
September 15, 2014
7:30 PM
Town Hall Annex
1. Call To Order, Roll Call
2. Pledge Of Allegiance To The Flag
3. Audience Of Citizens:
(30 Minutes - 5 minutes maximum per citizen)
4. Acceptance Of Minutes:
4.A. September 2, 2014 (E)
5. Consent Agenda:
All items listed with an asterisk (*) will be acted on by one motion. There will be no separate discussion on these items unless a Council member so requests, in which case,
the item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered in its normal sequence
on the agenda.
6. Reports:
6.A. Report Of Chairperson - Jeff Shorts
6.B. Report Of Council Members
6.C. Steering: Mike Griswold, Chairperson
6.D. Finance: Wayne Post, Chairperson
6.D.1. * Monthly Financial Summary Reports (E)
6.D.2. * Finance Director's Report (E)
6.D.3. * Minutes, September 8, 2014 (To Be Distributed)
6.E. COVRRA: John A. Elsesser
6.F. Town Manager: John A. Elsesser
6.F.1. Projects Update:
6.F.2. CT Water: Notification Of Water Main Replacement, Rt. 31 Reconstruction Project (E)
6.F.3. Resignation: Susan Cyr, Town Clerk (E)
6.F.4. Annual Notice Of Legal Requirements For Meetings And Committee Members (E)
6.F.5. CCM 2014 Annual Convention (E)
6.F.6. M.O.R.E. Demonstration Project (E)
6.F.7. OPM: ICE Grant Application Submissions Notification (E)
6.F.8. * CT DOT: 2015 Paving Program (E)
6.F.7. OPM: ICE Grant Application Submissions Notification (E)
6.F.8. * CT DOT: 2015 Paving Program (E)
6.F.9. * Fall 2014 Newsletter (E)
6.F.10. * Staff Meeting Notes, 9/3/14 (E)
7. Unfinished Business:
7.A. 14/15-15: Designation Of Coventry As A Purple Heart Town (E)
7.B. 14/15-17: Approval Of LOCAL 818 Coventry Supervisors Union Contract, July 1, 2014-June
30, 2017
8. New Business:
8.A. 14/15-22: Appropriation From Council’s 1.5% To Make Payment For Adverse Decision To
The Board Of Education In Amount Of $13,350 (E)
8.B. 14/15-23: Consideration/Authorization Of Town Manager To Execute: DECD Arts Catalyze
Placemaking Grant (E)
9. Miscellaneous/Correspondence:
9.A. * Board Of Education: 9/11/2014 Agenda And 8/28/2014 Minutes (E)
Documents: 08-28-14_BOE_UNAPPROVED_MINUTES.PDF, 09-11-14 BOE
9.B. * Coventry Public Schools: AP Scholars (E)
10. Executive Session (E)
1. Negotiations
11. Adjournment
Denotes Enclosure
Open Participation in Public Meetings: The Town of Coventry will provide reasonable accommodations to assist those with special needs to attend & participate in public meetings. Contact the Town Manager’s Office at 742-6324 or e-mail at least 48 hours in advance to discuss special needs. Minutes
Coventry Town Council Meeting
September 2, 2014
Town Hall Annex
Council Members Present: Jeff Shorts, Joan Lewis, Hannah Pietrantonio, Lisa Thomas, Micah
Welintukonis (arrived 7:40 PM)
Also present: John Elsesser, Town Manager; Beth Bauer, Finance Director
Absent: Wayne Post, Mike Griswold
There was no quorum at 7:30 PM to start the regular meeting, so Council Chair Jeff Shorts announced
that the Council would proceed with items that do not require a vote until Micah Welintukonis arrives.
Council Chair – Jeff Shorts: October 4th is the 5k Harvest Run, Farm Day and Pumpkin Fest.
Registration and information are on the Recreation Department’s website. November 1st is the
ChiliFest event – information for that event is also on Recreations’ website. We are seeking sponsors
and participants. There is still time to register for youth soccer and fall baseball.
Council Members: None.
COVRRA – John Elsesser: CRCOG has solicited and obtained a bid for fabric recycling. This will
include rugs, pillows, sheets etc. The company will give us an appropriate container and will pay us
slightly. A workshop is pending. Some towns are already doing fabric recycling on their own but this
is broader based and the firm has been doing it for a while. One of our employees has decided to take
the joint COVRRA/public works position. Now we have two vacancies in the facility maintenance
work group. This leaves us about 20 percent down in our public works workforce. We got 66
applicants for the Maintainer I position and are testing candidates next week. There seems to be a
qualified applicant pool.
Town Manager – John Elsesser: We are re-advertising for the senior center coordinator position. We
didn’t get the experience we were looking for in the first round. We placed an ad in the Courant to cast
a wider net. An ad there costs $800-1100. We will also be starting to advertise for a public works
Town projects:
 We are doing a drainage project near Laidlaw Park.
 Road work will be done the second or third week in September.
 We finished up work at Lisicke Beach. The area between the pavilion and basketball court was
done by town crew. The used brick pavers and it is very attractive.
 DPW is also working on catch basins and miscellaneous drainage work.
 We had a meeting with CT DEEP at the lake gate. They agreed it is a Class A dam which
simplifies the work and will keep the project within budget and our projected timeframe. We
still anticipate a long permit process but we hope to be out to bid late next summer for work
near the end of boating season.
 The Pucker Street Bridge project is moving slowly. The engineers are arguing about
hydraulics. Our engineer is trying to get it moving so we can bid next spring.
Micah Welintukonis arrived at 7:40 PM.
The meeting was called to order at 7:41 PM.
Audience of citizens:
The Town Council recognized Coventry resident Sherry Chapman for her work to increase teen driving
safety and the many projects she has initiated in town on behalf of Ryan’s Fund. A resolution honoring
Sherry was read by Jeff Shorts. Sherry thanked the Council and her remarks are attached to the minutes.
Karen Post, 173 Dunn Road, said she is impressed with Coventry’s kindergarten group. She is a
grandmother and likes what she is seeing. She will also go to the Board of Education to say the same. She
also had a question about the $1 million bond for open space. We don’t have the results of the revaluation
of Coventry property yet. Surrounding towns had drop in value and a subsequent rise in mil rates. She
thinks we should know this information before pursuing the bond.
Hearing no further requests to speak, the Council closed the Audience of Citizens.
Acceptance of Minutes, August 18, 2014:
Motion #14/15-48: Joan Lewis moved to accept the minutes of the Coventry Town Council meeting
of August 18, 2014. The motion was seconded by Lisa Thomas and carried on unanimous vote.
Correction to resolution read at 8/18/2014 meeting:
John Elsesser clarified that the resolution language received by the Town Council for the August 18, 2014
meeting was correct. During the meeting as the document was read aloud, the wording was modified to
reflect optical scanning machines for voting. The original wording was intentional so as not to require two
optical scanners for property owners who are not voting for candidates. Those individuals will vote by
paper ballot. Motion #14/15-49: Hannah Pietrantonio moved to make a clarification to the resolution
under page two, last paragraph, as follows:
“ qualified voter is any citizen of the United States of the age of eighteen years or more who,
jointly or severally, was liable to the Town for taxes assessed against him, based on an assessment of
not less than $1,000 on the last computed grand list of the Town or who would have been so liable if
not entitled to an exemption as a blind person or as a veteran or as a widow or parent of a veteran.
The voting will be by paper ballot. Those in favor of the resolution referred to in the question shall
mark an “ for “
Those not Y
in favor of the resolution
EX referred to in the
S question shall mark
an “X” for “NO”.”
Lisa Thomas seconded the motion, which carried on the following poll:
Lisa Thomas: Aye
Joan Lewis: Aye
Hannah Pietrantonio: Aye
Micah Welintukonis: Aye
Jeff Shorts: Aye
Consent Agenda: The Consent Agenda was accepted by unanimous consent.
Steering Committee: Jeff Shorts reported on the Steering Committee meeting of August 25, 2014.
Chairman Mike Griswold has contacted the Chair of the Economic Development Commission regarding
the interest of Mike Shor in being appointed. Although there are no openings at present, Mr. Shor will be
encouraged to attend as a member of the public and the Commission will be aware that an interested
person is available should someone wish to step down at the close of their term. Sean Butler, who
requested to be appointed to the Parks & Recreation Commission, was notified that only an alternate
position is available at the present time and has indicated he is willing to serve on that basis.
Planning & Zoning Commission – Giglio: Motion #14/15-50: Lisa Thomas moved and Joan Lewis
seconded to reappoint Raymond Giglio to the Planning & Zoning Commission, term to expire
11/1/2017. Lisa expressed her thanks to Mr. Giglio for being willing to serve again – he has been there a
long time. The motion carried on unanimous vote.
Parks & Recreation Commission Alternate: - Butler: Motion #14/15-51: Lisa Thomas moved and
Micah Welintukonis seconded to appoint Sean Butler as an alternate to the Parks & Recreation
Commission to fill the current vacancy, term to expire 1-1-2016. The motion carried on unanimous
vote. Lisa Thomas noted that Mr. Butler has served in the past and it is nice he is coming back. He was
deployed in the military.
Ad-Hoc Fire and EMS Study Committee – Ardell: John Elsesser noted than Dan Taber is no longer
Vice President of CVFA, so this appointment is to replace him on the committee. Motion #14/15-52:
Joan Lewis moved and Hannah Pietrantonio seconded to appoint Craig Ardell to the Ad Hoc Fire
and EMS Study Committee, term to expire upon completion of project. The motion carried on
unanimous vote.
Finance Committee – Wayne Post: no report.
Town Manager – John Elsesser:
Safe Routes to School bid results: We got a very competitive bid for this project and met with the
apparent low bidder, Earth Dynamics. They feel comfortable with their bid since they are local and there
is no need for a field office. We will submit paperwork to CT DOT this week. We hope to start
construction in October with a 6-week completion. This should meet our goal of getting to Ripley Hill
Road. Next we hope to get to Hemlock because a lot of kids come from there. No Council action is
required. This is good news and the project fits into contractor’s work schedule. The sidewalk will be
concrete to Root Road and asphalt from there.
Tick borne illnesses: We sent some information out on the website per Council request and it will also be
in the fall newsletter. Lisa Thomas said she feels the issue of ticks has come up in the context of open
space and is being raised as a negative when considering open space bonding. Ticks will be there
regardless of who owns the land and if the Town owns it; there might be some management practices that
could reduce the number of ticks. She is not sure where this concern is coming from. Micah Welintukonis
replied that ticks were brought up because of Wayne Post’s family member. Lisa said she wasn’t at the
last meeting but she would not like to see this continue in the context of open space consideration.
Charter digital conversion: John Elsesser said we received a letter from Charter Communications
regarding their pending conversion to an all-digital network. The Town got a different letter than
residents. We have sent for information regarding the impact on TV 13 and television monitors at Town
facilities. It is important to note that after 9/23 if you do not have a set top box you will not get any
channels because the signal will be encrypted. Every TV must have one. Lisa Thomas asked if this could
be an issue for the cable advisory committee. John replied no - they are more programming focused. Rep.
Ackert is investigating but we don’t think it is reversible. It has been in the works for a while and
Comcast has already done it. They are claiming service will be better because bandwidth will improve.
Jeff Shorts noted there is very little PURA regulation on this. There are not many options.
CT DOT Rt. 6 Land: The State is in the process of considering allowing towns to hold the land that was
taken for Rt. 6 as open space until and if they need it for a transportation system. This is a work in
progress. We are trying to define what uses might be included, i.e., driveway access etc. There are 288
acres in Coventry. Joan Lewis asked what would happen to the piece we were hoping to develop. John
replied that parcel is not owned by the State. This might provide an alternative path to it. We might also
be able to create a northern loop to the Hop River Trail that would get to Hale Homestead.
Unfinished Business:
14/15-15: Designation of Coventry as a Purple Heart Town: Joan Lewis read a proposed resolution
designating Coventry as a Purple Heart Town. Motion #14/15-53: Joan Lewis moved to approve the
resolution designating Coventry as a Purple Heart Town. The motion was seconded by Lisa
Thomas. Micah Welintukonis asked that under his name, the document indicate he is a Purple Heart
recipient. He asked if there will be some sort of ceremony. John Elsesser replied yes; we are waiting for
the schools to get back in session to coordinate a ceremony with them on Veterans’ Day. Jeff Shorts said
he talked with Manny Rodrigues at the American Legion and he was fine with doing it on Veterans’ Day.
Our first choice would be to do it with the Middle School because they already do a very good ceremony.
Micah said he is fine with a ceremony on Veterans’ Day, but he still feels the designated date should be
August 7th. Joan said she feels it would be confusing to have two dates. Lisa said the resolution could
include that the award was first established on 8/7. Jeff said other towns have chosen different dates,
including one in January. John said if we want to perpetuate it as an annual occurrence it would be more
likely if we do it in conjunction with Veteran’s Day. Micah said he wants to ask Purple Heart recipients in
town what they think. Jeff Shorts will reach out to them. Joan Lewis and Lisa Thomas withdrew their
motion to approve the resolution. Motion #14/15-54: Joan Lewis moved to continue discussion of this
item to the next meeting. Lisa Thomas seconded the motion. John said if the Council does not mind
we would like to begin planning for November 11th. Joan suggested establishing August 7th as the day, to
be recognized on Veterans’ Day. The motion carried on unanimous vote.
14/15-19: Consideration: 2015 STEAP Projects: John Elsesser said at the last meeting we talked about
several potential projects. The Board of Education raised some concerns about the water tower project – it
is a big change in the way they do business. It comes down to whether they want to be a water company
or buy water. We don’t know what all their questions are yet. We know there is some concern about the
tower not taking away from recreational space. The Board might be having another meeting on Sept. 11th.
We need to know what their questions are so we can address them prior to that if possible. CT Water is
having problems with water in the Village and must truck water in. We might also be able to leverage
STEAP with another State grant for a small community water system. Lisa Thomas said it would behoove
us to get the Board’s questions prior to the September 11th meeting. John said he has already reached out
to Supt. Petrone. Jeff Shorts said he will also contact the Chair of the Board of Education and ask that
questions be sent to John prior to the meeting. John said he has also put CT Water in touch with School
Business Manager Bob Carroll. John noted that both projects have the potential to be funded quickly. The
STEAP deadline for submissions was termed as “rolling applications.” The alternative is to go for a
public health system grant and try for STEAP later. Then we could do one of the bridge projects for
STEAP. Columbia is interested in more work on the Hop River Bridge. Jeff asked if we could do a joint
application with Columbia. John replied yes. It would take some pressure off if we went for the bridge,
but we really want this water project for the community. Pucker St. Bridge is already authorized. We will
have to come up with money for Hop River within a couple years. Motion #14/15-54: Joan Lewis
moved to authorize the Town Manager to proceed with a STEAP grant application with the Town
of Columbia for the Hop River Bridge. The motion was seconded by Lisa Thomas and carried on
unanimous vote. John said we will keep working with the Board of Education on the water tower project.
New Business:
14/15-21: Aquatic Invasive Management Recommendations: Eagleville Lake / Consideration of
Appropriation from Council's 1.5% if grant is awarded: John Elsesser distributed a memo from Town
Planner Eric Trott regarding fanwort conditions at Eagleville Lake. We did not include costs for this in
the budget process. The State has a grant and the Town of Mansfield is interested in a joint application.
Our share would be $7,000. Lisa Thomas said she has had conversations with CT DEEP staff and we
might want to double check whether it is advisable to go into the upper section of the area. There is also
some question as to whether another treatment will be needed. Joan Lewis said she thinks we should do it
all. John noted the State will guide the process. Motion #14/15-55: Joan Lewis moved to direct the
Town Planner to prepare a joint grant application for $27,000 and if awarded to appropriate funds
from the Council’s 1.5 percent in the amount of $7,000 as its share of the cost. The motion was
seconded by Lisa Thomas and carried on unanimous vote.
Executive Session:
Motion #14/15-55: Joan Lewis moved that that the Town Council enter into Executive Session at
9:01 PM pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes 1-200(6)(A): discussion concerning the
employment, appointment, performance, evaluation, health or dismissal of a public officer or
employee; and 1-200(6)(E)-discussion of any matter which would result in the disclosure of public
records or the information therein contained described in sub-section (b) of Section 1-210; and 1200(6)(C)-discussion of matters concerning security strategy or the deployment of security
personnel, or devices affecting public security with the following people in attendance: Town
Council members, John Elsesser and Beth Bauer. The motion was seconded by Lisa Thomas and
carried on unanimous vote.
Motion #14/15-56: Micah Welintukonis moved to leave Executive Session at 9:15 PM, seconded by
Hannah Pietrantonio and unanimously approved.
Motion #14/15-57: Joan Lewis moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:16 PM, seconded by Lisa Thomas
and unanimously approved.
Respectfully submitted,
Laura Stone
Town Council Clerk
Note: These minutes are not official until acted on by the Town Council at its next regular meeting. Those
meeting minutes will reflect approval or changes to these minutes.
Remarks by Sherry Chapman
Coventry Town Council Meeting – 2 Sept 2014
A parent’s worst nightmare begins with a phone call. Ours came on Dec 7, 2002. Our son Ryan had been
in a car crash. He was fighting for his life. I spent the next two hours hugging my stomach. Pleading with
God. Gulping down a scream that threatened never to end.
“I’m sorry,” are the words you don’t want to hear from the trauma surgeon. It is easier to fall to the floor
and feel the cool of it on your cheek than to face what comes next. Let the sweet cushion of darkness
envelope you. But then you wake up.
Ryan’s obituary was in the Sunday Courant along with three other teens. Within an 11-day period in
December of 2002, five teenagers and a young father were killed within a 25 mile radius of one another in
three separate car crashes in Connecticut. The repercussions of those three crashes are immeasurable. Six
families lost children, siblings, grandchildren, uncles and nephews. Three children lost their father. A
wife lost her husband. A boy lost his friend and his freedom. The common factors: The drivers
responsible in these crashes were teenagers. They were speeding. They were carrying passengers. They
were inexperienced. Alcohol was a factor in two of the crashes.
Kids were killing kids in car crashes at an alarming rate. “It’s a public health epidemic,” I told my
husband. It felt like a revelation.
The families of three of those teens formed the non-profit group, Mourning Parents Act, also known as
!MPACT. During that same period, I formed Ryan’s Memorial Fund.
We started with an idea and a basic premise. These tragedies are preventable, and we have to help save
other children and families from such staggering loss.
What we learned is that graduated driver licensing (GDL) laws save lives. GDL programs introduce the
novice driver to the driving experience in a gradual and controlled manner.
Armed with facts and statistics, we met with legislators, we testified at hearings. We were frenzied in our
determination to focus attention on this issue. We congratulated ourselves when the first GDL laws were
adopted in Connecticut in 2004, and then we went home and cried. All this effort was not enough to bring
our sons back.
The momentum hasn’t waned in the years since those three crashes changed and ended so many lives. I
cannot count the number of meetings with members of congress, hearings, and press conferences I have
participated in, or flights to and from DC I have taken over the years. But I do know all the hard work is
paying off. Teen driving safety is now a part of our nomenclature, embedded in our state and federal
cultures. Crash rates of 16 and 17 year old drivers in Connecticut and across the United States have
dropped considerably.
I am incredibly honored to be the recipient of the Highway Safety Hero award from such a stellar
organization as Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, and I am equally honored to be recognized by
my local community this evening.
Thank you so very much.
Sept 3, 2014
Finance Committee
Elizabeth Bauer, Director of Finance
Monthly Update
General Fund revenues rec'd by month compared year to
As of August 31, 2014, the Town of Coventry has collected $15,517,712 or
54.66% of $28,571,662 (anticipated) property tax revenue. The same period last
year saw property tax revenue at 53.87% of anticipated revenue. Overall
general fund revenue collections are $15,783,701.92 or 40.38% of $39,088,204
anticipated. COVRRA collections are $821,799 or 84.2% of $976,083
anticipated. The same period last year saw COVRRA collections at 87%.
Expended vs Appropriated FY 2015
General Fund by Function
Current Fiscal year General Fund expenditures and encumbrances are at
29.02% of the adjusted budget appropriation, compared with 32.02% for the
same period last year.
Cash Position/Projection
FY 2015 Use of Revenue
General Gov't,
Debt Service,
Capital, 161,409
BOE, 2,353,461
The chart above shows what has been spent from the revenues received this
current fiscal year. As of August 31st, we have an unspent cash balance of
$9,970,853 and unspent appropriation of $32,273,022. Available funds are
currently invested at rates from .15% to .5%.
Tax Collector
The office completed posting the July payments within 7 business days.
Delinquent statements were sent mid-month to 1,606 real estate and trash
unpaid accounts. Sewer use bills were mailed to 894 households for collection
in September.
Tax Assessor
For the 2013 grand list, the office has processed 602 Motor Vehicle corrections,
20 Personal Property corrections and 116 Real Estate certificates of correction.
The year to date corrections against 10/1/2011, 10/1/2012 and 10/1/2013 grand
lists are as follows:
Original Grand List
BAA Reductions March
BAA Reductions September
Prorates New Construction*
Supplemental MV GL
Total Net Grand List
983,526,745 994,973,795 999,714,550
990,931,083 997,012,727 999,300,439
Implemented new software module allowing direct deposit advices to be emailed
rather than printed. Completed the final AP runs, no additional charges can be
made to the prior year. All transfers to cover over expended line items have
been made. Work to complete the audit schedules continues.
BOE status
BOE Expenditures to date
FY 2015
Budget appropriation
Adjustments to approp
Expended to date
Balance remaining
Special Revenue Funds
COVRRA Fund Status
Sewer User Fund Status
Ending Balance
Recreation Fund Status
Ending Balance
Notes from Staff Meeting
September 3, 2014
Present: John Elsesser, Wendy Rubin, Joe Callahan, Kristi Sadowski, Kevin Roberto, Mike D’Amicol,
Susan Cyr, Beth Bauer, Doug Reese, Linda Greenbacker, Laura Stone
Recap of Town Council Meeting – John Elsesser (minutes available separately):
Audience of Citizens: Karen Post spoke regarding the proposed bonding of $1 million for the
purchase of open space and expressed concern that this would be voted upon before people know
the outcome of the revaluation. John noted that revaluation is a ratio. If values go down and the
mil rate goes up, taxes will be the same. Some people’s taxes go up after revaluation and some go
The Council recognized Sherry Chapman for a Highway Safety award she received, as well as all
the work she does with Ryan’s Fund and to promote safer teen driving.
The Council read a correction to the resolution language for the open space bonding, indicating
that paper ballots will be used for property owners. We are already getting some property owners
coming forward to express interest in having their land considered should the resolution pass in
November. Presentations from the Open Space Committee on why open space matters and an
overview of cost impact are available on the website. Debt service is declining so a million
dollars would not increase taxes, but if we do other projects like roads, building efficiency or the
preschool we would lose some of that cushion.
COVRRA: A workshop is coming up on fabric recycling i.e., carpet, linens etc. It sounds like
something we might want to participate in – it would save tipping fees for material that is
currently going in dumpsters.
Safe Routes to School sidewalk bids were opened. The low bidder, Earth Dynamics, was
substantially below estimate. We reviewed the bid with them and they feel confident that it is
accurate because they can mobilize for lower cost. We are submitting final paperwork to CT DOT
and anticipate an October start and completion in 6 weeks. Final grass restoration will probably
be done in spring. We are hoping to get the sidewalk all the way to Ripley Hill Road.
We had a good meeting with CT DEEP on the lake gate. They agreed it is a Class A dam which is
the lowest risk. This will simplify the work and keep us on track to start in about a year.
We got the Dial-a-Ride van for $1500. It is functional except for the air conditioner. The body is
in good shape. We got it as a possible conversion into a food truck, but in the meantime the
football league has found a vehicle from Jake’s Way Back that they might prefer instead. If so,
we will use our van for Youth Services which will save on rental fees. Crystal has the appropriate
driver’s license.
The Public Works crew did stone paver work at Lisicke Beach between between the pavilion and
the basketball court. It looks really nice. Painting the pavilion is still on our list if there is time.
Then we are done at that park. The turf in at Miller Richardson is in. We are waiting for an
arborist to remove some of the pine trees near the baseball field. Red pines are suffering from
blight and these are dying.
The Council had asked us to release some information about prevention of tick bites. Information
from EHHD was linked to the website and will be in the fall newsletter.
Charter Communications is preparing a conversion to an all-digital network. This will require
every television to have a cable box. The change is effective 9/23/14. Boxes will be free for a
transition period and then we anticipate they will cost $7 each per month. This affects 3
televisions at Town Hall. Department heads please advise if you have televisions at any of your
facilities (Senior Center, Youth Building, Police Department, etc. so an order can be placed.)
Rt. 6: The State is considering offering us all the land they took for the highway that was not built.
It is 288 acres in Coventry. They would give it to us as dedicated open space with a reverter
clause should they ever decide to build a highway. We are trying to work with them for their
definition of open space to determine whether we could use it for active recreation.
Purple Heart Town. The Council is going to approve a resolution to have Coventry be a Purple
Heart Town. We do not yet have consensus on a date. Some Council members want Veteran’s
Day to celebrate with the schools and one member wants an August date when the medal was
first given out. Discussion was continued to the next meeting.
STEAP projects: The Council considered a list of possible projects. Next on the priority list is a
water tower here that would provide water to the schools and the Village. The Board of Education
is not quite ready to make a decision and the window to submit an application is closing fast, so
the Council is moving on. The water project would be of significant benefit to the town, so we
will look at it again but in the meantime we will pursue a joint application with Columbia for the
Hop River Bridge.
The Council authorized a joint application with the Town of Mansfield for an Aquatic Invasive
Species grant to address fanwort in Eagleville Lake. If awarded our share would be $7,000.
Department Updates:
Assessor – Mike D’Amicol.
 Reval is proceeding on schedule. We have not given any numbers out yet. There is still a month
of sales before we will set any values. Notices will go out in November.
 We are currently doing permit reviews and expect to be wrapped up by October.
 Personal property: we added 25-30 new businesses.
 People are having a lot of problems with the State’s new Motor vehicles registration renewal
system. They are doing one mailing so it looks like the registration form has been received, so
people think they are renewed when they are not.
 We updated the GIS system for the end of August and will update it again in the fall with new
Police Department – Kevin Roberto:
 We have about 68 applicants for the officer position.
 We had a meeting yesterday on the speed monitoring machine. We are hoping to go forward with
that. John noted the machine records all traffic coming toward you, and displays the speed you
are traveling. It has graphical analysis and can verify patterns and trends. It also has a GPS
locator so we can track it, and a camera that can mail a photo to the PD. It also has an optional
variable message board. The base model is paid by the grant but some of the other features might
be worth the extra money.
Booth & Dimock Library – Kristi Sadowski:
 Things have calmed down a bit after the summer reading program. There was a huge increase in
participation. We are still tallying but it seemed like greater participation with all summer
 The fall newsletter is available on our website.
 We have scheduled an Improv performance this fall geared toward teens for how to act on job
interviews and other work-related skills.
Finance Department – Beth Bauer:
 An employee recently came in with pension questions. He had asked some co-workers and no one
knew the answers. Each employee was given summary which would answer many of those
questions. If you misplaced your summary or want another copy it is available.
 Russ Salerno from ICMA is coming on 9-15. We encourage you to make appointments if you
want to discuss defined contributions.
Tax Collector – Linda Greenbacker:
 We sent out sewer use bills. There was a $15 increase over last year. We are anticipating phone
calls but have not gotten many so far.
Town Clerk – Susan Cyr:
 It has been quieter in the office – we have a steady flow but it is not as busy as last month.
 Minutes from the special town meeting are up on the website.
 Absentee ballots will be available October 3rd as well as paper ballots for property owners.
Building Department – Joe Callahan:
 We are very busy with plan reviews. We anticipate 4-5 more houses coming in. It is taking more
time for review because of the building code changes.
 Encon wants to start the high school and middle school solar projects. We are still evaluating
snow and roof loads.
 On the Go got their soil report – it is not contaminated so they can proceed with canopy footings.
Recreation – Wendy Rubin:
 We have developed a brochure about Playful City. Real estate agents had also asked about it as a
perceived benefit to locating here.
 The road race is ready to go. Ackert Electric and Jeff Shorts are sponsoring and we are seeking
additional sponsors. The farm portion of the event is really ramped up. We are also moving the
pumpkin fest event there. Over 20 people ae registered to run already.
 We also did an upgrade of the facility rental brochure. We are getting a lot of wedding bookings
at the market barn. We are marketing facility rentals to businesses for meetings retreats, etc.
 Beaches closed for the season Labor Day evening.
 The after school program is full with a waiting list and the morning program has doubled in
 We are getting ready for ChiliFest and doing a new Polar Express train ride for Christmas in the
Village. Plans for the tree lighting event are to be determined.
Public Works – Doug Reese:
 We are very busy. Summer roads work is coming up next the next couple weeks.
We did drainage work near Laidlaw and will pave it as part of summer roads. We also did pavers
at Lisicke. We are working on Cedar Swamp drainage and some temporary closures are
anticipated. We will notify the public.
The department is short-handed so some projects will be done only if time is available. John
noted we have 66 applicants for the Maintainer position and are scheduling 21 for testing. There
are two openings right now.
We are getting trucks ready for snow.
Administration – Laura Stone:
 The fall newsletter is at the printer and will be in homes late September.
 Content for the FY 2013/2014 Annual Report is due Friday, 10/17.
 Items for the October e-blast are due 9/15.
 The summer road work schedule will be announced on the website when the schedule is finalized.
 Charter’s conversation to all digital will affect our station on Channel 13. After 9/23 we will be
on Channel 191. A notice advising customers of the switch is currently airing.
WHEREAS: The people of the Town of Coventry have great admiration and the utmost gratitude for
all the men and women who have selflessly served their country and this community in the Armed
Forces; and
WHEREAS: Veterans have paid the high price of freedom by leaving the families and communities
and placing themselves in harm’s way for the good of all; and
WHEREAS: The contributions and sacrifices of the men and women from the Town of Coventry who
served in the Armed Forces have been vital in maintaining the freedoms and way of life enjoyed by
our citizens; and
WHEREAS: Many men and women in uniform have given their lives while serving in the Armed
Forces; and
WHEREAS: Many citizens of our community have earned the Purple Heart Medal as a result of
being wounded while engaged in combat with an enemy force, construed as a singularly meritorious
act of essential service; and
WHEREAS: The Challenge Enrichment Program and the Student Council at Capt. Nathan Hale
Middle School will be honoring veterans in a ceremony on November 7, 2014, and this ceremony is
an appropriate time to honor our Town’s Purple Heart recipients;
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Coventry Town Council hereby
proclaims the Town of Coventry as a Purple Heart Town, and designates August 7th as an annual
day to honor the service and sacrifice of our nation’s men and women in uniform who were wounded
or killed by the enemy while serving to protect the freedoms enjoyed by all Americans.
Dated at Coventry, Connecticut this 15th day of September, 2014.
Jeff Shorts, Chairperson
Mike Griswold
Joan Lewis
Hannah Pietrantonio
Wayne Post
Lisa Thomas
Micah Welintukonis
Purple Heart Recipient
Coventry Board of Education
Coventry, Connecticut
Regular Board of Education Meeting
Unapproved Minutes of August 28, 2014
Administration Building: Superintendent’s Office and Conference Room
Attendance Taken at 7:52 p.m.:
Board Members Present:
Jennifer Beausoleil, Chairman
Mary Kortmann, Vice Chairman
Mary Minor, Secretary
Eugene Marchand (joined at 8:45 p.m.)
William Oros (joined at 8:45 p.m.)
Denise Ryan
Absent Board Members:
Michael Sobol
Administrators Present:
David J. Petrone, Superintendent of Schools (joined at 8:45 p.m.)
Robert Carroll, Business Manager
Audience Members Present: Dennis Stanavage, Director of Physical Plant and Facilities; Paul Noel,
Director of Physical Plant and Facilities (Ret.); Michele Mullaly, Director of Teaching and Learning;
Carla Kennedy, Director of Educational Technology; Brendan Owens, Clerk of the Works; Glenn
Cucinell, ENCON Solar Division Manager; Tim Sadler, ENCON Sales; Richard Dziadul, from
Pemberton Renewables LLC; and RJ Farah, Structural Engineer from R J Farah Engineering Inc.
I. Call to Order
J. Beausoleil called to order at 7:56 p.m. in the Superintendent's Office.
II. Salute to the Flag
J. Beausoleil led the salute to the flag.
III. Audience of Citizens
There were none.
J. Beausoleil apologized for the change in venue and noted appropriate signs had been placed for
the public to locate the meeting.
MOTION: To grant the Chair total discretion in the order of the agenda
By: D. Ryan
Seconded: M. Minor
Result: Motion passes unanimously
J. Beausoleil said they would begin with item V. Consent Agenda
Coventry Board of Education Meeting – Thursday, August 28, 2014 – Page 1 of 5
V. VOTE: Consent Agenda
V.A. Accept the resignation of Deborah Davis, CHS Teacher
V.B. Accept the resignation of Brenda Gadzik, GHR Para-educator
V.C. Accept the resignation of David Maestrini, CHS Special Education Teacher
J. Beausoleil asked if anyone wanted to remove an item from the Consent Agenda.
D. Ryan said she had a general comment to make.
The Board agreed to remove item A.
MOTION: Accept the resignation of Deborah Davis, CHS Teacher
By: M. Kortmann
Seconded: M. Minor
Discussion: D. Ryan said she wanted it noted for the record that there seems to have
been a lot of teacher resignations over the past 6 months. She said she has heard that
teachers are leaving Coventry because the salaries for teachers in Coventry are so much
less than other districts. She said in some instances she has heard a teacher can make up
to $10,000 or $15,000 more in another district. She wanted this noted.
Result: Motion passes unanimously
MOTION: To accept the remaining items on the Consent Agenda
By: M. Kortmann
Seconded: M. Minor
Result: Motion passes unanimously
J. Beausoleil noted the next item on the agenda would be item VI. Report of Chairman
VI. Report of Chairman
J. Beausoleil talked about how she attended the staff Convocation on Monday. She said it was very
exciting to see the energy of the staff as the new year begins.
She spoke to a few dates she wanted noted:
Open Houses are as follows: CNH is Wednesday, September 10; CGS is Wednesday,
September 17; CHS is Monday, September 22; and GHR is Monday, September 29. She said
these are great opportunities to see all of the schools.
Infosnap sessions for parents are scheduled as follows: Wednesday, September 3 from
3:30- 5:30 p.m. at the Coventry Grammar School; Thursday, September 4 from 5:00-7:00
p.m. at the G. H. Robertson School; and Friday, September 5 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. in
the middle/high school Library Media Center.
Upcoming fall Superintendent Open Door sessions are as follows: Wednesday, September
10 at 5:00 p.m.; Friday, October 24 at 9:00 a.m.; and Thursday, November 20 at 6:00 p.m.
All of these are held in the Administration Building conference room.
CABE/CAPSS Conference: November 14 and 15. She said this is a great opportunity for
Board members to get information.
J. Beausoleil continued saying the Town Council is still looking for volunteers to serve on the
Building and Energy Efficiency Committee. She said if anyone was interested in volunteering they
could contact the Town Clerk’s office.
VII. VOTE: Approval of Minutes of August 14, 2014
Coventry Board of Education Meeting – Thursday, August 28, 2014 – Page 2 of 5
MOTION: Approve the minutes of August 14, 2014
By: M. Kortmann
Seconded: M. Minor
Result: Motion passes unanimously
VIII. Old Business: VOTE: Approve the revision of Policy 5144 Discipline
MOTION: Approve the revision of Policy 5144 Discipline
By: M. Minor
Seconded: M. Kortmann
Result: Motion passes unanimously
J. Beausoleil said the Solar Panel AdHoc Committee Update, item IV.B Under the Superintendent's
Report would be next.
IV. Report of the Superintendent
IV.B. Information: Solar Panel AdHoc Committee Update
Mr. Noel introduced Brendan Owens to the Board of Education, the Clerk of the Works for the
Mr. Noel talked about why ENCON was invited to come out and update the Board. He introduced
the gentlemen from ENCON, who were present to discuss the project. ENCON talked about the
recent steps taken on the project and what the next steps were to be. The ENCON group explained
the snow accumulation and melt off and how that would work.
The Board talked about the warranties and if there was a special contractor that would be allowed
and qualified to remove snow around the solar panels if needed.
J. Beausoleil announced a short recess at 8:38 p.m. while the meeting moved to the conference
room. J. Beausoleil reconvened the meeting at 8:45 p.m. (E. Marchand, W. Oros, and Mr. Petrone
joined the meeting at this time.)
J. Beausoleil did a quick review of what was discussed before the recess in regard to the solar panel
The Board resumed the conversation regarding snow loads and snow removal.
Tim Sadler, from ENCON, talked about alternatives to locations of panels in relation to where snow
would need to be removed.
ENCON suggested a safety plan could be put into place in regard to snow removal. M. Minor agreed
that might be what is needed. M Kortmann said the district needs to know what to do, if the
problem comes up.
The Board continued to listen to suggestions regarding how to handle the snow loads, including
possible heated wires around the solar panels, which would melt the snow.
Mr. Noel noted that in discussions with East Hartford and Glastonbury schools, this has not come up
as an item of concern.
Mr. Owens agreed with looking into electronic warming de-icing cables.
The Board continued to talk about specifics of installation and locations of other related items.
The Board was in agreement for the project to move forward.
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J. Beausoleil noted the next item on the agenda would be under the Report of the Superintendent Opening of the 2014-15 School Year.
IV.A. Information: Opening of the 2014-2015 School Year
Mr. Petrone said it was a great opening for Staff on Monday. He reviewed that event and the
positive staff comments and message. Mr. Petrone continued to review opening day for students
and showed a video clip of the day.
Mr. Petrone also reviewed the Open House schedule.
IV.C. Information: New Technology - InfoSnap and Visitor Express
Mr. Petrone introduced Ms. Kennedy who reviewed the new programs InfoSnap and Visitor
Ms. Kennedy reviewed the InfoSnap item first. Ms. Kennedy and Mr. Petrone talked about what the
process of implementing the system looked like from the beginning.
Ms. Kennedy went through the Visitor Express program and explained the details of that to the
The Board discussed who had what kind of visitor badge and what type of badge substitutes and
coaches will have.
W. Oros gave kudos to the Technology Team on the iPad distribution session he was able to see in
J. Beausoleil said item IX. New Business: Discussion and possible VOTE – Town Water Tower/Well
Project would be next.
IX. New Business: Discussion and possible VOTE - Town Water Tower/Well Project
J. Beausoleil noted the information that was available to the Board for the meeting regarding the
Water Study Report. She said the Town Council is hoping the Board will vote on the Water project.
She noted the time is short and asked that the Board note questions and that the questions could be
sent to the Town, so they could prepare answers ahead of time.
E. Marchand asked when the last time was that the Board discussed this item. J. Beausoleil said it
was several months. M. Kortmann noted that the study was from September 2013. E. Marchand
said a lot of time has passed and he would not be comfortable voting for anything without updated
J. Beausoleil reviewed a few highlights as she understood them.
W. Oros added to that review and also added what he thought the next steps, by the town, were
supposed to be, at the last time this item was discussed.
The Board discussed how much the costs would be, who would own the wells, and what other
towns have done.
The Board discussed if they could move forward without a presentation. The agreement was a
presentation was needed.
M. Kortmann asked that W. Oros verify our annual expenses and the details related to water
measuring and testing. W. Oros said he would get that information.
The Board continued to discuss wanting further details and why the need for a decision is pressing.
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J. Beausoleil reviewed what was needed from the Town; a presentation with current financial
numbers; what the potential cost would be; and what CT Water would definitely be covering.
The vote was tabled pending further information.
X. Report of Board Members
X.A. Information: Fiscal Committee Report of August 14, 2014
M. Kortmann reviewed the details from the Fiscal meeting of August 14, 2014. She said the year
ended better than originally thought. She also added that the CIP is available for the full Board to
review and asked members to review that in detail.
R. Carroll reviewed the ECHIP figures and overview for the 2014-15 fiscal year.
M. Kortmann said there are numbers available for review from the use of facilities accounts, which
will continue to be tweaked. She also noted the concise reports now available for the Student
Activity Accounts. She reviewed the end of the year accounts for the Food Service Department.
M. Kortmann distributed EASTCONN information as she is the Board's representative.
XI. VOTE: Executive Session - Possible Bargaining Unit Negotiations
MOTION: Pursuant to CGS-1-200(c)(6)(A), the Board of Education will go into Executive
Session for discussions related to Bargaining Unit Negotiations at 10:23 p.m. with
the Superintendent and Business Manager in attendance
By: M. Minor
Seconded: M. Kortmann
Result: Motion passes unanimously
XII. Open Session
The Board came out of Executive Session and returned to Open Session at 10:37 p.m.
XII.A. The Board will return to Open Session for a possible VOTE on bargaining unit
MOTION: To approve the Agreement between the Coventry Board of Education and the
Coventry Para-educator Employees 2014-2017
By: M. Kortmann
Seconded: W. Oros
Result: Motion passes unanimously
XIII. Adjournment
MOTION: To adjourn the meeting at 10:39 p.m.
By: W. Oros
Seconded: M. Kortmann
Result: Motion passes unanimously
Respectfully submitted,
Kimberlee Arey Michaud
Board Clerk
Approved: _________________
Coventry Board of Education Meeting – Thursday, August 28, 2014 – Page 5 of 5
Coventry Board of Education
Coventry, Connecticut
Board of Education Regular Meeting – Agenda
Thursday, September 11, 2014 7:30 p.m.
Administration Building Conference Room
Call to Order
Salute to the Flag
Audience of Citizens
Report of Superintendent
Information: Superintendent’s 2014-2015 Goal Presentation
Information: 2014 Student Test Results Summary - Ms. DeJulius, Ms. Moyer,
Dr. Giller, Mr. Blake
Report of Chairman
VOTE: Approval of the Minutes of August 28, 2014
Old Business: Presentation and possible VOTE: Town Water Tower/Well Project Craig Patla, Vice President of Service Delivery CT Water and John Elsesser, Town
Report of Board Members
VOTE: Executive Session (Pending Litigation)
Coventry Public Schools
1700 Main Street
Coventry, CT 06238
David J. Petrone
Superintendent of Schools
Phone: 742-7317
Date: September 10, 2014
In July 2014 College Board released the following information regarding Coventry High
School students. The Advanced Placement (AP) Program offers several AP Scholar
Awards to recognize high school students who have demonstrated college-level
achievement through AP courses and exams. Coventry High School had 35 students
who were named AP Scholars, which is up from 34 last year.
The following Class of 2014 students were named AP Scholars who received scores of 3
or higher on three or more AP exams: Daniel Bullock, Christopher Carmack, Patrick
Favre, Emma Gould, Nicole Hosey, Briana McDermott, Evelyn Murray, Thomas Peck,
Rebecca Sheehan, Daniel Tyszka, Tasha Valentin-Jucius and George Zoghbi.
The following Class of 2015 students were named AP Scholars who received scores of 3
or higher on three or more AP exams: Tucker Bedard, Amanda Cabral, Emily Jennings,
Daniel Lawrence, Douglas Pellerin, Hannah Vignone and Gina Wiese.
The following Class of 2014 students were named AP Scholar with Honor by receiving
an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four
or more of these exams: Elizabeth Correia, Sage Dieterle, Bram Kyer, Bethany Marion,
Alexander O’Neil and Lindsay Williams.
The following Class of 2015 student was named AP Scholar with Honor by receiving an
average score of at least 3.25 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher on four or
more of these exams: Samuel Sattar.
The following Class of 2014 students were named AP Scholar with Distinction who
received an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 3 or higher
on five or more of these exams: Trevor Banavige, Zoe Blair, Alex Boutin, Patrick Dolan,
Chase Freschlin, Stephanie Kenefick, Lauren Marshall, Emily Mora, and Rebecca
The following Class of 2014 student was named National AP Scholar who received an
average score of at least 4 on all AP exams taken, and scores of 4 or higher on eight or
more of these exams: Chase Freschlin. Of special note, this is only the second time a
student was named National AP Scholar from Coventry High School.
This information was provided by Coventry High School. For more information, please
contact Joseph Blake, Principal of Coventry High School, at 860-742-7346, Ext. 167.
 Page 2
I move that the Town Council enter into Executive Session pursuant to Connecticut General
Statutes 1-200(6)(E)-discussion of any matter which would result in the disclosure of public
records or the information therein contained described in sub-section (b) of Section 1-210 with
the following people in attendance…………