Malta Weather
Malta Weather
Malta Weather Chelsea Court, Triq l-Imghazel, Swieqi, St. Julians SWQ 3150, Malta t. (+356) 2137 0694 f. (+356) 2137 0607 e. w. It is the warm and inviting climate that has made the Maltese Islands an important tourist resort in the centre of the Mediterranean. There are no harsh winds, fog, snow or frost. Rain falls only for very short periods, averaging about 20 inches annually. There are only two seasons in Malta: the mild winter season and the dry summer season. The average temperature in winter is 14°C, while in summer the average is 23°C although during the height of summer (mid July – mid September), temperatures regularly reach over 30°C. The spring and autumn months are a perfect time to visit Malta, when the weather is at its best. If you are visiting Malta during the winter months (November - April) it is advisable to pack some warm clothes including a thick jacket, as it gets quite cold, especially at night. If you plan to visit during the summer months (May – October) you do not need any thick clothes, however it is advisable to bring a light jacket as it gets quite chilly in the evenings. During the peak summer months (July - September) make sure to bring your bathing suit, as well as shorts and sleeveless tops. If you plan to visit certain places of interest such as churches, do not forget to bring along the appropriate clothing. Before travelling check out: Average Temperature Average Low Temperature in ºC | Average High Temperature in ºC 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 r ve De ce mb e mb er er tob Se No Oc pte Au gu mb er st y Jul Jun e Ma y ril Ap Ma rc h bru ary Fe Jan ua ry 0 Average Sea Temperature Average Sea Temperature in ºC 30 25 20 15 10 5 ce mb er r De mb e ve No er tob Oc er Se pte mb ust Au g y Jul e Jun Ma y ril Ap rch Ma bru ary Fe Jan ua ry 0 20 0 ary Ap rch Ma bru Fe ry ua Jan Jun er mb st y er er De ce r mb e mb er ve No er r mb e gu st tob Oc Se pte Au y Jul mb ce De 40 Jul mb ve No 60 e y tob er Oc 80 e Jun Au gu pte Se 100 Ma y 120 Ma Average mm of Rainfall ril mm of Rainfall ril Ap rch Ma ary bru Fe ua ry Jan Daily Hours of Sunshine Average Sea Temperature in ºC 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
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