NEUROGENESIS Y PLASTICIDAD DEL HIPOCAMPO ADULTO Alejandro F. Schinder - Laboratorio de Plasticidad Neuronal Instituto Leloir – Buenos Aires – Argentina ADULT HIPPOCAMPAL NEUROGENESIS NEURAL DEVELOPMENT SYNAPTOGENESIS NETWORK INTEGRATION FUNCTION MODULATION TOOLBOXES THE HIPPOCAMPUS: A CORTICAL AREA FUNDAMENTAL FOR LEARNING AND MEMORY The hippocampus is involved in learning Memory (in humans: autobiographic/episodic memory) spatial navigation emotional control of behavior the hippocampal circuit and its “simple” lamellar organization E. Kropff E. Kropff KNOWN HIPPOCAMPAL MECHANISMS TO PROCESS SPATIAL INFORMATION PLACE CELLS: SPACE CAN BE ENCODED IN THE FIRING PATTERN OF HIPPOCAMPAL NEURONS RESPONSES RECORDED FROM 4 NEURONS DURING EXPLORATION OF A LINEAR CAGE RESPONSES RECORDED FROM 80 NEURONS DURING EXPLORATION OF A SQUARE CAGE FROM NAKAZAWA ET AL. 2004 (O’KEFFEE AND DOSTROVSKY ’70s, WILSON AND MCNAUGHTON 90´s) SPACE CODING BY THE HIPPOCAMPUS: PLACE CELLS “PLACE cells” recognize particular spots in the environment “GRID cells” generate a coordinate system for spatial localization The hippocampal trisynaptic circuit New granule cells are continuously generated in the adult dentate gyrus Neural stem cells labeled in the dentate gyrus of a Nestin-GFP transgenic mosue Quiescencia, activación, proliferación, diferenciación, maduración neuronal METHODS TO IDENTIFY ADULT-BORN NEURONS IT MUST BE DETERMINED THAT A CELL: 1. WAS BORN IN THE ADULT BRAIN 2. IS A NEURON BROMODEOXYURIDINE RETROVIRUS TRANSGENIC MICE COMPARISON OF METHODS FOR LABELING ADULT-BORN NEURONS RETROVIRUSES AS MEANS TO IDENTIFY/MANIPULATE ADULT-BORN DENTATE GRANULE CELLS IN VIVO EXPRESSION OF EGFP IN NEURAL PROGENITOR CELLS USING A MURINE LEUKEMIA VIRUS - DERIVED VECTOR 6 – 7 week-old female mice Adult mouse dentate gyrus Electrophysiological recordings in hippocampal slices Confocal microscopy in fixed brain sections Retroviral transduction renders accurate birth dating of new neurons Neurons develop in vivo, analysis is performed ex vivo retroviral labeling Only infects dividing cells! t=0 1-3d (neuron’s DOB) 1-2 wk 4 wk (Time ~ = age of neuron) NEW NEURONS DEVELOP OVER SEVERAL WEEKS IN THE ADULT MOUSE DENTATE GYRUS Verónica Piatti ML Molecular Layer 14 dpi GCL Granule Cell Layer SGZ Subgranular Zone Espósito , Piatti et al, J Neurosci 2005 Verónica Piatti ML Molecular Layer 28 21dpi dpi GCL Granule Cell Layer SGZ Subgranular Zone Espósito , Piatti et al, J Neurosci 2005 Slow development and step-wise innervation Excitatory and inhibitory inputs glut glut Synaptic inputs glut GABA GABA GABA GABA GABA DCX 3 days 7d 14 d Expression of early and late neuronal markers Calbindin` 21 d Development of synaptic inputs GABA 28 d 1) Dendritic GABA (depolarizing) 2) Glutamate in dendritic spines 3) Perisomatic GABA (hyperpolarizing) Espósito et al, J Neurosci 2005; Piatti et al, J Neurosci 2011 Ge et al, Nature 2006; Overstreet Wadiche et al, J Neurophysiol 2005, J Neurosci 2006 Zhao and Gage, J Neurosci 2006, and others! 42 days PERSISTENT LABELING OF SPECIFIC CELL TYPES IN GENETICALLY MODIFIED MICE Cre LoxP SYSTEM Example: CAG promoter cag expression) (ubiquitous Example: Mash1 prom (Neural stem cells) Prom. X Cre ER Allele 1 Prom. Y flx STOP flx TOMATO Allele 2 TAMOXIFEN Prom. Y Progeny of neural stem cells shows red fluorescence flx TOMATO 1+2 Cre-LoxP system for targeted mutation or expression METHOD II Genetic tagging of adult-born granule cells 6–week–old mice Mash1CreERT2; CAG floxStopTomato mouse 3 8 | | | | 14 | 22 | 28 | 49 | days after TAM TAM Yang et al, J Neurosci 2015 Massive amount of new granule cells in the adult dentate gyrus Mash1CreERT2; CAG floxStopTomato mouse Tam induction at > 2 months TIME-DEPENDENT MATURATION OF PASSIVE MEMBRANE PROPERTIES Development of neuronal excitability Neuronal age = 22 days Neuronal age = 28 days Neuronal age > 60 days Mongiat 2009 Retroviral labeling of developing GCs Yang 2015 Genetic labeling of developing GCs Cohorts of fast-dividing progenitors Cohorts of slow + fast dividing progenitors How does neurogenesis influence the local network? GABA INPUT NETWORK glu FFI OUTPUT NETWORK FBI FFI ARE NEURONS BORN IN THE ADULT HIPPOCAMPUS ANY DIFFERENT (to those born in development)? Diego Laplagne Soledad Espósito MATURE NEURONS BORN IN THE DEVELOPING vs. ADULT HIPPOCAMPUS GFP retrovirus (ventricle) E15 + RFP retrovirus (right DG) Adult (P42-45) Laplagne, Espósito et al, PLoS Biol 2006 Laplagne, Kamienkowsi et al, EJN 2007 PAIRED COMPARISONS OF GLUTAMATERGIC AFFERENTS OF DEVELOPMENT AND ADULT-BORN DGCs Diego Laplagne Soledad Espósito DGCs born in the developing vs. adult hippocampus: remarkable similarity of functional inputs New DGCs are capable of integrating an excitatory drive and spike Similar firing behavior Laplagne, Espósito et al, PLoS Biol 2006 Laplagne, Kamienkowski et al, EJN 2007 MATURE Granule cells born in the developing vs. adult hippocampus display a remarkable functional similarity = Laplagne, Espósito et al, PLoS Biol 2006 Laplagne, Kamienkowsi et al, EJN 2007 At what developmental stages are new GCs relevant for dentate function? ?? ? ?? ? DCX 3 days 7d 14 d 21 d Calbindin 28 d “RELEVANT”: Integrate excitatory signal, spike, activate postsynaptic cell 42 d Spiking is determined by the balance between weak glutamatergic input and high membrane excitability MPP H GCL Rm glu inputs Spiking neurons at maximal PP stimulus (%) ML Neuronal Age (days) Neuronal age New neurons become “relevant” by 3 weeks Mongiat et al, PLoS ONE 2009 Neuron 2007 Whole cell recording LTP of glutamatergic inputs is stronger in 4 week-old granule cells Immature GCs exhibit unique functional properties 4–week–old GCs: a critical period High excitability (Schmidt-Hieber 2004, Mongiat 2009) Reduced GABAergic inhibition (Snyder 2001, Espósito 2005, Ge 2006) Increased synaptic plasticity in glutamatergic inputs and output immature (critical period) Within CP mature Outside CP (Snyder 2001, Schmidt-Hieber 2004, Ge 2007, Gu 2012) glut Experience determines populations of input neurons (Bergami, 2015) glut GABA GABA What is their ability to process information? GABA Immature GCs are more easily activated than mature GCs Input activation (axons) triggers spikes in retrovirally labeled DGCs (immature) Immature neurons require fewer active inputs to spike Immature GCs are more easily activated than mature GCs Input activation (axons) triggers spikes in retrovirally labeled DGCs (immature) The difference in the activation of immature and mature GCs is due to GABAergic inhibition Marín–Burgin et al, Science 2012 Differential inhibitory control enhances activation of immature DGCs MONOSYNAPTIC EXCITATION 4 wpi mature spike inhibition o o DYSYNAPTIC FEEDFORWARD INHIBITION excitation mature STRONG FFI young WEAK FFI excitation / inhibition balance @ spike → 4:1 (immature) vs. 2:1 (mature) Marín–Burgin et al, Science 2012 How do young vs. mature GCs integrate different inputs? Ca 2+ imaging to assess neuronal populations in the GCL RFP+ neurons (4 wpi) % Neurons responding to both inputs (integration) = *100 RFP- neurons (mature) 2+ Ca elevation occurs in spiking neurons Neurons loaded with calcium-sensitive dye loose patch spike RFP neurons (4 wpi) failure Set-up: ΔF/F0 loose patch ΔF/F0 DGCs responsive to input 1 only DGCs responsive to input 2 only DGCs responsive to both inputs RFP+ neurons (4 wpi) Response to input 1 Response to input 2 Data overlay GCs responding to both inputs (%) Immature GCs display enhanced input integration Within a limited time window Marín–Burgin et al, Science 2012 The main differences in the activity of young vs mature GCs are due to network properties Cortical input mature young WEAK FEEDFORWARD INHIBITION STRONG FEEDFORWARD INHIBITION mature GC Scattered spikes young GC Frequent spikes YOUNG • Low spiking threshold • Refractory to feedforward GABAergic inhibition GCs • Low input specificity • By 8 weeks they are similar to mature GCs Conclusions I Developing GCs undergo a critical period of enhanced excitability that determines their low input specificity Low input specificity of young GCs is due to their poor coupling to inhibitory networks that control spiking Upon maturation, new GCs become highly input specific This transition may be relevant to their proposed role in hippocampal function HOW CAN WE INVESTIGATE THE OUTPUT OF NEW NEURONS? TOOLBOX OPTOGENETICS AND CHEMOGENETICS What is optogenetics? “Optogenetics is the combination of optical and molecular strategies to monitor and control designated molecular and cellular activities in living tissues and cells using genetically encoded photosensitive proteins.” 2005 Heterologous expression of ChR2 in hippocampal cultured neurons Heterologous expression of ChR2 in hippocampal cultured neurons Channelrhodopsin 2 Halorhodopsin Engineered GPCR Deisseroth, Nat Methods 2010 DIFFERENT FLAVORS FOR LIGHT-INDUCED DEPOLARIZATION Deisseroth Nat Methods 2012 HOW NEURONS REACT TO DIFFERENT ChR2 FLAVORS Deisseroth Nat Methods 2012 Emx: promotor panneuronal OPTOGENETICS STRENGTHS Specificity of neuronal type LIMITATIONS Requires invasive stimulation (implantation of optic fiber) Neuronal activation or inihibition Fast kinetics for neuronal control Activation jitter is broader than electrical stimuli Can reach high frequency Laser may heat tissue Genetically modified mice available Long-lasting manipulations may be difficult CHEMOGENETICS What is chemogenetics? “The term chemogenetics has been used to describe the processes by which macromolecules can be engineered to interact with previously unrecognized small molecules. In neuroscience, receptors that can alter neuronal excitability are being engineered to bind artificial ligands. “ DREADDS - Designer Receptors Activated Solely by Designer Drugs Wess et al., 2013 DREADDS - Designer Receptors Activated Solely by Designer Drugs Wess et al., 2013 Next generation of DREADDS - ligand-gated ion channels activated by synthetic ligands Wess et al., 2013 CHEMOGENETICS STRENGTHS Specificity of neuronal type LIMITATIONS Time course of activation/blocking dependent on pharmacokinetics Neuronal activation or inihibition Slow kinetics Activation by drug in drinking water or by i.p. injection (non-invasive) When activating neurons, uncontrolled firing patterns (may accommodate) Allows long-term control G-coupled receptors may alter neuronal properties other than firing Nature Neuroscience 2012 LTP of glutamatergic outputs is stronger in 4 week-old granule cells Cells with single place fields Location: GCL Putative mature GCs Cells with multiple place fields Location: GCL/hilus Putative newborn GCs The dentate gyrus of the hippocampus is involved in the discrimination of similar memories Pattern Separation (dentate gyrus): Similar inputs produce orthogonal outputs Output Input Adapted from J. Knierim Cellular players in DG output GABA glu FFI OUTPUT NETWORK FBI FFI What is the impact of immature neurons in the local network? ? What targets are activated by developing adult-born neurons? Goal: compare local networks recruited by young vs mature GCs mature young NeuN GFP Similar activation of young and mature ChR2-GCs by light 447 nm 1 ms Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 Developmentally-generated ChR2-GCs activate monosynaptic excitation and disynaptic feedforward inhibition in CA3 EXCITATION 447 nm 1 ms Vh = -70 mV EXC FFI FEEDFORWARD INHIBITION CA3 Vh = 0 mV Developmentally-generated ChR2-GCs activate disynaptic feedback inhibition onto the GCL EXCITATION Vh = -70 mV 447 nm 1 ms GCL FEEDBACK INHIBITION Vh = 0 mV FBI Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 Similar activation of CA3 networks by young and mature GCs young mature feedforward inhibition excitation FFI CA3 CA3 excitation CA3 Inhibition Local networks Poor recruitment of feedback inhibition by young GCs young mature feedback inhibition GCL DG Feedback Inhibition X Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 Effect of feedback inhibition by adult-born GCs on the activity of the principal layer: Field recordings of population spike stim 2 stim 1 stim 1 GCL 1 stim 2 2 Light-induced reduction of pop-spike by mature ChR2-GC Reduction of pop-spike by light stimulation of mature GCs depends on GABAA receptors Light-evoked reduction (%) young mature • Young ChR2-GCs exert poor control of GCL • Pop-spike reduction by mature ChR2-GC involves feedback inhibition by GABA interneurons Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 Mature GCs exert powerful feedback inhibition onto the GCL How do they affect immature GCs? Expression of ChR2 in mature GCs and tdTomato in young GCs ChR2-GFP GC-Tom Feedback inhibition onto young vs MTR GCs GCL Immature GCs escape feedback inhibition Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 A little help from synthetic biology: use of Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) Acute activation of new GCs by hM3Dq Retroviral transgene Retroviral injection I t=0 Vehicle CNO I 28 days CNO hM3+ ARC+ / hM3+ neurons (@ 7 h post CNO) hM3Dq-GFP ARC NeuN 80 60 40 20 0 CNO Veh Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 Use of Designer Receptor Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADD HM3Dq) to activate adult-born neurons in vivo CNO activates hM3-GCs (c-Fos expression) GFP (hM3-GC) c-Fos NeuN Overlay Arc+ hM3-GC (%) Roth and col, Neuron 2009 In vivo activation of PV+ interneurons by mature hM3-GCs PV+ c-Fos DAPI Overlay Stimulation of mature but not young GCs elicits activation of PV interneurons young hM3-GC mature hM3-GC Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 GC – interneuron – GC feedback network: The GC – interneuron synapse PV+ interneurons are direct targets of adult-born GCs HILUS Temprana et al, Neuron 2015 TRANSITION FBI: feedback inhibition FFI: feed-forward inhibition DG CA3 CA3 dentate gyrus RECRUIT Mature GCs recruit CA3 pyr, FFI Young GCs recruit CA3 pyr, FFI FBI (PV+ INs), control GCL activation not FBI RECEIVE strong FBI escape FBI Conclusions II Distal contacts onto CA3 pyramidal cells are mature, while synaptogenesis onto proximal GABAergic hilar interneurons is delayed During the critical period of high excitability and plasticity, new GCs are poorly coupled to feedback inhibition (responsiveness + recruitment) Upon maturation, new GCs become highly coupled to inhibitory networks Parallel channeling of information arriving to the dentate gyrus: highly active cohorts of young non-specific GCs and highly input-specific mature GCs WHAT IS THE POSSIBLE ROLE OF THIS HIGH-COST NETWORK REMODELING? Novel input discrimination (pattern separation): Similar inputs produce orthogonal outputs Output Input Adapted from J. Knierim A conceptual model on the role of developing GCs in novel input discrimination MODULATION OF ADULT NEUROGENESIS Some factors that modulate adult neurogenesis A brief (30 min) experience in enriched environment increases activity in the granule cell layer – ARC expression Time (min) 0 30 60 90 120 EE Control EE Arc NeuN GCs expressing Arc (%) Perfusion 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0 Control EE Survival of new neurons depends on usage during a critical period Tashiro, J Neurosci 2007