Partnering with God in Changing Lives


Partnering with God in Changing Lives
Partnering with God in Changing Lives
Vol. 78
No. 4
June-July-August 2015 |
Fires of REVIVAL
“In a Sunday morning prayer meeting for these young people the pastor asked for
testimonies of spiritual experiences… At last a young girl named Florrie Evans, who
had been gloriously converted a few days before, stood and with a trembling voice
said: ‘I love Jesus Christ—with all my heart!’ With these simple words the sparks
that God had planted in so many hearts burst into flame and the great Welsh
Revival began. The fire spread quickly…” ~ Rick Joynor
Revival spreads like
fire. It moves supernaturally and
spontaneously with a divine drawing
that is beyond human understanding.
A testimony of love from a new believer
sparked the Welsh revival that touched
the world. God spread the fires of
revival unexpectedly. The Welsh Revival
displayed a deep conviction of sin and
an awareness of the holiness and power
of God. Humans prepare in earnest
prayer and soul-searching conviction.
Then God comes in a sovereign and
supernatural way, spontaneously and
with neither striving nor human control.
Awesome August is coming very soon
and once again we will have some of
the most outstanding preachers in
America here in our church. They will
be bringing God’s divine messages to
our hearts. My prayer is that we will not
be hearers only but doers of His word.
This is a great opportunity for us to
prepare our hearts that God would send
a mighty outpouring of His power on to
our church. Yes revival is the answer to
our great needs in our church and in our
land. “Lord, please send a revival to our
church and to our nation.”
Please check out the listing of these
great men of God and the dates they will
be here at Kempsville Baptist Church.
You do not want to miss a single Monday
night in August.
I hope that you have taken notice of
our new church logo. It is fresh with
the idea of the cross and Kempsville
Baptist church in the middle of the world
spreading the gospel. It is helping to
define our mission statement “Partnering
with God in changing lives.”
Praying for Revival,
Pastor Kelly
Staff Recognitions
Wedding Anniversaries
Tim & Jennifer Zittle,
KBC Anniversaries
Sharon Pinkston, 19 yrs, June 3
Judy Beecham, June 23
KBC Organist
Johanna Wright, July 22
Facilities Director
Tim Hathaway, August 3
Rev. Ken Carlton, August 24
Adult Ministries & Pastoral Care
Pastor’s Administrative Assistant
Tim Hathaway, 16 yrs, July 15
Brandi Riggs, 6 yrs, July 23
Financial Assistant
Marlene Smith, 22 yrs, August 2
Receptionist/Prayer Ministry Assistant
Andrew Knollenberg, 2 yrs,
August 25
Worship Leader & Student Minister
16 years, June 26
Johanna & Larry Wright
1 year, July 26
Pastor Kelly & Brenda Burris
46 years, August 3
Andrew & Sarah Knollenberg
2 years, August 3
Judy & Don Beecham
57 years, August 22
Bruce & Alice Doss
31 years, August 25
| 3
Andrew Knollenberg
Worship Leader
His Glory
Here at KBC our theme verse for our music ministry is Colossians 3:16—­
“Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing
one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual
songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.”
We want to live out this verse
in every aspect of our lives. We
are encouraged to worship the
Lord, reflecting His glory back
to Him, with thankfulness in our
hearts to God. If you would like
to be a part of our worship team,
we would love to hear from you.
Wednesday nights at 7:45 p.m. we
have choir rehearsal, band, and
orchestra practice. If you feel like
music isn’t really your thing but
you love technology, we would
love to have you part of our
media team. The media team runs
Pro Presenter on the computer,
the lights, and the sound for
our Sunday morning worship
We believe that arts play such
a vital role in the church here
at Kempsville, and that worship
is a foundational part of our
five purposes: Praising the
Lord, Proclaiming His salvation,
Preparing His followers,
Promoting His spirit of unity,
and Providing opportunities for
His service.
The Master’s
Hand Quartet
Southern Gospel Music
July 12
6:30 pm
APEX Student Ministry
It is a privilege to be able to lead the student
ministry through discipleship, evangelism,
weekly meetings, events, and outreach. Getting
to see students come to know Christ is one of the
greatest things I get to witness.
Andrew Knollenberg
Student Minister
Since last September, the Lord has laid on our
hearts to lead students into a more mission
minded focus, so we have been studying a
different country every single Sunday morning
and learning about Christianity (or lack thereof )
in that particular country. Wednesday nights
we have been going through the “Bible Studies
for Life” curriculum, and just hopped into an
8-week series on the life of Christ. We break into
small groups where the small group leaders have
a huge opportunity for discipleship with our
The more help we get, the better. If you feel like
God has called you to work with youth, please
send me an email at or call me at 757-416-8996. I would
love to chat with you!
June 6 – Car Wash
June 7 – Grad Sunday
June 21-26 – Centrifuge
July 17-27 – Mexico Mission Trip
August Monday Nights - Afterglows
For information,
check us out on:
Tim Zittle, Associate Pastor
Education, Missions, & Children
Pastor Angel Serrano and his wife, Marisol, are needing our prayers as they are loving
people at “The Father’s Heart Ministry.” He is sharing the love of Jesus in a Hispanic community
called Georgetown South, near Manassas, Virginia. The needs are many there—recovery from
drug addiction, sexual immorality, alcohol abuse... along with
fatherless homes because of incarceration. Pastor Angel
shares the hope of Jesus through the church plant, small
groups for men and women, and kids programs. The
church meets on Sunday evenings at the Georgetown
South Community Center.
Collect Items for VBS
June 27
DC Church Plant Car Wash
The Father’s Heart Ministry
DC Church Plant Mission Opportunity, Saturday, June 27
Our DC family will be having a car wash at their church. This will be a great way for
them to serve the community and for us to get to know members of “The Father’s
Heart Ministry.” Pastor Angel would love for us to bring many volunteers to help with
this car wash. Along with this they will have a cookout and an antique car show!
If you want to help, sign up in the Welcome Center or call Tim at 201-6356. The church
bus will leave Saturday morning at approximately 7 AM and be back around 5 PM.
Collect School Supplies for DC Church Plant
July 2
Day of Prayer/Fasting for Ukraine
Mission Trip
July 16
Day of Prayer/Fasting for the Mexico
Mission Trip
Damascus Mission Trip
Looking for Leaders
In August we will be
looking for more helpers
to commit to the 2015-16
school year. If you are interested in helping
with any of our Children’s Ministries, please
contact Tim (201-6356) and he can get you in
contact with the various directors.
June 22-26
6:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.
For children ENTERING
Kindergarten­–5th Grade (completed)
Thanks to everyone who served on the trip this year to help with
Appalachian Trail Days, May 13-16. God did some amazing things through
this team’s efforts distributing crocheted caps, water, food, washing
hiker’s feet, and praying for the many people in Damascus. Thanks also to
everyone who created the caps
and donated items, even the
baked goods, so that the team
could have the incredible impact
it had for the Kingdom of God.
We will hear from the team in our
Mission Report Service, Sunday
evening, September 20.
Kick-off Rally, June 17, at 6 p.m.
Pre-Register on-line at
Volunteers are still needed to help in VBS, please contact
VBS Director, Emily Miles, 708-2660, for more information.
Thank you!
Centri-Kid —Fundraising Dinner
Sunday, July 12 | 5:30 pm, FLC
A free church-wide spaghetti dinner will be held to raise funds for
Centri-Kid. Reservation deadline: Wednesday, July 8. Tips for our
Centri-Kid waiters/waitresses will be gladly accepted. A concert
will follow in the Sanctuary at 6:30 PM.
Aug 3-7
Collect Items for Union Mission
August 21
Help DC Church Plant
This summer we will be taking 16,
3rd-5th graders to Skycroft Conference
Center for Centri-Kid Summer Camp 2015.
Please be in prayer for all who will be
Basketball Camp
Week 1 – July 20-24
Week 2 – July 27-31
For all girls and boys going
into 1st-7th grades. Register
Awana Awards
June 3 @ 6:30 pm
June 10 @ 6:30 pm
VBS Rally
June 17 @ 6:00 pm
(No Wed Activities in July)
Award Night
Wednesday, June 3
6:30 PM, Sanctuary
AWANA will take a break for
the summer and start back
on September 9. A great
big “THANK YOU” to Martha
Bonney and the team of 50
leaders who helped this year!
M&M (Music & Missions) — June 7, 14, 28
Then moves to Wednesdays in August! 6:15-7:30 pm
Ken Carlton, Associate Pastor
Adult Ministries & Pastoral Care
his summer season is upon
us and with it comes changeups in our schedules and
activities. Please make it a
point to check the activities
of significant events that are coming our
way and post them on your personal
Discipleship classes in our Men’s and
Women’s Ministries will conclude the
end of May with the exception of “Hope
and Help for the Single Mom.” This class
will continue through the summer but
will be temporarily suspended during
July. Our Men’s Ministry group will
resume in August.
The Adult Prayer Meeting and Bible Study
will continue through the summer but will
be temporarily suspended during July.
Our Tuesday morning Senior Adult Bible
Study will have their last meeting June
16th and resume September 8th.
A complicated schedule so just stay
posted and enjoy the summer with those
you care about. Remember, your church
needs your continued support, especially
your prayers and your offerings. May
our LORD Jesus Christ provide you rich
opportunities to bear witness to Him. Stay
alert. He’s at work all around you.
A book-by-book group Bible study that
encourages participants to let the Word
dwell in them and challenges them to live it
out in their own context. This summer we will
be looking into I, 2, 3 John and Revelation.
Adult Bible Studies
@ 6:15 pm
Men’s Fraternity will not meet
in June & July. In August they will
resume A Man and His Marriage —
An Inspiriting Picture of God’s Vision
for Marriage. Facilitated by Wayne
Barbour & Rob Jeffrey. Meet in
Pleasant Hall.
“Hope & Help for the Single Mom”
(The 21 Principles of a Healthy
Single Mom)
Meets in June and August in Room
A-200. Facilitated by Jynn Albano.
(There will not be a study in July.)
A new study led by Lisa Hathaway
will begin in August in Room
A-113. Watch the bulletin for more
Bible Study & Prayer
Large Conference Room
led by Rev. Ken Carlton
A study in the Gospel of Luke.
Equips people to understand how faith impacts
their families, careers, and struggles... all the while
challenging them to live it out. One six-session study
(Be Strong & Courageous: Everyday Leadership from
Joshua), one six-session study (Awake: The Call to a
Renewed Life), and a bonus session (Hospitality)
Monthly Events
CHERA LUNCHEONS (Widows & Single Again Ladies)
June 28, July 26, August 23 (4th Sunday in the month)
Luncheon will take place immediately following the Morning Worship Service
in Pleasant Hall.
Monday, July 20, 11:30 a.m. Senior Adult Luau
Home of Joe & Loretta McCarty (5517 Elgin Rd, Va. Beach). Meet in the church parking
lot at 11 a.m. to car pool. Bring a covered dish or dessert. Fried chicken, beverages
and paper products will be provided. Make your reservation by completing a yellow
Special Events envelope and drop it in the offering plate or bring it to the church office.
Deadline for reservations is July 17. For information or directions, contact Loretta
McCarty at 420-1307.
June 13, 5:30 p.m., Outdoor Cookout & Fellowship
BBQ & all the Fixin’s—Cornhole Competition
Cost: $5.00. Register and prepay by completing a yellow Special Events envelope, drop
it in the offering plate or bring it by the church office. Registration deadline: Monday,
June 8! Contact Bobby Powell, 546-1000, for details.
August 7-9, Men & Boys Campout
Sherando Lake, VA — watch the Church Bulletin for further details
Friday and Saturday, August 28 & 29, Women’s Retreat
FREE!! Friday: 6:30 p.m. – 9 p.m. (snacks) | Saturday, 9 a.m. – Noon (continental
breakfast) | Speaker: Jynn Albano | Special Music and More!
Registration deadline: August 23. To know how many to prepare for, please
complete a yellow Special Events envelope, drop it in the offering plate, or
bring to the church office. You may also sign up by emailing Sharon Pinkston at Ladies, unfortunately, we are not able to provide
childcare for this event.
Johanna Wright, Director of
Family Life Ministries
Thank You
I am so thankful for all that the Lord has done in the last 11 years of serving Him at Kempsville Baptist
Church. Family Life Ministry and the facilities would never survive without the army of servants’
(volunteers) support. May God bless each and everyone of you who have come to help with His work.
Listed below is the number of volunteers it takes to serve each event.
6+ 10+ 10+
6+ 8
75 10 10 15 30 4
20 Building & Ground Committee + many others who stand in the gap when needed
Parking Lot attendants each Sunday & Special events
Security & Medical Team
Lawn care each Week
“The Lady Bugs”, women who work on the Prayer Garden & other flowers outside
Fellowship Committee + many who serve when asked
people to run booths at Fall Festival
people for set up for Fall Festival
people to set up for Valentine Banquet
people for God & Country Day to serve food
people were needed to help with the 200th Celebration
people for Wednesday night dinners
people for Movie night
for Christmas Festival
etc…etc…etc…the list goes on and on….
“And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works.” Hebrews 10:24
So get
God can use each and
every one of us right
where we are. Give
an hour, maybe two,
or a day to help in His
work. Plant a seed for
Jesus. No one is too old
or too young to make
a difference in our
community and world.
I am always in need for servants to help serve our Lord, this Church, and the community. Come be apart of
His volunteer army today. Waiting on your call, 757-288-0031.
*Casual Dress Sunday | *Sunday Service, 10:30 a.m. | * Patriotic Music
Picnic on the grounds following the service: 12 p.m. – 3 p.m.
Cost: $6 (students & adults) / $3 (8-12 yrs) / 7 yrs & under, FREE
Chopped Pork BBQ, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Baked Beans, Cole Slaw, Potato
Salad, Watermelon & Assorted Desserts, Iced Tea & Lemonade! Picnic tables will
be outside; or dine in the air-conditioned FLC! Complete a yellow Special Events
envelope and include payment on or before Monday, June 29!
*Note: We ask everyone to please refrain from wearing shorts
in the worship service.
July 26, 6 p.m.
Make this a family day at the beach!
Worship at the Beach
Shelter 4 is reserved for KBC!
Pack a picnic lunch and/or dinner, bring your beach
umbrella, lawn chairs, blanket, and a cooler filled with
drinks for your family – don’t forget the sunscreen!
Praise and Worship at 6 p.m.! Baptism of new believers
to follow in the ocean. Watch for more details in
the Sunday bulletin.
Family Night
Dinner Menus
3rd – Fried Chicken / 10th – Burger Night /
17th – This-n-That
No meals in July. Have a great summer!
5th – Fried Chicken / 12th – Spaghetti w/meatballs /
19th – Stuffed Chicken over Rice /
26th – Pork w/Stuffing
Please note: Beginning in September
the cost of Adult meals will increase .50
cents. The total for an Adult meal will
be $6.00.
5204 Princess Anne Road
Virginia Beach, VA 23462
Thank You
Dr. Kelly J. Burris
Senior Pastor
Rev. Timothy G. Zittle
Associate Pastor, Minister of
Education, Missions & Children
Rev. A. Kenneth Carlton
Associate Pastor, Minister of Adult
Ministries & Pastoral Care
Andrew Knollenberg
Worship Leader & Student Ministry
Dot Hathaway
Ed & Linda Glisson
Peggy Libick & Family
Jay & Eva Mumford
Shirley Glover & Family
Libby Mace & Family
Sibyl Kello
Joyce Eriksen
Joan Culbertson & Family
Jinci & John Carter
Sympathy To:
Mike Kellam and Family in the death of his nephew on 3/23 in NC.
James & Helen Ripley and Family in the death of his sister,
GOLDIE DOWDY, on 3/25.
Libby Mace and Family in the death of her husband, JAMES MACE, on 3/26.
Shirley Glover and Family in the death of her husband; Ken & Dixie Glover,
his father; Donnie & Christine Glover, his father; and Nicholas Glover, his
grandfather; GENE GLOVER, on 4/2.
Joan Culbertson and Family in the death of her son, and Tiffany & Heather
Culbertson, in the death of their father, MIKE CULBERTSON, on 4/4.
Helen Ripley and Family in the death of her husband, JAMES RIPLEY,
on 4/11.
Bonnie & Barry LeBlanc in the death of their mother, BETTY LEBLANC,
on 4/20.
Tiffany & Heather Culbertson and Family in the death of their maternal
grandmother, LINDA WILLIAMS, on 4/20.
Bill & Barbara Knowles and Family in the death of her niece,
Sid & Ruth Martin and Family in the death of her sister-in-law,
CLARA MADDY PACK, on 4/27 in WV.
Ian & Feleena Peralta and Family in the death of her father;
and Kyleagh & Kohlton Peralta, their grandfather, TED PROFFITT, on 5/1.
Johanna Wright
Director of Family Life Ministry
Kelly & Brenda Burris and family in the death of his step-father,
MAC DON BURRIS, on 5/14 in NC.
Rev. Charles H. Jones
Pastor Emeritus
The Family of Mary Jones in her death on 5/24.
Tony & Maebelle Lowery in the death of his brother last week in NC.
Jinci & John Carter and Family in the death of her sister, GRACE EULER,
on 5/25.