Fall 2012 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
Fall 2012 - International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy
I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly Fall 2012 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents 2 I-ACT Policy Statements I-ACT President’s Letter 4 3 NBCHT President’s Message Marketing & Public Relations Committee 7 I-ACT Cookbook needs your HELP! 9 Insurance Information 10 Regional Rep Committee Report Destination Vacation - 2013 Convention 13 6 12 PSEC & Grievance Committee Reports Fund Raising Committee Report 16 - 17 ZUMBA 14 2013 Convention Location 22 23 Regional Rep List A&P Information 25 Cleansing in Paradise 29 Obituaries 30 E-Blast info & Members Only Section New Members - 3rd Quarter 2012 2 24 31 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: • Class 1 devices do not have any safety features and manufacturers of Class I devices may not have any third party oversight as they do not have to comply with the good manufacturing practices that are required of Class II manufacturers. • More specifically, the code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. • The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Additionally there are two areas of concern with the use of a Class I device: • The first area of concern is the safety of the consumers, your clients. Since the Class I device does not have to comply with good manufacturing practices there are no safeguards during the manufacturing of your equipment. The Class I manufacturer does not have to maintain records, nor are they inspected as thoroughly or as rigorously as a Class II manufacturer which also reduces the safeguard for the consumer. By definition, the Class I device is an enema kit and cannot have any safety features that might protect the consumer. Class I devices consist “of a container for fluid connected to the nozzle” and does not allow for the container to be hard plumbed to the city water system. There are no back flow prevention systems to preclude the back flow of the effluent into the tubing. Additionally, without the requirement to follow the good manufacturing practices there are no guarantees that the equipment can be cleaned, disinfected and sanitized in a manner that can guarantee there is no transmission of disease to the client. Remember, our Code of Ethics states, “the health, welfare, and comfort of our clients is our primary concern”. • The second area of concern is the potential for inappropriate advertising. If you are using a Class I device, you may not market that as a colonic irrigation device as it clearly is an enema kit. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. New Members - 3rd Quarter 2012 Following is a list of our new members for the period July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012. We are glad to have you as members; and, remember, at I-ACT you are important to us. First Name Feijia Sandra Sophie John Bonnie Larissa Marcia Jeana Perla Lenka Yifan Myrna Jeremy Trisha Jane David Cheryl Cyntia Mikolaj Oanh Patricia Sheree Jenny Hollie Kathryn Sheryl Firouz Olga Cameron Mina Amber Gina Marcia Noreen Nancy Zhao Josephine Last Name Pan McDaniel Sheehan Mosely Seymour Sarjinskaia Wilson Balestino Martinez Svec Yu Smith Smith DeHall Di Angelo Pardy Fox Lysyk Machado Kokot Nguyen Avella Rawson Henkel Gillard Cook Storer Esfahani Temnova Huh Kumar Hair Endicott Renne Khaliq Chiappe Xu Broeders Home City Tustin Orange Greenwood San Gerardo de Rivas Tustin Staten Island Tacoma Long Beach McAllen Santa Fe Richardson Rosedale Rosedale Cincinnati Palm Desert Amherst Calgary Chamblee Zory Fair Fax Alexandria Palm Beach Airlie Beach Cronulla Mapleton Cary Granthan Daly City Duluth Pittsburg Kingsport Carlsbad Landover Hornsey, London San Mateo Monterey Park Uden Home State CA CA Perez Zeledon CA NY WA CA TX NM TX BC BC OH CA OH AB GA VA VA QLD QLD NSW UT NC CA GA CA TN CA MD England CA CA Holland Country USA USA Western Australia Costa Rica USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada Canada USA USA USA Canada USA Poland USA USA Australia Australia Australia USA USA United Kingdom USA USA USA USA USA USA United Kingdom USA USA Netherlands I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 31 Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President: Advertisement Dear I-ACT Members, Well, it is that time of year again, our children and grandchildren are returning to school, and we are working on building our businesses using the business building tools provided during convention to increase clientele. It is a wonderfully busy time. Before We acknowledge the change of seasons in the northern hemisphere as we watch the leaves start to change color and feel the days and evenings turn cooler. It is during this time that we all recognize the ever changing nature of our universe and ourselves. That is correct, our bodies are also preparing for the new season. Remember to take the time for yourself to ensure that you are living a holistic lifestyle. Remember that you can’t help others heal themselves unless you take care of yourself. As colon hydrotherapists, we have big hearts and open arms that is why we are in this profession. For just a while, attend to your needs and ensure that you are on track to maintain your health. After 1 Application General Information for Members E-Blasts I-ACT is sending out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving your E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give them your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. Members Only section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to www.i-act.org. Go to the members only section - the password is: iactmember. There are no hyphens and no spaces. In that location you can find the I-ACT Members Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. 30 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 This is a perfect lead in to let you know that your Board just had their September meeting. The convention critiques were all reviewed and each item was discussed. We then had the opportunity to check out a couple of great hotels in preparation for our 2013 Conventions. I am so excited about the awe inspiring experience the board shared, that I can hardly hold it in. We have found a perfect location for our 2013 Convention. In your critiques you told us you wanted more healthy food choices and juices… Well, we have found a hotel that serves their staff real carrot juice every morning. Some on the staff want a giant “Mean Green Drink daily and they get it. All is available to the hotel guests, freshly made. In fact, the hotel’s general manager is so health conscious that he is setting up each of the senior staff to get colonics. That is right!!! We have found a hotel that is ‘like-minded” with I-ACT and what we stand for. The Chef “gets” our dietary needs. They use special utensils for the preparation of vegan and vegetarian meals... and they have gluten free food options for breakfast, lunch and dinner already available. Dorothy Chandler, RN We toured this hotel and each of us acknowledged that the perfect location had been found. That is not all, it is also a “Destination Location”. A chance to receive great continuing education and spend time with family. 2013 will be a convention to remember. 2013 will provide you the opportunity to reflect and heal yourself, and a chance to vacation with your family. “This is all too much to ask”, you say. The scheduled speakers and the planned activity line up will be exceptional. It is all true. We have selected the Renaissance Orlando - Seaworld Hotel as the location for our 2013 Convention. Look throughout this quarterly to see some photos of this fabulous location, then register for this convention - early. Set up a payment plan if you need to, but DO NOT MISS the 2013 convention. On other topics, we have been very busy reviewing all I-ACT documents and will be releasing these as soon as we complete the review and modifications. Additionally, as I mentioned in the last quarterly, we have been in constant contact with the National Health Freedom Coalition, working directly with its leadership. We hope you are taking the time to look into this coalition and if you are able, please join and offer your support. All of you probably have a local chapter which is tasked with watching new legislation. This effort has helped us rally forces in Illinois against a Nutrition Bill that will stop colon hydrotherapists from talking about nutrition. Remember, it is up to you to keep abreast of what is happening in your area. Keep us advised and together, we can work to ensure that our profession stays strong and viable. Have a great Fall. Dorothy M. Chandler, RN I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 3 National Board for Colon HydroTherapy President Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch. Advertisement National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 www.nbcht.org MEMO From the NBCHT President From The Desk Of: Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch. NBCHT President 10/1/2012 To: All Members of NBCHT We hope this letter finds you and yours in the best of health and recovering from a great Summer. We know it is time to get back to work, and we, at the NBCHT, hope it is time for you to get serious about taking our NBCHT exam. We are glad to announce that I-ACT has completed their development of the NBCHT Certification Exam Review Webinar. That is right, they have developed a preparation course to help prepare you to take the new NBCHT exam. The cost for the webinar is only $150.00. Contact the I-ACT office to register for this new webinar. Then take the National Board Certification Exam and get certified by the NBCHT. I believe this exam will be extremely valuable to you as we try to get legislation passed through each state. We think that the legislative body of each state will look favorably on individuals that have taken an exam that is currently being used in Florida. Taking the NBCHT Exam, demonstrates that you are a professional that is seeking to practice properly and that you want to ensure the safety of your clientele. Next, I want to update you on the progress of separating the NBCHT from I-ACT. Our CPA has completed the process of establishing a new 501(C) 6 not-for-profit corporation with the IRS. The corporation is registered in Texas. All corporate documents will be completed and filed before January 1, 2013. At that point, we will be waiting for the 2013 Convention and the 2013 election to have the members ratify the new By-Laws that separate I-ACT and the NBCHT. This is a slow process, but will benefit both, I-ACT and the NBCHT. We will keep you advised as this effort progresses. Thank you for helping us grow our Association and our Profession. Sincerely, Bekki Medsker Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch. NBCHT President 4 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Obituaries We are sorry to announce that, in the last Quarter, we have been notified of the passing of three I-ACT members. They served their fellow man and were well respected and loved by their I-ACT family. They will be missed. May they rest in peace. Obituary - Luciana Mutabu In honoured memory of Luciana Mutabu.... our sweet beautiful Luci who sadly passed away on June 9th 2012. Luci was the first Fijian certified colon hydrotherapist who had many years experience as a team therapist at the Tony Robbins Life Mastery event in Fiji. She was a devoted mother of 5 beautiful teenage children, she always radiated a joyful smile and personality. It was a blessing to have known Luci, she touched the hearts of so many people with her peaceful spirit and big belly laugh that visited the resort from around the world. She will be greatly missed. Thank you Luci for sharing so many gracious unknowing life lessons while being in your presence. We send our love, strength and support to all her family and friends. Obituary - Pamela White Pamela White passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was an I-ACT member since 2007 and was an I-ACT certified Instructor. She will be missed by her clients, family and friends. May she rest in Peace. Obituary - Harry Farris Harry Benjamin Farris Jr., 62, of Indianapolis, Indiana, formerly of Paris, Illinois, passed away Thursday, July 5, 2012 at his residence. He was the owner of Accelerated Wellness of Indianapolis, Indiana. He was born October 31, 1949, in Paris, Illinois, the son of the late Harry and Kathleen J. (Thomas) Farris. Survivors include a son, Kevin (Lorie) Farris of Santa Fe, New Mexico; one brother, Don (Sharon) Farris of Paris, Illinois; one sister, Julie (Kent) Irish of Hanford, California; two grandchildren, Jasmine and Kaylee Farris of Santa Fe, New Mexico; and two nieces, Hillary Gatlin of New Fallon, Nevada and Brandy Dobbins of Coarsegold, California. Mr. Farris was an avid fan of Indianapolis Colts Football and was a 1967 graduate of Paris High School, where he was active in football and basketball. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 29 Advertisement Advertisement Colon Hydrotherapy Business for Sale LIBBE COLONIC TABLES FOR SALE Convenient Manhattan location close to several subway lines. Over 15 years in business, reasonable rent, website is top search result on Google, regular steady clientele. Gravity system, infrared sauna, whole body vibration machine, washer/dryer, massage tables. beige - maple stained - cusions 2009 ($6000) (practically new) comes with extra nozzles supply Great money maker! Lots of room for growth! For more information please call (917) 543-1245. Everything you need to start your Business! TOXYGEN MODEL-DOTOLO • Model BSC-UV Lot#: ICCZJD-2 • UNIT 2276-UV ECZ AGM2M FS2 Colon hydrotherapy Unit • UV Light • Carbon Filters • Speculums • Plastic Bins • Syringes • Hydro kits • Gowns • Towels • Disposable pads • Lubricant Gel All for $2900 • Buyer pays for shipping from Edmonton E-mail: RAJA@bismi.org Name: Raja - Phone: (780) 904-6396 Announcing (libbe use certified) beige - oak stained - cusions 2006 ($4500) (exelent condition) Located in New York City Lana Gekht owner SashaaWellness 212 423 0253 917 881 0218 FOR SALE TWO LIBBE SYSTEMS LIKE NEW (2010/11) $6500 VERY GOOD (2000) $3500 CALL 314 437 4667 “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” BOOKLETS By William “Bill” Tiller, ND. Phone 210 387-1687 Place Order By Paypal www.toxicwastesite.net Booklet Builds Clients! Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 28 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 Bill Tiller, ND. One for $8.00 (Includes Postage) • 25 for $30.00 • 50 for $50.00 • 100 for $95.00 OR Best Buy 300 for $240.00 Over 500,000 Sold Plus Shipping by UPS Ground • Prices Subject to Change • “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed can purchase such devices in that state.” SHP-I-ACT Layout FNL.indd by state AD law to use such1devices I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 8/30/12 5 9:38 PM Marketing and Public Relations Committee Report By Gail Naas Press Releases, such as the one below, are continuing to be developed. These press release templates are to be used by members to send to their local media sources when they either join I-ACT or obtain a certification level. The I-ACT office will email them to the membership upon request, along with instructions about how to send them to the media. Advertisement COLON HYDROTHERAPY TRAINING for all LEVELS I-ACT and Libbe Certified School To be a member of this committee, please contact me at 954-931-4950, or email me at gailnaasiact@gmail.com Classes run monthly join at any time “on your time”! Gail Naas Marketing and Public Relations Committee Co-Chair I-ACT Vice President FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Your Name P: Your Phone & Email Prepare for your INSTRUCTOR Presentation for the FLORIDA I-ACT Convention June 2013 Infrared Sauna ~ Intern & Apprenticeship Programs ~ Train on BOTH Closed and Open Systems Complementary Modalities Training & Certification Housing Accommodations & Airport Transfers Professional Designation Earned ** INSTRUCTOR also TRAVELS to You ** Private Footbath Room Libbe Open System Your City, Your state – Date Sent, 2012 – The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy founded in 1989 is the preeminent association for the profession of colon cleansing, announced today that YOUR NAME HERE has completed all necessary requirements and has successfully passed the certification examination to be an I-ACT foundation level certified colon hydrotherapist. This is the first level of certification offered by the organization. To become certified, candidates must meet mandatory pre-requisites including high school diploma or equivalent, CPR certification, and college-level anatomy and physiology training. Additionally, each candidate must complete 100 hours of classroom training in health and hygiene, anatomy and physiology focused on the digestive tract, business ethics, colon hydrotherapy theory, and 25 hours interning before passing a rigorous exam. Instructors must be I-ACT certified, completing four levels of education, testing and evaluation. The organization’s certification arm beyond the foundation level is the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy (NBCHT), which offers referral services, educational programming, information and support for the profession. According to I-ACT president Dorothy Chandler, RN, “We are pleased to congratulate you, YOUR NAME HERE on your new certification. Collectively, our profession is growing and gaining recognition daily, and we’re excited to have another advocate for colon hydrotherapy.” Chandler is the president of the nearly 2200 worldwide member organization. Colon hydrotherapy is an all-natural method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. Through the introduction of warm, temperature-controlled, filtered water into the colon, waste is softened and loosened resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. The process is repeated several times during a session to stimulate peristalsis to encourage better colon function and elimination. Client dignity is maintained at all times, and the procedure is absolutely safe when performed by a properly trained and certified colon hydrotherapist using FDA registered equipment. Dotolo Closed System We’re “shedding” our prices for 2012 FALL classes! Don’t let the economy make you frown…RENEW yourself in an exciting learning environment! The I-ACT headquarters is in San Antonio, TX. For more information, visit our web site at www.i-act. org or call 210.366.2888. ### 6 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 Email us at: Detox@CAColonCare.com Web: www.CAColonCare.com Office: 949.275.8380 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 27 Advertisement I-ACT Cookbook - Needs Your Help!!! YOU HAVE SOMETHING WE WANT ! There have been several requests for an I-ACT Cookbook and we would like your favorite healthy recipes. Please send us your Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Low Fat and any other Healthy Recipes. Include your Name and State or Country. Also if there are ingredients not readily found in other countries, please make a note of substitutions that can be made. Also let us know serving size and any other nutrient facts, such as calories, fat content, etc. PLEASE EMAIL TO I-ACT OFFICE homeoffice@i-act.org 26 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 7 Advertisement Cleansing in Paradise Colon Hydrotherapy Solutions Aquanet EC - 2000™ Colon Hydrotherapy Device Smart - Innovative - Safe Dual Operation Mode: Gravity and Pressure Bula from Fiji Andrew and Michelle from Gumtree Retreat, Australian colon hydrotherapy school have managed the colonics at Anthony Robbins Life Mastery event located at Namale Resort & Spa in Fiji for the past 7 years. Together with Luci, our first certified Fijian Colon Hydrotherapist they attend the events 8 times a year. People from all over the world attend this 7 day health program to participate in a nutritional cleanse with colonics being an optional compliment to support their cleanse. “During the event we give a presentation to educate each participant about the benefits of colon hydrotherapy and how it will support and enhance their cleansing experience. We perform over 260 colonics with 6 LIBBE colon hydrotherapy devices. We also share the procedures of both open and closed systems and how they can find a therapist when they return home.” “We feel very privileged to represent our profession at this international event. The positive experience and results from the participants colonics during the cleanse inspires everyone to share our profession with their family and friends and to find many of you when they return home so they can continue maintaining ultimate health.” Health & happiness, Andrew, Michelle & Luci Advertisement Advanced Quality Controls PPHIC is fully certified to the follwoing standards: ISO 13485:2003, ISO 9001:2008, CSA, CE, 93/42/EEC...more at www.pphic.com Upgrade your colon hydrotherapy equipment to a higher standard with the Aquanet EC - 2000™: Fully Integrated dual Disinfection System Automatic Temperature Control Applied Pressure Sensing Technology (APST) 3 Stage Water Purification System User friendly installation instructions with CD ... more at www.pphic.com Instituting an IBS Maintenance Plan that Includes Supplementation can Greatly Reduce IBS Symptoms ✔ Amino acids and nutraceuticals help repair and rebuild the mucosal lining while soothing irritation and reducing inflammation ✔ Increased fiber is essential to any IBS maintenance program to help absorb and eliminate toxins ✔ Essential fatty acids help lubricate the colon and ease elimination ✔ Probiotics are needed to help re-establish the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract Prime Pacific Health Innovations Corporation Setting higher standards since 1997 For details call today: PPHIC Corporate Office: Toll Free: 1-800-223-9374 #8 - 145 Riverside Drive Phone: (604) 929-7019 North Vancouver, BC E-mail: info@pphic.com, or V7H 1T6, CANADA 8 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 COMPREHENSIVE IBS PROTOCOL www.pphic.com “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Call Today for Introductory Specials! www.advancednaturals.com 1-800-690-9988 Ext. 265, 280 or 276 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 25 Information on Approved A&P Courses There are two additional courses that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. 1. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you. Students may not just call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact : Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598 or email: Becky.Chateauneuf@cengage.com. Valid in the USA. 2. Or - Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology 060908 - Course Author Dr. Larry J. Milam, Ph.D., H.M.D. For questions on the course contact Amanda Coker at 800-893-3367 or email: info@universitynaturalmedicine.org Information for Those Seeking a Job Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section (password “iactmember”). Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. Best of luck! Advertisement Two LIBBE Units 4 Sale Package Deal $8,000.00 2 for the price of 1 Looks like new. Works like new. Each w/ new 6 gal. hot water heater. They are still hooked up. Try B/4 you buy For more info contact: Billie V. Odor 813-657-6198 billieodor@gmail.com I’m retiring. Closing soon. 24 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 ™ Looking for a Job? Wholistic Skin & Body Rejuvenation Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. Advertisement CERTIFICATED COURSES FOR Certification course NOW OFFERED VIA TELESEMINAR. No travel or lost income! E INSTRUCTOR— Gloria Gilbère, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., D.S.C., EcoErgonomist™, Wholistic Rejuvenist™ Colon & Massage Therapists & Health Professionals ARNING CERTIFICATION AS A WHOLISTIC REJUVENIST (C.W.R.) will exponentially change your life, your practice, your income potential, and the lives of those you serve. WSBR courses introduce you to the art and science of Pluralistic Medicine—diverse global disciplines that encompass all healing modalities that are safe and effective regardless of their origin; each one a piece of the total health continuum. The courses are designed to prepare you to become certified as a C.W.R., to expand individual disciplines whose ultimate goals are complete health, recovery and anti-aging. TELESEMINAR “LIVE” CLASSES for all levels from the convenience of your home or office. Check our website for level offered, dates and time. You can register online or call 888-352-8175, CLOSED FRIDAY. ON-SITE DATES/ LOCATIONS… Check our website for locations nationally and internationally. Why not schedule a class at your location? Email us for minimum attendee information at your location. COST… $695 per level, includes full-color 300+ page course manual. Join your colleagues who have taken the courses and are raving about its comprehensive information you don’t learn elsewhere. Registration For a complete list of on-site class dates, for more information, to request a class at your facility, or to attend a class in Sandpoint, ID, call toll-free in the U.S. 888-352-8175. EMAIL—WSBR@gloriagilbere.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.gloriagilbere.com LEVELS– One—Rejuvenation is a Journey, Not a Destination Two—Rejuvenation Inside-out Advanced—Preparing the Terrain Instructor—Teaching the Teachers NBCHT approved for 20 CEUs (for each level) when combined with a Case Study/Investigative Report Project Approved by Florida Massage Board and Georgia Board of Chiropractic—many states allow for reciprocal credit. Insurance Information Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Another company, CM&F will write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists - call 800-221-4904, or go online to cmfgroup.com, click on “Choose Profession” (Allied Health Professionals) - then select State and County select go, scroll down to Class VI and click on “Enterostomal Therapist” and then click “submit online” and fill out the application online to submit. It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • www.markhypotheken.nl Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 9 Regional Rep Committee Report By Suzanne Childre Dear Members, I want to ask each member to consider joining a committee or running in the next election. All the Regional Reps are going to contribute time to a committee and I-ACT needs every member to consider giving some time to help our organization grow. US Regional Representatives New England/New York Beverley Blass Small Maine Connecticut New York 212-496-8702 email: New Hampshire Massachusetts Beverlyblass@yahoo.com Vermont Rhode Island The changes you want to have will only come with us all pulling together to create new and wonderful ideas for growth. Make your voice heard. Tell your Rep or your board all the things you feel are needed. We welcome your input. It is a changing time in our world and we want to stay the leaders in our profession. Make your time count in health and growth. Join a Committee and run for the Board in the next election. Email me and tell me what you need from your Regional Rep. We want to help you be all that you can be. Annette Bray Pennsylvania Maryland 215-536-1442 email: New Jersey D. C. coloniccm@comcast.net Delaware West Virginia North Central Connie Thrush Michigan Kentucky 567-224-1441 email Indiana connie.peaceathand@gmail.com Ohio 919-380-0023 email North Carolina althealthcenter@peoplepc.com South Carolina 501-664-8200 email Louisiana naturalcleanse@aol.com Mississippi 770-714-6350 email Georgia pamcraig1@gmail.com Alabama South East Best of Health to each of you, Suzanne Childré I-ACT Regional Rep Chairperson Pam Craig Tennessee North Florida debrachristian5554@sbc New Mexico Gale Ulbert Wisconsin South Dakota 262-705-6416 email Minnesota Ugale@hotmail.com North Dakota 815-648-4544 email Missouri ghmelby@gmail.com Iowa Mid West Grace Melby Illinois Kansas Russell or Cherie Kolbo253-649-0288 email Washington Oregon Montana russellkolbo@earthlink.net Idaho Central Mountain Mid South Trish Craig Arkansas 903-593-4025 email Oklahoma North West Mid Atlantic Darlene Holloway Virginia Debra Christian Texas North Mid West North East I-ACT is growing and there is so much to do. Your Board is busy making each area run as smooth as we can but having your support is so needed. Wait till you see all the wonderful plans for our next convention. An experience you should not miss. South Central South Florida Suzanne Gray 813-871-3200 email suzanne@renewlifewell South Florida ness.com Annette Buxton-Bacon 303-989-6889 Colorado Utah Nebraska Wyoming California/South West Suzanne Childre’ France Robert California Arizona 310-576-6360 email 310-576-6360 email Southern suzannechildre@ieihealth.com francerobert@ieihealt.com Nevada Hawaii Russell Kolbo Hawaii 253-649-0288 russellkolbo@earthlink.net International Regional Representatives Send us Your Thoughts - on I-ACT Going Green We are trying to go “Green” and save printing and postage costs.... If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via email, please let us know so we can save $$$$$. Just send us an email: homeoffice@i-act.org and you will receive future quarterlies via email. Remember we post them on our web site also. Help I-ACT GO GREEN!!! 10 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 Australia - Eastern Region Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 - Email: info@gumtreeretreat.com Australia - Western Region Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Suzanne Childre’310-576-6360 for a application. Europe Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Julianalaan 45, 2628 BB Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 - E-mail: info@aqua-lingua.eu Canada - Eastern Region Paul Schillaci First Touch Health & Wellness Centre 2361 Lake Shore Rd. W. Oakville, Ontario L6L1H6, Canada Phone: 905-220-1190 - E-mail: firsttouchhealth@msn.com Canada - Western Region Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 67 Gleneagles Terrace Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada Phone 403-981-3334 - E-mail: k.labonte@dharmaspirit.ca SE Asia Dr. Sylvester Yong 10 Sinaran Drive #09-31 (Novena Medical Center Square 2) Singapore, 307506, Republic of Singapore Phone: 65-62356311 - E-mail: therapy@pacific.net.sg United Kingdom Marlin and Richard Armstrong Heavenly Spa 1 Chilworth Mews, London, W2 3RG, United Kingdom Phone: 020 7298 3820 - Email: relax@heavenlyspa.co.uk I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 23 ZUMBA Advertisement ZUMBA 2012 TOXYGEN BSC-UV Professional Colonic Device, the Professionals choice since 1985 As you can see through-out the Quarterly we have BIG plans for the 2013 Convention. Get yourself fit and ready we’re bringing “ Zumba Bootie Shaking” for our early morning Distinction and Durability, Definitely Dotolo. DOCTORS AND CLINICIANS IN MORE THAN 20 COUNTRIES AND COUNTING CHOOSE THE DOTOLO TOXYGEN BSC-UV. HIGH IMPACT, DURABLE INSTRUMENT BODY AND SMOOTH WHITE POWDER COAT FINISH A DEVICE THAT LOOKS, PERFORMS and OFFERS AN EXCELLENT RETURN ON INVESTMENT. Side by Side Features Fact Sheet Clinical Trial Tested & Documented Treatment water pressure release safety mechanism Toxygen DOTOLO X small footprint Hydro-San Aquanet Specialty Health Prime Pacific DOTOLO’S large footprint x CERTIFICATE Of REGISTRATIONS X internally controlled externally large eliminates over-fill pressure for patient safety Disinfectant capable (waste pathway) X X convenient sanitation process for patient safety Internalized disinfectant container ISO 9001:2008 X large footprint x ISO 13485:2003 convenient and small footprint Pyrex glass observation tube X FDA APPROVED CLASS II MEDICAL DEVICE X HEALTH CANADA cleans & disinfects better, enhanced visuals and extended life expectancy Internal treatment water prewarm function ********* X easy & problem free, eliminates external hose hookup LED solid state observation tube lighting X extra brightness, extended life expectancy, safe 12VDC Three stage filtration system X - optimum water purity for patient CAMDCAS uses 120V AC uses fluorescent shock hazard low brightness add-on option with only one particle only 6 inch filters & carbon filter CE - two ten inch particle filters, one carbon plus UV filter Please submit orders by Email/Online/Fax/Phone: CUSTOMERSERVICE@DOTOLORESEARCH.COM 3731 E. LaSalle St., Suite 1 • Phoenix, AZ 85040 • USA • Phone: 602-438-7398 • 888-DOTOLO1 Fax: www.DotoloResearch.com Fax:602-438-7414 602-438-7414 •• rdotolo@dotoloresearch.com rmolina@dotoloresearch.com •• www.DotoloResearch.com 22 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 11 Destination Vacation Convention - for Colon Hydrotherapists Around the World We the board of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy, cordially, invite you to the first premier destination convention vacation. Advertisement 4 6 7 1 2 3 5 Your board has created magic and miracles by going there and sampling the essence of what is to come for you. We have heard you and have taken action. We have found a pearl, a magical nourishing place for us to come together in community, for education, learning, connection, fun and fabulous food. All dietry needs will be met!!!!!! For just a few pearls more than past conventions, you get all of this. Fresh made to order menu just for you. • • • • Colon Hydrotherapy Lymphatic Drainage Body Work with Colon Hydrotherapy Post-‐Secondary Anatomy and Physiology Prime Pacific Dotolo Seaworld is across the street Discovery cove is across the street Disney World is down the street Angel of Water – Open System Specialty Miles of fabulous retaurants with trolley service just outside the hotel. You are greeted with a smile from everybody. Book now for the first convention destination of a lifetime. Lymph Drainage Internal Environment Institute’s philosophy blends the best of Eastern and Western modalities, drawn from our nursing and natural healing backgrounds, as well as our 60+ years of experience as Colon Hydro therapists. Speakers Speakers Speakers. 4 M.Ds with a wealth of holistic information keeping you riveted to your seat. Experienced colon therapists giving info and their expertise from years of working with their clients. CALL (310) 576-‐6360 FOR OUR MOST CURRENT SCHEDULE Only 10 miles from the airport Mears shuttle service only $34 dollars round trip I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 The Internal Environment Institute (IEI), offers certified training in all levels of: Let us begin with. Five star service and beyond. Chefs at our service. Interactive kitchen. Get ready to party and learn how!!!!!!! Kitchens with juicers, vitamix’s, wheatgrass juicer, A breakfast, lunch, and dinner gluten free menu in addition to their organic farm to table menus. The chefs use olive oil and clarified butter Sushi restaurant plus Vegetarian Vegan Beautiful opulent surroundings. Spa facilities with a large menu of options for massage and body treatments. Gorgeous gardens to sit in and lovely pool facility with food and beverage available Outside and inside. Sanctuary comfortable rooms. Ahhh. Daily fresh made green and fruit juices 12 Get Certified Internal Environment Institute 910 Broadway Suite 112 Santa Monica, CA. 90401 www.ieihealth.com We are located in the amazing, diversified, alternative and traditional healing community of Santa M onica, California I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 21 Advertisement Professional Standards and Ethics Committee Report September 2012 Dear Member, The committee has focused its efforts on completing additional language for the current Zero Tolerance policy document. The revision addresses harassment in the education and training environments as well as the business environment. This new language will strengthen our current policy and provide a more effective tool in identifying areas of concern. The policy was reviewed and approved by the I-ACT Board of Directors during its meeting this month and will be added to our current Zero Tolerance Policy. Additional actions of the committee were website review and compliance. Letters were sent to two former members regarding continued use of the I-ACT logo and claims of membership. The committee acknowledges our I-ACT staff members, Kristi Schultz and Brandi Hoenninger, who have been extremely helpful in assisting with this task. The committee continues to follow all past actions that are unresolved. Respectfully Submitted, The Professional Standards and Ethics Committee Dorothy M Chandler, Chair Robin Varnet Sheila Noiles Grievance Committee Report Please Remember you are part of an organization that has raised the standards of Colon Hydrotherapy for over 20 years. Be aware at all times that you represent a great profession. Practice The Golden Rule each day with every client you work with. Our clients are the stars of our life’s work and we are the directors, guide them gently with respect and no judgments. It is all about them and their lifestyles not yours. Professionalism Integrity helps you make better choices with good intentions. When you create a solid base with clients it will take our organization to a level without the need of a Grievance Committee. Thanks for always putting your best foot forward, 20 Suzanne Childré Chairperson for the I-ACT Grievance Committee I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 13 Fund Raising Committee Report By Beverley Blass The longer I’m involved in providing colon hydrotherapy services and learning to raise my consciousness about the whole person, the more convinced I am that colon therapists around the globe are doing wonderful things to build community in their individual centers and places of business. When I joined the I-ACT Board a year and a half ago, I knew I wanted to make a difference and help build community. That’s when I became the chair of the Fundraising Committee. Advertisement I didn’t have a lot of fundraising experience when I started, but I love what I do and decided to let my passion lead the way. Colon hydrotherapy is about more than the colon. It’s about the whole body and unsticking the physical as well as the emotional ties that bind us. It’s about sharing our hearts for what we do, the people we help, the services we provide. That’s how the idea for the heart quilt was born – an opportunity to bring connectedness to the whole person – heart and colon together. It seemed like the perfect way to raise awareness (and funds) while building community. The idea was readily accepted and colon therapists loved the creativity and passion that could be poured into this project. Convention attendees were able to participate for a $10 donation. We provided felt hearts, and people could decorate them however they wanted with various craft items available. What creative people colon therapists are! Everyone enjoyed the conversations and laughs while making their hearts and sharing everything from work to life in general. Although the quilt is not yet completed, we are excited by what began at the 2012 convention. The heart quilt will allow us to continue to build community among colon therapists around the globe. Thank you to everyone who participated! Another fundraiser at the 2012 convention was a Fiji spa package donated by Australia’s Regional Representative Michelle King. The package was worth over $4,000 and included six days at the spa. Tickets were $100 and we raised $2,900 during the convention. Thank you to all who participated, and thanks to Michelle for the donation. In case you’re wondering, the I-ACT Fundraising Committee is charged with raising money for I-ACT to build on the various projects needed to support the industry (scientific reviews, web site, media, etc.) While we do most of our fundraisers at the convention each year, we are always interested in new ideas and new ways to get more members involved in raising the necessary funds. One of the ideas we’re working on now is for a recipe book, so start thinking about your favorite recipes and watch for more details in the near future. If you’re interested in joining the Fundraising Committee, please contact me (P: 860-6804151 or E: beverleyblass@aol.com) or the I-ACT office. No travel required to participate; we can do phone calls. Have an idea for fundraising? Let us know; we’re always looking for ideas. We’re serious about raising money, but we need your help! Fundraising Committee: Beverley Blass. Grace Melby. Rose Mary Polhemus. 14 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 19 Advertisement Advertisement www.QMSAZ.com TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277 MOBILE (623) 640-4646 LIBBE COLON HYDROTHERAPY DEVICE THE HIGHEST QUALITY IN SAFETY AND SANITATION OPEN SYSTEM RECTAL NOZZLES HAVE ARRIVED!! Easy, fast, and friendly ordering… call today for your complimentary sample. SMOOTH-TIP SPECULUM NO BLOWOUTS! NO MESSES! NO ODOR! colonic.net HYDROCARE SPECULUM Your clients will love the smooth design and easy insertion of our pencil thin Rectal Nozzle… You will love the low price! INTRODUCTORY PRICING $1.25 EACH ANY QUANTITY SALE PRICING $3.15 / kit EVERYDAY LOW PRICING… $3.20 - $3.45 Available in two lengths 42” or 48” Smooth-Bor or Cuffed waste hose Price’s Increase 2013 100 ft. 7” 100 ft. Roll Clear 8MM Poly Tubing - Open System $24.99 Pre-cut Clear 8MM Poly Tubing .17¢ Roll Cuffed Waste Hose - Closed System $24.99 All Products are FDA Registered - Class I Devices – No Prescription Needed - FDA Registration #3008274651 Expect exceptional service at Quality! 18 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Stock up now! colonic.net Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78213 Quality System FDA 21 CFR Part 820 : “U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” 210 308-8888 COPYRIGHT 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 15 RENAISSANCE HOTEL ~ SEAWORLD ORLANDO AQUA ZONE ~ HOTEL WATER PARK POOL ~ FITNESS CENTER ~ SPA ATRIUM ~ QUEEN GUEST ROOM ~ TRADEWINDS RESTAURANT BREAKFAST 16 BUFFET I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 17 RENAISSANCE HOTEL ~ SEAWORLD ORLANDO AQUA ZONE ~ HOTEL WATER PARK POOL ~ FITNESS CENTER ~ SPA ATRIUM ~ QUEEN GUEST ROOM ~ TRADEWINDS RESTAURANT BREAKFAST 16 BUFFET I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 17 Advertisement Advertisement www.QMSAZ.com TOLL FREE (877) 759-1277 MOBILE (623) 640-4646 LIBBE COLON HYDROTHERAPY DEVICE THE HIGHEST QUALITY IN SAFETY AND SANITATION OPEN SYSTEM RECTAL NOZZLES HAVE ARRIVED!! Easy, fast, and friendly ordering… call today for your complimentary sample. SMOOTH-TIP SPECULUM NO BLOWOUTS! NO MESSES! NO ODOR! colonic.net HYDROCARE SPECULUM Your clients will love the smooth design and easy insertion of our pencil thin Rectal Nozzle… You will love the low price! INTRODUCTORY PRICING $1.25 EACH ANY QUANTITY SALE PRICING $3.15 / kit EVERYDAY LOW PRICING… $3.20 - $3.45 Available in two lengths 42” or 48” Smooth-Bor or Cuffed waste hose Price’s Increase 2013 100 ft. 7” 100 ft. Roll Clear 8MM Poly Tubing - Open System $24.99 Pre-cut Clear 8MM Poly Tubing .17¢ Roll Cuffed Waste Hose - Closed System $24.99 All Products are FDA Registered - Class I Devices – No Prescription Needed - FDA Registration #3008274651 Expect exceptional service at Quality! 18 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Stock up now! colonic.net Tiller MIND BODY, Inc. 10911 West Avenue, San Antonio, Texas 78213 Quality System FDA 21 CFR Part 820 : “U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA) “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” 210 308-8888 COPYRIGHT 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 15 Fund Raising Committee Report By Beverley Blass The longer I’m involved in providing colon hydrotherapy services and learning to raise my consciousness about the whole person, the more convinced I am that colon therapists around the globe are doing wonderful things to build community in their individual centers and places of business. When I joined the I-ACT Board a year and a half ago, I knew I wanted to make a difference and help build community. That’s when I became the chair of the Fundraising Committee. Advertisement I didn’t have a lot of fundraising experience when I started, but I love what I do and decided to let my passion lead the way. Colon hydrotherapy is about more than the colon. It’s about the whole body and unsticking the physical as well as the emotional ties that bind us. It’s about sharing our hearts for what we do, the people we help, the services we provide. That’s how the idea for the heart quilt was born – an opportunity to bring connectedness to the whole person – heart and colon together. It seemed like the perfect way to raise awareness (and funds) while building community. The idea was readily accepted and colon therapists loved the creativity and passion that could be poured into this project. Convention attendees were able to participate for a $10 donation. We provided felt hearts, and people could decorate them however they wanted with various craft items available. What creative people colon therapists are! Everyone enjoyed the conversations and laughs while making their hearts and sharing everything from work to life in general. Although the quilt is not yet completed, we are excited by what began at the 2012 convention. The heart quilt will allow us to continue to build community among colon therapists around the globe. Thank you to everyone who participated! Another fundraiser at the 2012 convention was a Fiji spa package donated by Australia’s Regional Representative Michelle King. The package was worth over $4,000 and included six days at the spa. Tickets were $100 and we raised $2,900 during the convention. Thank you to all who participated, and thanks to Michelle for the donation. In case you’re wondering, the I-ACT Fundraising Committee is charged with raising money for I-ACT to build on the various projects needed to support the industry (scientific reviews, web site, media, etc.) While we do most of our fundraisers at the convention each year, we are always interested in new ideas and new ways to get more members involved in raising the necessary funds. One of the ideas we’re working on now is for a recipe book, so start thinking about your favorite recipes and watch for more details in the near future. If you’re interested in joining the Fundraising Committee, please contact me (P: 860-6804151 or E: beverleyblass@aol.com) or the I-ACT office. No travel required to participate; we can do phone calls. Have an idea for fundraising? Let us know; we’re always looking for ideas. We’re serious about raising money, but we need your help! Fundraising Committee: Beverley Blass. Grace Melby. Rose Mary Polhemus. 14 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 19 Advertisement Professional Standards and Ethics Committee Report September 2012 Dear Member, The committee has focused its efforts on completing additional language for the current Zero Tolerance policy document. The revision addresses harassment in the education and training environments as well as the business environment. This new language will strengthen our current policy and provide a more effective tool in identifying areas of concern. The policy was reviewed and approved by the I-ACT Board of Directors during its meeting this month and will be added to our current Zero Tolerance Policy. Additional actions of the committee were website review and compliance. Letters were sent to two former members regarding continued use of the I-ACT logo and claims of membership. The committee acknowledges our I-ACT staff members, Kristi Schultz and Brandi Hoenninger, who have been extremely helpful in assisting with this task. The committee continues to follow all past actions that are unresolved. Respectfully Submitted, The Professional Standards and Ethics Committee Dorothy M Chandler, Chair Robin Varnet Sheila Noiles Grievance Committee Report Please Remember you are part of an organization that has raised the standards of Colon Hydrotherapy for over 20 years. Be aware at all times that you represent a great profession. Practice The Golden Rule each day with every client you work with. Our clients are the stars of our life’s work and we are the directors, guide them gently with respect and no judgments. It is all about them and their lifestyles not yours. Professionalism Integrity helps you make better choices with good intentions. When you create a solid base with clients it will take our organization to a level without the need of a Grievance Committee. Thanks for always putting your best foot forward, 20 Suzanne Childré Chairperson for the I-ACT Grievance Committee I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 13 Destination Vacation Convention - for Colon Hydrotherapists Around the World We the board of the International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy, cordially, invite you to the first premier destination convention vacation. Advertisement 4 6 7 1 2 3 5 Your board has created magic and miracles by going there and sampling the essence of what is to come for you. We have heard you and have taken action. We have found a pearl, a magical nourishing place for us to come together in community, for education, learning, connection, fun and fabulous food. All dietry needs will be met!!!!!! For just a few pearls more than past conventions, you get all of this. Fresh made to order menu just for you. • • • • Colon Hydrotherapy Lymphatic Drainage Body Work with Colon Hydrotherapy Post-‐Secondary Anatomy and Physiology Prime Pacific Dotolo Seaworld is across the street Discovery cove is across the street Disney World is down the street Angel of Water – Open System Specialty Miles of fabulous retaurants with trolley service just outside the hotel. You are greeted with a smile from everybody. Book now for the first convention destination of a lifetime. Lymph Drainage Internal Environment Institute’s philosophy blends the best of Eastern and Western modalities, drawn from our nursing and natural healing backgrounds, as well as our 60+ years of experience as Colon Hydro therapists. Speakers Speakers Speakers. 4 M.Ds with a wealth of holistic information keeping you riveted to your seat. Experienced colon therapists giving info and their expertise from years of working with their clients. CALL (310) 576-‐6360 FOR OUR MOST CURRENT SCHEDULE Only 10 miles from the airport Mears shuttle service only $34 dollars round trip I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 The Internal Environment Institute (IEI), offers certified training in all levels of: Let us begin with. Five star service and beyond. Chefs at our service. Interactive kitchen. Get ready to party and learn how!!!!!!! Kitchens with juicers, vitamix’s, wheatgrass juicer, A breakfast, lunch, and dinner gluten free menu in addition to their organic farm to table menus. The chefs use olive oil and clarified butter Sushi restaurant plus Vegetarian Vegan Beautiful opulent surroundings. Spa facilities with a large menu of options for massage and body treatments. Gorgeous gardens to sit in and lovely pool facility with food and beverage available Outside and inside. Sanctuary comfortable rooms. Ahhh. Daily fresh made green and fruit juices 12 Get Certified Internal Environment Institute 910 Broadway Suite 112 Santa Monica, CA. 90401 www.ieihealth.com We are located in the amazing, diversified, alternative and traditional healing community of Santa M onica, California I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 21 ZUMBA Advertisement ZUMBA 2012 TOXYGEN BSC-UV Professional Colonic Device, the Professionals choice since 1985 As you can see through-out the Quarterly we have BIG plans for the 2013 Convention. Get yourself fit and ready we’re bringing “ Zumba Bootie Shaking” for our early morning Distinction and Durability, Definitely Dotolo. DOCTORS AND CLINICIANS IN MORE THAN 20 COUNTRIES AND COUNTING CHOOSE THE DOTOLO TOXYGEN BSC-UV. HIGH IMPACT, DURABLE INSTRUMENT BODY AND SMOOTH WHITE POWDER COAT FINISH A DEVICE THAT LOOKS, PERFORMS and OFFERS AN EXCELLENT RETURN ON INVESTMENT. Side by Side Features Fact Sheet Clinical Trial Tested & Documented Treatment water pressure release safety mechanism Toxygen DOTOLO X small footprint Hydro-San Aquanet Specialty Health Prime Pacific DOTOLO’S large footprint x CERTIFICATE Of REGISTRATIONS X internally controlled externally large eliminates over-fill pressure for patient safety Disinfectant capable (waste pathway) X X convenient sanitation process for patient safety Internalized disinfectant container ISO 9001:2008 X large footprint x ISO 13485:2003 convenient and small footprint Pyrex glass observation tube X FDA APPROVED CLASS II MEDICAL DEVICE X HEALTH CANADA cleans & disinfects better, enhanced visuals and extended life expectancy Internal treatment water prewarm function ********* X easy & problem free, eliminates external hose hookup LED solid state observation tube lighting X extra brightness, extended life expectancy, safe 12VDC Three stage filtration system X - optimum water purity for patient CAMDCAS uses 120V AC uses fluorescent shock hazard low brightness add-on option with only one particle only 6 inch filters & carbon filter CE - two ten inch particle filters, one carbon plus UV filter Please submit orders by Email/Online/Fax/Phone: CUSTOMERSERVICE@DOTOLORESEARCH.COM 3731 E. LaSalle St., Suite 1 • Phoenix, AZ 85040 • USA • Phone: 602-438-7398 • 888-DOTOLO1 Fax: www.DotoloResearch.com Fax:602-438-7414 602-438-7414 •• rdotolo@dotoloresearch.com rmolina@dotoloresearch.com •• www.DotoloResearch.com 22 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 11 Regional Rep Committee Report By Suzanne Childre Dear Members, I want to ask each member to consider joining a committee or running in the next election. All the Regional Reps are going to contribute time to a committee and I-ACT needs every member to consider giving some time to help our organization grow. US Regional Representatives New England/New York Beverley Blass Small Maine Connecticut New York 212-496-8702 email: New Hampshire Massachusetts Beverlyblass@yahoo.com Vermont Rhode Island The changes you want to have will only come with us all pulling together to create new and wonderful ideas for growth. Make your voice heard. Tell your Rep or your board all the things you feel are needed. We welcome your input. It is a changing time in our world and we want to stay the leaders in our profession. Make your time count in health and growth. Join a Committee and run for the Board in the next election. Email me and tell me what you need from your Regional Rep. We want to help you be all that you can be. Annette Bray Pennsylvania Maryland 215-536-1442 email: New Jersey D. C. coloniccm@comcast.net Delaware West Virginia North Central Connie Thrush Michigan Kentucky 567-224-1441 email Indiana connie.peaceathand@gmail.com Ohio 919-380-0023 email North Carolina althealthcenter@peoplepc.com South Carolina 501-664-8200 email Louisiana naturalcleanse@aol.com Mississippi 770-714-6350 email Georgia pamcraig1@gmail.com Alabama South East Best of Health to each of you, Suzanne Childré I-ACT Regional Rep Chairperson Pam Craig Tennessee North Florida debrachristian5554@sbc New Mexico Gale Ulbert Wisconsin South Dakota 262-705-6416 email Minnesota Ugale@hotmail.com North Dakota 815-648-4544 email Missouri ghmelby@gmail.com Iowa Mid West Grace Melby Illinois Kansas Russell or Cherie Kolbo253-649-0288 email Washington Oregon Montana russellkolbo@earthlink.net Idaho Central Mountain Mid South Trish Craig Arkansas 903-593-4025 email Oklahoma North West Mid Atlantic Darlene Holloway Virginia Debra Christian Texas North Mid West North East I-ACT is growing and there is so much to do. Your Board is busy making each area run as smooth as we can but having your support is so needed. Wait till you see all the wonderful plans for our next convention. An experience you should not miss. South Central South Florida Suzanne Gray 813-871-3200 email suzanne@renewlifewell South Florida ness.com Annette Buxton-Bacon 303-989-6889 Colorado Utah Nebraska Wyoming California/South West Suzanne Childre’ France Robert California Arizona 310-576-6360 email 310-576-6360 email Southern suzannechildre@ieihealth.com francerobert@ieihealt.com Nevada Hawaii Russell Kolbo Hawaii 253-649-0288 russellkolbo@earthlink.net International Regional Representatives Send us Your Thoughts - on I-ACT Going Green We are trying to go “Green” and save printing and postage costs.... If you would like to have the quarterly sent to you via email, please let us know so we can save $$$$$. Just send us an email: homeoffice@i-act.org and you will receive future quarterlies via email. Remember we post them on our web site also. Help I-ACT GO GREEN!!! 10 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 Australia - Eastern Region Michelle King Gum Tree Retreat 3570 Orara Way, Grafton, NSW, Australia 2460 612-6649-4464 - Email: info@gumtreeretreat.com Australia - Western Region Open Position Seeking Regional Representative If interested contact the office or Suzanne Childre’310-576-6360 for a application. Europe Lisette Timmermans Natuurgeneeskundig Therapeut / Aqua Lingua Center for Colon Hydrotherapy Education Julianalaan 45, 2628 BB Delft, Netherlands Phone: +31 15 214 42 21 - E-mail: info@aqua-lingua.eu Canada - Eastern Region Paul Schillaci First Touch Health & Wellness Centre 2361 Lake Shore Rd. W. Oakville, Ontario L6L1H6, Canada Phone: 905-220-1190 - E-mail: firsttouchhealth@msn.com Canada - Western Region Katherine Labonte Dharma Spirit Holistic Health 67 Gleneagles Terrace Cochrane, Alberta T4C 1W5, Canada Phone 403-981-3334 - E-mail: k.labonte@dharmaspirit.ca SE Asia Dr. Sylvester Yong 10 Sinaran Drive #09-31 (Novena Medical Center Square 2) Singapore, 307506, Republic of Singapore Phone: 65-62356311 - E-mail: therapy@pacific.net.sg United Kingdom Marlin and Richard Armstrong Heavenly Spa 1 Chilworth Mews, London, W2 3RG, United Kingdom Phone: 020 7298 3820 - Email: relax@heavenlyspa.co.uk I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 23 Information on Approved A&P Courses There are two additional courses that may be used for the A&P pre-requisites. 1. Your student may take the Delmar course through CENGAGE Learning ONLY if you as the instructor or school register with Delmar and set up the program. It goes through you. Students may not just call Delmar, it doesn’t work that way. The Instructor must Contact : Claudine DeChant: Cengage Learning at, 5 Maxwell Dr., Clifton Park, NY 12065 (p) 800.998.7498 x2598 or email: Becky.Chateauneuf@cengage.com. Valid in the USA. 2. Or - Introduction to Human Anatomy & Physiology 060908 - Course Author Dr. Larry J. Milam, Ph.D., H.M.D. For questions on the course contact Amanda Coker at 800-893-3367 or email: info@universitynaturalmedicine.org Information for Those Seeking a Job Go to the I-ACT web site and then go to the members only section (password “iactmember”). Inside you will find numerous job opportunities. Best of luck! Advertisement Two LIBBE Units 4 Sale Package Deal $8,000.00 2 for the price of 1 Looks like new. Works like new. Each w/ new 6 gal. hot water heater. They are still hooked up. Try B/4 you buy For more info contact: Billie V. Odor 813-657-6198 billieodor@gmail.com I’m retiring. Closing soon. 24 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 ™ Looking for a Job? Wholistic Skin & Body Rejuvenation Your students may take an A&P course through their local community college or university. If they have taken an Anatomy & Physiology course for massage, from a state licensed school that provided at least 45 hours of classroom time, that course will also count. Advertisement CERTIFICATED COURSES FOR Certification course NOW OFFERED VIA TELESEMINAR. No travel or lost income! E INSTRUCTOR— Gloria Gilbère, N.D., D.A.Hom., Ph.D., D.S.C., EcoErgonomist™, Wholistic Rejuvenist™ Colon & Massage Therapists & Health Professionals ARNING CERTIFICATION AS A WHOLISTIC REJUVENIST (C.W.R.) will exponentially change your life, your practice, your income potential, and the lives of those you serve. WSBR courses introduce you to the art and science of Pluralistic Medicine—diverse global disciplines that encompass all healing modalities that are safe and effective regardless of their origin; each one a piece of the total health continuum. The courses are designed to prepare you to become certified as a C.W.R., to expand individual disciplines whose ultimate goals are complete health, recovery and anti-aging. TELESEMINAR “LIVE” CLASSES for all levels from the convenience of your home or office. Check our website for level offered, dates and time. You can register online or call 888-352-8175, CLOSED FRIDAY. ON-SITE DATES/ LOCATIONS… Check our website for locations nationally and internationally. Why not schedule a class at your location? Email us for minimum attendee information at your location. COST… $695 per level, includes full-color 300+ page course manual. Join your colleagues who have taken the courses and are raving about its comprehensive information you don’t learn elsewhere. Registration For a complete list of on-site class dates, for more information, to request a class at your facility, or to attend a class in Sandpoint, ID, call toll-free in the U.S. 888-352-8175. EMAIL—WSBR@gloriagilbere.com VISIT OUR WEBSITE— www.gloriagilbere.com LEVELS– One—Rejuvenation is a Journey, Not a Destination Two—Rejuvenation Inside-out Advanced—Preparing the Terrain Instructor—Teaching the Teachers NBCHT approved for 20 CEUs (for each level) when combined with a Case Study/Investigative Report Project Approved by Florida Massage Board and Georgia Board of Chiropractic—many states allow for reciprocal credit. Insurance Information Professional liability insurance. Allied Professional Insurance will write professional liability insurance for I-ACT members. You must be a current member and keep your membership current to be eligible for the insurance. Contact the I-ACT office for the application form, or go to the I-ACT web site - Members Only Section - and download the application from the web site. Another company, CM&F will write liability insurance for colon hydrotherapists - call 800-221-4904, or go online to cmfgroup.com, click on “Choose Profession” (Allied Health Professionals) - then select State and County select go, scroll down to Class VI and click on “Enterostomal Therapist” and then click “submit online” and fill out the application online to submit. It will be listed as “Enterostomal Therapist.” They will put a rider in the policy stating colon hydrotherapy if you request; however, it is not required. In Canada, try Lloyds of London - check with your local Lloyds of London agent. In the UK, try Balens Insurance Brokers at 01684 893006. In the Netherlands, try: Mark Hypotheken & Pensioenen B.V., Therese van Reeuwijk Oude Delft 103, NL-2611 BD DELFT • tel. +31 152147543 • fax. +31 152126086 • www.markhypotheken.nl Check around and choose the best policy for you. As other options become available, we will let you know. If you hear of anything let us know. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 9 Advertisement Cleansing in Paradise Colon Hydrotherapy Solutions Aquanet EC - 2000™ Colon Hydrotherapy Device Smart - Innovative - Safe Dual Operation Mode: Gravity and Pressure Bula from Fiji Andrew and Michelle from Gumtree Retreat, Australian colon hydrotherapy school have managed the colonics at Anthony Robbins Life Mastery event located at Namale Resort & Spa in Fiji for the past 7 years. Together with Luci, our first certified Fijian Colon Hydrotherapist they attend the events 8 times a year. People from all over the world attend this 7 day health program to participate in a nutritional cleanse with colonics being an optional compliment to support their cleanse. “During the event we give a presentation to educate each participant about the benefits of colon hydrotherapy and how it will support and enhance their cleansing experience. We perform over 260 colonics with 6 LIBBE colon hydrotherapy devices. We also share the procedures of both open and closed systems and how they can find a therapist when they return home.” “We feel very privileged to represent our profession at this international event. The positive experience and results from the participants colonics during the cleanse inspires everyone to share our profession with their family and friends and to find many of you when they return home so they can continue maintaining ultimate health.” Health & happiness, Andrew, Michelle & Luci Advertisement Advanced Quality Controls PPHIC is fully certified to the follwoing standards: ISO 13485:2003, ISO 9001:2008, CSA, CE, 93/42/EEC...more at www.pphic.com Upgrade your colon hydrotherapy equipment to a higher standard with the Aquanet EC - 2000™: Fully Integrated dual Disinfection System Automatic Temperature Control Applied Pressure Sensing Technology (APST) 3 Stage Water Purification System User friendly installation instructions with CD ... more at www.pphic.com Instituting an IBS Maintenance Plan that Includes Supplementation can Greatly Reduce IBS Symptoms ✔ Amino acids and nutraceuticals help repair and rebuild the mucosal lining while soothing irritation and reducing inflammation ✔ Increased fiber is essential to any IBS maintenance program to help absorb and eliminate toxins ✔ Essential fatty acids help lubricate the colon and ease elimination ✔ Probiotics are needed to help re-establish the beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract Prime Pacific Health Innovations Corporation Setting higher standards since 1997 For details call today: PPHIC Corporate Office: Toll Free: 1-800-223-9374 #8 - 145 Riverside Drive Phone: (604) 929-7019 North Vancouver, BC E-mail: info@pphic.com, or V7H 1T6, CANADA 8 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 COMPREHENSIVE IBS PROTOCOL www.pphic.com “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Call Today for Introductory Specials! www.advancednaturals.com 1-800-690-9988 Ext. 265, 280 or 276 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 25 Advertisement I-ACT Cookbook - Needs Your Help!!! YOU HAVE SOMETHING WE WANT ! There have been several requests for an I-ACT Cookbook and we would like your favorite healthy recipes. Please send us your Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, Low Fat and any other Healthy Recipes. Include your Name and State or Country. Also if there are ingredients not readily found in other countries, please make a note of substitutions that can be made. Also let us know serving size and any other nutrient facts, such as calories, fat content, etc. PLEASE EMAIL TO I-ACT OFFICE homeoffice@i-act.org 26 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 7 Marketing and Public Relations Committee Report By Gail Naas Press Releases, such as the one below, are continuing to be developed. These press release templates are to be used by members to send to their local media sources when they either join I-ACT or obtain a certification level. The I-ACT office will email them to the membership upon request, along with instructions about how to send them to the media. Advertisement COLON HYDROTHERAPY TRAINING for all LEVELS I-ACT and Libbe Certified School To be a member of this committee, please contact me at 954-931-4950, or email me at gailnaasiact@gmail.com Classes run monthly join at any time “on your time”! Gail Naas Marketing and Public Relations Committee Co-Chair I-ACT Vice President FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Your Name P: Your Phone & Email Prepare for your INSTRUCTOR Presentation for the FLORIDA I-ACT Convention June 2013 Infrared Sauna ~ Intern & Apprenticeship Programs ~ Train on BOTH Closed and Open Systems Complementary Modalities Training & Certification Housing Accommodations & Airport Transfers Professional Designation Earned ** INSTRUCTOR also TRAVELS to You ** Private Footbath Room Libbe Open System Your City, Your state – Date Sent, 2012 – The International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy founded in 1989 is the preeminent association for the profession of colon cleansing, announced today that YOUR NAME HERE has completed all necessary requirements and has successfully passed the certification examination to be an I-ACT foundation level certified colon hydrotherapist. This is the first level of certification offered by the organization. To become certified, candidates must meet mandatory pre-requisites including high school diploma or equivalent, CPR certification, and college-level anatomy and physiology training. Additionally, each candidate must complete 100 hours of classroom training in health and hygiene, anatomy and physiology focused on the digestive tract, business ethics, colon hydrotherapy theory, and 25 hours interning before passing a rigorous exam. Instructors must be I-ACT certified, completing four levels of education, testing and evaluation. The organization’s certification arm beyond the foundation level is the National Board for Colon Hydrotherapy (NBCHT), which offers referral services, educational programming, information and support for the profession. According to I-ACT president Dorothy Chandler, RN, “We are pleased to congratulate you, YOUR NAME HERE on your new certification. Collectively, our profession is growing and gaining recognition daily, and we’re excited to have another advocate for colon hydrotherapy.” Chandler is the president of the nearly 2200 worldwide member organization. Colon hydrotherapy is an all-natural method of removing waste from the large intestine without the use of drugs. Through the introduction of warm, temperature-controlled, filtered water into the colon, waste is softened and loosened resulting in evacuation through natural peristalsis. The process is repeated several times during a session to stimulate peristalsis to encourage better colon function and elimination. Client dignity is maintained at all times, and the procedure is absolutely safe when performed by a properly trained and certified colon hydrotherapist using FDA registered equipment. Dotolo Closed System We’re “shedding” our prices for 2012 FALL classes! Don’t let the economy make you frown…RENEW yourself in an exciting learning environment! The I-ACT headquarters is in San Antonio, TX. For more information, visit our web site at www.i-act. org or call 210.366.2888. ### 6 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 Email us at: Detox@CAColonCare.com Web: www.CAColonCare.com Office: 949.275.8380 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 27 Advertisement Advertisement Colon Hydrotherapy Business for Sale LIBBE COLONIC TABLES FOR SALE Convenient Manhattan location close to several subway lines. Over 15 years in business, reasonable rent, website is top search result on Google, regular steady clientele. Gravity system, infrared sauna, whole body vibration machine, washer/dryer, massage tables. beige - maple stained - cusions 2009 ($6000) (practically new) comes with extra nozzles supply Great money maker! Lots of room for growth! For more information please call (917) 543-1245. Everything you need to start your Business! TOXYGEN MODEL-DOTOLO • Model BSC-UV Lot#: ICCZJD-2 • UNIT 2276-UV ECZ AGM2M FS2 Colon hydrotherapy Unit • UV Light • Carbon Filters • Speculums • Plastic Bins • Syringes • Hydro kits • Gowns • Towels • Disposable pads • Lubricant Gel All for $2900 • Buyer pays for shipping from Edmonton E-mail: RAJA@bismi.org Name: Raja - Phone: (780) 904-6396 Announcing (libbe use certified) beige - oak stained - cusions 2006 ($4500) (exelent condition) Located in New York City Lana Gekht owner SashaaWellness 212 423 0253 917 881 0218 FOR SALE TWO LIBBE SYSTEMS LIKE NEW (2010/11) $6500 VERY GOOD (2000) $3500 CALL 314 437 4667 “Are YOU a TOXIC WASTE SITE?” BOOKLETS By William “Bill” Tiller, ND. Phone 210 387-1687 Place Order By Paypal www.toxicwastesite.net Booklet Builds Clients! Colon Hydrotherapy Questions & Answers The book that educates clients to the importance of Digestive Tract Care See an increase in the number of new patients Pricing $1.50 per book. Free shipping & handling on orders of 100 or more Medsker Publishing, 106 N. Creek Dr., Quinby, SC 29506, 843-669-5794 28 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 Bill Tiller, ND. One for $8.00 (Includes Postage) • 25 for $30.00 • 50 for $50.00 • 100 for $95.00 OR Best Buy 300 for $240.00 Over 500,000 Sold Plus Shipping by UPS Ground • Prices Subject to Change • “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed can purchase such devices in that state.” SHP-I-ACT Layout FNL.indd by state AD law to use such1devices I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 8/30/12 5 9:38 PM National Board for Colon HydroTherapy President Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch. Advertisement National Board for Colon HydroTherapy NBCHT 11103 San Pedro Ave., Suite 117, San Antonio, TX 78216 Office: 210-308-8288 • Fax: 210-366-2999 www.nbcht.org MEMO From the NBCHT President From The Desk Of: Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch. NBCHT President 10/1/2012 To: All Members of NBCHT We hope this letter finds you and yours in the best of health and recovering from a great Summer. We know it is time to get back to work, and we, at the NBCHT, hope it is time for you to get serious about taking our NBCHT exam. We are glad to announce that I-ACT has completed their development of the NBCHT Certification Exam Review Webinar. That is right, they have developed a preparation course to help prepare you to take the new NBCHT exam. The cost for the webinar is only $150.00. Contact the I-ACT office to register for this new webinar. Then take the National Board Certification Exam and get certified by the NBCHT. I believe this exam will be extremely valuable to you as we try to get legislation passed through each state. We think that the legislative body of each state will look favorably on individuals that have taken an exam that is currently being used in Florida. Taking the NBCHT Exam, demonstrates that you are a professional that is seeking to practice properly and that you want to ensure the safety of your clientele. Next, I want to update you on the progress of separating the NBCHT from I-ACT. Our CPA has completed the process of establishing a new 501(C) 6 not-for-profit corporation with the IRS. The corporation is registered in Texas. All corporate documents will be completed and filed before January 1, 2013. At that point, we will be waiting for the 2013 Convention and the 2013 election to have the members ratify the new By-Laws that separate I-ACT and the NBCHT. This is a slow process, but will benefit both, I-ACT and the NBCHT. We will keep you advised as this effort progresses. Thank you for helping us grow our Association and our Profession. Sincerely, Bekki Medsker Bekki Medsker, ND, D.Ch. NBCHT President 4 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 “Colon irrigation devices are prescription devices and only a practitioner licensed by state law to use such devices can purchase such devices in that state.” Obituaries We are sorry to announce that, in the last Quarter, we have been notified of the passing of three I-ACT members. They served their fellow man and were well respected and loved by their I-ACT family. They will be missed. May they rest in peace. Obituary - Luciana Mutabu In honoured memory of Luciana Mutabu.... our sweet beautiful Luci who sadly passed away on June 9th 2012. Luci was the first Fijian certified colon hydrotherapist who had many years experience as a team therapist at the Tony Robbins Life Mastery event in Fiji. She was a devoted mother of 5 beautiful teenage children, she always radiated a joyful smile and personality. It was a blessing to have known Luci, she touched the hearts of so many people with her peaceful spirit and big belly laugh that visited the resort from around the world. She will be greatly missed. Thank you Luci for sharing so many gracious unknowing life lessons while being in your presence. We send our love, strength and support to all her family and friends. Obituary - Pamela White Pamela White passed away peacefully in her sleep. She was an I-ACT member since 2007 and was an I-ACT certified Instructor. She will be missed by her clients, family and friends. May she rest in Peace. Obituary - Harry Farris Harry Benjamin Farris Jr., 62, of Indianapolis, Indiana, formerly of Paris, Illinois, passed away Thursday, July 5, 2012 at his residence. He was the owner of Accelerated Wellness of Indianapolis, Indiana. He was born October 31, 1949, in Paris, Illinois, the son of the late Harry and Kathleen J. (Thomas) Farris. Survivors include a son, Kevin (Lorie) Farris of Santa Fe, New Mexico; one brother, Don (Sharon) Farris of Paris, Illinois; one sister, Julie (Kent) Irish of Hanford, California; two grandchildren, Jasmine and Kaylee Farris of Santa Fe, New Mexico; and two nieces, Hillary Gatlin of New Fallon, Nevada and Brandy Dobbins of Coarsegold, California. Mr. Farris was an avid fan of Indianapolis Colts Football and was a 1967 graduate of Paris High School, where he was active in football and basketball. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 29 Letter to the Members from the I-ACT President: Advertisement Dear I-ACT Members, Well, it is that time of year again, our children and grandchildren are returning to school, and we are working on building our businesses using the business building tools provided during convention to increase clientele. It is a wonderfully busy time. Before We acknowledge the change of seasons in the northern hemisphere as we watch the leaves start to change color and feel the days and evenings turn cooler. It is during this time that we all recognize the ever changing nature of our universe and ourselves. That is correct, our bodies are also preparing for the new season. Remember to take the time for yourself to ensure that you are living a holistic lifestyle. Remember that you can’t help others heal themselves unless you take care of yourself. As colon hydrotherapists, we have big hearts and open arms that is why we are in this profession. For just a while, attend to your needs and ensure that you are on track to maintain your health. After 1 Application General Information for Members E-Blasts I-ACT is sending out E-Blasts to notify its members of Regional Meetings and other important issues. If you are not receiving your E-Blasts, please email the I-ACT Office and give them your current e-mail address. We will immediately put your email address on our E-Blast list. Members Only section of the I-ACT Web Site If you have not been to our web site, please go to www.i-act.org. Go to the members only section - the password is: iactmember. There are no hyphens and no spaces. In that location you can find the I-ACT Members Logo, and additional member information. In the future, those on our E-Blast list will be sent the current password, so make sure that you are on our E-Blast list to ensure that you receive the password for our I-ACT Member site. 30 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 This is a perfect lead in to let you know that your Board just had their September meeting. The convention critiques were all reviewed and each item was discussed. We then had the opportunity to check out a couple of great hotels in preparation for our 2013 Conventions. I am so excited about the awe inspiring experience the board shared, that I can hardly hold it in. We have found a perfect location for our 2013 Convention. In your critiques you told us you wanted more healthy food choices and juices… Well, we have found a hotel that serves their staff real carrot juice every morning. Some on the staff want a giant “Mean Green Drink daily and they get it. All is available to the hotel guests, freshly made. In fact, the hotel’s general manager is so health conscious that he is setting up each of the senior staff to get colonics. That is right!!! We have found a hotel that is ‘like-minded” with I-ACT and what we stand for. The Chef “gets” our dietary needs. They use special utensils for the preparation of vegan and vegetarian meals... and they have gluten free food options for breakfast, lunch and dinner already available. Dorothy Chandler, RN We toured this hotel and each of us acknowledged that the perfect location had been found. That is not all, it is also a “Destination Location”. A chance to receive great continuing education and spend time with family. 2013 will be a convention to remember. 2013 will provide you the opportunity to reflect and heal yourself, and a chance to vacation with your family. “This is all too much to ask”, you say. The scheduled speakers and the planned activity line up will be exceptional. It is all true. We have selected the Renaissance Orlando - Seaworld Hotel as the location for our 2013 Convention. Look throughout this quarterly to see some photos of this fabulous location, then register for this convention - early. Set up a payment plan if you need to, but DO NOT MISS the 2013 convention. On other topics, we have been very busy reviewing all I-ACT documents and will be releasing these as soon as we complete the review and modifications. Additionally, as I mentioned in the last quarterly, we have been in constant contact with the National Health Freedom Coalition, working directly with its leadership. We hope you are taking the time to look into this coalition and if you are able, please join and offer your support. All of you probably have a local chapter which is tasked with watching new legislation. This effort has helped us rally forces in Illinois against a Nutrition Bill that will stop colon hydrotherapists from talking about nutrition. Remember, it is up to you to keep abreast of what is happening in your area. Keep us advised and together, we can work to ensure that our profession stays strong and viable. Have a great Fall. Dorothy M. Chandler, RN I-ACT President I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 3 Disclaimer: I-ACT neither endorses, approves, nor supports any products advertised in this Quarterly Newsletter. These advertisements are provided to the membership by each advertiser. Additionally, the readers should assure themselves that the material presented herein is current and applicable at the time it is read. The authors cannot warrant that the material will continue to be accurate. Readers should verify statements before relying on them. No statement herein shall be considered a legal opinion nor a substitute for the advice of an attorney. For the most recent and complete interpretation of laws, please consult an attorney. Table of Contents 2 I-ACT Policy Statements I-ACT President’s Letter 4 3 NBCHT President’s Message Marketing & Public Relations Committee 7 I-ACT Cookbook needs your HELP! 9 Insurance Information 10 Regional Rep Committee Report Destination Vacation - 2013 Convention 13 6 12 PSEC & Grievance Committee Reports Fund Raising Committee Report 16 - 17 ZUMBA 14 2013 Convention Location 22 23 Regional Rep List A&P Information 25 Cleansing in Paradise 29 Obituaries 30 E-Blast info & Members Only Section New Members - 3rd Quarter 2012 2 24 31 I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 I-ACT Policy Statements: I-ACT recommends the use of currently registered FDA equipment and only disposable speculums, rectal tubes, or rectal nozzles. However, should the Therapist use reusable speculums, these speculums should, at a minimum, be autoclaved for sanitation and cleanliness (30 minutes). Additionally, the autoclave unit must be tested and inspected by competent authority at least four times per year- maintain documentation. (Under NO conditions should a disposable speculum or rectal tube be reused). I-ACT recognizes the FDA classifies equipment used to instill water into the colon through a nozzle inserted into the rectum to evacuate the contents of the colon into three distinct classes; Class I (Enema Kits), Class II and Class III are (Colon Irrigation Systems). Follow the guidelines of your manufacturer, as approved by the FDA for the type of equipment (devices) you are using. Make no claims as to the use of your device other than those approved by the FDA. The main differences between Class I and Class II devices: • Class 1 devices do not have any safety features and manufacturers of Class I devices may not have any third party oversight as they do not have to comply with the good manufacturing practices that are required of Class II manufacturers. • More specifically, the code of federal regulations CFR 876.5210 & 876.5220 describe the differences between the Class I and the Class II devices. From that regulation, a Class I device does not include “colonic irrigation devices”. A “colon irrigation device” is a Class II device which in part is described as: “The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of the colonic irrigation. • The FDA requires Class II devices to be sold on or at the order of a physician or health care practitioner. This may be different in each state. Additionally there are two areas of concern with the use of a Class I device: • The first area of concern is the safety of the consumers, your clients. Since the Class I device does not have to comply with good manufacturing practices there are no safeguards during the manufacturing of your equipment. The Class I manufacturer does not have to maintain records, nor are they inspected as thoroughly or as rigorously as a Class II manufacturer which also reduces the safeguard for the consumer. By definition, the Class I device is an enema kit and cannot have any safety features that might protect the consumer. Class I devices consist “of a container for fluid connected to the nozzle” and does not allow for the container to be hard plumbed to the city water system. There are no back flow prevention systems to preclude the back flow of the effluent into the tubing. Additionally, without the requirement to follow the good manufacturing practices there are no guarantees that the equipment can be cleaned, disinfected and sanitized in a manner that can guarantee there is no transmission of disease to the client. Remember, our Code of Ethics states, “the health, welfare, and comfort of our clients is our primary concern”. • The second area of concern is the potential for inappropriate advertising. If you are using a Class I device, you may not market that as a colonic irrigation device as it clearly is an enema kit. Although I-ACT is not aware of any laws that preclude you from assisting an individual with an enema, I-ACT does want you to consider upgrading your equipment to the equipment that provides the greatest safeguards to the public. In this profession, that would be equipment marketed as Class II devices. Remember that I-ACT strongly recommends that all I-ACT members use FDA registered Class II devices or devices equivalent to Class II devices regulated by the appropriate agency in your country. Only individuals using FDA registered equipment will be placed on the I-ACT Web Site. Purchase equipment at your own risk. Ensure you are in compliance with your local, state, federal and country guidelines. Ensure that equipment you purchase is cleared for use in your country. New Members - 3rd Quarter 2012 Following is a list of our new members for the period July 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012. We are glad to have you as members; and, remember, at I-ACT you are important to us. First Name Feijia Sandra Sophie John Bonnie Larissa Marcia Jeana Perla Lenka Yifan Myrna Jeremy Trisha Jane David Cheryl Cyntia Mikolaj Oanh Patricia Sheree Jenny Hollie Kathryn Sheryl Firouz Olga Cameron Mina Amber Gina Marcia Noreen Nancy Zhao Josephine Last Name Pan McDaniel Sheehan Mosely Seymour Sarjinskaia Wilson Balestino Martinez Svec Yu Smith Smith DeHall Di Angelo Pardy Fox Lysyk Machado Kokot Nguyen Avella Rawson Henkel Gillard Cook Storer Esfahani Temnova Huh Kumar Hair Endicott Renne Khaliq Chiappe Xu Broeders Home City Tustin Orange Greenwood San Gerardo de Rivas Tustin Staten Island Tacoma Long Beach McAllen Santa Fe Richardson Rosedale Rosedale Cincinnati Palm Desert Amherst Calgary Chamblee Zory Fair Fax Alexandria Palm Beach Airlie Beach Cronulla Mapleton Cary Granthan Daly City Duluth Pittsburg Kingsport Carlsbad Landover Hornsey, London San Mateo Monterey Park Uden Home State CA CA Perez Zeledon CA NY WA CA TX NM TX BC BC OH CA OH AB GA VA VA QLD QLD NSW UT NC CA GA CA TN CA MD England CA CA Holland Country USA USA Western Australia Costa Rica USA USA USA USA USA USA USA Canada Canada USA USA USA Canada USA Poland USA USA Australia Australia Australia USA USA United Kingdom USA USA USA USA USA USA United Kingdom USA USA Netherlands I-ACT recognizes there are two distinct types of colon irrigation systems; open and closed systems. However, it is I-ACT policy that the colon hydrotherapist / technician is always in attendance / or is immediately available to the client throughout the session. The degree of assistance is to be in compliance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the equipment as registered with the FDA, and/or as directed by a physician. The policy on insertion is to follow the instruction of the referring physician; the guidelines of the manufacturer as approved by the FDA; or the directives from the authority of your city, county, state, or country ordinances. I-ACT recommends that you do not put the initials (CT) for colon hydrotherapist after your name, write it out in full. According to most state laws, putting initials after your name is not allowed unless you are licensed or have a degree from an accredited professional school. Advertising copy which states or implies that colon hydrotherapy can treat any disease, promise cure for any disease, or that makes unsubstantiated medical claims SHALL NOT be used. I-ACT Quarterly Fall 2012 31 I-ACT International Association for Colon Hydrotherapy Quarterly Fall 2012 2013 I-ACT Convention Member Registration Form June 17-23, 2013 Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld 6677 Sea Harbor Drive Orlando, FL 32821 407-351-5555 Special I-ACT Hotel Rates $115.00 per night (Single/Double) (excluding tax) Please mention I-ACT for this special rate. Rates good through May 27, 2013 ... or until the room block is sold out. Agenda (Check official agenda - on website - for times) e c n ra e e r F •• June 17, 2013 (Monday) •• I-ACT Board Meeting •• June 18, 2013 (Tuesday) •• I-ACT Board Meeting NBCHT Board Meeting •• June 19, 2013 (Wednesday) •• g Setup * at Noon a Fr Instructor Presentations (mustVendor be pre-registered to present) (8:00 AM - 10:00 PM) Regional Rep / Fund Raising Meeting (10:00 AM - 11:30 AM) Public Relations Committee Meeting (11:30 AM - 12:00 PM) Education Committee & Mandatory Instructor / Schools (1:00 PM - 5:30 PM) •• June 20, 2013 (Thursday) Convention •• President's Remarks Speakers Membership Meeting - I-ACT Membership Meeting - NBCHT Thursday Evening - Dinner on your own, or join a Community Dinner •• June 21, 2013 (Friday) Convention •• Speakers Special CHT Workshop Scheduled (see agenda for specifics) Special Build Your Business Workshop *** Dress Up - President's Award Dinner Dance / Fun & Entertainment *** --- NOW on Friday --- •• June 22, 2013 (Saturday) Convention •• Speakers President's Closing Remarks •• June 23, 2013 (Sunday) •• I-ACT Board Meeting Registration Form on Back 2013 I-ACT Convention Registration Form (Vendors must use separate Vendor Registration Form) Please register me for the 2013 I-ACT Convention June 17 - 23, 2013 ••• Renaissance Orlando at Seaworld Mail completed form to: I-ACT • P.O. Box 461285 • San Antonio, TX 78246-1285 (210-366-2888) •• Please Print Legibly •• •• Fax to 210-366-2999 or email to homeoffice@i-act.org •• Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print - Copy this form if necessary - (only one person per form) Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City / State / Zip (Postal Code):______________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Information: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (area code) Phone number E-mail Address Registration Costs (USD) (Includes meetings, Speaker presentations, and Friday Banquet) (additional dinner tickets and other event tickets will be available at the Convention for a fee) Early Registration prior to April 1, 2013 Pre Registration prior to May 1, 2013 Late Registration prior to June 1, 2013 On Site Registration June 17, 2013 and after U.S. Member (or spouse) $250.00 $300.00 $350.00 $400.00 International Member (or spouse) $150.00 (out of USA) $200.00 $250.00 $300.00 Registration Costs NON I-ACT Member (USD) Non-Member $300.00 $350.00 $400.00 $450.00 Meal Selection (FRIDAY BANQUET) (If no selection is circled, the Banquet meal (chicken) will be ordered) Please select one: Vegan Check Cash Vegetarian Banquet (Chicken /or/ Fish) No Meal (please circle one) Payment Options (Check one) Credit Card (circle one: MC/Visa/Discover/American Express) CC Number ____________________________ Expire Date________ Security code ______ 3 or 4 digits Signature _____________________________________________ --- * Absolutely NO exhibiting or selling of products without vendor fee. --Refund Policy: All requests for refund must be made in writing. Refunds of Convention Registration Fees may be made until June 1, 2013 (less a $50.00 processing fee); after June 1, 2013, No Request for Refunds will be honored.
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