Daylilies - The Perennial Plant Peddler


Daylilies - The Perennial Plant Peddler
Perennial Plant
Late Blooming
8755 TR 251, Findlay, OH 45840
Unusual Perennials
Hostas & Daylilies
We grow what we sell.
George & Ann & Michelle Brickner
Phone: 419-387-7230
Hours: Tues - Sat 9am-6pm,
or by appointment
Aerial Display
Ahoy Matey
Artificial Intelligence
Beautiful Edgings
Betty Woods
Bill Norris
Blushing Doll
Bold Tiger
Bryan Cook Memorial
Cactus Blossom
Carrots Forever
Catherine Neal
Charon the Ferryman
Cherry Valentine
Clouds of White
Concrete Blond
Country Bumpkin
Daddy’s Little Man
Dumb Blonde
Electric Marmalade Magic
Element of Surprise
Exit Light
Face of the Stars
Fairy Jester
Heavenly Angel Ice
Heavenly Pink Fang
Love’s Purest Light
Heavenly Pink Fang
Heavenly United We Stand
Jeanette Hurt
Jersey Spider
Kermit’s Scream
Kwanso Variegated
Lily Munster
Lime Frost
Lion of Judah
Love’s Purest Light
Mabel Nolen
Madge Cayse
Mary Ethyl Anderson
Mascara Snake
Mini Might
Move to the Music
New Purple Heart
Omega Red
Ox Tears
Paper Butterfly
Pattern Maker
Point of View
Playing With Sharks
Prester John
Pretty late
Ruffled Rainbow Gem
Savannah Debutante
Scottish Fantasy
As observed in the Perennial Plant Peddler gardens.
Aerial Display
Siloam Jandee
Siloam June Bug
Singing His Praises
Spider to the Fly
Stuck on You
Sue Rothbauer
Sweet Butter Cream
Three Tiers
Thunder and Blazes
Topguns Lola Scott
Topguns Sunkist Delight
Waiting for Alice
White Unto Harvest
Winyah Dark Edge
Madge Cayse
Mini Might
Pretty Late
Move to the Music
Omega Red