soulfood - Platinum Weekly Newspaper


soulfood - Platinum Weekly Newspaper
05 June 2015,
11 Marais Street,
Tel: 014 592 9686,
Fax: 011 252 6669,
Group of young people
MTN Joyous
Rustenburg – The success of every society depends on how well
it treats its children who are the future leaders, these are the words
that South Africa’s late statesman Nelson Mandela uttered.
On 30 May 2015, Rustenburg MINIacs, a group of Mini Cooper
drivers partnered with another charity organisation, the Nnusi Gazi
Foundation, to help a school in Kroondal just outside Rustenburg.
The event was organised to help Tirelong Secondary School with
stationery, blankets, toiletries and non-perishable food items. The
two entities – Rustenburg MINIacs and Nnusi Gazi Foundation – ran
a drive and asked members of the community to help with collecting
these items. This campaign was done extensively via social media
and the response was overwhelming “Giving back for us as Rustenburg MINIacs is a part of our DNA. We believe that we have been
blessed with what we have so that we can be of a blessing to others.
as socially responsible beings and a group of philanthropists. Being
able to give back means a lot to us and we are delighted and thankful that we have been able to pull this off with the help of our fellow
MINIacs and friends,” Ivy Lebelo from Rustenburg MINIacs said.
The delight on the children’s faces was very visible when they received the donations. Tirelo Secondary School caters for learners
from Gr 8 to 12. The children come from farms and squatter camps
around the school. It was the decision of the school governing body,
management and the parents to have 30 matriculants to stay at the
school so that they can focus on their studies.
“For us as an organization to be here and a part of this event is an
honour. We believe that we all have a social responsibility towards
to partner with Rustenburg MINIacs allowed us to play our part in
making a difference in the lives of others and also enabled us to do
more together,” Nnusi Gazi said, founding member of NnusiGazi
Foundation and Play Your Part Brand Ambassador.
Both Rustenburg MINIacs and Nnusi Gazi Foundation assured the
learners, teachers, and members of the community together with
all the stakeholders present at the event that this is not a once off
donation and that they will continue to support them whichever way
Please follow Rustenburg MINIacs and Nnusi Gazi Foundation on
Social Media for updates on their next events and pictures from their
Tirelong Secondary School event.
A big thank you to the following sponsors and partners who have
made our event a success namely JIC Mining Services, Mr Matela (Mine Manager 10#), Epic MSL Group, Northcliff Auto, Zambezi
Auto, Auto Bavaria Midrand, Fun Riders, PH Network Café, Miniacs
(Soweto, Durban, Pretoria, Bloem, Vaal, Mpumalanga, East Rand
and Midrand), Banaba Etsho and Pride.
Sun City/ Rustenburg – Prepare
for an exciting weekend when South
Africa’s multi award winning group
MTN Joyous Celebration visits Sun
City for an unforgettable concert on
20 June 2015 at the Super Bowl. “We
are thrilled to be offering the latest instalment of MTN Joyous Celebration,
titled ‘Back to the Cross’ to our fans
in the North West. They can expect
an unforgettable weekend with nothing short of joy, praise and worship
throughout the evening,” co-founder
of the gospel group Jabu Hlongwane
said. MTN Joyous Celebration are
currently embarking on a national
tour of their 19th album and Sun City
is the third stop of this tour.
Book your tickets at Computicket
from R190.
making a difference
to visit Sun City
New King James Version
Psalm 103:1-8
Bless the Lord, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name!
all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, 4 Who redeems your life from
destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, 5 Who
eagle’s. 6 The Lord executes righteousness
And justice for all who are oppressed 7 He made known His ways to Moses, His
acts to the children of Israel. 8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger,
and abounding in mercy.
June is National Blood Donor Month
Without the continued support of regular and committed
blood donors, many South Africans would be without a father, a mother, a brother, a sister or a loved one today.
The SANBS would like to thank all committed and regular
blood donors who help the organisation issue over one million blood products to patients in need every year. The organisation is again calling on all South Africans to donate
blood and save lives.
From the person living with cancer and the mom giving birth,
to the patient undergoing a scheduled operation and the accident victim, thousands of people need blood transfusions
every day in South Africa. When you give blood, you don’t
just donate blood, you donate a life. Keep in mind that one
blood donation can save up to three lives. The SANBS is encouraging new donors to sign up and existing ones to donate
blood. Your blood saves lives.
Where can I donate?
on 0800 119 031 or visit Also follow the organisation on Facebook: South African National Blood Service
and Twitter @theSANBS. By visiting the SANBS website you
well as the location of your nearest donor centre. Remember
June is National Blood Donor Month!
Am I allowed to donate?
To be a blood donor, you must:
‡ Be between the ages of 16 and 65.
‡ Weigh at least 50kg.
‡ Be in good general health.
‡ Lead a safe sexual lifestyle.
‡ Consider your blood safe for transfusion to a patient.
‡ Do not donate blood to receive a free HIV test.
Rustenburg – Hospice Rustenburg is urgently looking for
volunteers to help with their rags and pack-a-sack projects.
Through these projects Hospice Rustenburg is able to sustain the organisation and the work it does in the community.
The rags are sold locally to mechanics, engineering companies, etc and with the pack-a-sack bags collections of second
hand clothing are done at various schools and businesses.
vides free of charge, home based palliative care in the greater
Rustenburg community and Bojanala district. We are looking
for dedicated people who would like to give some of their time
back to our community.
For any queries, suggestions or more information
please feel free to contact them on 014-592 6802/ 014592 2872/ 014-592 8925, or you can e-mail them
AfriSam creates possibilities for communities
Rustenburg – Leading construction materials company AfUL6DP LQ SDUWQHUVKLS ZLWK WKH 0LQLQJ 4XDOL¿FDWLRQ $XWKRUity (MQA) and Media Works, has joined forces with community
members in Rustenburg to create learning possibilities through
the Adult Basic Education and Training (ABET) Programme. On
29 May 2015, AfriSam honoured community members who successfully completed the ABET programme at a ceremony held at
Tlhage Primary School in Rustenburg. Out of the 24 community
members who started training in January, 11 successfully graduDWHGDQGZHUHDZDUGHGZLWKFHUWL¿FDWHVE\$IUL6DP7KHJUDGXates also received a stipend from MQA, a Sector Education and
Training Authority (SETA), responsible for the administration
of skills development programmes for the mining and minerals
sector in South Africa. Johan du Toit, Learning and Development Manager at AfriSam, said, “We hope that the graduates are
more than motivated and encouraged to continue learning, with
the vision of a better future for themselves and their communities. Our role as AfriSam is to create possibilities and uphold our
Ms Goitseaona Kwele (ABET Programme top learner) is congratulated by Mr Martin Mothata (community leader), Mr David
Molefe (Tlhage Primary School Principal), and Mr Gerhard
Maree (AfriSam Rustenburg branch manager)
p 13
legacy of building communities by making it possible for
our people to realise their dreams for the future benH¿WRIRXUFRXQWU\´$IUL6DP¶VFRPPLWPHQWWRWKHSURgramme is in line with the company’s overall community
involvement mission, which is to understand the needs
of society and communities in areas where it does business, and make meaningful and sustainable contributions to their upliftment. The company is also involved
in various educational projects nationwide, with the objective of empowering and equipping communities with
the knowledge and skills, as well as providing them with
the tools and facilities to become self-reliant and sustainable. Mr Khutsafalo Tsebe, traditional councillor of
the Royal Bafokeng Nation, said education is the key to
success, and the Bafokeng Nation’s mission and vision
is to invest in upgrading the standard of South Africa’s
Smiling faces all around from the 2015 ABET

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