Carlsbad Historical Society 3rd Grade Educator`s Guide
Carlsbad Historical Society 3rd Grade Educator`s Guide
Carlsbad Historical Society rd 3 Grade Educator's Guide CARLSBAD HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND MUSEUM 258 Beech Avenue Carlsbad, California 92008 (760) 434-9189 Dear Educators: Thank you very much for deciding to embark on an educational adventure with your students. Soon you will be visiting the Carlsbad Historical Society and Museum located within Magee Park. Please explore our website ( to preview some of the content that you and your students will see when you visit. The curriculum that the Carlsbad Historical Society and Museum has designed for your field trip is intended to not only actively engage students in the learning process and promote local history, but it has also been designed to address many of the rigorous California State Standards for Social Studies Curriculum. As part of our third grade curriculum, the Carlsbad Historical Society intends to address the following standards throughout your visit; 3.3 Students draw from historical and community resources to organize the sequence of local historical events and describe how each period of settlement left its mark on the land. 1. Research the explorers who visited here, the newcomers who settled here, and the people who continue to come to the region, including their cultural and religious traditions and contributions. 2. Describe the economies established by settlers and their influence on the present-day economy, with emphasis on the importance of private property and entrepreneurship. 3. Trace why their community was established, how individuals and families contributed to its founding and development, and how the community has changed over time, drawing on maps, photographs, oral histories, letters, newspapers, and other primary sources. We encourage all educators to browse the accompanying educational materials in an effort to prepare students for their visit. We also encourage educators to adapt any materials to meet the needs of your students. In addition, the students will be provided with educational material upon their arrival to ensure engagement with all aspects of the tour. Any materials not completed during the tour can be used as excellent post-visit activities. If you have any questions or special requests or needs, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your visit. ※ ※ TEACHERS AND CHAPERONES ※ ※ Please read this important information about behavior at the Carlsbad Historical Society and Museum The Carlsbad Historical Society (CHS) and Museum is excited to have your students visit St. Michael’s Church, the Shipley-Magee Historic House, and surrounding area. Due to the relative small nature of the historic home and grounds, at times it may get crowded. In addition to this, the CHS houses many unique and culturally significant artifacts that are a vital part of our local community. Students are asked to be on their best behavior. It is our goal to provide not only a safe learning environment for your students, but to also ensure that they have fun while visiting. Prior to your arrival please help us in reminding students as to the proper behavior when touring the CHS and remind them of the following before their arrival: HAVE FUN! NO running NO candy, gum, food, or drinks Please refrain from touching artifacts unless otherwise instructed Please keep all hands and feet to yourselves Do your best to have on your listening ears while presentations are going Questions are encouraged! Please make sure to raise your hand and try to keep all questions and comments on topic and appropriate. o Please feel free to take photographs. However, we ask that photography be conducted in a safe and responsible manner. Due to the numerous artifacts and tight spaces we ask all photos be taken from a stationary position in order to ensure the safety of all visitors. o o o o o o o Please remember as teachers and chaperones to stay with your students at all times. Students who are having difficulty following the rules of the historical society will be asked to leave. Heritage Hall Utilized first as St. Patrick's Church. Then became City Library & Police Station Twin Inns Restaurant Granary Magee Park Gardens andand Historic Magee Park Gardens Historic Structures Map Structures Map Old Cistern Station 2B Red Bard 1890s: Original to site Twin Inns Gazebo Station 3 Concrete Picnic Tables Ranching Demonstration Hybrid Tea Roses Station 2A Shipley-Magee Historic Home Outhouse Nationally Recognized Rose Garden Old Garden Rose Built by town founder Samuel Church Smith. Purchased by Alexander Shipley in 1890. Given to the City of Carlsbad by Florence Shipley Magee. Carlsbad Commercial Growers Gardens Beech Avenue Station 1 St. Michael’s Church Built in 1894 and was the first church in Carlsbad. Moved to this site in 1959. N W N E S E W S Informational Websites and Links Please explore the following websites to help prepare for your upcoming field trip and to potentially supplement any lessons. In addition, please “like” the Carlsbad Historical Society’s page on Facebook for continued updates from the Carlsbad Historical Society. The Carlsbad Historical Society’s official website which includes a regularly update blog that discusses the recent news and events occurring for the society as well as a digital version of all school based curriculum. It is encouraged that educators explore the website to familiarize themselves with the grounds and mission of CHS prior to their visits. Viewers are provided with a guided tour of the Shipley-Magee House. This is a great resource for educators to preview the grounds and provides a basic understanding of what will be discussed during the guided tour of the home. Please note that the video is broken up into 9 shorts clips, which should automatically play one after another with a supported browser. This hyperlink sends visitors to a YouTube search result that includes multiple videos on Carlsbad history. Educators could choose to utilize videos through this link to supplement content learned throughout the field trip as well as expose students to content outside of the scope of the field trip. This YouTube section provides videos created by the city of Carlsbad to document the city’s rich history. This comprehensive collection of seventeen video is an excellent resource to educate students on Carlsbad history beyond the scope of the Shipley-Magee House and are a wonderful insight into Carlsbad’s past. PRE-VISIT ACTIVITIES Name:________________________________________ Pre-Visit Activity Carlsbad Historical Society Directions: As a class you will begin a K-W-L chart. In the first column record what you already know about the history of Carlsbad. In the second column, write what you want to know about the history of Carlsbad. After your visit to the Carlsbad Historical Society, write what you learned in the third column. What I Know What I Want to Know What I Learned Field Trip Activities These are the activities that will be provided to your students during their visit. Please feel free to preview them. Name: ______________________________________________ Shipley-Magee Historic Home Scavenger Hunt To Find: Count how many cats are in the Shipley-Magee house. 1. (Hint: Use tally marks to keep track as you take the tour) 2. An item that was discovered buried outside the house in 1960. 3. The name of Florence Shipley’s dog. 4. A portrait of George Washington on a ribbon marking America’s 100th (Centennial) birthday. 5. The name and date of the oldest rosebush in the garden. 6 The place where the Shipley's got their water. 7 The place that the Shipley's used for a restroom. 8 The location of a painting of Florence on horseback. 9 The type of vehicle located in the barn. Place/Item Found: Name: ______________________________________________ Shipley-Magee Historic Home Scavenger Hunt BLACKLINE MASTER To Find: Count how many cats are in the Shipley-Magee house. 1. (Hint: Use tally marks to keep track as you take the tour) 2. An item that was discovered buried outside the house in 1960. 3. The name of Florence Shipley’s dog. (Hint: Look for the gravestone in the barn) 4. A portrait of George Washington on a ribbon marking America’s 100th (Centennial) birthday. 5. The name and date of the oldest rosebush in the garden. 6 The place where the Shipley's got their water. 7 The place that the Shipley's used for a restroom. 8 The location of a painting of Florence on horseback. 9 The type of vehicle located in the barn. Place/Item Found: 19 Forks (located in Florence Shipley room) Juno Crazy Quilt (located in West Bedroom) 1793- China Old Bush China Parsons (located in outside southwest garden) Cistern (outside behind barn, concrete ring with dirt middle) Outhouse (small building east of house) Florence Shipley room Buggy Name:____________________________________ Carlsbad Historical Society Brands Cattle wear identification tags called their “brand marks”. Each owner tries to devise a brand that is easy to see at a distance and also difficult to alter. The Hinton brand FH The Marrón brand was used by Thewas O’Neill connected, used brand by was used at Juan María Marrón at the Agua brand wasFrancisRancho The Double-Arrow Hinton Santa on theMargarita y Las Hedionda Ranch. This brought by13,311 Robertacre Kelly from the Flores. Rancho. This was a grant of Agua Hedionda rancho was granted to Rancho Marrón in in 1860. ItHinton Jamacha is 133,440 and was the largest leased theacres rancho 1842. used today on the Rancho Agua within present San Diego County. from the Marróns in 1860. Hedionda y los Manos by Clarence Dawson. Create Your Own Brand POST-VISIT ACTIVITIES Post-Visit Crazy Quilt Activity Carlsbad Historical Society Thank you for visiting the Carlsbad Historical Society and for bringing along your wonderful class to explore our collections. Now that you have completed your visit, please feel free to have your students complete the following “Crazy Quilt” art project in conclusion to their visit. The following information should be considered when completing the “Crazy Quilt” art project. Supplies needed for each student o o o o o Variety of colored construction paper Scissors Glue Markers, Colored Pencils, and/or Crayons *Optional*- Other textured material such as tissue paper, pipe cleaner, pom-poms, etc. Directions 1. Read the following instructional paragraph to your class. Today you visited the Carlsbad Historical Society and Museum where you toured the ShipleyMagee historic home. Inside the home you had the opportunity to view what is called a “Crazy Quilt”. To remind you, a “Crazy Quilt” was made using different pieces of fabric from clothing worn at different occasions. These quilts served as a way to remember important events and memories in someone’s life. Here is a photograph of a “Crazy Quilt” (Show accompanying photograph). Today you are going to have the opportunity to make your own “Crazy Quilt” out of the materials I have provided to show memories that are important to you. Some ideas of what you could include on your “Crazy Quilt” could be memories about holidays, vacations, pets, sports, or any other activity or occasion that is special to you. 2. Pass out material. 3. Allow students to construct their own crazy quilt.
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