The Eagle Eye May 2015 - Presidency School Ajmer


The Eagle Eye May 2015 - Presidency School Ajmer
May 2015
‘Rang Barse’-
8 th Issue
A preprimary branch now open at
Vaishali Nagar, Ajmer.
The Colours of Cinema
Fourth Annual Day Function
From T he Principal's Desk
From T he Chief Editor's Desk
It gives me immense pleasure to bring out this
issue of our newsletter 'Eagle Eye’. The school
magazine is the mirror that reflects everything
that is happening in the school. At times it becomes very important
for those parents who are not able to attend all the school
programmes because of their professional commitments. You will be
glad to know more about the school and the various activities that
your children are involved in through these pages.
I'd like to voice a deep-seated concern through
this page with the hope that it penetrates the
consciousness of some, if not all. Today,
youngsters are so hooked on to various forms of
Social Media such as WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Wechat,
Twitter and the like, that they would probably find themselves totally
at a loss if it went off the air for a single day!! Entertainment has been
whittled down to our fingertips, thanks to Temple Run, Candy Crush,
Hay Day etc. and the beautiful English language has been snipped to
a bare minimum!
Our students are a reflection of our own dreams and actions.
We need to stop for a moment and look deeply within ourselves. Are
we really enhancing the quality of our lives by letting gadgets and
their gimmicks rule our lives? Seriously, the time has come to resist
frivolous technology and adapt nature as our teacher. The reverence
for learning needs to be rejuvenated and imbibed in its authentic and
pure form.
Mr. Martin Luther King Jr. had once said, "Intelligence plus character;
that is the goal of true education".
At Presidency School, we aspire to create an atmosphere of reverence
for learning. Our School philosophy is driven by the thought of overall
well being of each student. Students must feel secure, intrigued,
enthused, engaged & empowered leading to a great feeling of being
happy & confident.
I am glad to inform you that a group of students from classes 6 to 9 will
be visiting NASA, USA during the summer holidays in May/June 2015.
This will be a regular feature of Presidency School now onwards. My
team of dedicated teachers is all set to begin with the new academic
year 2015-2016. You will certainly notice lots of changes in the
functioning of the school, especially in academics, in the scholastic
and co-scholastic areas.
Great news for parents residing in Ajmer as a new Pre-Primary branch
of Presidency School i.e. PRESIDENCY KIDZ has opened at Vaishali
Nagar. The new session will also begin from the month of April 2015.
I would like to thank Ms.Minnu Puri, the Chief Editor and her team of
student and teacher writers and editors for bringing out this
newsletter within the committed time frame.
This issue marks the end of the academic year. Beginning with The
Literary Week, we meandered through a maze of activities and
events including the patriotic National Unity Day, our Hon'ble PM's
pet project Swachch Bharat Abhiyan, the solemn Sadbhawana Rally,
the colourful and vibrant Annual Day Function and ended it with the
thrilling and energetic Annual Sports Day.
I would like to make a special mention of all the exceptionally exciting
educational trips that our children have made during this session.
The Jaipur literature fest and the momentous interaction with
Dr.A.P.J.Kalam, the informative visit to the Club Exhibition at
Sanskriti, the School and the amazing trip to Degana to see the
incredible Biodiversity Science Express. I'm quite sure that the
students scheduled to go to NASA are all walking on air in anticipation
of the oncoming midterm excursion in June.
As we prepare for the new session that started on 6th April, we can all
look forward to more exciting trips, exhilarating inter-house activities
and electrifying interactive sessions.
Goodbye till we meet again.
Wish you all a very fulfilling and joyful reading experience.
Pramod Kumar Ranwaka
Minnu Puri
Activity Based Learning
OBJECTIVE: Enhancing confidence, being more articulate
and expressive.
TEACHING METHOD: The students of class 5 performed an
interesting play titled 'Tenali paints a horse.' The script was
written by the students themselves .It was the first time
that the children volunteered to do the role play on their
own which was appreciable. It was a play about Tenali, a
court poet and jester in the court of King Krishnadevaraya.
He was famous for his wit and intelligence. Through his
quick wit and presence of mind he was able to solve the
mystery of the painted horse .
LEARNING OUTCOME: This enactment helped the children
in many ways. First was to boost the confidence of the
participants and above this was the unique fact that
children made an attempt at writing the script as well,
which required writing grammatically correct sentences as
well as expressive dialogues.
OBJECTIVE:Students of class 5 did an interesting
mathematical activity called the 'Fraction Bot' to clear
the concept of Fraction and also learnt to co-relate with
fraction by analyzing the number of shapes used in
Fraction Bot.
PROCEDURE: The class was divided into groups and each
group was given 4 types of shapes, to make any fractional
figure/structure. Some of them made a hut, others opted
for a vehicle etc. In the end they counted the number of
shapes used by them to make the particular structure. They
wrote the number of shapes in terms of fractions. In this
way they learnt representation of fractions. The group that
made a good structure scored 10 points.
LEARNING OUTCOME: Working in groups helped the
children to work as a team. This was an excellent and
unforgettable method of learning the fundamentals of
The Choral Speakers strike a pose.
OBJECTIVE: You've often heard of choirs and chorus that are
popular methods for perfecting voice modulation, accent,
expression and pronunciation and are used by schools all over
the universe. However, the latest trend that is fast catching on
is Choral Speaking.
PROCEDURE: This basically means speaking a set of lines, for
example a poem or even a story, together as a group. The trick
here is to choreograph the activity in such a way that it comes
out as a melodious recitation with actions!! Choral speaking
was conducted in class 4 where the students recited a poem
titled 'I Saw'.
LEARNING OUTCOME: This form of activity inspires a child to
speak with confidence. It sharpens reflexes and works
wonders on teamwork!
Students display their Maths Activity sheets.
OBJECTIVE: The activity was conducted to make the
students aware and appreciate the different kinds of
sounds one hears everyday.
PROCEDURE: Students enjoyed the sound activity by
striking half filled water bowls made of different materials
like metal,iron, plastic, steel and glass with a wooden stick.
LEARNING OUTCOME: Through this activity, students
learnt to differentiate the various sounds that different
vessels produce. It also proved to be an eye opener for
many who could relate many instances where these sounds
are used; for instance during fight scenes in movies or
interspersed within the lyrics of songs.
Students get to know their rights and duties.
fo"k; & Lokbu ¶yw ls cpko
f'k{k.k fof/k & y?kq&ukfVdk
fo|ky; ds fudV xsxy fLFkr ljdkjh fo|ky; ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks
vkeaf=r dj mUgsa y?kq ukfVdk }kjk ^Lokbu ¶yw* chekjh ds ckjs esa leLr
tkudkjh nh xbZA ;g chekjh D;k gS] blds D;k y{k.k gS] D;k lko/kkfu;k¡
j[kh tkuh pkfg, rFkk chekjh gks tkus ij mipkj ds rjhds Hkh crk, x,A
fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks LoPNrk dh tkudkjh ds lkFk Lokbu ¶yw ds ?kjsyw mipkjksa ls
voxr djokrs gq, ^ekLd* rFkk fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk cuk, x, pkVZ Hkh
forfjr fd;s x,A
Creating different sounds
OBJECTIVE: To make students aware of their basic
rights and duties given to every citizen by the
Constitution of India.
PROCEDURE: The students of class IV were asked to
write a list of their rights which they enjoy in school
and at home and also detail their duties which they
have to fulfill in school as well as at home.
LEARNING OUTCOME: All the students came up with
interesting rights and duties regarding their studies,
playtime and responsibilities towards their family and
school. This activity helped them in understanding
their basic rights and duties in an easy manner that will
help them to become a responsible human being and
to lead a disciplined life.
Lokbu ¶yw ds ?kjsyw mipkjksa ls voxr djokrs gq,
Right Angled Triangles, 1 Square and a 1 Parallelogram.
Learning outcome: This puzzle gets the math inclined
familiar with geometry and the ratios of the pieces. It was a
fun activity. We learnt how to make new shapes, using our
Yashaswi Kothari
Class VA
OBJECTIVE: Being prepared for an emergency
METHOD OF TEACHING: The students have a lesson on
Natural Disasters in their syllabus and keeping in mind the
aftermath of an emergency, it was appropriate for each
student to be aware of how to behave in an emergency and
to be quick on the feet. They were told to prepare a First Aid
Box and how to recognize the OTC medicines and
administer treatment if required. The students were asked
to bring a plastic box that was filled with basic materials
such as antiseptic lotion (e.g Dettol or Savlon), cotton,
bandages, a strip of Band-Aid, ointments and various types
of painkillers as well.
LEARNING OUTCOME: This helped the students to know
how initial treatment can be given at the time of
emergency. The students have been using it whenever
there is an injury in class.
Preparing for an emergency: The First Aid Box
OBJECTIVE: This activity teaches students to give
instructions that are clear, precise and easy to understand.
Tangrams, also known as the “Seven Boards Of Skill” is a
dissection puzzle consisting of seven flat shapes. By using all
seven pieces, a specific shape can be made. Following is a
report of the activity by a participating student.
PROCEDURE: “We did this activity that was full of great fun
for all of us. Our class was divided into two groups. Each
group had an instructor who was instructing us what to do. I
was in the group where we had to make a man running and
a cat. We also tried to make a “T”.
Tangrams are classic puzzles that attract the young and
old. The word Tangrams is derived from two words called
“Tang” which was a Chinese Dynasty and the Greek word
“Gamma” that is a synonym of Graph. To form a Tangram
the seven pieces assembled together are:
2 Large Triangles, 1 Medium Right Angled Triangle,2 Small
Preprimary Activities
The Preprimary students were involved in a host of
activities that were a perfect blend of academics and
To exhibit the talents of our little ones a Colouring
Competition was conducted where the participants of
LKG had to colour the picture of a fish whereas
students of class UKG had to colour the picture of an
Poetry is an important form of communication and
introduces young children to different themes and
feelings. It's also a good way of encouraging children to
read. The students of class LKG and UKG showcased
their recitation skills in the English elocution
competition that enabled them to voice their thoughts
with more clarity.
A Story Telling Competition was held in LKG and UKG
on to how develop the English speaking skills of all the
students.The participants spoke clearly and with
confidence. Parents also cooperated by preparing
them for the competition.
A fancy dress competition for class 1 with the theme
“What I like to eat” turned out to be quite a visual treat
as students came dressed as fruits like grapes and
pineapple. Class II students came as Our Helpers and
we could see a flurry of newspaper vendors, postmen,
drivers, nurses and doctors. The participants enacted
their favourite 'helper' with a statement about
Children dressed up as our helpers
Ckky fnol lIrkg dk lekiu
cky esyk & fo|ky; izkax.k esa cky esys dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA esys esa yxh [kkus
dh fofHkUu LVkWy & ikuh&irk'ks] dsd] fpIl] leksls dk tgka cPpksa us tedj
yqRQ mBk;k ogha [ksyksa dh fofHkUu LVkWyksa ij vius cqf) dkS'ky dk iz;ksx dj
euksjatu Hkh fd;kA
Ikh-z izkbejh ds fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk nh xbZ eueksgd u`R;ksa dh izLrqfr us lHkh dk
eueksg fy;k ,oa mUgsa Hkh >weus ij etcwj dj fn;kA
Birds are quite naturally interesting to humans,
earthbound creatures that we are, and for poets in
particular, the world of birds and its endless variety of
colours, shapes, sizes, sounds and motions has long
been an immensely rich source of inspiration, symbol
and metaphor because they fly, they carry associations
of freedom and spirit on their wings. A group of
preprimary students dressed up as birds urged
everyone to celebrate Bird Freedom Day, taking a
pledge of never caging birds ever.
Set Me Free! Students dress up as birds.
Ckky fnol lIrkg
LorU= Hkkjr ds izFke iz/kkuea=h Jh tokgj yky usg: dks cPpksa ls cM+k izse Fkk
blfy, pkpk usg: ds tUe fnol dks cky fnol ds :Ik esa eukrs gq, iwjs lIrkg Hkj
fofHkUu dk;Zdzeksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA lkIrkfgd dk;ZØe esa cPpksa ds
euksjatu ds lkFk&lkFk mudh ckSf)d] jpukRed] fØ;kRed {kerk ds fodkl
ds fy, Hkh dbZ izfr;ksfxrkvksa dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlds vUrxZr
fgUnh@vaxszth vk'kqqHkk"k.k izfr;ksfxrk] laxhr ok| ;U= oknu izfr;ksfxrk]
v/;kid o Nk=ksa ds e/; eS=h fØdsV eSp rFkk cky esys dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA
eS=h fØdsV eSp &
cky fnol lIrkg dks eukrs gq, ckydksa dks euksjatu ds lkFk&lkFk
izfrLi/kkZRed ekgkSy esa vkxs c<+us dh izsj.kk o f'k{kk nsus ds fy, v/;kidksa o
fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds e/; ,d eS=h fØdsV eSp dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA vkuafnr o
mRlkfgr ckydksa dh Vhe us vius v/;kid&x.kksa ls Li/kkZ djrs gq, Hkjiwj
mRlkg ds lkFk fØdsV eSp dks vius vf/kdkj esa fd;kA bl eS=h fØdsV eSp dk
'kqHkkjEHk miizkpk;kZ lqJh usgk tks'kh us igyh xsan [ksy dj fd;kA igys [ksyrs gq,
v/;kidksa dh Vhe us cPpksa dks i;kZIr y{; fn;k ftls cPpksa dh Vhe us ljyrk ls
eSp thr fy;kA
Having tons of fun at the in-house fete.
The children of the preprimary enjoyed a
musical Christmas party celebrating the
season that brings a feeling of generosity,
empathy and helps spread good cheer. With
loads of activities that were filled with fun,
food and dancing, the students heard
Christmas carols and decorated tiny plants
with Christmas baubles. In the midst of
laughter and revelry, Santa paid a visit with his
bag of sweets and a jolly 'ho ho ho' on his lips.
The students enjoyed cupcakes and heard a
short story on the birth of Jesus Christ.
The preprimary students celebrating Christmas.
x.kra= fnol
fo|ky; izkax.k esa ekSle ds olarh vkye ,oa ?kus dksgjs ds chp
66 ok¡ Xk.kra= fnol dekafMax vkWfQlj ys- duZy vuwi
egktu] 2 jkt- bathfu;j daiuh] ,u-lh-lh-;qfuV] vtesj
ds eq[; vkfrF; esa g"kksZYykl ds lkFk lEiUu gqvkA nwljh
d{kk ds Nk= g"kZ ,oa NBh d{kk dh Nk=kvksa ekulh ,oa le`f}
}kjk ?kqM+lokjh djrs gq, jk"Vª/ot dks tc lykeh nh xbZ rks
lHkh vkxUrqdksa }kjk tksjnkj rkfy;ksa ds lkFk mudk
mRlkgo/kZu fd;k x;kA
izh izkbejh ds uUgsa eqUus cPpksa us ^t;&gks* xhr izLrqr dj
lEiw.kZ okrkoj.k dks xqatk;eku dj fn;k ogha izkbejh ds
fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk izLrqr ns'k&izse ls vksr&izksr xhrksa dh ekyk
us lHkh dks >weus ij etcwj dj fn;k rks Nk=kvksa }kjk es?kky;
ds yksd u`R; ^xkjks* dh eueksgd izLrqfr us lHkh dk eu eksg
fy;kA eq[; vfrfFk egksn; us cPpksa dks vkn'kZ ukxfjd cu
lekt lsok ,oa ns'k lsok rFkk ns'k ds izfr viuk loZLo
U;ksNkoj djus gsrq izsfjr Hkh fd;kA
The riders perform a stunt at the event
Dancers perform the Garo dance.
Lt Col Mahajan interacts with a few students.
Lt Col Mahajan addresses the audience.
We celebrated 'The Literary Week' with great joy and good cheer.
The 5-day festival began with a reading activity 'DEAR'- Drop
Everything And Read where all the students, teachers and helping
staff were handed a book by the Librarian and everyone read with
riveted attention. Voracious readers made themselves
comfortable in the corridors, stairs, classrooms and the library as
well. The true bookworms were the drivers who lay under the
shade of their buses and read with pleasure.
Feeling proud of their handy work, students show their book-marks.
The informative and innovative biographical charts
The Scavenging-a-Newspaper activity where the students had to
find and circle certain parts of the newspaper such as the
Classified Columns, editorials, the Obituary, Weather Report
page etc.There was Story-making through headlines activity
where students had to cut unusual, bizarre and funny headlines
and set them down in the form of a story.
Dropping everything and Reading!
The Book Mark Making contest was held on the 2ndday of the
literary week in which students made bookmarks with messages
based on moral value, both in English and Hindi.
Characterization was an event tackled by the students by working
in groups who made a flowchart of details based on the
biographies of personalities from information obtained from the
books in the library.
Parents at the Book Fair
esjk frjaxk&esjh igpku
The Book Fair, organized by Book Tractor ran for two days.
Parents as well as students browsed through racks of books
on a variety of genres as well as reference books, toys and
games.This day was also observed as 'Generous Day' where
students brought their old Story Books and donated them to
the children of the Govt. School located in the
The school invited a young author in the 'Author Meet'
event where the students got the opportunity to meet and
interact with teenage budding writer Ms Simar Malhotra, a
student of class 12 from 'Step by Step School, Jaipur'. Her
book “There is a Tide” has been released by renowned poet
Shri Javed Akhtar. Students, especially those who are
passionate about books, queried the young and bubbly
author on her inspirations, whom she admires, writer's block
and above all, release of her next book. We are extremely
thankful to Miss Simar for signing her book for our library.
Harneet Kaur
English Faculty
13th to 18thOctober 2014
jk”Vªh;rk dh Hkkouk ls vksr&izksr o ân~; es jk”Vª /ot ds izfr vFkkg lEeku fy;s gq,
jk”Vªh; /ot dks /kkj.k dj eqacbZ fuoklh [kkfyn dqjS'kh dk viuh Vhe ds lkFk izslhMsUlh
Ldw y igq¡pus ij Ldw y izca/ku ,oa mRlkgh fo|kfFkZ;ksa }kjk mudk HkO; Lokxr fd;k
x;kA fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds ,d ny us LdsfVax djrs gq, /ot/kkjh /kkod dh vxokuh
dhA ?kqM+lokj ckydksa o vU; fo|kfFkZ;ksa us gkFk es jk”Vªh; irkdk gkFk esa ysdj nkSM+ esa Hkkx
bl nkSM+ ds vk;kstd [kkfyn dqjS'kh us crk;k fd jk”Vª o jk”Vª /ot ds izfr lEeku dks
tkx`r djuk rFkk bldh igpku cukuk gh bl nkSM+ dk eq[; m}s'; gSA
fo|ky; izkpk;Z Jh izeksn dqekj jkoadk us nkSM+ vk;kstdksa dk vkHkkj o /kU;okn O;Dr
djrs gq, dgk fd jk”Vª izse dks tkx`r djus okys ,sls vk;kstu dh lekt dks vR;f/kd
vko';drk gSA fo|ky; izca/ku o fo|kfFkZ;ksa us nkSM+ dks vkxs c<+krs gq, nkSM+ ds lq[kn
lekiu dh dkeuk dhA
5 Qjojh] 2015
Budding author Simar Malhotra signs her book for Presidency students.
Mr. Qureshi interacts with students
cPpksa us lh[kk ,drk dk ikB
^^la?ks ‘kfDr dfy;qxs** bl iafDr dks pfjrkFkZ djrs gq, &
jk”Vª ds izFke x`gea=h ^^ ljnkj oYyHk HkkbZ iVsy** ds tUe fnol 31 vDVwcj dks ^^jk”Vªh; ,drk fnol** ds :Ik esa eukrs gq, v/;kidx.kksa o cPpksa us
jk”Vªh; ,drk dk vFkZ tkukA
,drk fnol ds ekSds ij fo|ky; ifjlj esa gh pkjksa lnuksa ds cPpksa }kjk ,d tqVrk ds fy, nkSM+ esa c<+ p< dj Hkkx fy;k x;kA lHkh oxksZa ds cPpksa us
jk”Vªh; ,drk ij vk/kkfjr fp=dyk izfr;ksfxrk esa vius lqUnj Hkkoksa dks dkxtksa ij mdsj dj viuh dyk dk csgrjhu izn’kZu fd;kA
jk”Vªh; ,drk fnol ij f’k{kd x.kksa }kjk cPpksa dks ,drk dk egRo le>k;k x;k rnqijkUr fgUnh v/;kfidk }kjk cPpksa dks jk”Vª dh ,drk]
v[k.Mrk o v{kq..krk dks cuk;s j[kus o lefiZr Hkko ls mldh j{kk djus dh ‘kiFk fnykbZ xbZA cPpksa us bl egku jk”Vª dh lqj{kk] lsok dk nkf;Ro
vius da/kks ij ys vkSj bldh ,drk] v[k.Mrk dh ru&eu&/ku ls j{kk djus dk ladYi mBk;kA
Portraying their patriotic feelings through art.
Students of all the four houses merge and show a united front.
The students and faculty of Presidency School were given a rare treat as danseuse Padmashree Mrs Ranjana Gauhar,
exponent of the Odissi Dance Art held the audience spellbound with her mesmerizing and scintillating performance. She
began with an explanation on the origin of this dance form and how it was earlier known as mhari or great woman and
performed by devdasis. The Odissi Art was given a new lease of life and came into its own at the beginning of India's
independence. The temple dance came into a new incarnated form when Shri Kalicharan Patnayak, a respected poet of
Orissa coined the term Odissi. She further explained the various postures of Odissi dance known as Battu, Chaak and
Tribhangi. The artist-extraordinaire gave a recital that was magical and thrilling. After the performance, Ms. Gauhar
interacted with the students where she answered questions about her inspirations, her role model and her most memorable
experiences. The School management is thankful to SPICMACAY for the continued support and collaboration.
Danseuse Mrs Ranjana Gauhar mesmerizes the students with her Odissi dance performance
Educational Visits
Sanskriti the School invited us to see their 'Club Exhibition' and
classes 7 to 9 were given the opportunity to attend it. The
exhibition had a variety of segments such as the Computer,
Maths, English, Science, Social-Science, Crafts, Science,
Commerce and the Art and Craft section. The computer section
displayed presentations on Viruses and the Environment .The
Math's section contained models, charts and teaching aids that
looked interesting and easy to understand. There were 2D and 3D
working models based on the angle of elevation and depression.
In the English section, there were funny newspapers, tongue
twisters, books and authors, the shortest ghost story and many
more! The Science section comprised of working models
depicting all the principles and theories of light and the
functioning of hydraulic brakes, magnetic cranes, submarines,
rockets, solar boat and perfectly functioning Anemometer. The
Social-Science club showcased charts covering topics from
history as well as geography. Harappan and Egyptian civilizations
were recreated by means of models depicting the Great Bath as
well as replicas of utensils, clay toys, mummies and more. This
section also displayed clothes and ornaments worn by the people
of Harappan Civilization. The crafts section had a wide range of
handmade articles right from penholders to bed sheets. A wide
range of wall hangings were on display such as hanging letter
holders, jute wheels, and organdy flowers arranged as wall
hangings, sand paintings and there were even models made of
bread! The Commerce section had very beautifully crafted
models made of thermocol and chart paper and buildings, which
were made of glass pieces. It was a unique and well laid out
exhibition and we would be keen to attend similar exhibitions in
Nimish Devnani, 8A
The Jaipur Literature Festival held every year in the
State's Capital, is an event that is intellectual as well as
glamorous, boasting of the presence of the 'Who's
Who' of the literary world. Where the afficianados of
literature can rub shoulders with celebrities like John
Grisham, Arundhati Roy, Amitabh Bachchan and
many more!! I was fortunate to be a part of the group
from Presidency School to attend the Jaipur Literature
Festival this year. We were fortunate to meet
acclaimed writer Sir V.S Naipaul who recited many
incidences about his life and his works.
The most memorable moment for us was the
opportunity to interact with the Missile Man, former
President of India Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam. He spoke
about his book the "Ignited Minds” and also talked
passionately about issues like Energy Conservation,
Skill Development, Use of Solar Energy, and also
encouraged us to live by the value of Never Give Up!
He said that the youth will face many problems in their
lives, but if they work hard, they will definitely attain
their goal. He also talked about staying fit physically,
mentally and spiritually. He recommended that one
must walk a lot, eat on time and sleep on time giving
the example of his brother in Rameshwaram, who is 97
years old and living a healthy life.
In 2013 I had met Dr Kalam at his residence along with
the school team. He adeptly evoked scientific & logical
thinking amongst us. And this time in 2015 he again
ignited our minds with values and much more. My
second meeting with Dr Kalam was truly memorable.
Nimish Devnani, 8A
The school organized an innovative educational visit to
Degana for the students of classes 6 to 9 to witness the
“Science Express Biodiversity Special” train, which
exhibits various science experiments for students.
Following is a report by a student:
We were thrilled to see the beautiful train with
intriguing pictures and information on thousands of
species of flora and fauna displayed on the windows
like the Barking Deer, Red Panda, Spectacled Cobra,
sea cows, the horseshoe crab, Blood Pheasant, Golden
Langoor, Mithun, the Blue Pansy and Hoolock Gibbon
that were attention grabbers.
There were ten coaches that displayed the ten
different biodiversity zones of India. Each coach had
screens, pictures, models, information boards which
exhibited all the information related to the
topography, flora, fauna, spices, crops and other
unique features of the zone. Students learnt some new
terms like ex-situ (Not a Natural source) and in-situ (A
Natural Source) through the displays.Two coaches
solely displayed the information on 'Climate Change
and Energy Conservation.'
The second phase of the visit was an interactive
session with the subject experts for different concepts
of science. A “Kids Zone” was specially designed for
younger students.
Interesting issues were highlighted like Saving the
Western Ghats, the Gangetic plains and Petroleum
I came across an excellent slogan that said,
“Knowledge is a treasure which cannot be stolen by
anyone. It can only be increased if you share it.”
Vanshika Khosla 7A
Student participants at M.P.S during the competition.
On the 131st birth anniversary of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, a
National Unity Day or 'Rashtriya Ekta Diwas was organized by
Maheshwari Public School, Ajmer, under the aegis of the CBSE. A
group of 12 students participated to form expressions through
Posters, Slogans and Calligraphy. The other contestant schools
that participated in this event were MSS and KD Jain School from
Kishangarh and HKH, Queen's Mary, St.Stephens, Vrindavan
Public School and Lawrence & Mayo Public School from Ajmer.
The school team put their heart and soul into the activity and
enjoyed every moment of it.
Harneet Kaur
English Faculty
17th January 2015
Rang Barse....
The Colours of Cinema
Students display thrill and exuberance through their performance.
The School's 4th Annual Day & Prize Giving Function held on the 6th of December 2014 was celebrated with great fanfare
and jubilations. The theme of this event was a blend of old music and soul-provoking melodrama from movies of the
golden era. Evergreen movies of the yester years which were a source of inspiration and encouragement for all those
who lived in that era and continue to inspire even today, and will do so in the future too.The songs and video clips
included were chosen with extensive research and care. Movies have always had a profound impact on people and the
masters of that golden era gave us unforgettable lyrics and soul shaking scripts that continue to mesmerize even today.
To commemorate the talent of their genius the children of classes 3 to 9 presented a musical drama called RANG
BARSE…..The colours of cinema.
The Chief Guest was Shri S.K. Jain (IPS) Member of the Vigilance Committee and Guest of Honour was Shri Naresh
Salecha (DRM) Ajmer.
The show commenced with a shloka, sung by first lady
Mrs.Neelam Singhvi. The Presidency orchestra gave a thrilling
and foot stamping performance by playing old film songs. A
group of children displayed unique talent as they sang an
English medley of popular numbers ranging from the Beatles
to Icona Pop.
The attractive Photo Booth with a life size cut out of famous
movie personalities was a huge draw for parents who thronged
the reception, posing with the Superstars.
The motorcade of the Chief Guest ushered by the riders.
The preprimary and primary students put up a kaleidoscopic
enactment of the age-old tale of the lion and the hare… called
Bungle in the Jungle, with a few unusual twists interspersed
with dance performances that generated immense humour!
The evening gained momentum with the Prize Giving
Ceremony and various addresses made by our Chief Guest and
Guest of Honour. A special guest, Shri V.C.Mehta, who is on the
Board of Governors of Mody University Laxmangarh, sang
eloquent poems on the girl-child.
The finale was the icing on this delicious, scrumptious and
mouth-watering proverbial dish. The sensational Yoga Display
was breathtaking, astounding and awe-inspiring, as more than
60 students from classes 2 to 9 presented yoga postures with
such speed and alacrity that the entire audience got on their
feet to give them a standing ovation!!
The chief guest Shri S.K.Jain being welcomed.
The Chairman Shri Gajendra Singh Singhvi thanked the
parents for their co-operation in making the school stronger in
its roots. Director Ms.Garima Singhvi announced and
introduced the new Principal of Presidency School
Shri Pramod Kumar Ranwaka amidst a thunderous applause.
Students entertain the audience with a medley
The preprimary thrill the audience in The Bungle in the Jungle.
Students perform the Shiv Tandav
Images of students in various scenes of The Bungle in the Jungle
Images of Rang Barse,- Colour of Cinema
Yoga Display: The thrilling finale
Science Exhibition
Inaugurated by the Chief Guest Sh. S.K.Jain, the Science
Exhibition, elegantly displayed on the front lawns, was a crowd
puller with its unique models that were elaborately explained by
the students. The parents made a beeline for the venue, spent
time perusing each model and querying about its working and
practical use.
Standing by the schools' ideals of imparting practical knowledge,
the Science Exhibition not only mesmerized the visitors but also
proved to be an enriching experience for all those who had
created them after spending hours on extensive research. The
theme of the Science Fair was an amalgamation of different
concepts of Science, such as Sound, Light, Electromagnetism and
Electricity. New ideas related to Conservation of Energy were
also exhibited and explained confidently by the students.
Shri S.K.Jain inaugurates the Science Exhibition.
The special invitees and parents interact with students at the science exhibition.
The attentively
children of to
school pose
their certificates,
and trophies.
Parents and guests listen
through the
models made by the students.
Community Service
“ is'kkoj vkrad ds f[kykQ ln~Hkkouk jSyh"
ln~Hkko] n;kHkko tSls ekuoh; Hkkoksa }kjk gh i’kq vkSj ekuo esa Hksn nf’kZr gksrk
gS] fdUrq balku tc viuh igpku] viuh balkfu;r ds ijs tkdj Øwjrk dk pksxk
/kkj.k dj ysrk gS rks funksZ”k ekuork dk bl rjg ls iru gksrk gS tSlk fd
ikfdLrku ds is’kkoj ‘kgj esa fueZe ng’krxnksZa }kjk funksZ”k cpiu dks cM+h gh
csjgeh ls dqpyk x;kA
bl ln~Hkkouk jSyh esa fo|ky; ds NksVs&NksVs cPpksa ls ysdj lHkh izcq)tu o
uxjokfl;ksa us Hkh esa viuh mifLFkfr ntZ djok dj ‘kkafr vkSj lnHkko dh ,d
vuwBh felky dk;e dhA izkFkZuk lHkk esa jksVjh Dyc] ykW;Ul Dyc vkfn
lkekftd laLFkkvksa ds izfrfuf/k;ksa o jkT; f’k{kk ea=h Jh oklqnso nsoukuh vkfn
us ‘kgj okfl;ksa dks lEcksf/kr dj bl ?kVuk ds izfr vius fopkj izdV fd;sA
‘kghn Lekjd ij meM+s tu lSykc us fo|kfFkZ;ksa ds lkFk feydj ‘kkafr xhr o
‘kkafr ea=ksa dk mPpkj.k fd;k vkSj bl vlguh; ?kVuk ds izfr ,d tqV gks mu
‘kghn ckydksa dks eksecÙkh tykdj ,oa ekSu /kkj.k dj vJqiw.kZ J`)ktafy nhA
fdlh ek¡ us lqcg cPps dk
fMCck rS;kj fd;k gksxk
fdlh firk us vius yky dks
[kqyrs Ldwy NksM+ fn;k gksxk
fdls irk Fkk og
vc ykSVsxk ugh dHkh
fdls irk Fkk xksfy;ksa ls
Hkqu tk;saxs vjeku lHkh
18 fnlEcj 2014
,slh ân; fonkjd ?kVuk us lewps fo’o dks >d>ksj fn;kA bl ?kVuk ij fo’o Hkj
lss O;fDr;ksa }kjk izkFkZuk,a o ‘kkafr nqvk,¡ dh tk jgha Fkh rks izslhMsUlh fo|ky; us
Hkh bl nq[kn ?kVuk Ikj vtesj ds vkuklkxj pkSikVh ls ysdj ctjaxx<+ ‘kghn
Lekjd rd ,d ln~Hkkouk jSyh o izkFkZuk lHkk dk vk;kstu fd;kA
Shri Vasudev Devnani ( State Education Minister) lights a candle at the emotional event, as students hold placards during the event.
The 4th Annual Sports Event was celebrated over an entire week where students of all the four houses competed with each other in
various track and field events as well as with students of other schools in skating, cricket and karate.
The finale of this event was conducted at the CRPF grounds in Ajmer on 31st January 2015. DIG Shri Raju Bhargava presided over the
function, as Chief Guest while Shri G.L Yadav, well known for winning a bronze medal in shooting at the Seoul games, was the guest of
The students presented a host of Athletic displays that were creative, colourful and well synchronized. The event began with the
Tiranga march that reminded everyone of the Olympic games. The torch was lit and Ankit Taluka of 8B took the oath with pride and
solemnity. Students of all the four houses assisted in the journey of the torch around the 400-meter track that eventually lit the
cauldron signifying perfect unity.
The first drill was a mass yoga display that portrayed all the twelve postures of the Sun Salutation or Surya Namaskar. The pre primary
fun races had some interesting titles such as study buddies, building meadows, rowing your boat, among others. Children competed
with team spirit and enjoyed these innovative games.
The seniors performed drills with shimmering pompoms, swathes of silk representing the colours of the four houses and a thrilling
karate routine that filled everyone's heart with awe & wonder.
The athletic track events were filled with adrenalin pumping excitement as students competed in a 100 and 200-meter race and a
400-meter relay race.
The event concluded with an equestrian show that was a magnificent display of pride, panache and discipline, which mesmerized
the audience.
Guest of honour Shri G.L.Yadav gave an inspirational account of his life's achievement in sports while DIG Shri Raju Bhargava spoke
to the parents about the importance of children maintaining a fit physical life style. Principal Shri Pramod Kumar Ranwaka thanked
the parents and guests for being part of this momentous school event.
We deeply appreciate participation of St. Stephens School , Mayo College Girls School, All Saints School, Sanskriti the School, Khwaja
Model School, St. Mary's Convent, St Anselms from Ajmer: Central Academy, St Josephs School and Emmanuel Public School from
Beawar and MIS of Kishangarh.
Awards were presented to winners for all events conducted throughout the week. Our heartfelt felicitations to the winners :Cricket: Winners were the team from Khwaja Model School.
Skating: Best skater - girls: Saaniya Tuteja from Mayo College Girls School.
Best skater - boys: Krishna Verma from All Saints School.
200 meters race Boys: Nayan Singh from St Josephs School.
Girls: Mahima Chowdhary from MIS Kishangarh.
100 meters Boys: Ritik Chohan from St.Anselms Ajmer.
Girls: Shruti Kumari from Mayo College Girls School.
Relay race: Boys: 1st position went to St Anselms.
Girls 1st Position went to Mayo College Girls School.
The Flag Run inaugurating the Annual Sports Day.
Sprinting to win
The karatekas do a quick leg jab
The riders salute the audience.
Tied up in a hoopla! The preprimary students run for fun
The Pom Pom drill
Students compete with camaraderie during the Washing day and Row Row Row your boat events
The Sari drill
The Umbrella Drill
The adrenaline filled relay race.
The girl's' teams at the Relay race
The Dumb-bell Drill
Performing the Surya Namaskar
Parents enjoy the various events at the Annual Sports Day.
The Chief Guest Shri Raju Bhargava presents a trophy to a winner.
The winners of the relay race (boys) with Shri Bhargava and Principal Shri Ranwaka.
School Achievements
The 6th mini junior under 11 National Roll Ball championship began
with an opening ceremony in which eight best teams from across the
whole country participated. Presidency School had the opportunity to
be a part of this event as Rajasthan Team. As each group struggled for
that coveted cup, our team began climbing the ladder gradually.
Finally the Rajasthan team was pitted against the team from Assam in
the semi final match where the Rajasthan team defeated Assam and
stepped into the finals. The final match was with the team from Uttar
Pradesh where our State team won with a 3-0 score bringing home
the Coveted Cup and plenty of laurels. From Presidency, our students
Varsha Maheshwari of class 7B, and Shubhi Dagra of class 6A
displayed spirit, enthusiasm and played with true team spirit. The
students returned to a festive welcome by the students, the Principal
and the entire faculty.
The roll ball champs of Presidency: Varsha Maheshwari 7B, Shubhi Dagra 5 B
When I was informed that I was selected for the CBSE art
competition, I was over the moon! And my parents were also quite
elated.The competition was held at the Maharana Pratap
Auditorium, Vidyasagar School Campus in Jaipur. The topic of the
competition was “Save Environment, Save Earth” and I put in my
entire energies and imagination to create a gorgeous painting on
the topic. I stood 4th in the state and was awarded the Consolation
Prize by the minister of power, Mr. Pushpendra Singh Ranawat.
My most memorable moment of this event was when I spent
precious time deeply engrossed in the topic as my mind conjured
various images. I sifted through these and created what I think was
my best art work ever!!
Nimish Devnani 8A
15 November 2014
Nimish Devnani of 8A.
St.Paul's school recently organized a Cultural event portraying the
theme 'The Seven Sisters of India'. Presidency School was invited
to participate in their interschool competition and after a draw of
lots, our team of dancers drew Mehagalaya to showcase in the
programme. The participants opted the Garo dance of Meghalaya.
Following is a report from the group:
“The traditional costume of Meghalaya that were wrap-a-round
Naga shawls with a crown of big feathers on them and traditional
jewellery and accessories were quickly procured. Our group that
comprised of fourteen girls from classes 6 to 8, were all ready to
set the stage on fire. From amongst the schools that participated
were Sophia School, St.Stephens, St.Francis, Mayoor, M.P.S and
St.Paul School, we bagged the third position!”
Chandani Mehra 8A, Payal Toshniwal, Vaidehi Maheswari 8B
January, 2015
Vanshika Khosla
Rs 1,000/- + Merit Certificate
Samridhi Jain
Saloni Bang
Abhishek Meena
Yuvraj Kewalramani
Medal of Excellence + Gifts Worth
Participation Certificate
Participation Certificate
Participation Certificate
Participation Certificate
Manasi Bang
Participation Certificate
Samriddhi Dagra
Participation Certificate
Maths Olympiads 2nd Level
Manav Bakliwal
Silver Medal +Participation Certificate
5 international and 2nd in State Rs
Vedant Maheshwari
Gold Medal +Participation Certificate
2,500/- Merit Certificate + Silver Medal
Keshav Heda
Participation Certificate
+ Gifts Worth s 1,000 /-
Yashvine Goyal
Participation Certificate
Vaidehi Rathi
Bronze Medal +Participation Certificate
Riddhima Gaur
Participation Certificate
Sumit Bhardwaj
Participation Certificate
Sakina Bano
Participation Certificate
Ananya Patni
Participation Certificate
Shrishti Baid
Participation Certificate
Purvi Agarwal
Khushi Garg
Participation Certificate
Medal of Excellence + Gifts Worth
Rs 1,000/- + Merit Certificate
Ayush Rathi
Participation Certificate
Hardik Kasliwal
Silver Medal + Participation Certificate
Rahul Bajiya
Gold Medal + Participation Certificate
Mukul Bajaj
Bronze Medal + Participation Certificate
Akshit Rathi
Medal of Excellence + Gifts Worth
Rs1,000/- +Merit Certificate
Their Itinerary includes:
1. Payal Toshniwal
2. Vaidehi Maheshwari
3. Dhairya Jain
4. Satwik Joshi
5. Jayant Chhajer
6. Manish Bhadana
7. Samridhi Jain
8. Anuj Chhabra
9. Pearl Kothari
10. Rajat Heda
11. Keshav Heda
12. Madhav Heda
A workshop was organized for the parents of the children who
have reached their puberty. Mumbai based counselor Mrs.
Bharati Trivedi was invited by the School Management to
skillfully answer queries and offer suggestions. She urged the
parents to understand their children before forming any
opinion about their changing attitudes. This workshop was
very effective as it helped the children as well as the parents to
deal with the hormonal changes that are taking place in their
body. At this age, sometimes the children are very short
tempered or they want all their demands to be fulfilled, but
the workshop enabled the parents to deal with their problems
in an understandable and congenial manner. The workshop
was unique and interactive as it brought both the parents and
the children together on to a common platform to speak and
understand each other.
18 October,2014
Miss Priya Bhatia at the Jodo Gyan Workshop
izslhMsalh fo|ky; esa fd'kksjkoLFkk leL;k fuokj.k dk;Z'kkyk
dk vk;kstu
izslhMsalh fo|ky; esa fd'kksjkoLFkk esa gksus okyh lkekU; leL;kvksa ds
fuokj.k gsrq ,d dk;Z'kkyk dk vk;kstu fd;k x;kA ftlesa fo|ky;
dh miizkpk;kZ lqJh usgk tks'kh us xsxy fLFkr jktdh; izkFkfed
fo|ky; ds Nk=&Nk=kvksa dks fd'kksjkoLFkk esa gksus okyh lkekU;
leL;kvksa ls voxr djokdj mudk fuokj.k dSls fd;k tk, ;g
le>k;k x;kA orZeku le; esa tgk¡ ns'k esa ik'pkR; laLd`fr dk nkSj
'kq: gqvk gSA mlesa Nk=k,¡ viuh vkRej{kk dSls djsa rFkk leL;k
mifLFkr gksus ij mldk lek/kku dSls fd;k tk,] bu igyqvksa ij
ppkZ dh x;hA bl izdkj dh dk;Z'kkyk ls tgk¡ fo|kfFkZ;ksa esa vkRej{kk
rFkk vkRecy tkx`r gqvk ogha lkekftd ifjos'k esa fo|kfFkZ;ksa us
viuk egRro igpku dj llEeku vkxs c<+us dk fu'p; fd;kA
iwue pkSgku
fgUnh v/;kfidk
Miss Bharti Trivedi interacting with parents.
The Jodo Gyan workshops that are regularly attended by our
mathematics faculty have simple yet effective activities that makes
the subject interesting and easy to understand. Ms.Priya Bhatia and
Ms. Anju Jha attended a three-day workshop in New Delhi where
they were able to imbibe better methods of understanding Integers,
Decimals and Fractions.
A friendly game with Tangrams got the workshop rolling. Using logic
and reasoning for every activity, the teachers were made privy to
many more creative methods of making maths a fun subject for their
students. A new activity called Jodo Straw was introduced where
different types of 3D shapes were made, using a particular base.
Stories were told and used to explain the concepts of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division of fractions.
It was an interesting workshop where various play way methods were
introduced and used. Using the Jodo Gyan tools can simplify
concepts and build an interest towards numbers.
Date: 28.01.15 to 30.01.15
Students of Govt School, Gegal attend the workshop
Student’s Art
Himanshi Chajjer - IX A
Vaidehi Maheshwari VIIIB
Nehal Bakliwal-VIIA
Mukul Bajaj- VIIA
Saloni Bafna-VIIA
Soubrah Kabra-VIIB
Manav Bakliwal- VI A
Payal Toshniwal -VIIIB
Vanshika Khosla-VIIB
Student Expressions
The only planet to support life...EARTH. Have you ever gone into
the depth of this beautiful word called EARTH? Ah! What a
wonderful word this is. Isn't it? Earth has got everything that
makes it a place like heaven. It has got a variety of aqua species
like fish and dolphins swimming in the ocean, monkeys enjoying
bananas on trees, birds flying in the air, a multi-hued rainbow
slashing across the sky, while majestic mountains stand proud
and tall. And amongst this beauty of nature lies a man on the
ground, relaxing under the scorching sun with loads of greenery
around him.
Hey! I'm sorry I should have said a man lying down on the ground
and relaxing with garbage and dirt around him and assuming that
garbage, filth and his friends are maybe the only things present on
this planet EARTH. Yes, that's how it comes in my mind by
watching man living his life around garbage. The early humans
had a great place to live on. They could have heard the whistling of
the breeze in their ears, sounds of waterfalls, and could have
smelled the sweet aroma of flowers. There were many more
species accompanying them earlier that are unfortunately extinct
by now. In earlier times EARTH was a fabulous place to live on but
I'm sorry to say it isn't any more! The reasons for this sad
condition are increase in global warming and deforestation.
However, the biggest reason of all is people have become careless
towards the environment.
But let me tell you a fact that if one can destroy a thing then one
can repair it too and make it much better. I assure you that all is
not lost yet and we can make our beloved
Earth even better than how it used to be. I
suggest everyone to believe in the mantra of
the three R's: reduce, reuse and recycle.
Practice afforestation and become ecofriendly. So now let's take a pledge of making
our mother Earth better than paradise!
nksLrh ls dherh dksbZ]
tkxhj ugha gksrh]
nksLrh ls [kwclwjr dksbZ]
rLohj ugha gksrhA
nksLrh ;w¡ rks dPpk /kkxk gS]
exj bl /kkxs ls etcwr]
dksbZ tathj ugha gksrh A
dhfrZ xqIrk 3 ^v*
You must have heard or read the word “HTML” multitudinous
number of times but must have scoffed it off as another stodgy
computer jargon, used to do some stodgy things. If you think so,
you are definitely wrong because it is not an ordinary
stereotyped language, it is the Hypertext Markup Language
commonly referred to as HTML, and Hypertext means machine
readable text. Markup means to structure it in a specific format.
So HTML is structuring of contents using machine-readable text
that is used to create web pages. I came to know about it a few
weeks ago in my computer class and found it very interesting! It
is written in the form of HTML elements consisting of tags
enclosed in angle brackets. Web browsers can read HTML files
and compose them into visible or audible web pages. Browsers
do not display the HTML tags and scripts, but use them to
interpret the content of the page. It describes the structure of a
website semantically along with cues for presentation, making it
a markup language, rather than a humdrum programming
language. It was developed by Tim BernersLee and his team and officially launched in
1993, twenty -two years ago! The first
publicly available description of HTML was a
document called "HTML Tags", first
mentioned on the Internet by Berners-Lee in
late 1999
Akshit Rathi 7A
esjk ns'k
Hkkjr ns'k gS tx ls U;kjk]
Tkks yxrk ge lcdks I;kjkA
ftlesa xaxk&tequk cgrh]
rjg&rjg dh fpfM+;k¡ jgrhA
tuuh ls Hkh ikou gS]
blls /kjrh dh feV~Vh]
tku U;kSNkoj dh ohjksa us]
rHkh ekr`Hkwfe dgykrhA
bldh xksn esa iydj cM+s gq,]
fQj D;ksa u blls I;kj djsa]
bldh j{kk dh [kkfrj]
D;ksa u lc fey vkxs pysA
The pen is a bat.
Questions are wickets.
Question paper is the pitch.
Examiners are first and second umpires.
Exam hall is the stadium.
An easy question is a full toss.
A tricky question is googlee.
A hard question is a bouncer.
A confusing question is a spin.
vuksyh 3 ^v*
Rahul Bajiya 7A
When I joined Presidency in 2011 I was given a pair of skates as a
welcome gift. I learnt skating in school and in a
short period of time I began to skate skillfully. I
was pleasantly surprised when I heard that I
had been selected first in the District then for
the National competition. My most
memorable moment was when I brought home
a silver medal for my State. However, I wish to
achieve a lot more and bring laurels to my
Khushi Garg 7A
I have a pet cat and her name is Kitty. She is
white in colour. She has soft hair on her body. I
take her for a walk every morning and evening.
I also take her to the doctor from time to time.
She loves to drink milk and if I don't give it to
her she starts crying. She has two baby kittens.
They both are very naughty and playful. My
Kitty is the best kitty in the world!
cpiu dgh [kks x;k gS A
eksckbYk Qksu dk fodkl gekjs oSKkfudksa }kjk lapkj Økafr ds fy, fd;k x;k gSA bls cgqr
lksp le> dj o yksxksa dh t+:jr dks /;ku esa j[krs gq, cuk;k x;k gSA tgk¡ iqjkus le; esa
vius lans'k dks Hkstsus esa i=] Vsfyxzke] tSls dbZ lk/kuksa ds }kjk dbZ fnu yx tkrs Fks
vkt ds ;qx esa bl eksckby Økafr esas bls ge dqN gh lSd.M esa fons'k rd Hkst ldrs gSaA
vktdy rks lks'ky ehfM;k dk tekuk gSa ftlds }kjk ge vius ns'k&fons'k esa cSBs
ifjokjtuksa ] fe=ksa o O;olk; ls jkst+ viuk laidZ cuk, j[k ldrs gSA tg¡k bl lqfo/kk ls
yksxksa dk lkekftd o O;olkf;d nk;jk c<+k gSa] ogha dqN cqjh
lksp ds ykxksa us vius 'kkSd o lekt dks ijs'kku djus gsrq bldk
xyr bLrseky fd;k gSA gesa ,sls yksxksa ls Mjuk ugha pkfg,] rqjar
iqfyl esa [k+cj djuh pkfg,A
gj dke dh ,d mez gksrh gSa vr% vkils fuosnu gS fd vius cPpksa
dks tks fd vBkjg lky ls de gSa] mUgsa eksckby u nsa vkSj Qslcqd
ij vkbZ Mh u cukus nsaA
Megha Tak 3C
Ekksckby Qksu dk ;qx
cPps vc xfy;ksa esa [ksyus ugha tkrs
vc oks fnu iqjkus gks x;s gSa A
Nqik&Nqih dgha [kks x;h gS
vc mudh nqfu;k eksckby gks x;h gSA
nknh&ukuh dh dgkfu;k¡ vc iqjkuh gks x;h gS
vc rks cl dEI;wVj gh mudh dgkuh gSA
tkus dgk¡ oks cpiu dgh [kks x;k gSA
[kq’kh jkBkSM+ 7 ^c*
isM+ cPkkvks] isM+ cPkkvks]
lkjs feydj isM+ cpkvks]
gjk Hkjk ;g thou cukvksA
Nk;k ;g nsrs gS gedks]
Qy vkSj thou Hkh ;g nsrs gedks]
FkksM+k rks lkspks esjs ;kjkas]
izd`fr dks Lo;a cpkvks]
vkSj viuk thou [kqn cukvksA
vkvks feydj isM+ yxk,a]
gjk Hkjk ;g thou cuk,aA
okrkoj.k dks LoPN cukdj]
bl thou dks LoLFk cuk,aA
gj ,d dk ;g Q+tZ gS curk ]
de ls de ,d isM+ yxk,aA
jkst c<+rs iznw”k.k ij]
vkvks feydj jksd yxk,a]
vkvks feydj isM+ yxk,a]
gjk Hkjk viuk thou cUkk,aA
vfHkuo xxZ 7 ^c*
ns’kdgk¡ [kM+k gS \
ns’k dgk¡ [kM+k gS \
;g ns’k fdl jkLrs ij [kM+k gS \
leL;kvksa ls f?kjk vkSa/ks eqg¡ iM+k gS
ns’k dks cpkus dh fdl dks D;k iM+h gS \
ekuo vf/kdkjksa ds fy;s yM+kbZ fNM+h iM+h gS
vkradokn eqg¡ QkM+s [kM+k gS]
ljdkj rks ekuks fpduk ?kM+k gS]
vkradokn ls eqdkcyk vR;ar dM+k gS]
ih-,e- dh dqlhZ ij rks tSls dksfguwj tM+k gS
gj dksbZ ykyp ls mlds ihNs [kM+k gS
lRrk dh [kkfrj ,d nwljs ls yM+k gS
;g ns’k fdl jkLrs ij [k+Mk gS \
va’kqy caly 6^v*
My favourite book is a Hardy Boys mystery
because it contains lots of action and thrills.
I have read most of it and I like the pictures
on the cover and back cover. There are two
detectives in the book who try to solve the
mystery. I loved the second chapter where a
witch kidnaps a dog and the detective has to
save the pet while the witch is sleeping.
Reading is such good fun and I love Hardy Boys mysteries.
Arihant Jain 4B
Ekgd tSu 7 ^c^
Sho rt Cuts
Movie Review
Space is a fascinating subject
and science fiction movies have
always managed to thrill
audiences. ET, however, is quite
different form the usual sci-fi
fare, and a must-watch for all
Presidencians. This is a movie to
phone home about with a very
simple plot. A fatherless boy,
Elliot (Henry Thomas), stumbles
upon a stranded alien in his
backyard and decides to help
him get home wherever home
might be, with the help of his
siblings. No adult male is even seen from the waist up until near
the end of the movie. ET, designed by Carlo Rambaldi, guarantees
our affection. And the special effects are amazing for you will
never forget Elliot frantically pedaling a flying cycle with ET sitting
in his front basket, silhouetted against a full moon!
Book Review
Written by Robin Sharma, this inspiring book provides a stepby-step approach to living with greater courage, balance,
abundance and joy. It's a wonderfully crafted fable that tells the
extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer, forced to tackle
the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life. On a life-changing
odyssey to an ancient culture, he discovers powerful, wise and
practical lessons that teach you to master your mind, follow
your purpose, practice Kaizen, live with discipline, respect your
time, selflessly serve others and embrace the present.
Nimish Devnani: 8A
Music Review
There's a new animated movie called 'Home' from Dream Works
and the popular singer Rihanna has sung a song called "Towards
the Sun" featuring sky high vocals, explosive backing music and
glitzy production.
Fitting for an animated film soundtrack, "Towards the Sun" is epic,
with choirs backing the singer in both the verses and choruses as
she sings about overcoming "being burned" and turning your face
towards the sun and carrying on, leaving the shadows far behind.
As the choruses reach high with optimism and hope, Rihanna
keeps things powerful in the verses, blasting in her lower base
voice before building in her volume and vocal steps, to reach the
peak of her alto.
Published & Printed by the Principal Pramod Kumar Ranwaka for Presidency School,Conceptualized by DIRECTOR Garima Singhvi,
Chief Editor Minnu Puri,Hindi Editor Seema Banvir, Designed by Pankaj Sharma
Student Writers: Nimish Devnani, Chandani Mehra, Vanshika Khosla, Akshit Rathi
E-mail : • website : • Mob : 8432230653,9667551090
Copy rights reserved. No part of this newsletter, may be used for any purpose without written consent of the Principal. This is solely for private circulation.

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