March-April 2015


March-April 2015
March-April 2015– pg 1
March-April 2015 Issue no. 2
Neighbor to Neighbor
Bel Marin Keys Community Services District
4 Montego Key, Novato, CA 94949-5301
Ph: (415) 883-4222 Fax: (415) 883-3683
Board of Directors
Darrick Chase, President
Vince Lattanzio, Vice-President
Ernie Ganas, Director
Ruth Simpson, Director
Mark Montobbio, Director
Flushing Schedule
April 20th – 22nd
May 4th – 6th
May 18th – 20th
June 1st – 3rd
June 15th - 17th
VHF Channel 16 is monitored
during flushing events
Community Meeting:
The Novato Watershed Program, featuring
Historical Ecology of Lower
Novato Creek
Thursday, May 14th 7:00-8:30 PM
Marin Humane Society Auditorium
171 Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Novato
Please join staff from the Marin County’s Novato Watershed Program and
scientists from the San Francisco Estuary Institute for an introduction to
the Novato Watershed Program and an intriguing presentation on the historical ecology of lower Novato Creek and surrounding baylands.
Meet staff and neighbors and learn about efforts underway to improve the
level of flood protection in Novato Creek. Learn about the historical ecology of lower Novato Creek, and discover how historic conditions may
affect current and future flood control and habitat restoration actions. Find
out about the Novato Watershed Program’s timelines and how to become
For more information and to sign
An Important Announcement
The Bel Marin Keys Women’s Club is sponsoring a Scholarship to benefit
a High School Senior living in Bel Marin Keys who plans to attend College. The winner will receive at least a $1000 Scholarship to pursue his or
her higher education. The winning Student will be presented with a check at
the Women’s Club Lunch meeting on Friday, June 12, 2015, held at the
Community Center. The winner will be asked to read his/her Essay at the
lunch meeting and is encouraged to invite his or her immediate family to
attend the ceremony. A Scholarship Committee will determine the winner.
All eligible students will be notified once the judging is complete.
Applications are being accepted now through May 27, 2015.
You can pick up an Application that includes detailed eligibility requirements at the CSD Office or E-mail Lillian McCarthy at to receive a PDF file. Any questions? Please call
Lillian McCarthy at 415 599-5921. Thank you and good luck.
Lillian McCarthy, President
Bel Marin Keys Women’s Club
March-April 2015– pg 2
Judy Arnold’s
County Connection - BMK
March 2015
Exciting New Partnership
An exciting new partnership between NUSD (Novato
Unified School District) and MCFL (Marin County Free
Library) is moving forward! In February the Marin
County Board of Supervisors approved an agreement
between NUSD and MCFL for a School Community Library partnership. The School Community Library will be
located on C Street in Hamilton Field, Novato. The agreement was developed in active collaboration between
NUSD and MCFL that started in August 2013 and it
aligns directly with the Library’s strategic plan which was
developed with broad community input over the same
time period.
The School Community Library will first and foremost
double the current space of the South Novato Library
from 3,000 square feet to 6,000 square feet. It is an excellent example of government agencies working collaboratively for a common community purpose. The proposed
location will create a learning center with two additional
buildings, also totaling 6,000 square feet, operated by
NUSD that will offer educational and community programs to the Novato community. This provides 12,000
square feet of new space dedicated to formal education
and lifelong learning for the community.
The agreement rests on the foundation of NUSD’s desire
to promote the development of 21st Century skills in students by entering into a collaborative arrangement where
the Library, in partnership with the School District, operates a community library facility to provide programs and
services to support public education. It is the intention
that NUSD and MCFL will develop and plan a longerterm arrangement where a permanent library facility is
constructed on the site and/or on the adjacent parcel. This
plan makes the library an integral part of the future community education center.
In addition to supporting NUSD’s educational goals, the
partnership specifically supports MCFL strategic plan
goals, the Board of Supervisors 4th E (Education) Initiative, as well as efforts to improve equity in Marin County.
(continued on page 4)
Conserve Water
On April 1st, Governor Jerry Brown ordered California’s
first-ever mandatory
water cutback, imposing a 25 percent
reduction to force
residents and businesses to significantly tighten up
water usage. Governor Brown directed
the State Water Resource Control Board to make the
water reductions mandatory by requiring water districts to force restrictions on urban water users. The
North Marin Water District (NMWD) will have a
hearing on April 21st to review the mandatory 25
percent reduction. Last year the NMWD passed Ordinance Number 28, declaring the “existence of a
water shortage emergency conditions within Novato
service area, and prohibiting the non-essential use of
water.” ( We can all do our part
and help conserve water. Below are the water use
prohibitions from 2014 that will continue in effect.
Water Waste Prohibitions
* Gutter flooding (unreasonable irrigation overspray
or irrigation run-off onto pavement, down a gutter,
ditch or other drain).
* Failure to repair a controllable leak of water within
a reasonable time.
* Using water for non-recycling decorative fountains
or single-pass cooling systems.
* Washing down exterior paved areas.
* Refilling a swimming pool drained after July 1,
* Washing privately-owned motor vehicles, trailers
and boats, except from a bucket and hose equipped
with an automatic shut-off nozzle for a quick rinse.
Landscape Irrigation Requirements
* Watering of any lawn, garden, landscape area permitted only with drip irrigation or by hand with a
container or hose with automatic shut off nozzle.
Overhead sprinkler irrigation can be used if the customer maintains an overall 20% reduction in water
use when compared to the same billing period in
(continued on page 4)
March-April 2015– pg 3
The Compass Rose
BMKCSD Waterways Manager Update
Why is the water in the South Lagoon brown? We saw tremendous improvements to the water quality last winter
due to the use of “Muck Away.” Muck Away is a sustained release beneficial bacteria and enzyme used for consumption of decomposed organic matter. As the Muck Away consumes biomass the particles become lighter and
are suspended in the water column, therefore, turning water brown. We will be ramping up flushing events in the
South to assist with exchanging the water to improve clarity. The Lagoons are regularly tested for swimming
standards and general health for marine life. If levels exceed the County of Marin standards for swimming, residents would be informed via website, marquee and a notice at the CSD office.
North & South Lagoon Navigation Locks Work Update:
As spring closes in on us we are making tremendous efforts to clean and improve aesthetics at both Locks. We
have started at the North and completed the coating of the 800 square foot deck with high visibility paint; pressure washing and recoating of the lock doors is next! We will be performing similar projects at the South Lock in
addition to replacing the fenders inside the Lock.
Montego Park Easter Egg Hunt
What a day for our community, filled with fun activities. Over 1000 eggs were
stuffed and hidden in the grass and, if that was not enough, kids were able to
decorate Easter eggs and get their face painted. A big THANK YOU to the
Yacht Club for putting on another great event for our community. Also, thank
you to all those volunteers who helped out prior and on the day of the event.
We truly are unique.
March-April 2015– pg 4
Conserve Water
(Continued from page 2)
Customers using 300 gallons per day or less are permitted to
use overhead sprinkler irrigation without the 20% reduction.
*Overhead sprinkler irrigation permitted only between the
hours of 7:00 PM and 9:00 AM of the next day.
Violation Procedure
1) Customers in violation will receive a written or verbal
warning and order that it be corrected immediately or within
a specified time determined to be reasonable. Water service
may be disconnected due to non-compliance with the order.
Variance Procedure
All customer questions and comments regarding the water
use prohibitions for 2014 should be referred to the Water
Conservation Hotline (415) 761-8944 or email at
Judy Arnold’s
County Connection
(Continued from page 2)
This partnership is an innovative approach to reach common
goals and could create a model for new ways for school districts, local government and public library systems to aggregate resources to improve educational outcomes and provide
better equity to educational resources for all members of the
community. The School Community Library is planned to
open in late June.
As always, my door is open to you. I welcome your suggestions and ideas. You can reach me at: (415) 473-7331 or
District Manager’s Report
Summer is here, not sure where the Winter and
Spring went. We are all eager to get out into the
water and we want to remind residents to please
be respectful of your fellow neighbors and watch
your wake. Also, please make sure to follow the
“no wake zones.” The District office has received
concerns about boaters not adhering to the this
regulation and speeding beyond the buoy markers. If you have friends coming to visit it is your
responsibility to inform them of the rules to ensure the waterways are safe for everyone to use.
The District office has received a number of concerns with regard to drain discharge which may
come from street runoff or driveways. As you are
all aware, the drains in Bel Marin flow/drain directly into our lagoons untreated. Please remind
gardeners to not blow any yard clipping into the
drains. Also, prevent paving material from entering the stormdrains and do not sweep or wash
down any excess material or wash down fresh
asphalt down the stormdrains.
Many residents have been asking when the new
FEMA FIRM map will take effect. We have not
received any updated information from the
County as to a set date for the new flood map.
Once we receive notice we will post it on the
marquee and send out a notice to all residents.
We will do our best to provide as much information as possible. Keep in mind that it will still be
up to your lender to mandate/enforce flood insurance on your home.
As a reminder, all motorized vehicles are prohibited on the levees. The top of the South Lagoon
Levee remains cordoned off as work to repair the
lagoon wall and top of levee has been deferred.
The lower levee road remains open to walkers
and bike riders and the top road becomes available again near the red barn about a mile or so
from the entrance gate. The BMKCSD has done
some minor repairs to stabilize critical areas,
however, the majority of work will actually be
performed in 2015 and 2016.
March-April 2015– pg 5
Friends Of Novato Creek Update: April 2015
Hi Neighbors,
Friends of Novato Creek (FNC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization established in 2003, for the purposes of stewardship, monitoring and public education about the 44 square mile watershed that is the
Novato Creek Watershed, of which, Bel Marin Keys is an integral part. Stretching from above Stafford
Lake Reservoir to the San Pablo Bay we have a number of varied ecosystems in the watershed to help
monitor and protect. As part of our steward-ship goals FNC was involved in working with government
agencies during the cleanup of Hamilton Air Force Base. We hold creek and bayfront cleanups, paint
storm drains, monitor water and habitat quality, advocate for wildlife protection and hunting restrictions, and create and install interpretive educational signage and
much more!
Earth Day/ Novato Clean and Green Day Cleanup:
Meet at Pacheco Pond parking area
Saturday, April 25th at 9:00 AM
Information: Call Sue Lattanzio at 415-710-4787
Watershed Public Meeting : May 14, 2015 7:00 PM Marin
Humane Society
FNC has worked with the County and Marin County Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program
(MCSTOPP) toward the goal of establishing a Novato Creek Watershed Management Plan since we
were founded. We have received various grants for monitoring the environment, which has contributed
to the baseline information about the Novato Creek. Over the past two years County staff has been
actively gathering data and developing a draft watershed management plan. As a result of this work
the County is holding its first public meeting on Thursday, May 14th, 7:00pm - 8:30 pm at the Marin
Humane Society to share information on the historical ecology of the Novato Creek and surrounding
baylands presented by San Francisco Estuary Institute. For more information see the link at http://
New Signage at Pacheco Pond
Have you noticed the new signage at the Pacheco Pond parking
lot ?
FNC created and installed the original sign over 10 years ago
and it was long overdue for an update and replacement. FNC
received a grant in 2014, through the Marin County Fish and
Wildlife Commission and with many generous donations from
local businesses and BMK neighbors like you; we’ve been able
to replace this sign with a durable high pressure laminate that
will last for many years to come.
Thanks to everyone who donated and remember we survive on
donations and grants for supplies and materials. All other support for FNC is based on volunteers.
Remember your donation is tax deductible!
March-April 2015– pg 6
Public Advocate
The Public Advocate TV Discussion show produced and
hosted by BMK resident Shirley Graves is on Novato Public
Access TV Channel 26 every Wednesday night at 8 p.m and
at 10:00 a.m. every Saturday. It can also be seen on the internet at on the fourth Monday at 9 p.m. and the
next day at 3 p.m. because Marin Channel 26 is simulcast.
April shows feature the Italian Street Painting Festival Organization – the group responsible for the colorful streets in
downtown San Rafael every year. Sue Carlomagno and 3 of
the regular artists will tell about past years events and plans
for this year’s show on June 27 and 28.
May shows feature a political discussion with Democrat Greg
Brockbank discussing current issues and possible candidates
with Republican Morgan Kelly.
Call Graves with any questions or suggestions at 883-4834.
Outboard motor
7hp to 15hp
Contact George
(415) 883-6757
Hugh Smith Carpentry
Lic # 924 334
BMK resident
Docks, decks, cabinetry and
Call: 415 328 3220
March-April 2015– pg 7
Community Calendar 2015:
Community Garage Sale: June 6th and 7th. This is a rain or shine event.
4th of July Sail-a-bration: Look for flyers on this event.