Pastor`s Message
Pastor`s Message
MARCH, 2014 Pastor’s Message WHAT’S INSIDE PASTOR’S MESSAGE 1 WE GATHER TOGETHER 2 OUR CHURCH FAMILY 2 FAMILY MINISTRIES 3 HAITI UPDATE 4 NEWS AND NOTES 5 MARCH CALENDAR 9 Have you noticed lately how many words surround us each day? Signs on the road and in stores, websites, text messages, emails, newspapers (we still get the paper kind), shows on TV where there is a constant ticker tape of words scrolling at the bottom, radio programs, books and magazines. Christians all over the world begin their observance of Lent on Ash Wednesday, March 5. Lent is the season that invites us to embark on a more intentional faith journey—to open our hearts, minds and spirits to the living presence of the risen Christ. But how do we begin such a spiritual journey? How can we as individuals and as a community of faith draw closer to God? Are there practices that are deeply rooted in the Christian tradition that can guide us? The answer is YES. On the cover: The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville Women’s Missionary Society, ca. 1890 The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville 2688 Main St. Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (609) 896-1212 The Adult Education Committee has prepared a devotional resource, Pathways to Spiritual Growth, designed to help each one of us experience the presence of God afresh. This devotional guide explores seven pathways—one for each week in Lent. This makes Pathw ays to Sp iritual Gro w th ideal for use as a Lenten devotional. Each pathway is introduced by a short narrative and illustrated by passages from Scripture. Questions for reflection prompt us to go deeper, followed by practical suggestions for experiencing God’s presence in daily life. Additionally, each pathway includes resources for further reading and study. Pathways to Spiritual Growth is available in print as a booklet, in electronic format on the church’s website (—and as an email devotional sent to your inbox each week (sign up at LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER Pathways to Spiritual Growth will also be the focus of the Institute for Christian Living adult education sessions after worship beginning February 23. Each week leaders will help us to experience a different pathway. We urge you to attend all seven ICL sessions, though each session stands alone. Lent is a time find new ways to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, who is the “way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6) —Louise Johnson We Gather Together Lent Begins March 5—Ash Wednesday March 5, 7:30-8:30am, 12:00-1:00pm, 7pm For the first time, PCOL will have three services that include the imposition of ashes. There will be opportunities to receive the sign of the cross in the morning and during lunch, ideal for those who work, and a full service that is youth-led at 7pm in the Meetinghouse. Adult Education: “A Path for Our Journey” As we approach this season of Lent, we invite you to embark on a journey to prepare our hearts, minds, and spirits to receive the risen Christ on Easter Sunday. The Adult Education Committee has prepared a devotional resource, Pathw ays to Sp iritual Gro w th , that will be available in print as a booklet, in electronic format on the church’s website, and as a devotional sent to your email box each week. Look for details to follow soon. Pathways to Spiritual Growth will also be the focus of adult education sessions offered after worship each Sunday in Lent (February 23-April 6). Each week, our Deacons, Elders, Trustees, Staff, Sunday School Teachers, Youth and members of our church committees will introduce a different Pathway. We urge you to attend all seven adult education sessions, though each session stands alone. See p. 8 for a complete schedule. The “Fludde” is Coming! On the weekend of May 31, 2014, PCOL will be putting on an intergenerational production of the story of Noah, titled “Noye’s Fludde” (Noah's Flood) by Benjamin Britten. This is a play based on the style of medieval miracle plays of England, performed by ordinary people, crafts/tradesmen and their families, with minimal scenery and props. This particular play is set to music, and there will be a small orchestra made up of professionals and amateurs from the congregation. Noah, his family, and a large group of “animals” will be needed for this production, as well as craftspeople for scenery, costuming and other jobs—so adults and children alike should start polishing your violin bows, practicing your animal noises, and warming up your sewing machines.... Visit to volunteer, or speak to Jim Moyer or Anne Lewin. Our Church Family Thank You from the Fearons Dear Friends, the Fearon family (Dana, James, Mary) are very grateful to our friends in the Lawrenceville church and community for your expressions of love to Janett. For months you provided hearty meals, lovely flowers, and countless cards assuring Janet of your prayers. And the family is thankful for the beautiful reception you arranged after Janet's memorial service. Our thanks and love to all. —Dana Sympathy The sympathy of the congregation is extended to Ruth Gilman and her family upon the death of her husband, 2 our member Fed Gilman; and to Jim and Kathi Morley upon the death of Jim’s mother, Emma. Births Congratulations to parents Jessica and Keith Cincotta and siblings Anna and Matthew upon the birth of Nicholas Connor Cincotta on January 21; and to parents Vickie and Drew Harrelson, to grandmother Holly Hafner, and to great-grandmother Delores Burke upon the birth of Drew Michael Harrelson on February 5. Baptism Myles John Eldridge, son of Catherine and Blake Eldridge, was baptized on January 26. MARCH, 2014 Elections Held at Annual Meeting At the Annual Meeting of the Corporation, held on January 19, Bob Blazer, Maia Hughes, Jim Kroll, and Andrea Rabitz were elected to the Board of Trustees (Class of 2016). Also at the meeting, Jim Campbell, Adam Heide, and Len Koch were elected to the Auditing Committee (Class of 2014). We thank the following who have completed their service on the Board of Trustees: Matt Hullfish, Beverly MacDonald, Chris Maurer, and Linda Myers; and the following for their service on the Auditing Committee: Jim Campbell, Adam Heide, and Janet Madison. Special Meeting of the Congregation At the Special Meeting of the Congregation held on February 9, the installation date for The Reverend Matthew Pigman was approved. The installation will take place on Sunday, April 6 at 5 p.m. Birthday Endowment Fund Contributing to the Birthday Endowment Fund is a great way to provide for the long-term needs of our church. This fund helps to ensure that the church and its ministry will be here for those who come after us. Only five percent of the contributions will be used for current expenses, with the rest set aside to grow and sustain the church for years to come. Through this fund, all of us together — young and old — can make a real difference in the work and ministry of the church. Contributions to the fund to date total more than $33,100. Gifts to the church’s Birthday Endowment Fund were made in celebration of the following persons who had a birthday in January: Roberta Gernhardt, Suzy Dwyer, and Jasper Harrison. Remember, if your birthday is coming up, you are invited to pick up a Birthday Endowment envelope from the church (or send a check with a memo that it’s for the Birthday Endowment) and make a gift of $1 for every year of your life. All ages can take part, and you help to build the endowment that will support the church far into the future. You may also make Birthday Gifts in memory or in honor of others. If you would like the gift acknowledged to someone, please be sure to give the church office the person’s address. Family Ministries Christian Education and Worship News Nursery Care is provided every Sunday in the nursery, Rm. 103 during worship. Cara Taylor is our permanent childcare provider. Silent beepers are available. Childcare is provided for all children nursery-grade five prior to worship for scripture meditation and during forums, adult education, and new member classes. Volunteers are needed! Preschool Sunday School is held each Sunday for children ages three through pre-kindergarten. Class begins at 9:45 and is held in the classroom located at the bottom of the stairs. Each Sunday free play, Bible story time, crafts, music and snack will be provided. Volunteers are needed! Sunday School: We continue to use the PC(USA)’s We Believe workshop curriculum for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Children will have the opportunity to learn one Bible story for four weeks in a different rotation each week! Our rotations include art, drama, computers, and audio-visual learning. Our second unit, Jesus Teaches: Build on This Foundation, Matthew 7:24-29, continues during the month of March. March Sunday School Schedule March 2: Children in Kindergarten and 1st grade will be in the drama rotation, Rm. 104. Children in grades 2-5 will be in the computer lab rotation, Rm. 105. March 9: Kindergarten and 1st grade will be in the audio-visual rotation, Rm. 106. Grades 2-5 will be in the art rotation, Rm. 102. March 16: Kindergarten and 1st grade will be in the computer lab rotation, Rm. 105. Grades 2-5 will be in the drama rotation, Rm. 104. March 30: No Sunday School. Children will remain in worship for Youth Sunday. Mission News. During the month of February, the children collected vitamins, toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, and washcloths for the children in Haiti. They made cards and assembled care packages. They also collected money for the Haiti Sponsor-a-Student campaign. Thank you to our Sunday School teachers who taught the first rotation, the Good Samaritan: Tran Kim-Senior, Tom 3 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER Roper, Lindsay Sanford, Kalpana Shrestha, Wendy Simpson, Kimmy Stokesbary. Thank you to Laura Reebe and Amy Maurer for teaching preschool for the month of February! LOGOS LOGOS is a midweek enrichment program for children ages three through grade five. Each week the children will have the opportunity to build relationships with their peers, youth, and adults in the congregation and nurture their relationship with God through music, playtime, art, family dinner hour, and Bible study. March LOGOS Schedule March 5: Ash Wednesday—We will have a special service as we begin Lent. March 12: !THGIN SDRAWKCAB— Backwards night. March 19: Saint Patrick’s Day—Everyone is Irish today, so wear your green! March 26: LOGOS Camp Night—A camp out under the stars! April 2: Awards Night Banquet— Hollywood style! You are all shining stars! Easter Volunteers Needed! The preschool and nursery need six volunteers for the 9:00 and 11:00am Easter services. Please contact Robyn Campbell to volunteer. All of our programs are open to the community. Please feel free to forward information to other families that may be interested in participating. The Children’s Ministries Team will be gathering on Monday, March 3, at 7pm in the Computer Lab (Room 105). If you are interested in joining the Children’s Ministries Team, please feel free to come to our meeting! If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information about any of our programs, please contact Robyn Campbell at, or 609-8961212x107. Haiti Update Hope and Joy In the past six weeks, we have had the good fortune to experience the hope and joy of the Haitian people. What a wonderful gift they have given us. On January 12, at the service to commemorate the fourth anniversary of the devastating earthquake, five Pennington School students spoke of their experiences in Haiti. All of them spoke about the hope and joy they saw in the Haitian people who lived in the most difficult circumstances. Our mission affiliate Pastor Luc Deratus visited us in early February. He reported that life in Haiti has improved, but a quarter of the people are still living in tents. The new school in LaSalle is flourishing. Last year, its first year, there were about 78 students, and this year, there are over 130 students. The new church in Port-au-Prince is nearing completion. The final major project is to lay the tile floor. Church members from Port4 au-Prince have done their own missionary work by visiting and taking food, medicine and clothing to a mental hospital, a prison for women, and a nursing home. The evangelism team has traveled to a remote visit to convert villagers to Christianity. As of mid-February, our church collected over $2,200 in the special offering for rice, beans and medicine, and nearly 100 students will be supported via the Sponsor-aStudent campaign. If you would like to help with these areas, it is not too late, just send your check to the church office with a note designating its purpose. A mission trip is being planned for October. The Task Force is especially interested in recruiting members of the congregation who have not visited Haiti in the past. To learn more about the trip, please contact Robyn Campbell at MARCH, 2014 The dedication of the new church in Port-auPrince will be in September or November; Pastor Luc will set the date by July 1. A team of people from PCOL and other consortium members are planning to attend. The trip will most likely be from Friday through Sunday. If you are interested in attending please contact Ann Wiley at This would be a great way for those who aren’t ready to commit to a week-long mission work trip to see the work we have helped complete in Haiti. Supplies Needed PCOL’s Rich Levandowski, Logan Campbell, & Robyn Campbell will be heading down to Haiti on March 11 with a team of students and adults from the Pennington School. Pastor Luc will host them while they are there. The team will visit all four churches and schools and will provide medical assistance, distribute beans, rice, toiletries, and school supplies as well as paint the church and school in Thoman and LaSalle. We are in need of antifungal cream, vitamins, iron pills, powdered baby formula, pain relievers, reading glasses, clean sleeping bags, canes, antibiotic ointment, oragel, antacids, and painting supplies! Most of these products can be purchased at the DOLLAR STORE! There is a marked donation bin located in the fellowship center. Donations will be accepted through March 8. Mesi! News and Notes Exploring Membership Classes Are you or someone you know considering membership here at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville? If so, we hope you’ll join us for our Spring Exploring Membership classes. We’ll get to know each other better, learn about the Presbyterian faith and this church community, and get the answer to the question, “Which famous person’s name can be spelled with the letters in “Presbyterian?” Each class covers different material, and they will be held on Sundays March 16, 23, and 30, from 11:30am1pm in the Youth Room. Childcare is available. For any questions or to sign up, please contact Jill Cifelli, 896-1212x103, Lawrenceville Presbyterian Preschool: Here Come the Ducklings! Our wings are aflutter as we are so excited about the news: In addition to our Owls and Chickadees, the Ducklings will be coming this fall! LPP is now enrolling for the 2014-15 School Year and we have added a 2’s program. It will be two days a week, Monday and Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Also, the Owls will have a five-day program, and our Chickadees will have a 3 to 4 day program. The fourth day would be our fly up Friday, where they can join the Owls for a rich, multi-age classroom day. For more details and open house dates, please contact our director, Alison Young, at or (609) 844 -0022. You can also check us out on Facebook and our website at: In other classroom news, we had a bit of a delay with our chick eggs hatching due to our cold, snowy weather and power outage. Nevertheless, our preschoolers are very excited and anxious to see the chicken eggs from Quiver Farm hatch into adorable, fuzzy baby chicks. The children had fun as they shared Valentines with each other and filled their Art Gallery and classrooms with new pictures. They are learning all about the Winter Olympics and exploring the many countries and different winter sports. They are even having their own Preschool Olympics with activities such as hockey, floor skating and a mini luge. LPP is very busy this month and has plans for a trip to the Big Apple Circus on March 7. 5 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER Registration packets are now available for the 2014-15 Home Communion school year. For more information, contact Alison Young, We will celebrate Lenten Communion during our worship service Sunday morning, March 9. If you are not able to join us that day, please know that deacons and elders would like to extend the table and share this sacrament with you in your home. We visit in teams of two in members’ homes for about half an hour. Contact Jill Cifelli for more information, 896-1212 x103. Director at LPP. Clowes Music Scholarship The Clowes Music Scholarship was established in 1966 to support the music endeavors of our congregation’s youth and children. The scholarship does not support regular instruction, but is applied to special instruction such as summer music camps, workshops, etc. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please write to the Worship Committee describing the music program you are proposing to taking part in and why it is important to you. Please send the application to the church office attention of the Worship Committee. Deadline for applications is May 1, 2014. Lawrence Township Meals on Wheels Do you know someone whose physical, mental or social condition makes it impossible for them to prepare a hot, nutritious meal for themselves or a loved one? Lawrence Township Meals on Wheels can help by delivering a noon -day meal to their home Monday through Friday at a nominal cost on a temporary or long-term basis. Financial assistance is available to those in need. Call (609) 392-0001 for further information. 6 Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4, 6-7:30pm Don’t worry about dinner that night. Come share hot-offthe-griddle pancakes, syrup, and beverages with your church family! These will be provided by the Board of Deacons, and they invite you to bring your favorite pancake topping to share! There will also be a brief "Looking Towards Lent" educational time. Peacemaking Movie Night February 28 February’s movie is “Good Bye, Lenin!” A dedicated young German boy pulls off an elaborate scheme to keep his mother in good health in this comedy drama from director Wolfgang Becker. Suffering a heart attack and falling into a coma after seeing her son arrested during a protest, Alex's socialist mother, Christiane, remains MARCH, 2014 comatose through the fall of the Berlin wall and the German Democratic Republic. Knowing that the slightest shock could prove fatal upon his mother's awakening, Alex strives to keep the fall of the GDR a secret for as long as possible. Keeping their apartment firmly rooted in the past, Alex's scheme works for a while, but it's not long before his mother is feeling better and ready to get up and around again. Pizza served 6pm ($5 donation); film begins 6:45pm. Stay in Touch! Would you like to be on our eNews list for weekly emails? Get info about our Men’s Ministry events? Receive the monthly newsletter by email? Sign up for any of these lists at our website,, or using the QR code to the right. You can also find us on Twitter @pclawrenceville. Our Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos— Associate Pastor for Congregational Life: Rev. Louise Johnson— Associate Pastor for Youth, Young Adult, and Worship Ministries: Rev. Matthew Pigman— Associate for Pastoral Care Ministries: Jill Cifelli— Director of Music: James D. Moyer— Organist: David Hogue— Director of Children’s Ministries: Robyn Campbell— Nursery Childcare Provider: Cara Taylor Church Administrator: Jeanne Aicher— Office Manager: Beverly Mills— Communications Coordinator: Aaron Sizer— Administrative Assistant: Ruth Conover— LPP Executive Director: Alison Young— Office Volunteer: Linda Myers Custodian: Victor Rosado Pastor Emeritus: Dr. H. Dana Fearon, III Parish Associate: Dr. Thomas Baker Visiting Parish Associate: Rev. Robyn Whitaker Mission Affiliate: Pastor Luc Deratus 7 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER 8 MARCH, 2014 March Calendar 9 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LAWRENCEVILLE 2688 Main Street Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Return Service Requested 10 Non-Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID PRINCETON, N. 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