Capital Campaign Steering Committee


Capital Campaign Steering Committee
June 2014
Capital Campaign Steering Committee
Mike and Julie Denny are pleased to announce the leadership team and Steering Committee who have
agreed to take the lead in implementing Heavenly Rest’s $3.5 million fundraising campaign.
The leaders and the committee members will help carry the message of the campaign, energize parishioners and friends of Heavenly Rest, and serve as key ambassadors for the Honoring our Heritage of
faith, hope and love capital campaign.
The Campaign Steering Committee represents a cross-section of ages; parishioners who have a great
deal of history with Heavenly Rest and those that are new to the parish; representatives from the curREST
rent vestry and former vestry members; represent a number of ministries; and clergy. All of the members have agreed to serve and support the campaign. Steering Committee members will be working
with a number of parishioners and be available to individuals and church groups to explain the importance of the campaign.
Campaign Co- Chairs:
Campaign Steering Committee:
Callie and Lee Hampton
Julie and Mike Denny
Jackie Batjer
Lindsay and Jay Hardaway
Dixie Bassett
Annabel House
Campaign Advisors:
Yvonne and Ron Batts
Sharon and Nolan Kelley
The Rt. Rev. Scott Mayer and
The Rev. N. Luke Back and
Melinda and Mark McCarty
Kathy Mayer
Meredith Back
The Rt. Rev. Claude Payne
The Rev. Susanna Brosseau
and Barbara Payne
Advance Gift Co-Chairs:
Ruth Ann and Tom Choate
The Rev. David Romanik
Tom and Ruth Ann Choate
Connie Collier
and Sara Beth Romanik
Jackie and Bart Cox
Suzanne and John Stowe
Vestry Chair:
Julie and Mike Denny
Cindy and Steve Strain
Yvonne Batts
Nancy and John Estes
Rosemary and Steve Suttle
Legacy Gift Chair:
Drs. Sarah and Dickson Ferguson, The Rev. Amanda Watson
Jackie Batjer
Rolanda and Paul Fulham
and Tom Watson
Linda Goolsbee
8:00 a.m.
Worship Service,
Holy Eucharist
in the nave
9:30 a.m.
Sunday School
10:45 a.m.
Worship Service,
Holy Eucharist
in the nave
1:00 p.m.
Worship Service
Morning Prayer in
8:00 a.m.
Morning Prayer
in the chapel
5:30 p.m.
Healing Service,
Holy Eucharist
in the chapel
pictured above: Mike Denny, Dixie Bassett and Tom Choate
pictured right: Jackie Batjer, Laura Wright and Jackie Cox
New Summer Service Schedule and Summer Breakfasts
Beginning on Father’s Day, June 15th our service times will change for the summer to 8:00am,
10:00am and 1:00pm. Holy Eucharist, Rite I will continue at 8:00am. At 9:00am everyone is invited
to a parish-wide breakfast hosted by various ministries in the congregation. Please note, Holy Eucharist, Rite II will be moving from 10:45am to the the new time of 10:00am. Activities for children will
be provided in the lower level of the Parish Hall during the breakfast hour. Morning Prayer in Swahili
will continue at 1:00pm. The summer schedule will be in effect through August 24.
Featured Inside
Looking Forward...................................2
Outreach Ministries...............................3
Parish Fellowship..................................4
Calendar & Special Events...................5
May Celebrations..................................6
Back Page ............................................7
Our service comes
from the Book of
Common Prayer.
As a community of faith centered in God through liturgy and Christian Practice,
the Episcopal Church of the Heavenly Rest exists to:
CARE for members of all ages and stages of life.
SHARE God’s inclusive and healing love with all people.
CREATE opportunities to grow in Christ.
SERVE the church, the community, and the world.
Care. Share. Create. Serve. • June 2014
DOK planning upcoming events, invite all women to participate
The Daughters of the King are planning many activities in the coming months
and invite all women of the parish to participate in the monthly meetings, special
events, and outreach.
Camp Quarterman
Come one, come all to Camp
Quarterman! Our Diocesan summer camps will continue this
year in new locations. Quarterman Junior (completed 2-7th
grades) will be at Ceta Glen,
June 29 - July 5. Quarterman Senior (completed 7-12th grades)
will be at Cathedral Ridge, north
of Woodland Park, CO on June
8 - 14. Those who have completed 7th grade get to choose which
camp they would like to attend.
We are looking forward to a
great summer. If you would like
to register, please contact:
Mother Susanna at sbrosseau@
The Daughters selected a new leadership team comprised of Julie-Anne Stoner,
president; Deacon Peggy Valentine, vice president; Connie Collier, secretary; and
Mary Crymes, treasurer. Mother Susanna will serve as chaplain and spiritual adviser to the chapter. All will be installed at a special service in June, presided by
Father Luke. Everyone is welcome to attend and details/announcements will be
This summer, the Daughters will be discussing a book in the Episcopal Church’s
teaching series, A Theology of Worship by Louis Weil. The book can be ordered
on the Amazon website (used copies cost less than a dollar!) but women need not
have the book to come and join in the discussion! The Daughters read the chapters
and prepare a presentation for the group. Meetings are held on the first Sunday of
every month at 5 p.m. in the Bishop Mayer room. Come for prayer, enlightening
conversation, and fellowship!
Plans are in the works for a Martha and Mary Litany to be offered to the church
community in the fall. This special service is ecumenical in nature and invites women from other faith traditions and the Abilene community to join with us in prayer
and song, celebrating the role of women in Scripture and our own spiritual lives. Be
part of the planning for this wonderful event!
The Daughters are also renewing their commitment to military men and women in
active duty by preparing care packages to send to them. Coordination and execution will take place in the coming months. Stay tuned for details!
The Daughters are seeking to support the ministry of St. Mark’s Baby Room by
helping clients with hygiene items. These products can be costly for those with limited means so the Daughters will be collecting products to donate for distribution at
St. Mark’s. All help with this worthy endeavor will be greatly appreciated!
The motto of the Daughters of the King is “For His Sake … I am but one, but I am
one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do.
What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do. Lord, what will you have me
do?” There is something that every woman can do, and the Daughters invite all
women of the parish to come and pray and share that gift with God and each other.
For more information about any of the activities, meetings, or the Daughters of the
King, please call Julie-Anne Stoner at 325-733-7825 or email her at londonteatime@
Heavenly Rest in the
Holy Land
In March of 2015, the parishioners of the Church of the
Heavenly Rest are invited on a
pilgrimage to some of the most
significant sites in Scripture.
We’ll visit the Sea of Galilee,
Nazareth, and key locations in
Jerusalem and Bethlehem. We
will leave the U.S. on Saturday,
March 7, and return on Saturday, March 14. We are working
on an air travel package right
now; details coming soon. If you
have questions, please contact
Mother Susanna at sbrosseau@
Associate Rector’s Study
“Remember the Sabbath day and keep it holy.”
This commandment is a centrally important element of our Judeo-Christian tradition, and yet
very few of us truly understand what it means
to keep the Sabbath. This summer in the Associate Rector’s study, we will discuss the concept
of Sabbath as we read 24/6: A Prescription for a
Happier, Healthier Life by Matthew Sleeth. All are
welcome to attend the study of 24/6, which will
begin Monday, June 2 at 6:30 in the Bishop Garrett Room. Contact David Romanik at 677-2091
or if you
have any questions or are interested in ordering
a book. Hope to see you there!
Hands-On Outreach - Donate Time and Food
As the tempature rises the need for food becomes greater. Families in financial
crisis depend on local food pantries to feed themselves and their children. We need
your help to keep our pantry stocked! We thank you and hope you continue to
bring the “food of the month” items to church. Please review the “grocery list” provided for additional pantry items needed. During Hands-On hours and the church
office hours we can accept food donations. If you are interested in volunteering at
Hands-On please contact Sue Ivey at, or Billy Edwards at
Food of
Canned Meats and
Macaroni and Cheese
Please bring canned and
packaged non perishable
food items to church and
place them in the baskets
located in the narthex.
left: Amanda Watson and Linda Taubert
prepare for Hands-On to open.
Below: Gail Kaiser reaches for a can of
fruit to make a sack of groceries.
Hands-On Outreach
Tuesday to Thursday
9:30 to 11:30 am
*Please recycle your grocery bags for
the food pantry.
Grocery List
Fruit Cups
Pudding Cups
Granola Bars
Packaged Jello
Canned Soup
Canned Fruit
Instant Potatoes
Dried Beans
Packaged Rice
Packaged Pasta
Pasta Sauce
Peanut Butter
Saltine Crackers
Bottled Water
Take Five and Save a Life
AEDs (Automated External Defibrillators) are found in most public buildings
in our city and state. Can you spare five minutes or so to learn about these life
saving devices? Your Parish Medical Committee will be offering information on
the use of AEDs and the location of our AEDs at Heavenly Rest. This will be an
informative and fun training so that our parishioners are familiar with the location and use of this equipment. The sessions will take place between services
at 9:30 am on June 8 and July 20. Come and enjoy our summer breakfasts and
stay for this learning opportunity. Pat Arth has generously donated her time and talent for these session. Please
consider joining your fellow parishioners and "Take Five and Save a Life". If you have any questions, please
contact Gay Ann Walts at
Care. Share. Create. Serve. • June 2014
Friends of Music: Donor Fund Drive 2014-2015
The Church of the Heavenly Rest has established the “Friends of Music” program which
is overseen by a committee and lead by our Organist/Choirmaster, Dr. Wes Gomer and
music assistant, Susie Rockett. They have been working to further develop the wonderful things our music ministry provides. Our church musicians play an integral roll in
our weekly worship services, but they also make themselves available for weddings,
funerals and other special church services. This program also funds the Heavenly Rest
Chamber Music Concert Series which hosts wonderfully talented local and area professional musicians as well as world renowned artists. Their gifts bring the most exquisite
music to life in harmony with the beauty of the nave.
Becoming a Friend of Music at Heavenly Rest would be giving your support to the music being made in this church. Your involvement can be as a church musician, monetary
supporter, or simply a coinsure of fine music. Whatever avenue you wish to take part in
we are happy to have your participation. Friends of Music will receive a monthly newsletter with information about upcoming concerts, events and what is happening with music and musicians here at
Heavenly Rest. You will also be recognized on each Heavenly Rest Chamber Music Concert Series program. We
hope to include you on our list of Friends of Music.
More information about this program can be found on the church website or you can contact Susie Rockett – Our annual fund letter and brochure will be mailed out this month.
Congratualtions to all our graduating seniors!
Thank you for being a part of Heavenly Rest and we wish you luck
on your next stage in life.
pictured: Mother
Susanna, Emily Procopio, Katherine Anderson, Nora Goolsby,
and Davis Goolsbee.
Vacation Bible Sundays
above left: John Henson
above right: Christopher Bartlett, Charles Gilliard
Katlyn Moore, and Avery Walton
Each Sunday in August there will be activities,
fun, and fellowship for any and all congregation
members. Look for more information to come
this summer!
EYC Cook-Out Was Success!
Stayed tuned for more EYC events,
starting in July
pictured left: Christopher Bartlett, Nathaniel Pigott and Nic Procopio
pictured right:
Rachel Kent, Joshua Ward, Austin Beckham, and Michael Scarborough
Weekly Events at Heavenly Rest
8 a.m. - Holy Eucharist
5:30 a.m.
9:30 a.m. - Sunday School*
10:15 a.m. - Adult Choir*
10:45 a.m.
8 a.m.
Holy Eucharist*
Morning Prayer
1 p.m. - Swahili Service
5 p.m. - Change Ringers
6:30 p.m.
Sunday schedule changes Rector’s Study
starting June 15
9:00 a.m. - Summer
9:15 a.m. - Adult Choir
9:15 - Chilren’s Craft and
Story Time
10:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist
8 a.m.
8 a.m.
8 a.m.
Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer Morning Prayer
8 am - SJES Chapel
9:30 a.m.
9:30-11:30 a.m. 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Hands-on Outreach
5:30 p.m.
9:30-11:30 a.m.
Service & Hands-on Outreach
10 a.m.
Holy Eucharist*
Staff mtg
7 p.m. - Bagpipes
6:45 p.m.
pictured above: Father David,
6 p.m.
Canterbury Bells
Bart Cox, Jackie Batjer , and
Change Ringers
Annabel House
7:30 p.m.
Childcare is available every Sunday, 7:30 a.m. - Noon,
Adult Choir
6:15 p.m. - EFM
8 a.m.
Morning Prayer
unless otherwise noted.
*childcare will be available for this event
**childcare can be arranged upon request
Special Events
Sunday, June 1 - Birthday Blessings
Sunday, June 8 - Pentecost, Holy Baptism and Anniversary Blessings
Sunday, June 15 - Summer Schedule and Summer Breakfasts Begin
Father’s Day Children’s Blessing
Sunday, June 22 - Summer Breakfast
Sunday, June 29 - Summer Breakfast - Morning Prayer
Alternating Events
Tuesday, June 3 and June 17 - 4:00 pm - Centering Prayer (Bishop Mayer Room)
First and Third Tuesday of June - 6:30 pm - St. Margaret’s Guild
Please visit the church website at for an up-to-date calendar of events.
Nolan Kelley, Verger
Sunday Servers
Please take time to thank your Sunday Servers.
They work hard to make each service run smoothly. The server schedule can be found on the website at, where it will
be updated with changes over the course of the
month and e-mailed to the servers at the beginning of each month. If you would like a hard copy
of the server schedule, please contact Lynsi Musselman at
or at 677-2091.
Looking for the monthly schedule for Sunday duties?
Go to the website, and click on this:
Care. Share. Create. Serve. • June 2014
Happy Birthday
Parish Summer
It is time for Parish
Summer Breakfasts.
Starting June 15, Father’s Day, hot breakfast will be served
between 9:00 and 9:45
am. Cold cereal is also
out and available. A
donation basket will
be out to help cover
We are hoping that
your group will sponsor one of the summer
Sundays. You can use
just group members
on your team, bring
in family and friends
to help, or team up
with another group
on a Sunday. We will
also be opening up
the opportunity to any
parishioners who want
to participate, so other
individuals could be
added to your group.
There are two Sundays
still available, July 6
and July 20. Please
contact Linda Goolsbee at lgoolsbee@ or 692-3353,
if your group would
like to host or if you
have any questions.
All are invited! We
look forward to another great summer.
June 2
Diane Stearns
Kim Walton
June 11
Parker Edington
Megan Taubert
June 4
Bobby Deegan
Larry Godfrey
June 12
Russell Dickerson, Jr.
Peyton Edington
Kay Lanie
June 5
Thomas Headstream
June 6
Melinda Galloway
June 8
Jim Hatchett
June 13
Ann Coffey
Blanche Jerige
Richard Milliorn
Meredith Sherman
June 10
Brody Anderson
Maureen McCormick
June 14
Molly Hill
Bob Kuzma
Linda Taubert
Happy Anniversary
June 1
Meredith and Luke Back
Mari and Chris Cockerell
Erica and Scott Hall
Jeremy and Lara Jenkins
Susie and Chris Rockett
June 4
Joana and Tom Agerton
June 6
Joan and Orlan Akin
June 7
Ruth Ann and Tom Choate
Rolanda and Paul Fulham
June 10
Sharon and Ron Rathbun
June 15
Caroline Morris
June 16
Bill Norwood
Alison Rios
June 17
Matthew Choate
Terry Young
June 18
Judy Deaton
Tom Perini
June 19
Debbie Lillick
Kathy Taylor
June 23
Shari Engard
Margaret Hollowell
Colin Kent
June 12
Rachel and Jon Anderson
Justine and Robert Grisham
June 13
Joy and Jack Ramsey
June 14
Holly and Lane Frizzell
June 24
Tim Lillick
Ember Miller-Thompson
June 25
JDana Lindley
June 28
Ron Batts
Courtney Bryant
David Carlson
Jamie Dunn
Bob Hale
June 29
Don Balch
Laura Morrison
Howard Renick, Jr.
June 30
Ruth Ann Choate
June 25
Gail and Roger Duck
June 26
Viola and Wayne Jepson
June 28
Dulcey and Blake Fulenwider
June 17
Evelyn and Norman French
June 21
Terri and D.W. Cress
June 22
Claire and David Carlson
Anne and Gordon Powers
June 23
Melinda and Mark McCarty
If your birthday or anniversary is not listed,
please contact the office.
Birthday Blessing is June 1 both services. • Anniversary
Blessing is June 8 at both services.
Children’s Blessingis June 15 at both services.
Sandra and Peter
Kent getting their
anniversary blessing
Dear Friends,
Recently, while sharing a wonderful dinner in the Parish Hall, we
were also asked to share our faith. I am grateful to Linda Goolsbee and
Kathy Diamond for feeding forty bodies and forty souls.
Sharing faith stories is very different than trying to convince
others to believe your own superior belief ideas - like the difference
between fresh food and stale leftovers. People are hungry to learn more
about what God is doing in human lives, but they are weary and wary of
religious opinions.
We are often hesitant to tell faith stories because they usually
involve some sort of crisis, failure, loss, heart-break, mental stress or
devastating disaster. Spiritual vision emerges from a low place, from “It is for you that paradise is opened, the Tree of Life is
ground zero. Hear the Psalmist sing from, “Out of the deep have I called planted, the age to come is prepared...” 2 Esdras 8:52
unto you.” (Psalm 130:1). It is in the deepest darkness that we see the
gentlest, tenderest, divine light and presence.
Soon we will be seeing new and beautiful light from above our red doors on 6th Street. The Art and Design
Committee at Heavenly Rest has been working with Judson Studios — they did the original stained glass in the church, and
together they have created something very special. The vestry has joyfully approved this design.
The new window presents the ‘Tree of Life’, an archetype found in the Bible from Genesis to Revelation — and also
valued by many other faith traditions around the world. We are indebted to the Denny family for this gift given in loving
memory of Austin Denny 1982-2011, Bruce Denny 1925-1975, and Gerri Denny 1925-2007.
The Tree of Life is rooted in the dark fertile earth, while the leaves face upward, gathering the light of heaven. The
tree is a primal form that has enabled numerous generations to visualize the connection between souls on earth and beloved
presence in heaven. For there is one river of God’s grace flowing between the roots and the leaves, the earthly and the
In his mind’s eye Jesus saw Nathanael sitting under a fig tree, contemplating the communion of heaven and earth.
Everyone entering Heavenly Rest, passing through the tree’s colorful light, will also be invited to dwell in this communion.
The Creator that feeds our bodies, feeds our souls and provides our minds with intelligence to see, feel and respond to the
fullness of life.
Our new stained glass Tree of Life will bear bright fruits of the spirit hanging from the branches - nourishment for
body, mind and soul. Above the tree, a dove alights, offering the presence of peace.
For Christians the Tree of Life has been most fully realized as the Cross of Christ. Here the earthly suffering and
death of Jesus is transformed by God’s love. He has become the first fruits of those that sleep. We partake of the Tree of Life
every time we receive the communion of Christ’s body and blood. To eat and drink this sacrament, is a foretaste of eternal
life with those who have entered into their heavenly rest.
May our souls, with God’s angels, be ever ascending and descending upon The Tree of Life. May our sorrows and
thanksgivings rise up, and God’s heavenly blessings pour down and abound.
Luke Back
Pentecost Sunday and Holy Baptism
The Episcopal
Church of the
Heavenly Rest
is a Christian
community of faith
rooted in
the Anglican
Empowered by the
Holy Spirit through
Word and
Sacrament, we seek
to know the
love of God
and to share
that love
with others.
On Sunday, June 8, Heavenly Rest will celebrate Pentecost, the day
we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit and the beginning of the
Church. The liturgical color red symbolizes the way our lives can be
transformed by the presence of the Holy Spirit. As part of our Pentecost celebration, you are invited to wear red to church on June 8 as we
celebrate the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and in the life of
our community.
Care. Share.
Create. Serve.
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday:
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon and 1 - 4:30 p.m..
8:30 a.m. - 12 noon
(325) 677-2091
The Most Reverend Katharine Jefferts-Schori, Presiding Bishop
The Right Reverend J. Scott Mayer, Bishop
The Reverend N. Luke Back, Rector
The Reverend David Romanik, Associate Rector
The Reverend Susanna Cates Brosseau, Curate
The Reverend Amanda Watson, Deacon
Dr. Wes Gomer, Organist and Choirmaster
Bikole Mulanda, Swahili Minister
Mary J. Renfro, Director of Finance and Administration
Laura Wright, Capital Campaign Office Assistant
Lynsi Musselman, Communications Coordinator
Belinda Shepherd, Christian Education Coordinator
Courtney Bryant, Christian Education Assistant
Katie Young, Youth Ministry Intern
Susetta Rockett, Music Assistant
Barbradon Brooks, Harpist
Arnold Guerra, Sexton
Dorothy Guerra, Housekeeper
Joan Fulton, Ann Lobdell,
Lucy Marak, Anne Mornell, Monica Sherman
Rae Ann Rindhage, Camille Martinez
Return Service Requested
Telephone (325) 677-2091
602 Meander Street
Abilene, Texas 79602-1009
Church of the Heavenly Rest
Abilene, TX
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