Pastor`s Message
Pastor`s Message
FEBRUARY, 2014 Pastor’s Message WHAT’S INSIDE PASTOR’S MESSAGE 1 WE GATHER TOGETHER 2 OUR CHURCH FAMILY 3 FAMILY MINISTRIES 3 HAITI MISSION MONTH 5 NEWS AND NOTES 6 FEBRUARY CALENDAR 8 NOYE’S FLUDDE SIGN-UP 9 Have you noticed lately how many words surround us each day? Signs on the road and in stores, websites, text messages, emails, newspapers (we still get the paper kind), shows on TV where there is a constant ticker tape of words scrolling at the bottom, radio programs, books and magazines. While this constant shower of words is often incredibly useful (stop sign), or meaningful (the Bible or a hymn), I’ve found it can also sometimes be overwhelming trying to take in all that information. (I envision trying to drink down all the water coming out of a fire hose). Let me pause here to say that the irony of writing words about words for the front of this newsletter of words does not escape me… This time of year, post Christmas, pre-Lent, often finds me more contemplative on these gray, cold cozy days. Does it for you, too? I enjoy this season of winter. It seems to invite us to slow down the hamster wheel of thought and activity, to listen to and watch the stillness with our cold hands wrapped around a steamy mug. To move away somewhat from all the words. And so I offer an invitation to you. You’re invited to try to steal a moment, a half an hour, a day – to breathe deeply – and hit the reset button. To make space in your day, as challenging as it may be sometimes, to foster your relationship with God by listening to the stillness, with as few words as possible perhaps. Just breathe, being present in this moment and listening. The Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville 2688 Main St. Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 (609) 896-1212 Christ’s blessings to you and yours, —Jill Cifelli LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER We Gather Together Lent Begins March 5—Ash Wednesday March 5, 7:30-8:30am, 12:30-1:00pm, 7pm For the first time, PCOL will have three services that include the imposition of ashes. There will be opportunities to receive the sign of the cross in the morning and during lunch, ideal for those who work, and a full service that is youth-led at 7pm in the Meetinghouse. Adult Education “A Path for Our Journey” Lent is the season that invites us to embark on a more intentional faith journey —to open our hearts, minds and spirits to receive the risen Christ on Easter Sunday. But how? How can we as individuals and as a community of faith draw closer to God? Are there practices that are deeply rooted in the Christian tradition that can guide us? The answer is “yes.” 2 The Adult Education Committee has prepared a devotional resource, Pathways to Spiritual Growth, designed to help you experience the presence of God. Each of the seven pathways starts with a short narrative illustrated by Scripture passages. Questions for reflection followed by practical suggestions create a way to make God’s presence real in daily life. Each pathway includes additional resources for deeper study. We encourage you to use Pathways to Spiritual Growth as your Lenten devotional. Pathways to Spiritual Growth will be available in print as a booklet, in electronic format on the church’s website, and as a devotional sent to your email box each week. Look for details to follow soon. Pathways to Spiritual Growth will also be the focus of adult education sessions offered after worship each Sunday in Lent (February 23-April 6). Each week, our Deacons, Elders, Trustees, Staff, Sunday School Teachers, Youth and members of our church committees will FEBRUARY, 2014 introduce a different Pathway. We urge you to attend all seven adult education sessions, though each session stands alone. Pathways to Spiritual Growth February 23 – Faith Practices March 2 – Serving March 9 – Fellowship March 16 – Mindfulness March 23 – Sharing the Faith March 30 – Worship April 6 - Stewardship The “Fludde” is Coming! On the weekend of May 31, 2014, PCOL will be putting on an intergenerational production of the story of Noah, titled “Noye’s Fludde” (Noah's Flood) by Benjamin Britten. This is a play based on the style of medieval miracle plays of England, performed by ordinary people, crafts/tradesmen and their families, with minimal scenery and props. This particular play is set to music, and there will be a small orchestra made up of professionals and amateurs from the congregation. Noah, his family, and a large group of “animals” will be needed for this production, as well as craftspeople for scenery, costuming and other jobs—so adults and children alike should start polishing your violin bows, practicing your animal noises, and warming up your sewing machines.... Visit to volunteer! Our Church Family Sympathy Birthday Endowment Fund The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the family of our member Janet Fearon upon her death: to her husband, Dana; to her son, Jim and his wife, Teal Derrer, and their children, Ben and Sadie; and to her daughter, Mary Jack, and her husband, Wellborn, and their children Will, Spencer, and Sarah. Gifts to the church’s Birthday Endowment Fund were made in celebration of the following persons who had a birthday in December: Bob Blazer, Buz Donnelly, Elizabeth Ferguson, and anonymous gift. The sympathy of the congregation is extended to the family of our member Arlene Goad upon her death; to Lori Goebel, Byron Veale and their children, Ben and Natalie, upon the death of Byron’s father, Harry Veale; to the family of our member Jane Tobish upon her death; to Tim and Karen Stauning and their children, Rob, Mark, and Meredith, upon the death of Tim’s father; to Holly, Mitchell, and Matt Tkacs upon the death of son Mitchell, Jr. (brother to Matt); and to Jeff Pomeroy and his sons, Zach, Jake, and Alec Pomeroy, upon the death of Jeff’s father. If your birthday is coming up, you are invited to pick up a Birthday Endowment envelope from the church (or send a check with a memo that it’s for the Birthday Endowment) and make a gift of $1 for every year of your life. All ages can take part, and you help to build the endowment that will support the church far into the future. You may also make Birthday Gifts in memory or in honor of others. If you would like the gift acknowledged to someone, please be sure to give the church office the person’s address. Family Ministries Christian Education and Worship News Nursery Care is provided every Sunday in the nursery, room 103 during worship. Cara Taylor is our permanent childcare provider. Silent beepers are available. Childcare is provided for all children nursery-grade five prior to worship for scripture meditation and during forums, adult education, and new member classes. Volunteers are needed! Preschool Sunday School is held each Sunday for children ages three through pre-kindergarten. Class begins at 9:45 and is held in the classroom located at the bottom of the stairs. Each Sunday free play, Bible story time, crafts, music and snack will be provided. Volunteers are needed! 3 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER Sunday School: We continue to use the PC(USA)’s We Believe workshop curriculum for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Children will have the opportunity to learn one Bible story for four weeks in a different rotation each week! Our rotations include art, drama, computers, and audio-visual learning. Our first unit, the Good Samaritan, Luk e 10:25-37, concludes on February 16 and our next unit, Jesus Teaches: Build on This Foundation, Matthew 7:24-29, begins on February 23. February Sunday School Schedule February 2: No Sunday School—Levi Sunday February 9: Kindergarten and 1st Grade will be in the computer lab, Rm. 105. Grades 2-5 will be in the drama rotation, Rm. 104. February 16: Children’s Chapel February 23: Our next unit begins. Children in Kindergarten and 1st Grade will be in the AV (movie) rotation, Rm. 106. Children in Grades 2-5 will be in the art rotation, Rm. 102. March 2: Children in Kindergarten and 1st Grade will be in the drama rotation, Rm. 104. Children in Grades 2-5 will be in the computer lab rotation, Rm. 105. Children’s Chapel February 16: At the end of each four-week unit, the children will attend Children’s Chapel, which will be held from 9:45 to 11:00am in the Chapel. Children will worship together and are encouraged to participate. If your child would like to read a prayer, play a musical instrument, or lead a hymn, please contact Kalpana Shrestha or Robyn Campbell. Mission News. During the month of January the children collected canned and nonperishable food items. All donations will be distributed through Crisis Ministry. During the month of February, the children will be collecting money for the Haiti sponsor a student campaign. Supplies Needed for Haiti! On March 11, ten students and six adults from the Pennington School will head to Haiti on a mission trip with Pastor Luc and Harmony Ministries. The delegation will include Dr. Richard Levandowski, Logan Campbell, and Robyn 4 Campbell from PCOL. The group will have a collection box located in the Fellowship Center. Please consider donating the following items: toothbrushes, travel-size toothpaste and soaps., reading glasses, anti-fungal cream, antibiotic ointment, acid, pain, and allergy relievers. Thank you to our Sunday School teachers who taught the first rotation: Tran Kim-Senior, Tom Roper, Lindsay Sanford, Kalpana Shrestha, Wendy Simpson, Kimmy Stokesbary. Thank you to Melissa Harbaugh for teaching preschool for the month of January! LOGOS LOGOS is a midweek enrichment program for children ages three through grade five. Each week the children will have the opportunity to build relationships with their peers, youth, and adults in the congregation and nurture their relationship with God through music, playtime, art, family dinner hour, and Bible study. February LOGOS Schedule February 5: Haiti Mission Night: A special presentation about Haiti. We will begin our sponsor a student campaign. February 12: Valentine’s Day: Love is in the air! We will show our love for Haiti! February 19: Cold and Flu Night: Stay warm and cozy! We will collect medicine and vitamins for Haiti tonight. February 26: Mardi Gras in Lawrenceville. March 5: Ash Wednesday: We will have a special service as we begin Lent. All of our programs are open to the community. Please feel free to forward information to other families that may be interested in participating. The Children’s Ministries Team will be gathering on Monday, February 3, at 7pm in the Computer Lab (Room 105). If you are interested in joining the Children’s Ministries Team, please feel free to come to our meeting! If you are interested in volunteering or would like more information about any of our programs, please contact Robyn Campbell at, or 609-8961212x107. FEBRUARY, 2014 February is Haiti Mission Month For the past 25 years, PCOL has been involved in the life and work of Harmony Ministries, based in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, which is led by our mission affiliate Pastor Luc Deratus. Sunday, February 9, Pastor Luc will be with us during the 10 am Worship Service and will answer questions at the Forum following worship at 11:30 am. A Special Offering will be received during worship on February 9 which will help fulfill our 2014 pledge of $8,000 for rice, beans, medicine and support of Pastor Luc. It has been four years since the devastating earthquake in Haiti; while there has been some rebuilding, many Haitians are still living in tent camps. One bright beacon in Haiti is our Missionary Pastor Luc Deratus. He has worked tirelessly and has made wise choices with the generous gifts from the members and friends of PCOL. In the four short years since the earthquake, he has made significant progress in rebuilding and restoring hope to the members of Harmony Ministries. Within days after the earthquake, he had the rubble of the collapsed churches and other buildings cleared and erected makeshift tents where church services have been held since that time. Within months, the weekday schools for children in first through seventh grades opened using the tents for classrooms. Because of the generosity of so many and with the grants from the PCUSA, the new church in Port-au-Prince is scheduled to be completed in the next few months. (Please see the photos of the new sanctuary in the Fellowship Hall; they will be on display each Sunday during February following the worship service—the new building is magnificent, and will hold over 5,000 people.) During the rebuilding, members of our partner church, Pinnacle Presbyterian, in AZ, have traveled to Haiti to see the progress with the rebuilding. They feel confident that the new building is very sound. A contingent of our church members hopes to attend the dedication of the new sanctuary. The new school (the fourth for Harmony Ministries) in LaSalle in its second year has nearly 100 students; this is the first opportunity for most of these children to attend school. What joy he is bringing to the children of that area! This past year, each month members of the Hope for Haiti consortium took turns sending Pastor Luc $4,000, with which he purchased rice and oil, bags to fill with rice, and medicines, and subsidized the doctor who is at the Harmony Medical Clinic four days a week. Each bag held five pounds of rice,, producing over 1,200 bags each month; a bag of rice feeds a family of four for three to four days. This support was enormously important in helping beat back hunger and providing medical care to those who could not afford it. For many years, our church has supported Pastor Luc’s schools through “Sponsor a Student,” helping students in the Port-auPrince, Thoman and Leogane schools, and now LaSalle. Pastor Luc has been able to hire more teachers, build more classrooms, purchase school supplies, and provide lunch for the students because of this support. You can “Sponsor a Student” for $50 for one year. If you are interested, please fill out the form below, send it to the church office or sign up following worship in the Fellowship Center following worship any Sunday in February. ——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ____ I have enclosed a check for $__________ for the Haiti Special Offering for beans, rice and medicine. ____ I would like to “Sponsor a Student” and have enclosed $__________ to support ___ student(s). ($50 supports one student for one year) ____ I have enclosed a check for $__________ for the Deratus Fund, which helps support Pastor Luc’s living expenses. Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 5 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER News and Notes Exploring Membership Gatherings Lawrenceville Presbyterian Preschool If you know of anyone considering membership here at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville, please share the news. We’ll be having our Spring Exploring Membership gatherings after worship from 11:30-1 pm on March 16, 23, and 30. This is a class series and content for each class will be different. Childcare is available. For any questions or to sign up, please contact Jill Cifelli, 896-1212x103, There is a flurry of activity during the month of January down in the preschool classrooms. On January 16, the Chickadees and Owls participated in a service learning project in honor of MLK’s birthday. Parent Chris Thern of Cherry Grove Organic Farm donated supplies and support for the children to make bag lunches for TASK. The following week, the students took their annual trip to the Lawrenceville School ice skating rink to enjoy some slipping, sliding and skating! If you are close by and can hear the sound of Owls and Chickadees, this month there will be an additional bird sound! The preschoolers will welcome chicken eggs from Quiver Farm. They will experience the hatching process and be caretakers of the chicks for about a week. Word of mouth is our best advertisement. Please spread the word that LPP is now enrolling for next year! We will be conducting open houses and opportunities for Ladies’ English Afternoon Tea February 23, 2-4pm We invite you to a delicious and authentic English afternoon tea at the Manse. A limited number of tickets, at $20, will be available after church on February 2, 9, and 16. All proceeds benefit our mission giving. Hosted by June Arcamone, Andrea Rabitz, and Catherine Thomas. 6 FEBRUARY, 2014 families to visit the preschool. For more info, please check the LPP website,, or contact the Executive Director, Alison Young. Remember to like us on Facebook. Home Communion If it is challenging for you to join us for worship, perhaps due to mobility or health reasons, please know we’d like to come share communion with you in your home. On Sundays when we celebrate communion in morning worship, elders and deacons are interested in sharing the sacrament of communion. We visit in teams of two in your home for about a half hour. The next date for communion during our Sunday morning worship service March 9. Contact Jill Cifelli for more information or to let us know you’d like us to come share communion with you on March 9. Phone: 896-1212 x103 or Save the Date: Fat Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4, 6-7:30pm Don’t worry about dinner that night. Come share hot-off-the-griddle pancakes, syrup, and beverages with your church family! These will be provided by the Board of Deacons, and they invite you to bring your favorite pancake topping to share! There will also be a brief "Looking Towards Lent" educational time. Peacemaking Committee The Peacemaking Committee received a challenge to get to know a Latino immigrant family in order to understand what life is like for those living on the edges of our society. This family would be representative of the 25% of Mercer County’s residents who immigrants. The Executive Director of an immigrant support foundation, the Latin American Legal and Education Fund (LALDEF) has introduced us to a single mother of three children, ages 7, 5 and 3, who lives on Hamilton Avenue, just a few blocks from the Trenton Arena. She is more fortunate than most because she has a green card, steady work and good daycare for the children when she needs it. However, she earns only $300 a week, making it difficult to move from a studio apartment in a dangerous area of Trenton where the children cannot go out and play. One of the latest shooting murders occurred in front of the liquor store next door to their apartment. The committee was asked to provide the children with cultural outings because their lives are so circumscribed. Members of the committee met the family and took them to the gaily lit Grounds for Sculpture just before Christmas; the children seemed to be having the adventure of their lives. Other members plan to take them on the Riverline train to the Camden aquarium. The older children speak English so communication is not a problem. We invite others from the congregation to join in this venture. Contact Ellen Heath at 695-2729 for more details. Stay in Touch! Would you like to be on our eNews list for weekly emails? Get info about our Men’s Ministry events? Receive the monthly newsletter by email? Sign up for any of these lists at our website,, or using this QR code: Our Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Jeffrey A. Vamos— Associate Pastor for Congregational Life: Rev. Louise Johnson— Associate Pastor for Youth, Young Adult, and Worship Ministries: Rev. Matthew Pigman— Associate for Pastoral Care Ministries: Jill Cifelli— Director of Music: James D. Moyer— Organist: David Hogue— Director of Children’s Ministries: Robyn Campbell— Nursery Childcare Provider: Cara Taylor Church Administrator: Jeanne Aicher— Office Manager: Beverly Mills— Communications Coordinator: Aaron Sizer— Administrative Assistant: Ruth Conover— LPP Executive Director: Alison Young— Office Volunteer: Linda Myers Custodian: Victor Rosado Pastor Emeritus: Dr. H. Dana Fearon, III Parish Associate: Dr. Thomas Baker Visiting Parish Associate: Rev. Robyn Whitaker Mission Affiliate: Pastor Luc Deratus 7 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER February Calendar 8 FEBRUARY, 2014 PCOL is planning a church-wide performance of “NOYE’S FLUDDE” (pronounced as Noah’s Flood) by Benjamin Britten. The work is based on the Medieval Chester Miracle Plays and was composed in 1957. It is a charming show that will be performed on Saturday, May 31st at 7:00 pm and Sunday, June 1st at 3:00 pm in the Meetinghouse. A full schedule will be available soon. We need MANY volunteers in MANY areas. Please look over the list below and see where you might be able to help out! We want this to be an all-church, intergenerational project. Please consider helping out – and if there is not something for you on the list, please see Anne Lewin or Jim Moyer – we are sure we can use your talents! Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________________________ ___ Children to sing (and be animals) ___ Youth (some minor acting/singing parts) ___ Female Youth/Women – singers/actors (Mrs. Noye’s gossips) ___ Instrumentalists: recorder, violin, viola, cello, bass, trumpet, percussion ___ Costumes – adults ___ Costumes - children ___ Set construction ___ Set design ___ Make-up ___ Choreography ___ Set painting ___ Rainbow design ___ Publicity coordinator ___ Programme coordinator ___ Ticket sales manager ___ Usher coordinator ___ Parent helper coordinator ___ Reception coordinator ___ Dressing room coordinator ___ Rehearsal accompanist (piano) ___ Muscle to help move items in Meeting House/Set up Ark Other: _______________________________________________________________ 9 LAWRENCEVILLE LETTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF LAWRENCEVILLE 2688 Main Street Lawrenceville, NJ 08648 Return Service Requested 10 Non-Profit Organization U. S. POSTAGE PAID PRINCETON, N. J. Permit No. 421