Other Engineered Features
Other Engineered Features
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Pre- and Post-closure Engineering Optimisation for the LLWR 2011 ESC Final Report Alan Paulley Michael Egan QRS-1443O-1 Version 2 April 2011 Document History Title: Pre- and Post-closure Engineering Optimisation for the LLWR 2011 ESC Subtitle: Final Report Client: LLW Repository Ltd Document Number: QRS-1443O-1 Version Number: Version 0.1 (Draft for Discussion) Notes: Produced to support discussions on final report structure, also noting Date: January 2010 current ‘state of the argument’ Prepared by: Alan Paulley and Michael Egan Reviewed by: For LLWR project team review Version Number: Version 0.2 (Workshop Draft) Notes: Produced as a draft briefing note for assessment workshop Prepared by: Michael Egan and Alan Paulley Reviewed by: For LLWR project team review Version Number: Version 1 (Draft for LLWR Review) Notes: Draft complete report for LLWR ESC project team review Prepared by: Alan Paulley and Michael Egan Reviewed by: David Hodgkinson Version Number: Version 2 Notes: Contractor Approved following LLWR ESC project team comments Prepared by: Michael Egan Reviewed by: Richard Cummings, David Tonks, Alan Paulley Approved by: Michael Egan Quintessa Limited Chadwick House Birchwood Park Warrington WA3 6AE United Kingdom Date: Date: Date: February 2010 August 2010 April 2011 Tel: +44 (0) 1925 885950 Fax: +44 (0) 1925 830688 info@quintessa.org www.quintessa.org www.quintessa-online.com QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Summary Background LLW Repository Limited is undertaking a programme of work that will result in the publication of a new Environmental Safety Case by May 2011 (the 2011 ESC). The 2011 ESC will be submitted to the Environment Agency in support of a formal application for re-authorisation of disposal operations. The 2011 ESC is based on a reference operational programme that assumes five additional disposal vaults will be created in the future (i.e. Vaults 10 to 14) and that the facility will reach volumetric capacity at c. 2080. Demonstration of optimisation – ensuring that radiological risks to members of the public are as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA) – is an essential element of the 2011 ESC. This involves developing a description of the rationale behind choices regarding the design and management of the LLWR. A diverse range of optimisation and risk management considerations need to be taken into account, requiring inputs from a wide range of information sources, analyses and arguments. Relevant considerations include: remedial actions relating to past disposals; waste acceptance, conditioning and emplacement; pre- and post-closure engineering; and operational and post-emplacement management control. The specific aspect of optimisation examined in this report is the engineering design of the LLWR, from the perspective of both pre- and post-closure environmental safety. This includes consideration of options for those engineered components of the facility that will be expected to act as passive controls to provide isolation and containment of the disposed waste (temporary/final cap, vaults, cut-off wall, leachate drains, etc.), as well as the relationship between the scheduling of such measures and active controls, such as leachate management. Scope Key considerations relevant to framing the current study include: The focus of the ESC, and therefore on options for the engineering design, is on the role of LLWR as a disposal facility (i.e. capable of final closure, with no intent to retrieve waste at a later time). Justification of that role, as part of NDA’s national 1 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 strategy for LLW management, is part of the wider context of the ESC but outside the scope of this particular study. Options for the future design and operation of the LLWR are restricted to ‘vault’- type waste emplacement. There is no practical scope for developing either a mined cavern or silo-type disposal operation at the LLWR site. The baseline for the ESC is the assumed development of the LLWR within the ‘reference disposal area’, extending vault disposals contiguously to the south-east from Vault 9 until they reach a line roughly defined by the extended southern perimeter of the trenches (i.e. to Vault 14). The possible implications of variant cases designed to have a larger physical capacity are to be explored within the 2011 ESC. Thus it is relevant to consider the extent to which specific engineering options may offer (or constrain) flexibility in future use of the site. Within these constraints, alternative engineering design options have been identified taking into account the types of passive control that are relevant to the main threats to isolation and containment of the wastes. These threats are those associated with: Natural disruption of the facility – in particular as a result of coastal erosion and/or inundation. Disruption of the facility by future human actions – in particular those actions that have the potential to cause disturbance of the wastes, as well as direct or indirect exposures to contaminants within the wastes. Release of contaminated gases, generated either in the form of gaseous radioactive elements or as radio-labelled gases produced within the wastes. Generation and release of contaminated leachate by water entering the facility and contacting the wastes. Optimisation Approach Demonstration of optimisation is fundamental to the regulatory regime that applies to disposals to LLWR. However, optimisation considerations are not simply a matter of achieving compliance with regulatory expectations. They are also an integral element of the LLWR’s operational and closure planning process, with direct influences on Lifetime Plan development and future use of the disposal facility. Such factors are also inevitably of interest to the regulation of spatial planning and operational safety for the site. Hence, although the regulatory process surrounding re-authorisation establishes the primary driver in optimisation as being the control of radiological environmental risk, demonstration of ALARA requires a wider set of values and criteria to be taken into account. Regulatory Guidance on Requirements for Authorisation (the GRA) (§6.3.58) underlines that “Although reducing radiological risk is important, it should not be 2 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 given a weight out of proportion to other considerations” (Environment Agency et al., 2009). For the purposes of this study: The main emphasis in comparing engineering options is whether there is a clear preference from the perspective of establishing confidence in the environmental safety performance of LLWR. It is then necessary to determine whether that preference may be materially affected by wider considerations. In practice, this means that the choice between options that are strongly differentiated in terms of confidence in environmental safety performance is likely to be challenged only where there is an equally strong (and contrary) differentiation in terms of other important factors. Alternatively, options that cannot readily be discriminated in terms of providing confidence in environmental safety may be differentiated on the basis of other considerations. Broadly speaking, there are contributions to optimisation from both a broad strategic perspective (i.e. the role played by engineering controls) and a more detailed design perspective (how those controls are implemented). The assessment of options is necessarily iterative, reflecting the range of options available and the fact that more general choices are informed by more detailed understanding. Informing and consulting with stakeholders has also provided relevant inputs to the design of the options assessment and understanding of the outcomes. Inputs to the optimisation work reported here included a range of sources of evidence. Understanding of safety performance and other factors has been gained from previous assessment studies, including performance updates in response to the regulatory requirements following the 2002 ESC and work supporting the rationale for the current Vault 9 design. In addition, new hydrogeological modelling studies (and supporting expert elicitation work) have been undertaken to explore the implications of alternative design concepts. Role of Engineered Barriers The potential threats to environmental safety performance are varied, and engineering controls are not the only means available for optimising protection in the “design, construction, operation, closure and post-closure management” of the LLWR (Requirement R8 of the GRA). Other types of action, such as controls on inventory, wasteform or site management, may in some cases be equally or more effective in limiting discharges and ensuring that related risks of exposure are ALARA. Nevertheless, the safety functions performed by engineered features are an integral part of what needs to be examined and demonstrated in the ESC. These safety functions can be summarised as shown below. 3 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineered Barrier Safety Functions To protect against disturbance so far as is practicable To minimise water flow through the system for as long as is practicable To control gases and leachate that may be produced within the facility To direct releases that may occur so as to minimise their impact Features addressed in the optimisation of engineering design were identified by examining the types of passive control that can be provided by different barriers against identified threats to isolation and containment. Wider implications of specific engineering features, and the potential interaction between different features, are also taken into account in determining a preferred approach. Threat from Natural Disruption The precise timescale over which disruption by erosion might occur is uncertain, but projections based on current best understanding of the implications of global climate change on sea level, coupled with analysis of coastal processes in the vicinity of LLWR, suggest that it is almost inevitable within a period of a few thousand years, and might begin considerably earlier. Because the primary mechanism of disruption is expected to be erosion by under-cutting at the base of the sea cliff, engineered features of a nearsurface vault disposal system (including the possible alternative of grouting waste in situ or otherwise achieving a monolithic vault design) are not expected to offer significant protection or impediment to the erosion process. Taken together with the comparatively slow rate of decline in the residual hazard presented by the wastes at the time coastal erosion becomes a threat, it is therefore difficult to argue a case for engineered barriers playing any significant role in hazard reduction by delaying disruption. A monolithic vault design might be more resistant to erosion than current waste emplacement and backfilling arrangements. In practice, however, once erosion of the facility has started, a more resistant design might actually give rise to greater risks by inhibiting dispersion and therefore prolonging the time period over which inadvertent exposures to undiluted wastes could occur. Shoreline and coastal defences intended to protect the LLWR against erosion are not strictly an element of the facility engineering itself and would in any case need to be maintained over a considerable period of time in order to be effective in delaying 4 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 disruption. It would be difficult to justify any claims for the effectiveness of such measures beyond the period associated with post-closure site control plans. The ESC will address the implications of coastal erosion leading to gross disruption of LLWR as a ‘termination event’ associated with the expected natural evolution of the facility and its environment. Disruption by coastal erosion therefore effectively sets a limit to the timescale over which it is appropriate to consider in detail the optimisation of engineering controls. It might be argued that, given the nature of the hazards involved, disruption of the facility is unlikely to be a major priority compared with other hazardous sites and facilities vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise around the UK. Nevertheless, the GRA indicates that, should the levels of exposure from a reasonably foreseeable natural process (albeit on timescales greater than those normally attributable to authorised control over the facility) prove significant by comparison with the regulatory risk guidance level, it is questionable whether a ‘period beyond authorisation’ could be contemplated. Safety arguments therefore ultimately centre on the overall acceptability of disposal itself, given the potential radiological implications of disruption. Inventory control (should it be necessary), rather than passive engineering control, is then the most practicable way of providing assurance that unacceptable consequences do not occur. Other Threats to Isolation and Containment Taking threats other than natural disruption into account, the following main features, functions and characteristics have been identified for evaluation in the optimisation of pre- and post-closure engineering: The Engineered Cap for the facility including consideration of: o its role as a barrier to the inflow of water into the trenches and vaults; o its role in minimising the likelihood of disturbance of the wastes by future human actions and bio-intrusion; o its role in controlling gas release; o the timing of installation, including implications for the balance between active and passive controls on leachate discharge; o the possible implications for other engineered features and waste emplacement. Future Vault Walls and Bases, including consideration of: o their role in contributing to the control of leachate that may be produced within the facility; 5 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 o the response of alternative design specifications under normal and ‘cap failure’ conditions; o the comparative implications of alternative water management strategies for projected leachate release from the facility over the time frame relevant to engineering optimisation (i.e. prior to disruption by natural processes); o the potential need for the base level of future vaults to fall as they are developed towards the southern part of the site. Cut-off Walls and their potential role in: o minimising the lateral inflow of water to the trenches and vaults, including the control of waters that are shed at the cap perimeter; o minimising the possibility of leachate release to the surrounding environment via near-surface pathways, in the event of degradation of cap performance. Passive leachate discharge control, including consideration of: o the possible role for drains in providing passive control over the routing of leachate released from the facility; o the anticipated performance of such features under normal and ‘cap failure’ conditions. In the analysis that follows, the options for each of these engineering features are assessed in turn. Final Cap The engineered cap is a principal component of the overall engineering design for the LLWR. It plays key roles in relation to the passive control of leachate and the protection of disposed wastes from inadvertent disturbance by human actions. The design of the cap therefore needs to be optimised to minimise infiltration, to the extent that it is less than the drainage capacity of the underlying geology, thereby creating unsaturated zones beneath the vaults and trenches, for as long as reasonably practicable. It also needs to provide effective protection against intrusion by humans, deep rooting plants and burrowing animals. Key considerations in cap design include: overall thickness and the depth and composition of individual component layers; profile; and 6 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 the scheduling of installation in relation to waste emplacement and active measures for the monitoring and control of leachate. The component layers of final cap design for the LLWR have been optimised over many design cycles, based on principles consistent with best international practice. The current baseline design includes a composite geomembrane on a bentonite-enhanced soil hydraulic barrier, overlain by an internal drainage layer, biointrusion barrier and upper layers designed to provide substrate for plant rooting, moisture retention and filtration. Expert elicitation based on this design forms the basis for parameters determined as inputs to the ESC hydrogeological model calculations. The overall thickness of the engineered cap in the baseline design is 3m. Taking into account that there will be profiling material underneath the cap, this means that there will be a minimum distance of 4m between the cap surface and the underlying wastes. As such, the cap is considered to provide significant protection against inadvertent disruption of both trench and vault wastes as a result of commonplace human actions. A thicker cap might potentially provide greater protection against disturbance associated with certain types of bulk excavation. However, no significant mitigation of the likelihood of disturbance from major earthworks would be provided even if the engineered cap was considerably thicker than the baseline design. Moreover, even a cap of double the thickness or more would not necessarily offer significantly greater protection against minor disturbances associated with actions such as exploratory borehole drilling. Controlled passive gas venting (as adopted on municipal landfill cap designs) is not necessarily required if it can be demonstrated with confidence that the volumes of bulk gas from waste corrosion and degradation do not represent a threat to cap integrity and performance. The absence of an engineered gas vent would have the advantage of ensuring that any release of radio-labelled gases generated within the facility would not be focused at a specific location near highest point of the cap, with associated implications for risk to potential exposure groups following the lifting of controls on site use. However, a passive venting scheme installed as part of the cap design would facilitate confirmation monitoring of landfill gas and radio-labelled gas production during post-operational active control of the site. Final closure of the vent could then be achieved prior to the release of the site from active management control. The reference assumption in the site management plan set out in the 2011 ESC (i.e. whether or not the cap vent should be closed) will be decided before submission, informed by the latest assessments of gas generation and transport. Taking due account of planning considerations and local community concerns implies that the profile of the cap should ensure that the minimum elevation is achieved, consistent with providing assurance of long-term performance and stability. 7 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineering design principles require a minimum gradient of 1:25, to ensure that the drainage function of the cap will be maintained over the long term under expected rates of settlement. In addition, the engineering optimisation process examined both the advantages and disadvantages of a ‘gull wing’ and single dome cap design. A single dome requires a significantly greater volume of profiling material underneath the engineered cap, but its geometry and lower susceptibility to erosion (i.e. avoiding the existence of a ‘gully’ between the trenches and vaults that collects water from a substantial fraction of the overall cap area) is a critical factor in underpinning confidence in long-term resistance to infiltration. This gives a slightly higher peak elevation to the cap (by less than 4m) than would be obtained for a gull-wing design, but this is not expected to be significant in terms of visual impact, when considered across the 400m width of the facility over which the cap will be constructed. The engineered cap needs to be supported by a suitable profiling layer. This does not necessarily have to consist solely of inert fill materials; indeed, there is an opportunity to use this profiling volume as additional capacity for waste emplacement, for example by adopting higher stacking of disposal containers away from the outside perimeter of the vaults. Because such waste disposals would be within the profiling shape, they would have no effect on the final overall elevation of the cap. Provided that higher stacking within the vaults can be shown not have a detrimental impact on the environmental safety case or other aspects of operational safety management, such a practice would be consistent with making optimum use of LLWR as a national asset. Vault Design Although the cap design is intended to minimise infiltration so far as is reasonably practicable, water cannot be excluded completely and the rate of infiltration is expected to increase over the long term as cap performance degrades. Expert elicitation of performance, based on the proposed design, coupled with the ESC hydrogeological model, provides an indication of anticipated rates of water input and flow through the system. The optimisation study considered two broad strategies for the passive management of leachate within the vaults and their implications for vault design. The preferred design strategy is to decrease the potential for near-surface release by seeking to minimise water contact with the wastes and to avoid ‘bath-tubbing’ in the vaults. The overall aim in vault design is therefore to increase confidence that water can be drained at the base over time faster than it enters from above via the cap. Hydrogeological modelling suggests that such a design strategy will also achieve a more predictable outcome regarding the behaviour of leachate than the alternative approach of designing for (short-term) leachate retention. It is also considerably easier to construct than the alternative. 8 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 During active control over the site, the intention is to ensure that leachate can be effectively collected and its release managed for as long as this is required. The vault bases are therefore assigned a sufficiently low permeability to support effective operational leachate management for as long as active controls are in place. Bunding is provided by surrounding liner walls to a height of 1m above the base in order to protect against uncontrolled overflow in extreme rainfall events prior to capping. However, there is no strong driver to implement a higher specification base that would provide increased confidence in minimising permeability significantly beyond the operational period. After the period of active control, under passive conditions and with no collection of leachate from the vault sumps, saturation over the depth of the waste column is precluded by ensuring that, if leachate is retained by the base, it overflows the 1m walls on the east and west sides to a drainage layer beneath the vault base. The drainage layer provides a high horizontal permeability to support effective dispersal of drainage waters to the underlying geology. In addition (and particularly for Vault 8), some drainage to the unsaturated zone beneath the vaults is anticipated to occur through the base itself, under the expectation that its performance over time as a hydrological barrier will be less effective than the cap. As the development of future vaults (10 to 14) continues southwards, base levels reduce to best suit the existing topography. This obviates the need to construct disposal platforms above the local ground level. Consequently, the top of the base slab reduces from 15.9m AOD (current Vault 9) to 11m AOD for Vault 14. The drainage layers beneath individual vaults are laterally isolated to impede flows from following a preferential path with topography and reducing base levels to a more focused discharge point at the south of the facility. The internal north and south walls of the vaults are set slightly higher than the east and west walls to give preferential drainage pathways to the sides, but with ultimate hydraulic continuity (to provide contingency in the event that free drainage does not occur locally) along Vaults 9 to 14. Vault 8 would be connected into the Vault 9 system on cessation of pumped leachate control. Cut-off Wall The optimisation study examined whether a cut-off wall is required, and the implications of extending such a wall to different depths. The primary function of such a cut-off wall is to prevent the lateral infiltration of water (including water shed by the cap) into the vault and trench wastes around the edges of the LLWR. It also plays a contingency role in providing reassurance against the possibility of near-surface release close to the facility in the unlikely event of early cap failure (leading to possible 9 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 saturation of the waste column), or as a result of preferential pathways for leachate that might arise from higher waste stacking. The cut-off wall will be keyed into the perimeter of the cap, to preclude the possibility of over-topping in the event of saturated conditions developing within the wastes. Expert elicitation and hydrogeological modelling suggests that there is advantage to be gained from installing a cut-off wall, but there are no significant benefits to be gained from taking the wall to a greater depth than 2m below the underside of the composite basal liner, or including a geomembrane within the wall. Such a design is consistent with the existing cut-off wall, constructed in the 1990s along the northern and eastern perimeter of the trenches. Subject to ongoing monitoring showing no grounds for concern in the performance of this feature, it is expected that the existing cut-off wall can be incorporated into the overall perimeter barrier. Passive Discharge Controls A vertical drain was incorporated between the trenches and vaults in earlier baseline designs. Its safety function was to mitigate the potential for near-surface release associated with bath-tubbing within vaults designed for leachate containment, as well as to provide a contingency in the event of failure of the gull-wing cap design. However, given the change to the preferred cap profile, as well as the strategy for leachate management within future vaults, this function is longer required. Hence there are no substantial vertical drains in the engineering design identified as an outcome from the current optimisation study. However, engineered drainage pathways are provided by the sub-base features associated with the future vault design, with the aim of maintaining low saturation conditions within the disposed wastes and the ready dispersal of drainage waters from the vaults to the underlying geology. For as long as the cap provides a barrier to infiltration that is greater than the natural drainage capacity of the geology beneath the facility, passive leachate release via these pathways is expected to be to unsaturated ground. Timing of Cap Installation The optimisation study determined that progressive capping should be implemented in ‘strips’ down the site, linked to the construction of new vaults. Staged installation of the cap over the vaults is preferred in order to ensure that the capacity of the leachate management system is not threatened by the requirement to manage storm waters from extreme weather events as new vault slabs are constructed. Moreover, rather than waiting until the completion of disposal operations, earlier capping also serves to provide a protective cover to early vault disposals that may have been exposed to the elements for a considerable period of time. Staged capping is more efficient in terms of 10 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 resource use, and provides for a longer period of monitoring of cap performance prior to final closure and withdrawal of active control over the site. For the purpose of the ESC, it is therefore assumed that final capping over Vault 8 and an associated fraction of the northern end of the trenches will be undertaken in conjunction with the preparation of Vault 10. Likewise, capping for Vault 9 and the adjacent area of the trenches will be undertaken in conjunction with the preparation of Vault 11 et seq. Excavations required prior to construction of the next vault slab would be expected to provide a proportion of the profiling material for the corresponding stage in capping. This assumption incorporates flexibility to enable changes to be made, consistent with the overall aim of achieving a single dome final cap. In particular: The schedule assumed for the ESC anticipates that no replacement of the current interim cap over the trenches (minimum design life of 30 years from 1990) will be required prior to installation of each stage of the final cap. Nevertheless, earlier capping over the trenches could be undertaken if it were required. This would be achieved either by constructing a new interim cap, a ‘Stage 1’ cap, or completing the final cap, over the trenches in such a way that it could subsequently be incorporated into the final single dome as future vaults were constructed and capped. Subject to further monitoring and analysis, there remains limited evidence and some uncertainty regarding the degree of settlement that remains to be expressed, particularly within the trench wastes. This could arise as a result of the additional loads imposed during final capping, as well as the ongoing effects of waste degradation. These processes have the potential to cause differential settlements of the cap, across the wastes themselves, as well as across the bay walls, trench walls and the secant pile wall between the trenches and the vaults. Although the design intention within the ESC is for staged installation of the full, final engineered cap in strips starting from the northern end of the facility, it is possible that a simpler ‘Stage 1’ cap (incorporating a geomembrane and appropriate surface cover as temporary protection, supported by all the relevant profiling material) could be constructed initially if it were determined that settlement over the trenches represented a significant concern. Such a cap would have broadly similar hydrological performance to the final cap during the operational period. However, it would enable any remedial actions in response to settlement to be taken more readily prior to installation of the final engineering layers. One important control on the rate of capping is the expected arising of profiling materials. If necessary to support the staged installation of the final cap, required profiling materials would need to be brought to the site to supplement those 11 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 generated by excavations of future vaults. Although not incorporated in the proposed design and inventory for the ESC, it is conceivable that profiling material above the trenches might include VLLW, such as very lightly contaminated building rubble or soils. Depending on the rate of such arisings, it is conceivable that capping of the trenches might therefore need to progress more rapidly than scheduled in relation to the development of new disposal vaults. Subject to national policy and appropriate regulatory and planning approval, such disposals could be accommodated with an adjustment to the preferred schedule for capping. Leachate Management and Release Monitoring The baseline assumption for the ESC is that leachate will continue to be actively managed while waste emplacement continues and for a period after final capping over the facility has been completed. Within the vaults, this is achieved by pumping to collect leachate from sumps installed in the vault bases. Gravity drains leading to the southern perimeter of the facility provide for leachate collection from the trenches. The leachate is routed to marine holding tanks for monitoring prior to consented discharge via the site pipeline to the sea. After final capping, the maintenance of pumps used to remove leachate collected within the vault sumps will be undertaken with the support of engineered man-access penetrations in the western side of the cap. The assumption of continued active management and monitoring is consistent with established practice for landfill operations. However, based on current understanding of cap performance and estimated likely rates of leachate generation (subject to the outcome of final hydrogeological modelling), it is expected that the vaults and trenches will be effectively de-watered soon after the completion of final waste emplacement (effectively within a few decades), with very low ongoing rates of leachate generation. Monitoring during the post-operational period would be continued with the objective of confirming such outcomes, for as long as necessary in order to fulfil regulatory or other stakeholder requirements regarding assurance of system performance. Likewise, the monitoring of landfill gas (and possible radioactive gas) via the gas vent in the final cap would be designed to confirm the expectation that gaseous releases – both in terms of volume and contamination levels – will be small, and present an acceptably low risk in terms of fire, explosion or radiological exposure. The decision as to whether it was appropriate finally to seal the gas vent would be informed by monitoring information and taken, in consultation with regulatory authorities and other stakeholders, prior to withdrawing active management control over the site. 12 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Contents 1 Introduction 14 2 Context and Objectives 16 2.1 Requirements 16 2.2 Optimisation Constraints and Baseline Design 19 2.3 Key Issues for Options Identification and Assessment 21 2.4 Level of Detail 22 2.5 Summary of Objectives 22 Approach 24 3.1 Philosophy 24 3.2 Process 24 3.3 Evidence 28 Outcomes 35 4.1 Overview 35 4.2 Engineering Controls on Performance 35 4.3 Engineered Features for Assessment 40 4.4 Assessment of Component Options 41 3 4 5 4.4.1 Overview 41 4.4.2 Final Engineered Cap 43 4.4.3 Future Vault Walls and Base Options 48 4.4.4 Cut-off Wall 54 4.4.5 Passive Leachate Discharge Control Options 58 Final Optimised Pre- and Post-closure Engineering Strategy References Appendix A : Engineering Optimisation Scoping Participants and Briefing Paper 62 76 Workshop Agenda, 78 Appendix B : Optimisation Assessment Workshop Agenda and Participants 83 Appendix C : Optimisation Presentation Agenda and Participants 86 Appendix D : Collation of Component Option Proformas 87 Appendix E : Commentary on Possible Implications of Different Component Options for Post-closure Impacts 113 Appendix F : Systematic Identification of Strategy and Component Options Against Threats to Repository Performance 146 Appendix G : Scoping Workshop Engineering Presentation showing Overview of Basic Elements of the Previous Baseline Design 150 13 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 1 Introduction LLW Repository Limited is undertaking a programme of work that will result in the publication of a new Environmental Safety Case by May 2011 (the 2011 ESC). The 2011 ESC will be submitted to the Environment Agency in support of a formal application for re-authorisation of disposal operations. The 2011 ESC is based on a reference operational programme that assumes five additional disposal vaults will be created in the future (i.e. Vaults 10 to 14) and that the facility will reach volumetric capacity by around 2080. In responding to the previous 2002 Safety Cases submitted for LLWR, the Environment Agency (EA) noted that those cases had failed to make a sufficiently adequate or robust argument for continued disposals. A key element of this weakness was described as being “insufficient consideration of optimisation and risk management, to demonstrate that impacts will be as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA)” (Environment Agency, 2005). The requirements specified in Schedule 9 of the ensuing Authorisation specifically underlined the need to demonstrate optimisation in the 2011 ESC. More recently, updated regulatory Guidance on Requirements for Authorisation (GRA) for Nearsurface Disposal Facilities on Land for Solid Radioactive Wastes (Environment Agency et al., 2009) has further reinforced the importance of optimisation within the regulatory control regime. A systematic description of the rationale that underpins design, use and operational management choices made by LLW Repository Ltd will therefore be an essential element of the 2011 ESC. A diverse range of optimisation and risk management considerations need to be taken into account, requiring inputs from a wide range of information sources, analyses and arguments. Relevant considerations include: remedial actions relating to past disposals; waste acceptance, conditioning and emplacement; pre- and post-closure engineering; and operational and post-emplacement management control. The specific aspect of optimisation examined in this report is the engineering design of the LLWR, from the perspective of both pre- and post-closure environmental safety. This includes consideration of options for those engineered components of the facility that will be expected to act as passive controls to provide isolation and containment of the disposed waste (temporary/final cap, vaults, cut-off wall, leachate drains, etc.), as well as the relationship between the scheduling of such measures and active controls, such as leachate management. 14 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 The report is structured as follows. Section 2 describes the context and objectives for this work. Section 3 gives details of the process followed, and describes the evidence base collated to underpin the analysis. Section 4 describes the outcomes of the assessment and integration process. Section 5 summarises the final, optimised pre- and post-closure engineering strategy. Appendices to the report contain information relating to workshops held in support of the engineering optimisation process, and report a range of underpinning analyses developed as part of the evidence base for decisions that were made. Appendix A provides the Agenda and participant lists for the scoping workshop. Appendix B reproduces the Agenda and participant list for the main assessment workshop. Appendix C provides equivalent information for the workshop at which the final outcomes of the study were presented. Appendix D collates the ‘component option’ proformas that were generated to inform discussions at the assessment workshop. Appendix E provides a commentary on factors relevant to differentiating between component options from the perspective of post-closure impacts on the environment. Appendix F summarises the detailed analyses that were undertaken to support the identification of engineering component options. Appendix G reproduces slides from the scoping workshop presentation outlining major features of the pre-existing baseline design and main component options. 15 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 2 Context and Objectives 2.1 Requirements Environment Agency Regulatory Requirements Demonstration of optimisation is fundamental to the regulatory regime that applies to disposals to the LLWR. The EA, in its review of the 2002 Safety Cases and the subsequent decision on disposal authorisation, was critical of how those submissions addressed optimisation considerations. One consequence of this was that a number of the requirements specified in Schedule 9 of the ensuing Authorisation reflected the need for the LLWR Site Licence Company to pay more attention to the demonstration of optimisation in the 2011 ESC. Subsequently, the recently updated Guidance on Requirements for Authorisation (GRA) for Near-surface Disposal Facilities on Land for Solid Radioactive Wastes (Environment Agency et al., 2009) has further reinforced the importance of the concept of optimisation in application of the RSA93 regulatory regime. The following statements from the GRA articulate regulatory expectations in relation to the demonstration of optimisation in ESC submissions. Under Section 7.2 (General Guidance: What should the environmental safety case demonstrate?), paragraphs 7.2.2 and 7.2.3 highlight the role of the central ‘safety strategy’ as the focus of the ESC and, by extension, overall optimisation of the safety case. The guidance states: “The environmental safety case should include an environmental safety strategy supported by detailed arguments to demonstrate environmental safety. The environmental safety strategy should present a top level description of the fundamental approach taken to demonstrate the environmental safety of the disposal system. It should include a clear outline of the key environmental safety arguments and say how the major lines of reasoning and underpinning evidence support these arguments. The strategy should explain, for example, how the chosen site, design for passive safety and multiple barriers each contribute to environmental safety... The environmental safety case should demonstrate, using a structure based on clear linkages, how the environmental safety strategy is supported by the detailed arguments and how the arguments are supported by evidence, analysis and assessment. Internal consistency within the environmental safety case needs to be established and maintained.” The importance of considering the implications of uncertainties in developing a robust safety strategy is considered in under Section 7.3 (Additional considerations: Managing uncertainties), paragraph 7.3.11: 16 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 “The developer/operator should provide explanations for interested parties of the significance of uncertainties important to the environmental safety case, by presenting these explanations in a way that people will understand. This material could form part of the environmental safety strategy... The relevant environment agency will provide its own view on the developer/operator's statements.” Particular attention is given within the GRA to exploring the concept of optimisation, both in terms of demonstrating that the safety strategy is appropriate and that the proposed implementation approach is consistent with the principles of ALARA. This is enshrined in ‘Principle 2’ of the GRA, which is titled “Optimisation (as low as reasonably achievable)”. The description of what optimisation means in practice includes the following (taken from paragraphs 4.4.3 to 4.4.5): “Optimisation is a continuing, forward-looking and iterative process aimed at maximising the margin of benefit over harm. It takes into account both technical and socio-economic factors, and requires qualitative as well as quantitative judgements. It involves continually questioning whether everything reasonable has been done to reduce risks… Optimisation decisions balance the detriment or harm associated with the radiological risk, together with other benefits and detriments (economic, human, societal, political, etc.) associated with disposing of the radioactive waste, both at the time the decisions are taken and in the future, and the resources available for protecting people and the environment... The result of optimisation provides a radiological risk at a suitably low level, but not necessarily the option with the lowest possible radiological risk.... Careful attention needs to be paid to optimisation in a way that is proportionate to the radiological hazard. Where the radiological hazard of the waste is low, only limited effort will be required to reach an optimised radiological risk; conversely, for disposal facilities where the radiological hazard of the waste is high, considerable effort will be required to reach an optimised radiological risk... Optimisation needs to be embedded in the developer/operator’s organisational culture so that it is regular practice to explore possible alternative options and to make the best choice among them.” Fundamental to the GRA’s portrayal of optimisation is the recognition that it is equally applicable to disposal strategy (i.e. the engineered components of the disposal system and their functions in assuring safety) as it is to detailed aspects of engineering design (layout, scheduling, dimensions and materials). Addressing regulatory expectations within the 2011 ESC therefore requires an approach that embeds more detailed design optimisation in a well-understood and justified environmental safety strategy. Requirements of Other Stakeholders Although the regulatory permitting process establishes the primary driver for optimisation as being the control of radiological environmental risk, demonstration of ALARA requires a wider set of values and criteria to be taken into account. The GRA 17 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 (§6.3.58) underlines that “Although reducing radiological risk is important, it should not be given a weight out of proportion to other considerations” (Environment Agency et al., 2009). This reflects the need for design and operational decisions to take into account the wider interests of other stakeholders, including the local community, planning authorities, other regulators and funding bodies (on behalf of public sector spending). Stakeholders with an interest in LLWR’s engineering optimisation processes include: the planning authority (i.e. Cumbria County Council) who will have the responsibility for granting planning permission for disposal and implementation of associated engineering; the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA), local bodies who will be consulted by the planning authority (e.g. Copeland Borough Council, Drigg and Carleton Parish Council) through the planning process; other bodies representative of stakeholders who might be impacted upon by any decisions made by LLWR (e.g. the West Cumbria Sites Stakeholder Group, including the LLW sub-committee); and other regulators with a statutory interest in LLWR operations, including the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate of the Health and Safety Executive. Best-practice guidance resources for decision–support frameworks such as Best Practicable Environmental Option (BPEO) and Best Available Techniques (BAT) (e.g. EA and SEPA, 2004) further underline the principle that engagement is essential to ensuring openness and transparency in strategic decision making processes associated with waste management. Direct Benefits to LLWR In addition to addressing regulatory requirements and wider stakeholder interests, a comprehensive optimisation process is also of strategic importance to the future management of the LLWR. It provides information on the key benefits and trade-offs associated with different design philosophies and implementation approaches, supported by a clearly structured analysis of underpinning data and rationale. This is a very useful tool in developing plans and programmes for facility development and closure. 18 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 2.2 Optimisation Constraints and Baseline Design Constraints Key factors relevant to framing the current study include: The focus of the ESC, and therefore on options for the engineering design, is on the role of LLWR as a disposal facility. Justification of that role rests with the NDA’s national strategy for the management of solid low-level waste (NDA, 2010), and is therefore outside the scope of the study. However, that aim is that an authorisation will be sought to emplace waste at LLWR with no intent to retrieve it at a later time. Retrieval may be possible, but the objective for future management of LLWR is founded on making a safety case for a disposal facility that will be capable of final closure. Options for the future design and operation of the LLWR are restricted to ‘vault’- type waste emplacement. There is no practical scope for developing either a mined cavern or silo-type disposal operation at the LLWR site. Notwithstanding recent controversy regarding the work of the IPCC as well as the uncertainties inherent in projections of climate change, current understanding of global sea level rise and local coastal erosion (which underpins the ESC) is that the LLWR is under threat of eventual disruption by erosion or inundation. This is expected to occur within a period of a few hundred to a few thousand years. As such, it sets a natural limit to the timescale over which it is appropriate to consider the role of engineering controls on facility performance. The baseline for engineering design is the assumed development of the LLWR within the ‘reference disposal area’, extending vault disposals southwards until they reach the line of the trenches (i.e. to Vault 14). The possible implications of variant cases designed to have a larger physical capacity are to be explored in the 2011 ESC. Thus it is relevant to consider the extent to which specific engineering options may offer (or constrain) flexibility in future use of the site. It is also relevant to note that, because of the natural topography, there is very likely to be a necessary fall in the base level of future vaults as they are developed towards the southern part of the site. Baseline Design The presence of existing and in-construction disposal facilities at the LLWR provides important context for consideration of the optimised design for future engineering 19 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 components. To summarise briefly, the baseline design at the start of the study was based upon that submitted in support of the storage planning application for Vault 9 (Williams and Proctor, 2007). This followed the previous disposal design philosophy represented in the 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002a, b). Both designs included the following engineering components: a concrete reinforced vault base, with suitable stepping / gradients to support active leachate management, and with a waterproof liner(s) a low-permeability engineered final cap; passive leachate discharge control (vertical drains); and a complete encircling, deep cut-off wall. Although the Vault 8 and Vault 9 designs involved similar engineering components, there were substantial differences in philosophy. For example, the 2002 PCSC (Vault 8) design has a lower specification (single bentonite-enhanced soil (BES) layer) base than for Vault 9. Also, as the design philosophy was focused on avoiding ‘bath-tubbing’ (i.e. complete saturation of the waste column within the vaults) by providing vertical drainage post-closure, it was envisaged that a large single vertical drain to the south of the facility would be installed once disposal operations were complete, to direct any infiltrating leachate to deeper systems. The Vault 9 design meanwhile included a double composite membrane on BES layer base and walls to maximise water retention, as part of a safety strategy intended to contain infiltrating water for as long as possible. In this concept, should the vaults eventually (as expected) become fully saturated, overtopping leachate would then be directed to a series of vertical borehole drains to be implemented between the line of Vault 9 (and any future vaults) and the trenches. It is important to note that the context for the development of the existing baseline Vault 9 design was very different from that for the current study. It was developed in lieu of a disposal authorisation, and thus was focused on ‘storage’ rather than disposal. Hence one of the key objectives that emerged from the design process was that it should maximise leachate retention during what could be an extended operational (storage) period. The main stakeholder associated with the Vault 9 design process was the planning authority (Cumbria County Council). Other stakeholders, such as the EA, the NII and other local bodies were consulted, but the focus was on gaining planning permission for a storage facility. 20 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 One of the main benefits of the chosen design, however, was its flexibility. In the options assessment and associated engagement process (Williams and Proctor, 2007), it was recognised that LLWR would in future present a second planning application for Vault 9, to convert its purpose from storage to disposal, provided that the EA granted a disposal authorisation following its review of the 2011 ESC. It was therefore acknowledged that the design could be adapted, were alternative ‘non bath-tubbing’ approaches to passive leachate discharge control identified as the preferred long-term strategy. The present Vault 9 baseline design (Williams and Proctor, 2007) therefore provides a useful baseline for the purposes of optimisation study presented in this document. However the difference in objectives from that and the present study requires that the components needed and associated designs should be considered afresh. 2.3 Key Issues for Options Identification and Assessment Demonstration of optimisation is fundamental to the regulatory regime that applies to disposals to LLWR. However, optimisation considerations are not simply a matter of achieving compliance with regulatory expectations. They are also an integral element of the LLWR’s operational and closure planning process, with direct influences on Lifetime Plan development and future use of the disposal facility. Such factors are also inevitably of interest to the regulation of spatial planning and operational safety for the site. For the purposes of this study: The main emphasis in comparing engineering options is whether there is a clear preference from the perspective of establishing confidence in the environmental safety performance of LLWR. It is then necessary to determine whether that preference may be materially affected by wider considerations. In practice, this means that the choice between options that are strongly differentiated in terms of confidence in environmental safety performance is likely to be challenged only where there is an equally strong (and contrary) differentiation in terms of other important factors. Alternatively, options that cannot readily be discriminated in terms of providing confidence in environmental safety may be differentiated on the basis of other considerations. This means that alternative engineering design options need to be identified that take into account the types of passive control that are relevant to the main threats to isolation and containment of the wastes. These threats are those associated with: 21 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Natural disruption of the facility – in particular as a result of coastal erosion and/or inundation. Disruption of the facility by future human actions – in particular those actions that have the potential to cause disturbance of the wastes, as well as direct or indirect exposures to contaminants within the wastes. Release of contaminated gases, generated either in the form of gaseous radioactive elements or as radio-labelled gases produced within the wastes. Generation and release of contaminated leachate by water entering the facility and contacting the wastes. A detailed discussion of these threats and their implications is set out in Section 4.2. Other factors that could be relevant in discriminating between options relate to, for example, any wider environmental impacts (e.g. discharges), health and safety risks (e.g. materials transport), engineering practicability (e.g. constructability, flexibility), and lifetime cost and affordability (see Section 3.3). 2.4 Level of Detail The output from the optimisation process needs to be defined to a level of detail sufficient to establish a coherent design strategy, and to underpin subsequent ESC studies such as safety assessment calculations. The emphasis here is at higher levels in the hierarchy of decision making. Subsequent to delivery of the ESC, further iterations of detailed design optimisation will be required following completion of the present process. For example, the present process sought to identify the need, location, vertical and lateral extent of any proposed cut-off walls, including consideration of the principles underpinning the material choices and likely construction methods. However, detailed implementation decisions and exact specification of wall thicknesses and depths at different points would then be a matter for further work through the ESC and vault construction projects. 2.5 Summary of Objectives The main objectives of the pre- and post-closure engineering optimisation process can be summarised as follows. Identification of a preferred future engineering design strategy for the LLWR, including overall objectives and preferred design concepts for each component of the engineering. 22 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Consideration of pre- and post-closure environmental impacts that might be associated with different engineering options, mapped against known threats to the isolation and containment of wastes within the LLWR. Appropriate consideration also needs to be given to a range of other factors relevant to practicability, in order to demonstrate the design is consistent with the overall goal of ensuring that radiological risks to the public associated with the facility are ALARA. Integration of the technical assessment with an appropriate engagement strategy in order to seek and consider stakeholder views. Ensuring that all decisions are robust and underpinned by an appropriate evidence base. 23 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 3 Approach 3.1 Philosophy The development and implementation of an options assessment process for the optimisation study was framed by the goal of consistency with the principles of BPEO and BAT. This implied a hierarchical, evidence-based study involving stakeholder engagement. The approach was designed to address the specific requirements of the study, in particular recognising that many of the decisions to be made are coupled. For example, the approach to passive leachate discharge control depends strongly upon the design and likely future performance of the cap. The following discussion summarises the approach that was followed. The focus is on describing the mechanics of the process, enabling the outcomes to be combined and summarised in a narrative style in Sections 4 and 5. 3.2 Process The approach followed is illustrated in Figure 1. It involved the various stages set out below. Scoping As a key preparatory element of the study, the scoping phase was designed to: Identify the main aims, regulatory requirements, assumptions and other drivers and framing arguments that are relevant to the optimisation process. Develop and refine a proposed approach to options identification and assessment. Identify the main safety functions required of the repository engineering strategy, mapped against the main threats to long-term isolation and containment of hazards associated with the wastes. Plan options development and evidence collation activities to underpin the main appraisal stages. Undertake an initial identification of potential options in order to identify and explore potential differentiating factors. Engage with stakeholders to present and gain consensus on the identified objectives and drivers, as well as on the overall approach to be followed. 24 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 1: Overview of Pre- and Post-closure Engineering Optimisation Process Scoping Identification of Design Strategy and Individual Component Options Identify Strategy Options Identify Individual Component Options Evidence Collation: Review of Previous Design Iterations Hydrogeological Modelling Assessment of Post-closure Impacts for Different Options Development of Outline Designs Further Screening of Component Options by Strategy (if possible) Main Component Options Assessment Integration Report Outcomes (This Document) It was understood from the outset that much of the analysis undertaken would involve discussion of detailed technical considerations. It was therefore recognised that the process stages that would benefit most from stakeholder input would be this (scoping) phase and subsequent assessment outcomes presentation and discussion stages. This assumption was also presented to and tested with stakeholders. This phase therefore involved a significant amount of preparatory analysis that culminated in a ‘scoping workshop’ held on 17th December 2009. The agenda, attendance list and a copy of the briefing paper provided for the workshop are presented in Appendix A. Participants included representatives from the EA, NII, CCC, NDA, the ESC Peer Review team, consulting organisations supporting the LLWR, and LLWR, including ESC and other project teams. Participants were invited to review the proposed process approach and the principles underpinning it through a combination of presentation and feedback, and interactive sessions. Discussions were focused on two main sessions. The first addressed the main safety functions required of engineering components. The second considered in more 25 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 detail potential approaches to the assessment of individual components of the engineering design and the issues relevant to identifying and assessing options. Outcomes from these sessions helped to shape a common understanding of constraints on the optimisation process, as well as capturing the key issues to be taken into account, as summarised in Sections 2.2 and 2.3. Representatives of Copeland Borough Council, Drigg and Carleton Parish Council and the WCSSG LLW sub-group were consulted at specific separate meetings. In general, feedback was positive. In particular, the principles of the proposed approach were supported, as was the approach to engagement, although the need to recognise the role and interests of CCC as (in effect) a key regulator for the site was particularly emphasised. Where suggestions for improvements to the process were made, these were noted and were integrated into the approaches for relevant process steps. A number of other issues were raised; where relevant these have been addressed in the detailed options assessment and integration processes reported in Section 4. Other feedback that was more broadly relevant to higher-level strategic questions was passed on to the LLWR ESC and other project teams for appropriate consideration. Identification of Design Strategy and Individual Component Options This phase involved considering the principal goals of the pre- and post-closure engineering for the LLWR in order to identify candidate design strategies associated with optimising safety performance. The preliminary steps of this analysis overlapped with the discussions presented during the scoping phase; the main principles of the analyses conducted were therefore explicitly discussed at the scoping workshop. The aims were as follows: To further develop an understanding of the safety functions required of the engineering design strategy as a whole, and of individual components within that design strategy. To identify the ways in which barriers might be combined in order to satisfy those required safety functions, and thereby to generate a set of design strategy options based on a comprehensive set of individual component design options. To conduct an initial assessment of the design strategy options, in order to see if unsuitable strategies can be screened out or a preferred strategy identified using a ‘top-down’ approach, thereby reducing the number of individual component options that need to be considered. In the detailed analysis undertaken for this phase of the process, it proved not to be possible to identify a clear preferred design strategy option directly from a top-down perspective. This is because the alternative strategies identified could not be clearly 26 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 differentiated on the basis of post-closure performance without detailed analysis of the design options for individual components (i.e. a decision could not be made without the more detailed analyses planned for the next phase of work). The rationale for this, including a description of the options identified, is incorporated into the discussion on process outcomes presented in Section 4.4.3. The outcomes of this phase of the process were the systematic identification of a range of strategic and detailed component options that needed to be considered in the main assessment process, the identification and development of a range of analyses to support the evidence base to underpin subsequent judgements, and the development and refinement of the process for the main stage of assessment (see also Appendix F). Main Component Options Assessment The previous phases of work provided a framework for the main options assessment phase. This included: A substantial amount of work to further develop understanding of the options for different engineering components, and to develop the evidence base required to assess their performance against the criteria of interest. Development of a hierarchical options assessment process that recognised the coupling required between decisions for different component options. Application of this process via a two-day expert workshop to assess the options and derive a proposed strategy. The aim of the workshop was to undertake a structured assessment of the identified component options, informed by the expertise of participants and the evidence sources that had been collated in advance of the meeting, to derive the preferred overall preand post-closure engineering design strategy. The workshop was held on the 24th and 25th of February, 2010, at the Sellafield Centre and subsequently Greengarth, West Cumbria. In line with the approach agreed during the scoping phase, expert participants were drawn from LLWR staff and supporting organisations. An agenda and participant list for the workshop is provided in Appendix B. The briefing material provided in support of the workshop, and indeed utilised throughout the later stages of the process, is summarised in Section 3.3. The present report, in particular Section 4, provides the main record of the outcomes of the workshop, although further details were added during the subsequent integration phase. 27 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Integration The purpose of the integration phase was to draw together the outcomes of the assessment workshop into a formal proposal for the engineering design strategy. An important part of this was engagement on the outcomes with stakeholders, as well as ensuring buy-in from LLWR senior management. Following internal LLWR meetings to agree the proposed strategy with LLWR senior management, a stakeholder event was held at the Samuel Lindow Building, Westlakes Science and Technology Park on Tuesday 29th April 2010. An agenda and participant list for the meeting is provided in Appendix C. In broad terms, participants were generally supportive of the strategy outlined, and therefore the decision was taken to ‘freeze’ the design following the event, as a new baseline to underpin the 2011 ESC. However, the need to demonstrate, as part of any future planning application, the need for engineered components such as the cap and for those features to be implemented to particular timescales, was specifically noted, and a number of points were raised that require ongoing liaison with regulators. Other Stakeholder Engagement Activities The stakeholder engagement activities referred to above represent the major events at which stakeholders were consulted. However, stakeholder engagement was carried out continuously throughout the optimisation process. Engagement activities also included: Presentations to the WCSSG LLW sub-group. Presentation to the Drigg and Carleton Parish Council. Meetings with Copeland Borough Council. Utilisation of regular liaison meetings with the EA, NII and CCC for briefing and updating on progress. 3.3 Evidence A fundamental component of the approach to the pre- and post-closure engineering optimisation study was that all decisions should be evidence-based, and that the evidence should cover (so far as practicable) a suitably comprehensive range of factors relevant to differentiation between options. This section summarises the evidence collation and production activities undertaken in support of the optimisation process. 28 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 The use of relevant evidence sources, including expert judgements on their interpretation, to underpin assessments of engineering component options is documented in Section 4. The process outcomes resulted from the structured analysis undertaken by the experts at the main assessment workshop and the final project integration meetings, leading to consensus judgements that shape the preferred strategy. The workshop analysis needed to be informed by a suitable range of more detailed analyses exploring the relevant factors. The following subsections describe the evidence collation process utilised to generate an appropriate evidence set. Options Proformas A series of supporting ‘options proformas’ was created to record the collated evidence relating to components of the facility design. This took place in two stages. First, a set of ‘strategic approach’ proformas was created. The aim behind creation of these documents was to explore, at a high level, the philosophies behind alternative engineering strategies, and to identify whether there was any clear rationale for differentiating strategic options. For example, options analysed included those associated with keeping the vault wastes unsaturated for as long as possible, or those associated with allowing waste saturation (‘bath-tubbing’) within the system. A structured analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of each strategic option was presented, matched against a range of assessment criteria covering factors relevant to determining practicability, under the following broad criteria groups:. Safety (worker safety, public safety). Impact on the environment (habitats/construction, authorised discharges, operational environmental impact, post-closure Impacts, non-LLW waste volumes, resource use). Technical factors (ease of implementation, confidence in performance, timescales for implementation, impact on operations, flexibility, impacts on existing engineered features, capacity). Community and socio-economic factors (impacts on local community, support for local community). Cost (total implementation cost, affordability). The analyses presented were underpinned by a range of other resources, including: 29 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 the outcomes of detailed hydrogeological modelling studies; detailed engineering drawings and associated practicability studies; and discussion papers outlining the qualitative and quantitative arguments for and against the likely environmental safety performance of different strategic options. The latter set of papers included an analysis of whether, considering ‘realistic’ rather than ‘conservative’ assumptions, it is possible to predict whether an unsaturated or a saturated bath-tubbing design strategy would be likely to lead to lower environmental impacts than the other (etc). They are not included here as the outcomes of the analysis are summarised in the collated proformas. As the structured evidence gathering and analysis process continued, it became evident that no sufficiently convincing arguments were emerging at the strategic level to indicate a direct preference for any one of the identified strategic options. The options analysis therefore moved on to consider directly each of the key components of the facility engineering design, to identify, compare and contrast different options for implementation. In the absence of a driver to focus on a particular strategic approach, the proformas considered all identified credible implementation alternatives. The initial strategic approach proformas were therefore entirely superseded by a set of ‘component option’ proformas. Together these covered the following components of the facility: final cap; future vaults base slab and walls; cut-off wall; passive post-closure leachate management approaches; and other engineered features. Section 4 describes how the options for individual components outlined in these proformas were considered in a structured, hierarchical manner at the assessment workshop to derive the preferred strategy on the basis of more detailed considerations. As with the original ‘strategic approach’ proformas, a range of different potential implementation options were presented for each component. Each option was then compared against the same criteria as had been identified for the strategic analysis, in order to identify any significant differentiating factors. The outcomes of supporting studies (i.e. the evidence sources identified above) were utilised to explore potential 30 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 differentiating factors through qualitative, and in some cases high-level quantitative analysis. In this respect it is relevant to note that the proformas and associated analyses were intended to provide a starting point for discussions, rather than offering a fully comprehensive analysis. The completed proformas, summarising the initial analysis of component options against criteria, are reproduced in Appendix D. A separate document was produced to explore options in terms of their implications for post-closure radiological impacts, taking into account potential releases via the groundwater, human intrusion, coastal erosion and gaseous pathways. The aim was to support optimisation considerations by allowing more opportunity to assess implications of different options in more detail from a ‘realistic’ perspective, rather than the more cautious approach typically adopted in performance assessment studies. The outcome of this provisional analysis (prior to the main options assessment workshop) is reproduced in Appendix E. Component Option Identification In order to ensure that all relevant options were considered for each component of the engineering design, a set of structured ‘top down’ and ‘bottom up’ studies were undertaken to identify how key safety functions might be provided and thereby mitigate threats to the isolation and containment of hazards within the facility. This process was used to audit and update the component option list. Appendix F reproduces a set of ‘mind map’ diagrams illustrating how both top-down and bottomup approaches were utilised to identify a full range of engineering component options and associated strategies, to ensure that the analysis could be demonstrated to be comprehensive. Hydrogeological Modelling Outputs In addition to providing evidence used in compiling the options proformas (discussed above), a key direct input to expert judgements made throughout the optimisation process was provided by the outcomes of detailed hydrogeological modelling studies1 (Hartley et al., 2009; 2011). These studies were designed to explore key considerations relevant to environmental performance for alternative design options. The understanding generated by analysis of the model results provided important inputs to the deliberations undertaken in the optimisation study. For example, the 1 The analysis of engineering options described in this report was informed by preliminary outputs from these modelling studies. Although some modelling details changed prior to publication, the broad conclusions on which decisions were made remain the same. 31 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 hydrogeological model results were central to decisions regarding the required depth of the cut-off wall (see Section 4.4.4). Engineering Design Drawings and Related Considerations A significant amount of engineering design and analysis was also undertaken in support of the study. The analysis was used to provide evidence compiled within the options proformas, articulating the principles underpinning the existing (Vault 9) baseline design, and was also used directly during the options assessment workshop. A large number of engineering drawings were utilised throughout the process; not all of these are provided here, in the interests of brevity. As an illustration of the sorts of information provided, however, Appendix G reproduces the contents of a presentation on the baseline design and alternatives for the cap delivered at the scoping workshop. Section 5 provides engineering drawings describing the outcomes of the whole process. Evidence from Previous Design Development Iterations As described in Section 2.2, the vault design that represented the baseline prior to this study was derived through a process focused on long-term storage, rather than disposal. Nevertheless, the detailed analyses, drawings, identified options etc that were derived as part of that process provide a very helpful set of supporting references for the present study. Similarly, the outcomes of assessments based on previous design iterations were also reviewed, to ensure that all potentially relevant evidence sources were utilised, and to provide an audit tool to help ensure that the analysis of component options was sufficiently comprehensive. The proformas collated in Appendix D illustrate how those various evidence sources were reviewed against the updated context of the current study to support assessments of option performance. A brief summary, in reverse chronological order, of some of the more important studies of relevance is provided in Table 1. 32 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Table 1: Summary of Previous Design Development Studies Undertaken Since 2000 Study Reference(s) Notes 2008 Performance Update for the LLWR (Schedule 9, Requirement 2) Baker (2008), Baker et al. (2008) and underpinning references Provided an update of the expected long-term environmental performance of the LLWR, incorporating assumptions that the future vaults will all be constructed and closed according to the present Modular Vaults Single Design (see below). Described an assessment of options for the reduction of future impacts from the LLWR through a ‘toolkit’ approach, including the approach to stakeholder engagement. The EA’s response highlighted a number of ongoing concerns that are discussed elsewhere in this report. Outline Construction Method Statement: Modular Vaults – Cut-Off Wall, Capping & Vertical Drains Hillary (2008) Considered options for the construction of various elements of the Vaults Single Option design. Note that the ‘cut-off wall’ design was not considered to the same level of detail, as it is a ‘closure’ feature specifically designed for a ‘disposal’ concept. Vault Single Option selection process Williams and Proctor (2007), Newham et al. (2007), and underpinning references e.g. Belton (2007), Barclay (2007), Gallagher (2007). Provides a detailed analysis of the rationale for selection of the preferred Modular Vault design, which is presently being implemented for Vault 9 and also represents the present baseline design for any future vaults. It outlines a number of strategic options, their advantages and disadvantages. Long-term environmental impacts were considered through qualitative judgements comparing different designs with the outputs of the 2002 Post-closure Safety Case (PCSC). A range of information on cost and wider socioeconomic impacts was also developed to aid this process. The present option was chosen as it ‘better satisfies the design principles, as defined in the applicable UK regulations and Best International Practice (i.e. containment) and will therefore be more acceptable to the regulators and other stakeholders. It was also the clear preference of the stakeholder elected representatives.’ Summary of optimisation studies Fowler et al. (2005) Reviewed recent options studies for the vaults design and other facility risk management options in the context of their implications for post-closure safety. Qualitative and semi-quantitative arguments against a range of criteria including socio-economic factors suggested that approaches involving a good cap but a porous base and/or enhanced use of vertical drains to avoid vault bath-tubbing may lead to reduced environmental impacts. 2004 Modular Vaults design option selection process Kane et al. (2008), Sola (2003). Describes the previous (2004) iteration of options development and assessment for the vaults, undertaken prior to the Agency’s authorisation decision based upon the 2002 Safety Cases. The preferred option was broadly similar in concept to that taken forward by the 2007 Single Option studies. 33 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Study Reference(s) Notes Preliminary assessment of LLWR management options Edwards and Alexander (2004) Described the outcomes of two workshops considering options by which future predicted impacts from the LLWR might be reduced, based upon consideration of the 2002 PCSC against an appropriate range of technical and non-technical criteria. It was suggested that the 2002 PCSC design represents an ‘appropriate solution for the optimum management of the long-term risks and uncertainties associated with the (LLWR) site.’ 2002 PCSC and underpinning studies BNFL (2002a), BNFL (2002b) and underpinning references The 2002 PCSC presented a baseline design including multiple redundancy in drainage routes to minimise the risk of the vaults bath-tubbing, and provided a detailed assessment of the potential performance of that design. The design had been subject to some development since submission of the previous ‘status report’ (BNFL, 2000). 34 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 4 Outcomes 4.1 Overview This section presents the overall outcomes of the engineering optimisation process. It is based on the conclusions of the main options assessment workshop, with some minor additional modifications introduced through the subsequent integration processes. The outcomes are presented as a narrative, starting with an overview of the key functions identified as being required of the facility pre- and post-closure engineering, and leading into a hierarchical discussion of the outcomes of the options assessment for individual components against those functions. A summary of the combined optimised strategy determined as a result of the process is provided in Section 5. 4.2 Engineering Controls on Performance Given the priority attached to optimisation of environmental safety performance (albeit proportionate to other factors), a logical approach to the identification of options is to structure the analysis in terms of the types of engineering control that might be established in respect of the identified main threats to isolation and containment of the wastes. As noted in Section 2.3, the emphasis in engineering design (particularly in relation to the long term) is on passive controls, although the overall management strategy through time, including the scheduling of closure engineering with respect to ongoing active leachate management, needs to be based on an appropriate combination of active and passive measures. The primary threats are those associated with: Natural disruption of the facility, in particular as a result of coastal erosion and/or inundation. In this respect it is recognised that: o Engineering features, such as perimeter drains around the final cap, can be built into the design to minimise the likelihood of localised flooding as a result of storm events. However, it is much more difficult to protect against threats from encroaching coastline and rising sea levels. o Shoreline and coastal defences to protect against threats from erosion and/or flooding would need to be maintained over a substantial period in order to be effective in risk mitigation. It would be difficult to justify claims for the effectiveness of such defences as part of site control plans for a safety case extending several thousands of years into the future. Nevertheless, there are 35 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 likely to be wider plans for coastal management in Cumbria that will impact on coastline evolution in the vicinity of LLWR. o Some form of resistant material could potentially be embedded in land surrounding the LLWR. However, because the primary coastal erosion process is likely to be one of under-cutting at the base of the sea cliff (potentially below the base level of the vaults), such measures would have to be very deeply embedded to be worth considering at all. Likewise, because of the way in which disruption is expected to occur, grouting waste in situ or otherwise achieving a monolithic vault design are not expected to offer significant protection or impediment to the erosion process. o Taken together with the comparatively slow rate of decline in the residual radiological hazard from long-lived radionuclides at the time coastal erosion becomes a threat, it would be very difficult to establish confidence in the effectiveness of realistically achievable physical barriers in providing significant mitigation of risk through delaying disruption. o In practice, once erosion of the facility has started, potential radiological impacts in the vicinity are likely to be smaller if such erosion takes place more rapidly (thereby ensuring faster dispersion of any residual contamination), rather than being prolonged by a more resistant design. Even so, it might be argued that, almost irrespective of projections of potential impact, disruption of LLWR is unlikely to be a major priority compared with other hazardous sites and facilities vulnerable to the effects of sea level rise around the UK. Nevertheless, the GRA indicates that, were the likely levels of exposure from a reasonably foreseeable natural process (albeit on timescales greater than those normally attributable to authorised control over the facility) to be significant by comparison with the regulatory risk guidance level, it is questionable whether a ‘period beyond authorisation’ could be contemplated. o Given the difficulty of identifying engineering measures that can provide effective passive control against threats from coastal erosion and inundation, arguments in the ESC ultimately centre on the overall acceptability of disposal itself, given the potential radiological implications of disruption. Inventory control (should it be necessary) is then likely to be the most practicable way of providing assurance that unacceptable consequences do not occur. o Hence, as noted previously, disruption of the facility by coastal erosion and/or inundation effectively sets a limit to the timescale over which it is appropriate to consider the optimisation of engineering controls. 36 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Disruption of the facility by future human actions; in particular those actions that have the potential to cause disturbance of, and direct or indirect exposures to, contaminants within the wastes. Radiological impacts associated with disturbance of the wastes by human actions will largely depend on the inventory of the wastes and how they are emplaced in the repository, so the primary consideration in engineering design is the potential for reducing the likelihood of exposure. o Measures to reduce the likelihood of disturbance by future human actions include the use of barriers and other controls to prevent access to the site, preservation of information relating to its presence and content in order to support planning controls over use of the site, and the use of signage and markers. In general, these are all part of the site management arrangements, rather than being passive engineering controls. Nevertheless, they are potentially significant in terms of minimising the possibility of disruption to the facility over timescales relevant to some of the shorter-lived radionuclides present in the waste. o The primary engineering control to reduce the likelihood of disruption is the depth of waste beneath the ground surface. This is essentially related to the thickness of the final cap over the facility, coupled with the depth below surface at which disposal takes place. Markers, or marker layers, built into the cap design may also be considered to provide a passive function in alerting inadvertent intruders to the hazards within the facility. The overall aim of such a barrier is to minimise the likelihood that disturbance by reasonably foreseeable actions might give rise to radiologically significant impacts. o There are both potential advantages and disadvantages associated with the use of markers. On the one hand they potentially provide an enduring, low maintenance mechanism for maintaining local information regarding the site. However, they also present potential scope of misinterpretation; if poorly conceived, and assuming that other records are somehow lost, they run the risk of generating interest in the site (e.g. for archaeological investigation), rather than deterring disturbance. In any case, it can be anticipated that the cap will itself readily be recognised as an unnatural feature in the landscape. o Features of the cap design also play a role in limiting the possibility of intrusion caused by burrowing animals and deep-rooted plants. Release of contaminated gases, generated either in the form of gaseous radioactive elements (principally radon) or as radio-labelled gases produced within the wastes. 37 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 o During operations, gas release from the trenches takes place via controlled venting in the temporary cap. Potential exposures are limited by restricting public access to the site; the areas in the vicinity of the vents are not routinely occupied by members of the site workforce. A vent within the final cap would enable controlled release and monitoring of gases to continue while public access is denied until the cessation of security controls over the site. o The primary engineering controls on gaseous release pathways in the long term are either to create a long diffusion path length for shorter-lived radioactive gases (particularly Rn-222) or, so far as practicable, to absorb and/or disperse releases of longer-lived gaseous radionuclides (specifically C-14). Both these functions relate primarily to the design and properties of the repository cap. For Rn-222, emplacement of Ra-226 bearing wastes at greater depth in the vault waste stack can contribute to ensuring that radioactive decay occurs before the radon is able to diffuse in significant concentrations to the underside of the cap. o In so far as gas generation and release from the waste may be promoted by reactions with infiltrating water, engineering measures that are taken to reduce water flows through the wastes (see below) will also play a role in mitigating the threats associated with gas release. Even so, there may already be sufficient moisture within the wasteform to promote the generation of C-14 labelled gases. Other (non-engineering) measures to control C-14 gas generation within and release from the waste include nature of the wasteform (e.g. treatment of metals and organics), control of chemical conditions within the vaults (e.g. to promote the chemical fixation carbon). Generation and release of contaminated leachate. o Engineering controls have the potential to protect the wastes from disturbance by infiltrating water (i.e. minimising volumes of water entering and passing through the facility), to control the release of radionuclides from the facility (by ensuring that contaminated leachate production is minimised and/or contained as far as practicable), and to mitigate the consequences of residual leachate release (by managing the pathways via which leachate is discharge to the wider environment). o During operations, leachate from both the vaults and trenches is collected in sumps and drainage lines, and controlled discharges made via holding tanks and the sea line. These controls will cease at some stage, at or following the completion of waste emplacement, as the disposal system moves from active to passive control on leachate release. The interim cap currently provides an engineering control on the volume of leachate produced within the trenches; as 38 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 the facility is extended and further vaults are added, additional engineering measures to control leachate production are required to ensure that the capacity of the leachate management system is not exceeded. o The function fulfilled by engineered features in controlling the volume of water entering and passing through the wastes (both trenches and vaults) is essentially one of acting as a barrier to water entry. The most important component in this respect is the cap. However, there is also a need to ensure that significant volumes of water do not enter the vaults and trenches as a result of lateral inflows. In particular, measures may need to be taken (e.g. cut-off walls and cap perimeter drains) to ensure that water shed by the cap does not enter the facility around the periphery. o Even with an optimised approach to minimising water ingress, it remains necessary to control any water that does enter the facility in order to ensure that the possibility for leachate release is minimised. There are two basic strategies for this, both of which rely on engineering design to ensure appropriate passive control of leachate production. One is to encourage water that enters beneath the cap to have minimum contact with the wastes, by providing preferential flow pathways through the facility in order to minimise water saturation and opportunity for contamination. The other (consistent with the Vault 9 baseline design and standard approaches to landfill management) is to attempt to capture the water within the vault and ensure that no leachate is released, for as long as possible. The leachate management philosophy that applies to these strategies is different; in both cases, however, the opportunity to optimise engineering controls for passive leachate management is largely restricted to the design of current and future vaults. o Finally, given that circumstances may arise (e.g. when barriers to inflow have degraded) when it is no longer possible to avoid leachate release, it is possible to conceive of engineering measures that seek to direct the flow of leachate to those parts of the environment where the impact will be lowest. As a general rule, this means avoiding discharges near to surface in the vicinity of the facility, and instead seeking to direct leachate to depth where it can be diluted in larger volumes of groundwater before eventual release the marine environment. Potential passive controls on leachate release include vertical drains and downstream cut-off walls. 39 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 4.3 Engineered Features for Assessment Taking into account the analysis presented above, it is possible to identify the following main features to be considered in the optimisation of pre- and post-closure engineering. The Final Engineered Cap for the facility, including consideration of: o its role as a barrier to the inflow of water into the trenches and vaults; o its role in minimising the likelihood of disturbance of the wastes by future human actions and bio-intrusion; o its role in controlling gas release; o the timing of installation, including implications for the balance between active and passive controls on leachate discharge; o its potential implications for waste stacking within the vaults, and other aspects of waste emplacement and closure engineering. Cut-off Walls and their potential role in: o minimising the lateral inflow of water to the trenches and vaults, including the control of waters that are shed at the cap perimeter; o minimising the possibility of leachate release to the surrounding environment via near-surface pathways, in the event of degraded cap performance; o determining implications for other engineered components. Future Vault Walls and Bases, including consideration of: o their functional role in supporting the control of water that enters the facility; o the response of alternative design specifications under normal and ‘cap failure’ conditions; o the comparative implications of alternative water management strategies for projected leachate release from the facility over the time frame relevant to engineering optimisation (i.e. prior to disruption by natural processes); o the potential need for the base level of future vaults to fall as they are developed towards the southern part of the site; and 40 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 o implications for other engineered components. Passive leachate discharge control, including consideration of: o the possible role of drains in providing passive control over the routing of leachate released from the facility; o the role of such features under normal and ‘cap failure’ conditions; o implications for other engineered components. Other engineered features, including the possible roles of: o a stepped gravity drainage system for operational collection of leachate within the trenches; o alternative vault backfills and their potential implications in conjunction with different leachate control strategies, including the possibility of creating vault ‘monoliths’ by backfilling with grout. In each case, options can be examined through a process of logical analysis, based on a structured examination of key questions relevant to design choice. As noted at the outset, the emphasis in the first instance is on establishing whether there is a clear preference between options from the perspective of providing confidence in the environmental safety performance of LLWR. In addition, consideration is also required as to whether such a preference may be materially affected by wider considerations. Broadly speaking, there are contributions to optimisation from both a broad strategic perspective (i.e. the role played by engineering controls) and a more detailed design perspective (how those controls are implemented). Assessment of options is necessarily iterative, reflecting the range of options available and the fact that more general choices are informed by more detailed understanding. Informing and consulting with stakeholders also provided relevant inputs to the design of the options assessment and understanding of the outcomes. 4.4 Assessment of Component Options 4.4.1 Overview Informed in part by initial surveys of options undertaken as part of early phases of scoping and options identification work, the assessment approach agreed with stakeholders at the scoping workshop and with experts at the main workshop was for a hierarchical, logical analysis process. The concept for this analysis was to identify a 41 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 preferred option for each component, taking into account decisions made for, and interactions with, other components. This is made possible by starting with what is clearly the most critical of closure engineering components for passive post-closure facility performance, due to its role in controlling infiltration – the final cap – and then working through the other components in turn. Thus the decision for the preferred option for the cut-off wall is framed by the role it plays in controlling water given the preferred cap concept, and so on. Section 3.3 describes how a range of proformas were developed in advance of the main assessment workshop that explore all the potential options for each component that could be considered to provide benefit against the functional requirements outlined in Sections 4.2 and 4.3. The analyses provided the experts at the main workshop with an indicative assessment of potential differentiators between options, considering postclosure environmental safety performance alongside a suitable range of other attributes. The analysis undertaken at the main workshop used these proformas and associated evidence sources – in particular, the outcomes of hydrogeological modelling studies – to support a comparison of the main option alternatives. This approach was pursued in preference to undertaking an exhaustive analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of every component option against every assessment attribute. This allowed a narrative approach to be adopted that helped the identification of a clear and coherent strategy, uncluttered by detailed, essentially extraneous considerations. This approach was also essential to allow the experts at the workshop to reach a provisional conclusion in less than two days. To achieve this, a set of key factors relevant to the differentiation of options for each component was distilled ahead of the workshop from the underpinning analyses. These were then presented to workshop participants as a set of questions that required to be answered. Of these questions, some were quite simple, and were simply intended to provide part of the overall logical structure; others were more complex, demanding detailed consideration of underlying understanding and evidence. For each component analysis, described below, the following is therefore presented: 1. the list of questions identified for that component, as presented to workshop participants; 2. a summary of the current baseline and possible broad strategies for that component, again as presented to workshop participants; and 3. an overview of the key factors that were debated, and the associated rationale, matched against key evidence sources drawn from that wider evidence base that is described in Section 3.3. 42 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 The outcomes are summarised in an integrated statement of the combined optimised strategy, presented in Section 5. 4.4.2 Final Engineered Cap Key questions: Are there any circumstances in which it might be considered closing the facility without a cap? What functional role is required of the cap from an environmental safety perspective: o Prior to completion of waste emplacement operations? o Following completion of operations, and in the period after authorisation? What constraints are there on cap design, given the importance of achieving these functions? Within such constraints, what viable alternatives exist to the current cap design (consistent with achieving the defined objectives)? o What purposes would be fulfilled (e.g. flexibility to accommodate more waste, easier staged installation)? o Can ‘spare’ space within the cap be safely exploited for waste disposal without compromising other aspects of performance? o How do the alternatives compare, in terms of degree of confidence in achieving the desired performance? When and how should the final cap be installed? o What environmental safety drivers support ‘early’ installation of the cap (e.g. reducing demand on operational leachate controls, opportunity to demonstrate performance)? o What environmental safety drivers support later installation of the cap (e.g. allowing for waste settlement, not requiring interfaces between stages of installation, allowing for improvements in technology)? o What other drivers exist? What options exist for the timing of cap installation, and what are their implications? o Leave current interim trench cap in place, installing the final cap on completion of all emplacement operations? o Early installation of final cap over trenches only? o Progressive development of final cap over vaults and trenches? 43 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 What are the potential failure modes for the cap and their implications for performance? Status prior to the assessment workshop (to guide discussion): There is no current argument for a cap being absent from the final closure design, and general consensus that it performs a central role in passive control over post-closure isolation and containment. Its performance cannot be guaranteed indefinitely, but it is expected to be capable of providing for unsaturated conditions within the greater part of the trenches and vaults for a considerable period of time – potentially up to the time at which natural erosion processes threaten the facility. There appears to be a strong argument that the engineered cap design is already optimised, and that it alone will be sufficient to perform most of the safety functions required for the post-closure engineering so long as confidence can be placed in the elicited infiltration values and underpinning reasoning. Very little water is expected to pass through the cap for perhaps up to 1000 years, so the wastes will be unsaturated for a prolonged period of time; moreover, the likelihood of cap failure is thought to be low. Changing, adding or subtracting layers would probably not gain much – there is a detailed reason for each layer in the current design. At present a progressively implemented single-domed cap appears the present ‘front runner’ in terms of overall design – the benefits of a double-domed cap are unclear, particularly as it is believed that progressive implementation of a single-domed cap should not present substantial difficulties. A single domed cap may also be less vulnerable to erosion, and would allow operational flexibility for additional volumes of LLW or VLLW disposal into the cap dome. A ‘Stage 1’ cap (consisting of the first few layers) could be implemented early, in order to provide an interim hydraulic barrier, with the remainder of the engineered features added later. This could help costprofiling as well as placing less demand on operational leachate management. Key Points from the Assessment It is clear that a substantial final engineered cap is required for the LLWR, as it provides a number of important functions. The experts were clear that, for a variety of reasons, not least principles from regulatory guidance, a dilute-and-disperse type approach is not acceptable, and a cap is required that will minimise infiltration into the facility for a significant period of time. It was recognised that the various layers of the cap have already been subject to a number of iterations of detailed design optimisation (e.g. Belton (2007), Williams and Proctor (2007), Kane et al (2007), BNFL (2002b). A specific function has been identified for each layer together with an appropriate approach identified to 44 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 providing that function. The approach implemented is consistent with established best practice and experience from other sites, e.g. landfills. The result is a cap that, the experts agreed, will provide a level of performance that is unlikely to be significantly improved upon by further analysis. In particular, the baseline design is expected to be highly impermeable for a considerable period of time. An important further role of the cap is to help minimise the likelihood of substantial disruption of the facility through any future human actions. An engineered barrier thickness of 3m (coupled with at least 1m of inert profiling material between the cap and the waste) has been proposed as sufficient to ensure that commonplace intrusions (e.g. building foundations for a house) would not be likely to lead to significant consequences from direct disturbance of the wastes. The present cap design is consistent with this requirement. It is less clear whether cap design can substantially help to mitigate the impacts of C-14 release in gas. The incorporation of an enhanced soil and vegetation layer on the cap surface might help to prevent the release of C-14 to atmosphere through dissolution in cap run-off waters, but it is not clear whether this would in practice give rise to a substantial reduction in impacts. Depending on drainage patterns, it could even lead to higher doses. The experts did not identify a strong rationale for a deviation from the current proposed approach, noting that if required detailed optimisation studies for the surface layers could be undertaken prior to implementation. Participants agreed that there is no longer a strong rationale for a double-dome (‘gull-wing’) design, as it was agreed that a single dome approach is fully implementable, and could be achieved in a progressive fashion. The visual impact of the different cap designs was noted. A single dome cap would be slightly higher, but a double dome cap would have two distinguishable crests, which would be likely to present a stronger visual impact, especially when the difference in peak elevation is considered across the 400m width of the facility as a whole. From the perspective of visual amenity, known to be of concern to local stakeholders, an argument can therefore be made in favour of the single dome cap despite its greater elevation. Participants recognised that CCC regard this as an important matter of concern, and that mock-up models/illustrations will be needed to help illustrate these arguments in suitable future forums involving CCC and the stakeholders they represent. It was noted that the space underneath the cap, given the proposed profile, could be utilised to store additional LLW volumes if a higher stacking disposal approach is implemented and authorised. Although this potential opportunity was noted, 45 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 participants agreed that this should not be considered as a driver in favour of a particular design. Overall, no significant advantages of the double dome were identified; indeed the opposite was true, as it was considered that a double-domed cap may be more prone to erosion along the obvious ‘weak point’ at the line of the gully between the two domes. Thus a single dome option was selected. There was significant discussion on the question of gas venting, considering whether it is important to include gas vents in the design to manage bulk gas generation during the operational phase, and whether they should be sealed at the point of cessation of institutional control to reduce the likelihood of post-closure impacts associated with radio-labelled gases. The absence of an engineered gas vent (especially once controls on site access have been withdrawn) would have the advantage of ensuring that any release of radio-labelled gases generated within the facility would not be focused at a specific location near the highest point of the cap. This is potentially more significant for Rn-222, where the dominant route for potential exposure is release into enclosed spaces, than it is for C-14 (incorporation via foodchains), since in the latter case exposures will be effectively ‘diluted’ over the total area from which foodstuffs are assumed to be taken by the potential exposure group. Conversely, it was suggested that the presence of localised gas vents (covered by gravel or some other substrate to deter vegetation growth) might even reduce impacts associated with C-14, since the main exposure routes are associated with exposure through ingestion of foodstuffs that might be grown/farmed on the cap and venting C-14 direct to atmosphere could reduce concentrations in relevant media. However, because of its relatively short half-life, the potential impacts from Rn-222 are very sensitive to the time taken for the gas to travel through the cap. If there is no gas venting, decay during the time taken for Rn-222 to diffuse through the cap will lead to significantly reduced impacts. Overall, no strong preference on the topic of gas vents was identified at the assessment workshop. This was therefore considered further during the integration phase. Based on qualitative judgements regarding the likely impacts involved and other practicalities, it was agreed (subject to the final results from the 2011 ESC assessment calculations) that gas vents should be included in the baseline design for the final cap and that, for the purposes of the 2011 ESC, they will be assumed to be sealed several decades after the cap has been completed, allowing for a period of further monitoring prior to the end of active institutional control. 46 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Estimates of cap performance for the single domed cap were discussed, informed by assessments such as those undertaken as part of the engineering performance elicitation process2 (Jackson et al., 2011). It was agreed that the multi-layer approach planned for cap implementation would lead to a high level of confidence that the cap will provide a high level of performance for a prolonged period. It is possible that the cap could degrade faster than anticipated, and could be subject to sudden failure if, for example, there is major unexpected differential settlement within the facility. However, whilst it was agreed that these scenarios should be considered in the optimisation process, they represent ‘what-ifs’ that are comparatively unlikely to occur compared to as-designed cap performance. The timing and approach to implementation of the cap was discussed in detail. In general, a progressive rather than one-off approach to cap construction was preferred. Deferring construction of the final cap to the time of cessation of disposals would maximise flexibility through increasing opportunities to revisit design and structure. However, it was judged that the principle of minimising environmental impacts by reducing infiltration into the disposal facility as soon as practicable (as well as affording additional physical protection to waste containers within the vaults) is of greater importance. Staged capping also provides for a longer period of performance monitoring prior to final closure and withdrawal of active control over the site. Further discussion on the subject of timing centred on whether the performance of the interim cap could be guaranteed in coming years, in particular noting its 30 year design life, and whether there was the potential that the trench wastes might degrade substantially over the next few years. It was suggested that, unless the trench cap is replaced or made redundant before the end of its design life, releases from the trenches may increase as performance degrades. This represents an argument in favour of early final capping. However, a separate matter of concern relates to the need to avoid differential settlement and the challenge that this might cause to cap integrity. The vaults will also be subject to some settlement but, due to the engineered nature of disposals to those facilities, this will occur over timescales that are sufficiently long not to influence this particular judgement. As a result of discussions at the workshop and further consideration during the integration phase, it was agreed that implementation of the final cap over the trenches should be scheduled to allow time to monitor waste levels and ensure that 2 The analysis of engineering options described in this report was informed by expert inputs derived in the first round of elicitation activities for the 2011 ESC. Some details in judgments regarding system properties changed prior to publication; however, the general understanding supporting design optimisation decisions remains the same. 47 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 degradation is substantially complete, giving confidence that differential settlement will not significantly affect cap performance. After this, progressive capping by strips will be undertaken in order to reduce infiltration into each disposal facility component as soon as practicable. The current baseline assumption for the ESC will be that capping commences in 2021 unless challenged by monitoring results. The rate of capping will be limited partially by timescales for completion of disposals to different vaults, but also according to timescales for arising of the large amount of profiling material that will be required. Participants also discussed the opportunity to implement a ‘Stage 1’ cap – essentially the profile material and the bottom few (hydraulic barrier) layers of the cap. This would be sufficient to ensure an impermeable barrier during active site management over the trenches while they ‘expressed’ any remaining settlement (both from existing voidage and that generated by future degradation up until completion of the cap). This remains an option should monitoring of the trenches not reach a strong conclusion on the potential for future differential settlement. 4.4.3 Future Vault Walls and Base Options Key questions: To what extent do constraints associated with ‘constructability’ requirements influence decisions regarding the depth of future vault bases? Given such constraints, and the roles played by the cap/cut-off wall, what functions (and corresponding specifications) are required of the vault walls and bases? o To provide a stable platform for disposal operations? o To provide for water collection and drainage during disposal operations? AND o To promote the fast draining of infiltrating water (and thereby minimise contact time between water and the wastes? OR o To retain infiltrating water and leachate within the vaults for as long as possible? Given the role of the cap and cut-off walls (if installed) in seeking to minimise water contact between the water and the wastes after closure, is there a logically preferred alternative for controlling water that does enter the vaults? 48 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Given ‘best estimate’ understanding of the likely evolution of hydrogeochemical conditions in the vaults, is it possible to identify significant differences between the two water management strategies in terms of the likely timing and rate of contaminant release from LLWR: o For the expected evolution of cap performance? o Under ‘cap failure’ scenarios? Could either strategy be enhanced by changes to other aspects of design (e.g. backfill material, spacing between waste stacks), and what would be the wider implications of such changes? To what extent do vault design considerations have implications for other design features, such as: o Implications of falling base depth for cap design? o Implications of waste stacking height for passive water management within the facility? Status prior to the assessment workshop (to guide discussion): If confidence is placed in the long-term effectiveness of the cap, to the extent that saturation is precluded for several hundreds of years whatever specification is adopted for the vault walls and base, it is difficult to argue that either alternative presents a clear advantage. Current PA models are simplified to the extent that they cannot draw obvious distinctions – so the emphasis is as likely to be on speculative failure modes as it is on central estimates of performance. Moreover, given the philosophy of moving from ‘storage’ to ‘disposal’, there would appear to be a strong cost and practicability argument for adopting a ‘Vault 8’ rather than ‘Vault 9’ standard design. Key Points from the Assessment It was agreed that the most basic, fundamental requirement for the future vault bases is that they should provide a stable loading platform for disposal operations, and that they should be impermeable during operations, to facilitate operational leachate management (pumping) approaches, and more broadly to demonstrate containment during the operational phase. The choice between vault base options therefore is fundamentally between a design such as that used for Vault 9 (with a double composite liner system) that is specified to minimise permeability for as long as possible, against a lower specification design that might degrade faster (e.g. something equivalent to the present Vault 8 base design, with a single BES composite liner). Given that 49 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 operational requirements are satisfied by either approach, post-closure impacts are the key driver here. At the workshop, there were detailed discussions on the likely impacts that might arise from the two different types of base. These were informed by hydrogeological modelling calculations (Hartley et al., 2009; 2011) and analyses of potential impacts such as those articulated in Appendix E. The outcome of these discussions was as follows. o The Vault 9 approach (which includes impermeable walls) is designed to maximise containment of any infiltration and thus leachate for as long as possible. In the Vault 9 design concept, should the vaults eventually become fully saturated and overtop, then the leachate would be directed to vertical passive leachate discharge control components to direct it away from the surface to deeper systems. However, the hydrogeological modelling studies showed that it is unclear, based on elicited hydraulic properties of the cap and vault base, whether completely saturated conditions will be achieved or not. This is because the base, while designed to be of very low permeability, will still allow some water to pass through; moreover, the ‘final’ leakage rate (i.e. when and if the vault becomes fully saturated) is expected to be higher than the initial rate, even before any degradation occurs. As with the cap, performance of the base is expected to degrade over time; however, the elicitation process revealed a wide range of uncertainty in the expected leakage rate, partly linked to the potential for weaknesses at vault base/wall joints. Hence there is a possibility that the base leakage rate could exceed the infiltration rate at some stage, or for a period of time, post closure. o The modelling did, however, show that with a lower specification base, it is highly likely that vertical drainage will be sufficient to ensure unsaturated conditions persist for a long period of time. o The experts at the workshop agreed that, intuitively, one might expect lower releases of contaminants for an unsaturated (lower specification base) system because the small amount of water within the system should lead to limited leaching of contaminants from the wastes, since a smaller proportion of the wastes will be in contact with water and release mechanisms will be slower. Fundamentally, therefore, the concept of keeping the wastes as unsaturated as possible appears consistent with the principle of maximising containment of contaminants associated with the wastes. The alternative (‘Vault 9’) concept of allowing the wastes to saturate followed by directing waters that overtop the vaults to deeper systems is consistent with maximising containment of leachate during the operational phase, but at face value would appear to allow an 50 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 enhanced level of contact of wastes with water, potentially leading to higher fluxes of contaminants being released from the facility post-closure. Figure 2 illustrates these alternative concepts. o However, when the physics of the two different systems are analysed in more detail, it becomes more difficult to differentiate performance on this basis (see Appendix E). The following issues need to be considered: - For a saturated (bath-tubbing) system, while the wastes will be in constant contact with water, ‘new’ water infiltrating through the cap is unlikely to mix significantly with the bulk of the porewaters within the vaults, as there is no driving mechanism that could lead to substantial mixing. Qualitative and semi-quantitative estimates of the level of mixing of new water with the body of water already in the vaults were made considering processes such as diffusion, and also temperature- and pressure- driven circulation, and it was considered that only the top metre or so of the vaults would be subject to significant mixing. Thus, the water infiltrating from above would only mix with a small proportion of the contaminated water in the saturated vault before being discharged via the drain, and concentrations in discharged leachate may be lower than intuitively expected. - For an unsaturated system, unless there are preferential pathways outside the waste containers, all the infiltrating water could (in principle) percolate down through the ISO containers and would therefore ‘see’ a significant proportion of the wastes. If the contaminants are available for immediate release to the infiltrating moisture, the end product could be release of water volumes through the base that are smaller than the overtopping volumes for the saturated equivalent, but with concentrations of contaminants that may be higher. Illustrative calculations indicated that, given these assumptions, the resulting post-closure fluxes of contaminant to the environment associated with the alternative concepts could be broadly similar in magnitude. - However, workshop participants agreed that although this might be true if all contaminants were available for ‘instantaneous’ release, it is likely that this is a gross simplification and that, in reality, complex water flow pathways and contaminant release mechanisms will apply. Specifically, releases could prove to be much slower for unsaturated conditions due to the more limited contact of wastes with water. Nevertheless, given the complexities involved, these intuitive judgements cannot be fully supported through the existing evidence base. 51 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 - This difficulty in establishing evidence for a clear differentiation between saturated and unsaturated design concepts was originally recognised during the consideration of ‘strategic options’, as discussed in Section 3.2. Figure 2: Schematic Illustrating the Principles of Saturated and Unsaturated Design Concepts. Blue arrows indicate ‘clean’ rainfall and infiltration waters. Purple arrows indicate potentially contaminated leachate. Schematics indicate undegraded performance at closure. Note that the final design differs from both of these concepts; schematics are for illustration only. Example Saturated Waste Concept Cap Profiling Material Ground level Upper Groundwater (Saturated or Largely Saturated Zone) Cut-off Wall Vault 9 and Future Vaults Trenches Lower Groundwater Vertical Drains Rock Surface Example Unsaturated Waste Concept Cap Profiling Material Ground level Upper Groundwater (Saturated or Largely Saturated Zone) Cut-off Wall Trenches Vault 9 and Future Vaults Lower Groundwater Vertical Drains Rock Surface 52 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 o The above arguments reflect consideration of ‘central estimate’ cap and base performance parameters. Consideration was given to what might happen if the future evolution of the facility differs from these central values. In particular, the system hydrogeology calculations allowed for the possibility of early degradation of cap performance, or even localised or general cap failure, to be explored. It was agreed that, for such alternative cap performance scenarios, bath-tubbing concepts are substantially more likely to lead to discharges to surface or upper ground water systems. The principle was also agreed that such discharges are more likely to lead to impacts to receptors than discharges to deeper water systems. Participants reflected on the mitigating argument that accelerated cap degradation represents a deviation from the expected behaviour, and should not therefore be considered a ‘central case’. However the following principles from GRA were noted (§7.3.3 & §7.3.4): “The environmental safety case should include an explanation of, and substantiation for, the environmental safety functions provided by each part of the system… The environmental safety case for the period after closure of a disposal facility should not depend unduly on any single function… The developer/operator will need to explore the contribution that each environmental safety function makes to the environmental safety case… The developer/operator will also need to explore the circumstances where more than one function is impaired.” (Environment Agency et al., 2009). In this context, the reduced likelihood that an ‘unsaturated’ vault design concept would lead to surface or near-surface leachate discharges in the event of poorer than expected cap performance represents a clear advantage. From a post-closure environmental safety perspective, therefore, there are clear arguments in favour of an approach that involves a substantial cap to minimise infiltration, with management of water that does infiltrate in a manner consistent with minimising waste saturation for as long as possible. However, the need collect water in order to support active leachate management (both during the operational period and post-closure institutional control) means that it is not appropriate to adopt (for example) options for the vault base and walls that are porous or link directly to passive vertical drainage systems from the outset. Considering the various design options available to satisfy both active leachate management and subsequent post-closure passive drainage functions, the following approach was selected. o A vault base comprising a concrete layer underpinned by a single BES composite liner would be sufficient to support active leachate management; given that unsaturated conditions post-closure are preferred, there is no strong 53 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 driver to implement a higher specification base that would minimise permeability significantly beyond the operational period (as would the Vault 9 design). o The lower parts of the vault walls (to a suitable height above the base) also need to be impermeable during disposal operations in order to avoid loss of control over drainage in storm events prior to capping. o To ensure that bath-tubbing to the top of the vault disposal system is avoided, it was agreed that the impermeable section of the vault walls only needs to be 1m above the base. It is appropriate to divert any leachate overtopping this level to deeper systems. The depth of the vault bases was considered. However, to ensure vertical drainage capacity underneath the system, the concept requires an unsaturated zone to be established underneath the vault base (see also the discussions on passive leachate discharge management in Section 4.4.5). Thus it is important that the bottom of the vault bases is sufficiently elevated compared with the water table. Hence it was considered that the future vault bases should be emplaced at a level consistent with the existing constructions, with additional stepping to take account of the topography and the approach to operational leachate management. It was agreed that this approach is a natural progression from the current ‘Vault 9’ design, involving a fairly limited number of modifications that are necessary for transition to a ‘disposal’ design. 4.4.4 Cut-off Wall Key questions: Given a final cap and the existing cut-off wall (installed in the early 1990s to a specification broadly similar to that proposed in the baseline design for a new encircling wall), what advantages could be provided by alternative cut-off wall installations, in terms of: o Contributing to minimising possible release/discharge (both controlled and uncontrolled) while the repository is under authorisation? o Contributing as a barrier to lateral inflow in the long-term? o Contributing to avoiding near-surface releases in the vicinity of the LLWR under conditions of leachate release? What length/depth of cut-off wall is necessary to provide the necessary degree of confidence in relation to: 54 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 o The role of a cut-off wall in providing an ‘upstream’ function? o The role of a cut-off wall in providing a ‘downstream’ function? How do considerations regarding the timing of cap installation influence the schedule and design of a cut-off wall? Status prior to the assessment workshop (to guide discussion): There is evidence that the existing cut-off wall is currently providing the ‘downstream’ functions for which it was designed, although the data are not conclusive. Tritium concentrations in the railway drain were reduced substantially post installation. However, the interim cap was installed simultaneously and it is unclear whether it was the action of one or both components that led to the decline in near-surface tritium discharge. In addition, a change in measurement methods may have influenced the results. There is also some uncertainty whether the clay layer beneath the existing cutoff wall is sufficient to provide the original design requirement – i.e. to ensure an impermeable flow barrier to a depth of 7.4 to 9m below ground level. The existing cut-off wall (which extends along some 60-70% of the outer perimeter of the trenches) should provide an ‘upstream’ function in protecting lateral infiltration of water shed by the cap into trench wastes adjacent to the cap edge. The potential levels of protection likely to be provided by an extended wall are difficult to determine accurately. In the case of cap failure, the case for a cut-off wall can prove equivocal – whilst it should help to divert leachate release to deeper groundwaters, it could also lead to ponding of waters within its confines, which in turn has the potential to promote nearsurface discharges. In the absence of hydro-modelling evidence, the overall balance of benefit vs. disadvantages for this scenario is currently not clear. However, options involving no cut-off wall, or replacing the wall by a perimeter vertical drain system (which might have reduced longevity, but is unlikely to cause ponding within the confines of the facility) merit consideration at the workshop. Key Points from the Assessment In practice the preferred design for the cut-off wall was evaluated in tandem with options for passive leachate discharge control (see Section 4.4.5). This is because the context for both decisions is framed by the wider strategy for leachate management, given preferred designs for the cap and future vault bases and walls. Hydrogeological modelling (Hartley et al., 2009; 2011) and associated discussions on potential impacts (Appendix E) were amongst the evidence sources considered. 55 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Given that infiltration into the facility will be small, according to central estimates of cap performance, the main role of the cut-off wall is to limit lateral inflows of water into the trenches. Although cap perimeter drains will be installed, these may not be 100% reliable and the magnitude of lateral inflows will therefore be affected by runoff from the cap. The hydrogeological modelling analyses suggest that a cutoff wall influences the saturation state of a fairly fraction of the trench wastes (perhaps between 2 and 10% of the total trench waste volume) towards the edge of the facility. However, so long as the cap performs as designed, the water flux through those perimeter wastes could be significant compared to flows through the remainder of the trench wastes. Modelling outputs examined at the workshop suggested that the water volume passing through wastes close to the cap perimeter could be of a similar magnitude to the total flow through the cap at closure. Participants argued that, given that the trenches constitute loose tipped waste with no engineered protection other than the closure engineering, it is important that the wastes are protected from lateral inflows as far as practicable, and taking all other aspects of the assessment into consideration, recommended that this benefit alone was a strong argument for a closure cut-off wall. In addition, the discussions on the preferred strategy for passive leachate discharge management (see Section 4.4.5) involved consideration of a below-vault drainage blanket that would not otherwise be protected from lateral groundwater inflows. In order to protect and maximise the drainage capacity of such a feature, and to maximise the extent of the unsaturated zone in the surrounding geology, it is therefore consistent to include a cut-off wall surrounding the vaults. As saturation levels are high in land adjacent to the vaults, a cut-off wall would also provide protection against horizontal inflows and potential bath-tubbing that could occur, particularly if the cap was to fail. Given that arguments could be identified for protection of both the vault and trench systems, the preference expressed was for a cut-off wall that will completely encircle the facility (as opposed to a part-length equivalent designed to protect a smaller section of the disposal area). The secondary function of a cut-off wall in diverting outflows from the facility to deeper groundwater systems was discussed. It was concluded that this represents a contingency mitigation role for the cut-off wall. Compared with protecting against inflow, the downstream function is of less importance because, particularly while cap performance persists, the vertical drainage capacity within the geology is such that leachate should in any case preferentially drain vertically. However, were early cap failure to occur, a cut-off wall would help prevent releases to surface or upper groundwater due to increasing saturation levels in the vaults. 56 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Some potential drawbacks of a cut-off wall were discussed; in particular, it was noted that, if the cap fails significantly and the amount of infiltration is significantly increased, the cut-off wall could reduce lateral flows out of the facility area, potentially leading to comprehensive saturation across the whole of the area it would encircle. In some extreme situations water might be diverted over, rather than under, the feature. However, it was agreed that the risks relating to such scenarios could be mitigated at least in part by enhancing the vertical drainage capacity of the system (see below). In addition, the level of failure that would be required for this to occur would be equivalent to complete catastrophic failure of the cap. Given the nature of the optimised, layered cap design, this was considered to be very unlikely, even over periods of 500+ years from installation. It was considered whether the functions required of the cut-off wall could instead be fulfilled by a deep vertical perimeter drain, to draw water away from the wastes through a high permeability feature, as opposed to forcing it around an impermeable feature. However, were the cap to fail or any other process be sufficient to cause the water table to rise to the base of the vaults or higher, such drains would cease to provide a function, whereas an impermeable feature would continue to provide a barrier of some sort between the facility and surrounding near-surface waters. In addition, the potential for clogging of drains was noted. Participants therefore favoured implementation of an impermeable feature. The remainder of the options assessment focused on the required depth of the cut- off wall. The pre-existing baseline design was for a complete encircling cut-off wall installed to a depth of c.25m. The hydrogeological modelling work performed for the current study suggested, however, that a significantly more modest depth would be sufficient to fulfil the design functions described above. Considering the outcomes of those studies and other practicalities (e.g. the depths of the trenches and the vault constructions and the associated under slab drainage feature (see below), it was concluded that an appropriate depth would be to 2m below the trench/vault bases. In principle, there is no reason why the existing cut-off wall should not be included as part of the final cut-off wall construction, as its depth and construction method are consistent with that required to achieve the design functions identified for the full closure component. The cut-off wall needs to be keyed into the cap, to maximise protection against infiltrating waters. Its circumference will be within that that of the cap perimeter, so it will protect the wastes against lateral components of water flow rather than being in contact with a larger proportion of the cap runoff waters. 57 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 It was considered that the cut-off wall installation should be undertaken alongside the capping strategy; i.e. it will be implemented in sections immediately prior to the installation of equivalent sections of the cap. 4.4.5 Passive Leachate Discharge Control Options Key questions: What role is played by the base-case vertical drain: o For the expected evolution of cap performance? o Under ‘cap failure’ scenarios? Is such a role critical to demonstrating confidence in long-term environmental safety performance? If so, is the capacity sufficient and how (if necessary) could such capacity be increased? How does the control function played by the vertical drain vary according to different assumptions regarding the strategy for management of infiltrating water (i.e. different vault wall and base specifications)? Could a vertical drain realistically replace a cut-off wall as a perimeter feature surrounding the facility? What benefits (if any) might be gained? How do considerations of a ‘stepped’ vault base depth (as well as possible increased waste stacking within Cap void space) influence judgments regarding the optimum location of a vertical drain? Is drain location an important consideration in terms of allowing flexibility for future vault developments beyond the existing southern boundary of the trenches? How do considerations regarding the timing of cap installation influence the schedule and design of a vertical drain? Status prior to the assessment workshop (to guide discussion): Hydrogeological calculations suggest there is a strong argument that (for ‘as expected’ cap performance) the vault and trench wastes will de-saturate and remain de-saturated for up to 1000 years, whether vertical drains are installed or not. In the 2002 PCSC design, extensive drains to the south of the facility were included in the post-closure design as a contingency measure, with the aim that they should work in harness with the cut-off wall in the event of cap failure. The hydrogeological runs undertaken to date suggest that, for the Vault 9 baseline design, vertical drains can offer an important drainage role in such an event, but that they will nevertheless not be sufficient to drain 58 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 the vaults completely, and certainly not the trenches, as the distances and hydraulic properties of the materials involved mean there is not a sufficiently strong hydrological connection to transport the volumes of water that would be introduced into the system. Hence, some discharges to surface or near-surface systems may occur in the event of cap failure, even with the current vertical drains installed. This suggests an argument for either not installing any such drains, or for extending their use and location so that a larger proportion of the facility can be effectively drained by them. Key Points from the Assessment An understanding of the context for passive leachate discharge control is essential in order to identify corresponding design functions. In particular, the role of such features needs to be considered alongside that of the cap. It is the latter feature that is fundamental to ensuring containment of waste contaminants for as long as possible. Additional drainage capacity provided by passive leachate discharge controls then fulfils a secondary role, which needs to be considered alongside vault base and wall design and performance. These controls are required to manage any leachate generated as a result of infiltration through the cap, and to provide of an additional layer of protection against early cap failure / degradation scenarios. The principle that surface and upper ground water systems should be protected preferentially to lower systems, as discharges to upper systems are likely to lead to comparatively higher impacts, was noted. The main function of passive leachate discharged control components should therefore be to help direct any leachate that does arise to deeper systems, for as long a period post-closure as practicable. The existing baseline ‘Vault 9’ approach was designed to fulfil just such a function. The design includes a row of wide, deep vertical borehole drains installed between Vault 9, the future vaults and the trenches, to direct any overtopping liquor from the vaults to deeper systems. The hydrogeological modelling work suggested that the drains would be effective in this role so long as cap performance as a hydraulic barrier remains good. If degradation of the cap occurs, however, then although this feature would be able to offer an important addition to drainage capacity beneath the facility, it wouldn’t be sufficient to drain the vaults completely. This arises because the distances and hydraulic properties of the materials involved mean there is not a sufficiently strong hydrological connection to transport the volumes of water that would be introduced into the system. Hence, some discharges to surface or near-surface systems may occur in the event of cap failure. Participants agreed that the facility must be provided with an effective passive leachate discharge management route as a contingency, in order to reduce reliance 59 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 on the cap as the primary engineered barrier. Discussions focused on the best way to address this issue. Overall, the following design requirements apply: o The design should be consistent with the aim to keep the wastes as unsaturated as possible, noting the vault base and wall designs outlined above. o The design must create sufficient passive drainage capacity and connectivity for the whole of the vault system to mitigate against enhanced cap degradation scenarios. o The design should not unduly concentrate leachate within the environment. The final requirement was noted as another potential disadvantage of the existing baseline approach. The wide borehole drains envisaged in this approach were designed to provide redundancy along a line of obvious potential weakness in the cap (i.e. the ‘gully’ between the two domes in the existing baseline cap design) but would involve concentration of overtopping leachate in environmental media associated with the line of the base of the drains. It was also considered that the drains could clog, as they are of limited surface area given the cumulative volumes of leachate they might be required to transmit over the post-closure time period (although it was also noted that, if they did clog, their permeability would most likely remain higher than the surrounding geology and they would continue to provide a limited drainage function). Given the decision to move to a single dome design, the benefits provided by the Vault 9 approach to passive leachate discharge control (in terms of mitigating specific cap failure modes) no longer apply, but the disadvantages remain. Participants therefore considered that other approaches should be assessed. Following consideration of the advantages and disadvantages of alternative options that have the potential to fulfil the design requirements listed above, the following approach emerged as a clear preference. o The preferred design is based upon the implementation of horizontally extensive drainage blanket layers under each of the vault bases. These would be connected to vertical stone drains constructed along the vault walls, interfacing with vault waters via weired edges to manage overtopping leachate at the 1m level. o The concept behind this approach is to connect each of the vaults with an extensive drainage layer that will interface with the underlying geology over a wide area to maximise vertical drainage and avoid unnecessary concentration of leachate. 60 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Sections of the drainage blanket corresponding with the locations of the different vaults will not be connected in this concept, to avoid concentration of leachate at the southern end of the facility, which might otherwise occur as a result of the stepped nature of the vault bases. Should the water table rise to the level of the drainage blanket, the function provided by this component could be substantially reduced. However, this would be the same for any other passive leachate discharge management approach. This approach was considered to be easier to construct, to be more predictable in terms of reliability and performance, to provide more drainage capacity and to be of lower cost than the existing baseline design. No other options were identified with this combination of advantages. 61 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 5 Final Optimised Pre- and Post-closure Engineering Strategy The results of the assessment and integration stages are combined below in a record of the outcome of optimisation process, setting out LLW Repository Ltd’s preferred engineering strategy. Design drawings are presented in order to illustrate the strategy. Final Cap The engineered cap is a principal component of the overall engineering design for the LLWR. It plays key roles in relation to the passive control of leachate and the protection of disposed wastes from inadvertent disturbance. From a functional perspective, the design of the cap needs to be optimised to minimise infiltration, to the extent that it is less than the drainage capacity of the underlying geology, thereby creating unsaturated zones beneath the vaults and trenches, for as long as reasonably practicable. It also needs to provide effective protection against intrusion by humans, deep rooting plants and burrowing animals. Key considerations in cap design include: overall thickness and the depth and composition of individual component layers; profile; and the scheduling of installation in relation to waste emplacement and active measures for the monitoring and control of leachate. The component layers of final cap design for the LLWR have been optimised over many design cycles, based on principles consistent with best international practice. The current baseline design includes a composite geomembrane on a BES hydraulic barrier, overlain by an internal drainage layer, biointrusion barrier and upper layers designed to provide substrate for plant rooting, moisture retention and filtration. Expert elicitation based on this design forms the basis for parameters determined as inputs to the ESC hydrogeological model calculations. The overall thickness of the engineered cap in the baseline design is 3m. Taking into account that there will be profiling material underneath the cap, this means that there will be a minimum distance of 4m between the cap surface and the underling wastes. As such, the cap is considered to provide significant protection against inadvertent disruption of both trench and vault wastes as a result of commonplace human actions. A thicker cap might potentially provide greater protection against disturbance associated with certain types of bulk excavation. However, no significant mitigation of the likelihood of disturbance from major earthworks would be provided even if the 62 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 engineered cap was considerably thicker than the baseline design. Moreover, even a cap of double the thickness or more would not necessarily offer significantly greater protection against minor disturbances associated with actions such as exploratory borehole drilling. Controlled passive gas venting (as adopted on municipal landfill cap designs) is not necessarily required if it can be demonstrated with confidence that the volumes of bulk gas from waste corrosion and degradation do not represent a threat to cap integrity and performance. The absence of an engineered gas vent would have the advantage of ensuring that any release of radio-labelled gases generated within the facility would not be focused at a specific location near highest point of the cap, with associated implications for risk to potential exposure groups following the lifting of controls on site use. However, a passive venting scheme installed as part of the cap design would facilitate confirmation monitoring of landfill gas and radio-labelled gas production during post-operational active control of the site. Final closure of the vent could then be achieved prior to the release of the site from active management control. The reference assumption in the site management plan set out in the 2011 ESC (i.e. whether or not the cap vent should be closed) will be decided before submission, informed by the latest assessments of gas generation and transport. Taking due account of planning considerations and local community interests implies that the profile of the cap should ensure that the minimum elevation is achieved, consistent with providing assurance of long-term performance and stability. Engineering design principles require a minimum gradient of 1:25, to ensure that the drainage function of the cap will be maintained over the long term under expected rates of settlement. In addition, the engineering optimisation process considered the relative merits of a ‘gull wing’ and single dome cap designs, with the potential advantages and disadvantages of both alternatives being taken into account. A single dome requires a significantly greater volume of profiling material underneath the engineered cap, but its geometry and lower susceptibility to erosion (i.e. avoiding the existence of a ‘gully’ between the trenches and vaults that collects water from a substantial fraction of the overall cap area) is a critical factor in underpinning confidence in long-term resistance to infiltration. This gives a slightly higher peak elevation to the cap (by less than 4m) than would be obtained for a gull-wing design, but it is not expected to be significant in terms of visual impact, when considered across the 400m width of the facility over which the cap will be constructed. The engineered cap needs to be supported by a suitable profiling layer. This does not necessarily have to consist solely of inert fill materials; indeed, there is an opportunity to use this profiling volume as additional capacity for waste emplacement, for example by adopting higher stacking of disposal containers away from the outside perimeter of the vaults. Because such waste disposals would be within the profiling shape, they 63 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 would have no effect on the final overall elevation of the cap. Provided that higher stacking within the vaults can be shown not have a detrimental impact on the environmental safety case or other aspects of operational safety management, such a practice would be consistent with making optimum use of LLWR as a national asset. Vault Design Although the cap design is intended to minimise infiltration so far as is reasonably practicable, water cannot be excluded completely and the rate of infiltration is expected to increase over the long term as cap performance degrades. Expert elicitation of performance, based on the proposed design, coupled with the ESC hydrogeological model, provides an indication of anticipated rates of water input and flow through the system. The optimisation study considered two broad strategies for the passive management of leachate within the vaults and their implications for vault design. The preferred design strategy is to decrease the potential for near-surface release by seeking to minimise water contact with the wastes and to avoid ‘bath-tubbing’ in the vaults. The overall aim in vault design is therefore to increase confidence that water can be drained at the base over time faster than it enters from above via the cap. Hydrogeological modelling suggests that such a design strategy will also achieve a more predictable outcome regarding the behaviour of leachate than the alternative approach of designing for (short-term) leachate retention. It is also considerably easier to construct than the alternative. During active control over the site, the intention is to ensure that leachate can be effectively collected and its release managed for as long as this is required. The base slabs are therefore assigned a sufficiently low permeability to support effective operational leachate management for as long as active controls are in place. Bunding is provided by surrounding liner walls to a height of 1m above the base in order to protect against uncontrolled overflow in extreme rainfall events prior to capping. However, there is no strong driver to implement a higher specification base that would provide increased confidence in minimising permeability significantly beyond the operational period. After the period of active control, under passive conditions and with no collection of leachate from the vault sumps, saturation over the depth of the waste column is precluded by ensuring that, if leachate is retained by the base, it overflows the 1m walls on the east and west sides to a drainage layer beneath the vault base. The drainage layer provides a high horizontal permeability to support effective dispersal of drainage waters to the underlying geology. In addition (and particularly for Vault 8), some drainage to the unsaturated zone beneath the vaults is anticipated to occur 64 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 through the base itself, under the expectation that its performance over time as a hydrological barrier will be less effective than the cap. As the development of future Vaults (10 to 14) continues southwards, base levels reduce to best suit the existing topography. This obviates the need to construct disposal platforms above the local ground level. Consequently, the top of the base slab reduces from 15.9m AOD (current Vault 9) to 11m AOD for Vault 14. The drainage layers beneath individual vaults are laterally isolated to impede flows from following a preferential path with topography and reducing base levels to a more focused discharge point at the south of the facility. The internal north and south walls of the vaults are set slightly higher than the east and west walls to give preferential drainage pathways to the sides, but with ultimate hydraulic continuity (to provide contingency in the event that free drainage does not occur locally) along Vaults 9 to 14. Vault 8 would be connected into the Vault 9 system on cessation of pumped disposal. Cut-off Wall The optimisation study examined whether a cut-off wall is required, and the implications of extending such a wall to different depths. The primary function of such a cut-off wall is to prevent the lateral infiltration of water (including water shed by the cap) into the vault and trench wastes around the edges of the repository. It also plays a contingency role in providing reassurance against the possibility of near-surface release close to the facility in the unlikely event of early cap failure (leading to possible saturation of the waste column), or as a result of preferential pathways for leachate that might arise from higher waste stacking. The cut-off wall will be keyed into the perimeter of the cap, to preclude the possibility of over-topping in the event of saturated conditions developing within the wastes. Expert elicitation and hydrogeological modelling suggests that there is advantage to be gained from installing a cut-off wall, but there are no significant benefits to be gained from taking the wall to a greater depth than 2m below the underside of the composite basal liner, or including a geomembrane within the wall. Such a design is consistent with the existing cut-off wall, constructed in the 1990s along the northern and eastern perimeter of the trenches. Subject to ongoing monitoring showing no grounds for concern in the performance of this feature, it is expected that the existing cut-off wall can be incorporated into the overall perimeter barrier. Passive Discharge Controls A vertical drain was incorporated between the trenches and vaults in earlier baseline designs. Its safety function was to mitigate the potential for near-surface release 65 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 associated with bath-tubbing within vaults designed for leachate containment, as well as to provide a contingency in the event of failure of the gull-wing cap design. However, given the change to the preferred cap profile, as well as the strategy for leachate management within future vaults, this function is longer required. Hence there are no substantial vertical drains in the engineering design identified as an outcome from the current optimisation study. However, engineered drainage pathways are provided by the sub-base features associated with the future vault design, with the aim of maintaining low saturation conditions within the disposed wastes and the ready dispersal of drainage waters from the vaults to the underlying geology. For as long as the cap provides a barrier to infiltration that is greater than the natural drainage capacity of the geology beneath the facility, passive leachate release via these pathways is expected to be to unsaturated ground. Timing of Cap Installation The optimisation study determined that progressive capping should be implemented in ‘strips’ down the site, linked to the construction of new vaults. Staged installation of the cap over the vaults is preferred in order to ensure that the capacity of the leachate management system is not threatened by the requirement to manage storm waters from extreme weather events as new vault slabs are constructed. Moreover, rather than waiting until the completion of disposal operations, earlier capping also serves to provide a protective cover to early vault disposals that may have been exposed to the elements for a considerable period of time. Staged capping is more efficient in terms of resource use, and provides for a longer period of monitoring of cap performance prior to final closure and withdrawal of active control over the site. For the purpose of the ESC, it is therefore assumed that final capping over Vault 8 and an associated fraction of the northern end of the trenches will be undertaken in conjunction with the preparation of Vault 10. Likewise, capping for Vault 9 and the adjacent area of the trenches will be undertaken in conjunction with the preparation of Vault 11 et seq. Excavations required prior to construction of the next vault slab would be expected to provide a proportion of the profiling material for the corresponding stage in capping. This assumption incorporates flexibility to enable changes to be made, consistent with the overall aim of achieving a single dome final cap. In particular: The schedule assumed for the ESC anticipates that no replacement of the current interim cap over the trenches (minimum design life of 30 years from 1990) will be required prior to installation of each stage of the final cap. Nevertheless, earlier capping over the trenches could be undertaken if it were required. This would be achieved either by constructing a new interim cap, a ‘Stage 1’ cap, or completing 66 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 the final cap, over the trenches in such a way that it could subsequently be incorporated into the final single dome as future vaults were constructed and capped. Subject to further monitoring and analysis, there remains limited evidence and some uncertainty regarding the degree of settlement that remains to be expressed, particularly within the trench wastes. This could arise as a result of the additional loads imposed during final capping, as well as the ongoing effects of waste degradation. These processes have the potential to cause differential settlements of the cap, across the wastes themselves, as well as across the bay walls, trench walls and the secant pile wall between the trenches and the vaults. Although the design intention within the ESC is for staged installation of the full, final engineered cap in strips starting from the northern end of the facility, it is possible that a simpler ‘Stage 1’ cap (incorporating a geomembrane and appropriate surface cover as temporary protection, supported by all the relevant profiling material) could be constructed initially if it were determined that settlement over the trenches represented a significant concern. Such a cap would have broadly similar hydrological performance to the final cap over the operational period. However, it would enable any remedial actions in response to settlement to be taken more readily prior to installation of the final engineering layers. One important control on the rate of capping is the expected arising of profiling materials. If necessary to support the staged installation of the final cap, required profiling materials would need to be brought to the site to supplement those generated by excavations of future vaults. Although not incorporated in the proposed design and inventory for the ESC, it is conceivable that profiling material above the trenches might include VLLW, such as very lightly contaminated building rubble or soils. Depending on the rate of such arisings, it is conceivable that capping of the trenches might therefore need to progress more rapidly than scheduled in relation to the development of new disposal vaults. Subject to national policy and appropriate regulatory and planning approval, such disposals could be accommodated with an adjustment to the preferred schedule for capping. Leachate Management and Release Monitoring The baseline assumption for the ESC is that leachate will continue to be actively managed while waste emplacement continues and for a period after final capping over the facility has been completed. Within the vaults, this is achieved by pumping to collect leachate from sumps installed in the vault bases. Gravity drains leading to the southern perimeter of the facility provide for leachate collection from the trenches. The leachate is routed to marine holding tanks for monitoring prior to consented discharge via the site pipeline to the sea. After final capping, the maintenance of pumps used to 67 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 remove leachate collected within the vault sumps will be undertaken with the support of engineered man-access penetrations in the western side of the cap. The assumption of continued active management and monitoring is consistent with established practice for landfill operations. However, based on current understanding of cap performance and estimated likely rates of leachate generation (subject to the outcome of final hydrogeological modelling), it is expected that the vaults and trenches will be effectively de-watered soon after the completion of final waste emplacement (effectively within a few decades), with very low ongoing rates of leachate generation. Monitoring during the post-operational period would be continued with the objective of confirming such outcomes, for as long as necessary in order to fulfil regulatory or other stakeholder requirements regarding assurance of system performance. Likewise, the monitoring of landfill gas (and possible radioactive gas) via the gas vent in the final cap would be designed to confirm the expectation that gaseous releases – both in terms of volume and contamination levels – will be small, and present an acceptably low risk in terms of fire, explosion or radiological exposure. The decision as to whether it was appropriate finally to seal the gas vent would be informed by monitoring information and taken, in consultation with regulatory authorities and other stakeholders, prior to withdrawing active management control over the site. Component Design Drawings The following pages provide component design drawings illustrating the design concept. The drawings include: Figure 3: Overall LLWR Site Plan and Example Cross-section Figure 4: Overall LLWR Site Plan and Schematic Long Section Figure 5: Components of the Final Cap Figure 6: Vault and Cap Edge Details Figure 7: Cap – Vent Details Figure 8: Trench and Cap Edge Details Figure 9: Potential HHISO Stacking Contours within the Cap Profile 68 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 3: Overall LLWR Site Plan and Example Cross-section 69 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 4: Overall LLWR Site Plan and Schematic Long Section 70 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 5: Components of the Final Cap 71 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 6: Vault and Cap Edge Details 72 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 7: Cap – Vent Details 73 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 8: Trench and Cap Edge Details 74 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 9: Potential HHISO Stacking Contours within the Cap Profile 75 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 References Baker A J (2008). LLWR Lifetime Plan: Managing Existing Liabilities and Future Disposals at the LLWR. LLW Repository Ltd Report 10001 LLWR LTP Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2008. Baker A J, Collier G D, Penfold J S S and Wood A J (2008), LLWR Lifetime Plan: Assessment of Options for Reducing Future Impacts from the LLWR, LLW Repository Ltd Report 10002/LLWR/LTP Volume 2, Issue 1, April 2008. Barclay A (2007). LLWR Modular Vaults Project: Leachate Management Strategy. British Nuclear Group Project Services Report BNGPSL/LLWR/MV/2.0/19/1, June 2007. Belton J (2007). LLWR Modular Vaults Project: Capping Justification Report, British Nuclear Group Project Services Report BNGPS/LLWR/MV/2.3/062/1, June 2007. BNFL (2000). Status Report on the Development of the 2002 Drigg Post-Closure Safety Case. BNFL (2002a). Drigg Post-closure Safety Case: Overview Report. BNFL report, September 2002. BNFL (2002b). Drigg Post-closure Safety Case: Engineering Design Report, BNFL report, September 2002. Edwards J and Alexander S (2004). Preliminary Assessment of Options for the Management of the Impact of the Drigg Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal Facility. BNFL Nuclear Sciences and Technology Services Report (04)5092 Issue 1, May 2004. Environment Agency (2005). The Environment Agency’s Assessment of BNFL’s 2002 Environmental Safety Cases for the Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository at Drigg. NWAT/Drigg/05/001, Version 1, June 2005. Environment Agency and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2004). Guidance for the Environment Agencies’ Assessment of Best Practicable Environmental Option Studies at Nuclear Sites. Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2009). Near-surface Disposal Facilities on Land for Solid Radioactive Wastes: Guidance on Requirements for Authorisation. February 2009. Fowler L, Towler G H and Willans SM (2005). A Summary of Recent Optimisation Studies for the Drigg Low Level Waste Radioactive Waste Disposal Site. BNFL Nuclear Sciences and Technology Services Report NSTS (04)5127 Issue 2, September 2005. 76 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Gallagher E (2007). LLWR Modular Vaults Project: Liner Component Design Report. British Nuclear Group Project Services Report BNGPS/LLWR/MV/2/016, June 2007. Hartley L, Applegate D, Couch M, Jackson P, James M and Roberts D (2009). Hydrogeological Modelling for LLWR 2011 ESC: Phase 1. Serco Report TAS/003632/002 Issue 2.1, November 2009. Hartley L, Applegate D, Couch M, Jackson C P and James M (2011). Hydrogeological Modelling for LLWR 2011 ESC Phase 2. Serco report SERCO/TAS/003632/005 Issue 5.0, April 2011. Hilary J F (2008). Outline Construction Method Statement: Modular Vaults – Cut-Off Wall, Capping & Vertical Drains: Low Level Waste Repository, Drigg. VT Nuclear Services report MS/102917/460005916/CSA/00023. Jackson C P, Couch M, Yates H, Smith V, Kelly M and James M (2011). Elicitation of Uncertainties for LLWR. Serco report SERCO/TAS/E003796/010 Issue 2.0, April 2011. Kane B, Price A, Tann V, Painter A, Saddington G, Mitchell R and Clark M (2007). LLWR Modular Vaults Project: Evaluation of Options (2004 Process). British Nuclear Group Project Services Report BNGPS/LLWR/MV/2.3/061/1, May 2007. NDA (2010). UK Strategy for the Management of Solid Low Level Radioactive Waste from the Nuclear Industry: UK Nuclear Industry LLW Strategy. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, August 2010. Newham P, Painter A, Saddington G, Price A and Clark M (2007). LLWR Modular Vaults Project: Options Development Report. British Nuclear Group Project Services Report BNGPS/LLWR/MV/2.3/050/1, May 2007. Sola R (2003), Viable Technologies Report, BNG Report RP/0102917/PROJ/00029, Rev A, January 2003. Williams L and Proctor A (2007). Low Level Waste Repository (LLWR) Modular Vaults Project: Single Option Selection Process. British Nuclear Group Project Services Report BNGPS/LLWR/MV/1/003/1, May 2007. 77 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Appendix A: Engineering Optimisation Scoping Workshop Agenda, Participants and Briefing Paper The Engineering Optimisation Scoping Workshop was held at the ENERGUS centre, Workington, West Cumbria, from 10am to 5pm on Thursday 17th December 2009. Participants included the following. Richard Evans (Cumbria County Council) Andrew Fairhurst, Ian Barraclough (Environment Agency) Ollie Okeke (Nuclear Installations Inspectorate) Dave Wetherburn (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) David Bennett (Terresalus / ESC Peer Review team) Graham Garrard (Halcrow) Joe Small (National Nuclear Laboratory) Peter Jackson (Serco Assurance) Richard Cummings, Neil Shaw, Dave Tonks, Andy Baker, Paul Pointon, Scott Anderson, Trevor Sumerling, John Shevelan, Amy Huntingdon, Simon Hunter, George Reeves (LLWR) Mike Egan, Alan Paulley (facilitation team, Quintessa). The Outline Agenda for the day was: • Introduction • Adoption of ‘Safety Strategy’ as basis for examination of options – • Preventing disturbance / preventing release / controlling release Threats and potential engineering controls – Identification/review of supporting evidence on functions – Categorisation: Required / Contingency / Excluded – Which main variants exist? • Basis for more detailed analysis • Recap and next steps More details of the approach taken at the workshop are provided in the Briefing Paper. 78 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 14th December 2009 Workshop Briefing Paper Environmental Safety Case Engineering Optimisation Scoping Workshop Thursday 17th December 2009 10.00 – 17.00, ENERGUS, Workington Workshop Purpose Examination of design and management alternatives as part of the demonstration of optimisation is an essential element in developing the Environmental Safety Case for LLWR. As well as satisfying regulatory requirements, a comprehensive optimisation process is also important in guiding decision making on plans and programmes for facility development and closure. Optimisation covers a range of questions relating to the design, use and management of the LLWR, including consideration of potential remedial actions relating to past disposal, future waste conditioning and emplacement, and post-closure management control. The specific focus of this workshop is on optimisation of pre- and post-closure engineering design. The aim is to consult with key stakeholders and experts on the scope of, and possible constraints on, the optimisation process, and to examine some of the key factors, principles and evidence relevant to the evaluation and comparison of options. The workshop will be facilitated by Michael Egan and Alan Paulley from Quintessa, who have been contracted by LLW Repository Ltd to support this project as a contribution to development of the 2011 ESC. Overall Approach Demonstration of optimisation requires an evaluation of alternative approaches to achieving defined environmental safety goals, with the objective of ensuring that Best Available Techniques are used to minimise releases to the environment and that impacts are As Low As Reasonable Achievable. This process can be broadly divided into two main elements: • Development and justification of an overall safety strategy for the control of hazards relating to the disposal facility. In a long-term safety case for waste disposal, the accent is on passive safety controls, with engineering optimisation being directed towards the control measures provided by constructed elements of the disposal system. A defined safety strategy therefore identifies the main functions that are assigned to the different engineering control measures to be installed. 79 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 • Optimisation of design and implementation of specific control measures for the favoured strategy. Some understanding of how a specific design might be optimised is of course relevant to the evaluation of overall strategies. In general, however, the principle is that the design of engineered barriers and associated controls should be optimised according to their required function and overall performance objectives for the system. This involves consideration of factors such as detailed layout, materials, quantities and timescales for implementation. In both cases, the evaluation of options needs to be informed by available evidence and understanding of how different engineering controls might work in the context of the site and the disposed waste inventory. Workshop Scope and Content The focus of the workshop will be on the first of the above two elements. Specifically, we will seek to develop and work through the main steps of a logical examination of the choices involved in establishing the strategy for pre- and post-closure engineering design. This will draw out the control functions required of different components of the pre- and post-closure engineering in providing isolation and containment of the waste, and examine alternative ways in which these functions might be provided. Design features under consideration will include: • • • • • • • Cap options Cut-off wall Vertical drains Base slab and wall designs for future vaults Backfill and general waste emplacement options Leachate management (pre- and post-closure) Surface pathway modification So far as possible, the aim of the workshop will be to define the control functions that such features can provide, their consistency with regulatory principles, and the range of design alternatives that need to be considered in more detailed optimisation. We do not anticipate carrying out a full-scale Multi-Attribute Decision Analysis exercise at this workshop. However, we will be seeking to identify those factors that are the most important differentiators between strategic options. Where choices are strongly guided by key principles, the aim will be to clarify these. Where suitable evidence (e.g. from modelling studies) is available to inform understanding of the implications of different choices, we will aim to use that. So far as possible, we will seek to narrow down the options (e.g. whether particular functions or features must be present in the final design) to an agreed set of feasible alternatives. Relevant pointers towards more detailed optimisation considerations will be considered, as appropriate. If it is determined that specific detailed analyses will be required in taking the work further, we will ensure that is recorded. 80 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Sources of Evidence As may be expected for any complex options assessment process, the evidence for and against performance of alternatives measured against different objectives may present conflicts and trade-offs. For example, some options may prove beneficial from the perspective of long-term groundwater pathway impact, but may be less preferred in relation to potential gaseous releases. Similarly, there may be trade-offs to be considered between near-term and long-term environmental performance. It is important that the evidence base provides an appropriate level of detail at each stage of the process to help understand the relevant issues in differentiating between alternatives. To support this it is important that the evidence base is as ‘realistic’ as practicable. Conservative assumptions may serve to skew estimates of comparative option performance, particularly if they act to obscure the benefits of one or more of the approaches being compared. The context for this optimisation study is therefore different from that which usually applies to performance assessment calculations developed for compliance purposes. At the same time, it may not be possible to identify realistic assumptions that can be substantiated, and to attempt to do so may introduce significant extra levels of uncertainty. A balance therefore needs to be struck when constructing the evidence base. Identified relevant sources of evidence include: • • • • • • • Ongoing hydrogeological modelling studies in preparation for the 2011 ESC Ongoing development of approaches for impacts assessment in support for the 2011 ESC (groundwater, gas, human intrusion, coastal evolution and erosion processes) Assessments of vault waste-form innovations, and other near-field studies 2008 Performance Update for the LLWR (Schedule 9, Requirement 2) Vault 9 Single Option selection process (2007) 2004 Modular Vaults design option selection process 2002 PCSC and underpinning studies Process This scoping workshop will follow an order of analysis similar to the following: 1. Is there agreement regarding the fundamental requirements of the LLWR pre- and post-closure engineering, and the threats that must be addressed? 2. To meet these aims, what role is required of the LLWR cap and any cut-off walls in isolating the wastes from disturbance or access by water? 3. Given the outcomes of point (2), what are the requirements for control and containment of contaminants within the waste system itself? What are the main strategies that could be considered (e.g. in relation to managing precipitation that may enter the facility)? What are the key issues that need to be addressed in making choices? 81 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 4. What ‘downstream’ functions may be required to manage the potential release of contaminants from the facility? Is it appropriate to use engineering to ‘route’ contaminant release along particular preferred pathways and, if so, what should determine the suitability of alternative options? Following the workshop, the outcome will be documented as a logically derived account of alternative engineering strategies and agreed principles for comparing options. 82 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Appendix B: Optimisation Assessment Workshop Agenda and Participants The Optimisation Assessment Workshop was held at the Sellafield Centre (Day 1) and Greengarth, Cumbria (Day 2) on the 24th and 25th February 2010. Participants included the following: Richard Cummings, Amy Huntingdon, Andy Baker, Neil Shaw, Dave Tonks, George Reeves (part-time) (LLWR) Matt Couch, Lee Hartley (Serco Assurance) Mike Thorne (first day only) (Mike Thorne Associates) Graham Garrard (Halcrow) Joe Small (NNL) Mike Egan, Alan Paulley (facilitation team, Quintessa). The Original Agenda for the two days as set out below. In the event, the discussions were inevitably more fluid. It was also noted ahead of the meeting the final step, or even the last two or three steps, could be undertaken at the subsequent ‘integration’ meeting. Outcomes of the workshop reported in Section 4 of the main report. Day 1 (Weds 24th Feb) 9.00 Welcome and introductions 9.15 Review of programme status and workshop objectives 9.40 Review framing assumptions 10.15 Final cap assessment: o Review baseline design o Review options for cap layers (in terms of potential benefits of deviations from current design) o Review options for cap geometries o Review implications of timing issues o Assess cap layer options against criteria o Assess cap geometry options against criteria 83 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 10.45 Coffee 11.00 Continue cap assessments 12.30 Lunch 13.00 Continue cap assessments 14.45 Coffee 15.00 Vault base and Wall assessment o Review Vault 8 and Vault 9 designs as useful baseline options for comparison o Review other options o Assess options against criteria, noting outcomes of the cap assessment 17.30 Close Day 2 (Thurs 25th Feb) 8.30 o Cut-off walls assessment Review current baseline, and 2002 PCSC designs as useful baseline options for comparison o Review other options o Assess options against criteria for ‘as expected’ cap performance scenario o Assess options against criteria for ‘early failure’ scenarios o Consider overall outcomes, noting following sessions, and final review and integration session 10.15 Coffee 10.30 Continue cut-off walls assessment 11.00 Passive leachate management (vertical drains) assessment o Review current baseline, and 2002 PCSC designs as useful baseline options for comparison o Review other options o Assess options against criteria for ‘as expected’ cap performance scenario o Assess options against criteria for ‘early failure’ scenarios o Consider overall outcomes, noting following sessions, and final review and integration session 12.30 Lunch 84 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 13.00 Continue vertical drains assessment 13.30 Operational leachate management and monitoring approaches o Review current approach o Identify whether any of the component options described so far would significantly compromise approach, noting any adjustments that could be made o Agree conclusions, in particular noting any constraints on engineering strategy selection 14.15 Backfill assessment o Review existing backfill decision, options and rationale o Review whether there are any drivers to change (e.g. impermeable grout) o Assess any alternatives o Recommend way forward 15.15 Coffee 15.30 Facility armouring / strengthening / local hardening o Review options o Assess options o Recommend way forward 16.30 o Review outcomes Agree relative importance of ‘as expected’ and ‘cap failure’ option performance assessments o Describe preferred strategy o Agree next steps o Note issues remaining to be resolved (detailed design issues, and where further assessment is necessary, e.g. through main assessment iteration) o Agree future approach/constraints re. addressing ongoing ‘sensitivity’ and ‘flexibility’ issues (e.g. more Vaults, higher stacking, stepped Vault bases) 17.15 Close 85 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Appendix C: Optimisation Presentation Agenda and Participants The Engineering Optimisation Presentation Workshop was held at the Samuel Lindow Building, Westlakes Science and Technology Park, on Thursday 29th April. Participants included the following. Richard Evans (Cumbria County Council) Andrew Fairhurst, Ian Barraclough, Paul Robinson (Environment Agency) Mike Calloway, Dave Wetherburn, Brenda Breen (Nuclear Decommissioning Authority) Steve Jones (Westlakes Scientific Consulting / ESC Peer Review team) Graham Garrard (Halcrow) Lee Hartley (Serco Assurance) Dick Raaz, Richard Cummings, Andy Baker, Paul Pointon, John Shevelan, Trevor Sumerling, George Reeves, Dave Tonks, Neil Shaw, Nigel Lister, Amy Huntington (LLWR) Roger Coates (LLWR PBO Board) Mike Egan, Alan Paulley (facilitation team, Quintessa). The Agenda for the day was: 10.30: Welcome, objectives, agenda and introductions – Richard Cummings, LLWR. 11.00: Optimisation approach – Mike Egan, Quintessa. 11.30: Proposals for future vault and closure design and leachate management – RC. 12.30: Lunch 13.15: Discussion – ME. 14.45: Conclusions and actions – RC. 86 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Appendix D: Collation of Component Option Proformas 87 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineering Component Option Description Proforma Final Capping Options Version 1. Author: Alan Paulley. Reviewed by: Dave Tonks, Mike Egan. Date: February 2010. Component Options Summary Main Role of Component In Strategy/Strategies A final cap for the LLWR is required to provide a range of safety-related functions, such as the following. The cap should provide an impermeable cover /barrier in order to minimise rainwater infiltration for as long as possible. In doing so, it will help control the saturation state of the wastes, and indeed the geological features directly underlying the facility, for as long as possible. In the absence of a cap designed to minimise infiltration, the closure philosophy would need to be a ‘non-containment’ approach. The cap will also help protect against inadvertent human intrusion into the wastes. It has been argued that particular thicknesses of cap may help provide protection against specific potential inadvertent intrusion mechanisms. The cap may also include aspects designed to help manage potential impacts that might be associated with emissions of bulk and radiolabelled gases. A supporting design aim is to ensure it is robust against processes such as settlement, erosion and biointrusion. Timing issues are also relevant, as it may be considered that existing disposals to the trenches and Vault 8 require early protection (see discussions on progressive capping, and interim and ‘stage 1’ caps below). The final cap has been the subject of substantial amounts of study over the last two decades and the present ‘baseline’ design is considered to be consistent with best practice and experience from comparable repositories and also other analogous sites and industries. The baseline design is well established and has an underpinning logic. The role of the present assessment, therefore, can be seen as primarily testing whether the baseline design is still appropriate, given the overall closure strategy identified. Current plans (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Belton, 2007) involve sequential final capping once Vault 9 construction has been completed and any remediation or retrievals of the trenches have been undertaken (this is the subject of an ongoing parallel study). For reasons of materials management, Vault 8 will be capped in association with Vault 10 construction (Vault 9, Vault 10 etc will then be sequentially capped as disposals are completed). The Vault caps will be ‘keyed in’ to the trench cap to produce, in effect, one large cap structure. This modular design will lead to a ‘gull wing’ structure with a dome over the trenches and one or more domes over the vaults. This may provide advantages in terms of spreading capping operations over time – meaning that requirements for on-site infrastructure, volumes of material with time etc will be reduced. In addition, the trenches (currently covered by an interim cap) will be protected by the final cap at an appropriate stage. 88 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 A feature of the cap design and installation plan is a ‘Stage 1’ phase whereby profiling and initial geomembrane barrier layers are installed, allowing the wastes to be protected from infiltration prior to subsequent installation of the remainder. This allows flexibility regarding the timing of final construction stages without adding cost. The final cap will be approximately 3 metres thick in terms of the barrier protection, but including profiling materials the height of the dome at its apex over the trenches will be several metres higher than this. Aside from the backfill, the cap will contain (listed from bottom to top) a gas collection layer, a BES and geomembrane hydraulic and gas barrier, sand and gravel drainage filter layers, a bio-intrusion cobble layer, a sand and gravel filter layer, a silt and clay subsoil moisture retention layer, a surface soil layer, and vegetation. The bottom gas collection layer consists of 500mm granular material and is provided with a linear vent and gas rise arrangement for each arm of the gull-wing to disperse gases and control release. It is intended that the vents will be sealed at site closure. The cap design is intended to provide a long diffusion pathway for Rn, sufficient to ensure significant radioactive decay in-transit and thereby to minimise impacts once the vents are sealed. Credit is also taken in the radon transport and dose calculations for diffusion through and decay within the wastes, containers and backfill. The baseline design is considered to be consistent with the requirements of landfill best practice and regulations which provide a useful basis for comparison in the absence of prescriptive regulatory criteria for near-surface radioactive waste disposal facility cap designs. The proposed cap section is shown in the Figure below. It is estimated that at closure the cap will be over 99.9% effective in preventing infiltration from rainfall. The cap will degrade with time but is still expected to substantially reduce infiltration for timescales of a thousand years and beyond. According to present plans, the cap would be keyed in to a cut-off wall (which would be installed before the cap) and run-off would be shed beyond the cut-off wall perimeter to surface drainage. Belton (2007) also notes that, although the present baseline design restricts the extent of the cap to within the site boundary, there may be an opportunity to extend the cap beyond the existing boundary in order to provide a reduced gradient at the edge. This is noted for information, but is too detailed a question to consider in detail through the current options assessment process; the issue is unlikely to impact substantially on costs or post-closure impacts. A key issue for this study is to confirm (or suitably modify) plans for modular capping. Previous iterations of cap design have included the same ‘layering’ principle and basic approach (e.g. the 3.0m thick design assumed in BNFL, 2002), but have considered a single domed cap implemented at site closure. The use of the single domed cap might involve advantages not previously considered (e.g. maximising the volume of space within the cap for LLW higher stacking and/or VLLW infill disposal). However, whereas the single dome design was originally developed for late emplacement only, recent design work indicates that it should be possible to progressively implement a single domed cap, even if a phased approach is taken whereby the Stage 1 layers are implemented for some aspects of the facility (e.g. the trenches and Vault 8) in advance of completion of the final layers. Timing of cap emplacement is an important consideration in strategic management of the facility, and has implications for operational leachate management as well as overall design. Although there may be design advantages associated with implementing a single dome at site closure, this would mean that existing facilities such as the trenches and Vault 8 would need to be managed for a substantial period of time prior to final capping. This might necessitate a programme of monitoring and possible upgrading for the existing interim trench cap, to help minimise the saturation state of the trench wastes prior to final capping, and could even entail installation of a new interim cap over the trenches and/or Vault 8. However, as noted above, the timely installation of the Stage 1 cap may address this issue. Other important 'non-technical' issues that may influence the final decision on timing include: NDA spend / affordability profiles. Visual impact and local nuisance from construction, both for the final cap and of any interim caps. 89 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Practical issues such as guaranteeing the availability of a suitably skilled workforce. Other key optimisation issues relate to the potential environmental impacts that might be associated with gas and human intrusion exposure pathways. It would be useful to consider whether higher gradient/dome elevation is advantageous for both designs. It would be useful to consider whether a thicker cap could give additional benefits, for example by providing additional protection against human intrusion; this could be particularly relevant if higher stacking of waste is pursued. It may be possible to include other design features to enhance C-14 / Rn-222 containment. This relates to use of a cap that has been optimised to involve measures (e.g. a geomembrane) to ensure a sufficient Rn diffusion time to maximise decay prior to potential exposure. Measures to protect against C-14 exposure, as its half-life is too long for increases in diffusion times to have an impact, include adding chemical buffers to ‘trap’ C-14 through carbonation, or enhancing dissolution (e.g. through an enhanced soil layer that will be saturated with rainfall, dissolving C-14 and transporting via runoff). Consideration has been given in the past to adopting an ‘enhanced dispersion’ model to allow gases to escape the facility post-closure with no restrictions, avoiding potential localised releases and associated enhanced concentrations. An obvious way of doing this is to retain the gas vents within the cap postclosure; at present, the baseline is to seal them on final completion of all engineering. This might be coupled with installation of an enhanced gas blanket in the cap. Both could be considered as variants that could be applied to any of the main capping options. Note that a ‘no cap’ (or, biointrusion-only cap) option would apply to a ‘Permeable or No Cap with Controlled Dispersion’ type strategy and so should be considered for completeness. Backfilling the cap with concrete as part of a strategy aiming to turn the vaults into a single monolith is another important strategic option, to be treated separately. The issues discussed above have been considered in developing the lists of options and exploring the available evidence for performance against criteria of interest, as presented below. Options and Variants: Cap Baseline Option: Present Design (Progressively Implemented 3.1m Thick Two-dome cap) Variants relating to the time of emplacement, and opportunities to implement different dome designs: Timing Variant 1: Two Dome Design Implemented at Site Closure, with maintained trench / Vault 8 interim or ‘Stage 1’ cap or upgraded trench interim cap. Timing Variant 2: Progressively Implemented Single Domed Cap. Timing Variant 3: Single Domed Cap Implemented at Site Closure, with maintained or upgraded trench / Vault 8 interim or ‘Stage 1’ cap. Design variants that could apply to all the above variants: Design Variant 1: Additional Infiltration Barriers (geomembranes, other layers) to further reduce infiltration Design Variant 2: Additional Material to Protect Against Intrusion (Thicker Cap) Design Variant 3: Enhanced C-14/Rn-222 Containment Measures Design Variant 4: Retain Gas Vents Post-closure, Enhanced Gas Blanket in Cap Design Variant 5: Reduced number of layers (to reduce cost) More detailed design variants e.g. minor changes to layer design are beyond the scope of the current study. Alternative Baseline Option: Biointrusion Only Cap Interactions with Other Components, and Other Optimisation Issues 90 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Assuming such a feature is required, the design of any cut-off wall must be consistent with, and ideally keyed into, the cap. The aim is that they should together to minimise water infiltration; also, by shedding run-off outside the cut-off wall, the cap might establish a hydrological gradient across the cut-off wall ‘towards’ the area within the cut-off wall, thus supporting containment of potentially contaminated waters. The current modular design assumes that Vertical Drains would be installed after the cap has been installed, punching through and then repairing the cap. Other designs may allow for easier Vertical Drain installation, assuming such features are required. Caps with a large volume underneath the dome may allow for additional LLW/VLLW disposal in the void. Key Issues Associated With Component Option Performance3 Criteria Group 1: Safety (Worker Safety, Public Safety). Health and safety aspects associated with implementation of the Cap include the following: Conventional health and safety hazards associated with construction of substantial, complex structures with multiple engineered layers. Hazards associated with the transport of the materials required for construction of the cap and the fill to go underneath it. Material volumes may differ substantially across options. For example, Williams and Proctor (2007) suggests that the difference in volume of fill alone required between a domed and a gullwing cap may be as large as a factor of two (~1 million m3 for a domed cap, 500,000 m3 for a gull-wing cap). Volumes of the engineered cap would also be around 1 million m3 in either case. Radiological exposure, noting that workers are the most likely group to be exposed, but also that the wastes are LLW, and this work should not involve direct disturbance or handling of wastes. In summary, all the above hazards should in principle be readily manageable as they fall within the boundaries of normal working conditions. Most of the material will be transported by rail (as for Vault 9 construction), and much of the infill material may be produced through vault excavations and thus will not require transport. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 2: Impact on the Environment (Habitats/Construction, Authorised Discharges, Operational Environmental Impact, Post-closure Impacts, Non-LLW Waste Volumes, Resource Use) Impacts on habitats should be limited. However this depends upon the footprint of the option chosen, and the approach to construction. Care will need to be taken during construction not to disturb flora and fauna, in particular associated with the adjacent SSSI; none is anticipated in current plans. The course of the existing Drigg stream may be diverted during vault construction but that it not specifically a cap-related issue. There may be dust etc blown on to the SSSI during construction but this is not likely to cause significant impacts, and any required mitigation measures do not differentiate between engineered cap 3 Note that this is a summary of available evidence for options performance, provided as input to the options assessment, to provide a starting point for discussion. The agreed outcome of the options assessment may differ from the discussion presented here. Key issues are presented ‘by exception’. 91 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 options. Implications for authorised (operational gaseous and liquid) discharges should be minimal for all options. There will be limited differences in operational environmental impact, except that environmental impacts associated with the disposal of leachate from the trenches may be reduced by early implementation of a final cap, unless an effective interim cap can be implemented prior to later final completion. Post-closure impacts are discussed in the accompanying paper. Non-LLW waste volumes will be generated across the suite of options being considered. However, it is unlikely that waste production associated with cap implementation will be a significant differentiator between the various options. Resource use will principally include the construction material required for the cap and its infill, and the energy required for associated transportation and construction operations. This could vary significantly across options. However for variants on the 3m thick engineered cap, where existing materials are used for infill, and the infill is generated either on site through vault excavations or transported by rail, the resource use implications may not be strong differentiators. A thicker (e.g. 5m) cap would have a proportionate impact on resource use, though would have limited effect on use of infill materials. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Belton, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references), Schedule 9 Requirement 2 submission (Baker, 2008) Criteria Group 3: Technical Factors (Ease of Implementation, Confidence in Performance, Timescales for Implementation, Impact on Operations, Flexibility, Impacts on Existing Engineered Features, Capacity) Ease of implementation – no clear case can be made that one option would be ‘easier’ to build than another. All options involving a substantial cap would have their difficulties but are considered to be within the capabilities of standard engineering practice. Progressive implementation might, however, add a further layer of complexity in construction regarding assurance of performance for the final structure. Similar arguments apply to Timescales for Implementation and for Impacts on Existing Engineered Features. Confidence in performance – Normal practice is to direct cap waters to perimeter drainage; an extra risk to confidence in performance may therefore be introduced by the gull-wing design, where the gully between cap modules attracts a significant proportion of run-off and could be considered a potential weak point. However, such risks can be mitigated by good design and implementation practice, and (potentially) by locating ‘vertical drain’ features underneath the area of potential weakness. It would be difficult to argue that confidence in the performance of a thinner cap, regarding it capability to prevent infiltration, would be sufficient. By contrast, existing studies have not identified any potential major benefits in performance that would arise from including extra layers, or extra thicknesses of existing layers. Confidence in the 3m cap design arises from each component having an identifiable function; these have been the subject of significant study regarding design and implementation, individually and as a system, and in long-term performance evaluation. Impacts on operations - Construction of a modular cap would involve passive engineering protection being added to different disposal facility elements as soon as possible. Additional active operational management (such as pumping and monitoring) might be required for a single cap implemented at site closure. However, these considerations would not be expected to have a significant impact on disposal operations. Flexibility - Delaying final capping would maximise opportunities for remediation or other activities. Later capping may also allow enhance flexibility for plans regarding management of the facility to be modified in response to improvements in knowledge and understanding, e.g. regarding threats from climate change, sea-level rise and coastal erosion. Later implementation of the final cap also allows any further trench waste settlement to occur and for design and construction approaches to be adapted as required. It is also conceivable that cap design (e.g. geomembrane material) approaches will continue to advance over time. 92 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Flexibility is also relevant to comparing single vs. double domed cap designs. A single domed cap would maximise some aspects of flexibility in site operation, requiring additional infill volume that could offer additional disposal capacity for higher stacked LLW and/or VLLW infill. It would also allow more flexibility regarding cap gradient, which might further influence future capacity calculations (see below). Overall decisions on waste capacity are beyond the scope of the current optimisation study, but the flexibility to allow such schemes in the future remains a valid consideration for the present assessment. Capacity – A single domed cap would allow additional vertical stacking in the vaults compared to a gullwing design. The additional LLW capacity could be of the order of 200,000 m3. Steeper cap gradients (up to 10% compared to 4%) may enable additional capacity of 1 million m3 compared to the present gull-wing design. A range of designs and different capacities are of course available, but the single dome approach potentially offers the greater flexibility (as noted above). Main Evidence Sources: Engineering Report (in preparation), Williams and Proctor (2007) etc. Criteria Group 4: Community and Socio-economic Factors (Impacts on Local Community, Support for Local Community) Construction of the cap would be a significant engineering activity compared with the day-to-day operation of the LLWR. It may not be hugely significant in regional terms, but local requirements for man-power and the delivery of (potentially) million(s) of cubic metres of material to construct the cap might involve a handful of additional full-time staff and a team of contractors at the site for a number of years. This would have some economic impact on the local community. Detriments might be associated with local nuisance, and in particular the operation of earth-moving equipment on site and transportation of materials, although it is expected that the majority of transports would be by rail. In addition there will be an impact on landscape and visual amenity for local residents, through the creation of an engineered structure reaching an elevation of 34 m AOD (single dome) or 30m AOD m (gull-wing). Previous studies (e.g. BNFL, 2002) have indicated that a new campaign of tree planting around the site perimeter would be undertaken to help ‘screen’ the cap. Both types of cap could be landscaped, but it is known there is some local sensitivity to permanent changes in land elevation. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Belton, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 5: Cost (Total Implementation Cost, Affordability) The overall cost of cap construction is estimated at £53.9M and would be similar in magnitude for caps of similar thicknesses, whether one or two domes, implemented in a modular fashion or otherwise. Thicker caps would be of a higher cost, in line with additional material volumes and/or requirements for additional layers. The cap is a high cost component of the overall disposal facility. There appears to be little opportunity for further saving in costs and use of resources, given that most comes from fairly low unit costs spread over very large areas. Reducing the thickness of the main infiltration barrier component from 600mm to 500mm would save approaching £3m. (All costs are estimated as current, quoted as totals, including construction, design, supervision and support costs). Main Evidence Sources: Cap - Input Estimate 080809 R1 Vault & Trench Cap est. 93 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure 1: Cap Section 94 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineering Component Option Description Proforma Cut-off Wall Options Version 1. Author: Alan Paulley Reviewed by: Dave Tonks, Mike Egan. Date: February 2010. Component Options Summary Main Role of Component In Strategy/Strategies Implementation of a cut-off wall has been part of LLWR’s closure design since development of the 2002 PCSC, and remains an integral part of current plans. In evaluating the function that might be performed by a cut-off wall, it is instructive to consider how it relates to other components of the ‘baseline’ closure design. It is also relevant to note that the Vaults ‘Single Option’ process focused on gaining planning permission for operation of Vault 9 as a storage facility, and did not significantly advance the engineering concept for the cut-off wall. As a general rule, therefore, available evidence is based on assumptions made in the 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002), updated to take into account the outcomes of the Vaults Single Option designs (Williams and Proctor, 2007) and the assumptions made in the Schedule 9 Item 2 response (Baker, 2008). The principal design functions of any closure cut-off wall are likely to be as follows: (1) to help minimise / control lateral inflow of groundwater to the near-field for as long as possible, supporting the cap in maintaining a low level of saturation within the trench and vault wastes (and in the geological structures immediately beneath them), by diverting the horizontal-flow component of any ‘incoming’ groundwaters to deeper systems below the facility; and / or (2) to help minimise / control lateral outflow of groundwater from the near-field to the near surface environment for as long as possible, by diverting any waters that might contain concentrations of contaminants originating from the trenches and the vaults to deeper systems, thereby reducing the potential for release to the environment in the vicinity of the facility and enhancing the likelihood that any resulting contamination plumes will discharge to sea rather than to land. Design and implementation decisions associated with the cut-off wall need to be integrated with consideration of the capping strategy. The 2002 PCSC assumed that the wall will be “constructed to a depth below the base of the Upper groundwater system. The cut-off wall will also be constructed within the plan extent of the capping system in order to ensure that cap drainage is discharged to the outside of the wall”. The design was expected to be around 80cm wide and 20 to 25 metres in depth. Where the cut-off wall interfaces with the bedrock, the baseline design assumes that the rock will be grouted to provide a 5m wide grout curtain of the same depth. In this design the cut-off wall will therefore completely encircle the disposal facility. The proposed cut-off wall design (Carpenter and Proctor, 2007) specifies the use of bentonite slurry and/or cement. The overall options assessment process for the cut-off wall needs to consider a number of issues, including the following. Determining whether the presence of a cut-off wall is indeed required as part of the overall combined closure strategy (i.e. whether the benefits of the cut-off wall are not disproportionately small compared to the implementation cost). 95 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Determining if the existing cut-off wall is likely to be sufficient to provide the functions required. The cut-off wall was constructed between 1989 and 1995 and is 470 m long and 1.1 m wide, constructed in two sections between the north-east corner of Vault 8 and the southern end of Trench 7. The design intention was to limit lateral migration of trench leachate to the railway cutting, to control groundwater input to the trenches, and to reduce leachate production in general by reducing horizontal ingress / egress. The design was for the wall to extend from 7.4 to 9 m below ground level. However, the ‘as built’ drawings suggest that it was keyed in to the clay layer at around 5 m below ground level. The existing cut-off wall provides protection to the north and east sides of the trenches (i.e. around 60-70% of the length of their perimeter); it follows a line similar to that which has been proposed for any fully encircling cut-off wall. If a new/additional cut-off wall is required, it is necessary to determine whether it is necessary for it to be constructed so that it completely encircles the facility in order to achieve its design functions. The following variants can therefore be considered: A part-length wall designed primarily to divert ‘incoming’ waters (particularly those shed by the cap) to deeper systems, in order to keep the wastes as dry as possible; A part-length cut-off wall designed to divert 'outgoing' leachate from the wastes to deeper systems; A complete encircling cut-off wall but with no grouting where it interfaces with bedrock. Variations in cut-off wall depth – e.g. can a depth of 5-10m (that is, a cut-off wall implemented to the same depth as the base of the trenches) deliver much the same overall benefit as one constructed to a depth of 20-25m? Determining whether or not there is a clear preference in terms of the material used, i.e. bentonite slurry or cement (although this may be better considered in terms of design performance requirements, rather than as a component of the current optimisation study). It is unlikely that cut-off walls or any other passive water management measure would be emplaced for the Vault Monolith type strategies as the whole aim of that strategy is to divert water away from the wastes. Moreover, the absence of a cap (were a Permeable or No Cap with Controlled Dispersion strategy to be adopted) would probably also imply that a cut-off wall should also be absent. Options and Variants: Cut-off Wall Baseline Option: As for existing ‘Schedule 9 Item 2’ design (see above), wall constructed from cement/bentonite slurry 'Length' Variants Length Variant 1: Protection against 'incoming' waters only (wall emplaced only where hydrogeological understanding suggests there may be significant lateral inflows) Length Variant 2: Protection against 'outgoing' waters only (wall emplaced only where hydrogeological understanding suggests there may be significant lateral outflows) Length Variant 3: No grouting of bedrock 'Depth' Variants Depth Variant 1: Reduced depth, wall design reduced to a maximum of 10m AOD Depth Variant 2: Reduced depth, wall design reduced to a depth to the base of the vaults (i.e. to provide a minimum level of protection of the trenches against incoming lateral flows) No New Cut-off Wall Variant: No change to current arrangements (no new cut-off wall; retain existing structure) 96 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Interactions with Other Components, and Other Optimisation Issues Other engineered components of the disposal facility will also contribute to the twin aims of minimising water saturation and diverting leachate to deeper systems. For example, the cut-off wall design must be consistent with, and keyed into, the cap. Both components may be considered to act together to minimise water infiltration; moreover, because the cap acts to shed precipitation to areas outside the cut-off wall, this could potentially establish a hydrological gradient across the cut-off wall ‘towards’ the area it encloses, thus supporting containment of potentially contaminated leachate. It needs to be established whether both the cut-off wall and the vertical drains are necessary to manage contaminated leachate sufficiently to significantly reduce potential future impacts. Key Issues Associated With Component Option Performance4 Criteria Group 1: Safety (Worker Safety, Public Safety). Health and safety aspects associated with implementation of cut-off wall include the following: Conventional health and safety hazards associated with excavation and cut-off wall material disposition. However, the excavation of a deep wall and infill using a significant volume of material implies that such risks may be higher than for other, more routine construction operations. Nevertheless such should be manageable – there is adequate experience of working to this depth - given good practice in construction (CDM). Hazards associated with the transport of excavated and cut-off wall construction materials (these include the conventional risks associated with handling bulk quantities of such material, and also any impacts from radiological or other contamination in material that is excavated). A cut-off wall that was 0.8m wide, 10m deep, and 2800m in circumference would require excavation and emplacement of 20,000 m3 of material (around 800-1400 lorry loads). Transport risks associated with the off-site movement of construction materials, noting that most off-site will be by rail and that excavated materials will be used on-site as cap profiling. Hazards associated with the potential disturbance of existing wastes and structures. Any cut-off wall is likely to be located around the perimeter of the facility within the footprint of the cap, so the likelihood of disturbance is small. Adoption of appropriate operational approaches, taking into account that the wastes are LLW, should ensure that radiological exposures to workers (or to the public) are not a matter for concern. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Carpenter, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 2: Impact on the Environment (Habitats/Construction, Authorised Discharges, Operational Environmental Impact, Post-closure Impacts, Non-LLW Waste Volumes, Resource Use) Impacts on habitats should be limited. Care will need to be taken when handling machinery etc so as not to 4 Note that this is a summary of available evidence for options performance, provided as input to the options assessment, to provide a starting point for discussion. The agreed outcome of the options assessment may differ from the discussion presented here. Key issues are presented ‘by exception’. 97 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 disturb flora and fauna, in particular associated with the SSSI. Implications for authorised discharges should be minimal. There will be limited differences in operational environmental impact, except that environmental impacts associated with any ongoing leachate release from the trenches may be reduced – see related arguments for ‘post-closure impacts’. Post-closure impacts are discussed in the accompanying paper (Paulley, 2010). Non-LLW waste volumes will be generated across the suite of options being considered. However excavated material is planned to be used as infill for the cap. Some of this material may be contaminated (potentially as VLLW) as a result of historic leachate releases from the trenches. Resource use will principally include the construction material required for the cut-off wall, and the energy use associated with excavation, transportation and construction operations. Requirements will scale according to the extent and depth of the cut-off wall to be installed. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Carpenter, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references), Schedule 9 Requirement 2 submission (Baker, 2008). Criteria Group 3: Technical Factors (Ease of Implementation, Confidence in Performance, Timescales for Implementation, Impact on Operations, Flexibility, Impacts on Existing Engineered Features, Capacity) Ease of Implementation. Construction methods would be consistent with established best practice, and therefore within the boundary of well-understood approaches. Shorter walls and (particularly) shallower depths will tend to be easier to implement. Down to about 15m is relatively routine. Greater depths are increasingly challenging and less common. Beyond about 25m is rare, and represents a demanding exercise; experience is limited to few specialist companies. Construction will require an appropriate level of expertise, which rests with a limited number of international specialist contractors having UK bases. Timescales for Implementation. These should not be significant for any of the options, although it is likely to scale with length / depth. Confidence in Performance. There should not be a problem with achieving the design specification for any of the options. See engineering elicitation report for more details. Emplacement schemes allow for uncertainties in long term degradation. Impact on Operations, Flexibility, Impacts on Existing Engineered Features, Capacity. It is expected that the cut-off wall would be constructed immediately prior to final capping. There should not be any significant impacts on operations or existing features, and no implications for capacity. However, as a perimeter feature, its location cannot be finalised until overall plans for future development and capacity of LLWR are finalised. Main Evidence Sources: 073 Cut Off Wall Report 07/06/2007 Issue P2. Nguyen M, Gallagher E and Thompson R P. RP/102917/4600005916/CS&A/00023 40166mds0031 Cut-off wall. Construction Method Statement. Carpenter J, AJ Hooper, Apr 2007 Criteria Group 4: Community and Socio-economic Factors (Impacts on Local Community, Support for Local Community) Whilst the installation of the cut-off wall would be a significant exercise compared with the day-to-day operation of the LLWR, this activity would not (of itself) require a long-term site presence, or provide any other significant level of support to, or impact upon, the local community in an economic sense. The main factor is likely to be associated with nuisance from noise etc. during excavation, and from the transport of 98 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 materials. Impacts will vary according to the length and depth of the wall. There would be no export of materials, assuming a cap is constructed for which infill is required. All major imports of materials to the site are expected to be via rail. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Carpenter, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 5: Cost (Total Implementation Cost, Affordability) The cost of the current baseline design option is estimated at £37.2M, based on an approximate length of 2,800m length, 0.8m width and depth to -5m AOD. (Except for about 170m length to the NE of the site where rockhead is above -5m AOD, where wall is sealed 2m into rock, which is grouted to -5m AOD). This is a high cost component. There could be considerable saving in costs and use of resources for a shorter or less deep wall, particularly as the technologies required will be simpler and since there is greater industrial experience in working to lesser depths. (All costs are given as current estimates, quoted as totals, including construction, design, supervision and support costs). Main Evidence Sources: Cut Off Walls - Input Estimate 080809 R3 99 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineering Component Option Description Proforma Future Vault Base Slab, Liner and Walls Options Version 1. Author: Alan Paulley Reviewed by: Dave Tonks, Mike Egan. Date: January 2010. Component Options Summary Main Role of Component In Strategy/Strategies The base slab, liner and walls serve to provide a number of functions. The existing Vault 8 base slab and liner provides a suitable surface for storage and disposal operations, and is intended to serve as an impermeable barrier for the duration of the operational period (as a minimum). See below for more details. The Vault 9 base slab and liner system currently being installed is more complex than the Vault 8 design. It is also designed to provide the loading /operations surface, but with an enhanced layering (double composite lining) system designed to minimise permeability for as long as possible. Current plans are for this very low permeability base to be combined with impermeable vault walls to maximise containment of any infiltrating waters and associated leachate. Post-closure, this may eventually to lead to complete saturation of the vault, in which case any released leachate would be directed to the vertical drains. However, it is recognised that these plans allow flexibility and could be modified, for example by implementing a lower or otherwise permeable east vault wall, or by not having such a wall at all, which would tend to direct all infiltrating waters directly to the vertical drains, and thereby minimising water contact with the wastes. The current baseline plan for the Future Vaults is to continue with the existing Vault 9 philosophy. This however is just one option to be considered in the present process. If it is decided that the optimal strategy is, rather, to minimise water contact with wastes (i.e. to avoid saturation of the vaults for as long as possible), a design more akin to the Vault 8 design (i.e. still essentially impermeable but with a lower specification) may be considered appropriate, with infiltrating water drained from the base of the vault. More details of the existing vault base slab designs follow. For Vault 9, the base slab has a robust double composite liner system including 2 sets of HDPE membranes on bentonite enhanced sand (5% bentonite), with an intervening ‘leak detection and collection’ layers, all underlying a reinforced concrete base slab. The base slopes to a drainage and collection system at the west of the vault. The combined performance of these components is to provide hydraulic performance equivalent to not less than ‘five meters of clay having permeability 10-9 m/s’. As installed the base is likely to be more effective than this. The base concrete has a design life of 50 years and is installed for primarily operational reasons, to support disposal activities and to provide suitable drainage surface. It will, however, also provide an additional highly impermeable barrier for many years, but this function is expected to reduce with time and due allowance has been made in assessments. 100 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 It is possible that future vaults could be constructed with descending / stepping base levels, falling gradually to a depth of 11m AOD for Vault 14. The Vault 8 and trench operational leachate drainage systems will be modified to accept leachate from the Vault 9 culvert drain. During operational management, leachate release will be controlled through the marine holding tank; after closure / end of Active Institutional Control (unless vertical drains are installed to collect water directly from the base) infiltrating water exceeding the drainage capacity of the base will be contained until the base slab degrades, after which partial waste saturation can still be expected. A secant pile wall provides support along the eastern side of the vaults against the trenches area to enable construction, but offers no long term support or impermeable barrier function. For Vault 9 vertical walls, consisting of twin reinforced concrete walls with 1m thickness of BES infill, will be installed around all sides of the vault. A modification to the design (more consistent with the Vault 8 design philosophy) could involve not installing the ‘eastern’ vault wall, or adopting a permeable design, to encourage outflow to vertical drains from the vault base, and thereby maintain unsaturated conditions for as long as possible. The internal walls could be formed just 1m high, suitable for containment during operations, but thereafter allowing leachate to flow southwards, coupled with a drop in base level of the vaults, to collection until end of active institutional control and thereafter to vertical drains if necessary. The Vault 8 design also includes a reinforced concrete base that is 250-300mm thick on a stone drainage layer laid down on clay, or bentonite-enriched soil (BES) where the clay is less than 1m thick. The basal drainage leads to a drainage culvert. The initial permeability of the slab is estimated to be equivalent to several metres of 10-12 ms-1, due to the qualities of the concrete and the membrane. However after a hundred years it is estimated that the barrier will have degraded to a permeability of around 2.5 metres of 10-9 ms-1 material. Designs equivalent to the Vault 9 (‘baseline’) and Vault 8 (‘reduced permeability’) base slabs are appropriate options for consideration in the design of the future vaults. The choice of base specification will depend on the overall engineering strategy to be followed. Other options include implementation of a ‘minimum standard base’ that provides the minimum specification required to act as a sufficiently stable surface to enable disposal operations (i.e. a mechanically robust concrete slab). Exploring this option helps to establish the relative benefits of more ‘hydrologically robust’ alternatives. In addition, such an option would be particularly relevant to consider as part of the ‘Permeable or No Cap with Controlled Dispersion’ or ‘Vault Monolith’ type strategies. There are also possible design options involving a ‘deeper vault base´. In such a case, the future vaults would be constructed with the base being laid upon a deeper excavated surface. This has the potential to provide the following benefits: Reductions in base depth by a few metres could realise additional disposal volume without requiring a further increase to the elevation of the final cap. Alternatively, a reduction in base depth by a few metres but with no increase in the height of waste stacking could potentially lead to reduced likelihood of near-surface contaminated water discharge. If the base were installed deep enough, it is possible that future disposals to the facility could be undertaken in such a way that the wastes would not be disrupted by coastal erosion / sea-level rise. Options and Variants: Vault Slab and Walls Baseline Option: Future Vaults Installed to Current Vault 9 Design (NB the possibility of achieving the same specification with a single geomembrane liner is also relevant) Base Specification Variants Base Specification Variant 1: Reduced Specification Base for Future Vaults (Equivalent standard to Vault 8; no geomembrane liner) Base Specification Variant 2: Concrete Loading Base only (no additional long-term performance measures; similar standard to ‘Dounreay’ design) Base Depth Variants 101 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Base Depth Variant 1: Lower Vault Bases compared to current plans (enhanced capacity or reduced likelihood of near-surface discharge) Base Depth Variant 2: Much Lower Vault Bases Compared to current plans (top of wastes below future sealevel) Wall Variants Wall Variant: No or Reduced Height Wall at East of Vault 9 (non bath-tubbing strategy, connecting leachate directly to Vertical Drains). Variants Noted to Test Sensitivities Sensitivity Variant: Stepped Future Vault Bases (i.e. successively lower elevations for Vaults 10 to 14) Interactions with Other Components, and Other Optimisation Issues The base and wall design should be complementary. In the above option descriptions, the vault walls do not vary significantly in design, except where discharge of infiltrating waters at the vault base is required. It is assumed that their design is ‘standard’ and according to detailed optimisation work in previous studies (e.g. Williams and Proctor, 2007, and underpinning references). It seems unlikely that a containment strategy based on keeping the wastes unsaturated for as long as possible (by promoting the passive drainage of leachate from the base of the facility) would be consistent with a closure design that incorporated a ‘Vault 9’ standard base, since the lower permeability measures associated with such a design would be redundant. Key Issues Associated With Component Option Performance5 Criteria Group 1: Safety (Worker Safety, Public Safety). Health and safety aspects associated with implementation of the future Vault Base Slabs, Liners and Walls include the following: Standard health and safety hazards associated with similar types of construction activity. Hazards associated with the movement on site of excavated and construction materials (these include the conventional risks associated with handling bulk quantities of such material, and also any impacts from radiological or other contamination in what has been excavated). The works will involve around 0.5 million m3 of excavated material which is planned to be retained for use in cap profiling. Transport risks associated with off-site movement of construction materials, noting that most off-site transport will be by rail. Hazards associated with the potential disturbance of existing wastes and structures. Care will needed to be taken to avoid waste disturbance; however, given appropriate operational approaches, and taking into account that the wastes are LLW, radiological exposures to workers (or to the public) should not be a matter for concern. Vault 8 and Vault 9 construction experience supports this. All the above hazards should in principle be readily manageable for all options as they fall within the boundaries of normal working conditions. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007). 2002 PCSC 5 Note that this is a summary of available evidence for options performance, provided as input to the options assessment, to provide a starting point for discussion. The agreed outcome of the options assessment may differ from the discussion presented here. Key issues are presented ‘by exception’. 102 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 2: Impact on the Environment (Habitats/Construction, Authorised Discharges, Operational Environmental Impact, Post-closure Impacts, Non-LLW Waste Volumes, Resource Use) Impacts on habitats should be limited. However this depends upon the footprint of the option chosen, and the construction approach. Care will need to be taken during construction not to disturb flora and fauna, in particular associated with the adjacent SSSI; no significant disturbance is anticipated in current plans. The existing course of the Drigg stream will be diverted during vault construction, as it has already been in the past. Implications for authorised discharges should be minimal for all options. There will be limited differences in terms of operational environmental impact, provided that the trench wastes and associated contamination are not unduly disturbed. Post-closure impacts are discussed in the accompanying paper. Non-LLW waste volumes will be generated across the suite of options being considered. However, it is unlikely that waste production associated with vault construction will be a significant differentiator between the various options. Resource use will principally include the construction material required for the vaults, and the energy use associated with transport and construction operations. In particular the volumes of material required for the lining process could be large. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Belton, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references), Schedule 9 Requirement 2 submission (Baker, 2008). Criteria Group 3: Technical Factors (Ease of Implementation, Confidence in Performance, Timescales for Implementation, Impact on Operations, Flexibility, Impacts on Existing Engineered Features, Capacity) Ease of implementation, Timescales for Implementation – standard engineering practice. Vault 9 experience indicates that more complex, multiple component bases are more difficult and time consuming to construct to assured levels of quality and performance, but the difficulties are not insurmountable. Experience from both Vault 8 and Vault 9 will help to inform future construction approaches. Confidence in performance – the approach and quality measures taken in construction will assure performance for whatever design is followed. Layers will be tested, validated and rectified if necessary. Experience suggests that performance after emplacement is likely to be rather better than the design specification, as discussed at the engineering performance elicitation meeting. Impact on operations – all options discussed will provide an appropriate loading platform for future disposals, and would be consistent with appropriate operational drainage approaches. Flexibility – schemes consistent with the Vault 9 design can be converted from ‘storage’ to ‘disposal’ type approaches; this flexibility (degradation in hydraulic containment performance can be more readily engineered after construction than can improvement) was recognised in the original decision to adopt the Vault 9 design when applying for planning consent. However, such a factor may be considered less important in making the case for disposal authorisation via the ESC. Impacts on Existing Engineered Features – existing disposal and drainage arrangement will need to be considered during detailed design and implementation, but such factors do not present clear 103 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 differentiations between base/wall design options. Capacity – deeper vault base options may be consistent with maximising disposal capacities, unless the overall aim of adopting deeper base was to reduce the overall elevation of the final cap. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Belton, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references), Schedule 9 Requirement 2 submission (Baker, 2008). Criteria Group 4: Community and Socio-economic Factors (Impacts on Local Community, Support for Local Community) Whilst the installation of the future vault base slabs and walls would be a reasonably significant exercise compared to the day-to-day operation of the LLWR, this activity does not (of itself) require a long-term site presence, or provide any other significant level of support to, or impact upon, the local community in an economic sense. It is planned that excavated material will be re-used on site as infill, and all major material transports to the site will be via rail. The main factor is therefore associated with nuisance from noise etc. during on-site construction activities. This should be limited and manageable, as shown by experience in Vault 9 construction. It is unlikely that this would be a significant differentiator between options. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Belton, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 5: Cost (Total Implementation Cost, Affordability) The cost of the Future Vaults base slab and walls construction is estimated at £110m. (Based on V9 being £20m). Considerable savings might be possible, for example through: Eliminating the second composite layer of BES 500mm and Geomembrane, leakage detection layers). This could save around £10M. Eliminating the internal BES wall and associated complex 2nd concrete wall (consistent with a non bathtubbing design). This could also save around £10M. Deeper vaults, i.e. following the reducing ground profiles to about 11m AOD (top of slab) by Vault 14, tends to optimise the geometric fit to the site topography. This can create around 0.22M m3 additional capacity (existing scheme around 0.75M m3) (c 30%) for some £5-10M extra cost. Future vaults are a high cost component of the engineered system. There appears to be little opportunity for further saving in costs and use of resources, noting that most comes from fairly low unit costs spread over large areas. (All costs are given as current estimates, quoted as totals, including construction, design, supervision and support costs.) . 104 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineering Component Option Description Proforma Post-closure Passive Leachate Management System Options Version 1. Author: Alan Paulley Reviewed by: Dave Tonks, Mike Egan. Date: January 2010. Component Options Summary Main Role of Component In Strategy/Strategies Post-closure leachate management systems can provide a passive design feature that can help to mitigate the consequences of degradation and failure of other engineered barriers. Specifically, approaches such as vertical drains may be implemented to provide the following functionality: To permit excess water that may accumulate within the vaults system to be released from the facility in a controlled manner that may limit environmental impacts from contaminated leachate. Without a suitable drainage strategy for the facility, in which such features may play an important part, it is possible that any ’bath-tubbing‘ waters in the vaults could eventually overspill into the near-surface waters and soils surrounding the facility, thereby giving rise to enhanced environmental impacts. Thus vertical drains provide a supplementary role to containment measures, helping to minimise site impacts as those containment measures degrade over time. To provide ‘redundancy’ in case of cap failure. The original rationale for the vertical drain(s) (BNFL, 2000; BNFL, 2002) was that, if the cap were to fail significantly on a fairly short timescale, it would be necessary to divert and drain excess water to deeper systems, thereby avoiding the potential for leachate discharges to near-surface systems associated with ponding within the confines of an encircling cut-off wall. Previous reviews (e.g. Paulley, 2008) established the general principle that all near-surface repositories feature some suitable means for the passive management of leachate from the disposal system. In particular, vertical drains have been implemented for a small number of international facilities to provide a mechanism for managing water in facilities that are otherwise designed to maximise containment over a defined operational period. In the majority of these cases, however, the vertical drains connect to underground collection and storage tanks rather than to deep hydrogeological features. The current LLWR Modular Vaults Single Option design includes the assumption that two series of contiguous 2 – 3.2 metre diameter drains will be constructed between Trench 3 and the line of Vault 9 and the future modular vaults. This location has been identified as the most likely point of cap failure in the future (given the current cap modular design) as a cap drainage gully follows that line. The primary aim of the drains, within the present design option, is to control the fate of any leachate that collects within the vaults following cap degradation, by ensuring that it is directed to the regional groundwater system rather than having the potential to contaminate surface or near-surface water bodies. The total cross-sectional area of the drains, in the present design, would be around 3000 m2, and the drains are expected to be around 20-30 metres in vertical length. A key issue is whether the drains will remain of 105 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 adequate capacity (i.e. they will not collapse or become obstructed) for sufficient time to provide a valuable contingency function should that be required. It is also possible that, even when clogged, the drains will still provide a suitable higher conductivity preferential flow pathway that may provide longerterm benefits. Other engineering components may also be emplaced to help manage leachate and other waters alone, or in combination with the vertical drains; for example a cut-off wall would also help direct leachate to deeper systems. Other vertical drains options can also be envisaged: It is relevant to consider whether the drains do indeed have the capability to perform a significant passive control function, by evaluating a ‘no vertical drains’ option. Although the current location of the vertical drains has a logic associated with it (i.e. being underneath the most likely point of cap failure, assuming the gull-wing design), it is possible that the overall function required of the drains could be equally well or better satisfied by other arrangements that might offer additional advantages. For example, the main clogging mechanism is expected to be related to interaction with leachate from the trenches, rather the than vaults. This suggests options such as locating the vertical drains to the West side of the vault, or all around the entire facility. Such options might also provide secondary contingency benefits in the event of the failure scenarios described above. The current design differs from the 2002 PCSC design in that it features an array of wide boreholes, whereas the 2002 design considered a single rectangular area of vertical drainage, of significant volume. For completeness is it appropriate to (briefly) revisit the logic for this change, noting the different functional requirements behind the two designs. The role of passive leachate management systems for strategy options associated with an intention to maintain unsaturated conditions for as long as possible, is slightly different. Here, as well as providing the functions described above, the strategy involves the management of all water that enters the vault system, potentially also providing a level of protection for the trenches also, and not just overtopping waters from the vaults after they become fully saturated. The drains would therefore need to be connected hydrologically to the base of the vaults. Contaminant concentrations in waters discharged via the vertical drains should therefore be lower than would eventually occur for the ‘Leachate Containment’ type strategy. However, discharge via the drains (albeit at very low volume) would occur immediately, whereas for the ‘Leachate Containment’ strategy, it will be delayed for an amount of time, as discharge will not happen until the vaults are completely saturated. Other engineered features may also assist in achieving the aims of a leachate management strategy; for example, permeable vault bases may add to the total passive drainage capacity and any cut-off wall would also assist in directing leachate to deeper waters. The alternative vertical drain options identified above will also be relevant to a ‘Contaminant Containment’ strategy, albeit providing slightly different functions. In addition, a further option suggests itself for such an approach: additional drains could be emplaced that would either be either directly connected to, or even placed within the future vault bases to maximise the overall drainage capacity and enhance redundancy and to help minimise the potential impacts of any clogging that may occur. Vertical drains may also provide a role within any option associated with the Permeable or No Cap with Controlled Dispersion Strategy Option. It would be consistent with such a philosophy to maximise the total vertical drainage through the system. The baseline option here would probably be as for the current Single Option design plus additional boreholes surrounding the facility perimeter and within, or connected to, future vault bases. It is unlikely that vertical drains or any other passive leachate management measure would be adopted for the Vault Monolith Strategy Option as the whole aim of that strategy would be to keep the wastes dry by diverting waters away from the wastes. Options and Variants: Passive Leachate Management Baseline Option: Series of Wide Boreholes Vertical Drains Implemented 106 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 between Trench 3 and the modular vaults Alternative Baseline Variant: No Vertical Drains (with either reduced specification future vault base to otherwise enhance the overall vertical drainage capacity, or vault base as for current design – see ‘vault base and walls’ proforma) Vertical Drain Location Variants: Location Variant 1: Vertical drains All Round Facility Location Variant 2: Vertical drains the Other Side of the vaults Location Variant 3: Vertical drains also In or Connected To Vault Bases and Drainage Systems Alternative Design Variant: 2002 Design (one large deep rectangular drain). Interactions with Other Components, and Other Optimisation Issues The potential requirement for vertical drains is related to the function provided by a cut-off wall in directing leachate to lower water systems (and vice versa). The location of the vertical drains will be important in relation to other engineered components, particularly in terms of the likely rate at which they become obstructed. ‘Contaminant Containment’ options (based on maintaining unsaturated conditions for as long as possible) are likely to involve linking to elements of the existing leachate management system at closure, rather than that system being entirely backfilled and closed. Key Issues Associated With Component Option Performance6 Criteria Group 1: Safety (Worker Safety, Public Safety). Health and safety aspects associated with implementation of vertical drains include the following: Conventional health and safety hazards associated with borehole drilling and completion; Construction hazards associated with other forms of drain implementation, if adopting alternatives to the current baseline; Radiological exposure, noting that workers are the most likely group to be exposed, but that the wastes are LLW, and this work should not involve direct disturbance or handling of wastes; Hazards associated with the removal of excavated material (these include the conventional risks associated with handling bulk quantities of such material, and also any impacts from radiological or other contamination within the removed material). 6 It has been estimated that the amount of earth required to be excavated to implement the 2002 PCSC vertical drain design (BNFL, 2002b) would be in the region of 500,000 m3 (Carpenter, 2007). The 2002 design assumed that the surface area of the vertical drains would need to be around 10% of the total vault area in order to cover all possible failure scenarios. Carpenter (2007) argues that 1% would be more appropriate, and this provides the basis for the number of wide boreholes in the current baseline design. This would require the removal (and, potentially, Note that this is a summary of available evidence for options performance, provided as input to the options assessment, to provide a starting point for discussion. The agreed outcome of the options assessment may differ from the discussion presented here. Key issues are presented ‘by exception’. 107 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 disposal if contaminated) of around 45,000-50,000 m3 of material (2000 - 3000 lorry loads) and the transport and installation of an equivalent volume of infill material. Overall volumes would be proportionate to the number of boreholes implemented. For options involving additional redundancy, in particular for the ‘all around the facility’ approach, the volumes may scale by (as a rough estimate) factors of 2 to 3. Transport risks associated with movement of excavated material, noting the potential requirements for transportation noted above; and Hazards associated with the potential disturbance of existing wastes and structures. In summary, all the above hazards should in principle be readily manageable as they fall within the boundaries of normal working conditions and engineering approaches. However, construction of a ‘2002 Design’ drain which would require a very large, single excavation and a difference in geometry and construction method compared to the installation of wide boreholes. Transport of materials off site, if required, would most likely be by rail. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Carpenter, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 2: Impact on the Environment (Habitats/Construction, Authorised Discharges, Operational Environmental Impact, Post-closure Impacts, Non-LLW Waste Volumes, Resource Use) For the type and location of drains being considered, impacts on habitats should be limited. Similarly, implications for authorised discharges should be reduced. There will be limited differences between options in terms of operational environmental impact given that issues such as waste generation are covered elsewhere. Consideration would need to be given to interactions with the operational leachate management system to ensure that it is not compromised during installation of passive drains, but that should be a manageable process. The drains will also influence the local groundwater flow regime, including that associated with the trenches immediately upon emplacement. However, if this occurs at closure and not before, the ‘operational’ impact should be limited. Post-closure impacts are discussed in the accompanying paper (Paulley, 2010). Non-LLW waste volumes will be generated across the suite of options being considered. Contaminated material (probably VLLW) is likely to be encountered during the drain excavation processes (as a result of past discharges of leachate from the trenches); such material may require treatment and re-disposal with associated environmental impacts. Resource use will principally include the infill material used for the drains, and the energy required for associated transport and construction operations. These requirements will scale according to the number of borehole drains emplaced. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Carpenter, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references), Schedule 9 R2 submission (Baker, 2008). Criteria Group 3: Technical Factors (Ease of Implementation, Confidence in Performance, Timescales for Implementation, Impact on Operations, Flexibility, Impacts on Existing Engineered Features, Capacity) Ease of implementation, Timescales for Implementation – standard engineering practice, assuming wide borehole drains. Implementation based on the ’2002 design’ may present greater challenges. 108 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Impact on Operations, Flexibility, Impacts on Existing Engineered Features, Capacity: Installation would take place at site closure so these should not be significant discriminators between options. Confidence in performance. ‘Confidence in performance’ needs to be considered in terms of the likelihood that the vertical drains will provide an effective free drainage route over the required timescales, that they will provide for deep, rather than near-surface, discharge of vault waters over this period, and – as a secondary measure of performance – that they will continue to provide a preferential groundwater flow pathway even when degraded. In the main, such issues are largely addressed by the ‘post-closure impacts’ criterion noted above. However, the following additional points may be relevant. The construction methods are well established and confidence can therefore be placed that they will perform as designed at the time of emplacement. Options involving drains in more than one location, and in particular those that include additional drains to those in the baseline design, are likely to have a decreased risk of early clogging degradation in performance across a significant proportion of the required drainage capacity. It may be that locating drains elsewhere than the baseline location, to avoid the interception of trench leachate, could extend the likely time period before clogging. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Carpenter, 2007). Criteria Group 4: Community and Socio-economic Factors (Impacts on Local Community, Support for Local Community) Whilst the installation of the vertical drains would be a reasonably significant exercise compared to the dayto-day operation of the LLWR, they will not (of themselves) require a long-term site presence, or provide any other significant level of support to, or impact upon, the local community in an economic sense. The main consideration is likely to be associated with nuisance during construction, and the transportation of any materials through the local villages, in line with the volumes described above. Main Evidence Sources: Vaults Single Option documentation (Williams and Proctor, 2007; Carpenter, 2007). 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002 and underpinning references). Criteria Group 5: Cost (Total Implementation Cost, Affordability) The cost for the present baseline design is estimated at £11.9M, based on a total area of about 3000m2 (equivalent to 1% enclosed area), to a depth of -5m AOD. There could be considerable saving in costs and use of resources for a smaller area (approximately proportionate) or less depth. (All costs are given as current estimates, quoted as totals, including construction, design, supervision and support costs). Costs for the 2002 design are likely to be far higher than for the borehole designs as the volumes for disposal and imported stone would be great and the construction method would be particularly challenging. ( Quick estimate > £20M plus cost of 500,000cu.m disposal on-site!) Main Evidence Sources: Vert Drains - Input Estimate 080809 109 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineering Component Option Description Proforma Other Engineered Features Version 1. Author: Alan Paulley, Dave Tonks. Reviewed by: Mike Egan. Date: January 2010. Component Options Summary Main Role of Component In Strategy/Strategies This proforma considers a range of further potentially important components of the engineered system that may need to be addressed within the optimisation process, in addition to the ‘main’ engineered components considered elsewhere. Such design components include: 1. Alternative arrangements for operational leachate management approaches. It is important that the approach to operational leachate management is consistent with, and not compromised by, the approach to site closure. If certain designs for engineered barriers are followed, alternative leachate management arrangements might be required. For the vaults, drainage is / will be through granular fill and voidage between the HHISOs. Pipework has been eliminated as unnecessary (and undesirable with respect to possible clogging issues). Although deemed leachate, these waters will essentially comprise rainwater passing around the steel HHISO containers for the operational phase, for up to perhaps 20 years before capping, and then small infiltration quantities for a long time thereafter. By 100 years, there could be some limited iron (rust) and alkali from degrading grout, but probably nothing of much consequence. The vault bases are designed with a fall to manhole pumping chambers on the west side wall for ease of access. The basal chambers have a low surround wall to prevent ingress of possible operational fines from the vault base area. The voids and granular infilling between HHISOs will give ample drainage within each vault and operational heads will be small. It is planned for leachate to continue to be pumped from the manholes to a collector drain, then gravity fed to the marine holding tank (MHT). Stepped vaults base levels would allow gravity drainage southwards down to Vault 14. A 1m south internal wall is proposed for each vault to allow suitable control during the operational stage. On completion of each vault cell it can be designed to collect leachate weiring over from upstream. This avoids potential concerns over leachate drainage systems clogging in the long term. Vault 9 incorporates a leachate detection and collection layer beneath the upper basal geomembrane and BES composite. Any leachate will be collected and monitored during operations and active control. Dependent on observations from that monitoring, this is not proposed for future vaults. On closure, the drainage would be closed off, and the LDC layer will saturate to be in equilibrium with the materials above and below. Having high permeability, this layer will provide a source of constant head to the lower geomembrane / BES layer, which thus will not significantly add to the leachate control from the upper system. For the trenches, leachate is gravity piped from the bases of the trenches to collection chambers and 110 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 thence pumped to the marine holding tank. However, the original drainage was not to modern standards and arguably cannot be relied on. Work is in progress to retrofit new leachate drainage and the leachate amounts and qualities will be re-assessed with monitoring over future years, once the new drainage is working. Dependent on findings, it may be appropriate to ‘retro-fit’ additional drainage in some trenches, at some locations, as might be done by horizontal boring techniques which have been developing in recent years and becoming increasingly practical. However it will be difficult to ever ‘guarantee’ that all of the trenches are effectively drained, due to heterogeneity of wastes and the nature of material in the trench bases. At present there are significant leachate heads in some trenches. These should be reduced with the planned work. The hydrogeology studies indicate that the cap (even if functioning poorly after 20 years or so, to say 50mm / year infiltration) can create an unsaturated zone beneath the trenches. This sets an important context for the performance requirements of the operational leachate management systems. Unless continued desaturation has an impact, degradation of the wastes in the trenches is expected to continue to around current rates for the foreseeable future. Significant settlements will continue accordingly. There will be further significant settlements from loading to form the cap. In summary; note that BPM studies have been undertaken for operational leachate management and monitoring undertaken elsewhere. It is anticipated that the operational leachate management approach will not constrain choices for other components unless a significant deviation from the current strategy is followed e.g. monolith-type approaches. 2. Alternative vault backfills. The current baseline is to backfill any voids within the vaults with gravel or other coarse granular material to facilitate drainage whilst minimising settlement. The ‘Void Filling Report’ describes alternative backfills that could also provide a drainage function, and identified that gravel (or equivalent) infill appears the ‘best’ option in this regard. The main alternative is that the vaults could instead by backfilled with impermeable grout / concrete in order to create a comparatively impermeable monolithic structure that would minimise water entry into and release of leachate from the wastes. A drainage blanket may be required over the wastes to ensure that waters entering above the facility are shed elsewhere. It might also be that the HHISO containers in Vault 9 and the future vaults would need to be stacked with a sufficient gap to allow grout to be placed between them. Potential problems that have been raised include the difficulty in ‘guaranteeing’ production of a meaningful monolith through this approach, as there could be cracks and joints and voids which would propagate and potentially form meaningful pathways contrary to the principal aims of such a backfill strategy. 3. Facility armouring / strengthening / local hardening approaches to help mitigate disturbance by coastal erosion and sea-level rise. Options include: a. Facility armouring, i.e. burying/emplacing boulders around the edge of the facility to present a barrier to erosion processes. b. Local hardening of the headland / estuary to promote future ‘passive’ local sediment deposition (rather than erosion) in the area of the LLWR. c. Monolithic backfilling (i.e. using concrete as a backfill, as above) may help harden the disposal system to help minimise the rate of erosion and exposure of wastes (see discussion on backfill above). Larger scale coastal defences are not considered in the current process as these are not consistent with a diminishing reliance on active management and maintenance post closure. In order to have a substantial impact, such features would need to be maintained over a prolonged timescale. This does not mean that coastal defences are irrelevant to the future management strategy for the LLWR; rather that they cannot be assumed to provide any benefit in terms of post-closure performance assessment for the ESC. 111 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Options and Variants: Present baseline option (operational leachate management arrangements as per Modular Vaults Single Option design; gravel backfill; no facility armouring / strengthening / local hardening). Operational leachate management alternatives: None identified (see above). Backfill variant: Backfill Variant: Grout backfill. Facility armouring / strengthening / local hardening variants: Armouring / Strengthening / Hardening Variant 1: Facility Armouring Armouring / Strengthening / Hardening Variant 2: Local Hardening of Headland / Estuary Armouring / Strengthening / Hardening Variant 3: Monolithic Backfilling Interactions with Other Components, and Other Optimisation Issues The operational leachate management strategy followed must be consistent with the closure design and the associated approach to construction. Grout backfilling would have interactions with waste emplacement considerations, for example different compositions would lead to different pH conditions within the system. It would also have implications for the cap design. If backfilled, there would be no need for vertical drains. The adoption of deeper vault bases as a potential option to mitigate the impacts of future inundation and/or coastal erosion is covered in discussion of options for the vault Base and Walls. Key Issues Associated With Component Option Performance Criteria Group 1: Safety (Worker Safety, Public Safety). Criteria Group 2: Impact on the Environment (Habitats/Construction, Authorised Discharges, Operational Environmental Impact, Post-closure Impacts, Non-LLW Waste Volumes, Resource Use) Criteria Group 3: Technical Factors (Ease of Implementation, Confidence in Performance, Timescales for Implementation, Impact on Operations, Flexibility, Impacts on Existing Engineered Features, Capacity) Criteria Group 4: Community and Socio-economic Factors (Impacts on Local Community, Support for Local Community) Criteria Group 5: Cost (Total Implementation Cost, Affordability) Due to the nature of these options, a summary of evidence for and against performance for each of the criteria groups has not been provided in this note. Rather, it is suggested that the expert group involved in the relevant assessment workshop may be best placed to assess the broad benefits and drawbacks of these options directly. 112 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Appendix E: Commentary on Possible Implications of Different Component Options for Post-closure Impacts 113 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Component Options – Post-closure Impacts Commentary on Possible Implications of Different Component Options for Post-closure Impacts Version 1. Author: Alan Paulley. Checked: George Towler, Mike Egan. Date: February 2010.7 E.1 Introduction The LLWR ESC pre- and post-closure engineering optimisation process is considering the potential advantages and disadvantages of different options for each engineering component. Workshops are being held to systematically evaluate and compare these options in order to derive an overall optimised engineering strategy. A set of notes has been developed to discuss factors related to each of the identified component options, for review and further consideration within the project (Paulley, 2010a-e). The main focus of these notes is on issues relating to the practicability of implementation for different alternatives, including safety during construction, general environmental impacts, technical factors, community impacts and costs. However, they do not discuss in any detail the implications of different component options for postclosure impacts. These issues are therefore explored in the present document. The information presented here has been synthesised from a range of detailed supporting studies undertaken for the ESC and from previous assessment iterations. It also draws on notes of analyses on specific issues that have been produced in support of this optimisation study. 7 Discussions at the assessment workshop held subsequent to the development of the notes reproduced in this Appendix took this analysis into account alongside additional data from updated hydrogeological calculations. The assessments of impact referred to in the main text of this report include minor development of some of the arguments presented here. 114 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 E.2 Engineering Components Relevant to Minimising Impacts E.2.1 Release Pathways Associated with Potential Impacts The pre- and post-closure engineering strategy needs to be consistent with the principles of ALARA. The primary driver is therefore to identify strategy options that can be optimised to minimise pre- and post-closure impacts to the environment. Such impacts primarily relate to: radioactive and non-radioactive contaminant concentrations in surface water and upper groundwater systems as a result of disposals; environmental impacts associated with contaminant releases to atmosphere (in particular, associated with potential gaseous releases of C-14 and Rn-222); threats associated with the potential for disturbance by human actions (e.g. inadvertent intrusion into the wastes through future dwelling construction); and potential impacts associated with site disruption as a result of natural processes (e.g. coastal erosion and sea-level rise). In addressing these threats, it is useful to consider in more detail the surface water and groundwater systems that represent particularly important pathways for environmental impacts. In the context of long-term environmental safety performance, where dependence must be placed on passive environmental control, optimum protection against impacts associated with releases to the environment involves minimising contaminant fluxes from the disposal facility for as long as possible. When it is no longer possible to avoid leachate release, the aim is to seek to direct the flow of leachate to those parts of the environment where the impact will be lowest. As a general rule, this means avoiding discharges near to surface in the vicinity of the facility, and instead seeking to direct leachate to depth where it can be diluted in larger volumes of groundwater before eventual delayed release the marine environment. If the vertical drainage capacity is not sufficient to deal with infiltration that enters the facility, it is conceivable that uncontrolled overtopping of physical barriers to leachate transport could occur. This, in turn, could lead to the direct discharge of contaminated leachate to soils and waters around the perimeter of the facility. Such a situation would be undesirable as it represents the shortest 115 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 conceivable pathway from source to receptor. An important element of engineering design is therefore to mitigate the likelihood and magnitude of such releases. However, it is unlikely that a cap alone would be considered sufficient to provide the necessary level of confidence in protection against such occurrences. A key consideration in optimisation is therefore the degree of redundancy required to make the case that system performance does not rely excessively on a single engineered component, and what other features should be incorporated in order to provide a sufficient degree of defence in depth. E.2.2 Overview of Relevant Components Discussions at the scoping workshop, held at the Energus Centre on 17th December 2009, identified the following issues as being relevant to minimising contaminant releases from the LLWR and controlling any releases that do occur. Minimising water contact with the wastes is of primary importance, in particular in terms of minimising groundwater pathway releases. Engineered features such as the cap, and the nature of disposed waste forms and associated containers, are relevant here. The nature of the waste forms and containers is also relevant to minimising release if water infiltration into the facility does occur. Optimisation of waste forms is outside the scope of the present study; however, features and processes related to waste form (e.g. congruent release, corrosion etc) are important factors in differentiating between engineering options. Engineered features such as base slabs, vertical drains and cut-off walls can be relevant in controlling the nature and location of discharges, should there be contamination of water passing into and through the facility. There was general agreement at the scoping workshop that the following hierarchy of engineering approaches are of relevance to these issues. The most important feature of the LLWR engineering post-closure is likely to be the final cap. Recent studies have suggested that the present cap design is likely to reduce infiltration into the wastes substantially for a prolonged period of time. The Vault 8 and Vault 9 base slabs will perform differently post-closure. Both will be relatively impermeable at closure, but the low permeability of the Vault 9 slab is expected to persist for a longer period of time. The same arguments will apply to whichever style of base slab is implemented for the future vaults. However, even highly impermeable base slabs will allow a small amount of 116 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 water to pass through over time, as the permeabilities are small rather than zero, and the areas of the base slabs are large compared with their depths. They will therefore contribute to the overall passive vertical drainage capacity of the system, and this contribution will increase with time through degradation. When infiltration through the cap exceeds the vault drainage capacity (including any contribution to water losses made by corrosion), the vault will tend to saturate with water. Alternative future base slab design options (including options without a geomembrane liner) are therefore being considered through the current process. Other engineered features are likely to be of secondary importance but may also have a role in the final closure scheme, possibly as contingency measures. For example, implementation of some form of cut-off wall, keyed in to the cap, might help minimise lateral ingress of waters into the wastes. In addition, such a wall could help to direct to deeper systems such leachate as may be released from the wastes into upper groundwaters, thereby maximising dilution prior to final discharge to the biosphere. It is possible that this contingency role would be of particular relevance should the cap fail earlier than expected. The optimisation process is considering whether these functions are of importance in terms of minimising post-closure impacts, and what depth and length of cut-off wall might be required to achieve them. Benefits are being explored through comparison with those offered by the existing cut-off wall, installed adjacent to the trenches in the early 1990s. Vertical drains might also fulfil a similar contingency role, directing to deeper groundwater systems any leachate that is produced, and/or possibly helping to avoid the occurrence of bath-tubbing within the vaults (and thereby helping to preclude high contaminant concentrations in near-surface leachate). Again, an important aim of the vertical drains may be to provide reassurance that leachate will be managed even if the cap fails. It is relevant to consider if these functions are important, and what design and location of the drains might best provide the functions if required. Other aspects of the potential LLWR engineering design are important to consider through the optimisation process (e.g. the approach to leachate management and monitoring during the operational phase), but do not provide functions relevant to long-term safety and so are not discussed in this note. Subsequent sections of this note follow this general hierarchy in exploring the potential implications of different component options for post-closure impacts. 117 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 E.3 Potential Implications for Post-closure Impacts E.3.1 The Final Cap Options and Variants From the perspective of assessing capping options, the main issue for the optimisation process is to test whether variations to the present design, which has been the subject of detailed design optimisation studies over a number of years, could be modified to yield additional significant benefits, for example in terms of cost savings or improved protection for specific pathways (Paulley, 2010a). The baseline option and key variants for the final cap (Paulley, 2010a) are reproduced below. Options and Variants: Cap Baseline Option: Present Design (Progressively Implemented 3.1m Thick Two-dome cap) Variants relating to the time of emplacement, and opportunities to implement different dome designs Timing Variant 1: Two Dome Design Implemented at Site Closure, with maintained trench / Vault 8 interim or ‘Stage 1’ cap or upgraded trench interim cap. Timing Variant 2: Progressively Implemented Single Domed Cap. Timing Variant 3: Single Domed Cap Implemented at Site Closure, with maintained or upgraded trench / Vault 8 interim or ‘Stage 1’ cap Design variants that could apply to all the above variants Design Variant 1: Additional Infiltration Barriers (geomembranes, other layers) to further reduce infiltration Design Variant 2: Additional Material to Protect Against Intrusion (Thicker Cap) Design Variant 3: Enhanced C-14/Rn-222 Containment Measures Design Variant 4: Retain Gas Vents Post-closure, Enhanced Gas Blanket in Cap Design Variant 5: Reduced number of layers (to reduce cost) More detailed design variants e.g. minor changes to layer design are beyond the scope of the current study Alternative baseline option, for screening Alternative Baseline Option: Biointrusion Only Cap 118 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Implications of Cap Options for Groundwater Pathway Releases Participants at the elicitation meeting for hydrogeological modelling parameters (Jackson et al., 2011) agreed that the baseline cap design is likely to be highly effective in minimising infiltration for a substantial period of time (see also Thorne, 2008). Central estimate values for infiltration elicited at the meeting were 1mm/yr ‘as built’, 10mm/yr at 2180 (assumed to represent 100 years after site closure), and 200 mm/yr at 3180. Vaults The implications of cap performance for evolution of the wastes are related to the behaviour of other components of the engineered system, particularly in the case of the vaults. If is assumed that there is zero leakage through the base of Vault 9 and the future vaults (and that they are constructed and completed according to present baseline plans), any of the above infiltration values would be sufficient to cause them to become fully saturated over timescales of as little as tens of years. In reality, however, even a base permeability as small as 10-10 s-1 will permit a small degree of leakage; moreover, given the surface area of the vault bases, the total drainage capacity may be significant relative to the expected infiltration levels. Indeed, if the cap performs effectively, there is judged to be a significant possibility that the vault wastes will initially de-saturate with time (i.e. water present in grout and elsewhere at closure will be slowly lost) and that re-saturation will not occur. Recent hydrogeological modelling work (Hartley et al., 2009; 2011) supports this interpretation, suggesting that, even after 1000 years, there is a significant probability (estimated at c. 50%) that much of the vault wastes will remain unsaturated. However, the model outputs and the conclusions that can be drawn from them have been shown to be highly sensitive to the way in which elicited parameter values for cap infiltration and base permeabilities are combined. Estimates used in the base case hydrogeological model runs are central values taken from the distributions elicited at the model parameterisation elicitation workshop. These estimates have been found to represent a condition whereby the model results are in ‘unstable equilibrium’, in so far as small deviations from the chosen parameter values lead to large differences in model outputs. In effect, the parameters correspond to a situation whereby infiltration through the cap and drainage through the base at the time of closure is balanced; this is logical given the presence of geomembranes in both structures. Small deviations from the elicited parameter values disturb this balance, and lead to the model predicting rapid saturation or desaturation of the vault system, with changes occurring over model timescales as short as tens of years. The base case results show similar behaviour 119 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 over longer timescales, as the elicited parameters for the cap and base are changed to represent degradation, altering the balance between infiltration and drainage such that the model predicts a series of periods of saturated and unsaturated conditions between closure and 1000 years. Given such sensitivity in the modelling results it is not clear that the base case results can be accurately described as representing the ‘likely’ evolution of the system. The following points are relevant to consideration of the implications of this sensitivity. It is reasonable to assume that there should be some correlation between the parameter probability distributions when analysing their impacts. For example degradation of the base is likely to be (at least in part) a function of the amount of water passing through it, and therefore linked to performance of the cap. However, it is very difficult to establish the extent of correlation across the distributions elicited, and this was not a topic explicitly covered by the elicitation process. The elicited probability distributions encompass uncertainties associated with all potential forms of degradation (and indeed other sources of uncertainty). The implicit failure mechanisms ranged from slow degradation of concrete and liners through to sudden failure / cracking. It is difficult to unpick the contributions from different sources of uncertainty within the elicited distributions, and therefore it is not easy to describe the potential importance of correlations across the distributions elicited. Naturally this is less of an issue for a ‘conservative’ performance assessment (for which the elicitation process was designed) than it is for an optimisation process that attempts to establish a more ‘realistic’ view. The distributions elicited at the workshop (Jackson et al., 2011) were intended to be ‘cautiously realistic’ as they were developed to support the main PA. For example, the central estimates for the base permeability with time may therefore reflect a faster degradation than would be appropriate to a real ‘best estimate’ of performance. It is also relevant to note that the Serco modelling work was focused on hydrogeology and did not incorporate processes associated with the vault wasteform (such as metal corrosion) that have the potential to absorb significant quantities of water and might thereby reduce the likelihood of resaturation for a prolonged period (Paulley, 2009a). Overall, therefore, it remains unclear whether the implementation of a ‘Vault 9’ standard base and high quality cap for future vaults would lead to persistent unsaturated or saturated conditions, or a sequence of different saturation states. 120 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 However, as discussed in Section E.3.2, the predicted radiological impacts are likely to be of the same order whichever state is established. For any ‘lower standard’ (no liner) base design that might be implemented for the future vaults (e.g. a base design equivalent to Vault 8, or simpler alternatives with no bentonite liner) there appears to be a high probability, with or without absorption of infiltrating water by metal corrosion, that unsaturated conditions will be established and would persist for a significant period of time. Trenches The baseline cap design should also be effective in ensuring that the trenches become desaturated. Given the drainage capacity of the geology underlying the trenches, it can be anticipated that they will desaturate within a handful of years of an effective cap being implemented. Indeed, the present interim cap may well already be performing such a function, at least in part, although the available data (Hunter-Smith, 2009) suggest that full desaturation of the trenches may not yet have been achieved. Options and Variants The Serco modelling work indicates that, under central assumptions regarding cap performance, the cut-off wall and vertical drains (see below) may play minor roles in promoting unsaturated conditions underneath the repository footprint. Nevertheless, it is the cap that is of principal importance as a barrier to water entry. There is, however, a recognised low likelihood risk that the cap could fail. If failure were to take place, with the current modular design, it is perhaps most likely to occur along the line of the gully/valley between the two cap domes, which collects run-off from a substantial area of the cap surface. In circumstances of cap failure, contingency measures to mitigate the consequences of excess infiltration would come into play. Previous studies have not identified any additional cap layers or design features that are likely to provide further protection for the groundwater pathway. The modular design was developed in order to facilitate early installation of the final cap over the trenches (should that be preferred) as well as to keep the overall final height as low as practicable. However, other than the potential for enhanced erosion along the line of any gully between different modular cap components, the double and single dome designs are considered to offer broadly the same level of protection against infiltration and human intrusion once installed. If the final cap is to be installed in one campaign at closure of the site, an appropriate approach to interim capping of the trenches will need to be demonstrated in order to provide effective control over releases while the site remains operational. It might also 121 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 be necessary to provide a basic interim cap for Vault 8 (and potentially for other vaults, over time) in order to minimise the saturation state of those wastes and to reduce demands on active leachate control systems. The ‘stage 1’ cap included as part of the current design could possibly provide the required interim level of protection, if it can be installed progressively. Implications of Cap Options for Gas Pathway Releases According to current understanding, the largest estimated impacts associated with the gas pathway are from C-14 and, in particular, Rn-222 releases. The exposure calculation associated with the maximum estimated doses is based on the assumed release of contaminated gas into the basement of a house built on the cap. Bulk gases are not considered a long-term threat to post-closure safety performance of the facility, as they will not be produced in sufficient volumes to threaten the operation of passive safety features (e.g. by disrupting engineered structures). However, they have the potential to act as a transport vector for radiolabelled gases, and that is partially why it is currently planned that the cap gas vents should be sealed at closure. The other reason for sealing the gas vents is to maximise the diffusion pathlength for Rn-222. Owing to its short half-life, the time taken for Rn-222 to diffuse through the wastes and the cap is a significant factor in reducing the magnitude of release and associated impacts. The incorporation of additional diffusion barriers within the cap, such as extra geomembranes, would further reduce these impacts. However, estimated impacts based on the current baseline design are currently projected to be beneath the criteria for regulatory concern (Baker, 2008) and hence there is not considered to be a strong driver for adding such additional complexity to the cap design. C-14 labelled gas releases may be generated as a result of the degradation of organic wastes, metal corrosion and other processes within the repository. The half-life of C-14 is sufficiently long that impacts will not be reduced by an extended diffusion path. Issues relevant to the role of the cap in controlling long-term impacts include: It is not a simple matter to estimate whether the release of C-14 labelled gas will be reduced or enhanced by different saturation states within the wastes, as the processes involved are complex and the wastes are heterogeneous. Impacts could potentially be reduced by taking measures to enhance local dilution (e.g. by keeping gas vents open post-closure to promote dispersion, or including an enhanced gas blanket in the cap design). However, whilst such measures might reduce C-14 concentrations above the cap, they would be contrary to the aim of maximising the diffusion distance for Rn-222. 122 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 It has been suggested that inclusion of a thick layer of soil and vegetation on the cap surface might maximise the potential for any C-14 release to interact with cap surface waters and be dissolved. This would reduce gaseous impacts but could enhance near-surface groundwater pathway related impacts. Implications of Cap Options for Impacts Associated with Inadvertent Human Intrusion The detailed cap design is primarily intended to provide a stable long-term barrier to the infiltration of water into the facility. However, the cap also plays an important role in helping to mitigate risks associated with the threat of disruption by human activity in the long term, when controls on site use may be less reliable. The quantitative regulatory standard for assessing the significance of human intrusion for a near surface disposal facility is expressed in terms of a ‘dose guidance level’ (Environment Agency et al., 2009). There is no absolute requirement for this standard to be met, but it is intended to provide an indication of the range of circumstances in which consideration needs to be given to the implementation of practical measures to reduce the chance of exposures taking place. It might be argued that a memory of the existence of the site may well persist for a substantial proportion of the period between site closure and its anticipated eventual natural disruption following sea-level rise and coastal erosion. Nevertheless, the GRA suggests that it will be difficult to substantiate that human intrusion into a near-surface disposal facility is unlikely to occur after the period of authorisation (Environment Agency et al., 2009). The recent performance assessment update for the LLWR (Baker, 2008) described a range of potential intrusion scenarios. The most important scenario, taking into account the type of disturbance that might arise from commonplace actions and consequent radiological impact, was considered to be the construction of a house on the cap. Such a development would disrupt the cap itself and potentially also the wastes beneath. Were disturbance of the wastes to occur, subsequent exposures might be significant compared with the regulatory dose guidance level. However, it is argued that if the cap were constructed such that it provides a 3m depth of ‘hard’ material beneath the surface, the likelihood that a commonplace excavation (such as that associated with house building) might result in intrusion into the wastes themselves would be substantially reduced. Typical footings for a domestic house would be highly unlikely to extend beneath the depth of the ‘intrusion barrier’, while deeper excavation would reveal the hard-to-penetrate geomembrane Nevertheless, even if the wastes are not 123 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 disturbed, disruption of the cap as a result of intrusion could lead to the more rapid migration of Rn-222 labelled gases from the wastes to the surface environment, or more specifically into a building constructed on the cap. This relevant exposure scenario is therefore the same as that considered for the gas pathway (Section 3.1.3). Even with a 3m thick engineered cap to provide a barrier against disturbance, there remains a possibility that other categories of commonplace action (i.e. not involving bulk excavation), such as the drilling of investigative boreholes, could lead to direct intrusion into the wastes. However, because they would not involve bulk excavation, the consequences of such actions are judged to be less radiologically significant than excavation for house construction. Alternatively, less likely scenarios, such as the creation of foundations for a much larger building on the cap, might give rise to considerably deeper excavation. In this case, it is argued that prior geotechnical investigations would reveal the cap as being an unsuitable location for construction of such a building. Exposures associated with human intrusion scenarios could in principle be reduced if the inventory were to be reduced, for example by accelerated leaching of contaminants from the facility. This could occur, for example, if the emphasis in cap design were placed solely on its function as a barrier to intrusion, rather than to infiltration. Clearly, however, this would be contrary to the principle of containment and would most likely lead to significantly higher doses via the groundwater pathway. Implications of Cap Options for Impacts Associated with Site Disruption through Coastal Erosion and Sea-level Rise None of the different options for cap design is likely to mitigate significantly against the potential for, and consequences of, eventual disruption of the facility as a result of coastal erosion and sea-level rise. As with human intrusion, passive measures to accelerate leaching and dispersion of the contents of the disposal facility could possibly lead to a reduction in the remaining inventory at the time of disruption, but such an approach would be contrary to the principle of containment, as well as working against the protection measures required for the groundwater pathway. The viability and implications of alternative measures such as coastal defences, local hardening and other engineering approaches to facility protection are considered in Paulley (2010e). 124 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Summary of Post-closure Impacts Relevant to Cap Options The baseline cap design is mature and a range of existing studies suggest that it will satisfactorily achieve its design criteria. There is considerable confidence that the cap will reduce significantly infiltration into the wastes for a prolonged period of time, leading to persistent unsaturated conditions within the trench wastes and the geology underlying the facility, and a significant probability that the future vault wastes will also be unsaturated. Use of lower-standard (unlined (Vault 8) equivalent or simple concrete loading platform type) bases for the future vaults would appear to be sufficient to ensure the vault wastes as a whole would remain unsaturated for a prolonged period of time. This is consistent with a strategy of minimising contact between the wastes and infiltrating water in order to control releases from the facility via the groundwater pathway. Previous studies have not identified any reasonably practicable additional cap layers or design features that would provide significant additional protection for the groundwater pathway. The design of the cap is consistent with assertions regarding its long-term performance. No additional reasonably practicable features have been identified that could help further to reduce the likelihood of failure, except perhaps avoiding the ‘gull-wing’ (two-dome) modular design and the associated gully between modules that could potentially be a source of weakness for erosion. The single and double domed cap designs will offer broadly the same level of protection once completed. However, if the final cap is to be installed in a single campaign at site closure, an appropriate approach to interim capping of the trenches will be required. It may also be necessary to provide some form of interim cap for Vault 8 (and other vaults), depending on the implications for demand on active leachate control systems. The ‘stage 1’ cap included as part of the current design could possibly provide the required interim level of protection, if it can be installed progressively. A further important role of the cap is to provide a long diffusion path-length for Rn-222 gas. Additional layers (e.g. geomembranes) would give additional protection; however, estimated impacts based on the current baseline design are already projected to be beneath criteria for regulatory concern. 125 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 An important role of the cap is to help minimise the likelihood of substantial disruption of the facility through any future human actions. An engineered barrier thickness of 3m has been proposed as sufficient to ensure that commonplace intrusions (e.g. building foundations for a house) would not be likely to lead to significant consequences from direct disturbance of the wastes. It is less clear whether cap design can substantially help to mitigate the impacts of C-14 release in gas. The incorporation of an enhanced soil and vegetation layer on the cap surface might help to trap C-14 through dissolution in cap run-off waters, but it is not clear whether this would in practice give rise to a substantial reduction in impacts, which are in any case (for C-14 release in gas) presently estimated to be below criteria for regulatory concern. An important role of the cap is to help minimise the likelihood of substantial disruption of the facility through any future human actions. An engineered barrier thickness of 3m has been proposed as sufficient to ensure that commonplace intrusions (e.g. building foundations for a house) would not be likely to lead to significant consequences from direct disturbance of the wastes. E.3.2 Future Vault Base Slab and Walls Options and Variants As described by Paulley (2010b), the main functions of the future vault base slabs and walls are: To provide a suitable engineered platform in support of waste disposal operations; and To support the isolation and containment of the disposed wastes pre- and postclosure. As discussed at the Scoping Workshop (Egan, 2009), demonstrating containment does not necessarily depend upon the adoption of a high-specification ‘bath-tubbing’ design, for the reasons discussed below. With these aims in mind, the baseline option and important variants for the future vaults base slabs and walls have been summarised by Paulley (2010b). They are reproduced below. 126 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Options and Variants: Vault Slab and Walls Baseline Option: Future Vaults Installed to Current Vault 9 Design (NB the possibility of achieving the same specification with a single geomembrane liner is also relevant) Base Specification Variants Base Specification Variant 1: Reduced Specification Base for Future Vaults (equivalent standard to Vault 8; no geomembrane liner) Base Specification Variant 2: Concrete Loading Base only (no additional long-term performance measures; similar standard to ‘Dounreay’ design) Base Depth Variants Base Depth Variant 1: Lower Vault Bases compared to current plans (enhanced capacity or reduced likelihood of near-surface discharge) Base Depth Variant 2: Much Lower Vault Bases Compared to current plans (top of wastes below future sea-level) Wall Variants Wall Variant: Reduced Height or No Wall at East of Vault 9 (non bath-tubbing strategy, connecting leachate directly to Vertical Drains). Variants Noted to Test Sensitivities Sensitivity Variant: Stepped Future Vault Bases (i.e. successively lower elevations for Vaults 10 to 14) Implications of Vault Base Slab and Wall Options for Groundwater Pathway Releases Vault 9 vs. Lower Specification Bases The double-liner approach implemented for Vault 9 was optimised for long-term storage, but the design is also consistent with a closure philosophy that achieves containment through retaining any infiltrating waters and resulting leachate within the vaults system for as long as possible. This requires a highly impermeable base that continues to perform post-closure. By contrast, the (no geomembrane liner) Vault 8 approach was designed for a disposal scheme that sought to promote containment by minimising contact between the wasteform and infiltrating water (hence reducing the potential for generating contaminated leachate). This was achieved by draining any infiltrating water at the base of the vault, to avoid saturation and possible bath-tubbing. Such an approach still requires that the base is impermeable during operations but it is less critical that this performance persists after closure. 127 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Both specifications are based on the assumption of a high performance cap, consistent with the baseline design, that serves to minimise infiltration for several hundred years. The issues involved in comparing the two options on a realistic basis as part of an optimisation exercise are complex (Paulley, 2009a). However the qualitative arguments developed by Paulley (2009a), supported by the hydrogeological model runs described by Serco (Hartley et al., 2009; 2011), suggest that it is difficult to differentiate between the two approaches from an impacts perspective on the basis of current evidence. The arguments for this are as follows. Existing assessments of post-closure safety performance for LLWR are based on a conservative conceptual model that represents the vaults as being saturated and well mixed, with contaminants instantaneously available for release from the wastes. If these assumptions are used as a basis for comparing options, it can be expected that the major difference between them will be that the Vault 9 specification design will lead to releases being delayed by the time it takes for the vaults become fully saturated (as discussed in Paulley, 2009a and Towler, 2009a). Logical arguments and hydrogeological modelling outputs (see Section 3.1) support the view that the cap performance will ensure that infiltration is minimal for a substantial period of time. Whichever base specification is adopted, the vault wastes could well remain largely unsaturated (subject to the caveats noted earlier for the ‘Vault 9’ base) for periods up to, and possibly beyond, 1000 years. Moreover, even when the system is saturated, the porewaters within the vaults will not be mobile or ‘well mixed’, nor will such waters mix efficiently with those in the overlying drainage layer. In addition, the conditioning of the disposed waste and the disposal containers themselves will serve to delay the release of some radionuclides, such that a substantial proportion of the inventory is unlikely to be ‘instantly available’ to infiltrating waters. These arguments imply that contaminant releases in leachate and hence impacts will be low over such timescales for both vault design options. From a purely hydrological perspective, however, the main difference is that adoption of the Vault 8 (lower specification) base would enhance the drainage of infiltrating water and hence increase the likelihood of unsaturated conditions persisting within the vault wastes beyond 1000 years, when cap performance is expected to degrade. Removal of the east wall of the vaults to enable direct release of any leachate to adjacent vertical drains could in principle lead to additional reductions in the saturation state of the vault wastes and underlying geology for the time period over which the drains continue to provide a preferential pathway (see Section E.3.4 for more details). 128 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Other Vault Base Options Given the arguments described above, it is logical to consider whether a ‘Vault 8’ style base would provide any significant long-term performance advantages over a simple concrete base with no geomembrane liner or BES layer. Indeed, from a post-closure impacts perspective, there is a strong argument that any advantages would be minimal, as implementation of either option would lead to persistent unsaturated conditions within the vault wastes. This option is essentially equivalent to the use of a base structure similar to that planned for the Dounreay New LLW Facilities. Here a base consisting of 0.5m of 10-10 ms-1 hydraulic conductivity (as built) concrete is assumed for the purpose of PA. This is higher than the elicited conductivities for the LLWR concrete in Vault 8 or Vault 9 which lead to an arguably more ‘realistic’ view of performance. It is appropriate therefore to consider the latter conductivity values to be representative of the performance that could be obtained from a ‘Dounreay-like’ reinforced concrete base slab design. Deeper Vault Bases A decision to implement a ‘deeper future vault base’ option would be driven by the intention either to mitigate the potential impacts of coastal erosion (Paulley, 2010b and 2010e) (provided that it were sufficiently deep to ensure that the wastes were below sea level when erosion occurred), or to increase overall disposal capacity. Both alternatives could have implications for groundwater releases. Wastes within deep vaults (approaching a silo-type disposal concept) would very probably be located within the regional groundwater system, but the potential for discharge of leachate from the saturated wastes to near-surface systems would be reduced. Implications of Vault Base Slab and Wall Options for Impacts Associated with Inadvertent Human Intrusion Deeper vaults could mean there would be a larger distance between the surface of the disposed wastes and the surface of the cap, and hence less likelihood of disturbance by commonplace human actions; however, the extent of benefit actually achieved would depend on detailed cap design associated with such a system, as well as decisions on waste stacking. Moreover, estimated exposures arising from U-238 series radionuclides (which dominate estimated impacts for the human intrusion pathway) are highest in relation to the trench inventory, so this pathway is unlikely to be a discriminating factor for future vault base slab and wall designs. 129 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Implications of Vault Base Slab and Wall Options for Gas Pathway Releases Similar arguments to those for human intrusion apply for the gas pathway. Moreover, as noted previously (Section 3.1.3), it is not clear whether a more prolonged period of unsaturated conditions (resulting from the increased drainage capacity associated with a lower specification vault base) would lead to reduced or enhanced gaseous releases. Implications of Vault Base Slab and Wall Options for Impacts Associated with Site Disruption through Coastal Erosion and Sea-level Rise The process of coastal erosion is expected eventually to lead to undercutting of the site at a depth below the current base level (Baker, 2008). The vault bases would therefore have to be very deep indeed to avoid disruption of the wastes they contain; indeed, vaults constructed at an intermediate depth might be disrupted earlier than the existing shallow vaults. Moreover, no significant additional protection against inundation can be envisaged through developing future vaults with a deeper base. Deep ‘silo’ designs have been excluded from the current optimisation work on the basis of arguments from previous studies that the practical problems involved in operating such a facility would be disproportionately large. Summary of Impacts Discussions Relevant to Vault Base Slab and Wall Options It is not currently possible to undertake the realistic calculations necessary to make comparative assessments of performance (in terms of leachate release) for different approaches to base slab design and associated closure strategies. Nevertheless, a range of arguments can be made that suggest the two approaches (i.e. the Vault 8 and Vault 9 design specifications) are likely to lead to broadly similar levels of post-closure environmental impact, and cannot therefore be differentiated on this basis. There are no strong arguments for differentiation between the main vault design variants on the basis of potential threats associated with gas release, human intrusion and coastal erosion/sea-level rise. Moreover, realistically practicable variations to the depth of the future vault bases are unlikely to realise significant benefits for protection against natural disruption. 130 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 E.3.3 Cut-off Wall Options and Variants The main design functions that have been identified for the cut-off wall (Paulley, 2010c) are: (1) to help minimise / control lateral inflow of groundwater to the near-field for as long as possible, supporting the cap in maintaining a low level of saturation within the trench and vault wastes (and in the geological structures immediately beneath them), by diverting the horizontal-flow component of any ‘incoming’ groundwaters to deeper systems below the facility; and/or (2) to help minimise / control lateral outflow of groundwater from the near-field to the near surface environment for as long as possible, diverting any waters that might contain concentrations of contaminants originating from the trenches and the vaults to deeper systems, thereby reducing the potential for release to the environment in the vicinity of the facility and enhancing the likelihood that any resulting contamination plumes will discharge to sea rather than to land. With these functions in mind, the baseline option and key variants for the cut-off wall have been summarised by Paulley (2010c). They are summarised below. Options and Variants: Cut-off Wall Baseline Option: As for existing ‘Schedule 9 Item 2’ design (keyed in to the cap, emplaced all around the facility, around 80cm wide and 20 to 25 metres in depth, wall constructed from cement / bentonite slurry) ‘Length’ Variants Length Variant 1: Protection against 'incoming' waters only (wall emplaced only where hydrogeological understanding suggests there may be significant lateral inflows) Length Variant 2: Protection against 'outgoing' waters only (wall emplaced only where hydrogeological understanding suggests there may be significant lateral outflows) Length Variant 3: No grouting of bedrock ‘Depth’ Variants Depth Variant 1: Reduced depth, wall design reduced to a maximum of 10m AOD Depth Variant 2: Reduced depth, wall design reduced to a depth to the base of the vaults (i.e. to provide a minimum level of protection of the trenches against incoming lateral flows) No New Cut-off Wall Variant: No change to current arrangements (no new cut-off wall; retain existing structure) 131 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Implications of Cut-off Wall Options for Groundwater Pathway Releases Role of Cut-off Wall for the ‘As Expected’ Cap Performance Scenario If the cap performs ‘as expected’, then it will be the most important engineered feature contributing to minimising the saturation state of the wastes (Hartley et al., 2009; 2011). An encircling cut-off wall might provide some additional protection against lateral inflows, but this will very much be a secondary role. In terms of exerting passive controls on the fate contaminated leachate that might be released from the disposal system, hydrogeological analyses suggest that, for as long as the cap operates effectively, the majority of contamination leaving the system will migrate essentially vertically to the regional groundwater rather than laterally to shallower systems, with or without a cut-off wall in place (Hartley et al., 2009; 2011). This is due to the extensive drainage areas associated with the zones underneath the LLWR, including the unsaturated zone maintained by the cap, as well as the influence of topography and the gradients towards the centre of the facility that are likely to be created by cap-run off. This again suggests that the role of a cut-off wall in minimising potential impacts by directing outflows would be minimal, for as long as the cap performs as expected. The following considerations are relevant to assessing the importance of a cut-off wall in terms of diverting lateral inflows away from the wastes (from Paulley, 2009b). The vaults will be engineered in such a way as to provide effective isolation of the wastes they contain from the impacts of any inflows. Although flows have been observed into the Vault 8 under-slab drainage structure from outside the LLWR engineered system during operations, the de-saturating effect of a cap is likely to be sufficient to address this. In so far as it might provide protection from inflows, the role of a cut-off wall is therefore essentially restricted to the trenches. The implications of increased saturation/flows within the trench wastes are best assessed by considering the implications for specific radionuclides and waste types. o Significant radionuclides in terms of impacts associated with the groundwater pathway for trench wastes include C-14, Cl-36, Tc-99, I-129, Np-237, U-234 and U-238 (Baker, 2008). 132 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 o Uranium release from MgF2 crystals will be affected by reduced saturation and/or flow, but the effect will be minimal as the dissolution rate is in any case expected to be very slow. o U, Th, Tc, Np etc are solubility limited and so release from the near-field may be delayed in unsaturated conditions. o The implications of different saturation regimes for cellulose degradation and metal corrosion release mechanisms for C-14 are unclear, as these processes will still operate in largely unsaturated conditions given sufficient residual humidity. o It is possible that other radionuclides may be incorporated within other trench waste forms and in practice would be subject to congruent release. However the disposals are many and heterogeneous, and data are in any case not available to support complex release models. For most contaminants, therefore, instantaneous release on contact with water is likely to remain the primary (albeit conservative) assumption for the purposes of long-term performance assessment. o The trench wastes are heterogeneous and there may be preferential pathways through them. However this is again difficult to substantiate and quantify. o Whilst there will be very little contaminant transport in essentially unsaturated conditions, transport velocities do not scale with saturation. Transport processes in partially saturated conditions can be faster than those in a fully saturated environment. For the purpose of comparing options, it is therefore considered reasonable to make the following assumptions: Very limited release of contaminants within and transport from the near-field will occur for regions where the wastes are at a very low saturation state. The release of most radionuclides within and from the trench near-field will approximately scale with the fluxes of water passing through the relevant wastes. The release of U, Th, Tc and Np from the near-field will be subject to further retardation in unsaturated conditions due to the effect of solubility limitation. C-14 may also be affected by changes in the geochemistry, but the implications are unclear. Hartley et al. (2011) present a number of model analyses that examine the extent to which the presence or absence of a cut-off wall might influence the saturation state of 133 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 the trench wastes for the central cap performance scenario. The analyses suggest that the absence of a cut-off wall would influence the saturation state of only a fraction of the trench wastes (perhaps 10 to 15% of the total trench waste volume). However, flows through those wastes would be significant compared to flows through the remainder of the trench wastes while cap performance persists, with model outputs suggesting that the overall volume of sub-horizontal flow through the wastes close to the cap perimeter could be of a similar magnitude to the total flow through the cap at closure. Nonetheless, because of variations in release rates for different nuclides, flow properties in unsaturated conditions, and the subsequent dilution during transport prior to exposure, it is expected that calculated impacts from the trenches with no cutoff wall (for the period for which cap performance persists) would not increase substantially8. Indeed test calculations based on the Schedule 9 Requirement 2 GoldSim PA model (with associated ‘conservative’ assumptions - in particular, no near-field solubility controls) indicate that increased flow volumes through the parts of trenches at the periphery could lead to enhanced dilution and thus to a (c.30%) reduction in peak impacts to the shallow well water ingestion pathway, which is the exposure pathway associated with the largest calculated risks. An increase in calculated impact (also by c.30%) was estimated for the regional well water pathway. However, it was subsequently noted that changes in concept for the 2011 ESC calculations may reverse these outcomes. If the simple assumption is made that the rate of release of ‘available’ contaminants from the trench wastes will scale with water flow through them, it may be that the effect of the cap alone will be sufficient to ensure that leachate release is substantially reduced for a prolonged period. A cut-off wall could in principle provide an additional contribution by helping to protect the wastes nearer to the edges of the trenches from partial saturation and higher flows that might arise as a result of cap run-off, but the implications for impacts are not likely to be large compared to the overall calculated impact (see above), assuming that existing models are an accurate representation of the geometries and processes involved. Moreover, any benefits that might be gained in terms of restriction of inflow would require the installation of a cut-off wall only down to the level of the base of the 8 This conclusion is based on the recognition that C-14, Cl-36, Tc-99 etc releases would increase for the 10-15% of the trench wastes subject to higher flows, but releases would not scale in a linear fashion due to waste-form, solubility and sorption effects. Moreover, doses would not scale linearly to any change in release as transport from the trenches would be vertical, and any contaminated plumes would then be subject to sorption and dilution in the geosphere and biosphere. 134 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 trenches; any deeper construction (including any grout curtain) could be considered largely superfluous. It is also important to note that there is an existing cut-off wall, running between the trenches and the railway drain. It is possible that this existing structure would be sufficient to provide a substantial contribution towards the functions that would otherwise be specified for a complete encircling cut-off wall. The benefits of a new installation therefore need to be considered against the control functions provided by the existing construction. A summary of the intended and implemented design for the existing cut-off wall is provided below. The cut-off wall was constructed between 1989 and 1995 and is 470 m long and 1.1 m wide. It was constructed in two sections between the north-east corner of Vault 8 and the southern end of Trench 7. The design intention was to limit lateral migration of trench leachate to the railway cutting, to control groundwater input to the trenches, and to reduce leachate production in general by reducing horizontal inflows of water. The existing cut-off wall therefore provides protection to the north and east sides of the trenches (i.e. around 60-70% of the length of their perimeter, excluding the common boundary with the vaults). It follows a line similar to that which has been proposed for any fully encircling cut-off wall. The construction method used for the installed wall is broadly consistent with the baseline proposed design for any encircling cut-off wall, in terms of material and liner systems. The design was for the wall to extend from 7.4 to 9 m below ground level. However, the ‘as built’ drawings suggest that it was keyed in to the clay layer at around 5 m below ground level. There is some evidence that the cut-off wall is currently providing the ‘downstream’ functions for which it was designed (Hunter-Smith, 2009), but the data is not conclusive. Tritium concentrations in the railway drain were substantially reduced post-installation. However, the interim trench cap was installed simultaneously and so it is unclear whether the observed decrease was the result of one or both components. In addition, a change in measurement methods (with different minimum detection levels) may also have influenced the results. Some concerns have been expressed that the function of the wall might be compromised as it was not implemented to the design depth. One of the potential 135 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 issues is that excavations stopped wherever an apparently continuous clay layer was encountered, and the base of the wall was then keyed in to that. The current geological understanding suggests that such clay layers may be laterally and vertically discontinuous. This means that there is uncertainty whether the clay layer underneath the existing cut-off wall is sufficient to fulfil the original design requirement, i.e. to ensure an impermeable flow barrier down to the depths noted above. A second issue is that the rock head is high across some sections of the wall, and the wall was installed only to the depth of the rock interface, and no other action was taken (i.e. the rock was not grouted). A substantial section of the wall is therefore shallower than originally intended. To summarise, the existing cut-off wall is expected to play a significant role in fulfilling the functions otherwise specified for a new encircling cut-off wall, but the levels of protection actually be provided are difficult to ascertain with accuracy. These performance uncertainties need to be considered when assessing the relative benefits of any new feature. Role of Cut-off Wall for Early Cap Failure Scenarios A comprehensive safety analysis requires consideration to be given possibility and likely implications of alternative scenarios for cap performance scenarios. Whilst the outcomes of the expert elicitation process for cap performance (Jackson et al., 2011) suggested that a high level of confidence can be placed in the cap fulfilling its required control functions for a considerable period of time, there nevertheless remains the possibility that its initial ‘as built’ performance will not be as specified, or that its performance will degrade faster than anticipated. Indeed, the original rationale for including an encircling cut-off wall in the design for the 2002 PCSC (BNFL, 2002) was to provide redundancy in the engineering design such that, if the cap were to fail, the cut-off wall would serve to divert leachate arising within the facility to deeper groundwater systems. The possibility that, under such conditions, the cut-off wall itself could actually cause ponding/bath-tubbing within its confines was also recognised. Specifically, transient (seasonal or high rainfall) effects on infiltration were recognised as potential causes of near-surface saturation and leachate contamination, with the potential for temporary ponding within the cut-off wall to give rise to direct discharge of contaminated waters direct to near-surface soils and surface water systems adjacent to the facility. The vertical drain (see Section E.3.4) was therefore incorporated in the design to provide an additional degree of protection against such a scenario. The implications of early cap failure are partially explored by Hartley et al. (2011). A number of model runs have been undertaken with full or localised cap failure. The 136 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 outputs of the calculations suggest that the wastes will become saturated and that discharge of leachate to upper groundwater can occur for these scenarios, even without the transient effects on near surface saturation and flows being taken into account. The model predicts full saturation within the confines of the cut-off wall, suggesting that it does act to retain water within the facility. However the model results do not show clearly whether the cut-off wall can provide an effective contribution to minimising discharges to upper groundwater systems, because a significant proportion (perhaps 30–50%) of discharges represented in the model occur via the cap profiling material (the remainder being diverted under the cut-off wall). This provides a fast lateral flow pathway, thereby allowing contaminated waters to by-pass over the top of the cut-off wall. Summary of Implications for the Groundwater Pathway In summary, the cap alone is likely to cause sufficient de-watering of trenches to substantially reduce release rates of contaminants. According to the current water flow model, and based on central estimates of cap performance, any cut-off wall may not provide more than a minor supporting role through preventing the in-flow of run-off water at the cap periphery, in particular given that the existing cut-off wall will provide at least part of the required control function. If a new encircling cut-off wall was to be installed, it might be that a relatively shallow installation (to the base of the trenches) is all that would be required to fulfil such a purpose. Any future cut-off wall (for preventing in-flow at the periphery of the facility) could also provide additional ‘what-if’ protection against the consequences of significant early cap failure. For such scenarios, it is possible deeper installations (e.g. to the top of the regional groundwater – there does not appear to be a strong rationale for going any deeper) could provide additional benefits in preventing leachate release to near-surface hydrological systems. However, there remains a possibility that ponding/bath-tubbing might occur within the confines of any cut-off wall following cap failure (that is, it may not offer the protection intended for such ‘what-if’ events). The models presented by Serco (Hartley et al., 2011) suggest that the influence of the vertical drains, at least given the present design, would not be sufficient to mitigate against this effect. Implications of Cut-off Wall Options for Impacts Associated with Inadvertent Human Intrusion The presence of otherwise of a cut-off wall will not have significant implications for impacts related to the potential for inadvertent human intrusion. 137 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Implications of Cut-off Wall Options for Gas Pathway Releases Likewise, the presence of otherwise of a cut-off wall will not have significant implications for impacts related to releases via the gas pathway. Implications of Cut-off Wall Options for Impacts Associated with Site Disruption through Coastal Erosion and Sea-level Rise The presence of otherwise of a cut-off wall will also not have significant implications for impacts related to releases via coastal erosion and sea-level rise processes. Summary of Impacts Discussions Relevant to Cut-off Wall Options For central estimates of projected cap performance, the role of any new encircling cut-off wall will be limited. Leachate is likely to be routed to the regional groundwater system, whether or not a cut-off wall is installed. Without a cut-off wall, a small proportion of the trench wastes (close to the periphery of the cap) may become partially saturated, but the associated impacts from releases via groundwater are not judged significant, in particular considering the role that might be provided by the existing cut-off wall. If required, a new cut-off wall installed to the depth of the base of the trenches would be sufficient to mitigate against any increase in impacts for this scenario. The encircling cut-off wall was originally introduced into the LLWR closure design to provide redundancy in controlling leachate discharge in the case of early cap failure. The likelihood of major early failure of the cap was assessed to be very low in the recent engineering elicitation meeting (Jackson et al., 2011). Existing water flow models for the LLWR do not clearly show whether any new cut-off wall would be effective in diverting to deeper systems any near-surface leachate flows that might occur following cap failure. This is because the model geometry allows preferential flows above the cut-off wall through the cap profiling material. However the flows that are shown in the models do indicate that the cap is effective in diverting flows in other situations. 138 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 The hydrogeological model does however suggest that ponding/bath-tubbing may occur within the confines of an encircling cut-off wall following cap failure. This potential was recognised in the 2002 PCSC, hence the introduction of the vertical drain into the design, to provide further redundancy. Moreover, the water flow model suggests that the vertical drain, according to the present baseline design, will not be sufficient to drain the facility under such conditions, in particular the trenches. This is not due to the capacity of the drains, but a consequence of the geometry of the system. It may be that alternative drain location designs (e.g. emplacement all around the facility, possibly with an overdrainage blanket in the base of the cap to promote flows to the drains, similar to that discussed in the 2002 PCSC) could mitigate this, by providing additional vertical drainage capacity to ensure sufficient hydrogeological interactions with the vaults and the trenches. Indeed, it is possible that the installation of vertical drains all around the facility would be a valid alternative to a cut-off wall, providing a passive drainage route to protect against inputs from cap-run off and a barrier to leachate transport in the upper water system. See Section E.3.4 for further discussions on this topic. Because of the potential for ponding/bath-tubbing within the confines of a cut-off wall, an effective impermeable seal between the cap and the cut-off wall would be required in order to avoid leachate flows in near-surface systems passing over the top of the cut-off wall. It would also need to be demonstrated that the likelihood of seal failure at the same time as more general or localised cap failure would be low. E.3.4 Passive Post-closure Leachate Management (Vertical Drains) Options and Variants The main design functions that have been identified for the vertical drains (Paulley, 2010d) include: To permit excess water that may accumulate within the vaults system to be released from the facility in a controlled manner that may limit environmental impacts from contaminated leachate. Without a suitable drainage strategy for the facility, in which such features may provide an important part, it is possible that any ‘bath-tubbing’ waters in the vaults could eventually overspill into the nearsurface waters and soils surrounding the facility, thereby giving rise to enhanced 139 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 environmental impacts. Thus vertical drains provide a supplementary role to containment measures, helping to minimise site impacts as those containment measures degrade over time. To support a containment strategy in which the aim was to keep the wastes unsaturated for as long as possible, by passively draining water from the base of the vaults. To provide ‘redundancy’ in case of cap failure. The original concept behind the introduction of such features into the closure design (BNFL, 2000; BNFL, 2002) was that, if the cap were to fail significantly on a fairly short timescale, it would be necessary to divert and drain excess water to deeper systems, thereby avoiding the potential for leachate discharges to near-surface systems associated with ponding within the confines of an encircling cut-off wall. Provision of such redundancy remains a potentially important function. The baseline option and key variants for the vertical drains (Paulley, 2010d) are reproduced below. Options and Variants: Passive Leachate Management Baseline Option: Series of Wide Boreholes Vertical Drains Implemented between Trench 3 and the modular vaults Alternative Baseline Variant: No Vertical Drains (with either reduced specification future vault base to otherwise enhance the overall vertical drainage capacity, or vault base as for current design – see 'Vault base and walls' proforma) Vertical Drain Location Variants: Location Variant 1: Vertical Drains All Round Facility Location Variant 2: Vertical Drains the Other Side of the Vaults Location Variant 3: Vertical Drains also In or Connected To Vault Bases and Drainage Systems Alternative Design Variant: 2002 Design (one large deep rectangular drain). 140 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Implications of Vertical Drain Options for Groundwater Pathway Releases9 A number of lines of reasoning are relevant to considering the potential advantages or disadvantages of different options for the vertical drains (and passive post-closure leachate management in general) (see e.g. Paulley, 2009a,b; Hartley et al., 2011). Assuming that the cap performs ‘as expected’, it seems likely (as discussed above) that the cap alone will be sufficient to ensure that the wastes, and indeed the directly underlying geology, will remain partially or wholly unsaturated for a significant period of time. The vaults are not expected to become fully saturated (subject to the caveats and uncertainties previously discussed), whether or not vertical drains are installed, until timescales of around or beyond 1000 years (i.e. on timescales beyond which confidence can be placed in the vertical drains to provide an effective preferential pathway). Installing vertical drains that are hydrologically connected to the vault bases might however have minor benefits in terms of further extending the timescales over which the vault wastes are likely to remain partially or fully unsaturated as the cap performance degrades. For the central cap performance scenario the vertical drains will not offer any substantial benefit to managing impacts from the trenches. Should the assumptions outlined in Paulley (2009a,b) and the model predictions described by Hartley et al. (2011) prove incorrect, such that the vaults become saturated without requiring major cap failure to occur, the arguments presented by Towler (2009a,b) suggest that the difference in impacts between ‘saturated’ and ‘unsaturated’ vault designs would be small (because of the limited mixing of waters with the wastes that would occur prior to discharge in both cases). Another potentially important design function for any vertical drains is to provide redundancy measures to protect against the potential against cap failure. Here it is important to consider the relationship of the drain to any cut-off wall that may be present. It appears reasonable to assume that any early localised or general cap failure event is likely to lead to saturation of both the vault and trench disposal systems, particularly if a cut-off wall is present, preventing lateral dispersion of waters. 9 Compliance or otherwise with regulations relating to UK implementation of the EC Groundwater Directive are not discussed here or in subsequent subsections, which present a purely ‘technical’ analysis of the potential advantages or disadvantages of different options. 141 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Steady-state calculations for relevant scenarios undertaken by Serco (Hartley et al., 2011) confirm the likelihood that, under such conditions, leachate discharge to near-surface systems would be likely to occur, although the fate and extent of such discharges remain unclear. Transient effects (i.e. seasonal and other high rainfall occurrences) would seem likely to further increase the likelihood of such discharges. Moreover the calculations undertaken included the presence of vertical drains according to the present baseline designs. However: o The drains, as represented in the model, are not sufficient to divert all leachate from the vault area to deeper systems at a sufficient rate to avoid near-surface discharges, although model ‘particle pathline’ runs do show that a significant proportion of vault wastes are likely to be drained by this route for as long as the vertical drains persist in providing a preferential flow pathway. Geometry (i.e. the distance between the edge of the vaults and the line of the drains) is a key consideration here. It could be argued that further near-surface discharges would occur if transient effects were to be included in the model, representing the ability of the system to respond to variability in rainfall. o The vertical drains, as currently designed, are not able to offer significant protection against trench saturation and potential discharges to surface or near-surface systems, because of the geometries and conductivities involved. Alternatives to the present baseline design for the vertical drain have the potential to offer additional benefits. For example, emplacing vertical drains all around the facility might offer sufficient drainage capacity to mitigate against cap failure events and associated transient effects, at least for the vaults, and potentially also for the trenches. It could be that such a ‘drain curtain’ would in fact be a more effective perimeter barrier feature than a cut-off wall, as it would not promote bath-tubbing within its confines under conditions of cap failure. Alternatively, cut-off wall and drainage systems could both be installed as perimeter features, with or without the central linear drains currently included in the design. Implications of Vertical Drain Options for Impacts Associated with Inadvertent Human Intrusion The presence of otherwise of vertical drains will not have significant implications for impacts related to the potential for inadvertent human intrusion. Implications of Vertical Drain Options for Gas Pathway Releases 142 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Similarly the presence of otherwise of vertical drains will not have significant implications for impacts related to releases via the gas pathway. Implications of Vertical Drain Options for Impacts Associated with Site Disruption through Coastal Erosion and Sea-level Rise The presence of otherwise of vertical drains will also not have significant implications for impacts related to releases via coastal erosion and sea-level rise processes. Summary of Impacts Discussions Relevant to Vertical Drain Options Assuming that the cap performs ‘as expected’, it seems likely that the cap alone will be sufficient to ensure that the wastes, and indeed the directly underlying geology, will remain partially or wholly unsaturated for a significant period of time. The vaults are not expected to become fully saturated, whether or not vertical drains are installed, until timescales of around or beyond 1000 years (i.e. on timescales beyond which confidence can be placed in the vertical drains to provide an effective preferential pathway). Minor additional benefits may be obtained, in terms of prolonging the period for which the vault wastes remain unsaturated, if vertical drains are directly hydrologically connected to the vault bases. Even if these assumptions prove incorrect and bath-tubbing within the vaults will occur, mixing and other relevant arguments suggest that there is little to choose between different options for the drains. Should general or localised cap failure occur, calculations suggest that the trenches and the vaults will saturate and discharges to near-surface pathways may occur, even if transient effects are not taken into account, although the drains will provide some benefits for vault leachate. Other vertical drain geometries (e.g. installing them around the perimeter of the facility as well as between the vaults and the trenches, possibly without the cut-off wall) may offer additional benefits compared to the present baseline design in the event of cap failure. Based on the above arguments, the following issues need to be considered in identifying a preferred option for the vertical drains (and indeed any cut-off wall): 143 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 To what extent is it necessary to demonstrate ‘redundancy’ in design as part of the development of a robust ESC (noting GRA requirements that the safety case should not rely excessively on one system component)? Are the contingency benefits that might be obtained by one or more of the various design options proportionate to the costs involved, and is there a particular option that offers the best performance? References 10 Baker A J (2008). LLWR Lifetime Plan: Managing Existing Liabilities and Future Disposals at the LLWR. LLW Repository Ltd Report 10001 LLWR LTP Volume 1, Issue 1, April 2008. BNFL (2000). Status Report on the Development of the 2002 Drigg Post-Closure Safety Case. BNFL (2002a). Drigg Post-closure Safety Case: Overview Report. BNFL report, September 2002. Hartley L, Applegate D, Couch M, Jackson C P and James M (2011). Hydrogeological Modelling for LLWR 2011 ESC Phase 2. Serco report SERCO/TAS/003632/005 Issue 5.0, April 2011. Egan M J (2009). Workshop Briefing Paper: Environmental Safety Case Engineering Optimisation Scoping Workshop. Environment Agency, Northern Ireland Environment Agency and Scottish Environment Protection Agency (2009). Near-surface Disposal Facilities on Land for Solid Radioactive Wastes: Guidance on Requirements for Authorisation. February 2009. Hartley L, Applegate D, Couch M, Jackson P, James M and Roberts D (2009). Hydrogeological Modelling for LLWR 2011 ESC: Phase 1. Serco Report TAS/003632/002 Issue 2.1, November 2009. Hunter-Smith R (2009). 2009 Annual Performance Assessment of the Interim Cap and Cut-off Wall at the LLWR Trenches. Schedule 9 Requirement 7 Trench Cap Report (09), RP/103547/4510034188/PROJ/00019. 10 Several of the references quoted here refer to documents that were current at the time of writing; many have since been largely superseded by the discussions and/or references quoted in the main body of this document. 144 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Jackson C P, Couch M, Yates H, Smith V, Kelly M and James M (2011). Elicitation of Uncertainties for LLWR. Serco report SERCO/TAS/E003796/010 Issue 2.0, April 2011. Paulley A (2009a). Estimating Impacts to Inform Option Comparisons – Groundwater Pathway: In support of the LLWR Pre- and Post-closure Engineering Optimisation Programme. Quintessa Technical Note QRS-1443O-TN4 (Draft for Discussion). Paulley A (2009b). Potential Implications of Different Saturation Profiles Within the Trenches for Release: Initial Thoughts to Inform Views on the Comparative Benefits of Specific LLWR Engineering Component Options. Quintessa Technical Note QRS-1443O-TN5 (Draft for Discussion). Paulley A (2010a). Engineering Component Option Description Proforma: Final Capping Options (see Appendix D). Paulley A (2010b). Engineering Component Option Description Proforma: Future Vaults Base Slab, Liner and Walls Options (see Appendix D) . Paulley A (2010c). Engineering Component Option Description Proforma: Cut-off Wall Options (see Appendix D). Paulley A (2010d). Engineering Component Option Description Proforma: Post-closure Passive Leachate Management System Options (see Appendix D). Paulley A (2010e). Engineering Component Option Description Proforma: Other Engineered Features (see Appendix D) Thorne M C (2008). LLWR Lifetime Project: Estimates of Cap Infiltration and Erosion. Mike Thorne and Associates Ltd. for Nexia Solutions, Report No. (08)9274, July 2008. Towler G H (2009a). LLWR Optimisation: Consideration Comparison of Wet Waste and Dry Waste Strategies. Quintessa Technical Note QRS-1443O-TN3 (Draft for Discussion). Towler G H (2009b). LLWR Optimisation: Consideration of Near-Surface Pathways in Engineering Optimisation. Quintessa Technical Note QRS-1443O-TN6 (Draft for Discussion). 145 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Appendix F: Systematic Identification of Strategy and Component Options Against Threats to Repository Performance Section 3.3 of the main report text describes how, during the scoping and main options assessment phase, systematic approaches to options identification were utilised. The aims of this approach were twofold: to ensure that evidence collation and analysis activities (e.g. the hydrogeological modelling work) addresses a suitably comprehensive range of component options, in order to inform the main options assessment stage; and to provide an audit tool to build confidence that the analysis presented is comprehensive, i.e. that no potentially important component options were missed. The detailed analysis undertaken can be summarised by three ‘mind map’ diagrams showing alternative approaches to identification of options. These are shown in Figures F1, F2 and F3. They indicate, respectively: an analysis of the different threats to facility performance against component options that could help mitigate those threats; an analysis of high-level potential broad engineering strategies against the detailed component options that could apply; and a summary of all the different component options identified during this phase of the analysis. The analysis as presented here is deliberately unconstrained. Discussions in the main body of the report detail why certain options (e.g. monolith strategies, or strategies involving a dilute and disperse (permeable/no cap) approach) were screened out from further consideration. The options identified here were further developed and refined during the main phase of the optimisation assessment. For example, the ‘Vertical Drains Also in Future Vault Bases’ option was developed to include the concept of a drainage layer underneath the vault base to maximise the passive vertical drainage capacity. 146 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure F1: Schematic of Pre- and Post-closure Threats to Facility Performance Mapped Against Strategies to Mitigate Those Threats 147 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure F2: Schematic of Combined Strategy Options, Noting Key Variants Mapped to Threats to Facility Performance 148 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Figure F3: Combined List of Engineering Component Options Identified During the Initial Options Identification Stage 149 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Appendix G: Scoping Workshop Engineering Presentation showing Overview of Basic Elements of the Previous Baseline Design LLWR Environmental Safety Case Workshop December 2009 Engineering Features Dave Tonks LLWR Engineering Optimisation Technologies – generally established, proven… – – – – – but long term performance / design lives unproven reasonable conservative approach ways of reducing uncertainty & building confidence monitor and manage. Continuous improvement CQA – essential to validating Records and Tracking. Vault 9 Current Design & Construction Future Vaults Closure Engineering 150 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Engineering Features Overview of elements – – – – Cap Future Vaults Cut-off wall Vertical Drains Site Photo c2006 151 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Survey Plan 2009 3D Digital Models 152 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Gull Wing Cap + Cut-off Wall Gull Wing Cap Typical Cross Section 153 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Gull Wing Cap Western Perimeter Section Gull Wing Cap Central Section 154 Single Dome Cap QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Vaults Long Section 155 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Single Dome Cap Single Dome Cap Western Perimeter 156 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Single Dome Cap Central Area Cap 157 QRS-1443O-1, Version 2 Vault 9 Base and Western Wall Vault 9 Base and Central Wall 158