SINDH PUBLIC PROCUREMENT REGULATORY AUTHORITY CONTRACT EVALUATION FORM TO BE FILLED IN BY ALL PROCURING AGENCIES FOR PUBLIC CONTRACTS OF WORKS, SERVICES & GOODS SINDH BANK LIMITED/ADMINISTRATION l) NAME OF THE ORGANIZATION / DEPTT. 2) PROVINCIAL I LOCAL GOVT./ OTHER SCHEDULED BANK 3) TITLE OF CONTRACT Provision of Cash in Transit Services 4) TENDER NUMBER SNDB/CO[(ADM N/TD/595/20 5) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF CONTRACT Provision of Cash in Transit Services 6) FORUM THAT APPROVED THE SCHEME COMPETENT AUTHORITY/PROCUREMENT COMMITTEE 7) TENDER ESTIMATED VALUE Rs.77,0001 8) ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE (For civil works only) e) ESTIMATED I CGIPL (AS PER CONTRACT, l0) TENDER OPEIWD ON ffiTd& I ; 1 5 1 Year 01/07/2015 at 1 130 Hrs(Tech) 25/08/2015 at 1600 Hrs t) NUMBER OF (Attach list ofbuyers) 12) NUMBER OF BIDS l3) NUMBER OF BIDDERS PRESENT AT OPENING OF BIDS 15 t4) BID EVALUATION REPORT (Enclose a copy) Armour Pvt.Ltd 15) NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SUCCES Rs.16,01 16) CONTRACT AWARD PRICE r7) RANKTNG OF SUCCESSFUL BIDDER IN EVALUATI (i.e. I't,2"d,3'd EVALUATION l8) METHOD BID). M/s PhoenixArmour OF PROCUREMENT USED : - (Tick one) a) SINGLE STAGE _ ONE ENVELOPE PROCEDURE b) SINGLE STAGE _ TWO ENVELOPE PROCEDURE c) TWO STAGE BIDDING PROCEDURE d) TWO STAGE _TWO ENVELOPE BIDDING PROCEDURE PLEASE SPECIFY IF ANY OTHER METHOD OF PROCUREMENT WAS ADOPTED i.e. EMERGENCY, DIRECT CONTRACTING ETC. WITH BRIEF REASONS: U3 le) APPROVING AUTHORITY FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT COMPETENT AUTHORIry 20) WHETHER THE PROCUREMENT WAS INCLUDED IN ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN? Yesll/llNo 2I) ADVERTISEMENT: Yes SPPRA S. No:24597 (15/06/2015) SPPRA Website (If yes, give date and SPPRA Identification No.) No ii) News Papers (lfyes, give Yes newspapers and dates) Express Tribune, Daily Express & lbrat 1 5/06/201 5 No / ll rnt. 22) NATUREOF iTl'' ll 23) WHETHER QUALIFICA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / (lfyes, enclose a copy) Yesll/llNo 24) WHETHER BID EVALUATION CRITERIA WAS INCLUDED IN BIDDING / TENDER Yesll/llNo (lfyes, enclose a copy) 2s) WHETHER APPROVAL OF COMPETENT AUTHOR METHOD OTHER THAN OPEN COMPETITIVE BI FOR USING A 26) WAS BID SECURITY OBTAINED FROM ALL THE BIDDERS? Yesll/llNo 27) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BID WAS LOWEST EVALUATED BID / BEST EVALUATED BID (in case of Consultancies) Yes I 28) WHETHER THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WAS TECHNICALLY COMPLIANT? Yesll/llNo l/ llxo 2e) WHETHER NAMES OF THE BIDDERS AND THEIR QUOTED PRICES WERE READ OUT AT THE TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS? Yesl!/llNo 30) WHETHER EVALUATION REPORT GIVEN TO BIDDERS BEFORE THE AWARD CONTRACT? (Attach copy of the bid evaluation report) OF Yesll/llNo 213 3 I) ANY COMPLAINTS RECEIVED (lf Yes yes, result thereof) l\_o t---_- 32\ ANY DEVIATION FROM SPECIFICATIONS GIVEN IN THE TENDER NOTICE / DOCUMENTS (lfyes, give details) Yes No 33) WAS THE EXTENSION MADE IN RESPONSE TIME? (lfyes, give reasons) Yes No 31) DEVIATION F (lfyes, give detaSd read L-'- L- LIFreATION CRITERIA .): Yes l\_o 35) WAS IT ASSURED BY BLACK LISTED? \-..-- THAT THE 36) WAS A VISIT MADE BY ANY SUPPLIER'S PREMISES IN CONNECTION BE ASCERTAI\ED REGARDINGFINANCTNG (lfyes. enclose a copy) N q I PROCURING AGENCY TO THE IF SO, DETAILS TO AD: 37) WERE PROPER SAFEGUARDS PROVIDED ON THE CONTRACT (BANK CUARANTEE ETC.)? V V,ANCE PAYI\,IENT IN 38) SPECIAL CONDITIONS, IF ANY (lfyes, give Brief Description ) V-l 39)Date of Signature & Official Stamp Authorized Officer ft 7 28t09t201g c'7 ) a A/EVP/Head of Adm inistraiio'n SINDH BANK LTD. fi Tele: 021-9205356; 021-9205369 & F*r: 021-9206291 EEIEN@ 3/3 Securitv Alarm Svstem PAY ORDERSS.NO 01 02 AGENCY NAME Phoenix Armour Askari Guards Total Representative Name AMOUNT DEPOSITED M.Arif M.Azhar Ali 300 300 600 r* 25t06t2015 015 Eit!_Evr_Lualiso&oo rt Provision of Cash ln Transit Services. Bank Ltd I L Tender Rcfercncc No. l 'fsndcr 1 Method of Procurcment 5 Tender Publishcd sNDB/COK/ADMtN/Tp/5952q1 s Evaluation Transit Scrviccs. Singl. Stagc two Envclop Biddirg Proccdure SPPRA S,No: 2$97 Express Tribunr, Daily Express l5th June 2015) / SPPM S.No 6 Total Bid Documcnts Sold 02 'l Total Bids Rec.ived 02 8 'fcchnical Bid Opcning Datc & Time 0l/07,2015 al I ll0 Hrs. &'fime 25l0E/2015 al 1600 Hrs. Financial Bid Openins Date No. Of Bid quali,led l0 & Daily lbrst ( 0l Bid(s) Rejccted / Qudlilcd Ohjuati./ed NaN of Fb,n o. aud"t E gltllitr Conpdron yUh E dr',,d Ccd Total Rid O[.,.t Cot CrU.rla I 0 ll/a. Phoonlr Annour 1. (pvtl Ud, Qu.llfl.d. ObLlrrd 100* nafit ln r.la. Atlrrl Guaria Olaqu.llfi.d. Obbln.d l0* ll.rtr ln { R., 16.012.,0{ ouallff.d Only aach &ancn Evaluatlon z. J 8ldd.r ( Rt.77,00o) 5 it. C Herd of Admioistretion f Finracial OIIicer 1Mr. Saeed Jamal) Chlef Monager, IDBL (lvlr Syed Muhammad Aqeel) 6 Only balo{ lrra aauitdad qu.llll.d cott bldd.i gorng by urs I cconlcav r rnanclal Evalualion tsuxrE ov Lvalualton offcr€d in lhe lcndcr document, Ltd. stands as only Qualified Biddcr for provision ofCash in Transit Services. Chie lo, Flnrrclrl lld Not Op.ri.d ^!re'urrr8rv (Lr. Col (R). Shahzad Begg) ao.lur. Raetoit 5.1.v' -----r 4I/ Iw!' pUoooiiIrmiuffi TYPE OF PROCUREMENT / tT / coNsutlr.{r / HEota TENOER NAME TYPE OF TENOER srNGLE gI w/ GE-ONe EWEIOP€ ( SrNOtt SI G€-T\.,O ETaTELOPE / Yr.lO STAOE Ir"rro Stac€.rltro EIvELopE OPENING DATE l/,cr.llo'nr OPENING TIME A-ENDANCE (MEMBER PC) Haad otAdfil rlalo. CEal Frnano.l Olica. ChLt Uan.!f,r IOBL f,araart . aTTEiToANCE (REPS. OF BTODERS) rUr(t gros MUE b,[a( ,# eccepto roR EvaLUATrol 4. REI'ARI(S of EISM Znoe,,r:r hrnoul TOTAL EIOS REJECTEO H.rd . Adlninlttrrtion: Ctl.fFlnrIcc Om..r: ChlclMrnr8rr, IDBLr performa Serial No; Cl Bidder t f,,=u..,^ Drr{prioor far,l l-o, II*\ ftrrLr .lrn.[*o,or".r.IiL ilicnr ir uudlr4., Rour\r Obraiud lr c*e l'el: I huoe u nlaur n 6r 6rH --td I ..r.qrry:CLlErol It: (For coroaa,g ofrectr I hra!:rn.re: r rr Lrt ?I kucta nurd:ra.v) ia la, 0t 1lu ud rborr '{o >4< Brrl: ud rbor 05 Bu& ud rbor rnxLod !t . (- ,lrym c]old Lrrr: t0 nJnur 6rld i!,ttr lxr l0 Erldwr lq- t#:#firy*".m', rtr- rd rbqr 5 of :orgliaocc u o*L nlll !- .._-_r,_r .)it..tr!, Lxrr oflrcrporruo ro !r :ttrched d& r::rd tqr ..ct A.ugrr co*nrdBuL *B" rlrxpu -+t CrudlirrTuaorlu Lr I -rnc I ># Iartiw ]{ubr J l:rhrir: v{h, lr?ro{\.ebcb bru3 ulr:rd for pr,nr:16 j laarnorgr &1o1d L .-rd l'.b& ) __.:E p Let6crlr: SE(P w Al l0 La<:rc J !+ ).cr: lo 00 usprctros Fuu.ocral brd H..frHffi,ffi;' : Ad&t:,.a: Grr lrtrl,r.t .F ferur ( llp Anxtlr:urlocr poliq, thlJa .torrn (' "r' 1i: I ---* rotll rco,t H t,il ffi o.ch Cra6c:r .rl Atrll. i qrulig for p*ti.rprr.oS-Eil-G; M I }IEAD oF ADMIN r llqlJl ---_-______- IIrd. ( Aleagr 'D- Ausn inr€t &rr&;itl ta, l*p.crrr Locru* No L00 Ae!8t lT0IIClr lJO Nrl 'Uo.,Frc td rbor tor.tF lbdt lor 3 IO 9 phes i00 Locd oflu - $qr ud 07 Xersu ffiffitrHffi eborr J00 ,lt 4 ,.tricc of I, t0, 5 nuI 0 ( r fu 'c" J0 rad rborr c l 4o Audl Rrpoc 1tu ltnge of 50 rnd Yo< 5 Arrlrbihq.olpnpc 5 l of of 1lJ.\t rad :!grr pcr 1tu 4 Arri,lrbrlr!.of Soric rborr ptr Oo ra t0 { Oo ro arrragc :00 It rDd Signafure )tr I Serial No: OZ- U,OO", -E;;foul ILL So. !r!rtr .rn&lD!r .l ril.rsi .di.... b .(r .r. b Esd.brr. I! ..r o, u- ..+J..oE Elldlt I Y6 Ehsa.- ilt \ \TN C.r!6d. Ia( -lf D-l,!s{ ) AYdY B'.1: 6 cli-!n: v D' t0 -1b t)zgt Ar:J:lilityotSsho v Bu& E/ Oa f- t' .!o$ ,< )ru ,.rE L rE 0 Ed $dr o- cod.r rq. !lE' rul ?TCL !ud.: *ru E &!Fq ciA:d&G6 orL.:'ic Atrf.d roqint .ref rrb d.r!n a4 prsr rloosrid u7o!$[i6 ryt'5-@lG.rF.rr-fr 1.. ,r..t l0 &teU DG'L ritrt irt.Ftrt 6 1 l-F cr!'&r. t\ trrrtrlrr:r GrUiI. l 'dizd 4o s l0r \id{:U9 r C.dLrE t0 S!(? & AlE II! .r..r P.llcr -r lo Nd GCA,rD:i,lffi;-- Torrl \Irrlcr I00 rO !!El!AL!gI!: A.qNrro! o( i0!. ::urL1 of .lr robl rcor rrJI !t!tt. rh! uiaa.r qr,.ltilyE pb.3. of iq..tioo,f ia!.cid bid op.o!.r Mem bers - Procurement Committee vlt I HEAD OFADMIN 2 CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER 3 CHIE}'MANAGER, IDBL f p.ru;fiGffi ultiDrit. Frrhrn A'Slddtqul Op.r.tiont Divbion ( IIF I0 \ll:!€ l, yiri6 5 L -r >.( ) & ( tu& X,r.d d Ts R,ls ofh, , )'.r! u ltncr of 5C0 ),lrL bolr ( u rrtngc ol 100 M .Dd 4o /3 .c...Dl8EI. rlar llSI{uC 5 t .(f,l@r t ro.La &lr srrd ic.*t L.d6ro C, Os l0 I C-*@r :0 L: Gs !or&!!, ol .sl frB b ! !.!r 7J !'aL.: !! ,Edron) i! dmd &U ntu ]!r C@'lrtnr 1l. .(B B of ii6 6idc. i, rrsir{ lo t r&d b&I l rrCd Lfir oI Co+sy &d.'dor Lnrr I i.rcr * , Fhrrc. Divbion Sisnature ) t.f M r STT.-TDHBAI{K [rolvER To TtlE PronLE TENDER REF# SNDB/ADMIN/TD/s9s/201s Date: 09-09-2015 S.No Last tender Unit Price' Market Price Rs.15,012 Rs.15,712 Member Procurement Commlttee ,.^ri Head of Finance Division Current tender Price of Admin Divislon >G--l*.ottrr\s\rss'{\St\oSg Tender Publishcd Exprcss Tribune, Daily ExPrcss (l5th Junc 2015) / SPPM S.No @atlld / Dhqulid SNo Nama ofFinn ot Bddat & Daily lbnt ln Rt Tottl BU Co Pubon,cih Erdt od Crd ' Ratton lor rs ( R&77'000) acctgtaaccl 4 5 6 of CN ta.t OU.r.d ElgtUlltr Ctu.rl, Hng ln Ral@b rchdon fPrdng M3rlt I 0 Qurlltl.d' 1. Wa. Phoanlt Armour gwt) Ltd. Obtdn.d rfilrtt 100% ln Ev.lurUon wi. A.l.i 6u.dt Dl.qu.llfla.,. Obtrln.d 60% Mlrlr ln Evaluat on OnlY Rr. 16,012. tor aach granci Not coat 0nlY qu.lltl.d irtoooacd lor Coli.tcl Dldd.r Op.n.d do cultent, lws, Phoet rir ArrDour (Pvt) Ltd. stanrts as only Qualified Bidder for Provision of Cash il Transit ScrYiccs. iI c t-. Head of Administratiou (L1, Col (R). Shahzad Begg) Chief Financial Officer (lvIr. Saeed Jamal) Chief Manager, Bldd.7 tu. 80,91&. tia ndnat d balov, Fln.ncl.l Bld goirg by thc Ti (I&. Ourlm.d 1 IDBL Syed Mutrammad Aqeel) ^---r ^-. r, r^.^ \\ans\\SeN\ces ! I Provision of Cash in Transit Services Tt.6un€, Drily Erpr€ss & oailY lbrat f N;1154,. Er!r.tt Tender Published & SPPRA S No' Total Bid Documents Sold 27108/2014 at 1700llrs ;.r'il(.ln @ ' the above fechnlcollv Nonc ol Fi.not Biddet 5 belo$,: al Qudlilied 1. cost otf .rcd by the Bidd2t M/s. Phoenix Armour Pvt. tlfiotad $i 3 Qu.llll.d _ Obr.inld 80 * Rr.15,712l' in Ev.luatlon 2 ln Lowest Quellfied Bidder tu.20.900/- Ri. 24,28t gidder /' /' th! altimated co5t Proce!i 6frIEi Accordingly going bY the T the estimated cost. M.E rooq Operation Divi5lon E-b€r!:Pr9 cu rem He.d o, AdrniniJtr.tion llt. cot (R). shahzad Chief Fin.nci.l Be$] Otflc.r (Mr.5aeed Jamat) Chiet Manat!r. IOBL tt e tender' document, l" Lo\N.sl Qurliljed Biddtr Recomrnended lor Contract 2r Lowrst Qualilicd Biddcr M/s Phoenix Armou Plt. Ltd is also below of Cash in Transit Services for the Year 2014'2015 and stands as 1't Lowest qualilied Adrnin Divrsion itr 1 5 Below the estimatrd aost below Ourlified Remotks .ci.ctlon Rs.19,r@ Obrained 90 t( iI1 Evaluation Pekisl.n Pvt. Ltd oaaePtona 40,000/) Ltd Qu.li6ed cosa s 4 7 lot Comporbon wlth E cost Disqudlfied 1 0 / Rcosons li Ronking tc nt oJ itt e { Srssot1B,,ls{l( I>otvTR To T}IE PEoPLE TENDER REFS SNDB/ADMtN/TD/s9s/2015 Date: 09-09-2015 S.No Last tender Unit Price. Market Price Rs.15,712 Current tender price Rs.15,012 4 a.t4/ Head of Finance Divlslon of Admin Dlvlsl<ln I Sindh Bank Limited Tender Document 3 - Cash in Transit Services SCOPE OF WORK Sindh Bank Limited (SNDB) requires Cash-in-Transit Service for its 225 already in operations and 25 upcoming branches in country wide regions in year Z0l5-16. Requirement of service will be depended on the opening of the branches. A notice of 20 days be given prior to the opening of the branch and it will be expected that the services will be provided on the date ofthe opening ofthe branch. will 14 IN T*TUOTY OF $Pry1PPP MOHTARMA BENAZIR BHUTTO I [* \-, Stt IoHBANK POWER TO THE PEOPLE SN D B/C O K/A DMINN D/5 9 5 / 2 O 1 5 28/09/201 5 M/s. Phoenk Armour Pvt. Ltd, P&O Pla1a, I.I Chundrigar Road. Karachi Subject: Contract Award - Provision of Cash in Transit Services Dear Sir, The management of Sindh Bank Limited is pleased to qward the subject contrdct to M/s. Phoenk Armour Pvt. Lttl. Please acknowledge. Sincerely, For & behalf of Sindh Bank Limited, Sindh Bank l.rd, Head Office (arachi, 3rd Floor, Federation Houre, Abdullah 5hah Chazi Road. Clitton, ka'achi-7SGOo UAN i +92-21-r.t 1-333-225 Office : +92-2t-358 29320 | +92-21-3SE 29394 fax : +92-2115A 70543 Web : www.sindhbankltd,com A194332 /52 /?2/, i#3f,[5iltt^fr,wmrunnr ,adit ;rfi:,il ff yllfl u$"f ^ Il I lll I I lll lll II ll I ll I I ll ll I t ll ll I ll I I Il I ll lll tll 2015 fl tt:urc to tr.ollth wiii tlth , ,m','rl:r*r,lil,,l',1 /zt*"2 ,(y *= CASH IN TRANSIT AGREEMENT ThisAgreementismadeaton tnis 28 auyor 5&l- ,zots Between SINDH BANK LIMITED, banking company existing under companies ordinance 1984 and having its registered office at Sindh Bank Limited, Federation House, Clifton, Karachi, hereinafter referred to as the "Bank" (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context mean and include its successors - in interest and assigns) of the One part. AND M/S. Phoenix Armour (R/t) Ltd, a Company incorporated under the laws of pakistan and having its registered office at P & O Plaza I.I Chundrigar Road Karachi, Pakistan through its Deputy General Manager Marketing, Mr. Junaid Ismail Ahmed having CNIC No. 42301-8177lO8-9-hereinafter referred to as"Phoenix Armour"(Which expression shall unless repugnant to the context mean and include his respective heirs, legal representatives, executors and assigns) of the other part. acquire the services of Phoenix Armour for transportation services of Cash Il"j= / Lneques /ILITII]!t:nq*o Securities and Phoenix Armour agrees to provide the said services to the gank in accordance with the standard and instructions given by the Bank on the terms and conditions mentionea treieunoer,- .' All terms and conditions of the te.ier document will remain part of this agreement. The Supplier also undetakes to bear all kind of taxes i.e. Stamp duty/ charges/Professional rax / sares Tax Invoice, Income Tax, zira octroi rax I tii anvl ano incidental charges etc., up to the place of destinauon. provide/instafled on due date (date given on suppry order) a fine of Rs.5, per day will be deduced from the bill If the item is not EFFECTIVE DATE OF AGREEMENT! This Agreement shall be effective from effective date as mentioned above. _and shall remain in force ONE year from the qY t2l This Services and charges shall be governed as per schedule incorporated as Annexure "A":- 1. That Phoenix Armour agrees to call for Sealed shipment which may inter alia contain moneys, Cheques and or securities according to the schedule mentioned herein below and give proper receipt thereof and to deliver the same in like conditions to a designated consignee against proper receipt. 2, The list of Branches of the Bank mentioned in Annexure - B is of the present branches. The Phoenix Armour shall provide Services for bEnches that may be subsequently opened by the Bank and for offsite ATl4s that may be installed by the Bank d'rring the tenure of the Agreement; the names and locations of which shall be notified to the Phoenix Armour from time That in the event of inclement weather or some other irregularities, performance shall be as mutually agreed upon. The proposed procedure for cash transportation service under this Agreement is enclosed as Annex "C". 3. 4. (a) That Phoenix Armour has agreed to assume entire liability for any loss of any shipment upto and inciuding the maximum amount stated under the schedule of this Agreement. Phoenix Armour's liability shall commence when any shipment has been received into Phoenix Armou/s possession and shall terminate when same has b€en delivered to the designated consignee or returned to the consignor in the event that delivery cannot reasonably be made. It is specifically understood and agreed that the Phoenix Armou/s maximum liability for any loss of any shipment is up to (but not exceeding) aforesaid liability. (b) It is understood and agreed that in performing the services described herein above, Phoenix Armour to ascertain the contents of any shipment received by the Phoenix shall have no responsibility no liability for any shortage claimed within any distinctively and Amour hereinabove and shall assume securely sealed shipment picked up by Phoenix Armour, (c) A "distinctively and securely sealed shipmenf is one whereby the container (s), used to hold the property to be transported should be closed fastened with the device having distinguishing mark that can be clearly se€n and recognized as the consignor's special mark The said device i5 attached to a container so that the property is enclosed and firmly fixed therein and said device cannot be removed and reapplied to the container (s) without leaving visible external evidence of tempering with the container (s) (s). to (d) mean any sealed items received by One "shipment" as used herein, shall be deemed Phoenix Armour at the same time at one location from a single consignor which is or are the subject of consignment for delivery to another location. (e) Phoenix Armour will reimburse the amount lost by it due to a criminal attack on it during the service, to the Bank within seven days from the date of proof of loss. (D Phoenix Armour in performing the services described hereinabove will exclusively use a skin vehicle under any circu vehicle designed specifically for this purpose and will not use shall obtain and maintairi A the Agreement insurance payable to Phoenix Armour at all times during such risks as shall cover the liability the Phoenix Armour 6. Phoenix Armour shall not be liable delays not caused by Phoenix Armour's / used by strikes lockoub or other labour disturbances, riots, authority of law, acts of God or means beyond Phoenix Armour's control: but Phoenix Armour agrees to be liable for the safety of any property received into its possession at any time not to exceed the maximum amount stated under the schedule hereof. fault or neglect, nor for non-performance ;torr..JE q (3) 7. Bank has agreed to declare to Phoenix Armour contents and / or the value of each sealed shipment be transported in the event of claim for loss under this Agreement. Bank shall promptly and diligently , assist Phoenix Armour to establish the identity of the properfy lost or destroyed and take such other to steps as may be necessary to assure the maximum amount of salvage at minimum cosu affirmative written proof of maximum amount of salvage at minimum cost; affirmative written proof of the property lost or destroyed shall be furnished to Phoenix Armour and said proof of loss, subscribed and sworn by Bank, shall be substantiated by the books, records and accounts of Bank. 8. (a) This Cash in transit Agreement may be altered, amended or superseded by mutual understanding in writing by parties hereto. (b) The parties may be by mutual consent in writing renew the agreement from time to time for such periods and on such terms and conditions as may be agreed between two parties. (c) The illegality or non validity of any paragraph, clause or provision contained in this Agreement shall not affect or invalidate the remainder of Agreement. Also in the event of any legal action by Phoenix Armour or Bank to enforce any of the provisions hereunder, then the unsuccessful party to such extent shall pay to the prevailing party therein all court costs and reasonable attorney's fees as fixed or allowed by the court. 9. The Phoenix Armour crew (guards) will not be responsible for any shortage or wrong denomination in the packets. If there are any dascrepancies within the packet or shortage in the bag then the receiving branch would refer the matter to the consignor without breaking the packet. 10. The Phoenix Armour will supply computerized numbered plastic seal. 11. The bag for all transactions will be provided by Phoenix Armour and will remain their property. 12. Pavment Schedule: Bill will only be processed on the basis of following conditions:Certificate of satisfaction from the Branch Manager. a. 13. Performance Guarantee: of the total tender amount of will be retained by the Bank as "Performance Security" and returned to the supplier after 90 days of supply of complete tender items, including confirmation by the branch managers, where the equipment's have been supplied, 5olo lil)i /9 14. Authorized Representative: Any action required or permitted to be taken, and any document required or permitted be executed under thls agreement by the Bank or the Supplier may be taken or executed by the officials. 15. Termination of Aqreement bv the Bank: If the Supplier, in the judgment of the Bank has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing the Agreement. If, as the result of Force Majeure, the Supptiertlltoe A a period of not less than thirty (30) daVs; and--$ If the 8ank, in its sole discretion If issued two bidder. a material portion of the Services for . , decided to terminate this Agreement. (2) warning letter/e-mails for its unsatisfactory performances to the 4js ;1 la A"--4r 4Y (4) 16. Goods Faith: The Parties undertake to act in good faith with respect to each other's rights under this agreement and to adopt all reasonable measures to ensure the realization of the objectives of this agreement. 17, Settlement of Disputes: The Parties agree that the avoidance or early resolution of disputes is crucial for a smooth execution of the Agreement and the success of the assignment. The Parties shall use their best efforts to settle amicably all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Agreement or its interpretation. If Parties fail to amicably settle any dispute arising out of or in connection with the Agreement within (10) days of commencement of such informal negotaations, the dispute shall be referred to arbitration of two arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party, in accordance with the Arbitration Act, 1940, Venue of arbitration shall be Karachi, Pakistan and proceedings of arbitration shall be conducted in English. 18. Conflict of Interest: The Supplier shall hold the Bank's interests paramount, without any consideration for future work, and strictly avoid conflict with other assignments or their own corporate interests. Support Escalation Matrix: For timely addressing of complaints given support escalation matrix will be utilized/followed:Name/Designation LEVEL.l (suDDort staffl First complain if the call is not Landline Phone "within spe€ified response time" resolved (24 hours) LEVEL-2 Second complain, if the call is attended within "Specifi ed Response Time" and not attended / or the problem still unresolved even after complaining at Level-l (48 hours) LEVEL.3 Third complain, if the call is attended within "Specified Response Time" and not attended /or the problem still unresolved even after complaining at LeveF2 Email Mr, Bilal Shakeel / BDE 111-288-288 Bila l. sha keel@ kh i. ohoenix.com. pk Cell 033t2079523 Name/Designation (Reoional Head/Manaoer/GM) Muhammad Aril Azmil Manaqer Marketinc Landline Phone 32401688 Email citsales@khi.phoenir.corn16 03008297149 Cell Name/Designation (CEO of the firm) Mr, Junaid L Ahmed Marketino iffi O3 / DGP\ ftv Email 32446531 jiahmed@khi.phoenix.com.pk Cell 0333-3485169 Landline Phone ET}\ Note: Ensure that no column above io left blank .c$,0s Cont....P/5 ryl (s) IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the date first written Here in above. --'t\ Designation: DGM Marketino Designation: Company Name: Phoenix Armour (M.) Ltd. Address: P & O Plaza, I.I. Chundrigar Road, Address: P Ka &O Plaza, I.I. Chundrioar Road, Karachi rachi. L Customer Shahzad Begg Designation: Head of Administration Name: Company Name: Sgh EAnk LllnitCd Address Federation House, Sindh Bank Ltd, Head Office Karachi Company Name: Sindh Bank Limited Address:@ Ltd. Head Office, Karachi Stamp: Witness: Signature Name: M Designation : v.P. Administration w qy Annexure-A SCEHEDULE SERVICE DAY OR DATE of Cash from State Bank of Collection your nominated Bank Branch and delivery Pakistan / to Sindh Bank Branch. Transportation EXTENT OF LIABILITY As and Rs.270 when required during bank hours million per armoured CHARGES Charges per service upto Rs. One Million and Rs. 0.15 per thousand rupees on amount in excess of Rs. One Million. Vehicle. of cash Bank branches or b€tween Sindh between Sindh Bank branches and -do- Within 30 Kms -do- Rs. 750/- its customer. Between 31-50 Kms Rs. 1600/Between 51 - 100 kms Rs. /2200- Between 101- 150 Kms Rs,3400/Service between different cities (Domestic Service). -do- -do- As per Annexure "A" ADDMONAL DECLARATIONS: - The above mentioned distance shall be counted from the Phoenix Armour office delivery point. / Base Sealing Chargesl Rs,28/- each. Vault Charges: Karachi: Rs. 500/- per night per night per consignment Lahore Rs. (if required) / Islamabad / Rawalpindi: looo/- per night per consignment (if required) Hydera bad/Sukku r/ La ra n a / pesfr" r""\.(Qri: Guiranwala/ R.Y. Khan/ Sialkot: i 0F $\tint']i .,,) /SahiwaUBahawalpur/ Rs. 1500/- per night per consignment (if required) Holidav Charoes: The per sewice. Base charges mentioned in the column of "charges,, of ..schedule,, except the charges of Annexure "A" shall be doubled during holldays or after normal banking hours. ql SINDH BANK LIMITED LIST OF BRANCHES S, Annexure-B Branch Name KARACHI BRANC ROUP BUSINESS HEAD SOUTH OFFICE 0341 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 '12 0329 0360 0364 0302 0303 0318 0366 0325 0357 0338 18 0304 0349 0321 0335 0343 0305 0337 19 031 13 '14 '15 16 17 '1 20 0306 21 0301 22 0323 0307 24 0332 0348 26 27 28 29 30 JZ 34 36 38 40 41 5301 0354 0308 0359 0345 0339 0330 4322 0344 0352 0316 0347 0333 0328 0317 0319 42 0324 43 0355 0310 0353 0358 44 45 46 47 I 03/2 BAHADURSHAH ZAFAR I\4ARKET BRANCH BUFFERZONE NAGAN CHOWRANGI BRANCH BAHAOURABAD BRANCH BHAINS COLONY BRANCH CLIFTON BRANCH COURT ROAD BRANCH CLOTH I\i]ARKET BRANCH CH. KHALIQ.UZ-ZAMAN ROAD BRANCH DHORAJEE BRANCH DHA PHASE-II BRANCH DHA Phase-lV DHA 26'N STREET BRANCH GARDEN EAST BRANCH GOLE t/ARKET BRANCH GULISTAN.E.JOHAR BRANCH GULSHAN-E.HADEED BRANCH GULSHAN.E-IQBAL BRANCH GULSHAN-E.I\,IAYMAR BRANCH GIZRI BRANCH HYDERI BRANCH .I. CHUNDRIGAR ROAD BRANCH JAMSHED QUARTER BRANCH JODIA BAZAR BRANCH KARACHI ADMINISTRATION SOCIETY BRANCH KHAYABAN-E-ITTEHAD BRANCH KHAYABAN-E.ITTEHAD ISLAI\4IC BANKING BRANCH KHAYABAN.E-SHAHBAz BRANCH KORANGI INDUSTRIAL AREA BRANCH KEHKASHAN CLIFTON BRANCH LANDHI BRANCH LEA MARKET BRANCH. KARACI-II LIAQUATABADBRA_ M,A.JINNAHW MALIR CANTT. BRANCH l\ilEH[,lOODAffi MEMON GOTH BRANCH METROVILLE I\4OHAMMAD ALI SOM NEWCHALLIffi NEW KARACHI BRANCH NORTH KARACHI INDUSTRIAL AREA NORTH NAPIER ROAD BRANCH NORTH N PAPER MARKET BRANCH PECHS CO PIAEMPLOYEESCO-OM iPtB COL - OUE irsu 56 59 I 60 I 61 | 62 I 63 I U I -l 0363 ),^--,di zo. + 03.13 0315 0331 0320 s;/', 0346 +t .,- NIERIOR SINDH ARANCHS 1 0124 BADAH BRANCH 2 0409 BADIN BRANCH 3 4091 BAWANISUGAR MILLS - SUA,SRANCH BHAN SAEEDAAAD BRANCH BERANI BRANCH CITIZEN COLONY, HYDERABAD BRANCH DADU BRANCH OADU SUGAR MILLS - SUB BRANCH 4423 7 0435 0427 0106 8 9 0115 10 4428 DIGRI BRANCH 11 0121 GAMBAT BRANCH 5 6 1061 DAHARKIBRANCH 12 4429 GHARO BRANCH 13 0110 14 15 16 17 0128 0432 GHOTKIARANCH GHOUSPUR BRANCH GHARI KHATA BRANCH Q402 0401 SADDAR HYDERABAD ARANCH HALA BRANCH 18 0430 ISLAMKOT BRANCH 19 0I9 2A 0431 21 0433 22 23 24 25 01M 26 27 4126 4492 28 29 30 31 0403 o417 0434 0107 JACOBABAD BRANCH JAMSHORO ARANCH JOURNALIST SOCIETY BRANCH KANDHKOT BRANCH KANDIARO BRANCH KASHMORE BRANCH KHAIRPUR ERANCH KHAIRPUR NATHAN SHAH BRANCH XHOSKI SUGAR I\,IILLS - SUB BRANCH KOTRI BRANCH KUNRIARANCH 32 0418 33 34 35 36 0426 o415 0122 37 38 39 4A 0129 0118 0102 aL21 0116 0404 0410 KHIPRO BRANCH LARKANA BRANCH LATIFABAO HYDERABAO BRANCH MARKET AREA, HYDERABAD ARANCH MATIARIBRANCH I\4EHAR BRANCH MILITARY ROAD SUKKUR BRANCH MIRPUR MATHELO BRANCH MIRPURKHAS BRANCH IVITHIBRANCH 41 0/-21 0132 42 0l01 43 45 46 0105 0134 0103 0125 4123 IVORO BRANCH IT4EHRABPUR BRANCH NAUDERO BRANCH NAUSHAHRO FEROZ ERANCH NASIRABAD BRANCH PANO AOIL BRANCH PIR JO GOTH BRANCH OAI\iIBAR ERANCH 48 q405 QASIIt,4ABAD, HYDERAAAD BRANCH 49 0130 QAZIAHI\,1ED BRANCH RATODERO BRANCH 4120 4425 4424 ROHRIBRANCH SAEEDAEAD BRANCH 50 51 52 all 54 0413 55 944 56 57 58 0109 Q113 SAKRANDBRANCH _-------- SANGHAR BRANCH SAJAWAL SEHWAN BRANCH -_-------BRANCH _-------- sHrKqRpuRBRANCf----------- :":--- sel 4114 at 08 60 0410 ffi SHAHDADPURBRM 61 04 t1 SHAHE 62 63 64 '1141 0436 66 67 E D BENAZI RABA-D-6Fii.T rANDO MUHAMMAD KHAN 68' 65' n n 72 ffi ffi ffi ffi F ffi ffi 3 M ffi ER;N;;....-- ql PUNJAB BRANC :S GROUP BUSINESS HEAD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0658 0613 0610 0668 0605 0601 't2 0602 0623 0607 0650 0657 uozo 13 0621 't4 061 15 UOOJ to 0631 17 18 19 0603 I o 10 1 20 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 JI 32 u Jt) 37 38 1 0r 0648 0617 0636 0654 0604 0660 0903 0606 0662 5602 0634 0635 0632 0614 0639 0640 0665 0664 0616 0622 39 0608 41 0638 0643 0647 0669 0620 COUJ 42 43 44 45 46 47 0612 0645 48 0642 49 52 0653 560'l 0666 0649 54 0641 55 56 57 50 51 0644 ot 0646 0609 0627 0630 0655 0619 0615 0633 0637 0628 0625 0659 0629 68 69 0624 70 0670 58 59 OU 6'l 62 63 64 65 oo 651 - NORTH ALI PUR CHATHA BRANCH ALLAMA IQBAL TOWN BRANCH, LAHORE ASHRAFABAD BRANCH, DISTRICT BAHAWALPUR ALI WALA BRANCH BAHRIA TOWN LAHORE BRANCH BLUE AREA ISLAMABAD BRANCH BANK ROAD RAWALPINDI BRANCH BURKI BRANCH CHAK GHANIAN, DISTRICT GUJRAT CHICHAWATNI BRANCH CHINIOT BRANCH CHUNG BRANCH LAHORE CIRCULAR ROAD BRANCH, LAHORE DALWAL, CHAKWAL BRANCH DAVIS ROAD BRANCH, LAHORE DERA GHAZI KHAN BRANCH DHA BRANCH, LAHORE DHA PHASE-V, LAHORE BRANCH DHA PHASE-VI LAHORE E.11 BRANCH, ISLAMABAD FAISALABAD BRANCH FEROZEPUR ROAD BRANCH G,T, ROAD GUJRANWALA BRANCH O MANDI BRANCH GILGIT BRANCH GHURKI BRANCH, LAHORE GHARI SHAHU BRANCH GHORI TOWN PHASE IV _ RAWALPINDI ISLAMIC BANKING HARAPPA BRANCH JEHLUM BRANCH JANDIATA DHABWATA BRANCH JOHAR TOWN BRANCH. LAHORE KALRA KHASA BRANCH KUNJAH BRANCH KASUR BRANCH KHANEWAL BRANCH LALAMUSA BRANCH LIDHAR BRANCH LILA BRANCH. DISTRICT JEHLUI\4 tA\rluA I r(IrAU OAn|VVAL - toLrtlvll\, OA|\i\ \\J Or1 MULTAN BRANCH MANAWALA BRANCH DISTRICT SHEIKHUPURA MIAN CHANNU BRANCH MAIN BOULEVARD DHA LAHORE BRANCH I\4UREE ROAD BRANCH, RAWALPINDI I\4AIN BOULEVARD GULBERG BRANCH, LAHORE /+ o/ zl t-o\ I\4OHLANWAL BRANCH I\4ORR AIN4ANABAD BRANCH MUGHAL PURA BRANCH MALL ROAD LAHRE _ ISLAI\,4IC BANKING BRANCH [TOUZA GOJRA BRANCH NANKANA SAHIB BRANCH OKARA BRANCH PECO ROAD BRANCH LAHORE PESHAWAR ROAD PINDI BAHAUDDIN PWD HOUSING SOCIETY RAHIM YAR KHAN RA|W|ND BRANCH RAWLPINDI ,.,J BRANCH I ISLAMABAD / BRANCH r' " LAHORE .// SARGODHA BRANCH SATGARAH DISTRICT OKARA SIALKOT BRANCH SHAHRAH.E-FATIMA JINNAH BRANCH TARAMARI BRANCH ISLA[4ABAD TOBA TEK SINGh BRANCH VILLAGE KAHNA BRANCH WAH CANTT RAWALPINDI BRANCH WALTON ROAD LAHORE WAPDA TOWN LAHORE BRANCH qr KPK & NI RPUR AJK 1 0804 2 5801 3 0802 0806 0805 0808 5 6 7 0901 8 0902 9 0807 10 0801 11 0803 ABBOTIABAD BRANCH ASHRAF ROAD PESHAWAR - ISLAMIC BANKING BR G,T, ROAD PESHAWAR BRANCH HAYATABAD. PESHAWAR BRANCH KARKHANO MARKET ARANCH PESHAWAR KOHAT BRANCH IVIRPUR AZAD KASHMIR BRANCH I\4UZAFFARABAD SRANCH MEHRAN ARANCH PESHAWAR BRANCH UNIVERSITY ROAD PESHAWAR ARANCI.] BALAO E191AN 5 0701 6 0702 7 0708 CHAMAN BRANCH DERA MURAD JAMALI BRANCH GAWADAR BRANCH HUB BRANCH JINNAH ROAD OUETTA BRANCH LIAQAT BAZAR QUEETA SIRKI ROAD QUETTA BRANCH 8 0704 ZHOB BRANCH 3 4 0703 0705 0706 4707 1 2 UPCOMING ERANCHES 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 I Rashid [,4inhas Road KaGchi Karimabad Karachi Civic Center Karachi i/alir Cily Karach I\,lodel Colonv IBB Karachi Disco Bakery IBB Karachi Larkana Sindh l\,,latli oist Tando Muhammd Khan Khanpur I\Iehar Dist Gholki 20 Faisal Town Lahore villaqe l\Iinhata Lahore Cantl Villaoe Chunrava Lahore Samanabad l8B Lahore Guirat IBB Bahawalpur l8B SheikhuDura IBB Mardan IBB Dadya|AJK IBB Rawla Koi AJK Haroonabad Bahawalnagar 21 0adirabad 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Depalpur 23 24 25 F-11 Markaz lslamabad Khanpur Dist.Rahim Yar Khan \I --..!;i:/ q{ Annexure-C PROCEDURE TO BE AOOPTED BY SINDH BANK LIMITED AND M/S PHOENIX ARMOUR (PVT) LTD FOR CASH IN TRANSIT SERVICE 1. 2, 3. 4' Branches would send their requisition for cash a day in advance, to the feeding branch and the feeding branch turn will inform the Phoenix Armour operations in the afternoon requesting for cash to be delivered the next morning. In addition requisition can also be received on the day of requirement. in Bags will be prepared with cash for those branches requiring cash. Phoenix Armour staff collecting the consignment would collect sealed bags. Once the cash has been correctly counted and is placed in the PHOENIX ARMOUR orange canvas bag, it will sealed by Bank's authorized cashier with a plastic numbered seal of PHOENIX ARMOUR. . be The cash to be collected from bank would be 100 pcs each duly wrapped with a covering slip duly endorsed by the bank. Note' There are no two PHOENIX ARMOUR Plastic Seals with the same number. This is to guard against fraud and tampering. The seal is pulled tlght on the neck of the bag. 5. 6. 7' 8. 9. The shipment receipt ls prepared in triplicate stating the point of collection and point of delivery i.e. feeding and receiving branches, the date and the time the consignment is collected by the PHOENIX ARMOUR staff and then delivered to the consignee. There are five columns in the receipt i.e. each column is meant for one bag and therefore, if five bags are carried then each individual bag, seal number and value is entered separately. T-he name and signature of the person preparing and handing over the bag to PHoENIX ARMOURS crew (guard ) is obtained on the left hand corner of the receipt. The reieipt states the full value of one or more bags which is considered as one consignment. A separjte shipment receipt will be made for each branch. When the PHOENIX ARMOUR staff receives the consignment, one person signs while, the second person sign as witness to the signature. At the.time of the delivery to the Branch, the bag is taken and placed on the counter \ authorized cashier of the receiving branch along with one other authorized person of inspects the bag and the sear to ensure that it ia intact and cuts the prastic sear and the bundfe count. If the bundle count is correct and the bundles infuA, signs receipt while the second persons signs as witness. ui 10, iuM The PHoENIX ARMoUR crew (guards) wil not be responsibre for any shortage or wrong denomination in the packets .If there aie any discrepancies within the pac'ket orcni,,t gu in ilE bag, then the receiving branch would refer the matter to the consignor Urancn wi6out the packet. 11. iiearint This. entire process of preparation, receipt and delivery qf consignment will also undertaken In the reverse direction when the branches have excess cas{to send to the related cash feedinq Centre. , -#; ry l2l PHOENIX ARMOUR working hours are from 09:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. Cash to be distributed to the branches should be delivered to them as early as possible in the morning in order to avoid delays in the delivery. 13. In case of an adhoc requirement which comes up at Bank branches requiring immediate cash because of heavy withdrawals, it will be catered to by PHOENIX ARMOUR on receipt of telephone call at the PHOENIX ARMOUR Operations Centre. L4, It is requested that the bank's branches should ensure that their next morning cash requirement given to PHOENIX ARMOUR Operations on telephone a day earlier for early preparation a delivery the next day. Further they should indicate collection of excess cash by 13:00 hours so the charted pattern is followed when collecting cash. ,W \q@