March 2014 - American Friends of the Brunner Cropper Club
March 2014 - American Friends of the Brunner Cropper Club
AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THE BRUNNER CROPPER CLUB The club dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the Brunner Cropper in the USA March 2014 Newsletter Fred Maenpa - President Helen Symington – Bulletin Editor Presidents Message What a year 2013 turned out to be for the AFBCC and our members across the country. In the west we were blessed with a winter with temps in the 70’s and 80’s. On the other hand our members in the mid west and east were dealing with very cold temps and unusually heavy snow fall. As spring approaches I am hoping for an end to the cold temps and in much of the country and a little rain fall here in the west. I would like to welcome our newest members and thank the Officers and irectors for a job well done in 2013. We now have a new Canadian Director, Glyn Yuhas. Glyn and his wife attended the National in OKL and he is looking forward to supporting the AFBCC and promoting the Brunner’s in Canada. Our club will support their shows and offer AFBCC awards as the need develops. Once again the AFBCC has affiliated with the NPA. We support their efforts and encourage everyone to join the NPA and be a part of the National Organization that is working hard to promote our hobby across the country. Our 2014 club bands are sold out. Thanks to everyone for your orders and following through with your payments. The 2014 bands display the club letters “AFBCC” and were offered in size 7 and 8. We sold 1400 bands in 2014 and are now taking orders for 2015. Our clubs band order is due with a 50% deposit, on or before April 1st. If you are interested in bands for next year please let me know ASAP. I will base the 2015 band order on the number of bands sold this year. The NPA lists Brunner’s under size 7, but many or our members, myself included, prefer size 8. I raise other clean leg pouters and use the same size band on all my clean leg breeds. Let me know how many you would like and the size for 2015. Our bands are NPA bands and allowed at all NPA shows. Remember, our clubs band order is due April 1st. This bulletin includes a number of additions and items of interest for all club members. A photo of each of our officers and directors is now included as part of their report. We felt it would be great to have a picture of the writer next to their article. Maybe this will help you to identify our officers and directors at future shows. This bulletin also includes a rough draft of a proposed AFBCC Constitution and By-Laws. Please look it over and send all comments and recommendations to me ASAP. If you would like to be a part of the Committee to develop our Constitution please let me know. If we do not hear from our members the job will go to the Officers and Directors. This same proposed draft was published in 2000, but there is no record of a final document being developed. We need everyone’s input. This is your club, supporting your breed and we invite your comments. Please help us with your input. Another item included in this bulletin is a reprinted article from a 2000 AFBCC publication by Wolfgang Schreiber on “White barred Brunner’s”. It was translated by Melvin Ziehl in 1996 and should be of interest to all AFBCC members. A few of our members are working on white bars and we are seeing an increase in numbers, as well as the quality of the white bars at our club sponsored shows. Look over the article and congratulate our members working on this time consuming project. Our next bulletin is scheduled for June and will include a discussion on AOC’S. This topic was brought up in the past and a number of replies were turned over to me at the OKL National. While on the topic of the OKL National I was please to see so many AFBCC Officers, Directors, and Members in attendance. I was able to take pictures of many of our members and their birds. The 2015 National will be in Ontario, CA. and another huge pouter show is expected. The last California National, in San Diego drew over 600 pouters and 150 plus Brunner’s. More on the 2015 National will be published in the next two bulletins later this year. In closing, I would like to remind everyone about our club stickers. Each member is given two and additional stickers are available for $1.00 each. If you have not received your stickers please contact your District Director or let me know. I would be happy to send them out to you. Also, don’t forget to mail all dues to our Sec/Treas. Mike Hughes. Mike has our current records and membership lists and his address is listed on the Officers and Directors page in this bulletin. If your bulletin arrives by snail mail and you have a current email address please let me know. Our bulletin goes out in full color to your email address and in b/w if sent out by snail mail. Some of the email addresses we had listed are not working. Please update your email addresses if needed. I wish everyone a great breeding season in 2014 and hope the cold weather this past winter has not Caused you too many problems. Let’s all keep in touch and promote our Brunner’s whenever possible. Thanks for being a part of the AFBCC. Fred Maenpa President, AFBCC Glyn Yuhas, New Canadian Director Layne Gardner, AFBCC Member and World Famous Photographer Southern Directors Report Here in the Southern District we are freezing cold for a couple of days and then spring-like for a couple of days. Needless to say this means it is too early for pairing the birds up for the 2014 season. The Oklahoma City National is now history and with winter as described, I can only wait with anticipation for what is to come. We missed those of you who were not at the National, but we did not allow that to keep us from having a good time. I can only say we wished all of you could have been there. We had a good overall pouter and cropper show. I believe the total number was just over 400 birds with about 15 or 16 breeds represented. The quality of the birds was very good and all the judges did a good job of passing judgment. The final lineup was amazing and the winning exhibitors are to be congratulated. Charlie Rowe had the champion bird with an Old German Cropper. The top eight birds were recognized, but I will have to apologize because I don't remember the rest of the lineup. As for the Brunner’s, there were 74 birds shown by eight exhibitors. Fred Maenpa had champion with a young white hen and second reserve with a young black tiger hen. Bob Bollinger won reserve champion with a young yellow hen. All three birds were very nice Brunners. Unfortunately, I had to scratch all my birds due to some illness that befell my birds after our local show in early December. I lost enough birds that it hurt my breeding season for this coming year. But thanks for help from friends like Jim Clinton and Fred Maenpa I should be able to bounce back once again. If I don't then it is my own fault. The best part of any show for me is to get to visit with other pigeon friends. The National is the only time I get to visit in person with our club members Charlie Rowe, Mike Hughes, Fred Maenpa and Wes Pfadenaur. Unfortunately, we all live too far from each other. On the flip side of that, several of us who do live fairly close to one another, Al Fowler, Barry Ward and I stay in touch on a regular basis. This communication is what helps keep the pigeon hobby alive for me between the shows. Our pouter show held with the Oklahoma Pigeon Association in December was a success. The pouter and cropper entries once again won our Mid-South Club the honor of being the largest specialty club entered at the show. The Brunner entry was the largest of the pouter breeds, and I was lucky to win champion Brunner and champion overall with a young blue bar hen (still alive). The story behind this particular blue bar hen is probably not all that different from some birds the rest of you have raised. She came from a black cock that mated up with a blue bar hen in the spare bird loft. The pair layed on the floor and raised this bird. This makes me wonder if I should just let the birds decide on their own mates. They did better than I. At this show we displayed the new banner of the Brunner Club. We displayed it on a stand that stood on the floor, but for the National I made some short legs for the stand and we displayed the banner from the top of the holding cages with much better effect. This coming year at our Oklahoma show, I plan to display the banner from the top of the holding cages of the Brunners. I believe it will draw much more attention and serve as good advertisement for our birds and club by placing it on top of the cages. This is it for now. I'm sure everyone is looking forward to this breeding season. I am going to be using fewer pairs, but I feel that I have just as much chance to raise a few good ones, and after all it only takes one, right! Best to all and hope everyone is blessed with good health and success. Gerald Butler Southern Director Western Directors Report J&J Lofts It's January out west and we are in one of the driest winters in history. The dry weather has everyone concerned. The framers rely on winter snow for summer irrigation of crops. We don't get any rain during summer months so irrigation is a must. Some farmers have deep wells to use but they are expensive to run, other rely on canal water delivered from the stored snow run off and it will be in short supply this year. The cattle men are looking at range land barren of grass. Retired people that live outside the city, like me, and use their own private well for water have to be thinking they could go dry. Enough about the weather and on to the pigeons. The show season is over and the breeding season is getting started. We have two great pouter shows in California, The Great Western and The Pageant of Pigeons. Both shows are run very well and are a pleasure to go. The California pouter breeders fine good competition at both shows. I think a person could get loft blind pretty easy if you didn't see other breeder’s birds, I know I do. Fred Manepa reports that he has some pairs together and a couple squabs band. He some crowed conditions right now that we will clear up soon then he can get rolling on the breeding. Fred has quite a few colors and breeds form a lot of pairs. He built a new loft over the winter that turned out very nice. It makes me ashamed of my five lofts. He did end up with less loft space however, not sure how that happened. Cory hays and his son Connor are under way with their season I think he said he had six band as of the first week of Feb. Conner has been showing at some local shows and winning them so he is charged up. Gerald Butler says the weather is very cold in Texas so he is waiting for a warm up to get started. Jeff Young has a new loft so he should be well on his by now. I have band nine birds and have more in the nest a few days from being band. We did get a few drops of rain to start Feb. The weather was in the low seventies and dropped to the mid-fifties and when that happens many of my birds just walk away from their nest and I loose the eggs. This has happened twice now. I think it's because I breed from so many young birds. I have been saying that I was going to cut back on my birds for the last couple years. This time for sure. After this season I will cut back to only the self colors, red, yellow, black and white. I plan to only breed three pairs of each color. I'll keep some of the ash red to use in crossing with the other colors. I have breed from thirty to thirty five pairs in the past and this year so cutting back to twelve pair will be a big change. I also will cut back on shows. I'll show at the Pageant and the Great Western but not on a regular basis as I have been. Waiting for the shows use to make me feel like a kid waiting for Christmas morning but I don’t enjoy them as much as I use to. I think it has a lot to do with the difficultly I have sleeping. After two shoulder injuries I can only sleep in a recliner. I plan to start showing at the Fresno show which is only twenty miles from my home. In the next newsletter we are going give everyone a chance to get involved in addressing the aoc colors and their place in the show. I hope everyone gets involved. Have a great breeding season Jim Clinton 2013 Pageant Champion brunner Spread Ash Pageant 2013 Brunner Cropper, Reserve Black YH J&J Lofts Pageant Champion YC Pageant 2013 Brunner mealy bar grizzle J&J Lofts Western Director's Report J&J Lofts Well I hope everyone enjoyed the shows that they were able to attend this year. I know that I always do. I was only able to attend the Pageant this year. Hopefully I will be able to make a few more shows this year. Jim showed our birds at the Great Western where we did well and he told me that he would be sending some pics of the champs from there and the Pageant for the bulletin. I would like to congradulate Fred and Bob for their wins at the National. I checked out the pics of the champs and they looked like some fine examples of what Brunners should look like. I am sending some pics of my new loft which is still a work in progress but is working well so far. I still need to finish the nest boxes and I am over crowded but have mated up several pair and have banded a few and have some too young in the nest to be banded yet. Working on my old loft (trailer) to move my Indian Fantails out so I will have more room for the Brunners. Jim came up and spent a couple of days and with a little help from me had the loft built in a day and a half. If I had as much energy as he does it would be done by now. But I hope to have it done the way I want and a flypen added by the end of March. I am breeding from several pair of white, black, blue bar, some ash red, blue grizzle, 2 pair of yellows, 2 pair of red, some aoc and one pair of red white bar, some pied projects and some andelusian projects so God willing I should have quite of few birds to show this year and with Jim wanting to cut back to about 12 breeding pair after this coming National we will probably have an abundance of birds to spread around to the members so keep that in mind if you might be interested in some let us know. Like I mentioned I hope to go to more shows this year and I'm looking forward to seeing you all and all the nice birds you raise. Good luck and God Bless everyone. See you at the shows. Jeff Young New Loft Inside my new loft with my brother Kris and my nephew Kyle Jeff Young Introducing my nephew Kyle to a brunner Secretary/Treasurer Report The treasury balance stands at $476.79. We’ve had a total of 984.75 income from band, shirt, and patch sales and 507.96 in expenses that includes the purchase of bands, bulletin, mailing and NPA dues. We will need to be ordering bands for 2015 soon and half of that expense is required up front. So it would be good for as many of you that know how many bands you want to order for 2015 to order your bands for 2015 as soon as you can. There are many that have not yet paid their 2014 dues. Please send in your dues for 2014 if you haven’t already. I will be closing out the books for last year, so our beginning balance for 2014 will be the $476.79. Here I have to admit to a senior moment. I lost some of my notes from the National and there could have been one or two that paid their dues and didn’t get credit for the payment. I also think someone paid me for a patch that I didn’t deliver. If I owe you credit for membership or a patch, please let me know. The National was a lot of fun and there were a lot of nice birds there. My favorite part of the shows is being able to visit with friends and meeting new people that share the same interests as I have. Win or lose, it is very valuable to show your birds so you can compare them with the other birds that are shown. Some time the light comes on and you can see what you need to do to improve your birds and sometimes you will be in luck and there is a bird there that has just the characteristic you need to make that improvement. I hope everyone has a good breeding season and you raise a champion. Please send your dues and band payments to: Mike Hughes 132 Poppy Rd Morenci, AZ 85540 Or I can take PayPal payments at Mike Hughes Eastern Directors Report By Bob Bollinger I am back from the National and I must say that I had a really good time! It was great to see old friends and I was happy to finally meet other members like Al Fowler and Scott Adams. It was amazing how much excitement we had in Brunner’s. Lots of people were interested in birds and I think we had one or two people take forms to sign up for membership in the AFBCC. Things are looking good for our breed. Included in the bulletin is the show report for the National. Congratulations to Fred for winning Champion with a really nice White YH. I have also attached a show report for our Eastern District meet in Lancaster the week before the national. We had two great club events in a week’s time and both had a good number of birds and a broad group of exhibitors. I could use everyone’s’ help with material for the web site. I will work with Fred to gather some pictures of our recent meets. It would also be nice for folks to send some pictures of their lofts or birds. We have a lot of pictures from Jim for J&J lofts. I will add some of my birds. I think this will be a good opportunity to let everyone see what we are working on. It will also help showcase our breed for others who visit the site. I would be a great help if you pre-scale any pictures you send to about 100KB300KB. Thanks in advance. Heading into spring, my next challenge is raising enough babies to meet all the requests I have received for birds. I have a couple banded already and I am starting to put more pairs together. It is tough to breed Brunner’s in the cold weather (temperature is in the single digits as I write this) here in the East. I am hoping that the selective use of feeders will help me generate a bunch of nice babies. Good luck to all as your breeding season starts! Brunner Pouters Reading Pigeon Association Lancaster, PA January 10-12, 2014 Judge: Stephen Ripper 34 Birds 9 Exhibitors 4 States Plac e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Band Color Age/Sex 22 1445 1029 8 860 1453 1324 407 1313 1446 Yellow Blue Bar Black White Bar (Blue) Red Ash Red Check Mealy Sliver White AOC OH YC OC OH YC YC YC OC YC YH Exhibitor Heather Heidlauf (junior) Marissa Shirk (junior) Heather Heidlauf (junior) Howard Kinsley Bill Tokar Heather Heidlauf (junior) Clark Bidroski Howard Kinsley Clark Bidroski Heather Heidlauf (junior) We had a great showing of pouters and croppers at the Reading Pigeon Association Winter Show in Lancaster, PA. There were over 90 pouters / croppers with 34 brunners entered by 9 exhibitors in 4 states. There were 4 junior exhibitors showing pouters and croppers with Heather winning the brunner completion and placing nicely in the overall pouter / cropper completion. This was a great brunner show! We secured a judge well ahead of time and called around to be sure everyone knew about the event. There were lots of people interested in brunners and I had to turn away requests for birds as I simply didn’t have any more to spare. In the end, a brunner took second reserve pouter / cropper overall. The yellow brunner OH #22 won best pouter / cropper last year. This year she simply tired out during the show and was beaten by excellent English and Norwich for top honors. All and all a wonderful time! Passion for White Bars in Brunner Pouters By Bob Bollinger January 31, 2014 It is a fairly commonly known truth that breeders of white bar brunners have a passion for the color. The white bar color has been ubiquitous with many pouter/cropper breeds and it very prevalent in the brunner. Throughout the world, most brunner club graphics show a white bar bird. In historic literature and paintings of the breed, white bars can be seen in many images. I personally think the white bar pattern is the most beautiful expression of color in brunners. Over 20 years ago I was introduced to brunners when I bid on and successful purchased a pair of black white bars at a LAPC club meeting auction. At that point I knew nothing about brunners but I was taken by the color of the birds. In hind sight, their markings not the best but I really enjoyed the look. Ultimately, I got rid of those first brunners as I only had limited space when I lived in California. Over the years as my son became more involved in the breed I decided to acquire some more white bars. Since I was paying the feed bill and helping care for the birds, I thought it only fair to keep a bunch of really pretty ones in the loft. The foundation of my birds today came from Bob Gabriel. His stock helped me start my black and red families. Over the years I purchased several birds from Layne Gardner to help my bar quality and I acquired a real nice black from Jim Clinton which helped my color. Breeding white bars is not for the faint of heart. The color is very tricky to breed well and typically the overall quality of the birds lag a generation or two behind the more popular colors. This being said, it is very difficult to win an event with a white bar. Accordingly the number of white bars at shows had been declining. In Europe however, there has been a concerted effort among the judges to score the birds against themselves and recognize the true difficulty in raising nice white bars. We have started to see white bars occasionally receive scores of 96 and 97 in European events. At our AFBCC Eastern District meet in Lancaster, PA last week we had a blue white bar in the top 4 of the meet! Congratulations Howard! I now have enough white bars to start showing more of them at events. We had 8 birds shown at the Oklahoma City National and I hope to start showing similar numbers at more of our club meets. I have included a number of pictures of white bars at the National and some birds from my loft. (please excuse the loft pictures as it was 6 degrees F outside as I was snapping a few quick pics for this article) I am feeling pleased that the overall quality of my white bars are improving. It is slow progress to try to get quality type, depth of colors, and refinement of bars on the birds. This is a multi-year effort but I find it worth the time. White bars are truly a passion and I would encourage anyone to get a couple of pairs and join the challenge. I think among several of us we have a good foundation in North America. I would like to see us show white bars with numbers and quality similar to what we see in the big events in Europe. The white bar is a color worthy of arnering the passion of brunner enthusiasts. Central Directors Report As most of the country knows we have had a rough winter. Up north in Wisconsin I cannot remember having below zero weather for so long and when it gets up above 10 degrees during the day it snows. My birds have done little but huddle on the roosts for months. It has been so cold I have not even bothered to pick mates and get them going. No sense to it right now as they just chill in these temps. Like last year I will probably get going sometime in May or first of June. I have to say it has really taken the fir out of me for trying to get birds ready for the National Young Bird show. I had nothing old enough for that show last year and only 2 birds that were old enough and worth showing last year and I sold them at Des Moines. I did make it down to the Oklahoma National and I guess we were extremely lucky on the drive as it was snowing in my town when I left and clear all the way down and almost all the way back. We ran into some light snow about 4 hours from home and it never amounted to anything. Small window to work with because the day after I got home it snowed heavy again which would have made travel terrible. Just lucky!! I got to meet the guys in our Brunner Club among the large number of friends from all over the country who flew in for the show. I had a blast every day right up to about 2 hours before they let us pack up the birds. By then I was ready to hit the road. I managed to raise a couple yellow tigers this year so they are getting a slow start. No black tiger this year. Last year I had plenty to choose from and this year with the few I raised out of that pair they were all black. I hope we have an early spring and it warms up low and steady because we got about 50 inches of snow so far and we have not hit the snowiest month yet! We want the snow to melt and soak in and not run off into the low lands. That gets everything green and growing around here. Mike McLin WHITE BARRED BRUNNERS By WOLFGANG SCHREIBER Translated By Melvin Ziehl >1996 The fascinating color variation of a solid colored bird with white bars is found in many varieties of pigeon. In Brunner Pouters it is not a simple accomplishment to achieve good Type with intensive color. If you can manage that, then you still have to get good white bars in the white barred varieties. To get perfect bars is the biggest challenge in breeding. In Brunner Pouters there are two kinds of white barring. First is the white barring found in Isabell, resulting from the factor Dominant Opal, symbol (Od). In all other white bar Brunners the white barring is a result of the Toy Stencil (T's) mutation. ISABELL WITH WHITE BARS Isabell is a soft; creamy evenly distributed color, so bright that one can hardly see the white bars. The genetic ground color of the Isabell is Blue. (Translator comment: Some of the best Isabells have Brown as the ground color. I've raised Isabell Brunners for 30 years!) Spread factor must not be a part of the genetic make-up. Recessive Red and dilute are also included in the genetic "mix" needed to produce Isabell. The mutation Dominant Opal (Od) was documented by Dr. Hollander as an autosomal factor in 1938. Od brightens the ground color of wild (Blue) marked birds, thus heightening the check markings of normally marked birds. With barred birds it bleaches out the bar to the point of it being white. The factor Od on black Brunners (As long as the black bird is carrying the barred factor under the Spread), produces a variable gray colored bird with bright white bars. From a distance they appear white. Blue with white bars is sometimes seen as "bright" blue or "light" blue: This is a result of the ad factor on Blue. One sometimes sees the effect on (German) field pigeons. The wing bars, the wing and the tail are very bright in these birds. Hence the terminology "mirror" wing or tail. Until the 70's our white barred Brunners were of such make-up. With Recessive Red Pigeons, OD makes a dark Isabell and with Recessive Yellow we get the nice cream colored Isabell which is what we want. It is stipulated here that the bird be barred and the bars be the purest white. Dominant Opal as the name says, is Dominant over everything. Therefore it follows that our pretty Isabell appears as it does. If it is used on any barred bird, the bars are bleached out to a bright white. The offspring ofIsabell X Isabell will be 25% ad/ad (Translators comment: ad is a lethal factor when homozygous. Most young will not live past six weeks.) 50% will be Od/- and therefore good color Isabell. 25% will be yellow .... without the Od factor. The pairing of Od/- with Yellow, produces, 50% Isabell and 50% Yellow. The pairing ofIsabell with Yellow produces a more exact Isabell color and a better bar. Naturally one can mate Yellow White barred Brunners with Isabell. The result is both Od and Toy Stencil marking white bars. This makes for larger/wider white bars. The life of the Isabell Breeder is not easy. They can only expect 50% Isabell offspring from any mating. Isabell is also a dilute color and must also be tended longer and more carefully until weaned. The extra care and skill needed to raise Isabell Brunners results in fewer raisers interested in this breed. One must also sometimes make outcrosses to Isabell to retain or renew vitality. Many such crosses are known to our birds today: It is no problem. The use of Recessive Red, Yellow, Black, Blue, Od Blue, can be used. If the birds have barring under the solid color, it makes it easier to realize the goal. One can also use Ash Red or Ash Yellow to make out crosses. If you do, better "bone up" on the literature of the Genetics involved. Much has been studied on Isabell and Ash crosses through the Saxon Isabell Pouters. If you know what you are doing and know what is under the White of white Brunner Pouters .... you can use them as an outcross also. Isabell is already one of the oldest of Brunner markings. They certainly preceded the Saxon Isabell and were in existence even before they were recorded in history. Around the "turn of the Century" they were found in great numbers. Later it was a quieter time for the Isabell; also we had the World War which almost wiped out the Brunners in Europe. Out of Austria and Holland there came a few individual birds and it was a long time getting a stock of them back. Today the Isabell is coming back strongly; with outcrosses and special care we can enter the Isabell Brunner with the other color classes and expect a few good results. BLACK, BLUE, RED AND YELLOW WHITE BARS Now we come to the remaining White bars. With them it is not a case of Dominant Opal, but Toy Stencil (T's) that is responsible for the white bars. Here we must recognize that the same factor CT' s) is what makes the white bar or spangling appear, through the work of Mr. Axel Sell. He is one of the most knowledgeable geneticists among us today. He has shown that the white of T's is influenced by three modifiers. Without the modifiers, one does not get a good clear white: bar/check. The above referenced three modifiers can be evidenced by any cross of a good white bar bird with a solid, or self, colored bird, almost always with smut or bronzing in the white bar. Through several generations it is possible to "re-assemble" the T's factor and it's modifiers into what is again a good clean white bar/check. Blue with White Bars have few problems with bar color. T's acts here with a small black line at the back of the bar. Blue White bars have the ground color of Blue with black bars. We do not find them with the Od factor in this day and age. Blue White Bars with dilute are an extreme rarity in Brunner Pouters. Black with White bars is still difficult variety to develop. Altogether I have seen that with every marking factor it becomes more difficult to get a nice white bar. Black Pigeons are genetically Blue with Spread Factor. Spread can be in either double or single dose. The factor is Dominant so it makes a dark bird even blacker. T's is not a factor that lightens the ground color, so it is a good and simple method of obtaining a narrow white bar. If the bird is double factored Spread, the "depth" of black color is much better. The bar with double factor Spread is less ragged. More factors, such as Smoky (Sy) for example can further role-play. The form of the bars in dark barred pigeons fluctuates; it is not different for white barred birds. Red with White bars, Genetically our Red (Translators comment: Smoky is the factor used to get a white beak in Swing Pouters. I question its presence in Brunners. But, this is Herr Schreiber's article .... so who am I to question?) All of the other factors influence the color and also the whiteness of the bar. Toy Stencil is of course the factor that completes the mix and makes the bars white. We learn that the white bar does not appear as strongly in baby feathers; opposite to the finding in Black white-bars. After the first molt the white bars appear more evident. The white bars on nestfeathers of Red birds must imply their presence and become full with the first molt. The breeder must be patient and wait until the molt to assess the quality of the white bars. To improve Type, the breeder must make outcrosses. Self-colored Red and also Blacks are of good Type and make a good outcross, however most have check pattern under the red or black. How then do we get back to the white bar? The Blue (pied) pigment, and is unusually clean of other genetic factors. The ordinary Blue Brunner of good show quality has other factors that may negatively influence the result of the cross. That is the short way to get a good quality color and also back to a nice while bar. The Yellow with White Bar is an offshoot of the color Red. It is the dilute of Recessive Red and is pure for the factor "d". Outcrosses with colors other than Lavender (Silver in German) with White Bars. In the German Standard it is known as Silver with white bars. This Silver is like the Lahore color but it covers the whole bird except for the white bars. In development of this color, white in the wings was a problem; not evident in the Lahore with its white flights. The genetic factor that the Lahore contributed was Milky (my). It is not a sexlinked factor. It must be in the homozygous state to be apparent; it affects all colored feathers. For the classic color Lavender, it must be expressed over the color Black. To make the White Barred Lavender, it had to be combined in homozygous form with homozygous Spread on a Blue with white bars; or a white barred Black to be completely evident Since 1987, for 9 years, and 15 generations Herr Schreiber has been working with the lavender from the Lahore and Black white barred Brunners. The genetic "picture" is black pigment (Blue), Spread, Milky, and Toy Stencil to "punch out" the White Bars. This completes the genetic color factors for Lavender (Silver) White Barred Birds. The first cross was a Lahore cock on a Black Brunner Hen. The first generation appearance was not encouraging. The white bars were covered over by the black pigment bars and the Type was all wrong for a Brunner. The White barred Black Brunner was the right cross for following crosses. These Brunners have been raised in Czechoslovakia for a hundred years or more. Today quality White Barred Brunners can be seen at many Shows. It is my pleasure that they are frequently found and in such good Type. The challenge of raising white barred birds is great and it takes great individualism to succeed. It is my hope that we will get more and more breeders of our beautiful White Barred Brunner Pouters. Big Apple Champion brunner Big Apple Exhibitors 2013 2013 Pageant – Brunner Pouters Judge: Larry Jolly B.O.C = Best of Color Champion AOC YC 3777 Reserve Black YH 3755 2nd Reserve White OH 2424 Color Class Place Black 1. YH 3755 2. YH 3741 3. YH 2148 4. YH 2144 5. YH 1244 6. YH 785 J&J Lofts J&J Lofts J&J Lofts J&J Lofts (B.O.C) (Reserve) J&J Lofts Corey Hayes Corey Hayes Jim Symington Charlie Rowe 1. OH 3127 J&J Lofts 2. OH 1952 Fred Maenpa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. YC 3756 YC 3742 YC 3700 YC 2132 YC 749 YC 745 YC 227 YC 1245 YC 785 J&J Lofts J&J Lofts J&J Lofts Corey Hayes Charlie Rowe Charlie Rowe Fred Maenpa Jim Symington Charlie Rowe 1. OC 3119 J&J Lofts 2. OC 2556 J&J Lofts 3. OC 1040 Fred Maenpa Color Class Blue Bar 1. YH 265 Fred Maenpa 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. YC 3950 YC 3749 YC 2147 YC 235 YC 1255 J&J Lofts (B.O.C) J&J Lofts Corey Hayes Fred Maenpa Jim Symington 1. 2. 3. 4. OC 2599 OC 1965 OC 2536 OC 1951 J&J Lofts Fred Maenpa J&J Lofts Fred Maenpa Check 1. YH 3778 J&J Lofts (B.O.C) 1. YC 1228 Jim Symington 2. YC 1240 Jim Symingotn 1. OC 1846 Fred Maenpa Mealy Bar 1. YH 220 Fred Maenpa 1. YC 259 Fred Maenpa 1. OC 2569 J&J Lofts (B.O.C.) Grizzle 1. YH 3774 J&J Lofts (B.O.C.) 2. YH 3722 J&J Lofts 3. YH 260 Fred Maenpa 1. YC 3987 J&J Lofts 2. YC 236 Fred Maenpa 1. OH 3763 Fred Maenpa 1. OC 3129 J&J Lofts 2. OC 1959 Fred Maenpa 3. OC 1927 Fred Maenpa Red 1. YH 1241 Jim Symington 2. YH 1298 Jim Symington 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. YC 3747 YC 2121 YC 2139 YC 2149 YC 2120 J&J Lofts (B.O.C.) Conner Hayes Conner Hayes Corey Hayes Conner Hayes 1. OC 2462 J&J Lofts Silver 1. OH 1776 J&J Lofts (B.O.C.) 1. YC 3761 J&J Lofts White 1. YH 3736 J&J Lofts 1. YC 3729 J&J Lofts 2. YC 3703 J&J Lofts 1. OH 2424 J&J Lofts (B.O.C.) (2nd Reserve) 2. OH 692 Fred Maenpa 1. OC 2520 J&J Lofts 2. OC 500 Fred Maenpa White Bars 1. YC 255 Beals & Gardner 1. OH 909 Beals & Gardner (B.O.C.) 1. OC 942 Beals & Gardner Yellow 1. YH 3961 J&J Lofts (B.O.C.) 1. YC 1030 J&J Lofts Tiger 1. YH 209 Fred Maenpa (B.O.C.) AOC 1. YC 3777 J&J Lofts (B.O.C.) (Champion) Pageant 2013 Judge Larry Jolly(left) with Jeff Young and Jim Clinton showing their awards AFBCC Members in attendance (L to R) Jim Symington, Larry Jolly, Mike Hughes, Jeff Young, Fred Maenpa, Jim Clinton, Corry Hayes, Conner Hayes, Charlie Rowe. NPA Grand National 2014 Oklahoma City, OK January 16-18, 2014 Judge: Charlie Rowe 74 Birds 8 Exhibitors Best White Best YellowBest TigerBest Black Best Blue Bar Best Check Best Grizzle Best Mealy Bar Best Red Best Silver Bar Best White Bar - 272 YH 4709 YH 209 YH 4655 YC 855 OH 1846 OC 260 YH 1524 OC 4700 YC 828 OH 4746 YH Fred Maenpa Bob Bollinger Fred Maenpa Al Fowler Fred Maenpa Fred Maenpa Fred Maenpa Al Fowler Bob Bollinger Al Fowler Bob Bollinger Champion Reserve Champion Second Reserve Best of Color -** Black YH Place 1 2 3 Blue Bar YH Band 3974 228 4403 Exhibitor Mike Hughes Fred Maenpa Barry Ward Black YC Place 1** 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Band 4655 3964 4400 4623 3743 4636 4402 222 832 3700 Black OH Place Band 1 2670 Exhibitor Al Fowler Mike Hughes Barry Ward Al Fowler Mike Hughes Al Fowler Barry Ward Fred Maenpa Al Fowler Mike Hughes Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Place 1 abs Band 207 4641 Blue Bar YC Place Band 1 204 2 265 3 4488 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Gerald Butler Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Bob Anderson Al Fowler Blue Bar OH Place 1** abs Band 1966 1428 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Al Fowler Black OC Place Band 1 1729 2 1040 Exhibitor Mike Hughes Fred Maenpa Blue Bar OC Place Band 1 951 2 3647 3 1431 abs 1402 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Al Fowler Al Fowler Gerald Butler Check OC Place Band 1** 1846 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Cream Bar YC Place Band abs 4604 abs 4603 abs 4650 Exhibitor Gerald Butler Gerald Butler Gerald Butler Grizzle YH Place Band 1** 260 2 252 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Fred Maenpa Check YH Place Band abs 4615 Exhibitor Gerald Butler Pied OC Place Band abs 1469 Exhibitor Gerald Butler Red YC Place Band 1** 4700 2 4711 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Silver Bar OH Place Band 1** 828 2 1414 abs 1508 Exhibitor Al Fowler Al Fowler Al Fowler Tiger YH Place Band 1** 209 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Tiger YC Place Band 1 4656 Exhibitor Al Fowler Tiger OH Place Band 1 1411 2 4609 3 4544 4 2543 abs 4614 Exhibitor Al Fowler Al Fowler Al Fowler Mike Hughes J Miller Loft Grizzle YC Place Band 1 236 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Grizzle OH Place Band 1 3763 2 1901 3 3634 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Fred Maenpa Al Fowler Grizzle OC Place Band 1 1908 2 1958 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Fred Maenpa Tiger OC Place Band 1 1457 Exhibitor Al Fowler Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Gerald Butler White YH Place Band 1** 272 2 3999 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Mike Hughes Mealy Bar YH Place Band 1 259 abs 4613 Mealy Bar YC Place Band 1 259 abs 4651 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Gerald Butler Mealy Bar OC Place Band 1** 1524 Exhibi Al Fowler White OH Place Band 1 692 abs 1422 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Gerald Buttler White OC Place Band 1 500 2 1413 3 1448 4 2520 White Bar YH Place Band 1** 4746 2 4714 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Al Fowler Al Fowler Mike Hughes Exhibitor Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger White Bar YC Place Band 1 4724 2 4721 3 4730 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger White Bar OH Place Band 1 1007 2 575 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger White Bar OC Place Band 1 512 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger White YC Place Band 1 232 Exhibitor Fred Maenpa Yellow YH Place Band 1** 4709 2 4725 3 4738 4 4718 5 4707 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Yellow YC Place Band 1 4755 1 4749 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Yellow OH Place Band 1 534 2 188 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger Bob Bollinger Yellow OC Place Band 1 1818 Exhibitor Bob Bollinger American Pigeon Museum, OKC Exterior of Building Inside Museum, Rick Barker and Lorrie Monteiro Curator Inside Museum National OKC 2014 Champion White YH Fred Maenpa 2 nd Reserve, Black Tiger YH, Fred Maenpa Reserve Champion, Yellow YH, Bob Bollinger Fred Maenpa and Bob Bollinger with AFBCC Awards Color Class Winners Black OC, Al Fowler Blue OH, Fred Maenpa Color Class Winners Red YC, Bob Bollinger Charlie Rowe Judging a Class of Blacks Mealy OC, Al Fowler Vicky Rowe Recording as birds are judged Charlie Rowe, Brunner Judge Best Pouter Judging Finals AFBCC Members Brunner Judging Great Western Brunner Pouters Judge Charlie Rowe White AOC 1st YC 3729 2nd YC 3720 3rd YC 244 J&J Lofts (Best White) J&J Lofts Fred Maenpa 1st YH 232 Fred Maenpa 1st YC 241 Fred Maenpa 1st YH 3777 J&J Lofts (Best AOC) (Reserved Champion) Misc Singles 1st Yellow 3961YH J&J Lofts (Best Misc) 1st Red 3747YC Fred Maenpa 1st Tiger 209YH Fred Maenpa White Bar 1st OC 942 1st OH 909 1st YC 255 Layne Gardner Layne Gardner Layne Gardner (Best White Bar) Grizzles 1st OC 2387 1st YC 236 1st YH 3722 Fred Maenpa (Best Old Brunner) Fred Maenpa J&J Lofts Blues 1st YC 3749 2nd YC 265 3rd YC 3950 J&J Lofts Fred Maenpa J&J Lofts 1st YH (Check) 3778 J&J Lofts 2nd YH (Bar) 207 Fred Maenpa (Best Blue) Blacks 1st YC 3756 2nd YC 3742 3rd YC 227 4th YC 4628 J&J Lofts (Best Black) (Champion) J&J Lofts Fred Maenpa J&J Lofts 1st YH 3755 2nd YH 3741 3rd YH 255 J&J Lofts J&J Lofts Fred Maenpa American Friends of the Brunner Cropper Club Constitution and By-Laws ARTICLE I NAME SECTION T.rms ORGANIZATION SHALL BE KNOWN AS THE AMERICAN FRIENDS OF THE BRUNNER CROPPER CLUB. THlS ORGANIZATION SHALL HERE IN BE REFERRED TO AS A.F.B.E. ARTICLE II OBJECT OR PURPOSE SECTION 2. THE OBJECT OF THIS CLUB IS TO ENCOURAGE THE BREEDING AND EXHIBITION OF THE BRUNNER POUTER. TO PROMOTE FRIENDLINESS Ai\JD GOOD FELLOWSHIP BETWEEN FELLOW MEMBERS AND ALL PERSONS INTERESTED TN THE BRUNNER POUTER. TO SUPPL Y HELPFUL AND INTERESTING INFORMATION THROUGH LITERA TORE AND TO HELP AND ASSIST IN THE FURTHER DEVELOPMENT AND POPULARITY OF THE BRUNNER POUTER. THTS CLUB WILL BE AFFILIATED \VITH THE NATIONAL PIGEON ASSOCIATION. ARTICLE III MEMBERSHIP SECTION 3. MEMBERSHIP WILL BE OPEN TO ANY INDIVIDUAL PERSON OR FAMILY INTERESTED IN THE DEVELOP~IENT Ai'lD ADVANCEMENT OF THE BRUNNER POUTER. THEY MUST AGREE TO ABIDE BY THIS CONSTITUTION AND PAY THE PROPER DUES. SECTION 4. MEMBERSHIP DUES AND PRIVILEGES. An INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHlP B FAMTL Y MEMBERSHIP: THIS MEMBERSHIP WILL CONSIST OF ALL FAMTL Y MEMBERS LIVING TN THE SAME HOUSEHOLD. THIS MEMBERSHIP SHALL ENTITLE THE ENTIRE FAMILY TO ALL A.F.B.E. RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES, EXCEPT ONLY ONE BULLETIN WILL BE ISSUED TO A F AMIL Y MEMBERSHIP. C MEMBERSHIP FEES: FOR AN INDIVIDUAL, MEMBERSHIP FEES WILL BE $10.00. A FAMILY MEMBERSHIP \-\WILL BE $15.00. A JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP, 17 YEARS AND YOUNGER WILL BE $5.00. THE ANNUAL DUE WILL BECOME PAY ABLE JANUARY 1ST OF EACH YEAR AND MUST BE PAID BEFORE APRIL 1ST OR MEMBERSHIP AUTOMATICALLY CEASES. D REMOVAL. ANY MEMBER CAN BE REMOVED FROM THE MEMBERSHlP ROLE BY A TWO-THIRDS MAJORITY VOTE OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. E. VOTING PRIVILEGES: EACH MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING IS ENTITLED TO ONE VOTE ON ALL CLUB MATTERS REQUIRING A VOTE. A FAMILY MEMBERSHIP WILL BE ENTITLED TO (2) VOTES ON ALL CLUB MATTERS. F. THE MEMBERSHIP DUES CAN BE CHANGED AT ANY TIME WITH A TWO-THIRD VOTE OF THE MEMBERS VOTING. ARTICLE IV ANNUAL MEETING AND SHOW SECTION 5. THE ANNUAL SHOW SHALL BE HELD IN CONJUNCTION \VITH THE NPA GRAND NATIONAL. ALSO AT THIS SHOW THE ANNUAL MEETING WILL BE HELD. ..ARTICLE V QUORUM SECTION 6. IN ORDER TO HOLD AND ANNUAL MEETING, AT LEAST SIX (6) MEMBERS MUST BE PRESENT WITH AT LEAST TWO (2) OF THESE BEING OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS. THlS NUMBER IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS WITH THE GROWTH OF THE AFBC. MEETINGS WILL SERVE AS A MEETING OF MINDS TO PREPARE MOTIONS TO BE PRESENTED TO THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHlP FOR THEIR APPROVAL OR REJECTION. ARTICLE VI OFFICERS SECTION 7. THE OFFICERS OF THlS CLUB SHALL CONSIST OF A PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY/TREASURER, BULLETIN EDITOR, AND ONE DIRECTOR FROM EACH DISTRICT, AND AN ELECTION COMMISSIONER. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OR GOVERNING BOARD WILL CONSIST OF THE PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY/TREASURER, BULLETIN EDITOR, AND ONE DIRECTOR FROM EACH DISTRICT METHODS OF ELECTION SECTION 8. OFFICERS SHALL BE ELECTED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER: A. ALL OFFICERS, WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE ELECTION COMMISSIONER SHALL BE ELECTED BY MAIL BALLOT OR E-MAlL BALLOT TO BE CONDUCTED BY THE ELECTION COMMISSIONER, AND CERTIFIED BY THE PRESIDENT AS PROVIDED BY THE BY-LAWS. B. THE ELECTION COMMISSIONER SHALL BE ELECTED BY A MAJORITY VOTE OF THE MEMBERS PRESENT AT THE ANNUAL MEETING IN AN ELECTION YEAR, AND SHALL NOT BE ELIGIBLE FOR ANY OTHER OFFICE. TERMS OF OFFICE SECTION 9.THE PRESIDENT, VICE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY/TREASURER, BULLETIN EDlTOR, ELECTION COMMOSSIONER, AND DISTRICT DIRECTORS SHALL BE ELECTED EVERY OTHER YEAR FOR A TERM OF TWO YEARS. SECTION 10. THE NEWLY ELECTED OFFICERS SHALL ASSUME THEIR OFFICE DURING THE BEGINNING OF NEW BUSINESS AT THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE YEAR IN WHICH THE ELECTION TAKES PLACE. SECTION 11.THE PRESIDENT, VTCE PRESIDENT, SECRETARY/TREASURE, BULLETIN EDITOR, SHALL BE ELECTED FROM THE ENTIRE MEMBERSHIP AT LARGE. THE DISTRICT DIRECTORS SHALL BE ELECTED FROM MEMBERS WTTHIN THEIR RESPECTIVE DISTRICTS. (ONE DIRECTOR FOR EACH DISTRICT.) ONLY MEMBERS RESIDING IN A DISTRICT SHALL VOTE FOR THE DIRECTOR OF THAT DISTRICT. SECTION II A. DISTRICT BOUNDARIES; EASTERN DISTRICT: MANE, VERMONT, NEW HAMPSHIRE, MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE ISLAND, CONNECTICUT, NEW YORK, MICHIGAN, INDIANA, OHIO, PENNSYL VANIA, NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE, MARYLAND, VIRGINIA, WEST VIRGINIA, KENTUCKY, TENNESSEE, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA, ALABAMA, MISSISSIPPI, FLORIDA, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, EASTERN CANADA. CENTRAL DISTRICT: NORTH DAKOTA SOUTH DAKOTA, MINNESOTA, WISCONSIN, IOWA, NEBRASKA, COLORADO, KANSAS, MISSOURI, ILLINOIS, ARKANSAS, OKLAHOMA, ,NEW MEXICO, TEXAS, LOUISIANA, CENTRAL CANADA. WESTERN DISTRICT:ALASKA, WASHINGTON, OREGON, IDAHO, MONTANA, WYOMING, UTAH, NEVADA, CALIFORNIA, ARIZONA, HAWAII, WESTERN CANADA. A.F.B.C. BY-LAWS ARTICLE I DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT SECTION 1. THE PRESIDENT SHALL RESIDE AT THE ANNUAL A.F.B.C. MEET AND SHALL ACT AS CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. HE SHALL APPOINT ALL COMMITTEES NOT OTHERWTSE PROVTDED FOR AND FILL ALL VACANCIES IN OFFICE TAKING PLACE BETWEEN ELECTIONS. HE/SHE SHALL SIGN ALL DOCUMENTS REQUIRING HlS/HER SIGNA TURE, CERTIFY THE ELECTION COMMISSIONERS REPORT, CAST THE DECIDING VOTE IN CASE OF A TIE ON CLUB BUSINESS MA TIERS (EXCEPT IN THE ELECTION OF THE OFFICERS) AND ACT AS THE OFFICIAL LIASON WITH OTHER CLUBS IN ALL MA TTERS PERTAINING TO A.F.B.C. BUSINESS. ARTICLE II DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT SECTION 2. IN THE ABSENCE OF THE PRESIDENT, OR IN THE CASE OF HIS/HER INABILITY TO PERFORM THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THAT OFFICE, THE VICE-PRESIDENT SHALL PREFORM THE DUTIES OF THAT OFFICE. IN THE EVENT OF RESIGNATION OF THE PRESIDENT, THE VICE PRESIDENT SHALL FILL OUT THE UNEXPIRED TERM OR SERVE UNTIL THE NEXT GENERAL ELECTION, OR. UNTIL A NEWLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TAKES OFFICE. ARTICLE III DUTIES OF THE SECRET ARYITREASURER SECTION 3. THE SECRETARY/TREASURER SHALL KEEP ALL BOOKS THAT ARE NECESSARY, IN, WHICH SHALL BE, ENTERED THE AM0UNTS OF MONIES RECEIVED AND DISBURSED BY HIS/HER OFFICE, AND A COMPLETE LIST OF THE NAMES AND ADDRESSES & E-MAIL ADDRESSES OF ALL CLUB MEMBERS AND THE DATES OF THEIR MEMBERSHIP. SECTION 4. THE SECRETARY/TREASURER SHALL PREPARE A FINANCIAL REPORT FOR THREE TIMES A YEAR TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE BULLETIN, ALSO A COMPLETE YEARLY REPORT TO BE PRESENTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING, GIVING AN ITEMIZED ACCOUNT OF ALL RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE CURRENT YEAR, TOGETHER WTTH ANY SUGGESTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE WELFARE OF THE CLUB. SECTION 5.THE SECRETARY/TREASURER WTLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INFORMING BULLETlN EDITOR OF NEW MEMBERS AND SENDING INITIAL CORRESPONDENCE WITH NEW MEMBERS. ARTICLE TV DUTIES OF THE BULLETIN EDITOR SECTION 6.THE BULLETIN EDITOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING THREE BULLETINS PER YEAR. THE BULLETlNS SHALL BE NEWSLETTERS INFORMlNG CLUB MEMBERS AS TO THE ACTIVITIES THAT HAVE BEEN HELD, ARE TO BE HELD, AND PROVIDE GENERAL CLUB INFORMATION. THE THREE BULLETINS WILL BE MAILED IN JANUARY, MAY, AND SEPTEMBER. SECTION 7. THE BULLETIN EDITOR WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR SENDING OUT NOMINATION BALLOTS THROUGH MAIL OR E-MAIL TO ALL CURRENT MEMBERS. THIS BALLOT SHALL DESIGNATE THE OFFICES TO BE FILLED. SECTION 8. THIS BALLOT WILL BE RETURNABLE TO THE ELECTION COMMISSIONER. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE CANDIDATE YOU NOMINATE WILL ACCEPT THE OFFICE NOMINATED FOR. THE TWO MEMBERS RECEIVTNG THE LARGEST NUMBER OF VOTES FOR EACH OFFICE (OR MORE IN CASE OF A TIE) SHALL BE THE CANDIDATE FOR THAT OFFICE. THERE MUST BE PERMISSION FROM THE NOMINATED CANDIDATE. ARTICLE V DUTIES OF TIIE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 9. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS SHALL HAVE GENERAL SUPERVISION AND CONTROL OF ALL CLUB AFFAIRS, PROMOTE THE ANNUAL SHOW, AND IN ITERVALS BETWEEN MEETINGS SHALL HAVE FULL AUTHORITY TO TAKE ACTION ON ANY AND ALL CLUB MATTERS NOT IN CONFLICT WITH THIS CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS, AS MAYBE DEEMED FOR THE BEST INTEREST OF THE CLUB. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS MAY MAKE MOTIONS, AS DEEMED NECESSARY, FOR CLUBS APPROVAL BETWEEN ANNUAL MEETINGS. ARTICLE VI DUTIES OF TIIE DISTRICT DIRECTORS SECTION 10. TO PROMOTE THE WELFARE OF THE CLUB TOWARDS ALL MEMBERS WITHIN THEIR DISTRICT, WILL APPROVE ALL DISTRICT MEETS WITHIN THEIR BOUNDARIES. WILL ASSTST IN MATTERS CONCERNING THE PROPER CONDUCTING OF ALL A.F.B.C .. SPONSERED MEETS WITHIN THEIR DISTRICTS. WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING A DISTRICT REPORT FOR THE BULLETIN EDITOR FOR EACH BULLETIN INFORMING CLUB MEMBERS OF WHAT IS GOING ON IN HIS / HER DISTRICT. THE DISTRICT DIRECTOR W1LL ALSO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR HAVING THE SHOW REPORTS FROM THEIR DISTRICT SENT TO BULLETIN EDITOR. ARTICLE VII DUTIES OF THE ELECTION COMISSIONER SECTION 11. ELECTION COMISSIONER WILL COUNT AND GIVE RESULTS TO THE PRESIDENT AND BULLETIN EDITOR FOR THE NOMINATIONS OF OFFlCERS, AND WILL COUNT THE BALLOTS FOR THE ELECTION OF OFFICERS AND WILL BE RESPONSABLE FOR SENDING ELECTION BALLOTS RESULTS THROUGH MAIL TO THE PRESIDENT. ARTICLE VIII ORDER OF BUSINESS SECTION 12. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. THE ANNUAL MEETING SHALL BE AS FOLLOWS: ROLL CALL OF OFFICERS. REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT. REPORT OF THE SECRETARY/TREASURER REPORT OF COMMITTEES UNFINISHED BUSINESS INDUCTION OF OFFICERS (IN ELECTION YEARS ONLY) NEW BUSINESS ELECTION OF THE ELECTION COMMSSIONER (IN ELECTION YEARS ONLY) DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT SECTION 13. THE A.F.B.C. STANDARD OF PERFECTION, AS LISTED IN THE (AMERICAN) N.P.A. BOOK OF STANDARDS WILL BE PART OF THESE BY-LAWS. SECTION 14. JUDGES FOR ALL A.F.B.C SANCTIONED SHOWS MUST BE APPOINTED, OR APPROVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Join the AFBCC! The American Friends of the Brunner Cropper Club is dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the Brunner Cropper in the USA. We are a club that promotes friendship among Brunner Pouter breeders and anyone interested in the beautiful Brunner Cropper! Name: Address: City, State ZIP: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Phone: Email: Colors Raised: __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Please remember to include your email address! This will allow you to receive an electronic color copy of our bulletin and help reduce the club’s mailing costs. Thanks! Membership Dues Adult Juniors $15.00 / year $ 5 .00 / year _______ _______ Send form to: Mike Hughes AFBCC, Secretary / Treasurer 132 Poppy Rd. Morenci, AZ 85540 AFBCC Current Club Officers President: Fred Maenpa – Orange, CA 714-538-7408 (H) 714-865-9480 (Cell) Vice President: Jim Symington – Anaheim, CA 714-254-0505 (H) 714-812-0737 (Cell) Sec/Treasurer: Mike Hughes – Morenci, AZ 928-965-9053 (H) Southern Director: Gerald Butler – Olney, TX 940-564-3827 (H) Western Director: J& J Lofts - Jim Clinton – Medera, CA 555-662-1105 (H) Midwest Director: Mike McLin – Rice Lake, WI 715-790-6266 Eastern Director: Bob Bollinger – Stewartstown, PA 717-993-0994 (H) 717-880-1088 (Cell) Canadian Director: Glyn Yuhas Bulletin Editor Helen Symington - Anaheim, CA 714-254-0505 (H) AFBCC IS DEDICATED TO THE DEVELOMNENT AND PROMOTION OF THE BRUNNER POUTER Club Patch Club Bumber Sticker