
As part of Kokomo School Corporation’s ongoing international
educational opportunities, Kokomo High School has developed partnerships
with individuals, schools, and organizations around the world to further
promote the educational options available to international students at
Kokomo High School (KHS). KHS is authorized to issue F1 international
student visas and has been issuing visas for the past two years. As a public
school, we offer one-year visas and can work with students to create a
Dr. Jeff Hauswald
Tony Harl
schedule that allows students who are of the appropriate age to graduate from
an American high school.
Kokomo School Corporation offers many educational programs and opportunities to more than 7,000 students in Kokomo,
Indiana. KHS enrolls more than 2,000 diverse students in an urban setting while offering quality programs, which include
21 Advanced Placement (AP) courses for university credit, the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, dual credit courses
(those sanctioned through universities allowing both high school and college credit), career education, arts education, and
much more.
As part of our comprehensive secondary education program, our international students are afforded a direct counselor
for purposes of college preparation, including standardized test sessions, college visits and review, and college applications.
Kokomo School Corporation also offers a residence hall program that provides a structured and supportive living environment
for students as they work to earn their Indiana High School diploma.
A commitment to high quality, challenging international education is important for all our students. If you would like
more information about our International Program, please contact Ms. Heidi Gutwein, Kokomo Schools’ Coordinator of
International Programs at hgutwein@kokomoschools.com , or either of us.
Application Process
1Receive application for review
Copy of English proficiency test scores
2Official academic transcripts (English)
Interview via Skype
3Acceptance notification by Heidi Gutwein
4I-20 form issued to student
Invoice sent to student
Letter of Acceptance issued
5Proof of insurance (medical and liability)
High School Enrollment Form (J1) if needed
6Plan for studying abroad (academic goals)
Students play a video game after finishing homework
Students enjoy a meal at the boys’ residence hall
Kokomo High School Fees
Tuition..................................... USD$6,500
Room/Board............................ USD$8,000
Textbook/Technology Fee....... USD$1,000
Academic Advising Fee.......... USD$1,000
Activity Transportation Fee.... USD$1,000
Total........................................ USD$17,500
International girls’ residence hall in downtown Kokomo
International boys’ residence hall in downtown Kokomo
The interchange of world views and cultures thrives in Kokomo, Indiana due to the integration of students
from approximately 15 countries currently represented in our exchange program. Kokomo School Corporation
aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful
world through intercultural understanding and respect.
Kokomo High School offers a rigorous curriculum that is founded on international mindedness. Students may
choose from many educational opportunities; including, but not limited to, International Baccalaureate (IB),
Advanced Placement Courses (AP), University/College credit, the arts, engineering, and business programs.
Our goal is to provide this valuable, educational experience to all interested students. Students will learn to
Heidi Gutwein
independent from their natural parents while dependent on a new set of parents, a new language, and a new
International students will have the opportunity to live in our state-of-the-art residence halls located in
International Programs
beautiful downtown Kokomo with access to parks, recreation, cultural fairs, restaurants, and financial institutions.
Kokomo consistently has more international student applications than it is able to accept; as a result, Kokomo’s approval process
is rigorous and selective. Approval is based on the following criteria: 1. Application/Interview; 2. English Proficiency; 3. Academic
Performance; and 4. General Program Requirements. It is with pride and excitement that I welcome students from across the globe to live
and learn in our community. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Does Kokomo High School accept J1 and F1 visas?
Yes. KHS welcomes students on either visa as enrollments.
2. Are you recruiting from only certain countries?
No. Students from all countries can apply for enrollment.
3. Is there a cutoff score for acceptable English proficiency?
Yes. Students must have a sufficient command of listening and
speaking skills necessary to be successful in our homes and
educational settings. Ex: Score of 50 or above on the SLEP test.
4. Do I have to commit for a year-long stay in Kokomo, Indiana?
No, but a year-long stay is highly recommended for maximum
growth and understanding of the American culture.
5. Can I graduate from Kokomo High School?
Yes. If you are appropriate age and meet the Indiana Department
of Education’s credit requirements you may participate in
graduation ceremonies and receive a Kokomo Diploma.
6. How do I request a Kokomo High School application?
Email Heidi Gutwein, Coordinator of International Programs at
hgutwein@kokomoschools.com; or call (765) 480-8251; or write
Attn: Heidi Gutwein, 303 E. Superior Street, Kokomo, IN 46901.
7. How much does it cost to attend your program?
Program costs vary. Fees include tuition, room/board, textbooks/
technology, and academic advising. A specific quote can be
provided upon request.
8. Can I play sports while attending your school?
Yes. The Indiana High School Athletic Association (www.ihsaa.
org) has complete authority over who can play sports at the varsity
level. Junior Varsity level sports are available to all students
regardless of your visa. Additionally, international students may
participate in marching band, choir, robotics, drama, and many
other clubs and activities.
9. What does living in a residence hall entail?
Each student has his/her own room and shares a bathroom with
one other student. A host family living in the residence complex
provides supervision. Meals are catered by the school and served
family style.
10. Will any technology be provided by Kokomo High School?
Yes. Each international student will have his/her own laptop to use
throughout the stay. The residence halls are wireless; therefore,
students may transport their laptops to and from school.
11. How many countries are represented in the residence halls?
Students from more than 12 countries have lived in the residence
halls. No more than 5 students from a country are admitted into
a residence hall. This stipulation allows the residence halls to
remain diverse with many different languages spoken.
12. If accepted, when will I study and live in Kokomo, Indiana?
Our school year runs from the beginning of August to the end of
the following May, which is approximately 10 months.
13. Will I be able to select my own academic courses?
Yes. An academic counselor will be assigned to all international
students. The counselor will support and guide you throughout the
school year, as well as help you schedule university/college visits
and/or complete applications.