Former FHM Cover Girl, Loui Fish in Rustenburg
p4 05 December 2014, PLATINUM WEEKLY, 11 Marais Street, Tel: 014 592 9686, Former FHM Cover Girl, Loui Fish in Rustenburg Fax: 011 252 6669, E-mail: Motorists, beware hére Rustenburg – The police in the Rustenburg Cluster are concerned about the increase in the number of cases of theft out of motor vehicles reported in and around Rustenburg. The suburbs and areas mostly affected are the central business district including the upper parts of Bethlehem Street, Oliver Tambo Drive and Nelson Mandela Road, Church Street up to Nelson Mandela Road and Heystek Street as well as Beyers Naudé Street up to Brink Street. Vehicles parked in the vicinity of the South African Revenue Service’s of¿FHV6$56KDYHEHHQWDUJHWHGHVpecially. Capt Elsabé Augoustides, police spokesperson, says shoppers have complained about theft out of vehicles at all the shopping complexes. “People need to be vigilant in the Waterfall East area and when parking at the Midtown Mall in the vicinity of Edgars.” She says members of the Mounted Unit arrested four suspects on TuesFltr: Teneke Bothma, Loui Fish, Annemie van Staden and Zannelie van Staden. Rustenburg – Two gorgeous Rustenburg Stay Lodge. In an interview with the Plati- body size with perfect propotions, the only day 2 December in this vicinity. Many based models will be making their debut at num Weekly Newspaper, Fish explained the market for me in the modeling industry was PRWRULVWVSDUNLQJQHDUWKHSRVWRI¿FH the FFW Modeling Agency’s 2nd annual Fast changes the modeling industry went through the lingerie market with Playtex as my biggest in town have also fallen prey to crimiForward Summer Collection fashion show to over the years. “Back then modeling agencies FOLHQW´ WKH VSDUNOLQJ )LVK DI¿UPHG :LWK KHU nals breaking into their vehicles. be held in Rustenburg on 6 December. were looking for beautiful 1,73m tall models vast modeling achievement in the modeling Catch Anzel and Bianca as they showcase with perfect body propotions. They wanted a industry, Fish recalls her memorable moment The police, members from secutheir modeling talent at the fashion show model they could be able to send on a loca- in the industry as the one where she opened rity companies, the local and provinwhich will be held at Oxygen Lounge located tion for an editorial or to a catwalk in Paris. and closed for her friend, international celeb- FLDO WUDI¿F GHSDUWPHQWV FRPPXQLW\ at the corner of Molen and Ruby Sand Drive. However, today the industry offers more plat- rity fashion designer, Eric Way at the London safety patrollers, CPF members and Anzel and Bianca are two of the lucky mod- forms for shorter girls and even the plus size Fashion Week in September 2006. She is els scouted by one of South Africa’s former girls.” also known for featuring on FHM magazine’s Business Against Crime North West have embarked on a multi-disciplintop models, Loui Fish, during the Globe Fish succeeded against all odds 20 years cover. Model Look Agency’s scouting competition ago when she entered in the modeling indus- For more info about the fashion show, you DU\FULPH¿JKWLQJLQLWLDWLYH on Saturday, 29 November at the Stop and try, being 5 foot 4 tall. “Although I had a right can contact Pat on 078 197 9786. A Joint Operational Centre has been established at the Fire Brigade in town and anything to do with crime can be reported by phoning 014 590 3856/7. Notice: RLM 0XQLFLSDORIÀFHV close for Christmas The Rustenburg Local Municipality’s RI¿FHVZLOOEHFORVHGIURP)ULGD\ December 2014 at 16:00 until Monday 5 January 2015 at 07:30 as apSURYHGE\WKH&LW\&RXQFLOLWHP on 25 November 2014. Generous December fuel price cut for SA NEW RENAULT DUSTER. IT’S TIME FOR TOUGH. CATCH RENAULT VA VA VOOM DAYS THIS MONTH FOR GREAT DEALS ACROSS THE FULL RENAULT RANGE. Retail price R207 900 in accordance with pricelist 01 October 2014. Special discount of R8000 valid for this month only. Retail price R219 900 in accordance with the pricelist 01 October 2014. Special discount of R13 000 valid for this month only. 3ULFHH[FOXGHV³RQWKHURDG´VRWV7HUPVDQG&RQGLWLRQVDSSO\)HDWXUHVDUHPRGHOVSHFL¿FDQGPD\YDU\ LIONEL MOTORS FOR THIS SPECIAL CALL: 014 940 0145 WWW.LIONEL-MOTORS.CO.ZA KOROKORO DRIVE, RUSTENBURG The Department of Energy on Friday, 28 Nov 2014, announced a substantial fuel price cut for December. The price of all grades of petrol will be cut by 69c per litre, whereas the price of diesel will fall by between 53c and 54c per litre. 7KH ZKROHVDOH SULFH RI LOOXPLQDWLQJ SDUDI¿Q will drop by 49.30c/l and the maximum retail price of LPG will drop by 125C/kg. The price decrease will go into effect on December 3. “The main contributing factor to the fuel price decreases is the continual drop in the crude RLOSULFHVZKLFKIHOOWRDERXW5SHU EDUUHOGXULQJWKHSHULRGXQGHUUHYLHZ2FWREHU WR 1RYHPEHU ´ WKH GHpartment added. The price of petrol was cut by 45c/litre in November while diesel went down by 60c/litre.
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