NWAAC_Newsletter August, 2012


NWAAC_Newsletter August, 2012
August, 2012
Kristofer Nedwick and Loren DeShazer – NWAAC Taylorcraft Finds Good Home
NWAAC Newsletter
2011/2012 NWAAC Officers
Aviation Events:
President: Loren DeShazer 971 506-8327
Vice President: Lyle Small lylesmall@q.com
Treasurer: Roger Roeker stfrancis1@comcast.net
Secretary: Jacque Swan nwaac1@gmail.com
Executive Committee Members Chairman of the
Board: Bill Petty dvbillpetty@aim.com; Paul Silveria
paul.silveria@comcast.net; Henry Schmitt
The Newsletter is published monthly; submission
deadline is one week after the monthly NWAAC
meeting. Contact editor, Jacque Swan
Club Memberships go from October through
September. Renewal forms can be found on the
NWAAC website
Hood River Fly-In September 7th Pilot
Reception, September 8th and 9th open to
the public.
NWAAC General Membership Meeting:
Saturday, September 8, 2012 @ 10:30 am
NWAAC General Membership Meeting
and Installation of Officers: Saturday,
October 13th, 2012 10:30 am
May, 2011
President’s Message:
I am so pleased with the turnout at the NWAAC Fly-In held here at Scappoose Industrial
Airpark the 2nd weekend in August. We had over 130 planes from all over the country. It was
nice to host such wonderful people and have the opportunity to admire their beautiful planes,
as well. The response from the community was wonderful. It truly turned out to be the family
and community event we had hoped for. I’d like to give a big thank you to all the people who
generously donated their time and talents to make this event possible. “Many hands make
light work,” and it took each and every one of us to accomplish our goal of having a safe Fly-In
where people could enjoy the companionship of other aircraft enthusiasts. I would also like
to thank all of our sponsors for their donations. This event would not have been possible
without their support and I hope that you will repay their kindness with your patronage at
their businesses whenever possible.
It was wonderful to have Dr. Stuart MacPhereson and his wife Roni visit with their Travel Air
4000. “Cap’n Mac” and Roni sent a $500.00 donation to the NWAAC Scholarship Fund again
this year and for this we give our heartfelt thanks.
Lastly, I was honored to be present as our NWAAC Taylorcraft flew away to its new home in
Anchorage, Alaska this month. Our new member, Kristofer Nedwick, purchased the aircraft
and called to let us know that he made it home safely. On behalf of all the club members we
wish him many safe and happy years of flight with his “new” plane. It will always hold a
special place in our hearts and I am so glad that it will remain in the NWAAC family.
Membership Announcement:
You don’t have to be a Pilot or own a plane to be a member of NWAAC. Are you
interested in joining the club and would like a tour of the clubhouse? Please call
President, Loren DeShazer at 971-506-8327 to arrange a time or feel free to join us at a
monthly meeting. We have membership applications at the clubhouse, on our
website, www.nwaac.com or by requesting that one be mailed to you. Membership is
just $40.00 per year.
In accordance with our By-Laws, members who have not paid the previous year’s dues
by September 30th of this year will be dropped from our membership on September
30, 2012.
Previous year’s dues are from 10-1-2010 to 9-30-2011.
If you have any questions regarding your membership status, please contact Kathy
Siemer, Membership Chair
The Taylorcraft Departs for Alaska
The following are known FAA Airman Knowledge Test questions. See how well you do. The
answers are on the following page.
1. How can a military airport be identified at night?
Alternate white and green light flashes.
Dual peaked (two quick) white flashes between green flashes.
White flashing lights with steady green at the same location.
2. What is absolute altitude?
A. The altitude read directly from the altimeter.
B. The vertical distance of the aircraft above the surface.
C. The height above the standard datum plane.
3. Should it become necessary to handprop an airplane engine, it is extremely important that a competent pilot
Call “contact” before touching the propeller.
Be at the controls in the cockpit.
Be in the cockpit and call out all commands.
Answers to Private Pilot FAA Airman Knowledge Test questions on previous page:
August, 2012 General Membership Meeting Minutes
The meeting was held at the Scappoose clubhouse and was called to order Saturday, August 4 , 2012 by
President Loren DeShazer. Officers present: Loren DeShazer, President; Lyle Small, Vice President; Jacque
Swan, Secretary and Executive Board member Bill Petty. The membership and guests were welcomed by
President DeShazer. A sign-in sheet was circulated and it was determined that a quorum had been met. A
Treasurer’s Report was not given in the absence of Treasurer, Roger Roeker. A motion was made to
accept the July Minutes as printed in the July Newsletter by Kathy Siemer and seconded by Bill Petty. The
minutes were approved without additions or corrections.
Committee Reports: Kathy Siemer reported to the membership that Evenal Simdorn has pneumonia. Her
husband Norm told the membership that her health is slowly improving. President DeShazer expressed
concern for Evenal on behalf of the club members. It was also reported that Theresa McGivern has had
surgery and is recovering.
Membership: Kathy Siemer reported that we have a new member Larry Tueffel. We have 75 paid
members currently. Kathy discussed with the membership that those who have not paid their dues from
the previous year will be dropped from the membership list as of September 30 , 2012.
Taylorcraft: Larry Charneski reported to the membership that the Taylorcraft has been sold to a
gentleman from Alaska. The pre purchase inspection has been completed and repairs have been done to
the satisfaction of the buyer including replacement of the tailwheel. The club expressed gratitude to Larry
for his hard work in facilitating the sale of the aircraft and to Dan Beltrami for leading the way in restoring
the plane.
Fly-In: Ken Corliss presented examples of the tiles he had printed up to be used as trophies for the Fly-In.
Dan Beltrami and Bruce Olson will be in charge of the judging process. Loren thanked Ken Corliss for his
help in preparing the Pilot Registration Packets. The Editor of the Spotlight will be running a add on the
front page and centerfold of the publication at no charge to help in promoting the Fly-In and NWAAC in
general. Loren will give one of the tiles to the Spotlight in appreciation of this gesture. Loren wished to
express gratitude to the Saint Helens Federal Credit Union for a generous $100.00 donation and to Wanna
Credit Union for providing free printing to NWAAC to help keep the Fly-In costs to a minimum. Bernie
Sutton will be on sight all week to do final preparations of the field and to set up tents. A list of volunteers
for the Fly-In was collected and Jacque Swan volunteered to organize the list but told the membership
that she would not be able to coordinate on the days of the Fly-In as she had committed herself to
cashiering during the breakfast on all three days of the event. It was announced that a work party would
follow the meeting today in preparation of the Fly-In to be held next weekend.
Summer Barbeques: The barbeques will continue to be held on Saturday and Sunday from 11 am until 3
pm through September 30 . The suggested donation of $5.00 will provide a hamburger or two hot dogs
and soda or bottled water.
New Business: No new business was brought before the membership today.
Old Business: The Chairman of the Nominating Committee, Bill Petty, presented the proposed Slate of
Officers for the upcoming Election to be held at the September General Meeting. The following
candidates have been nominated: President, Loren DeShazer; Vice President, Elaine Carlson; Secretary,
Ken Corliss; Treasurer, Raymond DeForge, Executive Board: Chairman of the Board, Lyle Small standing in
for Loren DeShazer, Paul Silveria and Bob Johnson. President DeShazer called for nominations from the
floor. The Nominating Committee, Bill Petty, Jacque Swan and Loren DeShazer were thanked for their
A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Jacque Swan and seconded by Lyle Small. The meeting was
adjourned at 11:15 am by President DeShazer.
Please join us at the Saturday, September 8th NWAAC General Membership Meeting.
We will be having biscuits and gravy along with dessert following the meeting.
2012 NWAAC Fly-In Grand Champion Bob Juranich’s 1929 Command Aire
Congratulations to our trophy winning Fly-In attendees:
Grand Champion
Bob Juranich and his 1929 Command Aire NC946E
President’s Award
Larry Sittauer and his 1928 Travel Air 4000 N5429
Post War Classic
Roger Starr and his 1946 Fairchild 24W-46 NC77630
Post War Taildragger
Rick Farland showing a 1946 Stinson Voyager 108-1 N97877
Production Classic
Allen Harstine and his 1949 Bellanca 14-13-3 N1413B
Pre War Classic- Open Cockpit
Ron and Dalton Englund with their 1929 Fleet NC448K
Post war Production Original
Lee Borchers and his 1947 Luscombe 8E Silveraire NC1868K
Post War Production Highway Classic
Gregg Reynolds and his 1946 Luscombe 8C N1577K
Post War Production Low Wing Classic
Kevin DePew and his 1960 Piper Comanche 180 N6949P
Current Production Below 200 HP
Kevin Devan and his 2002 Decathalon 8KCAB N284H
Current Production Above 200 HP
Larry Charneski and his 2001 Maule MX7-180C N112LC
Experimental – Homebuilt
John and Patti Stahr and their 2012 RV8 N707AA
Marquee Pilot
Susie Brekhus and her 1947 Aeronca Champ N83340
Ron and Dalton Englund and their 1929 Fleet
Message from the Edit
It was so much fun having our NWAAC Fly-In here at Scappoose Industrial Airpark. I
truly enjoyed meeting new people and seeing old friends. Many of the Pilots and their
families took the opportunity to camp under the wings of their airplanes while others
chose to stay at nearby hotels or the Scappoose Creek Inn. I finally had the opportunity to
ride with Cap’n Mac here at our home airport. That was quite a treat for me. Thanks to
Ken Corliss for letting me use many of the photos in this edition of the newsletter
including the one above of Stu and I departing for our flight over the Columbia River.
What a gorgeous place to fly and although it was a bit windy, we couldn’t have asked for
nicer weather.
Thanks to all of the volunteers who made this event enjoyable for everyone. Special
thanks is due to Jack and Barb Ross for providing Safety Advisory to the Pilots making
sure everyone was aware of what was going on in the busy skies over KSPB.
Jacque Swan, Editor
Wanted in good restored condition- Travel Air 4000 or Waco. Please contact Lou,
503 332-3856.
1946 Cessna 120, $21,000 lowered to $18,000 – Strong, mid-time C-85 engine.
Cleveland brakes, new tires, new altitude encoder. June annual, always hangared at
Scappoose. Great performing VFR aircraft w/2838 hrs total time. Call Howard at
(503) 543-6055, knytych@centruytel.net.
1996 Rotoway Exec 162F helicopter for sale; 411 hours on the hobs meter, likely about 350 hours of
engine run time; no damage history, low time main rotor blades, (5 hours), replaced due to
manufacturing defect of originals; hydraulic clutch, cog drive, coolant diverter, too may mods to list,
$39,500; includes buyer protection plan. Solar T62 turbine engine available to helicopter buyer, $5,000.
Dave Aldred @ 503-522-4842
For Sale:
Cessna 182B N2618G Please contact owner, Bill
Petty for details at 503-706-9680
Tri Pacer for sale- Please contact Jack Ross at 503-252-2836 for details.
1968 Aero Commander Darter SN203 TT, A&E 1850
hours. Look it over and make offer. “Club members only.”
Please contact Henry Schmitt at 360-423-4795.
North West Antique Airplane Club
53835 Airport Road
Scappoose, OR 97056