Keeping in Touch - St. Louise de Marillac Catholic School


Keeping in Touch - St. Louise de Marillac Catholic School
St. Louise de Marillac School
Keeping in Touch
Volume 31 Number 5
January 2012
Volume 26 N
Looking Ahead to
February 2012
From the Principal’s Desk…
1/29 – Parish Appreciation Day
Pancake Breakfast
Appreciation Day
Student Appreciation Day
Open House, Book Fair and
Ice Cream Social 6:30 – 8:30pm
Teacher Appreciation Day
God Appreciation/Vocation
5th Grade Heritage Luncheon
All School Liturgy @ 9AM
Blessing of the Throats
PPG Wintergardens Ice Skating
Family Fun Event 6:00– 9:00pm
2/6 -7 Kindergarten Registration
6th Grade Parent/Student
Lunch @ 12:15 PM
2/10 All School Liturgy @ 9AM
Global Gala Fundraiser
Grade 3 – Muffins with Mom
@ 7:30 AM
All School Liturgy @ 9AM
Early Dismissal @ 11:30 AM
Teen Center @ 7:00 PM
No School
All School Liturgy @ 9AM
All School Liturgy @ 9AM
School Spelling Bee
From the school office
Here are some reminders and
updates to remember:
* Continue to follow the traffic
route map of the school campus,
where to drop off, pick up and
travel to the school.
* ALL parents and visitors are
expected to report to the school
office by entering the front main
entrance of the school.
* Notify the school office before
10:00am if your child will be absent
(412 835-0600). Be sure to submit
a note upon the child’s return (a
template is available on the website)
* Please remember that you must
sign your child in and out if he/she
is tardy or has an early dismissal
because of an appointment.
* If submitting forms or money,
please enclose in an envelope with
your child’s name, homeroom and
reason for enclosure
* Students will not be permitted to
phone home for homework or gym
* Students may not return to the
school building after 4:00pm to
retrieve forgotten homework.
* Rules for Dress Down Days will
be enforced. Please refer to the
Handbook for clarification.
* Please dress your child
appropriately for the cool weather.
At recess, we go outside as much as
possible and recommend that a
warm coat is worn in December.
* No uniform shorts are permitted
to be worn until April 1, 2012.
* As always, an ongoing THANK
YOU to all of our volunteers and
parents who help out in big and
small ways at STL.
Your school resource for staying connected!
Time is certainly flying by this year. We are already in the
second half of the 2011-2012 school year and the PTG
Committee would like to once again thank all of our volunteers
for helping to make the first half of the year such a success!
Catholic Schools Week will begin on January 29th! We are so
excited about the week and have some wonderful events
planned for students and parents. We will “kick off” with the
Parish Appreciation Day. Students are encouraged to wear
their uniforms to Mass and don’t forget to attend the Pancake
Breakfast from 8-11:30am in the school cafeteria.
The Ice Cream Social will take place on Tuesday, January 31st.
This is such a wonderful event for parents, students and
faculty. Much thanks to Julie Hanna and Rebecca Sullivan for
all the planning and organization that goes into this event every
As we approach Catholic Schools Week we would like to thank
the faculty at St. Louise DeMarillac. You truly make St.
Louise a special place and thank you for all you contribute to
our children throughout the year.
In closing, the PTG Committee continually strives to make our
events at St. Louise successful and appealing to everyone. We
welcome feedback so please feel free to contact any PTG
Committee member with suggestions or comments. Please
remember to check your PTG folder for upcoming Family Fun
Your 2011-2012 PTG Members
Mike Butler (
Dan Crookshank (
Janice Crookshank (
Lisa McClaine (
Amy Belmear (
Check the Website for All
Your STL News!
* “Check your teacher’s
assignments here” for
upcoming tests and
* Review game schedules of
our boys/girls’ sports teams.
* Find contact information
* Read STL PTG’s meeting
* Print out an excuse note or
look at the lunch menu
* Confirm if there is a change
in schedule due to inclement
* View images on “Scenes of
St. Louise” for student pictures
* Constant reminders of
current and upcoming events
Teacher/Author Books on Sale
If you haven't purchased a copy of
A Griffin In Her Desk by Zee Ann
Poerio (our computer teacher) and
James R. Clifford written in 2010,
you can purchase one this year at
the book fair. The book was written
in 2010 and was an Indie
Excellence finalist. Mrs. Moneta
does have A GRIFFIN IN HER
DESK and when she shares it
with Ivan and his classmates, the
children become part of a
learning adventure which takes
them to Mount Olympus where
they use their problem solving
skills to help Gryphon protect
Zeus' gold from the thieving
Arimaspians. Will they succeed?
Or will Zeus' treasure be stolen?
The book is appropriate for students
in grades 2 - 5 and includes a
reproduction Griffin coin. Books are
$10 each and will be available
during the book fair. $2 from each
book will be donated to St. Louise
de Marillac school. See for more
information about the book.
JANUARY 29, 2012 – FEBRUARY 4, 2012
Catholic Schools Week 2012 is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Academics.
Service.” The theme expresses three priorities that make Catholic schools
stand out from other educational institutions. Children learn about faithnot just basic Christianity, but how to have a relationship with God. They
concentrate on academics, which in Catholic schools are held to the
highest standards, so they can reach their highest potential. They practice
service- giving time, talent and effort to help others- as an expression of
both faith and good citizenship. This combined focus on faith, academics
and service prepares students for full and meaningful lives.
Sunday, January 29: Parish Appreciation Day:
PACK THE PEWS!!!! –Please have your children wear their uniform
shirts/STL sport shirts to Mass on this Sunday.
*8:00 AM – 11:30AM Pancake Breakfast (held in the school cafeteria).
*School tours will be given to prospective families by STL parents (8AM
to 11:30AM)
Monday, January 30: Community/Country Appreciation
*Special prayer on morning announcements
*Flag Ceremony/Speaker-any uniformed group recognized (Scouts)
*Volleyball Game (1-2:15 PM) – Grades 4-8th
*Bingo (1-2:15 PM) - K-1st held in classrooms, 2-3rd held in cafeteria
Tuesday, January 31: Student Appreciation Day
*Special prayer on morning announcements
*No homework/No tests from the faculty and administration
*Coffee/donuts provided to bus drivers upon their arrival
*Open House/Book Fair/Ice Cream Social (6:30-8:30 PM)
Wednesday, February 1: Teacher Appreciation Day
*Special prayer on morning announcements
*HOLLYWOOD SQUARES - Mrs. Lijewski 9-11:00 AM
*Teacher Luncheon - Student Games/Snack at Recess
Thursday, February 2: God Appreciation Day/Vocation
*Special prayer on morning announcements
*11:20 AM - 5th Grade Heritage Luncheon
*4th, 6th, 7th, & 8th grade speaker on vocations
Friday, February 5: ST. BLAISE DAY
*Special prayer on morning announcements
*All School Liturgy
*Blessing of the throats
*Family Fun Event at PPG Wintergarden’s Ice Skating Rink 6-9:00PM
Ronald McDonald
STL’s students are still
collecting pop tabs to
benefits the Ronald
McDonald House. There
have been many
contributions by all of
you, thank you! A shout
out goes to those of you
who had LARGE donations
of pop tabs:
Cameron Reisz – 9 lbs of
pop tabs!
News from St. Louise Chess Club
St. Louise Chess Club Hosted the 13th Annual Catholic
Schools Chess Tournament on Saturday, January 7, 2012.
There were 19 STL students that competed in this event.
STL was proud to host the event which featured 55
students from 11 Catholic Schools in grades K – 12. Five
STL students achieved individual awards:
Zachary Kelley – 4 lbs of
pop tabs!
Alex Gamrat – 2 lbs of pop
Abby Crookshank and Connor Spratt both tied for 7th
Ellie Quinlan was top girl
Jonathan Lin and Shane Quinlan finished tied for top
unrated players
Many thanks to all of the parents whose hard work made
today a success!!
Luke Hirata – 1 ¼ lbs of
pop tabs!
Did you know that there is
approximately 1,267 pop
tabs in just 1 lbs of pop
tabs! Keep pop tabbing!!!
For more information
about this program
and/or how you can help,
contact Tracy Moses at:
(412) 220-7705 or
DIRECTORY CHANGES/UPDATES – Please update your copy of the STL Directory
with the following changes.
The Sentner Family
 New e-mail address is:
Spirituality Committee
Please join us this
Wednesday at 1:45, in the
church of St. Louise de
Marillac, for our weekly
Rosary Group, where we
will be praying for all
members of our immediate
St. Louise families, friends
and loved ones who are in
need of our special prayers
in 2012.
This is a wonderful
opportunity, given to us by
the Blessed Mother, to
pray the rosary and to ask
for her intercession so that
our prayers can be
answered. The rosary is a
wonderful prayer and is
easily recited with the “I
Believe in God”, “The Our
Father”, “The Hail Mary”,
and the “Glory Be”.
There will be prayer cards
and rosaries available to
anyone who might need a
little help. If you know
anyone who should to be
placed on our prayer list,
please contact Jackie Alger
with your request.
On behalf of the
Spirituality Committee, we
look forward to seeing you
on Wednesdays and please
pray that God keeps us in
his graces.
The following students met the criteria for inclusion in the Honor Roll.
Maggie Broring
Kate Carnivale
Mary Cugini
Francesca Galietta
Marielle Gleason
Maddie Klutch
Mary Elizabeth Lucas
Claire Makowski
Sean McClaine
Leigh McLinden
Abby Morrow
Natalie Olivo
Olivia Pettigrew
Teresa Rainone
Reilly Welsh
Tom Wildenhain
Ryan Zimba
Samantha Bayer
Abby Bender
Molly Boehner
Larkin Gillespie
Nathan Makowski
Rachel McClaine
Christine Mellick
Sarah Neky
Emma Osterhaus
Lindsay Pendergast
Christian Romano
Jessica Viehman
Anthony Williams
Maggie Wolf
HIGH HONORS (GPA 3.6 to 3.99) – 8th GRADE
Spencer Barber
Logan Blackwood
Annie Borofski
Marlee Chlystek
Matt Ellsworth
Jillian Gisoni
Allison Mesinere
Catie Michalski
Morgan Smith
Evan Szejko
John Weldon
HIGH HONORS (GPA 3.6 to 3.99) – 7th GRADE
Kelly Broring
James Curry
Nathan Deitrick
Riley Drusbasky
Joe Hassett
Max Heller
Jon Kaplan
Emily Mamula
Megan Manion
David Pitassi
Cameron Reisz
J.P. Sentner
Shayla Staley
Carina Stoll
Rachel Sullivan
Matt Thelk
Liam Walsh
Alanna Weiss
HONORS (GPA 3.20 to 3.59) – 8th GRADE
Easton Alger
Joe Fick
Collin Kovacs
Scott Lison
Robbie Mackey
Gabe Manyak
Krista Mortland
Taya Sciulli
HONORS (GPA 3.20 to 3.59) – 7th GRADE
R.J. Bell
Mia Kness
Noah LaFerriere
Michael Nagy
Sydney Peretin
Clare Rainone
Stefan Schultz
The Global Gala is only a few weeks away. Multiple flyers have been
sent home with information about tickets, raffles, donations, etc.
Many people have asked for reminders on the dates associated with all
of these activities. The information below is intended to provide you
with those reminders. Thanks again for your continuing support!
The yearbook is in need of any
photos you have from parties,
football, basketball, volleyball,
class outings or hanging out with
STL friends. This is the best
way to get your photos in the
yearbook. Our yearbook
photographers can’t be
everywhere….so we need your
If you would like to upload the
photos directly to the publishing
website, simply go to:
Username: 400133826
Password: Trojans
Again, this is the best way for
your pictures to be considered.
You may also send them directly
to Melissa Shaughnessy c/o
yearbook. Please mark the
envelope or pictures with your
child’s name and homeroom so
that they can be returned to you.
Deadline for submission is
February 1. Yearbooks can still
be ordered by going to
STL welcomes all parents,
family and friends to attend the
All School Liturgy Masses
typically held on Friday
mornings at 9:00am.
Event Date: Friday, February 10, 2012, 7 p.m., LeGras Hall
RSVP Deadline for Tickets: Wednesday, February 1. Please go online to
register for the event and pay for your tickets at
Classroom Basket Donations due: no later than Friday, January 27th
Grand Raffle/Tuition Raffle tickets due: these will be accepted up to
and including the night of the Gala. However, we would very much
appreciate if you can make an effort to get them in to Paige Cendroski
(via the school office) as early as possible – ideally, before the night of
the event. Please look for us at the Pancake Breakfast and the Book
Fair during Catholic Schools Week, where we'll be selling additional
tickets for these raffles, as well as the Purse Raffle! 100% of the
purchase price of Grand Raffle & Tuition Raffle tickets is credited to
your annual Family Share obligation. We will also be present at the
Pancake Breakfast and Ice Cream Social/Book Fair to sell tickets!
Here's some information about the Grand Raffle Prizes:
The GRAND RAFFLE is one of the most exciting ways to win prizes at
this year’s Global Gala! Every prize has a retail value of at least
$1000! Please note that 100% of the purchase price of any tickets you
sell (including to yourself!) is credited toward your Family Share
obligation this year. To obtain additional tickets to sell to friends &
family, please contact Paige Cendroski at
The prize drawing will take place at The Global Gala on February 10th,
2012. Winners need NOT be present. Prizes are as follows:
Drawing #1) Orlando Vacation for 6.
Drawing #2) 3D television:
Drawing #3) A $1000 Giant Eagle Gift Card
Drawing #4) Dinner for eight at Arlecchino Ristorante in McMurray
Drawing #5) A $1000 Dicks Gift Card
Drawing #6) MacBook Air
Drawing #7) $1,000 Nemacolin Gift Card
Drawing #8) Loge Box & parking pass for a Pittsburgh Penguins game
Drawing #9) A $1000 Louis Anthony jewelers gift card
Drawing #10) Weekend for 6 at Seven Springs Mountain Resort
Race for Education
The Race for Education has
raised $61,000 so far in this
school year and we are on
track to the finish line in
matching our goal of
This direct mail fundraiser
serves to help fulfill the
diocesan mandate that we
raise 10% of the school’s
operating costs.
If you have any relatives,
friends, or business contacts
that would like to contribute
please let them know that
donations will be accepted
throughout the school year.
All donations will be credited
toward your Family Share
Every dollar you send will go
directly toward our goal of
building a Christian
foundation and a better
education for our students.
Thank you for your support!
The Race Team
From Mrs. Galardini
The Drama Club will be conducting the annual Candy Gram Sale
beginning February 1 through Valentine’s Day. The cost is $1.00.
Candy Grams will be sold to Grades 5 – 8 at lunch time in the lower
floor hallway. Drama Club students will sell Candy Grams during
home room period in the mornings for grades K – 4. Thank you for
your support of this event which helps to defray the costs of the
spring musical.
Mark your calendars for THE SOUND OF MUSIC presented by the
Drama Club May 4, 5, & 6.
During the two weeks before Christmas, the first grade
students in Mrs. Boccardi’s and Mrs. Gillis’ homerooms
participated in a service project. The students were asked
to provide a service - in the form of a chore - for people
within or outside of their home. In turn, they earned
money for completing these chores. They brought their
hard earned money to school and donated it to the Humane
Society. All of their hard work and efforts raised about
$130.00 towards the pets of the animal shelter. What an
excellent job the first graders did for their service and for
their contribution to the community!!!! Paws up to them!
We are still looking to fill a few
vacancies in our coaching staff
for the track & field team, as
well as extra help with the
cross country team. Any
parents or parishioners who
would like to lend their talents
to the STL School Track &
Field program or the Cross
Country Team are invited to
apply (coaching experience not
necessary). For more info,
please contact Kerry Boehner
at 412-334-2018 or email at
In just a few months, the STL
Track & Field program will be
starting. The program is open
to boys and girls from 3rd to
8th grades. The Novice
program covers the 3rd and
4th graders, the JV program
consists of 5th & 6th graders
and the Varsity program
consists of 7th and 8th graders.
Practices are usually Tuesdays
& Thursdays from 5-6 pm and
Saturdays from 9-10 am. STL
typically has 2-3 home meets at
Bethel Park High School, and a
few away meets in April. The
Diocesan Championship has
traditionally been the first or
second Saturday in May.
Come join the team!
The Sixth Grade Grandparents Day celebration took place on
Friday, October 21, 2011. It started with Mass followed by a
festive luncheon at LeGras Parish Center. Our sixth graders
participated in various aspects of the Mass celebration,
including the readings, offertory and the music.
Immediately following Mass, the students escorted their
grandparents and special guests to the LeGras Parish Center
where they entered a whimsical fantasy land of sweets and
treats a la Willy Wonka. This was in keeping with this year’s
theme: “Grandparents are Sugar & Spice, Loving and Nice.”
Candy shaped balloons, candy covered topiaries and jars full of
colorful confections adorned the room, which had been
lovingly transformed by the hard work of the Grandparents
Day Committee and many parent volunteers.
A sumptuous lunch was provided by Gretchen’s Good Eats and
consisted of stuffed pork chop, potato & vegetable, and
popcorn chicken for the kids. The lunch was topped off with
Marcie Kramer’s apple crisp for dessert, and the meal was
efficiently served by our wonderful volunteer parents.
The students then finished the afternoon with a delightful
medley of songs accompanied by Mrs. Mahramas on the piano,
and the presentation of their “Grandy Awards,” assisted by
Mrs. Bentz and Mrs. Zaremba.
Labels for Education:
Don’t forget to keep
sending your Labels for
Education…we need to
send in our collection by
March! The more labels
you can send in, the more
money STL can earn for
our students!!!!!
The members of the Grandparents Day Committee, Gloria
Hudock, Wendy Cortes and Colleen Conley, wish to thank
Mrs. Bentz, Mrs. Zaremba, Mrs. Mahramas and all of the
parents who volunteered their time, creativity and resources to
make this wonderful event a success!
The Forensics Team will once
again host the third
tournament of the season on
January 28, 2012. The team is
hoping to make it a “3-Peat”
after placing FIRST in the first
two tournaments of the season.
Results will be posted in the
February newsletter. Good
luck to our Forensics Team!!
The winter contest is ending on
February 23, 2012. Please keep
sending in your BoxTop$ for the
contest. Your child’s homeroom
could win a ice cream party, a
dress down day and/or a pizza
You can also earn money for STL
by shopping online the BoxTop$
own website:
Please have your child deposit
his/her BoxTop$ in the
homeroom’s designated collection
We want to beat last year’s total
of $3,200 BoxTop$. So far, we’ve
already collected $2,450, so please
keep clipping those BoxTop$!!
Congratulations to the STL students from the 4th through 8th grade who
participated in STL’s own Geography Bee on Friday, January 6, 2012. Each
homeroom was represented by one student in the competition. The students
were challenged to answer a variety of geography questions! The overall winner
of the 2012 Geography Bee is Robbie Mackey, representing the 8 th grade class!
Way to go everyone!!
From left to right: Spencer Barber, Nathan Bayer, Will Coplan,
Morgan Heller, Robbie Mackey, Casey Quinlan, Max Heller, Matt
Thelk, Paul Belak, and Angeline Lorenz
Ancient Coin Museum Exhibit in the St. Louise Computer Lab for
Catholic Schools Week’s Open House
Mrs. Poerio, our Computer teacher who also serves as the Director of
Community Outreach and Special Projects for Ancient Coins for Education, Inc.,
invites everyone to the annual exhibit of the Ancient Coin Museum at St. Louise
during the Open House festivities on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. The Latin
Club students serve as docents for the exhibit. Please visit the computer room
and see a collection of ancient Greek and Roman Coins that are over 2,000
years old. Also on display, will be a few small artifacts including a fibula or (toga
pin), a child's ring, an oil lamp, and ancient bone dice- all from the 1st century.
Part of the exhibit features museum quality reproduction helmets from the Greek
and Roman periods. You can also enter a free drawing to win an authentic
identified ancient coin and a book, Ancient Coin Collecting by Wayne G. Sayles
donated by Ancient Coins for Education, Inc. You will also see a robotic coin of
the gorgon medusa. This small coin robot is the result of a collaboration of the
Student Technology Team and Latin Club and was made possible through two
grants that Mrs. Poerio received as part of a scholarship to participate in a
Graduate course on robotics at Carnegie Mellon University from the National
Science Foundation and a McDonald's MAC Grant.
Family Fun Committee Survey Results
Coming soon! Friday Night Fun!
The 2012 Family Fish Fry
season is upon us and you and
your family will have 6 weeks of
fine dining and fellowship with
school, church and community
Join us in Le Gras Parish Center
as we celebrate our Lenten
Family Fish Fries from 4:307:30pm on February 24, March
2, March 9, March 16, March 23,
and March 30.
Every week we offer a soup
special, salad, fish sandwich,
baked fish, shrimp, crab cakes,
pierogies, pizza, macaroni and
cheese, french fries and an
assortment of desserts.
The fish fry events are organized
by ALL volunteers. We are
relying on YOU, our school
family, to assist in hosting these
events. Each grade will be
assigned a week to “host” the
event in which you will be asked
to contribute a dessert and to
volunteer your time. This is a
family event, so we benefit from
the assist of you and your
student. Proceeds from this
event support the operating
budget of our school.
The “host” schedule will be sent
home with the Weekly Folder
and a letter will be sent in your
child’s backpack mail a week
before your “host” date.
If you have questions or would
like to sign up for all 6 weeks,
can be directed to Diane Wolf by
phone at 412-835-0328 or at
We asked, you answered….As many committees have a high turnover rate,
we thought it worth the time ask our families what would interest them for
events and document the results for future use in planning. You should
have received a copy of the survey via backpack mail in November with
results collected and tabulated in December. Below is a listing of events in
order of votes:
Local farm events (Octoberfest/Christmas/Easter…)
STL Movie Nights
Local park picnics (cookout, volleyball/baseball/horseshoes…)
Skating – Outdoors or indoors
Pittsburgh Theater/CLO/Ballet/Symphony
Spectator Sports – Baseball (Pirates/Wildthings)/Hockey/
Amusement Parks – Fun Fore All/Idewild/Kennywood
Gateway Clipper Fleet
Tour of Pittsburgh
Several suggestions were not on our list, but were also interesting for events:
Dave & Busters 1/2 price Wed's
The Meadows has a beautiful bowling facility
Wagon Trails (Vienna, OH)
Airsoft events
Carnegie Museum of Art & Natural History
The “Bird” Guy
We also received some interesting feedback from those of you who offered your
own suggestions that we hope to incorporate into future events. The overall flavor
includes the following:
Consider low cost for families
Keep low-key, local and easy for families to attend
Consider parents who work when scheduling “no school” events
In all, we received some excellent feedback, most of which fits in with our current
schedule of events. We will be issuing a “Save the Dates” calendar for events
currently scheduled for the remainder of the year, and will maintain this list for
future committees to work from.
Many thanks for your input and continued support throughout the year!!
The Family Fun Committee
7th and 8th Grade Teen Center
From Carolyn Weyrich:
A big THANK YOU to everyone
who worked so hard making the
snowflakes!!!! A special thanks to
Jackie Alger and Molly Nagy for
organizing a final effort to get us to
the amount of snowflakes needed to
fill the room so beautifully. The
room truly looked spectacular
thanks to everyone's hard work.
THANK YOU to all the volunteers
who helped string, and hang the
snowflakes as well as those that
came to help take them down. I
truly appreciate your help. Thank
you to Bethel Bakery and the
Makowski's for the wonderful
cupcakes...they were to die for.
Thanks, Ed Makowski for your help
with hanging the snowflakes and
being there for tear down as well.
Thank you to Melissa Shaughnessy
for taking photographs. At one
point, I looked out on to the dance
floor only to see Melissa lying
down taking shots up toward the
ceiling! You're great and I thank
you. Thank you to Rebecca Zirpoli
who hung in there with me all day
and night Thursday and Friday and
to John Kopec, 4 kids and all, still
hanging snowflakes and returning
Friday night with the 4 kids for the
take down as well. Without all the
volunteers we could not have pulled
this event off.
Mr. Satter, thank you for making
each of these Teen Centers special
and letting the kids "cut loose" and
have fun. You're a great DJ who the
kids respect, can dance with and
have fun.
Last but not least, THANK YOU to
the teachers, Mr. Klase and
chaperones who assisted with
serving and clean up. Your presence
is always appreciated.