Lodge Christmas Party - Vigilucci`s Restaurant
Lodge Christmas Party - Vigilucci`s Restaurant
Lodge Christmas Party - Vigilucci's Restaurant And to all, a Good Night! PS... IF YOUR PHOTO IS MISSING...LA VOCE GIRL IS TERRIBLY SORRY, IT WAS A TOUGH ROOM TO GET DECENT PHOTOGRAPHS. MI SCUSI! CHICAGO and all that jazz........... Wednesdays Only 3/9, 3/16 and 3/23 IVRT Inland Valley Repertory Theatre www.IVRT.org NEW LOCATION 3132 Tiger Run Court # 108 Carlsbad, Ca 92010 Tel: 760.407.0570 Fax: 760.407.0580 us469@alphagraphics.com www.designcopyprint.com THANK YOU, ALPHAGRAPHICS FOR DONATING THE PRINTING OF LA VOCE ADVERTISING A great "THANK YOU" to these local businesses who through their contributions, help to offset the expense of reproducing the newsletter. Please support our advertisers. Anyone interested in advertising in the La Voce should contact Mimi Gattinella at (760) 943-8494 TRAVEL CONSULTANT M. Elizabeth Accardi, M.A. CRUISES & TOURS GROUPS OR INDIVIDUAL Sadie Tamburine 3039 Jefferson St. Suite E Carlsbad, CA 92008 499 N. El Camino Real, Suite C-102 Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 434-0970 MFT LIC. #20751 Fax (760) 434-3166 Leonard A. Accardi Certified Public Accountant 25 Years Experience 760-634-1724 800-393-7619 Sadie.koehler@hotmail.com www.americasvacationcenter.com Ciao PIZZERIA Ristorante Italiano 3039 Jefferson Street • Suite E • Carlsbad, Ca 92008 (760) 434-3100 FAX (760) 434-3166 TASTE OF WINE 2015 E. Vista Way Giuseppe Di Giovanni Vista, CA 92084 (760) 630-7333 www.ciao2.com Barbara Lippert Independent Consultant / Regional Vice President ID# 15160942 Phone 858-775-7765 WI T H FR AN K M A N G IO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S LEADING WINE COLUMNIST Syndicated column to 350,000 readers/viewers. Wine speaker/MC. Question about wine? Email @ mangiompc@aol.com 1991 Village Park Way 203-C. Encinitas Ca 92024 Ph 760-632-1199 Ron Rosa, O.D. Optometrist ARBONNE ® INTERNATIONAL barbarasloans@sbcglobal.net www.babsbiz.myarbonne.com Success is about empowering people - Let me show you how! Rosanna's Pasta Fresh Homemade Pasta Lunch & Dinner Daily Dr. Rosa Optometry, Inc. Grilled Panini, Hot & Cold Subs 282 No. El Camino Real, Suite F Encinitas, Ca 92024 (760) 634-1957 www.drrosaoptometry.com 270 N. El Camino Real Encinitas, CA 92024 Salads & Pizza Italian Breads & Desserts 760-753-6867 ADVERTISING The Destination Specialists Wendy Telford 619) 922-8353 wendytel@cox.net www.TelfordImports.com Rosemary Nigro Mediterranean Destination Specialist 25 years experience (760) 741-6667 RNigro@pacbell.net website: www.vineyardtravel.net We are the Destination Specialists . . . Why go anywhere else? Most Saturdays at Scripps Ranch Farmers Market Most Sundays at La Jolla Farmers Market Anthony V. Ybarra, M.Ed. President Beautiful handmade Italian ceramics from Sorrento, Deruta, and Florence (760) 635-0363 www.VeritasAcademic.com anthony@VeritasAcademic.com The Nation's Premiere Admissions Consulting Service Are you loving the way you're aging? No???? Look 10 years younger in the privacy of your home for less than the cost of one Professional Spa Treatment! Let me help you to achieve amazing results! The Wrinkle Iron. Call now for a complimentary facial CALL SHARON 916-799-7703 G Gaatttt C Coon nssttrru uccttiioon n · · · · Commercial Tenant Improvements Residential Remodeling Room Additions Handicap Bathroom Renovations Serving all of San Diego For an Estimate, Call 760-943-6668 www.GattConstruction.com
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