2016 Media Kit - Cessna Owner Organization
2016 Media Kit - Cessna Owner Organization
CESSNA PIPERS OWNER MAGAZINE MAGAZINE 2016 Media Kit The group more owners turn to for new resources, in-depth analysis, and inside advice on how to become Better, Smarter and Safer aircraft owners! What We Offer • • • • • • • 40+ years of industry expertise, so you’re working with a company that truly knows the business. In-depth editorial coverage that keeps readers involved in every issue of the publication. Various multimedia advertising options so you can reach customers in more ways than one. Competitive pricing so you know you’re making a wise investment. Special sections that showcase your products in unique ways to the readers Bonus distribution so your advertising message will reach even more buyers. A dedicated readership of highly qualified aircraft owners so your advertising message is hitting the most targeted audience. www.cessnaowner.org www.piperowner.org www.facebook.com/ CessnaOwnerOrganization www.facebook.com/ PiperOwnerSociety Est. 1975 30th Anniversary Jones Publishing Publisher of Cessna Owner Magazine & Pipers Magazine s e t a R g n i s i t r e v d A y a l Disp Four Color Full Page 2/3 Page 1/2 Page 1/3 Page 1/4 Page 1/6 Page Flight Market 1x $1,471 $1,133 $846 $601 $486 $387 $205 3x 6x 12x $1,265 $975 $727 $541 $437 $348 $185 $1,118 $861 $643 $481 $388 $309 $164 $971 $748 $558 $421 $340 $271 $144 $1,412 $1,236 $1,236 $1,765 $1,236 $1,081 $1,081 $1,544 Contact Information Jason Levine, Advertising Manager jasonl@jonespublishing.com 1-800-331-0038 ext. 116 Fax: 715-445-4053 Premium Page Positions Back Cover Inside Front Cover Inside Back Cover Center Spread $1,765 $1,544 $1,544 $2,206 $1,589 $1,390 $1,390 $1,986 Aircraft Owners Group N7528 Aanstad Road PO Box 5000 Iola, WI 54945-5000 Discounts Combination Discount – an additional 10% discount is available to advertisers/agencies placing combined ads in both Pipers and Cessna Owner in the same issue/month. Guaranteed Position Premium - To reserve a specific position such as a right-hand page or a specific page location, a 5% position charge will secure that reservation. Bundled Marketing Opportunity 30 year anniversary special Cessna Owner Organization and Piper Owner Society are creating bundled marketing opportunities with special discounts in 2016 in celebration of Jones Publishing (parent company) 30-year anniversary. The options available to marketers are varied. Now more than ever, companies need a multi-platform vehicle to deliver their message. Cessna Owner Organization and Piper Owner Soiety has the only truly integrated marketing communications offering that is unmatched in value, reach, frequency and effectiveness. bleed trim size 1/6 1/2 Flight Market horizontal horizontal live area 1/3 vertical 2/3 vertical 1/2 island 1/3 Full page with bleed: 8.5" x 11" Magazine trim size: 8.25" x 10.75" Live area: 7.75" x 10.25" square 1/6 vertical 1/2 horizontal: 7.25" wide x 4.75" high 1/3 square: 4.75" wide x 4.75" high 1/6 vertical: 2.25" wide x 4.75" high 1/2 island: 4.75” wide x 7.25” high 1/3 vertical: 2.25" wide x 9.75" high 1/6 horizontal: 4.75" wide x 2.25" high 2/3 vertical: 4.75" wide x 9.75" high Flight Market: 2.25'' wide x 3'' high Requirements for camera-ready art (PC preferred) Programs - PC or Mac • InDesign • Adobe Photoshop • Adobe Illustrator • Adobe Acrobat (High Resolution PDF) Media/Format • Tiff Files • ZIP Files (PC) • Stuffit Files (MAC) • CD Rom and DVD (Readable Only) Art Specification • 150 line screen • Dot Gain 10% • 300 DPI - for photos • Trim Size: 8.25" x 10.75" • Bleed Size: 8.5" by 11" 1/4 vertical 1/4 vertical: 3.5" wide x 4.75" high We do NOT support/accept files created from Adobe PageMaker®, Microsoft Publisher®, Microsoft Word®, Corel Draw®, Microsoft PowerPoint® or OpenOffice®. Files created on a PC may require font substitution and type manipulation due to font platform incompatibility. We do NOT accept low-resolution PDFs, TIFFs, JPEGs or EPS files. • Photoshop files must be 300 dpi, CMYK color, EPS or TIFF file format. Include all images, graphics and fonts used in the file on the disk along with the Photoshop file. Do not flatten layers. • Ad layout must be made to exact dimensions. Full-page bleed ads require 1/8" bleed extension beyond final page trim size on all sides. • Fonts used in the digital ad file must be included on the disk. • Images must be saved at 300 dpi, as CMYK color, TIFF or single-file EPS format without screen angles or transfer functions. •S WOP Proofs or CMYK Contract Proofs are required from all advertisers. Jones Publishing will not be responsible for color quality or errors unless a SWOP proof is supplied. Acceptable proofs include Kodak Approval®, Kodak Matchprint®, Fuji FinalProof®, DuPont Waterproof®, Iris® or Veris®. If a four-color contract proof is not provided, color guidance will be determined by Jones Publishing’s proof generated from the digital ad file. Note: Jones Publishing, Inc. will not be responsible for color quality, type reflows or mistakes, type raster or image transparency issues in final printed ad when a CMYK contract or SWOP proof is not submitted with the digital ad file. An ink-jet color print is not a contract quality proof and will not be used for color guidance, mechanical or element content. Mechanical and Digital Requirements • Format: 3 columns per page – 2.25" wide • Trim Size: 8.25" x 10.75" • Bleed: 8.5" x 11" (available on full page only). • Spread bleed size: 16.75" x 11" • Spread non-bleed size: 15.5" x 10" • Binding method: saddle stitch • Printing method: offset • Disc photos: TIFF file format • Text: standard ASCII or Doc • Color rotation: Black, Cyan, Magenta, Yellow • Proofs: Matchprint or Cromalin only. No progressive proofs please. Color bars must appear on all proofs. • Publisher-set copy must be typewritten. Publisher is not responsible for late, unclear, or verbal changes. A Website Advertising Opportunities Connect with online buyers 24/7 at www.cessnaowner.org and/or www. piperowner.org. Website advertising is the easiest and most cost-effective way to promote your products to buyers in real time. Each site offers 10 ad zones and a maximum of three vendors can share each zone. D Ad Zone Ad Size (pixels) Location 1x 3x 6x 12x A - Leaderboard 728 x 90 run of site $500 $400 $350 $300 B - Video Player N/A EXCLUSIVE! $400 $320 $280 $240 C - Feature Banner 468 x 60 Home page ONLY $225 $180 $158 $135 D - Rectangle 300 x 100 Home page ONLY $200 $160 $140 $120 E - Square 300 x 250 Home page ONLY $250 $200 $175 $150 F - Skyscraper 160 x 600 run of site $275 $220 $193 $165 G - Button 125 x 125 run of site $90 $72 $63 $54 B E Combination Discount – an additional 10% discount is available to advertisers/agencies placing combined ads in both Pipers and Cessna Owner in the same month. G F Email Advertising Opportunities Contact your sales representative for scheduling/availability. 1. E-Newsletter Advertisements – Each month, our Aviation Updates e-newsletter distributes the latest industry news and new product information to more than 10,000 qualified e-mail subscribers. Whether showcasing an existing product/service, introducing a new product, announcing a time-sensitive promotion, or simply increasing your branding awareness your message will reach thousands of potential customers! Ad Type/Location Ad Size (pixels) 1x Rate 3x Rate (per issue) 6x Rate 12x Rate (per issue) (per issue) Leaderboard 641 x 79 $650 $520 $455 $390 Banner 485 x 59 $450 $360 $315 $270 Skyscraper 146 x 550 $450 $360 $315 $270 Button 146 x 146 $120 $96 $84 $72 Combination Discount – an additional 10% discount is available to advertisers/agencies placing combined ads in both Pipers and Cessna Owner in the same month. 2. C ustom E-mail Broadcasts - Have an urgent message, special sale, or hot, new product? Send your exclusive, custom-made E-mail message directly to 10,000 owners and potential customers! E-mail Blast with single-image files - $520 3. D igital Edition Sponsorship – All Cessna Owner Organization and Piper Owner Society Members receive a digital version of each month’s magazine delivered direct to their respective email addresses. Complete with live links to your website and/or special offers, you can market your products or services with a digital full page ad positioned opposite the front cover! Call for details. 4. D igital Edition Announcement Sponsorship – A digital greeting message and preview of each month’s top stories are sent to each Member’s email to announce the arrival of the latest edition. Whether independent of or in addition to the above Digital Edition Sponsorship, promote your business with an exclusive 728 x 90 pixel banner ad along with that greeting. Call for details. Contact Information Jason Levine, Advertising Manager jasonl@jonespublishing.com 1-800-331-0038 ext. 116 Fax: 715-445-4053 Aircraft Owners Group/Advertising Department N7528 Aanstad Road PO Box 5000 Iola, WI 54945-5000 Terms and Conditions Payment Terms New advertisers must submit payment with first insertion. A service charge of 1½% per month is charged on all past due accounts. All ads must be prepaid unless an advertising frequency contract has been signed and monthly billing privileges have been established in writing. Frequency discounts will be applied to prepaid ads only and aforementioned contracted advertisers. Failure to pay at time of placement will result in forfeiture of frequency discount and open rate will be billed to the client. Advertising Credit Terms Credits will not be issued for errors in ads arriving after the copy due date. Credits will not be issued for changes or additions in copy requested after the copy due date. Credits will not be issued for any advertising more than 30 days past due in the billing cycle. Cancellations Cancellations must be received in writing prior to deadline and accompanied by proof of submission date such as fax, e-mail or postmark date. Cancellations of a frequency contract void the frequency rate and advertising accounts. Cancellations will be re-billed at the earned placement rate. Prep Change Changes will be added for preparation of all material that does meet the stated mechanical and digital requirements. Because of differences in equipment, paper, inks, and other conditions between color proofing and production press room operations, a reasonable variation between color proofs and the completed job may result. Advertising material will be held one year from date of receipt and will be returned upon written request. Advertiser will be billed for handling and freight on materials that are returned or forwarded. Issue and Closing Deadlines Publisher reserves the right to run a previous advertisement if copy is not received by the materials due date. We will mail, fax or email deadline dates per request. Layout and Service No charge for layout or typesetting. With your basic ad information and instructions we design your ad. Custom-designed ads may be used in other publications provided a creative-materials fee ($40 per hour) is paid. We can reduce or enlarge your ad, artwork or photographs. At your request, a new ad photocopy is faxed to you before publication if your copy and photographs are received before the Jones Publishing due deadline. Poly-Bag Inserts & Blow-In Reply Cards We are happy to work with you to create an individualized package to fit your needs. Contact the advertising department in advance for availability, mechanical specifications, quantity, and shipping instructions. Poly-bag inserts are offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Positioning of cards and placement of advertisement are at the publisher’s discretion. Contract & Copy Regulations Contracts must be bona fide and must specify a contract year and the number of insertions committed. Two or more advertisers are not permitted to use space under the same contract (unless advertisers are subsidiaries of a parent company). If the contract is not fulfilled for any reason, each insertion will be recalculated at the appropriate base rate, and advertisers will be responsible for paying the difference between the original reduced rate and the appropriate base rate listed on the rate card. Cancellation of advertising space must be submitted in writing by registered letter prior to published space reservation close date. All verbal instructions regarding contracts and insertion orders must be confirmed in writing. In the event of a production error, the Aircraft Owners Group’s liability will be limited to the cost of the ad. In the event of ad cancellation within 10 days of the published space reservation deadline, the advertiser will be assessed a fee of one-half the cost of the ad. After 10 days from the space reservation deadline, advertisers are liable for the full cost of their ad. Publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising if it is not considered suitable for the publication. The publisher will have the final decision. The advertiser assumes all responsibility for any advertising content printed in the publication and any claims of litigation arising against that advertiser. The publisher and the Aircraft Owners Group shall not be held liable for any damages if the advertisement is not published. The publisher will not be bound by conditions printed or appearing on order blanks or copy instructions that conflict with provisions of the current rate card. All advertising created by Cessna Owner/Pipers magazines is the sole property of the Aircraft Owners Group and may not be used as advertising or editorial in any other publication. No reproductions may be made under any circumstances without prior approval and with the written permission of an Aircraft Owners Group representative. 2016 Editorial Calendar Cessna Owner Magazine 2016 Cover Dates Ad Reservation Deadlines Ad Copy Deadlines Magazine Mail Dates Featured Cessna January 10/30/2015 11/6/2015 12/1/2015 N/A (Source Guide) February 12/3/2015 12/10/2015 1/8/2016 180 Skywagon March 1/5/2016 1/12/2016 2/4/2016 Cessna 425 Conquest April 2/2/2016 2/9/2016 3/3/2016 150/152 (Aerobat) May 3/8/2016 3/15/2016 4/7/2016 T210 Centurion June 4/5/2016 4/12/2016 5/5/2016 172 Skyhawk July 5/10/2016 5/17/2016 6/9/2016 177 Cardinal August 6/7/2016 6/14/2016 7/8/2016 310 September 7/5/2016 7/12/2016 8/4/2016 T182 Skylane October 8/9/2016 8/16/2016 9/9/2016 188 Ag (variants) November 9/6/2016 9/13/2016 10/6/2016 207 Skywagon December 10/4/2016 10/11/2016 11/3/2016 175 Skylark Ad Copy Deadlines 11/13/2015 12/15/2015 1/19/2016 2/16/2016 3/22/2016 4/19/2016 5/24/2016 6/21/2016 7/19/2016 8/23/2016 9/20/2016 10/18/2016 Magazine Mail Dates 12/8/2015 1/15/2016 2/12/2016 3/11/2016 4/15/2016 5/13/2016 6/17/2016 7/15/2016 8/12/2016 9/16/2016 10/14/2016 11/11/2016 Pipers Magazine 2016 Cover Dates January February March April May June July August September October November December Ad Reservation Deadlines 11/6/2015 12/8/2015 1/12/2016 2/9/2016 3/15/2016 4/12/2016 5/17/2016 6/14/2016 7/12/2016 8/16/2016 9/13/2016 10/11/2016 Featured Piper N/A (Source Guide) Tomahawk Archer/Archer LX Cherokee 140 Seneca II Arrow (turbo) Twin Comanche Warrior J-2 Cub Brave 400 Seminole Mojave Planned 2016 Editorial Topics Month Editorial Topics/Themes (subject to change) January The SOURCE GUIDE Edition: Directory of industry retailers/manufacturers and their offerings February The EDUCATION Edition: Flight Training Tips & Educational Opportunities March The INSIDE Edition: Aircraft Interior Accessories and Makeovers April The ENGINE & PROP Edition: Engine & Propeller Mods and Upgrades May The OWNER Edition: How to Buy/Sell/Trade/Rent/Insure an Airplane June The SAFETY & SURVIVAL Edition: Products and tips for emergency/survival situations July The OUTSIDE Edition: Aircraft Exterior Accessories, Makeovers and Mods August The TECHNIQUE & TACTICS Edition: Tips and techniques for flying, landing, communicating, etc. September The HANGAR Edition: Provide safe haven for your airplane with hangar solutions and accessories October The UPKEEP Edition: Annuals, Medicals, Logbooks, Inspections and more November The TOOLS & TECH Edition: Avionics, Instruments and Tools December The HOLIDAY Edition: Holiday Gift Ideas for the pilot in your life