Aquilian - Glebe House School


Aquilian - Glebe House School
The Aquilian
The Magazine of Glebe House School & Nursery
Issue 13: September 2012 – July 2013
The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House staff 2012 - 2013
Glebe House staff
Glebe House Pre Prep
House reports
Glebe House prize giving
Glebe House art & DT
Glebe House leavers’ programme 48
Speech day prize list
Glebe House performing arts
Glebe House leavers’ profiles
John Crofts BA(Hons), PGCE
Glebe House staff news
Glebe House events
Glebe House Nursery
Glebe House trips & excursions
Glebe House sporting year
Glebe House Parents’ Committee 11
(also head of English)
Heads of School 2012 - 2013
Jemima Boström,
Jemima Priest - New Head of
Jazymn Pesci
Deputy Head
Head of Pre Prep
Head of Nursery
Suzette Patrick BEd(Hons), (RIHE)
Allison Skipper BA (Hons), PGCE
Susie Pull NNEB, Norland Dip &
Teaching Staff
Administrative Staff
Robert Gladstone BA
Head of Humanities
Julie Ashby NNEB
Deputy Nursery Manager
Bridget Crofts
Registrar and School Shop
Katy Collingsworth CACHE level 3
Alice Hipwell BA (Hons), PGC
Head of Art and DT
Karen Hubbard BSc(Hons), PGCE
Division III
Leanne Fryett CACHE Level 3
Gavin Jones B.Ed, BA,PSPD
Head of Mathematics
Karen Gibson NVQ Level 3
Jane Lewis Cert Ed
Division I
Emma Franklin NVQ level 3
Jane Fuller NVQ Level 3
Louise Melton NVQ level 3
Lorraine Poulter NVQ level 3
Jane Lincoln Bsc (Hons)
Bursar (Maternity leave from November
until July 13)
Jonathan Beart BA (Hons), Cert. Ed.
Jodie Neave BA (Hons)
HM’s PA and School Secretary
Kim Proudfoot NVQ Level 3
Jo Witley
Sally Maud B.Ed (Hons), PGCE
Division II
Gordon Wilkinson MA, MEd SENCO
Emma Woodford Cook BTEC
Boarding Staff
Ancillary Staff
Rebecca Playford BA (Hons), PGCE
Mabel Crane
Alexandre Lake
Lily Flett
Mya Law
Honor Hambro
Louisa van Vlerken
Sydney Hipwell
Evie Hemming
Bridget Crofts
Bridget Crofts
Rob Gladstone
We extend a warm welcome to the following pupils who
have joined Glebe House School during our 2012-2013
academic year:
Div I
Div VI
Ethan Newton-Walters
Sungyoon Cho
Jeonghun Park
Kielan Hurdle
Parents, staff and pupils who have
contributed articles and pictures
Johnathan Turner BSc (Hons), PGCE
Head of Science & PE
David Whitehill BA (Hons), PGCE
Head of MFL
Visiting Music and Dance Staff
Helen Battelley - Dance
Gail Carnell LTCL - Piano
Bridget Crofts – Woodwind
Ruby Crane
With thanks to
Pauline Thirkettle
Teaching Assistant
Design & Artwork
Lucinda Reddyhoff
Governors - (with principal areas
of responsibility)
Michael Spinney - Chairman of the
Board, Education, Marketing
Mike Stewart – Minibus Driver
Paula Cable - Cook
Susan Cardew – Cleaner
Clare Gross - Gap Year Student
(autumn term)
Nigel Finney - Head of Maintenance
Claudija Zachnich - Gap Year Student
(autumn term)
Joyce Payne – Cleaner
Emily Fenton - Gap Year Student
(spring & summer term)
Ann Price – Housekeeper
Siobhan Butler - Gap Year Student
(Spring & Summer term)
Daniel Newstead/Stephen Marsh -
Estelle Furnell – Violin and ‘cello
Tap Robinson – Guitar
David Maddison – Brass
Henry Lascelles - Drums
Alison Skipper - Singing
Visiting PE & Games Staff
Christopher Tyler –Finance
John Richley – Welfare and Boarding
Lloyd Sandy – Staffing, Finance
Paul Searle – Health & Safety
Peter Flett - Marketing
Mary Stanton – Education - Pre Prep &
Nursery, Safeguarding
Sharon Bottomley- Health & Safety (Medical)
Tim Hipperson – Education
Zena Lawrence – Laundry
Elizabeth Pooley - Kitchen
Angie Utteridge - Cook
Jennifer Savage - Swimming
James Wayland – Fencing/Archery
The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House prize giving
1960s with some talented and very brave
solo singers: I couldn’t do it - mind you, you
wouldn’t want me to either!
After his warm welcome to all assembled, the Headmaster continued:
“It seems fitting that I should start with
Michael Spinney, whose affection for this
school matches my own and who was
Headmaster here for 5 years in the 1990s.
Michael was courted by several schools
when, following his year as Chairman of
IAPS, he took early retirement from The
Beacon School. For him the opportunity to
be of service to Glebe as a Governor was a
huge draw and last Summer he also agreed
to assume the position of Chairman. During
the ISI inspection last September, the Lead
Inspector knew she was taking to someone
who knew the school and knew education.
Michael was able to talk as an equal and
charm her – it obviously worked.
Largely as a result of this the school was
described as ‘a model of working harmony
where adults and pupils work extremely
well together, and benefit from the range
of backgrounds, cultures and faiths they
encounter in school.’
When, earlier this year, Michael’s successor
at The Beacon asked to leave with little
notice, it was not surprising that the
Governors there should ask Michael to
fill in for a year while they were able to
appoint a new Head. Ever wanting to help
out, Michael readily agreed but therefore
regretfully steps down from the Glebe
Board of Governors today along with Chris
Tyler who we thanked last year for his time
as chairman. I must, at this point express
my sincere thanks to all of the Governors
for everything they do to support me
and the school. It is of course entirely
without financial remuneration and takes
a considerable amount of time. I just hope
when they hear of our successes they feel
some of the glow that I do.
It is a pleasure for me to welcome new
Governors in Adam, Geoff and Jason to
the Board, all of whom have the abilities
that will make a substantial contribution to
the future of the school and I am delighted
that Lloyd Sandy, Old Aquilian and current
parent has agreed to be the Board’s next
chairman. I know he will work with passion
to move the school forward.
The start of the year was for me dominated
by the forthcoming inspection and I will
use quotes from that report to illustrate my
summary of the year.
‘All staff know individual children
exceptionally well and are highly sensitive
to pupils’ individual needs. They provide
outstanding support in an approachable,
friendly and professional manner.’
‘Teachers’ are highly knowledgeable and
share their enthusiasm for their subjects
with their pupils. They answer questions
in appropriate detail and as they know their
pupils very well, understand their strengths
and areas for improvement.’
‘Effective lesson planning ensures that a
wide range of teaching strategies are used to
interest pupils and create a love of learning.’
In Robert Bolt’s play ‘A Man for all Seasons’ Sir
Thomas More tells Richard Rich to accept a
teaching position that he has been offered.
Rich wonders who would respect him in
that position. More tells him that he will be
respected by his students, and he will respect
himself. I certainly know that the teachers
here are valued and respected. I respect
and am grateful to my colleagues for their
hard work, their professionalism and their
willingness to go the extra mile.
It has of course been a busy term and year. It
is busy because the children make it so. To
quote ISI:
‘The pupils are proud of their school, enjoy
showing it to visitors and thrive on the vast
range of opportunities it offers them.’
‘Pupils’ success owes much to their positive
attitudes and they approach learning with
evident enjoyment and enthusiasm.’
‘The excellent friendly ethos which exists
within the school community allows pupils
to grow and flourish into self assured young
people with a strong sense of who they are
and what they believe in.’
Of course we should be judged on what we
do and, without neglecting the quiet progress
that so many make day by day, please indulge
me as a proud Headmaster as I reflect on a
few of the highlights of the year.
Academically it has been a year of pleasing
progress. I congratulate so many of you on
achieving excellent reports reflecting above all
the effort you put into your work.
ISI reported that ‘The quality of the pupils’
academic achievements is good, in line with
the aims of the school. Pupils are articulate,
and mathematically and scientifically able.
Those identified as having special educational
needs make good progress and the few
pupils who do not have English as their first
language make excellent progress because of
the small class sizes and good quality of the
support they receive.’
A small Division Vlll has continued a proud
tradition of achieving places at their first
choice of Senior Schools – Oundle and The
Leys both have highly competitive entry
requirements and we wish Jemima and
Jazmyn much success in the future, after
excellent Glebe House School careers.
We continue to be excited by news of our Old
Aquilians as they move through their senior
schools with success that can be measured
by awards, and entry or offers of entry to
our most prestigious universities. They
also excel in sport with Freddie Davison
representing England U16s at rugby and, in
the same sport, Darryl Veenendaal playing
for the South African Barbarians. Excellence
too is seen in drama, with Jack Gillett
gaining a place at LAMDA, and in art, music
and a host of other areas. Quite simply, and
I’ve met a number of them recently, OAs
excel as the sort of people I am proud to
Division Vll and I have also worked with an
Old Aquilian poet, Andrew Barber, and will
continue to do so as we explore his recent
collaboration with a New Zealand authoress
on a historical novel, a project which excites
As always we have sought to get out of the
classroom and interesting trips have taken
place both day trips locally and overnight
trips further afield; to York and then on
to Hadrian’s Wall for Division lV, and the
annual Division Vll & Vlll trip to London,
which was its usual success. Most recently
our Environmental week saw us out and
about and I would like to thank all the
staff and parents who offered interesting
opportunities for our children.
Once again there has been much to
commend in your artistic performances.
We have been treated to some excellent
plays; from the Pre Prep show that
charmingly is the start of the Christmas
period for many, through The Wizard of Oz
by the Division Vls, Vll and Vllls with support
from Divison V and technical direction
from Zach Reddyhoff and Andrew Carnell.
This was highly effective (says the Director)
with an outstanding performance from
Rosie Gillett as Dorothy in particular, but
could not have been achieved without the
support of several staff including Allison
Skipper, Alice Hipwell, Siobhan Butler, Emily
Fenton, Bridget Crofts and David Whitehill.
Division V had a further chance to shine
along with Divisions lll & IV when last week,
under the direction of Suzette Patrick and
Karen Hubbard, they performed ‘Porridge’,
a highly entertaining play based on a
collection of traditional children’s stories
and nursery rhymes. The quality of all round
performance was excellent, but I am always
impressed by the way in which, from one
performance to the next, several children
are able to swap parts and still perform each
one in a highly polished manner.
The Summer Sensation this last Wednesday
has already been mentioned, but it bears
another reference. All the children in the
school danced and sang to the music of the
Your singing and music making in informal
concerts showed much promise. At the end
of February we held our fifth evening soiree.
This allowed our more advanced musicians
a chance to perform at more length and
in a more adult setting. Jemima, Jazmyn,
Rosie, Sungyoon, Jeonghun and Sophia
all performed to a very high standard. At
Christmas we were delighted to learn that
Sophia Basset had successfully passed the
audition for the National Youth Choir of
Great Britain and attended her first course
at Easter culminating with a concert in the
Royal Albert Hall.
Choral singing is very much alive at Glebe
and we look forward to Claire Stewart,
the Director of Music of the Sandringham
Estate, joining us in September to teach
singing and to direct the choir.
The Charity Art Exhibition in the Autumn
term invited all children to produce a piece
of work on a small canvas. The resulting
exhibition, with prizes provided by The
Fairfax Gallery, was well received. More
recently the annual Art exhibition showed
the depth of talent at the school and I am
very grateful to Alice Hipwell for staging
both events.
The Kent Quaich, kindly presented to the
school by former colleagues Stephen and
Sheila, is a beautiful trophy to be awarded
for something which combines Stephen’s
interest in engineering and Sheila’s work
with textiles. The Kents came in to judge the
recycled hats during Environmental Week
and were torn between several designs. I’m
just sorry no mother has worn their child’s
hat today.
The weather has affected much of our
sport this year. However over the year in
sport we have had much success and our
teams progressed to the finals of the Norfolk
School Games Winter and Summer Games
in many competitions. It was impressive to
see how well we have performed in cricket,
sportshall athletics, tag rugby, tri golf and
tennis to name but a few.
Many children take their sport seriously
outside school and we are always pleased
to celebrate their success. Jemima Bostrom
and Declan Cobb both represented Norfolk
for a second year at hockey and were
joined this year by Oliver Searle. Others
perform regularly with local football teams
or are selected for development work with,
in Sammy Tyler’s case Norwich City and
in George Waddison’s Cambridge United.
Pelicans hockey club attracts many of our
pupils where, in addition to those already
mentioned, Sam Stonebridge and Sophia
Basset regularly get plaudits. Jennifer
and Nina Dahl with Harry Basset perform
regularly at King’s Lynn gymnastics club,
and Jonny Chalk with others at Dersingham
cricket club. Rosie Gillett is progressing
through the belts at her Kuk Sul Won
martial arts classes and many attend the
West Norfolk Athletics club. Daisy Waddison
now attends elite training for tennis at Easton
College twice a week and Piers Henderson
very successfully races in karting up and down
the country. The list goes on and I apologise
to those I have undoubtedly missed.
Reverend Wood for allowing us to use
the church, for leading assemblies and for
offering me advice on so many matters,
Nic Pull for machinery and time to carry
out maintenance and I apologise for not
mentioning all of the many others.
In 2016 at Rio the Olympic Games will include,
for the first time, tumbling as a gymnastic
routine and in Harry Basset we have a
National Champion – 2016 will be too early
for Harry, but we are continually delighted to
hear of his progress and who knows what the
future holds?
Of course I could do nothing without my
colleagues. So I thank the entire academic
and support staff and those who visit to
instruct the children in activities for their
ISI said ‘The pupils’ spiritual, moral, social
and cultural development is excellent.
Pupils are well mannered, considerate and
delightful with each other; their behaviour
is praiseworthy. They are genuinely caring
members of their own community and
understand their social responsibility to help
others who are less fortunate.’
The compassion shown by the young for
the disadvantaged is often humbling and
the children here have enjoyed the chance
to raise money for charity through national
events such as Children in Need (which the
School Council adopted as their charity for
2013), World Book Day and Comic Relief or
through their own events such as the recent
Marathon Morning.
One of the features of Glebe House is the
number of parents, past parents, Old Aquilians
and former members of staff who contribute
to our life by giving freely of their time. The
Parents’ Committee remains the focus for
many of our activities and we are as ever
indebted to the whole committee for their
hard work. As Chairperson, Janie Thompson
has kept the committee enthused and events
have been varied and fun. Thank you to you
and to the other members who have served
on the committee this year - and in many
cases for many years – Becky Suiter, Carla
Wright, Vicky Searle, Theresa Jennings, Sarah
Minney and Steve Reed. Others who are not
on the Committee have helped immensely,
but none more so than Jo Boström who again
organised large parts of both the Christmas
Fair and Summer Fete as well as umpteen
highly profitable car boot sales when weather
has permitted. These sales have, over the last
few years, raised over £50,000 pounds to help
the school. I very much hope Jo will continue
now that Jemima is leaving, but I’d like to
express my sincere thanks for all that she has
done for the school throughout Jemima’s
Glebe years.
One of the best times in the week to go into
the Junior Building is a Wednesday morning
when Becki Suiter and Sarah Henderson
kindly come into do cookery with Pre Prep I
know the children and staff appreciate it so
thank you. To those who have volunteered
in Pre Prep or been part of Sarah Minney’s
weekly cake baking rota – thank you.
There are a host of other people who come
in for no reward other than supporting the
school so as representatives of the many
may I thank Stephen and Sheila Kent for
recording plays, sewing and judging contests,
ISI said that ‘The warm and close family
atmosphere within the boarding is a great
strength of the school.’ and I thank Rob
Gladstone for his care of the boys, with a
heartfelt personal appreciation for Bridget,
who goes way beyond what is expected in
so many areas of the school - and looking
after the girl boarders is just a part of this.
Glebe House school is a wonderful
community radiating a warmth and a
vibrancy that would be the envy of many.
The pupils, the staff and the parents make it
that and I thank you for all you do.
Thank You.
My final task is to announce that the
following pupils will be School Officers for
in September 2013
The Head of Barbers will be Jade Sandy
The Head of L’Estrange will be Nancy Davis
The Head of St Edmunds will be Oliver
The Deputy Heads of School will be Jonny
Chalk and Rosie Gillett
And the Head of School will be Jemima
Once again I thank you for allowing myself
and my staff the opportunity, in partnership
with you the huge privilege of educating
your children. I wish you and your families
a restful but exciting and hopefully warm
John Crofts
Deputy National Medical Director
– Health Inequalities, NHS England
Chairman, National Inclusion
Health Board, Department of
General Practitioner, Bellevue
Medical Centre, Birmingham
The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House speech day prize list
Division Prizes for Attainment
III Sarah Verheij
Emma Carnell
Daan Verheij
James Pearson
Jemima Priest
Jemima Boström
Oliver Searle
Bowett Cup (Netball) & best rounders player
Jazmyn Pesci
The Patrick Cup (Girls Hockey) & senior girls Tennis
Jemima Boström
Bunting Cup (Senior Cricket)
Jonny Chalk
McCall Cup (Best senior Rugby) & Victor Ludorum
Adam Simmonds
Division Prizes for Effort
Intermediate Girls Athletics
Olivia Delph
Reception I
Intermediate Girls Tennis
Sophia Basset
Greer Cup ( best Colts Hockey) & Intermediate Boys
Sam Stonebridge
Louisa Van Vlerken Heston Appleton &
Ethan Newton -Walters
Lilia Costin
Ruby Crane
Emma Carnell
Sophia Basset
Sungyoon Cho
Rosie Gillett
Jazmyn Pesci
Sungyoon Cho
Victrix Ludorum & best senior swimmer
Jemima Boström
Best Junior Swimmer
Maude Poulter
Intermediate Boys Tennis
George Waddison
Junior Girls Tennis & the Waite-Nyberg Shield for U9 Girls Progress
Jessica Jamieson
Division Prizes for Progress
Wright Trophy for the Most Improved Swimmer
Jeonghun Park
Newman Shield (Best all round U11 sportsperson)
Harry Basset
Pre Prep Literacy
Sydney Hipwell
Loes Verheij
Lucy Reed
Pre Prep Numeracy
Mya Law
Jules Jamieson
Scarlett Zoll
Pre Prep Handwriting
Lily Flett
Loes Verheij
Emily Minney
Pre Prep Prizes
Most improved reader
Novkovic Cup
(Performing Arts)
Courtesy Cup
Craig Green Award
(jolly nice person!)
Mabel Crane
Lily Davis
Daisy Waddison Kitty Hambro
Thaleia Dix
Alexandra Lake
Mabel Crane
Junior - Divisions III & IV combined
Emma Carnell
Sammy Tyler
Connor Chauhan-Jennings
French Lucas Triffitt
Josie Suiter
History Nicholas Morgan
Religious Studies
Imogen Basset
Art & Drama
Alexandre Costin
Design & Technology Oliver Fuller
Information Technology Archie Thompson-Poole
Maude Poulter
Most Improved Young Cricketer & Lacoste/Sutherland cup
(best Colt rugby player)
Honor Hambro
Ruby Turner-Smith
Olivia-Rose Jordan
Molly Sisman
Oliver Fuller
Harry Basset
Jeonghun Park
Jonny Chalk
(Not awarded)
Sports Prizes:
Sargeant Tankard (Senior Boys Hockey) & Senior boys Tennis IV V VI VII VIII GARDEN ROOMS
Intermediate - Divisions V & VI combined
Senior - Divisions VII & VIII combined
English, Mathematics &
Religious Studies:
German & Music
History Art
Design Technology
Information Technology
English, German & Art
Jemima Priest
Mathematics & History
Jemima Boström
Science & Religious StudiesAdam Simmonds
French & Mullarky Cup
for Drama:
Rosie Gillett
Declan Cobb
Jemima Holt
Maidment Cup for DT & Aistrup Cup for most
accomplished musician: Jemima Boström
James Pearson
George Waddison
Jack Reed
Sungyoon Cho
Daan Verheij
Sophia Basset
Nina Dahl
Jennifer Dahl
Andrew Carnell
George Hipwell
inspired by Crane
Special Prizes
200 Star Certificate
Emily Minney & Scarlet Zoll
Mountain Prize
Kielan Hurdle
The Nic Barber Perpetual Challenge Trophy
(for General Knowledge)
Adam Simmonds
Daan Verheij &
Sam Stonebridge
Kent Quaich (for design)
Jack Reed
The Brignall Trophy
(Spirit of Glebe)
Rosie Gillett
Public Speaking Cup Olivia Delph
Hayes-Porter Award
for perseverance
Jade Sandy
Matthews Cup (the person who has contributed
the most to Music)
Sophia Basset
Second Mile Prize Junior:
Nicholas Morgan
Jack Reed
Senior Jade Sandy
The Christine Earnshaw
‘Well Read’ Shield
Molly Playford
Contributed to House
Rosie Gillett
St Edmunds
Jack Reed
L’Estrange (Thompson Cup)Adam Simmonds
Harry-Smith (Essay) Prize Jemima Boström
Coghill Memorial Prizes Heads of School Jazmyn Pesci &
Jemima Boström
The Old Aquilian Trophy
(For the House with the most stars) L’Estrange
The Flag (For the House with the most points) Barbers
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The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House staff news
Alison Skipper
From the Headmaster’s speech at Prize
Allison Skipper
was appointed in
1997 by Michael
Spinney. Notes
in her file from
her interview
have words like
‘excellent’ written
in the margin.
And she has been
so. Working with
so many classes in the Pre Prep over
the years, as a valued colleague and in
particular as Head of Department to her
very special team in Pre Prep, as music
teacher, as singing teacher, as Director
of Studies, as author of Pre Prep plays,
as Musical Director of the most recent
two senior musicals, as leader of many
Summer Sensations, with yet another
highly enjoyable and inclusive event
three days ago. I could go on and on.
Allison has expended a huge amount of
her time to ensure the well being of those
in her care and ISI could certainly have
had Allison in mind when they wrote:
‘Excellent pastoral care is a strong
contributory factor to the pupils’ excellent
personal development. Relationships
between pupils and staff and among the
pupils themselves are extremely positive.’
Quite simply I couldn’t have asked for a
more loyal and hard working colleague
and this was emphasized at the time of
the Inspection when Allison made herself
seriously ill through spending countless
hours ensuring that every aspect of the
preparation was achieved.
Allison moves to a wider responsibility at
Taverham Hall and we will miss her.
Carole Fullerton RIP
In Susie Pull’s words:
Carole worked for me at Hall Farm and
came to Glebe when the nursery moved
here, leaving periodically for army
commitments and due to her illness.
However whenever we were in a muddle
she always managed to come to the
rescue, whether it was to cook our meals
or care for the children, the perfect multi
tasker! Carole was an amazing character;
an example to us all of how we should
never give up, she was extremely hard
working, kind, very honest, unflappable
and always willing to give her views, but
most of all had a heart of gold! She will be
greatly missed by us all in nursery as a friend,
colleague and supportive mum to Katy.
As the Headmaster said at Speech Day:
Carole was never bitter about her illness
and the large number of family and friends,
many associated with Glebe House, as well
as many from the Territorial Army who
attended her cremation was a testament
to the love she showed to others and was
reflected back. Typically we filed out to Monty
Python’s ‘Always look on the bright side of
life’, although that was her second choice
when the crematorium said no to ‘Patricia the
Gordon Wilkinson
Gordon joined Glebe in September 2011
as Head of Special Educational needs. He
came to us with a wealth of experience,
working for many years as a SENCO but most
recently as the former Head of Edith Tipple
School in King’s Lynn. He had retired but was
persuaded to join us here at Glebe where his
rapport with children, especially those who
needed his specialist support, made him an
invaluable member of our staff.
Alongside his expertise in supporting
children who needed extra help with literacy,
numeracy and even English as a foreign
language, Gordon was always keen to share
his interest in photography, enthusiasm for
promoting the work of the RNLI, of which
he is an active member, and also his love of
music, including a powerful bass voice which
was much appreciated during hymn singing
in assemblies.
Gordon was not one to hide away in his own
classroom but threw himself into the life of
the school and will be missed by colleagues
and children alike. We wish him all the best
with his second attempt at retirement!
Jane Lincoln
CONGRATULATIONS to our Bursar, Jane, on
the birth of baby Jack on 7th November 2012.
Jack surprised everyone by arriving six weeks
early but was soon
putting on weight and
able to go home with
his very proud parents,
Jane and Ronnie. Jack
continues to thrive and
has visited the school
several times during his
first nine months. He
is now firmly settled in
the nursery and it has
whole of the summer term the running
track had its ankle-wrenching rabbit holes
firmly filled in by Stephen every morning.
been delightful to welcome Jane back to
the bursary.
Jonathan Beart
When Jane Lincoln told us of her
pregnancy last summer the Governors
were delighted and relieved to find, hiding
in deepest Congham, Jonathan Beart,
newly retired from Wolfson College in
Cambridge, but up for a bit of gentle part
time maternity cover in a nice little seaside Prep School.
The plan was for Jane to hand over
the bursarial reins during the month of
November, working alongside Jonathan
for a few weeks after half term to show
him the ropes and ease him gently into
the role. These plans were thwarted
when, after a couple of slightly anxious
visits to the midwife and
after only half a day of
Jane working alongside
Jonathan in the bursary,
baby Jack put in his
appearance six weeks
early and Jonathan was
plunged in at the deep
end of the bursary without a buoyancy aid
in sight.
However, calmly he rose to the surface
and quickly got to grips not only with
payroll, extras bills and other monetary
issues, but also with managing ancillary
staff and dealing with the occasional
building/plumbing crisis! The year
probably proved to be rather more varied
and demanding than Jonathan had initially
expected but he proved to be a great asset
on the staff, maintaining his cheerful,
friendly and calm persona at all times. We
are tremendously grateful for all his work
throughout the year and are delighted that
he will still be maintaining a contact with
the school as a member of the Governors’
Finance Committee.
Stephen Marsh
Stephen arrived at Glebe as the new
Groundsman in November and he has
certainly made his mark. Flower beds have
been weeded, shrubs cut into shape, lawns
mowed, the bonfire site cleared of debris
and even the shooting range in the corner
of the playing field is re-emerging as a
possible going concern!
The area of the playing fields has been
dramatically increased with the cutting
back of undergrowth from around the
edges, the cricket pitches have taken on
a new lease of life and throughout the
Stephen’s previous work had him
involved in maintaining Fakenham Race
course and occasionally he is still asked
to assist before a major race meeting, so
if you want a little tipple on the gee-gees
perhaps Stephen is the man to give you a
racing tip!
Siobhan Butler
Siobhan has been a Gap student at Glebe
since January 2013. She tells me that
her home is in New South Wales where
she lives about an hour’s drive south of
Sydney in the suburb of Thirroul. She has
two younger brothers, Noah who is 14 yrs
old and Finn who is 12.
‘Wizard of Oz’ and in loads of the ‘Summer
Sensation’ numbers.
Siobhan took up running when she was 12
years old and enjoys doing long distances.
She won the Sandringham Cross Country
event earlier this year but recently has been
frustrated by knee injuries which prevented
her from taking part in the Great East Anglia
Run in King’s Lynn. She won’t be kept down
though and has bought herself a bike so she
can still get out and about and keep up her
physical fitness.
Siobhan has extended family in Holland who
she stayed with at Easter, even learning a little
bit of Dutch, and she plans to visit them again
during the summer holidays. She also has an
aunt and two younger cousins who live for
six months of the year in the mountains of
northern Italy and she visited them during the
May half term. As well as visiting her Dutch
relatives during the holidays, Siobhan plans to
go camping in Belgium, do a Paddy Wagon
tour of Ireland and travel all around the UK.
I asked Siobhan which area of Glebe she
most enjoys working in and she told me that
she really enjoys the Pre Prep because the
kids are so affectionate and she enjoys their
imaginative games at break times. She also
enjoys helping to run boarding activities and
playing cards with us in the boarding house.
When she returns to Australia Siobhan
plans to study Speech Pathology at Sydney
University. Good luck Siobhan!
Jazmyn Pesci
Emily Fenton
She attended The Illawarra Grammar
School (TIGS) where her favourite subject
was ‘Extension 2 English’, an advanced
study of English language and literature.
While she has been at Glebe we have all
seen Siobhan’s energy and enthusiasm
so it didn’t surprise me when she told
me that her favourite pastimes include
running and dancing. She also enjoys
yoga ...... and shopping of course! She
told me she started dancing at a little
dance studio when she was 5 yrs old;
then she moved on to jazz ballet at the
age of 7 and took up tap, funk, ballet,
contemporary and jazz at her local dance
studio when she was 11 years old. Her
favourite type of dance is tap. She has
been really helpful with the choreography
in our productions at Glebe this year,
particularly with the ‘Jitterbug’ dance in
Emily comes from Hobart, which is the Capital
of Tasmania and she lives there with her
mother and step father. I asked about her
family and found out that she has one brother,
two half sisters, a step brother and a step
sister, but only her 15yr old brother and her
step sister, who is three months younger than
Emily live with her.
Emily enjoyed her school years in Tasmania,
attending an all girls’ school all the way
through. I asked if she had liked being at an
all girls’ school and she told me it had its ups
and downs. However, when she did one of
her classes at a neighbouring co-educational
school it made her realise that she had the
‘best year group ever’ at her own school, so
being all girls wasn’t so bad!
Her favourite year was year twelve, her final
year, when she was rowing captain and one of
only forty leavers. Her favourite event of the
year was when she dressed up as B1 and did
‘Gangnam Style’ with the rest of her grade in
front of the whole school.
I asked Emily how, being at an all girls’ school,
she met boys! She told me that her first
male friend was a boy she met through
rowing and she met other boys through
rowing and through the neighbouring
co-educational school. Emily told me
that she has missed rowing a lot while
she has been in England. She says the
early morning training wasn’t great but
being able to meet people, train as a
team, develop into a good rower and then
later being a rowing coach made it all
I asked Emily about her plans for the
holidays while she is in this country and
whether she has any relatives in Europe.
She told me that she has a ‘long lost
cousin’ in Amsterdam and other relations
in Ireland but during the summer her plans
are to visit Barcelona, do a Paddy Wagon
tour of Ireland and then attend a tomato
festival in Spain. At the moment she has
no further travel plans but she would love
to spend a week on the beach in Croatia
and to see the northern lights in Finland.
She told me she would love to spend
ANZAC day in Turkey and to visit Santorini
in Greece because it sounds pretty. In this
country she would like to go to Thorpe
Park and Alton Towers and visit the Harry
Potter studios. She would also like to see a
West End show, just to be able to say she’s
done it!
When I asked Emily which area of Glebe
she enjoys most to work in she found it
a tough question but decided in the end
she prefers working with Divisions VII
& VIII because she finds it easier to get
along with the older year groups and has
enjoyed getting to know us all through
‘Wizard of Oz’ rehearsals and through
boarding. She has also enjoyed being part
of St Edmund’s House (obviously!).
Emily says she wants to finish her Gap year
with a bang(!) then hit the ground running
when she gets home by probably going to
university to study a degree of combined
arts and science. After that she hopes
one day to become either a psychologist
or something to do with environmental
We have enjoyed having Emily as our ‘big
sister’ in the boarding house and wish her
well for the future.
Jemima Boström
The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House Nursery
Every day is packed full of fun filled activities indoors and out.
With a few extra activities each week, as well as various celebrations and
special events.
11 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House Parents’ Committee
Glebe House Nursery
Finally time to snuggle in and rest after a busy time!
before returning to exchange them for a
chocolate egg!
Golden Eggs were found this year by Lilia
Costin, Loes Verheij and Mya Law; each
was given a bonus present along with their
Easter Egg. Many Thanks to Carla Wright
and Lauren Turner for organising this and
for the Parents’ Committee as a whole
for funding the prizes – the children were
extremely appreciative!
There were some scary characters in school on the day the Parents’ Committee helped us to celebrate
Glebe House Parents’ Committee
We are as always indebted to our
fabulous Parents’ Committee who,
year after year, organise numerous
social and fundraising events as
well as arranging some excellent
and much appreciated outings
and events for the children.
Others also support the school in many
ways and so we extend special thanks
to Janie Thompson and her team on
the Parents Committee, Jac Sandy for
co-ordinating Golf Day, Katie Poulter for
the Lifeboat ‘gourmet’ evening, David and
Amanda Whitehill for the dog show and
Gavin Jones for his meat raffle. Through
their combined efforts we have been able
to purchase the following items for the
Hockey goals
External Notice boards
Sports Kit for U8, 9 & 10 boys
Television for Girls’ Boarding
New laptops for use around school by staff and pupils
Fencing to create new outdoor area
for the 3-4 room in Nursery
Various exciting toys for Nursery
including V Tech computers, Metal
detectors and a ‘Dark Den’!
New nursery camera so parents can see
photos of their children enjoying all they
Many thanks to you all from all the staff and
Christmas Show Tuesday
11th December 2012
The children in Pre prep and
Divisions Three and Four were
treated by the Parents’ Committee to
a special Christmas performance at
the Princess Theatre in Hunstanton.
‘The Elf that Saved Christmas’ tells the story
of Bob Pickle, a shy young elf who is secretly
in love with Merry Sugar Plum Fairy. The ‘bad
guy’ this year is actually a woman; Jacqueline
Frost has been bad all her life and wants to
ruin Christmas for children everywhere aided
by her accomplice Creature. Their plan is to
kidnap Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and
therefore stop Santa delivering any presents.
When Bob hears this news he sets off to
rescue Rudolph and is later helped by Justin
Thyme (chief elf), Tinsel, Holly Berry and
There was singing and dancing throughout
the show which encouraged massive
audience participation. Archie ThompsonPoole helped open the show by turning
the story key on stage and Sydney Hipwell
and Emma Carnell added laughs with their
comments to the characters on stage.
We were all encouraged to coo and kiss
rather than the traditional boo and hiss
when Jacqueline Frost appeared and there
were plenty of ‘he’s behind you’ and ‘oh no
she isn’t’ moments!
The show was a fantastic pre-Christmas
treat and everyone thoroughly enjoyed
themselves. Thank you to the Parents’
Committee who enables us to have this
treat each year!
Easter Egg Hunt
On Tuesday 19th March the
Pre Prep Children enjoyed a
thoroughly exciting Easter Egg
Hunt thanks to the continuing
dedication of the Parents’
We were fortunate with the weather
and the children explored the Wildlife
Garden and Mr and Mrs Crofts’ garden to
find as many Easter Eggs as they could
13 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House Pre Prep news
Pre Prep Autumn Walk
at Sandringham
On Friday October 19th the
Pre Prep went to Sandringham
Country Park for their annual
autumn walk.
We were hoping that the weather would
be kind to us as it has been on previous
occasions. Fortunately the sun was shining
and it was a very still and peaceful day
in the woods. We set off to walk along
the scenic drive as it was a bit muddy on
the woodland tracks. The children were
usual bright, colourful and packed
with fun! The children were
invited to come to school dressed
in Chinese costumes, which were
beautiful, and took part in a whole
day of Chinese New Year Activities.
Helen Battelley from ‘Music and Movement’
brought her Chinese dragon to school and the
children joined in with a traditional Chinese
dragon dance, played musical instruments
and took part in role play
Mya’s mummy, Mrs Law, came in to read a
traditional Chinese story and talked about
her family’s New Year celebrations. She
also talked about 2013 being the Year of the
Snake and taught the children how to find
out in which Chinese year they were born.
For lunch, Mrs Law treated the children to a
delicious Chinese banquet at Silk Road II, the
restaurant in Heacham. The children enjoyed
noodles, chicken balls, rice and sweet and
sour chicken and all the children made an
attempt to eat using chop sticks!
To end the day, the children made Chinese
lanterns, drew Chinese pictures and learnt a
celebration song.
Cooking in Pre Prep
A huge thank you to Mrs
Henderson and Mrs Suiter who
have given up their Wednesday
mornings this year to cook with
the Pre Prep Children.
The children have made a huge variety
of different dishes including Soda bread,
quiche, scones,
pizza, pitta pockets
and banoffee pie.
Most have been
taken home to
share with family
although some of
the dishes were
so tasty I think a
few got eaten on
the way home
from school or
even at the school
gate. Each of the
children has a
recipe folder with
all of the recipes
they have used
and hopefully they
will be able to dip
into them again
at home – I know
I will be using the
banoffee pie one!
On Tuesday May 21st the Pre Prep
went to Drove Farm, Thornham
for the morning to visit the apple
able to listen to the birds and we watched
several squirrels dashing about in the trees.
There were a lot of things for the children
to collect; chestnuts, beech masts, dead
leaves and feathers.
After a short play on the Adventure
playground we returned to school for
lunch. It was a lovely way to start the half
term holiday. Our thanks go to parents
who came to join us and help.
Pre Prep Chinese New
Year Celebrations
The Chinese New Year
celebrations in Pre Prep were as
Mrs Law very kindly gave each child a special
envelope with chocolate money inside and a
Chinese rice cake to take home.
Thank you Mrs Law!
Gung Hay Fat Choy! (wishing you good
fortune and happiness)
After an exciting
Golden Apple
Treasure Hunt the
children were given
a sweet, an apple
each and their own
bottle of Drove
Farm apple juice.
Many, many thanks
to Sue Hall and
Kirstin Crane for
making this such
an enjoyable
trip and we are
looking forward
to returning in
September to pick apples and to make
some apple juice.
When we arrived the manager of the farm,
Sue Hall, talked to the children about all the
different varieties of apples that they grow.
She also showed them the range of other
fruits such as pears, plums and greengages.
Although it was very chilly and a bit windy
we then walked around all the orchards
Pre Prep enjoyed another
marvellous day celebrating all
things French. Everyone dressed
up as a French character or simply
followed the red, white and blue
colour scheme of the French flag
Carla which was based on Easter songs,
games and dances. Everyone joined in very
enthusiastically, children and staff alike.
This was followed by a party tea for all. The
children tucked into sandwiches and Easter
cakes and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. At
the end of the party the children took a party
bag home to remind them of a lovely funfilled afternoon. All were beautifully behaved
and our thanks go to everyone who helped to
make it such a success.
Pre Prep goes to the Fair
Towards the end of the summer
term the whole of Pre Prep had a
wonderful adventure and we all
want to say, ‘Thank you, thank you,
thank you’ to Heston’s family for
inviting us all along to enjoy the
funfair down on the seafront in
Allison Skipper
Pre Prep trip to Drove
Farm, Thornham
French Day 2013
and the children did a quiz looking at all
the different names of the apples. The
classes went with
Sue to look at the
other parts of the
farm where they
grow the various
soft fruits and
looked at the wind
Reception and Nursery
Easter Party
On the afternoon of Tuesday,
March 19th the Reception class
hosted their
annual Easter Party for the
Nursery children from the 3 - 4
The children enjoyed rides on the Matterhorn,
the ghost train and the transport track. All
had a bounce on the castle and then enjoyed
sausage, chips and ice-cream. The favourite
ride by far was definitely the Gallopers!!
Monsieur Whitehill organised a spectacular
array of activities and this started with his
assembly where he, Jemima Boström,
Jazmyn Pesci, Rosie Gillett, Jade Sandy and
Jonny Chalk told us all about the Tour de
We made French flags, copied some
paintings by Monet, ate crepes, played
games and practised speaking French on
the computer before joining the older
children for croissants and hot chocolate.
Just before lunch we were entertained by
a visiting theatre company who performed
sketches completely in French with lots of
silly props! The children were invited to
join in with phrases and also tried some
dressing up.
After a French themed lunch, we all played
boule which was great fun.
The children had a very enjoyable
music and movement session taken by
Thank you to Monsieur Whitehill for
organising such a great day and to the
children who made such an effort to dress
15 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House Pre Prep news
Grandparents tea party
On Thursday 13th June Pre
Prep hosted no less than thirty
Grandparents to a tea party.
Yet again it was a huge success!
Every child sent
out a personalised
invitation to their
grandparents and
were delighted to
serve them tea,
coffee, sandwiches
and cakes on
the day. Some
were not able to
attend so parents
and friends
stepped in to add
to a wonderful
Alexandra Lake
in Reception was
especially lucky to
speak to and see
her grandparents
in America via
Skype! After tea,
the children
enjoyed singing
and actions with
Mrs Skipper on the
piano with many
adults joining in
Thank you to
everyone who
made the tea party
so magical.
for life
is there. In the house there is a library and
there were two secret doors, one in the book
shelves and one in the wall. Kitty found one
and behind the door was the dining room.
We climbed a spiral staircase and counted 72
steps to the top. We walked on the roof and
there was a tall tower, we could see a long
Ruby’s Menu
For The Animals
We went in the Queen’s room and saw some
proper Tudor clothes. We got to try on all the
different clothes – it was great fun!
Fresh carrot soup
served with tasty rolls.
We also found a priests’ hole and got to climb
inside. It was very dark and smelly!
Written by Thaleia Dix, Emily Minney and
Daisy Waddison
Pre Prep visit to Park
On Thursday 21st March all of Pre
Prep visited Park Farm in Snettisham
to see the new arrivals on the first
day of Spring.
Raw chicken salad with
home made bread and butter.
Mashed insect pie served with
home made slug gravy.
Roast beetle Bolognese with
a side helping of grass pasta.
Sliced carrots on a bed
of tasty mice rice.
Grilled earthworm stew
with crunchy potatoes.
Fried duck casserole with a
portion of fresh bread.
We met up with Ethan, who was to join
Division 1 after Easter, and he helped to show
us around.
In the summer term our class had
a surprise trip to Oxburgh Hall to
learn about the Tudors. Oxburgh
Hall was built when the War of
the Roses was happening. The
Beddingfeld family own it. Around
the building there is a moat with
some fish in.
First we helped to feed and water the ewes
with day old lambs before rolling our sleeves
up and bottle feeding some very excitable 4
week old lambs. We were lucky to see 2 lambs
being born before heading off to prepare the
milk for the calves.
Tree bark tart accompanied
by sweet sauce.
Finally we collected eggs from the hens – real
eggs not Easter Eggs! Trevor then showed us
how they sort the eggs according to weight
using a special machine.
Rodent smoothie.
In all it was a fantastic trip, with lots to see and
lots to learn.
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Division II’s trip to
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The front door is massive and made out of
oak. In the big door is a small door with a
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17 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House Pre Prep news
Sea Life Centre
supported each other in their races. It was
a pleasure to watch and the children all
had an enjoyable afternoon.
On Monday 29th April the children
in Reception and Division One
enjoyed a very informative and
interesting trip to the Sealife
Centre in Hunstanton as part of
their topic ‘Under the Sea’.
As the clouds began to darken the skies
we abandoned the field and retired to the
Dining Hall for tea and cake which was
much appreciated by all before the winners
were announced.
We began the morning with James who
showed the children some starfish, hermit
crabs, spider crabs and sea anemones. The
children then had the opportunity to delve
into a rock pool and feel the sea creatures
which was great fun.
Well done everyone and thank you to all
of those who helped and all of those who
came along to cheer the children on.
Miss Stephenson, who formerly worked
in Pre Prep, then gave the children two
buckets filled with tomatoes and bananas
so the children could feed the Paku and
she explained that these fish are commonly
known as vegetarian Piranhas.
The Rays and Skate put on a lovely
performance for us by rolling over and
twisting on the water which the children
The Final Score was St Edmunds 45,
L’Estrange 39 and Barbers 35
Allison Skipper
The children thoroughly enjoyed the chance
to have a play on the trampoline, zip wire,
swings and slides.
Before we left Shelley presented the children
with a goody bag containing a rubber and a
free pass for another visit.
Thank you to everyone at The Rare Breeds
Centre who made our trip so enjoyable!
The children were fascinated by the
bamboo, shovelnose, hammer head
and black tipped reef sharks and Miss
Stephenson talked to the children about
their size and where their natural habitat
would be.
At eleven o’clock we watched the seals
being fed who were very lively and cheeky
playing with the fish they were thrown. We
saw penguins and otters too.
Thank you very much to The Sealife Centre
for making us so welcome!
Pre Prep Sports Day
Pre Prep Discover Rare
On Tuesday 2nd July all the
children in Pre Prep enjoyed a
wonderful trip to see the rare
breeds at Norfolk Lavender.
We met Shelley who introduced us to
Lamby who was orphaned at birth. Since
then, Lamby has lived with Shelley and her
family and believes she is a dog! We went
to see the many varieties of chicken, the
goats, wallabies, pigs and donkeys. Then
we sat and cuddled gorgeous baby guinea
pigs and rabbits.
We all had a picnic lunch followed by a
walk around the pond and onto the pretty
On June 20th, after a forecast of
heavy rain and consideration of
cancelling sports day to save the
children from torrential downpour,
we were fortunate enough to have a
window of reasonable weather to go
ahead as planned. Unfortunately for
the parents we had to abandon their
races; I wonder which one prayed
for rain?!
The children were all fantastic and ran,
jumped and skipped their hardest in their
endeavours to receive a sticker from Miss
Neave or Mr and Mrs Crofts and ultimately
earn the cup for their team.
Everybody proved to be good sportsmen and
C is for crackers that we pull with a BANG!
H is for holly, around our doors we hang,
R is for reindeer that fly across the sky,
I is for indigestion caused by a mince pie,
S is for Santa, who gives us lots of toys,
T is for tinsel, to tie up nasty boys!
M is for Mary and Joseph who travel far,
A is for angels who follow the special star,
S is for singing carols in a church we pray,
So we’d like to wish you all a ...
By Division II
19 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House art and DT Gallery
We had two Exhibitions in the
Drawing Room this year.
The first was the charity Art Exhibition
kindly sponsored by the Fairfax Gallery in
which the worthy winners were;
Jazmyn Pesci,
Jemima Priest
Zachary Reddyhoff
George Waddison
Maude Poulter
Olivia Jordan
Jules Jamieson
Paintings that ‘caught the judges’ eye’
were by
Grace Owen
Lucas Triffitt
Grace Owen’s collage as works that really
spoke to him, so well done to you three.
Rosie Gillett
Sungyoon Cho
Alexandre Costin
Imogen Basset
Joseph Reed
Lily Davis
We also had our end of year art exhibition
which was much enjoyed by those who
took the time to view. Professor Field,
who was our invited guest at speech day,
singled out Jemima Priest’s Pineapple,
Kielan Hurdle’s conceptual sculpture and
Thank you to all of you who work so hard
every week – keep up the good work and
happy creating.
Mrs A Hipwell
Alexandre Costin
Clarissa Milkowsiki by Jemima Priest
Grace Owen
Jemima Priest
Joseph Reed
Nancy Davis
Emma’s Hat
Jack Reed’s Recycled Hat
Jade Sandy’s Environmentally friendly
Maude Poulter
Houghton Hall - Daan Verheij
Molly Playford
Jonny Chalk’s Recycled Hat
Houghton Hall - Grace Owen
Imogen Basset
Josie Suiter
Grace Owen
Emma Carnell
21 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House performing arts
Glebe House art and DT
Notes from the music
The Autumn term 2012 was one
of the busiest in the recent history
of Glebe music.
George Waddison - Balloon buggy
Div III Bridge
Bears by Emily Wright & Emma Carnell
Nina Dahl
Conceptual Art - Kielan Hurdle
Ruby Crane
A new drumkit teacher, Mr Lascelles
joined the peripatetic staff soon after
the beginning of term, and immediately
recruited six very enthusiastic pupils, all
of whom are making excellent progress,
along with those who joined them after
Mrs Crofts, with the help of Miss Hubbard
reformed the School Orchestra after a
year’s break with: Sungyoon Cho and
Sophia Basset on violin, Imogen Basset
on ‘cello, Sarah Verheij and Alexandre
Costin on clarinet, Anna Sowerby and
Harry Basset on cornet, George Hipwell
on trombone, and Florrie Tyler and
Jeonghun Park playing percussion and
tuned percussion. Many of them being
young and inexperienced players it was
very pleasing to see how quickly they
learnt to play as a group, listening to and
trying to blend with other instrumentalists
and becoming aware of the importance
of all parts of the orchestral score. Their
inaugural performance during the second
half of term, leading the assembly hymn
‘The Lord’s My Shepherd’, was most
On Friday 28th September Mrs Crofts
and Mrs Thirkettle took five children to a
Percussion Day at Beeston Hall, (see the
report by Joe Reed which follows).
The only Informal Concert of this term,
due to heavy Christmas commitments
Sungyoon Cho
Saturday 13th October saw the choir singing
at the wedding of two Old Aquilians, Amelia
Nicholson & Robert Mair in Holme Church.
Despite the
absence of Mrs
Skipper, who
was unwell,
the children
beautifully and
were highly
on their singing
of the anthem,
‘The Lord’s My
Shepherd’, as
well as helping
with the
congregational hymn singing.
Mrs Skipper and Mrs Crofts with seven
enthusiastic, but slightly sleepy, young singers
set off in a mini bus in the early hours of
Monday 15th October to attend the SATIPS
Songfest at St Pauls School in London. It
was a fantastic opportunity for the children
to experience a day of choral singing with
350 children from twelve other schools. The
day was led by Alan Simmons and Alexander
L’Estrange, who kept the children enthralled
and engaged with their fast pace and
energetic songs. Mrs Skipper came away with
one of their songbooks and the Glebe children
were delighted to meet Alexander L’Estrange
who was equally pleased to talk to them
about his connection with the L’Estrange
family of Old Hunstanton.
The final but perhaps most important event
of term for the choir was the Christmas
Carol Service on Friday 14th December
which took place in St Mary’s Church Old
Hunstanton with the choir suitably attired
in their church robes. Besides supporting
the congregational singing, with superbly
haunting solos from Rosie Gillett and
Grace Owen and a sweetly balanced duet
from Florrie Tyler and Sophia Basset, the
choir under Mrs Skipper’s direction, also
performed two anthems, ‘Like the Tears of
a Child’ and ‘Follow that Wondrous Star’.
in the second half of term, was held on
Monday 1st October. Nineteen children,
including several new performers as well
as some seasoned old-timers took part
and demonstrated a pleasing variety of
The following day, with the choir being
rather depleted through holidays and
family visits a few willing ‘extras’ were
drafted in and seven children, with
the support once again of Jemima
Boström on her flute performed at the
Christmas Community Singalong led by
Barbara Wingrove in St Edmunds Church
Hunstanton. The Glebe items were a
reprise of ‘Follow that Wondrous Star’ and
Christina Rossetti’s ‘In the Bleak Midwinter’.
With some secular Christmas songs,
some well known carols and special items
performed by other groups from within
the town, this event created a truly festive
atmosphere and gave us all a great start to
the Christmas holidays.
Friday 5th October saw Mrs Crofts and
Mr Maddison taking two cornet players
and a trombonist to the Oundle Brass
Day which was attended by children from
twelve other Prep Schools and led by the
brass team from Oundle School. It was
We are also delighted to be able to
congratulate Sophia Basset on gaining a
place in the Girls’ Junior Choir section of
the National Youth Choir of Great Britain
following her audition in November. She
attended a residential course for the choir
Sam Stonebridge - Award winning Buggy
Textiles club
Anna, Harry and George’s first experience of
playing with a large ensemble but the music
was well chosen to suit their abilities and give
them confidence, the final concert being a
resounding and very rewarding success.
During the Christmas period the choir
really came into their own. Mrs Skipper,
although unfortunately unwell for much
of December, had prepared the children
well, and with little guidance from Mrs
Crofts they made their debut appearance
singing carols at the Parents’ Committee
Christmas Fair on Friday 23rd November,
followed by two appearances at the Lions
Christmas lunches in Hunstanton on
Tuesday 4th and Thursday 6th December,
and two events on Tuesday 11th
December, Gorselands Residential Home
in the afternoon and the Glebe Gourmet
Dinner at the Lifeboat Inn, Thornham in
the evening. On all of these occasions
the choir was led and accompanied with
commendable maturity and sensitivity
by Jemima Boström on her flute and was
extremely well received by the public.
23 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House performing arts
Report on Percussion
Day Friday 28th
September 2012
during the Easter holidays which finished
with a performance by the combined
National Youth Choirs in the Royal Albert
Hall in London.
One of the highlights of the Spring term
was a magnificent ‘Play-a-thon’ organised
by Mrs Carnell to raise money for the
Comic Relief Charity. Every child in the
school from Nursery to Division VIII, and
even some parents and staff, took part
in a non-stop performance of music
throughout the day, raising in excess of
£150. It was a great community effort and
a real celebration of the multiple musical
talents here at Glebe.
The second big highlight for me personally
was the fifth annual Soiree in which six of
our senior / more advanced musicians took
part. As twenty five invited guests, dressed
in their best evening wear, assembled in
the Headmaster’s office for pre concert
drinks the performers gathered with
nervous anticipation in the school office.
The concert took place in the Drawing
Room, with each performer individually
introducing themselves and their chosen
selection of music: Jemima Boström
performed on flute and piano, Jeonghun
Park on piano, Rosie Gillett entertained
with a selection of three songs, Jazmyn
Pesci played piano, Sophia Basset showed
versatility on piano, violin & singing
and Sungyoon Cho played violin. All
performed with impressive maturity and
assurance and the evening was brought
to a close with drinks and canapés and an
opportunity for the children to mingle with
their very appreciative audience. As one
guest wrote afterwards, “The performers
excelled themselves. We really enjoyed the
evening including the music, the company
and the drinks and canapés. The formula is
exactly right with the children gaining so
much from standing up in front of a very
formal and expectant audience, speaking
and performing. They did so very well.
Please pass on our congratulations to them
Another new venture this term was an
opportunity for the School Orchestra to
perform to a wider audience by taking
part in the “Hunstanton & District Festival
of Arts” Lunchtime Concerts. Friday
8th March saw nine musicians from
Glebe House School, singer Rosie Gillett
alongside members of the orchestra,
making their way to the Town Hall
to perform both as individuals and as an
ensemble. It was unfortunate that Sophia
(violin) was unable to attend due to a
conflicting sporting event and George Hipwell
(trombone) was sadly unwell on the day –
they were genuinely missed! However the
children performed brilliantly to a small but
appreciative audience and we were grateful
to our former Director of Music, Simon Bower,
for inviting us to be involved and for his
accompaniments on the day.
We have been delighted this year by the
number of children taking external music
exams, in both the spring and the summer
terms having sufficient numbers of candidates
to be able to invite an examiner from the
ABRSM to visit us here at Glebe rather than
having to attend the public exam sessions in
King’s Lynn. We are also very pleased to be
able to announce 100% success rate with a
good smattering of merits and distinctions,
the full list of results being displayed
The Summer term was dominated as always
by preparation for the Summer Sensation
extravaganza, this year’s theme being music
from the 60s. From the beginning of term
snippets of old familiar songs were to be
heard around the school sung by children
clearly enjoying the music just as much
as we did (those of us who were around
at the time) back in the day! Surf boards
started appearing in school after half term
along with outlandish sun glasses and some
wonderfully hippy outfits. The event itself,
on the final Wednesday of term, was a huge
success with all members of the school taking
part including some brave and very able
soloists. Particularly memorable was Jack
Reed performing as a very convincing Elvis.
Congratulations to all who took part and to
Mrs Skipper in particular for rounding off the
musical calendar in such style.
Bridget Crofts
On a warm, sunny day, five
children went with Mrs Crofts
and Mrs Thirkettle to Beeston Hall
School for their annual percussion
There were three schools participating,
Beeston, Glebe and Belfry. Firstly we got
sorted into groups: There were drum
kits, snare drums, tuned percussion,
samba, Djembi (African drums) and the
boomwhackers. It was very hard to
choose but Lucas, Kielan and I chose the
snare drums. Florrie and Sophia chose
tuned percussion. First we set up the snare
drums outside the sports hall and we learnt
some basic rhythms with the outside and
the inside of the drum. It was hard at first
but I soon got used to it.
Then it was time for lunch. It was fish
pie and sticky toffee pudding for dessert,
lovely it was. We heard the drum kitters
play this amazing rhythm, it was so cool
to hear and watch them play. Then Mrs
Dale got all of us together to tell us that
we were going to do a concert in front of
the parents, we was all very excited when
we heard this so we then had to split up
to learn our parts for the concert. After
forty five minutes of practice we all put our
pieces of music which we had learned all
together which sounded amazing. After a
short break we headed back to the music
room to get ready for the big concert and
do final preparations. Then it was time to
perform so we made our way to the sports
hall to perform our pieces to the parents.
Firstly was the drum kits, snare drummers
was next, Djembe and samba followed,
then boomwhackers and finally tuned
percussion. The parents enjoyed our
pieces of music very much indeed. Now it
was time for the final piece of music where
everyone played their parts together, I
think the parents were very impressed by
what we achieved.
I really would recommend this to all of
my fellow pupils and look forward to the
possibility of going again next year. Many
thanks to Mrs Crofts and Mrs Thirkettle for
taking us.
Jo Reed
Glebe House play-a-thon for Comic Relief
25 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House performing arts
Well done to all the children in Divisions III, IV &V for their fantastic perfomances of..
jack spratt
mother hubbard
marigold the cow
simple simon
Sam Stonebridge
Olivia Delph
Emma Carnell & Molly Playford
Archie Thompson Pool
(Harry Basset)
Ruby Crane & Maude Poulter
(Grace Owen)
(Imogen Basset)
Imogen Basset
Jessica Jamieson
Thomas Young
Maude Poulter
(Emma Carnell)
(Sarah Verheij)
(Ruby Crane)
Goldie Lox
Peter PiperBo-Peep
Sophia Basset
Oliver Fuller
Ruby Crane
(Florrie Tyler)
(Maude Poulter)
Papa Bear
Daan Verheij
(Joseph Reed)
Mama BearJunior bear
big billmiddle bill
Florrie Tyler
Anna Sowerby
Piers Henderson
Joseph Reed
(Sophia Basset)
(Daan Verheij)
little billpc plodpc fuzzbuttchief inspector drain
Grace Owen
Nicholas Morgan
Connor Chauhan-Jennings
George Waddison
(Archie Thompson-Poole)
(Lucas Triffitt)
(George Hipwell)
pc flatfootpc doughnutrusty hairclipsdwayne pipe
Alexandre Costin
Sammy Tyler
Molly Playford
George Hipwell
(George Waddison)
pip the paperboydoctor foster
Oliver Fuller
Harry Basset
(Sam Stonebridge)
waitress ruby
waitress rosie
Molly Sisman
Sarah Verheij
(Jessica Jamieson)
nurse polly
waitress roxy
Emma Carnell
Josie Suiter
(Imogen Basset)
Lucas Triffit
Imogen Basset Thomas Young
(Nicholas Morgan)
(Emma Carnell) ( ) = second perfomance
The audiences were entertained with some great singing, dancing and acting
- a triumph from beginning to end!
Wizard of Oz
The children in Divisions V to Vlll
spent much of the Easter term
preparing the senior musical stage
production ‘Wizard of Oz’.
It was such a pleasure to talk to parents
and visitors afterwards, all of whom
enjoyed the performances so much.
Typical was one emailed comment: ‘The
true essence of everything that makes
Glebe such a great school is captured in
the spirit and substance of its ‘compulsory
inclusion’ in the school plays. The shy
become brave and the talented shine.
To see the children blossom on stage is
brilliant; absolutely brilliant.’
Rosie Gillett as Dorothy was outstanding
in the way she confidently delivered her lines
with a real understanding of them ... and then
there was her singing! Jade Sandy was not
only an excellent Good Witch, but doubled
(or is it quadrupled?) up in the dress rehearsal
and the first night by taking on three extra
roles, due to illness, with total accuracy of
words and actions. Jemima Priest once again
shone as the Wicked Witch, confidently also
delivering her song,
written specially for
her by Mrs Skipper,
maintaining her
‘witchy’ voice.
Jack Reed (Tin Woodman) and Jonny
Chalk (Wizard of Oz) deserve much praise,
but it was a team performance including
Andrew Carnell and Zach Reddyhoff’s
technical work on sound and lighting.
The teamwork was very much in evidence
amongst the staff also, and I was very
grateful to; Allison Skipper for directing the
music aided by Bridget Crofts, Alice Hipwell
for the artwork on stage and a number
of props, Suzette Patrick for organizing
all the costumes, making a number of
them, and the make-up, Siobhan Butler for
choreography, Emily Fenton assisting with
the direction and David Whitehill for the
I could go on and
on singling out
individuals and
certainly Jazmyn
Pesci (Lion), Jemima
Boström (Scarecrow),
John Crofts - Director
Music exam results
Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music:
Victoria College:
Harry Basset
Grade 1 Pass
Zach Reddyhoff Keyboard
Grade CDistinction
Sophia Basset
Grade 2 Merit
Daan Verheij
Grade ADistinction
Sophia Basset
Grade 2 Merit
Daan Verheij
Grade CDistinction
Sophia Basset
Grade 2 Distinction
Sophia Basset
Grade 4 Pass
Jemima BoströmPiano Grade 5 Pass
Jemima BoströmFlute Grade 5 Pass
Emma Carnell
Grade 1 Distinction
Jonny Chalk
Descant recorderGrade 2 Merit
Rosie Gillett
The following children successfully
completed the ABRSM Prep Tests:
Grade 4 Merit
George Hipwell Trombone
Grade 1 Pass
Connor Chauhan-Jennings
Grace Owen
Grade 2 Pass
Thaleia DixSinging
Jeonghun Park Piano
Grade 4 Merit
Kitty HambroSinging
Jazmyn Pesci
Grade 2 Merit
Olivia Rose Jordan
Maude Poulter
Singing Grade 1 Merit
Emily MinneySinging
Anna Sowerby
Grade 1 Merit
Maude PoulterSinging
Anna Sowerby
Grade 2 Pass
Molly SismanSinging
Florrie Tyler
Grade 1 Distinction
Josie SuiterSinging
Florrie Tyler
Grade 2 Merit
Ruby Turner-Smith
Florrie Tyler
Grade 2 Merit
Loes VerheijSinging
Sarah Verheij
Grade 1 Merit
Scarlett ZollSinging
27 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House school events
French day 20th May
Environmental week
The day began with Mr Whitehill
giving an assembly about the
famous ‘Tour de France’ cycle
race which is celebrating its 100th
anniversary this year, ably assisted
by Jemima Bostrom, Jazmyn
Pesci, Rosie Gillett, Jonny Chalk
and Jade Sandy.
At the end of June we celebrated
National Environmental week
with our own Glebe activities and
the children certainly enjoyed the
My thanks go to Peter Flett who owns the
local cycle shop, ‘Fatbirds’, for lending the
school a racing bike, coloured jerseys and
other props to make the assembly a more
visual experience.
Once again the Pre Prep joined the older
children for hot chocolate and croissants
in the dining room, accompanied by
accordion music. Everyone then had
dinner together which is always a nice
two actors, Roland and Guillaume from the
Big Wheel Theatre Company, who performed
two interactive shows, one to the Nursery,
Pre Prep, Divs. III and IV, and the other one
to the rest of the school. The actors spoke
French the whole time and the children
were completely immersed in the language.
They were able to communicate in French
and had the opportunity to listen to and
use the language whilst having fun. Visual
aids and repetition helped to reinforce the
language and children fell about laughing
on account of the comic characters the
actors portrayed. All the children enjoyed
themselves immensely and it was lovely to
see the Nursery children present for part of
the show.
The week involved visits by various age
groups to Happisburgh to witness the
effect of sea erosion on our coastline, a
trip to a recycling centre at Waterbeach
near Cambridge, a visit to Titchwell to
learn about our local wildlife and their
habitats, and to ‘Green Britain’ in Swaffham
to find out more about sustainable energy
sources. Some of the more senior pupils,
led by a very enthusiastic Mr Turner, spent
several hours at our ‘Forest School’ site
in Old Hunstanton clearing undergrowth
and preparing it for wider use by the
whole school. Every Prep School pupil
took part in a litter picking exercise on
the local beach (filling no less than fifteen
large bin liners with the rubbish and debris
that they found) and were also given the
opportunity to design a hat made entirely
from recycled materials whilst advertising
the environmental message.
It was a great week and certainly raised
our awareness of the vulnerability of our
planet and how we can help to preserve
the beauty of our environment for future
‘Can you please pass on our thanks to all
the children who participated in the litter
picking session on Hunstanton beach this
week. Graham, our beach patrol officer,
commented on how nice it was to receive
a helping hand in keeping our beach
clean by such an enthusiastic and well
motivated group of children!
Once again thank you for your
commitment in working within the
community and keeping our beach clean.’
After the film, we split into two groups. One
group went up the wind turbine and the
other group made their own wind turbines
(not real ones!) We worked in groups to
make the turbines. We had to choose
how many blades to put on and then get
the blades at the right angle so that they
would turn as fast as possible when the fan
was switched on. It was quite tricky but
eventually we all got our turbines to produce
over 3 volts of energy.
the other turbines is up a ladder on the
outside! The view was awesome at the
top. The wind turbine wobbled a bit but
it was really quiet. On the way down it
seemed very steep and some people got
very wobbly legs!
After we had all finished these two
activities we had lunch. When we had
eaten our lunch we had to sort our
rubbish into general waste, food waste,
paper and tetra paks. We were able to see
how much of our rubbish is recyclable
and how much of it goes into landfill sites.
We started the afternoon with a recycling
challenge. It was super fun. It was boys
against girls. We had to put a basket full
of rubbish on to a conveyor belt and then
sort it into bottles, general waste, paper/
card, aluminium and steel. The lady timed
us to see how long we took and gave us
penalty points for every piece of rubbish
that we got in the wrong section. The
girls won!
Green Britain centre
On Friday 21st June we
went to the Green Britain
Centre in Swaffham as part of
Environmental Week.
When we got there we watched a very
interesting film. It was all about the power
of the wind and wind turbines.
It was very tiring when we climbed the
steps in the real wind turbine. There were
305 steps and they twisted up and up in a
tight spiral. We stopped to rest twice on the
way up. The man who was guiding us told
us that the Swaffham turbine is one of only
two in the world that has a staircase on the
inside. The only way to get to the top of all
Before we left we were shown around
the organic garden. It was lovely. There
was a schoolroom and a tunnel made out
of willow, bee hives and lots of flowers.
The man showed us all the herbs and
vegetables that he grows. He told us
that he does not use any fertilisers or
chemicals on his crops. He produces
his own compost to help everything to
Litter picking
Later in the afternoon those present were
able to watch an Asterix film, before having
their cooked tea, again accompanied by
some French café music.
The children took part in a variety of
activities including Boules, French card/
board games, researching information
about France in the ICT room and making
their own models of the Eiffel Tower. My
thanks go to Siobhan Butler for making
wonderful crepes in the Pre Prep for the
children to taste.
Everyone was thoroughly entertained by
My thanks go to everyone who assisted
me on the day, including the cooks and
dinner ladies, all the staff who supervised
the activities, Jemima Bostrom and Jazmyn
Pesci for helping out the Pre Prep staff with
great efficiency and enthusiasm and to ALL
the children who participated in each activity
with such enthusiasm. It was a truly colourful
day with some wonderful fancy dress
costumes on display! I look forward to next
year’s event!
David Whitehill
Our environmental awareness on
Tuesday morning took us onto
the beach at Hunstanton where
children from Division III upwards
collected litter from among the
rocks and along the shoreline.
They were amazed at the variety of
rubbish that they found and between us
we filled fifteen large black sacks which
were later collected by a grateful Borough
Council. Later in the week we received
the following message from the Resort
Services - Borough Council of King’s Lynn
& West Norfolk :
29 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House school events
Titchwell Bird Reserve
We started with a look at some of the
enormous moths which had been caught
overnight and some of the children were
brave enough to let them sit, rather sleepily,
on their hands. We were then led around
the reserve, with the children eagerly noting
down in their “Spot It” books all of the wildlife
that they could identify.
Particular highlights of the day were the
greedy squirrel who was hanging upside
down by his tail from the bird feeder,
watching the squirming tadpoles and going
in to the hide to observe such birds as the
avocet, reed warbler, coot, moorhen and
geese. Top of the list, however, was seeing
the extremely rare water vole, whom the staff
at Titchwell had named Harold!
We had a really good time on this trip. We
learned a lot about looking after the world
and we hope we can go back again soon.
Written by Division III.
Forest School
We ended our morning by hand feeding the
robins. The children were given a handful of
mealworms and then told to stand still with
their palm out flat. Unfortunately, the birds
didn’t seem to be very hungry, but one robin
obviously had a little room in his tummy for
a worm snatched quickly from Ruby’s hand.
Before we left, the children were asked to
add up the number of observations they had
recorded in their “Spot It” books and they
were then awarded a certificate and badge
according to how many things they had
Camping Weekend
14th – 16th June
Frodo lords it over the ring.
The weather certainly kept us on
our toes! Fortunately much of the
rain fell on Friday /Saturday night
after we had returned in the early
hours from Ringstead Downs and
our Midnight Hike.
Dogs, dogs, dogs! The school was teeming
with dogs of all shapes and sizes when
we hosted the annual fun dog show.
Frodo Cavalier, with help from mum and
dad, Amanda and David Whitehill, was
justifiably pleased with the support the
event received as countless dogs of all
breeds and their owners turned out to
take part in a fun day out for all the family.
Many people enjoyed the regular car boot
sale prior to the show and some went on
to have a picnic on what was a slightly
windy but generally pleasant day.
Divisions III and IV had a very
enjoyable morning at Titchwell Bird
Reserve on Wednesday.
grow well. We were allowed to touch the
compost and we were surprised by how
hot it was beneath the surface. When the
vegetables are ready, they are picked and
then cooked and served in the café.
Hunstanton Fun Dog
Show Sunday, May 20th
We all had a fantastic day and learned a
lot from our informative guides Pernille,
Simon and Zoe. According to Piers – and
backed up by everyone else – “It was the
best trip we’ve ever had!”
Miss Hubbard
Environmental hats
The highlight of the show was when
Frodo Cavalier actively participated in the
Cavalier class and selected his winners.
Another major highlight was seeing
Merlin, the Glebe House School golden
win 2nd
place in the
fancy dress
by sporting
a school
and also 3rd
place in the
tail event.
Well done,
Merlin and
his handler
Crofts! The
school is
very proud
of you!
The Best in Show went to Bob and Lily
and their handler Alicia Wailing but as we
always say, regardless of any decisions the
judges may make, you all went home with
the best dog in any case!
events on
the day
Band, stalls
run by
staff and
and it was
good to
see the
visiting us for the first time complete with
roving daleks.
David and Amanda Whitehill
Within four hours of ‘turning in’ the first
children were awake — loud conversations
about Pringles before 4am is liable to test the
sanest Headmaster. By 6am we were in the
pool and most children kept going admirably
throughout the day (despite thunder and
lightning on the beach in mid afternoon),
playing games, collecting firewood,
swimming, etc. Once again a talent show
and hot chocolate rounded off the day.
Sunday’s weather confounded the promise
of thick white cloud and challenges were
undertaken under beautiful blue skies and in
sunshine. Again the pool played its part, but
not until after the first child emerged from
their tent around 7am.
My thanks to Miss Butler, Miss Fenton and Mrs
Hipwell who all seemed to be ever present. I
was also grateful for the help given, at various
times by Mrs Playford, Mrs Lewis, Mrs Crofts,
Mrs Skipper, Mr Jones, Mr Sisman and Miss
Hubbard. Thank you to the Division VIII’s for
the planning and all campers for their good
John Crofts
Fun in the snow
31 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House trips and excursions
A Day with the Celts
and Romans
Friday 23rd November
On Friday 23rd November Division
IV went to Norwich Castle
Museum for a ‘Day with the Celts
and Romans’.
We met in the Auditorium and there was
an argument between the Celts and the
Romans because the Celts (Iceni) wouldn’t
pay their taxes. We had four activities to do
throughout the day and our first one was
with Brutus, a Roman soldier (Centurion).
He asked me and Nick to hold up his shield
and feel how heavy it was. It was very
heavy indeed! We learnt the Latin names
for all the equipment he would use in
armour = lorica segmentata
shield = scutum
spear = pilum
sword = gladius
dagger = pugio
helmet = galea
He also told us the Latin commands for left
(sinistra) and right (dextra).
At our second activity we met an Iceni lady
called Ketha, who showed us the Celtic
torcs and coins in the gallery. We then
made torcs for ourselves.
to work out which one was fake. We handled
lots of different objects like roof tiles, floor
tiles, Samian pottery (from Gaul) and many
more. I found this very interesting and I really
enjoyed looking at the pieces.
On our last activity we met Marak, the Iceni
leader, and we talked about Celtic life. Some
of the jobs they did were blacksmiths, farmers,
hunters, brewers and priests. We had to act
out a job and Archie and myself chose to be
blacksmiths, and we loved doing this.
The final activity was daily life in Egypt.
This was my favourite task. We pretended
to be asleep and when we woke up we
found we were in Egypt three thousand
years ago. We went fruit picking and I
collected raisins. We all dressed up and
I was a waker of the dead. I had an
instrument with bells on and we all had to
shout “Hail Tutankhamun”.
Emily Wright
I had an exciting day at Norwich Castle
Museum and I learnt a lot.
Division III visit Norwich
Castle Museum
Jessica Jamieson
On Thursday 6th December we went
to Norwich Castle Museum for an
Egyptian day.
Victorian Day
The first activity was mummification. I
learned that the Egyptians thought the brain
was useless, so they removed it and threw it
away. I thought this was weird as the brain
is actually very important. They put other
parts of the body like the stomach, liver and
lungs into canopic jars with god faces painted
on them. The last thing we saw was a real
mummy which had rotten teeth and looked
really disgusting.
The second activity was jewellery making. We
made our own Egyptian collars with squares
of paper in all different colours. My collar was
gold and silver. That meant it was very special
because silver was very rare in Egypt.
On our third activity we met the Roman
tax collector, Marcus. When we got to his
room we found four Roman artefacts and
one reproduction on each table. We had
On a very sunny Wednesday 7th
September Divisions VII & VIII
went on a trip with Mr. Gladstone
and Mrs Hipwell to the Fitwilliam
I had an
amazing time
and have
learnt so
We drove to King’s Lynn station, caught
a train to Cambridge and walked for 15
minutes to get to the museum.
On Thursday 2nd May, Division VI
dressed up as Victorian children
and set off for an activity day at
We walked up some stairs into the gallery
and sat down. The lady told us that the art
was all about the things that got buried in
tombs in ancient china and that only very
powerful people would have been buried
in a tomb. The treasures in the exhibition
came from an ancient tomb during the
Han dynasty around 200 BC. The first
things we saw were many terracotta
figures that would have protected the
tomb in the after life. We were then shown
some of the luxuries, washing facilities and
cooking implements and real food as well
as beautiful terracotta figures of dancers
and musicians providing entertainment in
the afterlife.
We then looked at a stone called jade
stone. The ancient Chinese thought jade
had properties that gave you immortality,
they used to grind it down and drink it. We
saw a jade suit made out of tiny square
pieces linked with gold. The ancient
Chinese believed that jade stone protected
your soul from demons in the afterlife, but
only if every possible entrance was blocked
with jade stone.
Then the lady left us to sketch before we
went back downstairs for lunch.
It was a beautiful, sunny day and the
children had an eventful day where they
found out what living in a workhouse
would have been like. Along with a school
lesson and visiting the cell, the children
worked on a farm and had a go at some
laundry. They even got to practise their
milking technique!
When we’d finished lunch we walked
to a museum mainly about Scott of
the Antarctic. We were given a sheet
of paper with lots of questions and we
worked in a group of two or three, looking
round the museum to find the answers.
The questions were all about the polar
expedition and the things that the crew
took with them like:
A sleeping bag, Scott’s original snow
goggles and a letter written by a member
The third activity was handling artefacts. We
got to look at real Egyptian things that were
very old, so we had to be very careful. We saw
Osiris, chief of the dead, and his wife Isis. You
can always tell a statue of Isis as she always
has a baby with her called Horus.
of the crew to his parents who never received
it. There was a box full of several hats, coats,
gloves, a pair of boots and a pair of snow
goggles that you could try on. Jade and I
decided to dress Rosie in all of it! Eventually
we managed to zip up the last coat and get
some pictures!
There were lots of sculptures outside the
museum and as we walked inside a lady
showed us into the lunch room. She told
us what we were going to be doing and
that we could bring folding stools to sit on
while we were listening or sketching.
It was a brilliant day, full of fun activities and
interesting facts about the Celts and Romans.
All the schools had to vote at the end if they
preferred Celts or Romans and the Celts won!
The day began strangely with a big argument
between Dr Derry (an archaeologist) and an
ancient Egyptian lady called Amunet about
whether or not to disturb the dead. I think I
agreed with Dr Derry because it’s interesting
to learn about the past.
Tomb Treasures from
Han China
Houghton Hall
Towards the end of the summer
term we had a very successful
trip to Houghton Hall, to see the
collection of paintings bought by
Sir Robert Walpole but later sold
to Catherine the great of Russia,
which is where they have been
for the last 200 years. They are at
Houghton until September they
then will be shipped back.
We looked at a preselected group of
paintings and below are some of the pupils’
comments about their favourite ones.
Castle Rising Visit
On Friday 1st March Divisions VII and
VIII visited Castle Rising as part of
their study of Medieval History.
We were lucky with the weather which was
bright but cold and we had a very successful
and informative morning. The visit reminded
me how lucky we are in Norfolk to have such
a rich medieval heritage and I encourage
everyone to get out and about and visit some
of these sites during half-term and holidays!
Division III’s Visit to St.
Mary’s Church
Reverend Wood let us into the
porch at St. Mary’s Church, Old
Hunstanton. He explained to us that,
before the church was fully built,
weddings took place in the porch.
We looked on the outside of the church for
gargoyles. These are carved faces in the
stone which warned off evil spirits in the
olden days. The walls of the church have a
special and particular design to stop people
breaking in. This is because the font contains
holy water that people wanted to steal! Holy
water is special because it baptises you to be
a Christian.
There is a precious painting inside the church
of a lion and a unicorn which represents the
coat of arms of King William IV. Every stained
glass window in the church tells a different
story about Jesus. One window tells the story
of Jesus kissing Judas. Judas had a bag of
gold in his hand and he betrayed Jesus.
Maude Poulter
Joseph- We went to Houghton Hall and
saw some amazing paintings, I loved a
painting by Paris Bordone, which has the
Goddesses, Flora and Venus (the god of
love) and Mars (the God of war). Flora
looks puzzled and Venus is daydreaming
about a handsome boy called Adonis.
Venus is holding a red rose, the roses
turned red when she tripped and fell into
a rose bush following Adonis, her blood
turned the white roses red. Mars in the
right corner of the painting, loves Venus
but is jealous because she loves Adonis, he
is so jealous he holds an axe ready to kill
someone to take out his anger.
Molly – We saw a painting of Mary’s
Assumption into heaven, (Morillo) Mary is
looking up towards the heavens floating
on a cloud of cherubs, she leaves darkness
and enters into light.
Everything in the house reflected Walpole’s
taste, aspirations, wealth and status from
the marble entrance hall to the magnificent
tapestries, beautiful hand painted Chinese
wall paper, fine furniture; the paintings
around which the house and decoration
was designed were considered at the time
to be the finest collection of European Art.
The paintings reflect that Walpole was a
highly educated and cultivated man.
33 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House sports
Glebe House trips and excursions
Autumn Rugby review
Glebe House Ski trip
The U11s had a challenging
season this year with a number
of our more experienced players
being too old to represent the
school at U11 who were to be
captained by Andrew Carnell.
In addition, we had a number
of children that were new to
rugby and this meant that they
had no experience of the game.
Sungyoon Cho and Jeonghun
Park were welcome new additions
to Division VI and were given a
true baptism of fire by playing
Riddlesworth U11 away on their
first week at Glebe.
Our lack of defence would cost us dearly in
this fixture, conceding a number of soft tries
in a 44-24 defeat. This is a fixture we could
and should have won and the deciding factor
was a lack of effort and commitment in the
tackle. This proved to be the underlying
theme of our season. Essentially, the
difference was a fast year VI player who
helped himself to 5 tries. However, notable
performances came from Jack Reed, Harry
Basset, Sam Stonebridge, and debutant
Sungyoon Cho who introduced himself to this
ridiculous Western sport with a try. A fabulous
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Our next game was against Kings Ely at
home. Despite dominating the set piece, this
proved to be another defensive performance
to forget as the U11s succumbed to a 45-0
defeat. Time after time, tackles were missed
and the opposition seemingly scoring at will.
With 10 mins to go the penny finally dropped.
We began to tackle with enthusiasm and
commitment and the following 10 mins were
scoreless with us nearly scoring ourselves. An
indication perhaps of what was possible if we
all worked together.
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The U11s’ final match was a tag rugby fixture
against Downham Prep. In a closely fought
contest, Glebe lost narrowly 19 tries to 22,
or to put in a rugby context 95 points to
110. One for the neutral methinks. Super
performances from Sam Stonebridge, Harry
Basset, Sungyoon Cho and man of the match
Jack Reed caused havoc in the opposition
Despite finishing the season without a victory
there is much to be positive about. The
emergence of Georges Hipwell and Waddison
and Joseph Reed from Div V bodes well for
the future with Daan Verheij also giving a
good account of himself this term.
Lacoste/Sutherland Cup for best Colt –
Sungyoon Cho, Half Colours - Jack Reed,
Sam Stonebridge and Sungyoon Cho,
U11 Awards to Harry Basset and George
Instead of the traditional U13 team,
Glebe opted for an U12 Rugby team
to allow our Div VII’s the opportunity
to play competitive rugby along
with Div VI and Harry Basset from
Div V. Led by Olly Searle our first
fixture was a trial match vs Langley
away on our first day back. Despite
losing 40-15, there were some
very encouraging performances, in
particular from Adam Simmonds and
Jonny Chalk who caught the eye of
Langley’s Director of Rugby.
Our next fixture was home against St Hugh’s.
This proved to be a frustrating afternoon as the
opposition seemingly scoring at will, again due
to some poor tackling. This proved that if we did
not try our hardest, we could be on the receiving
end of some heavy defeats. The following week
saw us take on Langley again. We dominated the
set piece, in particular the scrums but despite
this the result was 49-10 to Langley who it has to
be said, had a number of talented and powerful
Following a good weeks training, we took on
Riddlesworth and our U12’s took to the field
determined to do themselves justice and put in
a good performance. Both sides played some
attractive, free flowing rugby and this was
by far the best performance to date. Glebe’s
tackling and defensive alignment were much
improved and our dangerous runners tearing the
opposition defence to shreds. The final score was
44 – 22 to Glebe with Adam Simmonds being
named man of the match with a fine example
running rugby.
Our next fixture pitted us against a strong
Beeston side away and despite giving away a
lot of size, the match was very competitive.
Unfortunately our forwards again were not
applying themselves to the task and it was left to
our back to try and fight our way back into the
game. The result was 34-14 to Beeston with some
fantastic performances from Adam Simmonds,
Jonny Chalk and Olly Searle who attacked with
great guile and determination and defended
ferociously. I was very proud of such committed
performances which were a testament to Olly,
Jonny and Adam’s will to win. The forwards
could learn much from the commitment and
intensity shown by the back.
The following saw us take on St Hugh’s away
with a mixture of Div V, VI and VII boys.
This was a game that we could and should
have won and despite a much improved
performance in the latter part of the 2nd half
we ran out 25-7 losers, scoring the best try of
the match in the process.
Our final game of the season saw us play
Thetford Grammar away. We had a slow start
conceding 2 quick tries and posing no real
threat to the opposition. Following some
discrete words of encouragement from myself
and Mr Gladstone we began to play some
free flowing rugby causing the opposition
defence all kinds of problems. After registering
3 fine tries of our own we took the lead and
at half time were 28-19 up. Unfortunately our
defensive frailties became apparent again and
we conceded 2 unanswered tries with the
final score being 33-28 to Thetford. Positives
from the match should be the intensity and
desire to win by our Division VII boys and
the efforts of Sungyoon, Zach and Jack from
Division VI who all showed real character and
McCall Cup for Best Senior – Adam
Simmonds, Colours for Olly Searle,
Jonny Chalk and Adam Simmonds,
U13 Awards for Zach Reddyhoff and
Andrew Carnell.
Under 9 Rugby report
Autumn 2012
As is usually the case there was no shortage
of excitement and anticipation in this age
group as the first tag game of the season
against Riddlesworth Hall approached. We
started magnificently with Lucas going
over for a try in the first few seconds but
unfortunately that was the only time we
managed to take the lead. We conceded some
soft tries after that but we fought back to
score some great tries of our own. We did lose
our shape at times and some of their quicker
runners managed to pierce our defence on a
number of occasions. In the end we lost the
match by 17 tries to 10. Sammy and Lucas
always looked threatening and scored 9 tries
between them, with Sammy getting four and
Lucas five. Piers scored the other.
Our second match of the season was against
Beeston Hall away. This was a much more
even contest and again, as in the first match,
Lucas broke away straight from the start after
only a few seconds. Both defences were
severely tested in this end-to-end battle. We
managed to support our ball carriers much
better in this game and consequently scored
some excellent tries, the best one coming
right at the end of the game when Lucas
picked the ball up from our own try line after
Beeston had knocked the ball on. He then
proceeded to run the length of the pitch,
skilfully evading every tackler, before scoring
a memorable try. We won the match by 9 tries
35 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House sports
beating. Congratulations to everyone who
took part and here is to another great season
next year.
to 7. Lucas scored four, Sammy two, Archie
also two and Piers one. This result gave the
team some much needed confidence.
Our third match was against Beeston Hall
again but this time it took place at home.
This was another exciting game with some
excellent tries being scored. We always led in
this match which we won by eleven tries to
seven. Lucas scored five, Archie four, Sammy
one and Nicholas the other with some skilful
running and neat side-steps. Everyone played
well and we thoroughly deserved this win.
Soon after this game we played Beeston
again, but this time it was an Under 10
contact game. Both Archie and Nicholas
represented the school that day along with
the boys from Division V minus Harry who
was playing in another match. This was
a tough game and it was clear from the
beginning that the Beeston players were
stronger and more experienced. Nevertheless
we battled away and Sam thoroughly
deserved to score his try. We lost by 35 points
to five but a lot of effort was displayed, not
least by Joseph and Sam but also by Archie
who managed to tackle much bigger boys
than himself and showed great determination.
Well done to all seven members of the Under
9 squad who represented us this year.
Archie led the team very maturely and with
more luck could easily have added to his
try count for the season. He was always
enthusiastic and determined. He made some
very good tags and was always in support of
our ball carriers.
Nicholas enjoyed his rugby this season and
always listened carefully to instructions. He
thoroughly deserved to score his one try
against Beeston.
Lucas and Sammy always looked threatening,
often making weaving runs forward. Between
them they scored several tries and showed
great balance when running.
Piers, Alexandre and Connor were all showing
signs of improvement and now have a better
understanding of the game. I look forward to
seeing you all develop as players next season.
David Whitehill
Inter House Tag Rugby
Well done to all the players who
took part in the Inter House Tag
Rugby competition this term!
Matches were keenly contested as ever and
it was great to see the girls competing well
against the boys. When all the results of both
the Junior and Senior events were analysed
Saints emerged as the victors overall, with
L`Estrange coming second and Barbers third. I
look forward to next year`s competition.
David Whitehill
Norfolk County Tag Ruby
Finals 2013
Following Glebe’s success in
winning the West Norfolk Tag Rugby
tournament, we were selected to
represent West Norfolk at the County
Tag Rugby Finals at Diss RFC.
Hockey Review 2013
Hopes were high after an
unbeaten hockey season last year
and the U12 team had a number
of players from the previous year.
optimism due to some excellent performances
but knew that this would be a more different task,
as our opening group match proved.
As group winners we were entered into the Cup
competition along with the top 2 teams from
each group, or in other words the top 4 Tag
Rugby teams in the County! Our first game saw
us take on Notre Dame Prep and we won 7-4
despite some defensive frailties. Next we played
Bawburgh School again and in another end to
end contest, we won 5-4. Our final group match
saw us take on Filby School to see who would
win the group. Despite some questionable tactics
from the opposition, we triumphed 6-5 with
some excellent attacking play.
This meant that the Grand Final would be
between Glebe and Filby School. Unfortunately
we managed to save our worst 2 minutes of Tag
Rugby for the final and quickly found ourselves
3-0 down due to some poor decision making
and indifferent defending. We rallied but allowed
the opposition back and ended the first half
5-2 down. Our second half performance was
much improved and we again displayed the
high quality attacking play that had been widely
recognised by referees, coaches and spectators
alike. We edged closer, only to allow the
opposition to score and with the final few second
we scored yet another a length of the pitch
involving all of our team, but time had run out.
The final result was 7-6 to Filby School.
It was a fantastic effort to get to the final and
I am so proud of every member of the squad,
in particular Sam Stonebridge, Harry Basset,
Sungyoon Cho and Anna Sowerby who worked
tirelessly in every match and played with superb
team spirit, commitment and sportsmanship. This
event typified the sporting ethos we promote at
Glebe and every member of the squad should
be proud of their efforts. As such, I cannot pick
a player of the tournament as they were all
fantastic. Congratulations to you all!
Squad: Zach Reddyhoff (c), Andrew
Carnell, Jack Reed, Sungyoon Cho,
Jeonghun Park, Sam Stonebridge, Anna
Sowerby, Harry Basset, George Waddison.
U9 Girls’ Hockey 2012
With only three ‘official’ U9 girls
in the hockey team this year, with
the rest being U8, we all knew
that our squad of little girls was
going to have to work incredibly
hard and be prepared for some
potentially heavy defeats.
We approached the tournament with quiet
Our opening match was a great example of nonstop tag rugby and resulted in a 5-5 draw against
Bawburgh School with them scoring in the last
play of the match. Determined to do better, we
next played Antingham & Southrepps School and
produced a fine attacking display to win 6-3. Our
final group game saw us play Duchy of Lancaster
School who took an early lead due to our
complacency. We rallied to win 5-4 but this was a
reminder that each team had won a tournament
to be here and deserved respect.
Player of the season: Ollie Searle
Colours: Declan Cobb, Adam
Simmonds and Jonny Chalk
Just a month into the term we had our first
Led by our goalkeeper Declan Cobb, we
were fortunate to have a potent attacking
threat in the form of Ollie Searle and Adam
Simmonds in midfield, the determination and
commitment of Jonny Chalk as our defensive
midfielder and the dependable contributions
of Jack Reed, Andrew Carnell, Harry Basset,
and Zach Reddyhoff.
Sungyoon Cho and Jeonghun Park were
new to the game of hockey but took to it
very quickly. Their enthusiasm and efforts
in training saw them play their part in the
season, with Sungyoon in particular putting in
some fantastic performances in defence.
The season began with comfortable wins
against Riddlesworth, Beeston and New
Eccles Hall; the result against Beeston
being a particular highlight. Glebe recorded
an emphatic 5-1 win at Beeston in which
our players were regularly rotated to give
everyone some match time.
Further victories, including an impressive
win at St Hugh’s and another against
Riddlesworth, were further examples of our
free flowing and expansive game that we
had worked to develop in training, whilst our
disciplined defence and good goalkeeping
minimised the number of goals conceded.
This is testament to the work ethic of
each player involves in the U12s and their
determination to close down the opposition
and win back the ball once it has been lost.
Alas the unbeaten season was not to be
as we narrowly lost 2-1 away at Taverham
in a closely fought match against a very
good side. Our defence suffered two lapses
in concentration and were punished by
conceding two goals, showing how cruel
this game can be. Having said that, their
goalkeeper was forced to make a number of
miraculous saves and our team included Sam
Stonebridge who was making his U12 debut
from Division V.
There is much to be positive about from this
season and I am extremely confident that our
hockey team next year will really take some
fixture away to Downham Prep. Having
played them in the past and been quite wellmatched, we thought this would be a nice,
gentle introduction for the U9 team. How
wrong we were! A couple of days before
the match we discovered that we would be
playing “Quicksticks” hockey - which did not
involve a goalkeeper; we, of course, had been
practising with a goalkeeper. Not only that,
but the game would only be four a side (we
had been playing with seven) and then, to
make matters worse, Georgina – one of our
three ‘senior’ members – was unable to play.
However, the Glebe girls all did their best
on the very small, fast pitch, but sadly they had
no reply to the eight goals which were scored
against them.
The following week we faced St. Hugh’s at home.
They arrived without a goalkeeper so, in the
interest of fair-play, we unpadded Georgina and
thus lost our final line of defence. I would love to
say that the fact that this was a home match put
us at an advantage and that the disappointment
of the previous week became a dim and distant
memory…..but unfortunately this would not be
accurate! In fact, St. Hugh’s managed to score
three more goals than Downham (you do the
maths!) and again, we had nothing in reply. So,
looking upon this match as a useful learning
experience, we identified the areas which we
needed to focus on for our following matches,
namely ‘Do not be afraid to tackle’, ‘Clear the
ball strongly’, ‘Play to your position’ and, most
importantly, ‘Spread out!’
The next three matches saw real improvements,
both in terms of the girls’ understanding of the
game and in their playing ability. The biggest
development of all was that we finally started
scoring some goals. In the match against
Beeston (which resulted in a 7-2 loss), Emily
and Emma both managed to slot the ball past
the goalkeeper; we were so excited about
scoring that nobody minded losing the game!
Matters continued to improve when we played
Riddlesworth a couple of weeks later; in fact, they
improved so much that we even had to weaken
our team! Imogen scored our first goal, Emma
added to it and then Emily, assisted by some
good teamwork and positioning from Molly, just
couldn’t stop scoring! Leading by such a margin
(8-1) was the perfect opportunity for some of
the girls to try out new positions. Many were
reluctant to play in unfamiliar areas, but Josie
and Maude were gently persuaded to leave
their usual defensive positions and try their
luck as more attacking players – well done
for being brave, girls! We couldn’t continue
our winning streak the following week, but
we were very happy with a 3-3 draw against
Thorpe House Langley. Sarah and Jessica
worked particularly hard in defence, ably
backed up by goalie Georgina, and Ruby and
Imogen in midfield proved difficult to pass.
There were only two more matches left to
play, the first of which, against Taverham,
was played in the most ghastly of weather
conditions. We lost this game 3-0, but well
done to all of the girls for getting through it
without drowning and to the hardy parents
who stayed until the final whistle! We ended
the term with a second match against
Beeston, but this time we were on their
(astro) turf. Although we lost the game, it
was a good one to end with as it highlighted
just how much progress the girls had made.
Earlier in the term Beeston - playing away
from home on a surface that was unfamiliar
to them - had beaten us by five goals. Six
weeks later they played us on their preferred
surface, but this time beat us by only three
goals. The progress made by Glebe’s U9
hockey team is clear and speaks for itself.
Well done girls.
Karen Hubbard
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37 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House sports
their next match, against Taverham Hall, with
increased confidence. The opposition was
stronger and it was a more difficult match, but
we managed to hold them to a 3 all draw.
U9-10 Hockey Report
The Under 10s played two
matches this season, both against
Riddlesworth Hall, the first one
away and the second at home.
through right at the end, scoring the only goal
with the last play of the match. Our fifth and final
game was against Gresham`s and we more than
held our own in another goalless draw, and could
even have come away with all the points when
we were clean through on goal only for the
match to be halted by the final whistle!
We managed to draw four of our games and win
the other which meant we had earned seven
points in the group. In the end we came third in
the group only two points behind the eventual
winners Town Close. With a little bit of luck we
could easily have won this tournament but we
were very happy to come third.
In the first game we played 8 a-side and
much to Daan`s disappointment in goal he
did not have to touch the ball once in the
entire match, such was our level of control.
Our captain, Sam, and Harry orchestrated
most of our attacks with some fine stick
work, passing and good awareness. We won
by eight goals to nil. Harry scored four goals,
Joseph three and Sam one.
We won the home match in the last week of
term 4-0. Joseph and Sam scored two goals
each. We controlled this game from beginning
to end but this time Daan was called upon
to make some timely interventions. We
thoroughly deserved this victory.
The Under 9s had their first match away at
Beeston Hall. We battled manfully in the first
half and had to withstand a lot of pressure
from the opposition. Everyone defended
with great determination and on a couple
of occasions Sammy broke through their
defence to nearly score. At half-time the
match was goalless. Unfortunately tiredness
set in after the break and even though we
tried very hard we conceded three goals
without reply. Oliver, in his first school match,
played really well in goal, often kicking away
the ball to safety.
The Under 9s were at Beeston again after
half-term for the annual seven-a-side
tournament. We played in the ‘B’ event
alongside five other teams, each of whom we
competed against in a league format. In the
five matches we played we did not concede
a single goal which was a tremendous effort.
Our first two games were goalless against
Wisbech and Town Close respectively
although we could easily have won both
matches such was our dominance. Olly in
goal did not have a single save to make.
We were then up against stiffer opposition
in Beeston but our defence held firm again
and Olly made some excellent clearances
when danger threatened. This game also
ended goalless. Our fourth match was against
Taverham. This was a really even contest but
Sammy showed great determination to burst
Well done to everyone who played. Piers was
a rock in defence and distributed the ball very
well from free hits; Alex and Connor contributed
well in defence, often making important
blocks; Archie showed great enthusiasm and
determination, along with Sammy and Lucas
who displayed some skilful stick work and often
made impressive forward runs. Nicholas, our
captain, showed good spirit and great endeavour
in all of the matches.
For the first time this season we began to
pass the ball really well and spread out, giving
the team a much better structure and shape.
Congratulations to all of the Under 9 players. You
certainly did Glebe proud!
Our next match was a 3-0 defeat by Taverham
Hall. Although we rarely threatened their goal
Oliver played really well making some great
Well done to everyone who played for the Under
9s this season. I was particularly impressed by
two players this season who really stood out for
me. First of all, Oliver, who performed excellently
in goal, particularly during the Beeston
tournament in which he did not concede a single
goal in five matches. Secondly, Sammy, who
showed tremendous stick work and a lot of skill
when running with the ball. Well done!
David Whitehill
U11 Girls’ Hockey
P: 10 W: 3 D: 1 L: 6
Squad: Nina Dahl, Jennifer Dahl (joint
Captains), Sophia Basset, Olivia Delph,
Florrie Tyler, Anna Sowerby, Molly
Playford, Grace Owen
The U11s had a mixed season with
some very good individual and team
play. It began with a difficult match
against St Hugh’s. The girls tried
really hard but despite their effort
they only managed to score 1 goal
(Jennifer Dahl) and had 7 scored
against them.
This was followed by an equally difficult match
against Beeston Hall. Once again the girls gave
their best and there was some excellent play
in both attack and defence. Sophia managed
to break through and score a goal and Olivia
cleared many attempts at goal, but Beeston
still managed to score 5.
Our next match, against Riddlesworth Hall,
was much closer. The girls were able to keep
Riddlesworth to a 2 nil lead by half time and
then managed to score 2 goals (Jennifer,
Sophia) in the second half. Unfortunately
Riddlesworth scored 2 more and so won
the match, but there were definite signs of
improvement with some good tackling and
clearing of the ball in defence by Nina, Olivia,
Molly and Grace and some great attacking
play by Sophia, Florrie, Anna and Jennifer.
In the next two matches we found ourselves
in a much stronger position, and in both cases
had to weaken our team by moving players
into unfamiliar places to make it a fairer game.
The first, against Downham Prep, we won 7 –
0 (Sophia x 3, Anna x 2, Nina, Florrie), and the
next, against Thorpe House Langley, we won
8 – 0 (Jennifer x 4, Sophia x 3, Olivia).
We then took part in the Taverham Hall U11
Indoor Hockey Tournament. The girls had
great fun. They played 5 matches, won 1,
drew 1 and lost 3. All the games were close
and it was a very enjoyable afternoon. Well
done girls!
Our next fixture was against Beeston Hall and
Mr Gladstone kindly took the girls, as I was
umpiring the U11s. They played 3 matches
against 3 different teams and lost one,
drew one and won one. A good afternoon,
particularly considering that Jemima B was
unable to play due to an injury.
and the Patrick Cup for the best player to
Jemima Boström.
Suzette Patrick
U11 Netball
P: 6
W: 3
D: 0
L: 3
Squad: Sophia Basset (Captain), Nina
Dahl, Jennifer Dahl, Olivia Delph,
Grace Owen, Molly Playford, Anna
Sowerby, Florrie Tyler
Sadly, after half term, we no longer had Betsy
in the team. We continued strongly however,
and this was demonstrated in our next
match which ended in a 3 all draw against
Riddlesworth Hall.
Our last outdoor match of the season was
against Beeston Hall. Once again Jemima B
was not able to play because of an injury, so
Nina and Jennifer Dahl helped to make up the
numbers. The girls worked really hard, but
lost the game 2 – 7.
We then took part in the Taverham Indoor
Tournament. This was great fun and once
again Nina and Jennifer Dahl joined in. Sadly
we didn’t win any of our matches, but the
girls definitely improved as the tournament
progressed. Well done girls!
At Collections, House Points were
awarded to Jemima Priest, Half
Colours to Rosie Gillett and Jade
Sandy, Full Colours to Jazmyn Pesci
and re-awarded to Jemima Boström,
At Collections, House Points were
awarded to Nina and Jennifer Dahl,
Anna Sowerby and Florrie Tyler, and
Half Colours to Olivia Delph and
Sophia Basset.
win for St Hugh’s. This was followed by three
consecutive wins, against Thorpe House
Langley (14 – 0), Downham Prep (15 – 1) and
Taverham Hall (16 – 3). Unfortunately, we
finished the season with two hefty defeats,
against Riddlesworth Hall (1 – 19) and
Gresham’s (4 – 13). Despite this however,
the girls should be very proud of their
achievements, as I am. Well done girls!
At Collections, House Points were
awarded to Nina and Jennifer Dahl
and Half Colours to Olivia Delph and
Sophia Basset.
Suzette Patrick
U13 Netball
P: 5
W: 0
D: 0
L: 5
Squad: Jazmyn Pesci (Captain),
Jemima Boström, Nancy Davis,
Rosie Gillett, Clarissa Milkowski,
Jemima Priest, Jade Sandy
The U11 girls had a mixed season with some
decisive wins as well as some heavy losses. Our
first match, against St Hugh’s, was closely fought.
Our rotating shooters (Sophia, Jennifer and
Nina) were on great form, and with the help of
the rest of the team, in particular some brilliant
defending by Olivia, the match ended in a 7 – 8
Although the U13 girls didn’t manage to win
any of their matches this season, they always
tried their best and I was very pleased with
their efforts. There was some very good team
play, as well as great individual performances,
particularly from Jazmyn Pesci as Centre,
Jade Sandy as Goal Attack and Jemima
Boström as Goal Defence. Our closest
match was against Taverham Hall where we
“Pupils and parents alike rate the school highly“
The Good Schools Guide
Suzette Patrick
U13 Girls’ Hockey
P: 11 W: 2 D: 3 L: 6
Squad: Jemima Boström (Captain),
Jazmyn Pesci, Betsy Stainsby, Jade
Sandy, Rosie Gillett, Jemima Priest,
Nancy Davis, Clarissa Milkowski,
Nina Dahl, Jennifer Dahl
The U13s had a great start to the
season with a convincing win
against St Hugh’s. Jemima B and
Jazmyn scored 4 goals each and
Jade added 1 to the total. With
a strong defence and midfield,
consisting of Betsy, Rosie, Jemima
P, Nancy and Clarissa, we didn’t
allow them to score any goals and
even tried to weaken our team
by moving players into unfamiliar
positions to give them more of a
With a win under their belt, the girls faced
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39 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House sport
narrowly lost by one goal (11 – 12). Well done
girls – a good season overall.
At Collections, House Points were
awarded to Jemima Boström, Rosie
Gillett and Jemima Priest and Colours
to Jazmyn Pesci and Jade Sandy.
Jazmyn also won the Bowett Cup for
the best player.
Suzette Patrick
Under 9 Girls’ Netball
The U9 girls have played eight
netball matches this term,
unfortunately winning only three
of them. However, in a sport
where height really does matter,
this result is not surprising; with
the majority of the Glebe squad
being year 3s and therefore a year
younger than the opposition, they
were usually a year shorter than
their opponents too!
I’ll begin by glossing quickly over the seven
matches which we lost, starting with our
8-0 defeat against St. Hugh’s. It was our first
match after only a few practices (due to the
snow) and the girls had to battle against a
strong team and an even stronger wind! This
match was followed by a home game against
Beeston where we lost 11-0. Again, they were a
strong year 4 team and we had very few chances
to score as it was almost impossible to get past
their defence. Our other three defeats were
against Taverham Bs (we lost 13-2), an incredibly
tall Riddlesworth team (10-2) and Gresham’s
We may have suffered several defeats this
term, but that did not stop us from making a
lot of progress. During the Beeston match we
identified the need to work on longer, stronger
shoulder passes and, after putting a lot of work
into this area, our game really improved. This
development led to our first win of the season
– away to Thorpe House Langley. The Thorpe
House Langley team comprised all year 4 girls
plus one year 5, which initially was cause for
concern. However, we need not have worried
as our passing was strong, our shooting
was accurate and our defence were almost
impossible to pass. We won the match by 5 goals
to 2.
This game was followed by one against
Downham - our most exciting match of the term.
At the end of the first three quarters, the match
was tied at 5 goals all; the result was going to
come down to which team wanted to win the
most! Fortunately, the most determined team
happened to be Glebe. With some quick and
accurate passing, good movement around the
court and some very impressive shooting, we
were able to score three goals in the final quarter
and prevent Downham from scoring any. The
final score was 8-5 to Glebe.
Our third win was against Taverham’s C team.
This was something of an unexpected match
which we played immediately after losing to their
Bs. Taverham’s C team, however, involved some
year 3 players which made for a much more
equal contest, and we were able to win this by 4
goals to 0.
I have been really pleased with the efforts of all
of the U9s this term. Emily and Emma have been
motivated and motivational captains. Emily has
learned to make up for her lack of height by
jumping and she has been strong in a variety of
positions. Emma, although still battling to control
her footwork, has been a reliable shooter in every
match, responsible for eleven of our twenty
four goals. Imogen and Ruby have developed
into strong, intelligent netballers. Imogen has
played mostly as Centre and is a quick and agile
player; Ruby has a good eye for shooting but
her height and aggression have also made her
a key member of the defence. Sarah and Maude
have also played mostly in defensive positions
and they are both beginning to jump for the ball.
They pass the ball accurately and with strength,
but both girls must stay alert when the ball is not
down “their end”. Molly, Jessica and Josie have
played primarily on the wings. Molly and Jessica
have amazingly strong passes and now need to
work on their confidence and aggression. Josie
positions herself intelligently and is working on
building up her physical strength when passing.
Well done girls. You have achieved a lot this term
and I look forward to next year when our U9
team will actually be primarily U9!
Karen Hubbard
U9-10 Cricket Report
Our first match of the season was
an Under 10 Kwik Cricket contest
against Riddlesworth Hall away.
This proved to be a very close and exciting
game. We lost the toss and were put in to
bat. Sam and George Waddison began very
brightly, scoring freely; Sam managed to hit
a couple of sixes! Daan and George Hipwell
then came in and although not too many
runs were scored no wickets were lost. This
continued when Lucas and Sammy arrived
at the crease and they demonstrated some
good quick running between the wickets.
Oliver, Thomas, Archie and Nicholas batted
steadily afterwards and our final total was
an impressive 305 runs. Sam and George
Waddison bowled very well when it was
Riddlesworth`s turn to bat. Sam took one
wicket and George managed to get three, one
of which was due to a great catch by Sam.
Unfortunately our bowling was quite erratic
after that and many wides were bowled. It
was a very close game in the end but we just
managed to come out on top, winning the
game by just five runs.
some big hitting. Sam scored an impressive
37 runs including 5 ‘fours’ and two ‘sixes’, ably
supported by the rest of the team particularly
by the last pair, Jack and Sungyoon. Jack
scored 30 and Sungyoon chipped in with 18
runs. We easily overhauled the Downham
total, scoring 357 and thereby winning the
match by 108 runs. Well done, everybody!
This was a great performance.
The next match was another home game
against Downham Prep but this time the
Under 9s were in action. We won the toss and
chose to field first of all. Unfortunately our
bowling was not very accurate and we gave
away many wides and no-balls. Downham
had a few excellent batsmen and they
managed to reach 300 runs in their innings.
The highlights of our performance were
two catches: Piers caught out one of their
batsmen off Connor`s bowling and Sammy
caught someone out off his own bowling. We
knew we had to take some risks to overtake
their total. We batted competently enough
and we benefitted from some inaccurate
bowling from Downham. In the end we fell
just short of their total, scoring 283 runs,
and thereby losing the match by 17. Despite
losing this match it was good experience,
particularly for the youngest players.
The Under 10s then played a 16 over home
match against Thorpe House Langley,
only this time we played the proper cricket
format and not Kwik cricket. This was good
experience as it teaches players to take
more care when batting and not play too
rashly. We won the toss and elected to field
first of all. Our four main bowlers were George
Waddison, Joseph, James and Nicholas Morgan.
Unfortunately we did not bowl consistently well
enough and some loose deliveries gave the
opposition some cheap runs. The main highlights
of the innings were George Hipwell`s catch off
Joseph`s bowling, James and Nicholas clean
bowling two batsmen and then the latter ran
a batsman out from his own bowling. George
Waddison did some terrific fielding when he
dived full length to prevent a boundary. Thorpe
House Langley reached 133 runs for the loss of
four wickets. We knew this would be a tough
target to overhaul but our opening pair of George
Waddison and Joseph started brightly. George
scored a stylish 20 runs. Unfortunately we loss
three wickets due to careless run outs and the
innings petered out at the end. We reached 64
runs, thereby losing the match by 69 runs.
On a gloomy, overcast day we travelled to
Thorpe House Langley for our next Under 9 Kwik
cricket match. We fielded first of all but found it
difficult to take wickets on a full length pitch. We
were able to take a few steps over the crease but
did not bowl with consistent accuracy, thereby
giving away several wides and no-balls. In a low
scoring game Thorpe House Langley scored
271 runs. We profited from some loose bowling
when it was our turn to bat but nobody was able
to score enough runs to get near the Langley
total. In the end we finished our innings on 232,
39 runs short of our target. Despite the defeat
this was good experience for everyone. Piers
deserved to get much credit as he was the pick
of our bowlers, demonstrating good accuracy.
Our next game was an Under 9 match against
Beeston Hall. We won the toss and put
the opposition into bat. Our bowling was
very accurate in this match and we did not
concede many wides and no-balls, restricting
Beeston to few scoring opportunities. We
managed to take six wickets in total. Piers
took two, one of them was thanks to a
tremendous catch by Nicholas; Alexandre
took two wickets in succession hitting the
stumps with two fine deliveries and wasn’t
far away from his hat-trick, and Sammy and
Lucas took one apiece. Beeston scored 250
runs in total which we knew was well within
our reach if we batted sensibly. Nicholas and
Archie got the innings off to a very good start,
halving the deficit without losing a single
wicket. There was good support from the rest
of the team and we scored 296 runs, thereby
winning the match by 46 runs. This was a
very encouraging performance – our bowling
performance was the best so far this season
and we thoroughly deserved our win. Well
done, everyone!
Our next match was against Brancaster
Primary School. They fielded a team of boys
and girls ranging from 8 to 11 years old. There
were nineteen in their team and so a few
of their players played for us. We won the
toss and chose to field first of all on a very
bumpy pitch. We bowled quite tightly and
managed to run out a few of their batsmen
with some excellent fielding. We restricted
them to 295 runs. Unfortunately we were
not able to play the rest of the match on the
Wednesday because the Brancaster children
had to go home early. However, we managed
to complete the match the week afterwards
Our next match was at home against Beeston
Hall. We lost the toss and again batted first.
Both the opening batsmen, George Waddison
and George Hipwell both played very well
without losing a wicket. George Waddison hit
four boundaries in an excellent knock of 17. Six
wickets were lost and we eventually scored
278 runs in total. We bowled much more
accurately than we did in the last match and
managed to get eight of the Beeston wickets.
Our captain, George Waddison capped a fine
all round display by making a brilliant catch
and taking two wickets. George Hipwell
clean bowled one of their batsmen with his
last delivery, Piers and Lucas managed to
get a wicket apiece and Nicholas nearly got
a hat- trick and ended up with two wickets.
It was a very close game with only ten runs
between the sides when the last Beeston pair
came in. Unfortunately for us they batted well
and in the end ran out winners by 27 runs,
scoring 305 runs in total. Well done everyone:
Although we lost this match there were many
positives to take and the overall performance
was much better than in the previous week.
We were just up against a better team this
The next match was an Under 11 fixture
against Downham Prep. We won the toss and
elected to field first. Some good, accurate
bowling managed to restrict the opposition
to only a few scoring opportunities. Wickets
tumbled with Joseph and Jack Reed each
claiming two. George Waddison again took
a magnificent catch off Zach`s bowling and
with two run outs we took control of the
game. Downham scored 249 runs in total. We
set off like an express train when it was our
turn to bat with our opening pair of Harry and
Sam dominating the Downham bowling with
Proud to support
Glebe House School’s
Aquilian magazine
Open Days 2014
Saturday 25 January
Saturday 17 May
41 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House sports
with bat and ball.
Our batting was led by Adam Simmonds
and Jack Reed at the start of the season,
with Declan Cobb coming in as number two
batsman for our last three fixtures. Declan
managed a few good innings and high scored
with 20 against Thetford. Jack Reed made
an explosive 24 against Langley but both he
and Declan were guilty of getting out cheaply
in some matches due to a lack of footwork
and slogging. Both of these players should
be encouraged by their ability to score runs
when they play proper cricket shots and I am
optimistic for next year.
on a Tuesday afternoon. We batted positively
and did not lose any wickets when the first
three pairs were at the crease. Oliver enjoyed
himself scoring a couple of boundaries
against his former school and Lucas hit a
couple of great sixes. Unfortunately, due to
some carelessness we lost a few wickets
afterwards due to run-outs and poor
communication. At one point the match was
very close but we finished our innings on 340
runs, thereby winning the match by 45 runs.
Well done, everybody.
Our last match of the season was an Under
10 game away at St. Hugh`s. We played this
match with the normal rules of cricket using a
hard ball. Each team had 20 overs to bat. This
form of cricket is extremely useful to play at
this stage of the players` development in that
it teaches them to play more carefully and
not give their wicket away too easily with a
casual shot. We lost the toss and St. Hugh`s
elected to bat first. The level of concentration
amongst our fielders was very good with
Jeonghun particularly standing out as a first
rate wicketkeeper. Nothing went past him and
he was not at all bothered when the cricket
ball hit him plumb in front of his helmet from
a short distance. Everyone had a chance to
bowl but the pick of our bowlers were Joseph
who was always threatening and managed
to take two wickets, and George Hipwell who
also took two wickets, one of which was due
to a splendid catch by Piers. George Waddison
and Oliver bowled well and took a wicket
apiece. The former also made a spectacular
stop when fielding to prevent a certain
boundary. St. Hugh`s scored 107 runs. When
it was our turn to bat George Waddison and
Joseph played extremely well with the latter
making 23 runs including four boundaries.
They did not lose their wicket in the first ten
overs and were made to retire so that others
could experience this format of cricket. The
run rate slowed down considerably after the
opening pair which was not unexpected but
everyone batted well including the Division III
boys who had never played with a hard ball
before. We ended up with a score of 66 runs,
thereby losing the match by 41 runs. Everyone
played their part and this was certainly very
good experience for them all.
Well done to everyone who represented the
Under 9s and 10s this season. They all played
their part. Three players really stood out:Firstly our Under 10 captain George Waddison
who has shown himself to be a very stylish
batsman and accurate bowler. He also
made some outstanding stops in the field
preventing many boundaries. He has quiet
confidence about him.
Secondly Joseph Reed who is maturing into
a really effective all-rounder. His explosive
hitting combined with some excellent
defensive shots was great to see. Slowing
down his bowling has also helped his
accuracy and he is still able to generate a fair
deal of pace off a short run-up.
Thirdly our Under 9 captain Nicholas who
has really led by example this term, batting
sensibly and improving as a bowler with each
session. His levels of concentration when
fielding are to be admired and he has often
Miss Patrick
given words of encouragement to fellow team
Inter House Cricket
Well done to everyone who
represented their Houses during the
Inter House cricket competitions.
The results were as follows:
1st Saints
2ndL`Estrange Saints
3rdBarber`s L`Estrange
Our bowling and fielding has certainly been
the strongest aspect of our game with Jonny
(12 wkts), Ollie (6 wkts) and Adam (6 wkts)
being our most potent bowling threat. The
season’s bowling performance came from
Jonny who took 5 wickets for 9 runs off his
5 overs; a truly fantastic performance. Harry
and Sam defied their years and proved to be a
real handful for the opposition batsmen. They
did extremely well to get 2 and 4 wickets
respectively and they will be a formidable part
of our bowling attack next year.
Saints came top overall, Barber`s were second
and L`Estrange third.
David Whitehill
Sungyoon Cho quickly became an essential
part of the team as our wicket keeper which
is quite an achievement considering he has
never played cricket before coming to the
UK. Jeonghun, Kielan, Zach and Andrew all
contributed well in the field and contributed
Glebe Cricket Review
With no Division VIII boys and a
number of
boys playing
above their
year group, it
was always
going to be a
challenge this
due either to our batsmen being bowled by
straight deliveries or by our inability to score
enough runs during our innings. We could
and should have won at least three of these
games but this season has proved to be a
valuable experience for our team of how
and when to play particular shots. However
we rallied to comfortably beat St Hugh’s in
our final match in what was our best batting
performance of the season. Our top run
scorers were Ollie (79 runs), Adam (74) and
Jonny (71) with Declan and Jack scoring 41
and 41 respectively.
uality & Service at it’s best
Led by Jonny
Chalk, our team
comprised of four
boys from Division
VII and the rest
from Divisions VI
and V.
Our first match
saw us take on
Riddlesworth and
in a closely fought
contest, Glebe
were victorious
by 2 runs. Jonny
spearheaded the
bowling attack
along with Ollie
Searle; both
delivering accurate
seam bowling.
They were well
supported by
Adam Simmonds,
Harry Basset and
Sam Stonebridge;
the latter two
being in Division V.
Five consecutive
losses followed
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Sungyoon, Harry and Sam all showed promise
with the bat providing they play proper cricket
shots but this was a rare occurrence with
only the latter troubling the scorers in recent
weeks. The potential is there and I am sure
they will make more substantial contributions
with the bat next year. George Waddison
made 2 starts for the U12s on the basis of his
efforts for the U10s and performed superbly.
The future looks bright!
Player of the Season: Jonny Chalk
Colours: Ollie Searle and Adam
U13 Rounders
P: 8
W: 3
D: 0
L: 5
The Home Selection Specialists
Tel: 01485 542384
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P: 2
The U13 team faced some tough opposition
this term and did very well to achieve three
wins, particularly as one was against Beeston
Hall! Throughout the season the girls have
displayed their usual grit and determination.
Fielding was our strength and even in difficult
situations the team remained calm and level
headed. We were fortunate to have a strong
and reliable bowler in Jemima Boström who
was also one of our top scorers. Jazmyn’s
fast, accurate throw from backstop to Jemima
Priest’s safe hands at first post stopped many
of the opposition in their tracks, as did Rosie’s
amazingly long (and usually accurate!) throw
from 2nd deep to 4th post. Jade also proved
to be a good deep fielder, moving quickly to
the ball and getting it back to the posts with a
strong throw. There were some great catches,
the most memorable being Nancy’s ‘reflex’
catch during the Gresham’s match – fantastic!
Unfortunately our batting was not as good as
our fielding and, although there were some
occasional great hits from Jazmyn, Jemima
B, Rosie and Jade, there was never any real
consistency. Sadly you can’t win matches
simply on good fielding, so we did suffer
some losses, but I was very pleased with the
team’s overall performance. Well done girls.
W: 2
D: 0
L: 0
Squad: Sophia Basset (Captain), Nina
Dahl, Jennifer Dahl, Olivia Delph,
Grace Owen, Molly Playford, Anna
Sowerby, Florrie Tyler
The U11s only had 2 matches this term, mainly
because the U10s had their own matches, and
Nina and Jennifer were playing for the U13
squad. However, they won both of the matches
they played, so technically they had an unbeaten
season! The first match was against Thorpe
House Langley on Wednesday 19th June, which
we won 10 – 4. The girls fielded very well in
this match with some great throws by Nina
as backstop to Florrie at first post resulting in
stumping five players out. Two others were
caught out by Sophia. There was also some
good batting, with Sophia scoring 4 rounders,
Florrie 1½, Nina 1½, Olivia 1, Molly 1, Grace ½
and Anna ½. The following day, despite the
rather wet weather, we played Downham Prep
at home, winning 13½ - 6. Once again the
girls were on good form, getting four players
out at 1st post, 1 at 3rd and 1 at 4th. The tight
fielding restricted Downham’s score to a total of
6 rounders. We batted well, with Sophia scoring
3½ rounders, Jennifer 1½, Olivia 1, Nina 1, Grace
1, Anna ½ and the rest scored from no-balls. Well
done girls!
At Collections, House Points were
awarded to Nina and Jennifer Dahl and
Olivia Delph. Half Colours and the cup
for the most rounders scored went to
Sophia Basset.
Squad: Jazmyn Pesci (Captain),
Jemima Boström, Nancy Davis,
Rosie Gillett, Clarissa Milkowski,
Jemima Priest, Jade Sandy
At Collections House Points were
awarded to Jemima Boström, Jade
Sandy and Jemima Priest and Colours
to Jazmyn Pesci and Rosie Gillett.
Jazmyn also won the Cup for the best
Foresters Hall, Manor Road, Dersingham
U11 Rounders
Miss Patrick
U10 Rounders 2013
The U10 girls have had a
phenomenal rounders season,
playing a total of six matches and
winning all but one of them.
However, as the fixture which they lost (by just
three rounders) was against an U11 Beeston side,
it is fair to say that, when playing a correctly
matched U10 team, Glebe have been unbeatable
this term.
The girls have scored a total of 83½ rounders,
conceding only 48. Top scorer was Sophia with
25½ rounders, followed by Olivia with 10½ and
Florrie just behind with 10 rounders. Every single
girl who has played for the U10 team this term
– which means every girl in Division V, IV and
III – has contributed at least one rounder; this is
a particularly good achievement for the Division
III girls.
The first team to be beaten by Glebe was
Taverham Hall (a resounding win of 20 - 7) and
they were followed by Riddlesworth (a shortened
match which we won 9 - 2½). After this, we
played Downham (20½ - 6), St. Hugh’s (11 – 10)
and Gresham’s (14½ - 10). The Gresham’s
game was a particular highlight as far as I
was concerned. The opposition’s batting was
not particularly forceful and our fielding was
good. A catch from Sophia, three stumpings
by Florrie at second and another at fourth
by Grace meant that we were able to keep
Greshams’ first innings score down to just
two rounders. We batted well in both innings,
scoring 5½ in the first and 8½ in the second.
Whole rounders were scored by Olivia, Florrie
and Sophia (5) and there were also halves
from Florrie (3), Olivia (2), Molly Playford (2),
Sophia (2) and Emma. However, four of our
team were stumped out at first post and
learned an important lesson about the need
to run quickly from the batting box! Anna,
who was playing backstop in the second
innings, caught two people out when they
hit the ball behind and Florrie also took two
catches – one spectacular one on the run
which earned her a round of applause from
the supporting parents!
Every member of the team has made good
progress this term in areas such as strength
of batting, ability to place the ball, thinking
when fielding and general understanding of
the tactics of the game. All fourteen girls who
have played for the U10s have contributed
something to the overall success of the
team and I am immensely proud of their
performance and achievement. Well done
Karen Hubbard
U8 Rounders 2013
Every Thursday of the Summer
term, we were joined in our
games sessions by the girls from
Division II. This was because the
U8 girls had two rounders fixtures
scheduled for June and we had
insufficient girls in Division III to
make up a team!
For the first match, we travelled to Thorpe
House Langley, accompanied by Lucy and
Olivia-Rose. Sadly, we lost the game, 9
rounders to 11½. Whole rounders were
scored by Imogen, Sarah and Jessica (2) and
halves were added by Josie, Maude, Jessica,
Ruby (2) and Imogen (3). Imogen was
delighted to take her first catch in a match
and Sarah, Ruby and Josie were all able to
stump out a player.
The following day, in difficult, slippery
conditions, the U8s took on Downham Prep at
home. This time, we emerged victorious with
a 9½ - 9 win. Emily, Daisy and Thaleia joined
us for this match and Emily did particularly
well to score half a rounder. Imogen was
our only whole-rounder-scorer, but Ruby
and Sarah (3) were able to contribute halves.
Molly was kept busy at third post and stopped
Downham from scoring a number of half
rounders with her quick movement to the
The U8s have quickly learned the rules of
the game this term and show real potential
- things are looking good for next year when
43 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House sport
Inter House Swimming Gala Results 2013
U13 Ind. Medley
U9 Backstroke (1)
Glebe House School Sports Day Results
U9 Freestyle (1)
U9 Freestyle (2)
U9 Freestyle (3)
U11 Freestyle (1)
U11 Freestyle (2)
U9 Backstroke (2)
U11 Freestyle (3)
U11 Backstroke (1)
U11 Freestyle (4)
U11 Backstroke (2)
U13 Freestyle (1)
U11 Backstroke (3)
U13 Freestyle (2)
U13 Backstroke (1)
U9 Breastroke (1)
U9 Breastroke (2)
U11 Breastroke (1)
JUNIOR F/style
SENIOR F/style
Cannon Relay
U11 Breastroke (2)
112 cm
U13 Breastroke (1)
U13 Breastroke (2)
U13 Butterfly
INT. 100m
INT. 100m
INT. 300m
INT. 300m
INT. 800m
3.06 0
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45 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
House reports
Barbers’ report
In the autumn term Barbers’ won
the Inter House Show for the first
time. Our theme was ‘Holidays’
and Rosie was our main character
as the camp director.
We began the Show by singing ‘Summer
Holiday’ by Cliff Richard and this was
a great way in which to introduce our
theme. In the past two years all three
Houses have included a ‘wild card’
which can be absolutely anything. Our
performance was based on a sketch in
a travel agent`s from the TV show ‘Little
Britain’, called ‘Computer says no’. Rosie
was the disinterested travel agent and
Jonny and I played the part of two parents.
The Juniors then performed their poem
which was ‘Andy G, Terry D, The Brave Tea
Lady and The Evil Bee’ by Andy Griffiths.
The Seniors then came up on stage and
recited their poem, ‘Camping Trip’ by
Adine Cathey. Next was the House poem
in which everyone took part. It was called
‘August Outing’ by Trevor Harvey. After a
bit of speaking we finished the show by
singing an old song called ‘Letter from
Camp’ by Allan Sherman. We all performed
really well and thoroughly enjoyed the
occasion. We had to wait for several
minutes for the judges to make their
decision as to which House would be the
victor but we were all delighted when it
was announced that we had won!
The next Inter House event was the
football. This we didn’t win, but we played
well. The first game we played was against
L’Estrange. It was an equal game and
resulted in a draw. The next game was
against Saint Edmunds and was a good
game but sadly we lost this 3-2.
The next Inter House event was the rugby.
Both the Seniors and the Juniors played
tag. We had some good players amongst
the girls and the boys. This wasn’t for a cup
or House Points but was good fun all the
same. Overall Saints won this event.
We ended this term on a high note as
Barbers won the points competition for
both attainment and effort.
The first Inter House event of the Spring
term was the cross country. Unfortunately
Rosie and I were unable to run due to
injuries but we were delighted that Barbers
won this event anyway. The highlight
of the races was watching Olivia Delph
race against Sam Stonebridge in the
Intermediate age group with Sam only just
winning their race.
The Hockey was another interesting
event. We played L’Estrange first and
due to Jonny’s fast running and Rosie’s
amazing goalkeeping we won this match.
We then played Saints and we knew this
was going to be a tough game. The score
was 1-0 to Saints until the last second or
so when Jade swept the ball into the goal.
Unfortunately we weren’t so successful in the
Juniors as we lost all our games. Saints won
the event overall.
At the end of term Barbers won the flag again.
We also won attainment but came second in
effort at Collections.
Overall this was a good term and everyone
did well.
The first Inter House event of the summer
term was the Inter House swimming. We
started the event well with Jonny coming
2nd in the individual medley, but after that it
went a bit downhill as we came third in many
events. Piers and I were the only people in the
house to come 1st in our events. Overall we
came last in this competition.
I was confident about the Inter House
rounders as we had some strong people in
our team, and I was right as Jonny scored a
rounder every time he hit the ball. I was happy
to find out that we won this event. Sports day
was next on the list, and with only one relay
to go at the end of the afternoon Barbers and
L’Estrange were neck and neck. However in
the end L’Estrange just beat us by two points.
The final event of the term was the Inter
House cricket. Our first game was against
Saints and they managed to beat us. We
played L’Estrange next and Jonny and Rosie
were hitting well and scoring many runs
when I decided to retire Rosie and shortly
afterwards Jonny got bowled out by Jimmy
Priest. We lost this match. The Saints match
proved difficult but we were fielding well. We
went in to bat and Jonny and Jade and Rosie
got out. Then I went in with Andrew and we
needed 5 to win or 4 to draw with an over to
play. The pressure was on for Andrew as he
faced the last ball. He hit the ball and we had
to run, but unfortunately we only got one run
and drew this match. The Juniors won both
of their matches and won the Cup for their
Congratulations must go to Olivia Delph who
was the overall winner of the Public Speaking
The term was a success in many areas and we
were thrilled when Barbers was announced
the winner of the flag at Prize Giving. One
final mention and huge congratulations must
go to Scarlett Zoll for getting 204 stars in the
whole year!
Well done Barbers, I am delighted to be giving
my role to Jade Sandy and I wish her and the
whole of Barbers every success next year!
Jazmyn Pesci
Saint Edmunds report
Everyone was very busy from the
beginning of September, preparing
for Inter House events, but the
competitions themselves all took
place in the final couple of weeks
of term.
The main focus of the term was the
preparation for the Inter House Show. Our
theme was “Growing Old” and was based
on the idea of a ‘Help the Aged’ meeting.
We started with ‘We Are the Young’, our
first house song. The juniors then did
their poem ‘First Day At School’ by Roger
McGough. This was a funny poem about
the strange ideas children can have when
they have never experienced school
before; Joseph thought that lessons were
taught in “glass rooms” and Maude thought
that a teacher was “the one who made the
tea!” After this was our wild card act, ‘Kevin
Becomes A Teenager’ which brought a lot
of laughter from the audience and was
a real highlight for the adjudicators. Jack
was Kevin and Clarissa and I were the
poor parents. The house poem came next
- ‘If…..’ by Rudyard Kipling. This involved
the House giving Jack/Kevin advice about
how to become a man. Our next item
on the Agenda was ‘My Least Favourite
Things’, adapted from the lyrics of Oscar
Hammerstein II. This was about all the
things which people dislike about getting
old. It was performed by the senior Saint
Edmund’s, with Jennifer, Nina and Clarissa
all wearing some very (un)fashionable
glasses! We finished off our performance
with ‘When I’m Sixty Four’. Jack and Nina
both had solos at the beginning and were
singing to each other (don’t worry Jack,
you will still be fed when you’re older!) and
after they finished, the boys and girls then
sang to each other and then we all merged
together for the final verse. We put a lot of
time and effort in and really enjoyed the
preparation of our show but in the end
Barbers’ were the winners.
On the last week of term we had the Inter
House Tag Rugby. This was only for fun so
we didn’t earn house points, which was
a shame, because all of Saint Edmund’s
did really well with both the seniors and
juniors winning all of their matches. It
was really fun and everyone enjoyed
To finish off the term, it was Collections.
We didn’t win much which was a
disappointment, but there was always next
term …..
After an exciting Christmas Holiday we
were soon back to school and beginning
our first Inter House event - the Cross
Country. Everyone tried their best,
especially Sam Stonebridge who put in an
excellent performance by winning his race.
Unfortunately, despite all of our efforts, we
were placed 2nd with Barbers coming 1st.
Near the end of term it was the Inter
House Hockey. Everyone was very excited
and looking forward to playing. In the
Juniors, Sam Stonebridge, Joseph Reed
and Archie Thompson-Poole played
very well and the Division IIIs all enjoyed
participating. Overall in the Junior
competition, we came 1st. In the Seniors
there were some amazing performances
from Declan Cobb and Olly Searle in
particular. Everybody played well together
as a team which resulted in us winning the
Senior tournament as well. This meant
that Saint Edmund’s were awarded the
Inter House hockey trophy which was an
excellent result.
each other on, which encouraged the last
remaining swimmer to keep going.
Although we had hoped to do better in
Collections than we had in the autumn, sadly
there was no real improvement this term.
Olly, Declan, Sam, Jack, Molly, Jennifer,
Nina and Jemima did well in the sports
awards and house points for progress in
music lessons were given to Jack (brass),
Sam (guitar) and Emily (voice). The most
disappointing element of Collections as
far as I am concerned was that yet again
we came last in the effort and attainment
competition. Well done to Jemima, Jack,
Archie and Connor for being awarded points
for attainment and Jemima and Jack for
their effort points, but this was generally
a poor performance by Saint Edmund’s in
comparison to the other two Houses. At the
end of this term, we were in second place
in the star competition and last in terms of
house points. Come on St. Edmunds – we
need more effort from more of you!!! Miss
The summer term is the busiest of all
the terms and suddenly the Inter House
swimming was here. We are lucky in Saint
Edmund’s to have a lot of strong swimmers
so we had high hopes for this event. This
year, for the first time ever, the Division IIs also
took part; well done to Emily who was the
Saint Edmund’s representative. She won her
freestyle race easily. In total we won 21 of the
29 races and this gave us a very convincing
win. Everybody swam very well and cheered
Soon it was the Inter House Rounders.
This was only for fun which was a bit of
luck for us as we didn’t win! However,
everyone enjoyed themselves and took
part enthusiastically in the batting and
As we approached the end of term, we
still had two events to go. In Sports Day,
we were strong in the field events but not
so good on the track. It seems that we are
built for strength, but only a few of us are
built for speed! We finished in third place.
The final event of the term was the Inter
House Cricket. For the first time all year,
Saint Edmund’s juniors did not win their
competition but still finished in a very
good second place. The Seniors, on the
other hand, did come first with some
amazing batting from Olly. With our first
and second places, Saint Edmund’s won
this competition and I was pleased to
collect the cup in Collections.
Overall I have enjoyed being Head of Saint
Edmund’s and I’m proud of what we have
achieved this year. We have won a large
number of the Inter House events, but
not the attainment and effort which is our
weakness; however, everyone has tried
hard and good luck to the next head of
Saint Edmund’s!
Jemima Boström
Over the past fifteen years, the
Fairfax Gallery has established
A few days later it was the Inter House
Football. In the juniors we came first and
in the seniors we came second. Everyone
played really well. Overall Saint Edmund’s
won which was very exciting and everyone
was pleased.
Whoever said that football is a boys’
game was certainly correct as far as
some of our girls are concerned. As
Saint Edmund’s ladies emerged from
the changing room before the football
competition, I was asked “Do I need a
hockey stick?” This question came from
a junior and I thought it was quite sweet.
More worryingly, however, was the
conversation I had with a MUCH more
senior girl as she started her first match.
“What do I do?!” she shrieked at me as the
ball came near. “Kick it,” I replied and then
added, “just don’t pick it up!” My hopes
for a successful football match then died
as she responded, “Why not?” I can hardly
believe we actually won! Miss Hubbard.
a reputation for showing the
highest quality contemporary
art, from young award winning
to established artists. The
style of work covers a broad
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Lawrie Williamson FRSA RBSA
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Tel: 01263 711 139
47 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
House reports
I write the final paragraph of this report
on the first day of the Summer holiday.
Speech Day has come and gone and
with it our hopes of turning everything
around in the final term and winning
either the Aquilae Trophy for stars or the
Flag for house points. Unfortunately,
despite a much better haul of awards
in Collections and some people leaving
Speech Day with an absolute armful of
trophies (mentioning no names Jemima!),
we finished the year in last place in both
of these competitions. Next term, under
the leadership of new Head of Saint
Edmund’s, Olly, we have the opportunity
to start afresh with a much more positive
approach from the outset. Come on Saint
Edmund’s – let’s go for the win in 2014!
Miss Hubbard.
I would compare our time at
Glebe House School to a play;
each year being a rehearsal for the
Glebe House leavers’ programme
final performance. Lines are learnt,
wisdom is gained and experience
grows as time goes on and we draw
nearer to the final performance.
When I first joined Glebe and was selected to
enter L’Estrange, I was delighted to be joining
a team renowned for positive spirit and always
taking part, regardless of the result being first,
second or third. Little did I know that one day
I would have the honour of leading the house.
Looking back, this year has been another fast
blur of red, yellow and green. However, I am
pleased to say that unlike the traffic lights, the
red of L’Estrange has not always signified a full
We began the school year with the historically
themed House Show. Our intensive
rehearsals and inside knowledge from our
history teacher, Mr Gladstone, was sadly not
enough to gain first place which we narrowly
missed to Barbers by only one point.
During the Christmas Term, our senior team
was victorious in the Inter House football
but sadly this wasn’t the case for the junior
team, which meant that over all we came
2nd. Unfortunately we lost to Saints in the tag
In the Easter Term we came last in the
Inter House hockey, despite huge efforts
from all of the team.
The Summer Term has brought a further
flash of events and achievements,
including swimming, in which we came
second. The results of the Inter House
rounders were not as good as I’d hoped
since we didn’t win, but the prep school
sports day was won overall by L’Estrange!
Last but not least was the cricket. We did
not win the cricket over-all but I don’t
mind because I know that everyone tried
their best!
I am proud to have led the “L’Estrangians”
through another fantastic year, thank you
to you all! Whilst there are many names
I could mention, I believe everyone is
worthy of applause having represented this
house so splendidly, taking part with every
effort, both in and out of the classroom. I
am sure you will all join me in taking many
treasured memories of the year with you.
Although many of our results were not first
place, I am sure you will all agree it is the
taking part that counts!
Leavers’ Trip to London
On Wednesday June 19th
Jazmyn, Jemima, Miss Fenton
and I made our way to London as
part of the programme of Division
VIII leaving activities.
It was an excellent day but an extremely
busy one! On arrival in London we made
our way to Madame Tussauds where we
spent a few hours photographing a huge
number of famous people; the pop stars
having the greatest attraction with One
Direction being the all time favourite!
Jazmyn’s comment will always stay with
me, “let’s just have photos with all of them
even if we don’t know who they are!”
Sadly when they didn’t know John Wayne,
Madonna, Helen Mirren and Colin Firth I
began to feel a little bit old!
was delighted to escort her to the other end
without going in! Jemima and Miss Fenton
were then lead in to be followed by actors in
the dark trying to frighten them!
The final part of the visit to Madame
Tussauds was to see the 4D show about
superheroes. This was absolutely fabulous
and enjoyed by all! Although I think Jazmyn
was close to accusing the person behind her
of poking her in the back!
Next we made our way to the London Eye.
The weather was roasting, a rare occurrence
it seems at the moment, so we were lucky
to get a beautiful clear view across the city.
However, the queues to pick up our tickets
proved to be quite lengthy! Slush puppies
were in order to cool us all down! Before
alighting our flight on the eye we watched
the 4D film of London; an excellent film but
perhaps not as appealing to the girls as the
superhero one seen earlier in the day!
Jemima Priest
We then joined another queue to alight our
pod! Jemima’s main concern at this point
was, “what happens if a pod falls off?” “would
you float?” “what would happen if the glass
broke?” So, after a long list of questions we
finally took our places and spotted many well
known sights across the city.
Our next, and more scary, port of call was
the London Dungeons! I have to admit this
was my more reluctant participation in the
trip much to Jemima’s delight! This was the
part she had been looking forward to all day!
I hadn’t yet been to Dungeons and had read
only a little about it which had put me off
until now! I knew there was a ride where I
would be feeling as though I was being hung!
So, as you can imagine, I was a little nervous
but I had promised the girls I would go in
with them! Needless to say as time went on
and we went further into the darkness of the
dungeons I think they all became equally
wary! By the time we had all been in the
queue, in the dark, surrounded by live rats
(fortunately in cages but horrible none the
less!) we were all psyched up enough to be a
little nervous!
Towards the end of the waxworks we
all made our way into “Scream”, a more
sinister part of Madame Tussauds! Jazmyn
and I duly queued up with Jemima and
Miss Fenton but Jemima’s rather vivid
description of what was going to happen
managed to give Jazmyn the jitters so I
We were then told that we were traitors for
supporting Anne Boleyn against King Henry
and were told that we would be going to the
tower to be beheaded - lovely start! We were
taken by boat on an extremely wet journey
with quite a lot of screaming in the dark!
For our next port of call we had travelled on
in time and were taken to meet a woman
on the street who needed us to get a letter
to a gentleman looking after Guy Fawkes.
I was rather distressed at this point to
discover I was to be the one delivering it!
The girls deserted me and I was sent off
ahead along a pitch black tunnel to find
this man! Fortunately when we arrived
he was actually quite amusing! A Talking
head in the shape of Guy Fawkes on a
post wasn’t quite so funny!
Our next stop was the torture chamber.
Unfortunately for Jazmyn she was locked
in a cage and shown the thumb screws
and the tongue twister before the torturer
turned to a gentleman and showed him a
few instruments much, much worse!
We continued to travel through History
which was fascinating. At one point we
thought we had lost Jazmyn to Jack the
Ripper as she had been taken into a room
without us! I have to admit I was a little
worried at this point!
We were then reunited in the bar where
we were told about Sweeny Todd! A
journey I won’t spoil for you! Our last
place was the one I had dreaded from
the start - the hanging ride! At this
point I was considering the opt out but
thought if I was letting two 13 year olds
do it then I should be brave! Fortunately
it was short but I cannot say I loved it!
The photographs taken that we saw on
our exit proved this! I am so glad the girls
didn’t opt to buy them! It was at this point
I rushed them out! Jemima did admit later
that she thought about buying it because
it was so funny! I looked petrified!
We had the customary McDonalds for tea
before making our way to Covent Garden
where the girls were give time to go for a
wander around the shops and spend their
hard earned savings! I should have known
they would end up in ‘Build a Bear’!
After each of them had spent out we
made our way back to the tube and the
193 steps at Covent Garden! All three rose
to the challenge and took the steps! I felt
that I had climbed them enough in my
student days so I would take the lift!
On the train home we were entertained
by Jemima singing and taking weird and
wonderful photographs of herself and
Miss Fenton!
An excellent day after which we were
all exhausted, but no rest for the girls as
they had to get up at 6.30 to prepare for
the next leg of their programme - Thorpe
Park! I think they are going to be shattered
by the weekend!
Allison Skipper
49 The Aquilian
The Aquilian
Glebe House leavers’ profiles
Glebe House leavers’ programme
Dining in night
In a break from the usual format of the Aquilae
Dinner, this year’s leavers decided, with the help of
their tutor, Mrs Hipwell, to cook for and entertain
members of staff ‘in house’.
Each of the girls decided on a starter, a main course and a
dessert that they felt confident preparing and staff were invited
to choose from the menu beforehand.
The meal was served in the Drawing Room with the table
prepared and decorated by Jazmyn and Jemima.
Headmasters’ Trip
Thorpe Park
Jazmyn and I both didn’t know
where we were going, and were
very eager to know! Mr Crofts
kept on teasing us by saying that
we were going to a library, but
eventually we found out that we
were going to SnoZone in Milton
Keynes. Our Mums had packed
up our ski things and given them
secretly to Mr Crofts so as not to
give the game away.
For part of our leavers’
programme our parents took us
to Thorpe Park, but unfortunately
Jimmy’s mum had a bad tooth
and wasn’t able to come so we
took her sister, Holly, instead.
After a 3 hour journey we arrived.
Both of us were very excited when we
found out where we were going. Once
we had arrived, we got our skis and
equipment and soon headed onto the
slope. It was very funny as Jazmyn did
a couple of epic falls and lost one of her
poles! Overall we had a good time at
Next we set off to Cambridge to go
punting. Neither Jazmyn nor I had been
punting before so we were looking
forward to it. We arrived early so we were
able to get some lunch in the Granta pub
while we watched other people going out
on the punts. It looked really good fun but
some people weren’t very good at it and kept
getting stuck under trees or going round in
circles! When we went down to the punts
we found out that our punt chauffeur was
called Robbie Travis who was in Harry Potter;
he acted as the teenage James Potter. He
took us along the river and showed us all the
buildings situated next to the river and told
some information about them.
Overall the whole day was very fun and
amusing! Thank you Mr and Mrs Crofts for
taking us.
The first ride we went on was Colossus
and after a 40 minute wait we were on
the ride. Afterwards we went on Nemesis;
everyone liked this ride. The next ride was
The Stealth which has a 205 feet drop,
and it goes up to 80mph in less than 2
seconds. I actually dropped out of this
ride as I was too scared. Then we went
on The Swarm which was the first ever
winged ride which meant that you weren’t
on the track but you were on the edge of
the track! We left the wet rides till the end
and the first one we went on was Loggers
Leap. We all thought this was going to be
a nice and peaceful ride but it proved not
to be as we came out soaking wet! The
second wet ride we went on was called
Rumba Rapids, this one was a chilled out
ride. We left the best till last, Tidal Wave,
as we got absolutely soaked. Both me
and Jemima enjoyed this day very much
and hopefully will be going back in the
summer holidays.
Jemima Boström
Jazmyn Pesci
Rob was very comical and let us have a go at
punting. Jazmyn went first and could actually
steer the boat and keep it in control! Then it
was me, I wasn’t as good as Jazmyn and kept
on crashing into the wall and then couldn’t
get away. We then went under a bridge and
I nearly got the pole wedged in-between!
Rob took us back to where we started as we’d
finished the hour.
Jazmyn Pesci
Jemima Boström
The new century was not very old when
Jazmyn joined the Nursery at Glebe
House School in January 2001 and much
has happened since then! Throughout
this time she has seen her peers come
and go, making friends with many, with
a real zest for life and a sensitive side
that many appreciated. Jazmyn is always
positive about others and life at school,
but generally very modest about her own
abilities. As well as through music making,
she always made a good contribution to
sport at the school in all the team sports
and increasingly in individual sports.
Jazmyn has the ability to really excel in
the future as she leaves us to follow in
the footsteps of her father and to join
her older brother John at The Leys in
Cambridge, where we know she will do
Jemima was in the Nursery before leaving
for three years at Docking School. Her
parents then applied for a scholarship to
enter Division lll. There was little doubt
that she had ability, not only in her
academic work, but as a sportswoman
and increasingly showing talent in other
areas such as music and art. There is an
art to working with Jemima as she often
gives the impression of being too relaxed,
but she knows exactly when she needs
to do that bit more and show her true
colours. Jemima is an able competitor
in most sports, but her hockey took her
to Norfolk County representation and
could take her much further. She could
however do the same in many sports and
Oundle will give her great scope for this.
In addition she gained grade five on piano
and flute as well as grade four in music
theory. Her all-round ability ensured that
Oundle was able to make a substantial
award on entry and we look forward to
hearing great things of her.
Strata Architectural
Glebe House School & Nursery
Cromer Road, Hunstanton, Norfolk PE36 6HW
Telephone: 01485 532809