin Stadler and the organist Kirsten
Thur will be in contact via video camera and
perform Listz’s “Evocation,” as well as Dupré’s
similar named work. May 21, there is an organ
From May 7-17, the Kronburg Academy presents,
“Chamber Music Connects the World.”
Every two years this event takes place: the idea
is to give talented young viola/violinists and
cellists the chance to play and mix with wellknown musicians during the 11 days. There
will be seven concerts; all but one will be in
Kronberg. Log on to
for details.
“Opera Piccola” presents Mozart’s requiem and
Verdi’s Requiem Mass in Kloster Eberbach on
May 28. Sue Patchell from the New York Met and
the Hawaiian tenor Keith Ikaia-Purdy will sing.
Check out the concerts offered by the Villa Musica in Rheinland Pfalz.
A connection between the Palmengarten and
music has always been there: just think of the
summer concerts; but the construction of the
Papageno-Musiktheater was something special. A Berlin architect designed the mobile membrane construction so that it harmonised with the
garden landscape. Inside, there are seats for
199 people. What can you see there? In Mozart’s
year, two of his operas are being presented as
“Singspiele” for the whole family. “Die kleine
Entführung aus dem Serail” plays on May 12,
13, 21. “Die kleine Zauberflöte,“ is presented on
May 1, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27.
In Wiesbaden, the International Maifest Spiele
takes place during this month. There will be
companies from France, Poland, and the Neth-
erlands performing. Log on to the website for the
In Case You
Didn’t Know
cont …
A happy fact of this year’s May is that there are
two public holidays: Monday, May 1 and Thursday, May 25. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for
good weather on the two days.
There is a special connection between the artist
Max Beckmann (1884-1950) and the city of
Frankfurt. Beckmann lived 17 years there and
did many of his important paintings during this
time. So it is not surprising that the Städel as well
as the Schirn are presenting exhibitions of his
The Schirn has a show of his water colors and
pastels on paper which, up to now, have not had
so much interest shown in them. In contrast to
Beckmann’s large oil canvases, his work
on paper demonstrates humor, a lightness, and
spontaneity. Until May 28.
Running at the same time is “Jugend von heute,”
which shows how contemporary art affects the
various worlds of teenagers, twens, and thirtysomethings. Until June 25.
In the Städel, the visitor can see Beckmann’s
early graphic work which comprises mainly
mythical, biblical, everyday scenes, and nudes.
Until June 11.
Also in the Städel is an exhibition of Adam
Elsheimer’s works. He was born in Frankfurt in
1578 and was regarded by his contemporaries
as an original, innovative painter. Until June.
Network security, aren’t we all interested in that.
The Museum für Kommunikation deals with this
theme in its “Geld oder Leben” exhibition. In
earlier times, highwaymen used to rob stagecoaches and trains; nowadays banks are often
the victims. But electronic systems are also vulnerable and could lead to ‘virtual hijacks.’ The
show runs until September. Museum für Kommunikation, Schaumainkai 53.
“The Man on the Ice,” namely, Ötzi, has an
entire exhibition dedicated to him. In the Archaeological Museum, there are various interactive
modules giving a complete picture of the man
found (preserved in ice) in the Alps of Northern
Italy. His age? Estimated between 3,000 and
5,000 years. Until July. Archäologisches Museum, Karmelitergasse 1.
“Ma Lakota!” is the name of the show in the
Museum der Weltkulturen. It is about Indian
childhood in North America. It runs until August.
Running concurrently is an exhibition about skin
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
In Case You
Didn’t Know
symbols and body pictures. Schaumainkai 2937.
cont …
An exhibition which features works by around 60
Frankfurt sculptors from the Städel takes place
in Museum Giersch. It traces figurative sculpture
in Frankfurt in the 19th and 20th centuries and
looks at themes such as nudes, portraits, and
animal sculpture. Until July. Museum Giersch,
Schaumainkai 83.
The last Saturday in the month, this month on
May 27, is “Satourday.” It means the whole
family can go to (almost all) Frankfurt museums
free. This month’s theme is ‘water’ and there will
be special tours, workshops, and other activities.
From May 11-28, the Palmengarten presents
“South Africa in the Palmengarten.” It is a
pelargonium exhibition and since more than 200
from the 280 sorts of pelargonium come from that
country the title is very pertinent.
There is a new fair coming up this month in the
Messe in Frankfurt. It is called “The Design
Annual” and is the showcase for high-end design. From May 6-10, from noon to 10 pm, see
the latest in design in furniture, bath equipment,
kitchens, lamps, etc. Entrance is 20 euros but if
you book online it will be 15 euros.
May 21 is the International Museum Day and
this year’s motto is “museums and young people.” At the time of writing there was no specific
program for Hesse, but many of the museums
will have special events. Go online for info.
This year’s Hessentag takes place in northern
Hesse, Lichtenau. From May 26-June 4, you can
expect to hear music, see all kinds of entertainment, eat and drink to your heart’s content, and
have great fun. Since 1961, when Hessentag
first took place, it has become a firm favorite of
people living in Hesse. Some of the musical
offerings, for example, are Bon Jovi, May 24, The
Real Big Show, with singing, dancing, gospel,
etc, May 25, 28, Super Oldie Festival, May 26/27,
and Die Jungen Tenöre, May 26. Read about it
In Idstein, between May 25-28, there is a wine
In Bad Hersfeld, May 26-28, there is a live Jazz
In Bad Homburg, May 26-28, there is a Weinfest.
The Ritterturnier (Knights’ jousting) takes place
in Königstein on May 26-28.There is entertainment for old and young including, naturally, a
jousting tournament, plus a medieval market.
The 18th African Festival takes place in Würzburg between May 25-28. It is Europe’s biggest
Festival for African music and culture.
Did you know that 170 nations are represented in
Frankfurt? Small wonder, then, that a “parade of
the cultures” will take place on May 20. From
noon on, there will be a parade of the various
lands in the inner city. The motto this year is “Wir
sind Frankfurt!”
Those who wax nostalgic about steam trains –
May 21 is the day for you. The Frankfurt Historical Train club runs its steam train along the Main
embankment. Leaving the Eiserner Steg (near
the Römerberg) at 10:45 am, then 12 noon and
thereafter on the hour every hour until 5 pm.
There is also a train festival in Korbach, May 1214. Quite apart from trains being on display and
riding on them, there will be music and other
May 7 is the “Modelbautag” in the Feldbahnmuseum (narrow-gauge museum). There will be a
special program along with the usual operating
steam/diesel engines. Am Römerhof 15a.
The brothers Grimm “Marchenfestspiele” begin on May 19 and run until July 30. The performances take place in the Amphitheater, Hanau
Park Schloss.
The “Riversight-Dinner” on board the Primus
Linie boat takes place on May 2, 7, 12, 23, and
30. To the accompaniment of live music, you
enjoy a four-course meal while watching the
panorama unfold along the river banks.
Lots going on in Hessenpark this month. There
is a ‘”Maifest” on May 1; May 6/7 you will find a
plant market. May 14, there is a “Family Day,”
with animals on the farm. May 14 has a Farmers’
Market. May 20/21, there is a “Bembelmarkt.”
The Farmers’ Market in the Main-Taunus Zentrum will be held on May 4 and 18. It is from 9 am
– 6 pm and is located beside the Kaufhof-Pavillon.
The big sporting event of the month is the “Rund
um den Henninger Turm” bike race on May 1.
After 44 years, this race has become a tradition.
There will be 21 professional teams with 181
riders representing 24 countries. The course is
over 200 km, up and down and round and about
in the Taunus, although the start and finish is at
the Henninger Turm in Frankfurt. However, the
Main-Taunus Zentrum will be the start and finish
of races for young and amateur cyclists. Apart
from the serious stuff of racing there will be
music, a children’s entertainment program, in
other words, a festival.
Horse racing fans are lucky this month because
there are two meetings at the Frankfurt racecourse: Sunday, May 7, at around 1:30 pm and
then again on Thursday, 25 May at noon.
Galaxy supporters make a note of these dates:
May 6, Galaxy versus Rhein Fire at 7 pm and
May 14, versus Amsterdam Admirals at 5 pm.
Both games in the Commerzbank-Arena. Not
only is the football game important but the “Power Party” beforehand adds to the enjoyment.
The Frankfurt women’s football team is successful: on May 27, it will play in the finals of the
Uefa Cup in the Stadion am Brentanobad, Frankfurt. Go along and cheer the ‘golden girls’ of
Frankfurt. (Sadly, their opposite numbers are not
the ‘golden boys’ of the city. Eintracht is not doing
well in the German First Division.)
Eintracht fans can cheer their team on May 3, at
8 pm and May 13 at 3:30 pm in the Commerzbank-Arena.
Inline skating in Frankfurt takes place on Tuesday evenings. Check the website for details:
It is a little difficult sometimes to guess what the
English Theatre will be showing next! Because of
the success of the musical Rent, it was prolonged and then the scheduled “Visiting Mr
Green” was replaced by “Blithe Spirit.” I can now
tell you (again) that “Visiting Mr Green” will be
running until May 31. In case you have forgotten
what it is all about: ‘Mr Green, a cranky and
cantankerous widower, lives alone in his cluttered New York apartment, surrounded by
months of unread mail, decades of crumbling
telephone books – and an isolation anchored
only in his traditional Judaism. When young
American Express executive Ross Gardiner
nearly runs him over and is given a community
service sentence to help the old man once a
week for six months, both men’s perspectives of
life drastically change.’ English Theatre,
In Case You
Didn’t Know
cont …
Does the name Michael Flatley ring a bell with
you? How about “Lord of the Dance” or Irish tap
dancing? He is now coming to Frankfurt in a
show called “Celtic Tiger.” He has choreographed the show and will also perform in it along
with 60 other dancers. On May 16 in the Festhalle.
“Night of the Sultans” comes to the Alte Oper on
May 2. This is a mixture of ballet and modern
dance with oriental elements.
Opernhaus, Willy-Brandt-Platz
1, 5,
Tosca; Puccini
4, 6, 12
Death in Venice; Benjamin
7, 13, 19
La Clemenza di Tito
14, 20, 25, 28, 31 Parsifal; Wagner
21, 24, 27
The Bartered Bride
There is a concert performance of “La Gioconda,” by Ponchielli, in the Alte Oper on May 26 and
In the Bockenheimer Depot on May 5/6, there is
a performance of “Fantasy of the Red Queen,”
by Liu Sola. It is an opera with six scenes and a
prologue and epilogue. ■
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
It’s Travel Time!
by Erika Olsson
ome and join us for a fun-filled season of travel
suggested by our members. We hope that our
selection of trips will help you in planning a rich and
varied stay in Europe. Please check our website
regularly for further information on all trips and
new short notice trips.
To the Tulips in Holland
April 29-May 1
This bus round trip will bring you first to the famous
Keukenhof gardens which will be followed by a
guided city tour on the canals (Grachten) of Amsterdam. In the early evening a visit to the Anne Frank
House and/or a walk through the centre of Amsterdam and dinner will top off the day. On the second
and third day you will pass by bulb fields with millions
of tulips in all different colors, take a walk along fine
sandy beaches, participate in a sightseeing tour of
some typical Dutch villages with its famous windmills, and visit Den Haag, Delft, and Rotterdam.
Overnight accommodation will be at a sea side 4star hotel with breakfast and dinner.
Price: approx. Euro 175 per person in double room
Children (3-11): approx. Euro 115 in room with two
Deposit: approx. Euro 50 per person by March 5.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Ehrlich Touristik.
Shopping trip to Poland – New!!
May 12-13
This trip will bring you to various pottery outlets,
(amber, lace and Tiffany lamp shops- time permitting), and to a crystal and art glass factory in Poland.
In the evening your shopping spree is followed by a
dinner in a typical Polish restaurant. Overnight and
breakfast will be at a castle hotel in Poland. Time
permitting we will stop in the Erzgebirge to buy toys
and other typical wooden decorations. Bargains
abound in all places and special rated items will be
available for us.
Price: approx. Euro 135 per person in double room
Deposit: Euro 50 per person immediately.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Ehrlich Touristik.
Shopping Trip to Nove (Italy) – New!!
May 19-20
This trip will bring you to Nove, the city of pottery,
where almost every shop features a very large
assortment of hand painted Italian ceramics, ready
for export to all over the world. Next to visiting those
shops you will have time to search in factory outlets
for your special kind of pottery. Time permitting we will
also visit a leather factory. The bus round trip includes
next to the stops at various shops and outlets one
night accommodation in a hotel in Vicenza.
Price: approx. Euro 135 per person in double room
Deposit: Euro 50 immediately.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Ehrlich Touristik.
Country House Tour and Antiques Shopping in
Southern England
In the making (June 14-18, 06)
Normandy-Brittany (France)
May 25-28
This bus round trip will acquaint you with France’s
most celebrated sights in Normandy, like Giverny
(the gardens of Claude Monet), Rouen (home of
Jean d’Arc), Bayeux (Bayeux Tapestry), and the
museums and shores of the D-Day Landings with its
war memorials. On your way to Normandy and back
you will have time to visit the cathedrals of Reims
and Chartres with its famous stained glass windows.
The excursions will be topped off with a visit to the
abbey of Mont – St. Michel and the nearby beaches
which have some of the highest tidal variations in the
world. Accommodation will be with half board
(breakfast and dinner).
Price: approx. Euro 345 per person in double room
Children (3-11 years): approx. Euro 265 in room
with two adults.
Deposit: Euro 100 per person immediately.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Ehrlich Touristik.
Obs. Prices for all different cruises and destinations at the various dates might change from day
to day. Should you have booked for a higher
price and the prices are down for your cruise at
the time of departure you will be only charged
the new discounted price.
Summer Cruises
Baltic Sea – Sunday to Sunday
Eight-Day Cruise to the Cities of the North on
the cruise ship MSC Lirica
Departures: July 2 / 16 / 30, Aug. 13* / 27 other dates
at different prices possible
This cruise starts and ends in Kiel (Germany) and
brings you through the Baltic Sea to the Scandinavian island of Gotland, Visby, and Stockholm (Sweden), Tallinn (Estonia), St. Petersburg (Russia), and
Copenhagen (Denmark). At each city optional sightseeing tours are offered. The MSC cruise ship Lirica
(built 2003 – 795 cabins) features a theatre, a disco,
restaurants, pizzeria, grill, bars, a casino, a shopping mall, swimming pools, saunas, children and
teenager club area, and jogging tracks.
Prices: Inner cabins from: first person Euro 1375
second person Euro 499 in double cabin.
Outer cabins from: first person Euro 1855 second
person Euro 599 in double cabin.
Suites with balcony from: first person from Euro
2355 second person 599 in double cabin.
Children (until age 17) free (inner/outer cabin with
2 adults).
Re-flight: Frankfurt-Kiel (Hamburg): TBA.
Bus transfer: Frankfurt-Kiel: TBA.
Deposit: Euro 200 per person.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Rundel.
June 3-5
This bus round trip will not only expose you to the art
treasures of Flanders, but will also allow you to walk
along the picturesque waterways of Ghent and
Bruges and the cities of Brussels and Antwerp.
Accommodation in 3-star hotels with breakfast and
dinner. City tours in Brussels, Antwerp, Ghent, and
Bruges included. Ample shopping opportunities especially for tapestries and carpets.
Price: approx. Euro 245 per person in double
Children (3-1): approx. Euro 155 in room with two
Deposit: Euro 100 per person immediately.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Ehrlich Touristik.
The Loire Valley (France)
June 15-18
This bus round trip will acquaint you with France’s
most celebrated sights in the Loire Valley, a lush
landscape studded with great castles like the Chateau de Chenonceau and Chateau de Chambord. In
addition a sightseeing tour along the Val de Loire
and its vineyards will bring you to Tours and Troyes.
Close to Saumur you will visit the Troglodyte Dwelings, caves used for mushroom growing and wine
storage, and other underground hamlets. Accommodation with breakfast and dinner. Visits to Gien
and Limoges outlets will be offered.
Price: approx. Euro 450 per person.
Deposit: Euro 100 per person immediately.
Final Payment: Two weeks before departure
Make checks out to: Ehrlich Touristik
Norwegian Fjords
Eight-Day round trip Cruise to Scandinavia on
the cruise ship MSC Lirica
Departures: July 9 / 23 / Aug. 6 / 20 other dates at
different prices possible.
This cruise starts and ends in Kiel (Germany) and
brings you to the famous Norwegian cities like Oslo,
Stavanger, Flam, Hellesylt, Geiranger, and Copenhagen (Denmark). In addition you will visit world
famous fjords like the Geiranger fjord and Sogne
fjord of Norway. The cruise ship is equipped with: a
theatre, a disco, restaurants, bars, a shopping mall,
a children and teenager club area, swimming pools,
saunas, and jogging tracks. Optional excursions to
each city and the fjords are offered.
Prices: Inner cabins from: first person Euro 1375
second person Euro 499 in double cabin.
Outer cabins from: first person Euro 1855 second
person Euro 599 in double cabin
Suites with balcony from: first person from Euro
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
cont …
Special notes
regarding all trips:
Early confirmation of
your reservation with
a deposit ensures
your place on the trip.
If you must cancel for
any reason, we will
try to replace you
with someone from
the waiting list.
However, if we are
unable to do so, your
deposit is forfeited
and, depending on
the cancellation
date, an additional
cancellation fee
may be assessed.
All checks should be
made payable to the
travel agency listed in
the trip description.
Please try to get a
bank check
from the bank of your
checking account.
cont …
The travel chairwoman is not a
travel agent and
therefore the
AWCT assumes
none of the
liabilities of an
agency. Travel is
offered as a service
to our members to
help facilitate
arrangements for
group trips which
have been requested by our members. The travel
agents listed for
each trip assume
all responsibilities
involved in providing the accomodations and services
2355 second person 599 in double cabin.
Children (until age 17) free (inner/outer cabin with
2 adults).
Re-flight: Frankfurt-Kiel (Hamburg): TBA.
Bus transfer: Frankfurt-Kiel: TBA.
Deposit: Euro 200 per person.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Rundel.
(inner/outer cabin with 2 adults).
Re-flight: Frankfurt-Copenhagen: TBA.
Bus transfer: Frankfurt-Cph: TBA.
Deposit: Euro 200 per person.
Final Payment: two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Rundel.
Eight-Day Cruise to the Baltic Sea on the
cruise ship Costa Magica
July 2, 16, 30*, Aug. 13*,27 (*higher price) – other
dates possible at lower prices
This cruise ship Costa Magica starts from Copenhagen (Denmark) and brings you through the Baltic
Sea to Tallinn (Estonia) – St. Petersburg (Russia) –
Helsinki (Finland) – Stockholm (Sweden) and back
to Copenhagen. At each harbour optional sightseeing tours are offered by the cruise ship or you can
explore the cities on your own. The cruise ship
features a theatre, a disco, 4 restaurants, bars, a
casino, a shopping mall, 3 swimming pools, children’s and teenager areas, and a jogging track.
Prices: Inner cabins from Euro 1160 / *from Euro
1340 per person.
Outer cabins from Euro 1540 / *from Euro 1720
per person.
Outer cabins with balcony from Euro 1635 / *from
Euro 1830 per person.
Children (until age 18) Euro 595 / *Euro 680.
Greek Islands
Eight-Day round trip cruise from Italy to
Greece on the cruise ship MSC Armonia
Oct. 01 (other dates possible)
The cruise ship MSC Armonia invites you to participate in a cruise through some of the most beautiful
parts of the eastern Mediterranean Sea and its many
picturesque islands. You will moor in the harbours of
Venice, Bari, Pireus (Athens), Dubrovnik, and the
islands of Santorini, Mykonos, and Corfu. Optional
tours will be available to some of the famous historical sites in Venice (Italy), Dubrovnik, (Croatia),
Santorini, Mykonos, Corfu and Athens (Greece).
The cruise ship is equipped with a theatre, restaurants, an English Pub, ice cream bar, beer bar,
disco, casino, shopping mall, library, children’s
area, fitness centre, saunas, solarium, swimming
pools, whirlpools, a jogging track and an internet
Prices: Inner cabins from Euro1180 first person /
Euro 299 second person.
Outer cabins from Euro 1390 first person / Euro
299 second person.
Outer cabins with balcony from Euro 2030 first
person / Euro 299 second person.
Children (2-17) in cabin with two adults free
(inner/outer cabin).
Re flight: Frankfurt-Venice: TBA, or by own
Deposit: Euro 200 per person.
Final Payment: Two weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Rundel.
The Travel Committee is always
open to suggestions of trips that
you would be
interested in having
arranged. We
appreciate your
feedback and look
forward to working
with the members.
Eastern Mediterranean Sea
Seven-Day Cruise from Italy to Greece and
Turkey on the Costa Mediterranea
Oct. 1-8 (other dates possible)
The Costa cruise ship Costa Mediterranea invites
you to participate in a cruise through the eastern
Mediterranean Sea. The cruise ship will bring you
from Italy to Greece and Turkey and then back to
Italy. You will moor in the harbours of Venice, Bari,
Katakolon, Izmir, Istanbul, and Dubrovnik and you
will pass through the strait of the Dardanelles. Optional tours will be available to some of the famous
historical sites of Italy (Venice), Greece (Olympia),
Turkey (Ephesus, and Istanbul) and Croatia (Dubrovnik). The cruise ship launched in 2002 is
equipped with a theatre, 2 restaurants, pizzeria, 12
bars, a ballroom, disco, casino, shopping mall, library, children’s area, fitness centre, covered thermal bath, saunas, solarium, swimming pools, whirlpools, tennis court, and jogging track.
Prices: Inner cabins from Euro 699 per person.
Outer cabins from Euro 1195 per person.
Outer cabins with balcony from Euro 1395 per
Children (2-18) in cabin with two adults Euro 150
each (inner/outer cabin).
Re flight: Frankfurt-Venice: TBA, or by own
Deposit: Euro 200 per person.
Final Payment: 2 weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Rundel.
Western Mediterranean Sea
Seven-Day Cruise from Italy, Spain, and Tunis
on the Costa Fortuna
Oct. 1-8 (other dates possible)
The European cruise liner, Costa Fortuna, will take
you through some of the most beautiful parts of the
western Mediterranean Sea. You will visit the pictur-
esque Italian island of Sicily (Palermo) and the
Spanish Island of Mallorca (Palma de Mallorca). In
addition, the ship will stop in the ports of Savona,
Naples (Italy), Bizerta (Tunisia), Barcelona (Spain),
and Marseilles (France), where optional port excursions are available. The cruise ship, launched in
2003, is equipped with a theatre/cinema, 4 restaurants, 7 bars, disco, casino, shopping mall, library,
children’s area, fitness center, saunas, solarium, 4
swimming pools, 5 whirlpools, a waterslides, a jockeying track, basket and volleyball track, and a golf
Prices: Inner cabins from Euro 650 per person in
double cabin.
Outer cabins from Euro 999 per person in double
Outer cabins with balcony from Euro 1195 per
Children (2-18) in cabin with two adults Euro 150
each (inner/outer cabin).
Re flight: Frankfurt-Venice: TBA.
Deposit: Euro 200 per person.
Final Payment: 2 weeks before departure.
Make checks out to: Rundel.
ALL TOURS CALL: Erika Olsson, Ricarda Huch
Str. 4, 61476 Kronberg Tel/Fax 06173-63083, email:
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
cont …
*** MEMBERS ***
We have come up
with a “family“ travel
idea that may appeal
to a wider group within our club. What do
you think about: Day
trips – Saturday or
Sunday? Or overnight trips – Saturday until Sunday? Or
overnight trips – Friday until Sunday?
Please email Erika
Olsson at olssons with
your thoughts and/or
travel ideas.
Space Medicine: A New Concept in Treatment
by Susan Benham
recently had the opportunity to try the diagnostic
and therapeutic methods used by our new Corporate Member, SpaceMed. Now located in Konigstein, SpaceMed will be relocating in the next few
months to a newly built area in the center of
Kronberg. I met with Dr. Phil E. Edinger and Nicole
Williamson to learn about how SpaceMed is using
the latest findings from research conducted during
space travel to optimize the possibilities of traditional medicine. They feel that their methods have
had success in treating cancer, diabetes, stress,
and attention deficit disorder (ADHD).
The four treatment methods Space Med is using
are: oberon, sio, sound therapy, and energy massage. Oberon is used for early diagnosis of the
disease and to treat stress by the generation of
hormones and boosting the immune system. Sio is
a high tech device used to detect and measure the
current state of the body’s health by uncovering
specific problem areas and improving the ability of
the doctor to provide a very personalized treatment
plan in a very short period of time. Sound therapy
is the use of natural sounds and music by “recharging” the brain and body functions to improve concentration, reaction, and perception thus causing
relationships and personal performance to improve.
Sound therapy is a particularly desirable means of
treating ADHD. Energy massage techniques work
with energy fields in the body and support the other
three methods of treatment. Relaxation is a desired
effect of energy massage, along with the improvement of vital body functions, self generation, and
enhancement of well-being and self confidence.
SpaceMed feels they are a pioneer and innovator
in the area of ADHD. They report successes are
being achieved through their completely drug-free
treatment methods. SpaceMed takes into account
the ADHD child is highly distracted, has low stamina, inattentiveness and hyper activity. They understand how these symptoms have a direct negative
effect on family, school, among peers, and during
leisure time. They feel performance stress, depression, and anxiety effect a child’s physical health
and are using innovative diagnostic methods to
treat these symptoms.
If you would like to learn more about these innovative and interesting medical treatments contact
Nicole Williamson at 06174-203121 or by e-mailing ■
A Challenge: Family and Career
nterview with Dr. med. Ursula von der Leyen,
German Federal Minister for Family Affairs,
Senior Citizens, Women, and Youth (CDU)
Dr. med. Ursula von der Leyen, born in Brussels,
studied economics and medicine in Göttingen,
Münster, Hannover, and Stanford. In 2005 she was
appointed to the cabinet of German Chancellor Dr.
Angela Merkel. She is married to Heiko von der
Leyen, professor of medicine. They have seven
What influenced you to become our Federal
Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens,
Women, and Youth?
Originally I wound up in politics because of public
health. During my political engagement, however,
I realized very soon how unusual and also partly
unacceptable it is in Germany to hold a leading
position as a mother with several children. Our
country’s birthrate suffers from a dramatic decrease, because there is little support for young
people with children wanting to continue their career. As young parents they are blamed instead for
having children and working, although these are
exactly the people we need to secure the future of
our country. Our country needs a change of mentality. I also intend to lay part of the foundation of the
positive attitude towards children in a modern
world which I experienced while living in the United
When did you become interested in politics?
I have experienced politics since my childhood, but
only when I returned to Germany with my husband
after residing for more than four years in the US I
decided to contribute my experience on a larger
scale. That is why I was looking for a way into
How did your family accept your decision?
My family encouraged me regarding my decision
right from the beginning to accept the challenging
appointment as Federal Minister in Berlin. My husband did not only support my professional step, but
he also took over a distinctive active role in the
family and postponed his professional career (at
times) or arranged his own flexible working conditions for me to have more scope for my personal
development. For us and our children this is the
most important and positive experience how solidarity can mobilize power and new perspectives in
the family. In addition, we also experience skepticism in our environment. Especially my husband
experienced many derisive comments regarding
his active role as father. The children are very much
aware of the fact that we, their parents, make
efforts together with all our strength to earn our
living but on the other hand to spend as much time
as possible with the children. It takes a lot of
strength and also sacrificing personal interests, but
© by Iris Schmidt
Dr. Ursula von der Leyen, Minister for Family Affairs,
Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
exactly this our children recognize as a very special
What was your dream profession during childhood?
I always wanted to have a huge farm with lots of
animals. A political career I did not consider at all
until a few years ago, because I always have been
a passionate medical doctor. Very soon I realized
that I had reached my limits in this profession. After
our first child was born, I noticed that an environment with rigid working patterns ignoring children
would make it impossible for me to continue to be
a good medical doctor and at the same time be a
good mother. For this reason, I turned to science
later on, allowing me more flexibility compared to
work at a patient’s bedside.
Where do you set your priorities in family politics, also in Europe?
I want to achieve a family policy enabling young
people to raise their children under modern living
conditions according to their wishes. It strengthens
families and the solidarity of generations. Of
course, to achieve this we need a triad of a good
infrastructure like child care and schools, consideration of time for the family also in professional life
and financial support, especially in the beginning
when the children are small and the income is very
low. This shows the comparison with other countries more successful as family policy is concerned,
like Scandinavia, France, or Great Britain, Canada,
and the US. For the next years I have set myself
three major goals. Young families should receive
specific financial help making it easier for them to
raise children. For this reason we are introducing
financial support for parents starting next year. We
have to care more for those children not born on the
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
cont …
sunny side of life. Therefore I am working on an
early warning system in order to bring more help to
those families who cannot manage educating their
own children. I want to widen the family political
horizon for the “more-generation-family” and the
solidarity of generations. Therefore we are producing “more-generation-houses” all over the country.
I deem it important to integrate more families into
society. Families generate values and pass on the
What are your personal priorities in life?
The very first priorities in my life are my marriage
and my children. They define by far the meaning of
my life. Also my Christian faith gives me stability
and confidence followed by my profession, where
I can use my acquired abilities and where I see
perspectives for the coming years when the children leave home.
How do you manage your numerous duties and
appointments without stress?
Naturally, there always is tension. Without my
husband, who contributes even more as an active
father, and helpers in my household, I could never
manage the enormous workload. I have an outlet
that is jogging. Sometimes when I come home,
tired and cold, my son says: “Mom, keep on jogging! You are always so happy when you return!”
When I am jogging I transpire away all annoyance
and stress. The hours I spend together with my
family help most. It may sound like a paradox. The
daily struggle for spending time with the children
definitely restricts the time for my work and therefore increases time pressure. The time with the
family provides a healthy distance towards my
profession and thereby more calming down.
Do you have an idol?
Kind of a mentor for me is Wolfgang Schäuble with
his intelligent considering nature. He is highly disciplined, humble, at the same time very goalorientated. He seems to have a safe inner compass
orientated towards other matters than the daily
fast-moving political business.
Holidays in Burgundy, France
Centuries-old luxuriously-renovated villa with
heated pool in wine village near Beaune. Ten mins
A6 motorway. Up to 7 double/twin/family rooms
available all year round. Excellent holiday base for
families & weekend breaks, convenient for
stopovers. Child friendly. Wine tastings a specialty.
Price guide: Bed & Breakfast from 90 Euro per
night per double room.
Ring Kate Murray-Sykes in France for brochure,
bookings and fine wine list.
Tel/Fax: 33 3 85452593.
What advice do you have for our readers and
their families?
I would like to encourage young families to say yes
to children. Children cause deep feelings I cannot
describe in words. They let us experience the
constant circulation of giving and taking between
generations. Society should not leave parents
alone mainly when the children are still small. I am
convinced that today, although it is very late, we
can set the right course. If that does not work, our
daughters and sons shall immigrate to countries
which make it easier for them to combine family
and professional life. Many young people are leaving today already, i.e. German female and male
physicians work and live with their families and
children in Scandinavia, the Netherlands, or Great
Britain. Our actions of today decide how we shall
live together in the future.
Thank you for the interview, Dr. von der Leyen. We
wish you all the best for you and your family and in
your responsible position. ■
Beautiful Apartments for Rent in the
Heart of Tuscany
Villa Il Pozzo is strategically positioned between Florence
and Siena, in the heart of the Chianti region. Nine
apartments featuring Tuscan colored
walls, terracotta floors, beautiful mirrors
with gold-painted baroque frames create
an atmosphere resonant with history and
art. Kitchens are equipped with state-ofthe-art appliances and embellished with
precious marbles. A beautiful Pietra
Serena staircase leads to three of the
apartments and to the private library,
featuring many old Italian manuscripts. Guests will enjoy
the magnificent Mediterranean style pool an d the stunning
views while strolling the grounds.
AWCT Day Trips
Day Trips Program for May – June 2006
Day Trips
by Linda Kennedy
Tuesday, June 6, 8.00 hrs.
This will be a full day trip to this wonderful, fascinating, exciting French city. I could write pages of
superlatives! As long as more than 30 people are
interested, then a touring bus will be ordered at a
price of EUR 30 per person.
If the interest is lower, then the trip will still take
place, but in the form of carpooling.
Linda Kennedy, Tel.: 06174 24785, e-mail:, can be contacted any time
for Day Trip information. ■
Order Now!
– AWCT Publications Available to Order –
Germany à la Carte is our cookbook. The information section includes basics on German specialities, beer and wine, local ingredients, baking, and shopping. The recipes in the second section use modern cooking techniques with ingredients listed in both
American and metric measures. Euro 15*. See shipping charges below.
Notecards are offered in decorated folded boxes. Each box contains 12 blank notecards featuring four contemporary still-life artworks on the front with 12 different recipes on the back. The striking designs were created by Pirrette Rousseau Unterhauser and
Paulina Yoo. Euro 5. See shipping charges below.
A Parent’s Guide steers parents and parents-to-be through the maze of German obstetric and pediatric care, and discusses nutrition,
education, local customs, and more. For English-speaking parents in Germany. Euro 10*. See shipping charges below.
Garbage ABCs is our booklet written in response to the many questions people ask about disposal of household trash. An overview
of the major items to be recycled is presented, followed by a detailed description of garbage terminology listed in alphabetical order.
Euro 2. Call for shipping charges.
Send this form with payment by check in euros (sorry, we can not accept dollars) to: AWCT / Publications, Postfach 1931, 61409
Shipping: Within Germany, add Euro 3 for each book. Elsewhere please inquire.
*There is a 10% volume discount for orders of 10 books or more for the Germany à la Carte and A Parent’s Guide.
Enclosed is Euro _______ for
____ Germany à la Carte
____ Parent’s Guide
____ Notecards
____ Garbage ABCs
Ship to:
Name _____________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
May Activities
Tricia Danziger
Please also check
the AWCT website
for last-minute
changes in Activities
and Services!
Book Discussion Groups
Brunch and Books (Daytime)
Bonnie Barski, 06174-209487,;
Erika von Rege, 06172-72137,
If you enjoy reading and having a lively book discussion
over brunch, we are the group for you. Meetings are
tentatively scheduled for the last Wednesday of the
month at 10:30 a.m. in a member’s home. Contact Erika
von Rege for ride-sharing.
May 31 Light on Snow by Anita Shreve
José Brugman, Bad Homburg,
June 28 An Evening of Long Goodbyes by Paul
Erika von Rege, Friedrichsdorf,
July 26 A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russell
Bonnie Barski, Königstein,
Taunus Readers’ Group (Evening)
Hilary Steger, 06081-578837,
ClaudiaScott, 06174-259-57,
Please join us for our dynamic book discussions held
monthly on Thursday evenings usually at a member’s
home in the Taunus area. If you are interested, just give
us a call or send an e-mail! Newcomers are always
Bookgroup Kronberg/Königstein (evening)
Petra Truppner, 06173 – 950222,
Do you enjoy reading interesting books and having
colorful, lively discussions and a tasteful glass of wine?
Our book group has a well-rounded mixture of all ages.
We meet once a month at a member’s house in the
evening. We look forward to having new members!
Books for our next meetings:
May 30:
June 20:
Husband and Wife, Zeruya Shalev
Saturday, Ian McEwan
The Memoirs of a Geisha, Arthur Golden
A Million Little Pieces, James Frey
The Bluest Eye, Toni Morrison
Bridge (Duplicate)
Sylvia Whelan, 06174-256261;
Gudrun Zieler, 06173-63432;
Marline Holmes, 06192-27215.
Our duplicate bridge group meets every Thursday from
9:30 am – 1:30 pm at the Liederbachhalle, Wachenheimerstr, Liederbach. Anyone interested can call one
of us for reservations and/or information. We look forward to seeing you.
Ceramics Circle
Charlotte Jacob-Hanson, 06196-63915,
This is an international group of approximately 25 women with a shared interest in studying ceramics. The
group was founded in 1992 and is associated with the
AWCT, the British Club of the Taunus, and the Wiesbaden British Women. We usually meet on the last
Friday of the month from September until June. Our
program includes excursions to ceramic manufacturers,
museum collections, and current exhibitions, as well as
members’ talks and guest speakers. Detailed program
notices are sent out regularly. Please contact us for
more information.
Empty Nesters
Janet Browne, 06198-586666,;
Barbara Hodgson, 06192-928485,
Empty Nesters is a group of women of all ages and
backgrounds who can plan activities without children or
the restraints of a school schedule. We are a social
group that enjoys friendship and fun in a variety of
activities throughout the month. We do daytrips, tours,
lunches, walks, shopping trips, movies, etc. We have a
weekly social bridge group and periodically plan events
to include couples.
The following tours/events are subject to change. Contact Barbara for current details.
Friday, May 5:
Shopping morning in Sachsenhausen, followed by lunch
Monday, May 8: Tour of Mainz and lunch
Tuesday, May 16: Tour of Kronberg and lunch
Tuesday, May 30: AWCT charity lunch at Villa Bonn
Venues for lunch have not been finalized yet, but details
will be sent out to Empty Nesters ahead of time.
Ongoing: Wednesday afternoon bridge
Equipment Loan Program
Ruth Barnes, 06196-562950.
Equipment Loan is a Mother’s Corner initiative that is
open to all AWCT/BCT members. This service is for the
benefit of anyone who is entertaining visitors with infants/toddlers. If you are new to the Taunus region and
are still waiting for your shipment to arrive, or if you are
having guests and need a highchair, travel cot, car seat,
or stroller (for twins as well), we might have what you
International Contacts
(10:00 am every 3rd Wednesday in the month)
Gillian Pike, 069-2575 8836,;
Sabine Loose, 06174 -931999,
Members of the AWCT and the local Discussionskreis
Taunus collectively form the International Contacts
group. We are women who love visiting museums,
galleries, art exhibitions and places of cultural or historical interest and generally meet once a month to enjoy
an excursion and the opportunity to get together. Most
tours are with an English-speaking guide and are focused on the Frankfurt area. It’s a great way of getting
to know our German counterparts and at the same time
enjoy an interesting event. There’s always time for
coffee and a good chat afterwards.
Recent events have included visits to the Paulskirche,
the Staedel and Schirn Art Galleries and the Frankfurt
Stock Exchange. Future tours will include the history of
the Roemer, the Jewish Museum, an English garden
party, the Kaisermacher Exhibition and a tour of Sachsenhausen and the history of Apple wine.
Full details for all current events are maintained on the
AWCT Web site, So if this sounds
interesting and you would like to join us, please contact
Gillian or Sabine. Everyone is welcome!
Ladies Golf League (NEW)
Do you play golf and would like to play at a local course
on a regular basis? If interested please contact Stella
at the AWCT office, 06171 580835, or email
Book Library in the AWCT Treffpoint office
Denise Benavides,
The self-service book library is open during all office
hours, Monday – Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 noon. The
library has a large selection of books in English including
current bestsellers, travel books, and cookbooks. Borrow, enjoy, and return when finished. Thanks to all for
your book donations.
Books for everyone! Books can still be borrowed from
the library; however, you can now buy up to five books
a week, for a donation, from our book library at the
AWCT office. Please put your money in the container on
the “Recent Arrivals” shelf to your left as you enter the
library. Suggested donation is 1 euro a book.
Video Library
At our Treffpoint headquarters, we have over 1,700
English-language titles (the largest selection in greater
Frankfurt!) on video available for loan for a modest
donation of 3 Euro per week. New titles are added every
month and are available in PAL (European) and NTSC
(American) color systems. Please remember that your
name and membership number are required at checkout, and there is a limit of five films per rental period. We
have resumed our regular schedule and are now open
Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9:30 to 11:30 am.
Marline Holmes, 06192-27215,
We are a group of English-speaking women living in
Germany on a permanent basis. Call Marline for details.
Jan Farr 069-5979 9975,
Want to learn something new, or maybe you’ve played
already and have been looking for some other enthusiasts to make up a game? Why not give Mah-jongg a try?
Mah-jongg is an old Chinese game, played with special
tiles. We take turns to host the meeting at our homes and
play every Monday at 10:00 am. We look forward to
seeing some new members. Call or e-mail to find out
where we are meeting next.
cont …
Nora Zinn, 07171-6984961,
The Quilt Group of the Taunus consists of members of
the AWCT and British Women’s Club. All levels of
quilters from beginners to advanced are welcomed. We
meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month
Religious Services
Bible Study “Grapevine”
Kathy Alderson, 06174-255638;
Karen Capp, 06171-883423.
Grapevine meets every Thursday morning for Bible
study on specific topics such as prayer, how to come
closer to God, and the basics of Christianity. Regardless
of your religious background or church denomination,
we invite you to join us for fellowship and teaching every
Thursday 9:30-11:30 am at the new ICF building (parking in rear), Hohemark Strasse 75, Oberursel. Childcare
is provided.
Please contact
Jen Reichert
or Laura Blair
if you are interested
SINKS (Single Income No Kids)
Gladys Ho,;
Nicki Tiernan,;
Christina Vandenboorn,
Although our core group is women who do not work
outside the home, currently have no children and are
looking to meet women in the same situation, we
welcome everyone in this group – anyone looking
for an excuse to meet up and have fun! Join us to enjoy
coffee, conversation, lunches and events throughout
the year.
Afternoon Tea at Villa Kennedy
When: Friday, May 5, 3:00 pm.
Where: Hotel Villa Kennedy, Kennedyallee 70, 60596,
RSVP: to Nicki at by May 3.
Directions: Strassenbahn 21, direction Schwannheim;
stop Stressemannallee/Gartenstr.
Villa Kennedy describes itself as “Frankfurt’s most elegant address,” so it’s about time we visited! Join us for
afternoon tea in the calm courtyard, on the terrace or
inside this newly opened stylish hotel. A very nice way
to start the weekend.
Luncheon along the Rhine
When: Tuesday, May 23, 12:30 pm.
Where: Restaurant Johannesburg.
RSVP: to Gladys at by May 19.
Directions: meeting place & car pooling TBD.
Come and join us for a trip out of Frankfurt! We can enjoy
the splendid scenery along the Rhine whilst taking lunch
in the beautiful Restaurant Johannesburg. Watch your
e-mails for more information, directions, transportation
& car pooling. If you have a car and are willing to drive,
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
cont …
please inform Gladys on your RSVP. Definitely the
month for something different!
Please watch your e-mails for further details on all
SINKS events.
Sweet Adeline International
Martina Buring, 0611-463694.
If you are a woman who loves to sing, we want to meet
you! Sweet Adelines is an international organization of
women devoted to the joy of singing four-part harmony,
barbershop style. The “Heart of Hessen” chapter of
Sweet Adelines rehearses every Monday evening from
7:00 – 9:00pm at the Versohnungsgemeinde, Kirchbachstr 44, Wiesbaden. Audiocassettes of the music
are used to make at-home practive easy and fun. Tenors, leads, basses and baritones, come help us “Harmonize the World.”
Tennis League
Barbara Merlino, 06173-2548,;
Cindy Kingsman, 06196-23703,
Monday, May 8, at 12 noon.
Kronbergerhof, Bleichstr. 12, Kronberg.
Please tell your Captain or call one of the above to make
a reservation so we can tell the restaurant how many to
expect. All league players, substitutes and any other
interested players may attend.
Monday, June 12 at 11:30 am.
Sportzentrum Kronberg, Oberhochstadt.
Please send a deposit of 10 euro to one of the above to
hold a place at tryouts. These tryouts are for new players
or returning players who are not in the league now.
Our league season then begins in September 2006. If
you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail or
phone. The deadline for the deposit is Thursday, June 8.
Walking Group
Regine Colla, 06174-969373,
Do you like to walk? Don't know the walking areas?
Know of some great walking paths and want to share
them? Don't like walking alone? Want some extra exercise? AWCT is starting a walking group within the
Taunus area. If you are interested in participating and/
or helping to head this new group, contact Regine. It will
be a great way to meet other walkers, see some of the
beautiful areas that are available for us to walk,
and get some exercise!
Working Women’s Group
The WWG is about working women, but it is not just that:
If you want to stay connected to "working" and/or "career" subjects regardless of your current job status, then
the Working Women's Group is just for you! We network,
socialize, and learn together through dinner, fun events,
and workshops/seminars that support us in both personal and professional development.
The group members come from a variety of backgrounds, which creates a very dynamic community.
Many of us are working, but if you are hesitating to join
just because you are not working right now, know that
we have many members who are not working and
immensely enjoy being part of the WWG. Being around
a group of professionally minded women living and
working in Frankfurt helps all of us feel connected and at
The group meets for dinner once per month. We also
organize one-workshop or seminar event in the evening,
which is usually held on the second Monday of every
month. Membership is open to all AWCT members and
non-members and the annual WWG fee is 10 Euros,
which is used to offset costs of workshops and seminars. If you would like to receive the WWG invitations to
monthly social nights and workshops please register on
the Yahoo! Groups homepage set up exclusively for the
WWG. To register go to
group/frankfurt_workingwomensgroup, or for more information, you can contact any of the following people
from the membership homepage on Yahoo! Annette
Heuser, Gisela Dauer, Nicola Bauerle, Regina Dibenedetto, and Holly Schwartz.
Writers’ Group
Isabelle de Pommereau, 069-61994144,
What we write may turn into novels or magazine pieces.
More often than not, it consists of journal entries, short
stories or novel chapters. The goal of the Writer’s Group
is to help our members improve their writing. We do so
by meeting at 7:15 pm every two weeks to critique one
another’s work. We’ve edited the work at home and
share remarks at the meeting. Critiquing is a task we
take seriously. If your writing doesn’t sound right to
others, it probably isn’t right. If you want to write, for
yourself or for a market, please come join us. The key,
we think, is not to be shy about sharing our writing, and
to accept others’ comments about our work. Good
writing takes time and many edits. Writing is sometimes
painful. It can be isolating. The writer’s group is work, but
it’s well worth it. It’s inspirational. ■
Member to Member
Aerobics, Roller Skating, Ice Skating –
Iris Schmidt, 06172-778465.
Animal Issues and Concerns –
Irene Hillgärtner, 06008-517 for information and discussion.
Au Pairs / Nannies (English-speaking) –
Wai-yee Schmidt, 069-7474 2987,
We specialize in placing native English speakers in Germany
(those from EU may be placed with non-German families).
We select and thoroughly screen only excellent candidates.
We also provide an orientation program to save you any
Babysitting –
Jill Conway, 0178-5970415.
Whether for baby-sitting, childcare, mother’s help or cooking
days, evenings, weekends – including overnight stay – on a
regular or on-off basis.
Classical feng shui:
Ancient Wisdom for Modern Living –
Karen Neumann, 06174-25 66 40,
Wellness for you and your home: Feng Shui Consulting
creates optimal living and working environments. Integrating
the Eastern philosophy of harmony and balance with contemporary Western styling enhances clarity, better health
and happiness in daily life.
Computer Services –
Linda Kennedy, 06174-24785,
PC troubleshooting, upgrades, small installations.
Cooking Classes –
Iris Marble, 06032-306751;
Maddalena Tosoni-Hall, 01520-3628033,
Italian Cooking Lessons – single and small groups (3-8
people). Prices from 18 Euro/hour. Call or e-mail!
Cooking Classes –
Israeli Cooking Workshop –
Anat Kozlov, 069-71914750, 0160- 4909587,
I would like to welcome you to my Middle Eastern table at the
Israeli Cooking Workshop on Tuesdays, Wednesdays,
Thursdays which will introduce you to the fragrance and taste
of the Israeli cuisine and food culture. At the end of the
workshop we will enjoy a lunch of our self-made food.
Creating Prosperity in your Life: Learning to live from
your Essence – Judith Gold, MA, West-End Counseling
Practice, 069 725208. Call for more information: This work is
very transformative. Join us for our next seminar. It takes
place on Saturday, May 6th, from 10-17:00.
Energy Empowerment –
Karen Neumann, 06174-25664,
Discover how to implement your innate healing abilities for
better healing and emotional well-being.
English Native Speakers –
Elsegret Wenkemann, 06196-952410.
Play in English with German kids – pays hourly. Native
English speakers wanted to teach children ages 4-9 through
play in Frankfurt and Taunus areas. Spielsprachschule
Family and Individual Therapy –
Dr. Inge Friedrich-Rust, Kronberg/Taunus, 06173-79924,
Frankfurt City Tour Guide –
Iva Pearlstein, 069-95502897,
Professional customized city tours for small groups.
German MT copywriter –
Stefanie Hilscher, 01520-5493885, stefanie.hilscher@ Direct mail specialist: Letters, e-mails, response
ads, Web site and other translations.
Contact Stella
Kristoffersson at the
AWCT office
Hebrew Conversation Lessons For Adults And Children- For further information and registration, please e-mail
or call Anat Kozlov at or call 06971914750 (phone) or 0160-4909587 (mobile).
Individualized Fitness Training, Yoga and Meditation –
Atmando Holistic Center,
069 -94411121,
If you are looking for RESULTS to achieve improved health,
vitality and well-being in a beautiful environment then we are
your sanctuary in the city. Easy to get to in Frankfurt. Just off
the 66. Free Parking.
Language Lessons German –
Ingeborg Grafmueller, 06196-23779, Taunus Area.
Monika Hild-Thomas, Frankfurt, 0179-8107164 and 06995909099,
Christine Martin, 06196-22186 and 0171-3160523.
Help in German(y) with forms, insurance matters, paperwork
… (translation/ writing in German or English/ French).
Susanne Strech-Busch, 06196-27402, fax: 06196-561100,
Language Translations – Nina Scheicher, 0611-520939,
Certified German translator for legal documents. Translations for English, German, Spanish.
Leanne Cvetan, 069-59793713,
American with a BA & Master’s Degree in German. All areas
of expertise.
Maddalena Tosoni,
Certified Italian-English translator. All areas of expertise.
The AWCT defines a
Service as an instruction where members
pay a fee in exchange
for the service. Forprofit Services contact
person must be an
German commercial
businesses are not
The AWCT does not
endorse, recommend,
or guarantee any of the
services listed. If further publicity is desired,
service providers and
businesses should
contact the Club’s Paid
Advertising Coordinator (listed in the front of
the Newsletter) for information about advertising in the AWCT
Massage / Bodywork – Wellness-Point
Linda Wenzek-Barth, Naturopath, Kelkheim-Ruppertshain,
Holistic and prenatal massage, Reflexology, Pranic Healing
& Thought Field Therapy. Caring hands for the mind as well
as the body.
Migraines Treatment – Judith Gold, MA, West-End Counseling Practice, 069 725208. Do you suffer from migraines?
You do not have to suffer. When you have a headache, come
in to a 15-20 minute session for it to go away. Also, if you want
to avoid having them, there are exercises you can do. Please
call for further information.
Nutrition – Inner and Outer Nutrition
Maija Hansen, 06171-26598,
No matter what your Wellness Goals are, I can help. Exclusive HERBALIFE Products.
Part-Time Pre-School Teacher (15 hours/week) Montessori
Kinderhaus Kronberg – Montessori Fördergemeinschaft Kronberg e.V., Ilse Müller (Kinderhausleitung), Le-Lavandou-Str.
2, 61476 Kronbeg, 06173 317071
We are a German speaking Montessori pre-school for 40 children
(ages 3-6). Should you be a qualified English speaking Kindergarten (pre-school) teacher (preferably with a Montessori Diploma)
AWCT Newsletter May 2006
cont …
and enjoy working with children whilst speaking English. We look
forward to receiving your application.
Would you like to learn GERMAN?
Bilingual/Bicultural German native, former professor of languages
at the University of South Florida with 10+ years work experience
in the US offers classes. Please contact Monika at 069 95 90 90 99,
Psychotherapeutic Counseling
Sheila Rossbach, MSW, ACSW, CSW,
06173-67774, fax 06173-68355.
Individual, couples, and family sessions.
The AWCT does not endorse, recommend, or guarantee any of the items offered in this section or any
of the services, opportunities, items, etc., advertised
anywhere in the Newsletter. The classified section is
for the express use of the
members of the AWCT
(specifically for buying/selling of used merchandise
and/or help wanted/available) as indicated in the
Standing Rules effective on
March 4, 1997.
Scrapbooking –
Creative Memories Consultant Laurie Henkel 06032-348826,
Classes and workshops offered.
Speech Language Pathology –
Leanna Waters Barclay, MS, CCC-SLP 06198-585650,
Studs – Mark Steinlein, 06195-976326,
Stay-at-home dad wanting to form a multinational group of men
who have moved to the Taunus area because of their wives’ jobs.
Yoga & Wellness of Body and Mind –
Dr. Inge Friedrich-Rust, Kronberg/Taunus,
Yoga for beginners and advanced students, for young and old, in
German and English. Also, yoga for pregnancy.
Workshop: Introduction to Tai Chi –
Linda Wenzek-Barth, 06174-2577813,
Increase energy, release tension, strengthen the immune system,
improve balance and clear your mind with the health and beauty
benefits of Tai Chi. Anyone can start at any age!
Next workshop: Wednesday, April 05, 2006
(10 am - 12:30 pm).
Workshop: The Five Tibetan Rites Workshop –
Linda Wenzek-Barth, 06174-25 77813,
Simple, yoga-like movements for increased energy, weight control
and just looking and feeling younger. A complete exercise program
that addresses every system of the body, including its energy
centers, the chakras.
YouthCompass Celebrates another year of investing in the
lives of teenagers in the Frankfurt International community with
its annual banquet and fundraising event on May 14th,
18:00-21:00, at the Saalburg Landgasthaus. To celebrate with
us, or for more information on YouthCompass program and events
for English-speaking teens (11-19), contact Susie Mansfield at
0151.116.114.25 or ■
Tennis Lessons – Barbara Merlino, 06173-2548.
Private or group lessons. Also for children.
Classified ads
Classified ads
E-mail to:
Stella Kristoffersson
The AWCT is requesting DONATIONS OF VCR’S for our Video
Library. We have hundreds of VHS movies and would like the
opportunity to offer VCR’s for rent as well. If you have an old VCR,
let us take it off your hands. Thanks, Debbie Mata, AWCT
Treasurer 2005-2006.
WANTED – Pet Sitter
Jackie Wang, 06196-89-3173, 01743205492,
I am looking for a high quality pet sitter for 2 Jack Russell
Terriers close to Bad Soden when I am travelling (prefer
dropping them off at the sitter’s place). Please let me know if you
have any recommendations.
Classified ads are accepted
via e-mail only, and each must
contain the full name, telephone number, and membership number of the person submitting it. Ads must be limited to 125 words for household merchandise, 50 words
for other categories. Ads will
be run once unless otherwise
Book an Usborne Children’s Book Party this spring!
Order gorgeous, award-winning books, earn free
books yourself or for your organization, consider a
career as an Usborne Organiser working from home and earning
as much as you want and at your convenience. Let’s talk! Call
Mary Purdak 0172.9175170. E-mail:
Are you a native speaker or do you speak excellent English? Do
you like children? Would you like to: TEACH ENGLISH TO
CHILDREN (age 1 – 14) but don’t know how? Work part time
with flexible working hours? Be part of a very successfull
worldwide organization? Use the support of an international
network of 2.400 collegues? Work in Königstein, Kronberg,
Oberursel, Bad Homburg or Riedberg? Or anywhere else in the
world when you move on? I can offer you just that if you take the
opportunity to attend a teacher Training Course (e.g. in May,
two weekends) and qualify as Helen Doron Early English
Teacher. It’s a highly professional training which conveys to you
the acquired knowledge and experience of many years and a lot
of fun !!! Helen Doron Early English is a unique and natural
international system of teaching English to infants and children
aged 3 months to 14 years. The method was developed in 1985
by Helen Doron (a British linguist) and is continuously improved.
It has proven successfull with more than 300.000 children so
far. There are excellent learning sets and teacher guides for 10
consecutive years of studies. If you are interested pls. have a
look at the homepage: . Also in the next
AWCT newsletter you will find a brochure enclosed: “Become a
Helen Doron Early English Teacher”. My teachers say I expect
a lot of them for the money they get (starting salary = 20,-/h) ;) , but in case you still would like to have look at one of our
lessons or be part of my team – give me a call ! Dipl.-Psych. Gabi
Krappe, Helen Doron Early English Lernzentrum Oberursel,
Starenweg 18, 61440 Oberursel, Telefon 06172 266 258, Telefax 06172 266 259, homepage: or, email:
MOVING IN JUNE. ITEMS FOR SALE – portable CD/cassette/
AM/FM player, blender, iron, toaster, canister vacuum, coffee/
espresso maker, coffee grinder, microwave, 3 standing fans, 3
under-sink bathroom shranks, clothes shranks, mobile phones,
sky satellite system, television, analog cordless phones,
clothes washer, clothes dryer, refrigerator, freezer, and portal
navigation system. Please contact Rick for complete list of
items and prices at 06196 – 767016 or
Shopping Extravanganza! Wednesday, May 17th, 10:00 –
14:00. Polish Pottery, Hand-Blown Christmas Ornaments,
Czech Glass. International Christian Fellowship Cafeteria,
Hohemarkstr. 75, Oberursel. Enjoy a morning of shopping at
incredible prices, free coffee, tea, light refreshments & fun with
friends. Come and shop ‘til you drop. Cash only. For more info:
Elaine at 06081 56309 (
Help support our advertisers as they help support us. Mention the AWCT when you do business
with our advertisers. Remember that even if your company has a contracted mover, they may
accept a bid from another mover if it is lower
Business Services
HANSA Insurance ......................................... 24
WB Automobil Technik GmbH ...................... 12
Der Garten Fritz ............................................ 13
Expat House Rental ...................................... 24
Churches/Religious Resources
International Christian Fellowship ................ 15
St. Mary’s Catholic Parish ............................ 17
International Schule Frankfurt ...................... 21
Sprachinstitut “bilingue” ................................ 32
Taunus Int’l Montessori School .................... 14
Owanga Coaching ........................................ 28
Part-Time Pre-School Teacher ..................... 13
Open House – Taunus Int’l. Mont. School ..... 5
Peter Berner .................................................... 6
Alte Bauernschranke .................................... 15
Health, Beauty, and Fitness
Karen Latner – Psychotherapy ..................... 29
Dr. Edinger .................................................... 26
Moving Companies
Compas International Movers ........................ 4
Donath International ..................................... 22
Vokus Moving Logistics ................................ 25
Bamboo House Thai Restaurant .................... 6
Bandwidth Travel .......................................... 16
LaPoggiolaia ................................................... 6
Villa Il Pozzo ................................................. 28
Holidays in Burgundy, France ...................... 28
Retail Sales
Bol und Becher ............................................... 9
Susan Benham ....... 06173-783183
First Vice-President
Cynthia Cope .......... 06196-765987
Second Vice-President
Pam Winkler ......... 06196-7614720
Lesley Eirich ........... 06171-621611
Debbie Mata ........... 06173-963073
Jen Reichert ......... 069-7079-5770
Activities and Services
Tricia Danziger ..... 06196-7641220
Marline Holmes ......... 06192-27215
Art Exhibits
Ingrid Lelewel ........... 06172-37636
Jean Mier-Bölinger ..... 069-728386
April Taylor ......... 0176-2952-7225
Community Liaison
Heidi Delle .............. 06172-456554
Computer Manager
Day Trips
Linda Kennedy ......... 06174-24785
Empty Nesters
Susan Benham ....... 06173-783183
Janet Browne ......... 06198-586666
Marline Holmes ......... 06192-27215
Fund Raising
Jen Reichert ......... 069-7079-5770
International Contacts
Gillian Pike ........... 069-2575-8836
Denise Benavides . 06196-7613727
Cindy Kauppila ....... 06174-968822
Mutti Coordinator
Pam Longton .......... 06033-925057
Laura B. Johnson ... 06198-571997
Julianne Schutte ... 06174-2939820
Office Manager
Stella Kristoffersson 06192-952699
Irene Steuernagel ....... 069-542228
Kate McDermott ...... 06172-918336
Iris Schmidt ............ 06172-778465
Nicki Tiernan ........ 069-9726-9900
Gladys Ho ............. 069-3535-3505
Christina VandenboomSchmitz ................ 069-6032-4375
Cyndi Grossman ..... 06172-101468
Cynthia Voelker .... 069-6612-6859
Special Events/Market
April Taylor ......... 0176-2952-7225
Special Projects
Pattii Gebauer ........... 06196-21100
Cynthia Voelker .... 069-6612-6859
Barbara Merlino .......... 06173-2548
Erika Olsson ............. 06173-63083
Video Library
Volunteer Coordinator
Nina Scheicher ......... 0611-520939
Niedernhuber .......... 069-58092068
Danita Waterfall-Brizzi 069-724447
Working Women
Leslie Lord ............ 01622-635-659
Committee Co-Chair
Bettina Buchreiser .. 06131-676993
Kharmie Neal .......... 06196-614777
Deckert ................. 06171-633800
Patricia Munn ......... 06174-203070
Party Chair
Vicki Edmonds ...... 06196-7681637
Playgroup Coordinator
Bettina Buchreiser .. 06131-676993
Georgina Neal ........ 06174-961561
Kirsten von
Wuthenau ............... 06172-177839
Patricia Munn ......... 06174-203070
AWCT Newsletter May 2006