April 2015 - OLLI - Granite State College
April 2015 - OLLI - Granite State College
April 2015 Spring Class Catalog Updates IN THIS ISSUE Cancelled: 30443 Aqua Zumba 30467 CSA: Our Farm Is Your Garden 20474 Don’t Be the Next Victim 30493 Good Queen Bess Knew How to Dress 30495 Great Decisions – C 30500 Haute Couture 30524 Mothers & Daughters Workshop 30547 Providing the Best Care Possible Location Changes: 30506 Immigration Reform now at Hooksett Public Library 30511 Join the Fun – Learn to Line Dance now at Temple Israel social hall, 66 Salmon Street (corner of Pine Street), Manchester 30557 Storytelling the Great Myths now at Hooksett Library Date Changes: 30519 Lizzie Borden now 3 Tuesdays, 5/19, 5/26, 6/2 30521 Mah Jongg for Beginners now 4 Thursdays, 5/28, 6/4, 6/11, 6/18 30531 Nepal now 1 Monday, 3/30 30532 New Boston Satellite Tracking Station Tour now 1 Thursday, 4/23, 10:00 AM-Noon New (These classes are second sessions of classes already scheduled and filled up. You can find the details about the course and presenter as well as the location information in the catalog): 30598 Boutique Winery Section 2 - 1 Friday, 5/29, 4:30-5:30 PM 30599 Bridges House Tour Section 2 - 1 Friday, 5/8, 1:00-2:30 PM 30600 Hellcat Trail Stroll Section 2 - 1 Friday, 5/15, 1:30-3:00 PM (no lunch break) 30603 Walk Around Wagon Hill Farm Section 2 - 1 Wednesday, 4/29, 1:00-2:30 PM 30604 Mah Jongg Section 2 - 4 Thursdays, 5/28, 6/4, 6/11, 6/18, 10:00 AM-Noon – FILLED 30607 Incredible India Section 2 - 1 Thursday, 5/21, 1:00-3:00 PM 30633 Dover’s Woodman Museum Section 2 - 1 Friday 4/17 10:00 AMNoon – FILLED 30747 Binnie Media Tour Section 2 - 1 Wednesday, 5/20, 3-4:20 PM – FILLED The following classes filled up since last month: 30440 30442 30445 30461 30475 30481 30484 30488 30489 30522 30533 30536 30542 30551 30558 30566 30570 Americas Widening Gap Appledore Walking Tour Basic Woodshop Computers 101.5 Getting Started Dover's Woodman Museum Fighting Men of NH Films: Liberal Looks History Following the Water From Gaza to ISIS Marine Mammal Rescue NH & the American Revolution Opera for Everyone Portsmouth Naval Shipyard Seven Deadly Sins Tai Chi: An Intro The Human Brain Underground Railroad CLICK ON ANY TOPIC TO GO TO THE PAGE CARRYING THE ARTICLE SPRING CLASS CATALOG UPDATE HALL STREET JOURNAL SEACOAST LUNCH ‘N’ LEARN BUNCHES OF LUNCHES SEE YOU IN COURT OLLI GOES GLOBAL EDITOR’S LETTER NEW MEMBER GATHERING CONCORD GAME DAY MONARCH BUTTERFLIES SATURDAY BRIDGE CLASSES APRIL CALENDAR Dear Readers, It’s been a year since I began editing your OLLI Outlook. Of course, I thought I was volunteering to format and produce a final product and learned late that I was assuming ownership of a lot more. Hmmm, the ultimate April Fools Day prank???? Still, I’ve had a grand time doing it. The talents of the various contributors who report, creatively write, take pictures and supply ideas are widespread among our membership. I’m privileged and occasionally intimidated to find myself editing articles submitted by published authors! I don’t get as much feedback from you, the readers, as I’d like, although many have been very generous with praise. I’d really like to hear more about what else you’d like to see or what you’d like changed. After all, this newsletter is for you! So, as we enter my year #2, let’s make it more interactive. I’d love your comments, questions, letters to the editor – anything that makes this the shared experience which makes OLLI great. Please send them to: OLLIOutlook@aol.com. And thanks! Jacki Fogarty, Editor Your generous donations work to maintain affordable dues and class fees, supplement scholarships, ensure program sustainability and build organizational capacity. Thank you for supporting OLLI at Granite State College. Click here to access the online donation form or mail your check, payable to OLLI at Granite State College, to: OLLI Office, 25 Hall Street, Concord NH 03301 THE LATEST NEWS FROM THE OLLI OFFICE, 25 HALL STREET, CONCORD Jane Fletcher, Program Director, Class of 2011 OLLI is Open on Fridays! Thanks in large part to member donations, the OLLI office will be officially open on Fridays from April 1- June 30, (the end of the fiscal year). In its 11-year history the OLLI office has never officially been open on Fridays due to the part-time status of the staff. However, member contributions since July 1, 2014, have added up to over $18,000 and you, the members have made it possible to support one more day per week for the OLLI Program Coordinator, Christina Link. And that means better service to members. OLLI is building capacity and adding to the reserves! Hopefully we can continue this remarkable trend into the new fiscal year on July 1. Thank for your contributions!! Granite State College announces New President The University System of New Hampshire has selected Dr. Mark Rubinstein, formerly Vice President for Student and Academic Services at the University of New Hampshire, to serve as the next president of Granite State College. Rubinstein’s service to the University of New Hampshire began in 1998 with an initial focus on enrollment management and academic support programs. Subsequently, his role was expanded to include student affairs and public safety. In 2009 and 2010, Rubinstein worked with the University’s advancement offices and more recently he has been involved in UNH’s efforts to build better partnerships with the Community College System of New Hampshire. whom are UNH graduates and the third who still attends the University of New Hampshire. Rubinstein will assume his responsibilities as president on March 31st. Meet Lucia (a/k/a “Kia”) Lucia Rowell is a Granite State College work-study student who will be working in the OLLI office through June. Kia will be answering phones, greeting members and helping with registration activities among other types of office work. Kia is working on a BS in Management with a minor in Adult Learning and Development. The work study program is a federally funded opportunity for students to earn a stipend while earning a college degree. OLLI benefits by enjoying skilled help at no cost to the program. Bridge Classes and Game Days for the Health of It Sharon Kace, the volunteer Chair of the Manchester Central Committee, recently sent me an article published in the March 2015 edition of AARP Bulletin which emphasized the health benefits of bridge and other games that that work to keep the mind sharp: Keith A. Josephs, a neurologist at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., said, "It is soft data that says, 'Boy, perhaps playing these games and being socially active result in better performance.' Patients are less likely to be depressed; hence they sleep better, tend to exercise more and have a better life in general. They do better from a cognitive standpoint." “As Granite State College’s newest student, I look forward to learning from my GSC colleagues and contributing to the College’s unique mission of serving learners of all ages with accessible pathways to high quality and affordable educational opportunities through the College’s nine physical locations across the state, the capacity for online education, strong partnerships that have been forged with the Community College System of New Hampshire, and a well-established platform for evaluating and awarding credit for prior learning experiences,” said Rubinstein. “Admittedly, much of this will be new for me and I appreciate the trust of the Board and my new colleagues at GSC in affording me this opportunity to serve.” The article goes on to say that a large scale clinical trial in Finland correlated the benefits of cognitive training and social activities, in combination with other healthy lifestyle choices, to improved memory and thinking. Both of these attributes can be gained by playing card games such as Bridge, which demands complex problem-solving, and board games. Prior to his work at UNH, Rubinstein served as the Director of Admissions at the University of South Florida and in myriad roles related to admissions at Penn State. He holds a bachelors and masters degree from the University of Pennsylvania and a doctorate in Education Theory and Policy from Penn State. Rubinstein resides in Strafford with his wife, Maria. The Rubinsteins have three adult children, two of OLLI encourages you to watch your email inbox for announcements from Christina Link and take advantage of these “mental gymnastics” classes. Register for bridge classes and or Game Days and have fun while exercising your brain and staying mentally healthy! Manchester OLLI volunteers are planning Introductory Bridge classes in May (Saturdays) at Granite State College in Manchester. Bridge classes are also frequently offered in Concord and plans for another Concord “Game Day” on April 16 are in the works. MANCHESTER NEW MEMBER GATHERING Submitted by Mary Rheault, Class of 2011 Manchester OLLI will host a New Member Gathering on Tuesday, April 21, at Granite State College, Manchester from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. Come join the members of the 2014-2015 who joined OLLI since April 2014. Seacoast Lunch Bunch Submitted by John Russell, Class of 2014 This event will give new members the opportunity to socialize, exchange OLLI experiences with one another plus address any questions and concerns. The OLLI Program Director, the Chairs of Manchester OLLI's Central, Curriculum, and Communication Committees along with members of the Membership Focus and Volunteer Coordination Committees will also be present to meet new members and offer information about the OLLI organization. The April Seacoast Lunch Bunch will be held at the Café Espresso on April 20 at 12:00 noon. Café Espresso is at 800 Islington Street in Portsmouth, the same plaza as Hannaford. You can order off the luncheon or breakfast menu. For reservations contact John Russell at russelljohnt@comcast.net or 742-9403. For more information see www.cafe-espresso.com. Please watch for a personal invitation in the near future. Be sure to RSVP for planning purposes. Late afternoon refreshments will be served. Manchester OLLI is looking forward to welcoming its new members at this OLLI social event. Members, old and new, from all sites are welcome. Submitted by John Russell, Class of 2014 The first Seacoast Lunch and Learn will be Wednesday, May 27, at 12:00 Noon at Granite State College in Portsmouth. Our theme of Service to Others will start with lunch (bring your own) and socializing and then there will be presentations by End 68 Hours of Hunger, the Cocheco Valley Humane Society, and CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocates, an organization for child advocacy). After the presentations, there will be opportunities for questions and discussion. For reservations contact John Russell at russelljohnt@comcast.net or 742-9403. It’s coming again! You can’t be there and not laugh. Who can’t use some extra endorphins – those feelgood thingies that flood your brain when you laugh? So pack a lunch and come to Concord Granite State College at noon on Thursday, April 16. We’ll provide the desserts. And, beginning at around 12:30 we’ll also provide two hours’ worth of games, companions and worthy competition for Scattergories, Balderdash, Scrabble, Pictionary and a bunch of other games. Members from all sites are welcome. Manchester Lunch Bunch Submitted by Marilyn Otterson, Class of 2006 and Norma Steiner, Class of 2005 Our first Lunch Bunch this spring will be held on Friday, April 10, at Canoe, a new restaurant in Bedford. It is located in the Lowes/ Target Plaza on South River Road a short distance beyond the Manchester Country Club. Most lunches are in the $10 range and there is plenty of easy parking. Last year we tried getting together on different days of the week and that didn't work out too well. That is why we are planning to go back to getting together on Fridays. Most OLLI committee meetings are held on Friday mornings so our lunches will be scheduled at 12 noon rather than the previous time of 11:30 AM. We are hoping more people will be able to join us for our lunches. We get together once or twice a month (on Fridays) April through June and then resume these social events in the fall. Have you got ideas for our lunches this spring? Please think of restaurants within an easy drive with good food at moderate prices, off-street parking, and a pleasant atmosphere. Members offered excellent and fun ideas last spring and fall, so we hope we can come up with more this year. We always welcome your suggestions and would appreciate having a couple of new volunteers help plan the lunches, accept emails/phone calls for reservations, and coordinate details with the restaurant -- it is not difficult work. If you have not previously notified Marilyn Otterson that you want to be included on her email mailing list for Manchester Lunch Bunch luncheons, please contact her at nosretto@gmail.com. Submitted by Richard Frye, Class of 2005 The monarch butterfly has been admired for generations, but the amazing story of its annual appearances was not known until as recently as 1975. We now know that they spend the winter months hibernating by the millions in a certain grove of trees in Mexico. Come February or March, they begin a multigenerational trek that takes them first to southwestern states like Texas where they lay their eggs and die. After transitioning through the larval and chrysalis stage over about three weeks, this beautiful first generation flies away north and west. The mating-metamorphosis-death cycle is repeated until the fourth generation is born at the peak of the migration. (A separate multigenerational migration occurs separately on the West coast.) During September and October, the great, great, great grandchildren of the Mexican immigrants’ offspring miraculously find their way back to the homestead of their ancestors, the very same grove of trees in Mexico. Donna Miller’s lively presentation of this class included some recollections of her early experience with setting up gardens to attract monarchs and encouraging family members to share her enthusiasm. They now have extensive gardens, a monarch way station and maternity ward at “Petals in the Pines” in Canterbury where she conducts nature classes. Unfortunately, the population of these beautiful creatures has declined precipitously due primarily to the encroachment of the world’s most lethal predator. Can anything be done to protect these royal favorites? Yes! Plant milkweeds for your own way station. It’s complicated, but Donna has guides to help. The female butterfly chooses milkweed exclusively to deposit her eggs – only one per leaf – because the milky sap provides the next generation with the toxicity to ward off predators. And, in the caterpillar stage, they eat only milkweed. So yes, the world’s most lethal predator can also be the savior of this declining species. See You In Court . . . Submitted by Richard Frye, class of 2005 We’ve heard that expression a lot . . . in Hollywood productions. OLLI wanted to find out what all the attraction was about, so the necessary arrangements were made to visit the Sixth Circuit Court in Concord. Actually, any citizen can visit; they’re just a little particular about what you bring with you. The entry seemed like a TSA pre-flight security experience – we surrendered our water bottles, but at least we didn’t have to take off our shoes. The court is quite impressive: spacious foyer, elevator, modern sky-lighted courtrooms with comfortable benches (although watch out for wads of gum under the edges). OLLI attendees heard a sampling of the 16,000 cases heard around the state yearly: “no heat upstairs,” “you owe back rent,” “you sold me a lemon,” and “stay away from me.” This court system provides prompt personal access to justice. Lawyers are not required and the fees are minimal. A citizen can bring any grievance before the court, seeking financial restitution for up to $7,500, eviction enforcement or restraining orders. But sometimes the plaintiff can win a small claims case and still have a hassle collecting the award. Noncompliant defendants are subject to an “ability to pay” evaluation by the judge and income from government programs is excluded, so often they cannot be ordered to make their legally-awarded judgment. Landlords found guilty of code violations or taking willful action to “encourage” a tenant to leave may be required to pay $1,000 for every day in violation. The presiding judge, the Hon. Gerald J. Boyle, chief judge of the Sixth Circuit, generously spent a lot of time between sessions and after, explaining the types of cases he and the other judges hear in this third busiest court in New Hampshire. He explained the intricacies of small claims law and described domestic abuse and other criminal cases which land on his docket. He recounted some of his experiences over 10+ years on the bench and detailed his process for deciding outcomes which always, irrespective of his personal feelings about a case, must adhere to the provisions of the laws passed by the state legislature. Great class this first week of the Spring term! I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free. Michelangelo Saturday Bridge Comes to Manchester! Submitted by Sharon Kace, Class of 2010 You asked for it, we listened and finally found the perfect instructor, one of only three accredited ACBL (American Contract Bridge League) teachers in New Hampshire. Have you ever wanted to learn to play bridge, the most challenging of all card games? Did you play years ago and want to take it up again? Do you know that bridge and other such mental exercises can keep you sharp as you grow older? If so, then this class is for you! And it is scheduled for four Saturdays (also as you requested) in May. So mark your calendars now. Full details will be sent via email very soon. Did you catch OLLI’s segment on Concord OnAir at 3:50 PM on Sunday, March 29? Cities of Concord all around the world viewed two videos created by OLLI members as public service announcements (PSA). Jo Hendry starred in the promotion for Concord’s ill-fated Spring Preview and Marcia Gray and Ed McMonagle spoke about the benefits of OLLI in the PSA created by the OLLI class held at Concord TV last year. Nice job, all, representing OLLI to all the Concords of the world. April Calendar All meetings are at the local Granite State College office unless otherwise noted. Concord Monday, April 6 Monday, April 13 Thursday, April 16 Thursday, April 16 Monday, April 20 Concord Communications Committee – 9:30 AM Concord Central Committee – 9:30 AM Concord Brown Bag Lunch – 12:00 Noon Game Day – 12:30 to 2:30 PM Concord Curriculum Committee – 9:30 AM Conway Wednesday, April 8 Conway Central/Curriculum Committee - 9:30 AM Manchester Friday, April 3 Monday, April 6 Friday, April 10 Friday, April 10 Manchester Communications Committee – 10:00 AM Manchester Membership Focus Committee – 1:30 PM Manchester Curriculum Committee – 10:00 AM Manchester Lunch Bunch, Canoe Restaurant, Bedford – 12:00 Noon Wednesday, April 15 Tuesday, April 21 Friday, April 24 Manchester Volunteer Coordination Committee – 2:30 PM Manchester New Member Gathering – 2:00 PM Manchester Central Committee – 10:00 AM (RSVP to Marilyn Otterson at nosretto@gmail.com by Tuesday, April 7) Seacoast Wednesday, April 1 Thursday, April 9 Monday, April 13 Monday, April 20 Seacoast Ambassador Presentation, N. Berwick Senior Center – 12:30 PM Seacoast Central/Curriculum Committee – 1:00 PM Seacoast Mug ‘n’ Muffin, GSC-Portsmouth – 10:00 AM Seacoast Lunch Bunch, Café Espresso, Portsmuth – 12:00 Noon (RSVP to John Russell at russelljohnt@comcast.net or call 742-9403 by Friday, April 17) Statewide Meetings and Events Thursday, April 2 Friday, April 3 Friday, April 10 Monday, April 27 OLLI Bus Trip to Boston Symphony Orchestra Informational Meeting for New York Bus Trip Participants, GSC Concord – 10:30 AM OLLI Travel Committee, GSC Concord – 10:00 AM Steering Committee, GSC Concord – 10:00 AM Looking Ahead Friday-Sunday, May 1-3 Wednesday, May 27 Wednesday, June 17 Thursday, June 18 July 6 to August 7 Bus Trip to New York City Seacoast Lunch ‘n’ Learn, Service to Others – 12:00 Noon Seacoast Volunteer Appreciation Brunch – 10:00 AM Concord Volunteer Appreciation Event – 1:00 PM 2015 Summer 25Term Hall Street Concord, NH 03301 OLLI at Granite State College 25 Hall Street Concord, NH 03301 (603) 513-1377 olli.office@granite.edu http://olli.granite.edu OLLI National Resource Center The OLLI Outlook is published monthly and sent electronically to all current OLLI members with an email address. OLLI members are invited to submit articles of interest to the general membership. Articles and comments may be emailed to OLLIOutlook@aol.com. Thank you. Jacki Fogarty, Editor