April 2013 Worship Participants


April 2013 Worship Participants
April 2013 Worship Participants
Communion Steward:
April 7 Tina Fleener & Marilyn Titus (8:30 am)
April: Betty Fagan
April 14 Frieda Fountain & Jane Gemmecke (8:30 am)
Georgia Jones
April 21 Pat Smith & Sherry Julien (8:30 am)
Youth Nursery Worker:
April 28 George & Patty Cunningham (8:30 am)
April: Brianna Griffin
P.O. BOX 302
BATTLE GROUND, IN 47920-0302
Homebound & Nursing Homebound
April 6
Brandon Deno, Rachel Lehman
Georgia Jones
Olivia Dunlap
Adam Logue
Ian Snodgrass
Jonas White
Amos Osborn
Brian Henderson
Ethel Kingma
Denny Fagan, Iola Clifton
9 Ron & Diane Lehman
10 Travis & Tiffany Abston
15 Jim & Ethel Kingma
Daisy Downing
3851 North River Rd.
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Margaret Fultz
2621 Union Street
Lafayette, IN 47904
Martha Lehman
St. Anthony Health Care
1205 North 14th Street Room 140
Lafayette, IN 47904
Ella Swisher
3575 Senior Place Room 110
West Lafayette, IN 47906
Maxine Young
250 Shenandoah Drive Apt. 4
Lafayette, IN 47905
Address Change for Reta Searcy
Reta has a new address. It is,
7401 Yorktown Ave. Apt. 157
Huntington Beach, CA 92648
Her phone number is the same.
Drop her a line, she would love
to hear from you!
Battle Ground United Methodist Church
April 2013
Letter from the pastor———————————————–——————Brian White
Dear Friends,
I have been reading from a number of books
concerning the Christian walk, which encourage the
believer to acknowledge the revolutionary touch of
God. The truth that resonates in my mind is the fact
that ALL Christian’s have received from the abundance
of God’s treasures. Paul says in Philippians 4,
concerning God’s treasure to, “Rejoice in the Lord
always,” and “Let your gentleness be evident to all.”
Then he identifies the real treasure, “The Lord is near.”
Praise the Lord for these rich words of assurance. The
truth is that we are all rich and have been given in
abundance from God’s treasure of grace, mercy and
love. The scripture says that God’s kingdom has come
and the Christian has been given the rich blessing to
live in and to live it out in this world. We are RICH!
Paul says to his son in I Timothy, “Command
those who are rich in this present world not to be
arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so
uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly
provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds,
and to be generous and willing to share. In this way
they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm
foundation for the coming age, so that they may take
hold of the life that is truly life.”
Notice that Paul begins with a powerful word:
“Command…” He does not say “Suggest, Propose or
Advise…” No he says, “Command…” He is saying
that this is an absolute directive from God. Tell them
Timothy that this is categorically non-optional. Who
does this include today? According to a recent report in
Money Magazine in the U.S. today there are more than
7.5 million millionaires! In addition to the millions of
millionaires there are tens of millions of people whose
net worth is in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.
We have pension plans, 401K plans, IRA’s, investment
portfolios, houses and land, yet we still worry and fret
about the future. We are reminded by God’s word and
the admonishment is clear. Do not be arrogant and do
not put your hope in wealth because it is uncertain.
Instead, put your hope (faith) in God. He after all, is the
one who provides us with everything in the first place.
Paul continues: “Command them to do good, to
be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing
to share.” Take hold of the life God has for you and be
abounding in love and good deeds. Take hold of the
life that is truly life. There is nothing more rewarding
than Revolutionary Generosity and the results are
eternal peace, joy and RICHES IN THE COMING
AGE! The payoff is a life that never ends, life that has
no limitations and life that goes beyond the boundaries
of this temporal existence.
Reasons to live generously?
1. When we give generously we express the
character of God.
When we give generously others see in us a
reflection of eternity’s values and heaven’s
3. When we give generously it feels good in our
soul and it aligns our heart with God’s heart.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his
one and only Son.”
4. When we give generously it is a surrendering to
the instructor. When God commands something,
we need to take it serious. He gives a new set of
priorities and a new perspective. He gives a new
heart and a new way to live.
5. When we give generously it is fulfilling a
covenant made with God.
6. When we give generously we position ourselves
to receive God’s blessing. God says, if you honor
me with giving I will honor you with blessing and
7. When we give generously it is a statement of
faithfulness and commitment to people coming
to Christ, disciples growing in their faith, servants
putting on towels to serve Christ, the lonely being
comforted, bold prayers being prayed, sermons
(pointing people to Christ) being preached, the
poor being cared for and the Spirit of God filling
the people of God.
8. When we give generously we are making a
statement of faith and setting an example for
our children.
9. When we give generously we are making an
eternal statement. As we look and long for our
eternal home the desire to hear the words,
“Well done good and faithful servant” drive the
Christian’s heart.
The Christians focus is not here, but there. It’s
not earth, but eternity. Can you imagine hearing from
God, “I gave you material resources and you dropped
the ball!” I don’t want that. I want to hear, “Well done.”
We can make decisions now, that make that day
predictable. I have never seen anyone drift toward
generosity. It comes through obedience, decision,
and it comes through commitment.
Rejoice in the Lord always, for the Lord is near,
Pastor Brian
Church News
Revival Services
April 28-30!
Our revival services begin
Sunday morning, April 28,
during regular worship
times. The evening service,
starts at 6:30 pm Sunday
night with an all church
dinner at 5:30 pm before
the service. We will serve Carla’s yummy homemade vegetable
beef soup and have a sign-up sheet available for desserts
and rolls. The services continue at 6:30 pm on Monday and
Tuesday evenings. The Dayton UM Church will provide
childcare for our evening services so that none of us have
to miss out on the messages!
The theme for this years revival is,
“Why Revival?” Our speaker is
Pastor Eric Schneider “Pastor of
Assimilation” from the Dayton UM
Church. We have had the privilege
of having Pastor Eric preach on a
few occasions for us and are so
excited to have this man of God
come and share his message with
us. He is a spirit-filled and passionate
preacher of the word. Plan now to
attend these great services and
don’t forget to invite a friend or
neighbor to join you. What does
God want to revive or renew in you?
Church News
Dinner and a Movie
Ready for a night out?
Are the high prices of the
movie theaters too much?
Come to the Friendship Room
on Saturday, April 6 at 6 pm
to see the movie “Amazing
Grace”. Bob Greene and Joe
Krintz are the hosts and the
menu for the evening is
Pizza, Drinks, and Popcorn.
Admission is 2 non-perishable
food items, per person, which
will go to the food pantry. Child
care is provided. So, invite
your friends, bring your family,
and come out and enjoy a
great movie!
Let’s Do Lunch!
The lunch bunch are not
meeting in April but will meet
again Tuesday, May 14, at
Christo’s on Teal Rd. at
11:30 am. Sign-up sheet will
be located in HeBrews
coffeehouse. Join us for fun,
food and fellowship!
Attention All Graduates!
If you are a graduating senior
from high school or college this
year, please contact the church
office so we can recognize you on
graduation Sunday. Your church
family looks forward to
celebrating with you!
Knights and Fair Maidens, get ready
to charge into a time filled with kings,
kingdoms, and majestic castles!
Amidst the pages of
The Kingdom Chronicles VBS 2013
Sun. June 9 -Thur. June 13, 6-8 pm
Save the Date!
Church News
Good News from BGUMC
Dear Church Family,
Easter is almost here. We will have Good
Friday services at 6:30 PM. Easter Breakfast will be between
services again with Second Service folks setting up, preparing, and serving, and First Service folks cleaning up. Please
attend. Come with an appetite and a helping hand. I hope
some of you have attended the Lenten Breakfasts with our
area Methodist Churches. I also hope that will attend our last
two Tuesday evening Lenten Services. Support your brothers
and sisters as they tell us their stories of witness to Jesus.
Darcy Dildine and Rachael Pennington are leading
our church in assisting with the Annual Battle Ground Easter
Egg Hunt this year. The hunt will be at the Battle Field on
March 23rd at 9:30 AM. They will need help stuffing plastic
eggs. Watch for an announcement as to when they will be
doing this. Helping hands can help to reach Jesus out into
our community.
The Next Food Pantry
Open House is
May 4 at 10 am
BG Elementary has agreed to do
a Spring Food Drive. We pick
up the food April 26! If you can
help with picking up the food and
sorting it, please contact Tina at
Second Service now has enough young children
attending that it was decided to ask for adult volunteers to
help in the nursery with our youth worker. You could help
show these little ones Jesus. This is exciting. The bloom is
Your Trustees Team is almost finished building a
new sound booth in the back of the Sanctuary. Check it out;
great job. They are working on getting plans for a new
Handicap Accessible Entrance. We should have plans in
hand soon. Our Lenten Service offering is going toward this.
We already have almost $5,000 on account handicap Access
Fund, and the Conference has grant money available also.
Praise god for His faithfulness. We will soon see our new
Handicap Ramp.
Revival is coming on April 28, 29, and 30. We will
have Revival Dinner on Sunday the 28th. Watch your bulletin.
The theme this year is “Why Revival”. Perhaps Easter is a
good time to ask ourselves that question. Why do I need
Revival in my life?
Your Food Pantry continues to reach out into the
community. You can help with food, time, or monetary
donations. We are blessed to be hooked up with Midwest
Food Bank in Indianapolis, and Habit for Humanity’s Restore.
The Restore allows us to use their box truck once a month to
pick up food in Indy. You donate gas money and help Jesus
reach out from your church. Look to see where you can be
His hands and feet. He carries the scars on those hands and
feet for us. What are we doing for Him.
What if, all that Jesus did for you was to offer you
the Resurrection, would that be enough? Seek Him.
God Bless,
John Mayfield
Chair, Administrative Council
Food Pantry
Feinstein Challenge
For the months of March and April we
will be collecting donations for our
food pantry which can include cash,
checks and food items valued at $1
or more per item or lb. After our totals
are counted we will share in the
division of one million dollars among
other participating food pantries.
The minimum we will receive is $250
and the maximum is $35,000! Please
donate today or see Tina Fleener for
more details. Let’s make this next
month a ministry outreach of our
congregation to bless our food
pantry as we strive to serve and
bless others.
Church News
Administrative Council Minutes, March 11, 2013
This is a draft of the minutes from the meeting – not officially approved as of yet.
Church Council met on March 11, 2013 with the following members present: John & JoDee Mayfield, Shawn Dildine, Shirley Daulton,
Phyllis Kirby, Eulalia Griggs, Lynn Rihn, Pastor Brian White, Joni Deno and Georgia Jones.
John thanked everyone for being there and gave a devotion from Max Lucado. Pastor Brian opened with prayer.
Minutes: Joni moved to pass the minutes; Shirley seconded; passed.
Treasurer-Financial Secretary: Eulalia reported we had $5329 in the General Fund at the end of February, part of this being held for
salaries. We were $3200 short of the budget. There have been good offerings so far in March so the deficit has dropped to about
$600 as of this date. She has added a column to the Budget sheet for Monthly budget amount. The CCM was short by $3253.34 at
the end of February. Now it is down to $2,000. They are still making progress. Phyllis moved to pass the Treasurer report; Lynn seconded; passed. Georgia moved to pass the Fin. Sec’y report; Lynn seconded; passed.
Trustees: Lynn stated that the sound booth is really looking nice. Once it is completed, Scott will initiate moving all the wiring.
For the handicap accessibility, the best entrance might be between the buildings but they need to check to see if that is where Sherry
has the play area for the CCM. They were considering asking Tri Tech for a bid, their opinion of the best location and a design. They
would like to just deal with Tri Tech because they have been good to us on other projects. It was decided that as good business practice, it should be open for other bids. We may need to pay for a design so that we can put it out for bids. John stated that Jess Vandergraph from Habitat designed ramps for the Dani project. He is going to check with him and see if he might be qualified to do a
design for us. We should have enough qualified and talented people in the church to do the actual construction of the ramp. If it
would go in the front, it would only have a rise of one story due to the hill but would have to be cut into the older part of the building,
which the Trustees would like to avoid. If we go between the buildings, the rise is 2 stories but would be cut in to the newer part of the
building. Can the conference recommend someone to work on this? Pastor Brian is going to call the District office for names and
references. JoDee has requested some sort of mechanism – such as a pulley system – for lowering and raising the banners in the
front of the sanctuary for making it easier to change them. This is being checked into.
Finance: Joni stated that people planning fund raisers need to be sure to notify the Finance Committee so they can keep track of
what is being planned and we don’t have too many going at one time. All committees need to come up with a vision for future plans
and expenses for those visions. We need better structuring other than what is immediate. Maybe consider a 3 to 5 year window for
projects. The loan papers for the roof loan were signed on Friday.
Staff-Parish Relations Committee: Georgia reported that the CCM made enough from their garage sale to cut the hole in the wall plus
purchase the door. It was suggested to get a double door where the bottom half could stay closed but the top half be open to see into
the other room. Georgia stated they are to be reviewing job descriptions at the present time. They may not have these done until the
end of April. We also need to let Linda Yanner know of construction projects taking place in case it creates a change to her routine of
Missions-Evangelism: The theme for the revival is “Why Revival?” Tina has suggested a food pantry challenge during this time. The
theme for that would be “Help revive our community food pantry as God revives our soul.” There will be a meal on Sunday evening
prior to the revival that night.
For the Memorial Committee, Frieda Fountain sends thank you cards to those giving memorial donations. The Easter egg hunt will be
March 23 at the battlefield. They are waiting for Pam Gramelspacher to set a date for filling the eggs. The Lions’ Club is involved and
we are helping. It was suggested that maybe the men could do dinner for the Dinner & Movie night on April 6 as several of the women
will be at the Ann Graham Lotts program in Indianapolis. Do we have to pay royalties for showing the films we use? Brian will check
on this. We do not want to violate any laws concerning this.
Worship-Education: Our turn for the Lenten service and breakfast is March 17. Duane is in charge and needs help with set up.
JoDee is trying to split out job duties since the ME and WE committees became separate committees. The nursery needs an adult
volunteer to work with the teenagers due to the number of children involved.
UMW: No meeting due to the snow.
UMM: Duane is working on the Lenten breakfast.
Youth: Pastor Brian emphasized Matthew Gould and his mission involvement. Youth leaders are trying to entice kids to come by
having a meal for them. We need to pray for the youth program. It is hard to get to this age group.
John asked for suggestions of good things going on in our church at this time. Things mentioned were the Ann Graham Lotts bible
study, the group going to the conference, our sign ministry – they are wanting to incorporate scripture and small phrases and leave off
the time and date – the upcoming choir program, house churches, the prison ministry. The Holy Spirit is moving and there is a lot
taking place. Pastor Brian stated that the last few weeks, there have been multiple new families attending the second service.
John closed with prayer.
Respectfully submitted,
Phyllis Kirby, Secretary
UMW News
It’s Spring Cleaning Time!
As your cleaning out those closets and re-organizing
the garage this spring, remember that you can donate
your unwanted items to the UMW rummage sale.
The UMW will start accepting donations the week of
June 24. The sale is scheduled for Saturday, June 29.
All women and girls of BGUMC
are invited to attend the UMW
Ladies Tea. Sunday, May 19 at
2 pm in the Friendship Room.
More information to follow in next
months newsletter. But for now,
save this date for an enjoyable
spring afternoon of tea and
Battle Ground
United Methodist
Dear Church Family,
The Lord has been so good, hasn’t he?
He provides eternal life for us! That’s what salvation is:
eternal. It is a gift from an eternal God to all who call on
His name. So why do we question His goodness? Why
do we worry that His gift is something that we could
lose? We want to share something we read on facebook
this morning from a fellow brother in Christ. “I am
continually burdened by my brothers and sisters who
say they are saved but worry that they can do something to lose their salvation. They know that salvation is
of God. They know that God knows the end from the
beginning. They know that God is perfect and does not
make mistakes. But, they cannot rest. ‘My sheep hear
My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. And I
give them eternal life, and they shall never perish;
neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My
Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all;
and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s
hand.’ (John 10:27-29)
e-ter-nal [ih-tur-nl]
1. without beginning or end; lasting forever; always
existing (opposed to temporal): eternal life.
Rejoice in the gift. Trust in the Lord!”
During this season let us meditate on the gift
of salvation, a gift that cost a hefty price to our God. It
demanded the life of His precious firstborn Son. Lord,
help us to call on His name and trust in the gift that He
gave to us! Jesus Christ! He’s resurrected and we can
have life in Him! Praise the Lord!
Matthew has raised over $1000 for his trip to
Russia but still has a long way to go. He needs about
$7000 to cover the total cost for his trip. Please prayerfully consider giving toward this mission trip. It will be a
world rocker for many and we believe that the Lord’s
hand is moving in Matthew’s life and in the life of those
that he encounters. We appreciate you, church family!
Your love and generosity is a blessing to us all!
In Him,
Zach and Melissa <><
Seeking to Inspire and Serve
Our Families, Community and World
through Love and Faith in
Jesus Christ
Worship 8:30 & 10:45 am
Sunday School 9:45-10:30 am
Office Hours
Tuesday and Friday
9 am to 3 pm
Publishing Deadlines:
Newsletter……………15th of the month
Bulletin…………….Thursdays at 10 am
How To Contact Us
201 Tipton St. P.O. Box 302
Battle Ground, IN 47920
Pastor Brian White
Zach & Melissa White -Youth Directors
Carla White - Office Administrator
For April
Monday April 1
Finance Committee
WE Committee
6:30 pm
6:30 pm
Thursday April 4
ME Committee
6 pm
Monday April 8
Administrative Council
7 pm
Wednesday April 10
Staff/Parish Committee
7 pm
6 pm Choir
7 pm Prayer Night
6 pm Choir
6:30 pm Revival Service
15 Office Closed
Newsletter Deadline
6:30 pm Scouts
22 Office Closed
6:30 pm Scouts
29 Office Closed
6:30 pm Scouts
6:30 pm Revival Service
7:30 am Prayer
8:30 am Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
10:45 am Solid Ground
12:30 pm Larger Than Life Youth
7:30 am Prayer
8:30 am Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
10:45 am Solid Ground
12:30 pm Larger Than Life Youth
Revival Services Begin
7:30 am Prayer
8:30 am Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
10:45 am Solid Ground
12:30 pm Larger Than Life Youth
5:30 pm Church wide supper
6:30 pm Revival Service
6 pm Choir
6:30 pm Scouts Leader Meeting
7 pm Prayer Night
6:30 pm Scouts
7pm Administrative Council
6 pm Choir
7 pm Prayer Night
8 Office Closed
6 pm Choir
7 pm Prayer Night
7 pm UMW Meeting
7:30 am Prayer
8:30 am Worship
9:45 am Sunday School
10:45 am Solid Ground
12:30 pm Larger Than Life Youth
6:30 pm Finance Meeting
6:30 pm WE Committee
6:30 pm Scouts
1 Office Closed
7 Communion Sunday
24 Office Closed
17 Office Closed
7 pm Staff/Parish
10 Office Closed
3 Office Closed
9 am Quilters
7 pm Krintz House Church
7:30 pm Praise Team Practice
25 Office Closed
7 pm Krintz House Church
7:30 pm Praise Team Practice
7:30 pm Saddle Club
18 Office Closed
9 am Quilters
7 pm Krintz House Church
7:30 pm Praise Team Practice
11 Office Closed
6 pm ME Committee
7 pm Krintz House Church
7:30 pm Praise Team Practice
4 Office Closed
April 2013
8:30 am-5 pm Just Give Me
Jesus Revival in Indy
6 pm Dinner & a Movie
night. “Amazing Grace”
1:45 pm Midwest Food
Bank Truck Un-loading
7-9 pm Just Give Me Jesus
Revival in Indy