NHNC Insider Report, Spring 2014


NHNC Insider Report, Spring 2014
Continuing the legacy...
Neighbor Helping Neighbor
The Newsletter of the
Novato Human Needs Center
Established in 1972
Spring 2014
Beginning a Future Today
aking a first step into
a new life can be as
straightforward as opening the door to the Novato
Human Needs Center. Our 42
years of helping low-income
clients overcome crises has
shaped services and programming that improve the lives of
over 4600 Novato neighbors of
all ages and backgrounds who
face problems such as paying
their rent, feeding their families,
finding transportation and employment, and stepping up to a
future that includes higher education and successful financial
When 25 year-old Miguel Aguila stepped over our threshold,
he says it “changed my life.”
He had been struggling to find
a career path; and because he
has no family locally, he was
feeling alone. Miguel has been
supporting himself since he
was a teenager’ and he believed
that “until I came to the Center, I didn’t know how amazing
it is to be welcomed when you
walk in.” For him, “struggling is
normal, and I wanted to move
beyond it. I needed to meet
people who have succeeded,
who would help me get a fresh
start and discover where I want
to go in life.”
Support and Success
Our Volunteer and Development Coordinator, Cris Jones,
greeted Miguel, and he soon
realized “the Center provides
resources I didn’t have and
couldn’t find without it.” While
volunteering at the Center’s
Food Pantry, he came to “understand I also want to make
an impact in my community.”
Our caseworkers helped guide
him through financial services
that support higher education,
and Miguel is proud to say “I
graduated from the College of
Marin in June 2012 (see photo).
I am now enrolled at the University of San Francisco studying to become a police officer.
Representing Latinos in a positive way on the streets of a city
I love” is Miguel’s dream, and
we are helping him realize it.
One step forward into the Center is a giant leap into the future.
Because you stand with us, our
neighbors can land safely with
a new vision of their future and
vital energy for our community.
To help support people such
as Miguel, please make a
tax-deductible donation now
by returning the enclosed envelope, give online at www.
nhnc.org/donate, or phone
our Development Director,
Andrea Johnston, at (415)
897-4147 Ext. 19, and help
begin a future for our neighbors today.
In this Issue
• A New Beginning
• Annual Report
• Supporters
• Events
Cheers to Our Community
Holiday Share 2013
Novato made this past holiday season a joyful one
for hundreds of families and the volunteers who
contributed collecting, sorting, and wrapping time to
help ensure that gifts were ready for each client. 265
children participated in Children’s Shopping Day, and
almost 300 families found joy because Novato donors
embodied the spirit of the season.
Our heartfelt appreciation is also shared among
Bekins/A and P Moving, Inc. for storing and delivering
gifts to the Center and the Novato Fire District
volunteers who moved donations, set up the site and
donated bicycles. Goodwill spilled over from the City
of Novato, the Novato Police Department, the Novato
School District, PTA, Novato area congregations and Redwood Credit Union. We are fortunate that our
community finds joy in giving to neighbors in need.
Shop with a Cop
For a second year, the Novato Police Department (NPD) worked with the
Center to identify families in need with children ages 5-13. Target awarded
the NPD a community grant, and on December 14th children were given a
Target gift card and spent time with a police officer shopping for a gift for
themselves and/or a parent. The Novato Unified School District provided
transportation for children to attend the special day.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for our officers to interact with our youth,”
Novato Police Chief Berg said. “It will strengthen our relationships and help
bring joy to their holiday season.” (Thanks to Novato Patch for photo and
Goodwill “Give ‘n’ Clothe”
The sixth annual Give-n-Clothe Marin
Donation Drive took place from September
9-21, 2013. A portion of all donations
received was turned into coupons for the
Novato Human Needs Center and the Ritter
Center to distribute to the County’s lowincome and homeless residents to shop at
participating Goodwill stores.
The Center is grateful again to our longtime
volunteers, Kathy Dean and Beth Caldwell, who helped coordinate the Drive.
Kathy Dean says, “I love doing the Drive each year as the whole community
comes together to help support NHNC clients.”
Kathy Dean and Beth Caldwell continue to help make the Drive a success.
Upcoming Events
Volunteer Appreciation Event
We’re celebrating our volunteers at a special invitation
reception in April at the Center. Our many volunteers
help the Center to serve more clients, and to create
the supportive atmosphere that helps transform lives.
Our volunteers truly make a difference, and we value
each of their contributions. Some of our dedicated
volunteers have donated more than 2000 hours to the
Center, and they all continue to give throughout the year.
Marin Human Race 2014, Walk, Run, Roll, Donate!
Join the Center’s team on Saturday, May 10th 8AM to 11:30 AM at the Marin
Center Fairgrounds and Lagoon for a 5K Run/Walk/Roll and Dog Walk and benefit
the Novato Human Needs Center. Registration forms are available at the Center’s
front desk. Please designate NHNC as the recipient of your pledges by the mile and
any outright donations. You can visit the Marin Human Race website homepage
and type in Novato Human Needs Center to see our information page.
Race Dates to Remember: Turn in donation forms to Cris Jones by April 30th and
receive a t-shirt the day of the race. Meet at our booth at 8AM the day of the race
for a group photo and bring a lunch to picnic with us after the race. The Registration
fee is $25 until May 2nd; $35 until May 9th and $45. on the day of the race.
A Monthly Drop-In Group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Seniors at the Center
Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12-2 PM
Living History: LGBT social, political and legal changes you thought you would never see in your lifetime.
This group is made possible by the Novato Human Needs Center commitment to LGBT inclusion, by a
grant from Marin Community Foundation, and by outreach assistance from Spectrum LGBT Center.
Facilitated Discussion led by Nancy Flaxman, MSW.
The Novato Human Needs Center values diversity. Whatever your ethnicity, religion, country of origin, language, abilities, sexual
orientation, or gender, you are welcome here.
Novato Fourth of July Parade
This Year’s theme is “Salute to Novato Business,” and we are glad to
help recognize the important role local businesses play in keeping the
Center vibrant and responsive to our neighbors’ needs.
Please contact Cris Jones, NHNC Volunteer and Development Coordinator, at cjones@nhnc.org or (415) 897-4147
Ext. 24 for more information on our upcoming events.
Thank You to Our Business, Corporate
and Foundation Supporters
Laurence J. Mazzotta, M.D.
hurch of
Peter E. Haas Jr. Family Foundation
Business Decal
Creekside Bakery
Don Johnson Pool
Special thanks to
Stephen and Lorena
Pelleriti and the Andrea
Rocio Rodriquez
Thank you to all of our donors.
Just Travel
Kitchens by Ken Ryan
Redwood Bagel
Regina Bianucci Rus,
Sally’s Nails
A New Beginning
The Center continues to see a huge need in our community among challenged
families who need a caring hand to help them move forward. They have exhausted all their resources, and must learn how to recover from a crisis such as job loss,
injury, or death of a family member. Many clients have been struggling so long on
the edge due to low wages, part-time jobs, health issues or disability that they see
no visible way back until they come to the Center.
We currently serve 9% of Novato’s total population of 52,000 residents. Our average client family of four earns approximately $19,000 a year which is close to miniDeanna Euritt,
Executive Director
mum wage. An average two-bedroom apartment in Marin County requires earning
at least $68,640 a year or $33 per hour, which is significantly higher than California’s minimum wage
of $8 an hour. As you can see from our Use of Funds’ chart, only 15% of our total expenses are
administrative costs. We rely on a small staff of 11 part-and full-time dedicated people and a large
volunteer core to accomplish our mission.
Our goal is to stop a client’s downward spiral and stabilize families with direct basic services, as well
as employment counseling and financial training to help ensure their success. We thank you for your
past support, and ask that you continue to partner with us to open a viable pathway for our neighbors to achieve independence and self-sufficiency.
Novato Human Needs Center
Annual Report
July 2012 – June 2013
12-13 FY Revenue $864,647
12-13 FY Revenue $864,647
11-13 FY Revenue $864,647
12-13 FY Expenses $ 919,842
11-13 FY Expenses $919,842
Novato Human Needs Center
Annual Report
July 2012 – June 2013
Novato Human Needs Center
Annual Report
July 2012 – June 2013
Novato Human Needs
Board of Directors
Regina Bianucci Rus,
Mark Hoffman,
Vice President
Misty Rudolph,
David Snyder,
Silvina Candia
Jean Gunn
Jane Kern
Uday Wagle
Deanna Euritt,
Executive Director
Welcome to the Board
Our newest member is Jane Kern
who lives in Novato with her family.
She is a CPA, practicing in San
How You Can Give to
the Novato Human
Needs Center
The Novato Human Needs Center provides a variety of ways that
you can make a gift and help our clients achieve self-sufficiency.
All contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Online: www.nhnc.org/donate is a convenient way to donate using
our DONATE NOW link that offers the option of making a one-time,
monthly, quarterly or annual contribution by credit card. In
addition, you can download a snail mail form and return it to us with
your check or credit card donation. A link is also available online to
donate a vehicle, which is another tax-deductible form of giving.
Matching Gift Programs: Many employers will match a contribution
made by an employee to a nonprofit organization such as the Center.
Check with your Human Resources Department.
AmazonSmile: AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you
to support the Center every time you shop at Amazon.com, at no cost
to you. Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price (0.5%) to
the Center. To shop at AmazonSmile simply go to smile.amazon.com
from the web browser on your computer or mobile device. You use
the same account on Amazon.com and AmazonSmile.
On your first visit to AmazonSmile, you will be guided to select the
Center to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin
Stocks and Securities: The Center accepts gifts of appreciated
investments that can be directly transferred. Please consult your tax
or financial advisor about the benefits of giving stocks and securities.
Legacy Giving: Donors can mention us in their estate planning tools
such as wills, bequests, life insurance policies or trusts. We encourage
you to speak with your tax or financial advisor about gifting through
your estate.
Making Gifts in Honor of a Living Individual: A gift made honoring
an individual is a living testimonial that keeps on giving. A tax-deductible
donation can be made to commemorate an achievement such as a
graduation or a relationship such as a volunteer with the Center. A
formal acknowledgment letter is sent to the donor, and notification is
also sent to the person being honored if directed by the donor.
The Board honors senior case manager Ana Rivera for 30
years of outstanding service to the Center.
Making Gifts Honoring an Individual’s Memory: A gift made in
memory of a person who has passed away is a special, tax-deductible
way to honor a respected colleague, beloved friend or family member.
The individual is memorialized in a way that makes a positive difference
to the Center’s clients. Gift credit is given to the donors and a formal
acknowledgement letter describing the importance of the gift to the
Center’s success can be sent to the honoree’s family if directed by
the donor.
To further explore your choices, please contact Andrea Johnston,
Development Director, at (415) 897-4147 Ext. 19 or e-mail
Novato Human Needs Center
1907 Novato Boulevard
Novato, CA 94947
Established in 1972
Our Tuesday Food Pantry serves over 200 families each week.
For more information and to donate
To reach us: please call 415-897-4147 ext. 19. Visit Online: www.nhnc.org/donate
Office hours: Monday through Friday 9:00-5:00
Client services are provided from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
Check our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/novatohumanneedscenter