May 2014 - Sons Of Italy
May 2014 - Sons Of Italy
Newsletter La Voce Volume 154, - Issue 1, - MAY, 2014 Editorial Team: Editor& Advertising Director: Mimi Gattinella & Contributing Writer: Jannine Corti-Petska Visit us on the internet at: President's Message Our May meeting was highlighted by the initiation of our 12 new members. Fantastic & Welcome! Thanks to our Immediate Past President Sadie Tamburine & State Trustee South Al Trentini for officiating at the ceremony. Thanks to Chef Tom Caluory & staff for dinner, Mistress of Ceremony Rosalia Brown for decorating our meeting room, and Cathy Banks for our desserts. Welcome to our newly elected Orator Silvina Tondini and Susan Webb who was elected as Alternate Delegate to the State Convention. Newly initiated Mike Seymour and his wife Peggy announced that they had accepted the Chairmanship of the newly created Perpetual Scholarship Committee. You'll be hearing more from Mike & Peggy in the future. Meanwhile, if you have any ideas or suggestions be sure to present them to Mike & Peggy. And with your wonderful attention & cooperation we were able to complete all of our business in 1hr. and 6 min. (If that's not a world record it should be very close.) Thank you! Although our June meeting will be held using our abbreviated format, June is our State Convention and we will need your input on several matters. Also, we will have the honor of presenting the scholarships to the graduating seniors, as announced last month, who will be in attendance with their parents. Please introduce yourself, get to know them & make them welcome. Sempre Avanti. Cliff Monzeglio June Meeting Tuesday, June 3rd Dinner 6:30pm Donation $7.00 Meeting 7:30pm RSVP A MUST! The Minutes 5/6/14 Prior to the meeting the membership was treated to a wonderful dinner with the works, prepared by Chef Tom and his great crew of happy friends! Also, a big Thank You to Rosalia for her work with great decorations. Their work makes a big impact in the evening's success. The meeting was called to order by President Cliff Monzeglio at 7:31pm. Pres. Cliff welcomed the following guests: State Deputy, Sid Tamburine, State Orator, Sadie Tamburine, State Trustee South, Al Trentini and his lovely wife, Jean. Other guests included: Mike and Pat Podsiadly and daughter, Deanna (with Scott and Nancine Hagner) and Rosalia Brown's son, Alessandro. A roll call of officers was taken and Truste, Toni Bolognia was absent. Our prayer list seems to be improving, with the successful surgeries of sister, Rita Stasio and brother, Lenny Ciarmoli. The Minutes from the April meeting were approved as published in La Voce. No communications to report. New Member Initiation tonight to welcome and introduce a dozen new friends: Douglas and Janivee Bishop, Joe and Francesca Busalacchi, Frank and Mary DeFalco, Tony and Angela Fusco, Ben Mical, Michael and Peggy Seymour, and Silvina Tondini. A wonderful evening! Mimi Gattinella read the financial report and Gloria Doty-Minano gave a Treasurer's update. Pres. Cliff opened nominations on the floor for our new Orator. A motion was presented and approved for new member, Silvina Tondini. Congratulations and Thank You. A delegate for the State Convention is needed and a motion to approve Susan Webb was decided. This is wonderful, as she will already be attending with Lodge Queen Kathryn. Pres. Cliff thanked our evening's workers included decorator, Rosalia Brown, Chef, Tom Caluory and Baker, Cathy Banks. Also, our guests The Podsiadly family for setting up the jewelry selections for their Uniquely Elegant Designs and for donating 10% back to our lodge. New Business: Gloria announced the Day at the Races on August 21. 38 members have signed up as of now. Mike and Peggy Seymour were introduced and they spoke about working towards a Scholarship Endowment Fund and will be working on “building a foundation” to continue this opportunity for our young members. Pres. Cliff congratulated our newest scholarship winners including Victoria Serafini ($1500. For the Joe Zazzaro Memorial Scholarship) and Cory Cesario ($500. For the Julia Petrella Memorial Scholarship). The Executive Committee has awarded a scholarship to our reigning Queen, Kathryn Webb. We will be hearing more great things from these outstanding students. Good of the Order: Lou Petrella announced that our member, Mike Punaro won first place at last week's Bocce Ball Tournament. Great Job! Past Pres. Sadie let us see the 2014 T-Shirt for sale at $15. Pres. Cliff adjourned the meeting at 8:34pm. 50/50 winner- Lou Petrella. Respectfully Submitted, Carolyn Petrella, Recording Secretary HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUNE JOANNA WHITTON - 3 CONNIE LOMBARDI - 5 GABBY BATTISTA - 6 (JUNIOR MEMBER) SERGIO MESSINA - 10 CATHY BANKS - 15 LORENZO PETSKA - 19 (JUNIOR MEMBER) DAMIAN KING - 22 (JUNIOR MEMBER) PATTI MICAL - 27 KEVIN MCNAMARA - 28 JULY JANNINE PETSKA - 2 NICK HERN - 6 (JUNIOR MEMBER) LEONARD ACCARDI - 8 SCOTT HAGNER - 10 CANDY KERR - 10 ANNA SOPHIA REID - 13 (JUNIOR MEMBER) TERRY MESSINA - 13 DENISE CIARMOLI - 17 BOB GATTINELLA - 18 SALVATORE DENARO - 21 JANIVEE BISHOP - 21 AL BETTI - 24 BRYAN LASCHE - 26 (JUNIOR MEMBER) LIZ STECKMAN - 26 June Meeting Reminder FOR THOSE OF YOU AT THE MAY MEETING THAT SIGNED UP FOR OUR DAY AT THE RACES IN AUGUST....GLO WILL HAVE THE TICKETS AT THE JUNE MEETING. HONORARY MEMBERS Frank Mercardante Gary J. Rossio Helen Hayes Herman Salerno Patrick Casinelli Roberto Vigilucci Steve Fiorina SO BE PREPARED TO PAY HER $5.00 PER TICKET ORDERED SAVE THE DATE Jun 3 - General Meeting - Encinitas Elks Lodge, Cardiff Jun 26-28 - Grand Convention, Millbrae, CA Jul 1 - General Meeting - RED/WHITE/BLUE Encinitas Elks Lodge Jul 4 - Independence Day - Happy Birthday America! Jul TBD Club Picnic LODGE OFFICERS Sid Tamburine State Deputy Cliff Monzeglio, President 619-990-4108 Sadie Tamburine, Immediate Past President 760-452-6108 Sal Denaro, Vice-President 760-433-1183 Silvina Tondini, Orator 919-619-2943 Carolyn Petrella, Recording Secretary 760-213-6139 Mimi Gattinella , Financial Secretary 760-943-8494 Gloria Minano Doty, Treasurer 760-438-9326 Jim Mazzeo, Trustee 619-957-0351 Adele DiBiase, Trustee 858-342-4575 Terry Messina, Trustee 760-943-9958 Toni Bolognia, Trustee 760-803-4405 Hank Ingorvate, Trustee 760-310-7102 Tom Caluory, Master of Ceremony 760-295-7177 Rosalia Brown, Mistress of Ceremony 760-433-2741 Ben Petrella, Sentinel 760-213-6137 Kathryn Webb, Lodge Queen LODGE APPOINTMENTS Sergio Messina, Chaplain (760) 943-9958 Carmela Mazza, Sunshine Person 760-431-0631 Mimi Gattinella, La Voce Girl 760-943-8494 Ahhh Pizza! Music to everyone's ears. Probably the most famous ,well recognized and favorite of all Italian foods or even culture. Ancient records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorful can be found throughout history. Known as the dish for poor people, it was sold in the street and was not considered a kitchen recipe for a long time. The innovation that led to flat bread pizza was the use of tomato as a topping . it was common for the poor of the area around Naples to add tomato to their yeast-based flat bread, and so, the beginnings of pizza in Naples. THE CHEF'S CORNER Pizza first made its appearance in the United States with the arrival of Italian immigrants in the late 19th century and was very popular among large Italian populations in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and St Louis. The international breakthrough came after World War II. Allied troops occupying Italy, weary of their rations, were constantly on the lookout for good food. They discovered the pizzeria and local bakers. Chain restaurants sprang up with pizza's rising popularity. Today, the American pizza business is dominated by companies that specialize in pizza delivery, such as Domino's, Papa Johns, & Pizza Hut. BUT Pizza is Pizza is Pizza! Good Pizza is great! So go out and explore! ! North County San Diego has plenty of top rated , great “pitsariazzas”. FUN FACTS!!! There are approximately 61,269 pizzerias in the United States. 94% of the population of the U.S. eats pizza. Saturday night is the biggest night of the week for eating pizza. The highest-grossing single-unit independent pizzeria in the nation, Moose's Tooth Pub and Pizzeria, is in Anchorage , Alaska. Its annual sales are approximately $6 million. Top 5 pizza sales days are: Super Bowl Sunday,New Year's Eve,Halloween,The night before Thanksgiving, & New Year's Day Sooo Enjoy Pizza - Ciao for now - Chef Tom May Meeting THANK YOU TO OUR JEWELRY VENDOR AND THE DONATION TO THE LODGE! GRAZIE! Welcome newly initiated members (from left) Joe Busalacchi, Mike Seymour, Doug Bishop, Janivee Bishop, Silvina Tondini, Francesca Busalacchi, Peggy Seymour, Angela Fusco, Tony Fusco, Ben Mical, Mary DeFalco and Frank DeFalco. Thank you also to State Orator, Sadie Tamburine and State Trustee South, Al Trentini, for helping in the Ritual. ADVERTISING A great "THANK YOU" to these local businesses who through their contributions, help to offset the expense of reproducing the newsletter. Please support our advertisers. Anyone interested in advertising in the La Voce should contact Mimi Gattinella at (760) 943-8494 TRAVEL CONSULTANT M. Elizabeth Accardi, M.A. CRUISES & TOURS GROUPS OR INDIVIDUAL Sadie Tamburine 3039 Jefferson St. Suite E Carlsbad, CA 92008 499 N. El Camino Real, Suite C-102 Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 434-0970 MFT LIC. #20751 Fax (760) 434-3166 25 Years Experience 760-634-1724 877-876-3881 Rosanna's Pasta Leonard A. Accardi Certified Public Accountant 3043 Harding Street # B • Carlsbad, Ca 92008 (760) 434-3100 FAX (760) 434-3166 Fresh Homemade Pasta Lunch & Dinner Daily Grilled Panini, Hot & Cold Subs Salads & Pizza Italian Breads & Desserts 270 N. El Camino Real Encinitas, CA 92024 760-753-6867 Tom Caluory Eclectic Gourmet Chef CATERING A Tasty & Unique Dining Experience 3752 Southridge Way Ocean Hills, CA 92056 (760) 295-7177 (760) 579-8188 Spinal Care Center Dr. Richard Horne, DC, QME Chiropractic Orthopedist 770 Rancho Santa Fe Rd. Encinitas, CA 92024 fax: 760-454-2200 760-505-9222 Call La Voce Girl for Advertising Opportunities 12 Month Rates Full Page $360.00 1/2 Page $180.00 1/4 Page $90.00 Business Card $45.00 YOU CAN'T BEAT IT! ADVERTISING Join the Encinitas Bocce Club at Oakcrest Park, every Thursday evening at 6:30pm. There is also Sunday play. TASTE OF WINE For information please call: Tony Mattaresse (619) 921-6366 WIT H FRANK MAN GI O BOCCE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA'S LEADING WINE COLUMNIST Syndicated column to 350,000 readers. Wine speaker/MC. Question about wine? Email @ Ph 760-632-1199 See my weekly wine column in the Coast News, Rancho Santa Fe News and Italo-Americano Listen to KOWN Radio 1450 Saturday 1-2pm Congrats to Mike Punaro and his team for winning the Encinitas Bocce Club Tournament 2014 Scholarship Presentations: At our next meeting we will be presenting both the Joe Zazzaro Scholarship and also the Julia Petrella Scholarship Please plan on attending our meeting and celebrating with our wonderful students! 1st Place Brava! G Gaatttt C Coonnssttrruuccttiioonn · · · · Commercial Tenant Improvements Residential Remodeling Room Additions Handicap Bathroom Renovations Serving all of San Diego For an Estimate, Call 760-943-6668
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