price stabilisation fund (psf)


price stabilisation fund (psf)
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture
(Department of Agriculture and Cooperation)
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi – 110001
Operational Guidelines for
March 2015
Operational Guidelines for
1. Introduction
1.1Prices of some of the horticulture commodities especially onion and potato are highly volatile.
At the harvest time and soon thereafter, a steep fall in the wholesale and retail prices is normally
observed. With depletion of the stored stocks, the prices tend to increase. This phenomenon is
more apparent in the case of onions and potatoes. Price volatility affects consumers in a big way.
Abnormal increase in price of these commodities affect the consumers by way of increase in
food consumption budget. Wide price fluctuations also lead to speculation which further impact
prices in retail market.
1.2To mitigate hardships to consumers, a new central sector scheme for providing working capital
and other incidental expenses for procurement and distribution of perishable agri-horticultural
commodities has been approved. For this purpose, a corpus – “Price Stabilisation Fund” is being
created. The intervention is expected to regulate price volatility through procurement by State/
UT Government and Central agencies of selected produce, maintenance of buffer stocks and
regulated release into the market.
1.3 To begin with, interventions would be supported for onions and potatoes only. However, other
commodities may be added later.
2. Objectives
2.1 To promote direct purchase from farmers /farmers’ associations at farm gate/Mandi.
2.2To maintain a strategic buffer stock that would discourage hoarding and unscrupulous
Operational Guidelines for PRICE STABILISATION FUND (PSF)
2.3To protect consumers by supplying such commodities at reasonable prices through calibrated
release of stock.
3.Creation of Corpus fund and its Management by Price Stabilisation
Fund Management Committee (PSFMC) and other Incidental
Arrangements Relating to Funds
3.1 Corpus Fund and its Management
3.1.1It has been decided to create a corpus of ` 500 cr. for providing interest free advance towards
working capital to eligible proposals from State Governments/Union Territories (UTs) and Central
Agencies to enable procurement of perishable agri-horticulture produce. The fund shall be called
“Corpus Fund for Procurement and Distribution of Identified Agri-Horticultural Commodities”
(referred to as the Central Corpus Fund in this document). To begin with it will be used for Onion
and Potato (“notified agri-horticultural commodities”). A separate savings bank account as “Corpus
fund for procurement and distribution of perishable agri-horticultural commodities” shall be
opened by Small Farmers Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC), which will act as Fund Manager, and
the amount made available by the Government would be kept in this account. The account will
be in a nationalised bank with flexi deposit facility. SFAC will also maintain separate account of
receipts and expenditure from the Central Corpus Fund, and will report to the Member Secretary,
3.1.2From the Central Corpus fund interest free working capital advance would be provided in two
Stream A - A onetime interest free advance to the States/UTs based on their first proposal for market
intervention for price control, as evaluated by their State/UT Level Committee. This advance to the
State Governments/UTs will, however, only be released into a revolving fund account set up for the
purpose by the State Government/UT and to which the State Government/UT will contribute an
equal amount. In case of North Eastern States, the Central advance will constitute 75% of the State/
UT Corpus and contribution of NE States will be 25%.
Stream B - Interest free advance to the Central agencies based on their proposal for market intervention
for price control. This will be set up as a revolving fund.
Advance received cannot be utilised for any other purpose by any recipient agency.
3.1.3When retail prices of notified agri-horticultural commodities are anticipated to increase
substantially, then their procurement could be undertaken from farm gate/mandi to reduce the
cost of intermediation and made available at a cheaper price to the consumers.
Operational Guidelines for PRICE STABILISATION FUND (PSF)
3.1.4The accounts for Stream A and Stream B will be settled as on 31st March, 2017 or at any
further date decided by PSFMC. Losses if any, incurred by Central Government agencies,
on account of their interventions under this scheme, will be met out of this Central Corpus
Fund. However, losses incurred in the case of interventions by State Governments/UTs will
be met from Central Corpus Fund only to the extent of 50% (75% in case of North Eastern
States). At the time of closure of accounts, profits earned on interventions will plough back
into the Central Corpus Fund to the extent of 100% in case of Central Government
agencies and 50% in case of State Government/UT (75% in case of North Eastern
States). PSFMC may consider providing some incentive from the Central Corpus
Fund, to Central Government agencies in case there are profits on account of the
interventions. the time of closure of accounts on 31st March, 2017 or any further date decided by
PSFMC, the balance amount of advance after adjusting losses/profits shall be refunded
to the Central Government by the States/UTs and the Central Agencies.
3.1.5In order to determine the amount of profit/loss in the operations, the admissible items of
overhead costs, may include labour, grading, packaging, transport, storage, local & mandi taxes,
and all other statutory levies. In addition, service charges as specified in para 4.2.6 will be treated
as operational expenses for the purpose of calculating profit/loss.
3.1.6Accrued interest will be deemed to be a part of the Central Corpus Fund and will be utilised for
the purpose for which the Fund is created.
3.1.7No diversion of either the Central Corpus Fund or the interest accrued thereon is permitted.
The accounts of the Fund will be subject to audit by Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of
3.1.8Expenditure by the department/fund manager on scheme administration, monitoring etc,
limited to 1% of the advances made in a year, duly approved by PSFMC may be met from
the Fund.
3.1.9Fund Manager shall submit to the Ministry a Statement in form GFR 20 showing the details of
outstanding loans from the Fund as on 31st March, 2016 and again on 31st March, 2017. This
Statement should indicate the aggregate of outstanding balance of loans, details of defaults, if
any, in repayment of the sanctioned loan against each loan account. (Rule 232 of GFRs). PSFMC
will review the situation for taking appropriate action.
3.1.10 Releases from the Fund will be made subject to approval of PSFMC only.
Operational Guidelines for PRICE STABILISATION FUND (PSF)
3.2 Price Stabilisation Fund Management Committee (PSFMC)
3.2.1The Fund shall be managed by a “Price Stabilisation Fund Management Committee" (PSFMC)
under the Chairmanship of Secretary (DAC) with the following members:
1. Additional Secretary, DAC (In charge of Marketing) –
3. Joint Secretary (Deptt of Consumer Affairs)
4. Joint Secretary, DAC (Crops)
5. Joint Secretary, DAC (Horticulture) –
6. Chairman & Managing Director,
Food Corporation of India
7. Managing Director, National Horticulture Board
Member 8. Joint Secretary, DAC (Marketing)
Member Secretary
3.2.2PSFMC will invite, appraise and approve proposals received from State Governments/UTs and
Central Agencies. PSFMC will approve the amount of advance.
3.2.3PSFMC will take decisions regarding investing surplus available in the Central Corpus Fund, in
other bank instruments like fixed deposits, etc for better returns. While doing so, it will be guided
by extant guidelines on this subject.
3.2.4PSFMC will monitor the progress of implementation of the Price Stabilisation Operations by the
implementing agency. PSFMC will advise suitable measures/corrective actions, if any, during the
course of implementation, keeping in view the overall aim & objective of the scheme.
3.2.5PSFMC will meet regularly to review the wholesale and retail prices of essential agri-horticulture
commodities and will guide/propose required interventions.
4.Procedure for availing working capital advance from the Central
Corpus Fund
4.1Advance from the Central Corpus Fund can be availed by State Governments/UTs and Central
Govt. Agencies wanting to make interventions for which they will submit specific project
proposals to PSFMC.
Operational Guidelines for PRICE STABILISATION FUND (PSF)
4.2Submission of proposals by State Government/Union Territory (UT)
Administration & Central Govt. Agencies
4.2.1State Governments/UT Administrations will designate a nodal administrative department for
this scheme. Proposal of State/UT level agencies and Central agencies, wherever requisitioned
by States/UTs, will be routed through the nodal department in the State/UT Government after
evaluation by the State/UT level Committee and addressed to the Member Secretary. In case
of market intervention proposals of Central Govt. agencies, they may submit directly to the
Member Secretary.
4.2.2The advance from Govt. of India to the State Governments/UTs based on their first proposal will
be released subject to prior setting up of Corpus Fund account by the State Governments/UTs
at their level for the purpose. The States/UTs will further also contribute equally to this fund i.e.
in the ratio of 50:50 between the State Governments/UTs and Government of India. The ratio
in the fund between States/UTs and the Government of India in case of North East States will
be 25:75. The corpus thus created will function as a revolving fund for providing interest free
working capital advance for all future market interventions at the State/UT level. Accounts of
the State/UT level revolving fund will be settled with the Centre on 31st March, 2017 or on a
further date if decided subsequently by PSFMC.
(i)States/UTs will also notify a Committee which will manage this fund and receive proposals
from State/UT Agencies/Central Agencies for carrying out procurement of notified agrihorticultural Commodities for stabilisation of market prices.
(ii)The Contribution of GoI to the corpus will however be limited by the proposal submitted
by the State/UT Government to PSFMC and approval accorded by PSFMC subject to
availability of funds.
(iii)PSFMC may decide to prescribe a ceiling for contribution to be made by GoI to the State/
UT Corpus.
(iv)The overall losses incurred (if any) in conduct of market intervention operations under
the scheme will be shared in the ratio of 50:50 between States/UTs & GoI (25:75 in
case of NE States), the Central share being subject to the ceiling of its contribution to
the Corpus.
(v) Profits, if any, will also be shared in the same ratio at the time of settlement of funds with
the Central Corpus Fund.
(vi)The liability of GoI in cases of losses will be limited to the operations undertaken
against the total amount specified in the Corpus (in the ratio of 50:50 or 25:75 as
the case may be) at the time of approval by PSFMC. Profits generated, if any, will
be ploughed back to the Corpus and shall be used in subsequent procurement operation
under the scheme.
Operational Guidelines for PRICE STABILISATION FUND (PSF)
(vii)The States/UTs will submit a consolidated proposal to PSFMC at the first instance clearly
outlining the need for carrying out such procurement along with details of notification
of the Committee at the State/UT level, the designated Fund Manager and the agencies
designated for carrying out the procurement, the probable places for procurement,
storage and plan for disposal etc. The proposal should be approved by the State/UT Level
(viii)The State/UT Committee shall have to ensure creation of detailed protocols of price &
quality for procurement, storage, packaging, transportation etc and the concerned agency
carrying out procurement shall be responsible for adhering to all the norms prescribed.
(ix)The fund in the State/UT Corpus shall be used for procurement of notified agri-horticultural
commodities and the receipts of sale and profits shall be ploughed back into the State/UT
Corpus Fund. State/UT Government shall open a separate A/c in a Nationalised bank with
flexi deposit facility.
(x) States/UTs may consider proposals of implementing agencies against a Bank Guarantee
equivalent to the advance sought.
(xi) The State/UT Corpus shall be liable for audit by CAG.
(xii)In case of any doubt regarding objective of the fund, conditions and procedure for setting
up of the State/UT level Committee and the Corpus Fund and its usage, it is stated that
these shall be the same in all respects as for PSFMC at the Centre and the Central Corpus
4.2.3 The proposal should include, inter alia, need for interventions backed by likely production data,
prevailing and anticipated market prices (likely market prices in coming 2-6 months as well as
historical data of prices over last 2-3 years), the quantity to be procured, amount of working
capital requirement. The proposal will outline the methodology of procurement including
procurement centres and maintenance of stocks, details of storage/cold storage locations and
arrangements with owners of such storages. To the extent feasible, the procured produce should
be stored in warehouses accredited under WDRA.
4.2.4To the extent possible, the procurement should be directly from the grower farmers or FPOs/
FPCs of such produce at farm gate/Mandi and prompt payment to them should be ensured.
4.2.5The implementing agency will be required to maintain subsidiary accounts of the interest free
advance/loan and audited statement of accounts, along with profit & loss statement, income &
expenditure statement, and detailed physical & financial progress report and provide to SFAC/
DAC a final statement of settlement of the accounts.
Operational Guidelines for PRICE STABILISATION FUND (PSF)
4.2.6Service charges admissible for the implementing agency will be upto 2.5% of procurement price
i.e. net payment to the farmers for procuring the produce.
4.2.7For procurement by Central Agencies of National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation
of India Limited (NAFED) and SFAC, they will jointly prepare along with National Horticultural
Research and Development Foundation (NHRDF) a detailed prescriptive manual in a time bound
manner. The manual will detail quantity/quality parameters and all precautions necessary for
every operation at each stage of procurement/distribution. The manual will be approved by the
Executive Body chaired by MD, SFAC.
4.2.8In case of proposals of Agencies other than State Governments/UTs and wholly owned Govt.
Companies, a loan Agreement specifying all the terms and conditions shall be executed. A
clause shall invariably be inserted in all such Agreements enabling Government at any time to
call for accounts of the applicant relating to any accounting year with power to depute an officer
specially authorised for this purpose to inspect the applicant’s books, if necessary.
4.2.9In the Agreement/Sanction Letter, prompt repayment should be made a condition for the grant
of interest-free loans. The sanction letter in such cases should provide that in the event of any
default in repayment, interest at rates prescribed by Govt. from time to time will be chargeable
on the loans.
5. Implementation Period
Scheme will be implemented during 2015-16 to 2016-17. The Fund may be allowed to roll on to future
years also.
6. Revision of Scheme Guidelines
Based on experience acquired in the initial period of operation of the scheme, the scheme may
be modified, if required.
Operational Guidelines for PRICE STABILISATION FUND (PSF)
Hkkjr ljdkj
—f"k ea=ky;
—f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx
—f"k Hkou] ubZ fnYyh & 110001
ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½
ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k
ekpZ 2015
ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½
ds çpkyukRed fn’kkfunsZ’k
1- çLrkouk
1-1dqN ckxokuh ftUlks]a fo'ks"kdj I;kt vkSj vkyw dh dhersa vR;f/kd ifjorZu'khy gksrh gSAa vkerkSj ij dVkbZ ds
le; vkSj mlds rRdky ckn Fkksd vkSj [kqnjk dherksa esa dkQh vf/kd fxjkoV ns[kh tkrh gSA HkaMkfjr LV‚d
ds ?kVus ds lkFk&lkFk dhersa c<+us yxrh gSAa I;kt vkSj vkyw ds ekeys esa ;g fLFkfr vf/kd Li"V fn[kkbZ nsrh
gSA dherksa dh ifjorZu'khyrk ls miHkksäk cgqr vf/kd çHkkfor gksrs gSAa bu ftUlksa dh dherksa esa vlkekU;
o`f) gksus ls miHkksäkvksa dk [kk/k[kir ctV c<+ tkrk gSA dherksa esa O;kid #i ls gksus okyh ifjorZu'khyrk
ls lêsckth dks Hkh c<+kok feyrk gS] ftlls [kqnjk cktkj dh dherksa ij vkSj vf/kd vlj iM+rk gSA
1-2 miHkksäkvksa dks gksus okyh dfBukb;ksa dks de djus ds mís'; ls 'kh?kz [kjkc gksus okyh —f"k ckxokuh ftUlksa
dh [kjhn o muds forj.k gsrq dk;Z'khy iwath rFkk vU; vkdfLed [kpZ miyC/k djkus ds fy, ,d ubZ
dsUæh; {ks= ;kstuk vuqeksfnr dh xbZ gSA blds fy, ÞewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaMß ds uke ls ,d lexz fuf/k
rS;kj dh xbZ gSA mEehn gS fd bl gLr{ksi ls dsUæh;@jkT; ljdkj@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= dh ,tsafl;ksa ds
ek/;e ls pqfuank mit dh [kjhn] cQj LV‚d ds j[kj[kko vkSj ekdsZV esa jsX;wysfVM fjyht ds }kjk dherksa
dh ifjorZu'khyrk ij fu;a=.k gks ldsxkA
1-3 çkjaHk esa ;s gLr{ksi dsoy I;kt vkSj vkyw ds ekeys esa ykxw fd, tk,axsA rFkkfi] ckn esa vU; ftUlksa dks
'kkfey fd;k tk ldrk gSA
2- mís’;
2-1vfHkfu/kkZfjr@ukeksfí"V dsUæh;@jkT; ,tsafl;ksa }kjk QkeZ xsV@eaMh esa —"kdksa@—"kd la?kksa ls lh/kh [kjhn
dks c<+kok fn;k tkukA
2-2;kstukc) rjhds ls cQj LV‚d dk j[k&j[kko fd;k tkuk ftlls tek[kksjh vkSj lêsckth dks jksdk tk
ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½ ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k | 1
2-3LV‚d dks larqfyr #i ls fjyht djds vkSj mfpr ewY; ij ftUlksa dh lIykbZ djds miHkksäkvksa ds fgrksa
dh j{kk djukA
3-dkiZl QaM dk l`tu vkSj ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM eSustesaV lfefr ¼ih-,l-,Q,e-lh-½ }kjk bldk çca/ku rFkk QaM ls lacaf/kr vU; vkdfLed çca/k
3-1 dkiZl QaM vkSj bldk çca/ku
3-1-1;g fu.kZ; fy;k x;k gS fd 'kh?kz [kjkc gksus okyh —f"k ckxokuh mit dh [kjhn gsrq jkT; ljdkj@dsUæ'kkflr
{ks=ksa vkSj dsUæh; ,tsafl;ksa ls çkIr lgh çLrkoksa ij dk;Z'khy iwath gsrq C;kteqä vfxze miyC/k djkus ds fy,
500 djksM+ #i, dh jkf'k dk dkiZl QaM rS;kj fd;k tk,A ;g QaM Þpqfuank —f"k&ckxokuh ftUlksa dh
[kjhn vkSj forj.k ds fy, dkiZl QaMß dgyk,xk ¼ftls bl nLrkost esa vkxs lsaVªy dkiZl QaM ds #i esa
lanfHkZr fd;k tk,xk½A çkjaHk esa bl QaM dk mi;ksx I;kt vkSj vkyw ¼Þvf/klwfpr —f"k ckxokuh ftUlksaß½ ds
fy, fd;k tk,xkA y?kq —"kd —f"k O;olk; la?k ¼,l-,Q-,-lh-½ }kjk Þ'kh?kz [kjkc gksus okyh —f"k&ckxokuh
ftUlksa dh [kjhn ds fy, dkiZl QaMß uke ls i`Fkd lsfoax cSad vdkmaV [kksyk tk,xk tks QaM eSustj ds
#i esa dk;Z djsxk vkSj ljdkj }kjk miyC/k djkbZ xbZ jkf'k bl QaM esa j[kh tk,xhA ;g vdkmaV ojh;r%
jk"Vªh;—r cSad esa [kksyk tk,xk ftlesa ¶ysDlh fMi‚ftV dh lqfo/kk jgsxhA lsaVªy dkiZl QaM ls gksus okyh
çkfIr;ksa vkSj [kpZ ds fy, ,l-,Q-,-lh- }kjk ,d vyx [kkrk dk j[kj[kko fd;k tk,xk vkSj bldh lwpuk
lnL; lfpo ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- dks nh tk,xhA
3-1-2lsaVªy dkiZl QaM ls C;kteqä dk;Z'kky iwath vfxze nks LVªhe esa çnku fd;k tk,xk
LVªhe ,% ewY; fu;a=.k gsrq eaMh gLr{ksi ds fy, rS;kj fd, x, çFke çLrko dk ewY;kadu mudh jkT; Lrjh;@
dsUæ'kkflr {ks= lfefr }kjk fd, tkus ds ckn jkT;ksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa dks ,deq'r C;kt eqä vfxze fn;k
tk,xkA ysfdu] jkT; ljdkjksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa dks fn;k tkus okyk ;g ,Mokal] jkT; ljdkj@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=
}kjk bl mís'; ds fy, LFkkfir fd, x, vkofrZ fuf/k esa gh fueqZä fd;k tk,xk vkSj bl QaM esa leku jkf'k jkT;
ljdkj@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa }kjk Hkh Mkyh tk,xhA iwoksZÙkj jkT;ksa ds ekeys esa] jkT; dkiZl fuf/k dk 75% dsUæh;
vfxze gksxk vkSj iwoksZÙkj jkT;ksa dk ;ksxnku 25% gksxk A
LVªhe ch% dsUæh; ,tsafl;ksa dks C;kt eqä vfxze ewY; fu;a=.k gsrq eaMh gLr{ksi ds muds çLrko ds vk/kkj ij
fn;k tk,xkA bls vkofrZ fuf/k ds #i esa LFkkfir fd;k tk,xkA
çkIrdrkZ ,tsalh] çkIr fd, x, vfxze dk mi;ksx fdlh vU; ç;kstu ds fy, ugha dj ldsxhA
3-1-3tc vf/klwfpr —f"k&ckxokuh ftUlksa dk [kqnjk ewY; dkQh c<+us dh laHkkouk gks rks fcpkSfy;ksa dh ykxr
dks de djus ds fy, ,slh —f"k&ckxokuh ftUlksa dh [kjhn QkeZ xsV@eaMh ls dh tk ldrh gS vkSj mUgsa
lLrs nkeksa ij miHkksäkvksa dks eqgS;k djk;k tk ldrk gSA
3-1-4LVªhe , vkSj LVªhe ch ls lacaf/kr ys[ks dks 31 ekpZ] 2017 dks vFkok ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk ;Fkkfu/kkZfjr
fdlh vxyh rkjh[k dks fu/kkZfjr fd;k tk,xkA dsUæ ljdkj dh ,tsafl;ksa dks bl ;kstuk ds varxZr muds
2 | ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½ ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k
gLr{ksiksa ds dkj.k gksus okys uqdlku] ;fn dksbZ gks] dh HkjikbZ bl dsUæh; d‚iZl fuf/k ls dh tk,xhA
rFkkfi] jkT; ljdkjksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa ds gLr{ksi ds ekeys esa gq, uqdlku dh dsoy 50% lhek rd
¼iwoksZÙkj jkT;ksa ds ekeys esa 75%½ çfriwfrZ dsUæh; d‚iZl fuf/k }kjk dh tk,xhA
3-1-4-1[kkrk dks can djrs le;] gLr{ksiksa ls vftZr gqbZ ykHk dh jkf'k] dsUæ ljdkj dh ,tsafl;ksa ds
ekeys esa 100% rFkk jkT; ljdkj@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= ds ekeys esa 50% dh lhek rd ¼iwoksZÙkj
jkT;ksa ds ekeys esa 75%½ okil dsUæh; dkiZl fuf/k esa tek dh tk,xhA gLr{ksiksa ds dkj.k
gq, ykHk ds ekeys esa ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM eSustesaV lfefr ¼ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh-½ dsUæ ljdkj
dh ,tsafl;ksa dks dsUæh; dkiZl QaM ls dqN bUlsafVo nsus ij fopkj dj ldrh gSA
3-1-4-231 ekpZ] 2017 vFkok ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk ;Fkkfu/kkZfjr fdlh vxyh rkjh[k dks ys[ks can djrs
le; uqdlku@ykHk dh jkf'k dks lek;ksftr djus ds i'pkr 'ks"k vfxze jkf'k] jkT;ksa@dsUæ'kkflr
{ks=ksa vkSj dsUæh; ,tsafl;ksa }kjk dsUæ ljdkj dks okil dj nh tk,xhA
3-1-5bu lapkyu dk;ksaZ esa gksus okys ykHk@uqdlku dh jkf'k dks fu/kkZfjr djus ds fy,] vfrfjä ykxrksa dh
Lohdk;Z enksa esa Je] xzsfMax] iSdsftax] VªkaliksVZ] LVksjst] yksdy ,oa eaMh dj rFkk vU; lHkh lkafof/kd
djksa dks 'kkfey fd;k tk ldrk gSA blds vfrfjä ykHk@uqdlku dh x.kuk djus ds fy, iSjk 4-2-6 esa
;FkkfofufnZ"V lsok çHkkjksa dks Hkh lapkyu [kpZ le>k tk,xkA
3-1-6mikftZr C;kt jkf'k dks dsUæh; dkiZl fuf/k dk fgLlk ekuk tk,xk vkSj bldk mi;ksx ml dk;Z ds fy,
fd;k tk,xk ftl dk;Z ds fy, QaM rS;kj fd;k x;k gSA
3-1-7dsUæh; dkiZl QaM vFkok mlls mn~Hkwr C;kt dh jkf'k dks fdlh vU; dk;Z ds fy, mi;ksx djus dh vuqefr
ugha gksxhA QaM ls lacfa /kr ys[kk fu;U=d ,oa egkys[kk ijh{kd }kjk ys[kk ijh{kk ds v/;/khu gksx
a As
3-1-8lacaf/kr foHkkx@QaM eSustj }kjk ;kstuk ds lapkyu] ekfuVfjax bR;kfn ij fd, x, [kpZ dks ih-,l-,Q,e-lh- ls fof/kor Loh—fr ysdj o"kZ ds nkSjku fy, x, vfxze ds 1% dh lhek rd] bl QaM esa ls iwjk
fd;k tk ldrk gSA
3-1-9QaM eSustj }kjk QkeZ th-,Q-vkj- 20 esa ,d fooj.k ea=ky; dks çLrqr fd;k tk,xk ftlesa 31 ekpZ] 2016
vkSj fQj 31 ekpZ] 2017 rd QaM dh cdk;k _.k jkf'k dk C;kSjk n'kkZ;k tk,xkA bl fooj.k esa dqy cdk;k
_.k jkf'k rFkk çR;sd _.k ys[kks ds laca/k esa Loh—r fd, x, _.k dh okilh esa gqbZ =qVh] ;fn gqbZ gks]
dk C;kSjk n'kkZ;k tk,xk ¼th-,Q-vkj- dk fu;e 232½A mfpr dkjZokbZ djus ds fy, ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk
fLFkfr dh leh{kk dh tk,xhA
3-1-10ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- ds vuqeksnu ds i'pkr gh QaM ls dksbZ jkf'k fueqZä dh tk,xh A
3-2 ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM eSustesaV lfefr ¼ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh-½
3-2-1bl QaM dk çca/ku lfpo ¼—f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx½ dh v/;{krk esa fuEufyf[kr lnL;ksa okyh ÞewY;
fLFkjhdj.k QaM eSustesaV lfefrß }kjk fd;k tk,xk%
ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½ ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k | 3
1½ vij lfpo] —f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx ¼çHkkjh] foi.ku½
2½ vij lfpo ,oa foÙk lykgdkj] —f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx &
3½ la;qä lfpo ¼miHkksäk ekeys foHkkx½
4½ la;qä lfpo] —f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx ¼Qly½
5½ la;qä lfpo] —f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx ¼ckxokuh½
6½ ps;jeSu ,oa çca/k funs'kd] Hkkjrh; [kk| fuxe
7½ çca/k funs'kd] jk"Vªh; ckxokuh cksMZ &
8½ la;qä lfpo] —f"k ,oa lgdkfjrk foHkkx ¼foi.ku½
lnL; lfpo
3-2-2ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= ljdkjksa vkSj dsUæh; ,tsafl;ksa ls çLrko vkeaf=r djus ds
i'pkr çkIr gq, çLrkoksa dk ewY;kadu ,oa vuqeksnu fd;k tk,xkA vfxze dh jkf'k dk vuqeksnu ih-,l-,Q,e-lh- }kjk dh tk,xhA
3-2-3csgrj ykHk lqfuf'pr djus ds fy, ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk dsUæh; dkiZl QaM esa miyC/k vfrfjä jkf'k
dks vU; cSad baLVªwesaV tSls fd fQDl fMi‚ftV vkfn esa fuos'k djus ds laca/k esa fu.kZ; fy;k tk,xkA ,slk
djrs le; bl fo"k; ij ekStwnk fn'kkfunsZ'kksa dh enn yh tk,xhA
3-2-4ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh-] dk;kZUo;u ,tsalh }kjk ewY; fLFkjhdj.k dk;ksaZ ds dk;kZUo;u esa dh xbZ çxfr dks e‚fuVj
djsxhA ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk ;kstuk ds lexz y{; ,oa mís'; dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, mlds dk;kZUo;u ds
nkSjku mfpr mik;ksa@lq/kkjkRed dkjZokbZ] ;fn dksbZ gks] dh lykg nh tk,xhA
3-2-5vko';d —f"k ckxokuh ftUlksa ds Fkksd vkSj [kqnjk ewY;ksa dh leh{kk ds fy, ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- fu;fer #i
ls cSBd djsxh rFkk visf{kr gLr{ksiksa ds fy, ekxZnf'kZr@çLrkfor djsxhA
4-dsUæh; dkiZl QaM ls dk;Z'khy iwath çkIr djus dh çfØ;k
4-1gLr{ksiksa dh bPNqd jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa ljdkjksa vkSj dsUæh; ljdkj dh ,tsafl;ksa }kjk dsUæh; d‚iZl
QaM ls vfxze fy;k tk ldrk gSA blds fy, mUgsa fof'k"V ifj;kstuk çLrkoksa dks ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- dks
çLrqr djuk gksxkA
4-2jkT; ljdkj@la?k jkT; {ks= ¼;w-Vh-½ ç'kklu vkSj dsUæ ljdkj dh ,tsafl;ksa }kjk çLrko
çLrqr fd;k tkuk
4-2-1bl Ldhe ds fy, jkT; ljdkjksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= ç'kkluksa }kjk uksMy ç'kklfud foHkkx ukeksfí"V fd,
tk,axsA jkT; Lrjh;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= ,tsafl;ksa vkSj dsUæh; ,tsafl;ksa ds çLrko] tgka dgha jkT;ksa@
4 | ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½ ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k
dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa }kjk vko';d le>k tk,xk ogka ,sls çLrko jkT; Lrjh;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= lfefr }kjk
ewY;kadu fd, tkus ds ckn jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= ds uksMy foHkkx ds ek/;e ls lnL; lfpo dks Hksts
tk,axsA dsUæ ljdkj dh ,tsafl;ka vius eaMh gLr{ksi çLrkoksa dks lh/ks lnL; lfpo dks Hkst ldrh gSaA
4-2-2jkT; ljdkjks@
a dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa ds çFke çLrko ds vk/kkj ij mUgsa Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk vfxze rHkh tkjh fd;k tk
ldsxk tc jkT; ljdkjks@
a dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa }kjk] bl mís'; ds fy, vius Lrj ij igys gh dkiZl QaM ys[kk
LFkkfir dj fy;k tk,xkA bl QaM esa jkT;ks@
a dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa }kjk Hkh cjkcj dh jkf'k tek dh tk,xh vFkkZr
jkT; ljdkjks@
a dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa vkSj Hkkjr ljdkj ds chp 50%50 dk vuqikr jgsxkA iwoksZÙkj jkT;ksa ds ekeys esa
jkT;ksa vkSj Hkkjr ljdkj ds chp 25%75 dk vuqikr jgsxkA bl çdkj ls rS;kj dkiZl] jkT; Lrj@dsUæ'kkflr
{ks= ij Hkfo"; esa fd, tkus okys lHkh eaMh gLr{ksi ds fy, C;kt eqä iwt
a h miyC/k djkus gsrq vkorhZ fu/kh ds #i
esa dk;Z djsxkA jkT; Lrjh;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= vkorhZ fu/kh ds ys[ks dk dsUæ ljdkj ds lkFk fuiVku 31 ekpZ]
2017 dks vFkok ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk ckn esa fu/kkZfjr dh xbZ fdlh vxyh frfFk dks fd;k tk,xkA
¼i½jkT;ksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa }kjk ,d lfefr Hkh vf/klwfpr dh tk,xh tks bl QaM dk çca/ku djsxh
vkSj cktkj&ewY;ksa ds fLFkjhdj.k gsrq vf/klwfpr —f"k&ckxokuh ftUlksa dh [kjhn ds fy, jkT;@
dsUæ'kkflr {ks= ,tsafl;ksa@dsUæ ,tsafl;ksa ls çLrko çkIr djsxh A
¼ii½rFkkfi] dkiZl esa Hkkjr ljdkj dk va'knku jkT; ljdkj@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= }kjk ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- dks
çLrqr fd, x, çLrko ds vuqlkj ifjlhfer fd;k tk,xk vkSj ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- }kjk fd;k x;k
vuqeksnu QaM dh miyC/krk ds v/;/khu gksxkA
¼iii½jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= dkiZl esa Hkkjr ljdkj ds va'knku dh vf/kdre lhek dk fu/kkZj.k ih-,l,Q-,e-lh- }kjk fd;k tk ldrk gSA
¼iv½;kstuk ds varxZr eaMh gLr{ksi dk;Z pykus esa gksus okys lexz uqdlku ¼;fn dksbZ gks½ dks Hkh jkT;ksa@
dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa vkSj Hkkjr ljdkj ds chp 50%50 ds vuqikr esa ¼iwoksZÙkj jkT;ksa ds ekeys esa 25%75½
'ks;j fd;k tk,xkA dsUæ dk 'ks;j d‚iZl esa mlds ;ksxnku dh lhek ds v/;/khu gksxkA
¼v½ ykHk dh jkf'k] ;fn dksbZ gks] dks Hkh dsUæh; dkiZl QaM ds lkFk QaM fuiVku ds le; blh vuqikr
esa 'ks;j fd;k tk,xkA
¼vi½uqdlku ds ekeys esa Hkkjr ljdkj dh ns;rk ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- ds vuqeksnu ds le; dkiZl esa
fofufnZ"V dqy jkf'k dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, 'kq# fd, x, dk;ksZ rd ¼50%50 vFkok 25%75 ds vuqikr
esa] tSlk Hkh ekeyk gks½ lhfer dh tk,xhA mikftZr ykHk jkf'k] ;fn dksbZ gks] dks okil dkiZl esa
tek fd;k tk,xk vkSj bldk mi;ksx ckn esa ;kstuk ds varxZr fd, tkus okys [kjhn dk;ksZ esa fd;k
¼vii½çkjaHk esa jkT;ksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa }kjk ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- dks ,d lesfdr çLrko çLrqr fd;k tk,xk
ftlesa bl çdkj dh [kjhn djus dh vko';drk ds ckjs esa Li"V #i ls mYys[k fd;k tk,xk rFkk
lkFk gh jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= Lrj ij lfefr dh vf/klwpuk] ukeksfí"V QaM eSustj] [kjhn djus
gsrq ukeksfí"V ,tsafl;ksa] [kjhn ,oa HkaMkj.k ds laHkkfor LFkkuksa] fuiVku ds fy, ;kstuk vkfn dk C;kSjk
fn;k tk,xkA ;g çLrko jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= Lrjh; lfefr }kjk vuqeksfnr gksuk pkfg,A
ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½ ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k | 5
¼viii½jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= lfefr }kjk [kjhn] HkaMkj.k] iSdsftax] VªkaliksVZ vkfn ds fy, ewY; ,oa xq.koÙkk
ds laca/k esa O;kid çksVksd‚y rS;kj djus gksaxs rFkk [kjhn djus okyh lacaf/kr ,tsalh fu/kkZfjr ekudksa dk
vuqikyu djus ds fy, mÙkjnk;h gksxhA
¼ix½jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= d‚iZl esa miyC/k QaM dk mi;ksx vf/klwfpr —f"k&ckxokuh ftUlksa dh [kjhn ds
fy, fd;k tk,xk rFkk fcØh vkSj ykHk dh jkf'k;ka okil jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= d‚iZl QaM esa tek dh
tk,axhA jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= ljdkj }kjk ¶ysDlh fMi‚ftV lqfo/kk okys fdlh jk"Vªh;—r cSad esa ,d
vyx [kkrk [kqyok;k tk,xkA
¼x½ jkT;ksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa }kjk dk;kZUo;u ,tsafl;ksa ds çLrkoksa ij fopkj fd;k tk ldrk gS] c'krsaZ blds
fy, dk;kZUo;u ,tsafl;ksa }kjk ekaxs x, vfxze ds cjkcj ljdkjh@cSad xkjaVh nh xbZ gksA
¼xi½ jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= d‚iZl dh lh-,-th- }kjk ys[kk ijh{kk dh tk ldsxhA
¼xii½QaM ds mís';ksa] jkT;@dsUæ'kkflr {ks= Lrjh; lfefr xfBr djus dh 'krksaZ o çfØ;kvksa rFkk d‚iZl QaM o
mlds mi;ksx ds laca/k esa fdlh rjg dk lansg gksus dh fLFkfr esa ;g mYys[k fd;k tkrk gS fd bu lHkh
ekeyksa esa Bhd ogh çfØ;k viukbZ tk,xh tks dsUæ Lrj ij ih-,l-,Q-,e-lh- vkSj dsUæh; d‚iZl QaM ds
ekeys esa viukbZ tkrh gSA
4-2-3 çLrko esa vU; ckrksa ds lkFk&lkFk] gLr{ksiksa dh vko';drk ds leFkZu esa laHkkfor çksMD'ku MkVk]
ekStwnk vkSj laHkkfor eaMh ewY; ¼vkxkeh 2&6 eghuksa ds laHkkfor eaMh ewY; ds lkFk&lkFk fiNys 2&3
o"kksZ dh vof/k esa ewY;ksa dk fgLVkfjdy MkVk½ dh tkus okyh [kjhn dh ek=k vkSj visf{kr dk;Z'khy
iwath jkf'k dk C;kSjk fn;k tkuk pkfg,A çLrko esa] [kjhn dsUæksa vkSj LV‚d ds j[k&j[kko] LVksjst@
dksYM LVksjst LFkkuksa ds C;kSjs vkSj ,sls LVksjst ds ekfydksa }kjk dh xbZ O;oLFkk lfgr [kjhn dh
çfØ;k dh #ijs[kk crkbZ tkuh pkfg,A [kjhnh xbZ mit dk HkaMkj.k O;ogk;Z lhek rd MCyw-Mh-vkj-,ds rgr çR;kf;r ekyxksnkeksa esa fd;k tkuk pkfg,A
4-2-4 tgka rd laHko gks] [kjhn lh/ks mRiknd fdlkuksa ls ;k ,slh mit ds ,Q-ih-vks-@,Q-ih-lh- ls QkeZ
xsV@eaMh ij dh tkuh pkfg, vkSj muds fy, 'kh?kz Hkqxrku dh O;oLFkk dh tkuh pkfg,A
4-2-5 dk;kZUo;u ,tsalh ds fy, ;g t#jh gksxk fd og C;kt eqä vfxze@_.k ds fy, lgk;d [kkrs
dk j[kj[kko djs] ykHk&gkfu] vk;&O;; ds fooj.k lfgr ys[kks ds ys[kk ijh{kk fooj.k rFkk foLr`r
HkkSfrd ,oa foÙkh; çxfr fjiksVZ rS;kj djs vkSj ys[kks ds fuiVku dk vfUre fooj.k ,l-,Q-,-lh-@
Mh-,-lh- dks miyC/k djk,A
4-2-6 dk;kZUo;u ,tsalh dks fn, tkus okys lsok çHkkj] [kjhn ewY; vFkkZr mit dh [kjhn ds fy, fdlkuksa
dks fd, x, dqy Hkqxrku ds 2-5% rd Lohdk;Z gksaxsA
4-2-7jk"Vªh; —f"k lgdkjh foi.ku la?k fy- ¼usQsM½ vkSj y?kq —"kd —f"k O;olk; la?k ¼,l-,Q-,-lh-½ dh
dsUæh; ,tsafl;ksa }kjk [kjhn ds ekeys esa os la;qä #i ls jk"Vªh; ckxokuh vuqla/kku vkSj fodkl
çfr"Bku ¼,u-,p-vkj-Mh-,Q-½ ds lkFk feydj le;c) vk/kkj ij ,d funs'kkRed fu;ekoyh rS;kj
6 | ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½ ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k
djsaxsA fu;ekoyh esa ek=k@xq.koÙkk iSjkehVjksa rFkk [kjhn@forj.k ds gj Lrj ij çR;sd dk;Z ds fy,
cjrh tkus okyh vko';d lko/kkfu;ksa dk mYys[k fd;k tk,xkA ;g fu;ekoyh ,l-,Q-,-lh- ds çca/k
funs'kd dh v/;{krk okyh dk;Zdkjh fudk; }kjk vuqeksfnr dh tk,xhA
4-2-8jkT; ljdkjksa@dsUæ'kkflr {ks=ksa dh ,tsafl;ksa ls brj ,tsafl;ksa rFkk iwjh rjg ls ljdkj ds LokfeRo
okyh dEifu;ksa ds çLrkoksa ds ekeys esa _.k djkj fu"ikfnr fd;k tk,xk ftlesa lHkh 'krksZ dk
mYys[k fd;k tk,xkA ,sls lHkh djkjksa esa ,d [kaM vfuok;Z #i ls Mkyk tk,xk rkfd ljdkj
}kjk vkosnd ls fdlh Hkh le; fdlh Hkh ys[kk o"kZ ds ys[ks eaxok, tk ldsa vkSj ;fn vko';d gks
rks vkosnd dh cfg;ksa dh tkap djus ds fy, fdlh vf/kdkjh] fo'ks"k #i ls bl ç;kstu gsrq çkf/k—r
vf/kdkjh dh çfrfu;qfä djus dk vf/kdkj fey ldsA
4-2-9lacaf/kr djkj@Loh—fr&i= esa C;kt eqä _.k eatwj djus ds fy, 'kh?kz iquHkqZxrku dh 'krZ j[kh
tk,A ,sls ekeyksa esa Loh—fr i= esa ;g mYys[k gksuk pkfg, fd _.k dh okilh esa fdlh rjg dh
=qfV gksus dh fLFkfr esa ljdkj }kjk le;&le; ij fu/kkZfjr njksa ij C;kt olwy fd;k tk,xkA
5- dk;kZUo;u vof/k
;g ;kstuk 2015&16 ls 2016&17 ds nkSjku dk;kZfUor dh tk,xhA bl QaM dks Hkkoh o"kksaZ ds fy, Hkh tkjh j[kus
dh vuqefr nh tk ldrh gSA
6- ;kstuk ls lacaf/kr fn'kkfunsZ'k esa la'kks/ku
;kstuk ds çpkyu dh 'kq#vkrh vof/k esa çkIr vuqHkoksa ds vk/kkj ij] ;fn vko';d gqvk rks ;kstuk esa la'kks/ku
fd;k tk ldrk gSA
ewY; fLFkjhdj.k QaM ¼ih-,l-,Q-½ ds çpkyukRed fn'kkfunsZ'k | 7