Quick Facts Quick Facts
Quick Facts Quick Facts
Julian Krinsky Pre-College ENRICHMENT OVERVIEW Quick Facts 2015 Residential Program AGES: 14-18 LOCATION: Villanova University SESSION LENGTH LENGTH: 7 days Sunday–Saturday RESIDENTIAL TUITION TUITION: $1,795 SESSION DATES DATES: June 21 – June 27 June 28 – July 4 July 5 – July 11 July 12 – July 18 July 19 – July 25 July 26 – August 1 August 2 – August 8* SAVE $300 BY BOOKING 3+ SESSIONS! *At Haverford College What’s In This PDF? Enrichment Overview ......................................3 How It Works ....................................................4 College Credit, Business, Cooking...................5 Typical Day .......................................................6 Our Residential Counselors .............................7 Our Teaching Professionals .............................7 Afternoon & Evening Activities.......................8 Weekends .........................................................9 Campus Life ....................................................10 Dorm Life and Dining .....................................11 Health and Safety .......................................... 12 Philadelphia ................................................... 13 A World Without Strangers...........................14 How To Apply ................................................. 15 Tuition Overview ............................................ 16 Other JKCP Programs ..................................... 17 Contact JKCP ................................................... 18 2 98% of all students would recommend JKCP to their FRIENDS Summer by Design Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs (JKCP) designed the Enrichment program to let you: •elevateyourskills •explorenewsubjects •interactwithpeoplefromover 40 countries •experiencecollegelifeatVillanovaUniversity •customizeyourexperience With over 30 class choices, you can focus on areas that interest you most, try something new, or do both. We break through thetypicalexpectationsofsummercamps.AtEnrichmentyou’ll beexcitedforclass,learnfromprofessionalsandexplorethe East coast with new friends from around the world. We offersubjectsthatgiveatasteofwhatcollegeisallabout. But,wedothingsdifferently.You’llbelearninginareally dynamic, completely hands-on environment. Learning at Enrichment has been shown to help students discover new skillsandpassionswhiletheyexplorefuturemajorsorcareers beforeheadingofftocollege.And,didwementionit’salso about having fun…a lot of it! It is summer after all! [ listen to our customers. Then, “weWedevelop curricula with the experts: ] professional chefs, artists and designers, college professors and touring tennis pros. Over the past 37 years, we have never offered an identical curriculum two years in a row! —Julian Krinsky ” Average class size: 12 3 400 Over class combinations. How It Works 9:30–12:00 Choose from over 30 classes taught by expert instructors! 1. Choose one morning class 2. Choose one afternoon class Each class is Monday–Friday for a total of 12.5 hours per week and includes demos and hands-on projects. Keep the same or change your classes each week. 3D Modeling & Printing Business: Entrepreneurship Accelerated Physics PREP Algebra II Boot Camp American Sign Language Basketball Chess Cooking Dance Engineering & Robotics Fashion Design French GetFit Glee Club Graphic Tee Design Human Biology: Pre-Med Prep Interior Design Intro to Coding & App Development Italian Microeconomics Music Painting: Mixed Media Photography Psychology School of English Soccer Tennis Video Game Revolution Writing for College Admissions 1:30–4:00 LUNCH 3D Modeling & Printing Basketball Business of Fashion Calculus: Core Concepts Chemistry Chess Comic Book Design Cooking Discover Philadelphia Drawing & Illustration Engineering & Robotics Experimental Physics Fashion Design Filmmaking GetFit Human Biology: Pre-Med Prep Intro to Coding & App Development Law: The American Justice System Macroeconomics Mandarin Chinese MMA: Mixed Martial Arts Photography Psychology Public Speaking & Debate SAT Prep School of English School of English: Adv. Writing Workshop Spanish Stock Market Trading Tennis Yoga Tennis Add additional weeks Golf to your summer with our full day Cooking programs Business 4 Some Enrichment Students Also Enjoy... College Credit Villanova University invites you to apply to the Superior High School Student Program and take undergraduate summer courses. The four-week courses are offered in a variety of disciplines giving you a taste of college life. Plus, you will receive official academic credit from the university. When not taking a college credit class, you may take an Enrichment class. Choose from: •Biology&Politics(4credits) •GeneralPsychology(3credits) •IntrotoSociology(3credits) •SurveyofCommunicationStudies(3credits) •IntrotoMacroeconomics(4credits) Julian Krinsky Business School Two-Week Intensive Program. Future business leaders from all over the world will network and share new ideas — this course is a game changer! Management, Marketing, Negotiation, Investments, Global Economic Trends—it’sallcoveredhere! Julian Krinsky Cooking School Two-WeekIntensiveProgram.We’relookingforpassionatefoodieswho wanttotakeyourculinaryskillstothenextlevel!Enjoytopicssuchas “Lessons in Italian Flavors,” “Cuisines of the World,” “Eat Like a Food Critic” and more! 5 Typical Day Monday–Friday schedule 7:15–8:00 Wake-up 8:00–9:30 Lineup and Breakfast 9:30–12:00 Morning Classes 12:00–1:30 Lunch and Free Time 1:30–4:00 Afternoon Classes 4:00–5:15 Afternoon Activities and Free Time 5:15–5:30 Lineup and Floor Challenges 5:30–6:30 Dinner 7:00–10:00 Evening Activities 10:00–11:00 Return to Rooms and Bed Top 5 Things Learned Outside of Class: 1. Being open to new experiencesandpeople 2. Confidence 3. Independence 4. Social skills 5. Networking with students from around the world 6 95% of instructors have a Master’s Degree 2 Separate Staffs 9am–4pm Instructors Wehavetwosetsofstaffworkingtogethertocreateagreatexperience. Outside of class, residential counselors are responsible for helping you make friends, as well as, dorm life, entertainment, evening activities and weekend trips. Duringclass,you’lllearnfrominstructorswhoaresubjectmatterexperts.Our teaching staff includes an: •IsraelNationalLeagueProBasketballPlayer •OlympicTennisCoach •DavisCupTennisCoach •School of Rock movie Costume Designer •CulinaryInstituteofAmericatrainedChef •JohnsonandWhalestrainedChef •ProTourGolfPlayer •CollegeProfessor •AwardWinningPhotographer •Andmore… 4pm–9am Residential Counselors 24/7 Supervision 80% of instructors return to JKCP each year 7 I spent at JKCP has been the “bestTheoftime my life because even though I stayed just for two weeks, I still met people from every part of the world and because the camp is like a big family. —Luca V., student ” Afternoon & Evening Activities Afternoonactivitiesimmediatelyfollowclass.Whilethereisalwayssomethingorganized to do, these activities are optional. Afteryourdinner,you’llenjoyon-andoff-campusactivitiesorganizedbyour residential counselors. AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES: •WiiTournamentin •Exercise the Student Lounge •Floorchallenges •PingPong with games and •Basketball contests — a student •Soccer favorite! EVENING ACTIVITIES: •Dances •KingofPrussiaMall — 2nd largest in the country •PhiladelphiaTrip •Movies •MiniGolf •CampusOlympics •CasinoNight •AmazingRace •Carnival •Bowling 8 WEEKENDS Saturdays Two or three trips are offered every Saturday to regional destinations ofyourchoice.It’safulldaytripthatisjampacked!Weleavecampusafterbreakfaston air-conditioned motor coaches and return after dinner that evening. Remember to bring some spending money for off-campus meals and any souvenirs you might want to buy! June 27 New York City July 4 Washington,DC July 11 New York City Paintball in the Poconos SixFlagsGreatAdventure Amusement Park Dorney Amusement Park July 18 Washington, DC Hershey Amusement Park July 25 NewYorkCity PaintballinthePoconos OceanCity,NewJersey Beach & Boardwalk Paintball in the Poconos Ocean City, New Jersey Beach & Boardwalk SixFlagsGreatAdventure Amusement Park August 1 Hershey Amusement Park Sundays StartalittlelateronSundays.Youcansleepinandenjoyagreatbrunch on campus. Then, pick from a variety of trip options in the local Philadelphia area. June 21 Philadelphia Premium Outlets June 28 Princeton University College Visit July 5 University of Pennsylvania College Visit July 12 Princeton University College Visit July 19 University of Pennsylvania College Visit July 26 Princeton University College Visit Philadelphia Zoo Historic Philadelphia Scenic Philadelphia Historic Philadelphia Camden Riversharks Minor League Baseball Philadelphia Zoo Adventure Aquarium Philadelphia Premium Outlets Adventure Aquarium Scenic Philadelphia Philadelphia Premium Outlets Staying for two or more weeks? Enjoy a weekend trip for only $200! For convenience, we’ll add the correct number of weekends to your account. 9 Villanova ranked #1 (Regional University—North) for more than 20 consecutive years by U.S. News & World Report Campus Life at Villanova University Campus highlights: • Dining center • Bookstore • Coffee shops • Snack shops • Movie theater • Student lounges • Athletic spaces • Tennis courts • Dance studio • Gym Follow college sports? You may know Villanova for their consistently top-ranked basketball team. Go Cats! Different from most summer camps, you’ll attend classes and live at Villanova University. From meeting your new roommate, walking on the beautiful campus, eating in the dining halls, and taking classes in the historical buildings, you will get a taste of what life will be like in college. Founded in 1842, Villanova is only 12 miles from Philadelphia in the prestigious Main Line neighborhood. While it’s a school with a history and rich tradition, you’ll love the modern facilities, classrooms, WiFi and state-of-theart athletic spaces. Most of our classes are in buildings near one another, so you can easily walk between them. To help you navigate the campus, we do an extensive orientation at the beginning of each session and are always around to help you find your way. 10 Dorm Life ThedormsarethehuboftheKrinskycommunity.You’lllivein the recently renovated, air-conditioned Quad. Just like in college, you’llbelivingwithotherJKCPstudentswhoarethesameageas you. Boys and girls are separated by floors or wings. While they varyinsizeandconiguration,mostoftheroomsarespacious doubles complete with beds, desks, chairs and dressers. Each wing ofthedormhasbathroomsyou’llsharewithyourdormmates.A counselor will be assigned to you who lives near you in the dorm and is available 24/7 if you need anything. 96 feet of the freshest seasonal fruits and vegetables — the longest salad Dining You’ll enjoy selecting from many food stations in the dining hall. If you ever want a snack, there are dozens of places on campus to grab a quick bite. Plus, we know you enjoy restaurants, so we have designated at least one evening per week for an off-campus meal. ENJOY: Organic salad bar Fairtrade coffee Fruits & Vegetables Omelets Eggs Cereals Breakfast meats and potatoes Sandwich deli bar Soups Specialty salads Pizza Burrito bar Pasta bar Stir-fry station Hot entrees Desserts Ice cream station bar on the East coast! 11 Our Top Priorities Health Ifyoudon’tfeelwell,justletyourcounselorknow, andwe’llhelpyougetbetterinnotime.Chances areyouwon’tneedit,butwehaveanurseand doctoron-callandareminutesfromtheregion’s top hospitals. As long as you keep taking any medicine you normally do at home, eat right and get some sleep, you should have nothing to worry about. 10:1 student to staff ratio Safety From personally meeting you at the airport or train station to seeing you safely off on your way back home, JKCP is proactive about your safety. •24/7campussafetystaff •ExtensiveFBIstaffbackgroundchecks •Intensivestaffandstudentorientations •Trainedtohandlesituationsdiscreetly,withcare and sensitivity •10:1student-to-staffratiosensuretheright balance of supervision and small group freedom •Professionallydesignedcrisismanagementplan •Minutesfromtheregion’stophospitals •Aregisterednurse,doctorandtrainersare always on call Many thanks to your entire staff for making Krinsky camp a safe and truly “memorable program. I am an over protective parent and I never once had to question or worry about either one of our children while under your supervision. This being said, I cannot thank everyone enough for welcoming and continuing to encourage Ashley in her dreams and ambitions. —Jodi A., parent ” 12 Our Philly Favorites: EASY TO GET TO FROM ANYWHERE Whether you are coming from Sao Paulo, San Francisco, Stockholm or Shanghai, getting to Philadelphia is easy. We’ll be there to pick you up! The Philadelphia International Airport is about 20minutesfromcampus.Therearenearly600dailydeparturesto120cities, including 36 international destinations. The Amtrak train also goes right into Philadelphia’s30thStreetStationfromNewYorkCityandWashington,DC. Fall in LOVE with Philadelphia. One of the great things about JKCP is that it all happensinandaroundPhiladelphia.You’llbecentrallylocatedontheU.S.MidAtlantic coast, halfway between New York and Washington, DC. Plus, the New Jersey beaches are about an hour east. PhiladelphiaistheifthlargestU.S.city.Sothere’splentygoingon.It’shometo over50world-classcolleges,richhistoryandfamousplaces,not tomentionsomeamazingfood. •Shoppingandhangingoutwith friends in trendy sections of town. We love Rittenhouse Square and the Penn campus. •Philly is a foodie destination. From the gourmet food trucks and restaurants around Penn in University City to our Center City faves,you’llindamillionplacesto love. •R unupthefamous“RockySteps”— You’veseenit.Nowdoit.Makeyour own triumphant dash to the top. •Philadelphia colleges have some of the most beautiful campuses in the world.Whoknows,maybeyou’ll come to college here. •P hillyhastrulyamazingmuseums and historic sites. We love the famous art museum, Independence Hall and the Franklin Institute. Flights from 120 cities, including 36 international destinations From New York City, 1 3 ⁄4 hours by car 1 1 ⁄ 3 hours by train PHILADELPHIA From Atlantic City and New Jersey Beaches, 1 1 ⁄2 hours by car 1 1 ⁄2 hours by train From Washington DC, 2 1 ⁄2 hours by car 1 3 ⁄4 hours by train Photo by R. Kennedy for GPTMC 13 A World Without Strangers Students from 35 states and 40 countries 100,000+ JKCP Alums Worldwide At JKCP, you will meet students and staff from around the world and learn about new customs, beliefs andcultures.It’satrulyglobalcommunitythatyouareforeverapartof!Aftersummer,stayintouch throughouralumninetworkandsocialmediagroups.Welovehearingallthestoriesaboutjobsand partnerships that have happened due to the relationships made through the JKCP network. jkcp.com/facebook jkcp.com/twitter jkcp.com/instagram jkcp.com/youtube recommend this camp to anyone. It’s so great getting to meet people from all “overI would the world. I now have friends in Florida, New York, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and Russia! Arkansas loves you Krinsky! ” —Kayla Christine M., student 14 My son, Jake, is a first time camper at JKCP. We are picking him up tomorrow, as his “4-week program is finished. While this is his sixth summer being away at camp, it is the ONLY time he has expressed how much he loved his camp experience. ” —Jenny A., parent 15 success. “No matter what ambitions you chase, JKCP can prepare you for extraordinary ” —Juan C., student An Investment in Your Future What Your Tuition Includes: •Rooming •Oncampusmeals •Afternoon&eveningactivities •5+hoursofinstructioneveryday •Guestappearances •Coursematerials* We have various pricing offers for early registration, siblings and bringing friends. *Excludingcollegecredit. 16 To check out all of our programs, visit jkcp.com Build Your Summer! At JKCP, our programs are designed to be combined — pay only one application fee. Architecture: Summer at Penn Art: Summer at Penn College Credit Courses Enrichment for High School Students International Affairs: Leadership & Model UN Internships Julian Krinsky Business School Julian Krinsky Cooking School Leadership in the Business World Penn Medicine Summer Program Management & Technology Summer Institute School of Golf School of Tennis Wharton Moneyball Academy Wharton Sports Business Academy Xploration for Middle School Students 17 Get a FREE Consultation with our Program Expert I attended Julian Krinsky camps “probably 13 years ago. Now that I’m an I just wanted to let you know that Alex “is having the most amazing time attending adult I just wanted to thank you — the memories I have from that one summer are still with me and I really learned a lot and developed interests I never had before. I think I’m a more well-rounded person because of your camp. —Noah B., alumnus your program, both academically and socially. It seems to us that he is having a truly life-changing experience and we are so happy that he was given this opportunity. I would be happy to recommend the program to anyone else. —SuzyR.,parent ” Thisinformationisbelievedtobeaccurateandcorrect,howeveritissubjecttochangewithoutnotice.©2014JulianKrinskyCamps&Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. ” 18 jkcp.com/enrichment Experience pre-college • AGES 14–18 • SINGLE- AND MULTI-WEEK SESSIONS • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTORS • RESIDENTIAL & DAY • VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY • CHOOSE TWO HALF-DAY COURSES EACH WEEK • COLLEGE CREDIT COURSES AVAILABLE Enrichment is an outstanding opportunity for high school students to experience the excitement of college life. The program offers expert instruction in the arts, cooking, business, fashion, college prep, sports and many other popular subjects. You’ll have a lot of choices, so you can focus on the areas that interest you most, try new things, or do both. We trend-spot and listen to you. So, our line-up of programming is constantly evolving to bring you what you want. That’s why we have been an industry leader for over 35 years. This is your chance to explore new ideas, skills and experiences in a friendly atmosphere of exploration and growth. [ “ We were impressed with the total experience. This program continues to help Steven build his skills. ” —Jamie Paul, parent ] QUESTIONS about how to pick your classes? Our Academic Director can design a personalized schedule just for you. 610.265.9401 Check out our full course listing and descriptions online at jkcp.com/enrichment CHOOSE FROM: Art Basketball Business Cooking Dance Engineering & Robotics Fashion Filmmaking French GetFit Math Music Photography SAT Prep School of English Science Soccer Spanish Tennis Writing and more! THE KRINSKY EXPERIENCE Residential students live in air-conditioned dorms at Villanova University*, a private college located on Philadelphia’s prestigious Main Line. You’ll enjoy the dining center, computer labs, theater, athletic fields, track, and tennis courts. Plus, you are minutes from Philadelphia’s attractions. After your Enrichment courses, you can enjoy your choice of on- and off-campus activities organized by our residential counselors. WEEKEND TRIPS Two trips are offered every Saturday to regional destinations of your choice such as New York City, Washington, DC, Baltimore, amusement parks, white water rafting and Ocean City, NJ. On Sunday, students enjoy a variety of sports and optional trips, including bowling, museums, baseball games and attractions in Philadelphia. DAY PROGRAMS Weekly sessions are available Monday through Friday, from June through August at Villanova University*. Join us for either a full-day or half-day program that includes lunch. *The final week will take place at Haverford College. • Tennis • Golf • Academic Enrichment • School of English • Business • Cooking • Fashion Design facebook.com/juliankrinskycampsprograms • Music • Science • Fitness • Filmmaking • Internships • Architecture • Robotics • International Affairs with Model UN • Art • Leadership • Computer Science • Engineering • Medicine YouTube: youtube.com/jkcampsprograms This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2013 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. Personalized Instruction to Improve Every Aspect of Your Game • AGES 7-17 • WEEKLY RESIDENTIAL & DAY SESSIONS • VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY & HAVERFORD COLLEGE • PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTORS • PLAY RAIN OR SHINE ON 50 OUTDOOR AND 28 INDOOR COURTS • LEADERS IN TENNIS FOR OVER 35 YEARS Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate or advanced player, our world-class instruction will help you play better tennis. You’ll receive a minimum of 25-hours on-court each week, personalized coaching—5:1 playerto-coach ratio, and competitive play with onsite USTA tournaments. Our teaching staff, made up of mostly USPTA, USPTR, or ITF certified teaching professionals, focuses on technical, tactical, physical and mental skills to develop consistent, well-rounded players. [ “ Julian Krinsky puts his heart and soul into his camps and treats the kids like members of his extended family. The experience was positive for my son across the board. ” —Steve Flink, Senior Correspondent, Tennis Magazine ] POWERED BY THE KRINSKY EXPERIENCE Once a pro player at Wimbledon and the French Open, Julian now brings his passion for tennis to his training academy. Players ages 14-17 will live at Villanova University and players ages 10-13 will reside at Haverford College. Minutes apart, both campuses occupy picturesque, air conditioned facilities on Philadelphia’s Main Line. Meals are served in the dining halls. After tennis, you can enjoy your choice of on- and off-campus afternoon and evening activities organized by our residential counselors. WEEKEND TRIPS Two trips are offered every Saturday to regional destinations of your choice such as New York City, Washington, DC, Baltimore, amusement parks, paintball and Ocean City, NJ. On Sundays, students enjoy a variety of sports and optional trips, including bowling, museums, baseball games and attractions in Philadelphia. HALF DAY TENNIS Mix and match a half-day of tennis with other courses in the Arts, Science, Business, Cooking, Fashion and more! Our flexible Xploration (ages 10–13) or Enrichment (ages 14–17) programs give you a variety of classes to customize your summer. DAY PROGRAMS Weekly sessions are available Monday through Friday, from June through August at Haverford College. Join us for either a full-day or half-day program that includes lunch. Minimum enrollment is one week. However, we recommend two or more weeks to get the full benefit of our exceptional instruction, coaching and socializing with students from around the world. 8 and Under Tennis morning sessions are also available. • Tennis • Golf • Academic Enrichment • School of English • Business • Cooking • Fashion Design facebook.com/juliankrinskycampsprograms • Music • Science • Fitness • Filmmaking • Internships • Architecture • Robotics • International Affairs with Model UN • Art • Leadership • Computer Science • Engineering • Medicine YouTube: youtube.com/jkcampsprograms This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2013 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. Personalized Instruction to Develop Every Aspect of Your Game • AGES 8-17 • WEEKLY RESIDENTIAL & DAY SESSIONS • VILLANOVA UNIVERSITY & HAVERFORD COLLEGE • ALL-WEATHER FACILITIES • PLAY ON 25 AREA COURSES AND RANGES • 4:1 STUDENT-TO-PROFESSIONAL RATIO Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced level golfer, our world-class instruction and coaching provides junior golfers with the necessary skills they need to compete and win. Building on your strengths, we offer intensive training and real competition that develops every part of your game. We’ll group you by skill level and focus on the full swing, short game, putting, approach shots, course management, tournament play and more. Test your new skills in weekly competitions and 18-hole tournaments. Learn what it takes to play golf on a more competitive level. Using our state-of-the-art V1 video analysis and TrackMan® radar technology, we can pinpoint swing faults, calculate flight trajectory and yardages, and custom fit your putter for optimal performance on the course. Attend the Julian Krinksy School of Golf this summer and let our PGA Professionals improve all areas of your game regardless of your skill level. You’ll have a blast this summer. That’s our commitment to you. [ “ ] I learned so much and couldn’t believe that I got to play on a different course every day. ” —Louis Lesser THE KRINSKY EXPERIENCE Players ages 14-17 will live at Villanova University and players ages 10-13 will reside at Haverford College. Minutes apart, both campuses occupy picturesque airconditioned facilities on Philadelphia’s Main Line. Breakfast and dinner are served in the dining halls; lunch is off-campus close to that day’s golf course. After golf, you can enjoy your choice of on- and off-campus afternoon and evening activities organized by our residential counselors. WEEKEND TRIPS Two trips are offered every Saturday to regional destinations of your choice such as New York City, Washington, DC, Baltimore, amusement parks, paintball and Ocean City, NJ. On Sunday, students enjoy a variety of sports and optional trips, including bowling, museums, baseball games and attractions in Philadelphia. DAY PROGRAMS Weekly sessions are available, Monday through Friday, from June through midAugust at Haverford College. Minimum enrollment is one week; however, we recommend two or more weeks to get the full benefit of our exceptional instruction and coaching. • Tennis • Golf • Academic Enrichment • School of English • Business • Cooking • Fashion Design facebook.com/juliankrinskycampsprograms • Music • Science • Fitness • Filmmaking • Internships • Architecture • Robotics • International Affairs with Model UN • Art • Leadership • Computer Science • Engineering • Medicine YouTube: youtube.com/jkcampsprograms This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2013 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. 2015 JKCP Program Dates & Pricing See yeshshabbat.com for information on our Yesh Shabbat programs. ENRICHMENT Residential Full Day (9:30 am–4:00 pm) Morning Only (9:30 am–1:30 pm) Afternoon Only (12:00 pm–4:00 pm) Ages Locations 14–17 14–17 14–17 14–17 Villanova Univ.* Villanova Univ.** Villanova Univ.** Villanova Univ.** Tuition per week 1 - 2 weeks 3+ weeks $1,795 $1,695 $535 (includes lunch) $325 (includes lunch) $325 (includes lunch) * Residential: Students reside at Villanova University, except August 2 – August 8 when they reside at Haverford College. ** Day: Students meet at Haverford College August 3–August 7. SESSION DATES (International students arrive on Saturday. Date in parentheses.) Residential: 1. Jun 21 – Jun 27 2. Jun 28 – Jul 4 3. Jul 5 – Jul 11 4. Jul 12 – Jul 18 5. Jul 19 – Jul 25 (Jul 18) 6. Jul 26 – Aug 1 (Jul 25) 7. Aug 2 – Aug 8 (Aug 1) Jun 20) Jun 27) (Jul 4) (Jul 11) ( ( Nonrefundable Application Fee: Weekend Stay: International Student Package: $90 $200 per stay $295 (Saturday arrival, linens, laundry service and round trip transportation to PHL Airport or 30th St. Station) Day: 1. Jun 22 2. Jun 29 3. Jul 6 4. Jul 13 – – – – Jun 26 Jul 3 Jul 10 July 17 5. Jul 20 – Jul 24 6. Jul 27 – Jul 31 7. Aug 3 – Aug 7* Nonrefundable Application Fee: $50 A deposit of 30% is due within seven days of registration if applying before May 1. After May 1, the total balance is due immediately upon registration. COLLEGE CREDIT COURSES AT ENRICHMENT* Residential Biology and Politics (4 credits) General Psychology (3 credits) Intro to MacroEconomics (4 credits) Intro to Sociology (3 credits) Survey of Comm. Studies (3 credits) Ages 14–17 Locations Villanova Univ. Tuition (4 weeks) To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined To be determined SESSION DATES Residential Only: Jun 25 – Jul 28 Nonrefundable Application Fee: $90 *College Credit offered through Villanova University College Credit for Superior High School Students Program.. A deposit of 30% is due within seven days of registration if applying before May 1. After May 1, the total balance is due immediately upon registration. This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2014 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. 2015 JKCP Program Dates & Pricing See yeshshabbat.com for information on our Yesh Shabbat programs. TENNIS PROGRAMS Residential Middle School Residential High School Day: Full (9:30 am–4:00 pm) Day: Mornings (9:30 am–1:30 pm) Day: Afternoons (12:00 pm–4:00 pm) Ages Locations 10–13 14–17 7–17 7–17 7–17 Haverford Villanova Univ.* Haverford** Haverford** Haverford** Tuition per week 1 - 2 weeks 3+ weeks $1,475 $1,375 $1,475 $1,375 $535 (includes lunch) $325 (includes lunch) $325 (includes lunch) * Residential: High school students reside at Villanova University, except: June 14–June 20 and August 2–August 8 when they reside at Haverford College. ** Day: Students meet at Narberth Tennis Club August 10–August 28. SESSION DATES (International students arrive on Saturday. Date in parentheses.) Residential: B. Jun 14 – Jun 20* 1. Jun 21 – Jun 27 2. Jun 28 – Jul 4 3. Jul 5 – Jul 11 Jun 13) Jun 20) Jun 27) Jul 4) Nonrefundable Application Fee: Weekend Stay: International Student Package: 4. Jul 12 5. Jul 19 6. Jul 26 7. Aug 2 – Jul 18 – Jul 25 – Aug 1 – Aug 8* Day: A. Jun 8 – Jun 12 B. Jun 15 – Jun 19 1. Jun 22 – Jun 26 2. Jun 29 – Jul 3 3. Jul 6 – Jul 10 Jul 11) Jul 18) Jul 25) Aug 1) $90 $200 per stay $295 (Saturday arrival, linens, laundry service and round trip transportation to PHL Airport or 30th St. Station) 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Jul 13 – Jul 20 – Jul 27 – Aug 3 – Aug 10 – 9. Aug 17 – Aug 21** Jul 17 10. Aug 24 – Aug 28** Jul 24 Jul 31 Aug 7 Aug 14** Nonrefundable Application Fee: $50 A deposit of 30% is due within seven days of registration if applying before May 1. After May 1, the total balance is due immediately upon registration. 10 AND UNDER TENNIS PROGRAMS Mornings (9:30 - 11:00 am) Ages 4–10 Locations Tuition (1 week) Gulph Mills, Narberth Tennis Club, $175 and Haverford* * Location is based on level. Red and Orange Levels play at Gulph Mills or Narberth. Green Level plays at Haverford. SESSION DATES A. B. 1. 2. 3. 4. Jun 8 Jun 15 Jun 22 Jun 29 Jul 6 Jul 13 – – – – – – Jun 12 Jun 19 Jun 26 Jul 3 Jul 10 July 17 5. Jul 20 – 6. Jul 27 – 7. Aug 3 – 8. Aug 10 – 9. Aug 17 – 10. Aug 24 – Jul 24 Jul 31 Aug 7 Aug 14** Aug 21** Aug 28** Visit either of the following for additional details and to apply: Gulph Mills Tennis Club: www.gulphmillstennis.com Narberth Tennis Club: www.narberthtennis.com **10 and Under Tennis will be at Narberth Tennis Club Only from August 10 – August 28. This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2014 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. 2015 JKCP Program Dates & Pricing See yeshshabbat.com for information on our Yesh Shabbat programs. GOLF PROGRAMS Residential Middle School Residential High School Day (9:30 am–4:00 pm) Ages Locations 10–13 14–17 8–17 Haverford Villanova Univ.* Haverford** Tuition per week 1 - 2 weeks 3+ weeks $1,695 $1,595 $1,695 $1,595 $690 (includes lunch) * Residential: High school students reside at Villanova University, except: June 14–June 20 and August 2–August 8 when they reside at Haverford College. **Day: Students meet at Narberth Tennis Club August 10–August 28. SESSION DATES (International students arrive on Saturday. Date in parentheses.) Residential: B. Jun 14 – Jun 20* Jun 13) 1. Jun 21 – Jun 27 Jun 20) 2. Jun 28 – Jul 4 Jun 27) 3. Jul 5 – Jul 11 Jul 4) Nonrefundable Application Fee: Weekend Stay: International Student Package: 4. Jul 12 – 5. Jul 19 – 6. Jul 26 – 7. Aug 2 – Jul 18 Jul 25 Aug 1 Aug 8* Jul 12) Jul 18) Jul 25) Aug 1) $90 $200 per stay $295 (Saturday arrival, linens, laundry service and round trip transportation to PHL Airport or 30th St. Station) Day: A. Jun 8 B. Jun 15 1. Jun 22 2. Jun 29 3. Jul 6 4. Jul 13 – – – – – – Jun 12 Jun 19 Jun 26 Jul 3 Jul 10 Jul 17 5. Jul 20 6. Jul 27 7. Aug 3 8. Aug 10 9. Aug 17 10. Aug 24 – – – – – – Jul 24 Jul 31 Aug 7 Aug 14** Aug 21** Aug 28** Nonrefundable Application Fee: $50 A deposit of 30% is due within seven days of registration if applying before May 1. After May 1, the total balance is due immediately upon registration. XPLORATION Residential Full Day (9:30 am–4:00 pm) Morning Only (9:30 am–1:30 pm) Afternoon Only (12:00 pm–4:00 pm) SESSION DATES Ages Locations 10–13 10–13 10–13 10–13 Haverford Haverford Haverford Haverford Tuition per week 1 - 2 weeks 3+ weeks $1,795 $1,695 $535 (includes lunch) $325 (includes lunch) $325 (includes lunch) (International students arrive on Saturday. Date in parentheses.) Residential: 1. Jun 21 – Jun 27 2. Jun 28 – Jul 4 3. Jul 5 – Jul 11 4. Jul 12 – Jul 18 Jun 20) Jun 27) Jul 4) Jul 11) Nonrefundable Application Fee: Weekend Stay: International Student Package: 5. Jul 19 – Jul 25 Jul 18) 6. Jul 26 – Aug 1 Jul 25) 7. Aug 2 – Aug 8 Aug 1) $90 $200 per stay $295 (Saturday arrival, linens, laundry service and round trip transportation to PHL Airport or 30th St. Station) Day: 1. Jun 22 2. Jun 29 3. Jul 6 4. Jul 13 – – – – Jun 26 Jul 3 Jul 10 July 17 5. Jul 20 – Jul 24 6. Jul 27 – Jul 31 7. Aug 3 – Aug 7 Nonrefundable Application Fee: $50 A deposit of 30% is due within seven days of registration if applying before May 1. After May 1, the total balance is due immediately upon registration. This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2014 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. [JULIAN KRINSKY CAMPS & PROGRAMS APPLICATION ] Apply online at www.jkcp.com/apply-now/ *Indicates required field Student Information FIRST NAME* MIDDLE NAME MALE PREFERRED NAME (NICKNAME) KIDS LARGE KIDS X-LARGE LAST NAME* FEMALE GENDER* ADULT X-SMALL ADULT SMALL ADULT MEDIUM ADULT LARGE DATE OF BIRTH* ADULT X-LARGE SHIRT SIZE* EMAIL ADDRESS* HOME PHONE NUMBER ADDRESS* ADDRESS 2 CITY* STATE/PROVINCE COUNTRY* ZIP/POSTAL CODE SCHOOL* GRADE (AS OF 2014-2015 SCHOOL YEAR)* GUIDANCE OR COLLEGE COUNSELOR NAME Allergy, Diet and Health Questions In an effort to help us prepare for any allergy, diet related, or medical concerns, please complete the following questions. Additional information may be requested as part of the student’s health information form. Does the student have any drug allergies?* Yes No Yes No Does the student have any food allergies?* Does the student have any other allergies?* Yes No Yes No Not Applicable Do any of the above allergies require the use of an inhaler?* Do any of the above allergies require the use of an Epi-pen?* Yes No Not Applicable Does the student have any dietary restrictions?* Yes No Are there any medical, physical or other conditions that may limit the student’s ability to fully participate in any activity?* Yes No Parent/Guardian Information MALE FIRST NAME* LAST NAME* DATE OF BIRTH* EMAIL ADDRESS* HOME PHONE NUMBER* BUSINESS/WORK PHONE NUMBER ADDRESS* ADDRESS 2 CITY* STATE/PROVINCE COUNTRY* ZIP/POSTAL CODE FEMALE GENDER* CELL/MOBILE PHONE NUMBER* How did you hear about Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs? (Please check all that apply.) PREVIOUSLY ATTENDED A SUMMER PROGRAM WITH JKCP NAME OF PROGRAM PERSON Alumni Foundation or Non-Profit Coach or Pro Guidance or College Counselor Friend Relative Teacher Other Person Please indicate the person’s or organization’s name and relationship: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide the person’s email address or organization’s website: [ REFERRAL AGENCY ONLINE OFFLINE OTHER ________________________________________________________________________________________________ (GXOLQJR6SUDFKUHLVHQ*HUPDQ\ Agency or Agent Name ____________________________________________________________________________ JKCP Website Search Engine Social Media College/University Mailing Advertisement Event ________________________________________________________________________________________________ [JULIAN KRINSKY CAMPS & PROGRAMS APPLICATION ] Student Name: __________________________________________ Session Selection: __________________________________________ Select Your Program and Session Dates (If choosing Enrichment or Xploration, course selections will be completed after your registration is complete.) Golf Program (Ages 7 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 7 – 18) Day Session: June 8 – June 12 Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Day Session: June 15 – June 19 Residential Session: June 14 – June 20 Enrichment Program (Ages 14 – 18) Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Xploration Program (Ages 10 – 13) Day Session: June 22 – June 26 Residential Session: June 21 – June 27 Enrichment Program (Ages 14 – 18) Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Xploration Program (Ages 10 – 13) Day Session: June 29 – July 3 Residential Session: June 28 – July 4 Enrichment Program (Ages 14 – 18) Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Xploration Program (Ages 10 – 13) Day Session: July 6 – July 10 Residential Session: July 5 – July 11 Enrichment Program (Ages 14 – 18) Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Xploration Program (Ages 10 – 13) Day Session: July 13 – July 17 Residential Session: July 12 – July 18 Enrichment Program (Ages 14 – 18) Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Xploration Program (Ages 10 – 13) Day Session: July 20 – July 24 Residential Session: July 19 – July 25 Enrichment Program (Ages 14 – 18) Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Xploration Program (Ages 10 – 13) Day Session: July 27 – July 31 Residential Session: July 26 – August 1 Enrichment Program (Ages 14 – 18) Golf Program (Ages 10 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 10 – 18) Xploration Program (Ages 10 – 13) Day Session: August 3 – August 7 Residential Session: August 2 – August 8* Golf Program (Ages 7 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 7 – 18) Day Session: August 10 – August 14** Golf Program (Ages 7 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 7 – 18) Day Session: August 17 – August 21** Golf Program (Ages 7 – 18) Tennis Program (Ages 7 – 18) Day Session: August 24 – August 28** *Residential: Students ages 14 – 18 will reside at Villanova University; except: June 14 – June 20 and August 2 – August 8 when they reside at Haverford College. **Day: Students meet at Narberth Tennis Club August 10 – August 28. This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2014 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. [JULIAN KRINSKY CAMPS & PROGRAMS APPLICATION ] Student Name: __________________________________________ CalculateYour Price RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS I am paying by (choose one): Check or Wire Transfer (prices listed below) Credit Card (prices listed below) Session fees Enrichment tuition $1795 per week x ____week(s) $1848 per week x ____week(s) Golf tuition $1695 per week x ____week(s) $1745 per week x ____week(s) Tennis tuition $1475 per week x ____week(s) $1519 per week x ____week(s) Xploration tuition $1795 per week x ____week(s) $1848 per week x ____week(s) Weekend stay (Total number of weeks – 1) x $200 (For example, if you are coming for three weeks: 3 – 1 = 2, then 2 x $200 = $400) Subtotal of session fees Multi-week discount (for 3 or more weeks) $100 per week x ____week(s) $100 per week x ____week(s) Subtotal of session fees after multi-week discount Deposit (30% of subtotal of session fees after multi-week discount if applying before May 1.) Nonrefundable application fee Cancellation insurance (if applicable) (see attached policy for details) $90 per week x ____week(s) $90 per week x ____week(s) International student package (includes Saturday arrival, linens, laundry service and round trip transportation to PHL Airport or 30th St. Station) $295 one time fee Amount due within seven days if you are applying before May 1. Add deposit, nonrefundable application fee and cancellation insurance (if applicable). Balance due by May 1. Total balance due immediately if applying after May 1. Add subtotal of session fees (after multi-week discount), nonrefundable application fee and cancellation insurance (if applicable). DAY PROGRAMS I am paying by (choose one): Check or Wire Transfer (prices listed below) $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $90.00 $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ Credit Card (prices listed below) Session fees Enrichment tuition* $535 per week x ____week(s) $550 per week x ____week(s) Golf tuition $690 per week x ____week(s) $710 per week x ____week(s) Tennis tuition* $535 per week x ____week(s) $550 per week x ____week(s) Xploration tuition* $535 per week x ____week(s) $550 per week x ____week(s) Subtotal of session fees Deposit (30% of subtotal of session fees if applying before May 1.) Nonrefundable application fee Cancellation insurance (if applicable, see attached policy for details) $30 per week x ____week(s) $30 per week x ____week(s) Amount due within seven days if you are applying before May 1. Add deposit, nonrefundable application fee and cancellation insurance (if applicable). Balance due by May 1. Total balance due immediately if applying after May 1. Add subtotal of session fees, nonrefundable application fee and cancellation insurance (if applicable). $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $__________ $50.00 $__________ $___________ $___________ *Please contact our office at 610.265.9401, ext. 4 to register for half day Enrichment, Tennis or Xploration. This information is believed to be accurate and correct, however it is subject to change without notice. © 2014 Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. Contents, course names and descriptions are copyright Julian Krinsky Camps & Programs. All rights reserved. [JULIAN KRINSKY CAMPS & PROGRAMS APPLICATION ] Student Name: __________________________________________ By submitting this application, I understand, acknowledge and agree to the following: For residential students applying before May 1, a 30% per week nonrefundable deposit plus a $90 nonrefundable application fee and cancellation insurance (if applicable) is required to complete your reservation. For day students applying before May 1, a 30% per week nonrefundable deposit plus a $50 nonrefundable application fee and cancellation insurance (if applicable) is required to complete your application. Applications are confirmed in order of receipt and we will notify you if your preferred session is not available. After processing your application, we will contact you via email to confirm your total, your deposit amount and provide payment instructions. Your application will not be considered complete until your application fee and deposit have been received. Those who apply before May 1 will be asked to submit your first payment within seven days. Your remaining balance will be due by May 1, 2015. Those who apply after May 1 will be asked to submit payment in full immediately. Any participant who fails to pay in full in accordance with the guidelines above may be subject to exclusion from participation. Cancellation insurance may be purchased as part of the application process and must be paid for in full within seven days of application confirmation. Upon submission of this application, I will be given access to an online account and will be asked to use this online account to complete additional requirements. I may contact imagine@jkcp.com or 610.265.9401 for assistance with my online account. By submitting this application, I acknowledge that I have read and understand the Terms and Conditions. I also confirm that I have reviewed the Terms and Conditions with my child. A complete copy of JKCP’s Terms and Conditions can be found at www.jkcp.com/jk-terms-conditions . I may also request a full copy of the Terms and Conditions by email or mail by contacting imagine@jkcp.com or 610.265.9401. PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME (please print) PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE DATE STUDENT NAME (please print) STUDENT SIGNATURE DATE
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