The Excellerate - UNLV Division of Educational Outreach
The Excellerate - UNLV Division of Educational Outreach
The Excellerate “Janus” Edition Fall-2012 OLLI at UNLV: Where Mature Minds Bloom A Program for Learning in Retirement (702) 774-OLLI Looking Back on 120 years of combined EXCELL/OLLI experience! Standing (Beatrice Belcove, Marge Gately, Mary Pace, Donna Newsom) Seated (Arlene Cohen, Helen “Mo” Payne, Martha Wood) OLLI at UNLV Board of Directors (2012-2013) – Charting the Future Page 1 Standing (Charles Vinnik, John Hurley, Ed Devore, Don Silverman, Bert Kulic, Mike Cutler, Howie Sussman) Seated (Mary Pace, Elise Hanseman, Cathy Lowe, Lidia Mauer) Cover Page (2 Photos) ........................... 1 Functional Directory .............................. 2 President’s Message........................... 3-4 OLLI Director’s Notes............................. 4 Editor’s Notes ........................................ 5 LOOKING BACK: EXCELL TO OLLI ........ 6-8 Helen “Mo” Payne .............................. 6 Elise Hanseman ................................... 7 Roz Braverman.................................... 7 Arlene Cohen ...................................... 7 Beatrice Belcove ................................. 8 Donna Newsom .................................. 8 In Memoriam ......................................... 9 FALL 2012 CLASS SCHEDULES ......... 10-12 Paradise Campus .............................. 10 Six Satellite Campuses ...................... 11 “Great Courses” Online 24/7 ............ 12 COMMITTEE REPORTS .................... 13-17 Membership ..................................... 13 New Member Lunch Sept. 25th ......... 13 Publicity ............................................ 13 Curriculum ........................................ 14 Events – Tours................................... 15 Events – Brown Bag Tuesdays .......... 15 By-Laws ............................................. 16 Strategic & Long-Range Planning ..... 16 Financial Summary............................ 17 Cultural Circus ..................................... 18 Important OLLI Reminders .................. 18 “Life-Changing” OLLI Classes ............... 19 Unblock Your Creativity .................... 19 Working With Dreams ...................... 19 Questioning Your Reality .................. 19 Open House Information..................... 20 Bring A Friend to OLLI .......................... 20 Fall 2012 Calendar ............................... 20 EXCELLERATE NEWSLETTER Cathy Lowe, Excellerate Editor ...................................... 436-7096 Bert Kulic, Excellerate Formatter.................................... 837-6467 OLLI ADMINISTRATION STAFF Heather Haslem, OLLI Director ...................................... 895-5446 Rich Easter, Operations Coordinator ............................. 895-2872 OLLI Administrative Assistant ........................................ 895-0453 General Information for OLLI ...................................... 774-OLLI Telephone Registration for OLLI ................................ 895-3394 OLLI BOARD OF DIRECTORS (Elected) Ed Devore, Board President ........................................... 256-0820 Don Silverman, Vice President ....................................... 242-6843 Cathy Lowe, Board Secretary ........................................ 436-7096 Bert Kulic, Finance Officer .............................................. 518-1567 Elise Hanseman ............................................................. 221-9121 Lidia Mauer ..................................................................... 869-6527 Mary Pace ...................................................................... 658-3395 John Hurley .................................................................... 641-2364 Howie Sussman.............................................................. 260-7507 Mike Cutler ..................................................................... 485-1067 Charles Vinnik ................................................................ 340-4007 OLLI COMMITTEE CHAIRS and “LIAISONS” By-Laws, Don Silverman ............................................... 242-6843 Curriculum, Ann Tate .................................................... 646-3430 Communications, Bert Kulic ......................................... 518-1567 Elections, Linda Vish ..................................................... 451-3672 Events, Marge Gately .................................................... 898-0318 Pat Thorn, co-chair .................................................... 672-4942 Fund-Raising, Niels Clyde ............................................ 622-5137 Historical Archives, John Macdonald, ........................ 513-2229 Membership, Cathy Lowe ............................................. 436-7096 Niels Clyde, co-chair.................................................. 622-5137 Nominations, Mary Ellen Cardenas .............................. 260-1364 Photographer, John Macdonald ................................... 513-2229 Publications, Bert Kulic ................................................. 518-1567 Cathy Lowe, co-chair ................................................. 436-7096 Publicity, Mike Cutler .................................................... 485-1067 Strategic & Long-range Planning, Fred Ehrlich .......... 456-7920 Sunshine Liaison, Fay Chan ............................... (281) 300-1057 Technology & Facilities, John Hurley .......................... 641-2364 Telephone Calling Liaison, Gene Geller ..................... 456-9229 Volunteers & Outreach, Vickie Pieper ......................... 732-8412 2 DESCRIPTION ................ PAGE OLLI Functional Directory Page TABLE OF CONTENTS Generally, we have a tendency to think of the past in nostalgic terms, remembering people, events and circumstances as much nicer, more fulfilling and perhaps better than “now.” This Janus edition of the Excellerate allows me to realistically consider where we have been, where we are – and with all of the OLLI membership help, where we are going. In 1994, when I first attended EXCELL study groups, we had a membership of just over 150 and consequently, everyone knew each other. Various groups would meet in “the commons” for the buffet lunch, to discuss family, health issues, current events as well as the latest “must see” entertainment and books to read. Classroom space was at a premium and scattered all over the campus; although this meant we frequently had to rush from one class to another, it also gave us the opportunity to see all the various buildings, gardens and green walkways where UNLV students would congregate. The old Student Union and book store were places we “seasoned students” could mingle with kids the same age as our grandchildren. Some cause or other was always being promoted, usually through a bull horn, to anyone willing to listen in the large open area in front of the Student Union. All of these exposures enriched our university experience but the combination of very difficult-to-find parking and the distance between classrooms dramatically reduced member satisfaction. When we moved to the Paradise campus of UNLV and subsequently changed our name to OLLI (Osher Lifelong Learning Institute), many new opportunities presented themselves. Most importantly, parking is adjacent to our classrooms, sufficient to hold all of the OLLI members’ cars and it’s free. Our new location also allows easy access to Ed. Outreach staff, classrooms large enough for our growing membership of approximately 1,000 members and continuously improving audio/visual capabilities. At a time when visiting speakers and coordinators require PowerPoint presentations, DVD access, projectors, flat screen TV's and portable microphones, these devices are critical to a quality learning experience. OLLI members have always come from a broad spectrum of the population and consequently As President of OLLI, there is no modest way to describe the quality of the Board of Directors, committee chairs and members of the various committees, who make the decisions that have allowed OLLI at UNLV to be one of the fastest growing OLLIs in the country; they are extraordinary. Assuring the continued satisfaction of our membership is the primary goal of the Board of Directors. Looking to the future, there are many ways to assure that satisfaction; some are relatively easy, others will take diligence and perhaps several years to accomplish. The Board of Directors has agreed to participate financially with Ed. Outreach in the continued upgrade of all the classrooms OLLI utilizes. New Ed. Outreach staff is dedicated full-time to ensuring that we have the support needed for growth and continued success. Our web site, Internet information and various publications allow our membership to know what is going on in board meetings as well as all the committees. The ability to have an informed and involved membership is critical to our long range goals. Good communications, although not simple, are a relatively easy thing to continue into the future. Longer term goals will be more difficult but doable. UNLV, under the very capable leadership of its president, Dr. Neal Smatresk, has proposed a master plan which, when completed, will completely transform the university. OLLI will be part of the growth and preeminent place UNLV will occupy among U.S. institutions of higher learning when the master plan is fully completed. Our first goal is to double our membership to 2,000 within the next few years. It is estimated there are nearly 500,000 people in Clark county who are prospective members aged 50 or older (about half that number are 65 or older). The publicity, membership and long range planning committees are developing plans to reach our 2,000 member goal. To ensure that classrooms sufficient to handle our growth will always be available, your Board of Directors has been assured that either a free standing building or ”space dedicated to OLLI“ will be part of the master plan. Our second goal and obligation is to raise at least a portion of the cost for these new facilities. Continued on page 4 3 By Ed Devore Page PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE represent every professional, business, educational and work background. This diverse membership has assured us of dedicated, capable, and interesting coordinators who are up to the task of keeping equally intelligent members coming back year after year. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Building and Facilities Upgrades: Continued from page 3 New toilets were installed in the bathrooms! This was one of the major complaints on the recent member survey. Thank you to Dr. Rees for getting this change made on the campus. A new back entrance opened in time for the Spring 2012 semester. New landscaping has been planted, which has enhanced the look of the Paradise campus. OLLI DIRECTOR’S NOTES By Heather Haslem UNLV is proud to offer OLLI at UNLV for you, our members. It is our hope that the assistance we provide for OLLI, assists the program to grow and thrive. There have been lots of accomplishments within the last year, some of these are highlighted below: OLLI Administrative Accomplishments: We are now a designated unit within the Division of Educational Outreach. We have a new dedicated OLLI phone line (702) 774-OLLI (6554). We have a new “official” UNLV logo. PAR 511 has been upgraded to a Technology Enhanced Classroom. New name badges are printed in house, with large easy-to-read printed names, which has significantly reduced wait time for a new badge. A new copier is now functioning in our office for coordinators and staff to use. A new website launched in early August. We saw the largest summer term in our history with 387 members – which is a 59% increase. This is a new, much needed position, within the organization. Rich is responsible for the day-today operations of OLLI. He will be your main contact for inquiries and logistical questions. Rich has taken on this position with such enthusiasm and talent. We are incredibly lucky to have him join our team. Additionally, we are currently in the process of replacing an administrative assistant vacancy. This individual will be responsible for providing excellent customer service to our members, and prospective members, as well as, undertaking administrative support for OLLI at UNLV. One of my major goals for this coming year is to strengthen the organizational infrastructure, and to help support efforts to grow our membership. I will continue to promote OLLI within the community, build community partnerships, and help ensure we follow the policies and procedures of the University. I have also taken on a new role within the Division of Educational Outreach, as the Assistant Director for Continuing Education. I will be overseeing administrative procedures in Continuing Education. My office has moved to PAR 206, so please feel free to come and see me anytime. You can also call 895-5446, or my e-mail is I look forward to assisting the program to flourish and transform, as we meet the desires of future and current members. The future holds for us such promise – I look forward to moving ahead with you. Heather Haslem, Assistant Director Division of Educational Outreach --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 Ed Devore, OLLI President (2012-2013) As you can see in the last year, we have seen many positive changes. One of the biggest changes that I haven’t mentioned yet is the addition of Rich Easter, OLLI Operations Coordinator. Rich joins us from Feeding America in San Diego where he was Program Manager. Page The Fundraising committee will undertake a twopronged approach to raising two million dollars during the next three to five years. Working with the UNLV Foundation we will be permitted to approach “outside” institutions and businesses as well as individual donors for funds. Donations will also be sought from OLLI membership. A fund raising plan to reach this goal will be completed before the Fall semester begins. The combination of these two goals will ensure the future of this wonderful organization we call OLLI. There’s a wave of nostalgia at today’s Osher Life-long Learning Institute at UNLV, when the EXCELL pioneers recall the intimacy that came easily when the group was small. “We’re changing,” they say, when we proudly point to the nearly-1000 members who populate the more-than-130 Study Groups available during the 2011-2012 academic year. They remember being an integral part of the main campus at UNLV, when the EXCELL flagship had a crew of seventy, many of whom gathered daily at their “own” tables in the University Cafeteria, and “ran” across campus from one class to another. OLLI was then, and continues today to be a life-saver; a life-saver not just in the academic sense, but socially as well. In this edition of the Excellerate, we’ll dedicate an In Memoriam section to the great EXCELL and OLLI members we’ve lost this year, and share some of their many contributions, including the friendships they formed, and the exhilaration they felt when they first stepped into a Study Group of their peers. As time passes, and the word spreads, Life-Long Learning is expected to appeal to more and more seniors, and is targeted to grow to 2000 members in the next 5+ years. OLLI is committed to participating in the University Building Program, to contribute to that piece of the general expansion that will dedicate a “permanent home” to OLLI on campus. As EXCELL became OLLI, the demographic has remained constant. Today, as yesterday we share the life experiences of the retired and semi-retired who gather with Study Group Coordinators who range in age from 50 to 91. Free from the anxiety of competitive or work-related studies, we are free to explore new subject areas that would never have fit our undergraduate or graduate curricula. It’s easy to understand the nostalgia of OLLI’s charter members, though. Phyllis Sperber, with and through her husband, Mike has left both an academic and a fiscal legacy of substantial proportions. Phyllis remembers when everyone knew everyone else by name without badges. She remembers how easily lasting friendships were formed, and when academic and social lives were almost seamless. OLLI has not only grown in size, but decentralized to satellite campuses around the Vegas Valley, where free classroom space has been made available in partnership with UNLV’s Educational Outreach, through which OLLI receives administrative services. Like EXCELL, OLLI remains a peer-led organization working closely with a small full- and part-time administrative staff, consisting of the OLLI Director, the OLLI Operations Coordinator and an administrative support person (whose position is under recruitment.) Five technical support staff members are also available on call from the University’s Division of Educational Outreach. OLLI’s peer leadership consists of an elected, noweleven-member policy Board of volunteers. In 2012, Board policy directions include: sustained growth in membership and budget, planning, expanded curriculum, faculty and member services. In 2012 OLLI’s active working committees were reviewed, and parameters established to clarify responsibilities and avoid overlap. Several key committees were also added or accorded broader responsibility. The new Membership Committee, for example, is charged by the Board with attracting individual members; supporting the Publicity Committee in its campaign to recruit corporate and media sponsorship; retaining existing members through mentorship and member services; and tracking former members to learn why they left OLLI, and what it would take to bring them back. The Outreach and Volunteer Services Committee is expected to give its talents both within OLLI and in the larger community, building on the highly successful model established for tutorial services at the Paradise School. But “member satisfaction” involves looking back at what made EXCELL great, and looking ahead with a view toward nurturing the camaraderie that readily supported learning in a smaller, more intimate environment. Adult learning experts tell us that at its best, learning is a transformational process; it can make us happier, more productive, even better people. How can we make it happen in 2012 and beyond? The Board wants to hear from you. Cathy Lowe, Board Secretary (2012-2013) 5 EDITORIAL by Cathy Lowe That nucleus is smaller now. After 21 years, only a few of the founders are left… some still leading Study Groups…participating in the metamorphosis from EXCELL to OLLI in 1995, and the move to the classrooms we now occupy on the UNLV Paradise Campus, and our seven off-site campuses. Page THE JANUS EDITION: LOOKING BACKWARD AND FORWARD: FROM EXCELL TO OLLI LOOKING BACKWARD – FROM EXCELL TO OLLI AT UNLV REMINISCENCES FROM LONG-TIME EXCELL AND OLLI AT UNLV MEMBERS I am convinced that participation in the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNLV, formerly known as EXCELL (the Extended Studies Center for Lifelong Learning), extended the life-span of my late husband, Bob. Remembering how it gave him purpose for turning off his TV and getting out of his easy chair (after early retirement- following major surgery), I am very thankful. Early on, we learned of EXCELL when we became friends with Sig and Blanche Stein, with whom we enjoyed many classical music concerts at Ham Hall. During this time, Sig was attending EXCELL regularly. Since we were still employed, neither Bob nor I considered it for ourselves. Sig was not a charter member of EXCELL, but after joining, he soon became Coordinator of a popular study group called the History and Culture of China. It was one of three courses offered at the time- a fourth, in music, didn’t survive. Sig never failed to remind Bob that with his music degrees, he should think about becoming involved with EXCELL as soon as he retired, if not before. Meanwhile, Bob underwent surgery, which prompted his retirement; and sadly, our friend Sig passed away. We continued to be close with his widow, Blanche, who was vitally interested in EXCELL. In early 1996, she had us over for dinner, and introduced us to Doris Oberstein and a music friend. Doris was president of EXCELL. We soon learned that Blanche had a plan “up her sleeve.” I don’t have to tell you that there was a spirited conversation regarding classical music at that dinner table … and little did we know that Bob was being “graded” by Doris’ music friend as to his expertise on the subject. By the time dessert was finished, Bob Payne couldn’t say “no” to the two ladies who asked him to initiate and coordinate a music study group for EXCELL. Though intrigued, Bob was also a bit apprehensive. He had left music teaching many years before, and though his passion for the classics had not diminished, he remembered how unappreciative his students could be for such music. However, he started preparing his first lesson, and put his heart in it. Bob would “perform” in several buildings on the main campus, and in Room 511 at the Paradise Campus, for ten years! He told many people; “Those were the best ten years of my life; playing great music for people who sincerely appreciated it.” During the latter part of the decade, as Bob’s health deteriorated, I became his regular assistant. With his encouragement, I also attended and enjoyed several other study groups as time went on, including the Writers’ Workshop. Later, after he could no longer teach, I continued to attend what was now Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNLV as often as possible, and continued forming new friendships. Bob’s admiration for fellow Coordinators and members carried over, and it was always sad when we learned of someone such as Allan Belcove, Bill Westley, Marvin Feldman, Muriel Toffel, Bebe Cohen or Blanche Stein passing on. On Bob’s passing, a memorial was held at the Paradise campus. It was heartwarming to see the caring OLLI members in attendance…and it was a venue he would have loved – having so many of his EXCELL/OLLI “family” paying their respects, both seriously and humorously. All of the above has paved the way for me to feel a part of the OLLI family, too. Here, every day I learn something, and add new friendships. I particularly appreciate the efforts of those who go the extra mile to make our OLLI program the success that it has become. I think OLLI is like having Thanksgiving all year long! 6 by Helen (Mo) Payne Loaded with individual copies of lessons for each student, along with CD’s and a stereo he was not happy with (Bob would take care of that problem later), he asked me to assist him on the first day. We arrived at the UNLV campus and found the elevator to take us to a second-floor classroom with desk-chairs. I have forgotten what music, of composer was the subject that day, but I will never forget the members pouring into the room long before the 10:00 a.m. start, clamoring around Bob in anticipation of what he would be doing for them! It was just so unexpected; but it seemed everyone was eager to have a music class such as this at EXCELL…and the room was full! I could see that Bob was very pleased, and “Great Music” was launched! Page WHAT EXCELL/OLLI MEANS TO ME By Roz Braverman Many thanks to Donna Newsom for introducing me to a program at UNLV which, at that time, was known as EXCELL. She had talked about it for years, but finally, we sat down to dinner and I got her to tell me more about it. I had worked at UNLV and expected classes would be two hours, three times a week with lots of reading, homework and tests. From her new residence in Northridge, CA, Roz, a Lifetime Member of OLLI, looks back on her years at EXCELL/OLLI as “the happiest years of my life!” She had been “afraid to retire,” but at EXCELL she met people from all over the country who were retiring too, and all of them “went to school and blossomed!” Having recently retired I simply did not want to get that involved. After learning there would be no credits, no homework, no tests, no grades, and I could not fail a class, I decided to give it a try and immediately signed up for the Spring Semester of 2002. I was surprised to learn that every member involved in the program, such as class leaders and members of the Board of Directors were ALL volunteers. Roz was an early arrival. She recalls coming to EXCELL during its second year. She launched both the Excellerate monthly “newspaper” and the annual creative writing Journal, the latter as a tribute to the members of her creative writing workshop. Roz pored over this year’s 2012 Journal, and declared it “wonderful!” She is pleased to see both traditions continuing, even as she moves into her new role as librarian in her independent living community. Roz thrives on “shaking things up” wherever she is; it’s a revitalizing process, and Roz is very good at it! My first class, GREAT DECISIONS, was led by Cameron Ashby, Sr. and Mike Sperber. I loved the class! The people were intelligent, interesting and friendly. My brain was suddenly being taxed again with stimulating discussions. I read in THE EXCELLERATE that the Board was looking for a Publicity Chair. Knowing nothing about publicity or marketing, but wanting to get involved, I volunteered and focused on spreading the word about EXCELL throughout the Las Vegas Valley. As a result of this I became the first local winner of the Humana Starlight Award for Volunteerism. As such, I was awarded a prize of $10,000 for the non-profit organization I represented: OLLI at UNLV. The program has grown from approximately 350 members in 2002 to nearly 1,000 members currently. There have been many changes along the way, such as the addition of six satellite locations added in order to bring our program to people living in areas of the valley who could not get to the Paradise Campus. Most important of the changes is that as a result of receiving our first grant of $100,000 from the Osher Institute, we were required to change our name from EXCELL to the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at UNLV (OLLI at UNLV). After receiving two additional $100,000 grants, a grant of $50,000 and $25,000, we then received a million dollar “endowment” from the Osher Foundation. We have grown the number of classes offered from approximately 24 classes in 2002 to 62 classes that will be offered in the Fall 2012 Semester. Joining EXCELL/OLLI is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding things I have ever done! EXCELL TO OLLI THROUGH THE YEARS By Arlene Cohen EXCELL was not a computer program as some folks thought. It was an outstanding opportunity for seniors. In this program we learned, made new friends and began to cherish retirement life for EXCELL answered the question “what do we do now”. Parking on Campus was awful, long distances to class but what fun we had. Lunch at Moyer with everyone invited to join a big table .Watching the students and mingling with them was great. Enter the era of “no room on campus”. We move to our new home on the Paradise campus. We did miss seeing the kids. But parking was a snap and the walks were shorter and those there from the beginning were getting older (not me of course).We had great parties, ice cream socials, wine and cheese, a few trips. Fun years. In 2005, an amazing opportunity came our way when a grant request was accepted by the Osher foundation and we became OLLI at UNLV. I was impressed by the unlimited opportunities this grant afforded us. Growth of our group will be nurtured by OLLI’s funds and influence. The “Baby Boomers” will need something to keep them occupied and learning. We’ll be there for them as OLLI has been there for me for 16 years. 7 By Elise Hanseman “WE BLOSSOMED” Page WHAT EXCELL/OLLI MEANS TO ME When my husband, Allan and I retired, we decided to move to a community that was not too big, was affordable, and housed a Learning-in-Retirement program, similar to the one Allan had attended at Northwestern University. An added stimulus for our relocation was my daughter, Janet and her family lived in Las Vegas, which was driving distance from Los Angeles, where my other daughter, Sally lived with her family. When we came to Las Vegas in 1992 to look around, Janet brought us to the UNLV Continuing Education Department, headed by her friend Paul Aizley. Paul and his assistants, Carol and Tupp told us about EXCELL, a continuing education program for retired people. The program, founded by Stephanie Smith, Florence Frost, Gill Yarchover and M. Harris, was built on the Harvard model, featuring classes taught for and by retirees. I was very impressed, but not sure I was ready to give up my professional social work activities, but as it turned out, Nevada had a reciprocal licensure agreement with Chicago, where I was born and educated. So four years later, in 1996, we moved to the Silver State, and even before we fully settled at home, we joined EXCELL. Here we met wonderful people, some of whom became close friends. Meanwhile, I was offered two jobs in my field, but after thinking it over for a few weeks, I realized that I was having too much fun taking classes with Allan. Concerts, shows, Shakespeare Festival, travel, book club meetings- there was so much to do! My husband became an EXCELL Coordinator and oversaw classes on Shakespeare, the History of World War I, Roman History, movies, and the Bible. This involvement with EXCELL ended a few years ago, when he got sick and could no longer continue. As time wore on, our close friends and many of the WW II veterans left town or passed away, and there were not enough people to continue the book club. I went on with classes after Allan was no longer able to be part of the program, which had now become OLLI, a UNLV senior program funded by a different organization (the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute). I keep meeting new people, striking new friendships, and I feel very fortunate that OLLI is a major part of my life. THREE LITTLE LINES By Donna Newsom Just three little lines … that's all. Little did I know when I read those words in the Review-Journal 18 years ago that the phone call I would make would be the beginning of an experience that would continue well into my retirement years. I thought that I would just check it out since my husband and I had retired in Las Vegas three years earlier and my calendar was far from being full. I went to the UNLV campus and found the building and room that had been given to me during my phone call. Walking across the campus I thought, “Gee, this is fun seeing all these young college students coming and going (some on bicycles). Las Vegas actually does have something besides ‘The Strip.’ ” Arriving at my destination I met several others who were also interested in this program that they were calling EXCELL. Joining EXCELL was a totally new experience. It was all about attending classes on many different subjects. It was peer- directed and those conducting the classes were very knowledgeable about their subjects. With no tests and no homework how could I not join! In fact, I went to class all day Monday through Friday. The classmates I met were every bit as interesting as their topics. Our classes were small and a few classes didn't have a Coordinator so we divided the material we wanted to study among the small group of us and presented it to the class ourselves! 8 By Beatrice Belcove I don’t know many people anymore, and the classes are now larger than ever. Still, I go to as many as I can, and I am pleased to say that I’m never bored. The classes are very stimulating, perhaps more than before, with wonderful videos, guest lecturers and special events. And people are as smart as ever. Page WHAT EXCELL/OLLI MEANS TO ME One of the least heralded, but certainly not the least important, aspects of the OLLI experience is the environment it provides for the birth and nurturing of warm and enduring friendships. This is the story of one of these friendships We first met some twelve years ago at what was then EXCELL, and discovered that we both had an interest in philosophy. We proceeded to collaborate on presenting a series of courses in the EXCELL-OLLI program over the next twelve years up until his passing this past April. I always started our classes by explaining that we leaders are given the title of Coordinator and not Teacher because the learning experience was meant to be collaborative among class members and that my job was to ask the questions and not necessarily to know the answers. As it turned out I asked the questions and Mort provided the answers when most needed. He volunteered to lead many of the classes – always a treat because of his wealth of knowledge and his ability to present it in an insightful and informative manner. He was a welcome, thoughtful and critical presence in all the OLLI classes he attended over the years. During the last couple of years he wrote, in addition to his poetry, a series of critical essays on Religion and Philosophy. I might have sometimes disagreed with him but I could never criticize the logic and reasoning, which can best be described as a scientific mind applied to theology and philosophy. (Mort was a Biochemist with a Doctorate Degree from Wisconsin.) Mort wrote an extensive collection of poetry including a lengthy collection of love messages to his wife June. Early in their marriage he wrote the first poem which brought about a “teary” reaction from his wife. No dummy, Mort realized that he had “a good thing going.” Thereafter he wrote a poem for every occasion from New Year's to Halloween and most especially “whenever I got into trouble.” It made a nice collection titled “For a Goddess.” A later collection, “Strolling Toward Oblivion” is a smorgasbord of his collected thought. Many of these have been included in previous and in this edition of OLLI's yearly publication of stories and poems. It has been said that “we are best known by the company we keep.” I may as well admit the obvious, that I have been the greater beneficiary of this friendship. I His warmth, humor and intellect will surely be missed by all of us who were fortunate enough to know Mort. IN MEMORIAM By Fay Chan, “Sunshine” Liaison In the six months since the last semi-annual issue of the Excellerate, we have lost 13 OLLI members, or immediate family members. In addition to the eight members pictured below, we’ve lost the following members and their loved ones in 2012: Iris Bernikow Jim Cheek David Kline Antonio Rosario Donald Trujillo Wayne Echt Bud Hyman Annette Goldstein Harry Houghton Lois Klein Doris Levis 9 SCIENTIST, POET, PHILOSOPHER AND FRIEND By Len Grossman can't recall the number of times OLLI members have commented that “you guys are so smart.” Truth be told, he was the smart one and I was fortunate enough to be associated with him. Abe Rothbard Mort Schwartz Page MORTON A. SCHWARTZ (1928-2012) OLLI AT UNLV – FALL 2012 PARADISE CAMPUS SCHEDULE UNLV Paradise Campus, 851 E. Tropicana Avenue, Las Vegas, NV 89119 September 10th to December 7th, 2012 UNLV Official Holidays (Paradise Campus is CLOSED) Nevada Day – Friday October 26th Veterans Day – Monday November 12th Thanksgiving Break – Nov. 22nd – 23rd (Thursday & Friday) Morning Classes Room 511 Room 512 Room 401 MONDAY 10 AM to Noon TUESDAY 10 AM to Noon WEDNESDAY 10 AM to Noon THURSDAY 10 AM to Noon FRIDAY 10 AM to Noon GREAT DECISIONS SOAP BOX Charles Vinnik & Mark Gilmore Ed Devore, George Cohan, Mike Wood HOLLYWOOD & BROADWAY MUSICALS HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES SHAKESPEARE’S HISTORIES 3 LEADING MEN SO WHAT’S NEW(S)? WORKING WITH DREAMS Mike Cutler Cameron Ashby POP CULTURE QUESTIONING YOUR REALITY WHAT IN THE WORLD HANDS ON ENERGY MEDICINE Grieg de la Houssaye Dennis Evans & Mike Cutler Grieg de la Houssaye FRENCH (SPOKEN) BOOK CLUB HOW TO LOOK AT AND UNDERSTAND Martine Patton GREAT ART WORLD WAR I EMPIRES & ALLIANCES Room 511 Lunch Martha Wood Rm. 400 (10 AM) Jo Ann Parochetti HEALTH IS WEALTH Room 403 Room 511 Lunch OR Room 400 from 10 AM – 12 Noon Fred Greenberg Room 511 Lunch ARTS THIS WEEK IN LAS VEGAS BROWN BAG TUESDAYS OLLI Computer Lab (Room 506) Dave Dameron & Liz Dameron 12:10 – 12:45 pm Marge Gately & Pat Thorn 12:10 – 12:45 pm Afternoon Classes 1 PM to 3 PM 1 PM to 3 PM Room 511 PROFESSOR’S CHOICE RUSSIAN HISTORY 20TH & 21ST CENTURIES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brian Clayton Room 512 Room 401 Room 403 Walt Veasy & Dick Borghi TURNING POINTS: AMERICAN HISTORY Howie Sussman PHYSICS FOR EVERYONE John Macdonald Part 1 of 2 terms GEOGRAPHY Sara Mayfield Begins Sept. 17th AGELESS WISDOM Fred Ehrlich Part 1 of 2 terms Niels Clyde MINDFULNESS Lisa Agnew ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INTERNET & EMAIL FOR NOVICES ADV. DRAWING & PAINTING WESTERN MOTION PICTURES Elena Cieslak Robert Mirisch GENEALOGY M Louis, H Smith, & J Kunzman Ends Oct. 19th John Hurley Room 400 10 AM – 12 Noon Lab – Room 506 10 AM – 12 Noon PRACTICAL PHILOSOPHY GENEALOGY LAB Hector Rosario Lab – Room 506 1 PM to 3 PM John Henry Hoffman Oct. 12th & 19th ½ class Oct. 12th ½ class Oct. 19th 1 PM to 3 PM 1 PM to 3 PM JAZZ GREAT MUSIC APPRECIATION Ken Hanlon & Tom Lyon UNCONQUERABLE AFGHANISTAN Dave Dameron Chuck Carter & Charles Boone ISLAM: FACTS AND MYTHS HEALTHY AGING & SELF-DISCOVERY DRAWING & PAINTING I Aslam Abdullah Cameron Ashby Cieslak & Stillwell WRITERS’ WORKSHOP UNBLOCKING YOUR CREATIVITY MEDIEVAL ENGLAND II D. Silverman, R. Theile, T. Lyon Sharon Gainsburg Cathy Lowe MAKING SENSE OF GRIEF (1-2 PM) SPANISH TWEAK YOUR MIND Lynn Sommer Mary Pace & Chris Urago Lidia Mauer Ruth Elliott Jay Gurian CANCELED OLLI AT UNLV – FALL 2012 SATELLITE CAMPUS SCHEDULE September 10th to December 7th, 2012 Summerlin Area Monday S. C. Summerlin (702) 363-1719 Sun Shadows Ctr. Tuesday Wednesday INVEST LIKE WARREN BUFFETT Thursday Friday SOAP BOX Ed Devore, George Cohan, Mike Wood Jack Dien 10 AM – 12 Noon PRACTICING MINDFULNESS S. C. Summerlin 1:00 – 3:00 PM Paul Imahara Las Ventanas Retirement Home (702) 360-2662 WESTERN MOTION PICTURES AGELESS WISDOM JOY OF BRIDGE Niels Clyde Bob Lafleur Barbara Wishnev Robert Mirisch HOLLYWOOD MUSICALS SPANISH Lidia Mauer Dick Borghi 10 AM – 12 Noon L Henderson Area Monday Sun City MacDonald Ranch (702) 270-7000 MEDIEVAL ENGLAND II Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday RUSSIAN HISTORY 20TH & 21ST CENTURIES Cathy Lowe 10 AM – 12 Noon Dave Dameron UFO-LOGY Merrill Gardens Retirement Home (702) 568-7900 Ruth Elliott 1:30 – 3:30 PM Afternoon Classes Various Start Times Humana Guidance Center Henderson (702) 269-5200 SHORT STORIES OF THE WORLD Harold Ramage 1:30 – 3:30 PM TURNING POINTS: AMERICAN HISTORY Howie Sussman 1:30 – 3:30 PM PAGE TO SCREEN Joan McCracken 2:00 – 4:00 PM No Class Each Month on the 4th Thursday DUPLICATE BRIDGE LESSON & GAME Judy & Bert Kulic 12:15 – 3:45 PM No Class on Oct. 12th & 19th EVERYDAY GUIDE TO WINE M. A. Molinaro 10 AM – 12 Noon Humana Henderson 1:00 – 3:00 PM CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH III LIVING WELL WITH DIABETES M. A. Molinaro Eileen Augente Begins Sept. 27th North Las Vegas Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sun City Aliante (702) 638-5061 Morning & Afternoon Study Groups WRITERS’ WORKSHOP SHAKESPEARE: 4 COMEDIES SHORT STORIES OF THE WORLD ISLAM: FACTS & MYTHS Don Silverman 1:00 – 3:00 PM Begins Sept. 24th Mary Pace 1:00 – 3:00 PM Harold Ramage 10 AM – 12 Noon Aslam Abdullah 1:00 – 3:00 PM FALL 2012 CLASS GRID Version # 10 (Latest Corrections as of August 21st, 2012) Friday OLLI “Great Courses” Available Online (as of August, 2012) For a Password and Instructions, contact Bert Kulic ( or 837-6467 MASTERWORKS OF AMERICAN ART DUTCH MASTERS: AGE OF REMBRANDT IMPRESSIONIST PAINTERS: MONET TO VAN GOGH ITALIAN RENAISSANCE ART LOUVRE: MUSEUM MASTERPIECES METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART NORTHERN RENAISSANCE ART BOOKS AND LANGUAGE (7) AMERICAN BESTSELLERS BOOKS THAT MADE HISTORY CLASSIC NOVELS HISTORY OF ENGLISH LANGUAGE THE ART OF READING STORY OF HUMAN LANGUAGE SHAKESPEARE – COMEDIES, TRAGEDIES, & HISTORIES ECONOMICS (3 courses) BASIC ECONOMICS MODERN ECONOMIC ISSUES AMERICA AND THE NEW GLOBAL ECONOMY EMOTIONS & REASONING (2) ARGUMENTATION: THE STUDY OF EFFECTIVE REASONING PASSIONS: THE INTELLIGENCE OF THE EMOTIONS HISTORY (19 courses) AMERICAN REVOLUTION ANCIENT EGYPTIAN HISTORY ANCIENT GREEK HISTORY BIG HISTORY: THE BIG BANG AND THE RISE OF HUMANITY ON EARTH CHINA: ITS FALL AND RISE (FROM 1730 – 2008) CHINA: FROM YAO TO MAO (5,000 YEARS OF HISTORY) CONQUEST OF THE AMERICAS ERA OF THE CRUSADES: 1050’S TO 1295 IN HOLY LAND WAR, PEACE, AND POWER: EUROPE DIPLOMACY 1500-2000 EVENTS THAT CHANGED HISTORY GREAT BATTLES OF THE ANCIENT WORLD HUMAN PREHISTORY AND THE FIRST CIVILIZATIONS JEWISH INTELLECTUAL HISTORY: 16TH TO 20TH CENTURIES LONDON: A SHORT HISTORY MIDDLE EAST: FROM 1914 TO SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 UNITED STATES: A COMPLETE HISTORY THE VIKINGS WINSTON CHURCHILL THE WISDOM OF HISTORY MATH (6 courses) CALCULUS: CHANGE & MOTION JOY OF MATHEMATICS JOY OF THINKING INTRO. TO NUMBER THEORY PROBABILITY: WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? STATISTICS MADE CLEAR POLITICS (1 course) BROADWAY MUSICALS: 1828 TO THE PRESENT HOW TO LISTEN TO AND UNDERSTAND GREAT MUSIC SYMPHONIES OF BEETHOVEN PHILOSOPHY (5 courses) EXISTENTIALISM AND THE MEANING OF LIFE BIRTH OF THE MODERN MIND: 16TH AND 17TH CENTURIES 19TH CENTURY EUROPEAN THOUGHT AND CULTURE POWER OVER PEOPLE: CLASSICAL AND MODERN POLITICAL THEORY RELIGION (9 courses) THE BIBLE AND WESTERN CULTURE BUDDHISM OVERVIEW CHRISTIANITY OVERVIEW CONFUCIUS, BUDDHA, JESUS, AND MUHAMMAD: THE FOUR SAGES HINDUISM OVERVIEW ISLAM OVERVIEW JUDAISM OVERVIEW COMPARATIVE RELIGION RELIGIONS OF THE AXIAL AGE SCIENCE (8 courses) MUSIC (3 courses) 20TH CENTURY EUROPEAN THOUGHT AND CULTURE PHILOSOPHY OF THE MIND BIOLOGY AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR BLACK HOLES EXPLAINED HOW THE EARTH WORKS HUMAN BODY: HOW WE FAIL AND THEN HEAL IMPOSSIBLE PHYSICS: BEYOND THE EDGE EINSTEIN’S RELATIVITY AND THE QUANTUM REVOLUTION SUPERSTRING THEORY: PHYSICS UNDERSTANDING THE UNIVERSE (2ND EDITION) TOTAL = 70 COURSES ONLINE ======================== DVDs for Loan (NOT online) ADDITIONAL “GREAT COURSES” ARE NOT AVAILABLE ONLINE, BUT MAY BE BORROWED FROM THE OLLI OFFICE IN PARADISE 502 OR 504. SEE TINYURL.COM/OLLILIBRARY 12 Page ART (7 courses) COMMITTEE REPORTS SECTION MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE By Cathy Lowe PUBLICITY COMMITTEE By Mike Cutler The dawn of a new decade presented new challenges and opportunities for the Publicity Committee. This year, the Membership Committee has grown to more than a dozen volunteers- whose purpose is to welcome and help orient new members, promote continuing member satisfaction, and track departing members to find out their reasons for leaving and encourage them to return. The current “Friend to Friend” campaign calls on current members to bring at least one friend to the OLLI Open House, Saturday, September 8th. The Membership Committee will greet new members as they arrive, and introduce them to the Study Group Coordinators who will be offering fall classes in areas of interest to new members. The Committee will also “blitz” study groups during the first two weeks of the semester, offering to serve as resources for new members, and assuring that they have received their welcome packets, including a handbook to answer many frequently-asked questions. Lastly, the Membership Committee will encourage new members to consider teaching for OLLI when they “get their feet wet.” While some of our expanding volunteer faculty will probably come from graduate schools at the University, the primary source of academic leadership has traditionally been OLLI’s own members…whose broad expertise and innate understanding of learner needs makes them invaluable to the organization. You’ll recognize members of the Membership Committee right away, by the badges that say “Ask me Questions,” and by their rare and unusual taste in attire (read “hats!”) Perhaps Elise’s most important contribution was the growth of the first six satellite learning centers around the valley. After many years at the helm, Elise handed off OLLI's publicity duties to Mike Cutler in late 2011 and the pace has not slowed. Presentations to senior communities and groups are still important tools for publicity, but thanks to UNLV, OLLI is also part of a city-wide billboard campaign. Spreading the word will become even easier with: the brand new phone # (774-OLLI), shortened web address ( and OLLI’s newly minted “slogan” . . . OLLI at UNLV, where mature minds bloom Finally, the committee is hard at work on a TV program, produced by UNLV-TV. Check your local listings for "The Cover." And stay tuned. We've only just begun. NEW MEMBER LUNCH Tuesday, September 25th – from Noon to 1:30 PM Paradise Auditorium (133) ALL NEW OLLI MEMBERS ARE INVITED Meet the OLLI Board and UNLV Staff Learn about the benefits of membership Take your “head shot” photo, to be included in the Member Directory (Fall publication date). Get your questions about OLLI answered 13 Niels Clyde, Co-Chair Page Cathy Lowe, Chair Former Publicity Chairwoman Elise Hanseman, OLLI's #1 ambassador, led an active group of volunteers who spread the word about OLLI at UNLV. The core of the OLLI program at UNLV is the curriculum developed and offered to members in many different classes. The Curriculum Committee is responsible for that piece of the OLLI pie, working closely with other committees that play a huge role in curriculum development– (including the Membership, Publicity and Long-range Planning Committees). Originally, classes were scheduled on the main campus, and dealing with parking and shortage of classrooms was often an issue for this committee. The move to the Paradise Campus allowed for better availability of classrooms, plus close and easy parking. That enhanced the classes just through simplification of access. The focus in the last few years has been on maintaining and growing the courses offered at Paradise while increasing OLLI opportunities at satellite locations around the Las Vegas Valley. The fall class schedule at Paradise is the largest we have had- with all available time slots full. We have had some success with satellite classes as well, with classes being offered at seven satellite campuses beginning in September. Looking to the future, however, we recognize that at most of these locations the number of courses must be increased in order for members to experience the full value of their memberships. The courses must also change periodically with fresh new coordinators and ideas. One of the goals now is to identify and train volunteers for each of these satellite locations. These individuals would establish rapport with the site manager at each specific location, determine time slots when classes could be scheduled, recruit new coordinators to that site, schedule classes in available slots, and then serve as the contact for both members and coordinators at that site. In the past, a Coordinator Workshop has been held each spring and fall to familiarize coordinators with processes and coordinator responsibilities, both at the Open House and during the semester. As we look to the future, it has been suggested that new coordinators receive some kind of organized, prescribed training on leading a class. This might be required of all new coordinators and seasoned As course proposals have been received with requested time slots, those slots, if possible, have been assigned. Consideration is being given to changing that process to organize the courses by major topics, such as “History and Current Events” and then scheduling all of those classes in blocks to simplify access. This is just an idea now and there are no current plans to start programming this way. Course evaluations have traditionally been done at the end of the semester with the results tabulated by the Cannon Center. Because OLLI members are not obligated to complete a class, they are free to leave anytime, at will, and the evaluation information is not captured. Consideration is being given to conducting a quick evaluation the third week of the class, hopefully catching those who are thinking about dropping a class. The evaluation process is important and needs to be carefully considered. Another goal for the Curriculum Committee is to identify a member who would be willing to be a travel coordinator. This was one of the highly requested items on the extensive OLLI evaluation completed last spring. This person would arrange for short trips requiring outof-town travel, longer trips in this country, and hopefully for foreign travel. OLLI has grown significantly during the past few years, and as the baby boomers reach retirement, the potential for OLLI is even greater. More members will require more courses, more space, and more volunteer and social opportunities. We may be looking at different scheduling, more aggressive recruiting of new coordinators with new course ideas, and more space. COORDINATORS’ ORIENTATION Wednesday, Sept. 5th 10:00 am to 12:30 pm Paradise room 511 All Fall Coordinators Are Invited to Attend 14 By Ann Tate coordinators who want and need supplemental training. Training has been offered in several formats previously, but this initiative would lead to a more formal approach. Page CURRICULUM COMMITTEE Looking Back . . . and Ahead EVENTS COMMITTEE – TOURS Tours are planned with several goals in mind. One is to offer opportunities for members to learn about exciting places and events in the vicinity. Since many of our local residents are transplants from throughout the country, it is likely that these sites are unfamiliar. We hope that touring gives our members the opportunity to socialize outside the classroom setting. We also hope that the types of tours we arrange will open up areas of future interest. In the 2012 Spring semester, we toured the Techatticup Mine located near Searchlight; took a docent-led tour of the Nevada State Museum at the Springs Preserve, and visited the Zappo’s Corporate headquarters in Henderson. These events generated lots of positive comments from participants. Fall Semester 2012 tour plans include: 1. Master-Gardener-led tour of the Demonstration Gardens at the University of Nevada, Cooperative Extension offices (October 12th.) 2. Lost City Museum at Overton, Nevada, a site with a wealth of artifacts from the Anasazi Pueblo Native Americans. (November 16th). 3. Zappos Corporate Headquarters, back by popular request. (Thursday, December 6th.) Still in the planning stages, are: a tour of the fantastic UNLV Lied Library and a UNLV Men’s Basketball game! Most trips are scheduled on Fridays. Right now, tour dates are tentative, but we hope you will sign up for one or all of them, when registration opens. Please watch your e-mail in-box (OLLI News You Can Use) and the Paradise Campus bulletin boards, which will have the latest information on tour dates, prices (some tours are free), plus sign-up arrangements and deadlines. Brown Bag Lunches (in room 511, starting at 12:10 pm, after SOAP BOX ends), provide members the opportunity to get together between classes to relax and enjoy lunch, meet other OLLI members and learn new, interesting and useful information. Both instructional and entertainment sessions are provided on most Tuesdays during the fall and spring semesters. Instructional topic areas include health, science, and government, while entertainment topics include theatre, dance, music and art. During the Spring 2012 semester (January to May), we were proud to present some of the following topics: Meet the OLLI at UNLV Board of Directors with a question and answer session, describing how the OLLI Board functions and what it does. Physical therapist, Dr. Sue Schuerman, of UNLV, on tips for improving balance for successful aging. A musical presentation by the “Ukulele Club of Las Vegas.” A local attorney gave us information on protecting our assets (Elder Law). Music provided by the “OLLI KATS” . . . our own musical ensemble made up of OLLI members. Las Vegas MEMOIR Project; an overview of the “Great Courses” available to all members; a speaker from “The Mob Museum;” and finally a “Talent Show” with performances by OLLI members. We hope you will join us regularly, starting on Tuesday Sept. 11, 2012, for the first “Brown Bag Tuesday” of the fall semester. Brown Bag Tuesdays are held each week in Room 511, from 12:10 to 12:45 pm. Join us to learn new ideas, socialize with other OLLI members and recognize their special talents. Please check the bulletin boards and OLLI News You Can Use for the latest Brown Bag schedules. 15 The Events Committee, co-chaired by Marge Gately and Pat Thorn, works in tandem with the Brown Bag Lunch presentations and arranges for off-campus local tours each fall and spring semester. By Marge Gately, Events co-chair Page By Pat Thorn, Events co-chair EVENTS – BROWN BAG TUESDAYS SEX: I deny that the women I have appointed to serve on the By-Laws Committee were chosen because they are the sexiest members of OLLI. That doesn't mean they aren't. More about sex later. VIOLENCE: The By-Laws may be sexy (who knew?), but not violent. There has never been an incident of violence at a By-Laws Committee meeting or otherwise related to the By-Laws. Seniors tend to be non-violent. Okay; there is this one guy, who is rumored to be the founder of the Ovaltine Party, who spouts vehement, delusional rhetoric, but he's never physically violent. (The preceding sentence is included for comedic effect, and any resemblance to an actual OLLI Member is more or less incidental). POLITICS: The By-Laws are our sole governing document – we have no constitution – and they govern all aspects of our procedures, subject only to compliance with UNLV formal regulations. We have no contentious and counterproductive political parties, no insane filibuster rules, and no archaic procedures. All Committee meetings and Board meeting are open to any Member. Any Member can propose an amendment to the ByLaws, which is then vetted and voted on by the By-Laws Committee and their recommendation is forwarded to the Board. If the Board approves, it is sent to the Membership, which can approve it by the vote of a majority of those voting. As a result of our transparent and democratic functioning and our extraordinary progress, a recent poll of OLLI at UNLV’s Membership has shown that a very high percentage of Members are well satisfied with what we are doing and how we are doing it. (Note: That part is true). Most important politically, I am perfectly willing to produce my birth certificate, although I am not proud that I was born in Toledo, Ohio. (Yeah, but what about more sex? Have patience.) YOUR OLLI AT UNLV BY-LAWS: These are YOUR By-Laws, and you should get a copy and read it. Be informed so you don't end up like Member Ditzy Dingbat, who was thrown out of the program due to her violation of Article XXXIV, Section 36 (j) (vii), clearly stated on page 143. Just kidding! OKAY, OKAY – MORE SEX: Why is a By-Laws Committee action like sex? When it's good, it’s great; and when it’s bad, it's still pretty good. If you want to view or print the current By-Laws, they are always available on the OLLI web site. From the HOME page, click on PUBLICATIONS. Then click on OLLI at UNLV By-Laws (under the HANDBOOKS category). STRATEGIC AND LONG-RANGE PLANNING By Fred Ehrlich In the Spring of 2012, the Strategic & Long Range Planning (S&LRP) Committee met for the first time. The Strategic and Long Range Planning Committee identifies trends and future needs (in one year, three-year and five-year increments) and submits recommendations to the OLLI Board of Directors on a monthly basis. The Board then determines whether or not to take action on the suggestions offered. Although this is a relatively new committee, three of its recommendations have already been implemented: 1. adoption of a slogan for what “OLLI” means (OLLI at UNLV – Where Mature Minds Bloom); 2. an identifying telephone number (774-OLLI); and 3. a new easy-to-remember website address ( Long-range planning is “iffy” at best. Nonetheless as OLLI’s membership continues to grow, it is clear to the Committee that more Study Group Coordinators, more classes and more classrooms will be needed. The Long Range Planning Committee, in collaboration with the chairs of other related committees, is preparing a list of suggestions to present to the OLLI Board of Directors for its consideration. 16 By Don Silverman The OLLI at UNLV By-Laws are only 3-1/2 pages in simple English. Read them. If there is anything you don't understand, give me a call. If I don't know the answer, I will make up something up that sounds right. Page SEX, VIOLENCE, POLITICS, AND YOUR OLLI AT UNLV BY-LAWS OLLI AT UNLV – FINANCIAL SUMMARY By Bert Kulic Where do we stand with OLLI at UNLV finances at the end of fiscal year 2012? What does our financial situation mean going forward? As of the end of the 2012 fiscal year (ending June 30th), OLLI at UNLV is in healthy financial shape. All figures are rounded to the nearest $1,000, for ease of understanding: CASH FLOW SUMMARY Total Revenues ..................... $128,000 Operating Expenses ............... $69,000 One-time Investments ........... $12,000 Cash Flow Increase ............ + $47,000 BALANCE SHEET INFORMATION Operating Account ............... $286,000 Gift Fund ................................ $66,000 Total “spendable cash” .......... $352,000 ================================= Osher Endowment ............ $1,121,000 Building Fund ......................... $10,000 ............................................................. Total “cash in the bank” ..... $1,483,000 Primarily membership fees (inflated, due to prepaid $150 Annual fees.) Abnormally low (Operations Coordinator job not filled until May 2012.) Shared part of one-time investment for classroom 511 TEC upgrade Net increase in Operating Account (from 2011 to 2012 fiscal year-end) Current balance in OLLI’s Operating Account (pays monthly expenses) Primarily from previous cash grants and gifts from Osher Foundation THIS IS THE “CUSHION” FOR OPERATIONS EXPENSES & INVESTMENTS Endowment & Building Fund (below) is NOT for Operations Exp. $1 million endowment, plus 2 years of investment/interest income Building Fund started June 2012 – 5 yr. goal is $2 million, to guarantee OLLI permanent space in a new building (on the Paradise Campus) $1.483 million is total cash in various accounts owned by OLLI at UNLV. In the last four years (2008-2012), OLLI has received extremely generous funding from the Bernard Osher Foundation: 1. $375,000 in various cash “grants” – which can be used to pay OLLI operating expenses, but may NOT be used to pay for “rent” or any “building expenses.” The Osher cash grants basically ended in 2011-2012, although we may apply for one more $50,000 grant, once OLLI at UNLV membership crosses the 1,000-member threshold. 2. $1,000,000 “endowment” – this money is expected to help fund OLLI operating expenses “in perpetuity.” However, the agreement OLLI at UNLV signed with the Osher Foundation does not allow the “principal” (the $1 million “endowment”) to be touched. Only investment income or interest income may be used to help pay for OLLI operating expenses, and we may NOT use any of this money for “rent” or for “building expenses.” Bert Kulic, OLLI Finance Officer (2012 – 2013) Page 4. Building Fund for OLLI at UNLV – the OLLI Board has approved the establishment of an OLLI BUILDING FUND, with a goal to raise $2 million over the next 3-5 years, to insure that OLLI gets “permanent space” on the UNLV campus, most likely the first two floors of a 3-story building which is in the UNLV “master plan” to be constructed on the Paradise Campus, where the grassy area is located next to the parking field. The Osher Foundation has been our “financial savior” during the last four years. In order to ensure that OLLI at UNLV has a long-term future as a partner with UNLV, we committed to raise a substantial amount of money to contribute to building a “permanent home” for OLLI at UNLV on the Paradise Campus. 17 3. OLLI at UNLV currently has $1.483 million cash in various accounts. Considering that we have received $1,375,000 in cash grants and endowments from the Osher foundation, plus we have earned $121,000 on the endowment in the past two years ($1.496 million total), OLLI at UNLV would have ZERO CASH IN THE BANK if not for the extremely generous funding support from the Osher Foundation over the past four years. CULTURAL CIRCUS – FALL/WINTER 2012 MEMBER REMINDERS NEW LARGE-PRINT NAME BADGES All registered OLLI members will receive a new Large-Print Name Badge, with a Fall-2012 Sticker. As the Excellerate goes to press, we have confirmation for 14 of the 29 Las Vegas production companies we track. Based on this partial listing, we can predict that Las Vegas will offer a terrific mélange of cultural events this fall and winter. 1. Theater: 43 fully-staged productions are calendared already. These include classics from Shakespeare (“Romeo and Juliet”) and O’Neill (“Ah, Wilderness!”) and such contemporary playwrights as Laight, Reza, and Stoppard. We also expect many Broadway Musicals. 2. Dance: Las Vegas’ own ballet theatre will offer 2 productions in the Smith Center this fall: “Jewels” in October, and “Nutcracker” in December. The Joffrey and New York City ballet companies will be here in the spring, and UNLV’s Ham Hall and Judy Bayley Theater will host the Russian Ballet and the Las Vegas Contemporary Dance Company this fall. 3. Music: Our Philharmonic will have its first full season at the Smith center, offering both a classical and a pop series. First up, an International Guitar Competition on campus in September. In October and November, chamber music fans will welcome the Parker Quartet and Trio Cavatina. 4. Reminder: When the Rodeo ends and the cowboys leave in mid-December, there is a “dead spot” on the Strip until after Christmas. “Locals Only” bargains are expected to be available for Strip productions of all sorts. 5. At the Movie Theaters: the Metropolitan Opera, Bolshoi Ballet, Paris and La Scala opera companies will make their productions available locally. See London National Theatre’s two web sites, (for opera performances) and (for ballet listings). 6. Please note: Your UNLV Student ID (REBEL Card) is good for discounts at UNLV-sponsored events. So if you are new to OLLI, get your picture taken at the UNLV Student Union and pay your one-time $10.00 fee for this major entertainment bargain! The NEW Name Badge is required to attend all OLLI Study Groups, at all 7 campus locations. If you attend classes at the Paradise Campus, please pick up your Name Badge and FREE Parking Pass at the Building 100 “Front Desk.” If you attend classes ONLY at one of our six satellite campuses, please ask your coordinator to pick up YOUR Name Badge from Paradise. 2012 MEMBER DIRECTORY In even-numbered years, we publish a Member Directory in the Fall (October or November). It contains “head shot” photos (if available) of each OLLI member from the past 12 months. We also have a contact section, where we list Name, Telephone, and E-mail address for all OLLI members (current or previous 12 months). If you are NEW, or if you never had your photo in a previous directory, please contact OLLI photographer John Macdonald (at 513-2229 or to take your photo. John will take pictures at the OPEN HOUSE, the NEW MEMBER LUNCH, and at several scheduled “photo shoot” sessions during September. If you wish to “opt out” of having your picture and contact information published in the 2012 Member Directory, please contact Rich Easter in the OLLI office. Either send an “opt out” e-mail to, or visit Rich in Paradise room 504, and sign a written “opt out” request. Deadline to “opt out” your information in the Member Directory is September 30th, 2012. 18 Dave Dameron Page Liz Dameron DREAMING AND CHANGING By Cameron Ashby Jr. The benefits of dreaming are truly surprising. It’s an important area of growth that remains largely unexplored. Most participants discover that they have a wise inner guide “onboard,” who provides solutions to the physical, emotional and creative challenges we experience every day. Dreaming can give you early information about developing physical problems as well as assist in negotiating the often difficult terrain of losses and other transitions. Dreaming is a significant way we learn. It further reduces stress, along with much more. It appears that having a group assist you with your dreams facilitates recalling these elusive and important stories. In this group, you’ll also realize that you’re the only expert on your dreams. No one else can tell you what they mean, yet the group members will assist you to discover more about these extraordinary stories, in a safe and supportive environment. I was quite surprised when group members spoke to me about their experience as” life changing,” yet with goose bumps and all, I realized that they’d merely tuned into a channel that had long been overlooked. Indeed, it features the best and most personal prime time “programming” available. If this type of learning appeals you, come join us for a surprising, touching and valuable new kind of learning experience. The WORKING WITH DREAMS class is held on Tuesdays from 10 AM to noon, in Paradise room 512. QUESTIONING YOUR REALITY Grieg de la Houssaye offers this popular class on Tuesdays from 10 am to noon in Paradise 401. See the testimonial at the right from former student Susann Hughes, who attended for two terms, to see how the study group changed her reality. By Sharon Gainsburg Has the time come in your life that you realize it is Your Time to explore your creative expression? In any area of creativity? Come and join the “Artist Way” class (called UNBLOCKING YOUR CREATIVITY) where you will increase your artistic confidence, productivity and originality. Whether you are a practicing artist or one who would love to be . . . you will recover from PERFECTIONISM, SELF-CRITICISM, JEALOUSY, FEARS, PROCRASTINATION and other blocks to your creativity. Proven techniques and a supportive community encourage risk-taking, consistent habits, and true self-expression. I have been teaching this method for 20 years, based on Julia Cameron's book “The Artist Way,” in addition to using it every day in my life as a sculptor and teacher. Don't let any MORE time go by wishing you could unleash your creativity. Take the leap of faith and join us this fall semester on Wednesdays from 1-3 PM, at the UNLV Paradise campus, in room 401. CHANGING MY REALITY By Susann Hughes Grieg de la Houssaye’s class on Questioning Your Reality truly changed my life in several positive ways. Grieg had an amazing presentation and additionally he showed us resources to continue learning what resonated with us. I was able to change some negative habits permanently and also add some positive ones that have improved my health. Self-empowerment is the key to this, enabling us to change all of our negative programming. I seem to need reinforcement of what I learn, and the class and the participants provided it, making each class interesting and rewarding. Another observation is that I saw similar changes happening to other class members. There were some people who had abusive marriages or siblings. They found new and positive ways to deal with that which gave them tremendous relief and newfound happiness. A positive approach, going with the flow, or “not paddling upstream” was the tool we all needed, because our thoughts do create our reality. Questioning Your Reality was a really “life-changing” class for me. 19 This page describes 3 OLLI study groups that have the potential to change your life in positive ways. Many OLLI study groups will help you to enjoy your retirement years while you continue learning. Take a look through the Fall Catalog to see all the amazing possibilities offered by OLLI at UNLV, where mature minds bloom. UNBLOCK YOUR CREATIVITY Page POTENTIAL “LIFE-CHANGING” CLASSES UNLV PARADISE CAMPUS Home of OLLI at UNLV THROUGH THESE DOORS PASS THE MOST INTERESTING PEOPLE YOU’LL EVER MEET. MEMBER PHOTOS – Photographer John Macdonald will take member pictures during the Open House. John’s Photo Booth will welcome New OLLI Members AND Existing Members whose picture OLLI does not have. BRING A FRIEND TO OLLI (OR AS MANY AS YOU LIKE) IN ADDITION TO THE OPEN HOUSE, PLEASE INVITE YOUR FRIEND(S) TO JOIN OLLI FOR TH ST ONE FREE DAY DURING THE FIRST 2 WEEKS OF THE TERM (SEPT. 10 TO SEPT. 21 ). PLEASE GET A GUEST PASS AND A ONE-DAY PARKING PASS IN ROOM 502 OR 504. Sept. 5th Wednesday .......................................... Coordinator Orientation (10 AM to 12:30 PM – Room 511) • Sept. 8th Saturday .................................................... Fall Open House (10 AM to 12:30 PM – Auditorium) • Sept. 10th Monday ...................................................................... Fall Classes Begin (week of Sept. 10th – 14th) • Sept. 25th Tuesday ...................................................“New Member” Luncheon (12 Noon – Auditorium-133) • Oct. 26th Friday ................................................... Nevada Day Holiday (NO OLLI Classes at Paradise Campus) • Nov. 12th Monday ........................................ Veteran’s Day Observed (NO OLLI Classes at Paradise Campus) • Nov. 22nd – 23rd Thursday & Friday ..................................... Thanksgiving (NO OLLI Classes at ALL Locations) • Dec. 7th Friday..................................................................................... Fall Classes End (week of Dec. 3rd – 7th) • Dec. 8th Saturday ................... Holiday Celebration Lunch at Gold Coast Casino (12 Noon – $25 in Advance) Page • 20 OLLI Fall Calendar (September to December, 2012)